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Self-Improvement Plan


Exceeding SelfExpectations

Meeting Self

My choices reflect strong effort as

far as developing more overall
curiosity in my education as I have
chosen to view my education in a
way where my mentality changes
from I cant do this and will never
understand how to do it (whatever
it may be) to I may be able to
understand it if I put in the effort
(which makes me more curious).

Are my choices
moving toward
my goal?

I believe that I am
meeting my selfexpectations for
developing more curiosity
in my education because I
have noticed that I come
back to my math teacher
at the end of the day if I
dont understand a
concept covered in the
original class period
(which I had hoped I
would eventually do).

Does my
behavior mirror
what I was to

Are my words
in creating my

Strong Effort

I believe that my
words and
conversations are
positive and
helpful in creating
my success in
developing more
overall curiosity
in my education
by the end of the
semester as they
pertain to
attempting to
understand a topic
that I didnt
ehend in class. I
may ask a student


to help me, a
teacher, or
I have met my selfexpectations for
developing a plan of
action when I feel
frustrated with
continuously trying to be
more curious in my
education (as it can get
overwhelming) as I had
believed that my plan of
action would be taking
time to relax frequently
which I have done every
day after school for about
an hour.
I have meet my selfexpectations for listing
three resources to assist
me in reaching my goal of
creating more overall
curiosity in my education
as they were supposed to
be a tutor (if other
resources were
unavailable), teachers and
their afterschool clubs
(which reinforced criteria
addressed in class which
helped me understand the
material better), and my
family (if they knew how
to do a problem) and these
listings are my resources.

Have I
developed a
plan of action
when I feel

Have I listed or
discussed three
resources to
assist me in
reaching my

Have I selfassessed how I

have moved
toward or away
from my goals?

I have exceeded
my expectations
for assessing how
I have moved
toward or away
from my goals as
I have taken time
(weekly) to sit
down, relax, and
really think about
my progress and
have come to the

conclusion that I
have been pretty
successful in
moving toward
my goal as none
of my responses
to any of the prior
questions in this
have been in the
ing category.


6 pts
4 pts

Student must self-assess their progress in each area with details to support their position.
Adequate progress being made toward Exceeding Self-Expectations

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