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Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:52 No.99025010?

Or we could talk about how women ruin everything and how their voting patterns h
ave been disastrous and maybe the threat of losing their rights will pressure wo
men to use their rights more responsibly.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:16:49 No.99025545?>>99026367
But women do just conform to ideas. They don't question or challenge things they
're taught.
I remember so many times as a student, talking to female students about papers o
r upcoming exams where their attitude was basically, "what does [the teacher/pro
fessor] want us to say?" For me and most male students, we'd talk about how full
of shit we thought something we were taught was, we (at least smarter male stud
ents) actually cared about whether it's true. But female students just cared abo
ut pleasing and getting good grades.
It's the same reason the SJW shit has gotten so carried away. A professor teache
s this bullshit, and they just accept it without challenging or criticizing it,
regurgitate all the jargon and platitudes they've been taught, and take it perso
nally and flip a shit if anyone challenges their ideas.
Anonymous (ID: /3HEsrpe) 11/17/16(Thu)17:18:46 No.99025774?
White women gave us President Trump.
They're ok... for now.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:19:21 No.99025853?
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The article explores the possibilities as to why. It doesn't state that this is
why. Hence using popular notions. The video does the same thing. The study itsel
f concludes that women are better in academia. It seems like you have trouble un
derstanding empirical based evidence. Instead you link me to a pseud who is push
ing an ideology. Do I have to spell everything to you. You seem like an idiot wh
o just parrots what he hears.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:21:19 No.99026092?
That would give less voting power to more conservative married couples and more
power to hyper-liberal single women.
If you want a really conservative position, then only married adults should be a
llowed to vote. People trying to establish a family and thinking about their chi
ldren's future have more of a stake in politics than single people.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:23:16 No.99026367?>>99026698
Cool story. Unfortunatley anecdotes are not admissible evidence in academia for
a good reason.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:24:43 No.99026537?>>99026987
Your theory is that girls do better in school because they're more intelligent.
You never provided any evidence of that. You have as much a burden of proof for
that as anyone else does for their theories.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:26:11 No.99026698?>>99027112
Good thing we're not in academia, we're shitposting on a Uzbekistani flower arra

nging forum, and you never presented any evidence for your claims either.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:28:15 No.99026987?>>99027665 >>990276
89 >>99027972 >>99033994
If math and science isn't your idea of intelligence then stick to stacking brick
s or unclogging toilets.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:29:32 No.99027112?
Scroll up.
Anonymous (ID: gHWkPF94) 11/17/16(Thu)17:30:32 No.99027244?>>99028190
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So you changed to
>Women are smarter
>Women are better in academia
It looks like you're starting to give in. Like I said, your article acknowledges
the multiple reason as to why this is. The video posted gives a insight as to t
he things our education system is doing to limit boys in academia, while citing
multiple sources. You seem to be a stereotypical SJW who ignores anything that i
sn't aligned with their ideology.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:34:08 No.99027665?>>99028784
Why do men still do better at a university level and in careers in STEM fields t
han women?
Anonymous (ID: J6Wwx+SB) 11/17/16(Thu)17:34:23 No.99027689?>>99034372
Name one math theorem due to a female mathematician that doesn't have the last n
ame Noether. I'll wait.
Anonymous (ID: Un+Qj0yw) 11/17/16(Thu)17:36:38 No.99027945?>>99028672 >>990294
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I have a question anons. Will the relationship between men and women get better?
I'm scared...
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:36:51 No.99027972?
>If math and science isn't your idea of intelligence then stick to stacking bric
ks or unclogging toilets.
Also, if women were willing to do shit jobs like stacking bricks and unclogging
toilets, maybe we wouldn't think you're a bunch of narcissistic prima donnas who
want everything made easy for you and handed to you on a silver platter.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:38:32 No.99028190?>>99029907 >>990300
Do you not know what ideology is? You link me to conservative think tank group t
hat pushes ideology. Do you understand why no scientific community takes think t
ank seriously? Geez you're even more dense than I thought. And picking apart sem
antics when there is no diference in the two propositions just shows that you do
not intend to understand the reason why.

Anonymous (ID: Kgemxj6Z) 11/17/16(Thu)17:41:57 No.99028642?
They don't, though.
Even after years of affirmative action and subjectification of objective classes
via common core they are still underepresented in STEM.
Anonymous (ID: uq8I7+1T) 11/17/16(Thu)17:42:09 No.99028672?
As soon as you stop posting anime
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:42:58 No.99028784?>>99030044
Everytime you make claim back it up with a source or no one is going to take you
Anonymous (ID: NO11hixx) 11/17/16(Thu)17:47:50 No.99029458?>>99030497
it will once women have to rely on men again and not get anything handed to them
by the government that steals it from all men
carl the cuck (ID: bHCIwsyu) 11/17/16(Thu)17:48:33 No.99029577?
>>99010126 (OP)
there is a problem in your idea
Anonymous (ID: gHWkPF94) 11/17/16(Thu)17:50:52 No.99029907?>>99031512
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Again, you do nothing but put up your ears and scream. Do you have anything else
besides "HAHA PRAGERU!" instead of actually reading? There is also a huge diffe
rence between saying "They're just smarter" and "They do better in schools", one
implies that they're just inherently smarter, the other one doesn't. Women do b
etter in academia because school favors women, now instead of just screaming "TH
INK TANK" actually provide some sort of actual argument.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:51:33 No.99030044?>>99031929
You know feminism is an ideology, right? Doesn't the same standard apply to ever
yone pushing feminism?
Whenever people give me this shit on here, I say the same thing: do your own res
earch. It would take me as long to gather sources as it would take you to do the
research yourself. Stop acting like a woman and expecting men to do your work f
or you.
And you've provided no sources for your thesis.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:54:17 No.99030497?
One way or another that's going to happen, if not through votes then through the
inevitable debt crisis.
Anonymous (ID: HcI6tDX4) 11/17/16(Thu)17:58:27 No.99031158?>>99032178 >>990327
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I can't believe such low quality bait got so many (you)s.

Anonymous (ID: PqNHqpq6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:59:54 No.99031378?
white women voted majority for Trump.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:00:46 No.99031512?>>99033404 >>990334
Google empirical evidence. I watched that video and again for 40th time it only
delves into posibilities. Since you're discussing semantics let me make it clear
, women are smarter then women because they excel in school. Unless you provide
scientific journal you have nothing. You only intend to discuss politics which h
as no ground.
Anonymous (ID: tcmn8JBf) 11/17/16(Thu)18:01:59 No.99031684?
If you control for the sex of the educator, the education gap mysteriously disap
Perhaps we ought to segregate schools based on sex?
Anonymous (ID: OhUgbSGL) 11/17/16(Thu)18:02:55 No.99031821?
>>99010126 (OP)
Humans have 99.7-99.8% identical DNA, so we're 99.7-99.8% identically retarded i
n the brain muscle.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:03:31 No.99031929?>>99033404
There is no feminist ideas being discussed. If you had a brain cell you would kn
ow that I already did provide source for my claims.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:05:13 No.99032178?
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Waiting for the train, so I had to kill time.
Anonymous (ID: OhUgbSGL) 11/17/16(Thu)18:07:08 No.99032465?
>dropped out of high school and didn't even pick a good job in the craft industr
>thinks of self as educated
Anonymous (ID: CLPdJPfF) 11/17/16(Thu)18:08:47 No.99032731?>>99032928
It really depends on what school you attend. Most males choose technical fields
while most women choose humanitarian fields. Al least in my country.
Anonymous (ID: OhUgbSGL) 11/17/16(Thu)18:08:51 No.99032739?
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Anonymous (ID: OhUgbSGL) 11/17/16(Thu)18:10:15 No.99032928?
I think this concept is universal. It just boils down to what either sex is prim

arily interested in.

Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)18:13:25 No.99033404?>>99033994
The only source you gave was
So from your article:
>It s not clear why. It could be that girls are more likely to try to truly master
the material, while boys focus on the big score of doing well on final exams or
aptitude tests, the researchers said. It s also possible that parents expect girl
s to do poorly and encourage them more. There s also the popular theory that girls
find it easier than boys to sit still and concentrate in class, or at least to
behave in a way that pleases teachers.
Again, not proving your thesis in >>99031512 that
>women are smarter then women because they excel in school
You've provided no evidence that girls doing better in schools has anything to d
o with having higher intelligence, while demanding that people provide evidence
for the numerous reasonable objections they have to that claim.
Anonymous (ID: gHWkPF94) 11/17/16(Thu)18:13:28 No.99033411?>>99033994
>women are smarter then women because they excel in school
Except that you only provided a source that states that they do better in academ
ia, not that they are smarter. So by your standards, provide a scientific journa
l that states women are smarter than men. You failed at the very beginning and n
ow trying to enforce something that you didn't even uphold.
Anonymous (ID: zMkSbW1b) 11/17/16(Thu)18:14:25 No.99033557?
Always a Canadian. Why? How? Don't ask me folks.
Anonymous (ID: 3ptdOs4z) 11/17/16(Thu)18:16:44 No.99033919?
Every women president are crap
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)18:17:12 No.99033994?>>99034372 >>990343
95 >>99034845
Anonymous (ID: aJoe1blI) 11/17/16(Thu)18:17:45 No.99034082?
>>99017777 (checked and praised Kek)
Quads of truth tho
Anonymous (ID: J6Wwx+SB) 11/17/16(Thu)18:19:36 No.99034372?
still waiting
Anonymous (ID: gHWkPF94) 11/17/16(Thu)18:19:44 No.99034395?>>99035239 >>990359
94 >>99038096
>provide a scientific journal that states women are smarter than men
Anonymous (ID: poVVVWu3) 11/17/16(Thu)18:21:16 No.99034631?
I just wanna give props to the Leaf being a grade A devil's advocate.

Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)18:22:46 No.99034845?>>99034980 >>990358
You still haven't made an argument that doing good in school means higher intell

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