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Language Arts:

Learning Objectives:
Given the opportunity to participate in a read aloud and a discussion, the
students will answer questions regarding the change in character traits to
demonstrate their understanding of their changes while using specific details
and events from the story.
Given the opportunity to write about the characters in story, the students will
complete a slinky person describing the character traits from a character in
the book in order to demonstrate an understanding of the events that
influenced the changes in the characters from the story.
Alignment Explanation:
The formal assessment used for this content area was a rubric and student
self-checklist. The students were graded by using a rubric, and then during
the activity the students were able to self-evaluate their work and how they
are doing on identifying the characters traits from the book.
Learning Objectives:
Given the opportunity to work with a partner, TSW use pumpkin seeds to fill
the pumpkins with equal groups of seeds that match the repeated addition
problem in order to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication.
Alignment Explanation:
The students were formally assessed by an exit slip. The students completed
the exit slip to give the teacher an idea of where the students are at, and
what they are going to need to know. This slip provides the teacher with an
understanding of what that student needs to grow.
Learning Objectives:
Given the opportunity to sort specific properties of the different states of
matter, the students will complete a picture/word sort in order to
demonstrate an understanding that matter exists in different states as solids,
liquids, and gases.
Given the opportunity to participate in a read aloud and discussion, the
students will answer questions regarding solids, liquids, and gases to
demonstrate their understanding of differences states of matter while using
specific details from the story.
Alignment Explanation:
The formative assessment used for this content area was a sort. The
students applied what they learned and participated in the whole class sort
then an individual sort.

Social Studies:
Learning objectives:
Given the opportunity to locate specific landmarks on a local geographic
map, the students will work together in groups of five in order to
demonstrate an understanding of how to use a map and its tools.
Alignment Explanation:
The students completed a post-card to send to someone telling them what
they learned new from the lesson. Each students strengths came out in this
ending activity of the lesson because it reached each type of learner.

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