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Technology Integration Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Multidigit Addition

Concept / Topic: Addition of numbers with two or greater digits.
Grade Level
6-8th grade special education
Standards: (both NCSCOS and ITSE)
Extended 6.NS.4: Understand that the order of the digits determines the given number and
use this understanding to compare sets and numbers (i.e., 24 and 42, 24 is less than 42
becomes it contains 2 tens and 42 contains 4 tens).
Extended 7.NS.2: Use all operations to solve problems with whole numbers (0-100).
NC ITSE 7.TT.1.1: Use appropriate technology tools and other sources to access
General Goal(s): this should be the overall purpose of your lesson
Students will use an online math game to practice solving multidigit addition problems.
Objective(s): they should follow the in ABCD format covered in class.
Given small group instruction, students will be able to solve multidigit addition problems by
writing, with 90% accuracy.
Required Materials: What do you need to complete this lesson? A video camera,
worksheets, etc. Consider the technology/materials for teachers and learners.
SmartBoard, worksheets, base 10 blocks.
Step-By-Step Procedures: what are the steps to complete this lesson? Step 1 do this, then do
this, etc.
Step 1: Review single digit addition with students on the SmartBoard. I will write the
problems on the board and get input from students on how to solve it.
Step 2: Explain base 10 blocks to the students. Remind them that 10 ones pieces equal 1 tens
piece, and that 10 tens pieces equal 1 hundreds piece.
Step 3: Use base ten blocks to explain the process of regrouping when adding multidigit
Step 4: Go over multidigit addition problems on the board, and have students take turns
helping solve them.

Step 5: Give students a worksheet of 10 problems to solve at their desks. They can raise their
hand for help if they get stuck.
Step 6: After everyone finishes their worksheets, the class will play an addition game on the
SmartBoard. Each student will take turns coming up to the board to solve a problem and
select the correct answer.
Step 7: Give the students a post lesson assessment.
Closure: how do we end? Reflect as a class? Presentations? etc.
At the end of the lesson, I will ask the students to tell me what they learned. We will reflect
on regrouping and base 10 blocks.
Assessment Based on Objectives how are students graded?
Students will receive a 10-problem assessment containing multidigit addition problems. They
are to complete it with 90% accuracy.
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities)
If necessary, students who cannot complete two-digit by two-digit addition, they will practice
two digit by one digit addition problems. They will have different worksheets, and the game
can be adapted to make the problems easier.
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
For gifted students, they will solve addition problems that are three digit by three digit. Their
assessment will be twelve questions instead of ten, and the online game can be adapted to be
made more difficult for them.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects
Multidigit is useful for science because, depending on the assignment, the students might
need to add up multidigit numbers. Students will be able to use the skills taught in this lesson
to solve problems they come across in science.

Student Name: Taylor Cordes

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