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Bonaventure University
Intern Evaluation Form for Internship
Site Supervisors Evaluation Form
University Supervisors Evaluation Form
The criteria evaluated on this form are based upon and reflective of the Knowledge,
Skills and Dispositions mentioned on pages 4-5 of the Internship Guide. They are
coded by their appropriate K, S, and D numbers below.
Please check the appropriate box indicating which evaluation form you are filing. Make
copies of this evaluation form for each supervisor as well as the interns evaluation.
Elizabeth Campion
Site Supervisors
Ms. Dawn DiNatale
University Supervisors
Jill N. Pellis
Please indicate a general evaluation of the accomplishment of the stated competencies
of the internship.
(Check One)

Very Good




COMMENTS: (Use additional sheet if necessary)

Ms. Campion was rated as outstanding by her site superisor. Ms. DiNatale gave Ms. Campion the highest
compliment by stating that, if an administrative position became available, she "would hire Ms. Campion
in a New York minute." Ms. Campion went above and beyond to contribute to the learning environment
at Frank A. Sedita School in the Buffalo Public Schools. During this internship, she was involved in
meaningful and relevent tasks that included, but were not limited to, creating an on-line staff handbook,
developing new forms, designing a grading policy based on research, chairing the Parent Involvement
Committee, attending school leadership training with her principal, improving teaching practices, and
assuming the role of "acting principal" when Ms. DiNatale was out of the building.


For each of the criteria listed below, please provide both a numerical self-evaluation and
any pertinent comments about the internship experience.
For numerical evaluation, use the following scale:

4 - Very

3 - Good



4 LEADERSHIP ABILITY (K1, K2, K3, S3, D1, D4, D6 - e.g. ability to inspire other, set
and reach goals, create positive action, solve problems, etc.)

Ms. Campion was a major contributor to the leadership team at Frank A. Sedita school. She
demonstrated excellent problem solving skills and needed little guidance or supervision during her
internship. She assumed all responsibilities associated with an administrator and did so willingly and

B) 5 PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION (D3, D4 - e. g. clear goals, high level of professional

interest and motivation, etc.)
Ms. Campion assumed many additional responsibilities as an intern. Among others, she coordinated a 3day professional development program. Her vision and goals were clear and articulated to staff. She is
described as highly professional in all situations and self-motivated.

C) 4 PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS (D2, D5, D6 - e.g. sense of humor, poise, self-control,

ability to handle crises and stress, honest, etc.)
Ms. Campion is poised, honest, flexible, and able to remain professional in stressful situations. She
demonstrates integrity and a strong work ethic. Ms. Campion uses humor appropriately and is respectful
of others.

D) 4 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS (D2, D3, D4, D4, D6 - e.g. ability to relate to others,
work with groups, acceptance of criticism, respect for others, etc.)
In her role as chair of many committees, Ms. Campion established an environment of mutual respect
with committee members. She was open to criticism, reflected on need areas and implemented

E) 5 PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE (K1, K2, K3, S1, S2, S3, D1, D2, D3, D4, D6 - e.g.
successful completion of tasks and assignments, demonstrates understanding of
nature of administration, includes dependability, demonstrates initiative, assumes
responsibility, able to work independently, punctual, etc.)
Ms. Campion completed all tasks in a effective, efficient and timely manner. She is described as being
dependable and required little or no supervision. She took initiative to assume additional responsibilities
and saw each one to completion.

F) 4 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (S1, S2 - e.g. fluency, accuracy, command of the

language, timeliness, grammar, etc.)
Ms. Campion writes effectively, using proper grammar and language that is geared to her audience. She
had many opportunities to demonstrate her writing skills in parent letters, staff memos, staff handbbook
directives, committee reports and new policy descriptors.

G) 4 ORAL COMMUNICATION (S1, S2 - e.g. fluency, poise ability to articulate,

enunciation, grammar, etc.)
Ms. Campion is at ease in front of large and small group audiences. She is articulate, clear in her
message, and confident in her presentation. She effectively conducted numerous meetings and
presentations during her internship.

H) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Comments/observations not covered in prior question


Ms. Campion completed this internship with a high level of commitment, dedication, skill and
professionalism. Her site supervisor described her as "a natural leader who is a vital member of her
leadership team." She is able to take on multiple tasks while maintaining the daily operations of the
building. Ms. Campion has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills.

Jill N. Pellis

March 3, 2016

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