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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies: Department of Education

Teacher Candidate: Ashley Setterstrom
Date: October 12, 2016
School: Capital High School
Grade/Subject: Grade 10 / US
Lesson Topic: American Revolution Wars end and Lasting Effects
End of and Effects of the American Revolution
Focus question: What did the Revolution accomplish, and what ideas did it set in
Students will:
Assess why the British failed to win the war in the South and how the
were finally defeated.
List the terms of the Treaty of Paris.
Explain how the Revolutionary War and Treaty of Paris affected minority
of the Loyalists, Native Americans, women, and
SS.10.C.1: compare various citizens responses to controversial government policies
and actions by monitoring and debating government decisions and create a
cooperative and peaceful solution to controversial government policies and actions.
SS.10.H.CL1.3: identify and examine European colonial rivalries (e.g., conflicting
land claims, empire building, etc.). Treaty of Paris, Treaties at Fort Stanwix and
SS.9-10.L.4: determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a
text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of
history/social studies.
I. Culture Social: Learners can
a. explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies,
and cultures address similar human needs and concerns;
b. give examples of how experiences may be interpreted differently by people from
diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference;
d. compare ways in which people from different cultures think about and deal with
their physical environment and social conditions;

e. give examples and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within
and across groups.
II, Time, Continuity, & Change: Learners can
a. demonstrate an understanding that different people may describe the same
event or situation in diverse ways, citing reasons for the differences in views;
b. demonstrate an ability to use correctly vocabulary associated with time such as
past, present, future, and long ago; read and construct simple timelines; identify
examples of change; and recognize examples of cause and effect relationships;
c. compare and contrast different stories or accounts about past events, people,
places, or situations, identifying how they contribute to our understanding of the
e. demonstrate an understanding that people in different times and places view the
world differently;
f. use knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history, along with elements of
historical inquiry, to inform decision-making about and action-taking on public
Overall Time - 45 minute lesson
Time Frame
10 Sponge and recap of where we left off the day before
30 minute lecture and discussion of Chapter 4 Section 4 as students fill
in their foldables.
5 before lunch announcements and brief recap of the class period and
explanation of what will happen the following
Teacher led discussion, independent practice, guided instruction, teacher modeling
and demonstration of foldable, scaffolding from previous lessons and to next lesson.
Visual provided via PowerPoint and student creation of their foldables to be used as
study guides.
Audio provided by my speaking and student discussion
There is a child in the class who has a hearing impairment and I will speak into a
Introduction/ Lesson Set First 5 Minutes
Cell phones put away and iPads out and ready with presentation pulled up

Hold brief class discussion of where the students left off the day prior at
the beginning of Revolution Impacts Society
Continue with what was to be covered the previous day of War Ends,
Revolution Impacts Society, and Revolutionary Ideas Spread
Body & Transitions
Lecture via Power Point, teacher led participatory discussion.
Before lunch announcements during last 5 minutes of class; summarize what
they have learned via participatory discussion and inform students of what
we will do in class the following day (The Anatomy of Revolution and Kahoot!)
Brief discussion of British Invade the South
Students will fill in their foldables addressing the class objectives and CSOs
throughout the class period.
Will come two days after this lesson and the assessment for all of my lessons is
attached in whole with Lesson Plan A.
Notebook paper
Power Point
Smart Board
If Student Finishes Early
This days lesson is Part 2 to what has turned into a 3-day lesson and this entire
class consists of lecture via Power Point on the Smart Board and the students iPads
as students continue to fill out their foldables. What I will do is get as far as I can
until there are five minutes left of class then I will recap this days lesson and the
lesson will resume the following day. There is no chance students will finish early.
Should students finish early, they will get into pairs or groups and study their
If Lesson Finishes Early
This is Part 2 to a 3-day lesson and this entire class consists of lecture via Power
Point on the Smart Board and the students iPads as students continue to fill out
their foldables. What I will do is get as far as I can until there are five minutes left of
class and the lesson will resume the following day. This lesson will not finish early on
this day. Should the lesson finish early, I will do a review of their foldables via class
discussion until class is over.
If Technology Fails

Should technology fail, the students have their text books in the classroom and
downloaded onto their iPads. If technology does fail, this will not have any effect on
my covering the material or the notes the students will be taking.
Today had me flying by the seat of my pants. After yesterdays blunders and
lack of covering material, I went in with a set schedule for class in my mind,
determined to make it happen and get through the rest of the material today so I
could still have time to play Kahoot! with the students tomorrow. The school was on
a different schedule today and I did not know. Instead of arriving twenty minutes
early like I normally do, I arrived one minute before the bell rang for 4 th period.
I carried on with everything we were to do then half way through the class, I
found out thirty-two of the thirty-six students in that class purchased tickets for the
school play that is happening tomorrow. Basically, the whole class wont be there.
From this point, we (Mr. Cox, the students, and me) decided we would only cover the
rest of Wars End and Lasting Effects today, drop the French and Haitian Revolutions
all together other than the brief mentioning of them in Chapter 4 Section 4 of their
book, then I would cover The Anatomy of Revolution and play Kahoot! on Friday. We
are also going to do a round of Kahoot! on Monday before I give the quiz.
Overall, it was a productive day. Since I had to move quickly through the
material, I also put the students in pairs and they pulled up the Power Point
presentation on their iPads and worked on their foldable notes from their desks as I
lectured from the Smart Board. Some students asked questions throughout and
student engagement was much higher today in all aspects than what it was
yesterday and I am beginning to feel much better about the direction in which
everything is heading.
Data Based Decision Making (If Needed)


All of the students did get their foldables labelled and student participation in note
taking was impressive today. Some students worked in pairs and others followed
along with me as I lectured.

Differentiating Instruction for

Students with Special Needs
Please describe all that apply:
Needs-Based Planning
Learning Differences
Sensory Differences
Some students are better visual learners
and some are better audio learners. Both of
these will be addressed through a
PowerPoint and student created foldable,
and my speaking and class discussion.
Attention Differences
Hands on activities provided for those who
prefer it.

Behavioral Differences

Motivational Differences

Ability Differences
One student has a hearing impairment. Mr.
Cox speaks into a microphone during this
class and I will do the same. The student is
capable of lip-reading so I will also make
sure that I stay in the students sight at all
times throughout the class period.

Physical Differences

Cultural Differences

Communication Differences


Multiple intelligence addressed (check all that apply):



Others (explain):

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