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Dashboard analytics: Business

Intelligence Applications
Entersoft Business Suite 4.0 | Entersoft CRM 4.0

User Guide

Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

Document version


Software version

Last Update

September 2011

Copyright 2011 Entersoft S.A. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or used in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.
Regarding the present content

It may be altered at any time.

It serves exclusively informative goals.

No guarantee whatsoever is handed out for the possible existence of mistakes or the wrongful use or non-wanted results
produced by the use of processes hereby followed and recommended.

Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

Identity _________________________________________________________________ 2
Copyright _______________________________________________________________ 2
Contents ________________________________________________________________ 1

Dashboard elements __________________________________________________ 1


Introducing Entersoft dashboard elements _________________________________ 2


Object Types ...................................................................................................................... 2


Charts.................................................................................................................................... 2


Lists ...................................................................................................................................... 4


Action links ............................................................................................................................ 4


Indicators .............................................................................................................................. 5


Scorecards ............................................................................................................................. 5


Map ...................................................................................................................................... 5


Web browser .......................................................................................................................... 6


Search ................................................................................................................................... 6


Basic functionality ............................................................................................................... 6


Per Object .................................................................................................................................... 6


Per dashboard .............................................................................................................................. 7


Marketing __________________________________________________________ 1


Marketing analysis ____________________________________________________ 2


Marketing indicators ............................................................................................................ 2

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Campaigns __________________________________________________________ 4

Objective ............................................................................................................................ 4


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 4


Description ......................................................................................................................... 4


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 5


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 5

Events _____________________________________________________________ 6

Objective ............................................................................................................................ 6


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 6


Description ......................................................................................................................... 6


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 7


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 7

Campaign Comparison ________________________________________________ 8


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 8


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 8


Description ......................................................................................................................... 8


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 9


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 9

Performance Scorecards ______________________________________________ 11


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 11


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 11


Description ....................................................................................................................... 11


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 12

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Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 12

Customer Strategy __________________________________________________ 13


Objective & Business answers ............................................................................................ 13


Description ....................................................................................................................... 13


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 14


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 14

Marketing Performance _______________________________________________ 16


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 16


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 16


Description ....................................................................................................................... 16


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 17


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 17


Pipeline ____________________________________________________________ 1


Pipeline analysis _____________________________________________________ 2




Pipeline indicators and metrics ............................................................................................. 2

Pipeline overview ____________________________________________________ 4


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 4


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 4


Description ......................................................................................................................... 4


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 5


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 5

Pipeline by closing date ________________________________________________ 7

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Objective ............................................................................................................................ 7


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 7


Description ......................................................................................................................... 7


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 1


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 1

Stage analysis to target _______________________________________________ 2


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 2


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 2


Description ......................................................................................................................... 2


Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 3


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 3


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 3

Pipeline to target by representative ______________________________________ 5


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 5


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 5


Description ......................................................................................................................... 5


Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 6


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 6


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 6

Pipeline analytics _____________________________________________________ 8


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 8


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 8


Description ......................................................................................................................... 8


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 9
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Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 9

Pipeline revenue analysis _____________________________________________ 11


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 11


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 11


Description ....................................................................................................................... 11


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 12


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 12

Sales Stage analysis _________________________________________________ 14


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 14


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 14


Description ....................................................................................................................... 14


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 15


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 15

Sales Cycle ________________________________________________________ 16


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 16


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 16


Description ....................................................................................................................... 16


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 17


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 17

Performance of Representatives ________________________________________ 18


Objective ....................................................................................................................... 18


Business answers ........................................................................................................... 18


Description .................................................................................................................... 18
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Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 19


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 1


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 1

Competition analysis __________________________________________________ 2


Objective ......................................................................................................................... 2


Business answers ............................................................................................................. 2


Description ...................................................................................................................... 2


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 3


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 3


Sales ______________________________________________________________ 1


Sales analysis _______________________________________________________ 2




Indicators and metrics ......................................................................................................... 2

Current Sales Insight__________________________________________________ 4


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 4


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 4


Description ......................................................................................................................... 4


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 5


Dashboard Objects ....................................................................................................................... 5

Item Category Analysis ________________________________________________ 6


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 6


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 6


Description ......................................................................................................................... 6


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 7
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Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic ............................................................................................. 7


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated ...................................................................................... 9

Customer Categories Analysis __________________________________________ 10


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 10


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 10


Description ....................................................................................................................... 10


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 11


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 11

Dimension Analysis __________________________________________________ 13


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 13


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 13


Description ....................................................................................................................... 13


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 14


Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic ........................................................................................... 14


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated .................................................................................... 16

Top Customer Analysis _______________________________________________ 17


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 17


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 17


Description ....................................................................................................................... 17


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 18


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 18

Geo Zones _________________________________________________________ 19


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 19

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Business answers .............................................................................................................. 19


Description ....................................................................................................................... 19


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 21


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 21

Geo Zone to Target __________________________________________________ 22


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 22


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 22


Description ....................................................................................................................... 22


Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 23


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 24


Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic ........................................................................................... 24


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated .................................................................................... 25

Branch analysis _____________________________________________________ 26


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 26


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 26


Description ....................................................................................................................... 26


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 27


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 27

Sales representatives to target _________________________________________ 29


Objective ....................................................................................................................... 29


Business answers ........................................................................................................... 29


Description .................................................................................................................... 29


Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................. 30


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 30

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Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 31

Sales comparison ___________________________________________________ 32


Objective ....................................................................................................................... 32


Business answers ........................................................................................................... 32


Description .................................................................................................................... 32


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 33


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 33

Performance/Profitability Indicators _____________________________________ 35


Objective ....................................................................................................................... 35


Business answers ........................................................................................................... 35


Description .................................................................................................................... 35


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 36


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 37

Market basket analysis _______________________________________________ 38


Objective ....................................................................................................................... 38


Business answers ........................................................................................................... 38


Description .................................................................................................................... 38


Indicators Metrics .................................................................................................................... 39


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 40


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 40


Services ____________________________________________________________ 1


Service Analysis ______________________________________________________ 2


Service indicators and metrics .............................................................................................. 2

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Case Analysis ________________________________________________________ 4


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 4


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 4


Description ......................................................................................................................... 4


Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 5


Dashboard Objects | Page: Case Analysis ..................................................................................... 5


Dashboard Objects | Page: Current insight ................................................................................... 6

Service jobs analytics _________________________________________________ 8


Objective ............................................................................................................................ 8


Business answers ................................................................................................................ 8


Description ......................................................................................................................... 8


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 10


Dashboard Objects | Page: Representatives ............................................................................... 10


Dashboard Objects | Page: Priority ............................................................................................ 11


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated .................................................................................... 11

Customer care analysis _______________________________________________ 13


Objective .......................................................................................................................... 13


Business answers .............................................................................................................. 13


Description ....................................................................................................................... 13


Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 14


Dashboard Objects ..................................................................................................................... 14

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Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

I. Dashboard elements

Introducing Entersoft dashboard elements| Page: 1

Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

1. Introducing Entersoft dashboard elements

Entersoft Business Suite dashboards comprise of a variety of UI objects; each element is used in relation to the data or
the information to be presented and can be interactive. The available Object Types are listed next.

1.1 Object Types



Charts (Image 1) are used mainly for presentation purposes. In addition, charts can be used as interactive objects, i.e.
by clicking on a data point of a chart the selected data point is highlighted and the system provides focused, detailed
information that corresponds to the selected point; i.e. this action is essentially equivalent to visual and dynamic
filtering. The filtering maybe applied either on the chart itself or on other objects of a particular dashboard. Colored
labels (memo) and data labels (shown on data points) complement the presentation. Informative tooltips are also
available when moving the mouse over charts. The presented information includes the values, groupings, totals etc. The
available chart types are: Pie chart, bar chart, doughnut chart, stacked chart etc., and any meaningful combination
(Image 2, Image 3, Image 4).
Image 1: Chart - an example

Image 2: Doughnut and Pie Chart examples

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Image 3: A bar chart

Image 4: Combined chart types

If an axis exceeds the predefined width of the Dashboard Object, a scrollbar will appear automatically. In order to
ensure that all values will be presented at once, without the scrollbar, the user can use the mouse device to drag one
end of the scrollbar to the full width of the dashboard object window (Image 5).
Image 5: Scrollbar | drag one end of the scrollbar to view all at once

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A list (Image 6) too is an object that can be used both for data presentation and interactively, i.e. (as described
previously in 1.1.1) by clicking on a data row of a list the selected row is highlighted and the system provides focused,
detailed information that corresponds to the selected row; i.e. this action too can be equivalent to visual and dynamic
filtering. The filtering maybe applied either on the object itself (e.g. on an alternative view) or on other objects of a
particular dashboard. Underlined data in blue denote a link to the UI form of the selected record (for viewing/editing).
The list title is either predefined (static) or it is formulated dynamically, depending on the applied filters. Sorting
functionality is also available by clicking on the column title.


Action links

Action links provide users with additional functionality and accessibility. The combination of (a) interactive presentation
of information and (b) action links provides the basis for informative and prompt response to any developments.

In the context of a list (Image 6), the functionality commonly provided by action links is access to the
corresponding full list and new record creation.

In the broader context of a particular dashboard, action links are commonly used as predefined filters that are
applied to all of the objects contained in the particular dashboard.

Action links can also be used in order to provide connections to the operational environment of a dashboard
(Image 7). I.e. action links are incorporated in dashboards to represent workflows, to place a dashboard in the
context of a workflow.
Image 6: A list and the corresponding action links

Image 7: Action link - connection to the operational environment

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Indicators present a single value (usually a percentage) which represents a performance measurement in relation to a
colored scale that designates a poor (in red), average (in yellow), or high (in green) performance. The indicator may be
dynamically filtered by other objects in a dashboard.
Image 8: Indicator-Gauge



Scorecards present groups of KPIs. Each group contains indicators that are assigned with a particular weight. This
weight is used for calculating the scorecard results. Scorecards provide a concise overview of company activity
Image 9: A scorecard



A map shows the analysis of geographical related data. The analysis can be grouped by geographical region, district, city
and a specific longitude and latitude. The data can be analyzed in two dimensions using a balloon. The bubble radius is
proportional to the first dimension. The color of the bubble denotes the second dimension. The color dimension is used
to represent the performance of the key figure presented by the diameter of the bubble.

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Image 10: A map object on a dashboard


Web browser

A Web browser is available on selected dashboards for direct access to online information.



Search functionality within a Dashboard. The search is effective on Lists and, specifically, the visible information in list
Image 11: Search

1.2 Basic functionality

The basic functionality for using Entersoft Business Suite dashboards includes is available on the right-click menu. As
shown in Image 12, the available actions are grouped in two main sets. The first group refers to the object of focus, and
the second one refers to the dashboard as a whole.


Per Object

The following actions are available:

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Refresh: Refreshes the data of the selected object.

Maximize: Maximizes the window that contains the selected object.

Copy: Captures the selected object as an image.

Zoom in: Available in Charts only. Zooms in the displayed data for detailed viewing. When selected, it is
replaced by the corresponding Zoom out action.

Memo: Available in Charts only. Shows / Hides the chart memo (i.e. the colored labels shown on the chart

Show/Hide labels: Available in Charts only. Displays or hides the data labels that correspond to the Y axis.
Image 12: Right click menu


Per dashboard

The following actions are available:

Run: The dashboard is executed again.

Parameters: Displays the parameter panel. The menu action is available only when parameters exist. In
general, a dashboard can be either auto-executable or the user might be required to execute it. When a
dashboard is auto-executable, then the parameters panel is hidden; else, the panel is minimized immediately
after execution. The parameters panel can be (un-)pinned ( ).

Print: The print dialogue is displayed. There a particular object can be sent to printer, the page setup
properties can be adjusted. Pint preview is also available.

Export to PowerPoint: This action automatically creates a PowerPoint presentation with the selected Objects

Shortcuts: Creates a shortcut on the Shortcut list.

Send by e-mail: Creates a new e-mail within the ES application environment; the e-mail body contains the
dashboard objects.
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II. Marketing

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Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

1. Marketing analysis
Marketing analysis includes a series of interactive dashboards that aim to assist marketing executives in managing and
analyzing the performance of marketing activities (campaigns and events). The real-time analysis unveils the key issues
and contributes to efficient and accurate decision-making for resolving marketing related issues.
The available dashboards in the marketing context are:
Campaigns (Campaign cockpit)
Events (Event cockpit)
Campaign comparison
Performance Scorecards
Customer Strategy
Marketing performance

1.1 Marketing indicators

The marketing activity performance indicators in use are:

Indicator Calculation
Audience count - Number of persons in campaign list

Response count - Number of Responses during a campaign

Audience Response Rate (%)

100 * (# Response / # Audience)

Number of leads

Number of opportunities

Lead Opportunity rate (%)

Number of Wins

Lead Win Rate (%)

Opportunity Win Rate (%)

Audience Win Rate (%)

100 * (#Opportunities /# Leads)

Number of campaign sales (Distinct customer count)

100*(# Wins / # Leads)

100 * (#Wins / #Opportunities)

100 *(#Wins / # Audience)

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Indicator Calculation
Campaign Turnover

Campaign Cost

Campaign ROI1 (%)

Cost Variation (%)

ROI Variation (%)

Calculation is based on recorded expenses by campaign; i.e.

Expense Document Lines linked to Campaign(s).

100 * (Sales (Turnover) - Cost) / Cost

100*(Cost Budget Cost) / Budget Cost

100* (ROI - ROI Target)/ ROI Target

Event participants

Event registrations

Registrations / Participants (%)

The analysis implicates either hierarchical campaigns (which combine their own results and the results of any particular
activities) or stand-alone campaigns, i.e. campaigns run independently.

ROI = Return On Investment

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2. Campaigns
2.1 Objective
The Campaigns dashboard consists the main workspace for monitoring the performance of campaigns.

2.2 Business answers

What is the ROI variation?

What is the actual revenue and what is its variation % compared to the target?

What is the win rate (Lead to Opportunity %)?

2.3 Description
Image 1: Campaigns

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Campaign Start Period
Campaign Status


Open, In progress

Dashboard Objects


The first campaign is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. By clicking
on the link, which is available in the Name column at row level, the particular campaign can be accessed for viewing
and editing. The title below this list is dynamic and displays the selected campaigns name.
Metrics analysis

The Leads, hot Leads, Responses, Opportunities, and wins of the selected Campaign are presented in this bar chart, in
relation to the campaign audience.
Target Analysis

The bar chart presents the Campaign Turnover compared to the Revenue Target and the Campaign Cost compared to
Campaign Budget Cost.
ROI Analysis

The bar chart presents the ROI compared to the ROI Target and, additionally, the ROI and Cost variations.

Audience to response (%); Audience to win (%); Lead to Opportunity (%); Lead to Win (%).

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3. Events
3.1 Objective
The Events dashboard is the main workspace for monitoring the performance of events.

3.2 Business answers

What is the progress of the leads established in an event?

What is the actual revenue and what is its variation % compared to the target?

What is the ratio number of registrations / number of participants (%)?

3.3 Description
Image 2: Events

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Event Start Period
Event Stage


Open, In progress

Dashboard Objects


The first event is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. By clicking on
the row level link, which is available in the Name column, the particular event can be accessed for viewing and editing.
The title below this list is dynamic and displays the selected events name.
Registration Analysis

The bar chart presents comparative information between the event registrations and the actual participants.
Lead progress (%)

The chart presents the number of the leads, hot leads, opportunities, and wins achieved in the selected event.
Target Analysis

The bar chart presents the Event Turnover compared to the Revenue Target and the Event Cost compared to Event
Budget Cost.
ROI Analysis

The chart presents the ROI compared to the ROI Target and, additionally, the ROI and Cost variations.

Participations to registrations (%); Lead to Opportunity (%); Lead to Win (%).

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4. Campaign Comparison
4.1 Objective
The Campaign Comparison dashboard presents us with information for investigating the campaign performance by
comparing campaign metrics.

4.2 Business answers

Which was the most effective campaign in terms of Wins?

What is the cost variation % per campaign?

Which campaigns achieved the revenue target?

4.3 Description
Image 3: Campaign Comparison

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Campaigns Start Period
Campaign Statuses


Previous semester
Open, In progress, Completed Successfully

Dashboard Objects

Campaign Revenues - Cost

Image 4: Campaign Revenues - Cost

Leads/Wins by campaign

Image 5: Leads/Wins by campaign

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ROI Comparison: ROI / ROI Target by campaign

Image 6: ROI Comparison

Variation Comparison: ROI to Cost Variation by campaign

Image 7: Variation Comparison

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5. Performance Scorecards
5.1 Objective
The Performance Scorecards dashboard allows us to investigate the campaign performance by using balanced
scorecards; finance and performance indicators and metrics are analyzed.

5.2 Business answers

What is the total performance score per campaign?

What is the Revenue to Target ratio (%)?

What is the Lead to Win conversion rate (%)?

5.3 Description
Image 8: Performance Scorecards

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Campaigns Start Period


Previous semester

Campaign Statuses

Open, In progress, Completed Successfully

Minimum Cost (%)


Dashboard Objects

Performance Scorecard

The scorecard object on this dashboard contains two groups of

indicator targets. Each group contributes to the

calculation of the score (scorecard level) as a weighted factor. Additionally, each group contains performance indicators
that contribute to the calculation of the score of the particular groups as weighted factors. The groups are:

Financial indicators (weight = 60): ROI indicators; revenue; cost

Effectiveness indicators (weight = 40): Lead Win, Audience to win conversion rate; Lead Opportunity;
Audience to response conversion rate

The value of each indicator is compared to the defined limits and, depending on the results, the color of the star icon is
set. The red star corresponds to bad performance, the yellow star indicates average performance, and the green star
indicates good performance.

The first campaign is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user
can select any other listed campaign.

It shows the difference between target ROI and Actual ROI. Moreover, the chart shows us the difference between target
cost and actual cost.

a) Revenues | Target (%)

b) Cost | Target (%)

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6. Customer Strategy
6.1 Objective & Business answers
This dashboard quickly provides us with the significant information of:

Customer retention rate

Customer acquisition rate

6.2 Description
Image 9: Customer Strategy

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Campaigns Start Period


Previous semester

Dashboard Objects

The retention rate principally represents the loyalty of our customers. The customer acquisition rate corresponds to the
number of new customers in a period of time compared to the number of new customers during the previous period
The presented indicators are calculated as follows:

Customer retention rate (%) = 100 * (Number of distinct customers that purchased products/services in
period t-1 and in period t) / (Number of distinct customers that purchased products/services in period t-1 only)

Customer acquisition rate (%) = 100 * (Number of distinct, first-time customers that purchased
products/services in period t) / (Number of distinct, first-time customers that purchased products/services in
period t))

Customer attrition rate (%) = 100* (1 - Customer retention rate)

Average customer lifetime = 1 / (1- Average retention rate)

Retention rate

Image 10: Retention rate

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Customer attrition rate and number of lost customers

Image 11: Customer attrition rate and number of lost customers

Acquisition rate

Image 12: Acquisition rate


a) Average customer retention rate b) Average customer lifetime

Image 13: Average customer retention rate / Average customer lifetime

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7. Marketing Performance
7.1 Objective
The Marketing Performance dashboard allows us to investigate and analyze the marketing performance in a period of
time as it was formed through the campaigns. The dashboard provides essential information on the campaigns in a
concisely through the corresponding scorecard. The selected campaigns are examined in five interactive charts which
focus on the main, detailed campaign metrics. Furthermore, an interactive map is incorporated for the geographical
analysis of Sales, Responses, and Leads.

7.2 Business answers

What is the total score of the campaign performance in a period of time?

What is the Geographical Distribution of a campaign turnover?

What is the number of responses to a campaign from a particular city?

What is the Revenue per Business Unit and campaign for a particular geo zone?

What is the conversion rate from Leads to Wins?

7.3 Description
Image 14: Marketing Performance

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Campaigns Start Period


Minimum Cost (%)


Analysis Level


This year

Geo Zone (District and City are also available)

Dashboard Objects

Consolidated Cart

The scorecard provides quick and concise information on the performance of the selected campaign. The total score is
displayed along with the specific scores per target groups: a) Financial b) Performance. The groups can be expanded to
the specific indicators that were calculated.
Financial chart | map

This chart presents an overview of all campaigns and metrics (turnover, revenue target, budget cost, and cost) per
campaign. The interactive map is filtered automatically and the total turnover per geo zone is displayed. The bubble
radius is proportional to the turnover achieved in the particular area. The geographical analysis for a particular campaign
is attainable by simply clicking on a data bar of the chart. In reverse, by clicking on the area of a bubble, the turnover
analysis per business unit, activity, and campaign is displayed (given that the map presented data for all campaigns).
The map is again accessible by clicking on the action link: Return. The sales analysis charts are too interactive. By
clicking on any data point of the chart, we can access the invoices that correspond to the specific combination of
campaigns and sales analysis dimension.
Responses | map

This chart presents an overview of all campaigns and metrics (responses, response target, audience, and wins) per
campaign. The interactive map is filtered automatically and the total responses per geo zone are displayed. The bubble
radius is proportional to the number of responses. The geographical analysis for a particular campaign is attainable by
simply clicking on a data bar of the chart. By clicking on the area of a bubble on the interactive map, the responses of a
geo zone may be further analyzed (for one or more selected campaigns). The map is again accessible by clicking on the
action link: Return. The response analysis chart is too interactive. By clicking on any data point of the chart, we can
access the most recent response per person.

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Image 15: Geographical analysis

Leads | map

This chart presents an overview of all campaigns and metrics (leads, lead target, opportunities, and wins) per campaign.
The interactive map is filtered automatically and the total leads per geo zone are displayed. The bubble radius is
proportional to the number of leads. The geographical analysis for a particular campaign is attainable by simply clicking
on a data bar of the chart. By clicking on the area of a bubble on the interactive map, the leads of a geo zone may be
further analyzed (for one or more selected campaigns). The conversion rates from leads to opportunities to wins
are displayed on a balloon tooltip. The indicator icon is defined according to the CampaignTargetAchievement scale.
Cost metrics | map

This chart presents an overview of all campaigns and metrics per campaign i.e. cost per lead, cost per response, cost per
Sales metrics | map

This chart presents an overview of all campaigns and metrics per campaign i.e. turnover per lead, turnover per
response, turnover per win.

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III. Pipeline

Pipeline| Page: 1

Dashboard analytics: Business Intelligence Applications

1. Pipeline analysis
Pipeline analysis includes a series of interactive dashboards that aim to assist Sales executives in managing and
analyzing the sales pipeline. The real-time analysis unveils the key issues and contributes to efficient and accurate
decision-making for resolving any related issues. Pipeline analysis includes dashboards related to both Sales Forecast
and Sales Cycle Performance.
The available dashboards in the pipeline analysis context are:
Pipeline overview
Pipeline by closing date
Stage analysis to target
Pipeline to target by representative
Pipeline analytics
Pipeline revenue analysis
Sales stage analysis
Sales Cycle
Performance of Representatives
Competition analysis

1.1 Pipeline indicators and metrics

In Pipeline Analysis the following indicators and metrics have been incorporated for analyzing the Sales Cycle

Indicator Calculation
Number of Open Opportunities


Weighted Revenue Forecast (worst possible sales scenario)

Open Opportunity duration

Closed Opportunity duration

Opportunity Revenue Estimation

x (%).

Date variance (opening date current)

Date variance (opening date closing date)

Sales Turnover

Sales Opportunity Turnover

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Indicator Calculation
Weighted sales volume

Average deal size

% Forecast achievement

% contribution to Turnover

% Contribution to Sales Forecast

Wins (Wins)


Turnover + weighted Forecast Sales

Turnover opportunities / number of deals

100 * ( Opportunity Turnover / Forecast closed deals)

100 * ( Turnover / Total Turnover)

100 * (Forecast/ Total Forecast)

Won Opportunities

Lost opportunities

Win rate (%))

100 * (Wins/(Wins + Losses))

Loss rate (%)

100 * (Losses /(Wins + Losses))

%Target variance

% Target achievement rate

100*(Turnover target)/target

100 * Turnover / Target

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2. Pipeline overview
2.1 Objective
The Pipeline Overview dashboard provides a concise overview of the current sales status and the forecast for the rest
of the year. At the same time, various analysis dimensions are incorporated for analyzing wins/losses.

2.2 Business answers

Forecast Sales for the next months of the current year.

Forecast per Business Unit

Current win / loss analysis.

2.3 Description
Image 1: Pipeline overview

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Parameter name Default parameter value




Dashboard Objects

Forecast analysis

Consolidated: Three alternative views are available in this, first tab of the Forecast analysis object.

Consolidated turnover analysis Monthly forecast (Turnover / forecast)

Comparison of weighted Forecasts Monthly Sales Forecast

Analysis table

Monthly Business Unit analysis: Three alternative views are available.

Consolidated comparison of weighted turnover to turnover + non-weighted Opportunity forecast.

The analytic view contains an interactive table for filtering the Business Unit (by selecting the corresponding
line). The chart presents the achieved turnover on a monthly basis; it also presents the forecast by comparing
to the weighted turnover to turnover + the non-weighted turnover forecast.

The monthly Turnover view provides as with information on the monthly turnover per Business Unit.


Three supplementary views are available:

Consolidated: The weighted Turnover compared to Turnover and non-weighted Opportunity forecast are

Analytic: An interactive table is included for filtering the sales representative. The chart presents the achieved
turnover on a monthly basis and the forecast, by comparing the weighted turnover to the turnover + the nonweighted turnover forecast.

Monthly Turnover: The monthly turnover by sales representative is presented.

Stage analysis

It presents the Pipeline forecast based on the higher analysis stage. A table with the following metrics per stage is
included: Average duration per stage; Historic avg. Duration; Number of Opportunities, Sales Forecast. Additionally,
Turnover forecast charts are included. The presentation is per analysis stage for the current/next quarter.

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The Wins and Losses are presented comparatively per: Business Unit; Business activity; Lead Source; Sales
representative. A pie chart that presents the percentage of losses and wins is also included.

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3. Pipeline by closing date

3.1 Objective
The Pipeline by closing date dashboard is an interactive application that aims to provide essential assistance in
analyzing and managing the pipeline by closing date.

3.2 Business answers

Which opportunities are in negotiation and which are to be completed in the current period?

What is the revenue forecast for the next months based on the analysis stage / sales stage / Business
Unit/Business activity / revenue scale / certainty scale?

3.3 Description
Image 2: Pipeline by closing date

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Filter based on
Weighted forecast


6 months (3-month, 12-month , and Anything are also available)

All (my team is also available)

Dashboard Objects

Pipeline analysis is based on the following aspects of the open opportunities in a period of time:

Revenue forecast

The forecasted closing date

Sales stage

Pipeline / Closing date

The chart presents the sales forecast per analysis stage / representative / sales stage / Business Unit / Business activity/
Certainty scale / Revenue scale. By clicking on any data point of these alternative charts, the list of the related
Opportunities, presented next, is automatically filtered.

The open opportunities are presented in this list. By clicking on the hyperlink of the Description column, the
corresponding opportunity may be accessed for further editing or viewing.

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4. Stage analysis to target

4.1 Objective
The Stage analysis to target is an interactive dashboard that provides valuable information for an effective, real-time
sales pipeline analysis.

4.2 Business answers

It promptly provides information on achieved turnover (up to the current day) and the forecast in relation to target (for
the next months).

4.3 Description
Image 3: Stage analysis to target

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dashboard involves a monthly Sales Budget compilation on turnover. The company parameters presented in Image 4
(Tools and Configuration \ Customization \ General \ Company Parameters, Parameters Category: Budgets) are required
to be defined in advance.
Image 4: Stage analysis to target | Parameters



Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing Date
Filter based on
Weighted forecast


From the beginning of this year until five quarters after

All (my team is also available)

Dashboard Objects

The Pipeline analysis in relation to the set Target is based on the following:

The Revenue forecast per pipeline analysis stage

The achieved turnover

The target defined in the Sales Budget

The upper half of the dashboard includes parallel pipeline reports in relation to target. On the left, the revenue forecast
is presented, in relation to the target and the achieved turnover per current year quarter. The yellow color is used to
highlight the variance from target, where Variance = Target (Turnover + Forecast). The forecast is calculated per
pipeline analysis stage: Forecast = Forecast (evaluation) + Forecast (quotation) + Forecast (decision). The
report on the right presents the current quarter data per month.
By clicking on a data point related to forecast per pipeline analysis stage the opportunities are
filtered automatically. Thus, the user can be immediately informed on the opportunities in the particular analysis stage.

The dashboard provides capabilities for filtering the pipeline analysis in relation to the Branch Target. The values of the
particular filters are shown if the Sales Budget has been compiled per Branch target. By clicking on a Branch line, the
pipeline analysis is filtered respectively. The filtering by a forecast point is additive to any filters applied in the Branch

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table. If it is desired to view an analysis for all months, the Monthly Analysis is recommended; this chart provides a
detailed report of the forecasts, since analytic information on the variance of the target for all subsequent months is

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5. Pipeline to target by representative

5.1 Objective
The dashboard provides information on Sales Pipeline in relation to the target and per sales representative.

5.2 Business answers

The achieved turnover until today by every sales representative in relation to target is presented. Additionaly the
variance to the target is analyzed, based on the existing revenue forecast for the subsequent months.

5.3 Description
Image 5: Pipeline to target by representative

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dashboard .
Turnover. dashboard
dashboard involves a monthly Sales Budget compilation on turnover. The company parameters presented in Image 6
(Tools and Configuration \ Customization \ General \ Company Parameters, Parameters Category: Budgets) are required
to be defined in advance.
Image 6: Pipeline to target by representative | Parameters



Parameter name Default parameter value

Filter based on
Weighted forecast


All (my team is also available)


Dashboard Objects

The Pipeline to target by representative is based on:

The pipeline revenue forecast

The achieved turnover per Sales representative

The target defined in the Sales Budget

The achieved target in total and per sales representative

The bottom half of the dashboard presents the Sales representatives used in the Sales Budget compilation. After the
dashboard execution, the first / top sales representative is auto-selected for analysis. By clicking on a list row, we may
select a different sales representative. The chart on the left corner of the dashboard presents the quarterly pipeline
analysis; on the right the overview of the current quarter is presented. The variance is calculated as follows: Variance
= Target (Turnover + Forecast)

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By clicking on a data point related to forecast, the open opportunities (listed on the bottom half) are automatically
filtered. By clicking on a data row in the Description column, the corresponding opportunity can be accessed for
viewing / editing.
If it is desired to view the data for all the months in the year, it is recommended to use the Monthly Analysis object.
The yearly report of the pipeline analysis in relation to the target is presented on the bottom of the dashboard. The
indicators present the achieved turnover % and the contribution to turnover.

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6. Pipeline analytics
6.1 Objective
The Pipeline analytics dashboard provides a qualitative analysis of the Sales forecast, in a specific period of time.

6.2 Business answers

What are the top open deals / opportunities?

What is the revenue forecast per revenue scale?

What is the revenue estimation based on the evaluation of the Sales representatives?

A geographical representation.

6.3 Description
Image 7: Pipeline analytics | Revenue scale analysis

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Image 8: Pipeline analytics | Geographical analysis



Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing Period
Filter based on
Weighted forecast


6 months (3 months, and 12 months are also available)

All (my team is also available)

Dashboard Objects

The dashboard contains thirteen sales forecast objects:

Revenue Scale analysis

Revenue Scale: The pie chart presents the forecast per revenue scale. The table next to the chart presents
the estimation of the revenue and the number of the open opportunities. By clicking on the chart, the
opportunities are filtered automatically.

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Revenue Scale / Certainty: A complex analysis of the revenue forecast per certainty scale. By clicking on the
chart, the opportunities are filtered automatically.

Stage analysis

The chart presents the forecast per analysis stage, certainty scale, Business Unit, or Business activity. By clicking on the
chart, the opportunities are filtered automatically.
Geographical analysis

A geographical representation of the Forecasts: per geo zone, district, or city. The bubble radius is proportional to the
Sales Forecast. The color of the bubbles depends on the average forecast per opportunity and it is calculated based on
the opportunity revenue scale. On mouse over a geo zone, an informative tooltip is available. The displayed metrics are:
the total forecast, the number of opportunities and the contribution the Total Sales Forecast. By clicking on the chart,
the opportunities are filtered automatically.
Opportunity analysis

by quality: Both (a) the revenue forecast based on the evaluation of the opportunities and (b) the number
of the opportunities are presented. The evaluation is based on the judgment of sales representative who
manages each opportunity. By clicking on the chart, the opportunities are filtered automatically.

by source: Both (a) the revenue forecast based on the opportunity source and (b) the number of the
opportunities per lead source are presented. By clicking on the chart, the opportunities are filtered
Opportunity analysis

Opportunities: The list presents the open opportunities for the selected period. By clicking on a data row,
under the Description column, the selected opportunity can be accessed for further processing.

Top opportunities (chart): The chart presents the top opportunities in the selected period, ordered by the
revenue forecast; at the same time the corresponding certainty is presented. By clicking on a bar we can access
the corresponding opportunity for processing / viewing.

Top opportunities (list): The chart presents the top in the selected period, ordered by the revenue forecast;
at the same time, further information is available i.e. the sales stage, the certainty and the candidate customer.

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7. Pipeline revenue analysis

7.1 Objective
The Pipeline revenue analysis dashboard provides essential information for analyzing the turnover achieved by
opportunities closed in a period of time.

7.2 Business answers

Which are the top deals?

What is the turnover per opportunity closing date?

What is the turnover lost/won per Business activity?

What is the conversion rate: opportunities to wins?

What is the turnover in relation to the lost revenue forecast?

7.3 Description
Image 9: Pipeline revenue analysis | Monthly Analysis

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Image 10: Pipeline revenue analysis | Opportunity analysis



Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing date
My team


Last 12 months (3 months, and 12 months are also available)


Dashboard Objects

Thirteen Sales Forecast objects are included in the particular dashboard:

Analysis by month

The chart presents the Turnover and the lost revenue on a monthly basis; at the same time the number of opportunities
is presented. By clicking at a data point of the bar chart, the opportunities listed in the Wins object are automatically

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The object contains three alternative views that present the Turnover per Business Unit or/and Business activity. By
clicking at a data point of the bar charts, the opportunities listed in the Wins object are automatically filtered.
Opportunity analysis

Revenue Scale: The achieved turnover per revenue scale is presented. The table on the right presents the
Turnover per revenue scale and the number of deals that contributed to the presented turnover.

Lead Source: The turnover per opportunity source and the number of opportunities per Lead Source are

Profession: number of
. Wins .

All the above can be used as filters for the opportunities listed in the Wins object.
The bottom right object of the dashboard contains three supplementary views:

The list presents the open opportunities for the selected analysis period. By clicking in the hyperlink in the Description
column, an opportunity can be accessed for further processing.
Top deals

The top Wins achieved in the selected period are presented here, ordered by the turnover. By clicking on a bar, we can
access the corresponding opportunity.
Performance indicators

Conversion rate Win (%); Sales forecast to Turnover.

Geographical analysis

The object includes the geographical representation of the turnover per geo zone, district, or city. The bubble radius is
proportional to the turnover. The color depends on the average turnover per deal and it is calculated based on the
opportunity revenue scale. On mouse over a bubble, an informative tooltip is displayed. The metrics presented are: the
total turnover, the number of deals, the win rate, the contribution to turnover, and the turnover/forecast rate. By clicking
on a bubble, the opportunities listed in the Wins object are automatically filtered.

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8. Sales Stage analysis

8.1 Objective
The Sales Stage analysis dashboard aims to present a comprehensive analysis on the Wins and the Losses per sales
stage. At the same time, the average duration per Sales Stage Cycle is presented (closed opportunities).

8.2 Business answers

During which sales phase were we most effective?

What is the average duration of the negotiation stage?

What is the loss analysis per Business Unit?

8.3 Description
Image 11: Sales Stage analysis

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Parameter name Default parameter value



Last 3 months (current year, last year, last 6 months, and last 12 months and
anything are also available)



Dashboard Objects

The win/loss charts are:

Win / Loss analysis

Consolidated: loss analysis per stage (%); win analysis per stage (%); analysis of the sum of wins and losses
per stage (%).

Business Unit: Loss analysis per stage (number of), win analysis per stage (number of); analysis of the sum
of wins and losses per stage.

Lead Source: Loss analysis per stage (number of), win analysis per stage (number of) analysis of the sum of
wins and losses per stage.

Representative: Loss analysis per stage (number of), win analysis per stage (number of) analysis of the sum
of wins and losses per stage

Sales cycle duration

Progressive average duration; average duration in stage (days).

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9. Sales Cycle
9.1 Objective
The Sales Cycle dashboard provides information for analyzing the Sales Cycle by incorporating various Sales Pipeline

9.2 Business answers

What is the average time for closing an opportunity (per closing date)?

What is the lost revenue per certainty scale?

What is the monthly loss rate in conjunction to the lost revenue?

What is the rate per revenue scale?

9.3 Description
Image 12: Sales Cycle

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing date
My team


Last 12 months (3 months, and 12 months are also available)


Dashboard Objects

Average Opportunity duration Win rate

The chart presents on a monthly basis the average duration of the opportunities that were closed during the specific
month, and the win rate.
Lost revenue loss rate

The chart presents the lost revenue per month, the loss rate.
Lost revenue by certainty

Win / loss reason analysis

The chart presents the achieved turnover in relation to the lost revenue per win/loss reason. The win rate is also
Stage analysis (win/loss)

The chart presents the turnover / lost revenue per sales stage to win/loss. The loss rate per sales stage is also
Revenue scale analysis

The chart presents the turnover/lost revenue per revenue scale. The win rate per revenue scale is also presented.

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Performance of Representatives

10.1 Objective
The Representatives Performance dashboard provides us essential information for analyzing the performance of our
sales representatives in relation to their target.

10.2 Business answers

What is the win rate per representative?

What is the variance in relation to the turnover per representative?

What is the forecast for the subsequent months in total or per representative?

10.3 Description
Image 13: Performance of Representatives | Analysis by representative

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Image 14: Performance of Representatives | Consolidated insight

10.3.1 Prerequisites
The dashboard requires the compilation of a monthly budget on turnover. The company parameters, presented in Image
15, need to be defined in advance.
Image 15: Performance by representative | Parameters

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10.3.2 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing date

Current fiscal year

Filter based on




10.3.3 Dashboard Objects

The dashboard comprises of two analysis pages.
The first page Analysis by representative provides information on the representatives performance; the second
one provides a concise overview and an interactive monthly analysis. After the execution of the dashboard the top sales
representative (i.e. the sales representative that achieved the highest turnover) is auto0-selected and used as a filter for
the rest of the dashboard objects. The three performance indicators, positioned at the bottom right of the dashboard,

Gross profit (%)

Contribution to Turnover (%)

The Turnover to Target percentage (100*Turnover/Target)

On the top right of the dashboard, the pipeline performance is presented through the win rate indicator and the
Turnover to Sales forecast indicator. At the bottom left, a monthly turnover analysis is provided; the data are presented
in relation to the target. Additionally, information on the revenue forecast from open opportunities is available. The
monthly turnover variance is also provided.

The consolidated page provides information on the following:

Gross profit (%)

Contribution to turnover (%)

Turnover to Target percentage (100*Turnover/Target)

Win rate

% Forecast to Turnover

Monthly variation from target

Turnover analysis on a monthly basis in relation to target and forecast. The chart can be used for filtering the
indicators on the right, in order to view the monthly pipeline performance.

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Competition analysis

11.1 Objective
The competition analysis dashboard provides essential information for analyzing the competition as this is recorder
through the opportunities manages by the Sales executives.

11.2 Business answers

How many times did we win / lost over a specific competitor?

What is the achieved / lost Turnover per opportunity closing date?

How are we compared to a competitor during the negotiation stage?

What was the main reason for the win / loss in relation to a competitor?

11.3 Description
Image 16: Competition analysis

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11.3.1 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value

Closing date
My team
Period grouping

Current fiscal year

Quarter (month is also available)

11.3.2 Dashboard Objects

Competition analysis

Competitors: Our competitors during a period of time are presented here. For each competitor, we are
presented with the lost/won revenue. Furthermore, we are presented with the win rate and the open forecast.
By selecting a competitor, the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects are automatically filtered.
After the execution of the dashboard the first competitor is automatically selected.

Analysis by quarter: The chart presented the won / lost revenue in relation to the competition, and the loss

Analysis by representative: The lost / won revenue and the wins per representative are presented.

Opportunities: Here, the recorder opportunities for the selected competitor are presented. Through the action
links on the top of the list (Wins, Losses, Open), we may filter the listed opportunities.

Win / Loss reason analysis

The active sales stage, when the loss/win was recorded, is presented here. The win rate per reason is also presented.
Stage analysis (win/loss)

The turnover / lost revenue during a sales stage that led to win / loss. The win rate per sales stage is also presented.
The chart is particularly important since we may elicit information on our performance during the various stages (e.g.
quotation stage; decision-negotiation stage). The loss rate per stage is also presented.
Revenue Scale analysis

The turnover/lost revenue per revenue scale is presented here. The win rate per revenue is also included.

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IV. Sales

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1. Sales analysis
Sales analysis dashboards provide a series of interactive applications that aim to assist sales representatives in
administering, managing, and analyzing Sales Performance by several business dimensions. The real-time analysis
contributes to efficient and accurate decision-making for resolving sales related issues.
The available dashboards in the marketing context are:
Current Sales Insight
Item Categories Analysis
Customer Categories Analysis
Dimension Analysis
Top Customer Analysis
Geo Zones
Geo Zones / target
Branch Analysis
Sales representatives / target
Sales Comparison
Market basket analysis

1.1 Indicators and metrics

The sales indicators in use are:



Gross Profit (GP)

Gross Profit (%)

Contribution (%) to Turnover

Contribution to Gross Profit

Gross Profit Margin (%)

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Margin on Cost (%)

Days Sales Outstanding (%)

Customer acquisition rate (%)

Retention rate (%)

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2. Current Sales Insight

2.1 Objective
The Current Sales Insight dashboard provides capabilities for viewing as a whole and in detail the current status of
Sales. This insight is provided by a series of analysis charts that present data about the basic business entities per
various business dimensions.

2.2 Business answers

What is the turnover for the current month in comparison to the current quarter/year?

Who are the top customers?

Which are the top Items sold during the current year?

What is the current turnover per Business Unit and Business Activity?

2.3 Description
Image 1: Current Sales Insight

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Parameter name Default parameter value




Dashboard Objects

The analysis period is the current fiscal year. The particular dashboard is auto-executable and non-interactive.

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3. Item Category Analysis

3.1 Objective
The dashboard provides us capabilities for effective Turnover and Gross profit analysis based on Item groupings.

3.2 Business answers

What is the monthly Gross Profit (%) for an Item category?

Which are the top Items of a category in a quarter?

Who are the top customers of a time period in relation to an Item category?

What is the Gross Profit per quarter for an Item group?

3.3 Description
Image 2: Item category analysis (Page 1: Analytic)

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Image 3: Item category analysis (Page 2: Consolidated)



Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Period grouping


Current fiscal year

Family (group, category, sub-category are also available)
Month (quarter is also available)

Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic

This dashboard includes two pages. The Analytic page is fully interactive and provides focused information on Sales, by
combining various groupings and metrics in relation to the Items sold and the Services provided.
Grouping analysis

The interactive chart presents Sales (in the selected period) per Item Groupings (the defined in the corresponding
parameter). The grouping that accumulates the highest sales is auto-selected (accentuated slice) and used to filter the
data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can select any other grouping presented on the chart.

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Contribution (%) to Turnover; Gross Profit (%)

Period analysis

The chart presents the turnover and the gross profit (%) per period. By clicking on a data point of the bar chart the

following objects2 are additionally filtered by the corresponding period.

The title between the above two charts is dynamic and displays the analysis level based on these two charts.
Business Dimensions

The object presents the Turnover, and Gross Profit per Business Dimension. There are two alternative views: Business
Unit, and Business Activity.
Sales persons

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per Sales person. There are two alternative views: the
chart view and the list view.

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per (Top) Branch. There are two alternative views: the
chart view and the list view.

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per (Top) Customer. Both chart view and List View are
available. Furthermore, there are three more alternative views. These are: per (Top Customer) Family, Geo Zone, and

The object presents the Turnover, and Gross Profit, per (Top) Item. Both chart view and List View are available.

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period.

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Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated

The Consolidated page provides concise, comparative information on Sales, by combining the dimensions, groupings
and metrics selected by the user.
The first two objects provide a comparative analysis based on the selected dimension:
Dimension analysis

Contribution to GP (%); Turnover Analysis (periodical); Gross Profit (%)

Period analysis

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per month. There are two alternative views: the chart view
and the list view.

Gross Profit (%)

Top performers

These three charts present the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity that correspond to the top ten Sales Persons; the
top ten Items; the top ten Branches, and the top ten Customers.

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4. Customer Categories Analysis

4.1 Objective
The Customer Categories dashboard provides essential information for analyzing the Turnover and the Gross Profit by
various Customer groupings.

4.2 Business answers

Who are the top customers during a quarter and which items did they purchase?

What is the monthly Gross Profit (%) per customer category?

Which are the categories of the Items purchased by top customers (in terms of turnover), during a period, sold
by a particular Branch?

What are the Turnover and the Gross Profit (%) for a customer category, per Business Unit/ Activity?

Which are the top customers in a particular profession, during a period of time?

4.3 Description
Image 4: Customer categories (Page 1: Analytic)

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Image 5: Customer categories (Page 2: Consolidated)



Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Customer grouping
Period grouping


Current fiscal year

Family (Group, Category, and Profession are also available)

Dashboard Objects

This dashboard includes two pages. Twenty five dashboard objects in total are included.
The Analytic page is fully interactive and consists of a variety of Dashboard Objects for Sales Analysis (Turnover /
Quantity) and Profitability Analysis. The grouping that accumulates the highest turnover is auto-selected (accentuated
slice) and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can select any other grouping
presented on the chart.

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By clicking on a data point of the charts displayed in the next two dashboard objects, the Item Analysis page (in the
fourth and last dashboard object) is additionally filtered by the corresponding period and Geo Zone or Business
Unit/Activity or Branch or Customer3.
In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected customer category

Selected customer category & month or quarter

Selected customer category & month or quarter & Geo Zone or Business Unit or Business Activity or Branch or

Selected customer category & Geo Zone or Business Unit or Business Activity or Branch or Customer

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus.
The Consolidated page provides concise, comparative information on Sales, Gross Profit (%) and Profitability, by
combining customer & period groupings, and metrics selected by the user.

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension.

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5. Dimension Analysis
5.1 Objective
The Dimension Analysis Dashboard provides us information on the Turnover and Gross Profit (%) turnover; the
analysis is per Sales Dimensions.

5.2 Business answers

What is the gross profit (%) per month/quarter for a Business Dimension?

Which are the top items of a category for a quarter and a business activity?

Who are the top customers for a quarter and a business unit?

Which are the top branches for a business unit?

5.3 Description
Image 6: Dimension analysis (Page 1: Analytic)

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Image 7: Dimension analysis (Page 2: Consolidated)



Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Top N records
Period grouping


Current fiscal year

Business Unit

Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic

This dashboard includes two pages.

The Analytic page is fully interactive and provides focused information on Sales, by combining various dimensions and

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Dimension analysis

The interactive chart presents Sales (in the selected period) per Business Dimension (the defined in the corresponding
parameter). The dimension that accumulates the highest sales is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in
the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can select any other dimension that is presented on the chart.

Contribution (%) to Turnover; Gross Profit (%)

Period analysis

The chart presents the turnover and the gross profit (%) per period. By clicking on a data point of the bar chart the

following objects4 are additionally filtered by the corresponding period.

The title between the above two charts is dynamic and displays the analysis level based on these two charts.
Sales persons

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per Sales person. There are two alternative views: the
chart view and the list view.

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per (Top) Branch. There are two alternative views: the
chart view and the list view.

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per (Top) Customer. There are four alternative views
depending on the grouping by which the previous mentioned data are presented. These are: per (Top Customer) Family,
Geo Zone, and Profession.

The object presents the Turnover, and Gross Profit, per (Top) Item. Both chart view and List View are available.
Furthermore, there are four more alternative views depending on the grouping by which the previous mentioned data
are presented. These are: per (Top Item) Family, Group, Category, and Sub-Category.

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period.

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Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated

The Consolidated page provides concise information on Sales, by combining various dimensions and metrics selected
by the user.
The first two objects provide a comparative analysis based on the selected dimension:
Dimension analysis

Contribution to GP (%); Turnover Analysis (periodical); Gross Profit (%)

Period analysis

The object presents the Turnover, Gross Profit, and Quantity per month. There are two alternative views: the chart view
and the list view.

Gross Profit (%)

Top performers

These three charts present the Turnover, and Gross Profit that correspond to the top Sales persons; the top Items; and
the top Customers.

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6. Top Customer Analysis

6.1 Objective
The Customer Categories dashboard provides essential information for a comprehensive, interactive analysis of the top
10 customers, in relation to the Turnover and the Gross Profit (%).

6.2 Business answers

Which Items were purchased by a Top Customer during a period of time?

Which Item categories are purchased (per Business Unit / Activity) by a Top Customer?

What is the Sales Gross Profit (%) in an Activity, by quarter, for a particular Top Customer?

6.3 Description
Image 8: Top Customer Analysis

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Period grouping


Current fiscal year


Dashboard Objects

In the first dashboard object, the grouping that accumulates the highest turnover is auto-selected (accentuated slice)
and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can select any other grouping
presented on the chart.
By clicking on a data point on the charts displayed in the next two dashboard objects, the Item Analysis page (in the
fourth and last dashboard object) is additionally filtered by the corresponding period and Business Unit/Activity5.
In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected customer

Selected customer & month or quarter

Selected customer & month or quarter & Business Unit or Business Activity

Selected customer & Business Unit or Business Activity

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus.
The two indicators present the total Gross Profit (%) per customer and the Contribution to Turnover (%).

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension.

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7. Geo Zones
7.1 Objective
The Geo Zones dashboard provides essential information for a comprehensive, interactive analysis on the Turnover
and Gross Profit per Geo Zone.

7.2 Business answers

Which are the top Items purchased by the Top Customers in a Geo Zone?

What is the Gross Profit (%) per quarter for a Geo Zone?

What is the Gross Profit per Item Category for a Geo Zone?

What is the quarterly Sales Gross Profit (%) for a Business Unit, in a Geo Zone?

7.3 Description
Image 9: Geo Zones (Page 1: Analytic)

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Image 10: Geo Zones (Page 2: Consolidated | Object: Top performers - Customers)

Image 11: Geo Zones (Page 2: Consolidated | Object: Top performers Customer family)

Image 12: Geo Zones (Page 2: Consolidated | Object: Top performers Profession)

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Period grouping


Current fiscal year


Dashboard Objects

The geographical Sales and Profitability analysis consists of two pages and over twenty dashboard objects.
In the first, interactive page Analytic, and specifically in the Turnover analysis dashboard object, the geo zone that
accumulates the highest turnover is auto-selected (accentuated slice) and used to filter the data presented in the rest of
the dashboard objects. The user can select any other grouping presented on the chart.
By clicking on a data point on the charts displayed in the next two dashboard objects, the Item Analysis page (in the
fourth and last dashboard object, first page) is additionally filtered by the corresponding period and Business
Unit/Activity or Customer or Sales Person6.
In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected Geo Zone

Selected Geo Zone & month or quarter

Selected Geo Zone & month or quarter & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer or Sales Person

Selected Geo Zone & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer or Sales Person

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus. The two indicators present the total Gross Profit (%) per geo zone and its Contribution
to Turnover (%).
The second dashboard page provides a comparative analysis of geo zones. At the same time, a concise presentation of
Sales Profitability (per month or quarter) and the total Gross Profit (%) is also provided. Additionally, the user may get
quick and accurate information on the following top performers:


Customer family


Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension.

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8. Geo Zone to Target

8.1 Objective
The Geo Zone to target dashboard provides comprehensive analysis of the target set by the Sales Department per
Geographical Zone.

8.2 Business answers

Which is the Family of the most (top) purchased items by the top customers in a Geo Zone?

What is the monthly/quarterly Gross Profit (%) in a Geo Zone?

What is the Gross Profit per Geo Zone Activity?

What is the monthly/quarterly Sales Gross Profit (%) in a Business Unit, in a particular Geo Zone?

8.3 Description
Image 13: Geo Zone to Target (Page 1: Analytic)

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There are some prerequisites for Geo Zone to Target dashboard. These are:

Sales Budget Compilation: monthly or quarterly budget on turnover. Two Company Parameters are required
to be defined (Image 14); both are categorized as Budget parameters. The first defines the Budget Sheet Type
and the second one defines the Budget Sheet Profile. The periodical turnover analysis by Geo Zone is based on
the Accumulation type (monthly or quarterly) of the Budget Sheet Profile.
Image 14: Company Parameters | Geo Zones and Budget

Scales: The Scales are accessible in Customization / Organization Parameters / Business Dimensions, as shown
in Image 15. Scales are used for the definition of the bubble color on the map and, specifically, the
GeoTargetAchievement Scale.
Image 15: Customization / Organization Parameters / Business Dimensions / Scales

The calculation rule is:

Minimum Scale Line Value < Value <= Maximum Scale Line Value

The lines with minimum/maximum value = 0 are calculated as - and + correspondingly. If the values are modified,
then it is required to Publish Changes (Cache administration) in order to take effect. The default values in the
GeoTargetAchievement Scale are presented in Image 16.
Image 16: GeoTargetAchievement Scale - default values

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period


Current year

Dashboard Objects | Page: Analytic

The Geo Zone to Target dashboard consists of two pages.

Turnover per Geo Zone | map

The Geo Zone to target dashboard provides a comprehensive Turnover/Target Analysis by incorporating an interactive
map (Google or Bing). The bubble size depends on the achieved Turnover in a particular Geo Zone. The color
corresponds to a scale range (Image 16). The geo zone that accumulates the highest turnover is auto-selected (and
presented as the map title) and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can
select any other grouping presented on the map. Map functionality includes: Filtering by Geo Zone (Click on bubble);
Informative tooltips on mouse over (Turnover and Target); Zoom in / Zoom out.
Turnover GP (%)

By clicking on a chart data point, the Item Analysis page (on the fourth and last dashboard object of the first page) is
additionally filtered by the corresponding period and Business Unit/Activity or Customer or Sales Person7. The chart
presents the actual Turnover, the Target, and the GP (%) in relation to the Target, per budget period.
Business Unit, Business Activity, Customers (Top, Families, Profession), Sales Person

In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected Geo Zone

Selected Geo Zone & month or quarter

Selected Geo Zone & month or quarter & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer (Top, Families,
Profession) or Sales Person

Selected Geo Zone & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer (Top, Families, Profession) or Sales Person

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus.

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension.

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The three indicators present the Gross Profit (%) per geo zone; its Contribution to Turnover (%); Turnover/Target (%).


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated

The second dashboard page presents a comparative analysis of geo zones. The Geo Zones List presents information
about: Turnover; Target; Variation from Target; Gross Profit information. Additionally a concise overview of the
(monthly/quarterly) Turnover GP (%) and the total Gross Profit are available.

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9. Branch analysis
9.1 Objective
The Branch analysis dashboard provides essential information for analyzing the Turnover and the Gross Profit achieved
by a Companys Branches.

9.2 Business answers

Which are the Top Customers during a period of time (month / quarter) and what items did they purchase from
a particular Branch?

What is the monthly Gross Profit (%) for a specific Branch?

Which are the categories of Items sold during a period of time by a Branch, per Business Unit?

What is the monthly/quarterly Turnover GP (%) for a particular category of customers, for a specific Branch?

Which are the purchased items by a specific group of customers, during a specified period of time?

9.3 Description
Image 17: Branch analysis (Page 1: Analytic)

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Image 18: Branch analysis (Page 2: Consolidated)



Parameter name Default parameter value


Current fiscal year



Period grouping



Dashboard Objects

The Branch analysis dashboard consists of two pages.

In the interactive page Analytic, and specifically in the Turnover analysis chart, the branch that accumulates the
highest turnover is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can
select any other branch.
By clicking on a data point on the charts displayed in the next two dashboard objects, the Item Analysis page (in the
fourth and last dashboard object, first page) is additionally filtered by the corresponding period and Business

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Unit/Activity or Geo Zone or Customer (Top Customers chart, Top Customers list, Family, Profession) or Sales
In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected Branch

Selected Branch & month or quarter

Selected Branch & month or quarter & Business Unit or Business Activity or Geo Zone or Customer (Top
Customers chart, Top Customers list, Family, Profession) or Sales Person

Selected Branch & Business Unit or Business Activity or Geo Zone or Customer (Top Customers chart, Top
Customers list, Family, Profession) or Sales Person

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus. The two indicators present the total Gross Profit (%) per branch and its Contribution to
Turnover (%).
The second page (Consolidated) provides a comparative analysis of branches. At the same time, a concise presentation
of Sales Profitability (per month or quarter) and the total Gross Profit (%) is also provided. Additionally, the user may
get quick and accurate information on the following top performers:

Sales persons



Business Activity

Business Unit

Note that the two indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension.

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Sales representatives to target

10.1 Objective
The Sales representatives to Target dashboard provides essential information for analyzing the performance of sales
representatives in relation to their target.

10.2 Business answers

Which are the top Items purchased by the customers of a sales representative?

What is the monthly Gross Profit (%) per Sales representative?

What is the monthly Sales forecast for a particular sales representative?

What is the monthly Sales Gross Profit (%) per Business Unit for a particular sales representative?

10.3 Description
Image 19: Sales representatives to Target

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Image 20: Sales representatives to Target (alternative view)

10.3.1 Prerequisites
There are some prerequisites for Sales representative to Target dashboard. These are:

Sales Budget Compilation: monthly budget on turnover. Two Company Parameters are required to be
defined (); both are categorized as Budget parameters. The first defines the Budget Sheet Type and the
second one defines the Budget Sheet Profile.
Image 21: Company Parameters | Sales Representative and Budget

10.3.2 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value


Current year



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10.3.3 Dashboard Objects

In the first dashboard object, the Sales representative that accumulates the highest turnover is auto-selected
(accentuated slice) and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user may select any
other grouping presented on the chart. There two more views available on this dashboard object:

The Consolidated view is a list of the Sales representatives that displays information on Turnover, GP, and

The Contribution to GP (%) doughnut chart

The Monthly analysis dashboard object consists of three alternative views. The first one: Target Expected Turnover presents combined information on these three metrics. The other two charts present the Variation from
Target and the Gross Profit.
By clicking on a data point of the Target Expected - Turnover view or/and any of the views available on the third
object, the Item Analysis page (in the fourth and last dashboard object) is additionally filtered by the corresponding
period and Business Unit/Activity/Customers9.
In total, the additional filters available are:

Selected sales representative

Selected sales representative & month

Selected sales representative & month & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer

Selected sales representative & Business Unit or Business Activity or Customer

When the user includes a filter from the third dashboard, then the Item Analysis page (on the fourth dashboard object)
automatically comes into focus.
The four indicators present the Gross Profit (%), Target achievement (%), Turnover Contribution (%),
Discounts/Turnover (%).

Note that the three indicators are not filtered by the selected period or the selected business dimension/customer.

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Sales comparison

11.1 Objective
The Sales Comparison dashboard provides focused information by comparing the achieved Turnover and Gross Profit
(%) of two or more Fiscal Years. The presentation of the information is per several main Business Dimensions and

11.2 Business answers

Multi-dimensional Comparison of the achieved Turnover and Gross Profit (%) of two or more Fiscal Years.

11.3 Description
Image 22: Sales Comparison

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Image 23: Sales Comparison | Monthly analysis

Image 24: Sales Comparison | Turnover and Gross profit comparison per Item Family

11.3.1 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value

Start from

From 3 fiscal years before until current fiscal year

11.3.2 Dashboard Objects

This dashboard aims to report:

Fiscal year comparison

Branch comparison

Business Unit comparison

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Business Activity comparison

Item groupings comparison

Customer groupings comparison

Fiscal year comparison on a monthly basis

Sales representative comparison

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Performance/Profitability Indicators

12.1 Objective
The Performance/Profitability Indicators dashboard provides a concise overview by presenting the main Performance
and Profitability Indicators for a specified Fiscal Year and by comparing them to the corresponding periods of previous
fiscal years.

12.2 Business answers

What is the Gross Profit Margin in the current fiscal year?

What is the customer acquisition rate?

The achieved turnover by new customers in comparison to the achieved turnover by old customers.

12.3 Description
Image 25: Performance/Profitability Indicators (Page 1: Gross profit (%))

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Image 26: Performance/Profitability Indicators (Page 3: Turnover analysis)

12.3.1 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value

Fiscal year

Current fiscal year



Business Unit


Business Activity


Business Dimension 1


Business Dimension 2


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12.3.2 Dashboard Objects

The Performance/Profitability Indicators dashboard consists of four pages:

Gross Profit Margin (%): The indicators are calculated for the current fiscal year and the current period. At
the same time, the dashboard page includes indicators that present the change in comparison to the previous
fiscal year and to the corresponding period of the previous year.

Cost Margin (%): Similarly to the previously described page, the indicators are calculated for the current
fiscal year and the current period. At the same time, the second dashboard page includes indicators that
present the change in comparison to the previous fiscal year and to the corresponding period of the previous

Turnover analysis: The turnover is calculated for the current fiscal year and the current period. At the same
time, the second dashboard page includes indicators that present the change in comparison to the previous
fiscal year and to the corresponding period of the previous year. Additionally, the dashboard page includes an
indicator that presents the calculated turnover in comparison to the target.

Customer indicators: In this page, indicators of customer acquisition and retention rate are included and,
additionally, a chart that provides comparative information between the achieved turnover from old and new
customers. An overview on the Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) is provided.

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Market basket analysis

13.1 Objective
The Market analysis dashboard focuses on presenting the Retail Sales key indicators.

13.2 Business answers

What is the weekly Gross Profit in relation to the weekly Turnover?

What is the daily average Turnover and Quantity for a specific branch?

What is the transaction load in relation to the daily / hourly Turnover?

What is the turnover percentage of known customers?

What is the number of categories of traded items during a period of time, at a particular Branch?

13.3 Description
Image 27: Market basket analysis (Page 1: Branch Analysis)

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13.3.1 Indicators Metrics

The marketing activity performance indicators in use are:

Indicator Calculation
number of transactions

Sales quantity

The calculation is based on the Company Parameter that

Number of unique traded Item Categories

defined the Item Grouping: DsB Item group by (Default value =


Number of unique traded Items

Average per Item Category

Average per Item

Number of unique Item Categories / Number of transactions

Number of unique Items / Number of transactions



Average Sales price

Sales value / Sale Quantity (Base MU)

Average Turnover

Turnover / Number of transactions

Average Quantity

Quantity / Number of transactions

Number of Credit Card Transactions

Turnover by Credit Card Transactions (%)

Number of known customers

100 * (Turnover by Credit Card Transactions / Total Turnover)

Number of Customers other than the default defined at

Document Type / Branch

Number of unknown customers

Turnover by known customers (%)

100 * (Turnover by known customers / Total Turnover)

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Indicator Calculation
Discounts to Turnover (%)

100 * (Discounts / Total Turnover)

Gross Sales Profit (%)

13.3.2 Parameters

Parameter name Default parameter value

Analysis period
Document Type - International Code

Current fiscal year

ES.12200.01 (The default Retail Sales Document Type used in ESRetail)

13.3.3 Dashboard Objects

The Marker basket analysis dashboard consists of two pages.
In the first, interactive page Analytic, the previously discussed Indicators (Retail Sales Indicators per Branch) are
analyzed. By selecting a record, at the Branch Indicators List, the other objects of this page are filtered accordingly. The
presented information includes:

Top performance per Item and Item Category level

Weekly analysis: a) Turnover - Transactions, ) Average basket, ) Gross Profit (%)

Daily transaction workload: Hourly analysis of number of transactions and turnover

Today analysis: Average Turnover in relation to Average Quantity

The second dashboard page provides a concise analysis of Retail Sales Indicators. At the same time, the top items are
presented (viewing per various groupings is available). Additionally, the user may get quick and accurate information on
the following:

Top items

Gross Profit (%), Known Customers (%); known customer turnover (%); Discounts/Turnover (%)

Weekly transaction analysis (turnover transactions; average basket; Gross Profit (%))

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V. Services

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1. Service Analysis
The service analysis dashboards provide a series of interactive BI applications that aim to assist service representatives
in managing and analyzing the service life-cycle and the effectiveness of any services jobs (in-house and on-site)
provided. The real-time analysis unveils the key issues and contributes to efficient and accurate management.
The available dashboards in this context are:
Case analysis
Service jobs analytics
Customer care analysis

1.1 Service indicators and metrics

The service performance indicators and metrics in use are:

Indicator Calculation
Case count

Number of jobs: Service in-house, on-site, phone support

Case duration

Job duration

Open cases

Open jobs: Service in-house, on-site, phone support

Open jobs without representative

Number of cases resolved on the same day

Daily resolution rate (%)

100 * Number of cases resolved on the same day / Case count

Number of in-time responses

Number of overdue responses

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Indicator Calculation
Number of in-time resolutions

Number of overdue resolutions

Response rate (%)

Fix rate (%)

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2. Case Analysis
2.1 Objective
The Case Analysis dashboard allows us to investigate and analyze the performance in customer care cases.

2.2 Business answers

What is the daily resolution rate?

What is the fix rate?

What is the case workload by day and hour?

Insight on current Case ageing.

2.3 Description
Image 1: Case analysis (Page 1)

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Image 2: Case analysis (Page 2: Current Insight)



Parameter name Default parameter value

Time period
Units of time


This year

Dashboard Objects | Page: Case Analysis

This dashboard includes two pages.

The Case analysis page provides us with concise information on the cases, by incorporating various dimensions and
Case workload

The chart presents the number of cases per day/hour or per month (depending on the corresponding parameter value).

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Cases resolved by representative on the same day

The chart presents the resolution rate per representative (%).


The following three indicators are available: Daily resolution rate; Response rate (%); Fix rate (%).


Dashboard Objects | Page: Current insight

The Current Insight page is interactive and provides us substantial, current information per service representative10.
Cases by representative

The first service representative is auto-selected and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard
objects. The related cases are listed in the Cases list below.
Ageing insight

This is an interactive, stacked chart that analyzes the case ageing per priority. The displayed data are auto-filtered based
on the selected service representative in the Cases by representative chart. By clicking on a data point of the bar chart
the related cases are additionally filtered by the ageing info. The ageing calculation is based on the
ES.ServiceJobAgeing scale.
Status analysis

This is stacked chart presents the overdue and in-time cases for the selected representative per status.
Average days in stage

The chart presents the average duration (in days) of open cases per status, for the selected service representative in the
chart: Cases by representative.


Note that the Case Analysis dashboard is not executed automatically; nevertheless, it is not required to execute the dashboard per

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This list presents the open cases of the selected representative (chart: Cases by representative) and the selected
ageing group (Chart: Ageing insight). By clicking on the raw data in the Code column, we can access the
corresponding case for viewing/editing.

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3. Service jobs analytics

3.1 Objective
The Service jobs analytics dashboard allows us to investigate and analyze customer care performance.

3.2 Business answers

What is the fix rate (%) per service representative?

Insight on current Service Job ageing, per priority.

What is the overall progress of service jobs?

What is the Due Date of Service Jobs per Status?

3.3 Description
Image 3: Service Job analytics (Page 1: Representatives)

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Image 4: Service Job analytics (Page 2: Priority)

Image 5: Service Job analytics (Page 3: Consolidated)

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Parameter name Default parameter value



This year

Dashboard Objects | Page: Representatives

This dashboard includes three pages.

The Representatives dashboard provides interactive capabilities for monitoring the performance of service
Job count by representative

The interactive chart presents the number of service jobs per representative. The first representative is auto-selected
and used to filter the data presented in the rest of the dashboard objects. The user can select any other representative
that is presented on the chart.
Task progress

The chart presents the progress of tasks for the selected representative.
Due date analysis per status

This stacked chart presents the representatives jobs examined by due date and status.

The chart presents the number of successful and unsuccessful responses for the selected representative.

The chart presents the number of successful and unsuccessful fixes for the selected representative.

Fix rate (%) and Response rate (%) of the selected representative.

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Dashboard Objects | Page: Priority

The Priority page provides interactive capabilities for monitoring the priority of open jobs.
Job priority

The chart presents both the number of jobs per priority and the number of jobs that have not been assigned to a
representative. By clicking on a data point, the Open Service Jobs list data are filtered automatically.
Priority analysis

This dashboard object consists of four alternative views of the priority analysis chart: per representative, due date,
severity, and status. By clicking on a data point, the Open Service Jobs list data are filtered automatically.
Job type analysis

This interactive chart presents the number of jobs by priority and job type. By clicking on a data point, the Open Service
Jobs list data are filtered automatically.
Open Service Jobs

The open service jobs are presented in this list. By clicking on the link, which is available in the Code column at row
level, the particular job can be accessed for viewing and editing.


Dashboard Objects | Page: Consolidated

The Consolidated page provides consolidated information on the service jobs performance.
Task progress

The chart presents the number of jobs per stage.

Job status analysis

The chart displays the number of open jobs presented by their status and their due date.

The chart presents the number of successful and unsuccessful responses.

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The chart presents the number of successful and unsuccessful fixes.


Response rate (%); Fix rate (%)

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4. Customer care analysis

4.1 Objective
The Customer care analysis dashboard provides an overview of the provided services.

4.2 Business answers

What is the number of cases in relation to service jobs?

Which are the 10 most frequent customers serviced?

What is the monthly number of jobs by type?

What is the monthly service revenue?

4.3 Description
Image 6: Customer Care analysis

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Parameter name Default parameter value

Period grouping


This year
Month (Quarter is also available)

Dashboard Objects

Number of cases service jobs

The chart presents the number of jobs in the selected period of time, grouped by the selected period grouping (i.e.
month or quarter).
Number of jobs by type

This chart presents the number of jobs per service type (in-house & on-site) per period grouping (i.e. the defined
parameter value).
Overdue case analysis

This dashboard object consists of two alternative views. It presents the number of cases and the number of overdue
cases per period (first view) or per representative (second view).
Average resolution time of cases by representative

The chart presents both the number of cases by representative and the average resolution time by representative.
Ten most serviced entities

This dashboard object consists of two alternative views. It presents the top ten of the most frequently serviced
customers (first view) and Items (second view).
Service revenues

The chart provides a periodical representation of service revenues.

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