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General Electric



The Duhglowa luminaire

is ds intended lor u* ar
highe! mountj.g heights

nished rdl..ror


ctlindncal lines of the

Minimount" !m naie win


architts favor for low wattage

ind@t or covered outd@r

wattages rdge frcm 250

to 1000. 5 cE4.aaaz

Utilitng an AICL,ASq


ddf. lrrindE

nclosd 6nd fiteren


highr rndntinq heighls

sockei and

!n 25O ro 100O'!a{ rds


lluminaung wo.k tasks that

Prog.ess along an assmbly i.e
or helping ka6ic move smoo$Ly
ln tunnels is the Uneglow
tuminane s special purpose.
Watrages .ange 70 to 150.
Get AFA 10752.

For convening irdn inndekent and ,luores.s!

to 7G to 25OMtt HID tysrems at moderar
mav wsh lo con5lder the Constm 150



luminaiF. Ask &r CFr.lOl95.

ln either tne


e.closed o. ope. desLq.s

zlOO/ 1OO0

luminiare is 3n
sser ro a variry of
appli(ations and isavailablein 250 to
I o@watt ratinqs S@ G EA' I 0742.


For quality, technical superiority and

application fl exjbility indoors, these
Ceneral Electic indusbal and hazardous
location lighting luminaires lead the field.
The luminaires are tailored for their
operating environments. Some are
enclosed, gasketed, and filtered for
dirtladen industrial areas. Others are
open, ventilated fixtures where clean

Bdonging !o a standad srade p,lducl

fnmily. OE qdtndnts 4OO luminai.e
brings ecorcny and low bdshtn6
to lighdng low bay at6, En.lo*d
6nd sasketedt it m6y be usedwith 2:0!o 4o+watt lamp& S@ OEA,lOglg

environments pemit their use.

The optical assemblies vary in design
to accommodate a wide range of
mountjng heights while avoiding
objectjonable brightness.
Mountjng flexibility is provided for
virtually any applicatjon.

Th Ai.leglow" winair.
helps solve th d ff cult lask ol
warehouse als e lighting. t
crates a lnique blend of

iluminafi.n for maki.g stock

stodg and rtricva sie. This
Llminane LfiltPs 250 l. AO0


amps Cel CE4 1075

Hding most ot $e Lowount



15O Luminaire is

witn lamps
to 250 watt ra.g.

Jor use


I e tfer ltie aen.. pu.pose.rha\l

.l!ty v,J5 ..s lhr P.*1 Sjnl I lldxl glrl
nns. spe.n niche Lr ighlnq
R rtti.nal leLds 6 o.r ! +ad lms i.
fdlslJ a 8,.1s ds
as monum,ants rnd brldngs The

on:l hea\)_ dut! unrt fas a po:e.!ve

orter hols nq lorl.r.dtions eqrsed tc
danrase L.mpi i.onr 4m b l5m {a:6

!s.n I

rhis lixnn.



Walights lum Mire

ghts unnerpdsscs. loadm!
docG o. grounds around
bu Facing upqard.the
urit can iight s gns or qalls.
A r ge fom I 50 to 4ocMtt
HID lshl be


The Po$edood' fl oodligtrt

seru6 mdy area lighti.g aPPlica
tions Ell because oi
'is ruqsed
Mde beah spread and
consltuctjon. HID lamps in the
.anse of 250 to 1000 Mds are
!5ed with lhe P-400C and P]000C
ktsio s Ask for OE4.7629,

Qeneral a.ea, spojts. sung_ and

building lacade lishlng needs are
covered by L're Ve6aiood'l and
Versallood ll fl@d igh(s. The ffrst is
a co.ventional floodlshi for tdnnion
o. slipfifter mo!.tins on a pole and
the fond . ro. fxe! mountjng on
eftner walls or pads. Available
wiag6 5%n ar 50 md 6d widl 250


Applications for floodlighting run

the gamut

from lighting

sports a renas or twenty'four hour

earth moving projects to build
ing facade lighting. A variety of
designs is necessary to provide

Waligbts I 75 lwiire
prclide gseral area lhbng ftoh a

The sb,lirh

molnting position on walls ll is

uEd win lamps ranging frcm 50 to
I 75 eatb. lls L*an: Elraclo! s
van?lrl resislant .S"-e GEA- , 1035-

the right lighting for many

different purposes. Maximum
supporl of the activity involved
;n a cost effective way is the
objective. Flexible mounting
arrangements are available to
satisfu most mounting conditions.
Ceneral Electric's
long experience
with these
challenges has
resulted in several

potyester housing, a.e gheral purpose

floodljghis accenting nher venical or
horidtnl lilhi onrd depending on ,ou.
applicatjon. lts appearance i. h$h. hj
light reight makes fo. easier hadling
while its nllered optics reduces clcaning.

for thevLq Powrflood trmi@iE,


For lhe HLU PaMrfloaA




h .ndnron to


HLQ/VLII Powed:ood lloodlighls.

Ealed in a rugged ibergla$ rcinlorced

dn .trracr v
llre Dcano.d ' PLO ll

llmnranc lam iy.ffer.

hruh Llht leveG..d benet
un ioF\ ly ntrpa,tng ols nnd
.oadw.ys (ls l0r.)0.{a1l anrPs
N\h it Read GEA 10431.
and RLO Il

When shon buhi.q hours

and a los initial nxrue cost
are pnne considranons, the
OF 5OOB or AF 1 5O0A
Aldt? Flood fl@dlighrs dre
optjons for numerous ouidoor
Iighnng applications. The*
floodlights fealure qide hon
enlat ed conltolled Erbcal

The HlX Po*e.,lm<l lloodlighl

provides qcellent w'ical beam
canLbl wtule ofiedng the sme
ruggedns ol lhe dnwntional
Powed@d familv, ft accpts lamps
lrcm 250 to 1000 walts,

lhe Decaflood luminair fanily is

available n lhre optjcal assdbis {FLO
PLO and RLO) ta lored Io. fi@dlLqhtinq.
parking Lot lqhtjns a.d roadway lightjng
to achleve a system coordinnted arcund

o.e basi. umi.ane




Enge fiom 250 to I 000 wans



The Pow.rglow6 A.25o.

OOO d A-40O0 l@inaire
tufriV a6crs intercft ro a@s ljke
rhopping .ente6 nili its chaftPagne
qlas styins. Efhcient [shtinE is plolided
ior a ve'ev ot pu.poss wilil one ol ils
lhre da, Lamp wattage rdge
tg) ur 4tJJ8- eet AEA-|249.



new, dcilng conceptfor I ghtrng .pplications whose scope

ncluns walkwdy aras and hloh level L ghti.g for doMtoun sr.eels
choose the Spa<eglow'S 250 or S 1000 Lumlnatres. Lnmp
*Ettages from 70 io 1000 dr \tsed Read OEA A744.

An aruay of
luminaires to fit
the challenge your
area lighting projet

pesents is alaihble.

The PM Family began wiln

tne Pm t I 5 lum naire whose
desig. js in tune with
today s k* style architectu. lt may
t'e usd lo. @ious .sidmhal srrs
malls and pa s where distjncdy
conlempo.ary liies are desiren.
rnnps lsed *nh the trinare mge
from ?01o 250 vEis Se CEA.99a9.


wher n aditid6l or oloniai

appdrance is valued the
TC-t 0O, Tq,1oOR luhinaire
*rv6 Elidstial streels and
park ar6 *ell. Roa<leey or
area bshdns d'stiblnon is
Milable in lamp wattages


The prcfile of the Pl41 16
hhinane h6 gEats body
poidtjally hore proportionate to
some setjngs. lts watlage nge ls
emahat oreale. when used wih
Llcalox! light souke. Th hdge for
all light eurcs 50 !o 250 watts

CEAggAS 's

For ljghtjng shoppLng centrs. roadways with

heaier traffic, or *hmls the larger, cotonial
sve TC4OO, TC4OOR, supplies relauvely
h:gher light levels wi$ apprcpnate distibutions
Usht surces from I 50 to 40Q war6 may be





o ljene,a L e.L . Clnnpan!

F.\1.( ( dnFn)

'Rea:stred Tradem-rk.r a.n.ra



luminane ofie.s wam. inti

mate lghtjng at low mounnng
heiqhrs Either posr top or pendant
mounied, tne ar{ure uss enersy
etrcient HID Lamp.ln rhe 50 to 4m
wari .ange. An optional Len" globi
Fcicl< van.lalicm Gct (;F49115.


2. encLosed

llinimount" Regressed luminai.e

is iesigned ior sp<idl owcein,g

Wnere converrj.g incandesceni or

nuoresce.t iight su(es js p dnned and the
new systeh ls !o b surlace or pendani
mounred. the vs$alow" 150 0r 250
llminahe is a smad @nomic choice.llsing
70 to 250 walt Llca or! lamps, :t .ontrols
brighiid wfi its pisim dcisned refi'
which provides upligh! for exba lighudg

High iels of sft filteEd light are achievd with ihe

moduld, 2 x 2 , 70 to 4OO watt Pa.elglos{ llminaire.
High srandards ior desdretics, brishtie$ .onbol and
unifomity a.e mt. Rad CE4 9654,

E svto:nstalhom the. dbove .q. rhf

Lowount' 150 Rcessed. erciosed umina r. i.dtuL_5. l
a..yi. efr&r.r *h.h hclpr sp,.3d th. ilnLevenLyoler.
.rea Comfo.lable liqhLn! Irom amps dtcd dt 70 t.250Natis
;! provded.l nrountrfg heighls ns l.w as 8l-": Se OEA9670.


6miorr. Rd GEA.|0035

Background lighiing for stores,

offices, and many institutjonal
settings demands glare free, even
lighting - often at high light
levels. Merchandise must appear
attractive. Msual comfort is a
necess;ty. The Iighting system selection is all the more critical
because of building structure
constiaints. Tlpically, a low
mounting height for the
luminaire is among them.
These designs employthe energy
efncient HiD light sources to
fulfill the objectives while
overcoming the constraints.
Consult trained Ceneral Electric
sales engineers to be sure that

lser neds a system accommodati.s a 4 r 4 drop ce lj.g

togetner wirh Lllht he may choose the
Lowount 400 Reqressed luinl.aire. Limps raren frcm 250 to 400
watts a. acceptd. Like the L.wnrount 150
V!4Ere th

The Econoglow' Recessed

lmi.aire. an open 2 x2
lnit bnngsilrc cc..otr,ic of
400 satt phosphor.oated

p.nel.nd spe.!l.roptc.l
assembly prolide. neat



Your local Sales Engineer is:





new lighting system will support

real sales and productjvity gains.

Tfe Duraglo*'Rressd lunrnatre is d

2 \ u.itwidr.,esrcss.d panel.nd
faceted rll(Lr {h cb p.oudes io.low
bnghbess usin9,{X}wdtt amps lhe shape
tlcnds wth the.e ling to tocu5dtt.nti..
o. thc .tr{t not lne eu..e Se C4 9652

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