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I -CONCEPT RECALL: Choose the correct answer to each question below. Shade the letter of your answer.

1. When materials containing iron are exposed to water and oxygen, _________ can occur.
[A.] mechanical weathering
[C.] oxidation
[B.] wedging
[D.] ironization
2. Soil is a mixture of all of the following:
[A.] weathered rock
[C.] organic matter
[B.] water
[D.] erosion
3. The breaking down of rocks into smaller particles such as sand and pebbles is:
[A.] weathered rock
[C.] erosion
[B.] weathering
[D.] done by animals
4. Which of the following will decrease the rate of chemical weathering of a rock at the Earths surface?
[A.] decreasing the acid in rainwater
[C.] breaking the rock into smaller pieces
[B.] decreasing the temperature
[D.] increasing the amount of surrounding soil
5. Which of the following statements about weathering is false?
[A.] rocks of different compositions weather at different rates
[B.] Heat and heavy rainfall increase the rate of chemical weathering
[C.] the presence of soil slows down weathering of the underlying bedrock
[D.] the longer a rock is exposed at the surface, the more weathered it becomes.
6. Which of the following statements is false?
[A.] soil is an important natural resource
[B.] soil may contain all of the following fragments of bedrock, clay minerals, and organic matter.
[C.] soil is a product of weathering
[D.] soil protects the underlying bedrock from further chemical weathering
7. Which of the following conditions is not caused by chemical weathering?
[A.] rock containing iron becomes brittle
[B.] water within the rock freezes and breaks the rock
[C.] water dissolves limestone in a cave
[D.] feldspar breaks into clay
8. Why is organic matter (humus) an important part of soil?
[A.] it helps to improve water infiltration
[B.] it can break down organic pollutants
[C.] it converts nitrogen in the air into nitrates used by plants
[D.] it is rich in nutrients, which is important for fertility
9. What is soil erosion?
[A.] it is the process by which soil is formed
[B.] a harmful process that involves the removal and transport of soil by wind and water
[C.] a natural method of filtering harmful pollutants
[D.] a process often referred to as the greenhouse effect
10. Soil is made up of four main ingredients. Choose the correct list of ingredients.
[A.] tiny pieces of rock, humus, air and sand
[B.] humus or dead plant material, clay, water, and salts
[C.] tiny pieces of rock, air, water, and humus
[D.] air, water, tiny pieces of rock and manure
11. Fossils may form when dead organisms are ____________.
[A.] buried quickly
[C.] kept from bacteria
[B.] made of hard parts
[D.] all of these
12. Is the scientific study of the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings?
[A.] ecology
[C.] meteorology
[C]. astronomy
[D]. biology
13. Consumers that eat another dead consumers for food.
[A.] producers
[C.] consumers
[B.] scavengers
[D.] decomposers
14. Those that eats plants and animals.
[A.] herbivores
[C.] omnivores
[B]. detritivores
[D.] carnivores
15. Those that eats only plants
[A.] herbivores
[B.] omnivores
[C.] detritivores
[D.] carnivores
16. Those that can make their own food.
[A.] producers
[C.] consumers
[B.] scavengers
[D.] decomposers
17. Those that eats only meat or animal muscles.
[A.] herbivores
[B.] omnivores
[C.] detritivores
[D.] carnivores
18. Is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area,well as all the nonliving, physical
components of the environment?
[A.] ecology
[C.] ecosystem
[B.] biomes
[D.] ecopark
19. Is any living component that affects another organism, including animals that consume the organism in question, and
the living food that the organism consumes?
[A.] abiotic factors
[C.] biotic factors
[B.] energy pyramid
[D.] environment
20. Are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms?
[A.] producers
[C.] consumers
[B.] scavengers
[D.] decomposers

21. Consumers that eat producers are on what level in the energy pyramid?
[A.] 1st order
[C.] 2nd order
[B.] 3rd order
[D.] 4th order
22.Under what type of organism is the answer for number 10?
[A.] producers
[C.] consumers
[B.] scavengers
[D.] decomposers
23. The term to refer the non living components of the ecosystem.
[A.] abiotic factors
[C.] biotic factors
[B.] energy pyramid
[D.] environment
24. Organisms that cannot make their own food are called:
[A.] ecology
[C.] producers
[B.] biomes
[D.] consumers
25. The ultimate source of energy.
[A.] plants
[C.] earth
[B.] animals
[D.] sun
26. The term used to refer for those consumers that hunt another consumer.
[A.] prey
[C.] predator
[B.] predation
[D.] host
27. The animals that are hunted or killed.
[A.] prey
[C.] predator
[B.] predation
[D.] host
28. Relationship that kills another organism.
A.] commensalism
[C.] mutualism
[B.] predation
[D.] competition
29. Relationship that benefits both organism.
A.] commensalism
[C.] mutualism
[B.] predation
[D.] competition
30. Relationship that makes the other benefit and the other is neither helped nor harmed.
A.] commensalism
[C.] mutualism
[B.] predation
[D.] competition
II- DISCRIMINATION: Identify the concept referred in the statement below. Write the concept on the space provided.
31. Soil is a mixture of all of the following:
[A.] weathered rock
[C.] organic matter
[B.] water
[D.] erosion
32. The following are agents of erosion:
[A.] gravity
[C.] soil
[B.] ice
[D.] wind
33. All of the following can weather rock:
[A.] animals
[C.] sunlight
[B.] plants
[D.] freezing
34. Macroconsumers
[A.] herbevores
[C.] carnivores
[B.] decomposers
[D.] omnivores
35. Relationship in an ecosystem
[A.] mutualism
[C.] erosion
[B.] commensalism
[D.] predation
III- IDENTIFICATION: Identify the type of relationship the following pair of organism has. Write the letters only.

(A)- Commensalism
(E) -Predation
____36. A tapeworm inside the body
____37. Tick and dog
____ 38. Orchids attached to a tree
____39. A bee and a flower
____40. A butterfly and a bee


(D) Parasitism

_____41. Ants lay eggs on the acacia tree

_____42. Clown fish with sea anemone
_____43. A remora fish attached to the body of the
_____44. A snake eats a mouse
_____ 45. A lion and a tiger

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