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STLS 3 Help to keep children safe

3.1 Prepare and maintain a safe environment

Performance criteria

P7 Encourage children/young people to develop good personal hygiene

Children are encouraged to wash their hands before each time they eat eg at snack
time and lunchtime. They are encourage to wash their hands every time they use the
toilet. They are encouraged to use tissues to blow their noses, and to put their hand
in front of their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Tissues and wet paper towels
are thrown away in the correct waste bin. If a child gets messy during an activity eg
painting or playing with clay, again, they are encouraged to wash their hands
thoroughly. The children all have their own named water bottle to ensure that only
the named person uses that particular water bottle.

P8 Implement safety and security procedures at the start of the

day/session and when children/young people leave
At the start of the day, children wait with their parents or carers in the playground,
and are allowed to enter into school when the first morning bell goes at 8.45am.
There is a member of staff on duty at each entry door to make sure that the
children enter their classroom safely and do not try to rum back and join their parent
or carers. After the second morning bell has gone at 8.55am, the children are given
five minutes to get themselves ready for morning registration. The register is taken
to give the school office data on how many children are in attendance, and this
information is used in the event of a fire alarm going off and an evacuation situation.
Children arriving late to school enter into the school through the reception area,
having signed into the late book with their time of arrival and the reason they were
late arriving.

At the end of the day, children are asked to line up and they go outside with their
class teacher. The children are not allowed to go home unless a familiar adult is
there to collect them. Children are not allowed to be collected by anyone under the
age of 16. The office staff should be informed of any alterations to a child's usual
routine eg going home with another relative or the parents of a friend, and this
information is then passed onto the teacher concerned, or parents/carers can tell
their child's teacher directly of any changes. Children whose parents/carers are not
at school on time to collect their children have to wait with a member of staff until
their parents arrive. Should a child's parent/carer be exceptionally late, the child is
taken to the school office and a telephone call is made to explain the situation and to
ask them to collect their child as soon as possible. The child stays with a member of
staff until collected by a familiar adult.

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