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Instrucciones: Las prximas oraciones forman parte de un cuento corto
que los estudiantes ya haban ledo anteriormente. Sombre ciertas
palabras en las oraciones y estas debern ser clasificadas entre
sustantivos, pronombres, verbos y adjetivos por los estudiantes. Debajo de
la oracin el estudiante observar la cantidad de palabras de cada parte de
la oracin ya mencionada. Cada aseveracin fue recortada y enrollada para
que estudiante tenga que escogerla sin conocer su contenido.
Son doce (12) aseveraciones para ser contestadas, las otras quince
(15) son gotitas del saber en francs, el cual es un idioma que les atrae,
y estas estn traducidas al ingls para su comprensin. El estudiante
aprender a leerlos, pero no tendr valor para puntaje.

I am very worried about my son. More than worried, at this point.

Nouns (1) Pronouns (3) Verbs (1) Adjectives (2)
His behavior these past few weeks is not normal, not healthy.
Nouns (2) Pronouns (2) Verbs (1) Adjectives (2)
It makes me think there is something wrong.
Nouns (0) Pronouns (3) Verbs (3) Adjectives (1)
At first, he would just come and stand at the doorway. He did this
at night, just before I would be ready to fall asleep.
Nouns (3) Pronouns (2) Verbs (4) Adjectives (1)
I would roll over to turn off the lamp, and he would be standing there, in
the doorway.
Nouns (2) Pronouns (2) Verbs (3) Adjectives (0)
I used to try to speak to him. I dont do that anymore. He never has
answered me. He just stares.
Nouns (0) Pronouns (4) Verbs (5) Adjectives (0)

A couple of days ago, he graduated from standing in the

doorway to coming in and sitting on the bed. He still does not speak.
Nouns (4) Pronouns (1) Verbs (5) Adjectives (0)
I have asked him what he wants. I have asked him if anything is
bothering him. It is not like him to be so quiet.
Nouns (0) Pronouns (5) Verbs (6) Adjectives (0)
He usually waits until my wife is asleep. That is the part that
gets me. She always falls asleep before me, and he has never come in
when she is awake.
Nouns (2) Pronouns (5) Verbs (6) Adjectives (2)
But then, she did not have a hand in this.
Nouns (1) Pronouns (2) Verbs (2) Adjectives (0)
If something does not change soon, I do not know what I am going to
Nouns (0) Pronouns (2) Verbs (6) Adjectives (0)
I am starting to feel like he knows that I am the one who killed him.
Nouns (0) Pronouns (5) Verbs (5) Adjectives (0)
Knowledge Drops
On napprend pas aux vieux singes faire des grimaces.
You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.

Knowledge Drops
Chacun voit midi sa porte.
To each his own.

Knowledge Drops
Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir point.
Slow and steady wins the race.

Knowledge Drops

On ne change pas une quipe qui gagne.

If its not broken, dont fix it.

Knowledge Drops
Il ny a pas de fume sans feu.
Where theres smoke theres fire.

Knowledge Drops
Vaut mieux prvenir que gurir.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Knowledge Drops
Autres temps, autres murs.
Times changes.

Knowledge Drops
Un malheur ne vient jamais seul.
When it rains, it pours.

Knowledge Drops
Vouloir, cest pouvoir.
Where theres a will, theres a way.

Knowledge Drops
Il faut rflchir avant dagir.
Look before you leap.

Knowledge Drops
Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.
Youth is wasted on the young.

Knowledge Drops
Bonne Anniversaire !
Happy Birthday!

Knowledge Drops
Comment vous vous appelez ?
What is your name?

Knowledge Drops
Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup.
Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly.

Knowledge Drops
Cest la vie.
Thats life.

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