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Dear partners;
For many people Accounting is seen as a legal obligation, something that must be
taken because there is no remedy, ignoring how important and useful it can be.
However, you want to start your own company, know that every company in the country
and worldwide has its accounting department with the goal of having your finances in
order. For example, in Peru, those who havent an accounting area can bring serious
complications in front of the tax administration - SUNAT - to the point that your
company breaks.Therefore, as a future entrepreneur you must know the importance of
Accounting, as it allows us to have an absolute knowledge and control in companies.
That is why next we will talk about the ACCOUNTING, besides the types of accounting
and the principles that are in order to be able to elaborate and to interpret the financial
statements; Based on this we can take wise decisions that generate benefits on the
profitability and viability of the company.

As we know, accounting is the main tool that exists in the financial world to make
decisions that have to do with money movements. The main objective of the
Accounting is to prepare the Financial Statements that conclusively reflect the true
results of the activities and / or operations of a defined period of time and the true
financial situation in which the company is.On the other hand, Accounting has the
functions of: Control, establishing accounting processes and comply with its phases
(Systematization, valuation and registration), Inform, through the financial statement.
It must be understood the account, when developed in a company, is an integrating
means of all processes that reflect money movements because they end in the
issuance of an integrated report about the financial situation of the financial and
economic situation of the company, Such information is obtained from the following
Financial Statements: Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Income, Statement
of Cash Flows, Statement of Changes in Equity and Notes to Financial Statements for
more detailed information.
Also, we can differentiate the types of accounting: Financial Accounting (External), that
this provides essential information of the operation and the financial statement of the
company to the interested economic agents; And Cost Accounting (Internal), is that
used for the calculation of costs, economic and productive states that will serve to
make decisions.
Entrepreneurs, when they see information that is clear and up-to-date, can make much
better decisions about the real and financial position of their business. As well as its
risk of continuity, its growth potential, and above all, the ability of the company to
assume its obligations and generate surplus in favor of shareholders. Therefore, the
accountant must structure the information under the principles of Accounting, taking
into account the equity, double entry, entity, economic goods, and common

denominator currency, business in progress, valuation at cost, period, accrual,

objectivity, realization, prudence , Uniformity and exposure; All this is done in function
of the need of the company and what the owner needs in his business, thus leading a
correct accounting with the accounting books necessary for each entity, among them
we have:

Top Books

Daily Book
Book of inventories and balance

Auxiliary Books

Purchasing records
Sales record
Sheets (PLAME)
Cash and banks

In summary, Accounting is not only the process by which the productivity and solvency
of a company can be measured, but the medium that provides the required information
as a basis for making decisions that allow the company to be productive and solvent.
In the opinion, we realize that in each company is important the implementation of an
accounting system that controls the information of the company since this depends on
complying with tax obligations. It should be mentioned that each company is different
and therefore the systems that should be used are different suited to each need they

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