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Vortex Of Creation

It is analogy. An imaginary vortex where all you want is there. You can access it by feeling good. By having
fun. By enjoying. It is an emotional state. When you are in good mood, when you are feeling stably positive,
you can say you are in vortex.
Collective vortex is about co-creation. When you and your mate have to make a document, that work in it's
perfect form will be in your collective vortex. You can take it further saying that a mass of people, a country,
a group can have a collective vortex consisting good things of group interest. Say a team has a collective
vortex for win in a match.
The term "Vortex" is an analogy, but it's not imaginary. It really gets back to your first couple of questions
regarding your "Inner Being," which the "larger part of you." Remember that you're not just the individual
YOU that you know, but you're part of the consciousness that is your Inner Being that's focused here into this
physical body -- that's important. As you focus, LOA responds to your focus. That's what LOA does -- it
responds to your focus and brings things that are a match to that focus. Now, because there's the YOU that
you know, and your Inner Being, there are really TWO points of focus going on -- there's the individual you,
to which LOA responds, but there's also the focus of your Inner Being (which is dominant), who is also the
culmination of all you were even before you came into physical form, but it's also the culmination of all of
your current desires. So you've got these two focus points -- a dominant one, and the one you control -they're basically two different vibrational frequencies, and like you see with physical frequencies, whether
that's sound, light, magnetics, etc., those two frequencies react to each other. The result is the way you feel
-- the closer your vibration/frequency is to that of your IB, the better you feel, the bigger the difference, the
worse you feel.
Here's how the creation process works -- you go through physical experience (contrast) and as you
experience it, you form preferences -- I like this, I don't like that. In the moment of that contrast, you launch
a desire and your IB becomes the equivalent of it and holds that vibration for you. It's focused on everything
you want... and because LOA responds to focus, LOA is bringing things that are a match to that focus. The
power of your IB's focus is so strong, and LOA is so consistent, that it draws all things necessary for the
culmination of your desire. That's where the image of the Vortex comes from -- because it is powerful and it
is drawing things toward it, much like a physical vortex, whirlpool, etc.
So like I said, the Vortex is not imaginary -- it's a vibrational state. Everything physical was once a similar
vibrational state until it was focused upon long enough before it became physical. Now, while Abraham talks
about the capital "V" Vortex, they mean that vibrational state that is centered on your Inner Being.
Remember that LOA responds to thought/focus, and every thought that's ever been thought still exists, so
there are other vortexes... there's a vortex of "green," there's a vortex of Santa Claus, there's a vortex of
chocolate, etc., LOA brings like things together.
Most importantly, as we talk about vibration, emotion is a key component to things. Your Vortex, which is all
about matching the vibration of your Inner Being, feels good. It feels like joy, knowing, etc. As you've gone
through life, you've experienced other emotions too -- you have thoughts that don't feel like joy. You've felt
anger, and those thoughts still exist, and LOA brings all of those together too, so you could say that there's a
vortex of anger, as well as every other emotion out there.

If you are into the universal law of attraction, or have just began to study it, you will at some point
encounter the word Vortex, which comes from the teachings of Abraham. (Esther and Jerry
But what is this Vortex-thing anyway..?
A simple way to understand the Vortex is this:

Before your birth into this physical body, you were in the Vortex (no
resistant thought resides there).

A part of the Consciousness that was you is now focused into the
physical you that you know as you.

The contrast of your life causes you to send rockets of expansion

into your Vortex, where the larger Non-Physical part of you exists.

The Vortex, which holds only your positive requests for improvement
and expansion, holds no thoughts that contradict improvement and

The Law of Attraction responds to the pure, nonresistant Vibration of

your Vortex and gathers all cooperative, Vibrational- matching components that are
necessary for the completion of the creation.

You are one of the components of your creation.

In fact, you are the creation.

So the only question is: Are you, from your physical format, right
now, a Vibrational Match to your creation? Or not?

And the way you feel, right now, as you focus upon the subject of
creation is your answer.

If you are angry you are not a Vibrational Match and you are not
in the Vortex.

If you are feeling appreciation you are a Vibrational Match and

you are in the Vortex.
The key to getting inside your Vibrational Vortex of Creation, of
experiencing the absolute absence of resistance, of achieving complete
alignment with all that you have become and all that you desire, and of
bringing to your physical experience everything that you desire is
being in the state of appreciation. And there is no more important
object of attention to which you must flow your appreciation than that
of self.
The habit of thought, or belief, that holds most people outside of their
Vortex of Creation, more than all other thoughts put together, is the
lack of appreciation of self.
The Vortex, page 179-180

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