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A Final Project Proposal
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
in English

by :
Rizka Furi Anggraeni




Using Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review (SQ4R) Method to
Improve Students Reading Achievement for Second Grade Students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 3 Kaliwungu in the academic year 2015/2016


This part presents background of the study, reasons for choosing the
topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significances of the
study, definition of key terms.
A. Background of The Study
Reading is about constructing meaning from the symbols (letters and
words) the sender has placed on the page. Reading is certainly an important
activity for expanding knowledge of a language. Reading is one of the way to
get new information that we have not known before. It also enlarges
knowledge and improves the technological achievement, especially for
When reading activity in the classroom, the students not only read the
text but also be able to understand the meaning of the text. Snow (2002: 5)
states :
Teaching children to understand is challenging because reading is
complex. Students who have a good understanding use strategies in
reading to learn new concepts, get deeply involved in what they are
reading, critically evaluate what they read, and apply their new
knowledge to solve practical as well as intellectual problems.
But, many students do not like reading. Blachowicz (2008: 7) states
that many children have not had experiences that make them love reading.
There are many factors to make the students do not like reading such as lazy
to read, feel sleepy cause the text is too long, do not understand the meaning
and so on. The teachers enable to make the reading activity is life and fun.
One of method that can be used to teach reading is SQ4R method. The
writer assumed that SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review)
method can improve reading achievement and appear high motivation in

The writer investigates the effect of SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read,

Record, Recite, Review) method especially in narrative, recount and
descriptive text. In the Survey phase, the students observe the chapter of the
text such as the title, the introduction and so on. In the Question phase, the
students write questions for each heading and subheading. In the Read phase,
the students read the information one paragraph at a time. In the Record
phase, the students record information that will need to study, memorize,
learn, and use. In the Recite phase, the students recite important information
from each paragraph. In the Review phase, the students review information
from the chapter or assigned reading. In this research, the writer tries to focus
only on teaching reading especially in narrative, descriptive and report text.
Based on the statement above, the writer focuses on SQ4R (Survey,
Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review) method to Improve Students
Reading Achievement for Second Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Kaliwungu in the academic year 2015/2016.
B. Reason For Choosing The Topic
The reason of the writer in choosing the topic can be formulated as follows:
1. Reading is one of the language skills which should be developed for
students in mastering English. The students are expected to get
knowledge and enlarges information from many sources such as books,
magazine, newspaper, and others by reading.

The writer wants to know students progress in reading achievement by



SQ4R method.

The writer would like to introduce SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read,

Record, Recite, Review) method as a technique in teaching English
Especially in reading.

C. Statement of The Problem

The statements of the problem can be stated as follows:
1. To what extent is the students ability in reading achievement before
being taught by SQ4R Method?

2. To what extent is the students ability in reading achievement after being

taught by SQ4R Method ?
3. Is there any significant difference between the students ability in reading
achievement before being taught by SQ4R Method and after being taught
by using SQ4R Method?
D. Objectives of The Study
Referring to the statements of problem above, the aims of this study are:
1. To find out the students ability in reading achievement before being
taught by SQ4R Method.
2. To find out the students ability in reading achievement after being taught
by SQ4R Method.
3. To find out the significant difference between the students ability in
reading achievement before being taught by SQ4R Method and after
being taught by SQ4R Method.
E. Significances of the Study
The writer hopes this study can give useful contribution to English teaching,
especially for :

The Teacher
The teacher can apply SQ4R Method and develop the techniques or
methods in teaching reading to make students fun when the learning

2. The Students
The students will feel that reading is easy and fun. So, they get passion to
active in reading class. They will not get bored or sleepy in class.
3. The Readers
The readers are able to get more information about SQ4R Method and
they will get knowledge about strategic learning using SQ4R Method in
reading achievement.

4. The Writer

The writer can develop her knowledge and experience in teaching reading
with some methods and strategies.
F. Definition of Key Terms
To help the readers in understanding the topic of the study, the writer
classifies the key terms as follow :

SQ4R Method
SQ4R is an effective strategy to help all students get the information that
they need from textbooks. It works for average, learning disabled, and
gifted students whether they are in elementary school or college.


According to Nunan (2005: 69), reading is a set of skills that involves
making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word. In order to
read, we must be able to decode (sound out) the printed words and also
comprehend what we read.

3. The Second Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Kaliwungu

In this research the writer uses the second grade students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 3 Kaliwungu as her objects studying.
A. Previous Studies
The first International journal that had been written by Edward Coco
Priyono Pardede (2013) refers that SQ4R method is effective for learning in
feature text and can improve the students ability in memorize information from
the text. Her study showed us to find out whether there is significant difference
of the students reading ability who were taught by using SQ4R Method and
who were taught without using SQ4R Method.
The second International journal that had been written by Mochammad
Malik Al Firdaus (2012) refers that SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite,
Review) is an instructional strategy for improving reading comprehension. The

result of the research confirms that while using the SQ3R method show
evidence of affecting these students content reading behavior in a positive
manner. It helped his students remember the social studies content. By
practicing the steps and writing down relevant information using the scaffold
worksheet the students showed steady improvement in their chapter test scores.
SQ3R method is similarity with SQ4R method. The methods is essentially
same. The difference between both is in SQ4R was added a 4th R ( record).
B. Review of Related Literature
1. Reading Achievement
a. Definition of Reading
There are various definitions of reading. As quoted from Grabe
(2002: 9), reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page
and interpret this information appropriately. Based on Nunan (2005: 69),
reading is a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving
meaning from the printed word. In order to read, we must be able to
decode (sound out) the printed words and also comprehend what we
Based on those statements, reading is a skill that make us get the
meaning and information from the printed page. to understand the
content of the text what we read, me must comprehend the meaning of it.
b. Purpose of Reading
According to Mullis et al, there are two purposes for reading:

Reading for literary experience

In literary reading, the reader engages with the text to become
involved in imagined events, setting, actions, consequences,
characters, atmosphere, feelings, and ideas, and to enjoy language
itself. To understand and appreciate literature, the reader must bring
to the text his or her own experiences, feelings, appreciation of
language and knowledge of literary forms.

2) Reading to acquire and use information

In reading for information, the reader engages not with imagined


but with content and information that they needed. The

reader can write the information offers another way to hold

information in working memory and encode it for long-term
From the explanation above, reading become the thing that can
use to get the literary experience and source of information depend on
what we need.
c. Reading Achievement Standards
The reading achievement standards include three components
to be considered when assessing students independent interaction with
text. The three components are identified as :
1) Text Complexity characteristics of fiction or non fiction
(information) text.
2) Reading Strategies and Behaviours learning behaviours students
should exhibit when reading texts independently.
3) Comprehension Responses literal, inferential or intepretive, and
personal /critical/ evaluative responses to texts.
Based on statements above, reading achievement standards
have three components. First is text complexity that the complexity of
the text can exceed by the students. Second is reading strategies and
behaviour. In this part, the students must have stategies to read the text
and know the meaning. Third is comprehension responses that the
students can response of the text by answer the questions, evaluate or
criticize the text.
d. Criteria of Reading Achievement
According to NAEP (National Assesment of Educational
Progress), there are three main criteria in reading :
1) Locating and recalling information

Integarting and interpreting information


Critiquing and evaluating

We can conclude that those criteria in reading achievement are

important to learn. It should be paid attention for the readers who want to
improve their reading achievement.
e. Scoring of Reading Achievement
According to NAEP (National Assesment of Educational
Progress), there are three criteria for scoring of reading :
1) Vocabulary
When the students read a text, they should to understand the
vocabulary and the meaning of it. If the students know more about
vocabulary, the reading ability of them are better.
2) Integrate / interpret strategies
The students must have strategy of reading to understand the
content or information in the text. Therefore, they can get fast
information that they need.
3) Critique / evaluate strategies
The strategy that the students use in reading achievement is
helpful to get the information of the text. But, if the strategy that they
use is unsuccessful, they should be evaluating the deficiency of the
strategy. It can make them are better in reading achievement.
Based on the statement above, the scoring of reading
achievement are vocabulary, integrate strategies and evaluate strategies.
Those are important to students to achieve the good mark in reading
2. SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Record, Recite, Review) Method.
a. Definition of SQ4R Method
SQ4R is a method used to read textbooks that will help the
students not only read the text better, but more importantly, help you
understand and remember the content. SQ4R is an acronym for Survey,
Question, Read, Record, Recite, and Review.
The procedures to use SQ4R Method are:

1) S is Survey
Students should skim and scan the chapter. The purpose of
surveying the chapter is to get the general idea of the content,
structure, organization, and plan of the text. There are the steps of
survey :

Read the title.

Read the introduction.
Read headings and subheadings and marginal notes.
Look at visual materials: charts, graphs, maps, diagrams, pictures.
e) Skim over terminology or information in special print; i.e. italics,
f) Read the end-of-chapter materials: conclusion, summary, or


review questions.
Do not spend more than an average of 30 seconds per page.
2) Q is Question
Before beginning to read, students should turn each title and
subtitle into a question. The students can use some of the following:
Which? When? What? Why? Where? How?
3) 1st R is Read
Read one paragraph at a time carefully and thoroughly. Stop and
think about what the read. Look for answers to the questions and
write down in own words. Make sure to understand the paragraph
before moving on to the next one.
4) 2nd R is Record
The process of selecting and marking requires the students to find
the main ideas. The students take notes of what feel is important
information that will need to study, memorize, learn, and use.

5) 3rd R is Recite
Before moving on to the next paragraph, recite out loud the
information written in the notes. Reciting material retrains students
mind to concentrate and learn as they read. Reciting encodes the
information for memory and creates important retrieval cues.

6) 4th R is Review
This process helps mentally organize the material and build
memory. The students learn through repetition and reviewing will help
enhance recall of information. There are the steps of review :
a) Answer any questions at the end of the chapter.
b) Answer the questions that students wrote in the Question step.

Study and recite from the notes that students took in the Record

d) Write a summary of the information in the chapter.

e) Personalize the information by asking themself additional

Create additional study tools such as index cards, study tapes, and
Based on the statements, SQ4R is an acronym for Survey,

Question, Read, Record, Recite, and Review. In every phase there is a

step to make the students can achieve their reading ability.
3. Narrative Text
Narrative text is a text that retells the past event or act. It is
usually used in writing a story, legend, fable, myth and fairy tale, for
example; snow white, Cinderella, the legend of lake Toba and etc.
a. Definition of English Narrative Text
According to Keraf (2003:136) narrative is a form of the
discourse whose main objective is behavior that is involved or attached to
be an even that happen in the unity of time, or can be formulated with
other ways. Narrative is a form of the discourse with tries to answer a
question what happened? But, such as it that has been proposed above
between story and other stories of the narrative always certain differences,
minimum a thing that involves its aim or objectives.

b. Social function of Narrative

According to Yusak (2004:12) social functions of narrative are to
amuse, entertain and to deal with actual experience in different ways;
narrative deal with problematic event which lead to a crisis or turning
point of some kind which in turn finds a resolution.
c. Generic Structure of Narrative
Generic structure is system of arranging a written text. The
generic structure used in 2004 curriculum is based on the English written
text pattern. Generic structure of narrative, as follow :
1) Orientation
It is a set the scene. It introduce to the main character and
possibly some minor characters. Some indication is generally of where
the action is located and when it is take place.

A crisis or problem arises. The story is pushed along by a series
of events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication
or problem to arise. It just would not be so interesting if something
unexpected did not happen. This complication will involve the main
character and often serve to temporarily toward them from reaching
their goal. Narrative usually has more than one complication.


The complication may be resolved for better or worse, but it
rarely left completely unresolved. Although this is of course possible
in certain type usually have more than one resolution.

4) Re- orientation
Provides a comment or moral based what has been learned form
the story (optional) (Anderson Mark and Kathy, 1997). Sometimes
narrative do not have re-orientation.
d. Language Features of Narrative

According to Anderson, Mark and Kathy (1997: 8). Language features of

narrative they are:
1) Focus unspecific and usually individualized participants.
2) Use of the past tense.
3) Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstance
4) Use of material or action process.
In writing narrative, the students have to report an event or story
that happened. They can show the thing place time and people in the
story. Keraf (1994: 136) states that narrative is writing, with attempts to
describe an accident which has happened to the reader clearly.
4. Descriptive Text
a. Definition of Descriptive Text
Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give
information. The context of this kind of text is the description of
particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or a
person we know well.
b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
The generic structures of descriptive texts are identivication and
description which identifies the person, place, or thing to be described
and description which describe parts, qualities and characteristics.
A typical descriptives text has an opening paragraph introducting
the subject of the description; followed by a series of paragraph, each
describing one feature of the subject. There can be also a final
concluding section that signals the and the description.
c. Linguistic features
The linguistic features of descriptive texts are focused on specific
participants, use of attributive and identifyng process, frequent use
epithets and classifier in nominal group. The vocabularies, which are
often used in descriptive texts are words that are related to name of

place: location, purpose, beneficial, presentation, and evidence of today,

which are needed (for building). For animals, the words which are used
arew words which describe clasification, presentation, habitat, behavior,
life cycle and beneficial. Language, which is used the neutral objective
5. Recount Text
a. Definition of Recount Text
Recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past.
Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience. There is no
complication among the participants and that differentiates from
b. Generic Structure of Recount Text


2) Events

: Introducing the participants, place and time

: Describing series of event that happened in the

3) Reorientation

: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the

writer to the story

c. Language Feature of Recount
1) Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc
2) Using chronological connection; then, first, etc
3) Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc
4) Using action verb; look, go, change, etc
5) Using simple past tense

A. Research Design
According to Kothari C.R. (2004:8), a research design is the
arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that
aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
procedure. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the
research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research
is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally
adopted by a writer in studying his research problem along with the logic
behind them. It is necessary for the writer to know not only the research
methods/techniques but also the methodology.
The writer uses descriptive quantitative. According to Creswell
(2014:35), quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories
by examining the relationship among variables.
According to Cohen (2007: 282) defines that the one group
pretest-postest design can be represented as :



Which :
O1 = a group on a dependent variable
X = an experimental manipulation
O2 = group attitudes

B. Subject Of The Research

1. Population
According to Mason (2003: 9), population is all possible items or
units that determine an outcome of a well-defined experiment are
collectively. An item or a unit could be a measurement, or it could be

material on which a measurement is taken. According to Bachman

(2004:34), a population consists of all of the individuals who are of
interest for a particular purpose. The population of this study is all the
students on the second grade of VIII A SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Kaliwungu.

According to Cohen (2007: 100) sample is actually required; there
may be occasions on which the writer can access the whole population
rather than a sample. The writer chose VIII grade students of SMP
Muhammadiyah 3 Kaliwungu in academic year 2015/2016 as the sample
of the study.

C. Instrument of Collecting Data

Instrument is an important issue in all types of quantitative research
(Lodico, 2010: 270). The instrument used in this research was test which

consists of pre-test, treatment and post-test to gathering data.

The writer provides a set of tests as a pre-test in the first meeting for
the student sample before they get treatment by using SQ4R method.
This test aims to know whether students understand the reading correctly
or not. In this test the student will be given a test of reading the text that


contains of 10 questions.
The writer prepared application of this method in teaching reading and
explained how the stages of teaching reading by using this method. It was
conducted after giving the pre-test.


The steps of teaching SQ4R method :

The writer open the class to begin the lesson.
1) The writer introduce the topic of reading text by


brainstorming through photos, media, etc.

The writer ask the students to observe the media.
Whilst-reading activities
The writer distributes the text to the students.
The writer explains the steps of reading text using this


Post-reading activities
1) The writer asks the students to retell about the text and make
summary about the text.
2) The method is done until the students can understand the text
and answering questions from the text correctly.

The test is given to the students after the treatment. It is aimed to
find out the significant result after teaching reading using SQ4R method.
The writer could determine the significant result by the ways the students
answer the questions based on the text. The test contains of 10 questions
and each question has 10 points. The highest score is 100 and the lowest is

D. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, this research use test. A test is a method to
measure a persons ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain
(Brown, 2004: 3).

The writer analysed the validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and

discriminating power.
1. Validity of the Test
According to Cohen (2000:105), Validity is an important key to
effective research. If a piece of research is invalid then it is worthless.








qualitative/naturalistic research. In quantitative data validity might be

improved through careful sampling, appropriate instrumentation and
appropriate statistical treatments of the data.
The formula to measure the validity of the test is:

N ( xy ) ( x ) .( y )
{ N ( x 2 ) ( x )2 } { N ( y 2 ) ( y )2 }
rxy =

: Correlation between variable x and y

: The number of students

: The number of the students have right answer

: The number of right items

After calculating the data with the formula, the writer compared

the result with standard of validity to get the result of instrument

validity. Standard of validity is:
0, 80 - 1, 00 = Very valid
0, 60 - 0, 79 = Valid
0, 40 - 0, 59 = Valid enough
0, 20 - 0, 39 = Less valid
0, 00 - 0, 19 = =Not Valid
2. Reliability
According to Paris and Stahl (2005:282), The importance of
reliability is to ensure consistent scores across settings, examiners, and
administration conditions, the assumption being that a more consistent
assessment is a more accurate estimate of ability. This method is typically
used when only a single form of a test is available or if a writer is
interested in measuring the influence of the test administrator on scores.
Reliability shows a meaning that an instrument is enough to be
trusted to use as a collection means because it is good. Besides the
instrument, the writer has to find the reliability of all test items. The
formula is the following:

N ( xy ) ( x ) .( y )
{ N ( x 2 ) ( x )2 } { N ( y 2 ) ( y )2 }
rxy =


: Correlation between variable x and y

: The number of respondents

: The sum of odd numbers of the correct items

: The sum of even numbers of correct items

The result of calculation above then is enclosed into the formula of

as follows:


r 11 =



: reliability of instrument or all test items

r xy

: the coefficient of the correlation between odd and the even

After calculating the data with the formula, the writer compared the

result with standard of reliability to get the result of instrument reliability.

Standard of reliability is:
0, 80 - 1, 00 = Very reliable
0, 60 - 0, 79 = Reliable
0, 40 - 0, 59 = Reliable enough
0, 20 - 0, 39 = Less reliable
0, 00 - 0, 19 = Not reliable

3. Level of difficulty
The index of level difficulty is generally expressed as the faction or
percentage of the students who answer the items correctly.
To measure the level of difficulty of the test, the writer used the
formula as follows:



P : index of the difficulty level

B : the number of students who answer the items correctly.
JS : the numbers of the students
Index difficulty:
0,00 - 0,59 = Difficult
0,60 - 0,75 = Medium
0,76 - 1,00 = Easy
Before calculating the discriminating power, the writer changed the
composition of the students based of their score. The students were divided
into two groups lower and upper, started from a student who got higher
4. Discriminating Power
By counting the discriminating power of the test, we will know the
difference mastery the upper grade students and the lower grade students.
The steps to estimate item discriminating power as follows:
1) Compare the number of students in the upper and lower groups
who answered the item correctly.
2) Subtract the number of correct answer in the lower group those in
the upper one to find the difference between those who gave the
correct answer to the item in the upper and lower groups.
3) Divide the differences by the number of students in one group.
Then, to compute the discriminating power of an item the writer
used the following formula:






: The discriminating power of an item


: The number of students in the upper group who answered the

item correctly.


: The number of students in the upper group


: The number of students in the lower group who answered he

item correctly


: The number of students in the lower group


: proportion upper group students who answer the items


: proportion lower group students who answer the items

The writer writes the classification of discriminating power as follows:
D = 0,00 D < 0,20 = Poor
D = 0,21 D < 0,40 = Satisfactory
D = 0,41 D < 0,70 = Good
D = 0,71 D < 1,00 = Excellent
D = negative, all of the items are not good. So if all of item which D
value are negative, it is better to throw them away.
E. Technique of Analysis Data

Searching the Mean of Pre-Test

X 1
M1= N
M1 : the mean of pre-test

X1 : the sum of total score

N : the total number of students of the sample.
2. Searching the Mean of Post-Test
X 2
M2 = N

M2 : the mean of post-test

X2 : the sum of total score
N : the total number of students of the sample.
2. Searching the Significance Difference between Pre-Test and PostTest
To search the significant difference between pre-test and post-test, the
writer used formula as follow:

x2 d
N ( N1)

: t-test
: the mean of deviation
x2d : t-value/score of the test
N(N-1): subject in the sample

Levels of Achievement

% Points Needed





54 and below

Level of Achievement

Very Good
(Adapted from Brown, 2004, 62/294)


The first chapter is introduction, which consists of background of the
study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of
the study, significances of the study, definition of the key terms.
The second chapter presents review of literature, which consists of the
review of related theories which discusses reading and SQ4R method.
The third chapter discusses methodology of the research, which consists
of research design, subject population and sample, technique of collecting data,
instrument of collecting data, and technique of analysis data.
The fourth chapter presents research findings and discussion.
The fifth chapter presents the conclusions and suggestions for the
improvement of reading achievement.

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Brown, H. D. 2004. Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices. New York:
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Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. 2007. Research Methods in Education. United
States of America: Routledge.
Grabe, William. 2009. Reading in a Second Language: Moving from Theory to Practice.
United States of America: Cambridge University Press.

Kothari, C.R. 2004. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. India: New Age
International (P) Ltd.

Lodico, Marguerite G. et al. 2006. Methods in Educational Research : from Theory to

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Creswell, John W. 2012. Educational Research : Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
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