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Contemplation. A stage comes in every humans life where he starts thinking

and contemplating about the purpose of his life. Sometimes one finds a suitable
explanation whereas quite a large number of individuals remain tangled. In both
situations their prejudices and environments surrounding them play a key role in
illuminating or confounding the issue. The main issues of concern an individual
comes across are as under:a.

How life came into existence?


How did all the things we observe come into existence?


Why there is a perfect order in the nature? Is it a coincidence or outcome

of a very well planned scheme?


Is there someone who has created these things?


After creation how does the creator manage and organize the system or
has he left everything to the chance?


What does our creator want from us?

The Beginning.

After establishing that there is a Supreme Being (i.e. Allah)

who is our creator, who organizes and manages all the systems around us including
our life support system, one would logically like to reach out to him and do everything
to please him. That Supreme Beings is beyond human comprehension and has a
unique way of communicating with his creation (i.e. human beings). Through His
unique communication system (i.e. communication through appointed Prophets)


has explained the purpose of creation (segregation of good and bad through a trial),
prescribed a code of conduct to be followed for success in this world / in the hereafter
and has told the reward and punishment for following the commandments or
rejecting these.


An important issue comes up here i.e. making a choice or a right

decision. All those who disregard the creators message can do whatever they feel like
but those who want to achieve success in this world and in the hereafter have to

follow a code of conduct termed as Sirat e Mustaqeem by Allah. In succeeding

paragraphs of the paper an endeavor has been made to explain how a change comes
in for a journey towards success and what are the different stages an individual
comes across during the stated change for success in the journey?

Stage One, Knowledge. It is important to know what are the sources of

knowledge and where to get the knowledge from? Knowledge of Sirat e Mustaqeem
(Straight Path) has been revealed by our Creator in form of Divine Books and exists in
examples set by the Prophets. Acquisition of knowledge should be steady and
systematic, one must understand that the ultimate knowledge may be more than an
individuals capacity to handle it. Some of the things would be easy to understand,
some will take time and a considerable portion will be revealed, by the sheer mercy of
Allah, as a result of individuals struggle, with the passage of time. It is, therefore,
imperative for an individual to seek help of Allah during this stage that Allah guides
him to the Straight Path, expand his capacity to handle the knowledge and helps him
absorb the knowledge in his living. The knowledge would take an individual to a stage
where worldly affairs will be relegated to a lower level and pleasure of Allah and life in
the hereafter will get priority over everything. A stage would come where an individual
would start understanding that how high is his Creator and how low an individual is
yet the most high i.e. Allah is there to take care of him even when an individual is in
slumber. Now the individual overwhelmed with the feelings of his Creator would look
for DOs and DONTs prescribed by Allah. Now an individual would start comparing
his past life vis--vis the commandments of Allah and repent over his wrongdoings.

Stage Two, Repentance (Tauba).

and acquiring knowledge of

After knowing the Creator , His authority

how to please Him vis--vis His prescribed Dos and

Donts, one needs to move forward which would require a serious repentance over his
mistakes (Tauba). In that one asks forgiveness of his bad deeds and pledges to remain
steadfast in future. Thereon his journey towards success starts where an individual
turns towards formal religious practices / Dos and Donts i.e. Ibadah.

Stage Three, Distractions.


Distractions alongwith remedial measures are as


Types of Distractions. During Ibadah an individual comes across a stiff

resistance. This stage is called distractions. The main distractions during
the Ibadah are:-



Worldly Affairs.


Social Life / norms.


Negativity / Evil Forces.


Self-ego / desires.

Remedial Measures.

These distractions must be removed in order to

move on and these can be averted / removed as under:(1)

Avoid indulgence in worldly affairs beyond a reasonable level.


Expel negativity in all its forms and shapes.


Stream line self-ego / desires in accordance with commandments

of Allah and traditions of Holly Prophet (PBUH)


Balance. Fighting against your self-ego and desires is most difficult

undertaking. Since a certain amount of fulfillment of desires is required
for maintenance of life one has to strike a fine balance between
unrestrained indulgence and complete refutation of worldly affairs during
harnessing / streamlining the self-ego / desires, to a precise level.


Stage Four, Hurdles.


The Hurdles along with remedies are as under:-

Types of Hurdles. Alongside above mentioned distractions there are few

hurdles which have effects on Ibadah these are:(1)

Livelihood. One has to earn to maintain his life.


Fear of uncertainties.


Lack of courage / strength to move against common practices of

day to day life. Moving on the straight path while removing
distractions and hurdles itself invites lot of resistance from

sociocultural environments. One requires a lot of patience,

perseverance and courage for moving on straight path.


Remedies. The above mentioned hurdles can be overcome through:(1)

A strong faith in Allah for your livelihood.


Focus on Allahs help against the fear of uncertainties.


Patience and perseverance during difficulties.


Accept will of Allah and be positive about it.

Stage Five, Motivations. After dealing with distractions and hurdles still an

individual may feel incapable of moving further due to his own laxities and
involvement in the material things and activities. At this stage two factors may keep
an individual committed for move forward.

Fear. Fear means that an individual feels himself accountable for each of
his acts before Allah i.e. where he will be rewarded for his good deeds an
individual will be punished for his bad deeds beyond his imagination.
Fear of punishment for bad deeds keeps an individual focused towards
his goal.


Hope. It is a belief that Allah will forgive and remove an individuals sins
(if He wills), Purify him (if He wills) and reward him beyond measures (if
He wills) for his good deeds.


Stage Six, Devastation. After negotiating stage five a phase comes where an

individuals intrinsic negativity together with extrinsic evil forces change their
strategy. Instead of coming frontally and cogently pushing an individual these
negative forces exert a pull on an individual by embroiling him in ostentation and
magnificence syndrome. In that an individual starts indulging in his recognition as a
pious person and through his speech and actions displays his piety. Deep in his heart
he ranks himself better and closer to Allah, as compared to the others. Such an
attitude is extremely disastrous and ruins all the gains of a person who has reached
that stage. Through a highest state of humbleness / remembrance of Allahs favors,
for reaching at a stage when an individuals Ibadah gets focused and Allahs mercy,

an individual passes through such a devastating stage where his Ibadah gets purified
and is accepted by Allah.

Stage Seven, Contentment and Gratification. This is the most desirable

stage at human end and it is acceptable with Allah. The one who reaches this stage is
blessed by Allah in the world and in the hereafter. Such an Individual, always looking
for his meeting with Allah, indulges in the worldly affairs to bare minimum. He
prefers Allah over everything. Allah becomes his friend / companion and makes him
His friend / companion. This stage is desirable and should be striven for.

Prayer (Dua).

Praise be to Allah the Cherisher of the Worlds, the Almighty,

the Honourable and Peace on the Messengers! May Allah help us and guide us
towards Him.

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