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1. Why are you learning English? It is because of self-motivation, external motivation, or
obligation? How does that affect your performance in English classes? How do you think it
will affect your TOEFL test?
I learning English because is necessary for graduate at university and actually much
industries search your employers dominate two or more languages how English and this
help me to start in a company or industries.
The English for me is an obligation because I dont like and I think this affect me to
understand but today practice more because I need past the TOEFL test.
I think my result in TOEFL will affect me if I dont practice more because understand but I
dont like and this affect to study.
2. How much time have you spent on learning English throughout your life? How much time
you dedicate to it every day? Is your dedication to English realistic to achieve your
objectives? What do you need to change if thats not the case?
I dont spend much time for practice or study English throughout my life but usually I find
information, books or others for my homework of other classes, sometimes I watch videos
in English. I dedicate minimum one hour for practice English in a day. I think this time to
dedicated for improve my English is not very well because dont practice more and affect

3. Whats your learning style? Which strategies are your using in English class or outside in
order to become better? Are you an introvert or extrovert learner? How do you think
changing that style could help you?
My style learning today is only in classes not have a specific time to study in my house but
sometimes I reading or listening on Internet information or videos. One strategies use is talk
with my friends in class sometime not always and reading all material view in class and
search words when I dont know the mining. I think change my learning style to practice
how study more hours for day and specific grammar didnt understand and speak practice.
4. How much do you rely on others help (teachers, classmates, friends, people from learning
English? Do you consider you should ask for more help in order improve your learning
English performance? How could you should you benefit from the help of others?
I rely to help me in friends because I think understand more about my dudes but sometimes
they not understand or not know about this. I considerer to ask for help me is very important
because I resolve dudes and improve my English.

Jesus Alberto Perez Rincn

I think help others friends or persons benefices booth because practices more and discuss

5. How do you relate English with your social life? What find of activities are good for you in
terms of improving your English: taking to English speakers over the internet / keeping a
blog or vlog / posting Facebook status / twitting in English / reacting to English-related
content in social media / hanging out with English speakers / attending classes or e-classes
/ asking English-speaking friends or acquaintances to specifically help you with your English?
How else do you think you should link your social life English? Why?
I relate English with my social life when talking with my cousins they live in USA and
sometimes I talk to Facebook others activities for example posting Facebook status or
WhatsApp and finally sometimes speak English or phrases.

Jesus Alberto Perez Rincn

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