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Community Problem: World Hunger and Poverty

The University of Texas at El Paso
RWS 1301
November 6, 2016
Karen Garcia


World hunger and poverty is an issue that is prominent in society, for there is an
estimated number of 1.02 billion people undergoing malnourishment, making world hunger and
poverty a major worldwide issue. Due to the low food production and income, and the high food
price, poverty exists now. If society works together to take this matter into their own hands, the
solution to this problem will come faster. Although it is commonly accepted in culture to neglect
help to those in need, it is important to discuss a solution to this issue. There are many
organizations and donation centers that are made to eliminate world hunger and poverty, but why
does it still exist is the question.
According to research in an article, world hunger and poverty has been the cause of many
more deaths in comparison to terminal diseases such as: malaria, AIDS, and tuberculosis. 1 out
of seven people, according to the WFP (2008), lack the necessary nutrients to live an active life.
Not only that, but there are about 854 million people, who also struggle to obtain a meal for the
day. Many children do not grow up to reach the age of 5, for almost 11 million children die due
to malnutrition or disease. These are all facts, and background information that emphasizes the
statistics that exist from world hunger and poverty. Seeing all of these statistics it is easy to not
believe there can be a solution to this community problem, however in order to solve it in the
first place, we must believe that it is possible.
World Hunger and Poverty Affecting Young Society
It is rare to hear about young people getting together to do something for world hunger
and poverty. Some might have been told by our parents to finish all the food from our plates, for


there are many children in Africa wishing they could have something to eat. However how many
of those people actually thought of these words, and wanted to do something about these children
struggling? Many would argue that the United States does not provide aid as much as they could
to help those nations in need. Ignorance plays a major role in this, we may have heard about
poverty being a real issue in many nations, but how many people do something actually fix this
issue? This is especially common amongst younger generations, for school, life, and day to day
stress is something much more important. One solution to this issue in relation to younger
individuals, is to provide a mandatory class in high school, that teaches the importance of this
topic. Encouraging younger generations to go to missions trip, ad aid in donations, making it a
part of their high school years to help improve poverty rates.
World Hunger Statistics
The major cause of world hunger is poverty, in simple terms. Poverty may be present in a
country for many reasons: lack of jobs, poor government, and conflict. There are economic
systems that might be harmful to society as well, such as poor distribution in income. When the
prices rise, people tend to look for the most accessible food there is, and sometimes it is not the
best choice. These swings in prices can greatly affect those undergoing poverty and hunger.
According to a world hunger article, 2.2 billion people live on less than 2 US dollars a day, in
2012. Hunger is a worldwide issue, however, its concentration is mainly seen in Asia, making
526 million people living there a part of world hunger.
Many women, who want to become future mothers, struggle to grow a baby inside of
them. If the mother is undernourished, the baby may have complications during its growth, if the
baby is born, he will most likely be extremely undernourished. According to statistics, 17 million
children are born under these circumstances. Some women die from a hemorrhage, these women


did not have the appropriate nutrients necessary to keep themselves in a healthy status. As long
as food prices are on the rise, there will be no solution to this issue in the future. Farmers in small
communities have their own crop yields and such, that can help them feed their own family, they
do not have enough money to feed everyone else. However, there are some food banks in Africa
that help stabilize the rise in food prices in local markets. A large population can also affect its
poverty rates, this is common in what is known as underdeveloped nations, and the percentages
of malnutrition, and hunger increase within these countries. There are approximately a person
dying from malnutrition every 2.5 seconds.
World Hunger and Poverty Organizations
All these facts mentioned above, relate to the community problem, by giving detailed
statistics of world hunger and poverty rates. There are many organizations, and work done that in
charge of making world hunger and poverty decrease, we will be discussing some possible
solutions for world hunger, one work in particular is world grain harvests. This article provides
background information such as pointing out that an average healthy adult should consume about
2,300 calories a day. A ton of grain contains approximately 3,500,000 calories, and it could feed
an average of 4.17 children for 365 days. In 1981, they put this thought, and knowledge into
action, and produced three-and-some million tons saving over 15 million children. Another
organization known as the Universities Fighting World Hunger, specializes in college students
and faculty working together to make a difference. Joining an organization can be something that
helps decrease world hunger and poverty rates, encouraging those around us to join an
organization, or even creating one, is a big step we can make. Although many people find it hard
to trust whether their money is going to be misused, or whether their money made a difference, it
is important to make sure the organization youre donating to is trustworthy.


Role of Government
The increase of jobs will obviously and definitely help society gain more money, and the
problem of poverty will disappear. It also depends what government you are under, for not all
governments operate the same way as others. For as mentioned before the main reason why
there is world hunger, is poverty. As long as food prices are on the rise, there will be no solution
to this issue in the future. Farmers in small communities have their own crop yields and such,
that can help them feed their own family, they do not have enough money to feed everyone else.
However, there are some food banks in Africa that help stabilize the rise in food prices in local
markets. A large population can also affect its poverty rates, this is common in what is known as
underdeveloped nations, and the percentages of malnutrition, and hunger increase within these
countries. Some might give it more importance, and give donations to a country undergoing
extreme poverty, whilst others do not even become aware of such issues

Therefore, is it clear that World Hunger and Poverty is an issue we must take into more
consideration. Seeing the statistics of people undergoing strenuous circumstances causes readers
to want to do something about it. Some solutions mentioned in this article included joining
organizations and donating to them, going to missions trips, and government implementing
World hunger and poverty high school classes that should be mandatory. These a major step that
help us get closer to seeing the results of the goals being pursued. Just like any other good thing,
it will take time to accomplish, however, taking small steps will eventually lead to big results.



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