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‘i Rerwsalale Evw 44 Ss shows Home hf wo * Clallerges of Ronesreale Grogs © Rebkabilely ® Elechic Nehwork Upgrades ® Opeustion of Elechic Nehworle (Rererae Power Direckion) © Vek Capital Cesk x Types of Enon Suslems OFessil Fuels decomposition of lounied dand ofypursins Nr proces — baal percent a Conloon) Cool Pebralouum — Natural Gos. @ wird Gruy Sysens—> clachrals by oinFow @ Solon Grong <= fee cdlls salar collectors + Sleam driving tunbine ® GecHounal —> clecbraky by ells Tleunal beak-+ Shum dang Hala ® Biorass —> clechwebs by burning plat — leased vrodearal’s © Hyplredlackre —> dachrcky by fi aro, | Plowstva, waler © Wave Groxgy—s tlechacks toy wmakton of vacwes + oSeilline clams *« Disaduantaaes of o Grrronrertal Pollution ® Degletion (sources are Qnncted) @ Auckoting Paces & Vollome — Devel Aenorad func H Mechanical Power -+ Clechic Cenetor = Clechicall Tue Com presence of Mupelse fold) Bose Steam Towers Task © Gare Chamber (heat produced by bu Ful) @ on /Heeder Cotes “fennel irbo Show) oo . (righ pressure Steam expounds) Generator Cretetinal mechouteal energy ko achreall ener) © Condenser (cools tre Shean Mo wales) > © Parme (compfeles Ye cyele) "water \oacle te oailen " X Transforms @ Feromaspee core) PO call, Secordlony cor © based on Finds lwo of rduclron Cime- verajing magnate. field) Yes tes Ypyp = Nets ne ue #2) DB K Shaoes of 7 ages oF conventional power Sysims one dlividledl lonaad en Vs HAS TONS ot Transition —> (138: CSokV) Sub tansmttio —> (34 -5/ —I38 Kv) “pichaloution —> (34-5 KV— CLV) x Electic leads ® Restlur! —> Houses @ Gm 2G aes, @ hogs ees hat Arias ® Trdushi! —> Factores ( Why do we Hae transrmens 22 Bp Aus: . Slep 7 up Wans formers if transimitted ower TS low —> Cunnntis, leaf. —> by Losses VplIpt= Us} Ts, 1 7 Pbyse f t Ae 1 nated Power 15 big. —> cunenh ts Qos —s sire Cosses VelTpl= VelTst , Phase) TYR * Rwer Electronic Devices © sid stole semtcmeluctor olusves @ vey high, Power Aadkings ® Conrelltucl —> switelraah on/oFl laoseal on Cireuit conditions, Uncontyollecl > Susttded on based on eHlernol syed (chzocles Switdred fF laosecl on careush Condstions Hayes hors) Fully —conbrrlted —> Sauttebact on/otl local on eternal signal Rock Cras (I68Ts, MeS¢eTs) @ Ac—> De @® wnconhwlllkcl —» constant DC outpue Conrollecl —> Yartalole TC output * Dwalus @ve—>Ac ® volhege — Source —=> Wout capacitor oclcled current Source luge Trpuk rductor ockded x Choppas— @De— Voll DC / ® Bucle Choppus (step down) Vez ai y Dos yh Boost Choppers (skp up) Vo= af“ ) ed-AdT t X Wind = m orem ° of A mosses duc te dy rf heat he. eath's ope a ie a t * Wd Energy Conversion Seplans (WECS) 3 KE. —> hehe eergy * Power gerualed fom wird tubines, depeds on wind speed Componinls of Wind Taabine @ Rotor (hub + bites) @ Nacellle. Cheuses the mean twine Components) ®@Shebls (dows speed /Iiql speed , connected to retadtrs axes) WD Glan Box (converts fava Speed retdton to Weal specel netnton) © Cerrator (comets snechornet energy —? cabot creey eneyy) © Yess Syston (covbvals ortentatiin of rotor tewaels the wird elireetien) ® Mechoniend Broke (holds turlome at resk, "mairbenance") Anemomeler (measures wind specel) @ Tower (made of tulute shel , Go—> (om) ] Power AUechonde Conmvtser Cadpusts elechierl outpub, wood with grid) K Wed Todor. Designs © Vertclcorts +L heary waclin nuy nea Hae ground blades par the ground Cfeva powtr ovat) _ on heed ye en at by a at cieg tog ee culput powts) — most Comm = s 3 HAUT (blacles £ wind direction) Upand HAUT (Oates with wine creck) — @ Horreental-a axis: - <— upward ow dewnurd a sey : Lee - "“Fonsnihere ti bor enc oll * y an optaing con ipo gent foes SB basalvon of Wnel-Speed witl-fime DO Tneannuad ( ony gpenler tran ome uyfan) @hwwol (mentite) ® Dianal CusHan Some day © Srork-toun (withan 40 winules or Less) * Vaaaton of Wmnd- Speed with Pecedion Cpotrol Unatadion) ——> wind depends on boca + C * Vnceltm of Ward-Speel vad ebowedbr "eats err —— wind speed ts bayler, ou om the tacth's (Uiltdh nasiclance /ne Bichon! dining 08° File) trettabalce" K Prook of Wind Power = KE = Lut 2 Pye ie pans (moss = Noume. CA-L) x Density Y>) repat Pas APY 2 us ( dig = dmhanee. /tore-) = Pus bhp x 4 ahmospheare pressune (atm) = As dowodsrn Trommaes ——> pressure decnenate —> ain-densitey clecrurae As Unanition decrwmara —> Pressuns, Dewan? * discal wd speed Wisboqaam = Continusw iLitg densit x Chamsiny 3 Chomgiry shop. prnnmelee (kK) — Changes shope 7 chang, Seale pomwinclen ()—> chouges Sleteh POF Wap oa ais fal produces 2 forces 6 Te (perpercliiten tp aie cbiveclon) tal hg MeV Fee Calons the: daceton of ain Mes) 4 . Moving over the aifeil dakes more dishunce to regen Hee ain wren & ba, Pet on op lower throw thot on allen = Gt fore + Perce depends on lamar / smooth. a -flon % pitch anals (Bs angle between chord Lave of blr A rotation tare f ponds only om He blade onentation * o£ aback (¥) 2 angle behwen Chord Dre F blade A relshve wind (effchve ain— Flos chirection att depends on lal» blade 4 wird speecls * Aghor dficrerey clipencls om wr0d speed, rwtatored speed, blade poral x Bete Efliczerey Lami s theoreliead rotor fficierey Corresp. f mox. power "Seam tube" occurs zdlurto change mk-E. bore J of wine Acaches blades # Rotor Efficiency Gun proctreallly reach US% — 60% iz (BO% iF ascume ahd ip, bephaeen peed of leds cuter fp A wrel speed % Hoxtmun Route Fem Tracking: turbme speed mask be arolgustecd accorel CMPPT) to use speed 3 do get rrr. efficiency [po K Power Ouwe :_nelidon Ioebveen wind speed & electric! output Comosk weportant tchmad mformdion) — dharoclerized os = Cab Grin speed oF und tbr tube te olen PowerS @ rated speed (umd speeel conresp.te rated pawes) @® cat out spe (umd speed fr tunlne 4p be shutdown) S Wnka wine must be shut downy to averd clamage ly * Tip-S Rodio = ope A urd Tens. Opens Begs D Cu ur) ports mn wind 75 yok enough to gtreate electricity ® Cuucuc) power Marases according +o cube of wind speed © KU achiene lest pete » blodes acljusted Tr divectim Yhak Forces them Toto Stall ohen (ux &) # Glechic Gers. errors @ AC qennaters Taduction @Tc genersctors * Concept" Robes netic Feld dlachiad machines noted kre field SERS JIE fata Coad natakns, mograe. felliepreduced by Spvt vagal [conduclor canyrg DC 2 ture phase wmndany = 3 groups of conduc eee 120° apaak from cack 6 (Resultant of He masyadic folds fom fhree-diflerent phares) @ bes corstent mgr © bus Corstant angular velocity 4 3 S—pheae coonoels, lsh ny to pid dechic rhe Captd conrechea| wedi] of Doda [Stave alene] © cunrunts produce another mnthe aargap (also rotons) B Supeboaneys Speed: «speed of notation of loots He Nebr & stator Fduxes » Speed ack which Ye rmagynetic flue rolales K % “Phase Trduction Gurerator 0 Comeporeuks : Shadronony shad voloting Aelor- @ Types of Relors + rotor with shorl—crrealed winding, pleced m sets yolor made. of Shorl—crusiled Co baas (uaa, conduction naegs from belk sides) People of Opreation i) O Thre phase curren Plows Tr vsindans of sfetor —> retabvorsh Mmognatie fx 75 produced m Hoe aicgap (cletional) ® Rotating stato culs st Lehre rdor urda duced Hare — pluse a h Wa ung > ton plo Connon flows © Three phase rebyr cumanls produce ander rebshnay fox. ® Stator floc A rotor cuwwnl tnlerack together. —= ype | NB 2 speed of voter tn Taduction generator speed of nekating Flix @O hows UU, Ns» machine ads as motor clriving lay Sm eer Tees uanalby shal doo) @ Wold speeds—> Ng rn. —s> maclane acts or Vang speeds —> Nye >Ns (cadre poe bread Hosen Shae ® slap se diffeunee loehoeen rolaking fx Speed & nolo s eee (ve) —7 motor operation (10) > atrentor operation @ Whe Do S— pase ros wrra mn Stator utncling Come 2 © Clana alene’] —> oclewrall capacitor 1 wacd te prowels rece ssany cumin Capd— comected |—> ebechic yehgork 7 woecl to proviele ecessany Cuanta ® Mom Chonaclesstics © rolor flux & Sloe Flix Aolate at syndvorove speecl @ rotor rotates ok bglor speed C madhne 7S optrttyy as gentrator @ he mochne neds eX current Source. 40 Start Copal/capactter) xs Gontral of Wied Twa © rnd bursine + Isolated Doost (slau allre | > of output vauntes Usna ipol vasnies acording te " speed > Speed FP yotoe Wasco be conbrolllcl to cortrel exkpat froy- ® stad Huntsman eleche vehoorle [gas comecked] > pepe Poulpuk ts dicted fom the nehsode — Speed of rotor Ts atmos constant Aagoaclless oF wrk Spee © Fred Speed a @ \rvolole—Speed 7 uray pustalscale conten Y Pred Sy peed wars LWle-scole comrler — rolor eperales ak allmost a constant speecl Aegprelbess of irr speed — onium power Cun only be geresaled (o> costo wind speeol _™ Some Cacia, onapeg Hof Generntor—polle 7 Yoreale moxthuim Ss at Q wind center banle ‘sdalec to Taprove, power-foclor ¢ gerade — Adu. Dow cost, srmple tagy-to-cortrol Disadw- maxim power @ cetir 5) — outpuk power fia pa wiral speeal Q vows 0. — Speed oe Jeurod varnble rsistanceto Aobo Hira ex varable rusts Aobor Speed factor acljusled urttlim l0% of Synclvorow> speed hy RK % speed Us Fadil Scale Comeder x speed control Teproved ley doulatle-Ped mrelucton gerertor CoFrTe) Contd, gy role Conmate ler usm 4 Sobor vspyp Semel guide fs vamdrngs % speed Nasge writhon Wot oF synciaorave Speedd % Comte. radwoy So% oF gunnator radthe “Untry Gull Saale Conrerbe a x Ac TRS — > AC—> gaurd * Comma hire = or Aad + Some Gon ae yun-botes S Guan Noles 2 a i ele ofc on nr ey Aronsiattas, /recsiven (EMI) | on FO a oe OS Earp Taleo Trto Covsidinaton te Lowrhoed reste 0 ce adn ptnsed Br a ee ae

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