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From the Inside OUT - tips on how to detox

Regular periods of detoxification have been shown to prevent the

development of degenerative diseases and promote good health. Josie
Cowgill Dip.ION outlines various ways in which to unburden the body of
its toxic load
We live in toxic times. In addition to the everyday toxins that we expect
to deal with such as carbon dioxide in the air and the by-products of
digestion, in the last 50 years we have had to adapt to an enormous
number of new toxic elements present in our food, water and
environment. The body is constantly detoxifying this toxic load in order
to maintain normal cell function. However, when the load becomes
greater than the bodys capacity to deal with it, toxins begin to
accumulate in tissues and organs which may eventually result in
diminished health. This is where the importance of periods of
detoxification comes in. By limiting the incoming burden of new toxins
and enhancing the elimination of stored toxins, a reduction in total body
toxicity is achieved.
The process of detoxification has been used in many cultural and
religious traditions throughout history. Often, a combination of holistic
therapies is applied, including diet, hydrotherapy, colon cleansing,
herbal medicine, skin brushing, massage, exercise, relaxation and
meditation. Spring and autumn are thought to be the best times of the
year to detoxify the system. In spring the body benefits from ridding
itself of toxins and excess fat that may have accumulated over the
winter months (a time when the body is building rather than cleansing). The autumn is a good time to cleanse the
body in order to prepare it for the harsher winter climate.
A toxin is any substance that is detrimental to the normal functioning of body cells and therefore health in
Toxins can be in the form of:

Chemicals and additives in food such as pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, artificial fertilisers,
antibiotics, food additives, artificial colourings and flavourings.

Toxins in food such as peanuts contaminated with aflatoxins and glycoalkaloids in the green part of


Environmental toxins from cleaning products, traffic pollution and industrial pollution.

Chemicals in water supplies.

Drugs: social and medical.

Heavy metals as found in dental fillings (mercury), petrol (lead), cooking utensils (aluminium), water
pipes (lead), antiperspirants (aluminium) and antacid tablets (aluminium).

Free Radicals from burnt foods, heated oils and fats, cigarette smoke, sunshine, radiation, excessive
exercise and stress.

Yeasts, which reside in the bowel such as Candida albicans, can produce toxins.

Incompletely digested foods. If the digestive system is unable to break down food sufficiently, or if
bowel function is irregular, partially digested food may accumulate in the intestines. There, it can
ferment and putrefy, resulting in a release of toxins into surrounding tissues.

Giving the body a chance to throw off stored toxins can
benefit the entire system by improving:

Skin and hair condition


Immune function, inflammation, susceptibility to infections and allergic reactions

Energy levels

Mental function and clarity of thought

Quality of sleep

Liver and kidney function

Taste, enjoyment of food and a change in attitude to eating and food

Weight control


The organs of the body involved in detoxification include the liver, kidneys, lungs (removal of volatile gases), skin
and bowel. The liver, the main organ of detoxification, has the biggest role
to play. Detoxification in the liver is carried out by the P450 detoxification
enzyme system, which consists of Phase I and Phase II.
Phase I
In Phase I, the liver carries out a series of oxidation, reduction and
hydrolysis reactions involving the cytochrome P450 detoxification enzyme
system. Via this process, toxins (e.g. caffeine)1 can be directly neutralised,
or converted into intermediate metabolites. The metabolites produced in
Phase I can sometimes be more toxic than when in their original state and
if they are not broken down immediately by Phase II enzymes can cause
free radical damage.2
The function of the P450 enzymes varies greatly from one person to
another according to genetic make-up, exposure to toxins and nutritional
status. Problems can occur if there are insufficient antioxidants to mop up
the free radicals produced during the process or if there are insufficient
nutrients needed for enzyme function. Individuals with underactive Phase I
enzymes may experience intolerance to perfumes, caffeine and
environmental toxins and may be at increased risk of liver disease.1
Alcohol affects the P450 enzyme system to such an extent that it
increases the toxicity of other toxins.3 This is why it is not advisable to
drink alcohol when on medication.
Phase II
Some toxins can by-pass Phase I and go straight to Phase II along with Phase I end products.2 In Phase II,
toxins and Phase I metabolites are neutralised or conjugated into a state in which they can be removed from the

body. There are six pathways or conjugation categories in which this can be achieved and each pathway requires
specific nutrients to function properly. Poor nutrition and excessive exposure to toxins can result in a depletion of
the livers detoxification pathways. This can lead to toxic overload, weakened immunity and disease.
During a detox programme it is not uncommon to experience a
Herxheimer reaction or healing crisis. Symptoms may include:

Acne, rashes and other skin problems

Aching muscles and joints

Fatigue or heaviness

Headaches, blocked nose and excess mucous

Bad breath and/or coated tongue

Flare ups of previous symptoms



To minimise the reaction:

Modify the regime to a less restrictive one until the symptoms subside. Sudden changes in diet can put
a strain on the body.

Ensure the supply of nutrients needed by the liver and other organs is sufficient.

Make sure the organs of elimination are fully functioning. Colonic irrigation or enemas can be useful.

Drink a minimum of two litres of filtered/bottled water a day.

Take detox baths or saunas.

Avoid strenuous exercise.

Take gentle, outdoor exercise such as walking.

Fasting is the most radical form of detoxification and involves the intake of water only. However, this should not
be carried out unless the body has previously undergone several less severe detox sessions and is well
nourished with the nutrients required for detoxification. Depriving the body of all nutrition when it is already
deficient could lead to the break down of tissues to release the nutrients needed.4 The guidance of a practitioner
should be sought before starting.
Detoxification does not have to be extreme to be effective. Given that most people have a lifetimes accumulation
of toxins stored in the body, a gentler approach is often a safer choice. The following are popular forms of
detoxification regimes. To reduce the intake of further toxicity, organic food and pure water should be consumed
at all times. It is not advisable to cleanse the body during pregnancy or lactation because of the amount of toxins

released. In those who have low blood pressure, diabetes, hypoglycaemia (low blood
sugar), or are underweight, very toxic or tend to feel the cold, the first three methods
should be avoided.
1. Juicing: Although juicing is highly eliminative, it is preferable to the water fast as the
body is still provided with sufficient carbohydrates for energy. Because of this, lean
tissue is less likely to be broken down. Juices supply the body with bio-available
vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and enzymes.
As the fibre has been removed from the produce the digestive system does not have to
work to release the nutrients, so it is able to have a rest. In fact, it has been estimated
that juices can be assimilated within 30 minutes.5
Green juices, which can be made by combining a selection from cabbage, kale,
watercress, parsley, dandelion greens, alfalfa sprouts and other green leafy vegetables,
are rich in chlorophyll, which helps to purify the blood and build red blood cells. These
can be sweetened with carrot or apple juice to make them more palatable.
Other vegetables suitable for juicing include beetroot, cauliflower, celery, lettuce,
Chinese leaves, chicory, fennel, green pepper, broccoli, onion and radish. Fruit-wise,
temperate rather than tropical produce is recommended such as apple, pear, apricot,
blackberry, blackcurrant, cranberry, raspberry, grape and peach.Fruit juices are best
diluted with water to reduce the amount of fructose (fruit sugar) present.
Those with a yeast problem such as candidiasis should opt for juicing vegetables rather
than fruit to avoid aggravating the condition. This also applies to those with a tendency
towards disglycaemia.
2. Fresh fruit and juice diet: As above with the addition of fresh fruit in between juice
3. Raw fruit and vegetable diet: Typically, this involves fruit and/or fruit juices in the
morning, a vegetable salad for lunch and either a fresh fruit or vegetable salad in the
evening. Steamed vegetables can be consumed in place of raw vegetables if you find
them hard to digest. Snacks can include fruit, and juices can be taken throughout the
day. Fruit should be eaten on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours
after a vegetable meal, to avoid fermentation in the digestive tract.5
4. Brown rice diet: This can range from eating brown rice only to brown rice and
vegetables with the addition of fresh fruit and fruit and vegetable juices between rice
meals. Including vegetables along with the rice still allows for effective cleansing while
the variety makes the diet easier to adhere to.6
5. Whole food diet: This type of detox programme is based on the intake of fruit,
vegetables, nuts, seeds and their cold pressed oils, legumes, sprouts and whole grains
with the avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, meat, fish, dairy produce, wheat
and other gluten-containing grains, refined foods, fried foods, sugar and salt. Drinks may include filtered/bottled
water, fruit and vegetable juices, and herbal teas. Eating a whole food diet is the gentlest way of detoxifying the
system and can be continued for a longer period of time without depleting the body or encouraging it to detoxify
too quickly.


The length of a detoxification programme depends on an individuals state of health and lifestyle. According to
James F. Balch MD and Phyllis A. Balch, authors of Prescription for Nutritional Healing (Avery) a three-day juice
fast helps the body rid itself of toxins and cleanses the blood. A five-day juice fast begins the process of healing
and rebuilding the immune system, and a ten-day juice fast can take care of many problems before they arise
and help to fight off illness.7 Fasting on juices twice a year will provide optimal benefit.
When following a cleansing regime ideally it should be undertaken away from the stresses and strains of
everyday life. However, the less severe detox plans, such as those outlined in numbers 4 and 5 can be fitted in to
most peoples lives with a bit of preparation and planning.


If you have a reasonably healthy diet and lifestyle and are in good health, try the following five-day detox regime:
Day 1 Follow a whole food diet as summarised in detox regime number 5.
Day 2 Eat raw fruit and raw or lightly steamed vegetables in addition to fruit and vegetable juices as in detox
regime number 3.
Day 3 Include fresh fruit, and fruit and vegetable juices only as in detox regime number 2. The number of days on
Day 3 of the regime can be extended if a longer period of cleansing is required.
Day 4 As for Day 2.
Day 5 As for Day 1.


The following mixture can be taken in the morning during a detox regime to stimulate liver function.
Blend together until smooth:

200 ml of organic apple juice

1 lemon, peeled

1-3 cloves of garlic, crushed

1 cm ginger root, grated

1-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

If citrus fruit is not tolerated add one teaspoon of turmeric instead.8 Follow with some peppermint tea or
dandelion coffee.


This should be done gradually. Foods should be re-introduced slowly over a period of a few days. If you have
been following a diet of fruit and/or fruit and vegetable juices then vegetables can be added for two days,
followed by whole grains, legumes and other plant-based foods. Finally, meat, fish, eggs and dairy produce can
be re-introduced if desired. Take time over your meals and try to create an enjoyable atmosphere when eating.
Eat when hungry and stop when full. Avoid eating when stressed, upset or overly tired.

Nutritional supplements
Many nutrients are required by the liver to carry out Phase 1 and 2 detoxification pathways. These include:
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C (with bioflavonoids) and E, choline and folic acid.
Minerals selenium, copper, manganese, zinc and magnesium.
Amino acids glutathione, cysteine, glycine and methionine.
It is also a good idea to replenish bowel flora with a probiotic supplement both during and after a cleanse. These
beneficial bacteria aid digestion and promote regular bowel function.
Colonic irrigation, enemas and bowel cleansing
Many people suffer from sluggish bowel movements. During a detox this may be exacerbated as less food is
entering the alimentary tract to keep things moving. Colonic irrigation or the use of enemas can be beneficial by
preventing the build up of toxins and removing previously stored waste.

Herbal remedies
The use of herbs can be a powerful way of stimulating the liver, lungs, kidneys and bowel. The following are
examples of herbs to support specific organs:
Liver: dandelion, milk thistle, liverwort, burdock, yellow dock, blue flag, artichoke, ginger.
Kidneys: uva ursi, parsley, dandelion leaves, juniper, goldenseal.
Lungs: comfrey, marshmallow, mullein.
Bowel stimulants: cascara, turkey rhubarb, dandelion root, burdock, barberry, blue flag, licorice root, yellow dock.
Bowel cleansers: bentonite clay, linseeds, psyllium husks, slippery elm, pectin, beet fibre, fenugreek. It is often
beneficial to use bowel stimulants in combination with bowel cleansers, which absorb or pull toxins away from the
intestinal wall.
To help stimulate the bowel and dislodge built-up waste matter, the abdomen can be massaged in the direction of
the colon (lower right corner, clockwise towards the left corner). Lymphatic drainage and reflexology may also be
Saunas promote the release of toxins and heavy metals through sweat. This can
be followed with hot and cold showers to improve circulation. Baths of Epsom salts
can help remove heavy metals and alkalise the tissues.
Exercise, relaxation, stretching and Meditation
During a detox programme, exercise should be gentle such as walking, yoga and
stretching, preferably done outside to get the benefits of fresh air and daylight. Its
also a good time to engage in meditation or creative visualisation as the mind is
likely to be clearer and more focused.
Skin brushing
Skin brushing stimulates the lymphatic system and improves skin texture and tone.
Brush from the extremities towards the heart.

Most people carry a heavy toxic load due to negative lifestyle habits, pollution,
medication, stress and a lack of good nutrition.
These toxins accumulate in the body and can eventually lead to the development of degenerative diseases. It is
therefore advisable to avoid harmful dietary and lifestyle habits before starting a detoxification programme to
ensure that the release of toxins is not too rapid for the liver to cope with. Ensuring that the organs of elimination
are not clogged can help the body to remove toxins before they have a chance to cause symptoms. Ideally, a
cleansing programme should be tailored to individual needs in order to reduce toxic reactions. A series of short
detoxes, accompanied by permanent changes in diet and lifestyle, may well work best in most cases. After all, it
is the way in which we live from day-to-day that ultimately determines our health.

1. Ash M, Gilmore E, Immunity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Nutri-Link, 1999.
2. Plaskett L, The wherewithal to Detoxify, Biomedical Information Services Ltd.
3. S Baker, Detoxification and Healing, Keats Publishing, 1997.
4. R Ballentine, Diet and Nutrition a holistic approach, The Himalayan Institute Press, 1978.
5. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond, Fit for Life, Bantam Books, 1987.
6. Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole foods, North Atlantic Books, 1993.
7. James F. Balch MD and Phyllis A. Balch, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Avery, 1997.
8. J Davies, Self Heal, New leaf, 2000

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