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project management :

It is very nice to learn and understand the different PM number of national and
international organizations which certify Management professionals. Many certify
ing organizations that they focus mostly on IT sector professionals who take par
t in deliverables. so these institutes offering PM should also focus on multiple
As per Crawfod "most of the standerds are assumption that there is a positive re
lationship between standards and effective workplace performance"
Further, in keeping with Morris s advocacy for a broader conception of project man
agement, and recognizing that ID managers must work across disciplines, project
managers from varied fields should be most helpful.
Survey Process: personally it is a good learning on how to do surveys based on t
he competencies decleared by the participants and choosing the panel based on th
e round-1 results. it is very hard way to conduct a survey. Elimination research
ers is also a good practise as researchers may not have experience with realtime
By looking into top10 competencies it can be understood that a PM should have st
rong knowledge on the following subjects
1. project requirements i.e. requirements engineering
2. Communication skills
3. problem solving skills
By observing the results form the research we can understand Project managers re
quire the skills beyond the on time, in budget, to scope as described by PMBOK. Pa
rticipents indicated that beyond time,scope and budget other necessory skills re
quired are " problem-solving expertise, leadership skills, context knowledge, an
d analytical, people, and communication expertise".
The below chart shows the overall score of different PM bodies of knowledge, sta
ndards, certifications.

Prerequisite Score : The first criterion considers the prerequisites for the cer
tifications. Prerequisites help assure that a certification is targeted at the r
ight qualified persons
Breadth of Coverage : The breadth of the certification s coverage is a key issue
if you intend to demonstrate results in the areas that have the greatest impact
on success. For example, we have shown for decades that the right interpersonal
skills, plus the acumen to work with the permanent organization, are the keys to
project and business success
Rigor of Assessment : many people can prepare for an exam, take it within two w
eeks (span of short-term memory), and pass. It is evidence of true grasp when yo
u instead present a portfolio of evidence that documents how you have delivered
results in each competence under assessment. It is even more convincing when you
can demonstrate your prowess to professional assessors. They can verify that yo
u understand how your actions, in your role, contributed to project and business
success. This is a major difference between a certification in project manageme
nt and being certified as a project manager.

-------------------------------------This article explains about competencies required by PM in terms of interdecipli

nary skills known as soft skills and technical skills known as hard skills. acco
rding to Lechler traditional Pm skills like technical skills project administra
tive skills will not help a PM to perform well, but a PM with superior soft skil
ls can perform better.
the ststement by El-sabba is completely true " human skills (e.g., personal char
acteristics, traits, and skills) of the best project manager have the greatest i
nfluence on project management practices. Technical skills, on the other hand,
had the least influence.
From research participants it is understood that OPEN COMMUNICATIONS is very imp
ortant during project implementation. When PM encourages open communication the
team also starts open communication and team raises he issues openly.Generation
feedback(retrospective) is an important copetence. Based on rtrospective of prev
ious delvarys we can plan for the betterment of future deliveries. in my previou
s organization we practise retrospective ater every delivery and prepare lessons
lernt document. Pm should be very cautious with his team and it may loose momen
tum for various reasons. It is it can be mitigated by sharing the project succe
ss credit with the team.
80/20 rule is very effective in many scenarios, for ex when a new project is pla
nned we need to spend 20% of the time in understanding the objectives and scope
of the project by spending this quality time we can encounter many problems duri
ng implementation phase.
One of the important competency required by the manager is social skills also kn
own as cultural awareness. This is very important when a manager is working with
teams from diferent geographies(ex: Gremans and swiss religiniously folow time
where as italians and french and indians are leanient about time.)
I have worked with a manager in my previous organization who have most of the co
mpetencies discussed in the article.
He has more emotional inteligence, i belive for a project manager emitional inte
lligence is also required apart form the competencies mentioned in the article.
He never pressured the team for deliverables. He made the team understand and ta
ke ownership of their roles and lead the team from front. For any credits he pas
ses it to the team and while pressure situations he bears the pressure and creat
es a plesent situation for the tam to work.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As per Standish group 2014 report only 6% of projects are delivered successfully
52% are challenges and 42% failed. States given below
Full report can be accessed from :
56% of project managers use software, tools, frameworks still the failure rate f
or IT projects remains high. risk identification & Mitigation is one of the majo
r factor for project sucsess
when i started my career as a developer i tought what is the significance of use
r in a devlopment project and felt it is waste of time talking to a user(as a de
veloper i think purely on technical aspects but user tries to communicate in a f

unctional prospective. After experiencing some challeges i understood a devloper

must also posess some functional knowledge), but later on my preception was cha
nged when i started to devlop low level technical documents. I strongly agree po
sitive communication between these two stakeholers is very important.
From the research results it is evident that risk prospective of users is in con
tradict to PM. Only 4 out of top 13 risk are in commen i.e. ~30%. Although ther
e are some similarities in the perceptions of users and project managers, there
are also many differences. The results of the study provide evidence that differ
ent stakeholders can and do have different perceptions regarding project risk.

80% of high-performing projects are led by a certified project manager. Source:Pri

cewaterhouseCoopers, Insights and Trends: Current Programme and Project Manageme
nt Practices 2012.
The United States economy loses $50-$150 billion per year due to failed IT proje
cts Source : Gallup Business Review
The healthcare industry is projected to increase project management roles by 30%
Source :: Project Management Institute
An astounding 97% of organizations believe project management is critical to bus
iness performance and organizational success. (Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers)
49% of organizations have a project management training program in place. Source
: PM Solutions
The above points describes importantance of project managment professionals. The
re are many organizations that offer PM education for entry level managers and a
dvanced courses for experienced. These cources can help any individula to be a g
ood project manager but for a successful manager you need t be a great leader. E
motional intelligence is a key competency for a management professional to grow
as a leader. successful project managers
used both formal and informal communicati
on and interaction to solve deviations in spite of the existence of and expertise
in traditional methods.
it's quite astonishing to talk about spiritual capabilities. "Research in psycho
logy has also focused on SQ, the Spiritual Quotient, or spiritual intelligence.
SQ focuses on the emergent spiritual intelligence which is built on cognitions,
beliefs, perceptions and intuitions that define the spiritual capital of a group
or individual" . Many multinational corporations such as Nokia, Shell, Coca Col
a and Starbucks invest in encouraging, measuring and improving spiritual intelli
gence.The below article explains how SI helped tech titans to connect with their
webbased learning is is great tool to lean it has great advantages like meeting
people from distinct backgrounds and geographies and it helps participants to le
arn in a muti cultural enevironment.


write a post on compitencies as given belwo:
we need to consider social skills and networking s the other important competenc
ies in present situations.
As per survey conducted by Harvard Business School(HBS) Many project managers un
dervalued the deep social skills critical to networking, coaching, and collabora
ting that will help them stand out in a world
While they will use digital technologies to tap into the knowledge and judgment
of partners, customers, and communities, they must be able to tease out and brin
g together diverse perspectives, insights, and experiences.

There is projected to be 15.7 million new project management roles to be added g

lobally across seven project-intensive industries by 2020 reaching an economic i
mpact of over $18 trillion, across seven project-intensive industries including
Manufacturing, Finance & Insurance, Information Services, Utilities, Business Se
rvices, Oil & Gas and Construction (Project Management Institute)

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