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Entrepreneurs dont require planning the strategies and business explicitly and
deliberately and formalizing the process of carving them out- its naturally in the
head of an entrepreneur and she/he needs to stay ready for emergent strategies in
response to the changes in market. Do you agree with this statement? However,
another contradictory saying goes as By failing to plan, you are planning to
fail. Justify your position and analyze the statements.
An organization should go through several changes in the market structures where they
should compete with. In those scenarios an entrepreneur should take either long term
decisions or should seek for quick decisions whenever require. An enterprise should go
according to the demand in market.
It can be said that the entrepreneurs dont require planning strategies in detail taking long
time as an entrepreneur is capable enough to make decisions and plan when there emerges
condition to do so. This might make the sense that a good manager need not waste time
making decisions and plans much earlier than the time arrives, rather should focus on what is
going on right now. Sometimes such situations may arise that a quick decision made or
innovating something unknowingly without any plan might work better than what was
planned. The changing market conditions may act spontaneously as a medium to initiate
something suddenly that can work well off. E.g. Milk holiday in Kavre district led to
emergence of concept of manufacturing dairy products due to low price of milk. Dairy
farmers under protest had bacterial contamination on large quantity of milk produced, and
they got new idea of utilizing churned milk to cheese and pannier. This idea led the farmers to
start cheese business which gave them double profit, as cheese had high monetary value than
raw milk.
But, this may not work all the time. Some plans made accidentally might work properly for
certain period of time. But plans made taking enough time helps an enterprise to identify its
strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. All organizations, large and small, have limited
resources. The planning process provides the information top management needs to make
effective decisions about how to allocate the resources in a way that will enable the
organization to reach its objectives. By understanding business and the market a little better
and planning how best to operate within this environment, it will be easier to ensure longterm success a time taken business plan not only helps to respond to changing business
environment but also helps to map the future that will be carried by the decision made. It
tells when an enterprise should enter the market and how decision worked. A wisely made
plan unites the employees to work together on same pattern as assigned, but a suddenly made
plan might disturb the co-operational balance among the staffs and may create randomness in
function and might disturb the operational setup in an organization.

Your boss asks to give him suggestions regarding introducing and instilling
intrapreneurial culture in your organization. What would be your suggestions? Give
introduction of your organization, its background and be specific to your case than
Introducing entrepreneurial culture in an organization is a revolutionary idea of reforming the
central structure of an organization. Installation of intrapreneurial culture depends upon the
nature of organization we are working under, some organizations require regular
intraprenureal culture to be introduced according to business requirement while some might

not require so regularly. The intensity, pattern and nature of entrepreneurship introduction
depends upon the structure of enterprise where it is to be applied.
Let us suppose the organization where the intrepreneurial culture has to be installed is a
telecommunication office. If the boss asks to recommend some plans regarding introduction
of intrepreneural culture, then the ideas would be:
The enterprise and their leaders must make people feel integrated and part of the company, no
matter what their job is. Sense of value and togetherness so that they are motivated to work
for the best of the business and not just their own self-interests should be provided. If the
intrapreneur is not granted with the value they expect, there is a risk that they will take their
ideas, equity and value-generated outside as either an entrepreneur or possibly a competitor.
They need to feel empowered such that they have the scope to be able to contribute and make
change and value across the workforce which gives people a voice in their own work.
To create an intrapreneurial culture, people must be empowered to make decisions
empowered to have ownership. In this respect, employees need to be encouraged to create
solutions independently of the chain of command.. In todays knowledge economy,
companies that foster independent thinking will better serve customers, build additional value
and gain competitive advantage. Employees should be made to feel that the enterprise is
owned by themselves rather than by their boss. This will make them generate more and more
ideas about betterment of the organization. They can build up schemes that will attract
consumers towards using the facilities provided to them.
Employees need to be offered room to play around their ideas and should give upon giving
people a voice in their own work by creating a safe place for innovation. Thats not to say that
intrapreneurs should be left unfettered, but added value will increase exponentially as a
culture of innovation and continuous, ongoing improvement is developed over time.
Encourage healthy competition. Like entrepreneurs, intrapreneurial employees should have a
healthy sense of competition with one another to do the best job they can and get results.

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