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Reader 's Digest


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The A-Z guide to

enhancing your health
and treating illness
with nutritional


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Published by Reader's Digest (Australia) Pty Limited

26-32 Waterloo Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010

First Australian and New Zealand edition 2000, reprinted 2001

Copyright Reader's
Copyright Reader's
Copyright Reader 's
Philippines Copyright

Digest (Australia) Pty Limited 2000

Digest (New Zealand) Lim ited 2000

Digest Association Fa r East Limited 2000

Reader's Digest Association Far East Limited 2000

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Reader's Digest, The Digest and the Pegasus logo are registered

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The Healing Power of Vitam ins, M inerals & Herbs was created by

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for The Reader's Digest Association, Inc. of Pleasantville, New York, USA

National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

The healing power of vi tamins, minerals and herbs

Includes index.

ISBN 1 876689 00 5

1. Vitam in therapy. 2. Minerals - Therapeutic use .

3. Herbs - Therapeutic use . I. Reader's Digest (Aus t ralia).
Colour separations by Colourscan Overseas Co Pte Ltd, Singapore
Printed and bound by Everbest Printing Co Ltd, China

Note to readers
The information in this book
should not be substituted for
medical therapy, or used to
alter it, without your doctor's
advice. For a specific health
problem, consult your doctor
for guidance.



9NI1V3H 3Hl

Commissioning editor, Australian

and New Zealand edition:
Annette Carter
Editors : David Diefendorf,
janet Healey, Wayne Kalyn
Designers : Susanne Geppert,
Donna Heldon
Design Assistant: Yvette Stanton
Researchers: Sylvia Taylor,
Alistair McDermott
Indexer: Fran ~oise Toman
Production controller: Bruce Holden
Photographers : Lisa Koenig,
Andre Martin
Stylist: Barbara Smith

Medical Board of Advisers

Chief Consultant: David Edelberg,

MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Rush Medical College, Ch icago
Chairman and Founder, Am erican
WholeHealth, Inc.

Editorial Director
Carol Natsis
Art Director
Phillip Bush
Managing Editor
Elaine Russell

Keith Berndtson, MD
Roy R. Hall, MD
Tony V. Lu , MD
Mark M ic haud , MD
Consultant, Australian
and New Zealand edition

Karen Bridgman, ND, DB M,

MAppSci (Social Ecology),
MSc (Hons)

Writers : Leslie Anders,

Robert A. Barnett, jeanine Barone,
Patrice Benneward, Gloria Berlin sky,
Colette Bouchez, Lori Bernstein Davis,
Edward Edelson, Rowann Gilman,
Evan Hansen, Richard Holland,
joan Lippert, Wendy Meyeroff,
Natasha Raymond, Sylvia Taylo r,
Gayle Turim, Carol Weeg

The publishers acknowledge w ith thanks the assistance of

Disord ers; Val johanson, Complementary Health Care

the following persons and organisations in preparing the

Council, Canberra; Ron Law, New Zealand Nutritional

Australian and New Zealand edition of this book:

Foods Association; janine Lewis, Australia New Zealand

Elizabeth Aitken, Australia New Zea land Food Authority;

Australian Nutrition Foundation; Sha il er Cottier, Nutra

Hospital, Sydney; julie Lord, Pharmacy Drug Information

Life Health and Fitness (NZ) Ltd; Pau l Freeman, Hilton

;i~"lf.'"!- \

.. .

Food Auth ority; Professor Andrew Lloyd, Prince of Wales

Li festream, Waitara, NSW; Kathleen Graham, Population

Centre, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne; Media Unit,

Ministry of Health, New Zealand; Media Unit,

Health Division, Commonwealth Department of Health

Therap eutic Goods Administ ration, Canberra; Heid i

and Aged Care, Canberra; Dr Basil Hetzel, Chairman,

International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency

Schuett, Faulding Healthcare Consumer; Annabel Selby,

Blackmores Ltd .


A c



Vitamins, minerals, herbs and other supplements offer a powerful resource

for personal health and well-being and can provide substantial benefits. At the
same time, supplements - even if they're derived from plants and other natural
sources - contain chemical substances that can sometimes have marked side
effects. If used unwisely, they can even be toxic.
The supplements and dosages recommended in this book are based on the
findings of hundreds of research studies, as well as on the consulting doctors'
clinical experience. The dosages given in this book are averages. As with
conventional drugs, you may find that a slightly higher or lower dose is
appropriate for you, either to obtain the beneficial effects or to prevent any
adverse reactions (which are relatively rare). For more information on using
supplements safely and effectively, see pages 28-29.
Also, this book is not a substitute for face-to-face medical care from a doctor
or other health-care professional. If you're undergoing medical treatment, or if
your doctor has prescribed a specific therapy, you should follow that regimen.
Likewise, you should talk to your doctor before trying any of the remedies in
this book - particularly if you have a chronic health problem that warrants
serious concern, such as heart disease or diabetes. The book's goal is to inform
you about the many benefits that can come from taking supplements wisely
which means using them as a complement to responsible medical care, not as
G substitute for it.
The recommendations in this book do not apply to certain groups, specifically:
Pregnant and breast-feeding women. They have special nutritional needs, and
: '5 not known how most herbs and nutritional supplements will affect a baby.
Children aged 16 or younger. A child's growth and development are so
. ariable that even recommendations by age may not be appropriate for specific
:enagers or younger children.
People in these two groups can still benefit from nutritional supplements, but
:- ev should always consult a doctor before deciding which supplements might
:2 '1elpful and safe to take.


. ... 8

The new age of nutritional and herbal remedies .. 10

Basic types of su pplements .. '

... 15

How supplements can benefit you. . . .

. .... 17

Buying supplements: Preparations and forms

Buying supplements: How to read a label

.. 22


Using supplements safely and effectively ......... 28


Health professionals and organisations

A basic formula for optimal health
How to use this book ..

.. 30

.. . .... ... 32

. .... .. ... 36

From acne to yeast infections, this section presents an alphabetical guide to some common disorders.
.............. 40
Acne ...
........ . .
. .. 44
Alcoholism .
. 46
Allergies ....
Alzheimer's disease
. 50
Anaemia .. .
Angina ....... .
Anxiety and panic
Arrythmias .
. 56
Arthritis ..
.. 58
Athlete's foot
Back pain ..
Bad breath ..
. 68
Burns ..
Cancer ...
Cancer prevention .
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
Chronic pain
Cold sores
Colds and flu
Congestive heart failure
. . ... W
. . 92
.. 94
Cuts and scrapes
Cyclic breast disorder
Depression .
. 98
. 100

Diverticular disorders.
. .... 104
... 106
........ 108
. ........ . 110
.. 112
Epilepsy .. ..... .......... . . 114
Eye infections
.. . 116
Fatigue. .
. ... . . . . . .. . ... 118
... 120
.... . . .. . . ... 122
. 124
Gallstones ... .
. . 126
Gum disease .. ,.
. ... .. 128
Haemorrhoids . . . . . . . . .
. . 130
.. 132
Hair problems . .. ,
Heart disease prevention.
. .... .. 136
. 1 38
High blood pressure
... 140
High cholesterol ... .
. . 142
....... .. .. .. . 144
. . . . . . . . .. 146
Infertility, female
Infertility, male .
. . . .. ... . 150
Inflammatory bowel disease ... 152
Insect bites and stings . . . . .. 154
.... 156
Irritable bowel syndrome
. 158
. ............ 160
... 162
Macular degeneration
. 1 64

Menstrual disorders.
. . 166

Migraine .. ... . . . .. . . . . .. .. 168

Mouth ulcers
..... 1 70

Multiple sclerosis. . . . . . .
. . 172


Muscle aches and pains

Nail problems .............. 176

Nausea and vomiting ...

. 178

Numbness and tingling . .

. . 180

... 182

Overweight ..... ... . ....... 184

Parkinson's disease
... 186

Premenstrual syndrome ... .. . 188

Prostate problems

............. 192

Raynaud's disease .. ...... . 194

Rheumatoid arthritis .... . .... 196

.. 198

. . . .... 200

....... 202

... . . . . . . .
. . 204

Sore throat .
. ... 206

Sprains and strains. . . . . . . . . 208

... 210

Sunburn ....
.. ........... 212

Thyroid disease
. 214

.. 216

.. .. . ...
.. . 218

Urinary tract infection . .

. . 220

Varicose veins
.. 222

. .. 224

Yeast infection
.... 226

This section contains: vitamins c minerals 0 herbs '0 nutritional supplements
... 230

. 232

Aloe vera ...

Alpha-lipoic acid

Amino acids ..

.... . . 238

Bee products
... 240

..... 242

. 244

. 246

Biotin and pantothenic acid

Black cohosh
.. 248

... 250

. ..... . . ... 252

Carotenoids .
Cat's claw

., .. 256

Cayenne .
.. 258

Chaste tree

Chromium .
. .... 262

C~nryme~ o . .


.. 266

Cranberry . .. ..... . ... .. .. 268

...... 270

DHEA . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .

Dong quai

.... 274

Echinacea . . . . . . . . . . .

. 276

Ephed~ . . .

. ... 278

... 280

Evening primrose oil


. 282

. 284
Fish oils
. 286
... 288
. .... 292
Folic acid .
. ... 294
. . . . . . ..
Ginger .
Ginkgo biloba .... . .. ... . . . 298
Ginseng (Panax)
Glucosamine .
.3 04
Gotu kola
Grape seed extract .
. 308
. 310
Green tea
. 312
. 314
. 318
Lecithin and choline ..
.... 324
. 326
Melatonin . . .
. .. 328
Milk thistle
. 330
.... 332
Mu shrooms
.... 334
. 336

Drug interactions
Other supplements
Index .

Pau d'arco ..
. 338


Peppermint .
Phosphorus .

Potassium ... . . . . . . . . . .

. . 346

Psyllium .... ..... .

. . . . . 348

Riboflavin (B 2 )
Saw palmetto
.. 350

Selenium .
. . ... . . . .... 352

.. . .. .. .. . 354

Shark ca rtilage
Siberian ginseng ....... .. ... 356

Soy isoflavones .......... . .. 358

Spirulina and kelp .

. . 360

St John's wort
.... . .. . .. 362

Tea tree oil ...... .. ...

. 364

Thiamine (B,)
. .... ..... .. 366

Trace minerals.
. ........ 368


Valerian ........... .
Vitamin A
. 372

Vitamin B6 .... .. ..... . ... .. 374

Vi tamin B' 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . 378

Vitamin C .. . . . . . . . . . .
Vitamin D
. 380

Vitamin E

.... .. ... 384

Vitamin K
. 386

White willow bark . . .

. . 388

Wild yam ..........

Zinc ........ .. . . . . ..... ... 390


.. . . 396

. 399

. 402

. 416

When I was a general practitioner, I saw one

patient every 10 minutes, interrupted each one
(if you believe the statistics) 14 seconds into
the encounter, and tossed off a prescription
or two before moving on to the next patient.

But it wasn't long before I noticed that many of my

patients began their follo w- up visits wit h a chee rless
'I'm no better, Doctor'. This appa rent lack o f success ,
I knew, was nothing personal. Conve nti o nal
medicine doesn't always fare well with chron ic
di sease. BUl I did find that some hard y so ul s were
actually getting better though not as a result of my
treatment. When I asked to what they attributed
their imp rovement, they'd mumble something about
acupuncture or herbs from a nutritionist.
Comm on sense dictates that a doctor doesn't
argue with patients who are getting better. So instead
of lelling them about the possible dangers of
'unscientific' medicine, I began doing some research.
In time, I was making regular referrals to co mpl e
mentary hea lth professionals, and began wo rking
with people in various fields of complementary
medicine, as we ll as with other doctors w ho sh ared

my interest in comp lementary medicine. I've come to

believe that our patients get better because we, as
doctors, now have more tools at our disposal - two
'toolboxes', so to speak, offering both conventional
and complem entary hea llh-care options. In addition,
many doctors and comp le mentary health-care
profeSSionals now have a mutual respect for one
another's healing abilit ies.
Today, conventiona l med icine has fewer quarrels
with complementary medicine lhan in the past. After
yea rs of addreSSing medical gro ups, I find that the
docto rs I meet now are intellectually curious, mildly
sce ptical and somewhat cautious, but increasingly
w illing to learn about complementary treatments.
This openness to exp loring new methods of
healing is especially relevant to what I see as the
most significant trend in comp lementary medicine
today: the dramatic increase in the use of vitamins,
minerals, herbs and other nutritional supplements.
For many people , supplements have come to play
an important role in medical sel f- ca re , either as
preventive measures or as therapy for a va riety of
ailments Behind this trend is a grow ing body of
ev idence - from resea rchers as we ll as doctors that
supple ments promote good hea lth. They are easy to
obta in , and are sometimes less expens ive than

Increasingly, herbal remedies, such

as St john 's wort, are being taken
seriously by health professionals as
well as consumers.


prescription or ove r-the-cou nter medica tions. Yet the

use of su pplements is hotl y debaled among hea lth
experts, and sorting out claims and counterclaims
can be difficult. Indeed, a number of the benefits
attributed to supplements remain unproved because
the research is skelchy, lack ing the exacting criteria
that conve ntional medici ne demand s of an)' new
therapy. Long-term ri sks are n't always known.
This book wil.! help yo u to understand what the
various supplements offer and how you can use them
effec tivel y and sa fely The introductory section
answe rs ge neral questions abo ut supplements, and
also provides (on pages 32- 35) basic supple ment
recommenda tions to help you to oplimise your
hea lth . For treating or preventing specific health
problems , turn to the enlries in the 'Ailments'
section, which begins on page 38; it features charts
with dosage recommendalions. Yo u'll find addiliona l
informati on on using many of these remedi es in th e
'Supplements' secli on, beginning on page 228 .
1 must emphaSise that even with all their proved
benefits, nutritional supplements ca n't work mirac les
- and I'm not refe rring simply to the more outland ish
claims mad e for so me products . It often takes more
than a pill to get results. But by combi ning supple
ments with a hea lth y diet and some lifestyle cha nges
(regular exercise, weight contro l, stress reduction) ,
you may find you can avo id standard medication
With that in mind, this book ca n set you on a
healing path, one where you take an acti ve, more
confIdent role in managing yo ur own hea lth

David Edelberg, MD, the chief consultant for this
book, is a board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine,
Section Chief of Holistic and Alternative Medicine at Illinois
Masonic Medical Center (Chicago) and Assistant Professor
of Medicine at Rush Medical College (Chicago). He is also
founder and chairman of American WholeHealth, Inc,
a health-care organisation creating centres of holistic
medicin e throughout the US.

Exciting changes are occurring in complemen

tary health care (natural therapies, as they used to
be called) in Australia and New Zealand. More
than half the population now realise the benefits
of using health-enhancing, less toxic therapies .
Once a little known - and little understood
profession, complementary health care is growing
rapidly in stature, professionalism and acceptance.
Many complementary health-care courses are
now taught at universities, bringing together
the best elements of ancient and traditional
knowledge and today's science. Po litica lly, also,
the profession is starting to be heard .
Hea lth or illness is a combi nation of our genetic
background and our interaction with our environ
ment. We can't do much about our genetics, but
we can do a lot to prevent our genetic weak
nesses from developing into illness. What we do
when we're well largely determines how we
respond to treatment when we're ill.
Complementary health care is 'the science of
heal th'. It makes use of substances that are non
toxic or of very low toxicity - herbs, vitamins,
minerals and other nutritional supplements
to rebalance the body and promote wellness.
Medicine, on the other hand, is 'the science of
disease', and has a valuable role when we are
seriously ill. The two systems have complementary
strengths and weaknesses, and can work together
to treat and prevent even life-threatening illnesses .
Some of the supplements covered in this book
are not yet widely ava ilable in Australia and New
Zealand, but many are the heale rs of the future.
As more are resea rched and found to be thera
peutically useful and relatively safe, they will
increasingly become available.
Karen Bridgman, ND, DBM, MAppSci (Social
Ecology), MSc (Hons), the principal consultant
for the Australian and New Zealand edition, is a
naturopath, a senio r tertiary lecture r and a consul
tant fo r the manufactu ring industry. Before study
ing naturopathy in 1980, she worked in nuclear
medicine. She is Secretary of the Board of the
International Cancer Association Network (ICAN),
and is currently completing her PhD .


The substances and products that we think

of as nutritional or dietary supplements are
by no means new. Vitamins in pill form
have been available for more than 50 years.
Herbs, which are also known as botanicals
or phytomedicines (phyto means 'plant' in
Greek), have been staples in the sickroom

scien tist s, have come to believe th at substances such

as garlic, echinacea and grape seed extract, al ong
with vi tamins and minerals, are as beneficial to
hea lth as low-fat foods , exe rci se and as pirin
According to a rece nt survey reponed m the British
medi ca l jo urn al Th e Lel/lCet, almost half of all
Australians had taken some fo rm of supplements ,
and approx imately 20 per ce nt had co nsulted a
complementary hea lth profeSS ional

and the kitchen for millennia, and were the

primary form of medicine throughout the
world until this century. Yet only a decade
ago, most vitamin pills were fairly uniform
'one-a-day' formulas, and herbal remedies
often had to be concocted at home or
bought in out-of-the-way health-food shops.

Today, dieta ry supplements - or comp lementary

hea lth-care products, as they are offi Ciall y call ed in
Australia - encompass a d izzymg array of \'itamins.
minerals and herbs, as we ll as other compounds tha t
have bee n extracted or created from natural so urces.
(These compounds carry names such as glucosamine ,
coenzyme QlO, and - among those with recently
su bstanliated disease-fi ghtin g potential - Iycopene )
Since most are available without a prescription ,
supplements are sold in \'irtually every supe rmarke t
and pharmacy lVlany shoppi ng centres have health
food shops that stock a wid e range of sup plements,
and you can also buy supp lements from catalogu es
and over the Internet. Annual sup plement sales
in Austra lia are es timated at close to $2 billi on. and
in New Zealan d at $150 milli on
Public interest in su pp lements is reflect ed in the
media, which carry regular re ports abou t [hem
whether it's a review of studies of St John's wort as a
treatment for mild depression , a suney of the effec ts
of ginkgo bil oba on dementi a sufferers, or an an icle
noting that in much of Europe th e standard treat
ment for an enlarged prostate is not a conventi onal
prescripti on drug but the herb saw palmetto .
Wah all th is atte nti on and the nsing sa les of sup
plemenls , it isn 't surprising that millions of peop le
throughout the world , including man y doc tors and

The fact that so many peo pl e are willing to try sup

plements, part icularly when it's often hard to fin d
I'el iable inform ation about them, indicates that major
cha nges in health care have brought herbal and
nutrit io nal remedies closer to mainstream medicine.
Traditionally, th e med ical community has be en
sce ptical of these remedies and of complementary
medicine. But that is changing.
New research: During the past decade , nutritional
research has prod uced a flood of studi es offering
compe lling evidence that specific foods and nutrients
may help prevent, slow or eve n reverse se ri ous
diseases . For example, seve ral large-sca le studies from
Harvard University have proVided strong eViden ce
that taking vitamin E su pplements is linked to lowe r
rates of heart di sease in both men and women, From
these resul ts, ex perts have co ncluded that a higher
leve l of vitamin E than is found in the ave rage
Australian or New Zealand diet (or can possibly be
obta med from food alone) ve ry likely offers some pro
tec ti on agai nst heart disease These and similar studies
cited th ro ughout this book have convinced many sci
entists and other expe rts who fmm erly do ubted that
taking vitamin and mineral suppl ements in reasonabl e
amounts co uld increase a person's chances of staving
off disease and enj oy ing optimal health
In ma ny Europea n countri es, herbs have been
wide ly studi ed and scrut mi sed ov er the past
20 yea rs , and stand ards have been esta blished for
their effecti \'cness and sa fet y In Ge rm any, for
example, a special body of sc ien tists and health
profeSSionals , know n as Commission E, has been
investigating th e usefulness and sa fety of herbal
rem ed ies since 1978 , gath ertng infonnation from

scientific literature, clinical tri als and medical

associations. It has reponed on some 300 herbs - and
has found about two-thirds of them to be safe and
effective. Information like this has persuaded more
doctors and scientists in AusLralia and New Zealand
to take a less dismissive view of herbal remedies.
However, a number of benefits attributed to
vitamins, minerals and herbs remain unproved and
controversial. Many doctors and researchers take the
view that the studies of complementary remedies are
not sufficientl y rigo rous. Many of these studies have
been small in scale, and most don't offer a long-term
evaluation of benefits and sid e effecLs.
But as more studies are being conducted, some
impressive evidence is accumulating. In the research
on the herb St John's won as a treatment for depres
sion, for exampl e, IS studies ha ve compared an
extract of the herb to a place bo , or neutral ptll, in
order to test for a placebo effect (a n improvement in
symptoms that some people experience because they
believe they are rece iving treatment , even though Lhe
pill is inactive) St John's wort was found to be more
effective than a placebo in treating mild to moderate
depreSSive symptoms. Other studies have shoVlTTl that
the herb works as we ll as standard prescription
medications for trea ting mild depression. Moreover,
the side effects were said to be infreque nt and rela
tively innocuous - a feature of many herbal remedies
that is pan of their appeal
Emphasis on prevention: IncreaSingl y, both
medica l experts and the ge neral population are
recognising that lifestyle choices are a critical factor

in staying we ll This has led more people to pay

attention to diet, exe rcise and weight control Many
have also stopped smoking and limited their alcohol
intake. These measures can help to prevent or reli eve
common co mplaints, including back pain and con
stipation , and, more imponant, to reduce the risk of
serious atlments such as heart disease and ca ncer.
(Researchers now think thaL three-quarters of all
cance rs occur mainly as a res ult of things people eat,
drink , smoke, or encounter in the environment.)
Vitamins, minerals and herbs can reinforce and en
hance the benefit of these se lf-care measures, which
are also essential for enjoYlllg what is often termed
optimal hea lth - not si mply the absence of illness ,
but th e capacity to lead a full, vital, productive life
Over recent years,
Australians and New Zealand ers (a long with peop le
in BriLain and the US) - including so me docto rs
have become increasingly aware of the limitations of
conventional medicine . Although medical science
has found cures for many troubling hea lth problems
(including some infectio us diseases that caused sick
ness and premature death on a grand scale), it has
been less success ful in combating chronic illnesses
such as heart disease, cancer and di abetes Likewise,
drugs offer potent treatments for numerous ailments,
but they also carry the risk of side effects, which in
some cases are powerful and distreSSing In addition,
some medications are ve ry expensive , and the cost
particularl y if long-term Lherapy is reqUired - may be
prohibitive for many patients

Saw palmetto (shown as dried fruit

and in capsules) is among the herbs
that doctors in Europe often prescribe
for prostate problems.


As awa reness of the sho rtco mings of mode rn

medicine has grown, consumers have become more
and more enthu siast ic aboul comp lement ary
approaches. Ge ne rally, these meth ods - which
include acupu ncture, chiropracti c, massage therapy
and biofeedback, as we ll as herbal and nutritional
therapies - are considered less invasi ve, safer and
more 'holistic' (treating the whole person, rather th an
simply suppressing sympto ms) than conventional
treatments. As you read the entries in this boo k.
yo u'll see that supplements often act to enhance
the body's own defences A herb you take to help
to treat an infection, for exa mpl e, oft en doesn't kill
bacteri a directly (as an anti biotic would) , but rather
strengthens the immune syste m so that your body
can kill the bacteria.
Complementary therapies may also be less ex pen
sive than conventional trea tme nt s~ supplements, in
panicular. cost less lhan some presc ription drugs and
so me ove r-the-counter med icatio ns. Complementary
therapies, such as ac upu ncture and chi rop ractic
trea tments, are now cove red by many health
in surance schemes.
Underl ying most of these alternative choices in
hea lIng is the belief that the human body has
remarka bl e powers of se lf-repair According to thi s
view, sup plements, when used wise ly, can boost the
body's immune system to help to preve nt disease
If a health prob lem does arise, they ca n also enh ance
and acce lerate the se lf-healing process.
Consume rs have shown thal they want to try
compleme ntary approaches , and doctors are slowly
responding lO demands from their palients .



However, rather than th ll1 king of suppl ements

and other less-estab lished re medi es as 'a lternatives'
that exclude conventio nal treatments, some doctors
are atte mptin g to integrate the two , so that what are
so metimes called 'alt ernative' medical options
are more appropriately viewed as 'comp lemenlary' or
'integrative' medicin e. which ca n work hand-in-hand
with co nventional Western medicine.
In an integrative ap proac h, you and your doctor
ideally work toge ther lO reach a decision about
which supp lement or other therapy to use to lreat
your particular heallh problem (see page 14) But
many doctors and other members of the med ical
establishment are st ill resistant to co mpleme ntary
healing methods. Thus, there is no single relia ble
source of information about these remed ies In lhe
en d, consumers have lO acquaint themse lves with the
various types of compleme ntary therapies available,
including supplements.
One refleclion
of the mainstream popularily 01 nut ritional supple
ments is that not only do most pharmacies in
Austra lia an d New Zealand stock them, but they ofte n
display them near over-lhe-counter pharmace uticals.
Both types of products make health-related claims
(though in Australia and New Zealand such claims
are stri ctly regulated) , and both are supplied in
dosage forms such as capsules, tablets or powders. So
a consu mer may well ask, what's the differe nce?


Valerian root, a herbal sleeping

aid that is sold in the form of
capsules and table ts, has virtually
no side effects.

Doctors and nurses who practise conventional

medicine may be scep tical about alternative
therapies, but there is evidence that many take
vitamin and mineral supplements themse lves. In a
US survey of 181 cardiologists, nearly half were
regularly taking antioxidant vitamins, including
vitamin C and vitamin E, which are linked to the
prevention of cancer and heart disease. A smaller
percentage (37%) recommended antioxidants
routinely to their patients. Another survey of
665 dietitians in Washington State found that
nearly 60% of them took some kind of nutritional
supplement, either daily or occasionally. (No
similar studies have been done in Australia or
New Zealand, but it is reasonable to assume that
the situation would not be vastly different.)






Australia, co mpl ementary hea lth- care products

(referred to as supplements throughout thi s book)
are regulated under the same law as prescliption
drugs and pharmaceutica l products.
Under the TherapeutiC Goods Act 1989 and
Regu lations, com pl ementa ry health-care products,
including vitamins, minera ls, amin o acids and
nutritional supp lements, herbal remedi es and
homeopathiC and aromat herapy products, are regu
lated as therapeutiC goods
Comp lementary hea lth-care products are defined
as low-risk products with fe w side effects . They must
be assessed for safety and quality, and manufact ured
under strict standards of pharmaceutical manufac
ture known as Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
before they can be manufactured, imported into,
exported from or supplied in Australia These exact
ing requirements result in products that are among
the best quality in the wo rld.
Co mpleme mary health care products can contain
only substances that have been accepted as low risk.
These substances are listed in a sc hedul e included
111 the legislation. Any new substance or herb must
be eva luated by the Co mplementa ry Medicines
haluation Committee (CMEC) before it can be use d
in products that are legally available in Australia.
The CME C is a ministeria ll y appoimed Committee

established und er the Therapeutic Goods Act, and

comp rises recognised experts in herbal medicine,
naturopathy, toxicology, pharmocognosy, traditional
Chinese medicine and other related areas
Complementary hea lth- care prod ucts must be
assessed and included in the Australian Register of
Therapeut iC Goods before they can be supp lied in
Australia. Each product is allocated a number, which
ap pears on the labe l as an AUST Lor AUST R number
Claims relating to these products are controlled
under the TherapeutiC Goods Adve rtising Code,
which app lies to both complementa ry hea lth -care
prod ucts and ove r-the-counte r pharmaceuti ca ls.
Th ere are heavy penalt ies for breaching this code.
Manufacturers and suppliers of these products
are reqUired by law to hold ev idence to substantiate
the claims that are mad e, and the TherapeutiC Goods
Administration (TGA) ca n call for this ev idence.
AdvertisemelHs in mainstream media, such as news
papers, radio , Lelevision or magazines, must be approved
before they are published or broadcast. Failure to
have advertisements cl ea red ca n result in heavy fines.
Concerns or complaints about advertise ments
in promotional material can be referred to the se lf
regulatory Complaint Resolution Committee, which
is a body esta bli shed by the Complementary
Hea lth ca re Council to handle such comp laints Th is
self-regulatory process is backed up by regulatory
authorities such as the Australian Competition
and Cons umer Commission and the TGA, which
are represented on the com mittee, along with a
consumer represe ntative, a comp lementary hea lth
care profeSSional and industry representa tives.
The Australian government has recently intro
ducted a regu latory reform package to ensure that
the regulatory requirements st ill protect pub li c safety
but make a greater range of products available. The
government has also announced a review of the
Adve rtiSing Code, to allow more meaningful infor
mation to be provided to consumers to help them to
make informed choices.
Government regulations in New Zealand:


New Zealand, the Ministry of Health ad mini sters

th e Dietary Supplements Regulations 1985 (under
the Food Act 1981) and the Medicines Regulations
1984. The Commerce Commission administers the
Fair Trading Act, which cove rs claims and labelling
issues. The Dietary Supplements Regulations define
a dietary supplement, set out labe lling requirements
and cover the maxim um daily doses for several


nutrients . Essentially, unless a nutrie nt o r h erb is

restri cled , a dietary supplement can contain any sub
stance that is or might be deri ved from th e diet
Unlike in Australia, where dietary sup pleme nts
are treated as med icines , products do not have to be
registered with the lvlinistry of Health, and any
dietary suppleme nl can be placed on the market
provided it m eets the labelling and daily limit laws.
While nUlritional slatements are permitted (to a
certain exte nt), health claims cann Ol be made for
dietary su pplemenls in New Zealand. Products can
be manufac lured an)'v"here , bu t must be labelled in
English . Dietary s upplements can be freely sold in
pharm acies , health-food shops and supermarkets,
and through man y other o utl els.

A growing number of doctors and patients are

embracing a complementary approach to treating
health problems. This entails weighing up both
conventional and complementary methods in order
to devise the best possible strategy for a patient's
needs. For example, if a person with high blood
pressure has distressing side effects from a prescription
drug, he and his doctor may decide on a therapy that
combines supplements with other lifestyle adjustments
to see if it can lower the patient's blood pressure with
less distress.
Medical schools teach their students very little
about nutritional and herbal therapies. But because
professional journals and postgraduate courses for
doctors are giving these forms of treatment increas
ing attention, some doctors are becoming more
familiar with them. If your doctor is not knowledge
able about nutritional or herbal medicine, he or she
may well suggest that you work with a nutritionist or
other health professional in this area (see page 30)
especially if you have a medical problem that usually
responds well to nutritional therapy.
If your doctor is sceptical, consider consulting a
doctor who is more receptive . (In Australia and
New Zealand, such doctors are often referred to as
holistic medical practitioners.) Such a doctor will
probably have a better understanding of the effects
of nutritional supplements on the body than a
conventional doctor, a herbalist, or any other type
of health professional who hasn't been schooled in


Australia and New Zealand are working towards

trans-Tasman harmonisation of the regulation of
these p roducts , and it is expected that the two
countries will eventually have a system similar to
the Australian m odel thal will require pharmaceuti
cal Glvlp, a simpl e evaluation and listing system,
a nd an advertising co de lh al requires claims to
be substantialed.

anatomy and physiology. No matter whom you work

with, be sure to keep these guidelines in mind:
Don't diagnose yourself. If you have symptoms
that suggest an illness, see a doctor (the minimum
qualifications in Australia and New Zealand are
MBBS) or, depending on the severity of the symp
toms, an accredited naturopath .
Talk to your doctor. Report all your symptoms.
Also, tell your doctor or health professional about
any supplements you are already taking, because
some of them might interact adversely with conven
tional drugs you may be asked to try. Even if your
doctor isn't receptive to herbal or nutritional reme
dies, you should still discuss any supplements you are
taking or thinking about using, particularly if you
have a chronic condition such as asthma, diabetes or
heart disease.
Don't stop treatment. Some supplements may
complement, or even replace, conventional drugs.
But never discontinue or alter the dosage of any
prescribed medication without consulting your doctor.
Recognise when conventional methods are
best. It can be foolish - even dangerous - to seek
complementary treatments for medical conditions
that Western-trained doctors excel at treating or
preventing. These include medical and surgical
emergencies, physical injuries, acute infections such
as pneumonia, sexually transmitted diseases, kidney
infections, reconstructive surgery and prevention of
immunisable diseases, such as polio and diphtheria.

Anyone who has strolled down a shopping

aisle devoted to nutritional supplements is
aware of - and perhaps overwhelmed by

ove rwhelmed by all the choices open to yo u, it 's

usdul first to lea rn the basic types of su pplements
that are ava il able and the key fun ctions they perform
in helping to keep yo u hea lthy

the huge variety. Taking into account the

different brands and combinations of
supplements, there are literally hundreds
of choices. You ' re not likely to encounter this
many in one place, but even a more limited
selection in your local pharmacy, supermarket
or health-food shop can be confusing.
One reason for so much va riety is thal markelers are
constantl y trying to distinguis h thei r ow n brands
from olhers, and so they dev ise dirrerenl dosages and
new combinations and spe nd a lot of money on
advertising and prom olin g their produ cts. At th e
same time, scienti sts have found new and better ways
of ext racting nUlriti onal compone nts fr om plants and
syn thesising nutri ents in a laborato ry - disco\'eri es
lhal have resulted in man)' new products .
To be ab le to make informed decisions , its esse n
tial to und erstand th e terms used on suppl emem
labels (see page 26) , as we ll as the properti es and
characterisli cs of speci fi c sup plemenls (w hich yo u
will rind in Part 2 of lhi s book, th e 'Supp lements sec
li on, which slartS on page 228) BUl lO a\ oid ree lin g

Vitamins: A vita min is a chemica ll y organic

substa nce (meaning it co ntains carbon) esse ntia l
for regu lating bOlh th e metabolic fun ctions within
the body cel ls and the biochemical processes that
release ene rgy fro m food. In addition, evid ence is
accumu lating that certain vitamins are anli ox idants
subslances that pro lect tlssues fro m ce ll damage
an d ma), possibly help to preve nt a number of dege n
erCl li\e dise;lses (see page 17)
Wi lh a fe\\ exce plions (notab ly vitamins D
and K), the body ca nnot manufac ture vilamins, so
the), must be ingested in food or nUlrilio nal supple
ments. Thue are 13 kn own vitamins, which ca n be
ca tegorised as either fa t-so lubl e (A, D, E and K) or
wa ter-soluble (eight B-vitamins an d vitamin C) The
di stinClion is important because the bod y stores fat
soluble vitamin s for relati\'e ly long peri ods (months,
o r C\'en years), whereas wate r- so lubl e vitamins
(exce pt fo r \'itamin B12 ) rema in in th e bod)' fo r on ly
a sha n li me and mUSl be replenished more frequentl y.
Minerals: lVlineral s are prese nt in
in small amounlS. Altoget her, th ey add
'+ '10 of body weighl Ye t th ese inorganic
\\'hich <.Ire round in the ea rth 's crust

your body
up LO onl y
substan ces ,
as well as

The pills shown here (clockwise from top)

are minerals, herbal extracts, vitamins
and other nutritional supplements,


in man y roods, are essemial to a wide range or

vital bodily processes, rrom basic bone rormatio n to
the norm al runcli on ing or the heart and di gesti ve
system. A number or minerals have bee n linked
to the prevention or ca nce r, osteoporosis and other
chronic illnesses .
As with vitamins, hum ans mUSl repl eni sh their
mineral supply through rood or with supplements.
The body contains more than 60 dirrerenl minera ls,
but only 22 are co nsidered esse ntial. or these, seven
- ca lcium, chl orid e, magnesi um , phosph orus, pOlas
sium, sodium and sulphur - are usually call ed
macromineral s, or majo r minerals. The other 15 are
lermed trace minerals, or microminerals, because the
amoum or lhem that the body requires each day ror
goo d health is tin y (Usuall y it's measured in micro
gra ms , or milliomhs or a gram )
Herbs : Herbal supplemems are prepared rrom
plants - often using the leaves, stems , roots ancIJor
bark, as well as th e buds and nowers Known ror
thousands or yea rs as medicina l agents , man y plant
parts can be used in their nat ural rorm , or the y ca n
be refined into tablets, ca psules , powders, tinctures
and other supplement rormulations
~/lany herbs have seve ral active compounds that
interact with one another to produce a therapeutiC
efrect A herbal supplem ent may coma in all the co m
pou nds round in a plant, or just one or t\VO or the
iso lated compounds that have been successru lly

Ginseng capsules supply ginsenosides,

active ingredients extracted from the
Panax ginseng root.


extrac ted . In the case or some herbs, however, the

active agents haven't been id entiried , so it's necessary
to use the co mplete herb to obtain all its benefits.
or the hundreds or remedies that are surracing
in the current reb irth or herbal med icines, the maj or
ity are being used to treat chron ic or mild health
probl ems Increasingl y, herbs are also being used
to atlain or maintain good health - ror example, to
enhance the immune system , to help keep blood
cholesterol leve ls low, or to increase stamina and
lesse n raligue Less commo nl y, some herbs are now
reco mmended as com plementar)' therapy ror acute
or severe diseases.
Other nutritional supplements: These supple
ments comprise a dive rse gro up or products. Some,
such as fish oils, are rood substances that scientists
ha ve conclud ed have di sease -fight ing potential.
Flavo noids, so y isonavones and caro tenoids are
phYLOc hemicals - compound s round in rruits and
vegetables that lower the risk or disease and may
all eviate symptoms or some ailments.
Other nutritional supplements in this category,
such as OHEA, melatonin and coenzyme QIO, are
substances present in the body that can be re-created
synthetically in a laborato ry (OHEA and melato nin
are avai lable only on prescription in Au stra li a and
New Zealand ) A similar example is acidophilus, a
'rri endl y' bacterium in the body that , taken as a sup
plemem, may be help ru l in the treatmem or digest ive
disorders. Amino acids, which are bUi lding blocks
ror proteins and may playa role in strengthening the
immune system and in othe r health-promoting
processes , have been known to scientists ror man y
years Onl y recently, howeve r, have the y been mar
keted as individual dietary supplements.

Many people take a daily multivitamin and
mineral supplement as nutritional 'insurance'
against deficiencies. But recent research
provides additional reasons for using a variety


of supplements, including herbs, to both

f- yo

It's co mmon knowledge that many people make

nutritionall y poor food choices: for example, they're
more likely to select chips than broccoli as a veg
etab le serving, and wi ll Opt for a soft drink rather
than a glass of skim milk as a beve rage Not only may
these and other foo ds contribute too mu ch fat and

prevent and heal diseases - and indicates

that optimal levels may be higher than
conventional wisdom has long dictated.




If you're basically healthy, is there any advantage in

taking supplements regularly) And if you develop a
disorder or ailment, ca n you expect supplements to
offer any help) What follows is a summary of th e
major benefits that, according to re searc hers, most
people can expec t if they use the supplements cov
ered in this book . More detailed information about
the therapeutic effects of specific supplements ca n be
found in the entries in the 'Supplements' secti on,
which starts on page 228.
Conventional wis
dom has long held that, as long as people who are
healthy eat we ll enough to avoid specific nutriti onal
deficiencies, they don't need to supplement their
diet. The on ly th ing they have to do is consume a
diet that meets the RDIs - Recommended Dietary
Intakes - deve loped by gove rnment health agencies
for vitamin and mineral intakes (see page 21 ).
But even if one accepts the government's stan
dards for vitamin and minera l intakes as adequate for
good hea lth, there is evidence that the diets of many
peo ple fall short of these nutritional requirements. In
Australia, a recent 'snapshot ' survey of 14000 people
revealed that, vvhile Australians generally consume
the right amounts of meats and fa ts for good health,
'we need to eat more breads, cereals and ce real prod
ucts , anothe r se rve of frui t each day, several more
serves of vegetables, anot her serve of mil k and milk
products, and to include fish two or three times a
week' in order to obtain the minimum leve l of nutri
ents believed necessary to prevent illness . (lvlore
information may be obtained from the Australian
Nutrition Foundation in your State.)

Although oxygen is essential for life, it can have

adverse effects on your body. In the normal
physiological process of using oxygen, chemical
changes occur that create reactive unstable oxy
gen molecules called free radicals, which can
damage cells and structures within cells, including
genetic material (DNA). Free radicals also may form
in response to external factors such as cigarette
smoke and alcohol, pollutants such as nitrogen
dioxide and ozone, and ultraviolet light and other
forms of radiation, including X-rays. If the genetic
material in cells is affected by free radicals and not
repaired, it can be replicated in new cells, con
tributing to cancer and other health problems. Free
radicals may also weaken artery walls, allowing fatty
deposits that can lead to heart disease to collect.
However, cells have special agents for combat
ing free radicals and repairing molecular damage.
These free-radical fighters are called antioxidants.
A great deal of recent research suggests that anti
oxidants may play important roles in preventing
or delaying the onset of heart disease, cancer and
other illnesses, and may even halt the damage to
cells, thereby slowing the effects of ageing .
Vitamins C and E are perhaps the best-known
antioxidants. The mineral selenium is also an
antioxidant, as are carotenoids such as beta-carotene
and Iycopene. Enzymes and certain other
compounds (such as glutathione) manufactured
by the cells themselves also function as antioxidants.
Some experts now think that a number of other
substances, including certain herbs, may act as
antioxidants as well. For example, green tea, grape
seed extract and ginkgo biloba (among others)
are all thought to have antioxidant properties.


Staying well hinges on a wide range of lifestyle

choices that can enhance the quality of your life so
that you feel better physically and mentally. Equally
important, these habits can promote longevity.
Below is a summary of the most important actions
to take.

Exerci se regularly. Studies show that as little as

30 minutes of exercise - such as walking, swimming

or playing tennis - at least three times a week can

help to lower your risk of disease and premature death .

If you smoke, give it up. Thousands of premature

deaths each year in Au stralia and New Zealand are

Avoid becoming seriously overweight. A large

weight gain in adults (10 kilograms or more) is linked

to increased mortality in middle age. Keep your

weight in check by watching your kilojoules and

related to smoking.

exercising regularly.

Eat a varied, low-fat diet. Experts recommend

seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day,
plenty of whole grains (which are high in dietary
fibre as well as vitamins and minerals) and low-fat
dairy products (for bone-strengthening calcium) .

Protect yourself from the sun. Too much sun

damages your skin, promoting skin cancer and

cataracts . Use sunscreen (at least 15 SPF, but

preferably 20 SPF), avoid long exposure (especially

between 11 a.m . and 3 p.m.), cover up, wear sun

glasses and a hat, and examine your skin frequently.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

Excessive consumption of alcohol (more than four
standard drinks a day for men, two for women) can
lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer
and other health problems.

sugar to your diet , but they can also result in

less -than- optimal intakes o f vit amins, minerals
and disease-fighting phytochemicals
Even with the best nutritional plannin g, it's
difficult to maintain a diet that mee ts the RDls for
all nutrie nts. For exa mple, vegelarians, who as a
group are healthier than mea t eaters (a nd who tend
to avo id junk food s lacking in vitamins and miner
als) , may still be de ficient in some nutrients, such as
iro n, calciu m and vitamin Bl2 And most people who
want to foll ow a healthy, low -fa t diet will have a
problem obtaining the recommended amounts of
vitamin E from their food alone, because so many of
the food sources for vitamin E are high in fat.
Anot her co mpli catio n is that a so-ca lled balanced

Control stress. You can't avoid this consequence of

modern life altogether. But by exercising, meditating

and pursuing other activities you enjoy, you can keep

stress from becoming overwhelming.

diet may not con tain the more speC ialised substances
- fish oils or soy isoflavones, for exam ple - that
researchers think may pro mote health. For peopl e
who are ge nerall y healthy but [or so me reason can't
eat a well-balanced diet every day, a supplement can
fill in these nutritional gaps or boost the level of
nutrients they co nsume fro m adequate to optimal
There are va rious other reaso ns why eve n those
who have good eating hab its might benefit from a
daily supplement. So me expens now believe that
expos ure to en vironmental pollutants - from ca r
emissions to in dustrial chemicals and wastes - ca n
cause damage in my riad ways inside the body at the
cellular level, destroying tissues and depl et ing the
body of nutrients. Man y su pplements, particu larly



To get the antioxidant benefit of

vitamin E, you could eat half a kilo
of sunflower seeds (a leading

food source) - or take just one of

these capsules.

: \.s [hat act as an tioxidants, can help to control the

and tissue damage that follows toxic exposure
",e The Power of Antioxidants' on page 17) Recent
,,-, ,jence also indicates that certain medicat ions,
~"'.~ess alcohol , sm oking and persistent stress may
-:e,fe re with the absorption of certain key nutrients.
o-o:'.c. e\"en an exce llent diet would be unable to make
_p fo r such a shortfall.
....5 explained on pages 32-35, spec ific nu tritiona l
~r0 grams of vitam ins, minera ls and othe r supple
,ents ca n be de signed tha t will take into acco un t
-!"'ese and othe r environme ntal and lifestyle factors
oj., oH .t ffe ct nut rient levels in the human body.

. ~~ r many years, it was thou ght that a lack of

was linked only to specific deficiency
_: seases such as scurvy, a condition marked by
:L ft gu ms and loose teeth tha t is caused by too
_:lle \Oitamin C. In the past three decades , however,
::-k1 usa nds of SCIent ific studies have all indicated
: ~ J t specific nutrients appear to play an important
rll\e In the prevention of a number of chronic,
~ e ce n erative diseases com mon in contemporary
'.\ estern societies.
\ [any recent studies highli ghting the disease
:i :-.h ting po tent ia l of differe nt nutrients are
'11C!l ioned th roughout this book. What most of
these stud ies reveal is that the level of nutrients asso
lIa ed with disease prevention is often Significantly
h gher than the curre nt RDIs. And to achieve these
~i b h er levels, the participants in these stud ies often
l a
to depend on sup plem ents .
As we ll as slowing or preve nting the development
~1 disease, some experts suggest that nutrients,
' J rti cularly antioxid ants, can delay the wea r and tear
!m'olved In ageing by redUCing the damage done to
(d Is It doesn't foll ow from this th at vitamin E or
-::oenzyme QlO, fo r example, are 'yo uth potions'. But
~heral recent studies, inclu ding work done at the
\ u lrilio nal Immu nological Laboratory at Tufts
L n! versity in Boston, have fou nd that sup plementa Ion with single nutrients , such as vitam in E. or with
multivitamin and minera l supp lements , appears to
1 prove the immune response among older people
For example , a study of 11 178 elderl y peop le ,
conducted by researchers at the Na tional Institut e on
.l"gi ng in the US, showed that the use of \'itami n E
'.\Oas associated with a lowered risk of death in
ge neral, and especia ll y of death from hea rt disease
~~t!ri ents

When you see a supplement label or promotional

leaflet that lists a variety of functions or benefits
for a single herb or substance, you might wonder
if this is more marketing hype than facts. In
Australia and New Zealand, labels are checked
for accuracy of ingredients and claims made
on labels must comply with the government
regulation s in each country (see page 13 for
details of the regulations). As you read the entries
in this book, you'll see that some supplements do
have multiple effects that are well documented .
Consider a herb such as green tea . According
to many studies, its benefits may include helping
to control several cancers, including colon and
panc reatic cancer; protecting against heart dis
ease; inhibiting the action of bacteria; combating
tooth decay; and acting as an antioxidant to bol
ster the immune system. All these benefits aren't
so surprising, given that researchers have identi
fied various active components in green tea.
You should be aware that many common
medications were initially developed for one
purpose. As more people take the drugs and their
effects are studied, new uses come to light.
Imagine a drug that can cure headaches, relieve
arthritis, help to prevent heart disease, ease the
pain of athletic injuries and reduce the risk of
colon cancer. It's aspirin, of course - and its pre
cursor came from a herbal source, the bark of the
white willow tree.

In fa ct, vitami n E users were on ly half as likely

to die of heart disease as those taking no supp le
ments. In addition, there 's evide nce that ant ioxidant
suppleme nts lower the risk of cataracts and macular
degeneration , two age-related cond itions in which
vision slowly detenorates.
Other supp lements that ac t as high-potency
antioxidants and so offer protection against ageing
disorders include selenium , carotenoids, flavonoids,
certai n amino ac id s and coenzyme QlO. Some
experts also believe that the herb gi.nkgo biloba may
im prove man y age-re lated conditio ns, especiall y
those invo lving red uced blood flow, such as dizzi
ness , im po tence and short -term memory loss.

Raw garlic has been used medicinally

for centuries, and now scientific studies

verify that garlic supplements, seen here
in capsule form, are indeed beneficial.

Substances found in echinacea and other herbs a re

repo rted to sLrengthen the immune system , and
phyto-oestrogens such as so)' isoflavones are thought
to help delay o r preve nt some of the dfects of
menopause, as we ll as helping to pre ve nt cancer and
hea rt disease. (A fuller disc ussion of ageing can be
found on pages 42-43 )

Many complementary h ealth-care professionals

rec ommend supplements fo r a wide range of health
problems affecting virtually every body system . For
m ost of these cond itions, conventional doctors
wo uld be likely to prescribe drugs rather than sup
plements , though they might treat some diso rders
with supplements. For example, iron may be pre
scribed for so me types of anaemia, vitamin A (in
the drug isotreLinoin, or Roaccutane) for severe acne ,
and high doses of the B-vitamin niacin for reducing
high levels of cholesterol.
In this book, ce rtain vitamins and minerals are
suggested for the treatment of specific ailments.
Howeve r, the use of nutritional supplements as
remedies , especia ll y for serious conditlons, is
controversial. Many doctors practising conventional
medicine are sceptical of their dficacy and be lieve
it is some times dangerous to rely on them . But based
on published data and their clinical obse rvaLions ,
nutritionally oriented docto rs and other health pro
fessi onals think the use of these supplements is
Justified - and that to wait years for uneqUivocal


proof would be wasting va luable time. Until there is

clearer, more co nsist ent evidence available, yo u
should be cardul about depending o n nutriLional
supplements alone to treat an ailment or injury.
For thousands of years , howeve r, various cultures
have used herbs to soothe, relieve or even cure many
common hea lth problems, a fact not ignored by
medical science . The pharmaceutical indusLry, afLer
all, arose as a consequence of people using herbs
as medicine. Recent studies suggest that a number
of the claims made for herbs are valid, and the
pharmacological actions of the herbs covered in this
book are oft en well documented by clinical studies as
we ll as by historical practice. In Europe, a number of
herbal remedies, including St John's wort , ginkgo
bilo ba and saw palmetto , are now presClibed as med
ications to treat disorders such as allergies, depression,
impotence and even heart disease.
O f course, even herbs and other supplements
with proved th erapeutic effects shou ld be used
jud icio usly to treat an ailment. Study the gUidelines
on pages 28-29 for ad vice on using these remedies
safely and dfec tive ly
the man y promis ing benefits that supplements can
offer, it 's important to no te their limitations - and to
question some of the extravagant claims currently
being mad e fo r them.
As the word itself suggests, su ppl ements are not
meant to replace the nutrients available from foods.

In Australia and New Zealand, Recommended

given nutrient, and any adverse effects from getting

Dietary Intakes, or RDls, are published in the form of

too much, are also indicated when they are known.

Are they enough? It's important to remember that

tables issued by the National Hea lth and Medical

Research Council. The first Australian RDI tables were

the RDls are recommendations - not requirements

issued in 1954 and the first New Zealand tables in

1983. They are revised regularly.

for large groups of people. The levels are those

assumed to supply the nutrient needs of most peo

RDl s indicate the averag e quantities of key

nutrients that children and adults shou ld obtain from

ple, plus a generous margin of safety. Many experts,

th eir food every day to achieve and maintain long

term health. RDls are the same in both countries .
They are often quoted on food labels; for exampl e,
the amount of iron in a typical serving may be
shown as a percentage of the RDI for iron .

RDls are differen t for men, women and children,

however, think that current RDls (especially those for

vitamins) are still much too low for maintaining
optimal health or for treating certain diseases.
While RDls vary according to age and sex, the
values can' t take into account such variables as
smoking, alcohol consumption, exposure to pollu
tants and medication use, all of which can interfere

for different age groups and for pregnant and breast

feeding women . Where RDls apply to an 'average

with nutrient absorption. Nor do they allow for indi

vidual differences in nutritional needs according to

adult', they are meant only as a rough gUide to

healthy eating.

occupation, weight and other factors, such as

In th e ' Supplements' section of this book (under

'H ow Much You Need'), each of the vitamin and
mineral entries notes the RDI for that nutrient.

min and mineral formula given in the chart on page

33 generally provides higher levels of nutrients than
the RDl s. Additional nutrients to meet specific needs

Deficiencies resulting from getting too little of a

are suggested as well (see pages 34-35).

Supplements will never make up for a poor diet : they

can't cou nteract a high inta ke of saturated fat (which
is lin ked to an increased ris k of heart disease and
cance r), and they can't replace every nutn ent fou nd in
foo d groups that you ignore. Also, although sci entists
have isolated and extracted a numbe r of disease
figh ti ng phytoche mical compounds from fruits,
vege tabl es and other foods , there may be many others
th at are undiscovered - and ones you ca n get only
from foods. In add ition, some of the kn own
compounds may work only in combi nat ion \vith
others in var ious foods , rather than as single, isolated
ingred ients in supplement fo rm
Supplements won't compensate for pe rsonal
habits that are kno\ovn to cont ribute to ill health, such
as smoking or a lack of exerc ise. Opt imal heal th
requires a healthy lifestyle (see page 18) - th is applies
particu larly to people who are determ ined to age as
well as they can.
Although some of the benefits ascribed to supple
ments are unpro ved but plausible, other claims are
fa r-fetched Weight-loss prepa rations are the lead ing
example Though the y're extremely popular, it's

emotional stress or illness. The basic daily multivita

questionable whether any of them can help you to

shed we ight \vi thout the right food choices and regu
lar exercise . Products that cl aim to 'bu rn fat' won 't
burn enough on thei r own fo r signi fica nt weight loss
Simil arly, claims of boosti ng perfo rmance ,
whe ther physica l or mental, are difficult to prove
and any 'e nh ance ment ' will be limi te d at best in a
hea lthy pe rso n. Although a supple men t may
im prove mental fu nct ioning in someone expe rienc
in g mild to severe ep iso des of mem ory loss, it may
have a negligible effect on the memory or concent ra
ti on of mos t ad ul ts Li kewise, a supplemen t shown
to co mbat fat igue isn 't go ing to turn the ave rage
jogger into an endurance athlete. Nor is it clear that
'a ph rodis iac ' supp lements enhan ce sexua l perfor
mance if you aren't sufferi ng fro m so me form of
sex ual dysfunction
No supp lements have been found to cure any
serious diseases - includ ing cancer, heart disease ,
dia betes and AIDS. The righ t supplement, howe ver,
may help to im prove a chronic condit io n and relieve
symptoms such as pain or inflam mation . But first you
need to consult a health professional for treatment .

The many choices available allow you to
find supplements that are safe, effective and
convenient. But some 'special' formulations
appear to provide little additional benefit
and are often not worth the extra expense .
Supplements come in a variety of fo rms that affe cl
bot h their ease of use and , in some cases, thei r rate
of absorption. (Each supplement entry lists the
available forms for that supplemen t. )
Tablets: Easily stored , tablets will usually keep
longe r than oth er fo rms in whic h supplements are
ma rketed . In ad di tion to the vitamin itself, tablets
often contain generally inert additives known as
exc ipien ts. These compounds bind , preserve or give
bulk to the supplement and hel p tablets to break
down more quickly in the stomac h. Incre asi ngly,

Advertising claims imply that vitamins derived from

'nat ural ' sources are better than 'synthetic' vitamins
created chemically in a laboratory. They may state
that their natural products are more potent or better
absorbed - and manufacturers generally charge more
for natural products . But what is 'natural'?
Most supplements, no matter what their source,
are processed with chemicals in laboratories. Some
that are labelled 'natural' are really synthetic vitamins
with plant extract, or minute amounts of naturally
derived vitamins, mixed in. Even the most natural
products have undergone some refining and process
ing and contain some additives - to hold them
together or to prese rve them so that they don 't dete
riorate too quickly. However, most reputable manu
facturers try to keep their products as pure as possible .
Some vitamins, such as vitamin B, are commonly
synthesised, as the natural alternatives, such as yeast,
can cause adverse reactions in many people . Others,
such as vitamin B12 and coenzyme Q, 0, are grown
on specific bacteria . However, the way the fat-soluble


an for

sup ple ments are becoming available in ca psu le

shaped , easy- to-swallow tablets ca lled 'capl ets'.
Capsules: Th e fat-solubl e vitamins A, 0 and E
are typicall y packaged in 'so ftge l' capsul es. Ot her
vi tam ins and mine ra ls are processed into powde rs
or liquid s and then encapsulated. Like tablets ,
ca psules are easy to use and store. Th ey also tend
to have fewer addi tives than tablets , and there is
some evid ence that they disso lve more read ily
(altho ugh th is doesn't mean that they are bette r
abso rb ed by the body - just that they may be
abso rbed more qUickly) .
Powders: People who fin d pills hard to swallow
may prefer to use powders, which can be mixed in to
juice or water or stirred into food . (Grou nd seeds
such as psylli um and naxseed often come in pow
dered form ) Powd ers also allow dosages to be
adjusted eaSily Because they may have fewer binders

vitamin s are processed can make a difference. For

example, 'natural ' vitamin E - made from soya bean or
wheatgerm o il - is absorbed about twice as efficiently
as the synthetic form . This is usually reflected in the
price, as the naturally sourced product is more
expensive to produce. Vitamin A from cod liver oil
or halibut liver oil appears to be a little less toxic than
the synthesised versions (though you still need to be
careful with dosage, as vitamin A is stored in the liver),
and beta-carotene naturally sourced from foods or algae
is clinically more effective - perhaps because the
naturally sourced versions also have small amounts
of other substances (such as carotenoids) working
synergistically in the supple ment. Many companies
are now manufacturing tablets and powders directly
from fruits and vegetables to gain the broad spectrum
of antioxidants and other nutrients needed for health .
Check the additives in any supplement in case

you're allergic to any of them - and you may have to

pay more for a supplement with fewer of these inert

fillers. If in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

~ addi tives than tablets or capsules, powders are

__=<rul for people who are allergic to certain sub
,,::mces. In addition , powders are often cheaper than
~ .,olc ts or capsules.

Liquids: Liquid formulas for oral use are easy to

0'. allow

- =

and can be Oavoured. Many children's for

are in liquid form. Some supplements (such as
',-; amin E) also come in liquids for applying topically
:L the skin. Eyedrops are another type of liquid
~-ul as

Chewables : Such supplements - usually sold as


tablets - are particularly recommended for

:hose who have trouble getting whole pills down.
Lozenges: A number of supplements are available

_:5 lozenges or 'drops' that dissolve gradually in the

mouth , either for ease of use or, in the case of zinc

lozenges, to help in the treatment of colds and l1u .
Sublingual tablets: A few supplements, such as
\-itamin B12 , are formulated to dissolve under the
tongue , providing quick absorption into the blood
stream without interference from stomach acids and
digestive enzymes.

You will usua lly pay

more for a supplement if the label says 'slow-release'
or 'chelated'. Does it provide extra benefits' Hardly
ever, according to the available data.

Slow-release formulas : These formulas contain

microcapsules, or have a coating of protein, that
gradually break down to release the vitamin stead il y
into the bloodstream over 2-10 hours. 'Sustained
release' is another term for the same process.
There are no reliable studies showing that slow
release formulas are more effiCiently utilised by the
body than conventional capsules or tablets - in fact,
in the case of the fat-so luble vitamins A, D and E, the
gel-like substance that delays release may int erfere
with absorption.
Chela ted minerals : Chelation is a process in
which a mineral is bonded to another substance, or
'chelator' - usually an amino acid. This attached
substance is supposed to enhance the body's absorp
tion of the mineral.
In most cases , there's no evidence that chelated
minerals are absorbed any better or faster than non
chelated minerals. In fact, there's no solid prool' l hat
any process or addition of ingredients improves l he
absorption of vitam ins or most minerals,

You can buy whole herbs

and make up your own formulations. But for ease of
use, tablets, capsules and the other conveniently
packaged forms described here (including forms for
external use ) are readily avai lable in pharmacies ,
supermarkets and health-food shops.

Vitamin powder

Mineral capsules


Sublingual tablets
Chewable vitamins


Tablets and capsules : You can avoid the tasLe of

the herb if you take it in tablet or capsu le form Both
tablets and capsules are prepared using either a
whole herb or an extract containing a high concen
tration of the herb's active components. In either
form, the constituents are ground into a powder that
can be pressed into tab lets or encapsul ated. Some
herbs are available in ente ric-coated capsules, which
pass through the stomach to the small intestine
before d issolv in g, minimising potential gastro
intest inal discomfort and , for some herbs, enh ancing
abSOrpt ion into the bloodstream
Tinctures: These concentrated liqUids are made
by soaking the herb in water and ethyl alcoho l. The
alcohol extracts and concent rates the herb's active
components (Non-alcoholic co ncent rations can be
made using glycerin .) Tinctures are usually taken in
small doses - for examp le, 20 drops, or 1 ml , three
times daily - dilu ted with water or Juice
Teas, infusions and decoctions : Less concen

trated tha n tinctures , teas and infusions are brewed

from the fresh or dried flowe rs, leaves or roots of a
herb . These can be boughL in bulk or as te abags
Although tea is usua ll y made "vith boiling wate r, the
herbal teas recommended in this book are prepa red
as infusions, using hot water on th e verge of boil ing,
wh ich prese rves the beneficial oils that can be
dissipa ted by the steam of bo il ing water. To make
decoctions, the tougher parts of a herb (stems or
bark) are usually simmered for at least half an hour.
Use these li quid remed ies as soon as pOSSible after
breWing them, because they start to lose their
potency wit hin a few hours of exposure to air. Store
them in tighL ly sealed glass jars in the refrigerator,
and they'll retai n some stre ngth fo r up to three da ys.
Oils: Oils extracted from herbs can be commer
Cially distilled to form potent concentrations fo r
externa l use. These so-called essent ial oils are usuall y
placed in a neutral 'carrier' oil, such as almond
oi!, before be ing applied to the skin (Milde r 'infused '
oils can be prepared at home .) Essentia l herbal oil s
sho uld never be ingested . The exceptio n is pepper
mint oil: a drop or LWO on the tongue may be helpful
for bad breath , and peppermint oil capsu les are
beneficial for irritable co lon
Gels, ointments and creams: Ge ls and oint
ments, which are made from fats or oils of aroma ti c
herbs, are applied to the sk in to soothe rashes or hea l


The amount of an active or main ingredient in a

standardised herbal extract is often ex pressed as
a percentage: milk thistle 's tandardised to contain
SO% silymarin' means that SO% of the extract
contains that ingredient. Accordingly, recommen
dations in this book for most standardised prod
ucts are given as percentages. For example, a
150 mg dose of milk thistle standardised to con
tain SO% silymarin co ntains 120 mg silymarin
(150 x .SO = 120). Sometimes, though, a stan
dardised extract produ ct w ill simply state the
actual amount of active ingredient you're getting
(for example, 120 mg silymarin), rather than list
ing a perce ntage .

bruises or wounds . Creams are light oil-and-water

mlxtures tha t are partly absorbed by the sk in, allow
ing it to breat he wh ile keeping in moisture. Creams
can be used for moist urising dry skin, fo r cleanSing,
and fo r relieving rashes, insect bites or sunburn.
When herbs are
recommen ded in this book, we ofte n suggest yo u
look for 'standard ised extracts'. Her balists and
manufactu rers use this term to describe the consis
tency of a product When prodUCing a he rbal
supp lement, manufacturers can extract the active
compone nts from the whol e herb. These active ingre
dients - for example, the capsaiCin in cayenne
peppers - are then concentrated in to a supp lement
(tablets, ca psules or tinctures) They are standardlsed
to supply you with a prec ise amount in each dose.
So metimes, instead of standardised extracts,
manufacture rs process the whole, or crude, herb.
The herb is simply air- or freeze-dried, made into a
powder, and then packaged into a su pplement
again a caps ule , tablet, ti ncture or ot her form.
'v"hether a standardised extract or the crude herb
is better is an ongoing controversy among herba lists.
Supporters of crude herb supp leme nts contend that
the whole herb may conta in still unidentified active
ingredients , and that only through ingesting the
entire herb ca n all the benefits be obtained.
Advocates of standardised extrac ts argue that the
active ingredients in whole herbs can vary greatly,

__ _ndi ng on where they're growl1 and how the

_rbs d f e harwsted and processed , and that the only
." .!\- .0 be sure you 're receiving a consistent amou nt
;- ,-moe ingredients is [0 take standardised extracts_
dthough standardised products are more consis~
"<!r: from batch [0 batch, thIs doesn't guarantee that
h('\- are more effective than whole~herb products_
~ .: -_' ill many cases, you would have to use a much
:;r('.:ter amount of a whole herb to achieve a similar
:herapeutic effect. Moreover, reliabi lit y and consis
~'1 cy can be of great value, particularly when a
" -, 'uc t proves to be beneficial for a speciric disorder.
So me products
di5c ussed in th is book are available only on pre
-:,.: -tption in Australia or New Zealand The following
.: ~) di ng system has been used to identify them
- prescript ion required in Austra lia
- prescription reqU ired in Australia and
:\ew Zealand
- the dose speci[ied exceeds the quantity
chat can legally be bought over the counter in Australia
1[ New Zealand , so a prescription is needed_

In an effort to distinguish one brand from

another, supplement manufacturers have devised
their own jargon to pro mote their products. These
terms commonly appear on labels and in adver
tisements. Each term implies a superior product,
but none has a standard definition agreed upon
by experts or specified in the regulations govern
ing the manufacture and sale of supplements.
However, manufacturers must hold evidence that
substantiates the use of such terms, or they could
be prosecuted in Australia under the Therapeutic
Goods Act or the Trade Practices Act and in New
Zealand under the Fair Trading Act Pay attention
to the specific ingredients and directions on a label
rather than the hype of such terms as these:
Clinically Proven
Highly Concentrated
Maximum Absorption
Natural (or Naturally Occurring)

Quality Extract

Ephedra capsules, made from the dried stems of the herb,

are powerful bronchodilators and nerve stimulants.

In both Australia
and New Zealand , one teaspoon holds 5 mL But
whereas the New Zeala nd tablespoon holds 15 ml,
the Australian tablespoon holds 20 mL This dirrer~
ence is not signiricant for the dosages recommended
in this book, so tablespoons are given as a range
throughout 05- 20 ml) Dosages expressed as table
spoons are never precise , much less criticaL
1vlu ltivitamin and min
eral formulas are not new products, and many herbs
have traditionally been paired with others to enhance
their benefits The most straightforward pairings
combine herbs with sim ilar effects , such as valerian
and chamomile, which both act as sedatives. Other
formulas include herbs that add ress d ifferent
sy mptom s of an ailment , not unlike a combinat ion
co ld remedy that has one ingredient for congestion ,
another for sore throat. Still others feat ure an alTay
of substances touted as antioxidant 'cocktails'. And
supp lement manufacturers have also marketed herbs
with vitamins and other nutritional supplements
such as amino acids.
Some of these combi nations can promote health
and may also save you money In addition, you may
find that fewer pills are needed to obta in the desired
effect. For example, liver detoxifying products called
lipotropic combinat ions often include the nutrients
choline, inositol and methionine and the herb milk
thistle - all of which , in a blend, assist liver fun ction.
These formu las cost less and are more convenient to
take than individual supplements.
In so me comb ination products, however, certain
ingredients are present m such sma ll quantities that
the y can't have any therapeutic effe ct. They are there
simply to promote the product. So it pays to check
the label to determine the amount of each ingredient .



the labels of nutritional supplements supplied

in Australia. (This information is included for
the benefit of the average consumer. Anyone
wishing to know precise labelling or other
legislative requirements should seek advice
from the Therapeutic Goods Administration.)
New Zealand's regulations are less stringent
than Australia's, and are not covered here.

Name of goods: Either the name of the goods

(su ch as even ing primrose oil) or, H there is no such
name, the product name (that is, the proprietary
or brand name - for example, the brand name of a
proprietary tonic) must appear on the label.

Active ingredients: The names of all therapeuti

cally active ingredients contai ned in the product
must be listed for example, the active ingredient in
evening primrose oil is gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
for products such as multivitamin and mineral
supplements , the active ingredients are the vitamins
and minerals themse lves, and all must be list ed.

d a I bel

Amount of active ingredients: The quantity or

Following are the key items of information

that manufacturers are obliged to include on

proporti on of all active ingredients must be stated

for example , in the case of eve ning primrose oil
capsules, it might be said that each 1000 mg capsule
contains 100 mg 00%) o f linolenic acid. In the
case of a multivitamin and mineral supplement,
the amount of each vitamin and mineral the product
contams must be stated (using the appro priate metric
unit of measureme nt , as specified in the regu lations)
Most ingredients are given in micrograms (mcg) or
milligrams ( mg). fat-soluble vitamins, suc h as
\'itamins A, 0 and E , are usually expressed in
Interna tional Units (IU)

List of excipients: Excipient s are all ingredients

contained in a product other than the ac tive ingre
dients. These in clude suc h things as binders, fillers,
coatings, preservatives and colouring agents. for
consumers' benefit, manufacturers often choose to
state that the product does not contain certain
subst ances - such as colourings and artificial
fla vours , but also such items as yeast, dairy prod
ucts , lact ose, gluten and egg (to which some people
are allergic)
Name of dosage form: This means the usual
name o f the pharmace utical form of the product,
such as tablets or capsules.

Feed-U-Rite Pty Ltd

150 Nutrient Avenue
Livewell SA 8396
Au st ralia

Supplier 's
name and
of purpose

Evening Primrose Oil may offer temporary relief from condi

tions linked with a deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid, includ
ing some skin disorders and premenstrual syndrome. Use only
as directed, and consult you r doctor if symptoms persist.

Amount "
of active ' ---'"
-- Each capsule contains not less than 760 mg (76%)
Directions _.
for use

essential fatty acids in the form of linolenic acid and

gamma-linolenic acid.
" - Adult dosage: 1 or 2 capsules three times daily with meals,
or as directed by your health professional,

Storage ,
conditions ----..

Store below 30 ' C in a cool, dry place.

Optional - - - _ _ Keep out of reach of children

AUST L number

- AUST L 00000
/ Batch: 00000
Batch number ~ . , Exp: 11/03
Expiry dote


/ / IL -

_ __

Nome of
EVENING - - + - - goods
Evening Primrose Oil 1g, including

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) 100 mg

Dietary Supplements
150 Capsules .--.

_ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _---.!

- Quantity of
goods and
name of
dosage form

Quantity of goods : The quant ity of the goods has

to be specified - for examp le, the number of tablets
or capsules in the contai ner.
Warning statements : Where warnings apply to
the product , these must be included on the label.
The regulations specify the warn ings required on
particular categories of products. For example , iron
tablets must carry the following warning: 'Caution
52. Use stri ctly as directed Keep out of reach of
children. ' (52 refers to a sc hedu le under which cer
tain products are regulated .)
Batch number: The batch number of the goods
must appear in one of the forms specified in the
regulations. Examples are 'Batch' or 'Batch No'.
Expiry date: The expiry date must be shown in
one of a number of specified forms , which include
'Expiry Date', 'Exp. ', 'Use before' and 'Use by' The
expiry date indicates that the product wil l remain
'fresh' up to that date. In fact, supplements may
retain their full potency for some time after the date
indicated , but you ca n't be sure of this. It 's always
best to finish the product before the expiry date This
is particularly advisable in the case of the fat-soluble
vitamins (A , D, E and K)
Storage conditions : Advice must be given on
how best to store the produc t Most nutritional sup
plements should be kept in a cool , dry pl ace, which
means they shouldn 't be stored in the bathroom or
the refrigerator, where moisture can damage them.
Ho weve r, there are some produc ts that should be
refrigerated aft er opening. If this is the case, the labe l
will say so. Sim ilarly, the label will say if the product
should be stored below a ce rtain tem perature
Directions for use: These directions te ll you the
suggested dosage (for example, one table t swallowed
whole) and when, how often and how best to take it
(for example, three times a day wi th meals; or
30 minu tes before a meal , wi th a glass of water) The
suggested dosage is often foll owed by the words 'or
as directed by your hea lth professional'
Supplier 's name and address : The name and
street address of the sponsor or supplier must be
give n. Many manufacturers include their telephone
number, and so me have a consumer advice number.
Statement of purpose: Th is spec ifies the purpose
or purposes for whic h the product is intended to be

When you buy nutritio nal supplements, how do

yo u know what you 're getting? The official stan
dard used in Australia for the identity, purity and
potency of vitamins, minerals and herbs is a publi
cation called the British Pharmacopoeia (commonly
referred to as the BP) . This is followed by the
British Herbal Pharmacopoeia (BHP), the United
States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the European
Pharmacopoeia (EP).
The standards for materia ls listed in these
pharmacopoeias are published after review by an
independent body of experts. (There is a move
towards harmonisation in this area, and the BP
will eventually coincide with the EP.)
Australia's Therapeutic Goods Act requires
that all item s cove red by the BP comply with BP
standards. Items not covered by the BP must
comply with the standards specified in one of
the other pharmacopoeias (as determined by
the Therapeutic Goods Administration), or with
special Therapeutic Goods Orders, which are
standards that the TGA itself issues for such items.
Because all products manufactured or supplied
in Australia must co mply with these standards,
you won 't fi nd any reference to them on labels.
(The situation is quite different in the US, where
compliance with the USP is voluntary. As a result,
US manufacturers who either do comply with USP
standards, or claim to do so, sometimes indicate
this on the label.)

used. For example, in the case of evening primrose

oil , it might be stated that the produc t may offer
tempo rary relief from conditions assoc iated with a
deficiency of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) , including
some skin disorders and premenstrual syndrome.
In addit ion
to meet ing labell ing reqUirements, products sold
in Australia must co mply with the Therapeutic
Goods Advert isi ng Code These regula ti ons are
too numerous to be discussed here , but one wi th
which most consumers will be fam iliar is th e
state ment on vitamin packagi ng that 'Vitami ns
can only be of assistance if the dietary vitam in
intake is inadequate'.


In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods
Advertising Code (TGAC) lays down very
specific guidelines regarding supplement
claims, and suppliers must keep within the



enhance one another's individu a l benefits. Fo r

example, biotin and other B-vitamins , taken with a
mixed amino acid comp lex and vitamin C , all work
to help the body to build the protein s needed for
strong nails

legally permitted forms of wording . In New

Zealand, claims and labels have to comply
with the Fair Trading Act.
All supplements marketed in Australia must include
directions for use on their labels (see pages 26- 27)
The entries in this book provide more d etail ed infor
mation abou t the benefits , uses , side effec ts and
forms of supplements , as well as the dose s that are
considered safe and effective. In the back of th e
book, you'll find a section listing the interactions
between supplements and some commonly pre
scribed medications (see pages 392- 395) Here are
some gene ral guidelines to keep in mind
All nutrie nts innu
ence one another, and researchers have discove red a
number of links that affect how we ll the body
absorbs or uti li ses them For examp le , the fat-so lubl e
vitamins (A, 0, E and K) require some dietary fat to
fa cilitate absorption , so it's important to take these
vitamins with food. Iro n taken with meals is best
absorbed with small amounts of meat and food s con
taining vitamin C Ca lcium absorption is improved
by taking supplements with meals , and the effec t of
calcium on bUilding healthy bones is enhanced when
it is taken with magnesium, zinc and silicon Othe r
nutri ents, when taken in combination, likewise

Calcium, magnesium, zinc and silicon,

here blended in one pill, should be

taken together to maximise

calcium's bone building effect.


Nutritiona l supp le
ments are genera lly safe w hen consumed in the
appropria te dosages But it's important to remember
that more isn 't necessalily better - and so metim es
it can be worse. For example, the mineral se lenium
is recommended for many purposes, from prevent
ing cataracts to protecting against can ce r. But taking
doses even slightly higher than those re comm ended
can cause loss of hair and other adverse reactions. It's
a good idea to avoid high doses of supplements,
particularly extremely high ones C'megadoses').

Vitamins and minerals: Most vitamins can be

taken in significantly higher doses than their RDl s
without producing adverse reactions. However, so me
fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in th e bod y
rat he r than excreted , may be toxic at high doses.
In particular, overloading on vitamins A or 0 is dan
gerous Although very high doses of some other
vitamins - suc h as vitam in C - are not toxic , some
peop le may experience side effects RedUCing the
dosage can usuall y remedy the situati on .
When taken in large doses or over time , so me
minerals can b lock the absorption of other minerals
Zinc , for instance, can hamper copper absorption.
Also, large amoLlnts of certain minerals are linked to
disease - several studies show that too much iron in
men , for example, increases the risk of heart disease.

for these reasons, even doctors who believe the RDls

for many vitamins are too low thi nk th at the levels
for minerals are ge nera lly adequate for optimal health.

Herbs : According to reviews by ex perts in phar

maco logy and toxicology, serio us side effects or tox ic
react ions assoc iated with herbal medicines are rare .
Still , so me once-popul ar medicinal herbs , such as
foxglove and chaparral, are now recognised as to xic.
Occasionally, so me people exhibit se rious allergic
reactions to a herb, which may incl ude hi ves or
difliculty in breathing.
In Austral ia , herbal prepa rations are regulated
under the Therapeutic Good s Act in the sa me way as
other complementary health-care products. In New
Zea land, they are regulated under th e Dietary
Suppl ements Regu lations (under the Food Act )
Products that co ntain standa rdised extracts may
be more re liable tha n those th at don't in terms of
geuing a prope r dose of a part icu lar sup plement (see
page 24, where this issue is di scussed)
In additi on, using so me herbs for med icina l
purposes can be risk y for people with certain health
co nditi ons or for those on particul ar medicat ions.
Garlic , for exam ple, may int ensify the effects of
antico agul ant drugs, while lico rice - which helps to
reli eve di ges ti ve prob lem s and enha nce s Lh e
im mune system - can raise bloo d pressure. Some

Because supplements, especially herbs, can have

potent primary effects and side effects, keep these
points in mind when using them :
Shop wisely. Although supplements supplied in
Australi a are strictly regulated, it's sensible to select
brands with a reputation for quality.
Take the recommended dosages. As with
conventional drugs, overdosing with a supplement
can have serious consequences. With herbs and
nutritional supplements, start with the lowest dose
when a dosage range is given .
Monitor your reactions. At the first sign of an
adverse rea ction, stop taking the supplement. Also
stop if the herb doesn't seem to be working for you.
(But give it enough time to work - remember that
some herbs may take a month, or even longer, to
have a noticeable effect.)

herbs may have no imm edia te adverse effects but

may ca use side effects or prove harmful when taken
ove r the long term . When using supp lements,
always follow the dosage recomm endations closely.
In addition, always let your docto r kn ow whi ch
suppl eme nts you are taking, and not ify your doc tor
at once if your cond ition worsens or if any serious
adve rse react ions develop.
How do
you know what a prod uct actuall y contains7 In
Australia, manu fac turers and su ppliers are req uired
to list all the active ingredie nts on product labe ls.
Vitam in , mineral and herb supplements supplied
in Australia must also comply with specific standards
determined by the The rapeutic Goods Admi nis
tration (see page 27 ) The contents of nutritional
and herbal supplement s are monito red regu larly,
and suppliers generally comply with the regulations.
Established manufacturers and supp liers of supp le
ments have a reputat ion to protect , and they also
know that they fa ce substantia l penalties if they
contravene government regulations.
As a general rule , the sensi ble course if you're not
sure which brand to choose is to ask the advice of
yo ur doctor or any other hea lth professional who
regu larl y makes use of suppleme nts.

Take a break. Doctors using conventional

drugs often recommend taking 'drug holidays' for
non-life-threatening conditions such as persistent
headache, eczema or mild depression. The same
applies to supplements: take for specified periods
(which are suggested in the 'Ailments' entries), then
stop temporarily to see if the condition has
improved. If the problem returns, you may need to
take the supplement long term as a 'maintenance'
med ication .
Avoid risks. If you have symptoms that indicate a
serious problem, don't self-treat it: see a doctor or
other qualified health professional. Very young or
elderly people, and pregnant or breast-feeding women,
should also consult a doctor before using supple
ments. And always ask your doctor or pharmacist
about possible interactions with drugs you are taking.


A number of health professionals are
knowledgeable about vitamin, mineral and
herbal supplements and can give you general
information as well as specific advice.
One of the strengths of conventional medicine is
the teaching of diagnostic sk ills, so yo u should see
yo ur doctor for a prope r diagnosis of an ailment,
particularly if you have symptoms with which you
are not familiar. Naturopat hs , herbalists and some
chi ropracto rs are ge nerall y more knowledgeab le
about the use of herbs and nutri tio nal supp lement s
than most co nve nt ional doctors or other health pro
fessionals, but they have less training in making
diagnoses. When pursuing comp leme ntary treat
ment for a specific disorder, you are best served if
yo u consult a conventionally trained doctor in the
fi rst inSLance.
To find a complementary hea lth profeSSiona l, first
talk to your general practitioner. However, many
convemional doctors are reluctant to make referrals
to complementary health professionals , so you may
have to tu rn elsewhere for suggestions . Family and
fr iends may have suggestions based on the ir personal
expe liences. Also, your health insurance company
may have a li st of hea lth professionals for referral.
So me the organisations li sted on the oppOSite page
can also proVide lists of accredited professiona ls
Inquire about certification and li censing re quire
ments; this informati on can help protect you as a
consu mer. When you consult a complementary
hea lth professional, ask about his or her background
and ex perience wo rkll1g with nutritional and herbal
remedies. Be wary of anyo ne who promises cures
that see m too quick or easy, or '"vho wa nts to put you
on a regimen th at will cost a lot of money


Holistic medical practitioner (MBBS) : The min

imum qualification for a medical practitioner in
Australia and New Zealand is Bachelor of Medicine,
Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). In Australia , docto rs
must be registered wit h the Me di cal Board (i n
Victoria , the Medical Practitioners Board) in the State
where they practise In New Zea land , they mus t be
registered with the Medical Co unci l of New Zealand


A growi ng number of doctors wit h backgrounds in

conve ntion al medicine are using nutritional and
herbal su pplements in their work. Often these so
called holistic medical practitioners are family doctors
specia lising in com mon medical problems They often
identify themselves in the name of their practice.
Naturopath: Naturopat hs believe in the healing
power of nature - including the human bod y's
innate resources - in treating health problems. A
nawropath and patient work together to hel p the
body promote its ovvn we ll-being. To achieve this,
the naturopath assesses the patient's lifestyle and
provides recomme ndations on diet , exercise and
other habits. Prevention of illness is the primary goal
of natu ropaths, who may use nutriti ona l and he rbal
suppleme nts as preve ntive tonic s'. Some natu ro
paths also treat hea lth problems usi ng therapies such
as massage as well as herbal remedies.
In Australia and New Zealand, naturopaths now
receive a degree from a unive rsity or college of natural
therap ies, where students undergo three to four years
of training, including extensive courses in nutIition
and herbal medicine plus, usually, homeopath y, Bach
flower remed ies and va rious bod ywork therapies It's
advisable to consult a nawropath who has graduated
from an accredited Il1 st itution.
Herbalist: Unlike naturopaths , who undergo ri g
orous training that mee ts established criLeria, anyone
can hang out a sign saying 'herbali st' You can obtain
a referral to a herbalist who has com pleted programs
at a recognised herbal schoo l through the National
Herbalists Association of Aust ralia. A qua lified, pro
fessional herbalist will take a medical history and
assess your lifestyle and any other factors affecting
your health - inc luding any allergies you have and
any medications yo u are tak ing - before reco m
mending a remedy for a speci fi c comp laint.
Nutritionist: A good nutritionist wil l discuss
yo ur medical history, your ea ting and exercise habits
and you r lifestyle with yo u before suggesting changes
to your eating patterns. Nu triti onists should also
be familiar with di eta ry supple ments, bu t opinions
ofte n vary among them as to the importance of
supple mentation , and not all take an integrated or

- 0listic approach LO health. Some nutriti onists are

",'.ulifi ed dietitians. and there are also competent
~ t.: n[jo ni sts who aren 't dietitians. Th ere's no registra
:. 0 :1 "yscem for dietitians or nutriti onists in Aust ralia,
C Ui accredited
practising dieti tians' have an
Dprm'ed university degree. In New Zealand . dieti
..1 ns must be registered wi th the Dietitians Board,
\d1ile nutri tionists who meet certain criteria ca n reg
Ister with th e Nutrition Socie ty of lew Zealand. Ask
or a referral from your docLOr or your local hos pital,
:'lr contact the Dietitians Association of Australia in
\ our State or one of the above -mentioned bodies.
Pharmacist: Fo r many people. a pharm ac ist is the
most accessible hea lth professionaL A pharmacis t's
training - a four-yea r degree course at an Australi an

You can contact the fol/owing

organisations for information about
nutritional and herbal therapies.
Some can also provide you with
list of accredited

or registered


or New Zealand university. leading LO a Bachelor of

Pharmacy (BPharm ) - is in the use of conventi onal
medications. but pharmaceutical journals and pro
fessional assoc iat ions are increasingly addressi ng the
use of supplements. Your pharmacist may be able LO
answer yo ur questions about herbal and nutrit ional
th erapies and offer ad vice about the potential bene
fits. limitati ons and side effects of spec ific su pple
ments. A good pharmacist will ascertain your state of
health before suggesting any supplement . and may
recomm end that you see a docLOr for eva luation. In
Australia . pharmacists must be registered with the
Pharmacy Board of the State where they practise. In
New Zealand, they mu st comp lete a year's internship
after graduation before they can be registered with
the Pharmaceuti ca l Society of New Zealand.

Australian Natural Therapist


PO Box 856
Caloundra Qld 4551
Freecal l: 1800817577

professionals in particular fields.

Australian Nutrition Foundation


1 Derwent Street
Glebe NSW 2037
Tel: (02) 9552 308 1

Therapeutic Goods Administration

PO Box 100
Woden ACT 2606
Freecall : 1800020653
Professional and training
Australasian College of Nutritional
and Environmental Medicine

13 Hi lton Street
Beau maris Vic 3193
Tel: (03) 9589 6088
Webs ite:
Australian Council of Natural

PO Box 168
North Adelaide SA 5006
Freecall : 1800 355 593
Tel : (08) 8344 6609
Australian Institute of Holistic Medicine

862 Northlake Road

Jandakot WA 6164
Tel: (08) 9417 3553

Australian Traditional Medicine Society

PO Box 1027
Meadowbank NSW 2114
Tel : (02) 9809 6800
Complementary Healthcare Council

PO Box 104
Deakin West ACT 2600
Te l: (02) 6260 4022
National Herbalists Association
of Australia

Suite 305, 3 Smail Street

Broadway NSW 2007
Tel : (02) 9211 6437

Ministry of Health

PO Box 5013
Tel: (04) 4962000
New Zealand Charter of Health

PO Box 36588
Northcote, Auckland
Tel: (09) 443 6255
Professional and training
New Zealand Dietitians Board

PO Box 10140
Tel: (04) 499 7979
New Zealand School of Acupuncture
and Traditional Chinese Medicine

PO Box 11076
Toll-free: 0800 628 826
Tel: (04) 801 6400
Website: www.acu puncture
Nutrition Society of New Zealand

PO Box 21201
Tel : (03) 337 5609

Medsafe - New Zealand Medicines

and Medical Devices Safety Authority

PO Box 5013
Tel: (04) 496 2000
Website: www.medsafe.govt. nz


One of the principal benefits that vitamin s,

minerals and other nutrients provide is to
safeguard health over the long term by
helping to protect the human body against
chronic, debilitating disea ses that pose the
most serious threat to longevity. But what's
the best way to obtain this key preventive
benefit? The advi sory board for this book
suggests th at everyone will profit by taking a
daily high-potency supplement that contains
approximately the amounts of the nutrients
listed in the chart on the opposite page.
This basic supp lement formula conta ins vitamins
and mine rals in hi gher potencies than those fo und
in typica l 'one-a-day' fo rm ulas, wh ich usua ll y su pply
no more than the Recommend ed Di eta ry Intake
(ROt) fo r each nutrient. Think of RO I leve ls as the
nutrition al co unte rpart of accommod ation in a
budget motel: they're sufficient to prevent vitamin
deficie ncy diseases (they proVide basic shelter), but
wo n't necessaril y help aga inst other types of disease
(they don 't offer cab le TV)

Because a high-potency co mbination, by contrast,

contains relatively hi gh leve ls of nu trients - in
particul ar, the antioxidant nut rients - it's thought
to combat tissue damage at the cellu lar level Studies
indi cate that such high levels are assoc iated with
preventi ng cance r, hea rt di sease, osteoporosis
and oth er chronic illnesses that ca n adverse ly affect,
and shorten , your life.
If you're accustomed to
taking a 'one-a-day' supp lem ent , you may be
surprised to Jearn that a high-po tency formula (wi th
vitamins and mine rals at highe r levels) ma y req uire
tak ing more than one pill a day In fact, wi th some
brands, you'll need to co nsume anywhere from two
to six tablets or capsules dai ly Be su re to read the
ingredients and dosage on any label carefully in order to
calculate how many tablets are necessary to obtain
the nutrient leve ls that are right fo r you.
Whe n you 're eva luat in g d ifferent brands, don't
wony if you can't find a supplement that exactly matches
the amounts shown in the chart, which are indicated
in ranges Unlike drug dosages, whe re exactness can
be clLlcial, vitamin and mineral intakes need not be
precise, beca use nutrie nts wo rk far more gradua ll y
than drugs do Also, these supp lemental nutrients
are interacting with, and bUildin g on, the nutrients
yo u get from food . Try to choose a supplement with
dosages close to those reco mmended in the chart

Check product labels to see how nutrient

levels compare to those suggested in the
chart opposite.



r~l Sl ,


:.rg t
- _:hes

This chart shows the nutrients that a daily multi-

the fewer you need from a supplement. (See 'How to

vitamin and mineral supplement should contain,

use the chart' on page 34 to help you to decide which

the RDI for each nutrient and the optimal levels for

column applies to you.) Because supplements vary

obtaining preventive benefits, which depend on

greatly, just try to stay within the flexible ranges given

your diet. The more nutrients you get from foods,

here for each nutrient.

.\1 l h
~',\ s






B\ (thiamine)

1.1 mg


1.5-30 mg

30-60 mg

60-100 mg

B2 (riboflavin)


1.2 mg

1.7-30 mg

30-60 mg

60-100 mg

B3 (niacin)

19 m9


20-30 mg

30-50 mg

50-100 mg


60-100 mg

100-200 mg

:-o:'C l ,


B5 (pantothenic acid)
B6 (pyridoxine)

;" me
'.'.\' 0


B12 (cyanocobalamin)

1.3-1.9 mg

0.9-1.4 mg

2-25 mg


60-100 mg

2 meg

2 meg

6-150 mcg

150-400 mcg

400-800 meg



15 000-25 000 IU


30-100 mcg

100-400 mcg

400-600 mcg


400-600 mcg

600-800 mcg

Folic acid

200 meg

200 meg

._t'r to

Vitamin A

2500 lU





d i .l

Vitamin C



60-300 mg

300-600 mg

600-900 mg




100 mcg-1 mg

1-2 mg

2-4 mg



200-300 mg

50-65 meg

65-1 00 meg

100-200 meg

1 mg

1-1.5 mg

1.5-2 mg

100 mg

100-200 mg

200-300 mg




[ le

.i m't


(smokers at

(smokers at

leasl80 mg)

leasl80 mg)

15 1U

10 lU

Vitamin 0
Vitamin E



CJ l1

: be h
.e:l ts
~ , nt s


800 mg h

--. .

800 mg
(1000 mg after

Iron *


12- 16 mg
(5-7 mg after


320 mg

270 mg


25-65 mcg

65-100 mcg

100-200 meg


1950- 5460 mg

1950-5460 mg

2000 mg

4000 mg

6000 mg


85 meg

70 meg


100-200 meg

200 mcg


12 mg


15 mg

15-20 mg

20-30 mg

, No ROI hos been established for these nutrients.

** Enough vitamin 0 is made when the skin is exposed to sunlight; people who are confined indoors require obout 10 mcg from their diet.

Refer to the entry in the 'Supplements' section before taking additional vitamin 0 in a basic daily formula.

*** Don 't take supplementary iron except under medical supervision.


One other point : so me high-po tency vitamin and

mineral formulas have herbs and other nutrients
added as ge neral preve l1li ve 'tonics'. If you choose
th is type of supplement , check the ent ries on those
ingredients (beginning on page 228) to be sure lhat
the levels don't exceed reco mmended ranges.
, l
Consult the chart
on page 33 wilh the follow ing guidelines in mind
If your diet is nutritionall y excellenl , take the
amounts recommended in co lumn A. These leve ls are
sufficien t if yo u regu larly eat foods low in fat, get fiv e
to seven generous servings of fruits and \'cgetables
every day, and have small port ions of meat, chicken or
fish several times a week.
If your diet is baSicall y sound, take the amounts
recommended in colum n B, The)"re inten ded for
so meo ne who usuall y eats three mea ls a day, with al
least one or two servin gs of fruit s and \'egetabl es, and
who doesn 't gorge on fatt y foods - but who skips a
lun ch or breakfast in an ave rage week and may grab
one or two 'fast food' mea ls
If your diet is poor, ta ke the amounts recom
me nded in column C Bette r stil l, lake steps to
improve your die t and aim to gradua te to column A,
or at least column BI Colu mn C levels are intended for
someone who routinely skips meals , who ski mps on
fruits, vegetables and grain s (the foods thal are co n
sidered the richest sources of vitamins and mineral s) ,
and who usually has a slice of pizza or a toasted sa nd
wich and a diet cola for lunch

One reason for

increasi ng your sup plement intake may be your per
sona l hea lth histo ry For exa mple, taki ng folic ac id
and vitamins B6, and BI2 may help yo u to p re\'e nl
hea n disease. (See 'Heart Disease Preve nti on' on page
134 ) Similarl y, if you have a famil y history of high
blood pressure, cancer or any oth er chroni c ailment ,
you can take add itiona l supp lements for prew ntive
purposes (See thJ~ ailm ent entries for speC ifics.)
And while you may not be suffering from - or
at risk for - a spec ific disorder, yo u may stil l have
nu tri ent needs that can be nefit from increased sup
pl ementati on If you fi t into one of the categories
li sted on this and the oppOsite page, yo u shoul d
consider taking the suggested nUlrient(s).
The basic daily multi \' it amin and mineral formula
yo u choose may suppl y pan or f" en all of lhis
additional supplemel1lati on But in most cases, yo u'll

Antioxidants are an important component of a

daily formula, so it's useful to know what claims

can be made for them on a supplement bottle.

The only antioxidant nutrients for which RDls
have been established are vitamins A, C and E
and selenium. There's no RDI for other recognised
antioxidants, such as flavonoids and beta
ca rotene, so manufacturers are not able to make
content clai ms for them . But they are permitted
to identify these nutrients as antioxidants and
free-radical scavengers. Of course, to determine
the antioxidant content of a particular product,
you shou ld check the amounts listed on the label
and not simply depend on the promotional claims
made by the manufacturer.

probab ly have to buy individua l supplements to.

take in additi on to your basic da ily fo rmula.
Fro m their mid-20s on,
humans graduall y lose bone mass - and in women,
this process accele rates after meno pause. If enough
bone is lost, osteoporos iS de\'e lops. To slow the loss
of bone , adull women of all ages should includ e extra
ca lcium in their da ily supp lement program,
Recommendation : Tota l dail y ca lcium intake,
from both diet and sup pleme nts, shou ld be at least
800 mg (l000 mg fo r post meno pausa l women )
and can safe ly be as high as 2500 mg, but must
be ba lanced by magn eSiu m, zi nc and si lico n (Fo r
additional reco mm enda tions on ho"v to preve nl
osteopo rosis , see page 182 )

O ne cond iti on
co mm on in older men is BPH, or benign prostat ic
hyperpl asia, an enla rge ment of the prosta te (a
wa lnut-sized gland JUSl be low the bladder thal
produces semi nal nu id ). If lhis occurs , the enl arge d
gland can part ially block the ure th ra and interfere
with urin ation.
Recommendation: Co nsider adding saw palmetLo
- 160 mg lwice a day - for prostat e hea lth This herb
help s to relie\e inO am mat ion and affec ts prosta le
related horm one Ie\'e ls (see page 350).

Vegans - lhose who avoid

311 anima l foods, including dairy and egg products
o n ach ieve a balanced cliet if they eat a variety of
. its, vegetables and grains . Bu t one nutri ent not
~ up pli e d by these foods is vitamin Bl2 , found in eggs ,
:neats , poultry, fi sh and dairy products. Ove r tim e,
lh erdore , vegans can develop B12-deficienc y
,1I1aemia (see page 376)
Recomm endation: Be sure your basic daily for
mula supp lement includes 150 mcg of vitam in Bl2

Taking regu
.n exerc ise, especially if ilS prolonged or intense,

' reaks down muscle fibre. This wear and tear, which
be acco mpanied by a loss of flexibililY, gets wo rse
J3 a perso n ages.

~ .m

r c)

, ~n .

_";t r J

.lK C,
'J ~ l


ft' r
. ..~ 11l

Recommendation: Co ns ider adding crea tin e

monohydrate - 1 teaspoo n (5 g) a day - to help in
::m scle repa ir. Additional magnesium - 200 mg daily
- IS also helpful, because this mineral plays a key ro le
.n muscle contraction .
Other supp lements that contribute lO muscle
-?n d uran c~ and energy are th e am ino-ac id-like
s.1bstance ca rni tine (500 mg [\\rice a day) and lhe
"u tritional supplement coe nzym e QIO (50 mg daily,
:)referably in capsule form )
If yo u're ove r the age of 50 and experiencing a
~ low decline in energy leve ls despite exe rcising
~('gu larl y, you ca n also add the herb Siberian ginse ng
iL~O mg a day) or talk to your doctor about the
~resc rip tion hormone DHEA (the usua l dose is
25 mg dail y). You 'll need to consult a holi stic medical
;->raclitioner to obtain this drug.

sugar leve ls. The herbal su ppl eme nt Ga rcini a

cambogia (500-100 mg 3 times a day half an hour
before meals) can stem the urge to ove reat.
Nutritiona l supplements won't
appreCiably redu ce your risk o f developing hea rt
disease, lung disease or cancer. But you may be able
to combat some of the effects of smoking by taking
eXlra antioxidants.
Recomm endation : Try taking grape seed extrac t
(l00 mg twice a day) or green tea eXl ract (250 mg
twice a day). See pages 204-2 05 for ad\rice on how
to give up smoking

Drinking alcohol in
moderation - no more tha n four stand ard drinks a
clay for men, two for women - ca n actually be good
for you, because it helps to lowe r the risk of heart
disease. But it's recommended that you have lwO or
three alcohol-free days a week. Drinking more heav
ily - fi ve or more drinks a day for men, three or
more for women - can dep lete ce rtain nutrients.
Excess alcoho l is also assoc iated with an increased
risk of liver disease , as well as other health problems.
Recommendation : Help to protect your li ve r
wit h milk thistle (150 mg twice a day) Extra vitami n
C (l000 mg a day) and extra B-vilamins (a single
B-comp lex ca psule plus an extra 100 mg of
thiam ine) can also be beneficiaL

Dieting to lose we ight

trigge r hunge r pangs and cause blood sugar
.t' \'t~ls to flu ctuate

;1;1 l ic




1t: rh

,ut e-

Recommenda ti on : Add chrom ium (200 mcg

:\" ice a day) to your basic fo rmul a; it can help
~h e bod y to use fat and may prevent swings in blood

For extra antioxidant protection, consider

taking additional supplements, such as
the vitamin C tablets shown here.

-- ---

What exactly is dong quai? How does

vitamin E help to protect your heart?
Which herbal remedies are most effective for
combating allergies? How do you obtain
selenium's antioxidant benefits?
These or similar questi ons may ha\T occurred LO yo u
ir you take - or have co nsid ered using - nutritional
or herba l supplements, \Vhether you wa nt to kno\\'
how a particular supplement \\'orks, \\' hat dose is
safe and effect i\'e , or whether a (e rwin suppl ement
can cause any sick effects, yo u ca n rind the laLest
inrorm at ion in Th e Hea ling POI"LI" of VU(]l1lllb ,
Ivii nera is and Herbs, In add iti on, the book orrers prac
tica l advice that will help to take the co nruslo n ou t or
bu ying supp lements, whether you bu y rrom a health
food shop, pharmacy, supe rm arkeL or catalogue, or
e\'en o\'er the Internet,
The book is di\'ided into twO maj or parts Pan 1,
'A ilments, stans on page 38 and is an A-to-Z
compendium or 94 com mon hea lth problems thaL
you ca n help to albia te, or possib ly pre\'ent, with
Lb e aid or supplements Each entry rC\'ie\\'s the
sy mp to ms, provid es a clea r expla nation or th e
co ndi Lion, and Includes a chan ol recommended supple
melllS and dosages The emr)' al so explai ns hO\\' I he

supplements work within your body to improve the

co ndi tion and presents rece nt resea rch rindings on
treat ing the problem, as well as suggesting ad dition al
steps you ca n take towards bette r hea lth
Pan 2, 'Supplements' Slims on page 228 and con
ta in s detailed inrormaLi on on 81 \' iLa mins, minera ls,
herbs and other t)'pes or nutri tiona l supplements:
hov\' they wo rk , th e latesLscient ifi c findings on their
be nefits, and sare and elTecti\'e dosage b 'els These
entri es in clu de a wea lth or ti ps and precauti ons ror
choos ing and usin g supple ments - from ad\'ice on
in creasing \'itamin and minera l abso rption La shop
ping hints th aLwill Sa\T you money. "'\s ex plained on
IXIge 228, each emr;- is colour-coded to indi cate at a
glan ce the Lype or supplemem being di scusse d,
The illlrod uction on the prece ding pages pro\'ides
an O\'er\'\ew of current know ledge about suppl e
ments, along with inrorm ation on the \'a rious rorms
or supplements a\'ailab le (pages 15-1 6), what to look
ror when buying supp lements (pages 22- 27), and
ach'ice on using supplements sare ly (pages 28- 29)
There is also a b~1sic dail y \ iLamin and mineral for
mula that the boa rd or consultants for this book
recommends to protect you r body more effect ive ly
aga insLdi sease (page 33)
At th e bac k or the book (sLarting on page 392)
there's a sec Li on li sLing the potenLIa l interactions
bet\\'ee n suppl cments and co mmonl y used conve n
tI onill ions, 11' you're tak ing i1n y med icatio n,
chec k to sce if ItS in Lhi s sect ion, And ahvClYs Lell you r
doc tor ir ;'Ollrc ukin g supp lern ellls, You' ll also rind
~1 glOSSal) or ke)" telms and an appendi x th at dc[ail s
sup plem ents [h al arc rC((lrnrn enci ed ror spcc iric
i1 i1m en[s but donL h ~l\ C a main entry

Throughout the book, photographs show

different forms of supplements, as well as
natural sources of vitamins, minerals and
herbs - such as the fla xseeds shown
here, which con be pressed
to release their oil. The
oil is also sold in
capsule form,


Nature of the condition, causes,

the people likely to be affected


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' .......,It,......


)\Ippl l!' m"lnl

,.I...... " .

~I . ,

~'. "'.u

Most obvious signs of

the condition

Supplement options colour

coded for usefulness

at a glance

r~,e m m !nda1Ion .

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. Up-to-date
studies you
should know

,: ,

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- _Prescription

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Useful, and

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wh.'.' u/OUU,. do.


__ . 5

Benefits of and guidelines for using

supplements to manage the problem






Lifestyle choices that

can help you




. Jmmory
: ' main


When to obtain medical

evaluation and treatment

~ " 1efit s


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Signs of deficiency and overuse;
dosage levels and tips for using

Advice to help you get the

most for your money

Case studies of people benefiting

from the use of supplements


This section covers more than 90 disorders,






infections. Each entry features a chart with



recommendations for vitamins, minerals, herbs and other

nutritional supplements . These are the remedies for the
ailment that the consultants for this book have found to be
most helpful and most readily available .
Supplements shown in blue in the chart are generally the
most effective for a broad range of people, so consider starting
with one or more of them. Supplements shown in black may
also be beneficial , or may work better for you. Other
supplements or therapies that may be useful are mentioned in
the main text.
It's strongly recommended that before taking any nutritional
supplement, you turn to Part 2, the 'Supplements' section of
this book, and read about it in detail. Please be sure to observe
any warnings and precautions before using a supplement
and always consult a doctor or other health professional
if your illness hasn't been previously diagnosed or if your
condition worsens.

About the recommendations

Specific dosage suggestions are listed in each of

the profiles that follow. These numbers are the
total daily amount of a particular nutrient or herb
you'll need to treat that disorder. In practical
terms, this means you may have to adjust the
numbers to factor in the amount of these same
supplements you may already be getting in your
daily multivitamin or in individual supplements
you're using for other health reasons.
For example, we suggest taking 500 IU of
vitamin E a day to help to prevent cancer. If your
daily multivitamin supplies 500 IU, you won't
need to take any additional vitamin E to meet
the recommendation. If you also suffer from angina
(which calls for 1000 IU of vitamin E), you'll

have to take only 500 IU more to meet that

requirement as well .
The dosages here are generally applicable,
but each person is different. If you have a serious
medical condition, check with your doctor about
your own case and the appropriate dose for you.
Always read the label and never exceed the
recommended dosage for a supplement, even
though you may be treating several ailments.
A final word: Although we've made every effort
to include widely available dosages, the strengths
of supplement products vary greatly. There are
many qualified people - health professionals,
pharmacists, health-shop staff - who can help
you to determine an equivalent dose.


-- - - - - - - = - - - - - - = -



t-Ac_n e
Although most people associate acne with the teenage years, it can erupt at any age. Indeed,
up to 8% of people who had clear skin in their youth develop acne as adults . Fortunately, there
is a variety of ways to control outbreaks - no matter how old you are when they occur.

What it is Pimples and other skin eruptions are the hallmark of

acne, a sometimes chronic cond ition of the fa ce, back, chest, neck,
shoulders and other areas of th e body. The most common form (acne
vulgaris) encompasses blackheads, whiteheads and raised red blemishes
with semisolid centres. ln severe cases (cystic acn e), clusters of painful,
l1uid-filled cysts or firm , painless lumps appear beneat h the skin's sur
fac e; both can lead to unsightly permanent pitting and scarring. For
tee nage rs espec ially, acne ca n be an embarrassing and emotionally diffi
cu lt condition.
What causes it Acne occurs when the sebaceous glands at the
base of the hair folli cles of th e skin sec rete too much sebum. This thick,
oil y substance is normall y released from the pores to keep the skin
lubrica ted and healthy. If the sebum backs up, it ca n form hard plugs
that block the pores and cause pimp les If one of these oi l plugs ruptures
beneath the skin's surface, a localised bacterial infection can develop.
Hormonal imbalances ca n lead to an ove rprod uct ion of sebum
a com mon problem during adolescence, especiall y in boys. ln wome n,
menstrual periods or pregnancy can also create acne -prod ucing hor
monal disturbances. Other acne triggers include emmio nal stress, th e
friction or rubbing of clothing against the skin , and
certai n medications, particularly stero ids, contracep
tives or drugs that affect hormone levels. Heredity
may playa role as well
Contrary to popul ar be lief, acne probably isn 't
caused by eating chocolate, shellfish, nuts or fatt y
snacks, or by drinking colas or other soft drinks.
However, some doctors, and patients, contend
that it can be brought on or aggravated by ce n ain
foods or food allergies.


Hard red bumps or pus-filled

lesions on the skin.
Red, inflamed skin with fluid-filled
lumps or cysts.

If acne doesn't respond to

self-care within three months.
If severe acne develops, in the
form of fluid-filled lumps, red or
purple inflammation, cysts, or hard
nodules under the skin.
If the skin is continually red and
flu shed, even if no pimples appear.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.


Many people find liquid drops

a convenient way to take acne

fighting doses of vitamin A.


Supplement recommendations




Vitamin A

25000 IU a day with food;

reduce dose to 10 000 IU a

Use pills or drops. Take with

30 mg zinc a day. If pregnant
or considering pregna ncy,
don't exceed 2500 IU a day.

day whe n healing is noticed

or after a month.
Vitamin B6

50 mg each morning .

Long-term high doses (more

than 200 mg a day) can cause
nerve damage.

Vitamin C

, 000 mg twice a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea



30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

Fl axseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food.

Take in the morning .

primrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

Can substitute starflower oil.

With the exception of high doses

of vitamin A, natural supplements
may be a good choice for women
of childbearing age. Most of these
women can't take the powerful
prescription drug isotretinoin (a
derivative of vitamin A) because
it can cause birth defects .
A 5% solution of topical tea tree
oil is as effective as, but gentler than,
5% benzoyl peroxide for drying up
mild acne blemishes, according to
a study that was done in Australia.
Higher dosages, containing up to
15% tea tree oil, may be helpful for
more severe cases of acne.

with food .

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
. :;


How supple m e nts can help lvlosl peo ple will benefit fro m
trying all of the supplements recommended in the chart ; they ca n sa fely
be co mbined. lt can take three to fou r weeks o r longer to notice results.
All these s u pp lements can be used long term and in co nj u nction with
conve ntio nal ac ne medicatio ns exce pt prescripti on fo rm s o f vitam in A.
Vitamin A is imp ortant because it plays a role in controlling th e O\'er
prod ucti on o f sebum , which is the roOL cause o f acne. Because it helps
to balance leve ls o f acne -related hormo nes , vitamin B6 may be useful for
ac ne aggravat ed by menstrual cycles or me nopause. And vitamin C
boosts the imm u ne system , helping to kee p acne-ca using bac teria in
chec k Ta ke n wi th any o r all o f th ese ntamins, zinc enhances immune
functi on , red uces infl ammatio n and promotes hea lthy h ormone leve ls
Long-term use of zinc inhibit s copper abso rption and may cause
anaemia , so co pper should be taken with zin c. It may also help to take
zinc along with essent ial fatty acids: two excell ent sources are flaxseed
oil and evening primrose oil Essenti al fatt), ac ids help to dil ute the oily
sebu m, redUCing the likelihood o f clogged pores.

In one US study, patients with

acne who received 30 mg of zinc
daily for two months had clearer
complexions than those in a control
group who received a placebo. In
another study, zinc produced results
equal to those of the antibiotic tetra
cycline. Still, zinc therapy has not
been embraced by many dermato
logists, because other research has
failed to show that zinc has any
benefits for acne sufferers.

Pressing a telephone receiver too

hard against your skin can cause
acne to break out above your ear
or along the side of your chin.

What else you ca n do

Wash dail y, using ordi nary soap and wate r.
Eat a balanced d iet: aVOld food s you suspect may act as acne tri ggers.
Choose cosmetics labelled 'nonco medogenic ' or 'o il-free' .
Don't pick pimples: picking increases inllammation and ca n result in
permanent scarring.


Many people live well into their 80s - and beyond. As the body ages, however, various systems
slow down and the risk of disease increases. Even though you can't stop time, yo u can forestall
some of the negative effects of ageing with a healthy lifestyle and well-chosen supplements.

What it is Put si mply, age ing is the process of growi ng old . Every
part of the body is affected Amo ng oth er changes, hair turns grey, sk in
deve lops wrinkles, Joint s and muscles lose ne xibi!ity, bones become
weak, memory declines, eyes ight diminishes and immuni ty is im paired

Slowing of cognitive processes:

difficulty in accessing memory and
learning and remembering new

What causes it Ce lls in th e body di\1de a set number of Limes ,

and then they die and are replaced by new cells vVit h age, this process
slows down , and all body systems start LO deteriorate progressive ly
Th ough some of Lhi s decli ne is normal and inevitable , many researchers
believe that unstable oxyge n mo lecules called free radicals accele rate the
process, making us old before our time. Some damage of this kind is un
avoidable because free radicals are produced during normal ce ll activity.
BUL you may be able to slow dow n the ageing process by avoid ing out
side factors that foster the formati on of free- radicals - Ciga rette smoke ,
pollu tion , excessive alcoho l and rad iati on from X-rays or the sun - and
by enha nCing your body's own ant ioxidant defences. Ma nufacLured by
th e body cells and obta ined from food , anti oxida nts are powe rful
weapons that ca n disarm free rad icals
How supplements can help Some supple ments should be
used da il y by eve ryo ne conce rn ed about the effec ts of age ing. Vitamin C
and vitamin E are anti ox idants th at ligh t free rad icals Vitam in E pro teus
the fatt y membran es that sur round ce lls It also imp roves immune fun c
ti on in old er people and red uces the ri sk of some age -related co nditi ons,
in cluding hean disease, some form s 01cance r, and possibly Alz heim er's
d isease. Green tea extract , long prized for iLS longe\' ity-promot ing prop
erti es, and gra pe seed extract (l00 mg twice a day) are other antioxida nts
that ma y be more potent than vitami ns C and E.
Foli c acid , a B vitamin , ma in Lains red blood cells and pro motes the
hea lthy fun ctioning of nerves. Moreol'cr, it protects the hean by helpi ng
Lhe body LO process ho mocystein e, an amino-aci d-l ike comp oun d that

People over the age of 5 0

may need to toke extra
folic acid and vitamin 8, 2.


people and events.

Sensory decline : delay in refocus
ing eyes and impaired abil ity to hear
high-pitched sounds.
Weakened immune system:
increased susceptibility to colds, flu
and other illnesses.
Decline in muscle and bone mass.
Increased risk of developing heart
disease and ca nce r.

You need a complete physical

checkup every year after the age
of 50 . Seeyourdoctorrightawa~
howeve r, if you are concerned about
the ri sk of age-related diseases.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Su ppleme nt r ecommendations
Vitamin C

1000 mg vitamin C.

Reduce vitamin C dose if
diarrhoea develops.

Although more research is

needed, some experts recommend
that people over the age of 50 take
a coenzyme QlO supplement to

Vitamin E

500 IU a day with food .

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Green tea

250 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain a\
least 50% polyphenols.

Folic acid/
Vitamin B12

400 mcg folic acid and

1000 mcg vitam in B12 once
a day.

Take sublingual form for best



500 mg L-carnitine twice

a day.

If using longer than 1 month,

add mixed amino acids.

primrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Can substitute starflower oil.

minimise the eHects of ageing. This

substance helps to transport energy
throughout the body and acts as an
an tioxidant, but the body's own pro
duction declines with age. If you


500 mg glucosamine sulphate

twice a day. Take with food to
minimise digestive upset.

want to add coenzyme QlO to you r

regimen, take 50 mg twice a day.
Food enhances its absorption .

Although there is no magic recipe

Increase to 3 ti mes a day if
you have osteoarthritis.

for longevi ty, vitamin E may add

years to your life. In a recent US
study from the National Institute on
Aging, people who took vit amin E

Ginkgo biloba

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to contain at
least 24% flavone glycosides.

supplements were about half as

like ly to die of heart disease - the

Note : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

nation's leading killer - as those not

may raise the risk of heart disease. Folic acid is assisted by vitamill B12 ,
which fost ers hea lth y brain functioning. Tak ing thi s vItamin is important
because many older peop le lose the abi lity to absorb it from food , and
low B12 leve ls can cause nerve damage and dementia The amino-acid
like substa nce camitille con tributes to a hea lthy heart because it hel ps to
transport oxyge n to the cells and produces energy. EVCl1ing primrose oil
contains gamma-li nolen ic acid (GLA) , which is essential to a nu mber or
body processes As it ages , th e body loses its ability to co nve rt th e fat s
prese nt in foods to GLA.
In addition, certain supplements are ,ital to specific problems. Glucos
amille helps to maintain joint cartilage and eases the pain of arthritis.
Because it enhances blood now, the herb ginhgo biloba may improve such
age-related conditions as dizziness, impotence and memory loss.

vitamin E. According to a recent

using vitamin E.
There's more good news about
study carried out at Tufts University
in Boston, it strengthened the
immune system in people aged 65
and over. Those who took 200 IU of
vitamin E daily over a four-month
period showed significant immune
system improvement compared with
people who were given lower doses
of the vitamin or a placebo.
A recent Swiss study found a
connection between high levels of
antioxidants (such as beta-carotene
and vitamin C) in the blood and
better memory skills in older people.

What else you can do

Protect yo urself from strong su n. Ultra\iolet rays make skin age faster
If you smoke, quit. Smoking speeds up bone and lung deterioration.
Build and mai ntain bone and muscle mass wit h weight-bea ring exer
cise, such as walking and weight training
Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day - they're rich in th e
antiox idants that combat free radicals.

By the age of 75, the average person

has 30% fewer cells in the body than
he or she once had .

Abstinence is the best course for those who can't control their drinking . Although not a cure,
various supplements may help heavy drinkers overcome their craving for alcohol, support them
during the taxing withdrawal period and set them on the road to recovery.

What it is An intense physical and psychologica l dependence on

alcohol is the hallm ark of alco holism - which many consider a chronic
disease, like diabetes or hypertension Though alcohol in moderati on
appea rs to protect the hea n , excessive drinking over time can damage
the liver, pancreas, intestine, brain and other organs. It ca n also cause
malnu trition when empty alcohol kiloJou les repl ace a nouri shing diet

Constantly seeking opportunities

to drink; being unable to cut intake;
putting alcohol before family, friends
and work .
Needing more and more alcohol
to achieve the same effect.

What causes it Dri nking has a socia l component it makes most

people fee l ta lka tive and relaxed . Precise ly wh), so me people pu rsue
alcohol to excess remains a myste ry Psychosoc ial factors playa ro le, bUl
there seems to be a strong gene tic co mponent as we ll : indeed, children
of alcoholics are at high risk of de\'e loping the di sease , even when they
are raise d in nondlinking households
How supplements can help The reco mm en ded suppl e
ments, all of whi ch can be take n together, can play seve ral im po rtant
ro les in weaning probl em dlinkers fro m alcohol and helping them
through the inil ia l recove ry pe riod, which may last for weeks, or eve n
mo nths. In addition to supplements, prescriptlon d rugs are usual ly
nee ded to help people to wea ther withdrawal sympto ms.
Most heavy drinkers are defic ient in important nutri ents, including
B vitamins , vitamin C and ami no acids (protein), beca use they don't
have a hea lthy diet and because alc ohol has toxic effec ts. It may be bene
fi cial to continue therapy for seve ral months or more to help resto re
depleted nutrient s. Vit amin C can help to strengthen the body during
th is diffi cult period , clea ring alco hol from the tissues and amel iorating

Reacting indignantly to criticism

of drinking; adamantly denying the
problem .
Experiencing withdrawal signs
(tremors, seizures and hallucinations)
if drinking is stopped,

If you drink before breakfast.

If binges last 48 hours or more.
If you have blackouts or falls.
If you routinely turn to alcohol to
rel'ieve stress or pain.
If your drinking is ruining your
personal relationships .
Remind er: If you have a medical
conditi on, talk to your doctor before
taking supplem ents.

Extracts from the milk thistle

plant can help repair alcohol
induced liver damage.


Supplement rec o mmen dations




To help reduce the craving for

alcohol, supplements are generally

Vitamin C/
Vitamin E

1000 mg vitamin C 3 times a

day; 500 IU vi tamin E daily
with food.

Vitamin C helps boost the

effects of vi tamin E.

Vita m in B

1 pill, plus extra 100 mg

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
bi otin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

safer than prescription drug s, wh ich

may have unpleasa nt side effects.
The Chinese make a tea from the

thiamine, each morning with

food .

Amino acids

Mixed amino acid complex

(see label for dosage
amount), plus l-glutamine
(500 mg twice a day).

For best absorption, take on

an empty stomach.


150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to con tain at

least 0.95% daidzen.

kudzu vine fo r alcoholics to drink the

morning after a binge. Th e tea is
called xing -jiu-ling, which translates
literally as 'sober up'.

Stud ies have confirmed the

protective effects of the h erb milk
thistle. When people with cirrhosis

Milk thistle

250 mg 3 ti mes a day

between meals.


200 mcg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at
least 70% silymarin.
Take with food or a full glass
of water.

(liver scarring), a dangerous late

stage complication of alco h olism,
took milk thistle, 58% were alive
after four yea rs, compared with o nly
39% w ho did not use the herb.

1000 mg 3 times a day

primrose oil

with food.


250 mg 3 times a day.

Can substitute starflower oil.

Scientis t s are now provi ng what

the Ch inese hav e known since

Standardised to contain at
lea st 3.5% kavapyrones.

ancient times: kudzu ca n block the

craving for alcohol. Researchers at
t h e University of North Carolina

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39 .

noted that in monkeys (considered

good sta nd-i ns for hum ans), kudzu
cut alcohol intake by about 25%.

mild wi thdrawa l symptom s; it is most usdul whe n token II'i th l'iWl1Iin

E. The B-col1lplex vitamins, th e all1in o acid gl llwl1lin e and IlUd zlI l'i ll C
extrac ts (fro m Chinese herb<litst s) appear to reduce the craling. T~1kc
extra thlamme as well to ease II'ithd r,I\\'al S)'mplOI11S The herb lIIilll tlli5
tie and ph osphalld ylc holine (SOO mg three limes a cia)') strengthen the
iller, helping it to rid the bod y or tL''\ ms
The mineral chrol11iul11 shou ld be l<1ken to prel'ent cra"ings causcd b)'
Il)I\' blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). a comm on problem in alcoholi cs.
Eveni ng primrose oil prol'ides th e Lm y acid GL-\ (gamm,,-linolenlc
acid); th is substance stimulates production or a brain chcmical ca lled
prostaglandin E, \\' hich wo rks LO prel'e m l\' iLhdrall'a l sy mptoms such as
se izures and depression. It also helps to proLeCt Lhe JiI'e r and nelYClUS
sysLem The herbs Iw va and I'a le rian are both natural secliltil'Cs

Harvard scientists found that in a

strain of golden Syrian hamsters
that preferred alcohol to wate r (and
co uld drink the equiva lent of a case
of wine a day), kudzu cut consump
tion in half.

Th e kudzu vine (Pueroria lobata) is

sometim es ca lled ' nature's Antabu se '
after the we ll-known pre scription
addiction fighter (disulfiram) . In

What else you can do

Join a support group . such as Alcoholic s AnCl nymous (/\,-\1.
Try acupuncture: il may red uce the craving ror alco hol.

Australia it's known as Japanese

arrowroot and is fo und in tropica l
New South Wales .



For millions of people, the simple act of petting a cat, dusting the shelves or opening a
window invites sniffles and sneezes. But it's not the cat, dust or pollen that's respon sible
for your symptoms - it's an overreaction by your own immune system.

What it is 'A ll ergIc rhiniLis' is the medical term for the nasalsymp
toms ca used by all ergies to a variely of aIrborne panicles. The condition
can be an occasional inco nvenience or a problem so se\'ere that it inter
feres wil h almost eve ry aspect of daily lire. If yo u notice symptoms in
warm weather, yo u may have seaso nal allergies, commonl y ca lled ha y
fever, triggered by tree or grass pollen or ragweed If yo u have symptoms
year- round - cal led perennial allergies - the most like ly culprits are
mites in household dusl , mould or an imal hair Yo u may be all ergiC to
one or more of these irritants. Both lypes of allergies ha ve Lhe same
sy mptoms People with alle rgiC rhinitis ma y have a decreased resistance
lO colds, l1u , sinus tnfecti ons and olher respiratory illnesses.
What causes it When bacteria , viruses or other substances eme r
the body, the immune system se LS OUL to destroy those that can cause
illness, but ignores harml ess panicles such as pollen Some people's
immune systems , howeve r, ca n't te ll the difference belwee n threatening
and benign material. As a result , innocuous panicles can trigger the
release of a naturall y occ urring substance called hi sLam ine and olher
inl1ammaLory compounds in the area where the irritam entered - the
nose, th roal, or eyes.
No one kn ows why the immune system overreacts in this way, but
some expens think that poor nutriuon and poliutaI1ls in th e air may
weake n the system. Allergi C rhinitis also runs in some families.

Red, itchy or puffy eyes, some

time s with 'allergi c shiners' - dark
circles around the eyes.
Sneezing .
Swollen nasal passages.
Runny nose with a clear
Irritated throat.

Fatigue .

If you experience w heezing or

difficulty in breathing - it may be a
sign of an asthma attack, requiring
immediate treatment.
If you develop a headache or
fever that gets worse whe n you
bend forward, or a yel low or green
na sal discharge - it may be a sinus
infection .
If allergy symptoms interfere w ith
daily activities and natural supple
ments don't help.
Rem inder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplemen ts.

Nettle supplements help to

reduce nasal inflammation and
may ease allergy symptoms.


Supplement r ecommendations

500 mg twice a day.

Best taken as a combined
formulation with bromelain .

Certa in herbs are natural anti

histamines. An infusion o f elder or
eyebright (5 ml per cup of hot
water) three times a day can be very


250 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach .

Standardised to contain at
least 1% plant silica.

10000 IU a day with food .

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering
pregnancy, don't exceed
25 00 IU a day.

helpful. Or try sipping teas made

from anise, ginger or peppermint
singly or in combination . Ginger and

Itamin A

: -~"

peppermint also have a deconges

tant effect. Drink up to four cups a
da y as needed to reduce symptoms .
Ragweed al lergies are respon si ble

Vita mi n C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Pantothenic acid 500 mg 3 times a day

with food.


130 mg standardised extract

3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea

devel ops.

for many cases of ha y fever in

Australia and New Zealand.

Also called vitamin Bs.

May cause insomnia . Don' t

use if you suffer from high
bl ood pressure, heart di sease
or an xie ty, or if you take an
MAO inh ibitor.

Washing bedding in very hot

water (60C) kills the dust mites tha t
accumulate and trigger allerg ic reac
tions, but the heat ma y ruin fab ric s.

-- a

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may als o be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplement s you are already taking - see page 39.

Accord ing to an Australi an study,

adding eucalyptus oil to a w arm
w ater wash does the same job .

r~ ,

'; h

: ::.ill

How supplements can help for seasonal allergies, take all

supplements in the chart fro m Augu st to th e end of October. ln pl ace of
prescri pti on or over- the-counter d rugs, try qu ercetin. Whereas d rugs
simply block the effec t of histamine, this Oa\'o noid in hibits its release
without any side effects Comb ll1ing it with the he rb nettie ca n comba t
sneez ing, itching and swoll en nasa l passages.
Vitamin A and vitamin C sup port the imm une syste m; vita min A IS
the main ant ioxidant in the respiratory passages , an d \' itamll1 C may also
have ant i-innam matory and anti histamll1e effects. Pa ntothenic acid may
reduce nasa l conges tion Take these th ree nutrie nt s J uring the alle rgy
seaso n, eve n if yo u opt fo r trad itional d rugs to re li e\'e spec ifiCsym ptoms.
And , for se\'e re cases of hay b 'e r, the presc ri pti on herb ephedra (1',11(/
huang) may be useful beca use it o pens th e respirato ry passages Yo u can
use ep hedra \,\Ilth querce ti n and net ti e, bur not with prescri ption or O\'er
the-coun ter ant ihistamll1es or decongestan ts

Mix 60 ml oil with 30 ml liquid dish

washing detergent. (Otherwise the
oil will separate from the water.)
Presoak the bedding in this mi x ture
in the washing machine for half an
hour; then put in your usual laund ry
d etergent and run the normal cycle.

Garden flowers rarely cause allergies

because their pollen is quite heavy
and cannot be carried by the air
alone. It must be tran sported by
bees or other insects.

What else you can do

Sta}' indoors with the windows closed when pollen cou nts are high. Use
an air-condi tioner, in the ca r as we ll as at home. (Clean filters regu larly.)
Eliminate ca rpets and use washable loose covers on furniture. Encase
maLtresses and pill ows in alle rgy -proo f co\-ers and wash bedding wee kly
in \'C ry hot ",,a ter. Dust mites collec t in these areas.
Clean damp areas to pre\'ent the grow th of mould .


____Alzheimer's disease

This slowly progressive brain disorder - marked by increasing memory loss and disorientation
is a heart-wrenching experience for patients and caregivers, Early treatment may help to slow
down or temporarily reverse the course of this devastating illness,

What it is Alzheimer's disease, a degenerative brain disorder,

Impairs memory and mental functi oning Th e onset is typ ically \'Cry
slow. Initially, Alzheimer's sufferers ha\'e short-lerm memory loss an d
difficulty in mak in g deci sions: they may lorget how lO perform simple
LJsks. Advanced slages bring loss of memory and speec h, loss of bladder
ami bowel control, and changes in temperam ent , such as excessi\'e
hosti lit y or withdrawal Alzheimers disease affects abo ut 6% of peo ple
o\'er the age of 65 , and 20% of Lhose 0\'Cr 85.
What causes it Experts st ill aren 't sure what causes Al zheim ers
disease. They do know that it 's mark ed by a major loss of nen'e ce ll s in
the brain, particularly in areas co ntrolling mem ory and thinking The
dise ase is also characterised by red uced levels of brain chemicals impor
tant for memory Decreased blood now in the brain or a seri es of sma ll
strokes may contribute to memory loss as we ll . A famil y hi sto ry of the
disease can increase the risk of cl e\'e loping Alzheimer's Oth er poss ible
ca uses include se ri ous head injury, cardiovascula r disease and slow
aCling viruses. Rece nl studies indi ca le thaL alu minium (fo r examp le,
fro m coo kware) is unlikely to cause Alzheim er's, but iL is sLil1 ad\' isab le
to avoid aluminium where possible .

How supplements can help Allhough th ere's no cure for

Alzh eimer's, scientisLs continue to make strides in rreaung the symp
toms. Supp lements may help to resto re mental functioning during lhe
earlier stages of the disease , and may e\Tn delay th e on se t of ach'anced
symptoills Begin tak ing supplem ents as soon as possible , lake lhem
indi\'iduall y or toge ther It may be at leasl eighL weeks before yo u notice
any resulls Th e su pplements can ;llso be used with prescript io n drugs
suc h as tacrin e or donepezil , bUL <1 1\\'a)'s check \\ ith you r doctor first

Extracts from the leaf of the

ginkgo biloba tree show real
promise as memory boosters,


Memory loss, including inability

to recall recent events and difficulty
in finding appropriate words or
solving basic problems.
Disorientation, including getting
lost in a familiar place - such as a
home or neighbourhood.
Personal ity changes, marked by
agitation, anxiety, combativeness,
indifference to others, social with
drawal or poor judgment.
Language impairment, such as
rambling speech, long pauses and
thought repetition.

If you or a loved one experiences

serious disorientation or a change
in behaviour - get a full medical
checkup, including an assessment
for dementia,
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements.

In rece nt years, Australians

have reportedly spent some
$10 million a year on ginkgo biloba.
A high-quality supplement costs
about $30 a month.
Some prescription drugs hamper
memory, includ ing many com monly
us'ed fo r diabetes, anxiety, depression,
Parkinson 's disease and ulcers. If you
have this problem, talk to your doctor
about adding natural supplements to
your conventional treatment.

In the first major US study of

ginkgo's effects on Alzheimer's, 27%
of those taking the herb showed the
equivalent of a six-month delay in the
progreSSion of the disease, compared
with 14% of those taking a placebo.
Swiss researchers found that
healthy older people with higher
leve ls of beta-carotene and vitamin C
Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Contro lled tri als have demonstrated th at the herb ginlzgo biloba , which
increases the brain 's bl ood supply, may im prove memory in some people.
It may have antiox idant properties as well , playing a key role in maintain
ing healLhy nerve ce lls. Other antioxidants Lhat may be benefi cial include
\itam in C, vitamin E, mixed carotenoids and coenzym e Q/o. These are
often combined in convenient and eco nomical commercia l preparations.
ln addi tion, be sure to ge t enough B vitam ins - low levels have bee n
assoc iated with Alzheimers. lnclude vitamin B complex, as well as ext ra
\'itam in B6. Also wo rth trying are evenin g primrose oil and the herbs gotu
kola and Siberial1 gil1 sel1g; all may improve memo ry by improving the
transm ission nerve impulses Two other nutrients may help by boost
ing memory-enhancing brain chem ica ls the am ino-ac id-like substances
acetyl L- ca rnitine (500 mg three limes a day) or ph osphatidylse rine
(l 00 mg three times a day) See whic h one wo rks best for you


did better on voca bulary and recogni

tion memory tasks than those with
lower levels. In another study, people
w ith Alzheimer's disease who took
2000 IU of vitamin E a day were less
likely to enter a hospital than th ose
not taking it, even th ough their
memory did not improve.

Arthritis sufferers have a strikingly

low incidence of Alzh eimer's, per
haps because they take ibup rofen,
aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to
reli eve joint pain. Researchers are

What else you can do

Exe rcise. Even a shon dai ly wal k may imp rove me nta l abili ties.
Keep your mind active by reading or pe rfo rming memo ry exercises.
Stay relaxed to improve memory and conce ntration.

stu dying possible roles for these

over-the-counter drugs as weapons
against Alzheimer's .


r----A-Il-a e m ia
Looking pale? Feeling weak and tired? There's a quick blood test available to assess whether
anaemia is to blame - and if so, whether it's caused by iron-poor blood or something else. Your
doctor is the best person to ask about whether certain supplements might be right for you.

What it is Anaem ia is a condition in which there is a shortage of

red cells in the blood or a deficiency of haemoglobin (the pigment that
carries oxygen) in these ce lls. When anaem ia occurs, the body doesn't
get enough oxygen, and weakness and fatigue result. Although symp
toms may not appear - or may be very mild - for a long time, the
condition can be life- threatening if it is left undiagnosed and untreated.
If you suspec t you are anaemic, it's essenti al fo r you to see your doctor
promptly to ascertain the underlying cause of the problem . Treatment
will vary, depending on the diagnosis
What causes it Iron deficiency, which is the most common cause
of anaemia, affects 2-5% of Australian ad ults. It usually results from a
gradual, prolonged blood loss, which depletes the body's iron reserves.
Without enough iron, haemoglobin levels fall . Menstruating women,
particularly those whose periods are heavy, are prone to iron-deficiency
anaemia. However, both men and women can develop this problem
as a resu lt of any condition that causes slow bleeding - including long
term haemorrhoids, rectal polyps or ulcers; stomach or colon cancer;
or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammato ry drugs (NSAIDs), such
as aspilin or ibuprofen. Iron-deficiency anaemia can rarely be attributed
simply to a lack of this mineral in the diet.
Less common is anaemia tha t results from a deficiency of vitam in B12
(in which case it's ca lled perniciOUS anaem ia) or folic acid Both these
nu trients are esse ntial to red blood cell production AlcoholiCS, smoke rs,
people with certain digestive disorders, vegetarians, those over the age
of 50 and pregnant or lactating women are the most likely to be at lisk
because of poor nutrition or an inability to absorb these nutrients prop
erl y. Other forms of anaemia can be traced to chro nic illnesses such
as cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis; hereditary diso rders suc h as
sickle-cell anaemia; or exposure to toxic drugs, chemicals or radiation.

Weakness, fatigue, dizziness,

irritability or mental confusion.
Paleness, especially of the gums
and eye lids or under the nails.
Palpitations; shortness of breath.
Sores in the mouth or tongue;
unusual bruising or bleeding .
Numbness and tingling of the
feet or legs.
Nausea and diarrhoea.

If you have any symptoms of

anaemia - your doctor must find the
underlying cause.
If you are pregnant (or are
considering pregnancy) or if you
menstruate heavily.
If you are following a treatment
plan for anaemia - regular cheCkups
can determine whether supplements
are working.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Iron supplements for so-coiled

tired blood can be dangerous if
you don't have an iron deficiency.


Supplement recommendations





30 mg 3 times a day
with food.

Your doctor may prescribe

a higher dosage.

Most postmenopausal women,

and m en of all ages, get plenty of
iron in their diet and should no t take
a multivitamin and mineral supple

Vi t amin C

Vitamin B12/
Folic acid

500 mg 3 times a day.

1000 meg B12 and 400 meg

folic acid in sublingual form
twice a day for 1 month .

Take with meals to enhance

iron absorption from foods.

Always take B12 and folic acid

together. If still anaemic after
oral B12 supplements, you
may need B1 2 injections.

m en t that contains it . Iron overload

affects o ne in 300 Australian s of
Caucasian background. Excess iron
acts as an 'oxidant', gen erating
harmful molecules called free radi
ca ls tha t ca n raise cholesterol and
block arteries. Too much iron has


Yellow dock

1000 mg each morning.


1 tsp fresh juice or tincture

with water twice a day.

Or take Yz tsp tincture twice

a day.

Take with ye llow dock to

enhance iron absorption.

been linked to heart disease - so

don' t ta ke iron supplements unless
your doctor says you need them.
Many doctors prefer to give vita
m in B12 as an injection, because it's

Note: Consider using supplemen ts in blue first; those in block moy also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

better absorbed than the oral fo rms .

If you are taking an oral supplement,
the form of B12 that's taken su blin

I the

lOo ts


How supplements can help Before taking supplements to

correct anaemia, you need to determine the underlying cause of the
cond iti on. It's especia ll y important to consult a doctor if you have iron
deficiency anaemia , which may be caused by internal bleed ing. If you're
advised to take supp lements, have blood tests eve ry month to see if they
are worthwhile.
If iron-defiCiency anaemia is diagnosed , the mineral irol1 combined
with vi tamin C may be of value Iron is a key component of haemoglo
bin, and vitamin C helps the body absorb the mineral. Take iron on ly
under your doctor's supervision, because too much can be dangerous.
Various herbs may also be useful. Yellow doel, has modest amounts of
iron , but it 's well absorbed and can raise blood iron leve ls Other iron
rich herbs include seaweed and dulse. Taken as a tincture, Juice or tea ,
so me herbs (da ndelion, burdock, mint and linden !lowers) may enhance
the body's ability to absorb iron from foods or supplements
Vitamin C may also be beneficial if yo u have anae mia caused by a
deficiency of \ritamin B12 or folic acid; it helps the body to absorb these
nutrients. Vitamin B12 and Jolic acid should always be taken in tandem ,
and under a doctor's supervision, because a high intake of one ca n mask
a deficiency of the other. Together they work to boost production of red
blood ce lls. Once anaemia is corrected and a problem with absorption
has been ruled out as a cause, the amount of B12 and folic acid in you r
daily multivitamin may be sufficient to prevent a recurrence.

gually (placed under the tongue) is

slightly more effective.

A study of 28 strict vegeta rians

found that 500 mg of vitamin C,
taken after lunch and dinner for two
months, raised haemoglobin leve ls
by 8% and blood iron le ve ls by

1 7%. Vitamin C increases the body's

ability to absorb iron .
Several studies suggest that those
over the age of 50 are less able than
younger people to absorb vitamin
B1 2, and are thus more susceptible

to anaemia (as well as to nerve

d amage) . That's one rea son why the
US National Academy of Sciences
now urges all older people to take a
B12 supplement.

What else you can do

Eat foods ri ch in iron (dried beans, liver, red meat, dried fruits, nuts
and shellfish); folic acid (c itrus fruits, asparagus, spinach, mushrooms,
liver, soybeans and wheat germ); and vitamin B12 (live r, shellfish, lamb,
beef, cheese, fish and eggs).


_ An_g ina
Although conventional medications for angina may help to relieve the intense chest pain of
this heart disorder, they do very little to halt the physiological mechanisms behind it. Vitamins,
minerals and natural remedies may improve the condition - or at least keep it from worsening.

What it is When yo ur heart isn't gelling enough b lood and oxy

gen, the crushing, squeezing pain of angina is typica ll y th e result
Usuall y the pain begins bel ow the breastbone and rad iates to the shoul
der, arm or jaw, increasing in intensity until it reaches a plateau and then
dimini shes. Attacks can last up to 15 minutes.

Cru shing or squeezing chest pain.

What causes it Angina is a direct result or a buildu p or plaq ue


(atherosc lerosis) in the arteries th at supply the heart with blood . Like
any other muscle in the body, the heart needs blood and oxygen to do
its wor k or pumping blood throughout the ci rculatory system.
With atherosclerosis, the arteries may be wid e enough to provide suf
fi cient blood now during rest, but they can't su pply enough oxygen-rich
blood when physical acti vity increases th e demand on the heart Any
exertion - climbing stairs, running for the bus, e\'en ha\' ing sex - ca n
trigger so me angina attacks. Ot her cases or angina occur when a small
bl ood clot rorms on the surface of a blood \'essel's plaque and temporar
il y bloc ks a coro nary artery: this is a heart attack. Angi na may also result
if a coronary artery goes into spasm

Lig ht-headed ness.

How supplements can help The su pplements listed in the

chart can all be used together or alone. They can also co mplement yo ur
prescr ipt ion angina medicati ons - but neve r stop your heart med icat ion
without first co nsulting yo ur doc tor
The anti ox ida nt effect of vitamin s C and E ca n help pre\'elH ce ll dam
age: vitamin C aids in th e repair or the arteries injured by plaque, and
vitamin E blocks the oxid ati on 01' LDL (' bad') cholesterol, the initial step
in the fo rmat ion or plaque. In addition, so me people with hea rt disease
have low leve ls or \'i tamin E as we ll as the mineral magn esium , whi ch
may inhibit spasms of the co ronary arte ries.

Derived from berries or other parts of

the plant, a hawthorn supplement
helps protect the heart by improving
blood flow.


Shortness of brea th.

If you have any of the above

symptoms for the first time .
If there is any change in th e
norma l pattern of your ang ina
attacks - fo r example, if th ey
increase in frequency, intensity
or duration, or if they are brought
on by new activities.
If an angina attack is severe, yo u
are having a heart attack - call an
ambulance immediately.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condit ion, talk to yo ur doctor before
taking supplements.

Supplement re comm end ati ons

Vitam in C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


A heartfelt tale
Michael M, a surgeon, first felt
twinges in his chest as he was
taking part in a five-kilometre race.

Vitamin E


500 IU twice a day with food . Check wi th yo ur doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

200 mg twice a day.


Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kid ney disease.

'Must be the heat or indigestion',

he thought. But later, when the
pain literally stopped him in his
tracks as he was running upstairs,
he knew something was wrong.

Argin ine


500 mg L,arginine 3 times a

day on an empty stomach.

If using longer than 1 month,

add mixed amino acids.

500 mg L,carnitine 3 times a

day on an empty stomach.

If using longer than 1 month,

add mi xed amino acids.

A year later, after many painful

episodes of angina, a heort attack
and 0 coronary bypass, he began
to feel chest twinges again. He
realised that this new angina was


Coen zyme Q l0

500 mg L,taurine 3 times a

day on an empty stomach.

If using longer than 1 month,

add mixed amino acids.

20-30 mg 3 times a day with

food .

Capsules may be more

effec tive than tablets.

a warning that the whole process

could easily repeat itself unless he
made some drastic changes.
Dr M embraced his new lifestyle
as seriously as anything he'd ever


f atty aci ds

100-150 mg 3 times a day.

1 tbsp flaxseed oil a day;

2000 mg fish oils 3 times
a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 1- 3% flavonoids.

Take fis h oils if you don't eat

fish at least 3 times a week.

done. He walked every day and

reduced the fat in his diet; he prac
tised meditation and the Chinese
martial art t 'ai chi. In addition, he
took his holidays as a number of
three-day weekends rather than


Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39 .

one long (and often stressful) trip.

The amino acid alginine plays a role in formin g nitric ox ide, which
relaxes artery walls. O ne study found that taking it three tim es a day
allowed peop le with angina to exe rcise at moderate imensity fo r longe r
without chest pa in. Carnitine, an amino-acid-like substance , allows
heart muscle ce lls to use energy more effiCiently, and the ami no acid
taurin e may regul ate heart rh ythm abn orm alities.
Like carnil ine, the nutrilional supplement coe nzyme QJ O benefit s the
hea rt muscle, reduci ng its workl oad, and the herb ha wthorn impro\'es
blood now to the heart . Essential Jatty acids may be effec ti\'e in lowe r
ing cholesterol b'els and keepmg arteri es flex ibl e.

minerals, herbs and antioxidants.

Finally, he learnt about vitamins,



Now, virtually symptom-free

and 9 kilograms lighter, Dr M
looks a decade younger than his
64 years. 'I'd been giving health
advice for years', he says. ' The
time finally came when I had to
say.' PhysiCian, heal thyself. '

What else you can do

Eat a low-fat , high-fibre diet; use extra \'irgin . co ld-pressed oli \'e oil
instead of butter
Do n't smoke, and a\'oid smoky places.
Learn to relax. Such techniques as meditat ion, t'a i chi and yoga may
reduce the frequency and inte nsity o f angma attacks.
Join a su ppo rt group. Determine what brought you to thi s point in
your life and what you ca n do to begin re\'ersing the disease.

Oily fish, such as sa lmon, sardines,

mullet and herring, are particularly
beneficial to heart health . But they
should be fresh and preferably
steamed or poached, as canning
and high frying temperatures
damage the oils.


nxiety & panic

Everyone feels anxious from time to time, but some people have frightening episodes called
panic attacks, or are profoundly uneasy so often that anxiety interferes with their normal lives.
Taking B vitamins, certain minerals and calming herbs may help.

What it is When you're in a pOLentia lly dangerous situation - fac

ing a large, bark ing dog, for examp le - anxiety is a health y response
Your brain, sensing the danger, signals for Lhe release of hormones LO
prepare your body to defend itse lf. Musc les tense , heartbeat and breat h
ing rate increase, and the blood eve n becomes more likely LO clot (in th e
eve nt of injury) . In some people, howeve r, thi s res ponse is set in motio n
even when there is no obvious threa l. Such a reacLion can be bad fo r
your health, caus ing exhaustion, poor conce ntration, a sense of detach
ment from yoursel f or your surroundings, headaches, stomach problems
and an increase in blood pressure.
Anxiety disorders come in two basic forms. Generalised anxiety
disorder is a chronic condiLion that invo lves a recurring sense of wo rry
and foreboding accompanied by mild physical symptoms A panic
attack, on the other hand, co mes on sudd enly and unexpectedly, with
symptoms so violent that the episodes are often mistaken for a hea rt
attac k or so me ot her life-threatenin g condition.
What causes it Some sc ientists think that Lhe central nervous
systems of peop le with anxi ety disorders may ove rreact to stress and take
a longer time than most to reLurn to a ca lmer staLe. Anxiety may begin
with an upsetti ng eve nt - an acciden t, a divorce or
a death or it may have no idemifiable cause.
There may also be a biochemica l basis for
anx ieLY. St udies have shown that peopl e who are
prone to panic attacks have higher blood levels
of lact ic acid , a chemi cal produced when mus
cles metaboli se sugar wi thout enough oxyge n.
OLher research suggests that anxiety cou ld be
caused by an overproduction of stress hormones
by the brain and ad renal glands

Acute anxiety
Extreme fear.
Rapid heartbeat and breathing.
Excessive perspiration, chills or
hot flushe s.
Dry mouth.
Chronic anxiety
Muscle tension, headac hes
and back pain .

Depression .
Low sex drive.
Inability to relax.

Do not replace prescription anti

anxiety medications such as alprazo
lam, lorazepam or diazepam with
herbs or supplements without talk
ing to yo ur doctor. Cutting back
suddenly can be dangerous.
Anxiety symptoms can mimic
those of a serious illness or may be
caused by certain medical conditions
or drugs. See your doctor to rule out
these as possibilities.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
or psyc hiatric condition, talk to yo ur
doctor before taking supplements.

Kava 's root supplies its active

ingredients. These are processed
into standardised extracts and
sold as tinctures, pills and teas.


Supplement recommendations


250 mg 2 or 3 times a day

as needed.

Choose a standardised
extract in pill or tincture form
that contains at lea st 3.5%

Chamomile makes a pleasant

floral tea that will relax you without
making you sleepy. It contains
apigenin, which animal tests show
affects the same brain receptors as
anti-anxiety drugs, yet it's non

Calcium /

600 mg of each a day

with food.

Sometimes sold com bined in

a single supplement. Be care
ful taking magnesium if you

have kidney disease.

addictive. Chamomile can be used

with kava or other botanicals,
Breathing techniques can often
help you to manage a panic attack.

Vitamin B

1 pill, plus extra 100 mg

thiam ine, each morning with

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

Inhale slowly to a count of four;

wait to a count of four; exhale slowly
to a count of four; and wait to a
count of four. Repeat the exercise

Va lerian

St John's wort

250 mg twice a day.

300 mg 3 times a day.

Should be standardised to
contain 0.8% valerenic acid.
May cause drowsiness; take at
bedtime for insomnia .
Should be standardised to

contain 0.3 % hypericin.

until the attack subsides,

Several studies indicate that
people with anxiety symptoms may
be uniquely sensitive to caffeine, Try
reducing your caffeine intake - doit
slowly to minimise withdrawal symp
toms such as headaches - and see if

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

it eases your anxiety.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

: ~ ns

: JU t


How supplements can help Herbal and nutritional reme

dIes lor anxiety can olten be used in place of prescription drugs, which
may be addictive and have othe r unpleasant side eflects. Several studies
ha\'e shown that the herb lwva is ve ry useful lor anxiety - perhaps as
effective as prescription drugs. It reduces symptoms such as nervous
ness , dizziness and hean pa lpitations [n add ition, people with anxiety
shou ld add calcium, magnesiwn and a vitamin B complex supplement,
pl us extra thiamine These nutrients are important lor the healthy lunc
ti on ing 01 the nervous system, espeCially for the production 01 the key
chemical messe nge rs in the brain ca lled neurot ransm itters.
Valerian, known as a sleep aid , ca n be used at low doses throughout
the day for a ca lming effect. Try thi s herb if kava doesn't work for you.
hen if yo u're tak ing kava during the da y, you can have a bed time dose
(2 50-500 mg) of va leri an if yo u have trou ble falling asleep 5t John 5
II'ort can be added to k3\'a or va lerian if you are depressed as well as anx
ious. At least a month is needed before the full effect of St Johns won
\\ill be lelt. The other supp lements begi n working immediately

In European studies, patients were

able to reduce their anxiety levels
significantly in just one week with
daily doses of kava. No serious side
effects were reported, even after six
months of kava use.

Panic attacks are surprisingly com

mon : about 10% of Australians and
New Zealanders will experience at
least one in their lifetime. And as
many as 2.5% of adults have these
attacks frequently.

What e lse you can do

Cut out caffeine, alcoho l and excess sugar, which may trigge r anxiety.
Do aerobic exe rcises regularly. They burn lactic acid, produce natural
feel-good chemicals (endorp hins) and enhance your use 01 oxygen
See a therapist to develop more pOSitive ways 01 coping


The heart, the body's workhorse, beats more than 100 000 times a day, pumping life-giving
blood through thousands of kilometres of arteries, capillaries and veins. Irregular heart rhythms or arrhythmias - can disrupt this process and require careful medical evaluation.

What it is Arrhythmias are abno rmal rhYLhm s of the heart They

may be as fl eetin g as a single missed beat, or they may be more serious,
causing the hea rt to beat irregularl y or unusua lly fast or slow ly for
extend ed periods.
What causes it For many people with arrhythmias, the cause is
unclear. Howeve r, some cases can be traced to a hean condition , such as
coronary artery disease, a heart valve defect or, in rare cases, an infecLion
of the heart. Thyroid or kidney disease, certain drugs, and imbalances of
magnesium or potassium in the body can contribute to arrh ythmias
Abnormal rh ythms may also be induced by a high intake of ca ffein e or
alco hol, heavy smo king and stress.
How supplements can help It's important to remember
that some arrhythmias ca n be se ri ous. The supple ments li sted in th e
chart are meant to complement - not to replace - sta ndard treatments,
Neve r discontinue a heart drug without consulLing your doctor first. All
the supplements listed ca n be used together, but your docto r should
determine which ones you shou ld take and in what order. They may
work within a week, but often need to be used lo ng term ,
Magnes ium suppl ements often benefit people wiLh heart- rh ythm
di sorders , man y of whom are defi cient in this mineral Magnesium is
vital for coordinating th e activ ity of nerves (incl uding those that initiate
hea rtbeats) and mu sc les (includ ing th e hea rt) Also valu ab le is
hawthorn, a herb that has been used as a heart tonic for centuries, It
increases th e bl ood flo w to the hearL, making it beat more stro ngly and
resto ring a hea lthy rh ythm Coenzyme QIO also helps to steady hea rt
rh yt hm , and may be a particu larl y useful supplement for people who

The amino acid taurine may be helpful

for people with heart-rhythm disorders.


Heart palpitations or pounding

Fluttering in the chest or neck.
Fatigue, light-headedness.
Shortne ss of breath, chest pain,
fainting spells.
Often there are no symptoms;
your doctor may find an arrhythmia
during a routine exam.

If you notice frequent irregularities

in your heartbeat or suddenly
become light-headed, dizzy or weak,
If someone suddenly loses co n
sciousness or has severe chest pain
or shortness of breath - ca ll an
ambulance right away.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements .

Su pplement recommendations




400 mg twice a day.

Be careful taking mag nesium

if you have kid ney disease.

Hawt horn

100-150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 1-3% flavonoids.

Coenzyme Q1 0

50 mg twice a day with food. Capsules may be more

effective tha n tablets.

Fish oils

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Take only if you don't eat fish

at least 3 times a week.


25 drops tincture 3 times

a day.

Known as nig ht- blooming

ce reu s; may cause diarrhoea .


20 mg every morning.

Often inc luded in multi

vitamin and mineral formulas.

Amino acids

1500 mg L-ta urine twice

a day; 500 rng L-carnitine
3 times a day.

For long- te rm use, try a

mixed ami no acid complex.


400 mg twice a day or 3 cups

Supplying 0.5% glucosides

and 70% polysaccharides.

of tea a day.



Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosag es may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
ha ve prev io usly suffe red a hea n attac k o r ha ve anot her form of heart
disease. In addition, fish oils are being exte nsi"e1y studied for trea ting
heart ailm ents; earl y results strongly suggest that Lhey ca n be errec til'e at
relie ving arrh ythmi as .
Ot her he rbs and minerals ma y stabili se heart rh ythm as we ll Some
pract it ioners recommend the herb cactus g randijl orus; it is ofte n used
with ha wtho rn . The trace min eral mangal1ese, whic h pro motes hea lth y
ner ves, and the amino ac ids taurine a nd ca rnitinc increase oxygen
supp ly to the hea n . Taken in the form o f an infusio n , a pill or a tincture
(30 drops three times a da y), the he rb astragallls has been found to
contain var iou s s ubstances that stabili se hea rt rhythm. Doc to rs also
occasionally prescribe potassi um supp lements to prevent arrhythm ias,
th o ugh fo r m ost peop le, eating fresh fruit s and \'egetabl es is a be tter wa}'
LO get adequa te suppli es of this min eral

What else you can do

Reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohoL
If yo u smo ke, quit. No suppl ement can co mpensate fo r the long-t erm
cardiac d amage caused by smok ing.
Exe rcise regula rl y. Aero bic exercise strengthens the heart.
Reduce stress. Relaxati on techniques such as bi ofeedback ma), help .

Herbal teas can be potent; lim it

you r intake of astragalus tea to three
cups a day. (All herbs have specific
dosages - the more potent the herb,
the lower the dose. If in doubt,
check with your practitioner.)
If you don't like the taste of
astragalus, try other herbal teas or
tinctures . Barberry and its cousin
Oregon grape both contain com
pounds known as berberines, wh ich
have been shown to reduce arrhyth
mias; angelica contains a mixture of
substances that combat arrhythmias;
and ginkgo biloba, like ha wt horn,
improves blood flow to the heart.
Many doctors recommend eating
salmon, mackerel, herring or sar
dines at least three times a week to
help reduce the risk of fatal arrhyth
mias. It's a good idea: cold-water
fish may be an even better source
of healing omega- 3 fatty acids than
fish oil capsules . Fresh fish is best,
prefera bly steamed or poached,
since ca nning and high frying
temperatures damage the oils .

In a recent study from Denmark,

55 hear t attack survivors were given
capsules of either fish oils or olive oil
(as a placebo). After three months,
those receiving the fish oils did
significantly better on heart tests,
indicating that they were less likely
to suffer from serious arrhythmias.
According to a study in the
Journal of the American College of
Cardiology, 232 people who had
frequent arrhythmias significantly
reduced their likelihood of abnormal
heart rhythms after just three weeks
when their intake of magneSium and
potassium was increased .



Probably the most common age-related disease, osteoarthritis affects the joints of over a million
older Australians. Supplements may greatly relieve the pain and stiffness of this disorder and slow
down the cartilage degeneration that causes it.

What it is With osteoarthritis. your Joints graduall y lose their ca r

til age - the smooth. ge l-li ke. shock-absorbing material that prevents
adjacent bones from touching. Most comm onl y affected are the fin ge rs ,
knees, hips, neck and spin e. As cartilage loss continues, the fli ctio n of
bone rubbing against bone can cause pain and Joint instab ility.
What causes it Osteoarthriti s may be th e result of decades of
joint wea r and tear, alth ough geneLic factors, excess weight and impair
ments in the body's ab ility to repair cartilage may also playa ro le. So me
cases are linked to a specific cause. such as a pre vious inju ry to a joint:
the ove ruse of a jOint occupationally or aLhletically; or a congen ital
defect in joint structure.

How supplements can help There is no sure-fire cure for

osteoa rthritis, but gluCGsamin c, a cartilage -building sugar compou nd , is
helpfu l in rel ieving arthritis pain. It appears to slow join t damage ove r
time, th ough whether it can reve rse the disease is unk nown. To enhance
it s effectiveness. try tak ing it along with one of the oth er sup pleme nts
listed in the chan. Allow at least a month to judge results ; th en , if nec
essary, subst itUle another supplement to use with glucosamine to see if
it wo rks better for you These supplements can be used long term, as
we ll as with co nve nti onal pain relievers such as asp irin and paracetamol.
Several large studies are assessi ng the impact of glu cosamine when it 's
co mbined with another ca rtilage- bUilding compound. chondroitin .
(So me experts believe chondroitin is poo rl y absorbed and of Itmi ted
va lue.) Other su pplemen ts thaL ca n be taken with glucosamine include

Th e onset of osteoarthritis is often

gradual, marked by mild joint stiff
ness and pain - especially in the
morning and after exercise - that
are relieved by re st.
Bone growths, or spurs, may
develop at affected joints, causing
pain, a gna rl ed appearance and
decreased mobility.

If joint pain is accompanied by

fever, which may signal infectio us
arthritis and require im med iate
medical attention .
. If pa in and stiffness develop
quickly, which may be a sign of
rheumatoid arthritis.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements.

Used topically, cayenne cream is one of the

most effective pain relievers for arthritis.


Supplement recommendations




500 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Glucosamine sulphate is the

preferred form for arthritis.

By the age of 40, nine out of

ten people have X-ray evidence of
arthritic changes; many later develop
joint pain and stiffness. Natural

Cho ndroitin

N iacin amide

400 mg chondroitin sulphate

3 times a day.

Often sold in combination

with glucosamine.

1000 mg 3 times a day.

High doses can cause liver

damage and other serious

side effects; monitoring by

your practitioner is essential.

-~c n


Veterinary surgeons have been

using glucosamine and other supple
ments to treat arthritic pets for years,
with great success.
The stiffer your joints, the less

Cayenne cream

Apply topical cream to

affected joints several times
a day.

Standardised to contain

0.025-0.075% capsai cin .

you're inclined to exercise. Fight that

response: inactivity weakens nearby
muscles, further destabilising joints


1 pill 3 times a day.

Each pill standardised to con

tain 150 mg boswellic acid.

Sea cucumber

1000 mg a day.

Also known as beche-de-mer.


400 mg twice a day for

2 weeks, then 200 mg twice

Not approved for use in

Australia; available in New

Zealand . May have mild

gastrointestinal side effects.

Don't take if you have
manic-depressive illness.

a day as a mainten ance dose.

- .'

suppl ements may slow down this

degenerative process.


and increasing pain .

One recent study showed that

glucosamine may be particularly
useful against arthritis in the knee.
And two earlier studies found that
glucosamine was as effective as

"\Jote : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Som e dosages may be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

ibuprofen - or more effective - for

relief of many different types of
arthritis symptoms.

; cal

=,, -ore

:' th e
: 5.

nra cinamide, especiall y to relie ve knee pain ; boswellia, a tree resin that
:~1,1 \' inhi bit inflammation and build cartilage: and sea cucwnbCl; a
~h ll1 e se remedy that may, through unkn own mechanisms, reduce pain
.md stiffness and increase grip stre ngt h. SAM (S-adenosylmet hionine),
J form of the amino acid met hionine , has anti-inflammatory effects
olmilar to those or ibuprofen and has been shown to reb uild cartilage
--;(' latin, which contains the amino acids glycine and prolin e and other
1 lint -build ing nutrients, may also be worth trying, but little is known
-,bout its effecti veness .
,-\n), of these therapies can be used along with topica lly applied
tclVf lll1e cream [or pain reltef The ca psa icin in caye nne inhi bi ts the pro
j [cli on o[ substan ce P, a che mical involved in sending pain messages to
~h e brain. Initi al appltcati ons, howe\'er, may cause a burning sensation.

Taking 400 IU or more of

vitamin D a day may help to slow
down or halt the progression of
osteoarthritis of the knee, accord ing
to the results of a new study.
However, more is not always better :
in high doses (more than 1000 IU ,:
day), vitamin D can be toxic.

In Australia, glucosamine supple

ments cost the same as some
prescription drugs (about $25 fa '

What else you can do

Take moderate low-impact exercise such as walking or swimming to
muscles and improve OIna ll JOi nt condi tion.
Apply heat or ice to Jomts [or 20 minutes rhree times a day to help
reduce pain.

~ i ren gth e n

a month's supply), but glucosa m ire

has few of the serious side effects,
such as gastrointestinal bleedin g .
that the drugs commonly do .


Australia and New Zealand rank second and third in the world after the UK in the asthma
commonness stakes. Asthma always requires medical management, but there are several
steps you can take on your own to minimise the frequency and severity of attacks.

What it is Asthma is a disease in 'yvhich the ai rways of the lungs

swe ll and tighten , restri ctin g airfl ow and making it hard to brea the
During an asthma attack , the narrowest airways (t he bronchioles)
constrict. This causes the release of chemicals such as histamine that
in crease inflammation and swelling and produce excess mucus. Though
many aSlhma attacks are mild and easil y controlled at home, severe ones
ca n cause sufferers to begin to surfoca te. And for an unlucky few each
year, an ast hm a attack is fatal.
What causes it External o r intern al [actors ca n provo ke asthma
attacks, and some people are sensitive to both . Outsid e triggers usually
involve an allergen , su ch as pel hairs, a panicular food, dust ancl dust
mites, insecls (including cockroaches), po ll en and many em'ironmental
pollutants Internal triggers , whi ch are usuall y less ob\'ious and can be
hard er to avoid, include stress, anxi ety, temperature changes, exerc ise
and res pirato ry infeClions such as bro nchiti s
How supplements can help
Th e supp lements in the chan are meant to
comp lement com'elltiona l asthma ther
ap)' Ne\'e r stop taking medical ion pre
sc ribed for aSlhma wit ha uL co nsulling
yo ur doc to r.
ASlhm alics are orten defic ient in key
nutrients, espeCiall y vit amm C, magne
siu m anel \'itamin B6. Vitamin C as an
antioxidant appears to ac t immedlatel ),
to com bat inhaled irritants. It may also
halt an allergic reaction by pre\'e nting

Tightness - not pain - in the chest.

Wheezing or a whistling sound
when breathing,
Shortness of breath or difficulty
in breathing, which improves when
sitting up.
Coughing (often with phlegm).
Restlessness or insomnia.

If you develop the symptoms of

asthma for the first time.
If self-care measures or prescrip
tion asthma drugs do not allevia te
an attack.
If you' re gasping for breath or
have a rapid pulse and a bluish tinge
to fingers or lips - these require
immediate attention in a hospital
accident and emergency ward .
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Ephedra, made from twigs of a shrub,

is sometimes prescribed by doctors to
treat the symptoms of asthma.


Suppleme n t recommen d at ion s




1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


400 mg twice a day for

6 weeks.

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

Vitam in B6

5 mg twice a day

Especially important if you

take the drug theophylline.

Que rce ti n

500 mg 3 times a day

before meals.

Best taken as a combined

formulation with bromelaln.


130 mg standa rdised extract

3 times a day.

May cause insomn ia. Don't

use if you suffer fro m hig h
blood press ure, heart disease
or anxiety, or if you take an
MAO in hibi tor.


200 mg standardised extract

3 times a day.

Can raise blood pressure; see

your doctor before taking.
When taking long term, eat
lots of vegetables and fruits
that contain potassium.

Itamin C


~~ .

Some dosoges moy be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
the cells from releasing histamine (the anti-innammatory effect)
Furthermore, Vitamin C is \'ery effecti\'e for exercise-induced asthma;
taking 2000 mg before a workout may e\'en pre\'ent an asthma attack
The mineral magnesium can pre\'ent ,macks by inhibiting the contrac
tion of the bronchial muscles Vitamin B6 supplements reduce wheezing
and other asthma symptoms
The fla\'onoid quercetin has two main effects: it inhibits the release
histamine and, as an antioxIdant, it neutralises unstable oxygen mole
cules, which can cause bronchial innammation. The prescription herb
ephedra (l11a huang) can WIden respIratory passages, It seems to work
best when it is used with herbal products that bring up phlegm, such ilS
licorice or horehound (Don't take licorice for any longer than a month.)
But ephedra hilS many side effects; It must be taken under the supen'i
sion of a doctor.

Vitamin A has been shown to be

very effective in repairing lung mem
brane and reducing asthma attacks.
Dosages of 10000-20000 IU can be
taken by adult asthmatics, as long as
these are supplemented by 30 mg of
zinc. (Women who are pregnant or
considering pregnancy should not
exceed 2500 IU of Vitamin A a day.)
Substances contained in green
tea can help to reduce the airway
inflammation that accompanies an
asthma attack. Taking time for a cup
of tea can be soothing and calming
as well. You can safely drink several
cups of green tea a day in combina
tion with other nutritional and
herbal remedies.
Yoga is an excellent actiVity for
people with asthma. It enhances
breathing and is relaxing.
An inexpensive device called a
peak-flow meter measures how fast
and how hard you can exhale air
from your lungs. Its results, when
compared with levels set by your
doctor or with previous readings,
can often predict an asthma attack
even a day or two in advance.


What else you can do

Keep your home clear of dust and pollen A\'oid cigarette smoke.
Stay away from cats; their hair is highly allergenic.
Remain calm. Managing stress helps you to fight asthnn
Treat colds and flu promptly to reduce the chances of an ilttack
'vVear a scarf O\'er your mouth and nose to vvarm cold \vintcr air
Keep an asthma diary to help you determine your asthma triggers
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep mucus loose.

Eating lots of onions may help

asthma sufferers. The mustard oils
(isothiocyanates) they contain seem
to promote healthy lungs.
Research suggests that the
Buteyko breathing technique is
showing promise in controlling
asthma. Sufferers learn to breathe
out properly, rather than gasping,
and this increases their level of
carbon dioxide, which dilates the
bronchioles in the lungs.


At_b_lete's foot
The most common fungal infection of the skin, athlete's foot typically begins between the toes,
causing itching, scaling and sometimes painful breaks in the skin. This generally harmless but
extremely uncomfortable condition can be relieved by using various natural remedies .

What it is 'Athlete's foo t' is the co mmon term for a fun gal infection
ca lled tinea pedis. The fungi that ca use it are tiny, plant-like cells found
on the skin of all humans. They can multiply out of control under cer
tain conditions. They thrive in cramped, damp places, suc h as inside
shoes and socks. [n some people , athletes foot occurs entirely between
the toes, where the skin cracks, pee ls and breaks down . [n others, the
infection appears on the soles and sides of the feet or affects the toenails.

Scaling and peel ing between the

toes . In severe cases, there may be
cracks between the toes .
Redness, itching, scaling, and tiny
blisters along the sides and soles of
the feet.

What causes it The most common fungi responsible for athlete's

foot are ca lled Trichophytons Although poorly ve ntilated shoes and
sweaty socks provide an exce llent breeding ground for th e fungi , ath
lete's foot is not highly contagious, so wa lking barefoot in a changing
roo m does not increase your risk .

How supplements can help Many doctors prescribe con

ventiona l antifungal medications for persistent cases of athletes foot
These drugs can be very effective - and quite costly. For milder cases,
suppleme nts can be an inexpensive way to combat the infection ; symp
toms should begi n to clear up within a wee k.
Vitamin C, an antioxidant, promotes immune function and helps the
body to fight fungal infections. It can be taken while using any of the
topical supplements listed in the chart

Soh and painful skin.

Infected toenails that can become
thickened, discoloured or crumbly.

If there's no improvement within

7-10 days aher starting treatment
with supplements.
If home treatment does not
produce a complete cure within
four weeks .
If any area becomes red and
swo llen, a sign of a more serious
bacterial infection.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supp lements .

Tea tree oil can be an economical way

to combat a case of athlete 's foot.



Supplement recommendations



1000 mg twice a day.

Long-term use may prevent

recurrences; reduce dose if
diarrhoea develops.

Apply to affected areas of skin

twice a day.

Never ingest tea tree oil.

Garl ic oil

Apply oil to affected areas of

skin twice a day.

Can be used in place of tea

tree oil.


Apply cream or lotion to

affected areas twice a day.

Creams should contain at

least 2% calendula. Use with
caution if you' re allergic to
daisy-like flowers .

~a m in

Te a

- y


t ree oil

o e: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.

e dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Tca Iree oil is a powe rful natural antifungal agent thal alters th e chem i
emTJronment of th e skin, making it inh osp itable [0 fungal growth
El rect ive topica l preparations include creams or loti ons co ntaining tea
' ree oil ; look for products thal contain tea tree oil as one of the [Op
:ngredients, or make your own by add ing twO parts of tea tree oil [0
tllree parts of a neutral oil , such as almond oiL For an antifunga l foot
oat h , add 20 drops of tea tree oil [0 a small tub of warm water; soak your
'cet in this mixture for 15 minutes two or three tim es a day. Dry your
lee t we ll and dab a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil on[O the affected
areas. H pu re tea tree oil irritates your sk in , use one of the [Opical prepa
rati ons described below.
Try rubbin g garl ic oil directl y into the affected areas. Garlic contains
a natural fun gus- fi ghting substan ce that can help [0 clear up ath lete's
fool. Another way of using garlic [0 treat athletes foot is [0 dust your feet
with garliC powder. Finally, calendula is another usdul opti on Derived
from a go lden, daisy-li ke flowe r, and Widely availab le in health-food
s[Ores, this herb relieves inflammation and soothes the sk in , which pro
motes healing

Supplements may be useful for

other types of fungal skin infections
as well as athlete's foot. Jock itch, for
example, is caused by the same type
of fungus that is responsible for most
cases of athlete's foot, and the two
conditions often occur together.
Topical treatments can be applied to
the groin area twice a day.
Try using supplements along with
over-the-counter or prescription anti
fungal creams and lotions. Creams
are good for the sales of the feet,
but between the toes, apply a lotion
- it's absorbed faster than a cream
and won't trap moisture, which
could prolong the problem .

~ JI

.- e

What else you can do

. ay

Keep your fee t clean and dry. With a hair dryer set on low, dry your
feel. If you prder [0 use a [Owel, wash it after each use.
Wear clea n, dry soc ks. Air your shoes after each use, and don't wear
the same pair every day
Go bardoot when yo u ca n, or opt for sandals or other well-ventilated
shoes that allow yo ur feet [0 breathe.
Try ove r-the-counter antifungal lotions and powders; but avoid those
that contain corn[1our, which can encourage funga l growth.
Cut your [Oenails straight across [0 help pre vent fungal infection

For stubborn cases of athlete's

foot, particularly those affecting the
nails, there are prescription drugs
that work remarkably well. But they
ca n be very expensive and have
dangerous side effects. For example,
recent studies have found that the
oral prescription drug ketoconazole
(Nizoral) is effective against persis
tent fungal infections . But you
should check with your practitioner
before taking it with other medica
t ions or alcohol. It can also cause
liver damage, so those taking it must
see a doctor for period ic blood tests
to monitor liver function.

Athlete's foot doesn't often occur in

children younger than 12. If a child
shows symptoms similar to those of
athlete's foot, it's probably another
ski n condition, and you may need to
consult a paediatrician about it.


'r---B~ac k

Pa i n

Because humans defy gravity by standing upright, the spine is often under stress. This often leads
to back pain, one of the most common reasons why Australians and New Zealanders visit their
doctors . The secret to relief is to strengthen both the vertebrae and the surrounding tissues .

What it is Al lh ough its rrequenLiy very uncomfortabl e, most

back pain isn 't seriou s. Typica ll y, the lowe r back , which supportS almost
all the body's weighl, lS th e area most affecled. But infl am mation or, or
even a minor injury to. an)' of the bones in the sp ine (ve n ebrae) or the
muscles , canilage, nerves or olher lissues con nected to the sp ine can
bring on pain.
What causes it rVlost back pain IS the re sult of mu scle strain .
Poor posLUre , weakened bones or cartilage, a sl ipped disc , a pinched
nerve, or su ess and emot ional upset are olher causes. Diseases such as
art hrit is or osteoporosis may lead lO chron ic back pain
How supplements can help Before beginning a th erapeu
tic suppl ement program, check with your dOCLOr to dete rmine whelher
medical or surgical trealment is wa rranted Supplements are aim ed at
building stronger bones and muscles, reduci ng inOammaLion and treal
in g pain . Effects may be felt within a wee k
Peo pl e pron e to back prob lems sho uld sta n with \'llam in s and min
erals that strengthen bones and ca rtilage, such as calciulJl , magnesi um ,
vitamin C, vitamin 0 and /11anganese in addition , \'a ri ous olher supple
ments are wo rth lrying, eilher Singly or in co mbination. Some hospita ls
have had success using blOl1le/ain , an enzyme found in pin ea pples, to
redu ce inflammalion and pa in fro m surgery, traum a, sports Il1Jun es and
arthritis. The nUlriti onal suppleme nt g/ucos(IIl1inf builds ca nil age.
including the tissue supporling the splllal ciiscs And th e herb white



Aching or stiffness along the
spine, especially during movement.

Sharp pain in the upper or lower

back or down the leg .


Debilitating pain after exercise,

strenuous activity or exertion.


Aching and disco mfort after long

periods of sitting or standing.


If pain is disabling or accompa
nied by fever or vomiting.


If tingling or numbness appears

in the arms or legs, or if there is
intense pain extending down the
back of the leg (sciatica) .
If pain and stiffness affect one
area of the spine upon waking.
If pain fo llows a fall or a car
Reminder: If you have a medical



li d

Sl, ,


condition, talk to your doctor before

taking supplements.



Called 'nature 'S aspirin', white

willow bark reduces the inflamma
tion that often accompanies pain.


Supplement recommendations

r: .

!~ -




Ca lcium/
Magnesi um

600 mg calcium and 250 mg

magnesium a day.

Can be bought as part of a

bone-building fo rmula. Be
careful taking magnesi um if
you have kid ney disease.


500 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach.

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
found in pineapples.


500 mg 3 times a day

with food .

Glocosamine sulphate is the

form most easily absorbed .

White willow

1 or 2 pills 3 times a day.

(Follow package directions.)

Should be standardised to
contain 15% salicin.

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Redu ce dose if diarrhoea


Vitamin D

400 IU a day with food.

Avoid doses above 1000 IU a

day, which may be toxic.


60 mg a day fo r 2 weeks.

After 2 weeks, reduce dose to

20 mg a day

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food.

Take in the morning.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

- I

willow barh has pain-relieving characteristics similar [0 th ose of aspirin ,

but with fewer side effects Rich in omega-3 farty acids, flaxs eed oil may
also have healing analgesic and anti-inf1ammatory properties . All these
supplements may reduce the need for com'entional pain relievers and ,
exce pt for white will ow bark , can be taken alon g with them.
Other beneficial suppl ements include S-adenosylmethlOnine, or SAM
(200 mg three times a day), a form of th e muscle-strengthening,
coll.agen-building amin o acid methionine; boswellia (3 00 mg three times
a da y), a herbal remedy fro m India with anti-inOammatory properties;
and niacinamide (500 mg three times a da y) , a form of niacin that may
be effecti ve against arthrit ic back pain (SAM is nOt approved for use in
Australia, but is available in New Zealand The herb devil 's claw (400 mg
three times a day) may be pa rti cularly useful for inf1amm ato ry pain from
arthritis or degenerative spin e di sease (spondylosis).

What else you can do

To improve posture , wea r co mfortable foot wear; consider ort hotics
Try therapeutic massage , ch iro practic (spinal alignment), ac upuncture
or TE NS (transcutan eous electrical ne rve stimulat ion) for pain relief.
Don't bend from the waist; bend yo ur knees whe n liftin g.
Sit in a chair with lowe r-back support ; take frequent breaks to stretch.

Over-the-counter pain relievers

may be very effective for back and
neck pain - but they can have dan
gerous side effects, such as stomach
or intestinal bleeding. Natural sup
plements are a safer alternative and
may reduce - or even eliminate
your need for conventional drugs.

A German study of 109 people

who had low back pain for at least
six months suggests that the herb
devil's claw (named for its large,
claw-shaped fruit) may be a valuable
complement to conventional med
ication. Half received devil's claw
and half were given a placebo; all
participants were also free to take
prescription painkillers as needed.
After one month, nine in the devil's
claw group, but only one in the
placebo group, were pain-free.
Strengthening stomach muscles
helps to prevent back injuries . A
recent study shows that partial sit
ups (or crunches), done by lifting
the torso halfway up while the knees
are bent at a 90 angle, are the best
way to strengthen stomach muscles
because they place the least stress
on lower back muscles. Full sit-ups
or 'cross-the-knee' crunches can
injure your back.

Doctors sometimes recommend a

week or two of complete bed rest
for back pain. But new research
shows that - unless you have a
slipped disc - just one or two days
of rest can be more beneficial.




This annoying complaint affects millions of people and has fuelled a multimillion-dollar-a-year
industry. Strict oral hygiene and natural remedies can provide relief. And if bad breath persists,
careful dental or medical detective work often uncovers a correctable underlying cause.

Wh a t it is Whether it's called bad breath or halitosis, nobody ,

wants an unpleasant odour emanating from his or her mouth. in the
Simplest cases , this problem can be traced back to smok ing, drinking
Regularly experiencing a disagree
alco hol or eating foods notorious for their lingering odours, including
able taste is a sign that the breath
garlic, on ions and anchovies. But somet imes the prob lem is caused by
leaving your mouth probably has an
an underlying medical condition and can become chronic.
unpleasant odour.
What causes it Bad breath usually results from the multiplica
tion of odour-causing bacteria in the mouth. The drier your mouth, the
more bacteria th rive. Any cond ition that reduces saliva production can
contribute to bad breath - including advancing age, breathing through
the mouth, crash diets (the less food yo u chew, the less saliva you
produce), certain medications, even the time of day ('Mo rning breath'
occurs because salivation is cons iderab ly reduced during sleep.) Bacteria
may also collect on the tongue, in food debris that accumulates on den
tures, and on the teeth - especially when plaque or cavities are present.
if bad breath persists, underlying gum disease, a chronic sinus infect ion
or poor digestion of food s is often the cause .
How supplements can help Natural strategies for combat
ing bad breath work best in combination with regular and thorough ora l
hygiene, including Qossing and brushing the teeth, as we ll as brushing
the tongue (especially the back part), where odour-causing bacteria are
likely to f1ourish.
Place Just a drop or two of peppermint oil on the tongue a couple of
times a day - larger amounts of the pure oil may cause digesti ve upset.
Peppermint oil has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is also effective in

Peppermint oil is an effective

natural breath freshener. Just
a drop or two, placed on the
tongue, may do the trick.


Many people with bad breath

don' t taste or smell it themselves, so
look for possible clues from others:
do people step back when you
speak, for instance. If you suspect a
problem, ask someone you trust for
an honest opinion .
Bleeding gums signal gingivitis,
an inflammation of the gums that
can sometimes cause bad breath .

If bad breath does not improve

with self-care, your dentist or doctor
can check for an underlying medical
cause, such as gum disease or a
chronic sinus infection.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supple m ent recom mendati ons





1 or 2 drops essential oil

of peppermint, placed on

Larger amounts of pepper

mint oil can cause heartburn.
Drinking peppermint tea
may also be helpful.

f en nel

Chew a pinch of fennel seeds

after meals or as needed .

Chew thoroughly for best

effect. Anise seeds or cloves

can also be used.


Chew on a fresh parsley sprig

after meals or as needed.

Some natural breath

freshen ers contain parsley

oil as a key ing redient.


Rinse the mouth with a 'green'

drink made with spirulina and
apple juice. (Follow package

The mixture can be drunk as

well as used as a rinse. Or you
can chew spirulina tablets.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

...:ill lng bacteria. Drinking peppermint or spearmi nt teas, as well as

Ient y of pl ain water, may also help to fight bad brea th by kee ping the
mou th moist
Anot her approach is to chew on several f ennel seeds, anise seeds, or
cloves to freshen the breath; they can be carried in a sma ll , sealed con
laln er. Fresh parsley has a similar erfect; it 's also high in chlorophyll (the
chemical that gives plants their green colour), wh ich has long been
recognised as a powerful breath freshener and also detoxiries odours
caused by poorly digested foods. Chlorophyll is also found in 'green'
drinks containing spirulina , wheat grass , chlorella or other herbs. These
are best swished aro und the mouth , then swa ll owed Or try spiru lina
lablets, which shou ld be chewed thoroughly

What else you can do

Licorice-flavored anise seeds

can easily be made into a breath
freshening mouthwash or beverage.
Boil several teaspoons of seeds in
one cup of water for a few minutes,
then strain and cool.
Ensu re that your toothbrush
remains bacteria-free by storing it in
grapefruit seed extract or hydrogen
peroxide; rinse it well before brush
ing your teeth.
Commercially available mouth
washes may reduce bacteria in the
mouth, but they have only a tempo
rary effect and are not a substitute
for regular brushing and flossing.
Some practitioners believe that
poor digestion may contribute to
certain cases of bad breath. They
advise adding extra fluid and fibre
(such as psyllium) to the diet to
avoid constipation. Colon-cleansing
herbal formulas, available at health
food stores, may also be helpful if
constipation is causing the problem.

In many ancient Asian societies,

people were required to chew
several cloves to freshen their breath
before they were allowed to have
an audience with the king .

Brush your teeth after each meal and !1oss them at least once a day
When you can't brush, rinse your mouth out with some water.
Use a moist toothbrush, a tongue scraper (available at so me pharma
cies and health-food sto res) or a metal spoon held upside down to
scrape off any coating on the back of the tongue and cleanse that area.
Avoid strong-smelling foods and alco hol Don't smoke
If a chronic sinus infection or postnasal drip is contributing to bad
breath, consider using a sinus irrigator - a device found in so me hea lth
food stores that de live rs a saltwater solution into the nostrils - to clea n
sinuses regularl y.


This generally temporary illness often develops after a cold or the flu, but it can be a serious,
recurring disease. Smokers are particularly vulnerable; 9% of Australian smokers develop chronic
bronchitis, compared with 5% of ex-smokers and 3% of people who have never smoked.

What it is Bronchitis is an inf1ammation of the windpipe and

bronchial tubes. the large airwa)'s thal lead to th e lungs. These airways
swell and thicken, paralysing the cilia, the tiny hairs that line the respi
ratory tract and sweep away dust and germs. ~Aucus builds up, resultmg
in a cough.
There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bron chi
tis is marked by a slight fever that lasts for a few days and a cough that
goes away afte r several ",veeks. In chronic bronchiti s, a hacking cough
along with discoloured phlegm persists for several months and may
disappear and recur.

Acute bronchitis
Cough that produces white,
yellow or green phlegm.
Fever (37SC or higher).
Coarse breath sounds (called
rhonchi) that change or disappear
when coughing.
Pain in the chest muscles
from coughing.

What causes it Acu te bronchit is frequentl y foll ows a co ld or the

flu , lhough it can also res ull from a baclerial mfection or exposure lO
chemica l fum es. Chronic bronch it is occurs when the lungs have been
irritated for a long time. The primary ca use of chroni c bronchilis is cig
aretle smoking. People with long-term exposure lO second han d smoke ,
wo rkers routinely exposed to chemical fum es and people with chronic
allergies are also susceptible
How supplements can help There are supplements that can
help to strenglhen yo ur body's immune response and also slimulate it s
normal process of loosen ing and bringing up phlegm. The supplements
for acu te bronchitis shou ld be laken onl y while yo u are ill Those for
chronic bronchitis require long-term use .
The following vitamins should be used daily. Vitamin C is particularly
helpful in fi ghting off vi ruses that atlack the respiratory syslem. Take it
wilh powerful antioxidants ca lled jlavol1oids (or biof1avono ids), which
are natural anti-inf1 am mato ry agents. Vitamin A is also important for the
health of the immune system. In chronic bronchitis , both these \'ltamins
assist in the healing of damaged lung tissue .
For an acute attack, drink horehound lea to help thin mucus secre
ti ons. Or use the herb Slippe l)' elm in place of horeh ound if you prefer
The herb fel1ugree h also thins muc us, and has been repo lled to reduce
the recurrence rate of bronchitis.
The herbs echinacea and astragalus have antibacterial, ant iviral and
immune-slrengthening prope rtie s. At the higher doses, they can be used
to fight off acute bronchilis. For chronic or seasona l bronchitis, try
taking the foll owing herbs in rotation ech inacea (200 mg twice a day),
astraga lu s (200 mg twice a day), pau d'a rco (250 mg twice a day), and
1500 mg of rei shi mu shrooms or 600 mg of maitake mushrooms a day.
Use one herb for one week. lhen switch to anot her: co ntinue this cycle
as long as needed.

Chronic bronchitis
Persistent cough producing
yellow, white or green phlegm fo r
at least three m onths of the yea r
for two consecuti ve ye ars .
Wheezing and breathlessness.
Coughing during exertion, no
matter how slight.

If a persistent cough interferes

with you r sleep or compromises
you r daily acti vi ties.
If mucus becomes darker or
thicker or increases significantly
in volume.
If your temperature is higher
than 37.5 C.

If your breathing is becoming

increa singly difficult or if you cough
up blood .
If yo ur symptoms last more than
48 hours .
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Sup p leme nt recommendations




Vitam in C/

1000 mg vitamin C and 500

mg flavonoids 3 times a day.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

Vitam in A

25000 IU a day for a month

with food.

Take with 30 mg zinc per day.

If pregnant or cons idering
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

Ho re ho und

As a tea, 3 or 4 cups a day.

Use 1 or 2 LSp per cup of hot

water; add honey to taste.

Fe nugre ek

5 9 ground herb (for acuLe

bronchitis) or 2 9 (for chronic
bronchitis) 3 times a day

between meals.

The same dose can be ta ken

as a tea .


200 mg 4 times a day (acute)

or twice a day (chronic).

Standardised to contain

3.5% echinacosides.


200 mg 4 times a day (acute)

or twice a day (c hronic).

Supplying 0.5% glucosides

and 70% polysaccharides.

People suffering from bronchiti s

often have difficulty in breathing
whi le they're eating. So try to avoid
foods tha t are hard to chew, suc h as
meats and raw vege tables. However,
vegetable juices are excellent for
this co ndition .
An ti histamines and decongestants
won't do anything to alleviate lung
symptoms - and th ey may actua lly
make your conditio l) worse. That's
because these drugs can dry up and
thicken mucus, making it more diffi
cu lt for yo u to co ugh it up.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; th ose in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

What else you can do

Gi ve up smoking - and avoid situations where ot hers smoke
Deh ydrati on can cause mucus to become thi ck and diffi cult to cough
up Drink pl enty of fluid s, such as diluted fru it Juices and herbal teas.
Don't use ae rosol products (hair sprays, deodorants and insectiCides) ,
,\ hich can irritate airvvay passages.
If you have chronic bronchitis, stay indoors \",hen the air quality is poo r.

Only 10% of bronchitis cases are

the result of a bacterial infection,
so don' t automatically assume you
need antibio tics fo r th is condi tio n.
Such drugs can reduce th e body's
levels of 'good' bacte ria, and they
can also make indi vid ual bacterial
strains more resistant to the an ti
biotics themselves.

Astragalus root helps to fight off

the viral or bacterial infections
that can lead to bronchitis.






Most burns are not serious and can be managed with simple care at home. Herbal ointments
such as aloe vera or calendula can be applied to mild burns, and a number of vitamins, minerals
and other supplements can be taken orally to help promote healing and prevent infection.

What it is A bu rn is damage to the skin ca used by hea t, chemicals

or electricity. Most bu rn s occur at home, and occasionall y they requ ire
hospitalisation. Varyi ng in de pth and size, burns are classified as first,
second or third degree Most sunburns, fo r examp le, are considered
first-degree burns beca use they in volve only the outer laye r of skin ,
whereas seco nd-degree burns injure pan of the unde rlyi ng skin laye r.
Affecting all the skin laye rs, third-degree burns damage the muscles,
bones, nerves and blood vessels below. Third -degree burns are always a
med ica l emergency and require timely treatment , such as skin graft ing,
to aid recovery and minimise sca rring.

First-degree burns
Tenderness and redness.
Possible swelling.
Second-degree burns
Pain, redness and blisters.
Mild to moderate swelling.
Third-degree burns

What causes it Burns are co mmonly ca used by sca ldi ng water,

hot oil or grease, hot foods or overex posure to sun. More se rious injuries
may result from fi re, steam or chemical s. Electrical bu rn s, usua ll y occur
ring from contact with faul ty or uninsul ated wiring, can be deceptive:
skin damage may be minimal, but internal injuries ca n be extensive.

How supplements can help Se lf-ca re is most app ro priate

for first-d egree and some small second-degree burns. (More serious
burns requ ire medica l ane ntion. ) To treat, immerse the burned area in
coo l water for about 15 minutes (be carefu l not to brea k any blisters) or
apply cool co mpresses. Once the bur n has coo led , apply al oe ve ra gel
directly to the injured area to relieve pa in and in na mmation and soothe
the skin . (Alternative ly, use a dressing soaked in chamomile tea or appl y

No immediate pain or bleeding

because nerves are damaged.
Charred skin or black, white or
red skin .
No blisters, but serious swelling.

If a first-degree burn covers a

larg e area or is very painful.
If a seco nd-degree burn occurs
on your face or hands or covers more
than 5 square centimetres of skin.
If you have a third-degree,

One of the most popular and effective

natural remedies for a burn is the
clear, soothing gel of the aloe plant.

chemical or electrical burn - go to

a hospital immediately.
If you have fever, vomiting, chill s
or swollen glands; if pus forms in
blisters; or if an unpleasant odour
emanates from the burn - these may
be si gns of infection.
If you are in doubt about the
severity of a burn.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supplement recommendations




If you don't have any aloe ve ra o r

chamomile o n hand for your burn,

Aloe v era gel

Apply gel to affe cted areas of

skin as needed.

Use fresh aloe leaf or a

commercial gel.

try a potato instead. Put several

slices of raw p otato on the affected

Ca len d ula

Gotu kola

Apply cream to burns.

200 mg extract or 400-500

mg crude herb twice a day.

Creams should contain at

lea st 2% calendula . Use with
caution if you're allergic to
daisy-like flowers.

skin; replace them several tim es

Extract standardised to
contain 10% asiaticosides.

that may help soothe the burn.

every two o r three minutes - before

applying a d ressing. The sta rch in
the potato forms a protective layer
Milk can also be a fairly effective
first-aid remedy for minor burns.

Vit am in A

50000 IU a day with food for

no more than 10 days.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or cons idering
pregnancy, do not exceed
2500 IU a day.

Soak a piece of towelling o r soft

cotton in milk and use it as a com
press for 15 minutes or so. Repea t
this procedure every two to six

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day until


Vitamin E

500 IU a day with food

until healed.

Creams containing vita min E

may prevent scarring when
applied topica lly.


30 mg a day.

Don't exceed 150 mg zinc a

day from all sources.




Redu ce dose if diarrhoea


Use a strong tea: 2 or 3 tsp

dried herb for each cup of hot
wa ter. Cool quickly in freezer

or with ice cubes.

200 mg 3 times a day.

Apply tea -soaked cloth to

burn for about 15 minutes.

h ours. Be sure to rinse the ski n

b etween applications; sou red milk
can begin to sm ell.

Aloe ve ra gel significantly speeds

h ealing, according to a study of 27
people with fairly bad burns . Those
who were treated with aloe ve ra
h ealed in 12 days on average, as

Standardised to contain at
least 3.5% echinacosides.

agai nst 18 days fo r those who used

a regular gauze dressing.


Note : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

la\'ender oil.) Then use infection-fighting calendula cream or goldensea l

cream on any raw areas and cove r with a light dressing
During Lhe hea ling process, the body needs extra nutrients. These
should be taken for a wee k or two, until the burn heals In co mbination ,
the herbs gOiLl lwla (which sti mulates the growt h of conn ective tissue in
the skin) and echillac ea, vitamins A, C and E and the min eral zi nc all
work together to boost the immun e response , repair skin and tissues and
prevent scarring.

Butter is an old folk rem edy for

burns - but don't use it. Like other
oils or greasy ointments, butter traps
h ea t, slows healing and increases
th e risk of la te r infectio n.

What else you can do

Gently cleanse burns daily wlth mild soap , Laking care not to break
any blisters; rinse well. Use sterile gauze dressings to keep burns dry and
protected from din and bacteria.
Drink plenty of flui ds while your skin is healing
Avoid exposing burnL skin to hot showers or the sun.

C_a_ll_c e r
Conventional cancer treatments, including surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, are often
effective in battling this frightening illness. Gentle natural therapies may be used in conjunction
with traditional methods to help curb their troublesome side effects and boost their potency.

What it is There are mo re than a hundred ty pes of cance r, all

marked by uncontroll ed growth of ab normal cells Most begin as soli d
tu mo urs, from which cance r ce ll s can sp read (metastasise) to other parts
of th e bod y. Untreated, ca nce r ce ll s can ove rpowe r norma l ce ll s and sap
the body's vita l nutrients, resu lting in grave illn ess or dea th .
What causes it The cause of ca ncer is unknown, but such facto rs
as smoking, excessive sun ex posure , pollulants, Stress and poor diet seem
to playa role. Any of these may weaken the imm une system, which is
then unab le to attac k cancer ce ll s effec ti vely, or expose the body to free
radicals - unstable oxygen molecules that can damage ce ll s. He redity also
seems to be a key element in the develop ment of many types of cancer.
How supplements can he lp Debate abo ut su pplements in
cance r trea tment is intensive , but some su pplements , lake n da il y ove r the
long term , can be valuable add itions to convent ional cancer therapies.
Vitamin A, with the antiOX Idants vitam in C, vitamin E, caro tenoids
(especiall y beta-carotene and lycopene) , selenium and coenzy me QlO,
helps to protect ce ll s from free rad ical s
and may inh ibit the growth of cancer
ous cells. These suppleme nts may be
particu lar! y beneficia l for peo ple
who have been trea ted with chemo
th erapy or rad iati on - procedures
that damage hea lthy ce ll s wh ile they
allack ca ncer ce ll s Amino ac ids
may speed hea ling and slow tumour
growth as we ll .

Unusual bleeding or discharge .

A change in either bowel or

bladder habits .
Chroni c indigestion or diffi culty
in swallowing .
Unex pl ai ned decreased appetite
or wei ght loss.
A sore th at doesn' t heal.
Thi ckening or lump in the breast,
testi cl es or elsew here .
Persistent co ugh, hoarseness
or sore throat.
A change in a w art or mole .

Unex pl ain ed fatigue.

If you ha ve an y of the above

symptom s for two w eeks or longer
and there is no other obviou s cau se.
Reminder: If you have a medical
cond ition, talk to your doctor before
ta king sup pl ements .

Formulas that contain a mixture of

various corotenoids provide a potent
blend of cell-protecting antioxidants.

Supplement recommendations



Vitamin A

50000 IU a day lor 1 month,

then 25 000 IU a day with
food .

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.

Vitamin C/
Vitami n E

2000 mg vitamin C 3 times a

day; 500 IU vitamin Etwice
a day with food.

Vitamin C helps to boost the

effects of vitamin E.

Ca rotenoids

3 pills mixed carotenoids

a day with food ,

Each pill should supply

25000 IU vitamin Aactivity.


200 mcg twice a day.

Don't exceed 800 mcg daily;

higher doses may be toxic.

Coenzyme QlO

200 mg each morning

with food.

Capsules may be more

effective than tablets.

Amino acids

Mi xed amino acids (see

label for dosage), plus
L-glutathione (250 mg

twice a day).

Take L-glutathione sepa rately

from other amino acids.


200 mg 3 times a day.

Rotate In 3-week cycles with

astragalus (400 mg twice a

day), pau d'a rco (500 mg

twice a day) and medicinal

mushrooms (see below).


500 mg reishi, 400 mg

shiitake and 200 mg maitake
3 times a day; and/or
3000 mg Coriolus versicolor
divided into 2 daily doses .

Avoid re ishi mushrooms if

taking anticoagulants .
Extracts of reishi, shiitake and
maitake are often so ld in a
combination formula.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

ROlating echinacea in three-week cycl es w ith extracts o f medicinal mush

roo ms and oth er he rbs may st rengthen ol'e rall immunity durin g cance r
rreatments (Vitamin C also bo lsters the immu ne system , helpin g it to
lIgh t o ff any cance r cells still in the body a fte r trea tme nl. ) The Coriolu s
'.,'1sicolor mush room h as sho'vvn part ic ular p ro mi se agai nst lung, sto mach
Jnd co lon cance r. Ta ki ng a liver d etox ifica tio n fo rm ul a (so meti mes so ld
,li J li po tropic comb ination) can help to prevent th e buildup of cance r
promo ting tox ins in the body Gin seng and astragal us, ta ke n togethe r, a lso
o<: em to boost im munit y and redu ce the side effects of treatment .

What else you can do

ba lanced diet , rich in \'it amms and minera ls.
join a Sll pp urt gro u p: studies show th is step can pro lo ng yo ur sUI'\'i\'al
Tn ( wrCbe , med itatio n , bio feedbac k , massage o r imaging tech ni q ues
\-'1 " red uce stress , lesse n anxiety and ease sy m ptoms.
E.1l .1

Half of all Australians and New

Zealanders with cancer try alterna
tive treatments, but many don't te ll
their doctors because they expect
them to d isapprove. Let your doctors
know of any supplements you take
so they can make informed treat
ment recommendations.
If nausea is a problem during
chemotherapy, try g inger
(100-200 mg every four hours, or
a cup of ginger tea as needed).
Take it wit h food to avoid stomach
irritation . Relaxation tapes or
acupuncture may also help.
In the US, the 100-year-old
Hoxsey herbal compound - a blend
of pokeweed, burdock root, buck
thorn and other plants that is sold
by herbalists - is among the oldest
and most debated alternative thera
pies. Some of its ingredien ts are now
known to have antica ncer and
immune-boosting effects, but many
doctors continue to question its
safety and effectiveness.

Controversy has surrounded the

use of high doses of vitam in C to
fight cancer since Nobel Prize winn er
Linus Pauling's 1976 study touted its
benefits , Recent findi ngs have done
little to settle the debate. Some stud
ies suggest that Vitamin C has few
benefits; many others indicate it may
prolong surviva l; and still others find
it helps to take it with vitam in E.
Patients receiving chemotherapy
for acute leukaemia who took the
amino acid g lutamine (6 g three
times a day) had less severe
diarrhoea than the contro l group in
a recent test. Check with you r doc
tor before us ing glutamine becau se
high doses can be hazardous.



C_a ncer prevention

Diet and lifestyle choices are thought to contribute to about 60% of all cancer cases. The
strategies you can adopt to lower your risk of developing the disease range from having regular
screenings for cancer to boosting your intake of cancer-fighting antioxidants.

What it is Almost every cell in the body is replaced regularly, and

within each ce ll is a code that tells it how and when to multipl y and when
to die. Cancer occurs wh en somet hing goes wrong with thi s process ,
allowing ce ll s to devel op abnom1ally and grow uncontrollably As these
cells prolilerate and spread, they damage hea lth y tissu e, blood vessels and
nerves. Fortunate ly, in many cases the body recognises these changes and
deslroys the abnormal cells before they become a threat to hea lth
What causes it Tobacco smoke, excessive exposu re to radiation
(fro m X-rays or the ultraviolet light of the sun), some industrial chem i
cals, certa in viruses and some hormo nes all in crease your risk of cance r.
Heredity and dietary choices also play a major role in cance r risk
Excessive amou nt s of fat , alco hol and pickled and smoked foo ds may
contribute to cancer, Just as fibre, certain nutrients and fruit s and veg
etables help protect aga inst it.
No t everyo ne exposed to cance r- causing agents , howeve r, will be
affected by the disease A major factor in the deve lopme nt of cancer
appears to be the immun e system 's ability to detect and dest roy fr ee
radicals - unstab le oxygen molecules that cause ce ll damage. Ant i
oxidants, com pounds produce d by th e body or derived [rom foo d and
supplem ents , ca n in activate free radicals and aid the immune system
in eradi ca ting ea rl y ca nce r cells.
How supplements can help Although not a substit ute [or
sensible lifestyle cho ices , suppleme nts may help protect aga inst a variety
of ca ncers. Taki ng seve ral antioxidants da ily is the first line of defe nce.
Vi tamin C withflavonoids plays a ro le in preve nting ma ny ca nce rs , such
as those of the lung, oesop hagus , stomach,
bladder, ce rvix and colon . Vitamin E may
redu ce th e risk o[ breast, co lon,
prostate, and possibly other cance rs .
The minera l selenium sh ows
promise as a wea pon against a

A change in either bladder or

bowel habits.
A sore, scab or ulcer that refu ses
to heal.
Unu sual bleeding or discharge.
Thickening or lump in the breast
or anywhere beneath the skin.
Recurring indigestion or difficulty
in swal lowing.
Obvious change in a mole or
wart, including bleeding.
Nagging cough, hoarseness
or coughing up blood .
Unexplained weight loss or
fatigue .

If you develop any of the above

symptoms and they don't go away
on their own within two weeks.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Experts think green tea, in leaf

or capsule form, may con tain
one of the most potent anti
oxidants ever discovered.


Supp lemen t recommendations




Vitamin C/

1000 mg vitamin C and 500

mg fla vonoids 3 times a day.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

Vi tamin E

500 IU a day with food.

Ch ec kwith yo ur doctor if
taking anticoagulant drugs.

Se lenium

200 mcg a day.

Don't exceed 800 mcg daily;

highe r doses may be toxic.

Green tea

250 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at
least 50% polyphenols.

Grape seed

100 mg each morn ing .

Standardised to contain 3%
catechin polymers.

Flaxseed oil

1 tb sp (15 -20 ml) a day

with food.

Take in the mo rn ing.

Coenzyme Ql0

50-100 mg each morning

with food.

Capsules may be more

effective than tablets.

Glutath ione

100 mg L-glutathione each

morn ing .

Ta ke with food to minimise

stomach irritation.


1 pill mixed carotenoids a day

with food.

25000 IU vita min A activity.

Be sure to have regular physical

exams and screening tests, such as
Pap smears, mammograms and skin
examinations. If cancer develops,
early detection and treatment
increase your chance of full recovery.
Eating plenty of tofu and other
soy products may help to prevent
cancer. Animal studies show that a
compound in soy called genistein
blocks the production of certain pro
tein s that help cancer cells to thrive.
Getting an adequate da ily amount
of calcium may reduce your risk of
colon cancer. The mineral appears to
neutralise bile acids in the colon . In
the absence of calcium, these diges
tive substances can be altered by
intestinal bacteria and then cause
abnorm al cell changes that may
even tually lead to cancer.

Each pill should supply

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

nu mber of ca nce rs as well Everyone who is co nce rn ed about cancer

prevention should ta ke these four supplements logel her.
For extra protectio n, the nutritional suppl ements green tea extract
and grape seed extract may help to preve nt a hos t of cancers, including
lu ng, breast, sto mac h, co lon , prostate and skin . Although it 's nOl an anti
n idant , jl.axseed oil is important becau se il contains co mpound s called
llgnans, which may protec t aga inst breast, co lon and prostate cancers.
If you ",.i sh, yo u can add the nutrient coe nzy me Q10 and the amino acid
glutathione, both of which also sup po rt th e immune system. Take
cal'Otenoids only if yo u don't eat man y fru its and vegetables. These sub
"lanCeS - which represe nt the yellow, orange and red p igments in fr uits
and vegetables - help to prevent a number of cancers. For example, the
carotenoid lyco pene (which gives tomatoes their red colour) is particularly
beneficial in wa rding off lung and prostate cance rs.

Taking 200 mcg of selenium a day

was shown to reduce cancer risk by
39% and cut the risk of dying from
the disease nearly in half in a study
of 1300 people. The participants
were mostly men; more studies are
needed to see if these results apply
to women .
Recent research suggests that
antiox ida nts protect aga inst cervical
cancer. In one study, women wit h
cervical cancer had very low blood
levels of vitamin E and carotenoids,
such as beta-carotene and Iycopene,
compared with women who did not
have the disease .

What else you can do

Don't sm oke or chew tobacco. Drink alcoh ol only in mode ration
Eat a diet low in satura ted fa t and high in fibre . Include plenty of
iruits , vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
Shield yourself from the sun. Wea r sunscreen and a hat outdoors
Exe rcise for at least 30 mi nutes a day





Carpal tunnel syndrom_


If wrist pain wakes you at night or you feel pins and needles in your hands when you drive, you
may have this disorder. Though considered a condition of modern times, carpal tunnel syndrome
has in fact been recognised since the 1880s.

What it is The bones and ligaments in the wri st (medically known

as the carpus, [rom the Greek harpos) form a pathway called the carpal
tunn el. Here the median nerve, w'hich cont rols movement and feelin g
in mOSl or the hand, and the tendo ns that connect the arm mu scles and
lhe hand muscle s pass {rom the fore arm into the hand The tunnel can
be narrowed by swe llin g of ligaments or ten dons, bone dislocation, bone
spurs or Ouid retenti on. This narrowi ng may co mpre ss the median
nerve, causing the pain , numbness and wea kness characleristic of ca rpal
tunn el syndrome .
Symploms may develop gra dually or suddenl y, and they tend to be
most painful at night (Ind eed , 95% of sufferers reporl being awake ned
by pain.) Sy mptom s may last for a few days and cllsappear withoul
treatm ent or persist for month s and require medica l intervention.
What causes it Ca rpallUnnel syndrome is usually a st re ss injury
induced by prolonged , repeal ed move ments of the hands or fi ngers.
Ove ruse of the hands on the Job (typ ing at a computer, working on an
assembl y li ne) or during leisure acti vi ties (kn itting, playing musical
in suum enLs) can inOame the tend ons or Iigame nLs, causing th em lO
swe ll and compress the median nerve .
Changes in hormonal bala nce during pregnancy, while taking birth
cOnLral pills, or during menopause may al so bring on or worsen ca rpal
LUnnel symptoms. Underl ying disease (diabetes , hypolhyroidism, Ray
naud 's disease, rheumatoid arthrilis) or traum a to th e wrist may result in
carpal tunnel sy ndrome as well. Carpal tunnel sy ndrome occurs three
times more often in women than il doe s in men and is particularl y com
mon in overwe ighl wo men between th e ages of 30 and 60.

Numbness or tingling in the

thumb and the first three fingers.
Shooting pains in the wrist and
forearm, w hich may radiate into the
shou lder and neck.
Weakness in the hand; difficulty
in picking up and holding objects.
A sensation that the fingers are
swollen when no swelling is visible.

If your finge rs feel stiff and painful

- you may be suffering from arthritis.
If wrist pain interferes with your
daily activities.
If numbness and pain contin ue
despite home care and supplements
- you r hands and wrists may need to
be immobilised for a short period.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Vitamin 86 may reduce the

nerve-related symptoms of
carpal tunnel syndrome.


Sup p lement recommendations




Vitamin B6

50 mg 3 tim es a day until

symptoms subside.

200 mg daily over long term

can cause nerve damage.


1000 mg twice a day during

acute phase. Reduce to
500 mg twice a day when
symptoms subside . Take
between meals.

An anti.inflammatory enzyme
found in pineapples.

Tu rm eric

400 mg 3 ti mes a day.

Can be taken as a tea ma de

wit h Yz 1 ts p ground turmeric
in hot water.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is more

than just an annoyance, In 1995,
62 % of the job-related cases
of this ailment in the United States
resulted in 21 or more days of
absence from work.
Salt promotes wa ter retentio n,
wh ich can contribute to swellin g
and may aggravate the symptoms
of ca rpal tunnel syndrome . Try
reducing the amount of salt in your
diet and see if it helps ,

Some dosoges may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39,

How supplements can help Se\'e ral studi es suggest th at a

deficiency of vitamil1 B6 can make you suscep ti ble to the numbness
and pain of ca rpal LUn ne! sy ndrome. This vitam in is important in main
tainin g hea lthy nerve tissue, relie\'mg in llammation and imp roving
circulation. It also may increase the brains production of the nerve
chemi ca l GABA (gam ma-aminobutyric ac id), which helps to co nt ro l
pain sensat ions. If yo u don't notice any improve ment after laking vita
min B6 for three wee ks, switch to pyrid oxal-S-phosphate CP-S-P), a form
of the vitam in that the body eventually produces as it breaks down
\'llamin B6 Some people find this form works beller for them
Bromeiain , a powerful anti-in(1ammat ory enzyme found in pin ea p
pl es, is also ve ry effective in treating the inllam mati on and any result ing
pain . The co mbination of bromelam and vit amin B6 works better than
either suppleme nt alone, Turmeric , a member of th e ginger family, is also
useful When tu rm eric an d bromelain are taken together, they enhance
each other's anti-inllammato ry propenies and may help to re lieve the
pain of ca rpal tunnel synd ro me Although LUrmeric is sa fe to use ove r
the long term , cut the dose in half once your sy mptom s subside (T his
herb can be expe nsive.)

Taking vita min C supplements

may leave you vulne rable to ca rpal
tunnel synd rome - unless you also
get enough vitamin B6 . One study
involving 441 participants found
that those deficient in B6 who took
vita min C daily we re more like ly to
develo p the syndrome than those
who were def icient in B6 but did
not use vitamin C suppleme nts.

What else you can do

Take freque nt brea ks when performing any repetitive hand activi ty,
such as typing, knittin g or playing an instrument Sto p at least once an
hour to Ilex your fingers and shake your hands.
Apply ice to your wrists when pain strikes. Use a llex ibl e ice pack - or
a bag of frozen peas - and pu t it on for 10 min utes eve ry hou r to ease
the pain and reduce the inflammation .
Ele vate your wrists with a pill ow when you lie down.


C"a ta,racts

Half the people over the age of 50 and three-quarters of those over 75 develop cataracts, and
this serious but treatable vision disorder accounts for 14% of referrals to the Royal Blind Society
of Australia . But the condition isn't an inevitable part of the ageing process.

What it is The eye's lens is normall y transpare nt ; it refracts and

focuses light on the retina, which allows a clear image to fonn . When the
proteins in the lens break dovm, they clump together and form opaque
spots called cataracts. These spots hinder light from being transmitted
properly to the retina and vision becomes cloud y or blurry The degree
of impaired vision depends on the density and size of the cataract and
its location on the lens.

Gradual and painless blurring or

dimming of vision.
Increa se d sensitivity to sun glare
or car headlights at night.
Seeing haloes around lights .
Changes in co lour perception.

What causes it Cataracts may develop as a result of age-related

body changes; bu t some ex perts now think that the majority of cases can
be attributed to smoking or to lifetime exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light
from the sun. A low level of antioxidants (vitamins C and E, beta
carotene and selenium) may also be a factor. These com pounds can
quench free radicals - unstable oxygen molecules - that ca n damage the
lens (No rmally, the lens has a high concentration of glutathione, an
antioxidant produced by the body) In addition, having diabetes or being
overweight increases the risk of cataracts, probably because high levels
of sugar (glucose) in the blood contribute to the destruction of lens
proteins. Injury to the eye can cause cataracts , too.

If you begin to develop cataract

Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your docto r before
taking supplements.

How supplements can help Taking supplements before a

cataract appears may postpone its development or prevent it altogether.
In the early stages of a cataract , sup plements may slow its growth. Only
surgery will remove a cataract, however.
Both vitamin C and vitamin E, which are potent antioxidants , may
protect the lens from damage from Cigarette smoke and UV light.
Selenium, another antioxidant , also helps to neutralise free radicals. The
herb bilbeny is rich in Oavonoid s and helps to eliminate toxins from the
lens and retina. In one study, bilberry combined with vitamin Estopped
the progression of cata racts in 48 out of 50 partiCipants.

Vitamin C protects the

lens of the eye and may
help to prevent cataracts.





Supplement recommendations
'i t amin C

1000 mg twice a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Only surgical removal of the lens

will get rid of a cataract that has
already formed. However, surgery
need not be considered unless your

fit amin E

SOD 'IU a day with food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Se lenium

400 mcg a day.

Don' t exceed 800 mcg daily;

higher doses may be toxic.


80 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain,

2.S% anthocyanosides. May

be included in nutritional

supplement eye formulas.

Ginkgo biloba

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to contain at
least 24% flavone glycosides.

1S0 mg a day with or without

food. Take in the morning.

May soon be approved for

use in Australia; available in

New Zealand.

vision is so impaired that you can't

work, drive, read or participate in
the leisure activities you enjoy.

In a US study of people aged 55

and over, those who took vitamin E
supplements were only half as likely
to develop cataracts as those who
didn't. The participants consumed

Alpha-lipoic acid

at least 400 IU of vitamin E daily.

Vitamin C supplements may help
to prevent cataracts, but only if they

Grape seed
Flaxseed oil

100 mg twice a day.

1 tbsp (1S-20 ml) a day

with food.

Standardised to contain

3% catechin polymers.

Take in the morning.

are taken consistently over a long

period. In a US study of 247 older
women, those who used vitamin C
regularly for 10 years or more had a

77% lower risk of developing early

'Jote: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

cataracts than those who didn't take

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

the vitamin. Participants were

assigned dosages that ranged from

This combination of supplements usually provides adequate cataract

protection, but the following nutrients may also be helpful The herb
gi nhgo biloba, which improves circulation and has strong antioxidant
properties, can be substituted for bilberry. Ginkgo ma y be a good choice
for people who are already taking it for memory problems. Alpha-lipoic
acid s hows promise as a cataract preventive, and also boosts the effec
liveness of vitamins C and E. Grape seed extract can have a therapeutic
impact on even the tiniest blood vesse ls, and so benefits circulation in
lhe eye Consider adding flaxseed oil to this regimen as well; its essen
lial fatty acids nourish the eye. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is also important:
take 25 mg a day if yo u do not take a mulllvitamin or a B-complex
supplement that provides at least this amount

less than 400 mg to more than

700 mg daily. Taking vitamin C for
shorter periods, however, did not
reduce the incidence of cataracts.

What else y ou can do

Give up smoking.
Protect your eyes from UV rays by wearing sunglasses and a wide
brimmed hat when outdoors.
Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich fresh fruits and vegetables


.---Ch.ronic fatigue syndro

Many people turn to supplements to combat the persistent tiredness and flu-like symptoms that
characterise this poorly understood and disabling disorder. Although no one knows its cause, a
weakened immune system may be a factor.

What it is Marked by profound and persistent ex haustion, chro nic

faLi gue syndrome (CFS) affecLs more women than men, most below the
age of 50 Sufferers feel wea k and listless muc h of the time, and often
have dilTiculty in slee ping, co ncemratin g and perfol"fl1ing da il y Lasks :
many also have unde rlying depression Doctors disagree about whether
CFS is a spec ifi c co ndilion or a group of unrelated sympLoms not attrib
utab le LO a sin gle cause .
What causes it Th e specific ca use of CFS IS unknow n, bU l an
im pa ired immu ne res ponse may pJay a role in its onse l. Peo pl e with CFS
have other immune dl sLurbances as we ll about 65% suffer from allergies
(as aga inst only 20% In the ge neral popul atI on), and so me have aUl O
immune diso rders such as lupu s, in which the immune system attacks
th e body's own hea lth y lissues .
Doclors aren't sure what lriggers CFS . Many pa lients recall having a
Du-like illness before their fati gue bega n, and CFS symp to ms do suggest
a lingering viral illness. Suspecled infeclious agent s have included
Epstein-Barr (th e virus causing glandular b u) and ca ndid a (the ca use
of yeast inl"ec ti ons) Olher th eo ries suggesl lha l CFS is caused by low
bl ood pressure , brain inn ammati on or abnormal leve ls of ce rtain hor
mones. Nothing conclusive has bee n pro ved, howeve r.

Continuing or recurring fatigue

lasting at least six months and not
relieved by sleep or rest.
Memory loss, in ability to concen
trate, headaches.
Low-grade fever, muscle or joint
aches, sore throa t or swollen lymph
nodes in neck or armp its.

Fatigu e that lasts longer than two

weeks or is accompanied by sudden
weight loss, muscle weakness or
other unu sua l symptoms may signal
other, more seriou s ailments .
Fatigue can be a side effect of
certain medications. Your doctor can
rule out oth er possible and often
co rrectabl e ca uses.
Get your doctor to monitor your
progress even if you are improving,
or if fatigu e becomes worse despite
hom e treatm ent.
Remind er: If you have a medical
or psychi atric condition, talk to your
doctor before taking supplements.

Pau d'arco is one of several

immune-boosting herb s that
may help people with CFS .


Supplement recommendations

r t



Vi tami n C

2000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Caro teno ids

2 pills mixed carotenoids a

day with food.

Each pill should supply

25000 IU vitamin A activity.

200 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at
least 3.5% echinacosides. Limit
consecutive use to 3 weeks or
rotate with other herbs.

Ju st one in every 10000 adults

who sees a doctor for fatig ue ac tu
all y has ch ronic fatigu e syndrome.
Many more have a condit ion cal led


fibrom ya lg ia, which ca n produce

symptoms sim ilar to those of CFS .
Chronic fatigue syndrome is no t
a new disease. In the 1800s, lin ger
ing fatigue was called neurasthen ia;
interestingly, it was often trea ted
with lico rice extract. Fro m the 1930s

Magn esiu m

Sib erian g in sen g

400 mg once a day with food . Be ca reful taking magnesium

if yo u have kidney disease.
, 00- 300 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at
least 0.8% eleutherosides .

to the 1950s, outbreaks of pro

longed fati gue were reported in
many cou ntries. But it was not until
1988 that an interna tion al consensu s
group (which inc lu ded Australian

U corice

200 mg ex tra ct 3 times a day.

:.'. 0
t : " Il

Pan t o t henic acid

Also called vitamin Bs .

Calcium pantothenate is the
least expensive form.


200 mg standardised extract

twice a day.

Rotate in 3-week cycles with

echinacea and pa u d'arco .

Pau d'arco

250mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain
3% naphthoquinones.

- an

500 mg twice a day with


Standardised to contain 15%

glycyrrh izin or glycyrrhizinic
acid. Can raise blood pres
sure; whe n taking long term,
ea t lots of vegetables and
fruit s that co ntain pota ssi um .

representa tives) convened by the

Centers for Disea se Con trol and
Prevention (the main federal publi c
health agency in the US) rel eased
comprehensive guidelines for diag
nosing the syndrome . Thi s opened
t he way for further inves tiga ti o n of
CFS in mainstream medicine .

Mild aerobic exercise may be an

exce llent therapy for ch roni c fatig ue


Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

syn drome, according to a recent

study in the British Medical Journal.
After a 12-week program of walking,

How supplements can help The aIm is [0 res[Ore a health y

immu ne system, so begin with vitamin C and caroteno ids. Echina cea can
be added [0 the mix, alternated with the herbs astragalu s, which has
antiviral and immunity-enhancing effects, pau c/'arco, which fight s many
mi crobes (especially th e yeast infections so co mmon in th ose with low
immunity) or go ldenseal. For muscle pain , use magnes ium, [00.
In additi on. yo u ca n safe ly include the herbs Siberi an gin se ng and
licorice ancl the B \'itamin pantotheni Cacid to bolster th e aclrenal gland s.
whic h secrete horm ones, such as corti so l, that co unteract stress and
boost energy. All ow a month for these supplements to take effect

swimm ing or cycling from 5 to 30

minutes a day, 55% of CFS patients
felt 'much ' o r 'very much' better.
Relaxatio n and stretching exerc ises
may also work. But take it slowly :
if you d o too much, you m ay su ffer
a setback. It m ay help to keep an
energy diary - to reco rd peaks and
troughs of energy - and plan your
ac ti vities around the tim es you
routinely feel t he best.

What else you can do

Try behavioural counselling ancl relaxati on techniques , such as hypnosis
or meditati on, [0 manage stress and treat any und erl ying depreSSion
If needed , use supp lements such as ,'aterian or melatonin for insomnia.


Cb_ronic pain
No matter where it hurts - in your head, your toe or anywhere in between - chronic pain can
have a major impact on both physical and emotional well-being . Fortunately, natural therapies
can be added to the wide range of treatments now available to help in the control of pain.

What it is The word pain comes from the Latin poena, meaning
punishment - a fittin g delivation, as anyo ne who expe riences chronic
pain can attest Whether it is in the form of aching, tingling, stabbing,
shooting or burning, prolonged and un controllab le pain ca n adve rsely
affect a person's entire life. In additi on to the physical discomfort, con
stant suffering can lead to anx iety, anger and dep ression, all of which can
intensify the pain.
What causes it Pain occurs when a nerve ending senses a source
of distress and sends a signal to the brain . The pain can become chronic if
this impulse continues . The causes of chronic pain are too numerous to
list, but include a poorly healing injury, arthritis, a pinched or irritated
nerve or an underlying disorder such as cancer. Unfortunately, in so me
cases, especially those involving the mu scles and bones, the actual cause
remains a mystery, making the cond ition especially difficu lt to treat.
How supplements can help With a doctor's supe rvision,
you can use natural pain relie vers, Singly or together, for the long-term
relief of all types of chronic pain . Most can also be take n with conven
tional painkillers. Gene rally, supplements are safer than those drugs and
may reduce your need for them. The exception is white willow baril,
which shouldn't be take n with aspilin because the two are so similar that
co mbining them cou ld increase the risk of asp irin-related side effects.
(Both act to reduce leve ls of natural pain-causing com pounds call ed
White willow ba rk can, howeve r, safely be comb ined with othe r pain
relievi ng herbs. Brom elain , an anti-inflammato ry protein de ri ved from
pineapples, ma y be particularly useful for inflammation-related pain and
sports injuries. Other potentially helpful herbs include ginge r (which ,
like white wi llow bark, acts on prostaglandins), mead owsweet, feve rfew,
cat's claw, de vil's claw, pau d'arco and turmeric.

Melatonin may be a good remedy

if chronic pain keeps you from
sleeping at night.

Persis tent or intermittent aching

or pain, considered chronic if it las ts
si x months or longer. The muscles,
head , back, join ts or other areas
may be affected.
Pain that is acute and then
becomes chron ic.
Depressi on, insomnia and daytime
fatigue, which often accompany
chronic pain .

If pain is severe and disabling.

If pain does not improve in two
weeks despite self-care mea sures or
th e use of prescription or over-the
counter pain relieve rs .
If the character of the pain
changes - it could signal a new
underlying medical problem.
Reminder : If you have a medical
or psychiatric condition, talk to your
doctor before taking supplements.

Supplement recommendations



White willow

1 or 2 pills 3 times a day as

needed for pain . (Follow
pac kage directions.)

Standardised to contain
15% ~ I icin.


500 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach.

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
derived from pineapples.

Caye nne cream

Apply cream thi nly to painful

areas several limes a day.

0.025- 0.075% capsaicin.




Cream should contain






100 mg 3 times a day,

Choose supplements stan

dardised to contain gingerols,
Can use essential oil of ginger
as part of a massage blend.

Peppermint oil

Add a few drops of the oil

to 15 ml neutral oil.

Apply to painful areas up to

4 times dai ly,

St John's wort

300 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain
0.3% hypericin.


250 mg 3 times a day,

Standardised to contain at
least 3.5% kavapyrones ,


1- 3 mg at bedtime,

Start with lower dose and

increase as needed.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
Topical preparations ca n be helpful , too , CaYCIlne cream may b e
espec ially beneficial fo r arthritic Jo1Ots, post-shingles pain o r nerve dam
age fro m diabetes or surgery (such as mastec tom y o r amputatio n). It
may be less effective on large areas of the bod y beca use of the burning
sensation it causes , Alternat ively, try mIxing a few drops of gin ge r, laven
der and birch o ils w ith 15 m l of a neutral oil (such as almo nd oil) and
massaging the blend in to the painful a rea, Other opt ions include pep
permint oil, vvintergree n oil or euca lyptus o il , w hich seem to wo rk by
qui etening the nerve endings that tra nsmi t pain signa ls
Supplements typ ically proVid e pain relief wi thin three to four ho urs
If pain is accompa nied by d epression or anxiety, try Stjohn 's wort first,
and then Iwva, These h erbs may have some direct pain-reli ev ing prop
erties as well, If pain is interfering with yo ur ab ility to get a good night's
sleep , as k your doc to r abou t melatonin ,

Herbs containing salicin, such

as white willow bark and meadow
sweet, can be just as effective as
aspirin and much less irritating to
the stomach - meadowsweet, in
fact, is sometimes used to treat
stomach ulcers.
You're more likely to suffer
chronic pain if you're overweight,
concludes a Johns Hopkins University
study of 312 obese people, There's
also a direct correlation between
degree of obesity and feelings of
depression and lack of vitality.

Australians spend $15 billion a

year on medications and surgery to
control and treat chronic pain, But
commonly used NSAIDs (non
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs),
such as aspirin or ibuprofen, are
problematic: in the US, they cause
200000 hospitalisations a year, often
from stomach bleeding. Natural
therapies may turn out to be safer
alternatives for many people.
Peppermint oil proved as effective
as acetaminophen - and better than
a placebo - in a study of 41 people
suffering from recurrent headaches .
The peppermint oil was massaged
into the forehead and temples at
the outbreak of symptoms, and
then applied twice more at intervals
of about 15 minutes.

What else you ca n do

Consider trying ac upuncture, Mind-bod y techniques - such as
biofeedback , hypnosis, relaxation trainin g and b eha\loural counse lling
may also help,
As k yo ur doctor about pain clinics , w hich offer a range of treatments,


C~o_ l. d


Many people eventually become infected with the virus that causes the unsightly and painful lip
blisters called cold sores. Using antioxidants, immune boosters, and especially the amino acid
lysine, you'll have the tools to inhibit the virus and help heal the inflamed skin.

What it is Cold sores are Ouid- filled blisters that usually appear on
the lips, although they can also de velop on the gums, the tnner cheeks,
the rool of the mouth or the area around the nostrils. The co ld sore \' irus
can also spread by touch La the mucous membranes of the eyes , nose
and ge nitals, or to abrasions Typically, cold sores (also called fever bli s
ters) break and then form a scab, disappearing in a week to ten days .

The initial o.utbreak is o.ften

marked by unsightly and tender
blisters o.n o.r near the mo.uth.
So.metimes, flu,like and
swelling in adjacent lymph no.des
o.ccur as well.

What causes it Cold sores are usually caused by herpes simplex

type 1 virus (HSV-l). (This is not the main virus responsible for genital
herpes - herpes simplex type 2 - which is ge nerally transmitted through
sexual contact.) Because the virus lies dormant in nerve cells afte r the first
outbreak, new sores may recur as frequentl y as every few weeks or as
infrequently as eve ry few years. So res ofLen reappear when the immune
system is depressed by a fever or a viral infection. Recurrences can also be
trigge red by fatigue, menstruation , stress, or exposure to sun and wind.

How supplements can help The supplements IisLed can al l

help minimise outbreaks and speed healing. Use Lh em in combinati on at
the first sign of a co ld sore. Effects will be noticed in two or three days.
Most useful is the ami no acid lysine, which , when taken orally,
suppresses Lhe growth of HSV-l; in cream form , lysine can be app lied
direc tly to the so res. It 's fin e La use long term and may help to prevent
co ld sores from forming. Also effective is melissa cream, mad e from the
potent antiviral herb Meli ssa officinalis; use at the first hint of tingling.
Vitamin C andJ1avolloids ma y help as we lL As powerful antiox idants,
they facilitate healing by eliminating naturally occurring ce ll-d amaging
compounds known as fre e radicals; both also boost virus-fighting
immune system ce lls. Vitamin A and selenium haw antioxida nt proper
ties , too. Along wiLhJ1axs eed oil, they speed along the hea li ng process by
promoting ce ll renewa L (Vita min A is also a\'ailable in topical form ;

Recurrences may be m ilder: an

itchy o.r t ingling sensatio.n o.n the

lips, in a day o.r two. by
o.r fluid-filled blisters.

If yo.U develo.P eye pain or sensi

tivity to. light - it may mean the vi rus
has spread to. the eyes, where it can
damage visio.n.
If cold so.res last Io.nger than two.
weeks o.r recur o.ften - yo.U may need
an antiviral cream o.r oral drug.
Reminder: If yo.U have a medical
co.nditio.n, talk to. yo.ur do.cto.r
taking supplements.

Lysine, the amino acid that helps to

prevent cold sores, is available in an
easyto,swallow tablet form.


Supplement recommendations
Ly si ne



1000 mg L-Iysine 3 times a

day for flare-ups; then 500 mg
a day, plus (with evening
meal) 30-5 0 mg zinc.

Take lysine on an empty

stomach; never take
with milk.

Apply to sores 2-4 times a day.

Also called lemon balm.

If used early, 1 or 2 drops of

licorice extract applied to the lesion
several times a day will prevent a
cold sore from developing. If the
sore has already developed, the
extract will reduce pain and speed

Meli ssa cream

Vitam in Cj
Fl avonoids

1000 mg vitamin C and

500 rng flavonoids 3 times
a day.

Use for flare-ups; reduc e

vitamin C dose if diarrhoea

25000 IU twice a day for

5 days with food.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

healing. The same treatment is

effective for genital herpes.
As an alternative to using com
mercial melissa cream, try melissa
tea, applied externally, to hasten the

Vitamin A

healing of cold sores. First, prepare

a strong tea: steep 2 or 3 teaspoons
of the herb in a cup of very hot
water for 15 minutes, then cool.



200 mg echinacea and

125 mg goldenseal 4 times
a day.

Sold singly or as combination


Dab it on the sores with a cotton

ball three times a day.
Supplements can safely be used

400 mcg a day, during flareups only.

Don't exceed 800 mcg daily;

higher doses may be toxic.

1 tbsp (1 5-2 0 ml) a day

wi th food.

Ta ke in th e morning .

with prescription antiviral creams

such as acyclovir or penciclovir,
which also encourage healing of

Flaxseed oil

cold sores.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

apply it directly to sores, alternating it ""'1th vitamin E oil) flare-ups may

be treated wiLh the immune-enhancing herbs echinacea and golclenseal,
which are natural antivirals and antibiotics
To prevent recurrences, take 500 mg of lysine a day, plus (with your
evening meal) 30-50 mg of zinc. (If you're using lYSine long term, add
an amino acid complex to proVide a balanced mix of amino acids) It's
also beneficial to alternate herbs try echinacea CWO mg a day); astra
galus CWO mg a day); or a miXLure of reishi (1500 mg a day), shiitake
(1200 mg a day) and maitake mushrooms (600 mg a day). Take one
preparation for a week, then swiLch to another, and l"inally to the third.

Vitamin C may be effective when

applied topically, according to a
recent Finnish study. Researchers
soaked cotton pads in a vitamin C
solution and applied them to cold
sores. In those who were treated
with vitamin C, blisters cleared up
faster (3.4 days) than in those who
received a placebo (5.9 days).
In studies at German ,hospitals,
when a cream with a concentrated
extract of melissa was used on

What else you can do

patients during an initial outbreak of

Apply sunscreen (SPf 15 or higher) Lo the lips to pre\-ent recurrences.

In a study im'ohng people with recurrent cold sores, those who didn't
use sunscreen de\'eloped a cold sore alter 80 m111utes in the sun.
Don't touch the blisters This can spread the \irus, as can sharing per
sonal items such as towels, razors, drinking glasses or toothbrushes
Try meditation, yoga or other forms of relaxation to reduce stress.
Stay away from nuts, chocolate, whole-grain cereals and gelatin They
contain a large amount of the amino acid arginine, which some doctors
think triggers cold sores. Lysine may counteract its effect.

HSV-1, not one person had a recur

rence. The cream also healed the
cold sores more quickly than usual,
often within five days. Patients with
recurrent cold sores who applied
melissa cream regularly either
stopped developing sores or had
less frequent recurrences.

Co_l_ds & flu

Sooner or later, just about everyone comes down with a miserable cold or dose of flu - and
some unfortunate people seem to get infected again and again . Vitamin C is probably the most
familiar natural remedy for these viruses, but it's not the only one.

Wh at it is Because th e co mmon cold and the flu are both respira

tory tract infections, determining which you have may be dilricult.
Generally speaking, a co ld comes on graduall y, whereas flu strikes sud
denly - you ca n feel fine in the morning and terribl e by afternoon. The
classic cold symptoms - congestion, so re throat and sneezing - are usu
ally less seve re than flu symptoms , which often include feve r, extreme
fatigue, muscle aches and headaches
The amount of tim e needed to recover is different , too_ In general , a
co ld lasts about a wee k, but symptoms may troubl e you [or only three
or four days i[ your immune system is in good shape_On the other hand,
you can be sick wi th the flu for up to 10 da ys, and fatigue ca n persist for
two to three wee ks after that. A cold rarely produces se rious complica
tions, but flu can lead to bronc hitis or pneu monia .
What causes it Both colds and flu are caused by vi ruses th at
attach themselves to the lining of the nose or throat and then spread
throughout the up per respiratory syste m and occasional ly to the lungs
as welL In response, the immun e system floods the area with infection
fighti ng white blood cells. Th e symptoms aren 't produced by the viruses
but are the result of the body try ing to stave off the in fec ti on. Colds and
flu are more common in winter, when indoor hea ting reduces the
humidity in the air ; this lack of moist ai r dries out the nasal passages an d
crea tes the perfect breeding ground for the viruses _

Head and chest congestion.

Sneezing and cough.
Sore throat
Watery nasal discharge .
Muscle aches.
Fever and chills _
Headache _
Fatigue .

If your temperature is above

37 .S0( fo r t hree days or ever goes
to 39( or higher.
If yo u have a sore throa t com
bin ed with a temperature that stays
above 38( for 24 hours - it may
indicate strep throat, which requires
antibiotic treatment
If mu cus is green, da rk yellow
or brown - this may be a sign of
a bacterial infect ion in the sinuses
or lungs.
If yo u have chest pain, shortnes s
of breath and difficulty in breathing
- these symptoms may mean you
have pneumonia, especially if yo u
al so have a high fever.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements_

The herb echinacea helps to

prevent and treat colds and flu_


Supp lement recommenda t ions




Vi tami n A

50000 IU twice a day with

food, until symptoms im prove;
if needed for lo nger tha n
7 days, reduce dose to
25000 IUa day.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or consideri ng
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

Vitam in C

2000 mg 3 times a day until

symptoms improve; if needed
beyond 5 days, reduce dose
to 1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea



200 mg 5 times a day.

For prevention, take 200 mg

a day in 3-week rotations with
th e herb astragalus (400 mg
a day).

Zi nc loze nges

1 loze nge every 3 or 4 hours

as needed.

Don't exceed 150 mg zinc

a day from all sources.

Ga rlic

400 -600 mg 4 ti mes a day

with food.

Use raw, co ld-fermented or

aged ga rlic.


125 mg standardised extract

5 times a day for 5 days.


Don't use during pregnancy

with high blood pressure.

Some dosages may be pro vided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

How supplements can help The sup plements listed in the

chart assist your body in combating co ld and flu viruses, rather than
suppress ing symptoms For this reason, you may not feel better imme
diately after taking them. but yo u'll pro bably recover faster. In some
cases, pro mpt trea tment may prevent a cold or flu from fu lly developing
Start the supplements when symptoms first appea r and , unless other
wi se noted , continu e until the Illness passe s.
At high doses , vitami l1 A has stro ng antiviral ac ti on, but take it for
only seve n days in these amounts Contrary to pop ular belief, vitamin C
won't prevent a co ld , but it may shorten the durati on or mi nimi se the
symptoms. The herb echinacea stimulates the immune system. Zinc
lozenges may also help halt a co ld , possib ly by destroyi ng the \rirus itself
If you ofte n develop a bacteri al infection , such as sinusitis or bro n
chitis , from a cold or flu , add garlic when you first not ice symptoms. It
contains compound s thal may pre\'ent bacteria from invading tissue s. To
give the immun e system an extra boost, combine goldenseal with echi
nacea for the treatment (but not preventi on) of co lds and fl u

Read the ingredients list for zinc

lozenges carefully. Only zinc glu
conate, ascorbate and glycinate
work against colds . And don't waste
money on products that contain
sorbitol, mannitol or citric acid:
when combined with saliva, these
chemicals make zinc ineffective .

When it comes to cold preven

tion, according to researchers at
Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 'yo u gotta
have friends'. In a study of 276 men
and women, those with wide social
networks developed fewer cold
symptoms - even after researchers
deposited a cold virus directly into
the nose.
Smokers are twice as likely to
catch colds as nonsmokers, accord
ing to a study from the Common
Cold Unit of the Medical Resea rch
Council in Salisbury, England.
In one study, faster recovery from
flu was observed in men and women
who took elderberry. Within two
days, symptoms improved in 93%
of the group using the herb,
whereas it was six days before
improvement occurred in the group
tha t was given a placebo .

What else you can do

Use a humidifier or vaporise r in \\ri nter to kee p indoo r air moist.
Instead of havi ng a flu shot, Lry taking the suggested supplements in
the au tumn. It takes six to eighL wee ks to build up an immunity and dif
ferent flu strai ns emerge each yea r, so yo u'll need to supplement annually.


......---__OJlgestive heart failure

It's the most frequent cause of hospitalisation in people over the age of 65 - and a serious
condition that usually requires rigorous, lifelong treatment. Along with lifestyle changes and
drugs, supplements can help to ease the symptoms of this ailment.

What it is In congest ive hea rt fail ure (CHF), a weakened (o r 'fail

ing') heart doesn't pump as effi ciently as it shou ld . As a res ult , not
enough ox}'gen-rich bl ood gets delive red to all parts of the bod}' Oflen
sim pl }' called heart failure, CHF typica ll}' linge rs and wo rse ns ove r time.
As blood fl ow ['rom the hean slovvs, the bl ood re turnll1g to the heart
bac ks up, leading to 'congestion' in the tissues . Fluid ca n accumul ate in
the lungs, causing shortness of bre ath ~ can pool in the ankles , making
them swe ll up ~ or can prod uce a m}'riad othe r s}'mptoms.
What causes it A heart attack , whi ch sca rs the hea rt and inter
feres with its pumping ab ilil }', frequentl }' results in CHF Other causes
include persistent high bl ood pressure, athe roscl erosis, chronic lung
disease, long-term drug or alcohol abu se, and infec tions of the hea rt
muscle or val ves.

How supplements can help There are va ri ous med ica lions
tha t can strengthen the hea rt s pumping acti on , expand blood vessels,
increase bl ood flow and eli mi nate excess fluid fro m the bod}'. In co nsul
tat ion wilh yo ur doctor, all these supplements can be taken long te rm
along with convent iona l drugs to help slow the progression of CH F
Benefits may appea r within three to fo ur wee ks.
A good slarting strateg), is to add antioxidants, includll1g vitamin C,
vitamin E and coe11 zyme QlO, to yo ur daily regimen . Taken regularly,
they pla ya role in redu cing damage from the highl }' reacti\'e molec ules
kn own as free radica ls, which can injure the hea rt and ot her organs.
Coenz yme QlO also has ene rg),-boosting pro perties.

Extreme fatigue and weakness.

Shortness of breath after very
little exertion or while reclining.
Severe cough tha t produces
reddish brown sputum.
Unexplained extreme ly rapid or
irregular heartbeat.
Sw elling (oedema) of the extrem
ities, especially the ankles and feet.

If you regularly feel extremely

fatigued and sho rt of breath after
limited exertion .
If you exp erience severe breath
lessness or chest pain, w hich may
indicate a heart attack - call an
ambulance at once.
If you suffer from congestive heart
failure and you develop fever or
rapid or irregular heartbeat or your
symptoms worsen.
Reminder: If you have a medica l
conditi on, tal k to your doctor before
taking supplements.

CHF patients often benefit from taking

thiamine supplements because diuretics
prescribed for their condition deplete
the body of this B vitamin.

Supplement recommendations



Vitamin C/
Vitamin E

1000 mg vitamin C 3 times a

day; 500 IU vitamin Edaily
with food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Coenzyme QlO

100 mg twice a day with food. Capsules may be more

effective than tablets.


100- 150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 1-3% flavonoids.


1000 mg L-carnitine twice a

day on an empty stomach.

When usi ng for longer than

a month, add a mixed amino
acid complex (follow pac kage
directio ns).


500 mg L-taurine twice a day

on an empty stomach ,

When using for longer than

a month, add a mixed amino
acid complex (follow package

Magnes ium

400 mg twice a day

with food .

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

Gin kgo biloba

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form) ,

Standardised to contain at
least 24% flavone glycosides.


200 mg a day.

Also called vitamin B1.

Note : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some do sages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
The herb hawthorn may be particularl y effec ti\'e in the early stages 01
CHF, helpin g [Q wid en bloo d vesse ls and imp ro\'e bl ood now th ro ugh
th e body. Carnitil1 e (a n amin o-aci d- like substance) , plus the amin o acid
tauril1e , helps the hea n [Q bea t more strongl)" a nd lowers b lood pressure
And th e mine ral magnesium can aiel in reducing b lood pressure and pre
ve n ting arrh ythmi as , a co mm on complica ti o n in peo ple wi th CHF
Finall y, people w ith heart failure may benefit fro m two addllio na l
supplemen ts O ne is the herb ginl,go biloba , which Impro\'es blood cir
cu lation through out the body, includi ng th e heart The other is th iamille ,
Man y people with CHF ha \-e low b -els of this B vitamin becau se they
take the diureti c Lasl?: (fruse mide) in an effo rt to rid the bod)' o r excess
nuid s. But lo ng- term u se o r Lasix de pletes leve ls o f thiamine, magne
siu m and potaSSium , so it's crucia l [0 to p u p supp li es of these n utri ents.

What else you can do

Get p lent y o r rest and d on 't und e rt ake strenuo us aC tl \' ilY
Eat sma ller, mo re rrequent meals, which require less energy to digest.
Reduce yo ur salt intake and avoi d ca freine, alcoh o l and tobacco .

Supplements may lessen the need

for prescription heart medications,
but never lower the dosage or stop
taking any drug witho ut consu lting
your doctor first.
Regular walki ng and othe r types
of mild aerobic exercise help many
patients with CHF. However, always
check with your doctor before
beginning any exercise program.
Vitamins B6 and B12 and fo lic acid
may reduce levels of homocysteine
(an amino-acid-like substance that,
at high levels, can damage the lining
of blood vessels and make them
susceptible to plaque buildup) .

A survey of more than 2500

Italians wit h CHF found that adding
coenzyme QlO to standard drug
therapy significantly improved the
quality of life of more than half of
the patients after just three months.
A report in the International
journal of Cardiology indicates that
the antioxidant vitamin E may have
a beneficial effect on patients with
CHF. Tests showed that compared
to healthy study participants, those
with heart failure had higher levels
of cell-damagi ng free rad ic als - and
lower levels of antioxidants, which
protect against free-radical damage.
After four weeks of vitamin E therapy,
levels of free radicals decreased in
those patients with CHF.
A recent Japanese study, reported
in the j ournal of the American College
of Cardiology, sugg ests that vi tamin
C helps to boost the effectiveness
of nitrog lycerin, a prescription drug
commonly given to help open blood
vessels and improve blood flow in
patients with CHF.



At the very least, constipation is uncomfortable, and sometimes it can be downright painful.
Plenty of fibre, fluids and exercise can help keep bowel movements regular. And for those times
when you need some gentle assistance, natural supplements might be the answer.

Wh at it is Bowel habits can vary widely from person to person,

but most doctors would agree that anyone who passes hard stools more
than three times a week is constipated. In addition, if you frequently
have to strain to defecate, you also may benefit from therapies aimed at
relieving constipation.
What causes it

In the majority of cases , const ipation occurs

because o f a lack o[ fibre and nuids in the diet. Ot her co ntributing fac
tors include insufficient exe rcise or prolonged inac tivit y; severe
depression; and medi cal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome,
diabetes, high blood calc ium levels, a sluggish thyroid or colon cancer.
Overuse of laxatives or some antacids can imp air bowel ac tivity, and
certain medications (including drugs for high blood pressu re, antide
pressants and narcot ic pain relievers) can also cause co nstipation

How supplements can help Any abrupt change in your

usual frequenc y of bowel m ovements ma y be a sign of a more serious
underl ying disorder, such as ca ncer or a bO\vel obstruction, and requires
medical evaluation. However, for occasional irregularity, various natural
supplements may help . Benefits shou ld be felt in a day or two. lfneeded,
most or these supplements can be taken long term.
Vitamin C can be useful for the treatment of constipation Besides its
role as an immune stimulant and antioxidant, this vitamin is a gentle lax
ative as well. A 3000 mg daily dose loosens the stools in most people. If

Infrequent bowel movements.

Hard, dry stools.

Difficulty or pain when passing

Swelling of the abdomen.

If you notice an abrupt change

in bowel habits.
If symptoms of constipation per
sist for two weeks or longer, despite
self-care measures.
If fever or abdominal pain accom
panies constipation.
If cramping or pain is severe or
disrupts your daily routine.
If you notice blood in the stool.
If you're on a new medication or
supplement that may be causing
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

A tea made from the root of

the dandelion plant may
help relieve irregularity



Supplement recommendations
Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.


If you' re constipated, it's very

important to drink plenty of flu ids

The dose can be increased by

1000 mg a day (up to a daily
tota l of 5000 mg) until bowel
movements become regular.

Al co hol and caffeinated beve rag es

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

water, vegetable and fruit juices and

Or take 1- 3 tbsp ground

flaxseeds or 2 ts p ground
fenugreek seeds. Drink
8 glasses of water a day for
these to work.

ishers. A hot liquid in the morning

but no t all drinks are created equal.

actually cause fluid loss, making co n
stipation worse. On the other hand,


400-800 mg a day as needed

with food.


1- 3 tbsp powder a day

dissolved in water or juice.

clear soups are excellent fluid replen

ma y help to trigger the reflex that
gets the bow els movin g.


Drink Y, cup juice or ea t 3 or

4 prunes each morning .

Can be taken daily.

Dandelion root

As a tea, 1 cup tea 3 limes

a day.

Use 1 tsp dried rool per cup

of hot water.

increased the frequency of bowel

Choose a preparation that

is standardised to contain
8% hydroxyanthracene

ti o n, according to a recent study

Taking psyl lium significantly

__ te


100 mg at bedtime.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are a/ready taking - see page 39.

movements in peopl e with constipa

from th e University of Nebraska.
Those consuming psyllium also
reported that their stools were so fter
and easier to pass, with far less pain
durin g defecation .
A recent study carried ou t in

- 0



this amount doesn't wo rk, gradually in crease the dose or, alternat ively,
keep the daily dose at 3000 mg and add the mineral magnesium , which,
along with its many other pro perties, has gentle laxa tive effects.
In addit ion to these nut rien ts , psyllium, grou nd llaxseed or grou nd
fen ugreek seeds prov ide fibre and make the stools larger, so ft er, and eas
ier to pass~ they can be used da ily. Be sure to have them with ple nty of
wate r to fac ili tate the passage of extra bu lk th rough the digestive tract.
You ca n also try prun e juice or dried pru nes for their laxative effects:
they're gentle enough to use with other supplements Or drink dande
li on root tea , which has mild laxative properties.
H this combinat ion of remedi es does not provide rel ief within a day
or two , cons id er the herb cascara sagrada as a last resort. Because this
herb is a powerful laxat ive that stimulates the bo'wel muscles to contract ,
it should be used for no longer than one to two wee ks at a time. Avo id
it if you're pregnant or brea st feeding

What else you can do

Eat foods high in fibre, incl uding raw fru its and \'ege tables, \-vhole
grains , bran and dried bea ns
Drink at least eigh t 250 ml glasses of water or juice a day
Exercise regula rly, and whe never possible go to the bathroom as soon
as the urge strikes.

Seattle fo und that m en and wom en

with frequent constipation were
much more likely to develop co lo n
cancer than others. The researchers
speculate that the stools of those
w ith cons tipation remain in the
intestine for a relativel y long period .
thus exposing the bowel to poten
tiall y ca ncer-causing chem icals for
lo nger. These results provide yet
an o ther reason to add psyllium o r
other natura l supplements to your
daily regimen.


It's one of the most common medical complaints, and each year many thousands of people
up to 10% of the population by some estimates - seek their doctor's help for it. Often, however,
using one or two natural treatments may be all that's necessary to relieve a troublesome cough.

What it is Desp iLe its seemin gly unhealth y sound , a cough is a

vital bodily functi on. h en though yo u may noLrealise it , you probab ly
cough oncc or t'vvice e\'e l')' hour to clea r your LhroaL and ai r passages of
debris. Coughing ca uses Lroubl e onl y when an environmental substance
or an illness makes you hac k un controll ab ly Co ugh s can be dry and
nonproduct ive , mea ning thaL Lh ey bring up no nuids or sputum : or they
can be we t and produ ctive, ex pelling mucus and th e ge rms or irritants
it contains.
What causes it Wben an irritallL ellLers your respiraLory system,
tin y cough receptors in the Lhroat, lungs and air passages begi n produc
ing extra mu cus, This stimulates nerve endings and starts a seq uence
th ,n culminates with the [orce ful expulSion of air and foreign material
throu gh th e mouth - the cough. A va rie LYof facto rs can trigge r thi s reac
ti on. Bacteria or viruses such as those that cause nu or the co mmon cold
lead to ove rprod ucLi on of mu cus, whi ch can initiate a cough renex (par
Li cularl y aLnighL , when th e sinuses drain into th e throat and se t off Lickl)'
coughs). Asthma , bronchitiS, hay b 'e r and environmental pollutants
such as Cigarette smoke, chemi cals or perfum e are oLher culp rits.
Heartburn ca n also provoke a co ugh (when
stomach ac id ri ses into the oesophagus, burn
in g and irritatin g the Lhroa t). Co ughing ca n
also be a sid e effect of ce rtain prescr ipLion
medica Lions, espeCially those that are used
[0 Lrea l hi gh blood pressure. Less COI11
monl y, pe rsisLem cou ghin g ca n result
from a Lum our in the lun gs , throa t or
vo ice box, or from nuid in th e lungs
caused by congesti\'e hea n failure.

A cough is really a symptom

usually an indication of a respiratory

infection or irritation of the throat,
lungs or air passages,

A cough can be wet (productive)

or dry (nonproductive) ,

If cough persists day and night,

is exhausting, or is accompanied
by shortness of breath, chest pain,
weight loss, wheezing or severe
If temperature is 37.SoC or higher.
If breathing is painful.
If cough produces brown, pink,
green, yellow or bloody mucus.
If it lasts longer than a week.
Remind er: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

A tincture of licorice root helps

make a cough more productive.




Supple ment recommendations

Slippery elm

1 tbsp bark powder twice
a day.

Mix with cereal, soy milk

or yoghurt.

Vicky's herbal cough tea

It seemed to Vicky P that iust

about every month she caught a

cold from one of her young chil



As a tea, 1 cup up to 3 times

a day as needed.

4S drops tincture or, as a tea,

1 cup 3 limes a day

Use 2 tsp dried herb per cup

of hot water; can be blended
with slippery elm.
Add tincture to water or to
herbal cough teas. Or steep
1 tsp dried herb in hot water
with slippery elm or marshmal
low. Can raise blood pressure;
when taking long term, eat
lots of vegetables and fruits
that contain potassium.

dren. Her usual remedy was a

prescription cough medicine, but

after reading that herbal practi

tioners often recommend herbal

teas for colds, Vicky decided to

compile her own list of curative

herbs for a tea. She checked her

choices w ith her doctor and was

assured that they were safe,

She then began to experimen t to

find a tea that would ease her cold

Horeho und

As a tea, 1 cup up to 3 times

a day as needed.

Use 1 or 2 tsp dried herb per

cup of hot water. Can be
taken alone or with other
herbs listed.

symptoms , After much trial and

error, she came up with a recipe
she now swears by, Each morning
during a cold she prepares a pot of

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are olready taking - see page 39.

the tea, then drinks a cup of it

three times a day.

How suppleme n ts can help Nmural co ugh remedies can

be used in place 01 over-the-cou nter medicin es. Th ere are two primary
goals in Lrea ting a co ugh to subdu e th e cough relle x, especially when a
cough causes pain or inter leres with slee p; anel lO Lhin the mucus, mak
ing il easier LO bring up so the irrilam ca n be llusheel Irom the body.
Th e herb slippel'Y elm wi ll soolhe the lhroaL and suppress dr)' coughs
When steeped in waLer, marshmall ow releases mUCilage, a gel-like plant
substance that coats lhe throa Land laryn x and calms the cough recep
Lors. II you prder, you can substitute mullein llowers; these also contain
mucilage. Addi ng some li co ri ce to the lea will loose n phlegm anel reLlx
bronc hi al spasms. (Usi ng licorice lor more lhan a month em raise blood
pressure. ) Horehound in lea lorm has the same beneiit 8S li corice , but
doesn't raIse blood pressure. Co mbinati ons 01 these he rbs may he 8\'8il
able commerciall y as tea bags. If you dont like the tea , try tinctures 01
these herbs. Follow the package direClions or add the tincture yo u're
using to a small glass 01 warn, water and d rink three times a day.
In ha ling stea m Irom hOl water suflused with a few dro ps of euca
lyptus or peppermint ot! ca n o pen clogged sinuses, cl ea r res pir810 ry
passages and minimi se bronchial spasms Co ugh d ro ps or hard lozenges
co ntaining euca lyptus, peppermint , anise or fennellllcrease sa li va , ca us
ing you to swallow more - which also suppresses the co ugh refl ex .

What el se y ou can do
Drink 100s 01 Iluids - wale r, broth and Juices - to help lhm th e mu cus.
Use a coo l-mist \'aporiser or humidilier to moisten lhe all'
Don't smoke, and avo id COnLact with irritating fumes 0 1 \'8 pours.

Her recipe: for each pot of tea,

1 teaspoon slippery elm; 2 tea

spoons marshmallow; 1 teaspoon

hyssop; 45 drops echinacea tinc

ture; and 45 drops licorice tincture.
She puts the dry herbs in a teapot,
adds near-boiling water, steeps for
20 minutes, then strains. She adds
the tinctures and honey to taste
iust before drinking it.

Th e herb ribwort, a member of

the plantain family, is an effective
cough remedy. Howeve r, the TCA
wa rn s that many products claiming
to contain plantain in fact contain
digitaliS, a substance that can cause
hea rt abnormalities. Don't use
products labelled 'plantai n' unless
the botanical name (Plan tago lanceo
lata) IS given .



Cuts & scrapes

Though often just an annoyance, these everyday injuries can become serious, especially if they
are neglected . Basic hygiene, prompt first aid and some of nature's own remedies can help to
prevent infections and speed healing.

Wh at it is Cuts and scrapes are injuries that break the outer pro
tective layer of skin. A cut occurS when the skin is pierced or sli ced ; a
sc rape when the sk in is visib ly abraded or roughened.
What causes it A cut results from an encounter with a sharp
implement, such as a knife , a razo r blade , a jagged pie ce of glass or
metal, or even the edge of a piece of paper Whe n the sk in is pene
tra ted by an instrument wiLh a sharp point , such as a pin , a nail or a
pencil po int , however, it causes a puncture wound . And a sc rap e
occurs when the skin is literally rubbed away by a rough surface such
as gravel or a concrete paveme nt.

How supplements can help Many topica l supp lem ents

can ease or relieve pa in , promote healing, prevent infection and reduce
the risk of scarring. They should be used only for mi nor cms and
scrapes. Gaping wounds tha t won't close or injuri es (hat become
infected requ ire med ica l attention .
After stopping any bleed ing and thoroughl y
cleaning the wound , apply lavender oil to the
fresh cut or scrape to kIll germs and to help it
to heal. Tea tree oil can be used instead, as it
helps to sto p infection and also minimises
sca rring. Or use tincture of ec hinacea, cal
endula or myrrh diluted in a little wate r
Another option is comfrey ointment,
which also speeds up healing.

Diluted with a little water, echinacea

tincture is a potent infection fighter when
applied directly to skin wounds.


Narrow slices through the skin

that usually bleed.
Superficial skin abrasions that
show redness or some bleeding.
Punctures or holes that may
penetrate deep in to the skin.

If a cut or scrape is dirty and can't

be cleaned at home .
If the cut will not close.
If blood spurts out or bleeding
can't be stopped.
If signs of infection appear (pus
in a cu t or scrape, red streaks
spreading from the injury or an
unusual discharge or fever).
If you get a dirty cut or scrape,
or any puncture wound and haven't
had a tetanus shot for 10 years (or
can't recall having had one).
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements.

Supp lement recommenda t ions




To help clean and disinfect a

wound, add a few drops of tea tree

Lavender oil

Apply 1 or 2 drops to wound

after cleansing.

Can be dabbed directly onto

any superficial wound.

Aloe vera gel

Apply liberally to wound

3 or 4 times a day.

Use fresh aloe leaf or a

commercial gel.

50000 IU twice a day for

5 days wi th food.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or consideri ng
preg nancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

oil to a bowl of water. Soak a clean

cloth in the mixture and use it to

Vitamin A

swab the injury. Or hold the wound

under running water for several min
utes . Don't use hydrogen peroxide;
it can damage the outer skin laye r
and slow down the hea ling process.
An aloe vera plant is easy to grow
on a windowsill and provides an

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day for

5 days.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Tea tree oil

App ly 1 or 2 drops to wou nd

after clea nsing .

Can be used in place of

lavender oil.


Add 3 drops tincture to 1 tsp

wa ter; apply to wound.

A substitute for tea tree oil.

Also, drink 1 cup of echinacea
and/or goldenseal tea 3 times
a day until wound heals.


Appl y to wound 3 limes a day

in place of aloe.

Goldensea! crea m or a com

bination of calendula and
goldenseal is also effective;
may be available at health
food stores.

invaluable first-aid lotion for minor

skin injuries. Break off one of the
plumper leaves, slice it open length
wise and scrape or squeeze out the
clear gel.


In a study of people with scars,

those who wore special si li con ban
dages contain ing vitamin E during
the night showed greater improve
ment than people who did not use


500 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach for 5 days.

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
found in pineapples.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.


E. Further studies are needed

to assess the role of this vitam in in

halting or reve rsing scarring.
A sma ll study of peopl e who
underwent su rgery to rem ove tat
too s found that th ose who took daily

Once yo u've completed these first-aid measures , bandage the wound .

Change the bandage three or fo ur times a da y. spreading either soo thing
aloe vera gel or calendula cream on the wound each time to relie ve or
limit inflammation, stop infec tion and speed healing.
Take the remaining oral supplements togethe r for rive days after the
injury Vitamin A and vitamin C inhibi t inflamma tion and acc elerate
hea ling. Bramelail1, an enzyme deri ved from pineapples, has similar
beneficial effects. Teas made with the herbs echinacea and goldensea l
boost immunity and decrease the risk of infection.

doses of 3000 mg of vitamin C and

900 mg of pantothenic acid (vitamin
B5) healed faster than those w ho
took only 1000 mg of v itamin C and
200 mg of pantothenic acid a day.

Tea tree oil was added to mach ine

What else you can do

oils in Austral ian munitions factories

Stop any bleeding by applying steady pressure to the wound for a few
minutes wit h a clean tissue or cloth . If the injury is a puncture wound , let
it bleed for several minutes first to help flu sh out any embedded germs .
Thoroughly clean the skin around the cut or sc rape. Bandage the
wo und , espec ially if it's in an area likely to get diny, such as a finger or
knee. Antibiotics are not necessary unless signs of infection appear.

during World War II to minimise

infections when workers received
cuts from the metal filings.


, eye

Ie breast disorder

Most doctors no longer call the pain and lumpiness of fibrocystic breasts a disease because this
condition affects virtually half of al l women under the age of 50. Selected supplements and a
change of diet may help to al leviate the symptoms of this disorder.

What it is Norm al breasts I'ary In de nsity and tex ture Befo re

menopause, women tend lC1 have more tissue (which ca n make the
hreasts fee l firm or lumpy) and less rat in their breaSls than they do ill
their later years. Occas ionall y, women develop nuid-fi ll ed cysts or
fi brous areas, whi ch can be le nde r j ust before menst ruatiL) n. Th ough
most wo men ex peri ence Sl) l11e mi ld hreasl di scomrort in thei r life, so me
have mOlll hly pain so sel'e re th at Il illlerferes wit h dai ly aClil'ities .
Such premenstrua l changes are now know n as cyclic breast diso rde r'.
This conditio n is not a disease , and il does n't increase YOll r risk of breast
ca ncer (though hal'ing llim py breasts may ma ke ide lllil'ying a ca ncero us
growth more dlrri cull i[ one del'elo ps) . No rmal lum ps can usuall y be d is
ti ngUi shed rro m cancero ll s ones beGlLIse th ey mOI'e freely in the breast ,
changin g with th e menstrLl al cyc le
What causes it Fih rocYSli c changes in the breast are linked to
lh e ri se and [all 01 hormone lel'els associated wi th the menstrual cycle
Women who prod uce a pa rllcularl y high b 'ei 01 oestroge n in co nJunc
li on with a low le ve l l) f progestero ne after ov ula ti on may suffer more.
This co mbin ati on can ca use the body to produce too muc h pro lact in, a
hormone that triggers mil k procluction in new mothers bu t increases
breast tend erness in women who are not breastfeeding

Breast lumps or nodules, which

may be tender or not painful at all.
An in crease in the size of lumps
or in breast discomfort a week or so
before a men strual period .

If a new lump develops, espe

cially if you haven't always had
lumpy brea sts.
If a lump grows larger, hardens or
does not shrink after yo ur men strual
period ends.
If you have any discharge from
ei ther nipple .
If your b reast pain is severe.
Reminder : If you have a medical


condition, talk to your doctor before

taking supplements.

.\ 1.. .

1, ,

The essential fatt y acids in

evening primrose oil often
reduce breas t infla mmatio n.




Supplement recommendations
Vitamin E



500 IU twice a day with food . Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Painfree jogging at last

Sandra V dreaded the second half
of her menstrual cycle. As each day
passed, her lumpy breasts became

Chaste tree

fatty acids

225 mg standardised extract

each morning.

Also called vitex. Should

contain 0.5% agnoside.

1000 mg evening primrose

oil 3 times a day; 1 tbsp
(15 - 20 ml) flaxseed oil a day.

Take both with food. Can

substitute starflower oil for

evening primrose oil.

more and more painful until she

could hardly bear the pressure of
wearing a bra. Her doctor recom
mended taking a prescription drug
that altered the mix of certain hor
mones. It brought relief, but at the

Mag nesium

Vitamin B6

400 mg a day with food .

100 mg twice a day for the

w.eek before menstruation.

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

price of hot flushes so severe that

Take this amount only during

the week preceding menstru
ation. High doses can cause
nerve damage If taken daily
over the long term.

breast pain .

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; thos e in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

they were almost worse than the

Then her sister recommended
a nutritionist who had helped her.
'This woman understood my situa
tion immediately', Sandra recalls .
'She made lots of suggestions,
such as taking extra vitamin E,
but said I should start by giving




up caffeine'.

Many expe rts think caffe ine stimulates the grow th of lumps or fluid
filled breast cyStS (a nd some women show improveme nt when they
elimi nate ca ffeine ), but othe r researchers ma intain that there's no finn
evid ence of any connect ion bet'vvee n caffeine and breast tenderness.

knew she was on the right track.

How supplements can help All the supp lements listed can

effort. Now Sandra can do what

After several months, Sandra

Going without coffee was hard,
but the relief from monthly pain
made the sacrifice well worth the

be used toget her and as needed. You should see some improvement in a
month or two . Many women report relief from breast pa in after taking
vitamil1 E. Just how it works is unknown , but some experts believe this
vitam in blocks the changes in breast tissue pOSSi bly caused by ca ffeine
Because it works to restore the hormona l balance between oestrogen
and progesterone, the herb chaste tree may be useful in reduci ng men
strual-related breast changes. Essential fauy acids often act as anti
inflammatory compounds; they also help the body to absorb iod ine.
(Low iod ine leve ls have been Iinkecllo fib rocyst ic formati on in breasts)
Magnes ium may also reduce inflammation and pain Vitami.n B6 may be
beneficial for wo men \'vho experience PMS symp toms with breast pain;
it ma y also help the li ve r to process excess oestroge n

she once thought impossible: go

jogging with her husband every
day, even during the week before
her period.

What else you can do

Eliminate caffei ne; that may help. Besides co ffee and tea, ca ffe ine is
found in choco late, co la drinks and some ove r-the-counter medications.
Be patient it may be six months before you notice any imprO\'C menr
Wear a bra with good support when your breasts are tender
Eat fish to give you iod ine, as low iod ine le\'e ls have been linked to
cyclic breast disorder


_e_p resslon

It has been estimated that as many as 20% of people suffer from this prevalent but little
understood illness. Along with innovative prescription medications has come additional research
uncovering a new role for vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements in dealing with this disease.

What it is Depression is much more than just feeling blue it is a

devastating illness that affects every aspect of a person's life - physical ,
mental and emotional. It influences a sufferer's self-esteem and percep
tion of others, and a person with depression has difficulty in performing
ordi nary daily ac tivities . There are various forms of depression, ranging
from mild , long-term melancholy to alternating moods of elation and
sadness (bipolar or manic depression) to the most serious form , despair.
The last leads to a total inability to fu nction , and may even give rise to
thoughts of suicide .
What causes it Depression doesn't seem to have a single under
lying cause, although experts believe it is caused by an imbalance in the
brain's production of neurotransmitters - che mical messengers that send
signals from one nerve cell to another A depressive episode can be
trigge red by the death of a loved one , the loss of a Job, a divorce , a life
threa tening ill ness, or any other serious difficulty Stress, reaction to
medication (suc h as beta-blockers), shortage of daylight in winter, over
consumpt ion of alcoh ol, smok ing, food allergies and nutritiona l
deficiencies may also contribute to depression. Dysfunctional ways of
coping with anger, gu ilt and other emotio ns may be involved as well.
How supplements can help Everyone afOicted , even those
on antid epressants , can be nefit from all the vitamins and minerals listed.
The herbs and the am ino acid L-tyrosine can be added , but should not
be comb ined with antidepressant drugs without your doctor's consent.

Persistent sad or 'empty' mood.

Loss of pleasure in ordinary
activities, including sex.
Sleep disturbances, decreased
energy, fatigue .
Poor or increased appetite;
weigh t loss or weight gain .
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness,
helplessness .
Difficulty in concentrating,
irritability, excessive crying.
Chronic aches and pains.
Thoughts of death or suicide.

If you or someone you know

exhibits clear symptoms for at least
two weeks .
If you or someone you know has
suicidal thoughts - get emergency
help immediately.
Rem inder: If you have a medical
or psychiatric cond ition, talk to your
doctor before ta king supplements.

St John 's wort may be just

as effective as prescription
anti-depressant medications.


Sup p lement recomm e nd ati ons




Vi tamin B
co mplex

1 pill each morn ing

with food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 meg vitami n B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

Vitamin C

500 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Calcium /

250 mg of each twice a day.

An extra dose can be taken

before bed ti nne to aid sl ee p.
Be careful taking magnesium
if you have kidney disease.

St John's wort

300 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain

0.3% hypericin.


100 mg 3 ti mes a day

Don't use for more than

3 mo nths without docto r's


Ginkgo biloba

2000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to contain at
least 24% flavone glycosides.


250 mg 2 or 3 times a day

as needed.

Sta ndardised to contain at

least 3.5% kavapyrones.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

People taking prescription drugs for depression should never stop tak
ing them without consulting their doctor.
Low levels of the B vitamins and vitamin C have been associated with
depression. All aid in the brain's production of neurotransmitters and
may enhance the effectiveness of antidepressant medications. Calcium
and magnesium have a soothing effect on the nerves and can be partic
ularly helpful when depression interferes with sleep.
The herb 5t John's wort may be a beneficial and safe alternative to
prescription drugs, which often have side effects For some people,
ginhgo biloba appears to combat depression better than St John's wort,
and may be used instead. The amino acid L-tyrosine seems to improve
mood. For severe depression, it can be combined with St John's wort or
ginkgo. With your doctor's consent, hava can be used alone or with St
John's wort, ginkgo biloba or L-tyrosine if you're depressed.

Eating turkey, salmon and milk

products may help to ease depres
sion because they contain the amino
acid tryptophan. Low tryptophan
levels reduce the brain's production
of the neurotransmitter serotonin,
which helps to regulate mood.
Women may be particularly prone
to low levels of tryptophan.
Women with depression may have
porous bones, because imbalances
in brain chemicals affect the produc
tion of the hormones that maintain
bone density. This increased risk of
osteoporosis may be offset by taking
extra calcium.

About 30% of people who try

antidepressants do not respond to
them. A recent study suggests that
additional folic acid might help.
After eight weeks of taking Prozac,
about 35% of study participants
with low folic acid levels did not
improve. In contrast, 80% of those
with adequate folic acid levels did
respond to the drug.
According to preliminary studies,
melatonin may help people who suf
fer from seasonal affective disorder
(SAD), also known as winter depres
sion. In these people, the body's
inner clock doesn't adjust to fewer
hours of daylight. Taking melatonin
during the evening seems to help
the body to adjust its sleep and
wake cycles and lift the depression.

What else you can do

Exercise regularly. This may be the best natural antidepressant
Avoid tobacco, excessive caffeine and alcohol.
Seek counselling. Many current therapeutic techniques can help to
break the cycle of depressive behavi.our.


Di_a.b etes

About 120000 Australians and 150000 New Zealanders suffer from diabetes. Herbs and
nutritional supplements can complement conventional medical treatment and help to prevent
some of the complications of this chronic but manageable disease.

What it is A person with diabetes doesn't produce enough of the

hormone insulin or is unable to use it effectively, which causes high
blood sugar (glucose) levels. Over time, this imbalance can lead to heart
disease , nerve damage, kidney disease, viSion loss and various other
complications. There are two types of diabetes. Less common is insulin
dependent diabetes (type 1) , which usua lly deve lops before the age of
30. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2) accounts for 90% of cases;
it usually appears after the age of 40

Excessive thirst.
Frequen t and excessive urination.

Extreme fatigue and weakness.

Unintentional weight loss.

Slow healing of cuts and wo unds.

Recurri ng infections, such as

urin ary t ract infections or vag inal

What causes it Type 1 diabetes occurs "vhen the pancreas stops

producing insulin No one knows exactly why this happens , but some
experts believe that a virus or an autoimmune response, in which the
body attacks its own pancreatic cells, is responsi ble. Peop le with thi s
type of diabetes must take insulin for life Type 2 diabetes develops from
insulin resistance. With this condi tion , the pancreas secretes plenty of
insulin, but the bod y's ce lls don't respond to it. ObesilY plays a major
role in most cases of type 2 diabe tes. Genetic factors , however, can con
tribute to the onset of both types.

yeast infections.

Blurred vision.

Numbness or tingling in the

hands and feet.

If you experience any of the

symptoms listed above.

How supplements can help All the supplements listed ca n

be use d along with prescription drugs and by people with both types ot
diabetes. Taking some suppleme nt s may require altering dosages of
insulin or the hypoglycaemic drugs used for type 2 diabetes. Dosage
changes must be supenrjsed by your donor.
The B vitamins help to produce enz),mes that com'en glucose to
energy, and may also help to prevent diabetic nerve damage The min
eral chromium lowers blood glucose and reduces cholesterol le\'els in
people with diabetes. Gymnema sylvestre, a herb from India, improves
blood sugar control , sometimes reducing the need for insulin or hypo
glycae mic medication.

Bi/berry can help protect the

eyes - one of the parts of the
body affected by diabetes.


Reminder: If you have a medical

condition, talk to you r doctor before
tak ing supplements,

Supplement rec om m end ation s

- s.




Vita min B

1 pill each mornin g

with food.

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 meg folic acid and
100 mg all other Bvitamins.

Chrom ium

200 mcg 3 times a day,

with food.

May alter insulin require-

ments. Consult your doctor.

Gym nema

200 mg twice a day.

May alter insulin require

ments. Talk to your doctor.

Essen tial
fatty acids

1000 mg evening primrose

oil 3 times a day; 1000 mg
fish oils twice a day.

Take both with food. Can

substitute starflower oil or

flaxseed oil for evening

primrose oil.

An t ioxid ants

1000 mg vitami n C, 500 IU

vita min Eand 150 mg alphalipoic acid each morning.

Alpha-lipoic acid may affect

blood sugar; use with care.

Zinc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than a month.

Bil berry

160 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain

2.5% anthocyanosides.


500 mg L-taurine twice a day

on an empty stomach.

If using longer than 1 month,

add mixed amino acids.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Essential fatty acids protect against nerve damage and kee p arteries sup
ple Fish oil s, in particular, ma y rai se 'good ' HDL choleste rol , reducmg
the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants pre \'enr damage to the nerves, eyes
and heart as well. Vitamin E ma y block the buildup o f plaque; alpha
lipoi c acid Improves glucose metabolism Many people with diabetes
have lo w levels of zinc, which helps the body to use insulin and promotes
healing (a functi o n impaired by high glucose levels). Long-tenn zinc u se
may require extra copper The herb bi/ben)' helps to prevent diabetic eye
damage, and the amino acid taurine aid s in the release o f insulin and can
prevent abnormal blood clo tting, a fac tor in heart disease. New studies
suggest that magn esium may play a role in diabetes as well.

What else you can do

Exerc ise regularl y Those who burn more than 15000 kiloJoules a
week through exercise are half as likely to d C\'elo p type 2 diabetes as
those burning fe we r than 2000 kiloj o ules . People \\,Iith type 1 dIabetes
can benefit fro m exe rcise , too .
Lose we ight Being overwe ight is a maj o r ri sk fact o r fo r type 2 diabetes.
Eal who le grains , fruits and vegelables to keep blood sugar in check.

People with diabetes may find it

beneficial to add soy foods to their
diet. These products - including
tofu, soy protein, soy milk and soy
flour - may improve glucose control,
protect against heart disease and
lessen the stress on the kidneys.
The herb ginkgo biloba is useful
for two of the common side effects
of diabetes: nerve damage and poor
circulation in the extremities. If you
have signs of either complication, or
if you have trouble controlling your
blood sugar levels, try taking 40 mg
of ginkgo biloba three times a day.

Poor control of glucose levels can

deplete the body's stores of anti
oxidant nutrients, according to a
study from Duke University Medical
Center in Durham, North Carolina.
Taking supplements such as vitamin
C and vitamin E protects the body's
cells against damage from free radi
cals (unstable oxygen molecules)
and may reduce the risk of some
serious complications of diabetes.
One in three people with diabetes
may be deficient in magnesium, say
researchers at Columbia University
in New York, and low magnesium
levels may contribute to heart dis
ease. Some experts recommend at
least 250 mg of magnesium twice
a day for people with diabetes.
However, people with evidence of
kidney damage should not take
magnesium supplements.


Unpleasant as it is, diarrhoea is your body's way to flush out harmful toxins . This common
ailment usually subsides on its own in a day or so, but it can be both uncomfortable and
inconvenient. The goals of treatment are to prevent dehydration and restore bulk to the stool.

What it is An increase in the frequency of stools or the passage of

loose, watery stoo ls is cal led diarrhoea. It is not a disease in itself but a
symptom of a variety of disorders - most benign , some se rious.
Diarrhoea is a resu lt of a disruption in the normal passage of food and
waste through the large intestine. Ord inarily, water is absorbed through
the intestinal wa lls as food passes through the large intesti ne and faecal
matte r leaves the body as a solid mass. If something speeds up or other
wise interferes with this process, the fluid ""ri ll be expelled from the body
with faeca l matter.
What ca uses it Diarrhoea is the inflammation or irritation of the
intestine. It is usually the result of a bacterial or viral infect ion caused by
ea ting or drinking contaminated food or water. Most people travellin g to
less deve loped areas of the world are aware of the risk of food or water
contamination and take steps to avoid 'traveller's diarrhoea'. At home,
however, they may not be so ca reful And often the diarrhoea they chalk
up to a 24-hour 'bug' is more like ly a consequence of food poisoning.
There are several other causes of diarrhoea. Eating mo re fru its or
vegetables than your digestive tract is used to can lead to diarrhoea; cit
rus frui ts and beans are typically the cu lprits. When consumed in la rge
amounts, the low-kilojoule sweetener sorbitol may trigger diarrhoea.
Dia rrhoea may also develop from taking therapeutiC doses of vitam in C
or magnesium. (If this side effect
occurs, reduce the dose ) Peop le
who have lactose in tolerance - an
inability to digest the sugar in
da iry products (lac tose) - ofte n
suffer from fla tulence, bloating
and diarrhoea after eati ng these
foods. Antib iotics can bring on


Psyllium relieves diarrhoea by

abso rb ing excess flu id in the
intestine. To tak e it, mix the fibre
with a glass of water or juice.


Frequent loose, watery stools.

Abdominal cramps.
Possible nausea, fever or thirst.

If diarrhoea persis ts for more than

48 hours.
If temperature is higher than
37 .5C and is accompanied by severe
abdominal cramps; dizziness and
light-headedness; or no urination.
If there is blood in the stool or
stool is black.
If there are sig ns of dehydration,
such as persisten t t hirst, dry lips or
sunken eyes .
If d ia rrhoea recurs often - this
could be a sign of a se rious condi
tion, such as colon disease.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition , talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supplement recommendations
-".grim ony

Blackberry leaf/
Raspberry leaf


As a tea, 1 cup up to 6 times
a day.

As a tea, 1 cup up to 6 times

a day.

1-3 tbsp powder a day,

dissolved in water or juice.

Use 1 tbsp of leaves per
cup of hot water; let it steep
for 15 minutes and strain.
Drink throughout the day
as needed.
Use 1 tb sp of leaves per
cup of hot water; let it steep
for 15 minutes and strain.
Drink throughout the day
as needed .
Be sure to drink extra water

throughout the day.

Blackberry leaf tea is often con

sidered the strongest herbal remedy
for diarrhoea. But read the labels on
packages carefully. Many products
contain blackberry-flavoured black
tea, not blackberry leaf.
Millions of Australians and New
Zealanders get sick each year from
bacteria, viruses or other organisms
in food. You can eliminate most risks
with a few commonsense precau
tions. Wash your hands thoroughly
with warm water and soap before
preparing foods or after handling

Ac idophil us

2 pills 3 times a day on an

empty stomach.

Get 1-2 billion live (viable)

organisms per pill.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

raw meats. Defrost foods only in the

refrigerator or microwave; marinate
meats only in the refrigerator. Wash
plates and utensils used for raw
poultry or mea t before using them

diarrhoea beca use they destroy the intesti nes' 'friendly bacteria' . In some
people , stress trigge rs dia rrhoea. It can also be a symp to m of various gas
lrointestinal disorders, such as irritab le bowel synd rome , colit is, Crohn 's
disease, pancreatic disease or coe liac disease (glu len in tolerance).

How supplements can help To bring diarrh oea unde r con

lrol, try drinkin g tea made with agrimony, blachberry leaf or raspbeny
leaf. These teas contain ta nnins , chemicals that have a bindin g effect on
the mucous membranes in the intest ine and help the body to absorb flu
ids. They also replenish lost fl uids , which is im portant in preve nting the
dehydra tion that may resu lt from a prolonged bout of diarrhoea.
If none of the teas provides relief, consider psy /tium . Though this sol
ub le fi bre is more fam il iar as a consti pation treat ment , it can ameli orate
di arrhoea because it abso rbs excess flu id in the intesti ne and adds bulk
to the stoo L ACidophilus works to restore adequa te levels of healthy bac
teria to the intest ine , and is especia lly important if diarrhoea is related to
ant ibiotic use . All these remed ies can be subst ituted for over-t he-counter
(OTC) diarrhoeal aids (excep t acidophilus, which can be used with OTC
preparations, tho ugh not taken at the same lime of day).
If food po isoni ng is to blame, 'vvait a few ho urs befo re trying to treat
the problem , so that your bod y has enough tim e to get rid of the offend
Ing organism. Otherwise, start using the remedi es immed iately.

for cooked meats or other foods.

Refrigerate all leftovers promptly.

Wine has long been touted as a

healing remedy against infection
and disease . Now, some research
indicates that drinking wine can help
to combat diarrhoea. In a recent
study, both white and red wine were
shown to be more effective than a
variety of over-the-counter anti
diarrhoeal products in getting rid of
harmful intestinal bacteria such as

Salmonella and some strains of E. coli.

Carob powder is an old but very

effective remedy for diarrhoea. Take

What else you can do

a tablespoon (a teaspoon for chil

Drin k plenty of wa ter and clear liq uids to prevent dehydration .

Avo id milk, citrus fruits, alcohol and high-fibre fo ods fo r a day or two
afte r haVing diarrhoea ; eat bland foods, such as bananas and wh ite rice.
When travelling to suspect are as , ea t only coo ked foods. Avoid ice
cubes, and use bottled water, even for brush ing your teeth.

dren) mixed into grated (browned)

apple, t hree times a day.



ticular diso.rd.ers


Most people who develop a diverticular disorder are over the age of 40, and it becomes even
more common after the age of 60. But this isn't a disease of ageing per se; it's a lifestyle disease,
resu lting from lack of fibre and insufficient exercise. A few simple measures can help.

What it is There are two main types of diverticular di so rders

diverti culosis and the more se rious inflammatory conditi on, diverti cu
litis. In diverticulosis , the inner lining of the large bowel pushes through
[he muscular layer Lhat usually confines it , formin g pouches (d ivert ic
ula) ranging from pea-size to more than two centime tres \D diameter.
Though diverticu losis may have no symptoms , food can get trapped in
these pouches, which then become inflam ed and infected . The result is
diverticulitis, with very obvious symptoms.

Often there are no symptoms .
In some cases, bloating, flatu
lence, nausea, and constipation
alternating with diarrhoea .

What causes it Most cases of diverti culosis probably stem from

a low- fibre diet. A lack of fibre mean s the colon must work harder to
pass the stool, and straining during bowel movements can aggravate th e
cond iti on. A diet low in fibre also increases the likelihood of diverticu
litis because waste moves slowly, allowing more time for food particles
to become trapped and cause inflammation or infection And lack of
exercise makes the colo n co ntents sluggish. The tendency toward such
disorde rs may run in families.
How supplements can help Although suppl ements ca n't
re\e rse diverticulosis once a pouch has developed, they (and changes in
your di et) can help prevent or ease flare- ups. Providing fibre that forms
bulk, psylliwn acts to relieve or prevent co nstipation. Ground flaxs eeds
are also rich in fibre and ward off infection by keepi ng intestinal pouches
clear. These two supplements can be taken togethe r long term fi rst thing
in the morni ng to assIst with the initial
bowel movement , along with
probiotics such as acido
philLIS. The fibre helps

Abdominal pain, usually on the

lower left side (unlike appendicitis,
which affects the right side).
Fever, nausea, constipation or
Blood or mucus in the stool.

If you have fever, chills and

abdominal swelling or are vomiting
- these may be signs of a ruptured
If you have blood or mucus in
the stool or any other symptoms of
d iverticul itis.
If diverticular pain does not
subside despite self-ca re.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Acidophilus boosts levels of 'friendly'

bacteria in the gut, improving bowel
health in those with diverticular disease.


Supplement recommendations




1 tbsp powder dissolved in

water or Juice twice a day.

Be sure to drink extra water

throughout the day.


2 tbsp ground flaxseeds in a

glass of water twice a day.

Be sure to drink extra water

throughout the day.


2 pills twice a day between


Get 1-2 billion live (viable)

organisms per pill.

Aloe vera juice


cup ju ice twice a day.

Containing 98% aloe vera

and no aloin or aloe-emodin.


500 mg L-gl utamine twice a

day on an empty stomach.

When using for longer than

1 month, add a mixed amino
acid complex. (Follow pack
age directions.)

Slippery elm

1 tbsp bark powder twice a

day, mixed into cereal, soy
milk or yoghurt.

If not severe, use tea (1 tsp

per cup) 3 times a day.


As a tea, 1 cup 3 times a day.

Use 2 tsp dried herb per

cup of hot water; steep for
10 minutes, then strain. Or
try melissa tea.

Wild yam /

As a tea, 1 cup 3 or 4 times

a day.

Use 2 parts wild yam, 1 part

peppermint and 1 part valerian per cup of hot water;
steep 10 minutes, strain.

Sweeten to taste.



Consider u sing supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages ma y be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

to protect the ac id ophil us from stomac h aC lds and carries iL in to the

intesti ne, where it cha nges the bacterial ba lance in the digesti ve tract,
thus enabli ng the body to fight 011 intestinal in fec tions. Acidophilus is
especially im portant if you 're taki ng antibiotics during a flare-up.
Other su pplements that may be useful for treat ing fla re -ups are aloe
vera juice prom otes the healing of inflam ed areas, as does tbe amino acid
glutamine, which is esse ntial for regenerating the cel ls that line the intes
tine . Comb ine these with one or more relie\-ing herbs. Slippery elm is a
mild laxative that soothes infected dive rticula. Chamom ile and wild ya m
are anti-inflammatories. Peppenninl relaxes digestive spasms , and valer
ian and melissa help to soothe the digesti ve tract.

Though fib re can make you feel

bloated and flatulent, especially if
you're not used to it, it's actually
a good remedy for the bloating
am:! flatulence of diverticular disease
because its bulk keeps waste moving
quickly through the bowel. Man y
studies show that a high-fibre diet
preve nts symptoms from returning
for five years or longer.
Those prone to di verticulitis are
often cautioned not to eat seeds,
includ ing the tiny ones found in
fruits such as strawberries, because
it's thought that seeds can get
caught in diverticula and cause
inflammation. But studies show you
needn't worry.
Exercise regularly to help prevent
constipation. And if you become
constipated, take advantage of
nat ur al laxa ti ves, such as prunes.

As part of the US long-term

Health Professionals Follow-Up
Study, Harvard University researchers
monitored more than 43000 men
aged 40 to 75. Those who later
developed diverticular disease ate
significantly less fibre than those
who didn't get the disease.

Diverticulosis is almost unknown in

rural areas of Africa and other 'less
developed' reg ions, where a hi gh
fibre diet and regu lar exerc ise are
the norm.

What else you can do

Eat plenty of fruits , vegetables and whole grains to boost your fibre
intake to 20-30 g a day.
Drink at least eight 250 ml glasses of water or oth er fluids every day.




- - -

l_--------lli-z.z] n e ss

Feeling light-headed? A bit woozy or off-balance? If you're travelling in a car, boat or plane,
it's probably motion sickness . But sometimes dizziness, also commonly called vertigo, becomes
a lingering or recurrent problem. Regardless of the cause, natural remedies can bring relief.

What it is The terms 'dizziness' and 'vertigo' are often used inter
changeably, but they are not synonymous Dizziness simp ly refers (0 a
feeling of unsteadiness or faintness , whereas verti go usually invo lves
a more serious disorientation, as if the world we re spinni ng around you .
or you've ever been in a high place and felt as if you were fa lling, you've
experienced ve rtigo.) For some people, unfortunate ly, dizziness can
persist and become disabling.

Unsteadiness or faintness.
A sensation that the room is spin
ning or that you're whirling in space,
sometimes accompanied by ringing
in the ears .
Na usea.

What causes it Ordinary motion sickness - the queasy, light

headed feeling that comes while travelling - is by far the most common
cause of dizz iness. The prob lem arises \vhen the eyes, which try to focus
on constantly moving scenery, and the inner ear, which helps orient the
body (0 movement , send connicting signals (0 the brain . The result is a
confusing, whirling sensation, often accompanied by nausea.
A number of medica l conditions - includi ng decreased blood now (0
the brain or inner ear, ear infections, a head injury, high or low blood
pressure, arrhythmias, nerve diso rders and allergies - can also bring on
dizziness or ve rtigo. And certai n medications, such as diuret iCS, tran
qu illisers, antidepressants and antibiotics, can cause dizziness as well
How supplements can help A ce nturies-old remedy for
de licate s(Omachs, ginga can act within minutes to co mbat the dizziness
and nausea associated with motion sickness or mild vert igo. In some
tests, the herb has proved more effective - and longer lasting - than over
the-counter remedies. Mo reover, ginger prod uces few of the side effects
of convent ional medications, such as drowsiness or blu rred vision .

Ginger - including fresh and candied

is a time-tested remedy for dizziness
caused by motion sickness.


If dizziness is accompanied
by numbness, rapid heartbeat,
fa inting or a feelin g of fa intness,
or blurred vision; if it affects your
ability to speak.
If dizziness comes on suddenly,
especially if it is accompanied by
nausea or vomiting .
If dizzy spells persist or increase
in frequency.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
ta ki ng supplements.

Supplement recommendations




'00 mg standardised extract

every 4 hours as needed.

Or try fresh ginger root

(5-10 mm slice), ginger tea
( ~ tsp ginger root per cup of
hot water) or powdered gin.
ger (1 g) - all taken 3 times
a day. Ginger ale (o ne 250 ml
glass 3 times a day) can be
equally effective as long as it's
made with real ginger.

Gi nkgo biloba

2000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to contain at
least 24% flavone glycosides.

Vitam in B6

50 mg 3 times a day.

200 mg daily over long term

can cause nerve da mage.


Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

\ r[ore persistent vertigo or dizziness req uires medi cal attention to rule
out se ri ous underl yi ng ca uses. Your doctor may prescribe drugs , though
certain suppleme nts, in addition to ginge r, may also be beneficial. In a
Fre nch study, the herb ginkgo bi/oba, which boosts blood flo w to the
brain , helped almost half the subjects with chronic vertigo. It may,
hovvever, take eight to twelve wee ks for ginkgo 's effec ts to be noticed . In
addition , vitamin B6, which is essential 0 normal brain and nervous
system fu nction , may be useful in some cases of chronic dizz iness

What else you can do

For motion sickness

Stop reading or staring at a computer sc reen if you begin to feel sick

while in a moving car, train or boat. Instead , face forward and focus on a
fLXed point, suc h as the distant scenery or the hori zon, to kee p your
body and eyes simultaneously oriented to the movement.
Opt for the front sea t when riding in a ca r; at sea, stay amidships; and
when fl ying, try to ge t a seat all ocation above the wing, whe re there is
the least amou nt of motion.

Motion sickness is best treated

before symptoms start. If you are
prone to it, take ginger at least two
hours before your departure and
every four hours thereafter.
Anxiety and stress can aggravate
dizziness. Consider meditation, yoga
or other self-care measures to help
you to relax; these may boost the
effectiveness of supplements and
other lifestyle changes you make.

A study of aeroplane pilots found

that those who ate a large meal
before takeoff - especially high-salt
foods, such as processed meats or
salted chips, and lots of protein-rich
meats and cheese - were likely to
experience airsickness.

Dizziness is one of the main reasons

why older people seek professional
medical help, accounting for thou
sands of visits to doctors each year.

For vertigo

Stee r clear of the kind of amusement park rides or virtual reali ty

games that can wrea k havoc with your se nse of balance.
Avoid sudden changes in body positi on (especially going from lying
down to standing up) and extremes of head motion (particularly looking
up , tu rning or twisting).
Try desensitisation techniques. Move your head in a way that induces
-1 izziness , repeating the exercise several times a day for seve ral weeks.
Cut down on nicotine, caffei ne and sa lt , all of whic h can impai r blood
fl ow to the brain.



- .

_ E_a_rache
Whether it's a middle ear infection, located deep in the ear, or swimmer's ear, affecting the outer
ear canal, an earache hurts. It's most often a problem in children, but adults get earaches, too .
Though some conditions clear up on their own, supplements can speed up the healing process .

What it is An earac he results from inflamm ation, infection or

swelling in Lhe OUler canal of the ear or m the space adjoining the
ea rdrum, which is the thin membrane that separates the oute r and the
mid dle ear. Normally, Lhe eustac hian tube , whi ch ru ns from the middle
ea r to the th roat, drains fl ui ds from th e ear, kee ping it clea r. Bu t inflam
maLion or infection ca n irritate the ea r canal or bl ock the eustac hian
tube, leading La the buil d up of pus or oLher fl uids and causing pai n and
oLher unpleasa nt symp toms.
What causes it Earac he is Lypically caused by harmfu l bac teria,
viruses or fungi, and is usua ll y preceded by an infection of the upper
respiratory tract, by seasonal all ergies or by moi sture tra pped in the ear.
Ot her causes include excess ive pro duction of ear wax, sudde n changes
in air pressure, a pu nctured eardru m or exposure to irritating chemicals ,
such as hair dyes and chl orinated water.

Throbbing or steady pain in the

ear; pain if the lobe is pulled.

Pressure or itching in the ear.

A bloody, green, yellow or clear

discharge from the ear.
Muffled hearing; a popping
sensation in the ear.

Dizziness .

If earache is accompanied by a

How supplements can help The suppl ements li sted in the

temperature of over 37.5C, stiff

chart can playa supporti ve role in hea ling earac hes. They can be used in
conjunction vvith antibioti cs, pain relieve rs and othe r conventional
remedies for short-term treat ment or mild to moderate ea r discomfort
Any ear pain that is seve re, linge ring or recurrent , howcve r, requires
medical evaluation.
Start with natural eardrops made from garli c

oil or mullein fl ower oil - or a co mbinati on

~of the two. Don't use eard rops , however, if ear
pain is severe or if it's accom panied by par
tial hea ring loss or pus-like dra inage fro m
the ea rs. These symptoms suggest that the

eardru m may be rupture d . Garl ic oil and

neck, severe heada che or seepage

of pus or other fluids; or if the ear


or the area behind it appears red or

swollen - it's probably an infection
requiring antibiotics.
If pain or hearing loss is severe
or becoming worse despite self-care.
If an object is lodged in the ear;
or if you have symptoms of a rup
tured eardrum, such as bleeding,
sudden pain , partial hearing loss or
sudden onset of ringing in the ears.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

A few drops of garlic oil placed

in a mildly aching ear may
bring prompt relief.



Su p p lement recommendations



Herbal eardrops can often b ring

rap id pain relief - with in as little as

A few drops in the ear twice

a day.

May be used alone or with

mullein fl ower oil.

Mu llei n
f lo wer oi l

A few drops in the ear twice

a day.

May be used alone or with

garlic oil.

Lavender o il

Apply a few drops to the

outer ear and ru b in gentl y.

Ca n be used as needed

throughout th e day.

Eu calyptu s oil

Add several drops essential

eucalyptus oil to a pan of

Bring oil and water to boil

and remove from heat; pOLlr

into bowl, place a towel over

head and bowl, and inhale

the steam through the nose.

Garlic oil

10 minutes of administration. To
make the application of drops more
comfortable, warm the bottle under
hot, running tap water before plac
ing the liquid in the ear.

The latest study to look at the link

between secondhand smoke and ear
infections reported that ex posure to

Vi ta min A

50000 IU twice a day with

food until symptoms improve;
if still needed after 7 days,
reduce to 25 000 IU a day
until symptoms are gone.

Vitam in C/

1000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavonoids 3 times

Take w ith 30 mg zin c per day.

If pregnant or co nsidering
pregnancy, don't exceed
25 00 IU a day.

200 mg 3 ti mes a day until

infection clears.

who li ved in households with at least

two smoke rs were 85% more likely
to suHer from middle ear infections
than those who lived in nonsm oking

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops .

a day until infection clears.

Echi nacea

smoke can aHect the ears. Children

homes. Although some studies have

shown no link, it's always a good
idea not to smoke and to avoid

Standardised to contain at

least 3.5 % echinacosides.

smoke-fi lled rooms, especially if

you're prone to earaches .
In a recent Finnish study, chi ldren

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already takin g - see page 39.

who chewed gum sweete ned with

mullein nower oi l help to fight disease-causing mi crobes and reduce

inOammation, and ma y re lie\'e pain and itching If the oute r ea r appears
irritated , lavender oil, rubbed in gentl y, can be \'e ry soothing As \I ell as
applying top ica l herba l oils, prepare a stea m Inhalation I\-ith eLlcaiypLlls
oil, which will help to open the eustachia n tube , easing pressure anel
fac ilitating the drainage or in fectious nuids frorn the ear Repe<H se le ral
times a day until the pain subsides .
There are also some supp lements that should be taken interna ll y. The
imm une-system boosters viLal11ill A and vi tamil1 C are impo rtant in
fightin g in fect ions and pre\~ntlng recurre nces . Take \'itamin C \\"Ith
j1avol1oids , \.vhi ch enha nce its errenileness . The immun e-system
enhanCing herb ecltil1acea ca n be \'alu able as well. particularly \I'h ell ~m
earache is the resu lt or an upper respiratory tract ink c iclll

sometimes called birch sugar, that's

xylitol (a type of natural sugar,

found in a number of commerc ial
chewing gums) had almost half as
many ea r infections as those w ho
ch ewe d other types of gum. The
researche rs speculate that xylito l
may help to keep harmful micro
org anisms at the back of the mouth
from reach ing the ear, w here they
can ca use infections.

What el se you can do

Place a wa rm comp ress m'e r the painfu l ear; use a heating pad or a
wa rm race washer Heat ca n bring quick pain re li ef and racil ita te hea ling
Ne\'er inse rt cott on buds into you r ears; they Gill punct ure the
eardrum . Don't use hydrogen peroxide to clean insid e you r ears; it call
irritate the ear canal.




Applied to the skin, soothing creams can help relieve the red and often intensely itchy rash of
eczema. Various nutrients, taken internally, may also hasten healing. They may even be effective
in preventing recurrences of this all-too-common - and troublesome - skin complaint.

What it is Known medically as dermatitis, eczema causes inflamed

patches of red , scaly skin on the face, scalp , hands and wrists; in front of
the elbows and behind the knees; and in other areas of the body. Eczema
is frequently very itchy, and scratching can aggravate it.
What causes it Often trigge red by an allergy to foods, pollen,
animal hair or other substances, eczema is likely to run in allergy-prone
families; in fact, many sufferers have (or later develop) allergic condi
tions such as hay feve r and asthma . The bodies of people with eczema
have higher than normal amounts of histamine, a chemical that pro
duces an allergic reaction when released in the skin. Some cases occur
after contact with allergens, such as poison ivy or othe r poisonous
plants, jewellery made of nickel or chrome , dyes, cosmetics, topical
medications and cleaning agents. People who have poor ci rculation in
their legs may suffer from a type of eczema called stasis dermatitis,
which causes scaly patches around the ankles. Eczema ca n also be
triggered or aggravated by dry air and stress.
How supplements can help When used indiVidually or in
combination with ot her supplements or convent ional drugs, nutri ents
and herbs can offer relief from flare-ups of eczema. These can be taken
long term to prevent recurrences. The benefits should begin to ap pear
within three or four weeks.
A number of supplements, taken interna lly, are useful in countering
inflammation and tempering the allergic response. Try a few and see
which ones work for you. Flaxs eed oil and evening p,imrose oil contain
different types of skin- revitalising essential fatty acids that can help
relieve itching and inflammation Vitamins A and E may alleviate skin
dryness and itchiness; the dosage of vitamin A can be reduced when
symplOms improve The mineral zinc aids the healing process and
boosts the fun ctioning of the immune system; it 's also necessary for the

Areas of itchy skin that are red,

dry, scaly, rough or cracked.
Tiny, pimple-like blisters.
Thickened, dry patches of skin
in persistent cases of eczema.

If eczema is especially widespread

or recurrent.
If oozing or crusting sores appear
- they may indicate a bacterial
If eczema doesn't begin to
respond to self-care measures within
three or four weeks.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Zinc, which should be taken with copper

if used long term, helps to relieve and
prevent red, itchy flare-ups of eczema.


Supplement reco mm enda t ions

Flax seed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day with



As topical treatments for eczema,

herbal liquids or lotions work best

Take in the morning.

on oozing lesions . Creams and oint

ments are most effective on dry

primros e o il
Vitamin A

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food .
25 000 IU daily with food for
up to 10 days to treat fla re ups; reduce dose to 10000 IU
for maintenance therapy.

patches of eczema.

Can substitute starflower oil.

Licorice cream is good for eczema

sufferers who also use prescription or

Take with 30 mg zinc per day.

If pregnant or considering
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

over-the-counter cortisone creams .

Licorice contains glycyrrhetinic acid,
which reduces the possible side
effects of cortisone, such as burning,

Vi t amin E

Zinc/Copp er

>:: J


500 IU a day with food.

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

itching and irritation.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than a month.
Often sold combined in a
single su pplement.

witch-hazel cream, which has been

Grape seed

12 g twice a day.

Standardised to contain
3% catechin polymers.


Apply cream or lotion to

affected areas 3 or 4 times
a day.

Available ready-to-use in
health-food stores.

Apply cream to affected areas

3 or 4 times a day.

Also called glycyrrhetinic

acid cream.

Another product worth trying is

shown to be as beneficial as 1 %
hydrocortisone cream in the treat
ment of eczema.

:: #


Many conventional doctors

question the effectiveness of evening
primrose oil as a treatment for
eczema, and studies conflict. One
recent study, however, found that

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

adults and children with eczema

who took evening primrose oil for
six months experienced less itching

processing of vitamin A and essential fatty acids. When used long term,
zinc shou ld be taken with coppel; because zinc depletes the bodys
copper reserve. In add ition , grape seed extract is rich in antioxidan ts
called !1avonoids, which inhibit the body's allergic responses
Its often a good idea to apply a topical cream containing chamomile
or licorice. These herbs reduce skin in!1ammation and can be surpris
ingly sooth ing when applied directly to lesions.

and decreased inflammation.

What else yo u can d o

symptoms, some nine other herbs.

Traditional Chinese herbalists often

prescribe a tea for eczema that con
tains licorice and, depending on the
Although many complain that it

Eliminate any foods that may cause an allergic reaction. These often
include milk , eggs, shellfish , wheat , chocolate, nuts and strawberries.
Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing, which is less likely than other
fabrics to irritate the skin.
Bathe or shower less frequently to keep skin from drying out Use
lukewarm water and avoid deodorant soaps, bubble baths and perfumed
products. After bathing, pat yo ur skin dl)' instead of rubbing it. Oatmea l
baths or chickweed ointment can reduce itching.


tastes foul, the brew seems to be

effective against severe eczema that
is resistant to other treatments.



Many women suffer from the pain and heavy bleeding of endometriosis . In the past, they
were often told their complaints were 'just cramps' or 'all in your head' . Today, doctors take
this condition more seriously, but conventional medicine offers little to ease its symptoms .

What it is In end ometrios is, fragments of the uterin e lIning (the

endometrium ) mi grate out of the uterus and embed th emse lves in other
abdomina l tissues, oft en th e o\'aries. uterin e li game nts or perit oneum
(lh e membrane lhat encloses the Intestlnes). Each month , as oestrogen
and ot her horm ones cause the li nin g of the Ulerus to th ic ken with blood ,
lhese waywa rd ce ll s also ex pa nd. The uterine li ssues lhen slough off nor
mall y. BUl the slray cell s have no\\ here lO release the amassed blood,
leadi ng lO CYSlS, sca rring or adhesions (fibro us lissue tha t binds parts of
tl1e body th at are nOl norma ll )' attached to each ot her). Allhough not all
wo men Wilh endom eu iosis ha\'e S)'l1l ptoI1lS, the co ndll io n ca n ca use
seve re pain. Endomelriosls is a lead ing ca use of remale infertilit y.
What causes it No one knows why end ometri os is cle\'elops, bUl

I ntense menstrual cramps that

often reach their peak on the second
or third day of a period .
Abnorm ally heavy menstrual
bleed ing, often with large clots.
Nausea and vomiting just before
a menstrua l period.
Sharp pain during sexua l inter
course at any time of the month.
Diarrhoea, constipation or pain
during bowel movements.

Blood in the stool or urine during

specu lation abound s. Acco rding LO th e ' renux menstruation' theor)',
the menstru al period.
menstrua l blood lra\'e ls backward lhrough the fall op ian tubes, fun
nel lin g end ome lri al cell s int o other abd ominal areas , where the), see d
and grow Wearin g lam pons may exace rbate this process Anoth er '
hypotheSiS suggesls lhal endome lriosis is co nge nital - meanIng that
some endo metria l ce lls ha\'e bee n outside the uterus
sin ce before birth . Still anoth er idea is that
endome trI osis is ca used by a fau lt y immune system
If yo u have any of the above
that neglects to deslroy th e ow- of-p lace ce ll s.
symptoms .

Reminder: If yo u have a medical

How supplements can help

All lh e
supp lements listed can be used LOge ther and with
any prescribed medi ca tions Begi n by laking
ciJa ste Lree (Agl1liS casLlIS) toge th er wit h dong
qlla i. These herbs help to correeL the hormonal
imba lances th,ll can intensify the pa lll of

condition, talk to your doctor before

tak ing supplements.

Long used with other herbs as a

uterine tonic in Asia, dong quai 's
medicinal properties are derived
fro m its roo t. A tincture may ease
the symptoms of endometriosis.


Supplement recommendations



Pain-free for good

Each month Maria P struggled

Chaste tree

50-100 mg standardised
extract 3 times a day.

Also called vitex. Should

contain 0.5% agnoside.

Dong quai

200 mg or 30 drops tincture

3 times a day.

Standardised to contain
0.8-1.1 % ligustilide.

Wild yam

500 mg twice a day.

Take with food to minimise

stomach upset.


1 or 2 pills 3 times a day.

Should contain milk thistle,

choline, inositol, methionine
and dandelion.

hot flushes and nausea weren 't

500 mg calcium 4 times a

day; 500 mg magnesium
twice a day.

Use this dose only during


herbal and nutritional treatments.

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Vitamin E

500 IU once a day wi th food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

with the pain of endometriosis,

along with her grief that she 'd
never been able to conceive. For
Maria, the problem with conven
tional hormonal treatments for
endometriosis was the side effects.
Though the pain improved, she


wondered if the swelling, bloating,

worse than the condition itself.
Then she began reading about
She decided to try supplements for
three or four months and then
go back to her old therapy if they
didn't work. Maria began to watch
her diet, adding soy and removing
the highly processed foods she
used to snack on during the day.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food.

Take in the morning .

primrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Can substitute starflower oil.

She also took the recommended

vitamins and herbs.
The first thing she noticed was
that she no longer dreaded the
pain of intercourse. In fact, her

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

libido improved. Then menstrual

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

d ore

bed. Finally, she took great delight

endome tri osis. They also re lax the uterus, as does wild yam. In additi on,
take a lipotropi C combination, whi ch stimul ates the live r to clear excess
oestrogen fro m the body Use these sup plements throughout your me n
strual cycle for best results. If cramps are painfu l, take the high doses of
calcium and magnes ium listed , but onl y du ring your pe ri od.
If takin g the se sup plements for a few months doesn't he lp , try adding
vitamins C and E to promote healing of tissues damaged by cysts and
scarring; vitamin E also helps to balance hormone producti on As well ,
tr), flaxs eed oil and evening primrose oil ; these help to co mrol inO am
mation by regul at ing the production of prostaglandins, substances made
by end ometrial ce ll s that cause menstrual cramps.

Women who do not get enough

omega-3 fatty acids - found in fis h
oi ls and flaxseed oil - often have
increased menstrual discomfort. In

had milder menstrual cramps th an

those who ate very little fish .

thar may offset the effect of oestrogen on the sy mpto ms of enclometliosis .

Exe rcise regula rly In several stud ies, exe rcise has been sh own to sup
press sympto ms, and it may actually pre\'ent endometriosis.

in telling her husband the best

news of all: she was pregnant.

a Danish study that included 18 1

women, those who ate a lot of fis

What el se you can do

Eat soy products, which con tain phYlO-oestrogens (pla nt oestrogens)

~ -.

cramps no longer confined her to

Throughout history, people prone to seizures were thought to be possessed by demons, to have
special powers or to be mentally ill. Today, we know none of this is true . Epileps'y is a condition
that diminishes neither intellectual capacity, creativity nor productivity.

What it is Technically not a disease, epilepsy is a disorder that

results from excessive electrical activity in the brain and nervous syste m.
Normally, brain ce lls transm il electrica l impulses in a highly regulated
manner. People with epilepsy, however, experience periods when many
brain cells fire all at once. This uncontrolled disc harge produ ces symp
toms lhat can range from a blank stare to a loss of consciousness with
convulsio ns. These episodes are called seizures. (E pilepsy is also kno'vvn
as seizu re disorder. ) Havi ng a single se izure is not necessa ril y a sign of
epilepsy, which is defined as having recurrent seizures. In fact, only 27%
of peo ple who have a se izure will have another within three yea rs .
What causes it In more than half of ep ilepsy cases, the cause of
the disorder is unknown. In the rema inin g cases, seizures can sometimes
be traced to a previous head injury, a stroke, a brain tumour or a brain
infection. ExpertS think that anyone is suscept ible to seizures, but for
some reason certa in people are particularly vulnerable . Heredity see ms
to playa role.
In people with epilepsy, low blood suga r levels (hypoglycaemia) and
low levels of certain nutri ents (such as magnesium or B vltamins) can
induce seiz ures. Lack of sleep, drinking too much alcohol, stress or an
illness may trigger a seizure even in peo ple who do not have epilepsy.

Short periods of blackouts,

confusion or altered memory.

Repetitive blinking, chewing or

lip smacking, with or without a lack
of awareness.
Lack of attention: a blank stare,
no re sponse when spoken to.
Loss of consciousness, sometimes
with a loud cry, jerking muscles or
loss of bladder or bowel control;
ohen followed by extreme fatigue .

If you experience any of the

above symptoms.

If you have a seizure for the first

time. However, for later seizures,
only falls causing an injury or one

How supplements can help People who use anticonvulsant

drugs for epilepsy should never stop taking them or reduce the dosage
without consulting a medica l pracititioner The supplements in the chart
are not a substitute for prescrip tion drugs. They may, however, help to
co rrect nutriti onal deficiencies that can contribute to seizures, or to con
trol se izures in peop le who conti nue to have them despite medication .
Supplements may eventually allow a doctor to reduce the dosage of
anticonvulsant drugs, which often have unpleasant side effects.

episode followed closely by another

need a doctor's immediate attention.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

People with epileps y may benefit from a

balanced vitamin B complex, which helps
to keep the brain and nerve tissues healthy.

Supplement recommendations





Vi tamin B

1 pill each morning with

food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 meg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

Magn esium

250 mg of each twice a day

with food .

Sometimes marketed as a
single supplement. Be careful
taking magnesium if you have
kidney disease.


500 mg L-glulamine twice

a day.

Helps to stabilise blood sugar,

thus reducing seizures.


250 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 3.5% kavapyrones.


20 mg a day with food .

May be provided as part

of daily multivitami n and

mineral supplement.


500 mg L-taurine 3 times a

day on an empty stomach.

If using longer than a month,

add mixed amino acids.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block ma y also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

L:- .

.-\dequate amounts of B vitamins, es pec ially B6 and foli c ac id , are

Importa nt in the control of se izures because th ey are involved in the
manufacture of brain chemica ls (c alled neurotransmitters) that trans
mi t messages throu ghout the nervous system. Because B vitamins work
closely together, it's best to take a vitamin B complex supplement Other
nutrients that promote brain and nerve hea lth are calcium , magnesium
and manganese; yo u may be gettin g the amounts you need fro m your
dail y mul tivitamin and mineral supplement or from so me oth er sup
pl ement To these, it is sa fe to add glutamin e; low leve ls of thi s amino
ac id ap pea r to be linked to th e occurrence of se izures. Although it does
not directl y contro l seizu res , the herb lwva may be useful in reducing
stress and anxiety, which can trigger these episodes Th e amin o aCld
taurine regu lates elec trical activity in the brain, thus produ ci ng a tran
quillising effec t

What else you can do

High doses of folic acid may

interfere with the action of some
anticonvulsant drugs, making them
less effective, but the amount of folic
acid included in a B complex supple
ment is acceptable.
International studies indicate that
about one adult in 200 suffers from
recurrent epilepsy. Though it can
develop at any age, 70% of new
cases begin in people over the age
of 18 and 12% in those over 55.
Don't try to restrain a person
who's having a seizure, and don't
insert a gag or anything else into his
mouth to prevent him from biting
his tongue. This could cause serious
injury to the person or to you if he
bites your fingers. Instead, cushion
the person's fall and clear away any
sharp or hard objects. When the
seizure is over, turn him on his side
to prevent possible choking .

Preliminary research suggests

that vitamin E can help people with
epilepsy. One theory on seizures
suggests they're triggered by dam
age to the fatty membranes that
surround nerve cells. With its anti
oxidant properties, vitamin E can
inhibit the chemical changes in
the body that lead to this damage.
Although more study is needed,
people with epilepsy can safely take
500 IU of vitamin E a day, either as
part of a multivitamin supplement
or as a separate supplement

Get plenty of sleep Fat igue can predispose you to seizures .

Avoid alcohol. [t can interfere with the action of anticonvulsant
medicati ons and possibly contribute to seizures.



- -



Automatically reaching for over-the-counter eyedrops when your eyes beco me watery, itchy,
red or inflamed may only make matters worse. Instead, give one of nature's gentle remedies
a try - it may be just what the doctor ordered .

What it is Eye infec tions are usually related LO pinkeye (conjunc

tivitis), an inflammation of the se nsitive mucous membranes that line
the eye lids Other ca uses of redness and irritat ion are a persistent scali
ness on the eye lid edges (ca lled blepharitis) and inflamed , painful
bum ps at the base of the eyelashes (known as styes). A docto r should
evaluate eyes that are red and painful to determine the proper co urse of
trea Lment and rule out mo re se rious ailments, such as glauco ma.
What causes it Eye infec tions can be the resu lt of vir uses and
bac teria. Inflammati on and redness may also occ ur as a res ul t of inj uries
to the eye, allergies or ini tants (suc h as smoke, make-up or chl orine in
a swimming pool).
How supplements can help Any serious eye infect ion or
inju ry requires immediate medical care. Mil d eye infec tions ca n be
treated at home wiLh natural remedies, but see yo ur doctor if the symp
toms don't begin to clear up within three or four days.
First, use a herbal eyewash seve ral tim es a day Eyebright (as its name
suggests) may reduce redness, swe lling or irritation from conj unctivitis,
blepharitis, styes or eye injuries Eyewashes made from the herbs
chamomile or go ldenseal offer simila r relief and are good alternati ves to
eyebright. Finely fil ter all eyewashes through a cheesecloth
To promote hea lthy eyes, try taking vitamins A and C, as we ll as the
mineral zinc , for a month. All these nutrients enh ance immuniLY, helpin g

Pinkness or redn ess in the whites

of the eyes .
Thick, oozing greenish-yellow os.. '
w hite discharge from the eye.
Excessive tea ring .
Dried crusts on the eyelid and
eyelashes t hat form durin g sleep.
Se nsati on of san d or grit in the
eye when blinking.
Swollen or flaking eyelids.
A sma ll, pai nful red bump at the
base of an eyelas h (sty).

If the eye is red or swollen, with

a th ick discharge - you may need
antibiotics for a bacterial infection .
If you wear contact lenses, take
them out
If the eye is pai nful or sensitive
to sunl ight or you have blurring or
loss of vision.
If the pupils are different sizes or
an objec t is lodged in an eye.
If mild symptoms don't begin to
wa ne in four days of self-care.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

The eyes contain high levels of

zinc. Taking this mineral can help
to boost immunity and combat
eye infections.


Supplement recommendations



Eyebrig ht

1 tsp dried herb per 500 ml of

hot water; cool and strain .

Store in sealed container.

Prepare fresh tea daily, Use an
eye bath to wash affected eye
3 times a day.

Vitamin A

25 000 IU twice a day for

7 days, then 20 000 IU daily
for 3 weeks. Take with food .

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don 't exceed

2500 IU a day.

1000 mg 3 times a day for

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Vitamin C

1 month.


30 mg a day for 1 month.

Do not exceed 150 mg zinc

a day from all sources.


2 or 3 tsp dried herb per cup

hot water; cool and strain.

Store in sealed container,

Prepare fresh tea daily. Use an
eye bath to wash affected eye
3 limes a day.


1 tsp dried herb per 500 ml of

Store in sealed container.

Prepare fre sh tea daily. Use an
eye bath to wash affected eye
3 limes a day.

hot water; cool and strain.

Note : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

to clea r up an infection and prevent recurrences. Furthermore, vitamin A,

\\hich is we ll-known for its role in maintaining vision, is also vilal for the
Illtegrity of the mucous membranes, inclu ding those surroun ding the
eyes Vitamin C may speed healing and protect the eye from furthe r
jnOa mm ation. And zinc, which is found in one of its highest concen
lrati ons in the eye, may boost the effecti\'e ness of \itamin A.

Make sure herbal teas are ste rile

when you use them as eyewashes.
Otherwise, you cou ld cause further
infection. To preven t contamination,
strain the cooled teas through a
sterile gauze pad or cheesecloth
and store them in sealed containers.
Prepa re a fresh batch of tea daily.
In addition to their use as eye
washes, herbal teas made from
eyebright, chamomile or fennel are
good to drink and help to relieve
you r symptoms . Have two o r three
cups a day.

A recent French study fo und that,

when zinc was combined with anti
histamines, 78% of the subjects with
symptoms of conjunctivitis caused
by seasonal allergies showed consid
erable improve ment.
Nonprescription eyedrops meant
to relieve red, tired eyes have been
shown to ca use some forms of con
junctivitis, acco rding to a recent
report published in the Archives of
Ophthalmology. And overuse of
eyedrops that reduce redness by
narrowi ng blood vessels may be espe
cially problematic for some people.

What else you can do

Wash your hands often with an anti septi c soap , and don't touch or
rub your eyes. Change pil lowcases and towe ls frequentl y; don't share
he m with others. MOSl eye infections are highly contagiOUS.
Avo id wea rin g eye make-up or contac t lenses durin g an eye in fection .
'vVipe the di sc harge fro m th e infec ted eye \.vith a tissue and dispose of
it immediately to prevent the infection from spreading.
For styes, apply a wa rm, moist compress for 10 minutes three or four
limes a day until the sty comes to a head and drains.
For bleph aritis , try a wa rm , moist co mpress; apply for lS minutes to
loosen the infected scali ness on the eyelids Then scru b the eye lid gently
with \ovater and baki ng soda or with diluted baby shampoo.
Use a sepa rate compress or eye bath for eac h eye to pre\'ent cross
infection. Labe l yo ur eye baths 'left' and 'right'.
11 7

Hippocrates wrote about it; so did Shakespeare. Throughout the ages, fatigue has doggedly
plagued humankind. Today, this complaint accounts for millions of visits to the doctor each year,
and it's consistently ranked as one of the top 10 health concerns.

What it is Not a true ailm ent in itself, fati gue is most co mmonly
a classic symptom of some oth er problem: poor nutrition; ove rwork ;
lack of (o r too mu ch) exercise; in somnia or poor slee ping hab its; or a
specific medi cal diso rder, such as premenstrual syndrome . Alth ough
everyon e has an occas ional energy slump , fatigue is a ge nerali sed , per
sistent fee ling of exhaustion .
What causes it In many suffere rs , fatigue can be traced

to st ress,

anxiety, depression or lowe red im munity and chro nic infec tions It's
bee n linked to diabetes; to thyro id or adrenal gland imbalance; and to
hea rt, liver or kidney disease . Vitamin and mineral defi ciencies dec rease
red blood cell production and ca n lead to fatigu e because these cells
transport oxyge n used for energy. In women , fatigue can result from
fluctua ting hormone leve ls in pregnancy and at menopause or fro m
anae mia caused by heavy periods Sleeping disorders and medications,
including blood pressure drugs , can also bring it on.

How supplements can help The sup plements listed here

should be used only when the possibility of an underl yi ng fatigue
causing medical co ndition has bee n ruled out. A two- month course
should bring relief. Start with the vitamins and the two ginsengs. Th en
add magnesium , amin o ac ids and flaxsee d oil if fatigue persists
The B-complex vitamins sup po rt the nervous and immune systems.
Th ey enhance the effectiveness of white blood cells, which fight bacteria
and viruses, and they are also needed for the pro per replication of red
blood ce lls. Vitamin C is also impo rtant it promotes immu ne fun ction,
helps to repair tissues and supports the ad renal gland, which cont rols
produc tion of stress hormones in the body

Persistent, lingering weariness,

either intermittent or continuous,
that lasts longer than two weeks .
Personality changes, particularly
a tendency to become angry, impa
tient or depressed because of feeling
tired all the time.
Diminished concentration;
difficulty in accomplishing familiar
tasks; less interest in activities that
were once appealing .

If fat igue lasts longer than

two weeks or is accompanied by
other symptoms, such as fever,
weight loss, nausea, hoarseness
or muscle aches.
If fatigue is causing daytime
drowsiness that interferes with
normal everyday activities.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

In Asia, Panax ginseng has been

prescribed as an energy tonic for
thousands of years.


Suppleme nt recomme ndatio ns




a ~

Vitamin B

1 pill twice a day with food .

Fatigue is often a symptom of an

unrecognised vitamin B12 deficiency.

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and

biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

But B12 injections, which were once

routinely given to boost energy and
combat fatigue, are beneficial only
when a deficiency has been con

Vitamin C

Panax ginseng

1000 mg 3 times a day.

100- 250 mg twice a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


firmed by blood tests. Even then,

Sta ndardised to contain at

least 7% ginsenosides.

with very high oral doses, which

Siberian ginseng

100-300 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 0.8% eleutherosides.


400 mg a day for 2 months

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

with food .

the problem can usually be resolved

must be monitored by your doctor.

Measures to prevent and treat

fatigue may help increase longevity,

Amino acid

Flaxseed oil

1 pill twice a day.

Take on an empty stomach.

especially among the elderly.

Take in th e morning .

thousand people born in 1914 .

Researchers studied more than a

1 tbsp (15-20 ml)

with food.

a day

They found that long-term fatigue

is a more accurate predictor of death

Note: Consider using supplements in blue firs t; those in black may als o be beneficial.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

c' - re

One of the most popular uses of ginseng is to boost the body's own
energy levels. Panax gin seng has long been used for this purpose in Asia.
Siberian ginseng con tai ns compounds that have been shown to fi ght
fatigue A mild magnesi um deficiency ma y be the ca use of fatigu e in
some people. A t'No-mo nth course of the mineral shou ld address any
shortage. Every cell in the body nee ds a mixture of amino acids to make
protein , and in some cases low levels may con tribute to fa tigue. Flaxseed
oil he lps by supplying essentlal fatty acids , which prese rve the integrity
of cell membra nes and enhance the immune system .

than traditional yardsticks, such as

smoking or eating habits.

CaHeinated beverages can wreak

havoc with your ability to fall
and remain fast asleep for up to

10 hours after you drink them .

What el se you can d o

Take a 20-minute nap in the afternoo n or after work. But se t th e
alarm a longer nap can interfere with night-time sleep
Don't sk ip brea kfast Near bedtime, avoid large meals, fatty fo ods,
alcohol and ca ffeinated beve rages.
Go to slee p and get up at the same time every day Ge t at least eight
hours of sleep a nigh t
Keep act ive. Moderate exe rcise is a presc ri ptio n for fee ling less ti red.
Don't expect an energy boost from sugary foods. Instead, eat com
plex carbohydrates (pasta, whole grains and legumes) and lots of fruit s
and vegetables.
Have blood Lests fo r thyroid problems or anaemia if fa tigue persists.


If you can't explain why every muscle in your body seems to hurt lately, you may have
fibromyalgia, an elusive disorder that affects millions of people. This condition is most common
among women between the ages of 20 and 50, although it can strike anyone at any age.

Wha t it is Defined as a rheu matic disorder, fibrom yalgia is charac

terised by widespread muscle pain and fatigue. In the morning, a person
with this condition frequently feels unrefreshed and experiences aching
or stabbing muscle pain (wh ich often improves as the day progresses)
Symptoms may be constant, or may disappea r for months at a time and
then recur.
Because blood tests and X- rays show no abnormalities, fi bromyalgia
can be hard to diagnose To distinguish this disorder from ot hers that
cause similar symptoms, such as chron ic fatigu e syndrome or dep res
sion , docto rs often apply pressure to specific areas of the body (ca lled
tender points); th e pressure causes enough pain to make th e person
flinch or cry out. The diagnosis of fibromya lgia is made when fatigu e
and muscle pain persist for three months and can't be linked to ano ther
ca use, and when extreme se nSitivity is found at 11 of 18 tender points ,
at the base of the skull and in the neck , shou lders, ribs, upper chest
(nea r the col larbone), elbows, knees , lowe r back and buttocks.
What causes it The cause of fibromyalgia is not known Once
th ought to be a psychological disorder, the condition is now ascribed by
some to low levels of serotonin , one of the ch em icals that transm it mes
sages throughout the brain and nervous system Lack of serotoni n may
produce the muscle pain directly or, more likely, interfere with sleep,
thus aggravating the pai n.
Others suggest th at people wit h fib romyalgia have extreme ly high
levels of substance P, wh ich is bel ieved to transmit pain messages from
the body to the brain. Therefo re, those \\ith the condition may simply
be abnormally sensitive to pain-producing stimul i. In addition, a partic
ul arly severe case of flu , a physica l inj ury such as whiplash, a wea k
immune system or some long-standi ng psycho logical stress have all been
associa ted with the disease. Fibromyalgia also seems to be closely linked
to chronic fatigue syndrome, and the two may occur toge ther.

Chronic muscle pain and stiffness

(at its worst in the morning) for
three consecutive months.
Sensitivity in 11 of 18 specific
bod y sites, called tender points.
Poor quality of sleep.
Fatigue (chronic or occasional),
even after adequate sleep.

Depression, often with anxiety.

Head aches.
Impaired memory, concentration
and muscle coord in ation.

If sym ptom s last for three months;

sooner if you can't carry out your
daily routine.
If other causes, such as flu or
arthritis, have been eliminated.
If sleep disturbances are severe.
If you are depressed.
Reminder: If you have a medical
or psychiatric condition, talk to you r
doctor before taking supplements.

Magnesium and malic acid may

relieve the pain of fibromyalgia
by helping the muscles to relax.


Supplement recommendations



Magn e sium/
Malic acid

200 mg magnesiu m and

600 mg ma lic acid twice
a day.

Sometimes sold in a
combination formu la. Be
careful taki ng magnesium if
you have kidney disease

St John's wort

300 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain
0.3% hypericin.

Vitam in C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if dia rrhoea

develops .

Gra pe seed

100 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain
3% catechin polymers.

Coenzyme QlO

100 mg twice a day

with food ,

Capsules may be more

effective tha n tablets.


3 mg before bedtime.

Helpful if sleep disorders

accompany pain.


Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
50me dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.


: 2 : our

How supplements can help Everyone wi th fibromyal gia

should take magnesium and malic acid. These are important ror energy
and ror muscle relaxation Many people with this condition are ddi
cient in magnesium ; the malic acid enhances its absorpti on as well as
its ratigue-fighting errect. Consid er adding the herb 5t J o hn~ wort ,
which raises sero tonln le ve ls , eases depressi on and improves pain tol
erance. (Unless direc ted to do so by a doc tor, don 't use St John 's wort
with prescription antidepressa nts .) To help protect mu scle cells rrom
damage, take vitamin C with or without grape seed ex tract; both are
po werrul antioxidan ts. H you reel you need more support, add coen
zym e QIO. It hel ps relieve the symptoms or chronic ratigue syndrome ,
whi ch may acco mpany fibrom yalgia And ir you're haV ing dimculty
sleeping, try melatonin or the herbs valerian or St John 's wo rt.
What else you can do
Eat several small meals during the day to provide a steady supply or
protein and carbohydrate ror prope r muscle runction .
Take hot baths or sh owe rs - espeCially in the morning - to soo the
soreness, increase circulation and relieve stifrness
Find a massage therapist ramiliar with fibrom yalgia. A technique
ca lled trigger point therapy can be extremely helprul in redU Cing pain .
Cut bac k on carreine, alcohol and sugar, which orten cause ra tigue.
Get at least eight hours or sleep a night.

In a study of 24 people with

fibromyalgia, high doses of magne
sium and malic acid were effective
in reducing pain and tenderness. At
least two months of treatment were
necessary before results appeared.
Rather than further taxing chro ni
cally sore muscles, aerobic exercise
may actually help them and relieve
symptoms of fibromyalgia, accordin _
to a recent study. When combined
with stress management techniques,
45 minutes of exercise three to five
times a week eased pain and fatig l e
If you don't currently exercise very
much, gradually work your way up
to 45-minute sessions. Doing too
much too fast can backfire.
Meditation, movement therapy
and knowledge of the connections
between mind and body helped 20
fibromyalgia patients in one study.
After eight weeks, standardised te 5t5
showed improvements in the slee a
and fatigue patterns, pain levels ar ~
moods of the study's participan ts

F_ I~atu lence
Passing wind may not be life-threatening, but it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing,
especially if it happen s too often. Commonsense changes in your diet and some helpful
supplements can provide welcome relief for you - and for those around you .

What it is Passing intestinal wind is perfectly normal. A typica l

adult male does it as often as 12 times a day, whil e women ave rage
7 times a day. But normal doesn't necessarily mean wo rry-free. Eve n th e
average amounts of flatul ence ca n cause discomfort and embarrassment
for some peo ple, and [or olhers the frequ ency of episodes and the
amount of wind emitted are well above the average The only good thing
about fl atu lence is that by itself it is not a symptom of cance r or any
other serious intest inal disease.
What causes it Flatulence is th e result of a buildup of excess
gases in the digesti ve tract - gases that are then ex pelled through the I"(C
tum . Chemical reactions that occur after eating certain foods are the
most co mmon cause. The most likely culprits are brocco li , Brussels
sprouts, cab bage, caulifl ower, onions and legumes. Beca use th ey conta in
co mplex ca rbohydrates , these foods are often not compl etely digested
in the stomach and small intestine. Aft er they arrive in the large intes
tine, they are broken down by the harmless bacte ria that \i \'e there, and
certain gases - ca rbon dioxide , hydroge n sulphide and methane - are
by-products of this bacterial acti on. And in some peop le, milk and milk
products induce wind and bloating; this mi lk-related fl atul ence is oft en
the result of lactose intolerance.
Hydrogen sulphide and other compounds containing su lphu r are
responsibl e for the unpl easant odou r of some intestinal wind - though
not all wind has an odour. PaSS ing excessive wind can be a sy mptom of
disord ers that hinder norma l digestion, such as coe liac disease. It can
also result from stressfu l situations, beca use people under st ress often
swa ll ow a lot of air

Frequen t emission of wind

through the rectum .
Stomach discomfort and bloating.

If flatulence is accompanied by
pain in the stoma ch tha t persists for
several days.
If you start losing weight for no
apparent rea son - this could be a
sign of a more serious condition.
Reminder: If you have a medica l
condition, talk to your docto r before
ta king supplements.

Acidophilus supplements help

control intestinal tract bacteria
that can produce excess wind.


Supplement recommendations


100 mg 2 or 3 times a day

as needed.

Standardised to contain

You can minimise the effects of

lactose intolerance by eating dairy
products in small portions with
other foods or by choosing lactose-



1 pill twice a day between

, pill twice a day with food .

Get 1-2 billion live (viable)

organisms per pill.
Gel 1- 2 billion live (viable)
organisms per pill.

reduced products.
Be cautious about using the
sweetening agents sorbitol and
xylitol, which are found in many
commercial products - they often



2000 mg twice a day.

500 mg after each meal and

every 2 hours as needed.

Use in combination with

acidophilu s and bitidus.
Do not exceed 4000 mg
a day.

promote flatulence.
Some people swear by an old folk
remedy for flatulence: a teaspoon of
apple cider vinegar wit h every meal.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

How supplements can help H natulence is more than an

occasional problem, try a combination of th e first four supplements in
the chart Gingcl; in tab let form or as fresh ly grated root (m ixed with a
little lime Juice), is a good all -pur pose digest ive aid It soothes the diges
tive tract and is useful for rel iev ing Ilatu lence.
ACidophilus and bifidlls, two of the friendly bacteria that inhabit the
large intestine, help to keep the growth of gas-p ro ducing bacteria in
check FOS (fructo-oligosacc harid es), indi gestible carbohydrates that are
present in certain foods , promote the growth of friendly bacteria.
Replenishing these bacteria \vill ofte n relieve natulence, bloating and
other cligestive co mplaints H this course 0 f action is unsuccessful, use
activated charcoal to absorb gas in the intestine and to help reduce the
accompany ing odour. Ac tiva ted charcoal is also avai lable in the form of
pills or a taste less powder, wh ich can be mixed in a glass of cold water
and Sipped th rough a straw to preven t it from staining the teeth.

A recent US study of young and

middle-aged men dispelled the myth
that flatulence increases with age .
It also confirmed that indigestible
carbohydrates are at the root of the
problem. Both groups passed wind
an average of 10 times a day while
on their normal diets. This frequency
nearly doubled when they were also
given 109 of such carbohydrates
each day.

Even America's Founding Fathers

had to come to terms with the prob

Wha t else you can do

lem of wind. Benjamin Franklin once

Avoid ca rbonated beverages.

Chew food thoroughl y. Large pa rticles ca use fla tulence when they pass
into the large intestin e wi thout be ing co mpletely digested .
Ea t slowly If yo u eat too quick ly, you tend to swa llow more air.
Soak legumes before cooking, I",hlch remo\'es some indigestible sug
ars. Discard the soak ing water and cook the beans in fresh water.
Give up dairy products for a fevv days If you notice an improvement ,
you may be lactose intolerant.

noted : 'It is universally well known,

that in digesting our common food,
there is created or produced in the
bowels of human creatures, a great
quantity of wind '.



If you experience painful spasms a few hours after eating a rich meal, you may have gallstones
crystallised pellets in the gall bladder. A high-fibre diet, along with certain supplements, can help
prevent, relieve or even dissolve these troublesome stones.

What it is Gallstones are rock-like clumps of cholesterol or othe r

digestive substances that form in the ga ll bladder, the pear-sha ped organ
that sits in the upper right sectio n of the abdomen, just under the live r
The gall bladder stores and co nce ntrates bile - a thi ck, gree nish -ye llow
fluid that 's produced by the liver - and e\'enLuaily releases it through the
bile duct into tbe small intestine to aid in the di gestion of fats Gall sto nes
can develop if the bile contains ve ry high levels of cholestero l, bile ac ids ,
pigments or other substances. \,\,fhether the y' re tiny o r as big as a goll
ball , gall stones often produce no symptoms and need no special care.
Some Limes, though, they can block the bile duct or in flame the gall blad
der, causing intense abd omina l pain and requiring prompt treatment

Intermittent pain on the right side

of the upper abdomen. The pain
typica lly develops after a meal, lasts
from 30 minutes to 4 hours, and
may move to the back, ches t or
rig ht shoulder.
Nausea and vo miting may accom
pany pain. Heartburn, fl atulence or
bloating may also be present.

What causes it Thougb the exact cause of ga llstones is not

known, seve ral facLo rs may contribute to their formati on. including a
diet tbat is low in fibre and high in rat; intest ina l surgery; in fl amm atory
bowel d isease; or other disorde rs or the digestive tract. Ga ll sto nes tend
If you develop severe abdominal
to occ ur in peopl e ove r the age of 40 and are three times more com mon
pain or pain w ith nau sea, vomiting
in women than in men. ObeSi ty is also strongly lin ked to gallston es, as ,
or feve r. Either symptom may signal
is rapid we ight loss. There may be a gene Li c component as welL [or
inflammati on of the gall bladder or
exam ple, among th e Pima Ind ians of Ari zona, nea rl y 70% or wo men
a blocka ge of the bile duct. Both are
ove r th e age or 30 have ga llsto nes
How supplements can help The su pplements listed in lhe
chart may help to preve nt or dissoh'e gallsto nes Three months of trea l
ment may be efrect ive in dissolVing sma ll existing stones, lhough those
supplements shown in blue (exce pt taurine) can also be used long term
to help pre vent gallstone attacks
Extra vitamin C is important beca use it lowers bile cholestero l le\'e ls,
decreasi ng the chance that cholesterol-laden bile will clump to form
Slones. Vitamin C should be comb ined with va ri ous other supplement s
A good ge neral choice is a lipotropi C Cfat -melabo li sing') combination ,

medical emergencies.
If you ha ve upper right abdomina l
pain and nau sea with shortness of
breath and sweating - this may be
a heart attack. Call an ambulance
straight away.
Remi nder : If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Gallstone-fig hting flaxseed oil

comes in capsule fo rm for those
who dislike the taste of the oil.


Supplement recommendations



Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Red uce dose if diarrhoea



1 or 2 pills twice a day.

Need 250 mg milk thistle

(take extra if needed); may
also include choline, inositol,
methionine and dandelion.


1000 mg L-taurine twice a

day for up to 3 months.

After 6 weeks, add a mixed

amino acid complex.

The first operation to remove a

gall bladder - and thus rid the body
of gallstones - was performed in
1882. Surgery is still the mainstream
medical treatment of choice for gall
stones that produce symptoms. Both
conventional abdominal surgery and
laparoscopy (in which the gall blad
der is removed through very small
incisions) are performed. Howeve r,
natural su pplements may be an

Le ci th in

2 capsules (1200 mg) each

twice a day.

Or 2 tsp of a granular form

twice a day before meals.

excellent alternative to such an

doctor about trying supplements.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

wi th food .

Take in the morning.

Peppermint oil

2 capsules (containing 0.2 ml

of oil each) twice a day

Buy enteric-coated capsules,

Ta ke between meals.


1 lbsp powder dissolved in

water or juice twice a day.

Be sure to drink extra waler

throughout the day.

invasive procedure. Check with your

Researchers in San Francisco

found that a combination of a vita
min C supplement and an occasional

Note: Consider using supplements in bille first; those in block may 0150 be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

alcoholic drink halved the inciden ce

of gallstones in postmenopau sa l
women. Scientists speculate that a

containing mi lk thistle. choline , inos itol and methionine , whi ch bolsters

li ver functi on and promotes a healthy now of bile from the li \'er and ga ll
bladder. The herb milk th istle, for exa mple, alters bile compOsition,
helping to dissolve ga ll stones and elirl1Jnate stones th at may haw
form ed Choline an d inositol (related to the B I'itamins) J.nd the ,1 m1llO
acid meth ionine aid in fat and cholesterol metabolism as Ile li. They alsl)
strengthen liver and ga ll bladder funct ion. :vlethi on ine may inl1'C1SC !n'
els of another amin o acid , [elL/rine, wh ich lIn pll)I'es bile Il ll\\ ~1I1d helps
dissoh'e ex isti ng stones. Cholin e and in osltlll :l IT also l'il ,l l H I thc lillt)
bile co mponent lecithin (Inadequille bels may prc( ipit.lle gallstones )
Other supplements may be worth addin g to the mi x, either singly l1l'
toge ther. FllLxseed oil contains essential larr y ac id s thJ. t may be uSei'll I
in pre\'ent ing or ele n disso h'ing gal lsw nes Peppermint oil, taken ill
ellleric-coated capsu les, can also help disso h e ga ll stones. ,And c1ail:
doses of psyJlium can promote bOlle l mOl'ements , II 'hilh 111 ,1) he \1 /
I' alue in exc reting fms more efficiently.

moderate intake of alcohol may

boost the effectiveness of vitamin C
in lowering levels of bile cholesterol.
These lower levels, in turn, reduce
the incidence of gallstones.
In a study of the effect of milk
thistle on gallstones, researchers
discovered that patients treated with
this herb had significantly reduced
levels of cholesterol in their bile
which may decrease the likelihood
of gallstones.

The typical high-fat, low-fibre

modern Western diet appears to

What else you can do

Eat a diet high in fibre ancl low in refined carbohyclrmes sugar dill!
fat. frUitS and w:getab les, oat bran and pectin (found in ap ples bananas.
cabbage, carrots, oranges ane! peas, among other foods) may be es pe
cially important in prel'C nting ane! dissoklllg gJ.lIsron cs
Keep your we ight down ane! drink plenty of wate r daily

contribute to gallstones - but there's

nothing new about the disorder.
When X-rayed, the mummified
corpse of a well-preserved Egyp tian
priestess from about 1500 BC was
found to have 30 gallstones.


In the Western world, at least one man in a hundred over the age of 40 has gout. Women can

develop it, too, mainly after menopause. Sufferers feel fine much of the time, but an attack can
occur without warning, bringing on agonising joint pain that demands fast-acting relief.

What it is Gout is a metabo lic disorder linked to high levels of uric

acid in the blood . Uric acid , a by-product of various body processes, is

also formed after eating certain fo ods The body rids itself of uric acid
through the urine. But some people produce too much uric acid - or
can't dispose of it fast enough - and leve ls build up. Ofte n, the excess
uric acid is convened into needle -shaped crystals thaL settle in and
around joints and other tissues, trigge ring inflammat ion and the excru
ciating pain assoc iated with gout.
What ca u se s it its uncertain what precip itates a gout atLack ,

Sudden and severe joint pain,

usu al ly invo lving the big toe, heel,

ankle or instep first. Subsequent

attacks may affect the knee, wrist,

elbow, fingers or other area s.

Redness and swelling in affected

joint or joints.
Kidney stones develop occasion
ally, causing fever, severe low back

although some facto rs may put yo u at risk. A quarter of those who suf
pain, nau sea, vomiting or a swollen
fer from gout have a famil y histo ry or the illness and three-quarters have
high triglyceride leve ls. Men who gain a lot of we ighL between the ages

of 20 and 40 are particularly vulnerable. Excessive alcohol in take

(i ncluding 'binge' drink ing), high blood pressure, kidney disease , expo

sure to lead , crash diets and ce rtam medications (incl udi ng antibiotics, '

diuretics and cancer che mothera py drugs) may also play a role. For a

few people, ea ting foods high in chemicals ca lled purines (such as liver

If you experience symptoms of

or anchovies) can cause fla re-ups.
an acute gout attack - your doctor

How supplements can help Uric ac id can accumul ate in

the blood [or yea rs wit h no symptoms An acute attack often happens
suddenly and is best treated with co nventional dru gs. The main suppl e
ment that seems to help duri ng an acute attack is bromelain. The ot hers,
taken together, may pre\'ent [uture attacks. All ca n be sa fely used for
long periods, alt hough ce lery seed extract , vita min C and net tl e may be
the Simplest regimen to foll ow [or long-term maintenance.

A compress soaked in tea brewed from the

green leaves of the nettle plant may supply

soothing relief for joints inflamed by gout.


can prescribe medications to ease

the initia l pain .
If you suffer the severe pain of
passing a kidney stone.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
takin g supplements.

Su ppl em ent recommendations

Brom elain


500 mg every 3 hours during

an attack; reduce to twice a
day to help prevent further

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
found in pineapples.

One of the oldest known

rem ed ies for gout - a drug ca lled
colchicine - is derived from the
autumn crocu s, also kn own as
meadow saffron . Unfortuna tely,
colchicine in pill form cau ses severe

Que rcetin

500 mg twice a day

between meals.

Take with 400 mg bromelain

to help prevent attacks.

Cel ery see d

ex t ract

2000 mg 3 times a day

Reduce dosage to 1000 mg

a day for maintenance.

Vit ami n C

500 mg a day.

following an acute attack.

cramping and diarrhoea in up t o

80% of those who take it in th e

high doses nee ded to co mbat gout
attacks. An injectable form of
colchicine administered by your

Add 500 mg every 5 days

until you rea ch 1000 mg

twice a day. Reduce dose if

diarrh oea develops .

docto r, however, appears to work

quickly and without side effect s.
Eating fresh or canned cherries

(200-250 g a day) may help to keep


250 mg standardised extract

3 ti mes a day.

Al so effective a5 a nettle tea

compress applied to sore
joints. (Use 1 or 2 tsp dried
herb per cup of hot water.)

gout at bay by redu ci ng levels of

uri c acid. Some peopl e swear by
them; and a small study condu cted
many years ago found that ea ting

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food .

Take in the morning.

cherries may indeed lower uric acid

levels. Strawberr ies, blueberries or
ce lery or celery seed extracts may

Note : Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39 .

Bromelain is a popul ar natural anti-in nammato ry that may reliel'e go ut

pa in. When not using it [or ac ute nare-ups, decrease the dosage and add
quercetin. This navonoid reduces uric aci d levels and is better abso rbed
if taken with bro melain . Celery seed extract increases uric acid excret ion.
In incremental doses , vi tamin C helps uric acid to free itself [rom the tis
sues and be exc reted in the urine . (High in it ial doses may rel ease so
much uric ac id that a kidney stone develo ps)
Nettle can be help fu l internally and externall y: nettle ca psules clea r
out excess uric ac id and nettle tea compresses may re li el'e in name d
joints. Flaxseed oil may deter the production o[ leukotrienes, substances
invol ved in the in nammatory reaction of go ut Ot her natural therap ies
incl ude ea ting ce lery or avocadoes or drinking teas made fro m the herbs
cat's claw, delri l's claw or olive leaf. Cherries are rIch in nal'on oids and
are often efJ"ecti ve in lowering un c acid b 'els. Cherry or blueberry Juice
(half a cup a day) also works \velL

have a si m ilar beneficial effect.

Although an estimated half a million

Australians and New Zealanders have
high uric acid levels, only a small
percentage of them ever actually
develop gout.

What else you can do

Drink at least eight glasses of wate r a day to dilute the urine and help
lower uric ac id levels. Stay away from alcohol, which ca n trigger attacks.
Kee p your weight down ObeS ity may play an impo rtant role in gout
Avo id fats, refined carbohydrates, excess protei n and, if you' re se nsi
tive to purines, foods co ntaining them (incl uding offal, anchovies,
legumes, oatmeal, spin ach, asparagus , cauli novver and mushrooms).


____G_u_m dis e as e
If you haven't had gum problems yet, you probably will: three out of four adults over the age
of 35 experience tender swollen or bleeding gums at some point in their lives. But there are
plenty of things you can do to relieve pain, heal your gums and preserve your teeth.

What it is There are twO main types of gum di sease gingivi tis and
periodo ntitis. Gingivitis - marked by tender, inflamed gums - occ urs
when bacteria in the mouth form a thin , sticky film , called plaque, thal
coats the Leeth and gums. Jf ignored , plaque turns into tartar, a hard
mineral shell Lhat erodes gum tissue . Over time th is leads to a more
se rious condition known as peri odontitis , which is harder to treat. in
advanced periodontal disease, the gum s recede , allowing bacteria to eat
away at the bone ancho ring the teeth

Gums that bleed after brushing.

Red, swollen and tender gums.
A toothache made worse by hot,
cold or sweet foods or liqu ids.
Chronic bad breath or a bad taste
in the mouth.
Loose or missing teeth.

What causes it Poo r oral hygiene - including poo r brushing,

fl ossing or rinsing - is the leading cause of gum di sease. Oth er prec ipi
tating factors includ e a di et high in sugar, a lack of vitamin C or other
nutrients , and smoking (The chemicals in LObacco smoke harm gums
and teeth) In addition, ce rtain medications can make gum disease worse
because the y inhibit sali va producti on, which helps wash away bacteria
and sugars Genetic factors probabl y make some peo ple particularl y
susce ptible to gum disease . Women see m LO be more prone to gum prob
lems during pregnancy and me nopause because of hormonal changes.
Diabetes and other chronic diseases that can lowe r resistance to infection
also increase the ri sk.
How supplements can help Vari ous suppl ements, used
together, can help to hea l so re and bleeding gums Benefits should be
noti ced within two wee ks. Peo ple at high risk of gum di sease can also
take them long term to help preve nt problems.
Consumed orally eve ry day, vitamin C, Jlav olloids and coenzy me QlO,
all of which are powerful anti ox idant s, protect gum ti ssue aga in st cell
damage and speed healin g. Th e), also boost immunity. helpi ng to kee p
gum- attacking bacteria in chec k. Stud ieS of coe nzyme Q l0 for exa mple,

See your dentist if you experience

red , swollen gums o r loose teeth . It
may save your teeth.
Have you r teeth professionally
cleaned if you haven't done so in the
past twelve months .
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Chewable vitamin C tablets are a convenient

way to take this superstar antioxidant, but
rinse your mouth after chewing one to
prevent damage to tooth enamel.



Supplement recommendations



Vitamin C/

1000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavonoids twice

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

a day.
Coenzyme QlO

50 mg twice a day with food.

Capsules may be more

effective than tablets.

Folic acid

400 mcg twice a day.

Follow up with topical

vitamin Eand vitamin C
treatments on alternate days.

Vitamin E

Break open a 500-IU capsule

and rub contents on gums.

Repeat every other day,

alternating with a buffered
vita min C powder treatment.

Vitamin C
powder (calcium

Brush h tsp powder along

gum line every other day.

Re peat every other day,

alternating with topical
vitamin E treatment.

Try natural toothpastes and

mouthwashes containing the herb
tea tree . These may supply some
antibacterial substances that help to
reduce and prevent the accumula
tion of dental pla que - the first step
in the deve lopment of gum disease.
Commission E, a noted panel
of health experts in Germany that
reviews herbal supplements, officially
recognises chamomile as an effective
gargle or mouthwash for treating
gingivitis. Make a chamomile tea
using 2 or 3 teaspoons of the herb
per cup of hot water. Steep for
10 minutes, strain, and cool. Use
as a daily mouthwash or garg le .

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

show that it red uces the depth of pockets fo rmed aro un d the teet h by
bau eria . TillS stabili ses the teeth and ai ds in shortening the recove ry
peri od art er de m al surge ry O ther studies suggest th at vitamin C and
f1a vo noids may stre ngth en connective ti ss ue in th e gu ms and decrease
inf1ammati on , and that they are most effect ive when used together. 1n
ad dition , folic acid helps to repair gum tiss ue.
Va ri o us topica l th erapies may reduc e gum inf1 ammati o n and bleed
ing. Eve ry o th er da y, break o pen a vila l11il1 E capsule and rub the oil on
the inf1 am ed tissue to soo the the area and promote rasLer healing.
AlternaLe this with ge ntly brushing along the gum line IviLh a bufrered
rorm o r vilal11il1 C powder, such as calc IUm ascorbate, using a IUY soft
toothbrush. These topical Lrea tments sho uld be carried out twice a day,
arter regu lar tooLh cleaning

Keeping your gums healthy with

natural supp lements and good den
tal care may produce more than just
a pretty smile. Researchers at several
medical centres in the US report a
possible link between the most com
mon type of bacteria causing dental
plaque and the development of
heart disease. This link is still under
investigation, but one theory is that
the gum bacteria can enter the
bloodstream and promote blood
clots or damage the heart muscle .

What else yo u can do

Floss yo ur teet h at leasLonce a da y and brush at least twice a da y with
a so rt-brisLled brus h . Irs important to use th e p ro per tec hnique, incl ud
ing brushing the to ngue, whi ch co llects the same bac teria that stick to
yo ur tee th. If you're not sure you 're f1 0ss ing or brushing co rrectly, ask
yo ur dentist or dental hygien ist to show yo u how Eac h sessi on sho uld
Lake abouL ['jl'e minutes.
Limit your intake o r sweets and sLicky carbohydrates - or at least
brush as soon as pOSSible arLer eating the m. These foods can accumulate
in gum spaces and pockets, parti cularl ), in older peo ple, whose teeth
tend to hJI'e more exposed roo ts.
See a demist :u least once a year ror pro ressiona l toot h clean ing - o r
more o rten ir you haw J problem thaLneeds spec ial attention .

Calcium fluo ride dramatically cuts

the risk of tooth decay in children.
The trace mineral fluoride interacts
with tooth enamel and hardens it,
making it 50-70% less susceptible
to decay.



A very high proportion of the population will develop haemorrhoids during their lives. Yet many
people aren't aware they have them, because haemorrhoids often have few symptoms. When
they flare up, natural remedies may have more to offer than conventional treatments.

What it is Haemorrhoids (also known as piles) are essentially

enlarged (varicose) veins in the anus or rectum. Veins are \'essels that
return deoxygenated blood to the heart , but so met im es the law ol grav
ity slows dov,'I1 this process in the lower hall of the body Blood can pool
in the veins, stretching and weakening th em. Th e veins in the rectum
and anus are particularly susceptible. Not on ly are they in the lower
body, but - unlike ot her ve ins - they do not have valves to Ixe\'ent the
backwa rd !low of blood. (Weak o r faulty va lves cont ribute to \'aricose
veins in the legs.)
There are two types of haemorrhoids The int ernal ones deve lop
inside the rect um ; they sometimes cause bleed ing alter a bowe l move
ment, but othe rwise have no symptoms because there are no pain sen
sors in the rec tum . Exte rnal haemorrhoids occur around the anal open
ing. They may be painful and itchy and can be fragile, bleeding easily
after a bowel movement or when wiped with toilet paper.
Wh at ca uses it Straining during a bowel movement is a primary
cause of haemorrhoids, because it puts excess pressure on the ve ins in
the an us and reC lUm . Being ove rwe ight or pregnant also wea kens th ese
ve ins. Experts disagree as to \vhet her constipation direct ly causes haem
orrhoids, but peop le who are constipated often strai n to delecate, so at
the very least this problem makes haem orrho ids wo rse . Studies shO\,v
that frequent diarrhoea also increases the likelihood ol haemorrhoids.
In addition, long periods of standing or silting can lead to the devel
opment of haemorrhoid s The muscl es that help to propel blood
through the veins lose tone with age , so haemorrhoids are more com
mon in older people They also tend to run in fami lies

Streaks of blood on toilet tissue.

Bowel movements that are bloody
and painful,
Itching in the anal area.
Painful bump on or near the anus.
Mucous discharge from the anus,

If you note blood-streaked toilet

tissue for the first time - it's probably
haemorrhoids, but anal bleeding can
have other causes.
If bleeding isn 't related to a bowel
movement, even when you have
haemorrhoid s.
If blood is dark, not bright red ,
If there's a throbbing pain in the
anal area - this may be a blood clot
in the haemorrhoid,
If you've been diagnosed with
haemorrhoids and daily bleeding is
severe - you could be developing
iron-deficiency anaemia.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

St John 's wort ointment can

relieve the pain of haemorrhoids.


Supplement recommendations



Vitamin C/

1000 mg vitamin C and 500

mg flavonoids 3 times a day.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

Bu tcher's b room

150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to conta in

9-11 % ruscogenin.

Add co pper only when using

zinc longer th an a month.

1 tbsp powder dissolved in

water or juice a day.

Be sure to drink extra water

th roughout the da y.

Flax seed s

1 tbsp ground flaxseeds in a

large glass of waler each day.

Drink at least 8 glasses of

water a day.

St John'S wo rt
o intm ent

Apply ointment 3 or 4 times a Very beneficial when used

aher a bowel movement.
day, as needed.


citru s fru its, berries, che rries and

onions. Not o nly are they good

a day.

Zinc/ Copper

If you have haemorrhoids, make

sure you r d iet contains p lenty of

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

sou rces of fibre; t hey also contain

flavonoids, wh ich may help to
strengthen the veins .
A po ul tice made from elderberry
soothe s swollen vei ns and m ay
relieve haemorrh oid pa in. Grind up
a sma ll amou nt of the herb and mi x
it w it h enough wa rm wate r to make
a paste . Sp read the paste between
two or th ree layers of gauze . Place
the poultice against the anal opening
and leave it in place fo r a few hou rs.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplement s you are already taking - see page 39.

H o w supplem e nts can hel p Supp lements are meant to be

used in conj un Clion wit h a high-fib re diet and regular exe rcise. Fibre is
01 va lue in bu lking up and so ftening th e sLOo l, which makes it easier to
pass Exerc ise is im ponant in LOni ng the muscles that surround the
\'ei ns; it also pro motes regular bowel movements.
Un li ke ove r-the-co unt er ointments, th e reco mmend ed vitamins and
herbs will aid in strengthening the veins and mi nimising irritation as
they hea l. In co mbin ation, try vitamin C, Jlav onoicls and th e herb
butc h e r '~ broom to help LO ne and shrink the ve ins. Zillc plays a role in
wound heali ng; copper is needed with long-term use 01 zinc, however,
becau se zi nc interleres with copper absorption II you don't get enough
fi bre in your diet or need an ex tra fib re boos t, take psy lli um orJlaxseeds
Both are erlec ti ve in easing the passage of sLOol When hae morrhoids
are pain ful , app ly an ointment co ntaining the herb S tJ O hl1 :~ wort seve ral
times a day, espeC iall y after bowel move ments. This otn tment he lps to
shrin k swo ll en tissues . as docs witch-hazel 10(l on or ex tract, app lied
several ti mes a clJ )'.

Haemorrh o ids ca n be the resu lt of

overzea lous clea ni ng of the anal
area, w hich inflames the veins.
Practise good but gentle hyg iene.
Use moistened toi let paper o r special
wipes to clean the rectal opening
after a bowel movem ent.

What else you can do

Increase yo ur fib re intake b)' ea ting lots of Iruits. vegetables, grains
and legumes
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day Fluiclls important in pre
\'el1li ng the co nstipatio n associated wit h hae morrhoids
Breathe normally when li lti ng 'vve ights or heavy objec ts, or during a
IXlwel movc mem Holdll1g )'our breath increases pressure in the abd omen.


1:[aJr problems

We all face a variety of hair problems: dandruff, balding, brittle and greying hair, to name just
a few. Though most are signs of the natural ageing process or of basic genetic predispositions,
various simple measures can contribute to a healthier head of hair.

What it is Hair is a nonliving tissue , made llP mainl y of a fibrous

protein called keratin - th e sa me materi al foun d in your fin ge rnails and
toenails. The health of your hair requires a plentiful supply of nutrient
rich blood to nouri sh the hair follicles in the scalp, from wh ich new hair
sprouts. On average, hair gro ws about one centim etre a month [t's not
unusual for people to shed up lO a hundred hairs a day - fortunately,
when one falls out, anoth er usuall y gro\\'s in . Probl ems can ari se when
hair becomes dry or brittl e, stops growing back or beco mes flecked with
da ndruff caused by excess flak ing and shedding of skin on th e scalp.
What causes it Stress , a poor diet and hormonal changes (such
as those accompan ying pregnancy) ca n all contribute to hair loss. Som e
hair conditions may also be caused by nutriti onal defi ciencies, ell\'iron
mental circumstances, an und eracti\'e thyroid gland , immune disorders
or genetic factors.
How supplements can help Th e reco mmend ed supp le
ments , which can be taken together, may help yo ur hair grow' stronger
an d heal thi er by nouri shing it at the roo ts. Though nothin g ca n guaran
tee a luxuri ous head of hair. yo u may notice improvement within six
months, when new hair has had ttrne to grow in .
Supplements contai ning essential fatty acid s, sllch as Oaxseed oil and
eve ning primrose oil, provide various benefits Flaxseed oil is rich in
omega- 3 fatty aCids - without them. hair IS oft en dry
and lifeless. Flaxseed oil may also cut down
on itching and Oaking dandruff, and
ma y be useful for treati ng eczema
and pso riasis of th e scalp .
Evening primrose oil rn ols
turi ses the hair and the
sca lp as well .

Flaking or crusting of the scalp.

Increased loss of hair, such as
when washing or combing.
Changes in hair colour, texture
or growth patterns .
Irritated skin patches on the scalp.

If hair loss occurs suddenly,

especially when accompanied by
symptoms such as the cessation
of the menstrual cycle.
If the sca lp develops dry, crusty
patches or itches intensely.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements .

Taking biotin and ather B vitamins

is good for your hair.


Su pp lem ent recommenda t ions

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 mil a day

Take in the morning .

with food .

The hair is very sensitive to

vitamin or mineral imbalances in
the bod y. Lack of vitamin A, for
example, can resu lt in a flaky sca lp,


primrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food .

Can substitute starflower oil.

but too m uch vitamin A (more than

100000 IU a day) over a long period

Zinc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer th an a month .


1000 mcg a day.

Can combat excessive oiliness

and flaking; take with vitamin
B complex.

can cause hair loss, Call your doctor

if you notice excessive hair loss after
taking any supplements,

Vitamin B


1 pill twice a day with food .

100 mg a day.

Choose a B-complex wit h

150 meg vi tamin 512 and
biotin, 400 meg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.
Can cause allergic reactions

in some people.

Supplements can be safely used

along with prescription drugs such
as minoxidil, which helps to restore
hair in some people.
Thinning hair may be a sign that
your gastrointes t inal (G I) tract is not
absorbing zinc and other nutrients
properly, Taking acidophilus (one or
two pills twice a day) may improve
GI function and boost your body's


200 mcg twice a day.

Don 't exceed 800 mcg daily;

higher doses may be toxic.

ability to absorb important hair

nourishing substances from the
foods you eat.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; th ose in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Vitamins and minerals, such as z inc , promo te healthy hair growth and
may slow hair loss. Because it can boost thyroi d funct ion, zinc may be
espec ially beneficial for people who ha\'e britt le or thinnin g hair as a
result of an und eracti \'e thyroid (Take zinc with copper to maintain a
proper mineral balance in the body.) Co pper also se r\'es another useful
purpose it is an esse ntial ingredient in melanin , the pigment that
col ours hair and skin, and may reverse the greyin g of hair caused by a
co pper defi cie ncy Bot h biotin and vitamil1 B co mplex may strengthe n
hair, conditi on the hai r and sca lp and pre\'e nt excessive hair loss Biotin
may also resto re lost hair, but only if the loss is due to a biotin deficiency.
PABA (pa ra-aminobe nzoic acid ) may protec t hair follicles and prevent
hair loss. It's sometimes reco mmended for restoring grey hair to its
natura l colour, but may work only if you're deficient in PA BA or other
B \'itamins. Finally, selenium may also foster hea lthy hair gro\Vth

Need another reason to quit

smoking? Scientists in England
recently reported that, age notwith
standing, smokers were four times
more li ke ly to have grey hair than
nonsmokers. The researchers also
reported a link between smoking
and hair loss.

The average youthful head contains

about 100000 hairs . But nearly two

What else you can do

Eat senSibl y Don't be tempted by fad di ets that may elepri\e you of
essential nutr ie nts.
Wash your hair with a mil d shampoo Aft erwa rds, ge ntl y towe l it dry
and appl y a conditi oner. A\'oid harsh chemica ls, such as the chl orine in
pools, and high heat from blo\v-dryers or curling irons.
Massage your sca lp once a wee k. It slimulates blood flow anel helps to
reli e\'e stress , wh ich can co ntribute to hair loss.

thirds of all adults develop some

balding or thinning by the age of 50.



I:teart disease preven

Lifestyle and dietary strategies can help you avoid a host of diseases, but they are probably
most effective in preventing heart disease . Recent research confirms that certain nutrients
and food supplements can provide many healthy heart benefits.

What it is What most people consIder heart di sease is really alh

erosclerosis - a bUildup of fatly deposits (called plaq ue) inside the wa lls
of the arteries . As plaque accumu lates, il hinders th e now of blood lhat
carries oxygen and nUl rients throughoul the body The tiny arteries that
thread through the hean and nouri sh it wilh blood are particu larly sus
ce ptible to plaque accumu lation If any of them become blocked, a heart
attac k can occur.

In the early stages, heart disease

has no symptoms. Warning signs
include high blood cholesterol levels
and high blood pressure.

In advanced stages, chest, arm

or jaw pain (especiall y after physical

What causes it The p rimary calise of alherosc lerosis is high

blood cholesterol levels. LDL ('bad') cholesterol sticks to artery walls and
eventuall y leads to plaque growth High blood pressure, smoking, a sed
entary lifestyl e, obes ity and stress ca n also contribute to plaque bUildup ,
as well as reducing the arte ries' abil iLy lO widen and co nstr ict as tb ey
pump bl ood through the syste m. In lheir you nge r years, men are at
higher risk of hea rt disease than women of the same age. because oestro
ge n may protect the heart. Aft er men opause, howeve r. wome n are
equall y suscep tible to heart disease.

acti vity), palpitations and shortness

of breath .

If yo u have any symptoms of

heart disease.
If you suffer unexplained dizzi
ness, weakness or faintness.

How supplements can help Supplements are not substi

tutes for a health y lifestyle, nor are lhey meant lO ta rge t anyone risk fac
tor, such as high cholestero L People who already ha\'e heart disease may
benefit from the supp lements listed here Exce pt for vitam in E and fi sh
oil s, which may interact with ant icoagulants, lhese are safe to use with
presc ription drugs for heart disease.
The first four are antiox idants, substances that inact i\'ate free radi cals
(unstable oxyge n molecules that damage ce ll s). Each one has a different
function, so take them alL Vitamin E prevents the first step in th e de ve l
opment of plaque - the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Vitamin C hel ps to
recycle vitamin E and also ke eps arteries nex ible. Beta-caro tene and l)'co
pene are carotenoids though t to protect agai nst heart disease; bUl use a

If yo u have skipped or extra heart

beats or other irregularities w ith any
frequ ency.
If you have squeezing or crushing
chest pain, accompanied by light
headed ness, nausea or shortness of
breath - th is may be a sign of a
heart attack. Get emergency help
Have your blood pressure checked
every two years and yo ur cholesterol
every five years; more ofte n if levels
are high .
Reminder: If you have a medi cal
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements .

Vitamin E (shown in capsules)

is one of the most important
supplements for combating the
development of heart disease.



Supplement recommendations



Heart attacks are relatively rare in

populations that consume plenty of

Vi tami n E

500 IU a day with food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


olive oil - even when the overall fat

content of their diet is on the high
side, Use olive oil in place of other
fats whenever possible.
If there are smokers in your


1 pill mixed carotenoids

twice a day with food.

Each pi ll should supp ly

25 000 IU vitamin A activity.

household, your risk of heart disease

ha s increased about 20%, even if

100 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain

3% catechin polymers.

Vitamin B12/
Folic acid

1000 mcg vitamin B12 and

400 mcg folic acid a day.

Someti mes marketed as a

sing le supplement.

Vitamin B6

50 mg a day.

200 mg daily over long term

can cause nerve damage.

Grape seed


Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

Take in the morn ing .

with food.

you've never smoked yourself.

Excess iron may contribute to

heart disease in older people . In a
rec ent US study, for each 50 mg
monthly increase in iron above
250 mg (from food and supple

Fish oi ls


1000 mg 3 times a day.

400 mg a day.

Take only if you don't eat fish

at least 3 times a week.
Be careful taking magnesium
if you have kidney disease.

ments), heart disease ri sk rose one

and a half times in men and three
and a half times in women over the
age of 60.
Some of the heart-protective

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already laking - see page 39.

benefits of vi tamins C and E may

be immediate, according to another

mixed ca rOLenoid supplement for a proper balance Gra pe seed extract

co ntains procyanid olic oligo mers (PCOs), fla\'o noid s thought to ha\'e
many times th e antioxidant power of \'itamins C and E.
Foli c acid is a key sup plemenL for reducing homocysLeine, an amino
add by-produ ct linked to an increased risk or hea rt di sease. Vitalnins B1 2
,md B6 help to lower homocysLeine b'els as we ll , and \'iLamin B6 may help
lhe aneries LO stay pliable The omega-3 fatty acids in jlcmeed oil and fish
oils help to keep triglyceride le\'els (3 blood fat related to choles lerol) in
check. The mineral magnesium helps to slabilise heart rh Yl hm .

recent study. Highfat mea ls seem to

inhibit the ability of the arteries to
expand on demand. But when 20
study participants took 1000 mg of
vitamin C and 800 IU of vitamin E
before eating a high-fat meal, the
arteries wo rked normally. Low-fat
meal s had no discernible effect on
the arter ies, and the vitamins pro
vided no additional benefits.

What else you can do

Kee p your diet low in faL , especi all y saturated fats.
Eat at least nYe se lYings of fruits and vege tabl es eve ry day.
Eal lots of fooels co ntaining soluble fibre (oats, legumes , citrus fru iLs)
to con lrol cho1esterolle\'e1s.
Have salm on, tuna , sa rdines or olh er Oil y fi sh three times a wee k Fish
should be fres h (not ca nned or smoked), and preferably stea med or
poached, as process ing and high frying lempe ratu res da mage the oils.
Exercise for aL leasl 30 minutes every day. ACli\' ity st rengthens the
hea rt , raises the leve l of proLective HDL cholesterol and aid s weight loss.
Don't smoke. Not hi ng makes up for the dam age caused by smoking

Studies indicate that one or two

glasses of wine a day may lower the
risk of heart disease. But it's best not
to exceed this amount because any
more can have the opposite effect.


~1:I_e~a rt burn

In many cases, this digestive problem can be prevented with some simple lifestyle changes. But
when heartburn hits - as it does daily for millions of people, including one in five Australians
natural remedies can provide quick re lief from those unwelcome fiery sensations.

W hat it is To help digest foo d, the sto mach produces about a litre
of hydroch loric ac id a day Usually, the acid isn't a problem, because the
gast rointest inal tract is coated with a protec tive mucous li ning But ",;hen
acid mo ves up the oesophagus (t he tube running from the throat to the
stomach), loo k out Lacking a protect ive coat ing, the delicate tissue of
the oesophagus is vu lnerable to the acid 's co rros ive action, whi ch
produces a burning sensati on that docto rs ca ll gastro-oesophageal reOux
- and the rest of us know as heartb urn.
What causes it Stomach acid generally stays where it belongs ,
because the lower oesophageal sphincter relaxes to admit food into the
stomach and then shuts tight ly. But somet imes it doesn't close properly,
and the stomach 's co ntents wash up into the oesophagus.
Being overweight , pregnant or a smoker weakens the sphincter.
Smoking also dries up sa liva , wh ich neutral ises acid in the oesophagus
and washes it into the stomach. Some foods (c hoco late, alcohol , fatty
foods, ga rliC and onions) and certain medications make the sphinc ter
relax. Ac id ic foods (tomatoes , citrus fruits and coffee) may produce extra
stomach acid. Tight clo thing presses on the abd omen , forCing the stom
ach contents upward. Ove reating also increases pressure and stimulates
prolonged acid produ c.tion to digest the extra food. Don't lie down too
soon after a meal , as thi s tilts the digestive Juices toward the oesophagus.

A burning sensation behind the

breastbone lasting from a few min
utes to severa l hours.
A burning sensation in the throat
or regurgitation of a hot, sour fluid
into the back of the throat.
Belch ing.
Discomfort that worsens when
lying down.

If you have heartburn twice a

week or more.
If you have difficulty in
swallowing or if you feel as if food
is stuck in yo ur oesophagus.
If yo u are vomiting or passing
black stools.
If chest pain is crushing rather

How supplements can help All of the

supplements listed are effec ti ve fo r relieving heart
burn - the ones shown in blue immediately, those
shown in black within a month or so. Try each
method ically to see wh ich one, or whic h
comb ination , wo rk s best for you All can
be used in additIon to prescriptIon or over
the-counter heartburn drugs

than burning; or if it is accompanied

by dizziness, shortness of breath,
sweating or pain that radiates to
your arm or jaw - these are signs of
a possible heart attack. Get medical
help immed iately.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Licorice extract, made from the root

of the plant, helps to control heart
burn by healing the protective
mucous lining of the stomach.


=--~Supplement recommendations




250- 500 mg 3 times a day.

Chewable tablets provide the

quickest relief.


1 ml standardised extract
3 times a day.

Or use tea (4 g powdered

root per cup) 3 times a day.
Can raise blood pressure;
when taking long term, eat
lots of vegetables and fruits
that contain potassium.

Aloe vera juice

11 cup juice 3 times a day

between meals.

Containing 98% aloe vera

and 110 aloin or aloe-emodin.

Gamma-oryzanol 150 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach.

Also known as rice bran oil.


For chronic heartburn,

combine with pantothenic
acid and thiamine for a month
to see if symptoms abate.

500 mg 3 times a day.

Pantothen ic acid 250 mg twice a day.

(vitamin B5)

(vit amin B1 )

500 mg a day, taken first

thing in the morning.

For chronic heartburn,

combine with choline and

th ia mine for a month to see

if symptoms abate.

For chronic heartburn, com

bine with pantothenic acid

and choli ne for a month to

see if symptoms abate.

Note: Consider using supplements in blu e first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Calcium ca rbonate (probably the most fami li ar heartburn -re lated

supplement) is used in antacid tabl ets and is good fo r occasional reOux.
Li co ri ce helps to repa ir th e mu cous lining of the stomach. You can also
try aloe vera jui ce to soothe an irritated oesophagus.
To enhance the whole digestive process - whi ch wi ll most benefit
peop le wi th chronic heartburn - lake ga mma- olyzallol, a ri ce bran oil
extract. Th e supplement appears to work on the central ne[\'ous syste m's
contro l of digestion. Alternmi\'e ly, use th e B-\'itamins cholin e, pallLOthenic
acid and thial11ine in co mbmation for a month and see if your symptoms
diminish. If they don't, consult your docto r.

A ve ry effective heartburn remedy

is to take a dessertspoon of slippery
elm powde r in soy mil k before
meals. (Don 't mix it with yoghurt,
as this makes heartburn worse.)
Strange as it may seem, heartburn
can be the result of insufficient stom
ach acid. You may have this problem
if you don't fee l the typical burn ing
sensations of heartburn but still
suffer from rout ine stomach aches,
blo ating, belching and flatulence
after meals. Consider taking a
supplement supplying 500 mg of
betaine hydrochloride and 100 mg
of pepsin with each mea l for one
month. (Before using this combina
tion, make sure you don't have an
ulcer; betaine hydrochloride can
make it worse. ) If your symptoms
don't improve, see yo ur doctor.
Instead of coffee after meals, try
one of these herbal teas: licorice,
marshmallow, ginger, meadowsweet
or chamom ile. They provide a warm,
soothing end to a meal and have the
added benefit of alleviating the irrita
tion of heartburn. You can also try
them in various combinations.

Chewing gum can give quic k

heartburn re lief. A recent study
found that a stick of sugarless gum
reduced heartburn in 70% of the
partiCipants. The gum stimulates
saliva production and washes away
stomach acid . Dri nking a glass of
lukewarm water after a meal may
produce a similar effect.

What else you can do

Eat li tde and often to minimise stomach acid production.
Avoid fatty roods and co ffee (even decaf), and li mit alcohol in take.
Eat your lasl mea l or snack at least three hours befo re goi ng to bed
Sleep with the head of your bed eb'ated 15 ce mimetres or so to allow
gravity to help prevent reOux

~ Hepatitis
Knowing the ABCs of this liver disorder can save your life . Some hepatitis viruses cause an acute
but temporary flu-like illness, but others can produce chronic liver inflammation, and eventually
scarring. Natural therapies can protect your liver and boost your immune system .

What it is Hepatitis is an in llJ mmation ol th e liver. or the two

lorm s - acute and chro ni c the li rst is th e easier lO treat. Hepatitis ca n
be cause d by an y of six viruses, called A, B. C, D , E and G. Hepa tit is A,
the most cotnm on , is highly co nt agious; it prod uces acute il u-lr ke symp
lo ms but llsuctll y no long-lastlllg dam age. Hepatitis Ba nd C, on the other
hand , can lin ge r lor yea rs, olten causing lew or no symptoms but in
some cases lead ing to irrel' ersible Ih'er scarring (C irrh os is) or li \n can
ce r. Types D , E, and G are rare. Al l forms Ol hepill itis attack th e !i \'e r,
impairing its ab il ity to process SUgiHS and ca rbohyd rates, to secre te lat
digesting bil e and to rid th e body o l tox ins ,mel waste. The chroni c forms
may ultimat ely lcad to li ver fa ilure.
What causes it 'vV hether cl'ntrac ted through contamin ated lood
Ot' wa te r (type A), or th ro ugh blood translu sions, inlecteJ hypode rmic
ne ed les or sex ual interco urse (t), pes B and C), hepatitis is most olten
cause d by a vira l infect ion Cen ain med ication" and toxic chemi cals can
also resull in hepat itis, as can years ol alcohol ab use. Rare I)" an auto
immun e d ysfuncli on in which the immune system attac ks th e body's
ow n tissues - is to blam e. And so met imes, no ca use can be dete rm ined .
How supplements can help COIl\"C nti onal med icines ha\'e
achi e\'ed only li mited success in treating hepatitiS, pa rt ic ularl y the more
dange rous chro nic lorm The natu ral lherapi es listed in the chan are
designed lo protect and strenglh en the li\'er and boost ge neral im munity
They should be used toge th er, along \Vlt h con\'e ntiLln al dr ugs. until
symptoms or aCUl e hepatiti s subside Benefits may be noticed wil hin a
week For chronic disease, take lhem long term.

Loss of appetite.
Nau sea an d vomiting.
Aching muscles or jOints.
Abdominal discomfort, pain
or swelling.
Jaundi ce (yellowish tinge of skin
and wh ites of eyes).
Dark urine and pale stools.

If you think yo u may have been

exposed to hepatitis, either through
contaminated fo od or water or by
sexual conta ct wi th someone who is
infected with the dise ase.
If yo u develop lin gering flu-like
symp toms. In its acute phase, viral
hepatiti s so closely resembles flu th at
it is frequentl y misdiagnosed.
If you develop jaundice or other
symptoms of hepatitis.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, tal k to yo ur doctor before
taking suppleme nts.

Capsules of the liver,protecting

herb milk thistle may benefit
hepatitis sufferers.


Supplement recommendations
Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


About 9500 Au stra lians were

diagnosed with hepatitis C in 1998.
Few recog ni sed treatments are
avai lable, so natural supp lements

Vitamin E

500 IU a day with food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagula nt drugs.

Milk thi stle

150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to con tai n at

least 70% silymarin.


200 mg extrac t 3 times a day

for up to 10 days.

Sta ndardised to contain 15%

glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhizinic
acid. Can raise blood pres
sure; when taking long term,
eat lots of vegetab les and
fruits that contain potassium .

m ay we ll be wo rth trying . Trad itiona l

o ptions inc lud e taking the antivi ral
drug inte rferon, whic h has serious
side effects and limited benefits, and
having a live r transplant. (Hepatitis
is th e lead ing reason for this major
surgical procedure.)
Natu ral therapies have few of the
side effects of com m on over-the
counter and prescription drugs,
Acetaminop hen, aspirin, pa raceta

comb inatio n

2 pills twice a day.

Should contain milk thistle,

choline, inositol and other



200 mg 3 times a day with or

witho ut foo d.

May be diHicult to ob tain in

Australia and New Zealand.

Dandelion root

500 mg standardised extract

twice a day.

May be included In lipotropic

combination form ulas.

mol and some antibiotics can all

damage the live r, w hi ch is especially
dangerous fo r those wi th hepatitis.

Recent resea rch indicates that

Note: Con sider us ing supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

patients with live r disease have

Some dosages may be p ro vided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

depleted levels of antioxidants, and

tha t in seve re cases of vi ra l hepatitis,

ViLamin C and viLal11in E are amiox icianl s that ac t togethe r to help pro

tect li ve r ce lls [rom rree radical s; alph a-lipoi c ac id also a[[oreis anti oxidant
protection and may enhance the potency o r th e \-itamins. The herb mill,
thistle protects the li\'er, promotes growth o[ new li\'ef cells and Impro\'es
li ver function.
Other li ver-p rotec ting herbs are liCOri ce, which co ntains anti\'iral and
ant ioxid ant co mpounds, and dandelion root. A better way to gct dande
lion may be as pa rt of a liver-detoxifying co mbinat ion prod uct so ld as a
lipotropic comb in ation, wh ich includes the B \'itam ins cho li ne and inos
itol , as we ll as milk thi stl e; this blend is thought to speed the now of bil e
and ce ll-damaging toxins a\va;- [ro m [he li \'er Two Chinese herba l for
mulas may also be useful fl)r hepatit is 8, Min or Buplcurum Combi
nation; an d rOt hepatitis C, Ginseng Nutriti\'e Combi nat ion

patients may primarily be deficien t

in v itamin E. Whe n administered to
a pil ot test group of several patients
who had not responded to chemical
treatment with antiviral drug s, vita
m in E was found to inhibit scarring
an d destru ction of liver ce ll s. Further
study is needed . In the mean time,
be sure y o u get extra vi tami n E
(500 IU a day ) either as a sepa rate
supplem ent o r as part of your daily
multi vitam in regimen.

What else you can do

\1\7atch what yo u eat and drink when tra\'e lling in are,IS whcre saniLation

is poor and disease rates high. H8\'e only bottl ed water and cooked foods
Refrain [rom alco hol, especiall y' during and fo r a momh after an 8c ute
attack, or un til your doctor says yo ur Ih'e r fun cti on tests are normal.
Make sure disposab le or steriliseci needles are used during ac upun c
ture, body piercing, tatt\.1o lll g and simil ar proced ures.

Vacc ines are ava ilable against both

th e A an d B strai ns of hepatitis. Ask
y our doctor if yo u shou ld have one
or both.


I:Ugh blood pressure

Called the silent killer, this condition has no symptoms initially but can lead to serious health
problems. New studies show that lifestyle changes and natural supplements may be viable
alternatives to prescription drugs for some cases of high blood pressure.

What it is Defined as the force the blood exerts on arteries and

veins as it circulates through lhe bod y, blood pressure is co ntrolled by a
comp lex regulatory syslem in l'o il'ing the hea rt , blood I'essels, brain , kid
neys and adrena l glands It's norma l ror blood pressure to nuctuale o ften
- even minute to minute. In some peo ple, however, blood pressure
rem ains chronically high, a condition known medically as hypertensi on
Blood pressure is recorded as tWO numbers. SystoliC pressure (lhe top
number in a reading) denotes when the heart contracts and forces blood
through the arteries; diastolic pressure (the bottom number) renecls
when the heart relaxes. Normal blood pressu re is 120 (systol ic) ol'er 80
(d iasto lic) or lQ\.ver. Hypert ension is defined as blood pressure averagin g
140/90 or higher over at least three se parate measuremenlS.
What causes it In 90% of people with hypertension , the cause
isn't known; this type is called esse nli al hyperlension. Howe\'e r, risk fac
tors include smoking, obeSity, gender (men are lwiee as like I)' to suffer
from hypertension as women), a hi gh-sodium diet and a family histo ry
How supp lements can help Hyou h3\e mild hypertension
(140 to 159 systolic and 90 to 99 diaslolic) , stan makmg li fes tyle
chan ges - for exa mple , reduce yo ur lI1take o f salt and alco ho l - and take
calc ium , magnesium and pOlassium. If yo ur blood pressure is highe r. see
your doctor before using suppl ements
In some studies, calcium has been show n to lower blood pressure It
is also involved in muscle cont racl ion, so il 'S good for the heart and
blood vesse ls Magnesiwl1 relaxes the muscles that control blood vesse ls,
permilting blood to now more free ly. II also helps to maintain a balance
belween potassium and sodium in the blood, which has a positi\ e effect
on blood pressure. The minera l pOlassium is also effectil'e in reducing
bl ood pressure. But potassium supp le ments ma y not be necessa ry: eal
ing more fruit s and \'egetabl es is su fficient fo r most people

Th e mineral calcium is an important nutrient

in helping to lower blood pressure,



Often no symptoms, even when

blood pressure is in the danger zone.
Some people complain of headaches
and ringing in the ears when blood
pressure is high, but usually the
condition is discovered during a
medical examination,

If your blood pressure remains

high (140/90) after two months of
treatment with supplements.
Routine blood pressure screening is
recommended for everyone on the
following schedule:
Every two yea rs if yo u are
generally healthy and have normal
blood pressure.
Every year if yo u are overweight
or sedentary or have a family history
of high blood pressure, or if your
blood pressure is 130 to 139 systolic
or 85 to 89 diastolic.
On the schedule your doctor
outlines for you if you have high
blood pressure.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements,

Su pplement recommendations




1000 mg calcium and 500 mg

magnesium a day.

Be ca refu l taking magnesi um

if you have kidn ey disease.

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if dia rrhoea


If yo u ha v e mild hy pertens ion,

yo u may w ant to try lifesty le
chang es and supplements before
turn ing to prescription d ru gs, whic h

Coenzyme Q 10

50 mg twic e a day wit h food .

Capsules may be more

eHective than tablets.

Essential fatty

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) flaxseed

oil a day or 1000 mg fish oils

Take fish oils if yo u don 't eat

fish at lea st 3 time s a week.

often have unpleasant side effects.

Try a two- or th ree-month tria l with
su pplemen ts . If your b lood pressure
drops, you can use the supplements
indefinitely. If y our blood pressure

3 times a day. Take with food.

100-150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 1-3% flavonoids .


500 mg Ltaurine twice a day

If using longer than 1 month,

add mixed amino acids.

Arginin e

1000 mg L-argin ine twice a

day 011 an empty stomach.

presc ri ption antihypertensi ve dru gs.

If yo u alread y take such medication,

Hawth o rn

on an empty stomach .

doesn ' t respond, you may need

Don't take if you have kid ney

disease or genital herpes, or
if you 're prone to co ld sores.
Take with a mixed amino
acid complex.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may 0150 be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

don' t st op or red uce your d ose with

out your doctor's approval,

Vitamin C can help to lower b lood

pressure by widening blood vesse ls.
In a prel iminary study, 3000 mg of
intra ve nous vit amin C re laxed blood
v essels in 1 7 people suffering from
hypertension. Scientists speculate
that co nstricted arteries may be

If your blood pressure has not fallen ,lftu a mont h. SlOp tak ing calcium
and magnes ium (sl ick with lifestyle cha nges) arld begll1 vi[Cll1liJl C :l1ld
ha wthorn Both wid en blood \ TSSel S: hawth orn helps mC)ctcra lC lhe hean
rate as welL Altern ati\'e!y, Lr )' coe nzym e QIO 1I 111!'e than .lthi ld II I people
wilh hi gh blood pressure arc th oughl llJ lu\e ~\n In,)dequ,1Il' "up!,ly l)i
thi s substan ce . To these, add eSSCn[i Cl l jouy acids in lhe form ,)!Ib,\seed
lli l or fi sh oils 10 loste r good clrcu lali ll n. Am ll lLl ac id s n1.1; ,)I st) hl'l p: [(llI
ri ne is be lieved lLl norm alise th e increascd nCI'\'''lI~ system <1l 1i \ it ) ,15Sll
(' iated wilh hi gh blood pn:ssure. and arginiJlc ')I)I)<.'a r5 tl) \\'idcn hlol)d
\fSSelS. Use lh em tllge ther along \ \"I Lii ,) mi '\ec\ am lnl) ;ll'iclc,)l1l ple,\ lO he
sure you ale getl ing th t' pl'l)pe r h.11,\nc c'

partly caused by the type of cell

d amage that vitamin C corrects.
More research is needed to see if
vitamin C supp lements produce the
same results.
Some experts theorise th at a
deficiency of vitamin D m ay
contribute to high b lood pressure .
One scient ist fro m the Uni ve rsity
of Alabama has noticed that hyper
tensi o n is less common in areas
where there is plenty of daylight
(sun light triggers vitamin D produc

What else you can do

tion in the body), and think s that

Lose weight. EI'en a fey\' ex lr<l kil ogra m ~ Cd l) !',lI SC blc)ou prcssu re
Walk or do some oth er rorm 0[' aerobic c:-.:e rcisl' regula rl;
Eal plenty or \egetables. rrUll S Jnd ri sh. ~md reduce LI I .Inc! :'-.IlL lill,lkl .
A new sludy round thal sli ch a di et mJy be ,) 11 ,1!tc lJ);lli\'c lel pre~c n [l lll)n
drugs for mild hype rtension

v itamin D may affect hormones t hat

are involved in blood pressure. If this
theory is proved correct, vitamin D
supplem ents may begin to be
reco mmended for some people w ith
hyperten Sion.

14 1

I:Ilgh cholestero
A high level of cholesterol in your blood can increase your risk of heart attack and possibly
stroke. Along with dietary changes, vitamins C and E and some potent herbal compounds
can help to control your cholesterol level and reduce your risk.

What it is In ilself, cho leslero l- a fat -li ke substance circ ulating in

lh e blood - isn't harmfu l; 10 rac t, your body needs It to help mainta in
ce ll membranes and perlorm othe r \ita l lunction s. But (0 0 mu ch cho
lesle ro l can be unhe,lIth y Doctors foc us on LOtal blood cholesterol and
on two types 01 cholesterol that you r body manuIactures: the 'bad' cho
lestero l (ca lled LO U, whi ch in excess amou nts can lead to blocked an er
ies and possibl y a hea n auac k, ,md the good type (HDL), whi ch helps
to clear aw,l)" chol esterol before Il budd:> up in the aneries. High lOlal
blocKI chol est erol and LDL inT is IlllTcase the ri sk or a hean att ack. as
does a low le\'el () r HDL (below I Il1 l1w l!lllre). ~ lc d lGd experts reco m
mend keepillg tOlal ~ h ok s t cr()l be k)\\ '5.5 mm l) l!lttr(' (md your H Dl le \ el
as hi gh as pl) ss ihk

High cholesterol usua lly has no

ob vious symptoms, but it is a risk

factor for other disorders with evi
dent symptoms, such as angina,
When levels are very high , choles
terol may appear as yellow nodules
beneath the skin of the elbows or
knees or under the eyes ,

Wh a t ca u se sit Although ge neti C [ac to rs allen cholestero l b els,

in man y people hi gh bels are linked to a diel t'ich in saturated lal. Thi s
is prese nt chi en), in animal loods, suc h as bed, but ter and who le-milk
dai ry pmduCLs, (COCOllut , pal m and hydrogenated nils in processed
loods are also high in Satu rated fat. ) Excess weIght, smok in g and lack 01
exe rcise ca n con lribute to hi gh cholesterol b 't'ls as wel l,

Have your cholesterol levels mea

sured at least once every five years

How supplements can help Begin by tak ing vilamins E

tion drug s if home remed ies don't

and C and garli C, eit her toge lh er or separa te l), These are bendicla l and
sa fe to use I-o r long pc riods - e\'C Ll if yo ure on a cholestero l-lowe nng

lower your total chole sterol suffi

ciently in two or three months,

more often if your total cholesterol

is 5.5 mmoljlitre (m illimols per litre)
or higher.
Ask about conventional pre scrip

These drugs are effective, reducing

heart attack ri sk by up to 25%.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements,

Taken as fresh cloves or in the form of aged

or cold-fermented garlic pills, garlic can help
fight high cholesterollevels,


Supplement recommendations



Vitamin E

500 IU twice a day with food.

Check with you r doctor if

ta king anticoagulant drugs.

Vitamin C

1000 mg twice a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea



400-600 mg a day.

Use aged, cold-ferm ented

or fresh garlic.

Fish oils

2-3 9 (Max EPA or salmon oil)

2 or 3 times a day with food.

Check with you r doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.


1 tsp powder in water once

a day before a meal.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoag ulant drugs,


25 mg guggulsterones
3 times a day.

May be hard to obtain. Can

su bstitute 300 ml green tea
a day (without milk). Gug'
gulsterones are the active
ingredient in gugulipid.


1 tbsp powder dissolved in

water or juice twi ce a day.

May have a laxative effect.

Drink lots of extra water.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
prescription dru g . Vitamin E seem s to pre l'e nt free radi ca ls (unstable
oxyge n molec ules) rrom ox idising LDL c holeste ro l. makmg it elen more
damaging to th e a rteries - th e nrst step in th e buil clup or co ron,u)'
plaque. Vitamin C he lps La boost th e errec l1l'encss u r I'italll in E. aml lllay
increase the \eI'e l or pro tec til'C HDL choleslero l. Studie s ha w I )~' en C(l l l
nicting o n rhe power o r garlic to 100Ie r c h\)leslt:rol le lel s. hut \11,111 1
nUlriti ona ll y o ri en ted doctors beliclT it has a posiri l't' effect .m el I~ II l1\'t h
try in g. And an yon e whose die t lacks s\.) lu blc i'ibrL' 1I'l1l eh l JIl i<' lI L'!' t\.) u l
ch olesterol , shou ld add thc herb psy lliulll .
Fi sh o ils, tmme ric a nd g ugulipid 111 .1)' all IHoI'Ide ,1 It cril ,ll il'CS t\) la k
ing c holestero l-l owe ring drugs, Th ey ca n als\) be takcn In Cl1 11l ll nu i\m
wit h th ese drugs , but ir you're on a nti co'lgll l'1I1t s . check \\'Jth )\)ur dULl , ' I
bdore tak ing nsh o il s or turm eric. Fi~11 oils hal'e bee n ShO ll n tl) rn luL\.'
tri glycerid es b)' up to 65% and to 1\.)II'c r LDL ~ n d Lou l c holc:::kl ll! incb
Turmeri c, w hose ac ti ve in gredie nt is l Lt rcu min . rJi ses II DL dilLl ")\I\'r~
triglyce rides. Gugulipid increases )'\.) UI bod ) s ab ilit y to lll l'ubn iJ "e L.I) I.
All three ca n be ta ken together: alloll l hree tl) SI:\ mOll ths te) sec ! \' ~ ll i b

What else you can do

Im prol'e your d iet by red UCin g sa turated [at s and ma rga rin e Su bsti
tute fi sh fo r m eat, em hig h-fibrc roods (g ra in s ,md "egetab les), ,mel
replace butter wi th a monounsaturated l) il, p rd erab l) olil C'.
Follow a progra m of regu la r exe rcise to he lp r,l ise your HDL b d

Aged or cold-fermented garlic is

the most eHective fo rm . Pil ls are best
absorbed if they are enteric-coated,
so that they pass intact into th e
small intestine. The coating may also
reduce the pungent taste and odour.
Green tea (drunk without milk)
helps to lower total and LDL choles
terol leve ls, and also triglyc eride
levels. The more you drink, the
better it seems to work.

In studies of turmeric, subjects

whose diet included as little as 1 g of
this ancient Indian herb signific ant ly
reduced their triglyceride and total
cholesterol levels over three to six
months, The therapeutic eHect was
at least eq ual to tha t of cholesterol
lowe ring drugs, with very fe w toxic
eHec ts, even at high doses .
In US stud ies of gugulipid, sub
jects' cholesterol levels fell between
14% and 27% over a 12-week
period - an eHect comparable with
that of prescription drugs.
Taking psyllium is one of the
cheapest ways to lower cholesterol .
A US stud y indicates that most peo
ple with high cho lesterol can lowe r
their levels by 10% whe n they com
bine a low-fa t diet with 5 g of psyl
lium taken twice dai ly. The eHect is
more pronounced in people with
higher cho lesterol levels .

Dieta ry cholesterol can raise blood

cholesterol levels, but the saturated
fat in foods affects levels ll1uch
more . Don ' t assume th at produ cts
labelled ' No Cholesterol' are healthy .
Check for their saturated fat content.


_____I:tJY/ A IDS
New drug s have brought renewed hope to the battle against HIV infection and AIDS. Yet
opinion s about th e role of alternative therapies for HIV and AID S remain heated. Research
suggests that a number of supplements can serve as vital additions to conventional treatments.

What it is The human immun odeficiency viru s, or HI V, is the

underl ying cause of acquired immune defi ciency syndrome, or AIDS,
Following th e initi al infec ti on with the \'irus , it may take years before the
immune system is damaged to the extent thal AIDS- related illnesses
arise, AIDS deve lops when the bod)' can no longer fight off such dIseases
as pneumon ia, fungal or parasilic infestations and ce rtain ca ncers. So far,
the re is no cure for or vacc ine against HIV or AID S.
What causes it HI V is ca rried in

~ :; ~

bod)' r ; ;;(i ~ (suc h as blood ,

semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk) of th ose who are infected lL
is spread when oth ers come into contact \I'ilh these flUid s, particularly
during sex or lhrough ex posure to cont aminated blood (which can hap
pen among drug users who share needles) Nonelheless, th e virus is hard
lO lransmit beca use il dies \'fry qUickly outside th e hosls bod y Thus
HIV does nO l sprea d lhrough air or water, nor does it lrave l eas il y from
person to perso n (through coughing or sharin g drink ing cups, for
example), as many other \'iruses do.

How supplements can help The recommended suppl e

ments, all aimed at boosling immunit y, should be lake n logether. The )'
can be used along with co nventional AlO S drugs and should be contin
ued long term. Benefits ma y be felt within a month.
Ami ox idam th e rap)' - espec ially megadoses of vitami n C - shows
promise in slowmg the disease and strengthenin g th e immune syslem
Vita mi n C appears lO flghl \' iruses anc! fun ga l infecti ons, and it also has
anti -inflammalory properties The nUlr ienl coenzyme QIO plays a \' ila l
mle in energy produclion and m,l) imprm'e stamina m people with
AlOS. It also has an an ti ox id:1I1l .::ITecl Oth er usdul anlioxidants includ e
vita mi n E and (.,Ilhough il may be hard to obra m) alpha-lipo Ic ac id

Persistent fa t ig ue; rec urring or

prolonged feve r, pos sibly w ith chills
or ni ght swe ats; ioint or muscle pain ,
Freq uent sore throats, swollen
glands, co ughs, colds, cold sores,
yeast infec tions or oth er types
of infections,
Loss of appet it e and weig ht;
frequent diarrh oea ,
Unusual ras hes or discolorati on of
th e skin, especial ly purpli sh markings
(Kaposi's sarco ma),
M any people infected w ith HIV
have no sy m ptom s,

If you experie nce any of t he

above sympto ms.

If you suspect you've been

exposed to HIV, the viru s that
ca uses AID S,
If yo u've been di agn ose d w ith
HIV, an d symptom s su ddenly
beco me worse,
Reminder: If you have a medical
co ndi tion, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements,

The energising effects of the supple

ment coenzyme Q I 0 may help boost
stamina in those with AIDS,

Supplement recommendations
Vitami n C/
Vitam in E



2000 mg vitamin C 3 times a

day; 500 IU vitamin E daily
with food.

Vitamin C helps boost the

effects of vita min E.

100 mg twice a day with

Capsules may be more

effective than tablets.

Doctors disagree about whether

certain immune-boosting herbs,
such as echinacea, goldenseal,
astragalus, cat's claw and pau d'arco,
are effective for treating HIV and



Zinc / Copper

3 mg zinc and 2 mg ( opper

a day.
1:Jl .

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

AIDS. Most doctors who do pre

scribe them suggest taking one herb
for two or three months, then sub
sti tuting another one. This rotation
cycle is important because the body

/ Amino
acid complex

500 mg NAC 3 times a day;

follow label for amino acids.

Take both on an empty stom

ach but at different times.


400 mg turmeric and 500 mg

Both are good


bromelain 3 times a day.

deve lops a to le rance for each

immune-stimulating herb when it's
consumed over a long period.
Healthy eating can complement
the benefits of supplements, co nven

Essential fatly
~. !



Reishi / Maitake

1000 mg evening primrose

oi l 3 times a day; 1 tbsp
(15-20 ml) flaxseed oil a day.

Can substitute starflower oil

for evening primrose oil.

100 mg each mornin g.

Ava ilable only on prescription.

Don 't use if at risk for
hormone-related (breast,
prostate etc.) cancers.

500 mg reishi and 200 mg

maitake 3 times a day.

tional AI DS d rugs and other lifestyle

measures. Consider a vegetarian
diet. Avoid junk foods, sugar, alcohol
and caffe ine. In addition, eating a
wide variety of foods in small
amounts throughout the da y can
help conserve energy.

Avoid reishi mushrooms if

taking anticoagulants.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
Preliminary research indicates that

:- --:; P

Zinc is crucial to the healthy functioning of the immune system and may
help to maintain body weight. Don't exceed the recommended dose
because excessive imake may impair immunity. Zinc may be most
beneficial in the later stages of AIDS to combat pneumoma and fungal
infenions Zinc depletes copper sto res, so ta ke both minerals.
The am ino acid NAC (N -acetylcyste ine), balanced with a m~'(ed amino
acid complex, acts as an antioxidant , stimu lates the immune system , helps
repair body tissues and fighls weight loss (NAC req uires a prescription
in Aust ra lia, but can be sold over the counter in New Zealand ) Most
notably, NAC seems to interfere with the replication of all viruses, includ
ing H1V Turmeric and bromelain are good anti -inflammatories and may
also block HIV reproduction. (Tunneric works through the liver )
Essential fatty acids improve immune functi on , and DHEA, a prescrip
tion hormone, helps to reduce the muscle wasting associated \vith AIDS.
Some studies suggesl that extrac ts of reishi and maitahe mushrooms, as
we ll as ot her Japanese mushroom va rieties. ca n slimulate immun it ), and
improve surviva l rates in those wit h certa in AIDS-related ca ncers.

certain supplements may one day be

added to the arsenal of substances
known to improve the outlook for
people with HIV:
Findings show that low levels of
vitamin B1 2 precede progression of
the disease. Further studies are
needed to determine if B12 supple
mentation could thus dela y disease
Test-tube studies suggest that the
trace mineral selenium may help to
suppress replication of the AIDS virus.
A team of Harvard University
researchers found that daily doses
of simple multivitamins given to
pregnant women with HIV boosted
their overall immunity and reduced

What else you can do

fetal deaths.

Exercise regularly and sto p smoking

Reduce stress Med itation, ),oga or a support group may help.


,--I.m_p 0 tence

For one man in four over the age of 50 - and some much younger men, too - a durable erection
is an elusive thing. In most cases, the cause of what doctors call 'erectile dysfunction' is physical
and correctable, often by making some surprisingly simple changes.

Wha t it is An erec tion occurs when blo od vessels in the penis fill
with blood , stiffening the orga n The process is spa rked by sexual
stimulation, which causes nerves in the brain and spine to signa l arter
ies in the penis to expand The inability LO get or mai ntain an erection is
called impotence
What causes it The main ca use of impotence is poor circulation
and impaired blood flo w through the penis , which is oflen the resu lt of
atherosclerosis (, hardening of the arte ries'). Other poss ible reasons
in clude hormonal imbalances, prostate disease , diabetes , nerve diso rd ers
or side effects of medica tions . Only one in ten cases is purely psycho
logi ca l. Because erections occur involuntarily during sleep, a man may
be able to determine whether the problem is physical or psychological
by using the 'postage stamp test'. En circle the penis with stamps from a
ro ll, gluing them end to end . If night-time erections occur, the stamps
will be torn in the morning, suggesting that the cause of impotence is
probably psychologica l. This type of impotence is usually stress-related
and often temporary.

How supplements can help A nu mber of sup plements ,

whe n taken together, may im prove blood flow to the penis. Vita min C
plays a role in keeping blood vesse ls supple , allowing them to expand
and let more blood pass through . Flaxseed oil and evening p,-imrose oil
co ntain different types of essential fatty acids that
also improve blood fl ow; taken long te rm , they can
help by lowering cholesterol and preve ntll1g blood
vessels from narrowing. Gil1hgo biloba, which
increases blood flow in the brai n, may have a similar
effect on the penis Ultrasound examinations of
60 impote nt men who too k ginkgo
biloba showed improved penile blood

The herb Panax ginseng may help

to restore sexual function in men

suffering from impoten ce.


Most men have occasional

problems maintaining an erection,
which is nothing to worry about.
A persistent inability to attain or
maintain an erection sufficient
for sexual intercourse, however,
constitutes impotence .

If you are consistently unable to

achieve or mai ntain an erection
your doctor ca n help to determine,
and correct, th e underlying cause.
If a new drug or stress is affecting
your sexual performance .
Reminder: If you

have a medical

condition, talk to your doctor before

taking supplements.

Supplement recommendations



The herb yoh imbe shows some

promise in treating impotence. The

Vitam in C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


pu re herb is availab le only on pre

Fl axseed 011

1 tbsp (1 5-20 ml) a day

Take in the morning .

includ ing anxiety, high blood pres

scription but has many side effec ts,

with food.

sure and a racing pulse. Ask you r

Eveni ng
p r imro se oil

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Can substitute starf lower oil.

Gin kgo b iloba

2000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to have at least

24% flavone glycosides .

Saw palm etto

100 mg twice a day

between meals.

Standardised to contain
9% fatty acids.

Panax ginseng

100-250 mg twice a day;

rotate with Siberian ginseng.

Standardised to contain at
least 7% ginsenosides.

doctor about the prescription drug

yo himbine, which contains the puri
fied active ingredient in yo himbe.

Siberian ginseng

100-300 mg standardised
extract twice a day.

Alternate with Panax ginseng

every two weeks.

Muira puama

As tea, 1 tsp dried herb per

cup hot water each morning.

May be hard to find. Also

available as a tincture.

The dose is better regulated when

the supplement is taken in this form ,

According to the results of a

recent study, ginseng m ay be a
valuab le treatment for impotence.
Men who took Panax ginseng expe

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

rienced a 60% improvement in their

ability to achieve an erection, com
pared w ith a 30% improvement in
men using a placebo ,
Only one study to date has been


done on the li tt le-known Brazilian

circu lallon afte r six wee ks . After six months, 50% of the patients had
regained potency. All these supplements shou ld be used long term (at least
SL,{ months) for best results, though benefits ma), be nOllced in a month .
They can sa fely be a part of your nutri tio nal maintenance program
Th e herb saw palm etto may be useful wh en impolence is a result of
prostate disease Studi es in animals ha\'e shown tbal both Panax ginseng
and Siberian gi nseng boost testostero ne le\'els and increase mating
be hav i o ur ~ they may produce simllar effec ts in humans. You could also
try a tea made with MLtira pualJ1Q (if yo u ca n obtam it). Also know n as
pote ncy wood , it has long bee n used in Brazil as an aphrodisiac.

herb Muira puama: a 1990 study

from the Institute of Sexology in
Paris, Of 262 men who had trouble
getting or keeping erections, more
than half responded po sitively to the
herb within two weeks .

Supplements that improve blood

What else you can do

Ask your doctor abo ul th e prescriptton drug Viagra (sildenafil) But
If you're on hea rt medication, don't take Viagra \!.,rith out your doctor's
spec ific approval. The interaction can be fatal. The manufacturer didn't
test Viagra fo r co mpatibilit y wilh herbal trea tments , but there have been
no repo rts of such inte ractions so far.
Exercise regul arly to improve blood now throughout the body, boost
energy and reduce stress.
Limit alcohol intake and do n't smoke Bmh ca n aggra vate impole nce .
Try counse lling if stress or anx iety is contributing to the problem .

flow to the penis may also help to

prevent hea rt disease because both
disorders often involve blocked
blood vessels.


fe_rtility, female
Not being able to conceive can be frustrating and stressful. Conventional infertility treatments
often have side effects and pose financial and ethical dilemmas. For some women, herbal
and nutritional supplements may be an effective alternative.

What it is A woman may be infertile if she has nm beco me

pregnant within a year des piLe having regular unprotected intercourse
during her most fertile times of the month (before and during ovula
tion) Beca use fertility declines with age , experts rec ommend that a
woman over the age of 35 wail only six months before see king help
Infertility affects abouL 15% of co uples [n one-fift h of those cases, both
th e man and the wo man have pro blems that make iL difficult for them
LO co nceive. [n the remaining cases, the proble m is equally li kely to ari se
from either partner.
What cause s it No rmally, an egg is released from a wo man's
ovary midway Lhrough her menstrual cycle (ovulation). The egg then
travels from the ovary th ro ugh the fall opian tubes , where it ca n be fer
tilised by sperm if the wo man has intercourse. Infert ility occurs in some
women because they ovulate irregularly or don 't ovulate at all ; in others,
the fallopian tubes ma y be sca rred andJor obstru cted . Though a medi ca l
evaluation is necessary to pinpoi nt the cause of in ferti lit y, wo men whose
pe riods are irregular or abse nt probably are not ovulating normall y. In
some cases, despite extensive testing, no cause can be found.
Irregular ovulation becomes more frequent as a woman enters he r laLe
30s. Horm onal imbalances caused by a variety of fac tors - weight prob
lems or excess exercise - can also inhibit or halt ovul ation. And certain
medical co nditi ons, such as end ometriosis, chlamydia and pelvic
matory disease, ca n res ult in sca rring and phYSical obstrucLi ons.

You have been trying to conceive

for six months to a year and have
not been successful.
You have been diagnosed with
endometriosi s, chlamydia or pelvic
inflammatory disease.
You do not menstruate, or men
struate infrequently or irregularly.

Every woman who suspects she is

infertile should see a doctor for an
evaluation .
Reminder: If you have a medical
cond ition, talk to your doctor before
taking supp le ments .

How supplements can help Most of the su pplements in

the chart can be used rega rdless of the ca use of infertilit y; they ca n also
be combi ned with conventional trea tments. [L may take three to six
months to noti ce any effect. Don't hesitate to consult a fe rtility spec ial ist
if these treatments don't wo rk for you.

The essential fatty acids in

evening primrose oil capsules
are important for the healthy
fun ctioning of the uterus .

Sup p le ment recom mendation s

Vitamin B
comp lex



Many women use home tests to

determine exactly when they are

1 pill each morning with


Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitami n B12 and

biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and

50 mg all other B vitamins.

ovulating. However, once ovulation

occurs, the window of opportunity
for conception may already have
passed . A study of 221 healthy

Vitam in B6

50 mg a day.

200 mg daily over long term

may cause nerve damage.

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

Essential fatty

1000 mg evening primrose


oil 3 times a day; 1 tbsp

(1 5-20 ml) flaxseed oil a day.

Can substitute starflower oil

for primrose oil.

Siberian ginseng

100-300 mg standardised
extract twice a day.


women aged 25 to 35 found the

peak time for conception is five days
before and on the day of ovulation .
Intercourse at other times is unlikely
to result in pregnancy.

Chaste tree/
False unicorn

Y, tsp tincture of each

twice a day.

Do not use while men struat

Ing . Stop using as soon as you
find out you are pregnant.
Do not take while menstruat
ing . Stop using as soon as you
find out you are pregnant.

Women who drink more than a

half cup of black or green tea a day
may double their chances of getting
pregnant, according to a recent
study. Researchers investigated the
effect of caffeine consumption on

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

the fertility of 187 women. Although

coffee and caffeine did not seem to

The B-complex family o[ vitami ns, along with ext ra vitamin B6, are
important [or a hea lthy re produCtive system. In add itlon , should you
beco me pregnant they will play an essential role in the early develop
ment o[ the fetus . Folic acid, in particular, helps prevent birth defects.
Zi nc is necessary for prope r cell di vision; copper is needed to pre vent
coppe r deficiency when taking zi nc long te rm Essential fauy acids and
Siberian gi11Seng promote hea lth y uterine fun ction .
If infertility results from irregu lar ovulation , try a blend of chaste tree
(also called vitex) and fals e Ltnicom mol to stimulate ovu lation in place
of medications designe d for this purpose (such as clomi phene citrate) ,
\\'hi ch ofte n have adverse si de effects, Chaste tree has been shown to
en hance a woman's produc tion of the ho rmone progesterone and to sup
press the production of the hormone prolactin Either low progesterone
c) r high prolactin le\'els may inhi bit conceptio n.

affect fertility, researchers could not

conclusively rule out a negative
impact. They noted that the benefits
of tea may be related to some com
pound in the brew - or it may just
be that tea drinkers have better
health habits than coffee drinkers.

What else you can do

Don't smoke Ciga rette smoke can reduce fertility, and can se riously
,crfect your baby's health and deve lopm ent if you do ge t pregnant .
Lose we ight if overweight ; gai n we ight if underweight.
Exe rc ise moderately. Strenuous exe rcise can int erfe re with o\lllation .



, - - - -

Infertility, male

An unfortunate fact of life is that when the time comes to father a child, some men have
great difficulty in doing so. Though in certain cases surgery or other medical treatments
may be necessary, in others safe and gentle natural therapies may be the answer.

W hat it is Doctors recognise infe rtility as a problem if a man does

not impregna te his partner after a yea r of having unprotected intercourse
with her, pa rti cu larly during her most fertil e days of the mon th In every
case, there is a salsa chance that the source of the infert ility is in the
male partne r. In one-fifth of cases, bo th partners have a pro bl em.
Resea rch ers can't say exact ly how many sperm a man needs to be fert ile,
but they do know that the higher the sperm count, the greate r the
chances of conception .
What causes it So me cases of infert ility in men are linked to
anatomi cal defects or scar tissue from a long-healed infection in the
reproductive tract. But most of the time, the precise canse can't be iden
tified t-,/lany infertile men have a low sperm count caused by lo\,v levels
of testosterone , a hormone that signals the testes to manu fac ture sperm.
But the amount of sperm a man produces is not the only determinant of
fertility. A high percentage of the sperm must be hea lthy and motile
(active) Because they are fr agile, sperm are eaSily damaged by natura lly
occurring molecules ca lled free radica ls. Numerous facto rs can affect lev
els of both free radicals and testosterone drinking, smoking, poor nutri
ti on, eve n stress. So me prescription drugs and environmental chemicals
can also alte r sperm motili ty and make conception difficu lt
How supplements can help Surgery may be the best way
to correct anatomica l defects. But for man y infertile men, suppl ements
are worth a try. They provid e benefits at any age unlike femal e fertilit )"
which dec lines after the age of 35, fertility in men does not depend on
age. A study of 240 co upl es und ergOing in vi tro fertilisallo n found that
sperm co ll ected fro m men in their 60s was Just as lively as spe rm co l
lected from men in thei r 30s. Supplements shou ld usuall y be taken for
at least seve ral mon ths - and oft en longer. Those listed here are ge ner
ally sa fe for pro longed use.
Taken togeth er, vitamin C, vitamin E and mixed carotenoids provide
a powerful medley of antioxidants that sweep up ce ll-da maging free

Carotenoid supplements
contain 0 rich blend of sperm
protecting antioxidants.


Unsuccessful attempts to conceive

for a year.
A diagn osis of chlamydia or other
reproductive-tract infection, which
may have left scar tissue blocking
the exit of sperm.

If you suspect you are infertile,

your doctor can assess the problem
and help to uncover any underlying
causes. Your partner may also need
to be examined.
Reminder: If you have a medical
conditio n, talk to you r doctor before
ta king supplements.

Supple m ent recommend ation s




If you can obtain the ingredients,

try this herbal fertility-boosting cock

Vitamin C

Vita min E

1000 mg 3 times a day.

500 IU twice a day with food.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

tail: combine equal parts tinctures of

ashwaganda, raspberry leaves and
oat extract (Avena sativa).
Ashwaganda is an ancient Indian
tonic for infertility (but is hard to

Caro t en o ids

1 pill mixed carotenoids

twice a day with food.

Each pi ll should provide

25 000 IU vitamin A activity.

Zinc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month .

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food.

Take in the morn ing.

Argin ine

500 mg L-arginine 4 times a

day for 3 months.

Don 't use if you have kidney

disease or genital herpes, or
are prone to cold sores. Take
with a mixed amino acid

Panax ginseng

Siberian ginseng

100-250 mg twice a day;

rotate with Siberian ginseng.

Standardised to contain at

least 7% ginsenosides.

100-300 mg twice daily;

rotate with Panax ginseng.

Standardised to contain at

least 0.8% eleutherosides.

obtain); raspberry and oats have

long been used by animal breeders
to boost male fertility. Take 45 drops
of this herbal mixture twice a day.

Vitamin E boosts male fertility,

according to a recent study of
30 men. The sperm of men who
took 800 IU of the vitamin daily for
three months were better able to
bind to female eggs in a test tube
and initiate the fertilisation process
than the sperm of those men who
were given a placebo.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

You can take your supplements

wearing either boxer shorts or briefs.

radicals and protect sperm Vitamin C also increases sperm motilit y,

partly by preve nting sperm lrom clumping toge ther. Thi s vitamin may
be especially impon ant lor smokers , who tend to be de fi cient in it.
Men may benefit Irom zinc and flaxseed oil as we ll. Zinc plays a
crucial role in male rep roduction, increasing testosterone production
~md raising sperm count. (Take it with copper, because zinc inhibits the
body's absorption of thi s mineraL) Flaxseed oil proVides esse ntial fatly
acids that, among other fun ctions, help to keep spe rm healthy. In addi
tion, try the amino ac id arginine , which can enhance sperm motility and
mcrease the sperm count. Three months 01 argi nine treatment is suffi
cient to correc t any deficiency that may be contri buting to infertilit y.
The supplements above can also be combined with one or more
herbal theraples. Panax ginseng stimulates testosterone production and
sperm formation ROLaLe it every three weeks with Siberian ginseng,
whi ch may also raise sperm co unt. Another herb wo rth trying is
Epilobiwn palviflorum (l00 mg standardi sed ex tract twice a day). It may
be parti cularly d fec tive in men who ha\'e prostate pro blems.

According to two recent studies,

changing your underwear style
won't boost fertility, as some have
claimed. Wearing briefs rai ses body
temperature around the testes very
little - not nearly enough to impair
sperm production.

Vitamin E used to be known as the

antisterility vitamin. Its chemical
name, tocopherol, comes from the
Greek words takas, which means
'offspring', and phero, meaning
' to bear' .

What else you can do

Avoid alcohol If you smoke, give it up .
Try yoga , meditati on and other stress-reducing relaxati on techniques

- - - - -

...-...--.-Infl.ammatory bowel dis_ea

This chronic condition, which actually encompasses several related disorders, is marked by an
often painful inflammation of the intestines. Symptoms may be eased with dietary changes,
vitamin supplements and soothing herbs.

What it is ln Oamm atory bowel disease (lBD) is a ge neral term for

seve ral related disord ers (inclu di ng Crohn's disease and ulcerat ive coli
lis) that often firsL strike people in their 20s or 30s. All or part of the
digestive tracLbeco mes chronica lly inOamed and develops small ulcers.
130uts of inOammation are foll owed remiss ions lasting weeks or years.
What causes it Experts are not sure why people develop IBD,
though hered ity plays a pa rt . More than a third of suffe rers know of a
fam il y membe r afOicted with the disease , and its four times more com
mon in Caucasian and Jewish fam ilies. The disease may be triggere d by
a baClerium or a virus, or by a malfunctioning immune syste m. Stress
and anxiety, or senSitivity to ce rtain foods , can all contribute to Oare-ups.

How supp lements can help IBD decreases the body's abil
ity to absorb nutrients from food, so a daily high-potency multi vitamin is
essential. Additional supplements, take n toget her, may also be beneficial.
Many peo ple with lBD are deficient in B]2 , folic acid and othe r B vit
amins. Taking vitamin B comp lex helps re place lost vitamins and resto res
proper digestion . Anmher nutrient 'v\To rth taking is quercetin , whi ch has
an anti- inOamma cory effect similar to that of the prescription drug
su lphasa lazine. Licorice has healing properties as well, as do vitamins
E and A. Once symp toms imp rove , the lauer two can be continued
long term, along with a hi gh-potency antioxidant , such as grape seed
ext ract (100 mg once or twice a day) or the prescription amino acid
N-acetylcysteine , or NAC (5 00 mg twice a day) Vitamin C (1000 mg
twice a day) may be an effective , and less costly, alternative to grape seed
extract and NAC. The essential fatty acids found in Oaxseed oil or fi sh

Early symptoms may include

constipation and the frequent urge
to defecate, with passage of only
small amounts of blood or mucus.
Later symptoms include chronic
diarrhoea with rectal bleeding,
abdominal pain, low-g rade fever,
genera l malaise, arthritis, mouth
sores, blurred vision, painfu l joints,
poor appetite, low energy and
weight loss. After a decade, there's
increased risk for colorectal cancer.
Symptoms may co me and go.
A severe attack can cause nausea,
vomiting, dehydration, heavy sweat
ing, loss of appetite, high fever and
heart pa lpitations .

If you have black or bloody stools,

or painful, mucus-filled diarrhoea.
If symptoms suddenly worsen .
If you have a swo llen abdomen or
severe pain (especially on the lower
right side) - it may be a sign of
appendic itiS.
If severe abdom in al pain accom
panies fever over 37.SC.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Many people find chamomile tea a

sooth ing remedy fo r a variety of
diges tive upsets.




--- --_.

Supplement recommendations
Vi t amin B
com plex


1 pill twice a day for flare-ups;

then reduce to 1 pill each
morning for maintenance.
Take with food.


The anti-inflammatory drug

sulphasalazine, commonly prescribed

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitam in B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
'00 mg all other B vitamins.

to treat lBO, depletes folic acid . If

you take this d rug, ask your doctor
about using a folic acid supplement.
In addition to chamomile, herbal


400 mg 3 times a day for

flare -ups.

Take 200 mg twice a day for

maintenance. Best taken as a
combined formulation with

teas made from fla xseed, slippery

elm or marshmallow aid digestion
and soothe the intestines. To make
the tea, use 1 or 2 teaspoons of herb

Li corice

Vitamin E

Vitamin A

1- 2 ml sta ndardised extract

3 times a day before meals.

Or try tea (4 g per cup hot

water) 3 times a day before
meals. Can raise blood pres
sure; when taking long term,
eat lots of vegetables and
fruits that contain potassium.

500 IU twice a day for flareups or once a day for mainte

nance. Take with food.

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

50 000 IU a day for flare-ups;

reduce to 10000 IU a day for
maintenance. Take with food.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnan t or considering
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

15 minutes, then strain .

Italian researchers recently found

that fi sh oils reduce the frequency
of intestinal attacks in people with

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) fla xseed oi l

or 5000 mg fish oils a day
with food.

Use enteric-coated form of

fish oils as maintenance.


Take 1 pill twice a day

be tween meals.

Get 1-2 billion live (viable)

organisms per pill.


30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

As a tea, 1 cu p up to 3 times
a day.

Use 2 l sp dried herb per cup

of hot water.

Essential f atty

per cup of hot water; steep for 10 to

(rohn's disease . In patients whose

disease was in remission but who
had signs of inflammation, only

28% of those taking enteric-coated

fi sh oil cap sules relapsed , as con
trasted w ith 69% of those who
were given a placebo.
Nicotine patches may help put
active cases of ulcerative colitis into
remission, according to a small study


Note: Consider using supplemen ts in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Som e dosages may be provided by supple ments you are already tak ing - see page 3 9.

by the US Mayo Clinic. Of 31

patients who used high-dose nico
tine skin patches for four weeks, 12
were Significantly better; only 3 of

33 who wore placebo patches

showed some improvement. But side
effects were common, including
dizziness, nausea and skin rashes .

oils reduce innammati on and protect and repair the digestive tract.
Acidophilus helps to restore a normal bala nce of healthy bacteria in the
digestive tract. Zinc is importan t because a zinc deficiency is oft en a com
plication of lBD. (Zinc inh ibits copper absorpti on , so add extra copper. )
Chamomile tea is a time-h onoured remedy for digestive complaints.

Additional research is needed.

Nearly 60% of those suffering from

(rohn 's disease use supplements or

What else you can do

complementary therapies to treat

Determi ne if certain foods trigger nare-u ps and then elimin ate them
Apply a hot pack or hot \vater bottle to lbe abdomen to pre\'ent cramps
Minimise stress with yoga. meditation and regular exe rcise.

have told their doctors about it.

their illness. But only a third of them



- - - -


I_nsect bites &: stings

Whether you're picnicking, out walking, or gardening, enjoying the outdoors can exact a price
in the form of insect bites and stings. Fortunately, nature also provides severa l antidotes to the
itching and swelling that often result.

What it is During the summer months and in warm cli mates year
round, people are often bitten by mosquitoes, l1ies, sa ndl1i es, ticks or
spiders or stung by ants, bees, was ps or ho rnets. Although they' re not
usuall y serious, insect bites and stings can be itch y and painful and in
some cases may need med ical attention. Spider bites. for in stan ce,
should be watched care full y. Severe swe lling, pain or fever can requi re
an emergency visit to a doctor.
You shou ld also see a docto r if you've been bitten by a tic k (pa rticu
larl y if a circular red rash deve lops) and be teste d for Lyme disease
which is carried by this bl ood -sucking insect. [n add ition, app roximately
one in fifty people has a potentiall y life-threatening reacti on to the
venom of bees and other stinging insec ts , so if you're stung, it's impor
tant to get medica l atte nti on.
What causes it Insect ve nom conta ins toxin s that result in
swe lling, bu rning and other unpl easa nt sy mptoms at the site of the bite
or sting. Alth ough mosquitoes and ticks bite to ge t blood fo r nou ri sh
me nt , spid ers and sti nging insects are likely to attack only when threa t
ened , or, in the case of bees , if they mistake yo u for a Oowe r. Your
chances of getting stu ng increase if you sit down on a log \,vhere a spi
der has chosen to li ve , if you wave your arms wildly when a bee or wasp
buzzes around you, or if you wear bright colours or perfume or eat
sweet, sticky foods outdoo rs.

Burning, redness, swel ling and

itching of the affected area.
Circular, bull's-eye-s haped red
rash, which may develop a few days
afte r a tick bite.
Intense pain and stiffness, chills,
fever, nausea or abdom inal pain a
few hours after a spider bite.
Rapid swell ing of the eyes,
ton gue, lips and throat; nausea;
irregular heartbeat; and difficu lty in
breathing, w hich may indicate an
alle rg ic reaction to an insect sting or
a nonallergic one to multiple sting s.

If you receive multiple sti nging

insect bites. Even if you' re not
allergic, this can be da ng erous .

How supplements can help Before trying any of the sup

plements in the chan, remove th e stinger, if there is one, and wash the
area with soap and water. Nex t, take bromelain, a prote in-digesting
enzyme obtained from pineapple , which can be effecti ve in redUCing
swelling; use un til symp to ms subsid e. Topica l treatm ents can ease pain

If you develop a red, raised,

bull's-eye rash, or the area appears
ulcerated or infected.
If you have trouble brea thi ng, a
fever, intense pa in or stiffness.
If you have been bitten by a tick,
w hich may carry disease.
If you have an allergic reacti on

Vitamin C reduces swelling

caused by bee stings.

to an insect bite - get emergency

help ri ght away. (If allergic, ca rry
an emergency kit, available on
Reminder: If you have a medical
cond ition, ta lk to your doctor before
taking supplements.


Supplement recommendations


Be prepared to treat an insect

bite. Whip up a natural insect bite
An anti-inflammatory enzyme
500 mg 3 times a day on an
remedy and store it in an oil-resis
found in pinea pples.
empty stomach.
tant plastic bottle with a tight cap.
Mix 1 teaspoon lavender oil with
Use 1 or 2 drops every

Lavende r oil
Apply a few drops to skin sev
eral times a day, or as needed. 15 minutes if necessary.

1 tablespoon vegetable oil. Use the

mi xture as needed by dabbing it
Standardised to contain at
Calend ula cream Rub sma ll dab into skin sev
directly onto the insect bite.
eral times a day, or as needed . least 2% calendula. Use with
Warning: keep the mixture away
caution if you're allergic to
from the eyes.
daisy-like flowers.
For quick relief from a bite or
Reduce dose if diarrhoea

Vitamin C
1000 mg 3 times a day.
sting, apply bromelain topically in
develops .

place of la vender oil. Open two cap

and mi x the powder with just

500 mg 3 times a day 20
enough water to make a paste.
with bromelain.

minutes befo re meals.

Smooth it on the affected area .
Discontinue use if skin irrita

Apply 1 drop to skin several

Tea tree oil
tion develops.

times a day or as needed.



Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may b e provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

,llld itching and also aid hea ling. Lavender oil soo thes the itch. Made
from a [lower in the ma rigold family, calendula cream reduces swellmg
,md itching and also has an antiseptic effect. helping to prevent infec
tion. Tea tree oil has the same effec t
If you've been stung by a bee or similar insect , you mal' need to take
additional supplements to comro l swe lling and relieve pain . Vitamin C
and quercetin, a [lavo noid , ac t as ami hi stamines, \ovhich mea ns they can
inhibit the release of histamine, an in[lammator)' co mpo und that the
body produces in res ponse to insect \'enom. Begin taking both as soon
as possible after a sting and continue until the symptoms aba te.

What else you can do

Use insect repellent before leaVi ng home. Calendula crea m and tea
tree oil are good natural repe llents Taking 80- 100 mg of Vitamin B1
dail y when in insect- pro ne areas is also ve ry effect ive
Wear white or khaki-coloured clothing when outdoors. as we ll as long
pants and sleeves, to disco urage stinging insects and protect your skin
from ti cks. Light-coloured clothing makes ticks easier to spot too .
Do not wear perfume, after-shave lotions, hair spray or sweet-smelling
(['eams - the scent will attract in sects.
Do not swat at an insect Wa lk away ca lml y 0 1 li e down and cove r
your head if insects swarm nearby

How you remove a bee stinger

from your skin is less important than
how fa st you do it, according to a
new study. Conventional thinking
holds that pinching the stinger out
with your fingers or tweezers causes
more venom to be released into the
wound, so many experts recom
mend gently scraping the stinger
off the skin. But researchers at the
University of California, Riverside,
found that the method of removal
made no difference in the size of the
welt that developed . Simply getting
the stinger out as quickly as possible
was the key factor.

Lantana leaves, rubbed on gently,

take away the sting of bee stings.


_ I s_o mnla

Although you might feel as if you're the only one who can't get a good night's sleep, the truth is
that one in every three people complains about insomnia. Fortunately, there are a variety of safe,
natural 'lullabies' that can ease you into dreamland - without the risk of side effects .

Wh at it is Thou gh many peop le think of in so mnia as the inability

to fall aslee p, it also involves not being able to stay as leep or continua lly
wakin g up ea rlier than planned . Slee p problems that last just a couple of
nights or a few weeks are often related to stress or to exciteme nt. But
insomnia can beco me chronic, lasting for months or even years.
What causes it lnsomnia is considered a symptom of many
un derlying conditions or situations that may be hard to ident ify Dieta ry
and lifestyle facto rs , physical pain, a major illness, medications, even a
bad mattress, can all contribute to sleepl essness For most peop le, how
eve r, tension, anxiety and depression lie at the root of insomnia .
Discovering the basic ca use or ca uses of yo ur sleep problems may take
some detective work , but it is ultimately the best way of finding a cure.
How supplements can help The supp lements listed in the
chart may al l prOVIde immediate relief from insomnia, but unless other
wise stated , most should be used one at a time , not toge ther. Try one to
see whether it wo rks for you Rotate su pplements every cou ple of weeks ,
and use only as needed , so you don 't beco me too toleran t of anyone.
Numerous swdies have found valerian , among the most resea rched
of all herbal supplements, to be an effective sleep aid . It wo rks best when
rotated with other sedating herbs, such as chamomile, lwva and pas
sionfl ower. These herbs, taken in the form of pills, teas or tinctures,
pro mote relaxat ion and redu ce stress, maki ng it easier to fall aslee p

Difficulty in falling asleep.

Inability to sleep all night.
Waking up too early.

If insomn ia lasts a month or more

with no obvious cause.
If sleeping problems follow a trau
matic event, such as the loss of a job
or a loved one.
If you feel tired most of the time
and frequently find yourself nodding
off during the day.
If you are so tired that you can't
function normally.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
or psychiatric condition, talk to your
doctor before taking supplements .

Teas made from dried valerian

root - or valenon capsules or
tablets - are safe. gentle aids
to reiaxing sleep.



Sup p lement recommendations




Va lerian

250-500 mg standardised
extract before bedtime.

Start with the lower dose and

increase as needed.


1-3 mg before bedtime.

Start with the lower dose and

increase as needed.

St John's wort

100 mg before bedtime.

Alterna te with melatonin and

va lerian.


100 mg 5-hydroxytryptophan
before bedtime.

Not approved for use in

Australia; available in New
Zealand. Especially useful
when taken with B6 or


600mg caldum and 600 mg

magnesium before bedtime
with food.

Sometimes sold in a single

supplemen t. Be careful taking
mag nesium if you have
kidney disease.

Vitamin B6!

50 mg B6 and 500 mg niaci

namide before bedtime.

These supplements work

well together.


As a tea, 1 cup in the eveni ng. Mild enough Lo use with

other sedating supplements.


250 mg before bedtime.

Standardised to contain at

least 3.5% kavapyrones.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
An alternative to va leri an is the prescription ho rmo ne melatonin ,
whic h is a synthe tic ve rsio n of the body's own s leep hormone It may
be espec ially beneficial fo r peo ple who ca n't slee p because of chronic
pain. Valerian or melatonin can be rotated wit h the he rb Stjohn's wort
or wit h the somew hat cont roversial supp leme nt 5 -HTP (a form of
the a mino acid tr yptop han ), bo th of w hich raise levels o f the sleep
in ducing bra in che mi ca l seroto nin.
In so me instances, a nutrient deficiency, especia lly a lack of calc iwll ,
magnesium o r vitamin 8 6, can lead to sleep problems, so repleni shing
those nutrients can be beneficiaL The B vitamin niacinamide, taken \
B6, is useful as well b eca use it h el ps ease anxie ty. It may be especially
helpful to try magnesium o r B6 along with 5- HTP

What else you can do

Stick to a regular sleep pattern, even on wee kends

Use yo ur bed o nl y for sleeping, not for readi ng o r vva tching television.
Exercise regularl y (tho ugh not in the eve ning) to help reduce stress.
Avoid alcohol , tobacco and caffeine

Natural supplements can be safer

than prescription sleeping pills, which
may cause disorientation, 'hangovers'
and physical dependency.
Avoid taking natural sleep aids
with conventional sedatives or drugs
that make yo u sleepy; excessive
drowsiness may result.
Certain herbs have stimulating
effects that can keep you up at
night. These include ginseng,
guarana, ko la nut and ginger.
Health authorities in many
European countries recognise
chamomile, valerian and other
herbal sedatives as medications .
These botanicals are often prescribed
by doctors and covered by health
insu rance schemes.

More than 200 scientific studies

have found va lerian to be effective
against insomnia. A group of Swiss
researchers recently reported that
people who took the herb fell asleep
faster and stayed asleep longer than
those given a placebo.
A 16-week study of 43 healthy
adults (aged 50 to 76) who had
moderate sleep problems, published
in the Journal of the American Medical
Association, concluded that up to
40 minutes of vigorous walking four
times a week helped participants not
only to fall asleep but also to sleep
soundly through the night .

One reason many people feel so

tired and often nap after a tradi
tional Christmas dinner is that turkey
is especially rich in the am ino acid
tryptophan, a natural sleep inducer.



rritable bowel syndrome

Though the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are very real, tests often show no
abnormalities. But doctors who once sa id ' It's all in your head' now have a better understanding
of this frustrating disease, which affects 15-20% of adults.

What it is No rmally, food is propelled through the digesti\'e tract

by rhythmic contractions of the intestinal muscles, a process called peri
stal sis [n irritable bowel synd ro me (IBS), these muscles go into spasm,
and the contractions become uncoord inated This disturbance ca n ca use
the intestine's conte nts to move too fast or too slow, leading to abdomi
nal pain and either diarrhoea or constipation An older term fo r lBS is
'spastic co lon'.
What causes it O\'er the years , researchers ha\'e proposed many
causes for [BS, none of which has ever been proved The list of suspects
includes a bacterial , viral or paraSitic infection; o\'e ru se of antibiotics;
lac tose in to lerance; or adverse reactions to foods (such as whea t or
yeast) So me experts think peo pl e with IBS have highly sensiu\'e smoo th
muscle tissue, not on ly in the gastrointestinal tract but also elsewhere in
the body. Ot hers belie\'e that IBS is the resu lt of an inOammat ion in the
lining of the intesti ne . One underlying facto r in al most alJ cases of [BS,
however, is that stress aggravates the symptoms. Because no one is su re
exactly wh at makes bowe l function go aw ry, doctors tend to diagnose
[BS by elimin ating other diso rders wit h similar symptoms, such as dive r
ticulitis or inOammatory bowel disease.
How supplements can help Na tural supple

Diarrhoea, constipation, or alter

nating bouts of each (usually aher
meals) for several months.
Abdominal cramping that is often
relieved by a bowel movement.
Mucus in the stools .
Flatulence and bloating.

If you have abdominal pain

accompanied by any changes in
bowel patterns or stool consistency.
If the abdominal pain is continu
ousor severe and accompanied by
a fever.
/( there is blood in your stools.
If you lose weight without intend
ing to do so .

ments offer a good way to control many lBS symptoms

Reminder: If yo u have a medical
All those listed here can be combllled with one another
condition, talk to your doctor before
or with conventi onal drugs. Enteric-coa ted peppennil1t
taking supplements .
oil capsules - which ensure that [he oil is released in ,

The oil from the leaf and stem

of the peppermint plant - in pill
or liquid form - helps to prevent
intestinal spasms.




Supplement recommendations
Pep permint oil

1 or 2 capsules 3 times a day
between meals.

Take enteric-coaled capsules
with 0.2 ml of oil each; start
at lower dose and increase if

A proactive approach
One morning Charles 8 decided he
just couldn 't accept his doctor 's
words: ' You 'll just have to live with
it '. He was fed up with feeling
embarrassed about the unpre


Acido philus


1- 3 tbsp powder dissolved in

water or juice a day.

Be sure to drink extra water

throughout the day.

1 pill a day on an empty


Get 1- 2 billion live (viable)

orga nisms per pill; also avail
able as a powder; may re quire
refrigerati on.

2000 mg a day.

Take in combination with

acidophilus; wi ll increase

amounts of bifidobacteria

in the colon.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already takin g - see page 39 .

dictable diarrhoea, cramping and

queasiness that alternated with
constipation during any stressful
period - from a job interview to
going out with a new woman.
He decided to work on beating
what had been diagnosed as an
irritable colon himself. First, he
went on a food-sensitivity elimina
tion diet, and discovt:red that dairy
products triggered his symptoms.
Then, he made real progress using
a combination of high-fibre psyl

the intestin e, nOl the slomach - are very erfective in calmll1g the int esti
nal spasms that ca use abd ominal pain , as we ll as soothing other IBS
symptoms In a stud y of 11 0 people with IBS. ente ric-coated pepper
mint oil reduced abdo minal pain in 79% of those taking it an d elimi
nated the pain in 56%. Virt ually no ad\'f rse reactions were see n.
Psyllium , a ty pe of die tary fibre, eases IBS sympto ms [or many peo
ple - although not for all . In most cases, it wo rks to correc t co nstipation
an d is usefu l for dia rrhoea because it abso rbs water in the intestine and
adds bulk to the stoo L (Bulk also see ms to lessen th e se\'e rit)' of spasms.)
Drink at least eight glasses of water a day when using psyllium . II you
find that it aggravates yo ur symp toms, sto p takmg it.
ACidophil us , a type of 'good' bacte ria that norma lly inhabits the
intestine, helps di gest food and pre\'e nts the harmful bacteria that cau se
di sease from grow ing unchecked . FOS (frucLO-oligosaccharides), some
times add ed to aCi dophil us suppl ements or ava ilab le se parately,
co mprises indigestib le ca rbohyd rates thal feed the hie ndl y bacte ria .

What e lse you can do

Add mo re hi gh-fi bre foods , such as fruit s, vege tables, grams and
legumes, to your diet. But do it slow I)' to minimise bloating and wind.
Eating lots of th ese fo ods may eliminate the need for ps)'lIium
Eat smaller, more frequ ent meals Limit ca ffeine, alcohol and foo ds
high in fat Eliminate certain foods and ad d them back one at a time ove r
sevu al wee ks to find out which , if any, cause s)m ptoms.
Take cont rol of stress . Relaxa tio n techn iques or biofeedbac k ma)' help
Exe rcise fo r at least 20 minu tes a day to keep the bowels mO\'ing no r
mall y and reduce st ress.

lium and oat bran. Fin ally, adding

peppermint oil capsules seemed to
nearly eliminate the problem .
'I'm now con vinced anyone can
beat 185 ', he says. 'There are so
many options people are unaware
of. It's called being "proactive".
After all, you 're the one who
should care the most! '

Lactose intolerance (a sensitivity

t o the sugars in milk products) may
t ri gger IBS symptoms. The abili ty
to digest lactose tends to decli ne
with age because of a decreased
amount of the enzyme lactase in
the small intestine . To determine if
this is your problem, try drinking
a small glass of milk on an empty
stomach . If you notice flatulence,
diarrhoea, pain or bloating with in
four hours, repeat the te st with
lactase-treated milk. If no symptoms
occur, you probably shou ld be
careful with dairy products.


A butterfly-shaped facial rash may be the first sign of this auto-immune disease, in which the
immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. The course of lupus is unpredictable, but various
therapies can help ease symptoms, delay progression of the disease and boost overall health.

Wh a t it is A chronic inf1ammatory disease marked by f1are -ups

and remi ssions , lupus has been called the 'great imposto r' because it can
cause such a ""ride array of symptoms in almost any part of the body,
including the skin, joints, hean, brain or kidneys. Women are affected
eight to ten times more often than men. Lupus is fairl y rare, and many
sufferers don't even know they have it , but it is a serious di sease.
What causes it In lupus, the immune sysLem goes awry and
produces abnormal cells that trave l through the body, attacking healthy
tissues. It's uncertain what causes this co nditi on , tho ugh heredity, sex
hormones or infectio ns may play a ro le. Sunli ght , chi ldb irth , stress or
drugs may trigge r attacks
How supplements can help A \>vide array of suppleme nts,
taken together long lerm may relieve symptoms, slow the progression of
the disease and lessen the need for co nventional drugs, whi ch frequently
have se rious side effects. All ca n be used with conventio nal presc ription
drugs for lupus, but beca use lupus is a se rious disease, you should take
supplements only under ongO ing medical supervision. Benefi ts may be
noticed within a month.
Vitamin B complex works thro ughout the body to maintain the hea lth
of ski n, mucous membranes , blood , nerves and joints. Along with vita
min s C and E and selenium - all antiox idants - B-comp lex V1ta mins
speed healing and help protect the hea rt and bl ood vessels, joints, skin
and other areas that ca n be damage d by the inf1ammatory process.
Vitamin E may be particu larly effec tive for sk in and Joint pro blems .

Joint pain and inflamma tion,

skin rashes, fever, fatigue, chest pain
or cough, hair loss, strong tendency
to sunb urn, blurred vision and
swollen glands .
There are many other symptoms,
because lupus can affect almost any
part of the body. Symptoms typ ically
first appear between the ages of
, 5 and 35 . Accurate diagnosis may
be difficult.


If you experience any lingering

unexplained illness, especially if
symptoms include feve r, joint pain,
weig ht loss, rashes or breathing diffi
culties. Seek an accu rate diagnos is,
which may take some persistence,
as soon as possible.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Sc ~

1:..: .


. r-::::

Th e antioxidant selenium may help

protect against lupusrelated dam
age to the jOints, nerves, skin, heart
and other parts of the body.

:1\ -




Supplement recommendations



Vitamin B
co mplex

1 pill ea ch morning
with food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

Con ventional lupus drugs,

includ ing high doses of steroids and
cancer medications, can hav e side
effec ts as bad as the disease itself,
causing weakened bones, cataracts,
diabetes and other serious problems.

Vit ami n C/
Vitamin E

1000 mg vitamin C 3 times a

day; 500 IU vitamin E daily

Vitamin C helps boost the

effects of vitamin E.

with foo d.

Supplements may allow you to use

lower - and therefore safer - doses
of such drugs.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

Take in the morning.

with food .
Fish oil s

1000 mg 3 time s a day

with foo d.

Buy in small quantities and

re frige rate.

primr os e oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

Can substitute starflower oi l.

Prel im inary studies indicate a con



with food.

100 mg ea ch morning.

nection between low er-than-a verage

blo od levels of three nutrients

Availabl e only on prescription .

Don 't use DHEA if you 're at
risk for horm one-related
(breas t, prostate etc. ) can cers.

vitamins A and E and beta-caroten e

- and the dev elopment, years later,
of lUpus. Additional studies are
needed to determine whether these
levels contributed to the onset of


Zinc/ Copper

200 mcg a day.

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Don 't ex ceed 800 mcg daily;

higher dose s may be toxic.

lupus or if they were a result of early,

undiagnosed disease acti vity.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

N ote: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

People with lupus may be well

advised to avoid alfalfa in any form

Essential fatty acids in the form of [laxseed oil, fi sh oils and eveniJlg
prim rose oil may be beneficial These ca n red uce inn amm ation in the
joints, kidneys , skin and other areas; they may also lowe r cholesterol
levels, which might be elevated Doctors are findin g that DHEA may
reduce a lupus patient's requirements for the prescrip tion steroid drug
prednisone Furt herm ore, it may relieve symp to ms and improve
stamina. The recommended doses of DHEA are qu ite high (l00 mg a
day), so if you're interested in trying this treat ment , ta lk to a doctor
experienced with both lupu s and DHEA . Z inc pro motes healing and ,
along vvith vit amin C, may help regu late the immune system Because
zinc depletes copper sto res, it should be taken with that mineral when
used over the long te rm.

including sprouts, seeds, tablets and

tea . It contains a substance called
canavanine, which some experts
think triggers flare-ups .

What else you can do

Minimise sun exposure and when outd oors use a high-SPF sunscree n .
Get plenty of rest. Join a support group to help red uce stress.


a_cular degeneratio_1l

Over a third of referrals to the Royal Blind Society of Australia stem from this eye condition, the
most common cause of blindness in those over age 50. Getting plenty of antioxidants - potent
protectors of the body's cells - appears to be a key factor in preventing this disorder.

What it is In macular degeneration, the macula - the light-sensi

tive area in the centre of the retina that co ntrols the central vi sual field
and the abi lity to see colours - breaks down and im pairs your eyesight.
Though your perip heral vision - the abi lity to see the outside edges of
the sce ne you are looking at - remains intact , the centre of your fi eld of
vision is blurry, grey or filled with a large blank spot. As a result, the co n
dition may make it difficult or impossibl e to read , dri ve , watch television
or eve n recognise someone's face.
There are two forms of this diso rder. In age-related ('dry') macu lar
degeneration, the macula thins and bits of debris gathe r be neath it.
The conditi on develops slowly and accou nts for 90% of all cases. In
hae morrhagic ('wet') macular degeneration, new blood vesse ls grow
underneath the retina , pushing up like tree roots crack ing the pave ment
above. These fragil e vesse ls often leak Ouid and blood , causing sca r
tissue to form and central vision to deteriorate rapidl y
What causes it Damage from free radica ls, the unstable oxyge n
molecu les that ca n harm cells, is probably the leading cause of mac ul ar
degeneration. A diet high in saturated fats, ciga rette smoke and exposure
to sun light can lead to the format ion of free radicals in the retina. High
blood pressure , hea rt disease and diabetes may also be co ntributing fac
tors because they limit blood now to your eyes

A blurry, grey or blank spot in the

centre of the field of vision; periph
eral vision remains sharp in one or
both eyes.
Distorted vision, in which straight
lines look wavy, printed word s seem
blurred or objects appear to be the
wrong size or shape.
Faded or washed-out colours .

If you' re over the age of 50, see

an ophthalmologist y early to check
for macular degeneration .
If you develop any of the above
symptoms, see an ophthalmologist
immediately. Prompt diagnosis can
minimise vision loss.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements.

The antioxidants in grape seed

extract help protect the retina
from the damage that can lead
to macular degeneration.



- - - - - ====

Supplement recommendations



Vita m in C

1000 mg twice a day.

Reduce dosage if diarrhoea


Vitamin E

500 IU twice a day with food . Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Macular degeneration rarely

occurs in people under the age of
50. However, a quarter of people
over 65 and a third of those over 80




2 pills mixed carotenoids

a day with food.

Each pill should supply

25 000 IU vitamin A activity.

show signs of having the condition.

People who smoke 20 or more
Cigarettes a day are more than twice
as likely to deve lop m acular degen
eration as those who have never

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.


80 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contai n

25% anthocyanosides.

Grape seed

100 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain

3% cathechin polymers.

Ginkgo biloba

1000 mg twic e a day (a s dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to contain at

least 24% flavon e glycosides.


400 mcg a day.

Don't exceed 800 mcg daily;

higher doses may be toxic.

Zinc/ Copper

smoked. Even smokers who have

given up are 30% more likely to
suffer from the disease.

Having a glass of wine a day

may preve nt macular degeneration.
A recent study of more than 3000
people aged 45 to 74 found that
drinking moderate amounts of wine
reduced their risk of developing the

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

eye condition by 19% . Other alco

holic beverages were not associated
with a lower risk.

How supplements can help Working as antioxidants, vita

Eating spinach may prevent mac

min C, vitamin E and different types of camtenoids can neutralise the

[ree radicals linked to macular degeneration The carotenoids lutein and
zeaxanthin are especially im portant - in fact , the macula's yellow co lour
is due to their presenc e They protect the macula by riltering out the
sun 's harmrul ul tra\'iolet rays Zinc plays a key role in the runctioning or
the retin a as well. Many older people are defiCIent in this mineral, and
some resea rch suggests tha t it can slmv the progression or the disorder
You may need extra copper ir you're taking zin c for longer than a month
For maximum protection , take all these supp lements, plus bilbeny.
Th is herb contains antioxidant compound s and enhances blood flo w to
the retina . Grape seed extract or gi nhgo biloba can be su bstituted ror the
bilberry Though neither is as efrective as bilberry, grape seed may be a
good choice If you have poor night visio n, and ginkgo is useful ror those
who also show signs or memory loss The prescription mineral se lenium
can be ad ded in an efrort to boost the bodys overall an tiox idant activity

ular degeneration, because it's very

high in lutein and zea xanthin. In one
recent study, people who ate about
three cups of spinach a day were

43 % less likely to develop age

related macular degeneration than
people eating little of thi s leafy
green vegetable.

People with blue or green eyes need

to take speci al care, because they.
are particularly susceptible to the
sun damage that can cause macular

What else you can do

degeneration .

Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your eyes.

Stop smoki ng: it's a major con tributor to macular degenera tion.
Eat lots of dark green vege tables: they're high in the antioxidant
caro tenoids lutei n and zeaxanthin


I------M _e_n 0 p a use

Women now have more options to help them deal with this natural ch ange in their lives.
Hormone replacem ent therapy is conventional medicine's answer, but many women are finding
natural therapie s can also provide relief from symptoms such as hot flush es and night swea ts .

What it is Typica ll y, a woman's Q\'ar ies SlOp releasing eggs in her

lale 40s [0 ea rly 50s, and her menstrual cycl e ceases. When she hasnl
had a period in six months, she is sa id [0 ha\'e co mpleted menopause
For fiv e [0 ten years before a woman has her lasl period, she mil)' ex pe
ri ence mensrru al irregulari ties , hot rlushes and irritabilit y. Afte r
menopause, she fa ces possible vaginal dryness, a decl ine in bo ne mass
and an increased risk of heart disease.

Hot flushes
Night sweats.
Menstrual irregularities.
Vaginal dryness .
Irritabi lity or m ild depreSSion .

What causes it As the o\'aries graduall y SLOp man ufac turing the
hormones oesrrogen and progesterone, menopausal symptoms and the
risk of heart di sease and osteo porosis increase. To add ress these con
ce rns, some womcn opt for hormone repl acement lherapy (HRT) But
wo rri es about links between long-tenn HRT and breasl cance r, or sim
ply a belief that nature should take its course, moti\'ate oth er wo men [0
try natural remedi es Th ese therap ies are also benefi cial for women who
expe rience menopausa l sy mploms v"h ile still menstruating (a stage
ca ll ed pe rimenopa use). Mosl doc tors ad\'ise agal\lst HRT at this stage.
How supp lements can help lf you choose not [0 take HRT.
you may want [0 use the herbs listed in the chan to co nt ro l hot fl ushes
and other symp[O ms Taking them in some combin ation shou ld v,'o rk
best. First, try blac/, co hosh and red clover These herbs help to stabilise
hormone levels, redUCing hot flu shes and lessening de preSSion and \'agi
nal dryness. Siberian ginseng is also co nsidered a good female [Oni c.
If this combinati on doesn't pro\' ide reli ef, add dong quai or lico rice
roOl. So me studies suggest that , although it s not help ful for menopa usa l
symploms when used alone, clang qrtal may bolster the effect of oth er
herbs. Licorice has plant-based compou nds (phyto -oestrogens) that
have the same effect as the oest rogen produced by a wo man's body
In additi on, some nurriel1ls may help to lowe r the risk of heart d is
ease and osteo porosis in women afte r menopause Stud ies have shown

Soy isoflavone supplements may help

minimise the side effects of menopause,
especially for women who don 't regularly
eat soy products.


If you begin to experience

changes in your menstrual cyc le
find out whether the symptoms are
related to menopause or another
cause .
If you are at high risk for heart
d isease or osteoporosis.
If you are bothered by symptoms
that natural remedies don't relieve.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition , talk to your doctor before
takin g supp lements.



Suppl e ment recommendations




Vi tamin C and flavonoids may

reduc e the heavy men strual bl eeding

Black co hosh

40 mg twice a day.

Standardised to co ntain
2.5% triterpenes.

that often appears in peri m enopause.

The se nutrients work by strengthen

200 mg sta nd ardised extract

twice a day.

Also available as tablets.

Siberian ginseng

100- 300 mg a day

Standardised to contain at
least 0.8% eleutherosides.

Calcium /
Magnesium /
Vitamin 0

600 mg calcium, 300-600 mg

magnesium and 200 IU
vitamin D a day with food.

Sometimes sold in a single


Dong quai

200 mg, or 30 drops tincture,

3 times a day.

Standardised to conta in
0.8-1.1% ligustilide.


200 ml standardised extra ct

3 times a day.

Can raise blood pressure; see

you r doctor before tak ing.
When taking long term, ea t
lots of vegetab les and fruits
tha t con tain potassium.

Red clover

ing the capi llary wa lls, which weaken

just before and during menstrua tion.
Flavonoids may also control hot
flushes and mood swings, Some
experts suggest taking 1000 mg of
vitamin C along w ith 500 mg of
flavonoids twice a day.

In a recent study of soy's effect on

menopausa l symptoms, researchers
found that women who ate soy daily
expe rienced less seve re hot flush es
and night sweats. In addi ti o n, they

Soy isoflavones

Vitamin E

50 mg a day.

500 IU twice a day with food.

Look for products tha t con

tain genistein and da idzein.
Check with your doctor if
taking anticoagulant drugs ,

h ad a 10% drop in total cholesterol,

a 12% decrease in LDL ('ba d') cho
lest erol an d a 6-p oint drop in dias
t olic blood pressure. Te st parti cipants
added abo ut 2 tab lespoons of soy

Note: Cons ider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

protein powder to the ir d iet each

Some do sages may be provided by supplements yo u are already taking - see page 39.

day for six weeks.

tha t soy foods may proteCl against hean disease. What 's more, hot
flu shes and other menopausal sy mptoms are rare in countr ies where so)'
is a dietary staple . Ir yo u do n't llke th e taste of soy, co nsider suppl ements
with soy isojlavoncs, the compounds thought to be panly responSible [or
the protec tive effect of soy Srudies suggest vitamin E aid s in pre\'e nting
hean disease by kee ping LDL ('bad') cholesterol from adh ering to artery
walls. So me women find that high doses of \'iwOlin E also relie\'e hot
flu shes. Essential [or strong bones, calciwn helps pre\'e nt osteo porosis;
combin e it with magncsiwll and vi tamin D for proper abso rption. (You
may also wa nt to take vitam in E, calcium, magnesium and \'itamin D,
even if you are using HRT)

meno pau se or wai ts u ntil her ea rly

Whether a woman starts HRT at


60s appears to m ake no difference in

term s of bone density, accordi ng to
a recent study, This is good news if
you're in good genera l health and
wa nt t o try natura l the rapie s to co n
trol me nopausa l symptoms, If you
wis h, you can try HRT later in life to
reduce your risk of heart disease
and osteoporosis.

What else you can do

Avo id alcohol, chocolate, co ffee and spier foods: they ca n all make hot
flushes wo rse.
Get regular exe rcise , which can reduce the numbe r of hot fl ushes and
help prevent hean eli sease Light weight traini ng Illay protect the bones
Try soaking in a tepid bath [or 20 mll1utes each morn ing. Some
wo men find that this routine p re\'enrs hot flu shes all day long.


e_n.s t rua I dis 0 rd_e _r_s______

Though most women experience some discomfort (such as a day or two of mild cramps) during
their menstrual periods, a number suffer troublesome irregularities that can cause severe pain
or major inconveniences each month.

What it is Three co mmon menstrual disorders are cra mps (dys

meno rrhoea), heavy bleeding or prolonged periods (menorrhagia) and
irregular or absent periods (amenorrhoea) These cond itions usually
affect wo men in times of hormonal change, such as adolescence or the
years shonl y before meno pause, but they may occur at any time during
the reproduCli ve years.
What causes it MenSlI ua l cramps are tri gge red by prosla
gland ins - hormone-like subslances released during menstruation by
cells in the lining of the uteru s (e ndometrium) Wo men who bleed so
heavily th at they have to change a tampon or pad eve ry hour or so , and
those whose periods last longer than seven days , are co nsidered to have
menorrhagia. Th ough the most co mmon causes of this co ndili on are
hormonal or nutriti ona l imbalances, an abnormal growth in the uteru s
(fi broid) can indu ce heavy bleeding. In ad dition, blood vesse ls in the
ute rus ten d to be weak and rupture eaSily. Hormonal imbalances as well
as extreme exe rcise or diet regimens can lead to ame norrhoea.

How supplements can help

Th e menst rua l disorder yo u expe rience
determines the sup pl ements you should
use. All those recommended can be
co mbin ed with over-th e-co unter or
presc ription drugs.
To combat menstrual cramps, the
essential fatty acids in evening prim
rose and llaxseed oil s help to regu late
prostaglandin productio n The he rb
chaste tlee eases PlvlS-l ike sympto ms
by balancing horm one b 'els and is
qu ite useful if yo u also have breast
tenderness: add the herb dong quai to
enh ance its benefits All these three

Menstrual cramps or sharp pains

in the lower abdomen and back that
sometimes shoot down the legs.
May be acc ompanied by nausea,
diarrhoea and fatigue .
Excess ive menstru al bleeding.
Missed or irregular periods .

If your cramps are incapacitating,

last longer than three days or occur
between periods .
If yo u need to change your tam
pon or sanitary pad as frequently as
once an hour.
If you have severe cramps for the
first time as an adult.
If you have severe cramps while
taking birth control pills.
If you're not pregnant, but miss
three periods or your periods are
more than 45 days apart.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condition, talk to yo ur doctor before
taki ng supplements.

Chaste tree, dong quai and other herbs such as

black cohosh that ease mens truol disorders are
often sold in a single 'wom en 's' formula .


Supplement recommendations



Different herbal teas can help ease

men strual disorders. For cramps, try

Essential fatty

1000 m9 evening primros e oil

3 times a day; 1 tbsp
(15- 20 ml) flaxseed oil a day.

Take with food. Can substi

tute starflower oil for pri mrose


chamomile or cramp bark tea; for

excess ive bleeding, sip either shep
herd 's purse, red raspberry o r lady's

Chaste tree

Dong quai

225 mg standardised ex tra ct

a day.

Also called vitex. Should

contain 0.5% agnoside.

squawvine tea . To brew, use 1 tea

200 m9 or 30 drops tinclure

Standardised to conta in

0.8- 1. 1% ligustilide.

each cup of hot water, steep for

3 ti mes a day.

mantle tea; fo r missed period s, drink

spoon of yo ur herb of choice for

10-15 minutes, strain, and drink.

Shepherd 's p u rse 3 ml tincture (about 60 drops)
3 times a day.

Vitamin A

30 m9 a day for 6 weeks.

25 000 IU a day for 3 weeks,

then 10 000 IU daily with

Good for heavy periods and

spotting between periods.

Have your bl ood iron mea

sured by your doctor after 6
weeks to determi ne how long
iron supplem ents are needed.
Take with 30 zinc a day. If

pregnant or co nsidering

preg nancy, don't exceed

5000 IU a day.

In a recent study designed to

determin e the effect of vitamins
on birth defects, women who took a
daily multivitamin had more regula r
mens trual cycles than those given
a placebo.
Fi sh o il supplements may lessen

Vitamin ( I

1000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavon oids twice
a day.

Sometimes sold in a single


menstrual cramps. In a study of

adolescent girls - prone to painful
cramps b ecause of high hormone

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.

levels - those w ho took fi sh oil

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

supplements needed less painkilling

med ication to control their cramps

supplements may reduce the need for o\'er-the- co unter pain relievers,
such as aspirin and ibuprofe n If you ha\'e amenorrhoea , first make sure
you 're not pregnanl, and the n lry lak ing chaste tree and dong quai to
resto re normal periods These herbs may co rrect horm onal imbalances
and regul ate the menstrual cycl e Howeve r, as much as six months of
treatment may be needed befo re you see any beneficial effect. To treat
menorrhagia , take the herb shepherd s pLlrse together with esse ntial fatty
acids to reduce the bleeding. Some wome n may also need extra iron ,
because heavy blood now depletes stores of this mineral, and - para
dox ica ll y - low iron leve ls Illay promote ab normal menstrual bleeding
Always check with yo ur doctor befo re self- trealing with iron . howe\'er
Vitamin A leve ls arc also often low in women with menorrhagia If this
is the case, use a supplement. Vitamin C and J7avol1oids strengthen the
capillaries - the tiniest blood \'essels - in th e Ulerus , so they are less
likely to ruptu re and ca use additional bleedtn g.

than those who didn ' t use the

supplements. Further study is
needed to conf irm these resu lts.

What else you can do

Take a hot bath or use a hot water bottle to relax the uterus and
relieve menstrual cram ps.
Exe rcise: activity releases endorphins, the body's natura l painkillers.



For the estimated 10% of men and 20% of women who suffer from migraines, there's good
news: new research suggests that certain supplements may be as effective as conventional
medicine in the prevention and treatment of these debilitating headaches - or even more so.

What it is A migraine is a seve re, th robbing headache that usuall y

begins on one side of the head (hence the name 'migraine' - from the
Greek hemikrania, or 'half the skull') but may affect the \.\ hole head.
Attacks can last for hours or days and may be preceded by 'Naming signs

Inte nse, throbbing pain, first near

one eye or temple, then throughout
one or both sides of the head.

What causes it The prec ise underlying cause of migrai nes is

unkn own. The preva iling theo ry is that they are sparked by spasms in
the arteri es that supply blood to the brai n. Some researchers beli eve a
low leve l of the brain chemical se roton m is the reason the blood vessels
constrict and V\riden abn ormall y.
A valie ty of triggers can preCipitate an attack In those Suscerltible to
migraines. These initiato rs include certain foods, stress, lack of sleep,
changes in the weather, brigh t light , f1u ctuations in blood sugar le\-e ls,
li ver prob lems, dental pain , hormonal s\v ings that occ ur with the men
slrual cycle or the use of birth co nt ro l pills, environmental chemicals
and exposure to ciga rette smoke Migraines run in famili es, and women
are more susceptible than men.
How supplements can help The re com mended su ppl e
ments are useful in preve nting migrai nes and may be used in place of
presc ripti on drugs . (Do n't stop taking drugs , hO'vvever, without your
doctor's approvaL) Yo u'll probably still need prescription medIca ti on to
combat a migraine headache that has already begu n
Everyone who gets migraines should take magn es ium and calcium
long term. These minerals help to maintain healthy blood \essels. and
low levels of magnesium are co mmon in peo ple who ha\'e migra ines.

Nausea and vo miting .

Painful ave rsion to light.

Loss of appetite.
Early wa rning signs in clude visual
disturbances (flashing ligh ts or wavy
lines) called an au ra; tingling sensa
tion s, dizziness and ri nging in the
ears; swea ting, chill s, fatigue;
swelling of the face; and irritability.

If you have a sudden onse t of

severe headaches, espec iall y if they
first appear after age 35.
If intense headaches occur after
physical exe rtion .
If a headache is accompan ied by
a fever, stiff neck, confusion, loss of
speech or w eakness on one side of
the body.
If mig ra ines become more severe
or more frequent.
Reminder: If you have a medical
or psychi atric condition, t alk to your
doctor before taking supplements .

Feverfew supplements may

prevent migraine attacks.


Supplement recommendations



Certain foods and beverages

especially those th at contain

Magnesium /

400 mg magnesium and

100 mg calcium twice a day
with food .

Sometimes sold in a single

supplement. Be carefu l taking

magnesium if you have

kid ney disease.

compounds known as amines - are

notorious migraine triggers. If yo u
suffer from m igraines, try to avoi d
the follow ing: aged cheeses, oni o ns,


250 mg every morning .

Stand ardised to co ntain at

least 0.4% pa rthe nolide.

Ro semary

As a tea, 1 tsp chopped dried

herbs per cup hot water 3
times a day.

If in the first trimester of

pregna ncy don't take rose

mary in therapeutic doses.

400 mg every morning.

Also called vitamin B2. Best

used for chronic migraines.

::a r


sour cream , nu ts, freshly baked ye ast

products, eggs, tomatoes, oranges
and caffeinated drinks . Cho colate is
often implicated as a migraine trig
ger, b ut some new studies indicate
that thi s connection may be based
on a misconception,


:l ','Y

pickles, cured meats, red wine, beer,

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 ti mes a day.


Red uce dose if diarrhoea


Eating fish rich in omeg a-3 fatty

acids, such as fresh sa lm o n and tun a,
m ay help to prevent m igraines.

Pantoth enic acid

400 mg twice a day

with food .

Also call ed vitamin Bs.

Note: Consider using supplem ents in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.


) '




Omega-3 s seem to alter bl ood

chem icals, reducing the risk of the

t', .

In addition , two natural remedies are beneficial in pre\'cnting so me

migraines. Widely used in Eu ro pe, the herb JevclJe w can reduce the
intensity and frequ ency of migraines when taken o\'e r sew ral mont hs.
.Anoth er herb, rosema ry, can also p re\'ent mIgraines - part icu larl y the
type relie\'ed by heat - as well as redu cin g nausea and stomach pain. But
women in the fi rst trim ester of pregna ncy should not take rose mary in
therapeutic cl oses (such as thiS), as it is also an emmenagogue, meanin g
it brings on menstruation. (OccasIonally ea ting rood , such as lanib ,
Om'o ured with rose mary is not a problem ) Se\ eral wee ks of therapy may
be needed to deri\'e the maximum benefit
rr your migmines are ongo in g, th e B \'itamin ri bojl.(lvin may reduce
their frequency more effectiw ly than fe\'e rfew or rosema ry. At hi gh
closes, riboDa\' in see ms to increase energy rese n 'es in brain cells If none
of these work, consider addin g vitami ll C and pa l1 to theni c (l eid Both
boost the p rod ucti on of hormo nes that assist the body in dealing with
the ad\'e rse effec ts of stress; pantothenic aetd is also important [o r sero
ton in prod uction.

blood vessel spasms associated

with migraines,

According to a re cen t Belgian

study, 400 mg a day of the B vitam in
ribofl avin reduced the frequency
(th o ugh not the severity or durati on)
of migra ine attacks in chronic suffer
ers by about a thi rd, Th e study
suggests that people w ho average
about four migraines a month may
benefit from riboflavin.

What else you can do

Identify and eliminate your migraine trigge rs
Try bi ofeedback or relaxati on training to help you cope with stress.
Drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day, and exe rcise regularly.





Given their diminutive size, it's hard to fathom how mouth ulcers can hurt as much as they
do. Commonsen se self-care measures can assist you in avoiding these painful ulcers, and
supplements may help you reduce their frequency and speed their healing.

What it is Though nOL seri ous, mouth ulcers can be so tro uble
some that they ca n cause intense pai n when talking, kissi ng, drinking
and eating. Affecting women more ofte n than men, tnese shallow, ulcer
ated areas appear Singly or in sma ll clusters insi de the mout h, and range
in size from as tiny as a pinhead to as la rge as a fi ve -ce nt coin. MOULh
ulcers emerge fairly suddenl y and usu ally go away within one to three
wee ks. Fortunatel y, it is possible to ease the discomfort they cause.
What causes it The prevaili ng view is that mouth ulcers are
triggered by stress, whi ch can cause the body's immune system to ove r
react to bacteria normall y prese nt in the mout h Mouth ulcers ca n also
be precipitated by a number of acti ons, such as irritating th e mou th
cavit y with a rough fillin g or a jagged or chipped tooth or wea ring ill
fittin g dentures Maybe yo u've un co nsciously gnawed the insid e of your
cheek, used a toothbrush with \-ery hard bristles or brushed too vigo r
ously Occasionally, eve n eating acidi c, spicy or sa lty foods - to ma toes,
citrus fruit s, hot peppers, cinnamon , nULS or potato chip s - can be
the initi ating factor.
Some experts believe recurring mouth ulcers are an allergic reacti on
to food prese rvatives (benzoic acid , methylparaben or so rbic acid , to
name a few) or LO something in a food They single out gluten, the pro
tein found in whea t and some other grai ns , as the most likely offender

Small w hite or yellowish sores

surrounded by a red area on t he
tongue, gums, or soft palate or
inside the lips or cheeks.
Burning, itchiness or a tingling
feeling before a sore appears.
Raw pain w hen eating and
speaking; strongest during the first
few days .

If pain is too severe to consume

adequate liquids.
If more than four sores appear
throughout your mouth .
If sores persist for longer than
two weeks.
If fever is 37.5( or higher.
If sores occur more than two or
three times a yea r.
Rem inder : If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements .

A liquid form of goldens eal can

promote healing when applied
directly to a painful mou th ulcer.



Supplement r ecommendations



You might th ink that onions, w ith

their stron g flavour, would irritate



500 mg L-Iysine 3 times a day

on an empty stomach.

Discontinue when ulcers heal.

200 mg 2 or 3 times a day at

first sign of an ulcer.

Begin with higher dose and

reduce as ulcer heals. As a
preventive, take 200 mg each
morning for 3 weeks of each

the mouth and cause mouth ulcers,

but eating them regula rly might
actua lly prevent these ulcers. Onions
contain su lphur compounds that
have antiseptic properties, and they
are also a leading source of
quercetin, a f lavon oid t h at stops the

Vita m in C/


1000 mg vi tamin C and

500 mg f1avonoids 3 times
a day,
Suck (herbal) licorice lozenges
or gargle 1 ml standardised
licorice extract 3 or 4 times a
day between meals.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

body from releasi n g in flammatory

su bstances in response to all ergens.
If supplemen t s or other se lf-

When taking long term, eat

lots of vege tables and fruits
that contain potassium.

treatme n ts don' t help relieve the

pain or frequency of mouth ulcers,
you might want to try one drop of
tea tree oi l appl ied on a cotton bud.
(Don't exceed th is amount.) Applied

Goldensea l

Apply liquid fo rm to the ulcer

3 ti mes a day,

After application, wait at least

an hour before eating,

Zin c lozenges

1 lozenge every 2 hours for

3 or 4 days.

Do not exceed 150 mg zinc a

day from all sources.

1 pill each morning With

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg of all other B vita mins .

V itamin B


as soon as u lcers appea r, this may

inh ibit th e form at io n and re lease of

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

certain substa n ces in the body that

are known to ca u se allergic reactions
and inflammation .

Even the ancient G reeks were

plagued by mou th u lcers. It was
Hippocrates, ca ll ed t h e father of

How supplements can help First try lysine - a deficiency

in this amin o acid has been associated wit h mouth ulcers. EchiHacea
strengthens the immune system and may prevent ulcers from forming
Another immune-booster, vitamin C helps heal the mouth 's mucous mem
branes; J1avol1oids are natu ral compounds that en hance the effectiveness of
this vitamin. Lico ri ce extract coats and protects ulcers [rom irritants and
helps them to hea l. Goldenseal in liqUid [orm appl ied directly to the sore
also promotes healing. Alternati\'C ly, try zil1 c lo zenges to speed healing and
boost your resista nce. People who get mouth ulce rs frequently may be
deficient in B vltamins; a daily vitamin B complex is useful as a pre\entive.

medicine, who in the fourth century

B.C. coined the medical term for
them : aphthous stomatitis.

What else you can do

Kee p your mouth clean and healthy by Dossing and brushi ng your
teeth at least twice a day. Be ge ntl e and use a so ft-bristled brush.
See your dentist if a too th problem is initating your mouth
Be aware if you're constantl y gnawing at the inside of yo ur cheek - get
your 'bite' checked by a dentist
Don't ea t spicy foods if you 're prone to recurrem mOllth ulcers. Stay
away from co ffee and cheWi ng gum, other knov. n irritants.


Multiple sclerosis
This disabling nerve disorder can cause fatigue, impair vision and hamper mobility in previously
healthy people. Conventional drugs are only partially successful against it, prompting interest
in supplements that may help to slow down the progress of the disease .

What it is Multiple sclerosis (MS), a prog ressi\'e and degeneratil'e

nerve disorder Lhat strikQs young adults, foll ows a highl y lariable
course. In some people, d81Tlage La the optiC nerl'e or ne[l'es in the brain
and spinal cord may lead to difficult}' in see ing or walking, slurred
speech, loss of bowe l or bladder functi on , cloud ed thinkin g and paraly
sis. But many others with ivlS experience remi ssions lasting yea rs and
suffer minimal disability

Early signs mimic those of many

other conditions. They include
blurred or double vision; tingling in
the arms or legs; clumsiness or
unsteadiness; and other motor, visual
and sensory problems .

What causes it Ma ny expertS beli el'e MS is an auto immun e dis

The cou rse of the disease varies

order, in which the body's immune sysLem attac ks the myelin sheaths
thaL proLect the nerves. What trigge rs this reaction is unknown It may
be a virus - perhaps even a co mmon one, such as measles or herpes simPlex - that 's been dormant in the svstem fo r veal's.

severe fatigue; muscle stiffness and

greatly. Depending on its severity, a

person with MS may experience
tremors; poor coo rdination ; impaired
speech; and incontinence.
Symptoms often come and go.

How supplements can help Suppl ement therapy should

stan as soon as possible. It has seve ral goa ls: to enhance anti ox idant
ac ti vity and protect nerve ce lls fro m the highly reac tive chemicals called
free radica ls; to boost the production of fatt}' acid s and other substances
that build up the myelin sheath ; ancl to dec rease inflammation All the
supplements can be ta ken Logether and with conl'e nt io nal presc ripti on
drugs . It may take se l'e ral momhs to notice benefits.
Vitamins C and E are va luabl e in treating MS beca use of their anti
oxidant properties. Vitamin B complex, plus extra vitamin B1 2 and folic
acid , are impol'tant as we ll because they playa
role in maintaining nerl'e structure and
fun ction Some studies show that MS
patients have low levels of 11[amin B12
or have problems processing iL .

If vision or motor skills become

impaired with no known cause
you r doctor can rule out other
neurolo gical conditions, su ch as a
brain tumour.
If you suffer an acute attack.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplement s.

Flaxseeds are the source of a

nutty-tasting oil that 's rich in nerve
protecting essential fatty acids .




Supplement recommendations



Counselling may be beneficial for

people and family members who are

Vitamin C/
Vi tamin E

2000 mg of vi tamin C and

500 IU of vitamin E a day
with food.

Vitamin C helps boost the

eHects of vitamin E.

Vitamin B
compl ex

1 pililwice a day for flare-ups;

then reduce to 1 pill each
morning as maintenance.

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic aCid and
100 mg all other B vitamins,

Vi tamin 812/
Folic acid

1000 mcg of vitamin B12 and

400 mcg folic acid a day.

Take sublingual form for best



500 mg 3 times a day every

other day between meals.

Alternate wi th zinc/ copper.

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

every other day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month .

coping with the illness. Physical and

occupational therapy may also help.

Too much stress is not good for


anyone; it's especially harmfu l if you

have MS . A study of people with
MS found a connection between
increased levels of stress (both sim
ple hassles and major life events)

Zinc / Copper

and new nerve damage in the brain.

A recent study discovered a
previously unknown facet of MS: it

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food .

Take in the morning .

primrose 011

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Can substitute starflower oil.

Gin kgo b ilo b a

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tabler form) ,

kills brain cells in a fashion simi lar to

that seen in Alzheimer 's disease or
Parkinson's disease. Experts are look
ing into applying therapies that have

Sta ndardised to contain at

least 24% flavone glycosides.

shown promise in treating those

conditions to MS patients .
Animal research has uncove red a

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

potential link between high vitamin

level s and immunity to MS . This

theory may partially explain why MS

is so rare in the tropics (where the

Another supplement that may help is the amino acid-like substance

.\lAC (N-acetylcystell1e), an antioxidam that may protect nerve cells:
eve ry ot her day, alte rnate NAC with a comb mation of zinc and copper LO
help reduce infl ammat ion [t's also importalH to get extra essential fatly
acids, such as flaxs eed oil and evening primrose oil, which reduce inflam
mation and , over time , help build heal thy nen'es Fmally, the herb
ginhgo biloba may be beneficial because it acts as an antIoxidant and im
proves blood fl ow to the nervous system.

start popping extra vitamin 0: it can

What else you can do

In some countries, some people with

Avoid O\'erheating, Sunbathing, hea\')1 exe rtion and ve ry hot baths can
all make sy mp toms worse.
Ask your doctor about nutritional therapies, Some spec ial die ts have
bee n deve loped that may slow the progress of r,/[S.
Exercise gently to impro\T muscle strength and fl eXibility - but not
eluring an attack.
Investigate working from home or pan-time V','ork if a full-time job
beco mes phYSically difficulL

sun boosts vitamin 0 levels) and in

coastal Norway (where fish rich in
vitamin 0 is a diet staple). But don't
be toxic, and more study is needed.

MS swear by bee venom and regu

larly arrange to be stung by bees to
relieve their symptoms. This therapy
should be tried only with the super
vision of a doctor experienced in its
use - and those with a bee allergy
should certainly avoid it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _M-uscle aches & pains

Though not serious, muscle cramps or the mu scle soreness that comes from overextending
yourself can be very uncomfortable. And the weekend gardener is just as likely to be affected
as the world-class athlete.

What it is There are two common t}'Pes of muscle pain . The first
is soreness and stiffness that develop as the result of overdoing some
ph ysical activity - wh ether running a marath on, digging in the gard en
or simpl y carrying a heavy bag of groce ries This kind of pa in , which
doclors call delayed-onset muscle sore ness, typically begin s a day or two
after the act ivity and ca n last up to a week.
When a mu scle suddenly co ntracts and can't relax, the result is the
seco nd type of mu scl e pain , known as a cramp . Most co mm on in the
thigh , calf or [oo t, cramps ca n strike at any time, e\'en during slee p.
What causes it Eve n if you are in good shape, any new ph ysical
aClivity can cause muscle soreness. For example, il yo u are a runner,
helping a fri end m ove lurniture will probabl y make your arms and
should ers ache . Most ex perts think the pain is a sympto m 01 micro
sco pic tears in the mu scles, which rebuild themseh'es in a matter of '
days . Acti vities that require le nglh ening a muscle aga inst force - such as
running downhill or lowe ring a we ight - are most likely lO produce this
kind of injury Almost any kind of exercise or ac ti vity il1l'ok es thi s type
of move ment.
In co ntraSl. mu scle cramps are not the result of an injury - lh ough no
one knows exactly why they occur. The cause rna)' be an imbalance in
lhe minerals that govern muscle conlraCli on and relaxali on - calcium ,
magnesium . potassium and sodium - or a lack of Ouid . Exercising too
slrenuously during the day may lead to calf cramp s painful enough to
wa ke you from a so und slee p, as can wea ring high heels or sleeping with
yo ur toes pointed or with bedding wrapped too tightl y aroun d yo ur legs.

Sudden tightening of the muscles

during physical activity.
Soreness and stiffness in th e
muscles after activity, often not
beginning until 24-48 hou rs later.
Muscle spasms occurring at nig ht,
usually in the ca lf muscle.
A muscle that feels hard to the
touch, called a knot.
In severe cases, visible twitching
of the affected muscle.

If tightness or cramping occurs

in the chest muscle - this may be a
sign of a heart attack.
If pain causes numbness or radio
ates down arms or legs.
If muscle aches and pains are
frequent and are worse for exercise.
If night-time calf cramps are
interfering w ith sleep.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements .

The white willow tree yields a

herbal pain reliever that is
helpful for muscle aches.



Supplement recommendations
Ca lcium/
,1 agnesi um

250 mg calcium and 500 mg
magnesium twice a day
with food,


A herbal oil massage can soothe

muscle soreness, Blend 15 ml of a

Sometimes sold in a single

supplement. Be careful laking

ma gnesium if you have

kidney disease,

neutral oil, such as almond oil, with a

few drops of any of the following
botanical oils: birch, eucalyptus,
evening primrose, ginger, lavender,

Vitamin E

500 IU a day,

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs,

500 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach,

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
found in pineapples,

White willow

1 or 2 pills 3 times a day as

Standard ised to contain

15% salicin,


1 tsp (5 g) creatine mono

Bro melain

peppermint or wintergreen, Gently

rub the oil mixture into sore muscles.
To ease a cramp in your calf
muscle, flex your foot, grab you r toes
and the ball of yo ur foot and gently

needed for pain, (Follow

package directions.)

hydrate powder a day.


250-500 mg standardised
extract at bedtime,

pull towards you r knee as you lie

down. Massage you r calf at the same
time to relax the muscle, People also

Availab le in sports supple

men ts; can mix with juice,

Start with the lower dose and

increase as needed.

~ote: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial,
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

get relief by standing up, putting

their full weight on the affected leg
and bending the knee slightly.
Stretching exercises can reduce
the ri sk of post-exerCise muscle sore
ness. One recommended exercise is
to stand about a metre from a wa ll,
step one foot forwards and lean

How supplements can help To balance th e mineral s

needed for pro per muscle conrrac ti on, take suppl emental calcium and
magnesium routinely. (Most people get enough sodium in their diet )
Add vitamin E daily if yo u are prone LO exercise -related cramps or night
time calf cramps,
For soreness, consider the herbs brome13in and whiLe Ivillow bark,
which have the sa me benefiLs as - and can be substituted for - ol'er-the
counter pain medi cations, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. In fact , they are
gentl er to your system and help the mu scles to he,d themseh'es,
Bromelain (a n enzyme deri ved from pin ea ppl es) is an anti-inOammatory
and helps excess Oui d to drain from the sit e of a musc le lllj urY. Often
called 'nature's aspirin', whil e "viUow bad? co mes from the inn er bark of
white willow trees and is an effectil"e pain relI eler.
Bod y-builders use th e nutritional suppl ement creatille to imprDl'e
strength, and Lhere's good evidence that it aid s in repairing microscopi c
tears follOWing a strenuous workout or injury Th e herb valerian is a naL
ural sleep aid Lhat ca n be useful if soreness interferes wiLh slee p. Take
these supp lements in any combinati on you like until the so reness goes
away. Except for will ow ba rk , th ey can also be co mbined with DI'er-the
counter drugs.

What else you can do

Drink a lot of Ouids befo re, during and afte r exe rcise,
Warm up befo re exe rcise and stretch aftervva rd s to help muscles relax.
If pain is severe, appl y ice to sore muscles to reduce inOammati on

against the wall with your forearms.

Keeping yo ur back heel on the
ground, hold the stretch for 15-20
seconds to loosen the calf. Repeat
with the other foot.

Pregnant women should take care

while they are exercising, because
they are at higher risk of muscle
cramps. The metabolic needs of the
developing baby affect the normal
balance of body fluids, making
cramps more likely,


ail problems
Nails protect both the fingertips and toes, are extremely helpful when peeling off price tags, and
are often considered a sign of beauty. They can even provide clues to your overall health and any
underlying diseases . Good nutrition is the key to nail vitality.

What it is Co mposed mainly of a fibrous protem ca lled keratin,

nails are one Ot th e body's strongest tissues But they ca n grow more
slowly than normal or become wea kened or brea k tor a number ot rea
so ns. One of the most common problems is a tunga l intect ion: as man )'
as one in 25 peo ple has this unSight ly nail disorder

Dry, brittle nails that split and

grow slowly cou ld be caused by
nutritional deficiencies.

What causes it Nu trition pl ays a key rol e in nail growth and

appea rance. An insullicient intake ot the B \'itamins, lor exa mple, can
produce ridges in th e nail, and a lac k a t ca lcium can ca use dr)l1ess and
britt leness. And too littl e \'itamin C or folic acid ma)' be partia lly respon
sib le for the de\,e!opmem ot hangnail s. In addition, nad s can change
co lour when the bl ood doesn't get enough oxygen because ot an under
lying illness (such as aSlhm a). Also, exposure LO chem ica ls can dry them
out , making them weak and briltle.
The fungu s that causes athletes foot may infect toenails as we ll . Il
thrives in sweat)' shoes and socks and can enter any tin y breaks in nail s
caused by st renuous physica l acti vi ti es such as jogging.

Thick, yellowed nails (often the

toenails) may be harbouring a fun
gus . Debris collecting under the nail
may cause it to peel away from the
nail bed below,
Changes in nail colour, shape
or texture may indi cate an under
lying illn ess.

Nail irregularities may signal a

How supplements can help Various supp lements can be

more serious medica l disorder. For

used as general nail stre ngtheners. About eight weeks of therap)' may be
required to noti ce res ults Biotin and other B vitamins , taken together
with an amino acid complex and vitamil1s C and E, ha\"C a S}11ergistic
effect that helps the body build keratin and olher proteins lh at it needs
to make nails strong. A mi xed amino acid complex also co ntain s sul
phur, which is necessary tor nail growth

example, white streaks running the

length of the nail may be an indica
tion of heart disease, or a bluish tint
under the nails (rathe r than a
healthy pink) could be a sign of
asthma or emphysema,
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supplements for treating nail problems

often contain a combination of vitamins,
minerals and herbs that promote healthy
hair and skin as well.


Supplement recommendations



A dai ly cup of tea made from

oat straw, horsetail or nettle may


600 mcg tw ice a day with

food for 8 weeks.

The main fo rm of biotin

is d-biotin.

Vitamin B

1 pill each morning

(hoose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

improve nai l health. These herbs

are rich in silica and other minerals

with food.

necessary for nail growth.

Tea tree oil is much cheaper and
has fewer side effects than presc rip
tion antifungal drugs - bu t it doesn't

For be st absorption, take on

an empty stomach.

al ways work. Ask yo ur doctor about

1000 mg vitamin ( 3 times a

day; 500 IU vita min E daily
with food.

Vitamin ( helps boost the

effects of vi tamin E.

wi ll prepare inexpensive form ul as

600 mg calcium and 250 mg

magnesium a day.

Sometimes sold combined in

a single supplement. Be care
ful taking magnesium if you
have kidney disease.

gelatin wi ll not strengthen nails or

nail formation.

Amino acid

1 pill twice a day.

Vitamin C/
Vitamin E


alternatives to high-priced prescrip

tion antifungals. Some pharmaCists
that can be highly effective.
Despite claims to the cont rary,

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

with food .

Take in the morning .

primrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food .

Can substitute starflo wer oil.

Tea tree oil

For fungal infections, rub into

affected nails twice a day.

Use pure tea tree oil. Should

never be ingested.

help them grow. Th e protein in

gelatin does not contain the right
mixture of amino acid s needed for

In a head-to-head study, tea tree

oil and a popular antifungal medica
tion (clotrimazole) performed

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

equa lly we ll in people w ith nail

fungus. Afte r six m onths of therapy,

60% in each treatment group

Besides strengthening the skeleLon, calcilllll and 11Iagll cs iuI11 benefit the
nails. As for Jlaxseed oil and evening primros e oil , they are rich in t\\o
differel1l types of esse ntial fatty acids , both of \\hich nouri sh nails and
pre\'e nt them from cracking.
Na ils infected with a fungus, unfortunately, are harder to trea t Oral
\'iLamin C, taken with \'itamin E, remains a good opLion , because iL
boosts immunity and may aid the body in fighting off the infec tJ on In
addition , try rubbing tea tree oil, garliC oi l or calendula ointment onto
affected nails twice a day for se\-era l months.

experienced a partia l or full cu re.

Swiss researchers discovere d that
people wit h thin, weak and spl it
nai ls w ho took 2500 mcg of biotin
daily experienced a 25% increase in
nail thickness.

Vets have long used biotin to

What el s e you can do

strengthen horses' hoofs, which are

Don't trim cuticles. They protect nails from fun gI and bacteria
Vlear gloves if you' re doing house hold chores or if yo u're using an)'
type of chemical Apply petroleu m Jelly LO n311s afLer your hands have
been in water.
Keep natls short , since long nads break easilr Soa k nai ls before trim
ming to prevent splitting anci peeling.

composed primari ly o f keratin .

Medical researchers have f ou nd that
it strengthens human na ils, too.





& vomiting

It happens to paupers and presidents, and it's probably happened to you, too. Nausea and
vomiting are natural - po ssi bly lifesaving - reactions to eating something dangerous or to
illness. But occasional ly they occur even when there's no risk to health.

What it is Often desc rIbed as 'co ming in \\3\'es', nausea is an O\U

all uncomfo n ab1e, wooz)" leeling. lL 's frequently accompan ied by ch ills,
sweating or increased sa li\'a production. So metimes nausea ends in \\'har
doctors rder to as emesis (a nd most people call 'Lhrowin g up} In this
process, your stomach muscles relax and the normal rhythmiC contrac
ti ons thaL propel foo d through yo ur small IIltestine shift IIlLO rel'E:rse ,
se nding Lhe COnLents back into Lhc stomach The sLomach Ll1l'1l contrac LS
and push es the COnL en ts upwa rds through the oesophagus. Although
unpl easant , \'omitin g is aCLua lly \'aluable beca use it enab les the body LO
rid itself of toxic matter - and most people feel muc h beller afterwards.
What causes it SpO iled food (which may contain baCleria) ill
nesses such as flu , so me medicati ons (eye n those lhat arc help ful in
other \>\'a)'s, such as chemotherapy drugs useJ lO treat cancer) an d too
much alco hol can induce nau sea and \'omlling Addi lional causes
include ealtng or o\'e rind ul ging in nch fo ods, stro ng smells (fro m
smokc, pcrfume, food odou rs), stress and anxiety, and moti on sickness .
In oth cr cases, th e ne\'\'Cs III th e stomach just get co nfused and trans
miL warning Signals to the brain . e\'Cn \\'hen there is no rea l Lh reat LO
hea lth. For exa mple, Lhe high b'Cls 01 hormones released dU rLng preg
nancy arc beneficial, but th ey are also Lhought to be the calise of mom
ing sickness And eb'ated hormone b'c ls may be th e reason nausea is
one sy mpLOm of premenstru al S)11c1rome (P]vIS).

Sweating and chills.

Excessive sa livation ,
Shortness of brea th.
Abdominal pain.
Loss of appetite.

If yo u vomit several times over

a 24-hour period.
If yo u vomit blood or black,
grainy-looking matter.
If you have nausea and a fever.
If you suspect a medication is
makin g you nauseated.
If yo u become nauseated and
vomit of ten.
If morning sickness prevents yo u
from eating properly.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to yo ur doctor before
taking supp leme nts .

Goldenseal in either
teo or tablet form can
help quell nausea.



Sup p lement recommendations

Gin g er

Peppermint oil




200 mg every 4 hours as


Standardised to contain

gingerol s.

1 enteri c-coated capsu le

3 times a day.

Each ca psule should contai n

0.2 ml peppermint oil.

125 mg standardised extract

Don't use during pregnancy

or with high bloo d pressure.

every 4 hours as needed.

Herbal teas tha t calm a queasy

stomach can do double duty by
provi ding much-needed flu ids after
vomiti ng, Try a tea of ginger,
gold enseal or peppermint; drink
three or fou r cups a day, Or steep

y, teaspoon nutmeg and 1 teaspoon

ground cu min in very hot w ater for

10 minutes, stra in and drink,

'J ote: Consider using supplements in bille first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Sweeten with honey if you wish .

Acupressure may halt nausea in its
tracks . Place your right thumb on

How supplements can help When you are nauseated and



:,, (
<' ore

:cel the urge to I'o mit , there is almost noth mg you ca n do to stop it. In
U Cl , i r you hal'e eaten some thing roul, its be tte r not to fi ght thi s powe r
ful renex becausc th e orrcnding food needs to be purge d rrom yo ur
:'Istem. But wh en nausea persists or is th e resu lt of pt'egnancy, mOLwn
,ickness, stress, essential medicati ons or sLrong odours, natural rem edies
..:an pm" icl e we lcome reli d
Yo ur first choice should be gil1 gCl , in ca psul e fo rm or as a tea. The
herbs resLoratil'e pOll'e rs ol'l gi nate in its I'o ialile oi Is, II'hl ch enhan ce
di gestion, soot he irritated memb ranes and tone the muscl es of the diges
111'e tract In addition, ginge r stimulates the li l'e r to prod uce hi le, lI'hich
helps digest rats This action is especi:d l), useful 111 cases of o,'erea ting.
To comba t moti o n sickness, take yo ur first dose of ginge r three to four
hours befo re tra'T ll ing If you're pregnant , you can p robably use ginge r
sa fely for morning Sickness as long as yo u don't take too much . Check
\\'ith your docto r. If you are trying to rel ie\'(: the nausea of chem otherapy.
consult yo ur doc tor: al'oid ginger if your blood pl ateler CO Unt is lOll'
high doses may interfere lIith blood cl otting.
Because it helps ease spasms In the dlgestl\'e tract, peppermint oil or
tea may be wo rt hll'hile [or nau sea accompani ed by intestina l cramping.
Peppermin t oil is fairl y pOII'e rful lI'hen taken il1lernall )', so pe pper mint
tea is probab ly a be tter chOice fo r an)' nausea associated with pregnancy.
If gi nger an d peppernlll1 t don't \\'ork (and your nausea is not caused by
pregnancy), try go lde ll seaL Take n in pi ll or rea form, thi s herb increases
diges ti \'(~ secretions and sooth es the s[()mac h and lil'e r

th e inside of you r left forearm, about

two thumb -widths from th e crease
of your w rist. Press firm ly w ith your
thumb for about a minute, th en
move your thumb half a finger-width
closer to the w rist crease. App ly firm
pressure for about one more minute .
Repeat on the right forearm ,

A review of studies assessing nat

ural remedies for morning sickness
concluded that ginger and vitamin
B6 are effective, but wa rn ed that
little is known about the ir effect on
the developing baby. In doses of

25-50 mg a day, vitamin B6 is both

safe and benefici al, Ginger is safe,
too, as long as you don't overd o it.
Still, pregnant w omen should alw ays
che ck w ith their doctor before using
supplements ,

What else you can do

Lie ciOlI'l1 wilh a cool cloth on your forehead to rclJel'e nausea. Focus
on your breath ing to prel'e nt think ing ahout h Oll' )'llU [ee l.
Don't cx pose yourse lf to strong, unpleasan t odo urs that ca n tri gger
nausea , such as tobacco smoke, chemical pre parations, cl ean ing supplies
or perfum e.
Don't eat food [or t\I'O hours aft er I'omltlng, bu t drink as much as you
can to repleni sh lost nuids. (\\13tcr, juice and nonca ffeinaled bc,'erages in
small sips arc best. ) If you I'o mit again , suck on ice cubes

urn b ne s s &: t in91h:l9----

The tingling of a foot or hand that 'fal ls asleep' comes from temporary nerve compression. But
this fee ling, along with pain, numbness or weakness, can be a constant companion for people
affected by disorders that damage the nerves .

What it is Much li ke indi vidual wires wrapped in a single elec tri

ca l ca bl e, nerves are grouped in bundles and encased in a fatty coating
ca lled a mye lin sheath. Numbn ess, tingling and pain that don't go away
can usually be traced to a damaged sheath , or to inflammation, com
pression or an injury to the nerves themselves - particularl y to the
peripheral nerves, which lead from the spinal cord to the arms and legs
What causes it Although a va riet), of disorde rs can conLribute to
numbness and Lingling, freque ntly there is no apparent cause. 'vVhen a
medical conditi on can be identi ned, it's oft en progressive nel'\'e damage
associated with poor blood sugar control called diabetic neuropathy,
which primarily affects the feet Numbness and pain in the hands may be
related to carpal tunnel synd rome, which occurs when the median nerve
in the wrist is inflamed or compressed And a se\'e re , jabbing pain on the
trunk of the body along a nerve can linge r for months after a bOUL of shin
gles, a viral illness that is related to herpes and chicke npox. Numbness
and pain running down the thigh and leg may be caused by a herniate d
disc or other spinal problem in whi ch the main nerve to the legs (t he sci
aLic nerve) is co mpressed In multiple sclerosis, the myeli n sheath is grad
ually destroyed, which may result in numbness and ti ngling And some
Limes a nutritional defiCiency is responsib le for this sensation.

A feeling of numbness, tingling,

pain, or weakness, usually in the
feet, hands or legs.

Frequent or persistent bouts of

numbness, tingling, or weakness in
your hands or fee t require a doctor's
visit. They may be the first signs of a
more serious underlying condition.
Seek emergency help if numbness
or ting ling comes on sud denly and
lasts longer than a ha lf hour. Get
help sooner if accompanied by
weakness, particularly along one side
of the body, which could be a sign
of a stroke.
Reminder: If you have a medica l

How supplements can help V/hatever may be the under

lying ca uses of numbness and tingling, the sa me nutrients are useful.
Exce pt for cayenne, th ey help hea l the nerves and their protec ti ve myelin
shea th , rather than simply maski ng the pain . Results may Lake three to
six months.
It is safe to take all the recomme nded sup plements toge ther. The
vi.tamin B complex promotes a hea lthy, fu nctioning nervous system.
(Vitamin B6 is es pe cia lly important for people with diabet ic neuropathy

condition, talk to your doctor before

taking supplements .

A deficiency of 8 vitamins, especially

of vitamin 8 12, may contribute to
feelings of numbness and tingling.


Supplement recommend ations




Try to eat fi sh and nuts at least

three times a week. Both foods are

Vitamin B

1 pill twice a day with food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

high in essential fatty acids and may

have a healing effect on the nerves.
An effective remedy for
postherpectic neuralgia - the

Vitamin B12/
Folic acid

1000 mcg vitamin 612 and

400 mcg folic acid a day.

Sometimes sold in a single

supplement. Take sublingual
form for best absorption.


50 mg at bedtime.

Also called vitamin 61.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) twice a day

pain that lingers on after an attack

of shingles - is an oral dose of
Hypericum 6x, a homeopathic
remedy, twice a day.
For numbness and tingling
associated w ith sciatica, back pain

with food .

or neck pain, consult an osteopath

primrose oi l

1000 mg 3 times a day

wi th food .

Can substitute starflower oil.

Alpha -lipoic acid

200 mg twic e a day.

May soon be approved for use

in Australia; available in New
ealand. May affect blood sugar
levels; use with care if diabetic.

Cay enn e cream

Apply cream topically 3 or

4 times a day.

Standardised to contain
0.025- 0.075 % capsaicin.

or chi ropractor - spinal misalign

ment may be the problem.

Alpha-lipoic acid may reverse

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

diabetic nerve damage, according to

a recent German study. Resea rc hers
ga ve 73 patients with damage to the
nerves that control involuntary body
functions (such as heartbeat) either

or carpal tunnel syndrome.) Ext ra vi tamin B12 and thiamine are needed
for a variety of body functions ; depletion of these vitamins is common
in older peopl e (Folic acid should always be taken \vith high doses of
vitamin B12.) The different essenti al fatty ac ids in jIaxseed oil and
evening primrose oil foster proper com muni cation between the brain
and nerve cells and playa role in maintaining the mye lin sheaths The
gamma -li nolenic acid found in evening primrose oil (and starflower oil )
is valuable in treating diabetic neuropathy.
Because of its potent antioxidant effect , alpha-li pOiC acid is believed
to protect nerve cells from damage St udies have demonstrated that this
vilami n-like substance is effective for diabetic neuropath y, although
whether it is bette r than ot her, less expensive antioxidants, such as vita
min E, is not clear. Cayel111e cream provides relief from any type of nerve
pain Its active ingredient , capsaicin , is thought to work by blocking
substa nce P, a chem ical messenger that transmits pain Signals from the
injury si te to the bra in.

What else you can do

Exercise regularly to increase blood flow to the nerves and extremities .
Don 't sit still for long periods of time. Inacti vity makes numbness and
tingling worse. Walk around and fl ex your finge rs and ankles.

800 mg a day of alpha-lipoic ac id or

a placebo. After four months, those
taking alpha -lipoic acid showed
improvement in nerve function,
whereas the cond ition of those
receiving the placebo worsened.
More study is needed to confirm
these finding s, and al so to determine
w hether similar res ults can be
obtained with lower doses.


Resu lting in many thousands of bone fractures each year, osteoporosis, which is characterised
by a loss of bone density, can be prevented. The earlier in life you begin to address the problem,
the better your chances of avoiding broken bones and pain later on.

What it is Osteoporosis. de!l\'ed from the Latin for porous bones',

is a progressh'e conditi on that dimini shes the mass (mineral content ) of
bo nes and weakens their sLru cture, making them highly susce ptible to
fractures Two out of three fractures in women ol'er the age of 60 are the
result of osteoporosiS , and it also affects 25 % of men ol'er the age of 60,
No Single measure is sufficient to pre\'ent it , but a combination of sup
plements and lifestyle changes ca n be cffect il'e in limiting damage

The first sign can be dramatic: a

severe backache or a fracture (often
of the spine, hip or wrist) ,
Other classic symptoms include a
gradual loss of height accompanied
by the initially subtle development
of a stooped posture (known as
dowager's hump).

What causes it The decline in oestroge n after menopause lS

relaLed to the dramatic ri se of osteoporosis in olde r wo men. This hor
mone helps the body to abso rb calcium and keeps the bones strong.
(O lder men experience osteo porosis as well; bUl because they haye
dense r bones, bone loss IS generall y less sel'ere ) Lack of regular \.ve ight
bea ring exercise is another ri sk factor, as is a diet low in calcium and
oth er nutri ents necessary for optimal bone producti on, You r ri sk of
osteoporosis is also higher if yo ure small-boned or underwe ight ; if you
have a family hi story of osteoporosis; or if yo u've take n steroids or anti
convul sa nL medica Lion for long pen ods

Dental X-rays may detect early

osteoporosis by revealing bone loss
in the jaw.

If you suspect you 've fractured

a bone.

How supplements can help The supplements in the chan

- taken for at least six month s - can help strengLhen bones. They are safe
to use together and with lxescripti on ost eoporosis drugs and oestrogen
therap y. Bone-budding co mbination products may be a conl'el1lent and
less ex pensive way to get many of Lhese supplements, bUL take care if
you're on anticoagul ants because many contain \'jtamin K, which can
enhance the blood's clotti ng abiliLy.

If you have sudden, severe back

pain, which may indicate a spinal
compression fracture.
If you experience any significant
bone pain (in the spine, ribs or feet)
after an injury,
If you have no symptoms but
have Significant risk factors, ask
your doctor to perform a painless
1O-minute DEXA (dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry) test or a bone
density study.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

It 's essential that calcium be ta ken

in a balanced formula containing
magnesium, zinc, silica and boron.


_L.~ =====

Suppl ement reco mme ndati on s




Just 15 minutes outdoors in sun

shine boosts the body's product ion

600 mg twice a day in a

balanced formula containing
magnesium, zinc, si licon and
boron . Take with food.


Calcium hydroxyapatite is
one choice here.

of vitam in D, whic h is essential for

strong bones. Weak winter light can
hinder this process, as can wearing
sunscreens with an SPF over 6.

200 IU twice a day with food.

Vitamin D


300 mg twice a day.




3 mg a day.

Advisable in the win ter if

sun exposure is limited.

When taking supplements, more

is not always better. Doubling your

Take with food. Adjust

amount if you are taking a
balanced calcium formula.
Be careful taking magnesium
if you have kidney disease.

calcium dose, for example, may

Reduces calcium loss; may

enhance oestrogen 's effects.

to get toxic levels of either min era l

interfere with the bone-nourishing

properties of magnesium, man
ganese and zinc. And excess zinc
can depress immunity. It's difficult
through dietary sources - just be
sure not to go overboard when

Vitamin C

1000 mg twice a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea



30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longe r than 1 month .


10 mg tI'Vice a day.

Helps the body to metabolise

other minerals.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

using supplements.

Researchers from Tufts Uni versity

in Bo ston report that 500 mg of cal
cium plus 700 IU of vitamin D a day
can halve the risk of bone fra ctu res
in older men and women. An earlier


Calcium is vital for maintaining bone strength, vitamin D ensures that

calcium is well absorbed , and the min erals magnesium and boron help [ 0
kee p calcium in th e bone. Recent research has linked the antioxidant
vitamin C to greate r bone mass anel impro\'ec\ formation of collagen , a
prot ein that strengthens th e hones and connecti\'e tissue. Also important
for mineral absorption and bone hea lth are Zinc , copper and manganes e
Adding other key \' itamins and minerals, such as silicon , \'itamin B6 and
folic acid , pro\'ides furth er protection .

French study found that these same

supplements reduced the risk of hip
fracture by 43% in elderly women
over a two-year period.

The hum an body absorbs on ly about

What else you can do


Take regu lar weight-bearing exercise (s uch as walking or lifting

weights), 111 which [he legs or other pans of the bod)' meet resistance.
Give up smok ing. It will help not on ly your bones but your general
health as well
Limit yo ur alco hol intake to no more than one or t\ovo drinks a day
Consider horm one replacement therapy if you're menopausal.
Eat foods rich in calc ium , such as low -fat dairy products
(including yoghurt) , canned salmon (1I1c1ud ing the soft bones),
broccoli and almonds.

10% of the calcium in the foods we

eat. This phenomenon has an evolu
tionary basis: the diet of early people
was much higher in calcium than
ours is now, so the body compen
sated by absorbing less .



Losing weight is hard. Fad diets promising quick success without effort don't work. The truth
is that no herb, vitamin or special food will magically melt away the kilograms . But some
nutritional and herbal supplements may enhance a healthy diet and exercise program.

Wh a t it is Being o\'erwe ight becomes a medical conce rn when you

weigh more than 20% 0\"Cr the ideal fOl" yo ur height Accord ing to gO\'

ernment statistics , alm ost one rifth of ad ult Austr~dians f811 into this
cmego r}' and 8l"e defin ed as obese. Though not a disease in itself, obeSity
is a risk fa ctor for se rious medical condi ti ons, incluclmg diabetes, hean
di sease, high blood pressure and cerwin types of ca ncer. b:cessi\'e body
wCight 8 150 puts great Slress on .Ioints and so II1creases a person's ch8nce
or dewloping arthrilis.
What causes it hel"yones met8bolism (the rale at \\hi ch lhe
body burns kiloJou les) is differe nt 8nci is inl1uenced by m8ny facto rs,
in cluding genellcs . Regularly eati ng e\'en 8 fe\\ more kiloioules than
your body needs ca n lead lO \\'eight g81l1 By co nsuming only 450 eXl18
ki lojoulcs a day, fo r example, ),oul! gain half 8 kilogr8l11 in approxi
m8tel)' a momh (half a kilogr8m of body fat equ8ls l 5000 kilojoul es).
Some expens th ink a sedentary lifestyle in fi uences weight gai n c\'en
more than ea ling too many kilojou les Exercise burns kiloJoul es 8nd
builds muscle. And the more muscle mass you ha\ c, th e more kiloJoules
yo ur body burns at reSl.

Body weight exceeds the rec

ommended ideal by 20% or more,

Excess weight affects energy level

and the ability to do everyday tasks,

Fatigue and / or shortness of breath

during normal activity,

If yo u gain weight suddenly

If weight gain is the result of
taking medication,
If you need help in changing
yo ur eating or exercise habits,
If yo u are unable to lose weight
despite exercise and cutting back
on kilojoules,

How supplements can help Although supp lements are

not 'm8gic bullels' , they may be elfecti\'e in suppressing the appet ite ,md
make it eaSIer to lose \\-eight Don'l exceed the dosages listed - larger
amoums wil l not produce [8sler results 8nd instead may C8use unpleas
ant side effects . C hromiwrI helps the body to use fat for energy and build
muscle , and may gi\'e you a slight edge Essential Jatty acids may block

Rem inder: If you have a medical

condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supp lements,

St John's wort should be used along with

ephedra to aid weight 1055 only if other
measures - including diet and exercise
haven't worked. Seek your doctor's advice,


Supplement rec o mmendations




Aim to lose a maximum of a

kilogram a week - any more proba


200 mcg twice a day.

Best taken before exercise.

Psyll ium

1-3 tbsp powder dissolved in

water or juice 3 times a day.

Take half an hour before

meals; drink plenty of water.


500 mg 3 times a day.

Hydroxycitric acid, or HCA,

is the active ingredient.

St John's wort/

300 mg 5t John's wort and

130 mg ephedra twice a day.

bly means you 're losing water and

muscle, not fat. When the kilos
come off stead il y and slowly, there's
a better chance they'll stay off.


Ephedr a

Don't be fooled by 'fa t-bu sting '

herbal diet teas. Many of these teas
contain herbs with laxative or


Don't use ephedra if you

suffer from glaucoma, high
blood pre ss ure, heart disease,
anxiety or in so mnia, or if
you're taking prescription

diuretic effects, which help red u ce

water weight but not body fat. And
if used to excess, such teas may
cause abdominal cramping, diar
rhoea, vomiting and dehydration.
Women trying to lose weight

Essential fatty

1000 mg evening primrose

oi l 3 times a day; 1000 mg
(1 capsule) flaxseed oil twice
a day. Take both with food.

Or substitute 1000 mg
starflower oil once a day for
evening primrose oil.

often increase their risk of osteo

porosis by cutting back on dairy
products, a good source of ca lcium .
Eat low- or non-fat dairy products or


1000 mg 3 times a day.

Take with food, but not foods

or supplements containing
fat-s oluble vitamins (A, E, D
and K) or essentia l fatty acids.
Avoid chitosan if yo u're aller
gic to shellfish .

take a calcium supplement to bring

your total daily intake to at least
800 mg (1000 mg after menopause).
As a general rule, calcium shou ld be
balanced by magnesium: two parts
ca lcium to one part m agneSium .

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosag es may be pro vided by supplemen ts you are already taking - see page 39.

excessive accumulation o[ body fal. Use th em together with psylliLtlI1 , a

type of fibre that add s 'fullness', and/or chitosal1 , a substance lhat slows
down the abso rption o[ fat in the intestin e. As chi tosa n also reduces the
absorption o[ [at-solubl e \'itamins CA, E, D, K) and essential fatt y acids,
foods or supplements co ntaining these should be taken at a different
tlI11 e o [ day
rr you need he lp cont rolling your appe tite, rotate the follow ing sup
plements in month-long cycles, so yo ur bod)' doesn'l accustom Ilself to
any particular one . Garci ni a cambog ia (brindleben y), the extract of a
fruit grown in In dia, may quell hunger pangs. Because 10\'.' levels of the
brain chemica l se roto nin may be linked to o\'e reating , try Stjohn's wort.
It boosts serotonin produclion and also has an antidepressant effect
(Some ex perts think ove rweight and dep ression rna)' be linked) Only
the seriously obese should consider using eph edra with Sl Johns wort,
and only with their doctor's ap provaL

Though it's no miracle weight-loss

solution, taking chromium does
seem to promote the loss of body
fat. In a recent study, people taking
400 mcg of chromium picolinate a
day lost 5-6 kg over three months,
compared with a 2-3 kg loss in those
receiving a placebo. Best of all, the
weight the chromium takers lost was
in the form of body fat, not muscle.

Watching TV has been closely linked

What else yo u can do

Base )'our diet on fruits , \'egetables , whole grains and legumes.
Eat slowly, to give your brain time to Signal when you're fulL
Exerci se regularl)' and loo k [or wa)"s to in crease yo ur daily acti\'it )"

to the onset of obesity. The more

time spent watCh ing, the greater the
degree of overweight.


~a , rkinson/s


Although there's still no cure for this slowly progressive brain disorder, advances that can greatly
improve the quality of life for those affected continue to be made, Prompt treatment may help
ease tremors, stiffness and other disabling sym ptoms ,

What it is Parkinso n's disease , named for the Engli sh doctor who
identified it nea rly 200 years ago, IS the most co mm on degeneram'e
diso rder of th e nen 'ous system. LL usually strikes after th e age of 60 , \\lth
more than 15% of people O\'Cr 65 shOWing so me sy mptoms of the
d isease . It 's more co mm on in men than in wom en. Th ough they are usu
ally \'er)' mild at first , symptoms gene rally wo rsen 0\'Cr time.

What causes it ]n Parkinson's disease, cells in an area of the

bra in call ed the basal ganglia gradually dic and no longer produce Lhe
chemical dopamin e, which transmiLSim pulses from ner\'e to nen'e. Lack
of dopa mine produces the progressi\'e stiffness. shaking and loss of mus
cle coordination typ ical o[ th e d iso rdcr. Th ough \ Iral brain infections,
amips)'choLic drugs and cx posure to herbi cides or tox ins are responsible
[or a small number of cases, thc causc o[ most cases is unkn own
How supplements can help Anyon e suffering from this
di sease should be under a docLo l:s care. Th e array of su pplem ents here
can help slow the progreSSion of sympLoms, parti cul arl y if they are taken
in the early years of the disease . Results may be nOliced within aboUl
eight weeks, but supp lements usually need to be cont inued long term.
You ca n lry them separate ly or in co mbination. but always discuss their
use with your doctor So me, such as \' itam\l1 B(\, ca n imcract ach'C rsely
with drugs prescribed for thi s condition .
Most of the supplements, inc luding vitamill B6, wo rk to increase
producti on of the bra in chemical dopamine (Peop le with Parkinso n's
are ofLen deficient in this B \'i Lamin ) Coenzyme QJO, NADH (nicolIn
amide adenin e dinucleOL ide, related to the B \'jLamin niacin ), vitarnill E ,
and vitamin C are all antioxlda nLs th at help protect cell s, including the '
dopamine-produ cing ones in the brain , Vit amin s C and E may be espe-

Shaking or trembling limbs and

rigid muscles.

Slow and shuffling wa lk .

Stooped posture.
Drooling, inexpressive face and
infrequent blinking.
Tr ouble swallowing or talking.
Incontinence and constipation.
An xiety, depression and, in severe
cases, confusion and memory loss,

If you have any symptoms of

Pa rkinso n's disease.
If yo u've been diagnosed w ith
Parkinson's and note new symptoms
- these may be ea sily remedi ed si de
effects of prescription drug s.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Vitamin E is one of several

antioxidants that can help
to slow the progression of
Parkinso n 's disease.


Supple ment recommendation s


50 mg 3 times a day.

Vilam in B6

If you 're taking the prescrip

tion drug levodopa (L-dopa),

don't take B6 without your

doc tor's approval. Even

when levodopa preparatiOns

contain carbidopa or benser

azide, adverse interactiom

can occur.

Good dietary sources of vitamin

B6, which helps the brain make
dopamine, include avocadoes,
potatoes, bananas, fish and chicken .
Broad beans also contain a
dopamine-like substance.
People with Parkinson's often
suffer from anxiety, but they shou ld
probably not take the sedati ve herb


Q, o

50 mg 3 times a day
with food.


5 mg a day; best taken in the

morning or between mea ls.

Capsules may be more

effecti ve than tablets.

Not approved lor use in

Australia ; avai lable in New

Zea land.

Vitamin E

500 IU a day with food.

Chec k with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

A mino acids

1000 mg L-tyrosine; 1000 mg

L-methionine; 500 mg acetyl
L-carnitine; 100 mg phos
phatidylserine. Take twice a
day without food.

Discontinue after 8 weeks il

you see no benefits. If you

have improved after 8 weeks,

add a mixed amino acid

complex as well.

G inkg o b i/o b a

2000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form).

Standardised to con tain at

least 24 % fla vone glycosides.

kava for relief. A few reports indicate

that kava may interfere with
dopamine production and worsen
symptoms. Th e herb valeria n is
probably a better choice .

Researchers in the Netherlands

recently surveye d more than 5300
people aged 55 to 95. They found
that those with the highest amounts
of vitamin E in their diets were less
likely t o ha ve Parkinson's disease,
providing fu rt her evidence of the

Vitamin C

Flaxseed o il

1000 mg twice a day.

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Take in the morning.

with food.

protecti ve role played by this anti

oxidant v itamin.
NADH improved symptoms of
Parkinson's in about 80% of the
people en rolled in an Austrian study.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be p rovided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

The younge r the person and the

more recently the disease had been
diagnosed, the more likely that the

ciany effectil'e ror th ose who h a\'(~ not yet stan ed ta kin g conl'e llli onal
medicati ons. The I'ar ious amino acids and j7.axseed oil hal'e nen-e-nOlll"
ishing efreCtS th at ca n boost dopami ne lel'els. The amino acid ph os
phatidy lse rine may also impron: mel1[al runCl ion and co mbat dep res
sion. The herb ginl<go biloba inc reases bl ood circulati on in the braIn ,
making it more likel )' thaL dopamine wil! reach Lh e sites that can use it.

vitamin-like NADH was beneficial.

Gene hunters at the National
Institutes of Health (N IH) in the US
recently identified a rare gene for
Parkinson's disease; this may open
many doors to new therapies.

What else you can do

\Valk e\'e r)' day and stretch to keep musc les toned and strong.
Keep your mi nd stimulated \Iith new in te rests and challenges. Recent
studies suggest da il ), 'mental exe rci se' may diminish S)'1l1 pLOmS
Get ph )'sica l and speech th erapy. Counselh ng mar also help you to
manage stress. Join a local support group .
Ask your doctor about new drugs or. ror se l'e re cases, surgery

Smokers have an unusually low rate

of Parkinson's disease. Something
in the smoke may boost brain
dopamine levels.


~recmenstrual syndr_o~m_e
Many women are all too familiar with the often unpleasant symptoms of PMS. Affecting both
body and emotions, this condition can be difficult to diagnose - except that it begins a week
or so before menstruation and then disappears .

What it is Before their period, many wom en expe ri ence fits o[ cry
ing, cravings [o r swee ts and outbursts of ange r. These, as we ll as some
200 other symptoms, including fa ttgue, depression , bloating, headac hes,
and breast pain, characte rise the co ndition known as premenstrual S;11
drome (PMS). Typica lly, these monthly sy m ptoms var y in number and
severit y. Most wo men expe rience few of them o r are on ly mil d ly incon
ve nie nced by them . For 5-10% of wom en , h owe\'er, PMS can be so
severe that it inte rferes with their ability to Ii\'e a full and rich life.

One to two weeks before monthly

menstrua tion begins:
Irritability; mood swings; anxiety;
Abdominal bloating; swelling of
hands and fingers.
Breast pain and tenderness.
Fatigue; lack of energy; insomnia.
Headache; backache; joint and
muscle aches.
Constipation; diarrhoea; various
urinary disorders.
Cravings for specific foods, espe
cially carbohydrates.

What causes it JUSt why some wo men suffe r fro m PMS and
o the rs don't is not known Some experts belie\'e PMS may stem fro m an
imbalance of th e female ho rmo nes oestrogen and progesterone during
the second half o f the m enstrual cycle, after o\'ulati o n . Too much oestro
gen, al ong w ith too little progesterone , limits the productio n of the brain
che mica ls that contro l mood and pain , and this ho rmonal abno rmality
can lead [0 mood changes and ca rbohydrate cravings The imbalance
also triggers increased le\'el s o f the hormo ne prolactin , which results in
breast tendern ess. If the liver isn't working as well as it sho uld , its ab il
ity to clear excess oestroge n from the bod y is reduced
Another theo ry is that PMS sym ptoms are caused by low le\'els of
serotonin, a brain chem ical (neurotra nsmitter) that se nds sIgnals from
nerve cell to nerve ce ll. Although the results o f studies exa mining the
co nn ectio n betvieen serotonin and PMS are inconsistent , many women
report that their PMS symp to ms imprO\'e when lhey undergo treatm ent
designed to return seroton in levels to no rmal Im pro\'i ng the body's pro
duc tion and use of serotonin is parti cularly helpful in li ftin g depression
How supplements can help A combinati o n of nutrients,
take n fo r pan o r all o f the menstrual cycle, can relie\'e PMS symptoms.
If yo u use conve nti onal medicatio ns for this problem, check wi th yo ur
doctor before adding these suppleme nts.


If PMS is severe and includes deep

depression or excessive breast pain.
If sy mptoms last all month - other
conditions, such as clinical depres
sion or an underactive thyroid, can
exacerbate PMS.
Reminder: If you have a medical
or psychiatric condition, talk to your
doctor before taking supplements.

Chaste tree may help correct the

hormonal imbalances tha t are
thought to contribute to PMS.



Supplement recommendations




Chaste t ree

225 mg a day.

Also called vitex. Choose a

product standardised to con
tain 0.5% agnoside. Take
when not menstruating.

Vitamin 66

50 mg twice a day.

200 mg daily over long term

may cause nerve damage.

Eve ning
pri mrose oil

1000 mg 3 times a day

with food.

Can substitute starflower oil.


250 mg twice a day

with food.

Be careful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

St John's

300 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain
0.3% hypericin.


Some dosages may be supplied by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Chaste tree is a lea ding PM S remedy in Europe. It ac ts on the pituitary

gland in the brain (which controls the production of oestroge n and prog
esterone in the body) and may be useful in correctl11g hormonal imbal
ances. The herb dong qua i (200 mg three times a day) may en hance
chaste tree's effect iveness; combination products with add iti onal herbs
such as black cohosh are often alailab le.
In place of chaste tree, try vitamin B6. It assists the li l'e r in processing
oestrogen, increases progesterone lel'els and enab les the brain to make
serotonin . (Some practitioners recommend co mbining chaste tree and
I'itamin B6) Ev ening primrose oil, with ilS esse ntial fatty acids. may help
ease breasl tend ern ess and control carbohydrate cravings. Many wom en
with PMS have bee n found to be defiCient in magnes ium and may ben
efit from taking a supplement
Stan taking chaste tree andlor li tamin B6 in co mbinalion with
el'ening prim rose oil at ol'u lation and cont inue until your period begin s;
also have magnesium eluy day If yo ur primary PMS sym ptom is
depression, or if the other supplem ents are not erfectil'C, add 5t John's
wort to your sup plement program .

What else you can do

Exercise sel'e ral times a week to lift your spirits and help your bod) '
release fluids that cause bloating and breast tenderness
Cut back on caffeine, alcohol and salt, which ca n contribute to PrAS
Keep a sy mptom diary It can give you a sense of co nt rol and a better
understanding of rour physical and emotional fee lings, help with aCCll
rate diagn OSiS and hel p to duem1ine which lreatments work for yo u.

PMS may have certain positive

effects. Some researchers say that
women who have PMS are ve ry
attuned to their surroundings and
have a sharp memory, not just in the
days or weeks immediately before
their period but all month long.

Chaste tree may be a more effec

tive treatment for PMS than vitamin
66, according to a recent German
study. Women who took chaste tree
had a greater reduction in typical
PMS symptoms - breast tenderness,
swelling, tension, headache and
depression - than those taking B6.
Overall, 36% of those in the chaste
tree group were free of symptoms,
compared with 21 % of participants
in the vi tamin B6 group.
In a Columbia University study of
500 women, researchers found that
taking 1200 mg of calcium a day
reduced PMS symptoms by more
than 50%. Compared with women
given a placebo, those using calcium
showed improvement in mood
swings, food cravings, bloating and
menstrual pain. The researchers now
believe that low calcium levels may
contribute to the hormonal imbal
ance thought to be a factor in PMS.

Evening primrose oil, chaste tree

and St lohn's wort are widely used
in Europe to alleviate PMS, and have
withstood the test of time. Such
treatments are becoming more com
mon in Australia and New Zealand.


r------Prostate problems
If you're a man over the age of 50, you probably have a prostate problem - usually a benign
enlargement of the gland. Herbal and nutritional therapies can help ease discomfort and even
preclude or delay the need for conventional drugs or surgery.

What it is Th ese di sorders t)l)ically ca use urinarr compla ll1ts

because they affect the proSlate , the \\a lnut-slze gland that is located
below the bladder and surrounds lhe urethra (the lube that tran sports
urine out of lh e bladd er) By far th e most common probl em is BPH
(benign prostatic hyperplasia, or hypertrophy), a nonca ncerous enl arge
ment of the proslate thal occu rs in more Lhan hal f of men O\Tr the age
of 50 . The condiLion can progress for many yea rs. \\'it o fe\\' or no S)l11P
Loms at first. and is nOLa ri sk facto r for de\'eloping prostate ca ncer. BUL
be sure LO see yo ur doc tor to rule out cancer and prostaLe innammation
(prostatitis), which are more serious.
What causes it As men age , the prostate typica ll y enlarges No
one is sure why Lhl S happens, th ough male sex hormones may pld)' a
ro le. Depending on the degree of enlargement , lhe prostate can press
againsLthe urethra and Impede the nO\\' o[ urine. causin g the sympLoms
of BPH. Less orten, men c1e\'clop proslati li s. \\hich is usually caused by
a bacte rial infection that begins elsewhere in the urinary tract . or cance r
1n these co nditions, swelling of the prostate or growth of a tumour ca n
disrupt urine now

Frequent, urgent need to urinate,

particularly at night.
Difficulty or hesitancy in urinating;
ina bility to empty the bladder.
A weak urine stream or dribbling .
Burning during urination, fever,
chills, pain behind the scrotum, or
painful ejaculation.

If you have any symptoms of a

prostate condition - a simple blood
test for prostate-specific antigen
(PSA) can help distinguish a benign
prostate disorder from cance r.

How supplements can help The chart lislS supplements

that al'e best [or mild to moderate BPH and may taKe a month or longe r to
produce results. Th ey ca n safe ly be used long lerm , along wit h any con
ventional drugs )'our doctor has prescribed See your doc tor ( \'ery S IX
months lO che CK wheth er they are \\'o rking Supplements may al so help
some cases or mild prostaliti s, but prostate infecti ons and cancer require
prompt medica l inten'enti on .

Saw palmetto, derived from a dwarf palm

tree, is among the most widely used
herbs for prostate complaints.


If yo u have blood in the urine

or semen.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supplement recommendations



Zi nc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer tha n 1 month.

Vi tamin E

500 IU a day with food.

Check with yo ur doctor if

taki ng anticoagulant drugs.

Saw palmetto

160 mg twice a day

between meals.

Standard ised to contain 9%

fatty acids

Ep /lobium

100 mg twice a day

between meals.

Also called willow herb

or fire weed.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 m!) a day

wi th food.

Fish oil capsules (400 mg)

wo rk better fo r some people.


250 mg twice a day.

Sta ndard ised to contain at

least 1% plant silica.

Amino acids

500 mg each of glycine,

glutamine and alanine daily.

After 1 month, add a mixed

amino acid complex.

'\Jote: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may als o be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.
One o f th e key nutri e nts for prostate hC(1Ith , zinc ha s bee n sho\\'n to
red uce the size o f the gland and reli el'e BPH srmpto m s. You may need
<e.\ tra copper if ),ou 're t~king zinc for longe r than a m o nth Ta king ex tra
I itarnin E ca n aid in prescIYing prostate hea lth . As an an ti m:ldanL . it
5C<II'e nges free radicals that C<In da mage DNA and lead to ca nce r.
Herbs may also help relie\T sym pto ms 0 / BPH a nd SIOlI' prosta te
growth Saw palm ett o, the best rese<I rcb ed and most popular o f these,
can be \'ery erfeeti l'e, pa rtly by alterin g hormone len :ls It may also help
to cu rb inflammatio n an d swellin g in chroni c cases o f pro swlItis. If saIl'
palm etto alo ne is not sufflci enL , try add ing the herb Epi/obit/In parl'ij7.o
nU11 , w hi ch ma)' be beneficial for BPH m prosta tilb because o f its antl
infl<Immatory pro pert ies Eithe r o r bO[h can be co mbined w it h lI ettle ,
\\'hich m<I)' boost their abi lity to ease symptom s and SIOlI' do\\'n the pro
g ression o f BPH .
Addition<I1 nutri e nts are reco m me nded . Th e esse ntial fatty acids in
jlCL'(seed oil help p I'eHnt the s\\'ellmg anc! inl1 u11mation of the prostate
in BPH anc! prostatitis In additi o n , the (l iltin o acids glYC ine , ala ni ne and
glu tamin e, taken togethn each morning on an empty stomac h , may help
relie\'e sy m pto ms, thou gh they dont skm' prostate growth . (These
a mi no acids, howc\'e r, 8re o ften cont raindicatecl in prostate cance r. )

What else you can do

Don't Lake deco ngestants or othe r OIn-the-counter cold re med ies.
They can make sy mp toms \\orsc .
To help redu ce Ulinmy complaints, a\'oid caffclllated <I ncl alcohol ic
bc\-erages, espeC iall y beer. Drin k less liquid in the e\'eni ng

Check the la bel carefully when

buyi ng so-called ' prostate formulas'
and other com me rc ial supplement
mi xtures. Many contain inSign ifi cant
amounts of beneficial nu trients.
Foods rich in soy may benefit men
with pro state problems. Tofu, miso
and other soy products contain heal
ing substances ca lled isoflavo nes that
may help protect against prostate
enlargement and pro state cancer,
When taken with saw palmetto,
half a cup pumpkin seeds (hig h in
zinc and essentia l fatty acid s) ha ve
aided in the treatment of BPH.

A report in the US medical

journal Urology concluded that saw
palmetto can significantly ease the
sym ptoms of BPH . Symptoms
improved dramatically in 21 % of
the men studied after two months,
in 30% after four months and in
46% after six mont hs,
A Harvard University study found
that men who ate 10 or more
servi ngs of toma to-based food s a
week cut their risk of prostate cancer
by almost 4S%. Tomatoes are the
richest dietary sou rce of Iyco pene
a na tural disease fig hte r. Cooked
tomatoes (including sauces and
pastes) contain more Iyco pene than
raw toma toes , And cooking tomatoes
in olive oil may help Iycopene be
better absorbed,
Severa l recent reports sho w that
supplements ma y help prevent
prostate cancer. A study of 30000
ma le Finni sh smokers disco vered tha t
th ose who took vi tam in E da ily we re
almost a third less likely to develop
prostate cancer. Another study
confirmed earl ier reports that high
selenium intake may reduce the ri sk
of pro state cancer.


Although not life-threatening, psoriasis can be very painful and disfiguring, It's a persistent skin
disease that flares up and subsides in cycles , Psoriasis can't be prevented and there's no known
cure, but taking nutritional and herbal supplements may help to control it.

What it is Characte ri se d by ra ised, mflamed , red pa tches that are

usua lly covered with whitish or sih'e ry sca les, psorias is is a nonconta
gious chronic sk in condition. It typically emerges between the ages of 10
and 30, although it can occur at an)' time. In most peo ple, the ras h 1S
confined to the scalp , elbows, knees, lower back or bU lloc ks fingern ails
and toenails can become yellow or pi tted . Though fl are-ups are
un Sightl y, most cases are not iLchy or parti cularly pa inful Howel'er,
about 15 % of people with psori asis hal'e such a sel'e re, wid espread rash
that they suffer great discomfo rt and may be unable to perfo rm daily
activ ities . In about 5% of cases, Joint pain and swelling rather like Lhe
sym ptoms of rheumato id arthritis develop .
What causes it Th e rash itse lf occurs because skin ce lls replicate
much faster than norm al. Skin ce lls originate in the deep layers of the skm
and usua lly ta ke about 28 days to co me to the surface , where th ey arc
sloughed off In areas affected by pso riasis , howel'([, this process takes
only eight days . Because these new cells accumulate so quickly, they nel'er
have a chance to matme and ca nnot be shed. As a result, Lhe skin becomes
red and inl1amed and del'elops ol'e rl apping, whiLe, scaly patches
No one knows why sk in growth is accele rated in areas 1v!1ere pso ria
sis lesions form Because one in three psoriasis sufferers has a famil y
hisLory of the disorder, so me experts Lhmk there 1S a genetic Iink Ce rta in
stimuli - alcohol, SLress, sunburn , co ld temperatures, dry air, skin in.lUl'r,
throat infection and som e medicati ons - may also Lrigge r the onset o r
psoriasis or wo rsen exisLing lesions .
How supplements can help All the supp lements in th e
cha rt may help to control flare-u ps of psorias is, an d can be taken in
comb ination . Most peop le experience imp ro,'e ment in about a month
Found in fish oils and flaxseed oil , the omega-3 essential Jat ty acids

Studies show that the essential fatty

acids in fish oils, available in capsules,
can help control outbreaks of psoriaSiS .


Patches of raised, inflamed

red skin wi th white, flaking scales.
Itchi ng.
Loo sened, pitted or d iscoloured
fingerna ils or toenails.
Cracked or blistered skin, w ith
pain in seve re cases.
joint pain and stiffness.

If home treatmen ts fail to

control the rash .
If the rash spreads or emerges
in new areas.
If a w idespread rash develops,
with or without fatigue, fever,
or joint pain - ca ll a doctor
immediate ly.
Remind er: If yo u have a medical
condition, ta lk to yo ur doctor before
taking su pplements.

Supplement recom m en dat ions

Essential fatty

acid s

Gra pe seed
Alpha-lipoic acid

Vitamin A

1000 mg fish oils 3 times
a day; 1 tbsp (15-20 mil
flaxseed oil each morning .
Take both with food.

100 mg twice a day with

or without food.

People with diabetes should
take less than 2000 mg of fish
oils a day; higher doses can
interfere with blood sugar
Standardised to contain

3% catechin polymers.

150 mg each morning with

or without food.

May be difficult to obtain in

Australia and New Zealand.

25000 IU a day for 1 month,

then 10000 IU daily. Take

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.

with food

Difficulty in expressing anger

ma y trigger the onset of psoriasis,
according to a recent study at the
University of Michigan. Researchers
took psychological profiles of 137
people and found that those who
buried their anger were more likely
to devel op psoriasis before the age
of 40 . Anger and stress ma y also be
linked to flare-up s in people who
already ha ve the disease.
Antioxidants may be val uable
in preventing psoriasi s. In an Italian
study of about 600 people (half with
psoriasis and half with other skin
problems), researchers found a link


Milk thistle

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

150 mg twice a day.

Add coppe r only when using

zinc longer than 1 monLh.

between a high intake of carrots,

Standardised to contain at

least 70% silyma rin.

sources of antioxidants - and a lower

tomatoes and fresh fruit - all good

chance of devel oping psoriasis.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

block the acti on of arac hidon ic ac id , a su bstance made by the body LhaL
ca uses inf1ammation . (Indeed, low lcwls of omega-3s are common in
peo ple wi th pso riasis) The nutriLional suppl emems grape seed extra ct
and arpha-lipoic acid arc powerful anti ox ida nts that may prel'e nt dam
age to skin ce ll s. Both contain f1a l'onoids, which reduce inJlammation .
Vitamil1 A is necessa ry for maintaining hea lthy sk in anel nails and
zil1c promotes hea ling (T he eXLra copper is impo nant beca use long-term
zinc usc interferes with copper abso rpt ion ) /\I[i111 tiJistl e, a herb with
ant i-i nOammatory propenies, may cont rol Lhe rash and slow Lh e prolif
era ti on of abnormal sk in cells. Fo r outbrea ks, appl y a fumaric acid
cream (ava il ab le in health-fooel stores) LO skin lesions three times a day
to reduce th eir size and pro\'ide relief fro m pain and iLch ing

What else you can do

Get some sun . Just 15- 30 minutes 01' sunlight a day rna;, imp rol'C
psoriaSis lesions in Lhree to six weeks (BUL stay out of the sun between
10 a m and 3 p.m LO avoid Lhe risk of sunburn )
Use a humidifier in Lhe winter. Dry ll1door air may cause lesions.
Apply moisturiser all Ol'er your body - and espeC ially LO lesions - to
prevent dry skin and red uce itching Aloe vera gel is a good choice.
Eat Oily fi sh oft en. (Gooel choices incl ude fresh macke rel, sard ines,
tu na, sa lmon and herring.) Or take fish oils in capsu le form.

People w ho smoke 20 Cigarettes or

more a day (especially women) are
twice as likely to develop psoriasis as
nonsmokers . A quarte r of all psoriasis
cases may be related to smoking.

Ra}lnaud's disease
Imagine that your fingers quickly go numb when you step outside on a winter's day, or even
when you accept a cold drink at a summer picnic. This often happens to people who have
Raynaud's disease, a little-understood circulatory disorder.

What it is First identified in l862 by Mau rice Raynaud, a French

physic ian, Raynaud 's disease affects the tiny arteries (arte rioles) that
deliver blood to the skin of the fingers , toes, nose and ea rs. In so me peo
pie, cool temperatures prompt spasms in th ese bl ood vessels , reducing
blood fl ow and depriving the area of oxyge n. As a result , th e skin
changes colour and may tingle or go numb. Alt hough it can be annoy
ing and uncomfo rtabl e, in most cases Raynaud's disease is not associated
wi th more se rious ci rculation problems.

Temporary colour change (first

white, then a reddish blue) in the
skin of the affected areas in response
to cold or stress.
Numbness, tingling or a drop in
skin temperatu're in affected areas.
Gradual changes in skin te xture.

What causes it The cause of Raynaud's is not known However,

some experts believe that the blood \"essels of people with Raynaud 's
overreact to the co ld , possibly because the nerves of the affec ted areas
are unstable. More women than men are affected by the disord er.
Rayna ud 's ca n occ ur by itself or accompany other medica l cond itions ,
such as migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritiS, lupus, atherosclerosis
or an underacti ve thyroid. (When an underlying cause ca n be found , the
di sorder is called Raynaud's phenomenon.) Going outside in winter,
reaching into a refrigerator or even entering an air-conditioned room
often prod uces sympto ms that can last from min utes to hours. Stress is
also a trigger. Raynaud's sympto ms may be a side effect of decongestants
or of some heart or migrai ne medications.

In advanced cases, sores on the

tips of the fing ers.

If small sore s develop or the

skin becomes very smooth, shiny
or t ight .
If episodes impa ir manual
dexterity or sense of touch.
If symptoms increase in severi ty
or freq uency.

How supplements can help Because Raynaud 's disease is

often chronic, these sup plements may be most he lpful when used over
the long term. Vitamin E improves blood fl ow through the arteries. The
mine ral magnesium has many benefici al effects on the ca rdiovasc ular
system; one of these - its ability to relax conslricted blood vessels
makes it useful fo r Raynaud's In addition to these nu trients, yo u might
co nsider niacil1 , a B vitam in tha t enhances blood fl ow in the extrem ities.

Use a pin to prick open an evening

primrose capsule. Then massage the
oil into your fingers or toes to relieve
the symptoms of Raynaud's.


Reminder: If you have a m edical

condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Suppl e ment recomm en dations

Itami n E


500 IU a day with food .

Ch eck with your doctor if
taking anticoag ulant drugs.

Remedy for Raynaud's

Until a magazine article alerted

her to ginkgo biloba, winter was

Ann D 's least favourite season.


iaci n

400 mg twice a day

with food.

Be ca reful taking magnesium

if you have kidney disease.

300 mg 3 times a day.

This form of niacin may cause

flushing . Increasing your dose
gradually will reduce this


Even though she wore gloves to

combat the cold, her fingers still

changed colour - going from

healthy pink to dead white. Her

doctor determined that it was

Raynaud's disease, but he wasn 't

optimistic about treating it. 'I

Gi nkgo biloba

pri mrose oil

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in ca psule or tab let form).

Standardised to contain at

least 24% flavone glycosides.

1 or 2 capsules, applied
topically, each day.

Can substitute starflower oil.

could tell that he gave me a

prescription just to give me

something, ' Ann recalls.

'But then I tried ginkgo!' she

says. ' What a finger saver, espe

Fish oils

1000 mg 3 tim es a day

wi th food.

People with diabetes should

take less than 2000 mg of fish
oils a day; higher doses can
interfere with blood sugar

cially when I added a little vitamin

E every day '. She had to wait a
month for results, but her patience
paid off. Today, while remaining
wary of excessive cold, she's a fan

'Jo te: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be pro vided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

of supplements and enjoys sharing

Or take g il1l~ go bUoba, a herb lhat's especia ll y erfecti ve in wid ening sma ll
blood vessels. When massaged into the fingert ips, the gamma-linolen ic
ac id (GLA) in evening primrose aU was shown in one stud y to improve
Raynaud's symptoms. The oil can be used alone or with the oth er sup
ple ments. (Starf1o'vve r oil is an alternative ; it also contains GLA, and may
be less expensive than evening primrose oil)
l[ these treatments don't help , try fish oil supp lements in a double
blind , placebo-controll ed study of 32 patients with Raynaud's disease,
fish oil supp lementation de layed the onset of sy mptoms by an average
of 15 minutes.

Ann notes, 'but not too many

her success with others.

'Raynaud's is fairly common ',

What else you can d o

Avoid nicotine and caffei ne, which cause blood vesse ls to constrict.
Practise bi ofe edback and relaxation techniques.
Take precautions to prevent injuring affected areas.
Protect yourself from the cold by wearing mittens - which keep
fingers wa rmer than gloves - and hea\')' socks in wi nt er. Use gloves
when reaching even briefly into the freezer or the supermarket froze n
food compa rtment
Don't take decongestants, and ask your doctor If any other medica
tions you 're tak ing might trigger your symptoms.

people who have it realise what it

is. Th ose who do, often just suffer.
I can honestly recommend ginkgo

for safe, natural - and very effec

tive - relief'.

Women with Rayna ud's were

found to have low levels of vitamin
C and selenium in their bloodstream,
according to a recent study. In addi
tion, vitamin C levels were especially
low in smokers. More research is
needed, though, before these nutri
ents can be recommended as a
treatment for this condition.


b_eumatoid arthriti.s. __
The inflamed joints of rheumatoid arthritis can cause even the simplest movements to be difficult
and painful. A number of natural remedies, combined with conventional medications as needed,
may make many regular activities easier.

What it is Rheumawid arthritis is a chronic disorder in whICh the

ca rtilage and tissues in and around the joinLS become infl amed and dam
aged. Scar tissue rep laces the damaged tissue. narrow ing the spaces in
the jOinLS and limit ing move menL. So me peop le experience only mild
joint stiffness, pun ctuated by periodic inflammatory flare-ups. in others,
howeve r, symptoms are persistent and worsen OI'e r time, causing defor
mities of the hands and feet In \'e ry se\-ere cases, rheumawid arthriti s
can also affect the hea rt , lungs , muscles and skin .
What causes it In rheu mawid arthritis, the immune syste m, for
unknown reasons, attacks its own Joints and surrounding tissues.
Expert s don't completely understand why th is 50-ca lled auwimmune
reac tion occurs, but they think Lhat some people ha\'e a ge netic prediS
positi on w rheumatoid arthritis and that ilS Ol1se l can be trigge red by an
infection , an inadequate diet or emotional stress. This chronic inflam
matory condition can begin al any age but most often appears between
th e ages of 20 and 40.
How supplements can help There's no cure for rheuma
toid arthrit is, but any of the remedies listed in the chm t may alb'iate
chronic pain, reduce inflam mation or help slow Joint damage . They can
be use d alone or together, as well as with conve nti onal drugs. It may
take several weeks for effects to be felt

Early signs
Fatigue; wea kness; weight loss;
low -grade fever; and joint stiffne ss
(often in the morning), followed
several weeks later by joint pain
and inflammat ion.
Red, painful, swollen jOints that
may be warm to the touch , Typically
affects the w ri sts, fingers, knees,
ankles and feet, on both sides of
the body,
Painless red lumps (nodules) on
the elbows, ears, nose, knees, toes
or sca lp.
Long -term effects
Chest pain, breathing difficulties,
Joints that become shapeless,
bent or gnarled.

If you have the early symptoms

of the disease.
If new symptoms appear.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to you r doctor before
taking supplements.

Many arthritis su fferers find

ginger tea a refreshing way to
reduce joint inflammation.



Supplement recommendations



Many people who take supple

ments are able to reduce or even

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Vi tamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Vitamin E

500 IU twice a day with food . Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

eliminate the need for arthriti s

medications. Although they are
often essential in the management
of rheum atoid arthritis, aspirin,
ibuprofen and other pain relievers

Zinc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

twice a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

Fish oils

2000 mg 3 times a day

with food .

Check with your doctor if

taking anticoagulant drugs.

primrose oil

1000 mg 3 limes a day

with food.

Can substitute starflower oil.


500 mg glucosamine sulphate

3 times a day.

Take with food to minimise

stomach upset.

100 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain

gingerols. Can also drink up

to 4 cups a day of ginger tea.

can cause stomach bleeding and

other serious side effects. It's always


a good idea to minimise their use.

Several recent studies confirm

that people with rheumatoid arthriti s
who take daily fish oil supplements
ha ve fewer tender joints and les s
morning stiffness. Most participants
took fish oil for at least 12 weeks

Cat's claw

Cayenne cream

250 mg standardised extract

twice a day between meals.

Don't use if pregnant.

Apply topically to aHected

joints 3 or 4 limes a day.

Standardised to contain

0.025- 0.075 % capsaicin .

before noticing an improvement,

and the benefits increased after

18-24 weeks of treatment. In addi

tion, their symptoms were relieved
for up to eight weeks after stopping

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

the supplement.

Because they' re powe rful anti oxidants , vitamins C and E wo rk to protec t

ce lls , including those in the Joints, fro m damage. Also ac ting as an
J nti oxidant , z inc is important because those w ho are a fflicte d with rheu
ma toid arthritis are o ften d efici ent in il. Ta king zinc wi th copper he lps to
maintain a proper balance o f these mi nerals; as a n added benefit, cop per
also has a n anti-inOamm atory effect. Fi sh oils com bat stiffness, fI'en ing
primrose oil he lps control infl ammation , ,md the n Ulrilional supp lem ent
glclcosam ine aids in b uil d ing healthy ca rtilage. Th e herbs gi nger and cat s
claw may relieve in f1ammat ion . App lied top icall y, cayenne crean1 can
d ramatica ll y red uce arth ritic pain .
O ther good anti-inO ammato n es include the Ind ian he rb bosvvellia
(300 m g three tim es a d ay) and the enz ym e brome la in (fo und in
pineapples) ; take 500 mg th ree limes a d ay betwee n meal s . Eve n
ho memade , cartilage -ri ch chicken sou p (made from chemical-free
chicken ) may be beneficia l.

who took capsules containing

Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers

gamma-l inolenic acid (GLA), the
active ingredient in evening primrose
and starflower oils, for six months
had less pain and fewer signs of
inflammation than those who
recei ved a placebo, accordin g to a
University of Pennsy lvania study.

Many people with arthritis wear a

copper bracelet, an old folk remedy.
Though some copper in the bracelet
is absorbed through the skin, taking
copper supplements (along with

What else you can do

Take ge ntle, non- we ight-bearing exercise , such as swim ming
Try physica l the rapy Massage, hem or cold p(lcks may help , too.
Get plenty of rest - 10 to 12 ho urs or more a I1I gh t if needed

zinc) assures a steadier supply of this

anti-inflammatory mineral.


The ruddy complexion of many fair-skinned people may not always be a healthy glow, but
a sign of rosacea, a common skin problem . Even though there is no cure, symptoms of this
chronic condition can often be controlled and skin damage prevented.

What it is The first signs of rosacea (pron ounced rose-Ay-shah) are

recurrent patches of redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead , and chin,
and the appea rance of tin y blood vessels just und er the skin As the
di sorder progresses, the skin on the face becomes ruddier and then
permanently inOamed; bu mps may also fo rm The eyes may be affected,
too, res ulting in burning or itc hi ng. In severe rosacea, the nose may
deve lop excess tissue.
About one in 20 adul ts has rosacea, with fair-ski nned peop le at the
hi ghest risk. Although women deve lop the co ndition three limes more
often than men, the latter have more seve re sym ptoms. Smokers are
vulnerable La the condit ion beca use mcotine im pa irs circulat ion.
Witho ut treatment, rosacea may get worse. Conve nt iona l lherapy oft en
incl udes long-term use of antibiotics.
Wha t causes it Rosacea occurs when unknown genetic and/or
environmenta l factors cause blood vesse ls in the skin to lose elasticity
and dil ate easily, somet im es pe rmanent ly. Blood vessel abno rmalities are
one possible cause. Episodes ca n be trigge red by any stimulus that leads
to Oushing, includ ing hot or spicy foods or beve rages; alcoho l or caf
fei ne; stress; weath er; vigorous exe rcise; hormonal changes (espeC ially at
menopause); and certa in med icatio ns (espeCially niaci n and so me blood
pressure dru gs) .
How supplements can he lp Because rosacea is a chronic

Frequent, prolonged redness

and flu shin g of the cheeks, nose,
forehead and chin.
A feeling that skin is being pulled
tight across t he fac e.
The appearance of tiny red spots
and bumps in the affected area .
Bumpiness, redness and swelling
on the nose.
Bloodshot, burning or itchy eyes .

If you develop any of the

symptom s li sted above.
If your skin does not promptly
return to its normal complexion
colour after blushing .
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condi tion, talk to your doctor before
taking sup plements .

conditi on, supp lements should be co ntinued ind efinite ly. It may take
about a month before in itial im provements are obvious. Begi n with \rit
amin A and the B vitamins. Then add \1tamin C, the minerals , and the
esse nti al fa tty ac ids, if necessary. All can be used wi th the conve ntional
antibiotics that are often prescribed for rosacea.
Without enough vitamin A, skin ce lls can harden, and the protect i\'e
effect of mu cus (which some skin ce lls produce) dec lines . A defic iency

Vitamin A is important
for healthy skin and may
help to minimise ros acea
flare -ups .


Supplement recommendati on s



To soothe inflamed skin, splash

your face with a strong chamomile

Vitamin A

25000 IU a day for 2 months,

then 15000 IU a day, with
food .

Take with 30 mg zing a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.

and calendula tea . To prepare it,

pour 2 cups of very hot water over
1 tblsp of each herb . Let sit, cov
ered, for 20 minutes; then strain,

Vi t amin B
co mplex

1 pill each morning with

food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other B vitamins.

cool , and use it to wash your face.

Women who wear make-up may
be able to hide persistent redness
with a sheer green base applied


50 mg a day in addition to
that in B complex (above).

Vitamin 81 2

1000 mcg a day in addition to

that in B complex (above).

Also called vitamin B2. May

make the urine brigh t yellow.

Sublingual form is best for

absorption. Always take with
400 mcg folic acid, such as in
vitamin B complex.

Vitam in C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea


Zin c/Cop p er

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

1000 mg evening primrose

oil 3 tim es a day; 1 tbsp
(15-20 ml) fla xseed oil a day.

Take both wit food. Can

substitute starflower oil for

evening primrose oil.

Essen tial f atty


under a foundation that matches

thei r normal skin tone.
Men with rosacea may be able
to minimise flare-ups by using an
electric razor instead of a blade.

Tiny skin mites live in everyone's hair

follicles, but some rosacea sufferers
have exceptionally high numbers of
them . A breakdown of the immune
system is the probable cause. The
B vitamins, especially riboflavin, may

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

help to control mite growth.

of B vitamins is common in people wi th rosacea , so vitamin B complex

is beneficial. It 's important to take ext ra '-ibojlavin and vitamin B12 in
addition LO the amounts found in a B-complex supp leme nt . Riboflavin
improves mucus sec retion and promotes elimination of cellular waste;
\'itamin B12 plays a cent ral ro le in cell growth, reproduction and repair.
Vitamin C strengthens the membranes that line the blood vessels and
the connect ive tissue between sk in cells. It also minimises th e re lease of
histamine , a chem ical that \;videns blood vessels in respo nse to an aller
gic substance Zinc helps heal the top laye r of the skin (ep idermis) and
regu lates blood levels of vitamin A. (Add copper fo r long-term use) And
the essential Jatty aci ds in Oaxseed oil and eve ning primrose oil reduce
inflammation, control the ce lls' use of nutrients and regu late hormone
like substances call ed prostaglandins, wh ich stimul ate the contraction of
blood vessels.

What else you can do

Use fragrance- free , grease less make-up and facial clea nsers. Neve r use
astri ngents on your skin .
Gently blot - never rub - your face dr y after washing.
Wear a sunscreen wit h an SPF of at least 15 whe n you are outdoo rs .

Remember chickenpox? Its virus is still lurking in your nerve cells and can flare up at any time
during your adult years, ca usi ng the intensely painful blisters known as shingles. The good news
is that natural rem ed ies can often help to ease thi s sometimes lingering co ndition .

What it is Shi ngles (herpes zoster) is a form of the herpes \irus that
causes chickenpox. AfLer an attack of chickenpox, the \'irus lies dormant
in nerve cells. Later, iL can be reacti\'ated, producing inLensely painfu l
clum ps of skin bliste rs. Shingles is not contaglous, Lhough open sores can
transmit the \irus to young chi ldren or othe rs who've never been infected.

Intense burning and tingling in

an isolated area of the bod y one to
three days before the skin reddens.
May be accompanied by fever and

What causes it The virus responsible for shingles is thought to

headache .

be reactivaLed when the im mune system is wea kened by age, stress, f1u
or cerLai n immune-impa iring drugs or illnesses. But no one knows for
sure what causes the I'irus LO resurface and produce sympto ms

Clu sters of fluid-filled, bubble-like

blisters that form on an inflamed

How supplements can help Th erapi es are deSigned for

and itch ing and form scabs after

band of sk in , usually on t he torso or

buttocks, but sometimes on the face
or arms. Blisters cause intense pain

ac ute flare-ups (and are lilken until le sions heal) and for post-shingles
pain , which ca n persist for months, or cI'e n years. The supplements for
an acute aLtack - whi ch should be taken toget her - ca n be fu rther
divided inLO two mai n grou ps: to pical therap ies, which are applied
directly LO skin lesions, an d supplements, which are ingested to boost
the immune syste m and help heal inflamed sk in and nel'\ Cs.
Topica l treatm ents, such as edoe VC I'a gel co mbin ed
with vitamin E oil , may prmide immediate rel ief
Hypericum oil al so is I'ery effectil'e Th cse reliel'e pain
an d itchin g, promote healing and reduce th e nsk of
infec tion In addlli on, a cream of mehssa or licorice
app li ed to the affe cLed areas may be effec ti l'C

10 days,
Pain typically subsides after two or
three weeks, but sometimes persists
for months or yea rs (th is is known as
postherpetic neuralgia).

If you develop shing les symptoms.

To be effective, antiviral drugs must
be taken earl y on.
If you have a bruised sensation on
one side of the fa ce or body.
If facial skin lesions sprea d close to
your eyes,

Applied gently to th e skin,

liquid vitamin E helps to heal
painful outbreaks of shingles.

If an inflamed are a is infected or

lasts more than 10 days without real
improvemen t .
If you cannot endure the pain.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition , talk to your doctor before
takin g supplements .

Supplement recommendations



Natural supplement s can safely

be used along with prescription

';Ioe vera gel

Apply gel liberally to the skin

as needed.

Use peeled fresh aloe leaf or

a commercial gel.

medicines (such as acyclovir), w hich

also pro mote healing .

Vita min E

Vitam in C/
f lavonoids

Apply topical oil for acute


1000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavonoids 3 times

For post-shingles pain, take

500 IU orally twi ce a day

with food.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhea develops.

Colloidal oatmeal, a form of finely

ground oatmeal that is sold in phar
macies, can be added to baths to
help relieve itching. You can also
make your own blend by grinding
oatmeal in a food processor and

a day.

adding severa l cups to bath water.

Vitamin A

Gold enseal

25 000 IU twice a day for

acu te attacks (up to 10 days).
Take with food .

200 mg echinacea and

125 mg goldenseal 4 times

Take with 30 mg zin c a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.

Be careful when getting out of the

bath, though: oatmeal makes
smooth surfaces very slippery.

Use only during acute stage;

available as combination .

a day.


1000 mg L-Iys ine 3 times a

day durin g acute stage only.

Take on an empty stomach;

don't take with milk.

600 mcg a day during acute

Don't exceed 800 mcg daily;

hi gher do ses may be toxic.

Capsaicin, the element responsible

for the hotness of cayenne peppers,
is available in an ointment formula


stage only.
Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) a day for

flare-ups. Take with food.

Take in the morning.

for topical application. Studies in

pain clinics ha ve found that it helps
reduce the lingering nerve pain that
afflicts some people with shingles
(a condition called postherpetic

'io te: Consider using supplem ents in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 3 9.

neuralgia); but always check with

your doctor before using it. Don't
apply it to active shingles infections:

;:: ~l[

intern al treatment durin g flare-ups, vitamil1 C. j1avol1oids and vita

iJin A are ant ioxidants that help p ro lec t aga inst ce ll dam age. r\lo ng with
the herbs eci1inacea and goldenseal , they boost immune fun ction , ass ist
ing in th e fight aga inst the her pes \'JfUs and bac terial ski n infec ti ons In
Jddi tion , the amino ac id lysine , as we ll as seleniulII andj1a.;(seed oil , pro
m ote h ea lth y skin grow th a nd speed h ealing
For lin ge ring post-shingles pa in (post herp etic neuralgia), stick w ith
\I'ha t wO lked fo r you during the ac ute phase , and add \' itamin E (500 [U
l\\'ICe a day) to protect aga inst ce ll damage , and \itamin E]2 ( 1000 m cg
\\Jth 400 mcg o f folic ac id e\'Cry mo rning) to no urish th e shea th that COl'
e rs and p ro tects the nel"l'eS Hom eo pathiC Hypericum 6x pillules are
o ften effectil-e , es pec iall )' to ease numbness , tin gling and post her peti c
neuralgia . To pica l caye nne (ca psa icin) cream mal' dull the pam.

it can cause intense burning on open

skin wounds. Instead, use it only for
long-term pain, after shingles lesions
ha ve completely healed.

Shingles strikes many thousands

of people every year, most of them
over the age of 50 - though
younger people can also be afflicted
with the disease.

What else you can do

Kee p aflected areas clean and d ry. NCI"Cr sc ratch or tfy to burst
blisters , w hich can cause a bacterial infecti on .
Use cool, wet compresses or ice pac ks to sooth e th e a re a and redu ce
pain Yo u can also appl y cala mine lotion to th e sk in


S_tll_U5.1 t I5
Each year thousands of people develop sinus trouble. The sinus cavities produce mucus to help
keep the respiratory system free of debris. When the sinuses become inflamed or blocked, the
flow of mucus is hindered and a number of painful symptoms can result.

What it is The sinuses are fo ur pairs of openings in the bones at

the front of the skull, located above the eyes, on either side of the nose,
behind the bridge of the nose and behind the cheekbones. They are
lin ed with a thin memb ran e that secretes mucus, which passes into the
nose through small openings in the sinuses. Mucus sweeps away inhaled
dust, pollen, ge rms and other matter, and lhen drains in to the back of
the throat , where it is swa llowed. (Most dangerous germs are destroyed
by stomach acid)
Normally, the wo rk of the sin uses is so subtle you don't even notice
it. But the membrane can beco me irritated or inflamed, prodUCing more
(or thicker) mucus and blocking the tiny sinus openings. When this
occu rs, the sinuses ca nnot drain properly, which can cause headaches, a
feeling of fullness in the fa ce and excessive postn asa l drip The bUild-up
of mucus also provides a breeding ground for bacteria
What causes it Sinusitis may occ ur as a complicati on of an
upper respiratory infection , such as a cold or flu . The linings of the
sinuses ca n be irritated by smo ke, air pollution or allergies as well In
addition , those who have a deviated septum or nasal polyps may also be
prone to sinusitis.

Pressure or headache above eyes.

Feel ing of fullness in the face.
Pain that worsens when you bend
your head forward.
Tendern ess above the sinuses.
Diffic ulty in breathing through
the nose.
Pos tnasal drip .
Yellowish green nasal discharge.
Possibly fever, chills or toothache.

If symptoms don't clear up within

a week or are accompanied by a
bloody discharge.
If sinusitis recurs more than three
times a year.

How supplements can help Some cases of sinusitis - a

bacterial infecti on, for instance - req uire treatm ent vvith antibioti cs.
However, even conventional medicine is begi nning to question the uni
ve rsal appli cati on of these drugs , especia lly for people \vilh chronic
sinus cond itions, which may not stem from bacteria. In addition, ant i
biotics don't help the body preve m future sinus infections Supple ments
can be used to help clear up an aCUle si nus infection , even if yo u're on
antibiotic drugs . The recommended \'it amins and herbs are particularly
va luable for people who have recu lTing sinus problems None of these
cause the side effects (such as dry mouth) that decongestants or other
conventional medi cines prescribed for this co ndition do

If rednes s, pain, bulging or eye

paralysiS develops - this may be
orbital cellulitis, a condition that can
damage the eye and facial nerve s.
Get medical help immediately.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, ta lk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system

and fights inflammation - both valuable
properties that help to relieve sinusitis.


Supplement recommendations



If your sinusitis is allergy based,

try using a tea made from the anti

~ c hin acea

200 mg 4 times a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 3.5% echinacosides.

, stragalus

200 mg twice a day between

Supplyi ng polysaccharides

and flavonoids.


250 mg standardised extract

Cat's claw

inflammatory herbs eyebright or

elder. Use a tea spoon per cup, and
drink three times a day.
Red uce congestion by inhaling
eucalyptus -scented steam . Add a few

Don't use if pregnant.

twice a day between meals.

drops of eucalyptus oi l to a pan of

water. Heat to boil ing, remove from

Reishi / Maitake
m ushrooms

500 mg reishi and/or 200 mg

maitake 3 times a day.

Avoid reis hi mushrooms if

you're taking anticoagu lants.

Vit amin C/

'000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavonoids 3 times

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

the stove and pour into a bowl.

Place a towel over you r head and
th e bowl, and breathe in the steam

a day.

through both nostrils. Blow your

nose frequently.
Though no major scientific studie s



130 mg standardised extract

3 times a day.

May cause insomnia. Don't

use if you suffer from hi gh
blood pressure, heart disea se
or anxiety, or if you take an
MAO inhibitor.

have been condu cted to support this

th eory, some experts believe that
spicy food s, such as horseradish,
Japanese wasabi, garlic or cayenne
pepper, may help to clear out

'.o te: Consider us ing supplements in blue first; t hose in black may also b e beneficial.

congested sinuses .

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

One of the best ways to prevent an d treat sinusitis is to strengt hen the
Dody's defences against germs. Stan off by choosing one of th e following
Im mune-boosting herbs: echinacea, astragalus, cal~ claw , or ,-eishi or
maitahe mushrooms. For acute sinus attacks , take just one of th ese herbs
Intil the in fec tion dea rs up. For chro nic si nusitis, try alternating each
-.)ne in two-wee k rota ti ons to bu ild up and th en maintain immunit y.
Vitamin C and Jlavonoids , also immune slfengtheners, offer an addi
il onal benefi t for peop le whose all ergy attacks deve lop imo full- blown
sinusitis. Bot h ca n mi ni mise the effect of hista mi ne - an inOam mato ry
substance produced by the cell s in response to po llen or ot her allergen s.
A natural decongestant , the herb ephedra (ma IlUang) widens th e
blood vesse ls in the respirato ry tract, re lieving congestion and swellin g.
However, it shou ld be used onl y for stu bborn acute attacks that don't
respo nd to other treatments, because Its side effects may include ner
\'o usness, Lrembli ng, insom nia and heart pa lpitations.

Milk has often been cited as a

culprit in increasing mucus produc
tion , and some say that it sh ould
be avoided during a bout of sinusitis.
But a recent US study of healthy sub
jects who drank 10 ounces (300 ml)
of milk daily showed that there was
no sign ificant increase in symptom s
such as congestion or thicker mucus .

In medical term inology, the suffix

What else you c an do

-itis (as in sinusitis, for example)

means inflammation .

Avoid ciga rette smoke and excess dust.

Drin k plenty of Ou ids to Lhin mucus.
Use a humi di fi er or cool- mist \'apo ri ser LO keep indoor air moist.
Pl ace warm compresses on yo ur face LO help open up you r sinuses.
Consider using a sinus irrigaLOr, a device fo und in hea lt h- food stores
and pharmac ies , thal uses salt water LO fl ush out mucus .


It's never too late to stop smoking, but unfortuna tely a tobacco add iction is one of the m os t
difficult habits to overcom e. A num ber of natura l suppleme nts ca n boos t your chances of success
by helpin g yo u cope w ith cravi ngs and reduci ng th e anxiety tha t often accompanies giving up .

What it is Though not considered an illness per se, smoking is

a habit with serious hea lth consequences Within mmutes of lighting
a cigarelte or cigar, the blood pressure and pulse rate ri se and oxygen
levels in the body drop. After several months of smok ing, cough , sinus
congestion , fa tigue , shortness of breath and other sympto ms can appear
Ove r the long term , smoking ca n lead to cance r. chronic lung disorders,
heart disease and slroke.
What causes it Why do so many people cont inue to smoke
despite the health risks' Because smoking is an eX lremel}' powe rful
addiction . Not only does ni cotine, the addictive drug in to bacco , cause
physical effects throughout th e body, but it goes almos t straight to the
brain , \-vhere it temporarily lifts spirils and sooth es anxi ety. Th e soc ial
ntuals associ ated with lighting up also work to calm anxiet ies. W hen
you stop smoki ng, nicotine b'els drop and jittery feelings acco mpany a
range of ph ysical complaints.

Smo king
Persistent cough or recurring
bouts of bronchi tis or pneumonia.
Hoarseness, sore th roat, bad
breath, yellowed teeth.
Premature greying, ba lding,
wrinkling of the skin.
Impotence and many ~dd itiona l
Giving up smoking
Anxiety, depression, craving for
cigarettes or sugar, compu lsive
eating, nervousness, irri tability.
Drowsin ess, fa tig ue, headaches,
productive cough, constipa tion.

How supplements can help Vario us supp lements may

help sootlle the frazz led nerves and powerful cravi ngs that a[Oict th ose
trying to ki ck the smokin g habil. Use d for se\'C ral weeks or months, they
can help smokers through this dirficu]t time. ,-\11 can be taken with other
stop-smoking aids , such as a nicotine patch or gum . and - under your
docto r's supervision - with antidepressant drugs.
Begin by increasing your intake of B \'itamins and vitamll1 C - which
are depleted in smokers. Vitamin B complex promotes heallhy nerves
and can lesse n anxiety; if you still remain unusuall y anxious, also take
niaci namide , a form of the B vi tamin niacin . The antioxidant vitamin C
mops up excess free radica ls ge nerated by Cigarette smoke and can help
lO ease cravings and other wi thdrawal symptoms.
A number of add itional nutrients - used Singly or together - may also
lessen nicotin e cravings. Bahing soda (sod ium bicarbonate) migh t

If you develop symptoms of a seri

ous smoking-rela ted illness: pains in
your chest or upper back; chro nic
wheezi ng or coughing; pink or
blood-tinged mucus; or persistent
sores or white patches on the
mouth, tongue or throa t.
If you need help quitting.
Reminder: If yo u have a medica l
condition, ta lk to you r docto r before
taking supplements.

The B vitamin pantothenic acid

con help you cope with the stress
of quitting smoking.


Supplement recomm en dations





Vitamin B

1 pill twice a day with food .

Choose a B-complex with

, 50 mcg vitamin B12 and
biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and
50 mg all other Bvitamins.

Vitamin C

2000 mg 3 times a day.

Likely to loosen stools at this

dosage . Use buffered powder
form for reduced stomach irri
tation and for convenience .

Baking soda

1 tsp in a glass of water twice

a day.

Don't take if you must restrict

sodium or have an ulcer.

Oat extract


250 mg 3 times a da y.

Standardised to contain at
least 3.5% kavapyrones.


500 mg twice a day between

Long-term use can cause liver

damage and other serious
side effects; monitoring by
your doctor is essential.

tsp tincture 4 times a day.


Pantothenic acid

500 mg twice a day.

An alcohol-based extract;
also called Avena sativa.

The ' up' feeling that smoking

produces comes from nicotine and
other compounds that mimic the
effects of the brain chemical acetyl
choline, wh ich plays a vital role in
mental alertness and memory. Eating
a well-balanced diet and taking a
high-potency multivitamin daily can
help boost your natural production
of acetylcholine and reduce your
need to smoke.
Many people put off giving up for
fear of gaining weight. To help keep
weight off (and stay off cigarettes),
exercise regularly and keep your
hands busy. Try munching on
healthy ' rabbit food' - carrots,
celery, cucumbers and the like.
In addition, pursue hobbies such as
painting, knitting or woodworking.

Also called vitamin B5.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages m ay be provided by supplements you are already tak ing - see page 39.

prov ide sh ort-term reli ef. Studi es show it reduces the desire [0 sm oke by
increasing the pH of the urine, thereby slowing the eliminati on of any
ni cotine stored in the body Oat extract. which hea lers in India ha\'e
used to treat opium addicti on for ce nturies. presen ts <mother intri guing
possibility. In one study, it significant ly reduced the crav 1l1g for Ciga
rettes, even two month s after people sto pped ta ki ng it , possibly by
affecting levels of th e brain chem icals responsi ble fo r addiction.
The anti-arLx iety herb l10 va may also be effecti \-e in calming the Jitters
of nicotine withdrawa l, which typi ca ll y dissipme with in a month or so.
In addition, eve ryone trling [0 kic k the smoking habit may benefit fro m
the anti stress B \'itamin pantothenic acid , which boosts production of
stress horm ones by the adrenal gland .

Researchers have long known that

drinkers tend to smoke more than
nondrinkers and that drinking often
serves as a social cue to smoke.
Now, a study from Purdue University
in Indiana shows that in smokers,
alcoh ol can actuall y increase the
craving to smoke .
The US Journal of the National
Cancer Institute reports that people
who stop smoking for longer than
three months are much less likely to
relapse than those who stop for a
shorter time - which is another rea
son to try supplements and other
strategies to get you over the hump.

Wha t else you can do

Co nsider nicotine gums or patches, ac upu nctu re treatme nt or hyp no
sis. All can reduce cra\'ings .
Exe rcise to cut down on stress. A brisk wa lk can also help O\TrCOme
an intense crav ing, which usuall y lasts only a fcw minutes.

Within 3 months of stopping smok

ing , lung capacity increases. And after
about'5 years, most of the elevated
health risks return to normal.


S_ore throat
Whatever the cause, a sore throat can make life unpleasant, particularly if you need to use your
voice a lot. Fortunately, this ailment responds exceptionally well to natural treatments. Not only
do they alleviate the pain and discomfort, but they also reduce throat inflammation.

What it is Il has been described as a scratchy fee ling, a tic kle , or

even a bu rning pain . Still, a so re throat by any other name is just that
a feeling of so reness that begins at the back of the mouth and exten ds to
the middle of the throat Usually the result of inOammation, a sore throat
is not an illness but a symptom When the lh roat is infected or ot henvise
irritated, the bod)1 responds by send ing more blood to the area . It car
ries white blood ce lls and other subst ances to righl the infection - and
these actuall y ca use the redne ss, swe lli ng and pain in th e throat.

Pain or burning in throat and

sometimes ears; redness.
Difficulty in swallowing,
A lump-like feeling in the throat.
Swollen lymph glands under jaw.

What causes it Allergies, bacterial or I'iral infeclions and el1l'i

ronmental lriggers (dusl, low humid it )', smoke) are th e mOst common
causes of a sore throat. In the case of an allergy or viral infec tion , a sore
throat is orten the result of postnasal drip - the draining of excessive
mucus from the nose or sinuses down the back of th e throat. In addi
tion, the I'iruses that cause cold s arlen allac k throat tissue direct l),
Usually a vira l sore lhroat del'elops slo wl), ove r the course of several
da ys. Il lasls longer but is milder lhan a bacterial infecti on (such as strep
throat) , which often strikes quite sudde nl), - sometimes in a maller of
hours - inducing seve re lhroat pain , difficull ), m swallow ing and fel'e r.

If yo ur sore throat is seve re and

comes on suddenly - you could have
strep throat.
If you have a fever over 37.5(
and no symptoms of a cold.
If you have extreme difficulty
in swallowing.
If you develop a rash.

How supplements can help The remedies listed here will

strengthen your immune syslem, help heal inO amed lhroal lissue and
ease pain Unless othe rwise noted, use lhem togelher for the duration of
your symptoms . These supplements can be comb ined with OI'e r-the
counte r or prescnplion med icatio ns for colds or allergies or lI'ith anti
biotics for strep throat

Zinc lozenges help you

fight a cold, a common
cause of a sore throat.


If a mi ld sore throat persists for

more than a w eek.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supp le m e n t reco mmendations




Vita min C

1000 mg 3 ti mes a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhoea

deve lops.

Vitam in A

50000 IU twice a day with

food until symptoms improve;
if needed after 7 days, reduce
to 25000 IU a day.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.


200 mg 4 times a day.

Standardised to contai n at

least 3.5% echinacosides.


400-600 mg 4 times a day

with food.

Use aged, cold-fermented or

fresh garlic.


1 lozenge every 3 or 4 hours

as needed.

Do not exceed 150 mg zinc a

day from all sources.

Slippery elm

As a tea, 1 tsp per cup of hot

water as needed.

May substitute or combi ne

with marshmallow root.

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Gargling several times a day

reduces the pain of a sore throat.
Two gargles to try: a tea of equal
parts Slippery elm, raspberry leaf,
goldenseal and licorice, cooled to
lukewarm; or Y, teaspoon sa lt and
1 teaspoon turmeric mixed into
250 ml of warm water.
Before you take antibiotics for a
sore throat, have your doctor per
form a simple test to determine
whether your problem is indeed
related to a bacterial infection. If
you do have strep throat, antibiotics
are necessary, but they may destroy
the 'friendly' bacteria that keep your
digestive system functioning well.
Replenish your internal supply of
these bacteria with acidophilus.

Vitamin C helps the body to fight the upper respiratory infections that
often cause so re throat. As a natural antihistamine , it can al so reduce the
inf1ammato r)I compounds produced by the bod ies of peopl e with aller
gies. Vitamin A s pee ds the healing of muco us membra nes , such as those
in the th roat. The herbs eciJinacea and garliC hal'e antil'iral and antibac
terial prope nies; start takin g them at the fi rst sign o f throat irritati on.
In addition , try zinc lozenges to help pre\'e nt a so re throat caused by
a cold ; studies ha\'e show n that they ma y sho rten the durati on of the ill
ness . If you dislike the taste o f zinc or don 't hal'e a co ld , drink a tea o f
slippery elm or marshmallol\l root. These herbs coat th e throat , making
swallowing easie r and relie\'ing pain . Slip pery elm contain s mUCi lagi
nous co mpound s that soothe the membrane of the throat For an e:-; tra
immunit y boost, add a few drops of gold ensea l tincture to your te<l - it
is especiall y effectil'e agai nst bacterial in fec ti o ns beca use it co ntain s
be rbe rine , an antibacte rial co mpound If yo u are congested as \\'ell , yo u
can add licori ce (in dri ed herb or tin cture fo rm ) , but do n't take it if you
have high blood pressure

Although zinc lozenges have

proved effective in reduc ing the
duration of cold viruses in adults,
new research shows that they do
not have the same effect in children.
A study involving 249 schOOl-age
children found that those using zinc
lozenges took just as long to get
over their colds as children taking
a placebo (nine days on average).
Other studies in adults have shown
that zinc lozenges cut the duration
of the cold almost in half. It is not
clear why zinc works for adults, but
not for chi ldren.

What else you can do

Use a humi difier or coo l-mist \'aporiser to kee p the throat lubricated.
Don't sm oke, and stay out of smoke-filled rooms .
Drink eight o r mo re cups o f liquid s daily War m liqUids, such as soup
or tea , may be espec iall y helpful.


L.. ---Strains & sprains

Whether caused by vigorous weekend activity, slipping on wet ground or stepping off a curb the
wrong way, strains and sprains can affect anyone. Whatever the reason, it's surprising how much
a program of natural therapies can help.

What it is Strains are min or injunes to the muscles . They occur

mosl often in the calf, thigh, groin or shoulder, ca using soreness and
stiffness. Sprains are similar to strains , but are more se rious and painful,
and take longer to heal. The), can entail damage to ligaments, tendons
or muscles - usually those su rrounding a joint
What causes it Strains and sp rains result from physical stress to
the muscles and other tissues. Lifting a heavy obj ect, O\'ersv>:i nging your
nine iron or overstretching before a workout can lead to a st rain .
Sprains, on the other hand, are the result of a sudden force to a muscle ,
tendon or ligament. Any unexpec ted mO\'ement , such as a fall or a twist
ing motion, can ya nk and tea r these Sl ructures.
How supplements can help Along with se lf- care mea
sures, supp lements - ta ken internally or applied externally - pro mote
tissue repair, strengthen injured 8reas an d redu ce inflammation They
can be ve ry effect ive for st rains or sprains, and most need be used for
only a week or so, or until the inj ury begins to feel better
Va rious oral suppleme nts can speed up the he8lin g process. They can
all be taken in combination and with com-entional painkill ers Try vita
min A in high doses for fi\'e days; it helps th e body to ll se protein and
repair tissue. The antioxidants vita min C and jlavol1oic!s aid in heali ng
and in limili ng further injury to conneCli\'e tissues and muscles A
bu ilder of cartilage (t he 'shock absOl'ber' of th e bock), gl Li cosamil1 e
slrengthens and protects the joints and ligaments Bmmeiail1 , an enzyme
derived from pineapples, may pre\'CnL swe lling and reduce in f1a mma
lio n, thereby relie\'ing pain ; it also promotes blood circulation and
speeds recove ry. Alth ough most peo ple don't need to take manganese

Stiff, sore muscles; tenderness
and swelling .
Slight skin discoloration, which
may appear after several days.
Mild to severe pain at time of
injury; tenderness and swelling of
the joint; bruising.
Inability to move the injured joint,
or extreme pain in doing so.

If swelling is seve re or gets worse,

or an injured joint becomes conspic
uously m isshapen - this ma y ind icate
a fractur e.
If pain continues to be extreme
despite self-treatment, or spreads to
other parts of the injured area.
If severe bruising or skin discol
oration occurs.
If the injured area cannot sustain
movement or bear weight.
Reminder: If yo u have a medi cal
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Glucosamine strengthens and

protects joints, helping sprains
and strains to heal faster.


Supplement r eco m me nda t ion s




Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug s (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen,

Vitamin A

25000 IU twice a day for

5 days with food.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering
pregnancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

aspirin and naproxen, are treatment

mainstays for various strains and
sprains. Supplements are safer alter
natives, however, because they have

Vitamin C/

1000 mg vitamin C and

500 mg flavonoids 3 times
a day.

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.


500 mg glucosamine sulphate

3 times a day.

Tak e with food to minimise

digestive upset.

500 mg 3 times a day on an

empty stomach.

An anti-inflammatory enzyme
found in pin eapples

very few of the drugs' dangerous side

effects, such as stomach bleeding .
Although scientists have found no

Brom elain

ev idence to confirm that magnets

ha ve any benefits, some people are
con vinced that apply ing magnets to
painful areas can speed healing. Th is
form of therapy is especially popular


100 mg a day for 7 days .

Helps heal ligaments, tendons

and cartilage.

Arnica ointment

App ly to painfu l area 4 times

a day.

Don't put on broken skin;

never ingest arnica.

marjoram oil

Add a few drops to a basin of

cold water.

Soak a towel in the mixture,

wring it out, then apply.

Rosemary oil

Add a few drops to a basin of

cold water.

Soak a towel in the mixture,

wring it out, then apply.

in Japan ,

A recent study of 59 people with

strains and torn ligaments who were
give n 500 mg of bromelain three
times a day for one to three weeks
found that the supplement caused

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

a marked reduction in swelling, ten

derness and pain, both at rest and
during movement. The results were

suppl ements regularl ),. lhose Ilith slrains or spLlins may beneL :'~'o m a
one-wee k co urse or this mineral. II'hich pIal'S a role in keeping tendons
and ltgaments health y.
Topi cal therap ies mar also \vor k. ,-'\ pply crea ms or O!l1LInenlS con
taining the plant extract Ql'I1ica to so re muscles o r joints to reclu ce pain
and swe lling and encourage healing. Co mpresses soa ked in a mi xture of
either sweet lIJaIj o ralll oil or ros e lHQI )' oil and II'ate r ca n hal'e a soolh
ing, pain-reliel'i ng efrec t and hel p to dec rease slle lling

comparab le with those in peop le

taking NSAIDs such as aspirin.

Sprains can w eaken ligaments and

lead to recurring injuries. Adapt your
exe rcise program to take account of
an injury, and be sure to warm up

W hat else you can do

Rem ember th e RI CE aO'on)l11: Reslthe injured pan ; lee the painful
area; Compress the inj ury 11'][h an elastic support band:lge; an d Elel'ate
the inj ured area abol'e th e lel'e l or the hean. Apply ice [or 10 - 20 min
utes at a time; reapply il el'er), tll'O or three hours [o r one to tlVO days
rollowing the inj ury A bag or rroze n peas is an errec tll'e substitute ror ice,
as il can easily be moulded arou nd the mlured area.
Once the swe lling subsides, use a hot compress or hea ting pad on the
area to increase blood circulati on.

thoroughly befo re exe rcising. An

elastic support bandage may help
to protect weakened joints.


'-----S_t_re ss
An inevitable part of modern life, stress can exhaust natural defences, leaving the body
susceptible to a wide range of health problems, Certain nutrients can help you cope, and
various herbs and other nutritional supplements can calm the mind and restore equanimity,

What it is Slress is simpl)' an indil'iduals response to laxing phys

ical, emotional or el1l'ironme mal demands Th ough the body is
equipped to dea l with brief episodes of stress, suslained high-b 'el stress
can el'cnlually take a heal), toll on your phys ica l and mental health
What causes it A I'ariety of predicaments can produce stress
Job pressures , famil y discord , financial prob lems, traumatic el'ents,
injuri es or illn ess. The body's initial reaction to stress, called the 'fi ght or
ni ght' response , is a natural and hea llhy reaction in \I'hich the adre nal
glands prepare the body for impending danger. These two small glands,
one atop each kid ney, release adrenaline and other so-called st ress hor
mones that provid e a n instant burst of energy and stre ngth - allowing
lhe body to confront an enemy or escape to safe ty.
Problems arise, howel'e r, if stress pers ists Ol'er time , ch ronically h igh
leve ls of st ress hormones deplete bOlh. nu tri ent and energy- resen 'es,
creating an OI-erall state of exhaustio n. What's more, blood pressure and
cholesterol levels increase (sometimes damagmg th e hea n and blood
vessels); th e stomach sec reles too much acid ; sex horm ones di minish;
and th e brai n becomes starved for glucose (its onl )' energy source),
impairing mental ability All these effects lake an additional toll on the
immun e system, which can become so wea kened that the body can
muster little resistance to infection and illness.
How supplements can help Beca use ma ny nUlrients are
crucial to the body's natural ab ility to cope, a daily multivilamin and
mineral is espeC iall y important during times of st ress. Take vitamin B
complex as well; the ext ra B I'lta mins It sup pli es promote th e h.ealth of
the nell'o us and immune systems and can counteract fatigue. Calc ium
and magneSium are worthwhil e, too, because they ca n reli el'e muscle

Fatigue, insom nia or difficulty

in concentrating .
Nervousness, agitation or unusual
exc itability.
Loss of appetite, nausea, upset
stomach, diarrhoea or constipation.
Heada ches.
Loss of sexual interest.
Irritability, anger, resentment,
apathy or pessimism,

If yo u have prolonged or pro

noun ced symptoms of stress. These
weaken yo ur immune system and
increase your risk of medical prob
lems - heart disease, high blood
pressu re, digestive disorders, ulcers,
migraines, and possibly cancer,
If stress symptoms (changes in
appetite, mood and sleep pattern s)
lead to problems with work, relation
ships or everyday activities, or to
substance abuse - yo u may need to
be treated for depression.
Reminder: If yo u have a medical
or psychiatric condition, talk to your
doctor before taking supplements.

The dried root of Panax

ginseng, which is often
packaged in capsule form,
helps to combat stress,


Suppleme n t recomme ndations




Vitamin B
comp lex

1 pill twice a day wi th food .

Choose a B-complex with

150 mcg vitamin B12 an d

biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and

50 mg all other Bvitamins.


250 mg ca lcium an d 250 mg

Som etim es sold combined in

a single supplement. Be care

ful taking magnesium if you

have kid ney disease.

Siberian ginseng

100-3 00 mg 3 times a day.

magnesium twice a day

with food .

Standardised to contain at

least 0.8% eleutherosides.

Panax ginseng

100-250 mg twice a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 7% ginsenosides.


250 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain at

least 3.5% kavapyrones.


1- 3 mg before bedtime.

Start with the lower dose and

increase as needed.

St John's wort

300 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain

0.3% hypericin.

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39 .
tension and stren gthe n the heart. Both Sibel'iall and Pallax ginseng,
which bolster the adrena l glands, lTlay also be efrecti\e These SLress
flghting he rbs are sometimes called 'adapLogens' (because they help the
bod y 'adapt' LO chall enges) or 'tonics' (becau se they 'tone' the body,
mak ing it more resilient) All ca n safely be take n together
Other herbs and nUL ritio nal suppl ements, use d Singly o r toge th er or
combined wit h the sup pl ements a bO\-e, may be of \a lue in s peCial cir
cumsta nces. Kava may be helpful for stress-induced anx iety. but is best
reserved for high-su ess pe riods lasting up to three months. Try me/(!
[Ol1il1 if worry is keeping you up at night. and StJ Olll1 's wort if stress is
acco mpanied by mild de press ion

What else you can do

Exercise regularly In additio n , try b rea th ing exe rcises , yoga, t'ai chi ,
meditation , massage, biofeedback and other reiaxaLion tec hniques.
Eliminate or restric t your intake of ca ffe ine and alcohol They ca n
contribu te to jitle riness and keep you from sleeping.
Consider psychological counselling and therapy, which ca n help
increase you r coping skills
Maintain soc ial ti es. A close su pport n etwork of family and fri end s is
crucial to good health Even a cherished pet can be a grea t stress re li ever.

Adrenal formulas, available from

health -food shops, may be a usefu l
addition to a stress-management
program . They contain B vitamins,
licorice, Siberian ginseng or other
stress-fighting substances, and can
be taken with other supplements.

A Un iversity of Utah study found

th at high altitudes and extremes of
temperature - which exert physical
stress on the body comparable
with the effect of emotional st ress
increased the body's needs for
nutrients and kilojoules, especially
antioxidant vitamins (such as vitamin
C) and minerals, That's one more
reason to get plenty of vitamins and
minerals when you're under stress.
Researchers report that being
high Iy stressed for more than a
month doubles your chances of
catching a cold, compared with on ly
routine stress. Work-related stress
and problems with personal relation
ships had the greatest impact on
who got sick,

In 1984, the Russian Ministry of

Health reported that job perfor
mance among telegraph operators
improved when they took Siberian
ginseng. Workers were able to trans
mit te xt faster while making fewer
mistakes, and were generally better
able to cope with job-related stress.


_______S_u_n bur n
The best advice is undoubtedly to avoid sunburn by covering up and using sunscreen. But
sometimes, despite such precautions, your skin may burn. A number of healing supplements
that can relieve the pain and help to prevent long-term skin damage are readily available.

What it is Sunbul11 is th e reddenin g and innammalion of the

skin 's outer laye rs that occ urs in response to lwe rexposure to th e sun . lt
may be mild, with some redn ess; moderate, with small blislers: or
severe, wilh purple skin . chill s and bu S>lnptoms appea r gradual1y
and may nOl peak until 24 hours after ex posure. Sunburn is best
avoided , and nOl just beca use it may hun. it speeds up th e age ing of
yo ur ski n and increases yo ur risk of skin cance rs later in life
What causes it The amount of sun ex posure needed to produce
sunb urn va ries \ov ith an indi\' idual's skin pigmematlon, the geographic
location , the season , the time of day and th e wea ther condilions
Melanin , a skin pigment th at absorbs the sun's ulrra\'iolet (UV) rays, is
th e bod y's natural defence aga inst sunburn. Fair-haired people \\'il h lighl
eyes have less melanin than da rker-skinned peo pl e and are more pron e
to sunburn. Some antibi olics and othe r drugs ca n also make th e skin
more sensi ti ve to the sun.

Mild - Pink or reddish skin that is

hot to the touch.
Moderate - Red skin with small
blisters filled w ith fluid; blisters may
itch or break .
Severe - Deep red to purplish
skin, w ith or w ithout blisters, accom
pan ied by chills, fever, headache,
nausea or dizz iness.

If yo u experience ch ills, fever,

heada che, nausea or dizziness.

How supplements can help Sup pl emellls cann ot pl'e\T nt

sunburn . but app li ed to the skin and taken orally, they ca n lesse n the
discomfort and damage th at it ca uses.
Top icalu"eatmel1ls may prov ide immedia te soothmg re li ef. To soo lhe
a mild sunburn , add 10 drops each of chamomile oil andla vcnder oil to
a coo l bath and soak for 30 minutes or more to reli e\"e disco mfort and
moist urise the skin. Alternati \e!y. soa k in a lu kewarm bath co ntainin g a
cup of dissoh'ed bak ing soda. If th e burn is more serious, prepa re a top
ica l remedy using a few drops of cham omile oil or la\ encler a d. or both ,

If larg e blisters form, which ca n

become infected.
If you experien ce unu sually severe
itching or pain.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

The clear gel found in the aloe

leaf provides a soothing balm
for sunburnt skin.


Supplement recommendations
Chamomile o il

Add to a cool bath or mix
with 10 ml almond oil (or
other neutral oil) and apply
to skin twice a day.

Use with lavender oil.

Cham omile or calendula oint

ment applied several times a

day also promotes healing.

To help speed heali ng, make your

own vitamin E cream by breaking
open a capsule an d squeezing the oil
into about a tablespoon of moisturis
ing cream. Mix well and apply to the
sunburnt skin as needed .

Lavender oil

Add to a coo l bath or mix

Use with chamomile oil.

with 10 ml almond oi l (or

another neutral oil) and apply

to skin twice a day.

Aloe vera is an old , t ime-tested

remedy for sunburn. Grow your own
aloe p lant on an indoor w indowsi ll .
It can provide a convenient and

Aloe ve r a gel

Apply gel to affected areas of

skin as needed.

Use peeled fresh aloe leaf or

commercial gel.

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Reduce dose if diarrhea


Vitamin E

500 IU twice a day with food ,

or topical cream applied as

Don't take orally if taking

anticoagulant drugs.

Flaxseed oil

1 tbsp (15-20 ml) twice a day

with food .

Use until fully healed.

inexpensive source of the hea ling

gel. Ma ny sunburn p roducts include
aloe vera as a key ingredient. Look
for prepa rations that contain at least
20% aloe vera to be su re you're get
ting the benefits of this heali ng herb.

Scientis ts in Munich, Germany,

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already t aking - see page 39.

have discovered that taking vitamins

C and E in combination reduces the

and 101111of a neuLral oi l, such as alm ond oil. anel appl)' it ge ntl y to the
affected areas twice a da y Aloe vera gel and chamomil e or calendula
crea m (a\-ailable in health-food stores) also soothe the skm and help
speed healing
Because sun exposure releases fre e radicals that can damage the skin,
oral supplementation with the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E
(used long term, if needed) rna)' also be beneficial Fo r bad burn s, I-ita
min E cream is ver)' useful and should be appli ed to help the skin to hea l
and to prel'ent sca rring Or tr ), jlCL'(seed oil , wh ich is rich in fall Y acids
Lhat reduce inflammation and promote skin healin g.

body's reaction to sunburn damage .

This, they believe, may also lower
the risk of long-term skin damage,
such as wrink ling and skin cancer.
Thoug h some h ea lers recommend
t aking beta -caro t ene supplements to
protect against sunburn, doctors at
Tufts University, Boston, have found
that these supplements do not afford
any detectable protec tion against
sunburn damage.

What else you can do

Use a sunscreen lVi Lh a su n protection factor (SPF ) of at least 15 .
Al'o idthc sun between 10 a. m. and3 pm.. when iLS ra)'s are strongest,
and CO \U up with clothing anel a " 'ide-brimmed hat.
Relieve sel-e re sunburn pain by soaking a so ft cotton toll'e l or shirt, or
a gauze pad, in colel milk and placing it gently on the affected areas. Or
place cooled used tea bags on the affe cted areas. The tannins in the tea
may help to ease the sunburn pain.
Add a cup of finel )' grou nd oatmeal (sold as colloidal oatmeal in phar
macies) to the bath . It can help to reliel"( the pain and itching of sunburn .

Sun li ght reflected o ff wate r, sand

or snow - or even passing through
cloud cover on an overcast day
can be just as harmful to your skin
as direct sunlight.


Ih}(roid disease
In an estimated 1,5 million Australians - just over 8% of the population - the thyroid gland
isn't 'tuned' properly, so that it produces too much thy roid hormone or too little, Many cases
of thyroid disorder go undiagnosed - but once identified, the disease is readily treatable,

What it is The thyro id gland . co nsistmg of two bu tte rn y-shape d

lobes at the base of th e throat, produ ces hormones esse ntial [or the
proper functioning and maintenance o[ all the ce lls in the body. If it
releases LOO much thyroid hormone - a condit ion knOI\TI as hypenh )'
roidism - the bod y runs LOa rast, rather lIke an oluhea led engine
Co nversely, if il secreles LOa lillle - a disorder ca lled hypothyroidism
the body metabolism can beco me sluggi sh Symptoms o[ eilher condi
tion can appea r ITry qui ckly. but oflen del'e! op gradually.

What causes it So me cases of thy roid disease result [rom an

auto-immun e diso rder, in ",hlch the bodys immune system attacks lh e
thyroid gl and Ge netic fac to rs, horm onal disturbances e!sell'here in th e
body. surgery, rad iation , or medications are other possible causes.
Insuffi cient amoums of iodine in the di et can al so lead to h) poth y
roidism or goitre.
How supplements can help The supp lements listed here
may be beneficial for those with th yro id diso rders. includi ng peo ple
already taking col1lTntional drugs. But alll'a)'s chec k \\'i th your doc tor
first, because some of these nutrients may alter your prescripti on d rug
close It may lake a month or so to notice benefits.
Vitamin C and the B-compl ex vitamins are important in th e trealment
of hyperthyroidi sm and hypoth yroidism The)' play key roles in im prol'
ing the ove rall functi on of the imm une syslem and th yroid gland

Mood changes; restlessness;
anxiety; difficulty in sleepi ng.
Weight loss despite increased
appetite; diarrhoea; rapid heartbeat;
sw eating and intolerance to hea t.
Bulging, irri tated eyes; muscle
weakness; light menstrual periods
or none.
Hypothy roidism
Fatigue, lethargy or slowed
movement; mental depression;
memory problem s.
Weight gain; constipation;
intolerance to cold.
Dry hair and skin; puffiness
around the eyes; heavier menstrual
periods .
Painl ess swelling of the thyroid,
commonly ca used by an iodine
deficiency in the diet.

If you have any of the above

symptoms - a blood test will confi rm
the diagnosis.
Reminder: If you have a med ica l
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Vitamin B complex is useful for

treating both an overactive and
an underactive thyrOid.


Supplement re commenda t ions




Most doctors prescribe a synthetic

th y roid hormone for hypo thyro idi sm

Vit amin C

1000 mg a day.

Useful for both hyperthy

roidi sm and hypothyroid ism.

because d osages are standardised.

It co nsists of a si ngle hormone, T4,

Vitamin B


Choose a Bco mple x with

150 mcg vitamin B1 2 and

biotin, 400 mcg folic acid and

100 mg all oth er B vitamins.

tha t is converted in th e body to its

1000 mg powdered kelp

a day.

Should supply 100 mcg


(extracted from cows) may be better

1000 mg L-tyrosine a day.

After 1 mon th, ad d a mixed

amino acid complex.

especially older ones, improve

Add coppe r only when using

zi nc longer than 1 month .

the syntheti c to the natural form .

1 pill each morning for

hyperthyroidism or

active form, T3. But not every one

has enoug h of an enzyme needed
for this conversion. Natural thyroid
for some people because it co ntains
both T4 and 13. Many pa tie nts,

t E" 1:

Tyrosin e


Zinc/ Copper

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

significantly w hen switched from

Some doctors fear that natural
thyroid hormone may be contami

Coleus forskohlii

50 mg twice a day.

May lower blood pressure;

don 't use with prescription

blood pressure drugs.

Stand ard ised to contain

18% forskolin.

nated with vi ruses. Although there 's

no clinical evidence that n atu ral thy
roid hormone has cau sed disease, a
synthetic thyroid hormone ca ll ed
liotrix, containing both T4 and 13,

Note: Consider using 5LIpplements in blue firs t; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already ta king - see page 39.

m ay be an acceptable alternative .
The herbs motherwo rt and Iyco
pu s (bugleweed) ca n be helpful in


- "TI


.... -"

Peo ple with a sluggish th )Toid may need add itional surp lements. but
onl y und er a practiti oner's supenision. If the cond ition is caused by an
iodi ne deficiency, help (whic h contains a good amount of iod in e) can be
use d as a co mp lement [0 co m'emi oned trea tment . Yo ur practll ioner may
also recommend the amino ac id tyrosine; like iodi ne, it is a key compo
nent of thyroid horm one Ex tra zillc (take lI'ith copper II'hen using lon g
term) may be necessa ry as well [0 help boost thyro id fun ction . Those
with hypothyroidism may also benefi t from long-te rm use of an ex tract
of (olnts Iorslw lJlii , a herb used in traditi ona l Ind ian medI cine that
stim ulates the release of thyroid horm one In h)venhyroidism there s a
greater need for all \'itamins and min era ls because th e body's mClabol ism
is so much faster than normal.

What else you can do

Regul arly chec k the area of your neck .lust be lo\\ the Adam5 apple for
any bulging, which may be a sign of th)To id problems
If you ha\'e an O\'eracti\-e thyroid , eat plenty of raw cruciferous \-egeta
bles, such as brocco li , cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, which
contain a natural th)Toid blocker. A\'oid iodised salt and iodi ne- contain
ing foods, incl udi ng sa ltwa ter fish and shellfi sh.
If you ha\'e an uncleracti\-e thyro id , stay a\\'ay from clUc iferous \'t:geta
bles and eat iod ine-rich fooels.

t reati ng an overactive thy roid . See

you r practitioner for advice.

Smokers take heed : a team of

Swiss researchers found that smok
ing ca n significantly increase the
severity of hypothyroidism .

Hy pothyroidism is at least four times

more prevalent among women than
it is am o ng men. Women over the
age of 50 are especially at ri sk.



Itn_nit us
It may be all in your head, but it's nonetheless very real - a persistent buzzing, humming,
whistling or plain old ringing in the ears that afflicts many older people. And though there's
no outright cure, treatment is at hand in the form of vitamins, minerals and herbs .

What it is The medical name for persistent rInging in the ea rs is

tinnitus - whi ch is a Latin wo rd meaning 'ringIng', Probably 20% of
Australians experience so me form of tinnitus at some time in lheir lives,
and many seek med ica l help for it , [n ce rtain peo pl e (usuall y those onr
the age of 60), the ringin g may become so inLntsi\'e th al il interferes Wilh
slee p or leads to depression and anxiel y. About 80% of su fferers al so
ha\'C some degrec of hea ring loss,
What causes it l\,lost cases of tinn ilU~ probabl y stem from
repeated exposu re to loud no ises (roc k music, gun shots. ind ustrial
machinery), whi ch ca n damage the ncn'es and [tny hairs in the inn er ear
thal detec t sound, Olher ca uses, some of which are easily remed ied .
in clude excess eJr\\'ax, ca r in kcLiClns, LOO much alcoho l, poo r blood cir
culati on and the sid e dfects of ce rtain medications, especia lly antibiolics
or aspi rin , Rece nl resea rch indi cates that the ringing' im'oh'CS
some so rt of ner\'e malfunction in the brain - not sim rly problems
within the ca r.

Persi stent ringing, buzzing or

humming in one or both ears,
Possibl e hearing loss ,
Sleep disturbances, distress
or anxiety.

If you experience unusual or

unrelenting noise in one or both
ears that persists and interferes
with daily tasks or sleep,
If ringing is accompan ied by
fa cial numbness, dizziness, nausea
or loss of balance .

How supplements can help f or the many chron ic cases

"vah no readily treatab le cause, suppl ements may be d fecti w , Those
lisled ca n sa fely be used togct her and usually need LO be t,lke n long
term , th ough benefi ls may be noti ced \\'i thin a mon th ,
Because poor blood ci rculat ion to ce rtain pan s of th e brain ma y affect
lhe inner cars and cause nnging, the herb ginhgo biloba may relie\ e
so me cases, lhough its benefits may take wceks or monlhs to be fe lt For
th e sa me reason , th e B-\' itamin niacin may be useful becaLlsc it clilates
blo od \'essels in the brain ,

The herb ginkgo biloba, shown here

in tablet form, may help to relieve
annoying ringing in the ears,


If ringing affects only one ear for

an ex tended period ,
Reminder: If you ha ve a medical
cond iti on, talk to your doctor before
tak ing supp lements ,

Supplement recomm enda t io ns




Aspirin, especially if it's overused,

can cause ringing in the ears - and

Ginkgo biloba

N iacin

1000 mg twice a day (as dried

leaf in capsule or tablet form) .

Standardised to have at least

24% flavone glycosi des.

500 mg 3 times a day.

Niacin may cause flu shi ng.

Increasing the dose gradually
may reduce this effect

Vitamin B6

50 mg 3 times a day.

200 mg daily over long term

can cause nerve damage.

Vitamin B12/
Folic acid

1000 mcg vitamin B12 and

400 mc g folic acid a day.

Take sublingu al form for best

absorption .


400 mg twice a day with

food .

Be careful ta king magnesium

if you have kidney disease.


30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month .

so can the aspirin-like herb white

w illow bark . Avoid both of them if
ringing in the ears is a problem ,
Because it often begins with
isolated incidents and becomes
chronic w ith age, tinnitus has been
described as 'listening to old age
sneak up on you '. Taking supple
ments may keep it from sneaking
up so qu ickly.
Loud noises ma y be the prim e
contributing factor to tinnitus. To
help prevent further damage to the

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

Other sup plements may help by imprO\'ing the hea llh of the ne n 'es,
including those th;:u lead to the inner ear. Vi tam in B6 has beneficial
effects on ncn'c fu nction, as does vitamill Bn whIch the body uses to
make mye lin , a fa tty substance that cmTrs and prolects the nen'es and
enables the m to fu nction effiCie ntly. (Vi tamm B12 should be taken with
f oli c acid to pre\'ent de ficiencies of eith u B \'i tam in ) If )'our symp to ms
don't impro\'C afte r lhree months, discontinue the regimen of \'itamins
Bn and E12 , folic acid and ni acin
lvlagl1 esi1l111 al so plays an important role in mall1taining nen'e fun c
tion and hearing. Low' magneSium le\'e ls can ca use the blood \'Cssels to
constrict, inhibiting circulation in the bram. Beca use the in ner ea r has a
hIgher concentra ti on of z inc than most ot her pans of the body, insuffi
cie nt zinc mi ght co nt ribute to tin ni tus. Indeed, e\'e n a slight defi Ciency
can worse n the hearing loss assoc iated wit h ageing. Zinc inte rferes with
cappel' abso rption, so be sure to take a cop per supplement as wel l.

ears, wear earplugs. They're a boon

if y ou're constantly exposed to noisy
machinery, loud music or explosives.

A Japanese study found zinc use

ful in treati ng some people suffering
from tinnitus. The researchers
administered zinc to people who
had low levels of the mineral in th eir
blood. After two weeks, their zinc
levels were significantly elevated and
their sy mptoms had improved.
Res earchers in Buffalo, New York,
recently pinpointed preCise areas of
the brain resp o nsible for ring ing in
the ears - which may help them to
de velop new therapies in the future.

What else you can do

Cut back on ca ffeine, alcohol, nicotine and aspirin They can make
~1l1 gin g in the ears wo rse.
Have your hea ring checked . A pro perl y adjusted hea nn g aid may
iminish or e\'en elimina te the rin ging
,-\sk your dOClor abou t ea r de\ices that co\'er up or mask tinni tus. Low
'(' tume 'white noise', such as teb'ision or radio static, may also help.
Exe rcise regularly to imprm'e circulation and pOSSibly ease symptoms.
Consider acupu ncture to relie\'c the buzzin g

Vitamin B12 supplements may be

especially important for treating
tinnitu s in older people, becau se
many of them ha ve trouble in
absorbi ng thi s vitamin.


U~I_ce. rs
One in ten people will develop an ulcer during his or her lifetime. These painful and occasionally
life-threatening erosions in the lining of the stomach or intestine can often be quickly and
effectively treated with both conventional drugs and a number of useful natural remedies.

What it is An ulcer is a crater-li ke erosion in the protecti\'e lini ng

of the stom ach or th e duodenum , a part of the sma ll intestine. Normall y,
glands in the sto mach secrete substa nces that prom ote digest ion , includ
ing acids and the enzyme pepsin At the sa me time, the stomach and
du odenum secrete mucus , whi ch protects the stomach lining from dam
age by these digestive juices. An ulcer forms when thi s balance breaks
down, causing th e Juices to begin literally cligestll1g the stomach or the
intestinal lining.

What causes it Un til recen d)" conventiona l wisdom held that a

stressful lifestyle and a diet rich in rats and spicy foods lead to an ulc er.
Now, rese archers ha\'e disco\'ered that most ulcers are caused by a bac
te rium called HelicoiJacLer pylori. Once the digesti\'e tract is infected , the
protective mucous membrane is wea kened , and e\'en small amounts of
di gestive juices can eat into [he intestinal wall. Secondary inOuences .
such as stress, diet , alcohol, caffein e and smoking, can aggra\'ate ulcera
tion. Other facl ors contributing to ulcers include heredity - ulcers oft en
run in families - and long-term use of aspirin , ibuprofen, or other non
steroid al anti-inO am matory drugs (NSAlDs)

Typical symptoms
A gnawing or aching pain in the
stomach, eith er just before a meal or
or several hours afterwards. The pain
may feel like heartburn, or may be
accompanied by indigestion, nausea,
vomiting or weight loss . Pain may be
relieved by consuming antacids,
bland food s or milk and dry biscuits .
Emergency symptoms
Passing black or bloody stools,
or vo miting blood or particles that
look like coffee grounds, may indi
cate internal bleeding. Sudden,
severe abdominal pain could mean
that the ulcer has perforated the
intestinal wall. These are life
threatening emergencies.

How supplements can help You r

docto r 'vvill probably order a blood test or a
breath test for H. pylOri, and will prescribe
antibiot ics and other medicali ons if the test
is positive. 'vVhether or not bacteria are
prese nt , laking the various natural reme
di es listed (all of which are safe to use
together and wil h conventional drugs)
ca n help to speed up hea lin g. Pa in usua ll y
diminis hes in about a week, although the
ulcer ca n take up to eight weeks to hea l.

If you have ulcer symptoms .

If you experience any signs of
internal bleeding or perforation
(blood in vom it, black and tar- like
stools or severe abdo minal pain)
these require immediate medical
attenti on.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Aloe vera juice contains the

astringent but ulcer-healing
gel from the leaf of the aloe
vera plant.


Supplement recommendations
Vitamin A

50 000 IU daily for 7 days,
then 10 000 IU a day. Take
with food.


Antibiotics are probably your be st

bet for eliminat in g H. PVlori, the bac

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or con sidering

pregnancy, don't exceed

2500 IU a day.

terium that causes most ulcers. But

natural supplements offer a safer
alternati ve to most other conven
tional ulcer drugs. And most have

Vitam i n C

Zin c/ Copper

1000 mg twice a day.

30 mg zinc and 2 mg copper

a day.

Take in a buffered form to

reduce gastric irritation .

few, if any, known adverse effects.

Add copper only when using

zinc longer than 1 month.

have proved ve ry effect ive at reduc

Manuka honey, garlic and thyme,

ing H. pylori. Try taking a tablespoon
of manuka honey, 2 g of aged or


2 ml standardised extract
3 times a day before meals.

Can raise blood pressure;

when taking long term, eat
lots of vegetables and fruits
that contain potassium .

cold-ferm ented garlic (or 2-3 raw

cloves), and either 2 ml of extract of

thyme or a cup of thyme tea three
times a day.


500 mg L-glutamine 3 times

a day for 1 month. Take on
an empty stomach.

Gamma -oryzanol 150 mg 3 times a day for

1 month.
Aloe vera juice

h cup juice 3 times a day for

1 month.

High doses of glutamine can

be hazardous.

Extracted from rice bran oi l.

Take on an empty stomach.

US studies have shown that DGl

(deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is better

Con taining 98 % aloe vera.

than antacids for both short-term

and maintenance ulcer therapy.
This form of licorice is likely to

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

become available in Australia and

Vitamin A helps to protecr the lining of the stom ach and small imestine,
all OWing ulcers to hea l. Vitamin C may direc tly inh ibil the gtO" 'lh of the
H. py lori bacrerium . Substances that foster healing include z inc (take it
with copper beca use zinc inhibils copper ab sorpli on) and licorice extrac t
should be used [or three month s lO maximise healmg (bUt with long
term use , be sure to ea l lots of "egerables and fruit s that contain potas
sium) GILltaminc , an amino acid , promotes healing by no urishing the
cell s that line the digestil'e traer. Gamma- OJyzaJ lO l. an extracl of ri ce
bran oil , also seems to be be nefi cial.
Other resea rch has shown th at Juice [rom th e aloe ve ra plant may
red uce stomach acid sec reti ons and reliel'e ulcer sy mptoms in so me peo
ple. This popular herb also co ntains astringe nt co mpo unds that may
help prel'ent intern al bleeding. And it may be wo rth whil e to lry herbal
teas made from marshmallow, slippery elm, meadowswee t or ca lendula;
these botanica ls all wo rk to soo the irritated mucous linings.

New Zealand in the near future.

Test tube and animal studies
suggest that vitamin C may directly
inhibit the ulcer bacterium H. pylori
giving this vitamin a potentially
important role in both preventing
and treating ulcers.
A study of doctors in the age
range 40-75 found that those who
got the most vitam in A - from a
combination of diet, supplements
and multivitam ins - were least likely

to get duodenal ulcers. Th ose who

ate high-fibre diets were also less
li ke ly to suffer from ulcers.

What e lse you can d o

Eat a sensible di et rich in fibre, and avoid foods that cause discom fort .
A\'oid all dair)' foods. They may feed H. pylori. Also al'oid alcohol, co f
fee, ca ffeinated soda d rinks and acidic fruit juices, which can irritate the
lin ing of the digesti l'e [raC L
Don't smoke It can delay ulcer healing.

Cabbage juice is a traditional folk

remedy for people with ulcers. It's
a good tip - cabbage is rich in the
healing amino acid glutamine.


_~ rillary

tract infectlo

Modern science has proved what folk healers have long claimed: these troublesome and
potentially serious infections, one of the most common health problems for women, can
often be relieved with some of nature's own remedies.

What it is Also known as cystitis (bladder in flammati on) or a

bladder infection , a urinary tract infect ion (U TI ) inflames the bl adder or
urethra (the tube thal transports urine out of the bladder) The problem
most frequently affects females : in fact, one in five women suffers from
a UTI at least once a yea r These infeuions should be n eated promptly
- and antibi otics may be necessary - because recurring UTls can lead to
pOlentiall y serious kidney in fections
What causes it lvlost UTls resul t from a bacte ri al or yeast Illfec
tion. Normall y, urine is steril e (germ-free) when it is exc reted by th e
kidneys and stO red in the bladder, and it washes out the small amount
of bacteria in the urethra as it passes to the outside. BUL so metim es. bac
leria in th e urinary tract OI'Uwhelm the body's immune defences and
multipl y, causing an infec tion Ignoring the urge to urinate may increase
the likelihood of UTl s, Poo r hygiene may also be a facror, as may pregnancy. (The bladd er can be co mpressed by the fe tus so that lt is unable
to empty completely)

Frequent urge to urinate.

Vo iding on ly a small amount of
urine despite frequent urges .
Burning sensation or searing pain
when urinating ,
Foul-smelling, cl oudy or unusually
dark urine .
Cramps or a heavy feeling in the
lower abdomen.

If yo u've tried self-treatment for

24-36 hours and a burning sensa

How supplements can help Take the recommended su p

plements at the firs t hin t of burning during urination, Sta n with vita
min C and cranberry. Vitamin C helps to aCid ify urine, making the
bladder a less ilwiting em1ronment for harmful bacte ria to co lol1lse, and
also strengthens the body's immune defences, Cranberry also acidifies
the urine , but - more im po rtantly - it pre\'ems bactel'ia from adh ering
to the lining of the urin ary tract, Uva ursi is a diuretic and a urinary anti
se ptic, and wo rks best if the urine is sl ightl y alkaline: for so me peo ple.
this herb is a ve ry effecti\'e alte rnati\'e to \'itami n C and cranberry Any
of these supplements ca n be used along \'\1 th \'arious anti- inflammato ry

Capsules containing cranberry

extract can help to treat or prevent
urinary tract infections.


tion, pain or other symptoms persist.

If a bu rn ing sensation when uri
nat ing is accompanied by a vaginal
or penile di scharge.
If you have fever, chills or pain in
the back,
If there is blood in your urine.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Supp lement recommendations

t!' =




Vitamin C

500 mg every other hour, as

tolerated .

Stop using if diarrhoea


Cran berry

400 mg twice a day.

Or drink 500 ml of pure,

unsweetened juice a day.

Golde nseal

1 cup goldenseal tea several

times a day.

Don't take if pregnant. Can

be blended with echinacea
or nettle tea .


1 pill (1-2 billion live organ

isms) twice a day.

Take if your doctor has also

prescribed antibiotics.

Uva ursi

500 mg, or Y, tsp ti ncture,

4 times a day for 1 week.

Don't take if pregnant.

Extract should be standard
ised to contain 5-12%
arbutin. Don 't take with vita
min C or cranberry.


1 cup echinacea tea several

times a day.

Can be blended with gold

ensea l or nettle.


1 cup nettle tea several times

a day.

Can be blended with

echinacea or goldenseal.

No te: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.


.- "'e

Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

and immun e-boosting he rbal teas made from go ldellseal , ec i!inacea and
nettle; in additi o n , th e ex tra nuids help to was h bacte ria away.
Beca use some UIIs can progress to more se ri ou s kidney infectio ns,
it 's importa nt lhal these natura l the rap ies be tried for o nly 24-36 hours
before you see k profe ssio nal ach ice. If an in fec tio n is co nfirmed . yo ur
doctor w ill pro bab ly prescribe antibiotics. Unfo rtunately, anti biotic s kill
not only ha rmful bac teria but the healthy bac leria that help to p rotecl
th e digest i\'e and urinary trac ts. AC idopi!i lu s (which ma y be combined
with another source of 'fr iendly" bacte ria, bifi dus) is helpful for those
taking anti biot ics beca use it reintrod uces hea lth y bac te ria The ot her
supplements ca n also be contin ued wh ile ta king antibiotics.

To make a UTI-fighting he rbal tea,

pour a cup of very hot wa ter over
2 teaspoons of goldenseal, ec hin acea
or nettle (or a combination). Steep
for 15 min utes and strain. Sweeten
to taste with ho ney.
In addition to their use as teas,
goldenseal and echinacea can be
used as cleansers to help prevent
recu rrences in women who are
prone to bladder infections. Prepare
a tea usi ng either herb (or a blend)
and let it cool. Then swab the geni
tal area with the cooled solution.
If yo u're conside ri ng uva ursi,
yo u'll need to make your urine alka
lin e. To do so, drink plenty of citrus
juices, such as grapefruit. You ca n
also add a small amount of baking
soda to foods so you get about
2 teaspoons a day. Avoid baking
soda, however, if you' re watc hing
your salt intake.
Don't use sce nted douches and
fe min ine hygie ne sprays - they can
irritate the urinary tract.

Harva rd University researchers

found that, among elderly women
who had high levels of bacte ria in
their urine, those who routinely
drank 10 ounces (300 ml) of
cranberry juice a day significantly
reduced their risk of developing a
UTI over a six-month period.

What e lse y ou ca n do
Drink al least o ne 250 1111 glass of wa le r e\'e ry hour Lots o f wa ter
increases urine now, impro\-i ng the likelihood that hamlful substances
"V il I be nushed ["rom yo ur system . If yo u ["eel th e need to uri na te, don 't
'hol d it in' - go st raight away.
Keep genita l and anal areas clean and d ry \Vash be fore a nd alter inter
course Afte r a bowe l movement , wipe [ro m front to back; wear catro n
(breathable) underwea r; change into d ry cloth ing im med iately afte r exe r
Cising or swimming.

A home-testing kit avai lable from

pharmacies wi ll help to determine if
yo u have a UTI. But alwa ys see yo ur
doctor if symptoms persist beyond
24-36 hours.


l(a.r icose veins

The bulging, bluish blood vessels that can pop up on the legs are often unsightly and painful .
You may be able to avoid invasive surgery by eating the right foods, making a few lifestyle
changes, taking an adequate supply of vitamins and using some helpful herbs .

What it is No rmal "eins - th e "essels that carry bl ood to the hea rt

- contain valves thal open and close to permit bl ood to now in only one
direction. H these ,'akes become weak and don't full y close, blood no\\'s
backwards and collects, resultin g in bu lging 'eins. Co mmonl y rderred
to as va ricose veins, they almost always dn'e lop in the legs (although
hae morrhoids are actuaU)' ,'a ricose "eins in the anus).
ln mos t people, "a ri eose "eins produ ce onl y mild discomfort . In
severe cases, howe,'e r, blood and Olher nu ids leak out of th e veins inLO
the surrounding lissue, causing scaly, itchy skin or swelling in the ankles
from the nuid that has poo led in the legs . Sometimes the legs ache or feel
heavy, particularly after extended peri ods of standin g. Without treat
menL , ,'aricose "eins tend to worsen o"e r lime.

Swollen, snake-like purple veins,

usually on the calf, behind the knee,
or inside the thigh.
Painful, aching legs, especially
after long periods of standing,

If the area around the varicose

veins turn s red - this could be a sign
of vein inflammation, which can be
If pain makes it hard to wa lk,

What causes it Genetic and horm onal fac tors pia), key roles in
th e occurrence of varicose \'eins. The condition tends to run in fa mili es,
and is four times more common in women tha n men
Olher possible causes include obeSity, pregnancy or freq uent hea\)'
li fting , all of which can create excessive pressure on the \'e ins. Pregnancy
also produces hormona l changes belin'ed to weaken the \'e ins in the
legs. Va ricose veins tend to affect people who spend a lot of time on lheir
fee t, who habitually cross th eir legs or \\'ho get too little exercise. Also at
risk are people with co ngesti\'e hea n failure (an in abililY of the heart to
pump blood properly) or l[,'er disease

In severe cases, swol len ankles.

If skin around the vein is dis

coloured or peels.

If a small, persistent sore develops

over a varicose vein.
If ankles are swollen - a possible
sign you're retaining water.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplemen ts.

The herb gotu kola is

an effective remedy for
varicose veins.


Supplement recommendations
Vitamin C/
Fl avonoid s

1000 mg vitamin C and
500 mg f1avonoids 3 times

Reduce vitamin C dose if

diarrhoea develops.

Great legs over 40

More than most of her friends,
Susie B dreaded turning 40 . This

a day.

was the age when the varicose

500 IU twice a day with food . Check with your doctor if

one that plagued all the women in

vein problem would begin - the

Vitamin E

taking anticoagulant drugs.

Gotu kola

200 mg extract or
400-500 mg crude herb

Extract standa rdised to

contain 10% asiaticosides.

3 times a day.

her family. She looked at her own

spidery blue veins and then ner
vously at the huge, ropy veins of
her mother and aunts, some of
whom also had swollen legs, deep


Horse chestnut

80 mg 3 ti mes a day.

500 mg each morning.

Stan dardised to con tain

2.5 % anthocyanosides.

colour changes and open sores.

Standardised to co ntain

tion her pet project. She exercised

16-21 % escin.

regularly, wore support stockings,

Susie made varicose vein preven

changed her diet, avoided pro

Butcher's broom

150 mg 3 times a day.

Standardised to contain

9- 11 % ruscogenin.

longed standing and leg crossing,

and took gotu kola, bilberry and

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

other supplements she'd read about

How supplements can help If you ha\'e I'a ricose \'e ins .
taking vitamin C wit h jlavolloids (which help the body use vitamin C)
and vitamin E can improl'C blood circulat ion and st rengthen the walls of
the vei ns and cap illaries Th e herb gotu Iw la can be added to lhese \'ita
mins, and is probably the most I'a luable bOlanical 1'01' this cond ition
Go tu kola enh ances bl ood !1ow, increases the ton e of the connec tilT
rissue surrounding th e ITins and ke eps the I'e ins supple. Bilb eny com
plements gOtu kola: in ract , these two herbs are often so ld in a single
supplement . Horse cheSll1ut ca n be used in place o r go tu kola and bil
berry This herb appea rs to co ntrol inflam mati on and s\\'elling and to
reduce the accumulalion o r flUId I r you ca n't find the standardised
extrac l of horse ch estnut , you can substitute the herb butcher's broom. It
may take up to three mo nths to see results Yo u can take the litamins
and herbs thal work best for you indefini lely

cose veins are virtually gone. When

for 'optimal vein health '.

Susie is now 45, and her vari
she looks at them she can 't believe
her eyes. 'No doubt about it ', she
says. 'Simple changes have given
my legs a new lease of life '.

Gotu kola was found to

strengthen veins in a recent Italian
study of 87 people. Compared w ith
those receiving a p lacebo, people
given go tu kola showed measurable
imp rovem ents in the functioning of

What else you can do

Exercise regularl y, but al'oid high-impact actil'ilies. \II/alk , cycle or
swim rather than Jog. If yo u lirt weights, don't use I'ery heal)' ones.
Elevate your legs whenelu possible . This helps lx c,'ent the bloo d
frOID pooling in the I'eins
Avo id prolonged sta nding or sitting, and don't CI'OSS yo ur legs
Don'l wear tight clOlhmg, including shoes, pantyhose or belts These
irems can constriCl vei ns in and arou nd the legs and make it hard for
blood lO move upward as il should

their veins after taking the herb for

two months. No adverse side effects
were reported.
Compression stockings are often
recommended for varicose veins,
They do ease symptoms, but are
expensive and uncomfortable. A
recent German study found that
horse chestnut produced the same
benefits as compression stockings in
people at risk of varicose veins .


They are the single most common skin complaint - and sooner or later, one in every ten people
develops at least one. Many warts disappear on their own, but a variety of natural treatments
can hasten healing for the millions of people who suffer from these unsightly blemishes.

What it is Although wa rts may sometim es look se ri ous, in most

cases these small skin growths are harml ess. There are man)' difrerent
kinds, including comm on wan s, usually round on the fin gers or hands,
and plantar wa ns , which ap pea r on the ree t. Ge nilal wa rts are co nsid
ered the most seriolls beca use, unlike olher lypes or \ova n s, they are
highly comagious, and some types may increase the risk of sk in , ce n 'i
cal or penil e cancers.
What causes it vVa n s res ult vv hen a human papilloma \'irus
(there are many diffe rent types) im'acles the top la)u of skin. usually
through a small cut or abrasion. Once an mfection occurs. it may lake
fro m one to eight month s - or somelimes many years - for a wart to
appear. Low immunity may playa role in acti \'ating the wart \'irus and
causing the growths lO emerge.
How supplements can help Because the de\'e!opme nt of
wans is often linked to the healt h and pOlenc), of the immune syste m,
supp lements that strength en immun ily - including vitami n A and vita
min C - may also help elimin ate th e grow ths and, when taken long terln ,
prevent them from rec urring.
In add it ion , try one of the foll ow ing to pical trea lments: l'iLClmill E .
garlic oil ancl tea tree oil : go ldenseal and pau c!'arc o tm ctures : or al oe
vnC! gel A powdered form of vitamin C. mi xed with water, ca n also be
used lopi ca lly Al l need to be appli ed lO a skin compress, such as a piece

Warts may grow sing ly or in clusters;

some may also itch or bleed, though
most are painless .
Common w art: A flat or raised
grow th, usua lly just a bit darker
th an the skin, generally on the
hands or fingers.
Plantar wart: A flat or slightly
raised bump on the bottom of the
foot that can resemble a callus.
Genital wart: Usually a reddish
pink grow th, with a small, flower-like
head, that appears in the genital
or anal area.

If you have any unusual or

worrying skin growths.
If a wa rt develops when you are
older than 45.
If a wa rt is larger than a pencil
era ser size; bleeds, hurts or inte rfe res
with d aily tasks; or is located in the
genital area.
If a wart does not respond to self
care w ithin 12 wee ks.
Remind er: If you have a medical
condition, talk to yo ur doctor before
taking supp lements.

Mixed with a little water and applied

to a compress, vitamin C in powder
form may help warts to disappear.


Supplement recommendations



For stubborn wa rts, try soaking

the affected area in very w arm wa ter

Vitamin A

50 000 IU twic e a day for

10 days with food.

Take with 30 mg zinc a day.

If pregnant or considering
pregn ancy, don't exceed
2500 IU a day.

for about 20 minutes before app ly

ing a topica l treatment. Soaking may
he lp the remedy penetrate the skin .
O ve r-the -co unter wart remedies

Vitamin C

1000 mg 3 times a day.

Powdered vitamin C (1, tsp)

can also be mixed wi th a little
water and applied as a skin
compress twice daily.

are sometimes effective, but be care

ful : they ca n co ntain harsh chemicals
that are mu ch more likely than nat
ura l supplements to irritate the skin.

Vitamin E

Break open a capsule and add

contents to a skin compress.

Apply at bedtime and remove

in morning, until wart heals.

other areas w here yo u shave, don' t

Garli c oil

Mois ten a skin comp ress with

garlic oi l.

Apply at bedtime and remove

in morni ng, until wart heals.

warts spread; try an electric razor

Tea t r ee o il

Put several drops on a ski n


Apply at bedt ime and remove

in morning, un til wart heals.

Golden sea l

So ak a skin compress with

tin cture.

Apply at bedtime and remove

in morning, until war t heals.

Pau d 'a rco

Soak a skin compress with


Apply at bedtime and remove

in morning , until wart heals.

If warts are on the fa ce, legs or

use straight razors, w hi ch ca n make
or a d epilatory instead . Cuttin g or

Aloe v er a g el

Put dab of gel on ski n


Use peeled fresh aloe leaf or

commercial gel.

scr atching a wa rt can also resu lt in

bleed ing, infec tion and scar ring.

Can alco hol make you more

susceptible to developing genital
warts? Studi es from the Fred
Hu tchin son Cancer Research Center

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in block may also be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplements you are already taking - see page 39.

in Sea ttl e suggest it ma y. Researchers

found that after adj usting for diet,
sexual behaviour and other possible

of so ft COlLO n or cotton gauze . Each is be li e\'(~d to conta in \ir us-fight ing

ingrediellls that may promOle hea ling If one doesn'l seem to work ,
ex periment with another If skin irrilat ion de\'e!ops, dilute the prepara
tion with a little wa ter or vegeta ble oil , and rub a dab of petro leum Jelly
on lhe su rrou ndi ng skin . Always dilule the preparati ons if you' re apply
ing them to the genita l area, which may be especiall y sensiti\ 'c Change
the compresses da il)'. Benefits should be noticed with in th ree to fou r
days Continue topical lreatment until the wa rt heals.
Other supplements that can be applied as sk in compresses are castor
oil (mi xed with a li ttle baking soda) and clO\'e oiL You can try these reme
dies on most wans, eve n genita l ones. But consu lt yo ur docto r fi rst, espe
Cially in the case of genital 'warts, which require close medical attention.

co ntributing fac tors, those who

drank two to four alcoho lic bever
ages a week doub led their risk of
genital warts. Five or more drinks a
week further increased risks .
Another recent study p o ints to
smo king as a possible risk factor for
ge ni tal warts. Wo men smokers were

five ti mes more likely to develop

genital wa rts than nonsmokers.

What else you can do

Wea r protecri\'( foo Lwea r when showering at the gym or wa lki ng
arou nd the pool. Some pla ntar wart \-Iruses are spread via changing
room floo rs.
Persistent Vian s may require presc ription wart remove rs or freez ing,
burning or laser treatments by a dermatologist


,,-Ye_a st infection
At some point in life, most women experience the unpleasant burning and itching sensation of

a vaginal yeast infection (thru sh). If you're prone to thi s problem, natural supplements may help

to strengthen your overall defences against yeast overgrowth.

What it is The orga nism respo nsi ble ror the majo rity o r yeast
inreClions, Candida albicans, is normall y prese m in the body in small and
harmless Z1m oums. Under certain co ndilion s, howe\'e r, yeast mu lu plies
rapidl y and causes uncomrortable sympLO ms. Like most fungi. C albi
cans thrives in wa rm , mo isLareas, suc h as the \agina. Othel' spec ies o r
Candida may also contribute to yeast in rect ions
What causes it Anything that disturbs the normal bal ance of
yeast and ba cteria or the pH (acicVbase) b'd in the vagina can crea te
ideal conditions ror yeast LO grow uncomrolled . The normal vagina l
environmem ca n be upset by something as simple as the wearing of tight
Jeans or nylon und erwear. The ri sk or yeast infections is also increased
by hormonal changes during pregnancy, by the use of birth comrol pills
or spermicides and by diabetes.
In addition, a yeast inrection is li kely to de\'elop when the immune
system is weakened by il lness, st ress or lack o r sleep, or ir it is sc\'ere ly
co mpromised by HI V in rect ion or chemotherap), Taki ng ce nain ami
biotics, suc h as ampicilli n or tetracycl in e. often leads to yeast inrectio ns .
because lhese drugs destroy not only the bacte ria causi ng the ill ness, bu t
also the 'friend ly' bacteria that keep yeast le\'els in check.
How supplements can help Stan taking the supp lements
at the recommended dosages rrom the time yo u first notice sympLOms
until the infection is go ne. Except ror the suppositories, they can all be
used in combinati on with presc ription or o\'er-the-cou l1ler yeast treat
ments. Stre ngthen ing ),our im mu ne s),ste m with vitamin C and eclli
l1 acea helps you r body fight an acu te yeast infec ti on The he rb ec hinacea
see ms to stimu late white blood cells to destroy the yeast, and \'itamin C
may inhibi t yeasl growth. If you are suscep lible to yeast infect ions, take

Intense genital itching.

Inflammation and redness in the
external genital area.
White, curd-like or thick vagina l
discharge that may smell 'yeasty'
(like bread) or is odourless.

If you experience any of above

symptoms for the first time,
If vagina l discharge has a strong,
fo ul-smellin g odou r or is tinged
w ith blood .
If symp toms don ' t disappear in
five days despite treatment.
If the yea st infection returns
w ithin two months.
Reminder: If you have a medical
condition, talk to your doctor before
taking supplements.

Acidophilus supplemen ts can

supply the 'friendly ' bacteria that
help control the growth of yeast.


Supplement recommendations



Men can get genita l yeast infec

tions, too, especia lly if they are

Vitamin C

Ech inacea

Acidophi lu s


1000 mg 3 times a day.

200 mg 3 times a day.

Red uce dose if diarrhoea

Use in a cycle of 3 weeks on,
1 week olt, for recurrent infec
tions; standardised to con tain
at least 3.5% echinacosides.

1 pill twice a day orally or as a Get 1-2 bil lion live (viable)
organisms per pill. Can insert
ora l pill into vagina; discon
tin ue after 5 days.

1 pill twice a day.

Use a supplement that con

tains 1-2 billion live (viable)

organisms per pill.

uncircumcised. The on ly sign may

be an inflammation of the head of
the penis, but often there are no .
symptoms at all. A man with a yeast
infection may infect his partner and
should be treated.
In place of suppositories or cap
su le s, make a douche from one of
the following: 2 teaspoons each of
powdered acidophilus and bifidus in
a litre of wa rm wate r; lu kewarm pau
d ' arco te a; or lukewarm goldenseal
tea. Douche twice a day for up to
seven days, using 2 cups of liquid


2000 mg lwice a day.

Use in combination with

acidophil us and bifidus.

Tea tree oil

Insert suppository into vagina

every 12 hours for 5 days.

Available in health-food


Insert suppository in to vagina

every 12 hours for 5 days.

Available in health-food


each time. Pau d'arco is also effec

tive as a tea, tablet or extract.
Eating garlic regularly helps to
reduce the growth of the C. albicans
organism. Cutting back on sugar

Vitamin AI

Note: Consider using supplements in blue first; those in black may 0150 be beneficial.
Some dosages may be provided by supplem ents you are already taking - see page 39.

(including fruit) and refined carhohy

drates also helps, sin ce yeast feeds
on sugar. (The y east used as a raising
agent for bread is not the type that
causes yeast infections.)

.oc hinacea for three wee ks, sto p using iL for a \\'ee k, and then resume; use
for six month s along "'ith "itamin C and aCidophilu s.
Boost your body's suppl y of fri end l), bacLeria by taking <;upplemenrs
or aCidoph illlS and biJiG/LIS ; these are espec ial l) import ant if your in[ec
lion is linked La anLibiot ic use. Also add FOS ([ructo -ol igosaccha ricles),
beca use th ese in digestib le carbohydrates feed the helpfu l bacteria and
promoLe their growth .
t[ yo u would rather not use standa rd anLi -yeast crea ms, try read y
made suppositories of either tea tree 011 or "i Lamll1 A and calen dula
- linical studi es show that lea tree oil is an dfecti,'e antl[ungal agent
VitGImin A support S the health y maimenance or th e mucous membranes
i ha t line the "agina ; the herb calendllia has anti- infla mmato ry and antl
fungal propert ies

Many women can't correctly

identify the symptoms of a yeast
infection, accord ing to a re cent US
study. Nearly 90% of wome n who
had never had a yeast infection
and 65 % of those who had - were
not able to accurately 'dia gn ose'
the infection after reading medical
descriptions of this and other gynae
co logi ca l problems. Many said they
would use over-the-counter yeast

What else you can do

\Near cotton unde rwear. SLO p wea ring panLyhose.
Don't usc deodorisecl tampon s, feminine sprays or co mmercial l>'
prepared douches
Use a mild , nonperrumecl soap to wash th e \'agin al area .
Eat yoghurt with h,'c (active) cultures. Some studi es sholl' that ha,'mg
a cup a day reduces th e incid ence o r yeast inrecti ons

creams to treat more seriou s condi

tions (pelvic inflammatory disease
and urinary tract infe ct io ns), for
w hich such remedies are ineffective.
Be sure to get a proper diagnosis
before treating a vagina l infection
on your own.



T 2


In this section , you'll find detailed profiles of

more than 80 popular supplements arranged

alphabetically, from acidophil us to zinc. Each

entry is labelled according to basic supplement type.

(For a general explanation of these basic types, see page 15.)

Look for:




Nutritional supplements

Each profile describes what the supplement is, the forms

it comes in, and the way it works to promote your health and
prevent or relieve specific ailments. How much yo u need,
the appropriate dosages and other guidelines for using the
supplement are spe lt out, along with possible side effects. For
vitamins and minerals, leading food sources are also indicated.
Be sure to read the cautionary notes on the left-hand page
of each entry. To learn more about you r particular disorder,
refer to Part 1, the 'Ailments' section of this book. And always
consult your doctor if yo u have a serious medical condition - or
one that hasn't been properly diagnosed - before treating
it with any suppleme nt.

About the recommendations

Dosage suggestions are given in the supplement

profiles that follow. These numbers are the total
daily amount of a supplement that you'll need to
treat a particular disorder. In practical terms, this
means you may have to adjust these numbers to
factor in the amount of these same supplements
you may already be getting in your daily
multivitamin or in individual supplements you're
using for other health reasons.
For example, we suggest taking 500 IU of

have to take only 500 IU more to meet that

requirement as well.
The dosages here are generally applicable,
but each person is different. If you have a serious
medical condition, check with your doctor about
your own case and the appropriate dose for you.
Always read the label and never exceed the
recommended dosage for a supplement, even
though you may be treating several ailments.
A final word: Although we've made every effort

vitamin E a day to help to prevent cancer. If your

daily multivitamin supplies 500 IU, you won't
need to take any additional vitamin E to meet the
recommendation. If you also suffer from angina
(which calls for 1000 IU of vitamin E) you'll

to include widely available dosages, the strengths

of supplement products vary greatly. There are
many qualified people - health professionals,
pharmacists, health-shop staff - who can help
you to determine an equivalent dose .


... -- ~




Lact obacillus acidophlll1s

The 'friend ly' bacteria called acidophilus help to create a healthy environment w ithin the
gastrointestinal tract. Taking acidophilus may combat digestive disorders, control vagina l
yeast infections and help the body to resist diseases caused by 'unfriend ly' bacteria ,

What it is SomeSOOspec ieso fba cteriainhabitthecligesti \'e tract.

Of these, the most benefi cial are two strain s of LodoiJClLi lll bac teria:
acid ophilus and bificlus Both arc probiotics, mean ing th~l they help to
provide a proper bal ance of health-promoting baCle riJ in the imestinc.
Th ey also manufacture natural antibi otics lh~ t kill da nge rous mindlxs
Foods th at enco urage the growth of lactobaci llus in the body are
green leafy vegetables (v\,hi ch co ntai n chl orophyll); slip pery elm powder
and Jerusalem artichokes (containing fructo-oligosaclharides, or FOS); mil k
products such as yoghurt and whey po\\'der; and mis,l and sauerkrau t.
Yoghurt , the traditi onal source of aCldoph ilus, hilS been used as an
elixir in folk medicin e for hundreds - possib ly rh("l usands - of years . It
ca n be difficult. ho\\'e\'cr, to determine ho\\' much aCidop hilus yogh urt
rea lly conlains. When using supplemcnts , read the bbels cnefu lly A
therapeutic form should co ntain at leilst 1 billion li\'c organisms in
eac h pill; small er amou nts may not be potent enough to ha\'C ben
eficial effects ACidophlius is sometimes sold in c0m binar ion \\'ith
bifidus or fruct o-oligosaccharid es.
What it does AC ido philus helps to resto re a normal bala nce of
healt hy bacteria in the gaslrointestin al tract and \'agina, \\'hich combats
digest ive disorde rs and \'aginal yeast infec tions It may contain ca ncer
fighting age nts , and may possibly lowe r serum cholesterol be ls.
Acidophilus also helps to manufac ture ce rtain \'ltamins in the intesti nes,
inclu ding vitamins B12 ancl K thiam in e and foli c acid .
Major benefits : Some studi es show that , when taken ora lly or
in se rted into the vagi na as a suppOSitory or douche, aCidophil us ma),
preve nt or control \'aginal yeast infections caused by Candid" aiiJicalls
This property is particul arly helpful if you're takin g certam t)1)es of
alllibi otics that suppress acidophilus and allow yeast lO nOLllish
Indeed, acidophil us may be espeC ially useful for anyone taking anti
biotics to treat an infection in many people - and particularly those on
antibiotics - the balance o[ bacteria can be upset, causi ng Ilatllkncc ,
diarrhoea, constipati on an d poor abso rption of nutrients. Acidoph ilus
creates an inhospitable enviro nment for harmful types of Escherichia coli,
as well as for Salmonella, Streptococcus, and many other Slrall1S of bacteria
that can be dangerous or eve n life-t hrea tening.


Treats chronic gastrointestinal

tract disorders, such as irritable
bowe l syndrome, recurrent w ind
and bloating, and inflammatory
bowel disease .
Controls vag inal yeas t infections.

Capsu le





If you have a vaginal infection

for the first time, see your doctor
before treating it yourself.
Acidophilu s is useful against the
yeast Candida albicans, but has
little effect on other types of
vaginal problems.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements.

Additional benefits: Acido philus can alle\'iate the S}mpLOmS of

inflamm atory bowel d isease, a chronic inflammation of the intestines.
Along with a high -fib re d iet, acid ophilus cont ributes [0 olnaH colon
health , which is necessary [ 0 belp protec t against di l'e niculosis, a disor
der in which the mu co us lining of th e co lon bulges in to the colon wa ll
and creales small sacs (dil enicula) Acid ophilus may also reli el'e diar
rhoea trigge red by irriLable bowe l srndrome and food poiso ning , and
may repl eni sh beneficial imestinal mic ro -organisms that diarrhoea
Hushes OUt of the body.
ACid ophilus may also be I'aluable in combatin g some cance rs. When
given to pa ti ems who had had surgery for bladde r cancer, aCido philus
helped to prel'em the rec urrence of single wmou rs. This may be because
acidophil us prevents ha rmful bacte ria from creating cancer-ca usi ng sub
stances when the bac tCl'ia reac t with foods. It may also lowe r bl ood cho
lesteroll el'els, because cenai n st rains of these hac teria abso rb cholesterol
in th e intest ine befo re it reaches the arteries and causes da mage

How to take it
2 teaspoons of acido
philuslbifi dus powder in 1 li tre of warn, wate r; use twice a day
fo r up to 10 days to reSLO re nor mal bacterial growth To promote
illtestina l health: tvli x acido phil us/bifidus powde r in wate r and d rink
see label fo r exac t dose . In ca psule form , take one or [ 11'0 , each contain
ing at least 1 billion !il'e organisms, one LO three limes da il y. For other
form s, follow label d irec tions.
Dosage : To Illa/, e a vagi nal dOllCI1 e: M ix

Douche onl y to treat "agina l yeast infec ti ons, or

when you are taking antibi otics V/hen using ac idophilus orally, take it
30-60 minUles before ea ting. if you're on antibi otics . don't take them at
the same lime of day as aCidophilu s. Kee p tak ing aC ido phil us for six to
eigh t wee ks after yo u fini sh the antibiolics
Guidelines for use :

Acidophilus product labels shou ld

say that they contain ' live cultures '
or 'active cultures'. Be sure to check
the expiry date.
Whatever form of acidophilus
you buy, store it in a cool, dry place,
such as the refrigerator. Heat can
easily kill live acidophil us, as ca n
temperatures below freezing.

A recent study showed that eating

yoghurt containing live acid ophilu s
greatly reduced the re cur ren ce of
vaginal yeas t infections. Th e women
in the study ate 8 ounces (250 g) of
yoghurt every day for six months.
Res earchers th eorise th at additional
acidophi l us bacteria grow in the
in testines, boosting the number of
normal Lactobacilli flora but leaving
no room for the growth of yeast.
When used in a recent study of
patients undergoing cancer rad iation
treatments, acidophi lus prevented
the diarrhoea that is a typica l side
effect of this therapy. Patients drank
a fe rmen ted milk product containing
live acidophilus bacteria daily.

Possible side effect s Ingested in large quanti ties. acidophilus

may cause diarrhoea or other gast rOintest inal p robl ems. Prolonged
douching can irritate the vagin a: this can be co rrec ted by
redUCing the co ncentra ti on of aC idophil us .
Because heat kills acidophilus
cu ltures, some com mercial yoghu rt
manufacturers add active cultures
after pasteurisa ti on,



AI_o~ e


Aloe vera, A. barbadens;s, A. vulgaris

Since the reign of Cleopatra, people have used the cool, soothing gel from inside the leaf of
the aloe vera plant as a skin dressing to treat burns and minor wounds, This clear gel is also
the basis of aloe vera juice, which can calm digestive complaints .

What it is A succulent in the Lily family. aloe \ ' Wl has f1eshy lea\'es
that pro\'ide a gel Widely used as a LOpical treaLment for skin problems
a practice dating back to at least 1500 Be , when Eg)VLian healers des
cribed it in thei r treatises. The plant is nam'e LO the Ca pe of Good Hope
and grows wild in Africa and Madagasca r. Co mmercial growers cultil'ate
it in Australia and New Zealand. Lh e Caribbean. the Med iterranean,
Japan and the United States.
Wh at it does Sc iel1lists aren't quite sure how aloe l'er8 works.
but th ey hal'e identified many of its actil'e ingredients. Rich in anti
inf1ammatory substances, the ge l contains a gumm)' material that acts
as a soothing emol lie11l , as well as bradykininase, a compound thaL helps
to alleviate pain and reduce swelling, and magneSium lactaLe, which
quells itching. Aloe I'era also dilates the llny blood I'essels known as cap
illaries, allow ing more blood to get LO an injury and Lhu s speeding up
Lhe hea ling process. In addition , some studies sho\\' that it destroys, or
at least inhibiLs, the growLh of a number of bacteria, I"iruses and fungi

Applied topically
Heals minor burns (including
sunburn), cuts and abrasions, insect
bites and stings, welts, small skin
ulcers and frostbite.
Relieves the itch of shingles
(herpes zoster).
May help to clear up warts.
Taken internally
Soothes ulcers, heartburn and
other digestive complaints.

Fresh herb/Gel

Don't confuse aloe vera with

the bitter yellow aloe latex,
which is sold as a laxative and
can cause severe cramping and

The fleshy, gel-filled leaf of the

aloe vera plant is the source of
healing pills and juice.

diarrhoea. Pregnant or breast

feeding women in particular
should avoid aloe latex .
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Major benefits : Aloe \-era ge l is pa rti cularl y helpful when applied LO

da maged skin. [t aids in tbe healing of first-degree burn s, su nburn ,
minor skin wounds and e\'e n pai nful sbingles by reliel'ing pain and
reduci ng itc bing The gel also pro \'id es an airproof moisturisi ng barrier,
so tbat woun ds do not dry ou t. f urthermo re, aloe \'era's ca pillary
dilating prope rties increase blood ci rcu lation, speeding the regenera tion
of skin and relie\'ing mild cases of frostbite Tbe ge ls ant h'iral effects may
pro mote the bealing of warts as well .
Though cffecti \'e again st mi nor cutS and abras ions, aloe I'era may not
be a good choice for more serious, infected wounds In a stu dy of
2 1 women in a Los Angeles hospital whose caesa rea n-sec ti on wo unds
had become infected , applying aloe ve ra gel actually increased the length
of time - from 53 to 83 days - it too k for the \vo und s to hea L
Additional benefits : Aloe \-era gel is also use d to make a Juice that
may be taken intern all y for inf1ammatory digestive diso rders, includ ing
ulcers and heartburn . Howe\'er, theres ve ry li ttle resea rch on its internal
usc. In Japan, puri fied aloe I'era com poun ds han: been found to inhibit
sLOmac h secreti ons. In one study, 17 of 18 patients wi th pepti c ulcers
recovered when they took aloe I'e ra Juice , but unfortunately there was
no comparison group taking a placebo. A co mm ercial laborato ry in the
US is conducting trials witb an aloe -deri \'ed co mpound as a trea tment
for ulcera ti\'e co litis - a com mon type of inf1ammato ry bowel di sease.
Ot her studi es are exp loring aloe \'eras cffecl!\'eness as a possible
antiviral and immune- boosting agent fo r people with AIDS , as a trca t
ment for leukemia and other types of cancer, and as il therapy to help
in the manage ment of dia betes

How to take it
Dosage: For extemalilse: Liberall y apply aloe n: ra ge l or crea m to tbe
injured sk m as needed or desJred . For inteilloi use: Ta ke one-half to
tbree -quarters of a cu p of aloe I'e ra Juice three times a day, or ta ke one
or two capsules as directed on the labeL
Guidelines for use: Top ically, aloe l-era ge l can be app li ed repea ted ly,
especiall y fo r burns. J USt smooth it on the affected area , let it dry, and
reappl y when needed. fres h gel fro m a \i\'e leaf is the most potent - and
economica l - form of the herb . If you hill'e an aloe I'era plant , cut off
8- 10 cm fro m a leaL then slice the cutting length wise Spread the ge l
found in the centre on the affected area . For internal use , ta ke illoe l-era
Ju ice betlvee n mea ls. Ano ther for m of aloe call ed aloe latex , a yel low
ex tract from th e mner lear, is a powerfu l lilxa ti l'e an d should be used
only sparingly and und er medi ca l supen'ision

When buying aloe products,

check that aloe vera is close to the
top of the list of ingredients. Creams
and ointments should contain at
least 20% aloe vera . Juice for internal
use should contain at least 98% aloe
vera and no aloin or aloe-emodin .
Make sure the products you use
are from manufacturers who use
certified raw ingredients and process
them according to standard guide
lines . Your practitioner or a reputable
hea lth-food shop should be able to
advise you on suitable brands.

Add another potential use for aloe

vera gel: treating the inflammatory
skin condition psoriaSis. A study of
60 people with long-standing psoria
sis found that applying aloe to skin
lesions three times a day for eight
months led to signifi cant improve
ment in 83% of the patients, as
against improvement in only 6% of
those who used a placebo,

Aloe vera makes a soothing bath

that is especially helpful for sunburn .
lust add a cup or two of the juice to
a bathtub of lukewarm water,

Possible side effects In rare cases so me peo ple get a mild ,

all ergic skin reac ti on from aloe \-era gel with itching or rash; simpl y
discont inue use. Aloe \-e ra juice may co nt ai n small amounts of the laxa
m'e ingredient in aloe latex . I[ you expen ence cramping or di arrhoea ,
SLOp taki ng the Juice immediately and replace it with a new supply
\!cI'c r take aloe \na Juice Jf yo u're pregnant or breast-feeding

, AI ha-lipoic acid
This relatively recent addition to the supplement scene has shown great promise in treating
nerve damage in people with diabetes. It may al so protect the liver and brain cells, prevent
cataracts and serve as a powerful general antioxidant.

What it is In the 1950s scie ntists in the US discovered that v'e rsa
tile alpha-lipoic acid (also known as thioctic acid , or simply lipoic ac id)
worked \vith enzym es throughou l the body to speed up the processes
in vo lved in energy productio n More recently, in the late 1980s,
resea rchers found that alpha-lipoic acid can be a powerfu l anti oxid ant as
well, neutralising the natu rally occurring, highly reactive molec ul es
called free radicals that can damage body cells Although the body
manulactures it in minute amounts , alpha-lipoic acid is mainly present
in foods such as spinach, meats (especially li\'e r) and brewer's yeast. Its
difficu lt , however, to obtain therapeutic amounts of lhi s \'ilamin-like
substance through di et alone. Instead, many American experts reco m
mend using supplements to get the full benefits of alpha-lipoic acid .
(This suppl ement is avail able in New Zealand and may soon be
approved for use in Australia)
What it does Alpha -lipoic acid affects nearly e\'e ry cell in the
body. It assists all of the B vitamins - including thi amine, ribof1a\'in , pan
lothenic acid and niacin - in converti ng carbohydrates , protein and fats
found in foods into ene rgy that the body can store for later use. Alpha
lipoic acid is a cell-protecting antioxidant that may help the body to
recycle other antioxidants , such as \,itamins C and E, boosting their
potency. Thanks to its unique chemica l properties , alpha-lipoic acid is
easily absorbed by most ti ssues in the body, including the brain , nerves
and live r, making it valuable for treating a wide range of ailments.
Major benefits : One of alpha-lipoic acid 's primary uses is to treat
nerve damage , including diabetic neuropathy, a dangerous long- lerm
complication of diabetes that causes pain and loss of feeling in the limbs .
This nerve condition may be partly due to free-radical damage to
nerve ce lls caused by runaway levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

Helps to treat numbness, tingling

and other symptoms of nerve
damage in people with diabetes or
other conditions.
Protects the liver in hepatitis,
alcohol abuse or exposure to poisons
or toxic chemicals.
Helps to prevent cataracts.
May help to preserve memory in
Alzheimer's disease.
Serves as a high-potency
antioxidant and possible immune
booster, combating a wide range
of disorders, including psoriasis,
fibromyalgia and AIDS.



For people with diabetes,

using alpha-lipoic acid may

require a change in insulin or

other medicati ons .

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements.


Alpha-lipoic ac id may playa role in countering nen'e damage through

its antioxidam effecls. In add ition, it can help people with diabetes
respond to insu lin , the hormone that regu lates glucose. In a stu dy of 74
people with type 2 d iabetes who were given 600 mg or more of alpha
li poic ac id dail y, all benefited from lov,/e red glucose levels. Studies in ani
mals also show tha t alpha-lipoic acid inc reases blood now to the ner\'es
and enh ances the cond uction of nen 'e impul ses These effec ts may make
alpha-lip oic acid suitable for the treatment of numbness, tin gling and
other symptoms of nen 'e damage from an y ca use, not JUSt di abetes
Alpha-lipoic acid also assists th e Ih 'Cr, proteer ing it aga inst damClge
from free rad ica ls and helpi ng it to clear toxins from the body. It is there
fore sometimes used to trea t hepatitis, cirrhos is and other !i\'e r ailments,
as well as in cases of poiso ning - by lead or other hea\)' metals, or by
haza rd ous industrial chemica ls, such as ca rbon tetrach loride.
Additional benefits : Alpha-li pO iCacid may ha\'e other pote ntial uses ,
alth ough more resea rch is needed. Some compelling studies of ani ma ls
show thm it ca n prevem ca tarac ts from for mi ng Additional anim al
expe riments suggesl that it may improve memory (making It potentially
beneficial aga inst Alzheim er's di sease, for exa mple) and pro tect brain
ce lls aga insl damage ca used by an in suffiCIent blood supp ly to th e brain
(s uch as afte r surgery or a stroke)
There is some e\'ie!ence lhat alpha -li pOiC acid , lhrough its antioxidant
ca pacities, can sup press viral reprod uction. In one st udy, alpha-lipOiC
acid su ppl ements were shown to boost immune an d live r fu nct ion in a
majority of patients infected with AID S. It may also help in the f[ght
against cance r, espeCially form s thoughl to be re laled to free-radical
damage . As pan of a hi gh- po tency ant ioxidant formul a, it may prove
effective aga inst disorders ra nging from fibromra lgiCl lO psoriasis, which
may be aggrava ted, in p8l't , by free-radIcal damage

In a trial at multiple medical

centres in the US, 328 people w ith
diabetes-induced nerve damage
were given 100 mg, 600 mg or
1200 mg of alpha-lipOiC acid a day
over a thre e-week period. Patients
recei ving 600 mg reported the
most significant reduction in pain
and numbness, compared with
the other groups.
Alpha -lipoi c acid may also benefit
the 25% of diabetes sufferers who
are at ri sk of sudden death from
nerve-related heart damage. After
four months of taking 800 mg of
alpha-lipoic acid a day, these
patients showed a notable improve
ment in their heart function tests.
A study of aged mice indicated
that alpha-lipoic acid improved
long-term m em ory, possibl y by
preventing free-rad ical damage to
bra in cells .

In some countries, doctors ha ve used

an injectable form of alpha-lipOiC

How to take it

acid to save the lives of people who

To treat specific di so rders Alpha- lipOiC acid is usual ly taken

in doses of 100- 200 mg th ree limes a day f or general antioxidant
support l owe r doses of 50- 150 mg a da)' may be used

mistakenly ate poisonous aman ita

mushrooms picked in the wild .

Do sage:

Guidelines for use: Alpha- lipOiC acid can be taken wilh or \'vit hout
food . No major adverse effects ha\'C been re portee!.

Possible side effects Alpha-lipOiC acid see ms to be very safe,

and there have bee n no reportS of seri ous SId e efrec ts OccaSionally, it
may produce mild gast rointestinal upse t in some peop le. and in rare
cases Clllergic sk in rashes ha\'e occ urred. If side effects appear, lower the
dose or d isco nt inue use.


A,m lno acids

The protein in food and in your body is a combination of chemical units called amino acids,
A diet lacking even one amino acid can have a negative effect on your health , Supplements
may be needed to help your body work more efficiently and to treat disease,

What they are he rl' cell in the body needs and uses amino
ac ids Yo ur bod y b rea ks down the protein fro m foods in to its individual
amin o ac ids , which are th en reco mbined to c reate the spec ifi c typ es of
p ro tein s the bod y requires. (Each celi , in fact , is programm ed to p ro duce
exactly the right com binatio n fo r its needs.) There are two types o f
amino acid s: no nessenti al and essential. The body ca n man ufac ture
nonessential amin o acid s , but must obtain esse ntial amino acids from
the fo ods yo u eat. No nessential amin o acid s incl ud e ala nine, asparagine.
aspani c ac id , cysteine, glutami c acid, glutamine , glycin e, proline , se rin e.
taurine and tyrosine. Essen tial amino acid s includ e isoleucine, leucine .
lysine , methionine, phenylalanin e, thre onine, tryptophan and I'alin e.
Two other amino acid s, a rginine and histidine, are essential in children
but not in adults.
What they do Amino acid s are needed to ma inta ll1 and repair
muscles, te ndo ns , ski n , ligaments , o rga ns, glands , nails a nd ha ir. They
also aid in the pro du ctio n o f ho rmones (s uch as insulin), neuro
tran smitters (message-carrying chemica ls wit hin the bra in), I'arious
body fluids , and enzym es that trigger bo dily fun c tio ns W hen el'e n one
amino acid is lacking, se ri ous health problem s will el'entua ll y occur.
Though the maj o r cause o f an amino acid defic iency is a poor di et
(particularl y one low in protein), amino acid s may also be affected by
infecti on , trauma , stress, medications , age and chemical imbalances
within the bod )' Nutriti ona lly o riented d octors o ften give blood or
urine tests to d etermine whether a patient has a d efiCiency or an excess.
Supplements can compensate for deficiencies and ca n also be taken
therapeuticall y for a va riety o f health p roblems.
Major benefits: SpeCific amino acids (a nd their by-products) arc ve ry
effecti ve in the treatme nt of hean disease. Highl y co ncentrated in the
cells of the heart muscle , ca rnitine - a substance similar to an amino acid
that the bod y prod uces from lYSine - strengthens the heart, helps those
with co nges tive hea rt failure, and ca n improve the chances of

Treat heart disease.

Lower blood pressure.

Boost immune function.

Improve some nerve disorders.




Pregnant wo men or anyone

with liver or kidney disease
should consu lt a doctor about
using amino acid supplements.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

survivi ng a hean anack. Because it is also invo lved in fa t me tabo lism,

ca rnitine may help lower high le\'els of Lriglycerides (blood fa ts relaLed
to cholesterol) The amino acid argi ni ne red uces the risk of hea rt auack
and stroke by wideni ng blood \'essels and lowe ring blood pressure; it
eases th e symptoms and pa in s of angina as we ll . Tauri ne n eats con
gestive hean failure and lowe rs high bl ood pressure by balancin g the
bl ood 's sodium-to -po Lassium ratio and by regulating excessi\'e activity
of the ce ntral nervous system.
N-aceLylcyste ine (NAC), a by- product of th e am ino acid cysteine
that's beue r abso rbed than cystei ne, stimulates the body's produer ion of
anLioxid ants and may be an antioxida nt itse lf. As such, it aids in repair
ing cell damage and boosting the immu ne system NAC also thins the
mucus of chronic bronc hitis and has been used to proteer the li\'er in
overdoses of paraceLamol. It may also be of va lue for disorders im'oh-ing
dam age to brain or nen'e ce ll s, such as multi ple sc lerosis.
Additional benefits: Concentrated in the ce ll s of th e digesLive tract,
glutamine can help hea l ulcers and sooth e irritabl e bowel syndrom e
and dive niculosis. By enhanCing the prod uer ion of ce rtain brain
chemica ls, tau rin e ma)' be a boon to people with epilepsy It's also a
key element in bil e and may plT\'ent ga ll stones People with diabe tes ca n
also be nefit from taurine because it facili tates the bodys use of insuli n
Carn itine feeds the muscles by making iL possible fo r the m to burn
fat for energy. Lysine is one of the most effecti\'e treaLmenLS for col d sores
and is also useful for shingles and mouth ulcers. (Arginine, on the other
hand , ca n tri gger outbreaks of cold sores or ge nital herpes.)

How to take them

Dosage: Fo r th e recomme nded dosage of ind i\'id ual amino acids, see
the ap propri ate ailmenL entry When using any indiv id ual amin o acid for
longer than one month, take it with a mixed ami no aCld complex - a
sup plement that co ntains a varie t), of amino ac ids - to be sure yo u are
receiving adequate, balanced amounts of all the am ino acids.
Guidelines for use : Am ino aCId supp leme nts are more erfecti\'e when
they don't have to co mpete wi th th e amin o acids in h1 gh-prote in foods
Take th e suppl ements at least an hour and a half before or after meals
(first thing in the mornin g or at bedtime may be besL)
Indlvi dual amin o acid supplements should not be used for longer
than th ree months, unless you are unde r the supen'ision of a dOClor
familia r wiLh their use. Take mixed amino acid supp lements on an
empty stomach and also at a different ti me of day than )'ou La ke the
inc! ivi d ual supp lement

Possible side effects Amino ac id suppleme nts haw no side

effects as long as they are taken in the recommended amounts. High
doses of certain am ino acids , ho wever, may be toxic and prod uce nau
sea , vomitmg or d1arrhoea .

On supplement labels, amino

acids are often prefaced by an L
(L-carnitine, for example) or by a D.
Buy the L forms: they most closely
resemble the amino acids in the
body. The 0 forms may be toxic
in high doses. (One exception:
D-L phenylalanine may be used
for chronic pain .)

Carnitine improved the symptoms

of intermittent claudication (leg pain
caused by the blockage of large
arteri es in legs) in 73 % of people
taking a specialised form of it,
according to a study from Italy.
Often peop le with this condition
can 't walk very far. L-carnitine in
doses of up to 2000 mg a day
increased the distance that the
participants could walk without pain ,
Researchers at Stanford Uni versity
in California found that arginine
supplements may prevent clots that
cause heart attacks and strokes by
redu ci ng the tendency for blood
platel ets to stick to each other and
to artery walls . Arginine particularly
benefits people with high cholesterol
becau se they have stickier platelets
than those with normal cholesterol.

Concentrated protein foods are

an imal foods - eggs (the ri chest
source), meat, chicken and fish.
Vegetarians need to combine their
food s - legumes w ith grain s, nuts
and seeds, or soya beans with
couscous, for example - to get the
correct balance of amino acids,



Astragalus membranaceuj

For more than 2000 years, astragalus has been an integral part of trad itional medicine
in China, where it's used to balance the life force, or qi, This herb is particularly valuable
in fighting disease because of its powerful effect on the immune system,

'. 11"'.'


What it is Astragalus co ntain s a \'arieLYof compounds Lhat stImu

late the body's immune srste m, and in China this nati\'e plant has long
been use d bOLh to trea t disease and to pre\'ent It. Botan icall y, ast raga lus
is related to li co rice and the pea And although its swee t-smelli ng pale
yellow bl osso ms and delicate structure give the plant a fra il appea rance ,
it is actua lly a \'er)' hardy species. Med icin ally, the herbs most imponant
pan is its roOl. The plant is ban'ested when iL is fou r to sewn yea rs old :
its [1aL, yellow ish roots resemble wide iceblock sticks or to ngue dep res
sors. (The Chincse name for astraga lus, hu ang qi , mean s yc llow leader',
a testament bOlh to its co lour and to its Importance as a therapeu Lic
herb) ASLraga lus root is loaded with health-prom oting subsLances,
including polysacchandes, a class of carbohr drates that appea r to be
responsible for the herbs im mune-boosting dfeus.
What it does A tonic in the truest sense of the word , astraga lus
see ms to enhance overall bea lth by illlpro\'i ng resistance to disease ,
increasing stamin a and vitality and promoting general well-being. IL also
acts as an antioxidant, helping the body to co rrect or pre\'ent cell da mage
caused by free radica ls It may hm'e ami\'iral and antibioLic propenies as
wel l. A distinct benefit of aSL raga lus is that it can be sa fely used with con
ventional medicin e and does not interfere wilh any sLanda rd treatment
Prevention: Th is herb is parti cularly effecLi\'C in fi ghting off cold s, [1u ,
bronc hitis and sinus in fec ti ons beca use it p re\'ents \'ir uses fro m gai nmg
a fooLhold in the respiraLory system . Li ke echm acea , astraga lus ca n
quash germs at the first sign of symptoms, And if an illness does
develop , astraga lu s ca n shorte n its duration an d reduce its se\'Cri r)'.
Peo pl e who freq uently su iTer from respi ratory illn esses should consider
using astraga lus regularly LO pre\'ent recurrences . 1t also appears to help
minimise the health-d amaging effecLs of excessi\e stress. Astraga lu s IS
parti cularl y useful in prew nting illness or allenating the sy mpLoms of
chron ic long-term illness.
Additional benefits: Astraga lus is widely used in Ch ina to rebuild
the immune sysLems of people undergO in g radiation or chemotherapy
fo r ca ncer. This pracLice is now gaining popularity in the \VesL as \\'ell.

Enhances immunity.

Helps fight respiratory infections.

Bolsters the immune system

in people undergOing treatment
for cancer.

Dried herb/Tea




Pregnant women should

consult their doctor before using

this herb .

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor

before taking supplements,

The herb is espec ially \'aluable because it in creases the body'; produ c
tion of T ce lls, mac rophages, natural killer ce ll s, imerfcron and other
immune-system ce ll s Astragalus may also p ro tect b on e marrow from the
immune-su ppressi ng effec ts of chemo therapy, radiation , toxins and
viruses . The herb , with its immune -stimul ati ng ac ti o n , might be a treat
me nt possibiltty fo r peo ple infected with HI\!, the \ lrUS that causes AlDS.
In addition , as traga lus wid ens b lood vessels and in creases bl ood Ho\-v,
w hich makes it useful in co nt rolling excessi\'e pe rs piratio n (such as
night sweats) and lowe ring blood pressure. Researc h has also show n that
astragalus ca n ha\'e beneficial effects on the hea rt

In China, dried astragalus root is

often sliced and added to soup to
sweeten it. The slices are removed
before the soup is eaten, as they' re
tough and hard to chew.
To help enhance its healing
properties, astragalus is often com
bined with herbs such as ginseng,
licorice and echinacea.

How to take it
Dosage: Fo /" strengthening the ill1111lme sy stem. Take 200 mg of astra
galus on ce or twice a day [or three wee ks, then alterna te, in three- wee k
stims, wi th echinacea. cats claw and pau d 'arco. For bronchitis: Take
200 mg four ti mes a day until the symp to ms ease. C hoose a p roduct that
co ntains a standardi sed extract o f astraga lus \\ith 05 % glucosid es and
70 % po lysacc harid es
Guidelines for use: As tragalus can be take n at any time during the
day, with or witho ut meals.

Two separate studies conducted in

China showed that astragalus can
benefit people with heart disease,
The first study revealed that
if astragalus was taken within
36 hours of a heart attack, it could
bolster the functioning of the heart's
left ventricle, the chamber that

Possible side effects Remarkably, n'e n after thousands o[

pumps oxygen-rich blood through

years o f use in China, there are fe w (If an y) neg,lt!\'e repo rts about taking
astraga lus . The herb appea rs to h3\'C no stde effects o f any kind .

out the body.

The second study examined
whether astragalus could prevent
chest pain (angina). The herb was
compared to nifedipine, a prescrip
tion medication commonly used for
this condition. Astragalus produced
better results than the drug.

Astragalus root is dried

for use in capsules .
Several North American species
of astragalus are highly poisonous
to livestock and commonly called
' locoweed', These New World
varieties, however, are very diHerent
from the ancient Chinese form that
is used in medical treatment.
-. j





Although many intriguing claims are made for the healing powers of bee products, there is little


evidence to support most of them . Yet bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis are popular nutritional
supplements and continue to be the subject of scientific studies.
A da

What they are There are three ty pes of bee products (apart fro m
honey) avai lab le in hea lth-food shops bee pollen , pro polis and roya l
Je ll y. The most fa miliar d these is bee pollen After the bees ga ther po llen
from plams, th ey com press it into pellets, which beekee pers then coll ect
from the hi ves. (A second type of pollen, also so ld as bee pollen, is
collected directly fro m pl ants, not fro m bees at all ) Bee poll en contains
protein , B vitamin s, carbohydrates and \'a rious enz ymes. Pro polis (also
ca ll ed bee glue) is a sticky anti biotic resin that bees coll ect from the buds
of pin e u ees and use to repair cracks in their hi\'e5 Then th ere's royal
Jelly, a milky-whit e substance produced by the sali\'ar)' glands of worker
bees as a food source for the quee n bee. (T he speC ialised nutritional co n
tent of roya l jell y may acco unt for the fert ility, large size and increased
longev it y of the quee n bee)

What they do Bee products, especiall y bee po llen, ha\'e been

touted as virtual cure-ail s. Proponents assert that, among other th1l1gs ,
these products slow ageing, impro\'e athletic performance, boost immu
nity, contribute to weight 1055, fight bacteria and alle\'ia te the sym ptoms
of alle rgies and hay feve r. Although bee po llen shows so me pron1l5e in
trealing allergies and pro poli s may be erfecti" e as a sa k e for cuts and
bru ises, the scant resea rch that has bee n conducted does not support the
extravaga nt claims ge nerall y made for bee products.
Major benefits: Bee pollen seems to he lp pre\'ent the sneez ing, mnn)'
nose, \ovatery eyes and other symptoms of seasonal pollen allergies Some
scientists be lieve that ingest ing sma ll amounts of po llen ca n desensitise
an indi vidual to its allergeniC compo un ds, much as all ergy shots do.
Beca use your body produces anti bodi es ", hen exposed to e,'e n a tin )'
amount of pollen, your immune system then 'remembers it , pre\'e nrin g

May help hay fever symptoms.

Aids in healing skin abrasions.

Dried and fresh pol len

Do s

a d:r
teas r

Guic; 1

sma!' ,
tabl e
People with asthma or
allergies to bee stings should
be very careful when using bee
products, and should avoid royal
jelly entirely.
Reminder : If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Bee pollen (fresh or dried) is

often so ld in tablets or capsules .




a ll e r~

can do::
itch ,
di al.:

eXLreme reaction that ca uses classic allergy symptoms. Testing of this

theory is under lVay, and until res ults are a\'ailable there appea rs to be
no harm for most peo ple in tryin g bee poll en. Va ri ous ad \'ocates main
telin Lhat to ge t the full ami-Clllerg)' benefit , you need to use bee po llen
LhClt comes [rom a local source, which will desensitise yo u to th e spec ifi c
pollens in your own emironment .


Bee propolis may play so me role as a ski n

softe ner or wound healer. Research has shovvn that although propolis
con lCl ins amibac teri al co mpounds , these are not as dfecti \'c as sta ndard
antibi oti cs or ove r-the-co unter ointm ents in fighting infec tion. (Propolis,
howc\'Cr, doesn't hCl\'C the und esirabl e std e dfecb of stand ard antibiotics)
Because royal Jel ly enhClnces the growth , fertility and longe\1tY of
queen bees, mClny people think that it wi ll do the sa me thing for
humans However, Lhere's no evidence to suppo rt th is \' iew, though roya l
jdly may be useful as an ad renal ton ic in managing stress.
Additional b enefi t s:

A killer drink

From childhood, Peter H knew he

was allergic to bee stings and
avoided the buzzing, venom
carrying insects like the plague,
But, surprisingly, it was a health
food drink that almost killed him.
As was his habit, Peter often
skipped lunch while he worked and
then stopped at a health-food
shop on the way home for a quick
On the fateful day, he took the
advice of an enthusiastic sales
person and ordered 'The High

How to take them

D os ag e: The amou nt of bee pollen need cd to re lie\'e allergy symp
toms varies from perso n to person In ge neral, Stel rt with Cl few granules
a day and increase the dose grad ua ll y until yo u're up to 1-3 round ed
teaspoons a day

Energ y Smoothie', a special new

yoghurt drink . Little did he realise
it contained a generous scoop of
some 'en erg ising , bee product in
addition to the touted ginseng,
spirulina and wheatgrass.

Befo re the hay b'Cr seClso n, stan Lakll1g ve ry

small amou nts of bee po llen each day - a few grClnu les or a portion of a
rabler If you don't suffe r any adverse react ion (see below), slow ly
increase your dosage until you expe rience rel ief [rom allergy symptoms.
Take bee po ll en suppleme nts with plenty of water; you can also mi x
dried or fresh pollen with Juice or sprin kle it o\'er food.
Guid elin es for u se:

The last thing Peter remembers

about his close brush with oblivion
was 'putting the glass to my lips '.
When he woke, he found himself in
an intensive care unit reco vering
from anaphylactic shock, His
advice to others with a bee allergy:

Possible side effects Because so me individuals will have an

allergiC reaction to bee pollen, begin with a small Clmo unt so Lhat you
can determine if it will have an adverse effect on you. WCl tch for hives,
itchy th roat, skin Oushin g, wheeZi ng or headache. Stop Lak ing iL imm e
diately if any of these side effects occ ur.

'Watch those energy drinks. They

can be lethal, '

The three types of bee products on the

market are royal jelly (left), propolis
(centre) and bee pollen (right).



Once considered just a potent source of vitamin A, beta-carotene has gained prominence as
a disease-fighting substance. Today, experts think that beta-carotene - along with the related
nutrients called carotenoids - may protect against heart disease and cancer.





What it is Beta-caro tene is part 01 a larger group of nutrients

known as carotenoid s, whi ch are the yellow-orange pi gments found in
Iruits and vegetables (see page 252 ) Because the bod y can conve n it to
\'itamin A, beta-carotene is somet imes called pro\'itamin A. Howe\'er,
beta-carotene prov id es man y benefits besides supplying th e body wi th
that vitamin.

What it does An immune system booste r and a powe rful anti

oxidant , beta -ca rotene neutrali ses the Iree radical s that can da mage ce ll s
and promote di sease By acting directly on cells, it combats - and ma),
eve n reverse - so me disOlde rs. It appears to be most eHec ti \'e \Nhe n com
bined wi th othe r caroteno ids.
Prevention : Beta-ca rotene is a celeb rated so ldier 111 the war on hea rt
disease. Res ults Irom a survey of more th an 300 doc tors enroll ed in the Harvard Un ive rsity Physicians' Health Stud y re\'ealed that taking :50 mg
(85000 lU ) 01 beta-carotene a day cut the risk 01heart attack , stroke and
all ca rdi ovasc ular deaths in half. Other studies hm-e show n th at it ca n
preve nt LDL ('bad ') cholesterol Irom damaging the heart and corona ry
vesse ls Hi gh leve ls 01 beta-carote ne may also o lfer protection against
cancers of the lung, digestive trac t, bladde r, breast and prostate.
Major benefits: Ac ting as an antiox idant , beta-ca rote ne has re\'ersed
so me precancerous cond itions, patlicul arly th ose affec tin g the sktl1 ,
mucous membranes, lun gs, mouth , throat, stomach, co lon, prostate.
cerv ix and uterus. Furt her, it has been show n to inhibit th e growth 01
abn orm al ce ll s, stren gthen the immune system , fonify ce ll membranes
and increase communi cation among cell s.
One hin t 01co ncern did arise, howe\'er, about beta-carote ne's cance r
lighting benefits. In the early 1990s, landmark studi es tn Finl and and
the US lound that ma le smokers taking beta -carotene supplements had
an increased risk of lu ng cancer. Though some found the stud ies fl awed,
many experts caution smoke rs to maintain adequate beta -ca rotene levels
through natural food sources, not supple ments.


Acts as a preventive for cancer

and heart disease.
May reverse some precancerous
Has ceil-protecting properties that
may aid in the treatment of a wide
variety of ailments from Alzheimer's
to male infertili ty.




.1' .:]

Con su lt your doctor before

using beta-carotene if you have

a sluggish thyroi d (hypo

thyroidism), kidney or liver

disease, or an eating disorder.

Many experts recommend

that smokers, particularly those

who drink large amounts of

alcohol, avoid synthetic beta

carotene supplements.

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to you r doctor

before taking supplements.

Additional benefits : As an antioxida nL , beta-carotene ma y be helpful

for a wide range of ad diti ona l ailments, incl uding Alzhei mer's disease,
chroni c fatigue syndrome, male infertil it y, fibromya lgia , psorias is and a
num ber of \i sion disorders.

How much you need There is no RDl fo r beta -carotene,

though abou t 10 000 IU (6 mg) may meet the RDl for v1tamin A. Higher
doses are needed , however, [0 prov1de the full antioxida nt and immu ne
boosting effects.
If you get too little : Signs of a beta-carotene deficiency are similar
to those of inadequate viLamin A: poor nIght vision, dry sk in , increased
risk of infection, and the formation of preca ncerous cells. A deficiency
may incre ase your risk of cancer and hean disease. Howeve r, v1ta min A
deficiencies are rare. Even if yo u do n't eat fruits and vegetables or take
supp lements, yo u can stil l meet your \' itamin A need s with eggs or other
foods tha t suppl y it.

Bu y beta-carotene in combination
with other carotenoids, such as
lycopene, alpha-carotene, crypto
xa nthin, zeaxa nthin and lutein,
Th ese co mbination formula s are an
effe ctive and economical way to

boost your an tio xidant leve ls.

Beta-carotene may help to protect

against many types of cancer - but
in smokers it may actuall y increase
the risk of lung ca ncer. Recent
studies show th at thi s surprising

If you get too much: It 's almosLim possible

get [00 much beta

carote ne, since the body disca rds what it doesn't process. If you ingest
high levels - on:r J 00 000 lU a J ay - your palm s and so les may Lurn a
harmless orange [O ne, wh ich wi ll disa ppea r when yo u lower the dose .

How to take it
Dosage: Beta-carotene is probab ly most effective when combined

with other carote noids in a mixed caroteno id formu la. Nat ural ly sourced
beta-carotene is prefe rable [0 the sy ntheLic fo rm . Most people benefit
from 25000 lU (15 mg) of mixed carote noids a day Those at high risk
of cancer can take up to 50000 lU (30 mg) twice a day

effect seems strongest in men w ho

smoke at least 20 Cigarettes daily,
and increases even further w hen
alcohol intake is ' above ave ra ge',
(Interestingly, former smokers do not
appear to be at heightened ri sk,)
One th eory is that smokers generally
have low vitamin C levels, and that

this imbalance causes beta-carotene

to heighten, ra ther than decrease,
free-radical formation .

Guidelines for use: Take supp lements with meals No achuse effects
have been noted in pregnant or breast-feed in g wome n ta king up LO
50000 IU a day.
You'd have to eat about half a kil o

Other sources Ca rrots arc a rich source of beta-ca rotene , as are

other ye ll ow, ora nge and red fr uits and vegeta bl es, fro m swee t pota[Oes
[0 rockmelon . Green \'ege L
ables, such as brocco li , are also beneficial
the darker the green , the more beta -carotene the prod uct co ntain s.

of fresh roc kmelon to get the

beta-carotene supplied in just one
25000 IU capsule ,


During World War II, British RAF pilots noted the curious fact that their night vision improved
after eating bilberry jam. Their anecdotal reports sparked scientific research into this herb,
which today is used to treat a wide range of visual disorders and other complaints.

What it is Alth ough th e fruit of the bilberry bus h has been

enj oyed since prehistoric times, its first reco rd ed medi cin al use was
not until th e sixteenth ce ntury Histo ricall y, dried berr y or lear prepa
ration s were recommend ed ror a variety of co nditi ons, in cludin g
scurvy (a di se ase ca used by a vitamIn C deficien cy), uri nary tra ct in fe c
ti ons and kidney sto nes .
A rel ative of th e blueberry, bilberry is a short , shrub by perenn ia l
th at grows in the rore sts and wood ed meadows of northern Europe
Bush es o r these sweet blu e-blac k berri es are also found in west ern Asia
and the Rocky Mountains of North America. The medically active
co mponents in the ripe rruit co nsist primarily o[ fl a\'onoid compo unds
kn own as anth ocya nos ides. Acco rdingl y, th e modern medi cinal form
of bilberry is an extract co ntaining a highl y co nce ntrated am ount o r
these co mpou nds

Maintains healthy vision and

improves night vision and poor
visual adaptation to bright light.
Treats a wide array of eye disor
ders' including diabetic retinopathy,
cataracts and macular degeneration.
Relieves varicose veins and haem
orrhoids, especially in pregnancy.


What it does Ivlany or the medicinal qualities of bilbeny derive

from its maj or co nstit uents , anthocyanosides, whi ch are potent anti
oxidants. These compounds help to counteract ce ll damage cause d by
unsta ble oxygen molecules called free radica ls.
Major benefits: Bilberry ex tra ct is the leading herbal remedy ror
maintainin g healthy vision and managin g \'arious eye disorders. In par
ticular, bilberry helps the retina (the ligbt-sensit ive pO ITion o r the eye) to
ad apt properl y to both darkness and li ght It has been Widely used to
treat night blindn ess, as well as po or vision resulting [rom daytime glare.

Bilberries, available in capsule form,

are now a popular herbal remedy for
treating eye disorders.


Dried herb/ Tea

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

With its ability lO slrengthen tin y blood \Tssels (cap illaries) - and , in
rurn , fac ilitate the deli\'ery of oxygen-rich blood [0 the eyes - bilberry
may also play (I Significant ro le in pre\'enting and trea ting degenerative
disease s or th e retinil (retinopat hy) , In one study, 31 patients were
treated with bilberry ex traCl dilil y ror rour weeks, Use of the extract
fortifi ed the capillaries and red uced haemorrh aging In the eyes, espe
Ciall y in cases or diabetes-relilted retino pathy
BIIberry IS also useful ror prn'entin g macu lar degeneration (a pro
gressi\'e disorcler arrect ing the central part of the retina) ilnc! cataraClS (loss
or trilnspa renc)' o r the eye's lens) - twO lead ing causes or vision loss in
old er people A stud), or 50 paliems wi th ilge-reiatecl calilracts ro und [hilt
bilberr), ex tract combined with \'itamm E suppIemems inhibited cataract
rormati on in alm ost il il of the participilnts, Because i[ can st rengthen
collagen - th e abundant protein that forms th e 'backbone' of healthy
conn eCli\'e ti ssue - bilberry ma), also be \'aluilble in prewnting anc! treilt
ing glaucoma, a di sease caused by excessi\'e pressure within the eye,

a .edi
r _,:)C tor

Additional benefits: Because th e <1 111hocya nosicl es in bilberr y

improve blood now in capi llari es, as well as in large r blood \'essels,
bilberry tn sw ndardised extract form ma)' be wort hwhile ror people with
poor circularion in lhei r extremiti es, It's helprul for \'a ricose \-eins and for
the pain and burning o r haemorrhoids, particularl), during pregnanc y
(when these condit ions can be quite troublesome) , People who bruise
easily may also benefit from bilberr)'s sa lu lary effect on capi llilries,
Although more study tS neecied, limlled dala inciicate that bilbur),
may ha\ 'e other uscs ilS \\'ell. One slUdy showe d that iL)ng-term use of
bilberry eXLraC t imp m\'ed the \'ision o r normalI)' nea rsighreel people
illrhough how it produceci thi s effect is unkn own, Preliminary res ults in
wo men 5h O\\' thal bilberry helps to treat menstrua l cr(\mrs bec(\use
amhocyanosides relax smooth muscle. including the uterus. And animal
st uciles suggest rhm hilben'y (\nth ocya nosides may fi ght sto mach ulcers.

How to take it
Dosage: Norm al dosages range rrom 40 mg to 160 mg of bllberr),
extract two or thl'ee times iI day The lower dose is genera ll ), recom
mended for long- rerm usc, Illcluding the pre\'elllion o r macular dege n
eration . Higher doses - up to 320 mg iI clay - may be needed by those
vvirh diabe tes.
Guidelines for use: Bilberr), ca n be lake n wi th or withour fooel No
adve rse effec ts ha\'e bee n noted in pregnant or bre,lst-feeding women
who use the herb , In adclition , lhere are no knO\1>11 ach'e rse interactions
with presc ripti on or o\'e r-the-counter drugs,

Possible side effects Al therapeuri c closes, bilberry appears to

\'el)' safe and has 11 0 known side effects, e\'e n when laken long term .


In Europe, bilberry is commonly

recommended as part of conven
tional medical therapy, particularly
for eye disorders, German doctors
also prescribe bilberry tea for the
relief of diarrhoea, To make the
tea, pour a cup of ve ry hot water
over 1 or 2 tablespoons of dried
whole berries (or 2 or 3 teaspoon s
of crushed berries); steep for
10 minutes and strain, You can
drink up to three cups of bilberry
tea a day, The tea can also be cooled
and used as a gargle to treat mouth
and throat inflammations,

When buying bilberry, choose

an extract standardised to contain
2,5% anthocyanosides, the active
ingredients in the herb, (It's one
particular type of anthocyanoside,
called anthocyanidin, that deter
mines this standardised dose.)
Standardised extracts help assure
that yo u get the same amount of
active compounds in each dose.

Bilberry extracts contain between

100 and 250 times the amount of
active ingredients (anthocyanosid e '
found in fresh bilberries ,

tin & pantothenic aci

It's surprising that these two B vitamins don't get more attention, They work together at the
most basic level to produce enzymes that trigger many bodily functions, and they may assist
in the treatment of various diseases,

W hat th ey a re The names of these two viLamins suggest their

widespread presence in the body. Bot h words have Gree k rOo ts:
pantothenic is from palltos, which means 'everywhere', and biotin is from
bios, which means 'life ' Because these vitamins are in many foods, defi
ciencies are virtually nonexisLent. Biotin is also produced by intesLinal
bacLeria , provided the di gesLive system is heaiLhy Multivitamins and
5-complex vitamins usually include biotin and pantothenic aCId (a lso
ca lled vitam in 55), and both are also availab le as individual supple
ments. The main form of biotin is d-biotin Pantothenic acid comes in
two forms: pantethine and calcium pantothenate. The latter is sUltab le
for most purposes and is less ex pensive than panLethine.
What they do Both biotin and pantothenic acid are invoh'ed
in the breakdown of ca rhohyd rates, fats , and protein from food s and in
the prod uCLion of various enzymes. Biotin plays a special role in helping
the body use glucose, its basic fu el, and iL also promotes healthy nails
and hair. The body needs pantothenic acid to maintain proper co mmu
nication belween the brain and nervo us syste m and to produce certa in
stress honnones.
Major benefits : Biotin improves weak and brittle finge rnatls; may
slow hair loss if iL is due to a biotin deficiency; and repairs dry, scal), skin.

Research suggests the overp rod uction of Slress hormones durin g long
periods of emotional upset, depreSSion or anxiety increases the need for
pantothenic acid, which is used to manufacture these hormones. Beca use
stress is a factor in quiLting smoking, migra ines and chroni c fatigu e, pan
tothenic acid may be usefu l for these conditions In co mbinat ion with the
B vitamins choline and thiamine , pantotheni c acid can he an effect i\'e
heartburn remedy; it also helps reduce the nasa l congest ion of allergies
Additional benefits: In very high doses, biotin may help peop le with
di abetes , increasing the body's respo nse to insulin so that blood suga r

Promotes healthy nails and hai r.
Helps the body to process ca rbo
hyd rates, fats and protein .
May improve blood sugar contro l
in people with diabetes.
Pantothenic acid
Promotes a healthy centra l
nervous system.
Helps the body to process carbo
hydra tes, fats and protein .
May improve chronic fatigue
syndrome, migraines, hear tburn
and allergies.





Reminder: If yo u ha ve a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

(glu cose) levels stay low. In addition , it may protect aga inst the nerve
damage that so metimes occ urs in diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) Biotin
also appears to slow reproduction of the fungal form of Candida albicans.

Biotin (left) and

pantothenic acid (right)
are important B vitamins.


How much you need There is no RDI for bi olin or pan

tothenic ac id , but experts reco mmend that yo u get 30-1 00 mcg o r biotin
and 4-7 mg o f panto thenic acid a day. Th ese amo unts appea r to be
eno ugh to maintai n normal body fu nctioning, bu t for the trea tment of
specific diseases o r di so rde rs, higher doses may be needed
If you get too little : Defici encies o f bi ot in or pa ntothenic acid are
virtuall y unkn own in adults. Long-term llse o f ant ibi olics or anti-seizure
medications, however, ca n lead to less than optim al levels of bi otin .
If you get too much: There are no known se ri ous adverse effects
from high doses o r biotin or pantotheniC ac id . Some people report diar
rhoea whe n taking doses or 10 g a day or more or pantotheni c acid .

How to take them

Dosage: For hair O/ld l1ails: Take 1000-12 00 mcg of biotin a day
To aid ill giving LIp smohing: Take 500 mg o r pantoth enic aC Id twice a day
During peri ods of stress: Take 100 mg of pantothe nic acid a clay as part 01'
a vilamin B co mplex . For migraines: Take 400 mg or pantot henic aCId
twice a day For chronic fati gue syndrome: Take 500 mg of pantothenic
acid twice a day. For chrollic iI eartbllll1 : Take 1000 mg of pant ot henic acid
twice a day along with 500 mg of thiamine first thing in the mornmg and
500 mg or choline (as lec ithin ) th ree limes a day. For allergies. Take
500 mg of pantot henic acid three times a clay. For diabetes: Talk wi Lh
yo ur docto r abo ut taking high doses 0 1 biol in LO help , or even prevent ,
diabetic neu ropathy.
Guidelines for use: IV[ost people will get enough bi otin and pan
tothenic acid from a mll lti\' itamin or a B-co mpl ex supplem ent
1ndi vidual suppl ements are necessary only to treat a spec ific diso rder. In
most cases, take indi\'icluaJ sup plements wilh meals.

Other sources Biotin is ro un d Itl Il\er, so)' prod ucts, nuts,

oatmeal, ri ce, barley, legumes, ca uliOowe r and whole wheat. Orga n
meats, fis h , po ultry, whole grain s, ;'oghu n and legu mes are the besl
sources or panto thenic ac id

If you eat a lot of processed foods,

you should consider taking a supple
ment with pantothenic acid, because
this vitam in is easily destroyed in
processing, Bread and cereal, for
example, contain half the pantothenic
acid found in the original whole
grain s. Even more pantothenic acid
(70%) is lost when poultry or fish is
frozen and thawed or when beans
are canned (80%).
Biotin helps to keep hair healthy,
but - except in rare cases of biotin
deficiency - it can' t prevent bald
ness, as some claim. Nor can panto
thenic acid forestall the normal grey
ing of hair that occurs with age ,

Biotin can increase the thickness

of nails by an average of 25 %,
according to a study from
Switzerland. Six months of biotin
supplements improved brittle nails in
two-thirds of the study'S participants,
Recent Australian research suggests
that taking 600 meg of bioti n a day
increases levels of DHEA sulphate in
some peopl e who are deficient in this
hormone (see page 272).

You'd have to eat 2Y, cups of wheat

bran to get the recommended daily
amount of pantothenic acid.



CimlC/fuga racemosa

Although baby boomers may regard black cohosh as the new 'in' herb, its healing abilities were
recognised more than a century ago. Native American and American pioneer women alike found
the root of this plant to be one of the most useful natural medicines for women.

Wh a tit is 'Black' describes the dark colou r of the rooL. and

'cohosh ' is derived fro m an AlgonqUIan word for 'rough' Long used to
trea t 'women\:; probl ems', black co hosh grows to a height of about 2.5
metres and is disti ngu ished by its tall stal ks of nufry, wh ite flowers. This
member o r the butt ercup ['amil y is also known as bugbane, squaw roo t,
rattle root or CimiciJuga I(lCe m OSCl , its botanical name. Howe\'e r, its most
comm on nickname, black snakeroot , describes its gnarled root , the part
of the plant that is used med iCin ally Contained in the root is a complex
network of natural chem icals, so me of which are as powe rfu l as the most
mode rn pharmaceutica ls.
What it does Traditionally, black cohosh has been presc ribed to
treat menstrua l problems, pain aft er childbirth, nervous diso rders and
joint pain. Today, the herb is reco mm end ed primali 11' for relid of th e hot
flu shes that so me wo men experience during meno pause.
Major benefits : In Eu rope, and increasin gly in AustralIa and New
Zealand , black coh osh is a pop ular remedy for hot flu shes, \'aglllal
dryn ess and other menopausal symptom s. Sc ientific stud y has shown
th at blac k co hosh can reduce levels of LH (lute inising hormone). which
is produced by th e brains pituitary gland The ri se in LH that occurs
eluring menopause is thought to be one cause of hot flush es.

Reduces menopausal symptoms,

particularly hot flus hes .
Eases menstrual pa in and other
difficulties, such as PMS.
Works as an anti-inflammatory;
relieves muscle pain .
Helps to clear mucous mem
branes and relieve coughs.

Ta blet
Dried herb / Tea

Never use black cohosh while

pregnant or breast-feeding.
This herb may interfere with
hormonal medications (birth
control pills or oestrogen), so
check with your doctor.
Be carefu l if you're on a hyper
tension medication; black cohosh
m ay intensify the drug'S blood
pres sure-lowering effect.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

The root of block cohosh is dried,

ground to a powder and sold as
a supplement in capsule form.


In addi tion, black cohosh conrain s ph yto- oes lroge ns, plant co mpound s
that have an effect similar lO th at of oestroge n prod uced by the body.
Ph ytoestroge ns bind to hor mone recc pto rs in the breast, uterus and else
where in the body, easi ng meno pausal symploms wit hoU[ increasin g
the ri sk of breast cance r (whi ch is a possib le side effeC l of ho rm one
re pl acemenL thera py). In fact, some ex perts thlilk that ph yto -oestrogens
may e\'en help LO pre\'cl1l breast cance r by kee ping the bo dys 0\\11
oestroge n from locki ng onLO breast ce ll s.
Additional benefits : Owin g to its al1li spas modic pro perti es, black

cohosh can alle\' iate menslrual cramps by in creasing blood fl o\\' to the
uteru s and rcdu cing th e illl ensity of Uterine cont racl ions. Thi s aClion
also makes it useful d uri ng labou r ;md aft er childb irt h. Beca use il C\'ens
out horm one le\'els, il may be nefit women \\ ilh preme nslr ual synd rome
(PtvIS) , th ough chaste tree IS probabl y berrer fo r thi s conditi0n
Although lhese effects are less freq uently noted . black co hosh hJS
demonstra ted some mildl y sedaling and anti- inf1ammatory capab il][ies,
whic h rn a)' be particula rl y \'a lua ble in lrea tlng muscle aches, as \l'e ll
as ncn 'e-related pain such as SCIati ca or neuralgia. Because il has th e
ability to help clea r mu cus from the body, blac k cohosh has been
recommended lor coughs, This herb has also been sho\\ n to be effect i\'C
as a treatment fo r ringing in the ea rs (linnilus), As \\'e ll , it has bee n used
success full y to im pro\'e \ aglllal dryness in meno pausal \\'omen.

Compresses soaked in a black

cohosh tea can be used to soothe
sore muscle s and aching joints, Boil
the dried root in w ater fo r 20-30
minutes, then let the liqUid cool a
bit. (It should still be hot, but not
hot enough to burn your skin .) Then
apply the w arm compresses to the
affected area for about 20 minutes.
Th ough some experts think that
bla ck cohosh helps to reduce hot
flu shes and vagina l dryness as
effecti vely as hormone replacem ent
therapy (H RT), there's no evidence
that thi s herb offers the protecti on
against heart disease or osteoporo sis
that HRT is believed to provide,

Black cohosh was the principal

How to take it
Dosage: Loo k for caps ules or tabl ets co ntaining eXlracts sLJn dJrdised

to conlain 2,5% of trite rpe nes , th e act i\'e comro nents in blac k co hos h,
For menopOlIsal or PMS sy mptoms: Take -Hi mg of black co hosh lwi ce

clay. For PMS , begin treatm ent J wee k lO 10 cl ays befo re yo ur period

in gredi ent in one of the most

popular American folk medicines of
all tim e - Lyd ia Pinkham 's Vegetable
Compound. Popular in the early
1900s, this 'women's tonic' is still

For menstrual cramps: Take 40 mg three or four lim es a clJy as needed.

available in the US today. Ironically,

the current formula no longer con

Guidelines for use: Blac k co hosh ca n be wke n Jt any tim e, bUl to

reduce the chance or sto mach upse l you may prefe r lO la ke it with meals.
All ow fo ur to eight weeks to see its be nefits tvlany expe rts reco mmend
a six-momh lim il on tak ing bl ack cohosh, though recent stuci ies show
that lo nger use seems to be sa fe and free of signil'icant side effects,

tain s any of this helpful native herb.

Possible side effects Though it has \'irtuall )' no toxic effects,

black coh osh may ca use sto mac h upset 111 ce rtain peo pl e. One study
suggested th at it may ind uce slight we ight ga in and dIzz in ess in some
women, II may also lo\\'er blood pressure, A \'e r)' high dose ca n ca use
nausea, \'Omiling, reduced pul se ra te, hem} pe rspil'in ion and headache


a_1ci u m

Renowned for preventing - or at least minimising - the devastating effects of osteoporosis,

calcium is now thought to lower high blood pressure and prevent colon cancer. Unfortunately,
this important mineral is often se riously lacking in the modern Australian and New Zealand diet.

What it is Although calcium is the most abund ant min eral in the
body, most adu lts get abo ut half the amount they need eac h dar Eating
enough calcium-rich foods ma)' be difficu lt , bUl you ca n PlT \'c nt a
defi Ciency by taking supplements. A wide array or products is a\a ilab le.
The most common forms are calcium ca rbonate , calciu m cilrat e, calcium
hydroxya patite, calcium gluco naLe, ca lciu m phosphate and ca lci um
lactate A supp lement's eleme ntal (or pure) ca lcium depends on its
accompanying compound. Calcium carbonate (useful in antacids to
reli eve heartburn) provides 40% elementa l ca lcium , while calciu m
gluco nate sup plies 9%. The lowe r the calcium co nt ent, th e more pI lls
yo u need to meet reco mm ended amounts
What it does The majo rity of the bod),'s ca lcium is stored in the
bones and lee th, where il pro\'ides strenglh and str uc lure. The small
amount Circulatin g in the bloodslream helps 1ll0\'e nUlrients across cell
membranes and plays a role in prodUCing the hormones and enzymes
lhat regul ate digestion and melaboli sm Ca lcium is also needed lor nor
mal co mmuni cation among nen 'e ce lls , lor blood clotting, for wo und
healing and for muscle contraction. To ha\'e enough or thi s mineral
ava ilable in the blood to perrorm \ita l runct ions, the body will 'st ea l' it
from the bones. O\'er time, many calcium 'wi lh dra\\-als' lea\'e bones
poro us an d Iragile. On ly an adequale da ily calcium intake will maintain
healthy levels in the bl ood and pro\' id e an ample rese n'e for th e bones.

Broccoli is a good natural source of

calcium, but calcium complex tablets
are one of th e easiest ways to ensure
that you're getting enough calcium
to keep your bones and teeth strong.


Maintains bones and teeth.

Helps to preve nt prog ressive
bone loss and osteoporosis .
Aids heart and musc le
contra ctio n, nerve impulses and
bl ood clotting .
May help to lowe r blood pressure
in people with hyp erten sion.
Eases hea rtbu rn .

Tab let



Pow der


People who have thyroid or

kidney disease should check
with their doct or before taking
cal ciu m . Also, calcium may
interact with some drugs, notably
the tetracycline antibiotics.
Reminder: If yo u have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking suppl ements.

Prevention: Ge LLin g enough calcium th roughout li re is a central fac to r

in preventin g osteo porosis, the bone-thi nning disease that increases the
ri sk of hip and ve rtebrae frac tures, spinal delor miti es and loss of height.
The bod y is best equipped to absOlb calcium and build up bone mass
before the age of 35, but its nel'er too late to increase your intake
Several studies sh ow that , el'e n in peopl e ol'er th e age of 65 , taking cal
cium supplements and eating calc iu m-ri ch foods help to maintain bone
density and redu ce the ri sk of fractures,
Additional benefits : By limiting the ilmating effects of bil e acids

in the co lon, calc ium may redu ce the incid ence of co lon GlIlCe L Other
resea rch indi cates that diets that includ e plellly of calcium - as II'ell as
fruits and ,'ege tables - may actu all), he lp to lowe r bl ood pressure as
much as some prescri ptio n medications do

How much you need The RDI is 800 mg for adults, and
1000 mg for women aft er menopau se, 1"1an), nutritionists, howewr,
would recommend a minimum intake of 1200 mg for all adu lts
If you get too little: A prolonged ca lcium defi Ciency can lead to bone
abn ormalit ies, such as osteoporosis, [Vlu sc1e spasms ca n result from lOll
lel'els of calcium in the blood,
If you get too much : A dail y calcium intake as hi gh as 2500 mg fto m

a co mb in ati on of food and supplements ap rears to be safe, Howel'e r.

taking ca lcium supplements ma y impair th e body's abso rption of the
minerals zinc, iron and magneSium And l'eI)' hi gh doses of calciLlm
from suppl ements might lead to kidney stones. Calcium carbona te ma)
cause wind or co nstipation: in this case , SW itch to calcium citrate.

Avoid calcium supplements

made from dolomite, oyster shel ls or
bone meal - these compounds may
contain unacceptable levels of lead,
Calcium cannot be absorbed
without vitamin D, which is made
by the skin in response to sunlight
Because your body's ability to con
vert sunlight to vitam in D declines
with age, your safest bet is to get
200-400 IU of vitam in D a day in
your diet or in supplement form,
To be effective, supplements should
contain vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol),
not vitamin D2 (ergo calciferol), You
can also bu y calcium supplements
with vitamin D,
SpinaCh is not a good source
of calcium, It contains high levels of
substances called oxalates, w hi ch
lock up th e calc ium and limit the
amount available to the bod y, Th e
oxalates don't interfere wi th calci um
absorption from other foods eaten at
the same time, however.

How to take it
Dosage: Be sure to ge t the recomm ended amount of 800-1 000 mg of
elemental calcium a da)' from foods, supplements or both 'vV hen taking
supplements, its I'ital that the additi onal calcium be balanced by mag
nesium (at least half th e dose of calcium) , zinc , silico n and , preferab ly,
boron, Combined formulation s containing these mineral s are GlI'ail able
(Those including boron are aI'Gliiable only on presc ripti on in Au stralia )
Guidelines for use : To enhance absorpti on , dilid e your supplement
dose so that you don't co nsume more than 600 mg of calcium at any one
time , and be sure to take the supp lements with food ,

Other sources w hilc dair)' products (p referabl), low-fat) are

usuall y reco mm ended as the most plellliful sources of calcium , som e
nutritionists think th at the pasteurisati on process may reduce the
absorption of calcium Yoghurt, being predigested . mal' be the best chil)'
source of 'bioa l'ailable' calcium Goo d nondairy sources include can ned
sa lmoo aod sardines (eaten with the soft booes) , broccoli and almonds

If you are over 65, bu y ca lcium

citrate , People over this age often
lack sufficient stom ach acid to
absorb calcium carbonate,

You'd have to eat about 50 fl ore ts

of broccoli to get the 800 mg of
calcium you need to meet the RDL

C_a rotenoids

The pigments that give so me fruits and vegetables their rich red, orange and yellow colours
are called carotenoid s. These natural compounds are also potent disea se fighters. If your diet
doesn't contain enough of t hem, supplements are a handy option .

What they are Although more than 600 carote noid pi gments
have heen identified in food,>. il appears that only six are used in signi fi
ca nt ways by the blood or tiss ues of th e hody Bes ides beta-carote ne (see
page 2 4 2), whi ch is probably th e best -knm\"ll carote noid , th ese includ e
alph a-ca rotene, Iyco pene, lut ein , zeaxanthin and cryptoxalllhin
Carotenoids are found in \'arious fruit s and \egetables. bUl the foods
that are the mOSl co nce ntrated sources Illay not be part 01 yo ur dail y
fare Alpha-carote ne is found in ca rro ts an d pump kin : Iyco pene is
abundant in red frul ls, such as wa lermelon . red grapd rui l. gua\a and .
espeCiall y, processed tom<ttoes. Lutein and zeaxa nthin are plel1l iful in
dark green vegetables. pumpkll1 and red capsicums; wh ile crypto"a n
thi n is present in mangoes , oranges and peac hes . Supplement s pro\'id
in g a mixture 01thl:: 5 1)\ key carotenoids mJ)' be th e besl opti on.
What they do The prirn:n)' benefil ol ca rotenoicls lies in their
:mtiox idJnt pote nti al. Al1li ox ida nts are compounds th at proleCl Ixxly
cells [ro m damage by unswb le oxyge n molec ules called free radi cals.
Alth ough the c<l rotcnoicl s are Similar, each ac ts on a spec ifi c type of hod y
tissue. In ad dilion, <l lph::l-carotene :1l1d cryp loxanthin ca n he cO ll\uled
int o vit amin A in the bocl y, but nOl to the sa me extent as beta-carotene.
Major benefits: C(lrotenoids may guard againsl ce rtain types of C(ln
cc r, apparentl y by limi ting the abnormal growth of ce ll s. Lycopc ne, for
in sl<l llce, appears to inhi bit prostate ca nce r form ati on. Researchers at
Harva rd Uni \'e rsi t)' found lhal men who atc 10 o r mo re sC I'\' ings a wee k
01 lomato-based loods - to matoes are the ric hest di etary source of
Iyco pene - cut their ri sk of prostJte cance r by nea rl y 45%. Lyco pene
ma)' also be erfecth'e aga inst cancers of the sto mac h and digest i\'e tract.
Studi cs show that high intakes of alpha -carotene, lutcin and zeaxal1lhin
decrease the risk of lung cancer, and that cryptoxanth in <mel alpha
caTO lene lowe r th e ri sk of cer\'icalcancer

May lower the ri sk of certain

types of ca ncers, including prostate
and lung can cer.
May provide p rotection against
heart disease .
Slow down the development of
ma cular deg eneration .
Enhance imm un ity.




Reminder: If yo u ha ve a medi
ca l co nditi on, talk to your doct or
before taking supp lements.

Although capsules for individual

carotenoids such as Iycopene (left)
are available, it's probably best to take
a mixed carotenoid supplement.


In addilion , c .Ilotenoids ma), fighl heart d isease In a sU rI'ey of 1300

elderly people in the US, those who ale the grea tesl amount of
caroteno id-rich fooels had hall' the risk of ele\'Cloping heart disease and a
75% lower risk of ht'alT allack than rhose who ate rhe least of these
roods . Th iS was true exel1 aflt' r the researchers LOok olher hea rt-disease
I-isk factUl's - such as smoking and high cholesterol le\-els - into account.
SCienti sts behC'\'e that all ca rotenoid s, particularl y alpha-carotene and
lycopem:, bloc k the fOl'mat ion of LDL ('bac!') cholestero l, which can lead
10 heart <1ltacizs and olher cardi(wascular problems,

Additional b enefits : The carotcno icls lutein and zeaxa nthin promore

clea r I'ision by abso rbing the sun's harmful ul tral- iolel ra ys and neutral
ising free radicals in the retin a (the light-sensit il'e portion of the eye)
Thi s may help (0 reduce the risk of macular dege nera tion, an age -related
vision di so rder that is the leading cause of blindness in ol der adults
Olher carotenoid s may prel'e m dam age to the lens of the eye and so
decrease th e risk of cata racts.
Preliminary studi es also indi cate that there may be a hnk between low
level s of caro tenoid s and menstrual di so rders. And other studies show
that , ('I'en after the onse t of cancer, a eliet hi gh in carolenoici s may
improve the prognosis,

Women who take oral contra

cept ives and postmenopausa l
women who use oestrogen-based
hormone rep laceme nt therapy
have red uced levels of carotenoids
in their blood, A mi xed carotenoid
supplement may be worthwhile
for women in both groups_
Cooked tomatoes contain less
wate r than raw ones, and conse
quently more Iycopene, And som~
experts think that usi ng olive oil
when cooking tomatoes enables the
Iycopene to be better absorbed ,

In a major European study,

Iycopene was shown to help prevent

How to take them

Dosage : If you don't cal a wid e \'a riety of foods ri ch in carotenOlds,

lake a supplement th at conlains mi xed carotenoids - alph a-caro lene,

bela- carotene, lyco penc. lutein , zeaxa nthin and cry ptoxa nthin - anel
supp li es a minimum of 25 000 IU I'itamin A act i\'lt)' each ciar Higher
doses of mi xed ca rotenoids may be recomm endec! [or the prel-enlion of
spec ifi c disorders
Guidelines for use: Take ca rotenoid supplemen ts with fo ods lh at
contain a bit or fal, which helps the body absorb the carotenoicls more
effecti vely So me ex perts also belielT lhm your body will abso rb more of
these nutriems if yo u di\' id e the total dail )' amo unt of carotenoi c! s you
plan to take in half anc! hal'e them at two different limes duri ng th e dar

heart attacks . Men who consumed

large amounts of Iycopene had only
half the risk of a heart attack of men
who consumed small amounts, Lyco
pene's protective effect was most
beneficial to nonsmokers,

Dark green vegetables also contain

carotenoids. The green ch lorophyll
masks the yellow-orange pigments
that they conta in ,

Possible side effects Large doses of ca rote noids (lhrough food

or supplements) can make your sk in lurn orange, especi"ll)' the palm s
of your hand s anclthe soles of your feet Thi s effect IS harm less and will
gradually go away if yo u reduce yo ur II1take of carote noids Though
there are no ol her known siel e effects assoc iated with large amounts of
mixed ca rotenoids, taking hi gh doses of II1di l'idu al carotenoids may
illlerfere with the wo rkings of the ot her carotenoicl s.


___~_ca _t ,1SCI a w

Un,orlo tomentoso, U. gulanensis

Ill' . .

Although Weste rn researchers have stud ied cat's claw since the 1970s and European
doctors have used it since the 1980s, popular interest in this herb has surged only recently.
Studies suggest it may boost the immune system, which may benefit people with cancer.


0, ...

1;,.. ...


What it is In the Amazon basin of South Amenca. one of th e

woody tropica l vines thell twines up tlees in the rainforest rca tules al th e
base of it s leaves two curved thorn s that rese mble the claws of a cat. The
herb derived from the inner bark or roots of rhis pl ant is kn ow n as calS
claw, or wi a de gata (i ts Spani sh common name) Alt hough there arc
dozens or relared species. l wo spec iri c ones, U llcali a lamentoS(I and
U ,guiCll1ensis, me haJ'\'ested in the wild (prim al'll )' in Peru and Brazil ) for
med icin il l purposes. Large pieces of th eir bark me a co mmon sight in
South Am erica n fann ers' markets; the indige nous peo ples ha\'e long
made tea lrom the ba rk and used it to treat wound s, stomac h ills. arthri
tis , cance r and othe r ailments,

What it do es Modern scienllric sLUdi es h3\( id entified se \'e ral

aClive ingredients in cats cbw that enhance the acti\'it)' of th e immun e
system and inhibit inn ammati on, Their prese nce may help to ex pl ai n
why this herb lraditionall y has bee n employed to fight ca nce r, arthrili s,
dyse ntery, ulcers, and olher infec tious and inll.amlllatory co nditions,

May enhance immunity, making

it usefu l for sinusitis and other
infection s.
Enhances ca ncer treatment.

May help to relieve chronic pain ,

Reduces pain and inflammation

from gout or arthritis ,





Dried herb/ Tea

Major benefits : In Germany and Austria, doc tors prescribe ca ts eta\\'

stimul ate th e immun e response in ca nce r patients , many of ,v hom

may have been weakened by chemotherapy, radiation or olh er COl1\'c n
ti onal Cance r trealments, Se\'e ral compounds in the herb - some of
which h8\'e bee n stud ied for decades - may accoun t for its cance r-fl ghl
in g and immune-boosling effects. In th e 1970s, resea rchers reported that
lh e in ner bark and roO l contain compound s called procya nidolic oligo
mers (peOs), which inh ibil tum ours in animal s In the 1980s , German


Never take cat's claw if you

are pregnant or consid ering

pregnancy, or are breast-feeding.

Its safe ty is not establi shed in

these si tu ations, and it may bring

on a spontaneous miscarriage,

Once made into tablets, the woody, reddish

brown bark of the eat 's claw vine provides a
natural way to enhance immunity,

Remind er: If you have a medi

cal condition, t alk to your doctor

before taking supplements,

~~~ ,


scientists iclellli[led oth er compounds in cats claw that enhan ce th e

immune system, in pan by slimulating immun e cells called phagocytes
that engulf aml devour I' iruses , bacteria and other disease -causing
micro-orga nisms. Th en , in 1993, an ItaliilD stud y de tected another class
of co mpound s, called qumol'ic aClel glycos ides , that ha ve multiple ben
dits. These act as antioxielanLs , riddin g th e body of cell-dam aging mol
ecules ca ll ed free I<1di ca ls . They al so kill viruses , reduce inOammation ,
and inhibit the transformation of norm al ce lls mto ca ncerous ones.
In additi on to its anti-tumour potential , cats claw may be of I'a lue in
co mbating stubborn infections such as sinusit is.

Even though cat's claw root may

contain higher percentages of active
ingredients than its inner bark, the
latter is preferred for ecological
reasons. When the inner bark is
harvested, it is possible to keep
the tree alive, whereas uprooting
the plant will ki ll it. If you buy a
standardised extract made from
inner bark, you' ll get a guaranteed
level of active ingredients.

Ad d itiona l ben efit s: Trad iti onall y, the herb has bee n re lied on to
trea t pain. Because of its antl-inll ammato ry pro perti es. it may be effec
ti ve in reli el'ing Joim pain ca uscd by arthriti s or go ul ,\dditi onal studi es
are needed, howel'er, to deftn e the prec ise role that cat's cla\\' plays in
treating arthritis and other inllammat ory co mplaints.
So me preliminary reports found that cats cla w, in conjuncti on with
co nventional AlDS drugs, may be nefit peo ple infected \I' ith HI V because
it seems to boost th e immun e response, bw furth er stud Ies are necessa ry.
So mc experts caution aga inst takmg the herb for chronic co ndltion s
"freeting the immune system , includi ng LUbercul osis, multiple sclerosis
and rheumatoid anhntis, because they bel1cI'e it may ol'Crstimulate the
immune system and make symptom s wo rse. Oth er doc tors , howe\'n,
recommend it for Zlu to -immune diso rd ers, includi ng rheumatoid arthri
ti s and lupus. More resea rch must be undertake n.

How to take it
Dos age: Take 250 mg of a standardise d ex tract in pdl form twice
a day Alternati \'ely, take 1-2 1111 (20-40 drops) of the tincture tWIce a
day Ptlls conta ining the crude herb (t he gro und root or inner bar k in
a nonco ncentrate d form) may be a\'ailahle in 500 mg or 1000 mg
ca psules. Have these twice daily (up to 2000 rng a day) Cat s claw tea
is sold in health-food s h o p s ~ use 1 or 2 teaspoons of dri ed herb pe r cup
of very hot water. (Follow packet direction s. ) Yo u ca n drink up to three
cups a day
Gu id elines for u se: You can comb me or rota te cat's claw wi th oth er
immu ne-stimu latin g herbs, such as echinacca , go ldenseal, reishi and
maiLa ke mushrooms, astragalu s or pau d arco.
Pregnant or breast-feedin g l\lo men should al'oid cat's claw. In
Pe ru , cat's claw has long been valued as <l contrace ptile. In animals, it
stimulates uterin e co nt rac tions, and thi s suggests that the herb could
in d uce a miscarri age in human s

Whenever possible, select

standardised extracts of cat's claw
to help ensure that you 're getting
a proper dose of the herb. Look for
preparations standardised to contain
3% alkaloids and 15% polyphenols.
Buy supplements made from
Uncaria tomentosa or U. guianensis.
Many products on the market do
not include actual cat's claw, but
rather herbs that look like the real
thing or carry the same name. These
include preparations from the south
western United States contain ing a
completely unrelated plant (Acacia
greggii) that's also called cat's claw.
Chec k the ingredients on th e label
carefully, and buy cat's claw from a
reputable supplier.

In Germany and Austria, cat's claw

extract is considered a potent medi
cine, and is typically dispensed only
with a doctor's prescription .

Possible side effects Although th ere bal'e been few studi es o n

the sa fety of thi s plant, there hal'e been no reports that It is toxic at rec
o mm end ed doses. Taking higher doses, howel'er, may ca use diarrhoea .


,----oo--( ayenne

Capsicum species

This fiery spice, made from chillies, is said to have originated in Cayenne, capital of French Guiana.
Ever since a physician sailing with Christopher Columbus first described these pungent fruits,
their popularity as a painkiller, digestive aid - and food enhancer - has grown throughout the world.

What it is ivlacl e from th e ground pods and seed s of hot red

chillies, cayenne (or chilli) pepper is [ZIl110US for the fiery Laste it brings
LO Asian, Inelian, lvlcxica n , Cajun and other cui sines. All chillies are
spec ies 01 the Capsicu m ge nus and therefore related to the capsicums
used in sa lad s The main ingredi enL in cayenne - and what gil'es chUiles
thetr horness - is ca psa icin (pro noun ced cap-s.\\ -sin ), an irriLating, oily
che mical Lhats also I he major co mponent of the capsic um sprays used as
a ddensive \.vearon by the poli ce force
What it does When applied LO the skin , capsa icin IS an errectil'c
painkiller. It acts by depletin g the amount of a componenL in nen 'e cells
called substance P, whi ch transmiLS pa in Impul ses to the brain . \ Vhen
ingesLeci, cayenne is bellel'cd to aiel d igestion .
Major benefits: Regul ar appli cati on to th e skin of a crea m or oint
ment co ntaining capsa icin ca n be \'ery effectil'e for reliel'ing th e pai n of
arthriLis It also helps ease li nger ing posl- shingles (postherpe (l c) pain , as
well as painful ne[\'e damage fro m diabetes anel frolll surge ry (such as a
mastectomy or an amput alion)
Preliminary studies indicate thaL cayenne cream may hal'e other
beneficial uses. It may reduce the itching of eczema (since the itching
se nsati on follow s the same nefl'e pathways as pain). Th e crea m has also
show n promisc in re/ie\'mg the ac hes and pams of fib ro mya lgia anelthe
co ldness in the extremities ca used by Raynaud's diseasc.

Topical cream and ointment

Relieve arthritis pain.
Reduce nerve pain of shingles
(post-herpetic neuralgia), diabetes,
surgery or trigeminal neura lg ia
(tic douloureux).

Tablet, capsule and tincture

Alleviate indigestion.

Cream / Ointment
Tincture/ Liquid
Fresh or dried herb

Never apply cayenne cream- to

raw or open skin. And avoid your
eyes and contact lenses: the
burning can be intense.
Reminder: If you have a medi



cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements.

Hot red chillies are the source

of painkilling skin creams and
digestion-aiding capsules.





Additional benefits: Fresh chillies, tinctures , teas , tablets and

capsules are said to stimulate digestion and help relieve wind and ulcers
by increasing bl ood circulation in the stomach and bowel and by
promoting the sec retion of digestive juices. liquid forms mixed with
wate r can be used as a gargle to soothe a sore throat. Special nasa l prepa
rations have been studi ed lhat may relieve congestion , fight colds and
811eviatc thc piercing pain of clusler headac hes (bu t try these only under
a doctor's supe rvis ion). Claims that cayenne may reduce heart disease
risk (by lowenng blood cholesterol and triglyce ride le ve ls) or help to
prevent C811Cer (by providing vitamin C and olher antioxidants) have not
been substanliated .

How to take it
Dosage: For external use: Caye nne cream or ointment containing
0025-0.075% capsaicin is most effective with regular, dail y use. For
pain, ap ply it thinly over the affected areas at least three or four limes
a day, rubbing it in well Pain may take several wee ks to subside . For
intemaI use: Follow the package instructions for tablets or capsules.
Guidelines for use: For exte mal use: Because sensitiv ity to cayenne
varies, test it first on a small, particula rly painful area. If it works - which
may take a week or more - and causes no lasting discomfort, you can
apply it over a larger area. To avoid getting cayenne in the eyes, wash
yo ur hands afterwards with wa rm , soapy wate r, or wear latex gloves dur
ing application and prompt ly discard them. Yo u can also cover the area
with a loose bandage. (If you're using capsaicin to relieve pain in the fin
gers or hand s, \,vait 30 minutes before washing it off to allow the cream
to penetrate the skin. In the meantime, avoid touc hing contact lenses
and sensiti ve areas, such as your eyes and nose .) Store cayen ne cream
away from light and extreme heat or cold , and keep it ou t of the reach
of childre n. For internal use: Caye nne can be taken with or wit hout food .
No adverse effects have been reported in pregnant or breast-feeding
women who use it internall y or externally, but sto p using cayenne if a
breast-fed baby becomes irritable.

Possible side effects Cayenne cream or ointment freq uently

promotes warmth or a mildly unpleasant burning se nsation that lasts
half an hour or so du ring the first few days of topical application , bUl
thi s effect usually disappea rs after several days of regu lar use .
Caye nne can also ca use intense pain and burn ing - though no lasting
damage - if it gets into your eyes (o r other moist mucous membranes).
If this occurs, flu sh the affected area with water or milk . To remove
cayen ne from the skin, wash wi th wa rm, soapy water. Vinegar may also
work , but don't use it in or near your eyes.
Taken interna lly, cayenne may cause stomach pain or diarrhoea.
Capsaicin passing in the stool can also produce a burning sensation
during bowel move ments. Cayenne can so metimes trigger coughing,
sneezing, watery eyes or an irritated throat. These may be a result of
using too much cream or inhaling the powder.

Cayenne can be used sa fely with

nonstero idal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and other arthritis medica
tion s. Such a combination may allow
you to cut back on your medication
dosage, reducing the likelih ood of
side effects. Check with your doctor
befo re changing your dosag e.
In Au stralia and New Zealand,
chillies are rated on a scale of 1 to

10 (the hottest). If you see a rating

of 10+, beware l

Doctors frequently write prescrip

tions for cayenne (capsaicin) creams.
But many nonprescription cayenne
creams of the same potencies
(0.025-0.075%) are available in
pharmacies and health-food shops.
An over-the-counter cream might

save you money.

To keep your feet warm, some
herbal cayenne products are made
to be sprinkled into socks. Although
this remedy may be mOderately
effective, be careful when using such
a product with young children,
who could get cayenne in the ir eyes
when they're changing their socks.

Fresh or dried, the chillies used

to make cayenne contain about

1.5% capsaicin - the painkilling

ingredient that also provides them
w ith their legendary hotness.



,--~_ hamomile

Matricaria recutlto

Sometimes called the world's most soothing plant, chamomile has traditionally be en enjoyed
as a tea to rela x the nerves and ease digestive complaints, In concentrated form , this herb is
increasingly found in pills and tinctures, and in skin formulas to treat sores and rashes ,

What it is Th ere: are tWO different herbs called chamom il e

Crerm,lll dl,lmnm ile and Roman chamomile The more popu lar one (and
the one di scussed in this hoo k) is C;erman, sometimes called Hungarian ,
chamom ile. It comes from the clried , daisy-like flowers or the jv /a triw ria
It'el/lila planr (ILS older botani cal names are Malric(II-jd ci1al11ol1lil1a and
Ch(lnJ oll1i1/o ,-cCLlliw ) The oth er type, known as Roman or English
chamomile (Chal1lClt: lI1ciwl1 l10iJilc or Al1th cmis 11 0bi/is), has prope rti es
similar to those of the German species, and is so ld mainl y in Europe_
This herb hJS long been used to prepa re a gently soothing tea_
Geca use or iLS pleaSing, apple-like aroma and na\-our (the nam e 'chamo
mile' is dcri\'ed rrom th e Greek /wnwi II1clon, which mean s 'ground
"pple'), 111<1n)' peo pl e rind the ritual o r brewing and slpping the tea a
relaXing experience_ Conce ntrated chamo mile extracts are also add ed
to ~rea m s and 10Lions or packaged as pills or tin CLures_ Th e heali ng
pro perties or the herb are due in pmt to its I"Olaulc oils, whi ch conta in
a co mpound cJll ed apigenin as we ll as other Lherapeuti c subsLa nces

Promotes general relaxation and

relieves anxiety_
Alleviates insomnia _
Heals mouth sores and treats gum
disease _
Soothes skin rashes and burns,
including sunburn_
Relieves red and irrit ated eyes_
Eases menstrual cramps_
Treats bowel inflammation,
digestive upset and heartburn_


What it do es Chamomile is a greaL sooth er Its anti -inflam

Dried herb / Tea

matory, antispasm odi c and inrecLi on -fi ghting efrec ts can benefit the
who le body - insid e and out. When taken interna ll y, it ca lms digesl\ ,-e
upsets, reli el'es cra mping and relaxes the nen'es_ It also works extern
all y on the skin and th e mu co us memb ran es or the mouth and eyes,
re li el'ing rashes, sores and inO ammation.
Major benefits: When Peter Rabbit's mother put him to beel , she gaIT
hi m a spoonrul or chamomil e tea. Scientists ha ve co nfirmed her wisdo m
Stueli es or anim als ha\'e shown thaL chamomile co ntains substances th aL
(let on the sa me parts or the brain and nen 'o us syste m that anLi-anxieLY
drugs afrect, promoti ng relaxaLi on and redUCing stress.
Chamom il e appears to ha l'e a mildl ), sedating effect but , more
imporLantly, it also calms the body, making it easier for the person t(lklllg
iL LO rail asieep naLurally In addition , it has a relax ing, anLi-inOammatory
efrecL on th e sm ooth muscles that line the digesti\'e tract. It helps to ease
a wiele range or gastro intesti nal co mplaints, including heartburn , dilu
ti cular diso rders and innamma tory bowe l disease. In additi on, its mus
cie-relax ing action may benefiL those surrering from menstrual cramps
Additional benefits: Used externall y, chamomil e helps to soothe skin
inn ammaLion lL contalils bacteria -fighting co mpounels th at may speed
up th e heali ng of inrec Lions as we ll A dressing soaked in chamomile tea
is o rten beneficial when applied to mild burns. For sunburn, chamomile
oil can be added to a cool bath or mi xe d with almond oi l and smooth ed
OnLO sunburn t areas. Cham omil e creams. which are a\-ai labl e read)'





Reminder: If you have a med i

cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements_

made in hea llh- I'ood shops, may reli el'e sunburn , as I\'e ll as skin rashes
suc h as eczema, The herb can also trea l in flammalion or in fec tion of
the eyE's or mo uth Eye'vvashes made from the coo led tea may alb'iate
the red rress or irrita tion o f co nJ unclil'it is ami olher eye irrflam maLLons:
prepare a Iresh bal ch of tea dail y and slore it in a stet'il e cOllla irrer. (Labe l
eye ba ths lell and right, and ll SC appropriate l) Used da tl y as a ga rgle ell'
mouth wash , the tca can help heal mou lh sores and prelT nt gu m di sease ,

A chamomile bath can be rela xing

- and p rovi de relief for dry, irritated
skin or sunburn , Add 10 drops o f
cham omile oil, or several cups of
chamomil e tea, to a cool bath and
soak for half an hour or longer,

How to take it
Dosage: To mohe a soolh ing cu p oj chamomile tea: Pour a cup of ve ry
hot (nol bOilin g) wa ler ole r 2 teaspoons 01 dried [J OII'e l'S Steep fo r filT
mi nutes and slra in, Drink u p [0 th ree cu ps a da y or a cup at bedtime,
The tea shou ld be cooled thoroughly a nd kep t sterile if yo u're using it
on th e ski n or eyes, FO/lh e skin Add a [ell' drops o f chamomile oil [0
15 1111 of almund oil (o r anol her ncutra l ot! ) or bu y a ready-macle cream,
Pill s and tinc lures are alsu c1l'ailab le; follow packet direct ions A Single
pi ll , o r u p lO I leaspoo n o f lin cture, alle n has the lherape utic elTecls
of a cup 01 lea,

Guidelines for use: Chamo mi le IS ge ntl e and can be use d kmg te rm ,

It can sale ly be co mb inecl lVith presc ri ption and ol'Cr-t he-cou mer drugs,
as well as wilh or her herbs and nU lri tl onal supp lemems, Al recom
mended doses, the herb see ms to be safe for childre n and pregn3m and
breast- Iceding women ,

To trea t burns, stick with

chamom ile cream s or teas rather
than greasy ointments, The latter
contai n oils that can trap the heat,
slow healing an d increase th e risk
o f infection , Creams, on the o ther
ha nd, are made w ith a non-oily base ,

Pills and tinctures are all

formul ated w ith co ncentrated
extrac ts of cha momile , Buy stan
da rd ised ex tract s that co ntain at
lea st 1% apigenin, on e of the
he rb's heal ing ingredie nts,

Possible side effects Whet her the herb IS used inl ern all y
or eXle rna II y, siele effects are eX lremel), r3 1'e Thel'e h;,1I'e bee n J rew
repo n ed in sta nces of na usea and I'omiting in peop le taking hi gher
lhan-recom men ded doses of the herb Tho ugh some red nags hal'e
bee n raised about possible allergic reactio ns leading lO bronc hial tight
ness or skin rashes, these appear lO be so rare that mOSl peo ple need n't
1V0rr)' about them,

Ch eck the labels of chamomil e

skin products carefully. Some feature
the herb but contain only minuscule
amounts, Buy creams or ointments
that conta in at least 3% chamomile,

Some peopl e have successfully

grow n cha m om ile in their garden
by simply tearing open a bag of
chamomile tea and sprinkling its
contents on the soil.



,---------__bas t e t ree

Vltex agnus castus

Although chaste tree has been used since ancient times for menstrual complaints, European
doctors first began prescribing it in the 1950s , Today, it has become the most commonly
recommended herb in Europe to treat the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS),

What it is Also ca ll ed Vito ((gnu s caS/(IS , the chaste tree is ac tuall y

a small shrub with \'io let nowe r spikes and long , slender lea\'es It's
native to the lv[edirerranea n regi on but groll's in subtrop ical climates
th rough out the wo rld Its red berries are han ested in au tumn and th en
dri ed, They rese mble pe pperco rns in sh ape, and the taste they impart to
a therapeutic cup of tea is dis ti nc tly peppery
Wh at it does The use of chaste tree for female co mpl aints' dates
back to Lh e time of Hi ppocra tes. Although th e herb cl oes not itself
comain ho rmones or hormone-li ke substances, it does spark Lhe pnuitCIr ),
gla nd (located at the base 01 the bra in) to se nd a signal to the O\'a rie s
LO increase produ ctIo n 01 the female hormon e progesterone Chaste tree
also inh ib iLs th e excessi\'e production of pro lactin , a hormone that
primarily regu lat es breast-mil k production but also has other less we ll
understood actions.
Major benefits: Some scie ntists belie\'e that women lI'ho routinely
sufler from PlvlS produce too littl e progestero ne in the last t\\'O wee ks
of their men strual cyc le, This deficiency ca uses an lInbalance in the
body's natural oestroge n-progesterone ratio. Chaste tree helps to restore
horm onal equilibrium , relie\'ing such PMS-related complaints as llTi
lab Ility, b lom ing and de press io n Studies in Germany ind icate that the

The tiny dark red fruit of the

chaste tree contains the herb 's
active ingredients,


Alleviates symptoms of
premenstrual syndrome (PMS),
Regulates menstruation.
Promotes fertility,
Eases menopausal hot flushes,

Dried herb/Tea

Chaste tree affects hormone

production, so it should not
be used by women taking hor
monal medications, including
birth control pills and oestrogen,
or by those who are pregnant.
Reminder: If you have a med
ical condition, talk to you r doctor
before taking supplements,

herb o ffers at least some reli d Cor Pf'vl S sy mpt oms in abo ut 90% of
\vo men - and in one-th ird of lhem , the symp toms disa ppea r. Chaste
trees prolactin-l owe ring auion helps to reduce lh e breast pain and
tend erness Lhat some wome n experience before to mensuuation, e\'en if
th ey have no olher premenst rual symptoms .
Additional benefits: Because high le\'els of pro lau in ancl low b'e!s
of progesterone in the body ca n redu ce fertility, chas te tree may be use
ful fo r wome n who are hm'ing ltou ble gelling pregnant Th e herb wo rks
best in women with mil d or mode rately low progesterone In 'els vVhen
too mu ch prolactin ca uses menstruati o n to sto p (a condition called
amenorrb oea) , the herb can help to restore a norm al month ly cycle
Me nopausa l hot flu shes are also the resul t of hormonal changes con
tro lled by the pituita ry gland. so wo men going through mCl1o p,lU se may
want to try chaste tree. Used eithe r alon e 01 in combinati on \\'ith other
he rbs such as do ng qual or bl ack cohosh , it can alle\'iate the periodic
flu shin g and swea ting that co mmonly occur. Chaste tree is so metim es
also recommended for men stru al-related acne.

It may be difficult for you to take

chaste tree tincture on an empty
stomach, because the alcohol base
of the solution can cause stomach
irritation. Try di viding the dose and
taking half before breakfast and the
other half before lunch. Or switch to
capsules or tablets,
Women who are having trouble
breast-feeding may want to try
chaste tree, because it can increa se
milk production . Take 225 mg of
chaste tree twice a day for as long as
necessary. The herb doesn't change
the composition of breast milk and
thus appears safe to use,

How to take it
Dosage: Wh ether you are using chaste tree to treat Prvl S, breast
Lende rness, infertililY, a men o rrhoea, o r o ther menstrual di sorders, the
dose is the same. In tincture fo rm, add \1;; teas poon twi ce a clay to a glass
of water. The equi\'alent close for the powde red extract in tablet o r
capsule fo rm is 225 mg, stan darclised to contain 0.5% agnosid e (an
acti\'e component in chaste tree). for men opausal hot l1ushes, Lake this
same dosage (40 d rops/22 5 mg) twice a dely
Guidelines for use : Take chaste ue e o n an empty stomac h to increase
ab sorption ; yo ur Cirst dose shoulcl al ways be take n 1Il the mo rning [ \Tn
arter Just 10 days, a woman \\'i[h PlvlS sym pto ms \\ ill pro babl y notice at
least so me imprm ement during her next menstrual cycl e. Howe\'e r, it
may take three months of use to gel the full be nefits of this h erb Six
months o r treatment with chasLe tree may be necessary to co rrect infer
tility or amenorrhoea.

Ch aste tree is so named because it

was believed to suppress the libido,
In the Middle Ages, monks chewed
on the dried berries to help them
keep their vows of celibacy, (The
herb is sometimes called monk's
pepper. ) But in the amounts now
recommended for treating PMS or
other menstrual problems, chaste
tree does not seem to dampen
sexual desire .

Possible side effects tvlost people will not ha\'e any ad \'Crse
sicl e effecls Crom tak ing chaste tree, b ut studi es ha\'e ShO\\ll th at stom
ach irri tation or an itchy rash can occur in a small percentage of women.
Sto p using it if yo u de\'e! op any rash. In addHi oll. so me women may
experience an in creasecl menst rual flo w arter takin g this herb .


C_h omlum

The second best-selling mineral supplement after calcium, chromium has been hyped as a fat
burne r, a muscle builder, a treatment for diabetes and a weapon against heart disease , Though
this mineral is essential for growth and health, its more spectacular claims re main controversial.

What it is Chromium is a trace mineral that comes In se l'e ral

chemical form s. Supp lem ents usuall y contain chrom ium pl co lin ar e
or chromium eTF (glucose tolerance factor) Another type, ca lled
chromium ciinicotinic acid glutClthi one, is [o und in brell'e rs reasl
Supplements ma y be wo rth whil e heca use man y peo pl e today do n't ge t
ell ough chromiulll in their (bel
What it does Ch romium helps thc bod)'

to use in sulin , a hor

mone th::lt transfers bl ood sugar (glucose) to the ce ll s, where it is burned

as I'uei. Witb en ough chromium , the bo dy uses Il1sulin effi Cientl y and
maintain s normal blood sugar b 'e! s Chromium al so helps th e body to
break dow n protein and fm,
Major benefits : Getting sulTl cient chromium may prel'e nt diabetes
in peo pl-c with in sulin resista nce, Thi s disorder make s th e body less
sensiti ve to the effec ts of insulin, 50 th e pancreas has to prod uce more
and more of it to kee p blood sugar (glucose) leve ls in chec k W hen
the pancreas can no longer keep up with the body's demand for extra
insulin , type 2 diabetes develops Chromium may help al'ert thi s
progression by helping the body to use insulin more erfecti l'el)' in the
first place Chromium al so helps to brea k down fat s, 50 it may reduce
LDL (' bad') and increase HDL ('good) cholesterol lel'els. redUCing th e
ri sk of heart disease.
Additional benefits : Chromiu m may relteve headac hes, irritability
and other symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) by keeping
blood suga r levels from dro pping below normal. In peo ple with dia
betes, it may help to cont rol blood suga r b'eis, Th e mmerals most
controve rsial claims relate to we ight loss and mu scle buildmg Th ough


Essential for the breakdown of

protein, fat and ca rbohydrates,
Helps the body maintain normal
blood sugar (glucose) levels,
May lower total blood choles
terol, LDL ('bad ') chol esterol and
triglyceride levels,
May aid weight loss,





People with diabetes should

consult their doctor before taking
chromium, This mineral may
alter the dosage for insulin or
other diabetes medications,
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplemen ts,

some studies indi cate that large doses of chromium piLl) linare ca n aid
weight loss or incre ase mu scle mass, others 11(\\'e found no be nefit. AL
best, the mineral ma}' gi\'e yo u a slight edge in losing \\'e ight whe n com
bined with a sensible diet and regular exe rCJ se. But more resea rch is
needed to deLe rmine chromium 's role in th is regard .

Chromium to the rescue

A decade after being diagnosed
with diabetes, Sarah P was facing
the prospect of insulin injections

How much you need No RDl has yet been estab lished for
chromium , but scient ists belie\'e that 50- 200 mcg a clay ca n p rn'e nt a
deficiency (hen with a hea lth }', \'a ri ed diet, getti ng chromium at the
hi gh end of this reco mm endali on would be difCicu lt i
If you get too little : A chro mium defic ienc), can leael to incfficiem

use of glu cose. In Itself, a lac k of chromium is probab ly not a ca use 01

diabetes, bUL it can help to precipitate the disease in those who arc prone
to it. In additi on, peop le who don't get enough chromium mil )' suffer
from anxiety, poo r metabolis m of am ino ac id s, and high tri glyceride an e!
cholesterol le\'els.

because her pills were not regulat

ing her blood sugar effectively.
'/ felt that if / had to take insulin,
/ WOUld, ' she recalls . 'But when I
read about chromium, / thought:
Why not try it first? ' Her doctor
was concerned, and a bit sceptical,
but he agreed to let her try.
The resu lt s didn't occur over
night. 'It may seem silly, , Sarah
says, 'but I wanted the chromium
to work so much that / also began

If you get too much : Chro mium does not see m to ha\'e an y ad\'Crse

effects even at high doses, although there is so me conce rn thill mega

doses can impair the absorpLion of iron and zin c. ThIS ca n usually be
corrected by ge lling eXL ra iro n or zinc th ro ugh c1i et or supp lements

paying extra attention to my diet

and forcing myself to take brisk
walks twice a doy. '
Was it the chromium that finally
redu ced Sarah's blood sugar to

How to take it
Chromium sup plements are genem ll y a\'ailab le in 200 mcg
doses, For general good hen/th: Take 200 me,g a day As an aid' to a we ight
loss program: Take 200 mcg twice a day befl)re exerc Ising To improve the
effect iveness of insulin : Take 200 meg three times a dar
Dosage :

Take chromium in 200 meg doses with food or

a full glass of wilter to decrease sto mach irritati on . Chromium is belLer
absorbed when co mbin ed with foods high in \itamln C (or taken with a
vitamin C supplement). Calcium ca rbonate supp le ments or antacids can
redu ce chromium absorpLion.
Guidelines for use:

healthier levels? Nobody knows for

sure. Sarah 's doctor, who read the
chromium material Sarah regularly
left on his desk, admits that he
may have dismissed it too soon,
and wou ld like to see more
research done.
Sarah herself is convinced of
chromium 's benefits. 'Sure, I've
lost a little weight, but I'm still
the same person. My blood sugar
hasn't been out of con trol for

Other sources Chromium is found in whole gra ins, wholegrain

months. Th at's the chromium.'

breads and cereals, potatoes , prunes, pea nut bu tte r, nu ts, sea rood and
brewe r's yeast. Low-fat diets tend to be higher in chromIu m than tbose
that are high in fats
Wholegrain breads and cereals are
a good source of chromium. Th e
refined grains sometim es added to
white bread contain negligibl e
amounts of this essenti al mineral.



Touted as a wonder supplement, coenzyme Q10 is said to enhance stamina, aid weight loss,
combat cancer and AIDS, and even stave off ageing. Although these claims may be extravagant,
this nutrient does show promise for heart disease, weak gums and other ailments.

What it is Coenz ym e QlO, a natura l substance produced by the

body, belongs to a family o[ compounds called quinones \Vhen it Vias
first isolated in 1957 , scientists called it ubiquinone, because it is ubiq
uitous in nature. In fac t, coenzyme QlO is found in all livi ng creatures
and is also concentrated in many roods , Including nuts and oils. In the
past decade, coenzyme QlO has become one of the most p opular dietary
supplements around the world. Propo nents of the nutrient use it to
maintain general good health, as we ll as to treat heart disease and a num
ber of other serious conditions. Some clinicians believe it is so important
for normal body functi on ing that it sh ou ld be dubbed 'vi tami n Q'

Improves the heart and circulation

in those with congestive heart
failure, a weakened heart muscle
(cardiomyopathy), high blood pres
sure, heart rhythm disorders, chest
pain (angina) or Raynaud's disease.
Treats gum disease and maintains
healthy gums and teeth.
Protects the nerves and may

What it does The primary function of coenzyme QlO is as a cat

alyst for metaboli sm - the complex cha in of chemical reactions during
which food is broken down into packets of energy that the body can use
Act ing in co njunction with en zymes (hence the name 'coenzyme') , the
compound speeds up the vital metabolic process. proViding the energy
that the cells n eed to digest food , heal wounds , mai ntain healthy
muscles and perform countless other bodily fun ct ions Because of the
nutrien t's essent ial role in energy production , it's not surprising that it
is fou nd in every cell in the body It's especially abundant in the energy
intensive ce lls of the heart, helping thi s organ LO beat mo re than 100000
times each day. In addition, coenzym e QlO ac ts as an anti-oxidant, much
like vitamin E, helping to neutralise the cell-damaging molecules known
as free radicals
Prevention: Coenzyme QlO may playa role in preventing can ce r,
heart attacks and other diseases linked to free-radical damage It s also
used as a ge neral energy enhancer and anti-ageing supplement Because
levels of the compo und diminish with age (and with ce rtai n diseases),
some doctors recommend coenz yme QlO supplementation from about
the age of 40.

help to slow the prog ression of

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
May help to prevent cancer and
heart disease, and playa role
in slowing down age-related
degenerative changes.
May improve the course of
AIDS or cancer.


Pregnant or breast-feeding
women should be especially vigi
lant about checking with their
doctor before using coenzyme
QlO , as the nutrient has not
been well studied in this group .
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.



Major benefits: Coe nzym e QlO has generated mu ch exc itement as

a possible therapy fo r hea rt dise ase , especially congestive heart failure or
a weake ned hea rt In some studies, patients with poo rly functioning
hemts have been fo und to im prove grea tl y afte r adding the supp lemen t
to their conventional drugs and therapies. Oth er studi es ha\'e shown
that peop le with ea rd iO\'ascular d isease haye low le\'els of thi s substance
in thei r heart s. Further resea rch suggests that coenzy me QlO may help
to protect against bloo d clots, lowe r high blood pressure, dim inish irreg
ular hea rtbeats, trcat mitral va ke prolapse, lesse n the symptoms
of Raynaud's disease (poo r circul at ion in the extremities) and reli e\'e
chest pains (a ngina). If you have hea rt dI sease , talk to yo u r docto r about
taking Lhi s supplement And remember coenzyme Q10 is intended as a
complement to conventional medica l treat ments - not as a replacement
for them Don't take thi s nu tri ent in place of hea rt drugs or oth er
prescribed medicat ions.
Additional benefits : A few small studIes suggest th at COenZ)111e Q 10

may pro long survival in those wi th breast or prostate cance r, though

resulLs remain inconclUSIve. It also appears to aid hea ling and reduce
pain and bleeding in th ose WIt h gum di sease, and to speed reco\'ery fol
lowing oral surgery. The su pp lement shows so me promi se against
Parkinson's and Alzhe imer's di seases and fib ro mya lgia, and it may
improve sta mina In those with AIDS. So me practit ioners be li e\'e Lhat the
nutrient helps LO stabilise blood suga r b'e ls in peopl e with di abetes.
The re are many othe r claims made for this supp lement: that it slows age
ing, aids "ve ight loss, en hances athleti c pe rformance, combats chron ic
fatigue syndro me, reli eves multiple allergies and boosLs immunity. But
mo re research is needed to determine the effec ti\'eness of COenZ)111e QlO
for these and other condi tions.

Although coenzyme 01 0 is wide

spread in nat ure, it is not cheap to
buy. A ty pical daily dose of 100 mg
can cos t betwe en $60 and $100 a
month . Shop around a bit or try a
mail-order vitamin supplier to get
the lowest price.
Capsules appear to be more effec

tive tha n tablets . Look for capsules

that contain coen zyme 010 in an
oil base (s oy bean or another oi l) .
Beca use it's a fat-so luble compound,
thi s nutrient is be st absorbed wh en
taken with food.

In a major study in Italy of more

than 2500 patients with congestive
heart failure, 80% showed improve
ment when a daily dose of 100 mg
of coenzyme 010 was added to their
other treatment. After taking the
supplement for 90 days, they had
better colour and less ankle swell ing
(oedema) and shortness of breath,
and they began to sleep better.

How to take it
Dosage: The ge nera l dosage is 50 mg twice a day HIgher dosages of
100 mg tw ice a day may be useful for heart o r Circulatory diso rders, or
for Alzheim er's d Isease and other specific co mplaints.
Doctors commonly prescribe

Guidelines for use: Take a supp lement mo rnin g and e\'ening, id eall y
with food to enhance absorption . Coenzyme QlO shou ld be contll1ued
lo ng term It may be eight wee ks or longer before yo u notice results

coenzyme 010 to treat heart disease

in Japa n, Sweden, Italy and Canada,
among other count ries. Many of
the supplement preparations are

Possible side effects MOSL resea rch suggests that the supple
ment is harmless, eve n in large doses. In rare cases, it may cause upset
sto mach, diarrhoea, nau sea or loss of appetite. But it appea rs to be \'ery
sa fe overalL Beca use coenzyme QlO has not been exte nSively studied ,
howeve r, check with you r docto r before using it , espeC iall y if you are
pregnant or breast feeding

made in lapan, a country where up

to 1 in 10 adults takes it regula rly.




Essential in preventing cardiovascular disease, maintaining good skin and hair colour and
promoting fertility, copper is the third most abundant trace mineral in the body. Even so,
some experts believe that many people may be marginally deficient in this important nutrient.

What it is Copper, the reddish brown malleabl e metal commo nly

used in cookware and plumbing, is also l'ound in at least 15 pl'Oteins in
the human body lt's often includ ed in multiliLamin formula s, but an
excess or copper can be a prob lem in AusLralia and New Zealand because
many houses sLill have copper water plpes OITrnight, w8(er stand ing in
the pIpes, especially if ('h lol in e and nuoride haw been added to tbe
wa ter supply, will di sso h'e coppe r into the water. Letting the \Ia ter run
for a minute or so before use wi ll reduce the problem Too much copper
can lead to a zi nc defi cienc y. Coppe r can be obtamed from a wide I'ariet )'
of foods. though the foods that are the richest sources , suc h as oysters
and live r, are not eaten frequently
What it does Copper is essennal to the form 8(ion of co ll agen, a
Cundamental protein in bones, sk in and connectil'e tissue. It may also
help the body to use its sto red iron. and may playa role in maintaining
immunit y and fertilit y Copper is im'oh'ed in tbe form ati on of melanin
(a dark natura l colour found in the hair, skm and eyes) , and so promotes
consistent pigme ntation as well.
Prevention: Evidence suggests that copper can be a factor in pre
venting high blood pressure and heart rhYLhm disorders (arrhythmlas)
And so me experts believe thaL it may proLect Lissues from damage by free
radicals, helping to prevel1l ca nce r, bean disease and ot her ailmen ts
Gett ing enougb copper may also help to keep cholesterollcl'e1s low

You can get copper from many foods,

including avocadoes, and some daily
multivitamin and mineral supplements
contain smail amounts of copper.


Strengthens blood vessels, bones,

tendons and nerves.
Helps to maintain fertility.
Ensures healthy hair and skin
Promotes blood clotting .
Helps to regulate blood

Usually included in multivitamin

and mineral formulas

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supp lements.


Additional benefits : Coppe r is necessa ry [or the manufact ure 01

many enz ymes , espec iall y superoxid e dismutase (SOD), which appears
to be one 01 th e body's most potent anti ox id ants It may also help to
stavc off the bon e loss th at can lead to osteopo rosi s.

Individual copper supplements

are not readily available at pharma
cies an d health-food shops, but

How much you need Alth ough there is no daily RDI for

this min era l is sometimes so ld in a

cop per, adulL S are aJ \'ised to obtain 1.5- 3 mg daily.

combined formula with zinc. It's

important to take extra copper when

If you get too little: A true copper deficiency is rare. it usually

occurs only in people with illnesses such as Crohn 's disease or coeliac
("sease or in those with inherited co nditions that inhibit copper absorp
tion , such as albinism. The sy mptoms of deficiency are fatigue , hea rt
rhyt hm disorders , br ittle, disco loured hair, high blood pressure, skeletal
defects and infe rtility
Bm evcn a mi ld defi ciency may ha\'e some ad\'e rse health effects
For exo mple , a preli min ary stud), in the US invo h'ing 24 men fou nd that
a die t low in copper caused a significa nt increase in LDL ('bad') choles
lcrol and a J ecrease in HDL ('good') ch olesterol These cha nges in their
cholesterol pl'Ofiles increased the part iCipants' ri sk of hea rt disease
If you get too much : just 10 mg of copper taken at one time can pro
duce nauseo, muscle pain and stomach-ache. Seve re copper toxicity
from oral copper suppl emenL s has not been noted to date. However,
so me people who work wit h pesticid es contai ning cop per have suffered
live r damage, leadi ng in some cases [0 coma and even death .

using zinc for longer than a month,

because zinc interferes with the
body's abi lity to absorb copper.
Ignore any label claims that a
particular form of copper is better
for you than another. There's no
evidence that anyone form (copper
aspartate, copper citrate or copper
picol ina te) is better absorbed th an
anothe r, or is otherwise preferred
by the body.

Copper may help to prevent

osteoporosis. In a recen t study
involving healthy women in the age

How to take it
Dosage: There 's no need to consume megadoses of copper, but its
preferable to ge t amounts in the upper range of th e reco mmend ed
intake: 3 mg a day fro m food and supplem ents. If you take zinc supple
men ts for longer than one month, add 2 mg of copper to yo ur regimen
(unless you ha\'C coppe r pipes and regularl y drink tap water) People
who take antacid s regularl y may need extra cop per as well
Guidelines for use : It is advisable to take a supplement at the same
ti me every day, prefe rably with a mea l

range from 45 to 56, those taking

a daily 3 mg copper supplement
showed no loss in mineral bone
denSity, but women given a placebo
showed a signific ant loss.

You'd have to eat about 6 medium

avoca does to get the 3 mg of

Oth e r so u rce S Shellfish (oysters, lobsters, crabs) and orga n meats

(l ive r) are excell ent so urces of coppe r Howe\'er, if you're co nce rned
about your cholestero l level s, there are \'ege tari an foods rich in co pper
as well These include legumes; whole grains such as rye and wheat, and
products made from them (b read, ce rea l, pa s ta)~ nuts and see ds ; vegeta
bles such as peas, art ichokes, avocadoes, radishes, ga rlic , mushrooms and
potatoes; fruits such as to matoes, bananas and p run es~ and soy products.

copper recommended each day.



These tangy, ruby-red berries have long been considered nature's cure for the urinary tract
infections "that frequently plague women of all ages. Modern science has now confirmed the
merit of this piece of folk wisdom.

What it is The cranbelTY, a plan t nati ve to Ameri ca that is close ly

rdaled to the blueberry. has bee n used for centuries in both healing
and coo king. The name is a shortened form of cranebe rry - the nowers
of the low-growing shrub we re thought to resemble the heads of th e
cranes that frequented the bogs where it grew The berries are now
widely culti vated throughout the Un ited Slates, and also in Australia
and New Zealand . 1n ea rlier times, Am erican docto rs used crushed
berries as poultices to treat wou nds and tumours, and also Llsed the
crushed berries as a remedy for SCU[\)', a gum and bleeding disord er
caused by a deficiency of vit amin C. 1n thi S ce ntury, med icinal interest
in cranberry has focused on it s import an t role in pre\'enting and treating
uri nary trac t infections CU Tl s), which are caused by Esche richia w li and
other types of bacteria
Wh at it does 1n the 1920s, it was disco\'ered that people who ate
large amounts of cranberri es produ ced a more acidic urine, and that the
urine was purifi ed in the process. Du ring this purifica ti on process, a

Treats lower urinary tract

infections (also called bladder
infections or cystitis) and bladder
May prevent recurrence of urinary
tract infection or inflammation.
Helps to deodorise urine .

Fresh or dried fruit

The common cranberry is the source of

extracts in liquid and capsule form, which
are effective against urinary tract infections.

Cranberry is not a substitute

for antibiotics during an acute
urinary tract infection (UTI). See
your doctor if you don't feel
better after 24-36 hours of using
cranberry for a suspected UTI.
See your doctor right away if
symptoms include fever, chi lls,
back pain, or blood in the urine,
which may be signs of a kidney
infection (upper UTI) requiring
medical attention.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.


powe rful substance call ed hippu ric aCId was produced . It pro\ ed to have
a ~tro ng antibioti c erfec t on thc urinary tract. In fact , it discou raged , and
so metimcs ('\'cn eli minated, in feuio n-causing bacteria.
[Vlore rece nt stud ies, hO\\1e\'er, indicate that cranberry'S main infec
tion-fighting capabiliti cs may be due LO a different prop erl y. Cran be rry
appears to inhih it the ad hesion of harmful micro -orga nisms to ce rtain
cel ls lming thc urinary tract. This makes th e em"iro nm ent a less hos
pitabl e place 1'0 1' E. co li and oth er bacteria to replica te, and thus re duces
the likelih ood of infectio n. Sc ientists ha\'e isolated two substa nces that
pro duce this effect One is fructose, a sugar th at is found in many fruit
Juices. The other is a poor ly un derstood compoun d present in cran berry
and blueberry juices but absent from grapefruit , orange, gua\'a, mango
and pi neapple juices
Major benefits : Scienti sts ha \'e now confirmed th e effecti\'eness of
cranberry in prcventing and treat ing UTls, Se\'e ral stud ies ha \'c show n
that dail y consumpti on of cranberry, either in Juice or ca psule form,
dramatically reduces th e recurrence of UTls, \Vomen are 10 times more
likely to deve lop these infec tions than men - in fact, 25 - 35% of wo men
in the age range 20-40 ha\'e had at least one. Th ere's no reaso n, how
e\'er, why men can 't benefi t from cranberry as we ll.
Cranberry also see ms to shorten the course of urina ry tract Ill ness,
help ing to all e\' iate pai n , burning, itching and other symptoms But it's
importa nt LO remember tha t persistent UTls shoul d be treated promptl y
with antibioti cs to pre\'e nt more serious comp licati ons Ho\\'e\'er, cran
berry juice can safely be taken along wit h cO l1\'e lll ional drugs, It may
e\T n help hasten hea ling, and is also an exce llent pre\'entative.
Additional benefits: Because it helps to deodorise urin e, cranberry
should be in the diet of anyo ne suffering from th e embarrass ing odou rs
associated with incontinence. In add iti on, cranber ry's high \'itam in C
content makes it a natural vitamin supplemenl.

For best medica I effec t, choose

cranberry capsules or undiluted,
unsweetened juice (which contains
higher concentrations of the active
ingredients) over presweetened
juice , Th e processed commercial
product (cranberry juice) is only
one-third cranberry juice with
added water and sweeteners to
mask the berry's tart taste,
High-quality und il uted cranberry
jui ce can be found at health-food
shops, To make it palatable, mix it
with apple or pear juice to taste,

A major study in the Journal of

the American Medical Association

looked at 153 elderl y women

(average age 78) who had no
urinary tract symptoms, Half the
women d rank 300 ml (just over a
cup) of undiluted cranberry juice
every day, and the other half
received a placebo, After four to
eight weeks, those w ho drank the
cranberry ju ice were much less
prone to urinary tract infections

How to take it
Dosage: To help treat uriJ1ary tract injectiolls. Yo u should get about
800 mg of Cl'anberr y ext ract a day (two 400 mg pills) Or you can drink
aL least 500 ml of undiluted juice a day or take it in tincture form (fol
low the package direc ti ons) To prevent recurrel1ces: The dose ca n be cut
in half to 400 mg of cranberry a day.
Guidelines for use: Cranberry can be taken v"i th or wit hout food
Drin king plenty of water or other fluid s along with cranbe rry and
th ro ughout the day should speed recove ry. Cranberry has no known
interactions Wi lh anti biOl ics or other med ications, But by aC idifying the
uri ne, cranberr y ma), lessen the effect of another herb some times lI sed
[or UTls called uva ursi (a lso known as bearberry) , Try one or the other.

Possible side effects There are no known sid e effects from

either the short-term or long-term use of cranberry In ad ditio n, cran
berry appe ars to be sa fe for pregnant and breast -feed ing wo men.

and had lower levels of potentially

harmful bacteria in their urine,
Research confirms that cranberry
is effective for younger as well as
older women, In a study in Utah,
women in the age range 28-44 who
took cranberry capsules (400 mg a
day) for three months were onl y
40% as likely to ha ve a urinary tract
infection as the women who were
given a pla cebo,

You would have to eat 2 cups of

cranberries to get the equi valent of
two 400 mg cranberry capSUles ,



a,n elion
Known as a persistent and prolific weed in many parts of the world, dandelion is grown
commercially in Europe. Its leaves and roots are a rich source of vitamins and minerals,
and its active ingredients are particularly useful for treating digestive and liver problems.

What it is Dandeli on grovvs wild throughout much of the world

alld is cult iva ted in pans of Europe for medicinal uses. Closely related to
chi co ry, thi s perenl1lal plant can grow 30 cm high and has spatula
shaped leaves that are shiny, hairless and dccply toothed The soli tary
yellow flower blooms for much of th e growing season, opening at day
break and closing at dusk and in we t wea ther. Aft er the fl owe r matures,
Lhe plant fo rms a puffball of seeds that are dispersed by the wind (or by
children playing) Supplemems usuall y contain the rooL (w hich is
Lapered and sweet tasti ng) or the leaves, though the whole plant and its
!lowers are also valued for their hea ling properties
Whal it does Fo lk healers have long prescribed dandelion root
for liver and digest ive problems. Because its acti\'e ingredients are bene
ficial to liver funcLi on, this herb is useful for a range or diso rd ers.
Major benefits: Studies have shown that dandelion roOL increases the
production and flow of bile (a digesLi\'e aid) from the li\'er and ga ll
bladder, helping LO treaL such conditions as gallstones, J3undi ce and
hepatitiS 1t is thought thaL th e plants beneficial ef[ecLon \'anous liver
functi ons is probably related LO its high CO nLenL of the B \ itam1l1 choline.
Dandelion root is sometim es mixed with oLher nutriti onal suppl e
ments (hat boost li ve r functi on, including milk thi stle, black radi sh,
ce landine , bee t lea f, fnnge tree bark , inositol , methi onin e, cholin e or
others. Suc h co mbinations are usua lly sold as li\'ef or !tpotroP IC (,[at
metab olising') formulas in hea lth-food stores.
Beca use it imp roves li ver function, dandelion (in co mbinat ion with
other liver-strength ening nutrients) may help relie\'e the pain and oLh er
symptoms of end ometri osis 1t also enhances the h\'er's abI lI ty to remO\'e
excess oestrogen from the body, thereby helping to restore a hea lth y bal
ance of horm ones in women who are aFflicted wiLh these diso rd ers
Additional benefits: Dandelion root acts as a mild laxatl\'e, so a tea
made fro m it may provide a gentle remedy for const ipaLion. The herb
may also enhance the body's ability to absorb iron from either food or


improves liver function; useful

during cases of hepatitis (liver

inflammation) and jaundice.
Aids digestion by stimulating
relea se of bile from the liver and
gall bladder; may help to prevent
Help s to treat endometriosis.


Dried or fresh herb/Tea/Coffee

Dandelion should not be

used during acute attacks of

gallstones. Seek professional

medical attention.

Reminder: if you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements.

suppl emen ls, which may help to combat some cases of anaemia . Some
studies also indica te that dand elion may be of \'aluc in treating cance r
The Japanest have pate nted a freeze-dried extract of dandelion root to
com bat tum ours, and the Chinese are using dand elion extrac ts to help
fi ght breast cancer (a trealment supported by pos\t1\'e results in an im al
studies). But further sl udie s usin g humans are needed to de lermIne the
herh:" effectiveness agalllsl speci fic types of ca ncer.
As for olher medica l app lications, stu di es ha\'c found that dande lion
ca n lower blood suga r leve ls in anima ls, suggesting lh at it ma y ha\'e
so me role to play in Lhe lreatm ent of dIabetes The lem'es may also ha\'e
SOlTle diureti c effccts, so they are sometimes reco mmend ed for water
rete ntion ancl bloating.

To make d an d el ion tea, us'e the

dried , chopped root or le aves of the
dandelion. Pour a CLIp of very hot
water over 1 or 2 teaspoons of the
herb and allow it to steep for about
15 minutes. The tea can be blended
with other he rbs, such as licori ce,
and sweetened with honey.
Dandelion is a healthful and
nutritious food or beverage. The
leaves and the flowers are quite
tasty w hen steamed like spinach,

How to take it
Dosage: To strengthen live r junction ill hepatiti s, gal/stolles alld
endometriosis: Take 500 mg of a pc)\\'clered solid dand eli on roo t extraCL
twice a day Thi s am ount may also be fo und in so me lipotropi c (1i\'er)
combinat ions Or take 1 or 2 Leaspoons of a liquid dandeli on eA tract
three tim es a day fo'- col1stipaLion: Dnnk 1 cup of dandel ion rOOL tea
three times a cl ay. for alw ernia : Ha\'e 1 teaspoon of fresh dand eli on lea f
juice or tinclure eac h morning and e\'e ning wah half a glass of WdLer.
Guidelines for use : Drink fresh dandeli on Jui ce or liquid eXlract wiLh
water. Take pills containing dandeli on root cxtract wiLh or without food .
No adverse effects have been repo n ed in pregnanL or breasL-J'eeding
wome n; howe\'e r; dand elion lea f preparaLions may hm'e diuretlc effects,
so this gro up of wo men may want LO a\'oid the herb.

Possible side effects Dande lion has no se rious sid e effects. In

large doses, it may cause a skin rash , upse t slOmac h or diarrhoea. Sto p
usin g it if Lhis happens, and discuss the reacti on with yO Llr dOCL l1 r

and the pleasantl y bitter greens

make a tangy addition to salads.
A juice can be extracted from the
leaves, and the root can be roasted
and used to brew a beve rage th at
can be substituted for coffee (with
out the stimulant effects).

Some ad vocates call it the fountain of youth. Although the claim may be overblown, DHEA
has shown promise in combating certain age-related diseases. Mo re study is needed, however,
to learn the exact effects - as well as to identify those who could benefit most from it.

What it is Known widely as the 'mother of horm ones', DHEA

(dehydroepiandrostero ne) is needed b)' the body to produce many types
of oth er horm ones, includin g oestroge n and testosterone. DHEA is
secreted by the ad re nal glands, loca ted just abo\'e the kid neys. Alt hough
wo men make less DHEA than men, in both sexes DH EA production
declin es d ramatica ll y with age: le\'els are 80% lower at the age of 70 than
at the age or 30. The signifi cance o r these fa ll ing DHEA leve ls, however,
has not been deter mi ned .
What it does There has been p lenty of hype surround ing DHEA,
so it's diffi cult to separate wishru l thi nking fro m so und scientific
ev idence. DHE A hilS bee n sa id to stimu late weight loss, mcrease li bid o,
enhance memory and preve nt osteo porosis - but these claims are
unsupported. Studies do indicate, howe\'er. that DHEA may improve
general well- being in older peo pl e (alt hough Just how isn't clea r), reduce
the ri sk o r hea rt d isease , ease sym ptoms or the au to-immune di sease
lu pus, help to manage diabetes and boost immunity.
Major benefits : Hav ing blood leve ls of DHEA sulphate on the high
end of norma l may lowe r the risk of hean disease ror older men. In one
study, men with natura lly high DHE A levels had less body fat and higher
HDL ('good') cholesterol levels than me n with low DH EA levels. Those
with hi gh DHE A leve ls also did be tter on an exercise stress test, whi ch
measures th e conditi on of th e hea rt during physical exe rti on. These
assoc iati ons weren't see n in women, however. In fact, wo men taki ng
DHEA see med to have a slightly higher risk of hea rt di sease Oth er
researc h suggests that DHE A may help to 'thin' th e bl ood and so redu ce
the li ke lih ood of blood cl ot formation and hea rt attac k


May lower risk of heart disease.

Aids in glu cose management in
some people with diabetes.
Boosts the immune system.
Reli eves som e lu pus symptoms.
May hel p people with HIV/AIDS.




DHEA is a hormone; as
such, it may be linked to the
development of some cancers,
such as prostate, Anyone who
has this form of ca ncer, or is at
risk for it, shouldn't use DHEA
without consulti ng a doctor.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements,

Some evidence of DHEA's immune-boosting 8ction was noted in a

US SlUU Y of older peop le who had received nu shots. Their immune
response to the wea kenecl Ou vi rus in the injection was significantly
increased afler laking DHEA Resea rchers are hopeful that OHEA can
improve immun e responses in people in fected with H1Y. the virus that
causes AIDS.
Additional benefits: A small stud y of postmenopausa l women indi
cmed th8l those taking OliEA had lowe r b'els of triglycerides (a blood
f8t I'ela ted to cho lestcrol) and werc able to use insulin more efficiently
thall wo men not given OHEA This findin g suggcsts a possible role for
the supplemelll in the treatment of diabctes .
OHEA has also been reported to have beneficial elfects on patients
with lupus, an auto-immune disease It relie\'ed some sym ptoms 8nd
reduced the 8mou nt of medication needed .

Ho w to take it
Dosage: DHEA sup plements shou ld be ta ken under medical super
vision and ollly to raise horm one levels to within a norm al range - not
to exceed those leve ls It's usual to start with a low dose (5 mg for
women; 10 mg for men) and slowly increase It to 8chieve the desired
effect The maximum dose shou ld not exceed 25 mg a day unless you are
tak ing it for a spec ifi c clisorder, such as lupus or HI Y [(5 best to take
OHEA in the morning. Healthy people uncleI' th e age of 50 don't need
the supplement at alL
Guidelines for use: OHEA is a\ailab le only on prescri pti on in

Australia and New Zealand , sin ce it is more pote nt than man y ot her
nutri ents or herbs. The long-term effects of OHEA supplementatioll are
simpl), not known . No t all docto rs are familiar with the use of this nutri
tional supplement , so you may need to ask around to find olle who is.
Before prescribing OHEA , your doc tor should chec k for prostate
cance r (in men ) or breast cance r (in women), because such cancers are
innuenced by hormone be ls 111 the body Yo u shou ld then be given a
blood test to de termine you r current OHEA sulphate b'els, and take thi s
su pplement only if you r blood level of this hormone is low. After three
wee ks, you shoul d ha\'e 8nother blood test to assess whether yo ur
dosage needs adjusting. Once established , a satis facto ry blood level can
often be m8llltained with as little as 5-10 mg of OHEA a week.

DHEA is available only on

prescription in Australia and
New Zealand.
The labels on wild yam products
sometimes claim that the herb
contains substances that are con
verted to DHEA or other hormones
once within the body, In fact, this
conversion can be achieved only in a
laboratory, not by the human body.

Although there's no evidence

that DHEA will lengthen your life,
it may enhance your quality of life.
In a recent US study, older men
and women taking DHEA reported
increased feelings of well-being,
improved sleep, more energy and
a greater ability to handle stress.
More than 80% of the women
and 67% of the men had a positive
response to DHEA, compared with
less than 10% of the people taking
a placebo.
Recent Australian research
suggests that taking 600 mcg of
biotin three times a day (with food)
increases DHEA sulphate leve ls in
some people who have lower-than
normal levels of this hormone. Biotin
has no known adverse effects,
making it a very safe option for such
people. (But you mu st have a blood
test to determine if your level is low
enough to justify the treatment.)

Possible side effects 'vVhen used to excess, OHEA supple

ments can cause acne, extremely oily sk in , hair growth in women,
deepening of the \'oice and mood changes. In addition, one animal study
has demonstrated an association betvvee n \i\'er ca nce r and exceSSively
high doses of OHEA.


L-------~, ~o_n

9 qua I

Angelico slnemls, A, acutilobo

Found in many herbal 'women's supplements', dong quai, or angelica, is a tonic traditionally
used in Asia to boost the function of the female reproductive system. Its popularity is second
only to ginseng's in China and Japan, but Western experts continue to debate its effectiveness.

What it is Although dong qu ai grow s wil d in A.sia, it s also Widely

culu vated for medicinal purposes in China (the Angelica sinensis \'ariety)
ancl 1l1 Japan (A. ilc utiloba ), where many women take it dail y to main tain
o\'(' rall good healLh. The most widely a\'a ilable th erapeut ic rorm is
deri ved rrom the root of A Sinensi s, a pla11l with holl ow stems Lhat grows
up to 2.5 metres ta ll and has elusters or white f1owers. When in b loom,
angelica rese mbles Queen Anne's lace, its botanica l relati ve. O ther names
[o r dong qua i incl ud e da ng gui, tang kuie and Chinese angelica.
What it does Generally, dong quai is belie\'ecl to kee p the uterus
healthy and to regulate the menstrual cycle. It may also widen bl ood
\'essels and increase blood flow to \'arious organ s E\'e n among herba l
experts, howeve r, questi ons linge r about its be nefi Ls. One reaso n why
dong quai's properties have been ditTicul t to assess is tha Lit is ofLen taken
in combin ation with other herbs.
Major benefits: Traditi onally, dong quai has been used ror menstrual
and meno pausal dirfic ulti es Claim s for the herb include ba lanCing [he
menstrual cycle. co rrecLing abnormal bleeding patterns. alb 'iatin g
sympto ms o[ premenstrua l syndro me (PM S), casing menstrual cramps,
red ucing menopausa l hot fl ushes, and imprO\ing th e \'aginal dryness
associated with menopause.
There are two theori es about how dong quai may help to reli eve these
problems. Some herbali sts beli eve th at it conta in s plant oestrogens
(phyto-oesLroge ns), whi ch are weaker than the oestrogens produced hy
the body. hut whi ch still chemi call y bind wiLh oestroge n rece pto rs in
hu man cells. Beca use or thiS, phyto-oestrogens may minimi se the poten
ti al negati ve effeCls or a woman's ow n oestrogen , which include an
in creased risk of breast ca ncer. Phyto-oestrogens also may pre\'ent hot
fl ushes by compensating [or [h e decline in oestrogen le\'els that occ urs
after menopause .
Other experts attribute th e errec ti\'e ness or dong quai to its
abundance o[ coum arins. Thi s group or natural chemical s dil ates blood
vessels, increases blood now to the uteru s and other organs, and stimu


May help to ease monthly

menstrual cramps.
May redu ce the hot flushes
associated with menopause.

Dried herb/ Tea

Dong quai should not be used

by pregnant wom en or those
who are breast-feeding .
People on anticoagulant drugs
should not t ake dong quai with
out consulting a doctor.
Reminder: If you have a med i
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before takin g suppleme nts.

lates the central nervous S)'Slem Co um arins also 8ppe~lr lO reduce

inl1ammalion and muscle spas ms, which may accoun t for dong qua iS
ab ili ly to alb'iatc menslrual cramps,
Additional benefits : Allhough dong q uai is nOI typicall y used lO
lower blood pressure, it does hcl\e this effect because it dilates blood ws
sf'ls, making il easier for the hean to pump blood Lhrough the bod y The
herb is also rich in \'itamin B!2, and so may help bui ld red bl oo d cells

How to take it
Dosage : Fo r PMS , rn ellslrual irregulalities, mensl rual cramps or hot
flushes : Take 600 mg of do ng quai dail y (o r, allernati vely, 30 d rops or
1.5 ml of tinct ure three ti mes a day) Whether in pill or liquid for m,
extracts should be slandard ised LO con tain 0,8-1. 1% ligustilide. lOU can
also use a Single prepara lion in which dong qu ai is co mbi ned with other
herbs that help regu late the menstrual cycle, suc h as chaste tree, licorice
and Sibe rian ginse ng.
Guidelines for u se: For sy mploms of Pi'AS, use dong qual on the days
you 're not menslrualing If you "Iso get menstrual cramps, continue
using dong quai until menstrual ion stops For cramps without PMS,
start taking dong qua l the day before your period is due f or hOl nu shes,
use dai ly. Contin ue the he rb for two months before dec iding if it works

Possible side effects Dong quai may ha\'e a mtld laxati\'e

effect and may promote hea\} menstru al bleeding, PrOlect yourself from
the sun when usmg dong quai, bec"use its root co ntains compo unds
ca lled psoralens that can make some peop le more sensit i\'e lO sunli ght
and ca use a se\'ere sunburn

If you wa nt to try dong qua i for

menstrual cramps or menopausal
symptoms, be sure to bu y Chinese
angelica (Angelico sinensis) or
Japanese angelica (A. acutiloba),
Traditionally, American angelica
(A. archangelico) and European
ange lica (A. atropurpurea) have both
been w idely used for re spira tory
ail ments and stomach upsets, but
they have show n no benefi t for
gynaecological prob lem s,

A recent US study found dong

quai was no better than a placebo as
a remedy for hot flushes and other
menopausal problems, such as vagi
nal dryness, Both d ong qua i and the
pla cebo reduced th e frequ ency of
hot flushes by 25 - 30%, But this
study tested the effect of dong quai
alone, In Asia , it is traditionally used
in co mbin ation with other herb s,


Dong quai's naturally gnarled root

is flattened out for medicinal use,




EcMnacea angustlfolln, E. purpIJreo, E. pollida

Long used by Native Americans and consequently some early American settlers and doctors,
echinacea fell out of favour with the advent of modern antibiotics. But it's fast regaining
popularity as a safe and powerful immune-system booster to fight colds, flu and other infections.

What it is Ec hin acea (prono unced ek- in-!",W-sha) is a wildflower

\\lilh dais),-like purple blossoms nati\'e to the grasslands of th e centra l
United States, where it is also knO\\ll as the purple or pralrie co neflower.
For cent uries , the Plains tribes used the pl ant to hea l wou nds and to
cou nteraCl the toxins of snakeb ites. The h erb al so became popular
wilh European-Am encan pioneers and thelr doctors as an alJ-purpose
in fec tion fighter
Of the nine ec hll1acea spec ies , three (Echinacea ClngustjIolia, E. pal/i da
and E. plI rpluea) are used medicinally They appear 111 literally hundreds
o f commercial preparations, whi ch utilise dlfferent parts of the plant
(fl owers, leaH:s, stems or roots) and come in a \'ariet)' of forms Echi
nacea contains many acti\'e ingredients thought to st rengthen th e
immune syste m , and 111 rece nt years it has become one of the world's
most popular herbal remedles
What it does A natural antibiotic and infec tion fighter echinacea
helps to kill bac teria , \'iruses, fun gi and other disease-causing microbes.
1t acts by stimulating \-ar ious immune- syste m cel ls that are ke y weapons
in the fighl againsl infect ion. In addition , th e herb boosts the cells'
production of a natural \'irus-fighting substance call ed inter feron
Because these effects are rda m -ely shortli\-ed , howe\u, the herb is best
taken at fre quent inten'als - as oflen as e\uy coupl e of hours during
acute infeclions.



Reduces the body's susceptibility

to colds and flu.
Limits the duration and severity
of infections,
Helps to fight recurrent
respiratory, middle ear, urinary
tract and vaginal yeast infections.
Speeds the healing of skin
wounds and inflammations.

Dried herb/Tea

If you're taking antibiotics

or other drugs for an infection,
use echinacea as an addition
to, not as a replacement for,
those medications,
Echinacea can overstimulate
the immune system, and may
aggravate symptoms of lupu s,
multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid
arthritis or other auto-immune
disorders, It may also be
counterproductive in progressive
infections such as tuberculosis,
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Prevention : Ec hinacea can help prevent th e twO most co mmon vi ral

ailm ents - colds and Ou . It is most effecti ve \v hen ta ken at the first hint
of illn ess. In o ne study of Jieople who were susce pt ible to colds , those
who used the he rb fo r cight wee ks we re 35% less likely to co me down
with a cold than th ose give n a place bo Furth ermo re, they caught colds
less often - 40 da ys elapsed between infec tions. ve rsus 25 da ys for the
placebo group Studi es confirm that ec hinacea is also usefu l if you're
already sufferin g from the aches, pains, congestion or fe\'er of colds o r
Ou Ove rall , symp to ms are less se\'ere and subside soo ner.
Additional benefits : Echinacea may be of \'alue in treating recurre nt
ailment s, including vaginal yeast, urinary tract infectio ns a nd mi ddle
ear infections It is also so metim es used to treat strep throat. staph
infecti ons, herpes infec ti ons (inc luding ge nital herpes , cold so res and
shingles), bro nchitis and sinus in fec tions Moreove r, the herb is bein g
stud ied as a possible trea tme nt for ch ro ni c fa Ligue synd ro me and AIDS.
And it may prove effecti \'e against some ty pes of ca nce r, part icularl y in
patients whose immune systems are depressed b)' radiation treatm ents
or chem otherapy.
Echinacea can be applied to the skin as welL Its juice promotes the
healing of all kind s of wo unds , boil s, abscesses , ecze ma, burns , mouth
ulce rs, cold so res and bedsores. To treat a so re throa t or tonsillitis , the
tincture can be dil uted and used as a gargle

Buying echinacea ca n be
confusing because it comes in so
many diHerent forms. Experts often
recommend a liquid - either the
fresh-pressed juice (standardised
to con tain 2.4% beta-l, 2-fructo
furanosides) or an alcohol-based
tincture (containi ng a 1:5 conce n
tration of the herb). Those who
dislike the bitter taste of the liquids
can take standardised extracts in pill
form . Look fo r pills containi ng at
least 3.5% echinacosides.
You may come across commercial
preparations combining echinacea
with an immune-enhancing herb
cal led goldenseal, but the combination
can be very pricey. For many ailments,
echinacea on its own works fine, so
you can skip the more costly mi xture.

How to take it
Dosage: Because echinacea comes in many dI fferent fo rms, chec k the
product's label fo r the proper dosage. Fo! colds alld flit: A hIgh dose is
needed - up to 200 mg fi ve a times a day In one major stud y', subj ects
with Ou who were gi\'en 900 mg of echinacea a day did better than
those who recei\'ed either a lowe r dosage of 450 mg a day or a placebo .
For other inJectiOlls: The recommended dose is 200 mg three o r four
times a day. For long-term use as a general immune booster: To deri\'e the
most benefits, espeCia lly for those prone to chro ni c infections, alternate
ec hinacea eve ry two months with ot her immun e-enhancing he rbs,
includ ing goldenseal , astragalus, pall d'arco and medicinal mushrooms
Echinacea teas, often bl end ed with other herbs, are 3\'ail able as well
Guidelines for use: Echinacea can be take n with or without fo od It

shou ld be used for no longer than eight weeks, foll owed by a on e-week
interval before yo u resume taking it. Some sLUdies suggest that the herb's
immunity-boosting effects d iminish with continuous use . Startin g and
stopping , or ro tating it with other herbs, may maximise its effecti ven ess.

Possible side effects At recommend ed doses, echinacea has

no known side effects, and no adve rse reactions have bee n reported in
pregnant or breast-feeding women. Howe\'e r, peo pl e who are allergiC to
Oowers in the daisy family may also be all ergiC to thi s herb If yo u
deve lo p a skin rash o r breathing difficult y, ca ll yo ur doctor straight awa y.

Scientists are investigating

whether echinacea may also be
helpful in combating cancer. In a
recent German study, a sma ll group
of patients with advanced colon
cancer received echinacea along
with standard chemotherapy. The
herb appeared to prolong survival in
these patients, presumably by boost
ing the immu ne system's ability to
fight cancer cells . Additional research
is needed to clarify the possible role
of this herb in co mbating colon and
other forms of cancer.

Echinacea contains a substance that

makes the lips and tong ue tingle
when it's taken in liquid or herbal
form. Look for this eHect - it's often
a good indication that yo u've
bought a high-quality product.



Ephedra slnica , E. intermedloJ E. equlsetlno

Sometimes called the world's oldest medicine, this herb has been used in China to treat colds
and asthma since 3000 B.C. It's still considered an effective remedy for bronchial disorders,
but conce rns abo ut safe ty have mad e ephedra controversial in recent years.

What it is Also known by its Chin ese name , l1lel huclI1g, ephedra
is made from the dried stems of Eph edra si ni ca, a shrub nati\T to the
dese rt regions of Asia. HO\ve\u, preparations from spec ies such as
E. il1termediel or E. equisetinQ may also be effecti\'e ..-\ synthetic \'ersion of
ephed ra's act ive ingredients is Widely used in bOlh preSC rIption and O\-er
the-co unter drugs, including many co ld , allergy, asthma, weight-loss
and energy-boosting formulas
Un fortun ately, ephedra has bee n abused in rece nt yea rs, wh en some
pe ople began taking very high doses of the herb as a rec reation al
stimulant - lead ing to heart attacks, strokes, and at least 28 deaths in th e
US As a result , the drug was al most banned in th e US in 1996. Although
the ban wasn't imposed , a wa rnin g label mal' beco me compu lso ry. In
Australia , ephedra is availabl e onl y on presc ri ption (from holistIc med
ical practitio ners): in New Zealand , iLcan be sold on ly by pharmacists

Eases the congestion and

laboured breathing caused by
allergies or asth ma.
Relieves pressure and conges ti on
in sinus infectio ns (sinusitis) ,
May aid weight loss.

Tinctur e

What it does Ephedra's primary acti\'e ingred ients, the chemicals

ephedrine and pseud oephed rin e, ha\'e two malor effects: they stimulate
the central nervous system and they open th e airways Ephedra's
stimulant diect is stronger than that of caffeine , but less pOLent than
thaL of amphetam ines or the natural adrenal horm one epin ephrin e
(ad renaline) , whi ch prepares Lhe body to dea l with stress ful situat ions
(the 'fi ght-o r-Oight' response).
Ephed ra makes the hea rt bea t faster, increases bl ood pressure,
speeds up the metabo lism and acts as a diuretic. But th roug hout its long
history, its main use has been as a bronchod ilator, to treat the bronchia l
and nasa l co ngestion of asthma , allergies , colds and sinu s infections.
In th e 1920s, US drug co m panies bega n extracting acti\'e ingred Ients
from the herb and using low doses in ast hma and co ld medicines - a
practice still common in man y co untries.

Dried herb/Tea

Ephedra can cause blood

pressure to soar. You must be
monitored by your doctor, espe
cial ly if you have high blood
pressure, heart disease or heart
rhythm disorders, or if you take
MAO inhibitors for depression.
Ephedra can elevate blood
sugar. People with diabetes
should use it w ith caution,
Be sure to tell you r doctor
if you have thyroid disease or
difficulty in urinating caused by
prostate problems, or if you're
pregnant or breast-feeding.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal problem, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

The dried stems of ephedra are

mode into capsules that have
man y therapeutic benefits.


Major benefits: Ephedra dilates th e smaU air ways in the lungs (the
bron chioles), which help s to relin'e congestion an d coughin g due to
seasona l allergies or [0 mi ld asthma It also helps to alle\' iate respirato ry
sympt oms ca used by co lds, Ou and sinus infec ti ons
Additional benefits: Although ep hed ra may make the body bu rn

kiloJoules qUickl y and suppress appetite , studi es of thi s herb as a

weight- loss aid have been contrad ictory. For those in otherwise goo d
health, it may be safe and dfective in presc ribed d oses
More controversial is the claim that e phedra e nhances at hletic per
formance by boosting energy. Not only lS there no sci entific basis for this
theory, but it has had tragic conseq uences . A number o f athletes ha\c
become serio usly iU - and se\ua l ha\'e died - after takin g large doses of
producls co ntaining ephedra The herb is current ly listed as a banned
substa nc e by the Inte rnational O lympic Committ ee .

Yo ur doctor will monitor yo ur

heart rate (pulse) and blood pressure
when yo u're taking ephedra. If your
resting heart rate seems faster th an
usu al, or yo ur blood pressure is
above normal, you'll be advised
to stop using the herb.
Don't take ephedra w ith over
the-counter cold remedies or wi th
other formulas con taining ephedrine
or pseudoephedrine. This wi ll double
your dose, rai sing the likelihood of
side effects,

H ow to take it
Dosage: It's essential to foUow yo ur doctor's ad \ice. lvlost stand a rd
ise d extracts supply about 5.5-6. 5% ephedrine (also knm\l1 as 'e phedra
alkaloids,) It's usual to begin w ith a low da ily dose , such as 100 m g of
ephed ra (a bout 6 mg of ephed rine ) If side efrects aren 't a p roblem , th e
d ose ca n be increased , but shouldn't exceed 130 mg of ephedra (about
8 mg of ephedrine) three times a day.
Your doctor may also prescribe ep hedra as a tea or tmcture. The usual
dose fo r a tea is one o r two c ups a day, made by pouring I cup o f \'C ry
ho t water o\'er 1 teas poon of dried eph edra (along with othe r herbs
if reco mmend ed ) and stee ping for 10-15 minute s. As a tm cture, the
usual dose is Ll to 1 teaspoon of ephed ra tincture (up to 8 mg of
ephedrine) take n in a glass of \Vater up to three times dail y - but foll ow
you r doctor's instructions preC isely
Guidelines for use: Take only on your docto rs advice , espeC ially
if you have hea rt disease, diabe tes or other medical problems NCI'Cf
exceed the prescri bed d ose This herb can be taken long te rm for ce rtain
co nditi ons, such as chronic asthma , but should be used only as need ed
- up to seven days at a time - to minimise the risk o f sid e dfects A\'o id
taking e phedra w ith caffe in e , whlCh can cause excessive sttmulatio n. If
yo u find it interferes w ith s leep , tell yo ur docto r, who \.\'ill probably
advi se yo u to om it yo ur even ing dose.

Be sure that you're using

preparations made from an effective
ephedra species, such as E. sinica.
Many North American species,
such as E. nevadensis (commonly
called Mormon tea, because the
fi rst Mormons to reach the arid
lands of Utah used this native plant
in a piney-tasting tonic), have few
active ingredients.

Legend has it that Genghi s Khan's

sentries, threa tened w ith beheading
if they fell asleep w hile on duty,
drank a tea brewed from ephedra
to stay awake. A cup of ep,l1 edra tea
delivers about 10 mg of the active
ingredient ephedrine.

Possible side effects The higher the dose and the longe r yo u
take ephed ra , the greater the incidence o f such co mmon side dfects
as ne n'o usness , insomnia , heart palpitations and \enigo Less o ften ,
there may be dizzin ess , tingling, nausea and vomiting, loss of a ppetite,
muscle cramps, headache , and difficult or pamfu l urination . Extremely
se rio us side effe ers incl ude high blood pressure , stroke, se izures and,
w ith ve ry high doses, hallucin ations and psyc hosis


vening primrose oil


Native Americans have long valued the evening primrose plant for its healing powers ,
Today, research focuses on the therapeutic effect of the oil obtained from its seeds, which
contain an omega-6 essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA),

What it is Called evening primrose because its light ye llo,v flo we rs

open at dusk, this wildfl ower grows in North America and Europe.

The plant and its roOt have long been used for medicinal purposes to treat bruises, haemorrhoid s, sore throat and stomach aches. But
the use of its seed oil, which contains gamma-ltnoleni c acid (GLA) , is
relatively recent. GLA is an esse ntial fatty acid th at the body COll\'C rts
to hormone-lIke compound s called prostaglandins , which regulClte a
number o f bodil y functions
Allhough the body can make GLA fro m ol her types of see d oils that
you consume, there is no one food that has appreciable amounts of GU\.
Evening primrose oil provIdes a concentraled so urce: 7-1 0% of its fatty
acids are in the form of GLA . There are, however, other sources of GLA.
Starflower oil and bla ckcurrant seed oil contain higher amounts of
GLA than evening primrose oil (20-26% for starflowe r, 14-19% [or
blackcurrant), but they also ha\'e a higher perce ntage of other fatt y
acids that may interfere with GLA absorption. Most of the sLUdies
investigating the effec ls of GLA have used e\'ening primrose oil , and for
this reason it is the preferred so urce of GLA. Still, star flower oil may
be a good substitute It's less ex pensi ve than
evening primrose oil , and a similar dose is
required to produce a therapeutic effect.
What it does

The body produces se\'

eral types of prostaglandins some promote
inflammation , others control it. The GLA in
evening primrose oil is directl y cOlwerted to

Although evening primrose oil comes

in liquid form, softgels may be a more

convenient way to take it.


Ea ses rheumatoid arthritis pain,

Can minimise symptoms of

diabetic nerve damage.

Relieves eczema symptoms,

Helps to treat premenstrual

syndrome, endometriosis and

menstrual cramps,
Les sens inflammation of acne,
rosacea and muscle strains,


Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

impo rtant anti-i nflammatory prostaglandins, w hich accounts for mOSL of

the supplement 's therapeutiC effects In additi on, GLA. is a n important
component o f cell membranes
Prevention: In peop le with diabetes, the GlA in e\'ening prim rose 011
h as bee n shown LO help pre\'ent nen'e damage (ne uropa thy) , a co mmo n
complication ol the disea se. [n a sLudy o l peop le with m ild d ia betic
neuro pathy, one yea r o f treatment with e\'en ing p rimrose o il reduced
numbness and tingli ng, loss o f se nsation and oth er symptoms of th e
disorder better than a placebo did , suggesting that e\'e ning prim rose
may be of va lue in reve rsing neuropa th ),
Additional benefits: O ne o f the leading uses or e\'ening primrose oil
is to treat eczema , an allergic sk in condit ion that may de\'C lop il the body
h as tro uble conve rt ing fa ts deri\'ed from food into Gl A. Studies o f
people with eczem a indicate that ta king e\'e ning prim rose o il lor three
LO four months can he lp to allevlate itching and reduc e the need for
topical ste roid creams and d rugs (with their unpieasant side effects)
Because o f it s GLA content , e\'ening primrose o d can be erfecti\'e fo r
menstrual disorders, such as PMS, me nstrual cramps and en do metriosis
In particu lar, the oil bloc ks th e inflammatory prostaglandin s that cause
me nstru al cramps . It also appea rs to ease the breast tenderness that
so me wo men ex perience Just before their periods , and may playa ro le
in reversing infe rtiliL Y in some wo men .
Rheuma toid arth ri tis is chara cte ri sed by Joint pain and swelling, and
stud ies have found that these symptoms imp rm'e when supple ments
of evening prim rose o il or anot her source o f GLA are take n O the r
co nditio ns that im'ol\'e inO ammation, such as rosacea, acne and muscle
pai n, m ay also be alleviated by e\'ening primrose o iL

Many experts re co mm end bu ying

evening primrose oil t hat contains a
small am ount of vitamin E. The fatty
acids in evening primrose oil break
dow n quickly, and vitamin E slows
this process.

In a stud y of 60 people w ith

eczema, GLA - the essential fatty
acid in evening primrose oil th at
accounts for its therapeutic benefits
- was found to be superior to a
placebo in reducing the itching
and oozing of th e con dition . Th ose
in the GLA group took 274 mg
tw ice a day (an amou nt found in
approx imately seven 1000 mg
evening primrose capsu les) for
12 wee ks. Examinations by a derma
tologist every four wee ks confirmed
the gradual improvement of symp
toms reported by these patients.
A study fro m the University
of Massachusetts Medical Center

How to take it
Dosage: The reco mmended the rape utiC dose o f e\'e ning primrose oil

is generally 1000 mg three times d aily This supplies 240 mg of GLA a

d ay To get an equi\'a lem amou nt o f GLA fro m other sources , you woul d
need to take 1000 mg of starflower oil or 1500 mg o r blackc urrant oil
each day Evening primrose oil or sLar flower o il can also be ap pli ed
topically to the fin gers to ease the s)'mptoms of Ra)11aud 's di sease.
Guidelines for use: Take e\'ening primrose oil or othe r sources ol
GLA w ith mea ls to enhance a bso rpti on .

Possible side effects In US st udies, about 2% o f parti cipan ts

using evening prim rose oil experienced bloating or abdominal upset
However, consuming it w ith lood ma y lessen this effect.

showed that very high doses of

GLA in the form of starflowe r oil
(2.4 g of GLA a day) redu ced
damage to joint tissue in people
w ith rheumatoid arthritis . As a result,
they had less joint pain and swelling.


Tanacetum parthenlum

Despite its name, feverfew is not a fever reducer but a migraine preventive. For centuries this
herb was relied on for headaches, stomach problem s and menstrual irregularities, bu t it virtually
disappea red from use until reports calling it a migraine cure began appearing in the late 1970s.

What it is Recently ce leb rcned for IlS effecc on migraines, bufew

(a lso know n as fe atherfew) is a member of he fl owe r fam tly that
includes daisies and su nfl owers, V,,Ti th its b righ t ye ll ow and white
blosso ms and fea the ry, ye llow -gree n leal'es, thi s he rb rese mbles
chamomi le and is often mistaken for iL The leal'es are used medi cinall y,
and, although the fl owe rs hal'e no healt h be nefIls. they do emit a strong
aroma, In the Middle Ages , the plam was belielcd to purify the air and
prevent malaria and oth er li fe- threaLening diseases Altho ugh feI'cr few
probabl y ca n't kill ge rm s in the atmos ph ere. the odour is appare ntl y
quit e offensive to bees and bu gs , so fel-e rfew planted Il1 yo ur ga rd en ca n
act as a natural insect repell em .
What it does The actil'e compound in fele rfell' (a che mical
ca lled pan henoli de) see ms LO block substances such as serotoni n in the
body that constrict bl ood lesse ls and cause inflam mati on.
Prevention : Though the exact ca use of migraines is unknown,
so me experts think th ese headaches occur when blood I'essels in the
head rapidly dilate and then consLrict. Such a dramati c change em
tri gge r th e release of chemi ca ls sto red in plateleLs (the small bl oo d ce ll s
in vo k ed in blood clotting) th aL ca use pain and infl amm ati on
Resea rchers spec ulate th,n bufew prel'ents the sudden co nst ricti on of
blood vessels Th ough this ac ti on makes fel'e rfew a good migraine
preventive, the herb canno t reliel'c a migraine once it occurs.

Helps to prevent or reduce the

intensity of mig raines .
May ease menstrual complaints,

Capsul e
Dried herb/ Tea

Pregnant wo men should avo id

feverfew, as it may ca use con
tractions of the uterus. Women
who are breast-feeding should
not use the herb ei th er.
Because feverfew may inh ibit
blood clotting, check with you r
doctor before usi ng it if you are
ta king anticoagulant drugs.
Reminder: If you have a medi
ca l cond ition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Pulverised fe verfew leaf in

capsule fo rm may help head
off debilitating migraines.


Wo rd of mouth in the 1970s am ong peo pl e \\") lh chronic migrai nes

led to widespread use of fel'erfew To determine the herbs effecr il'e ness,
British researchers recruited mi graine sufferers who had already
been using bnfew regu la rly Th e resea rchers dil'ided them int o two
grou ps: one continued to take fel'e rfe ll', and Lhe other was gilen a
placebo , Th ose taking th e place bo so on experienced more frequ ent, and
more intense, headac hes, but th ose in the fel-er few group had no
in crease , Another stu dy showed that bTrbv reduced the num be r of
migraines by 24 %, and that, el'en when Lhe headaches did occ ur. they
we re much less sel-e rc.
Additional benefits: Fel'er few has long bee n use d for menstrual
compla ints The herb Illh ibits the produ cli on o f inflammato ry
prostaglandin s, horm one-lI ke subslances that ca n cause pain and
inflammation Because menstrual cram ps res ult from an imba lance of
prostaglandm s produce d by the lining of the uterus, fel'e rfew may be
effectil'e for thi s pro blem.
The ant i-inn ammatory action of Lhe herb also leu to its use as a treat
ment for the innamed, sore JOints lhat occu r in rheumatoid arthriti s,
Hov,,Ieve r, a study of rh eumatoid anhritis patients found no additional
benefit from taking fel'e rfe\\' m conjuncti on with medications that are
co mmon ly prescri bed for th is conditi on, No studies hal'e bee n done on
how the herb might "vork alone, or in co mbination wnh ot her herbal
Lrea tmems, for rheumatoid arth ritis,

One study in Britain reported

that half the feverfew preparations
examined contained virtually none
of its acti ve ingredient, parthenolide,
Look for feverfew tablets and cap
sules made from the herb Tanacetum
parthenium and standardised to con

tain at least 0.4% parthenolide,

A migraine preventive
For a while, Nick L considered the
pricey new migraine medications
nothing shart of wonder drugs
because of th eir amazing ability to
stop th e dizzying pain of his head
aches, But what he really wanted
was something that could prevent
a migraine from starting, His
doctor offered oth er drugs, but
their side effects were troublesame,

How to take it

'Sure, the beta-blockers headed off

Dosage: To help prel-ent migraines, one dose of 250 mg a day of a

fe l'erfew prod uct standardised to contain at least OA "K, pa rthenolide
is typical

my migraines, ' Nick remembers,

'but my sex life vanished, too, ' He
tried several types, but the result
was always the same,

The experience of the mi graine sufferers in Lh e

Brit ish stud y cited abOl'e underscores the importa nce of taking fel'erfe w
dail y for an eXLended Lim e, because stop ping the herb may lead LO a
resumption of headaches ,
Guidelines for use:

Then he saw a shop sign:

Migraine Sufferers - We have
fe verfew in stock, Though sceptical
about herbal therapies, he bought
a bottle, which sat unopened in his

Possible side effects Few sid e effects hal'e bee n noted, el'en
when feve rfew is used long term There haw bee n repo n s of so res anel
in flam mation of th e mucous membranes of the mouth, but this reac Li on
seems to be limi te d to people who chell' the fresh leal'es (a co mm on
prac Lice before bufew supple me nts beca me al'a tlable) So me peo ple
experience sto mac h upset from both the fresh lealTs and supplements,
Skin contact with the plant ca n ca use a rash Anyo ne who devel ops a
rash aft er to uching feverfew shou ld not use the producL internally

bathroom cabinet for six months,

Then he read an article that
affirmed the safety and effective
ness of feverfew, He decided to try
it, and took two capsules with his
daily vitamin. 'From that point on,
it was a migraine-free year, ' he
says, 'My first since childhood!'


Fish oils

Scientists noticed a curiously low incidence of heart disease among Greenland Eskimos, despite
their high-fat diet. The reason? They were eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Later studies
confirmed the cardioprotective effect of fish oils while uncovering other benefits as well.

What they are The fa[ in fish includ es a form of polyunsatu

rated fatty acid s called omega-3s These differ fro m th e pol)l,lOsaturated

fall y acids found in \Tgeta ble oil s (ca lled omega-6s) and they ha\'c dif
fere nt effects on the body (F ish don'L manufacture such fats but get th em
from the pl ankton th ey ea t - the cold er the water, tb e more omega-3s
lhe plank to n contains) The lWO mos t potent forms of om ega- 3s, eicosa
pentanoic acid (EPA) and docosa hexa noic acid (OHA) , are found in
abundance in cold-water fish such as sa lmon , tro ut, mackerel and tuna
(in cluding, to a limiled exte nL , the canned \'a riety). The sources of a
third type of omega- 3, alph a-linole nic acid (ALA) , are ce rtain \ege rable

oil s (such as fl axseed oil) and lea fy, fl eshy gree ns (suc h as purslane).

Howcve r, ALA doesn't affeet the body in the same way as EPA and OHA.

What they do Omega-3 fatt y ac ids playa key role in a range of

vital body processes, from regulating blood press ure and bl ood clotting
to redUCing infl ammat ion and boosting the immune system. They may
be useful for preve ntin g or treming many condit ions.
Prevention: Fish oils appear to redu ce the risk of hea rt disease in
seve ral ways t\ll05t im portantly, the prese nce of omega-3s makes platelets
in the bl ood less li kel y to clump toge ther and form the clots that lead to
heart anacks. Next, omega -3s can reduce trigl)'cc ricl es (blood fat s relatec!
to choleste rol) and may lower blood pressure In addition , rece nt research
has shown lhat omcga- 3s strengthen the hean's electrica l system, pre
venting heart-rh yth m abnorm alities. Howe\'C r, the stro ngest e\'idence for
the cardio vasc ular benefits of fi sh oil s comes fro m stud ies in wh ich the
panicipams ate fish rather than taking fish oil supplement s
Within the artery walls, omega -3s inhibit inf1amm atlon , which is a
fa cto r in plaque build-up As a result , thera pe utic doses of fi sh oils
are one of the few successful ways to prc\'e nt the rebloc kage of arteries
that co mmonly occ urs after an giopl asty, in whi ch a small ball oon is
guided thro ugh an arte ry to a blockage and then inf1a[e d to compress
plaqu e, widen the vessel and im pro\T blood f1 0w to th e heart . Thi s effect
on blood vesse ls makes fish oils helpful for Raynaud 's disease as wel l.
Additional benefits: Omega-3s are also erfecti\e general ant i
infiammalories, llse!'l1l for joint prob lems, lupus and psoriaS is Studies
indicate lhal people with rheumatoid arthntis experience less JOint
swe lling anu sl iffness when they take fish oil su pplements, anc! may even
be able to manage on lower doses of anti-inflamm atory dru gs. In a yea r
long study o [ people suffering from Crohn's disease (a pa inful type of
inriammatory bowel disease), 69% of those takin g enteri c-coated fish
oi l su pplements (a bout 3 g of fi sh oils a clay) stayed symptom-free,


Help to prevent cardiovascular

disease; useful for other circulatory

conditions as well.

Block disease-related in flam

matory responses in the body.

May lower blood pressure and

blood cholesterol.


Because omega-3 fatty acid s

inhibit blood clotting, consult
a doctor before using fish oil
supplements if you have a blood
disorder or if you are taking
anticoagulant medications.
Don' t take fish oil
supplements tw o days before
or after surgery.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

co mpared with Just 28% of those recei\'i ng a place bo Fish oils

may also hel p to ease menstrual cra mps In addit ion, omega-3 s may pl ay
a role in mental health Some ex pens beli e\e theres a co rrelatl on
betvveen the increasing incid ence of depression in many western coun
tries and the declining consumption of fish. And a preliminary US stud y
suggested that omega-3 fatty acids may redu ce the se\"erit)' of schlzo
phrenia by abou t 25%. Omega-3 fall ), acids haw also been use d to
alb'iate symp to ms of asthma and eczema.

If you find yo u can't tolerate

one brand of fish oil supplements,
try another. Side effects vary from
brand to brand.
Don 't try to save money by
buying fish oil supplements in bulk
because they can go ran cid very

How to take them

Dosage: For heart disease, Raynaud's di sease, lupus and psoriasis: Take
3000 mg of fish oils a day For rhewnatoid arthritis: Take 6000 mg a day.
For inf/aJ11matolY bowel disease. Take 5000 mg a day.
Guidelines for use: Fish oil supplement s are not necessary for hean
dlsease preyenlion or treatment if yo u ca l fi sh at least three limes a week.
However, supplements are recommended for rheumatoid arthritis and
other inflammatory conditions. Take caps ules with meals. Supplements
may be easier to tolerate if yo u take them in di\id ed doses: for exampl e,
1000 mg three times a day instead of 3000 mg in one sitting

quickly. Always check the expiry date.

Don't buy cod liver oil to get your
omega-3s. It contains high amounts
of vitamin A and vitamin D, both of
which can be toxic in large doses.

According to a preliminary study

from the University of California,
Los Angeles, omega-3s may help
fight breast cancer and maintain

Possible side effects Fish oil ca psules may cause belch ing,
flatulence, bloating, nausea and diarrh oea. Very high doses may result in
a slightly fishy body odour There's so me concern that hlgh doses can
lead to internal bleeding, bu t a study 01 peo ple with heart d lsease who
took 8000 mg of fish oil supplements in add ition to asp irin (whi ch is an
anticoagulant) fou nd no in crease in internal bleeding.
Some studies found Lhat high doses o[ fish oils wo rsen blood suga r
contro l in peop le with diabetes; ot hers ha\'e shown no effect. To be sare.
people with diabetes should not take more than 2000 mg of I'ish ot!
supplemen ts a day except on their doctors ad\'ice
[[ a blood test has showl1 that you ha\'e high fas tin g tr iglyce rides, you
sho ul d be careful i[ you also ha\'e high LDL Cbad' ) chole sterol
therape utic doses o[ fish oils can in crease LDL Garlic supplements,
howeve r mav co unteract this effect one stud y found that ga rli c re\-ersed
the LDL~ raising effect of [i sh oils. ' For rheumato icl arthrit is and ot her
inflamma tory conditions, ea ting fisl1 is probably nOL su fficie nt ;
fi sh oil sup plemems are recommend ed.

healthy breast tissue. Animal studie s

also indicate that fewer breast
tumours develop when fi sh oils
are part of a healthy diet.
Fish oils may help to prevent colon
cancer. Participants in a recent study
who took 4400 mg of fi sh oils a day
produced much less of one potent
carcinogen associated w ith colon
cancer than those on a placebo.
To get the mos t benefit from
cold-water fi sh, it should be fresh,
and preferably steamed or poached.

Fresh salmon is a good

source of omega-3
fatty acids, as are
fish oil capsules.



In New Zealand, as in the US and Europe, a new supplemen t is available to treat depression,

in som nia, migraines or obesity: 5-HTP. But it's not approved for use in Australia, where its close
chemical cousin, the amino ac id tryptophan, can be prescribed instead,

What it is The nUlrient 5-HTP, short for 5-hydroxytryptophan,

is a derival ive of the amin o acid tryptop han , whi ch is fou nd in such
high- protein foods as beef, ch icken, fi sh and da iry prod ucts The body
makes 5-HTP fro m the tryptopha n contained in food It 's also in the
seeds of an African plan t called Grir(onia simplicifolia, from wh ich 5-HTP
supplemenls are mad e.
The foc us of much recent interest, 5-HTP acts on the brain , helpi ng
to elevate mood . promote sleep and we ight loss. and relie\'e migraines,
among Olher effects. Unlike many othe r supple ments (and drugs)
that contain substances with mo lec ul es lOa la rge to pass from the blood
SLrea m into the brain, 5-HTP is small enough to enter th e brain. Once
th ere, it is con ve rted into a \'ital nen'o us-system che mi ca l, o r
neuroLransmitter, called seroto nin , Although it affects many parts of
the body, serotonin 's most important act ions take place in th e bra in ,
where it in[luences eve ryth ing [rom mood to appetite to sleep
Because it's close ly related to tryptophan, 5-HTP remains somewha t
co ntrove rsial In 1989 , trypto phan supplements (used for many of the
same purposes) were banned in th e US after reports of a fata l illness
among those taking th em. Th e illness \NaS later found to be caused
by contamination of the supplement during manufacture, not by the
tryptop han it sel f. Since 1994 , 5-HTP llas been sold O\'er the co unter in
the US as an alternative to trypLophan. Sa fety conce rn s ha\'e been raised ,
though ma n)' experts believe that 5-HTP is both safe and erfeCtl\'e. It's
also so ld over the coume r in New Zealand, but IS not approved for use
in Australia, where holislic med ica l practitioners prescribe tryptop han
instead. Tryp tophan is now be ing man ufactured more safe ly. and most
of lhe guidelines [or use app ly to both supplemenls In both Aust ralia
and New Zea land , products contain mg 100 mg or more of L-tryptophan
per recommended da ily dose are ava ilable only on presc ription
What it does In recent years , 5- HTP has been studi ed as a treat
ment fo r such mood diso rd ers as depression , anxiety and pan ic attacks
because it ca n boost leve ls of serotonin in the brain Scientists are also

Relieves depression .

Helps to overcome in somnia.

Aids weight control.

Treats migraines.

May ease pain of fib romyalgia.


Ta blet

5-HTP is not approved for use

in Australia.
Consult your doctor if you're
taking a conventiona l an t idepres
sant. The combination of 5-HTP
with th ose medications can
cause anxiety, confu sion, rap id
heart rate, sweating, diarrhoea or
other adverse reactions .
Do not drive or do hazardous
work until you determin e how
5-HTP affects you. It can cause
drowsiness in some people,
5-HTP may exacerbate asthma,
Reminder: If yo u have a
medical or psyc hiatric condi tion,
talk to your doc tor before taking
sup plemen ts.


investigating \N hether it ma), wo rk I"or other complaints li n ked to low

se roto nin bTls, such as migraine s, fibrom ya lgla, obesity, eJl ing elisor
ciers, PMS , :md even \'iolent beha\ iour Although addiliona l reseJrch
is needed, preliminary stud ies suggest that it may be \'ery beneficial for
some of these conditions.
Major benefits: For decades, European docto rs ha\ e been prescrib
ing 5-HTP for the treatmem of depression and inso mnia. In so me cases,
it ma ), be more effecti ve, li ft de pression more quic kl y and produce
fewe r side effecls than standard amidepressa nt drugs. [n one st ud y, more
than half of the patie nt s who su ffered from long-stand in g de pression
and were resistant to all ot her antidepressa nls felt better afle r laking
5-HTP The nUlrient has also been shown lO promote sleep, an d L i
impro\'e the qu ali ty o f slee p, by increJsin g the amou nt of tlme people
spe nd in two key sleep stages deep slee p and REt"! sleep (the dremning
stage) After drea ming longe r, those on 5-HTP awaken feelin g more
rested and refreshed.
Additional benefits: People trying to lose we ight or suffering fro m
migraines may benefit from 5-HT P In one stuel )" o\'CIweight women
who too k the suppl ement consu med fewer ki loloules , lost more \\'eight
and were more li kely to fee l full while on a d iet lhan those gi\'en a
placebo 5-HTP may also help to rehe\'e se\ue headaches, includin g
migraines , reclueing lheir frequency, intensity and ciuratlon.
The supp lement may also increase palll to lerance in those with
fibrom yalgia, a c hronic co ndition marked by aches and fatigue, in pa n
by helping to relie\'e any underl ying depression, In a recent Italian stud y
of 200 fib rom ya lgia sufferers, those \\' ho took 5-HT P with com'C ntional
antidepressa nts had less pJin than lh ose reee1\'ing either 5-HTP or the
drugs alone, If you're taking antidepressants , elon't lry 5-HTP wit hout
consulting your doctor first Ad\'erse react ions ca n occur

How to take it
Dosage: The reco mmended dosage for depression and most other
ailmems is 50-1 00 mg three rim es J day, Fo r migrain es: Take up to
100 mg three times a day if necessary For in somnia : Take a single 100 mg
dose half an hour before bedtime \Vhen using 5-HT P, it's a good idea to
begin \-vi th a low dose (such as 50 mg) and gradually increase it if needed,

In New Zealand, 5-HTP is

available in 50 mg and 100 mg
strengths, The smaller dose ca n
be used to increase your in take
gradually, minimising your ri sk of
suffering side effects.
Even though a product is labelled
5-HTP, it may include additional
herbs or nutrients that you don't
need, Carefully check the ingredient
list on the label to make su re you
know what you're getting,

Although recent US reports of

adverse reactions in a few people
taking 5-HTP have raised safety
concerns, addition al study is needed
to determine whether these rare
reactions are linked to possible
contaminants in the supplement.
Many experts have found 5-HTP
to be safe and effective for large
numbers of people,
In a recent US study, 20 obese
people took either 5-HTP or a
placebo for 12 weeks , During the
first six weeks, they ate anything
they wanted . Over the second six
weeks, th ey restricted their daily
diet to 5000 kilojoules, Those on
5-HTP lost 5, 5 kilogram s, compared
with less than a kilogram for the
pla cebo group,

Guidelines for use: To assure rapid absorption, ta ke 5-HTP on an

empty sto mac h Fo r weight contro l, take the supplem ent 30 mmutes
before mea ls. Don't use 5-HTP for more than three months witho ut your
doctor's ap proval. Some doctors co mbine it with the mood-enhanC ing
herb St John 's wo rt , but yo u should not take it wilh that herb , or with
co nvent ional antidepressants, except unde r med ica l su pen 'islOn

Possible side effects The genera lly mil d side effects include
nausea, eo n~lipat1on, flatu lence, drowsmess and a reduced sex dri\'e
Nause a usually diminishes within a few days


'----"~E Iavon 0


What do citrus fruits, grape seed extract, red wine, pine bark extract and onions have in
common? The answer is they're all good sources of flavonoids, the plant pigments that help
fight a host of disorders, from cataracts and cancer to hay fever and menopausal hot flushes.

What they are tvlo re th an 4000 fl a\'onoids (o r bi o fl a\'on oids ,

as they are so memnes ca lled on supplem ent labels) ha\'e been ide ntifi ed ,
and sc ientists suspect that lhere may be many more still to be discovered
in n ature. Flavo noids gi\'e colour to fruits, \'ege tables an d he rbs ,
and a re found in legumes and grains , as we ll as nut s. Th ey are also
pote nt antioxidants - so me are even mo re powerful than \'itamin E
in pre\'enting the cell damage cau sed b y unstable oxygen mo lec ules Uree
radi ca ls). So far, onl y a fe w fl a\'o noids ha\'e been in\Tsri gatecl fo r their
healing pote ntial
O ne o f these, qu ercet in (round in on io ns and apples), also sen'es as a
bUilding b loc k fo r other l1 a\'on oids. Rutin and hesp eridin are the most
ac ti ve o f the so ca lled Ci trll S l1avo noids, whic h , as the name sugges ts , are
present in oran ges , grapefru it , m andarin s and other citrus fruits
O ther l1 avo no id s incl ude PCOs (or procya nidolic o li go m e rs~ also
called proanthocyanidins) , anrhoc),anosides, polyphen ols and ge ni stei n .
PCOs are plentiful in pine ba rk and grape seed ext rac ts, an d in red wine .
Anthocyan osides are foun d in the herb bilberry. Gree n tea is the prim ary
so urce of polyphen ols , es peCiall y EGCG (e pigall oca tec hin-ga ll ate),
which ex pen s believe is p ossibl y the m ost effecti\'e ca ncer-fightin g co m
po und ye t discO\'ered Gel1lstem , fo un d in so)' products, has ant ioxida nt
properties and ca n also mimi c the effec ts o f oestroge n (Fo r more infor
m atio n , see the entries o n these indi\'ldual supp lements as well. )


Reminder: If you ha ve a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

What they do

The disease-flghting po tentia l of fl a\'o no ids ste ms

fro m their abiEt), to red uce inflammatio n , pre\'C nt the release of hlsta
mine (w hi ch ca uses all ergy sym pto ms such as con gestion ) , fi ght free
radicals, boost immunity, strengthen blood \'essel walls and in crease
blood flo w, among othe r p ro perties.

Prevention: The fl a\'on oicls que rce tin and PCOs may pro tect aga in sl
hea rt cilsease and other circulato ry diso rde rs because they inhibi t bodil y
c hanges that ca n lead to bl oc ked a rre n es . They also help to strengthen
blood vessels in a var iety o f ways Studies fro m Fin la nd and the
Ne therl ands found that people wh o get plenty o f fl aH)l1oids, pa rticula rl y


Reduce the risk of heart disease,

May prevent breast, prostate and
other types of cancer.
Lessen the chance of age-related
vision problems, such as cataracts or
macular degeneration ,
Minimise the symptoms of hay
fever and asthma.
Fight viral infections.

quercetll1, have a reduced risk of de ve loping heart disease or having

a stroke In one study, a die t hIgh in flavon oids ap pea red to cut the
chances o r dying rrom hea n disease by 50 % in wome n and 23 % in men.
Ano ther stu dy repo rted a 75% dro p in stroke risk ror me n w ho had the
highest intake or Il avo noids , compared with th ose who had the lowest
Polyphe nols and quercClin have sh own promise as anti- cancer com
pounds . Studies round lower rates or sto mach, pancreatic , lung and
pOSSibly breast ca ncer in people with a high intake o r th ese fla vo noid s.
In addi tion , soy-based gen istein may help to fi ght breast cancer and
mi nimi se hot flu shes by inte rac ting with oestroge n recep to rs in the body
Q uercetin also helps the b ody to use b lood sugar and so may be valuable
in preventing diabetes Furthermore, it inhibits the b uild -up or sorb itol
(a type o r suga r) in the lens o r the eye, a ca use o r cataracts
Additional benefits: Q uercetin ma y help to relieve hay reve r, sinus
itis and asthma because it can bloc k allergiC react ions to p oll en and
reduce inflammatio n in the airways and lungs. This anti-inflammatory
act ion also ma kes it useful ror insect bites, eczema and re lated skin
co nditions, as well as ror inflam matory disorde rs or the Joints and
mu scles, such as rh eu matoid arthritis, go ut and ribromyalgia. Beca use
the y strengthen blood vessels, PCOs and citrus fl avo no id s a re helprul
in repairing va ricose vei ns and hae morrho ids. Rutin and hespelidi n play
a role in preve n ting bruising

Mixed preparations of citrus

flavonoids are the most widely
available and the least expensive
supplements of this type. But they
are also the least active, often pro
viding a flavonoid content of only
50%. You'll get more value for your
dollar by choosing preparations that
contain pure rutin or pure hesperidin,
or a combination of these two.
Flavonoids are sometimes
mixed with vitamin C, and the
combination is labelled and sold
as vitamin C complex. It's usually
less expensive, however, to buy
vitamin C and flavonoids separately,
which also allows you to vary your
dose as needed. Flavonoids improve
the absorption of vitamin C.

How to take them

Dosage: Fo r geneml health benefits: Buy a navonoid mixt ure that

contains several types (such as quercetin , rutin and hespe ridin) and
ro ll ow the d osage instructions on the label. For allergies, asthma, gOltl and
insect bites. Take 500 mg o r q uercetin two or three times a d ay w ith
400 mg o r bromelain .
Guidelines for use: Gra pe seed extract and gree n tea are excell ent
sources o r navo noids an d exert an antiox idant efrect as well . It's usually
best to combine na vo no ids with vitamin C to enhance their protective
properties. Quercetin should be taken 20 minu tes before meals: other
flavon oid s can be ta ken at any time o r the da y

Eating an apple a day has always

been associated with good health,
and a recent US study suggests
that quercetin may be the magic
ingredient. Lung cancer risk fell by
58% in people who ate the most
apples (a major source of quercetin)
compared with those who ate
the fewest apples.

Possible side effects

There are no known toxiciti es,
adverse reactions or other side
efrects rrom fl avo n oids


_ Elaxseed

Llnum usitotlsslmum

A rich source of healing oil, flaxseed has been cultivated for more than 7000 years . Among the
oil's most important uses are the prevention and treatment of cancer, heart disease, and a variety
of inflammatory disorders and hormone-related problems.

What it is It began as a fibre for weavIng - and it rem ains the basis
of natural linen fabric. However, the medicinal properties of flaxseed
qUickly became legendary A slender annual that grows up to a metre
high and bears blue fl owers from late winter to early sp ring, the fl ax
plant was first growl1 in Europe, then taken to North America. Flaxseeds
(also known as linseeds) are now grown commercially in Australia
and Ne w Zealand. Both the oil and the seeds themselves are used for
therapeutic purposes.
W hat it doe S Flaxseeds are a potent source of essential fatty acids
(EFAs) - fats and oils critical to hea lth , 'vvhich th e body cannot make
on its own. One EFA, alpha-linolenic acid, is known as an omega-3
fatty acid Found in fish and fla xseeds, omega-3s ha ve been acclaimed
in recent yea rs for protectin g aga inst hea rt disease and for treating many
other ailments Flaxseed s also co ntain omega-6 fatl y amls (in the form
of linole ic acid) - the same hea lthy fats present in many \-egetable oi ls
In addit ion, llaxseeds proVide substances call ed lignans, wh ich appear
to hm'e benefi cial effects on various hormones and may help to fight
ca ncer, bacteria, vi ruses and fungi. Gra m for gram , flaxseeds boast up to
800 times the li gnans in most other foods.
Major benefits: EFAs work throughout the body to protect cell
membranes - the outer cove rings that are gatekee pers for all cells,
admi tling hea lthy nutrients and barring damaging substances That
function ex plains why fla xseed oil has such far-reaching effects.
Flaxseed oil works to lower cholestero L thereby protecting aga inst
heart disease It may be beneficial in treating angina and high blood
pressure as well A rece nt five-year study at Simm ons College in Boston
indi cated that it may be useful in preventing a second heart attack As
an anti-inllammatory, it is an aid in the treatment of such conditions
as lupus and go ut As a digestive aid , it can help to preve nt or even
dissolve ga llstones. Flaxseed oi l also boosts the hea lth of hair and nail s
and speeds up the healing of skin lesions, so it is effective for everything
from acne to sunburn In addition, it may facilitate the transmi ssion of
nerve impulses, making it potentially useful fo r numbness and tingling,
as well as for chron ic brain and nerve ai lments, such as Parkinson's or
Alzheimer's disease , or nerve damage from diabetes. It may even help to
fight fatigu e.
Crushed fl axseeds are an excellent natural source of fibre. They add
bulk to stools, and their oil also lubricates the stools, making fla xseeds
useful for the relief of co nstipation and divenicular complaints


Helps to protect against

cancer, heart disea se, cataracts
and gallstones.
Reduces inflammation associated
with gout and lup us .
Promotes healthy skin, hair
and nails; relieves acne, eczema,
psoriasis, rosacea and sunburn.
May be useful for infertility,
impotence, menstrual cramps
and endometriosis_
Helps to treat nerve disorders.
Relieves constipation, gallstones
and diverticular disorders.





Some people are allergic to

flaxseed. If yo u experience diffi
culty in breathing after taking
the supplement, seek immediate
medical attention.
Always take ground flaxseed
with plenty of water (a large
glass per tablespoon) to prevent
it from swe lling up and blocking
your throat or digestive tract.
Reminder : If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Additional benefits: Flaxseed oil seems to have cance r-fighting

propcrties , though funher studies are needed . 1t may reduce the lisk of
breast, colon , prostate and possibly skin cancers , and studies at the
Uni vers ity of Toronto found iL may help treat wo men with both earl y
and advanced breast cance r.
Because flaxseeds conta in plant-based oestrogens (phyto-oestrogens)
that mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen, th e oil can have benefi
cial effec ts on the menstrual cycle, balancing the rat io of oestrogen to
progesterone. 1t helps to improve uterine func tion, and can the refore
treat fertility problems As an anti -infl ammato ry, flaxseed oil ca n reduce
menstrual cramps or the pa in of cyc li c breast diso rder
Flaxseed oil can promote well -being in men as welL It has shown
some prom ise in treating male in ferti lity and prostate problems. In som e
studies , flaxseeds were also found to possess ant ibacte rial, antifunga l
and anti viral properties, which may partly ex plain why flaxseed oil is
effec ti ve against ai lments such as co ld so res and shingles.

Flaxseed oil has a nutty, buttery

taste that many people enjoy. You
can add it to salad dressings or
sprinkle it over foods; a teaspoon
conta ins 140 ki lojoules. But don 't
cook with it, because heat breaks
down its nutrients; ra ther, add it
to foods after they're cooked.
Capsules are a costly way to take
th e oil: about fi ve are needed to
equal 1 teaspoon of oil . But ca psu les
may so metimes be more convenient.

How to take it
Dosage : liq Uid flaxseed oil is the easiest \-vay to get a therapeuti c

amount , which ranges from 1 teaspoon to 1 tab lespoon once or twice

a day. To get just 1 Leaspoon of the oil in capsule form , you'll need to
5wal\ ow abou t 5 capsules, each containing l OOO mg of oiL For fla xseed
li bre, mi x 1 o r 2 tablespoons of ground fla xseeds with a glass of water
imd drink it up to th ree Limes a clay; the treat ment may take a day or
so to ac t.
Guidelines for use : Take naxseed oil with food, wh ich enhances
~hsorp tIon by the body You can also mix it with juice , yoghurt , cottage
cheese , or other foods and drinks

Fla xseed oil spoils quickly, so

always check the expiry date on th e
label. To ensure fre sh ness, keep it
refrigerated . Don 't use oil th at has
a strong or pungent odour.
Buy oil that is packaged in a
brown glass bottle. Even though
it's more expensive, 'cold-pressed'
oil is preferable; when oils are
heated during processing, th eir
nutrients are damaged by oxidation.
Flaxseed oil is also ca lled lin seed

Possib le side effects Flaxseed oil appea rs to be ve ry safe

oil - but never ingest th e indu stria l

varieties sold at hardware shops.

Those usi ng the ground seeds may experience some flatul ence initially,
but this should soon disappear.

Th ey are not intended for consump

The brown seeds of the

flax plant can be pressed
to make on oil, which is
also sold in caps ule form.

ti on and may contain toxi c additives .

A teaspoon of flaxseed oi l contain s

abou t 2.5 g of omega-3 fatty acids
more than twice the amount found
in the average Aust ral ian or New
Zealand diet.




Getting enough of this B-vitamin could prevent many thousands of deaths a year from
cardiovascular disease. It could also virtually halve the number of babies born with birth defects.
Yet nine out of ten adults in Australia and New Zealand take in too little folic acid.

What it is This water-solubl e B vitami n. also ca lled folacin or

folate. was first Identified in the 1940s when it was extracted from
spinac h, Beca use the body ca n't store it for \'ery long, you need to
replenish yo ur sup ply daily Coo king , or e\'e n long storage , can dest roy
up to half the fo lic ac id in food s, so supplements may be the best way to
get eno ugh of this vital nutrient.
What it does In the bod y, folic ac id is uti li sed thousands of times
a day to make blood cell s, hea l wounds, build muscle - in fact , ItS neces
sa ry for every function that requires ce ll diVlsion, Folic ac id is cntical to
DNA and RNA formation , and assures that cells du plicate no rmall y. It's
espeC ially im portant in fe tal de\'elop ment , and also helps to produce key
chemicals for the brain and nervous system,
Prevention: Adequate fo lic acicl at concep tion and for the first
three mon ths of pregnancy greatly re duces th e risk of se rious b irth
defec ts, including sptna bifid a. This B vitamin also appears to regulate
the body's prod uction and use of homocystei ne, an amino-acid-like
substance that at high levels may damage the linin g of blood \'esse ls,
making them more susceptible to plaque build- up, Tl115 makes folic
aci d an important weapon against heart disease In addition , it may
be useful in warding off certain cancers, inclu ding those of the lungs.
cervix, colon ancl rectu m.
Additional benefits : Folic ac id may help depression Beca use high
levels of homocysteine may contribute to this condition , some experts
think that folic acid (wh ich is often defi cient tn people who are


Protects against birth defects,

Reduces heart disease and risk
of stroke,
Lowers risk for several cancers.



Folic acid supplements, even

at normal doses, may mask a
type of anaemia caused by a
vitamin B12 deficiency.
Unchecked, this anaemia can
cause irreversible nerve damage
and dementia , If you take folic
acid supplements, be sure to take
extra vitamin B12 as well.
Reminder: If you have a medi
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to your doctor before taking

depressed) may be of value becau se it reduces homocysteine levels

Studies also show that taking fo lic acid improves the effectiveness
of antidepressants in peop le with loyv foli c acid levels . fo lic acid
supplements have been useful in treating gou t and irritab le bowel S)1I
drome as well. Because high hom ocyste ine leve ls may be a facto r in
osteoporosis, fo lic ac id may even help to keep bones strong.

Buy a folic acid supplement that

also contains vitamin B12 (since too
much of one can mask a deficiency
of the other). A combination supple
ment may be less expensive than

How much you need The current ad ult RDI for folic acid is

buying each vitamin separately.

200 mcg a day (increasing to 400 mcg for women during pregnancy)
Supplements are advisable for older peo pl e, especia lly if they don't eat
gree n lea fy vegetables regularly
If you get too little: Though relatively rare, a severe foli c acid
deficiency can cause a form of anaemia (megalob lastlc anaemia) , a sore,
red tongue, chronic dIarrhoea and poor growth (in children ) Alcoholics
and people who are on certain medica tions (fo r cancer or ep ilepsy) ,
or who have malabsorption diseases (Crohn's , coeliac disease), are
susceptible LO a severe defiCiency. Much mo re common is a lmv level
of folic acid , whi ch causes no sym ptoms but raises the risk of heart
disease or birth defects

For prevention of disease, the

best way to get enough folic acid
may be through supplements, In
one small study, people taking
400 mcg of folic acid a day in pills or
in specially fortified foods increased
their folic acid leve l. But those who
just ate foods naturally rich in folic
acid showed no increase . Scientists

If you get too much: Very large doses (5000-1 0000 mcg) offer no

benefit, and may be dangerous for peop le with hormo ne-re lated ca ncers,
suc h as those of the breast or prostaLe High doses may also cause
se izures in those wit h epilepsy. Some expe rts suggest an upper dail y
limit for folic acid of 100 0 mcg for ad ults

speculate that the folic acid found

naturally in foods may not be
absorbed we ll enough to have a
therapeutic effect.
A preliminary study from Oxford
University hints that folic acid may

How to take it
Dosage: For overall good health and the prevention oj heart dis ease:
Take 400-800 mcg of folic acid a day. For women who might become
pregnant: Ta ke a total of 800 meg a day (Adequate folic acid stores are
important because th e vitamin plays a role in a baby's development from
concepti on.) Fa!' people with depreSSion: Take 400 meg a da y, as pan of a
vitam in B-complex supplement
Guidelines for use: f olic acid ca n be taken at any time of th e day,
with or without food. Whe n taking an individual folic aCId supple ment
for any reason , combin e it with an add itional 1000 mcg of vitamin B12
to prevent a B12 deficiency

playa role in preventing Alzheimer's

disease. People with the disease
tended to have lower blood levels of
folic acid and vitamin B12 than
healthy people of the same age.

You'd need to eat 24 spears of

asparagus a day to get the 400 mcg
of folic acid recommended here for
good health.

Other sources Excellen t food sources of folic acid include green

vegetab les (especially leafy ones), bea ns and whole grain s. Some refined
grain products are now fortified with folic acid.



Allium sativllm

There was a time when people who wanted to keep their friends wouldn't eat garlic-laced foods
and suffer the resulting bad breath. Today, many of us are more likely to follow the lead of the
ancient Egyptians, who worshipped this pungent herb for its medicinal and culinary powers.

What it is For thousands of yea rs, garlic has been valued for its
therapeutic potential. Egyptian pyramid builders took it for strength a nd.
endurance; Louis Pasteur investigated its an tibacterial properties; and
physicians in the two world wars used it to treat ba ttie wounds. Garlic
is related to th e onion , sp ring o nion (sha llot) and othe r plants in the lily
family The entire plant is odoriferous but the strongest aroma is con
centrated in the bulb, th e site of garlic's hea ling powers and OavouL
Most o f garlic's health benefits de ri ve from the sulphur compo unds
it con tains - m ore than a hund red of them. When the bul b is crushed
or ch ewed, alliin, one of the sul phur compounds, beco mes allicin, the
chemical responsible for garlic's odour and some o f its health benefits
In turn, some of the allicin is rapidly broken down into other sulphur
compounds, such as aJ oene, wh ich can also have medIcinal properties
Cook ing garlic inhibits the fOllTIa tio n of allicin and elim in ates some
of the other antibiotic substances, though cooked garlic re tains its cardio
vascular benefi ts.

May lower cholesterol levels.

Reduces blood clotting.

Fights infections.

Boosts immunity.

May prevent some cancers.

May produce a slight drop in

blood pressure.
Combats fungal infections.




What it does

Trad itio nall y, garliC has been used to treat e\'ery

thing from leprosy and parasites to haemorrhoid s. Today, researchers are
fOCUSing on its potential to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Prevention: The liberal use of garlic in Italy and Spain ma y panly

explain why these countries have such a low incidence of harde ning o f
the arte ries (atherosclerosis) Several studies suggest that garlic can pre
ve nt hean disease in various ways. For example, garlIc makes platelets
(the cells in vo lved in blood clotting) less likely to clump and stick
to artery wa lls, lessening the chance of a heart attack Th ere's ev idence
tha t the herb disso lves clot-forming prote ins , whic h can affect plaque
development. Garlic also lowers blood pressure slightly, mainly because
of its ability to widen blood vessels and help b lood circulate more freel y
Recent studies examined ga rliC'S effect on ch olesterol. The results are
not clear-cut , but most nu tritl onall y oriented doctors thmk that garlic,

Garlic supplements come in many

forms, including capsules (left) and
enteric-coated softgels (right).





Fresh herb

Consult your doctor if you're

taking medication to prevent
blood clots (anticoagulants or
aspirin) or to reduce high blood
pressure (antihypertensives).
Garlic may intensify the effects
of these drugs.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

perhaps in combinati on with olher cholesterol-lowering supplements, is

wo rth a try The herb may imp ro\'e the metabolism of cholesterol in the
liver, resulting in less cholesterol being released into the blood.
Additional benefits: Garlic may have anti-cancer propeni es It has
been found to be particularly effective in preventing digesti \'e cancers,
and possibly eve n breast and prostate cancers. Resea rchers aren't sure
how garlic produces these benefits . Several mechanisms may be
invo lved the herb increases the level of enzymes thal can detoxify
cancer triggers; blocks the formation of nitrites, which is linked to
stomach cancer; and stimulates the immune syslem. Garlic's antioxidant
properties are important as we ll.
Garlic is often effecti ve in combating infec ti ous organisms - \'iruses ,
bacleria and fungi - either by killing them (as a nalUral antibiotic) or by
suppressing their growth It also boosts the immune system's ability to
eliminate them. And it has been shown to inhibit the fungi responsible
for athlete's fo ot and swimmer's ea r.

How to take it
Dosage: Look for supplements that suppl y at least th e equi\'alent
of one fresh clove per pill. For general health or to help high cholesterol:
Take a 500-1000 mg garlic supplement each day For colds and flu. Take
a 500-1 000 mg garliC supplement four times a dill' For topical benefits:
App ly garli c oil two or three times a day Some skin conditi ons, includ
ing warts and insect bites, may respond to garliC oil or a crushed raw
garliC cl ove appli ed directly to the affected area.
Guidelines for use: Garlic can be taken indefinitely 1f you are us ing
the herb for ch olesterol problems, howe ver, have your levels chec ked in
three months to see if they have changed. 1f you've derived no benefits,
talk to your doctor about othe r remedies.

Possible side effects Some people cb 'e\op heartburn , intesti

nal bloating, wind and diarrhoea when taking high doses of garlic. Using
enteric-coated supplements may reduce such sid e effects Sk in rashes
ha ve also been reponed.

Most experts believe supplements

made from aged or cold-fermented
garliC are the most effective.
Enteric coating reduces 'garlic
breath' by allowing the supplement
to pass through the stomach undi
gested. (Chewing parsley or other
green plants will also help.)
Deodorised garlic preparations
appear to have benefits similar to
those of the herb.

In a recent laboratory study,

researchers found that garlic extract
was powerful enough to neutralise
Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium
that causes ulcers. The next step is
to see whethe r garlic will do the
same in the body.
Garlic may prevent stiffening of
the aorta - the artery that carries
blood from the heart to the rest of
the body - wh ich occurs naturally
with age. In one study, some
200 people took either garlic
supplements or a placebo daily
for two yea rs. At the end of the
study, the aortas of the 70-year-olds
in the garliC group we re as supple
as those of the SS-year-olds who
didn't take the supplement. A
flexible aorta may help to reduce
age-related heart damage.

To get the maximum medicinal

benefits of garlic, you should eat it
raw or take aged or cold-fermented
garliC supplements.



Zing/ber off/dnale

From ancient India and China to Greece and Rome, ginger was revered as both a medicinal
and a culinary spice. Medieval Europeans traced this herb to the Garden of Eden, and it has long
been valued by traditional healers. Today it's used to quell nausea, and much more.

Wh at it is Renowned for its stomach-settl ing properties, ginge r

is nati ve to parts of India and Ch ina, as well as Jamaica and other trop
ical areas. This warm-climate perennial is closely related to turmeric ,
and its roots are used for culinary a nd the rape utic purposes. As a spice,
ginger adds a hot, lemony fla vo r to foo ds as disparate as roas t po rk
and gi ngernut biscu its Medicinally, it co ntinues to playa major role in
tradi ti ona l healing
What it does For Ihousa nds of yea rs, all around the globe, this
p ungen t spice has been popula r as a treat ment fo r digestive problems
ranging from mild indigestion and flatulence to nausea and vom iting. Its
also bee n helpful for relieving colds and arthriti s. Mode rn research into
ginge r's active ingred ients co nfirms the effectiveness of many o f these
ancient remedies
Major benefits: What can yo u d o with a seasick sa il or? The answe r
is: try ginger. In a Danish study, 40 naval cadets who took a gram of
powdered ginger a day were much less likely to break ou t in a cold sweat
and to vom it (these are classic symptoms of seasick ness) than 39 others
who took a placebo
Because ginger wo rks primaril y in the digestive tract , boosting diges
tive f1uid s and neutralising acids, It ma y be a good medical alternative to
anti-nausea drugs tha t can affect the centra l ner\'o us syste m and cause
groggine ss. Studies of wome n undergOing explorato ry surge ry
(laparoscopy) or major gynaecologica l surgery show that taking
a gram of ginger before an operat ion can sigmficantly reduce post
operat ive nausea and vomiting, a co mmon side effect of surge ry
medications and anaesthesia. Gi nger a lso appears to coun te r the nausea
created by chemotherap y, though it's best to take it with food to
minimise a ny stom ac h irrita ti o n.
Ginger's anti-nausea effec ts m ake it useful for reducing dizziness ,
a com mon problem in olde r patient s, as we ll as for treating morning
sickness . For yea rs, gi nger has been a staple of folk medicine , pri maril y
as a digestive aid to counter sto mach upset. Ginge r supplements (o r
fresh pulp mixed w ith lime juice) are also a fin e remedy for fl atu lence
Additional benefits: Ginger's anti-inflammato ry a nd pa in-relieving
propert ies m ay hel p to relie ve tbe muscle ac hes and chron ic pain
assoc iated wit h arthritis a nd other conditions In a smdy o f seven
women with rbeumaw id arthritis (a n auto -immune disease cha rac
terised by seve re infl ammat ion ), taking Just 5-50 g of fresh ginge r, o r the


Alleviates nausea and dizziness.

May relieve the pain and
inflammation of arthritis .
Eases muscle aches.
Relieves allergies.
Reduces flatulence.








Fresh or dried root/ Tea

Crystallised ginger

Ginger may relieve morning

sickness during the first two
months of pregnancy (up to
250 mg four times a day). Don 't
use for longer than this, or take
a higher dose, except under a
doctor's supervision.
Chemotherapy patients should
not take ginger on an empty
stomach because it can irritate
the stomach lining.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

equivalent dose in capsules of powdered ginge r, lessened Joint pain and

m[]ammation Its an ti-in nammato ry properties suggest that ginge r may
ease bronchial constriction due to allergies or colds.

The ancient Greeks so prized

ginger for digestion that they mixed

How to take it
Dosage: To prevent motion sic/mess, dizziness al1d 11ausea, reduce
flatulen ce, and relieve chronic pain or rheumatoid al'lhritis. Take ginge r
up to three tim es a da y, or every [our hours as needed The usu al
dose is 100-200 mg of the standardised extract ill pill form; 1 or 2 g
of fresh powdered ginger: or a 1 cm slice of fresh ginge r root Other
preparations, including ginger tea (a\ailable in tea bags , or use 1 tea
spoon Ot grated ginger root per cup of ve ry hot water) or natural ginger
ale (containing real ginge r) can be used severa l times a day for sirmlar
purposes and [or arthritis and pain relief On trips, try crystallised
ginger. A 2 cm square, abouL 5 mm thick , co ntains approx imately
500 mg 01 ginger For ach ing muscles. Rub several drops of gi nge r oil ,
mixed with 15 ml of almond oil or ano ther neutral oil , on the so re areas.
For allergy relief Drink up to four cups of ginge r tea a day as nee ded
[0 redu ce sympto ms.

Guidelines for use: Take ginger capsules with []ui d If yo u're trying
to prevent motion sickness, have ginger three to four hours before your
departure, and then every four hours as needed , up to four limes a day.
For postoperative nau sea, begin taking ginge r the day before yo ur
ope rati on, under your doctor's su pervision

it into their bread. Thus was born

the first gingerbread.
Ginger beer - a forerunner of
toda y's ginger ale - is a traditional
remedy for an upset stomach.
For colds or flu, many folk healers
recommend chewing fresh ginger,
drinking ginger tea, or squeezing
the juice from ginger root into a
spoonful of honey. All may help to
ease the aches and chest tightness
associated with these infections.

Buy ginger supplements

standardised to contain 'pungent
compounds'. These consist of
gingerols and shogaols - the active
ingredients that give ginger its
healing properties.
Look for natural ginger ales made

Possible side effects Ginger is \-cry sa fe for a broa d range of

compl aints, whether it's taken in a concentrated capsu le form , ea te n
fresh , or sipped as a tea or as ginger ale. Occasional heartburn see ms to
be the onl y docu mented side effect

from real ginger: a 250 ml glass

contains about a gram of ginger.
Most widely distributed commercial
ginger ales have only tin y amounts
of ginger or ginger flavouring, with

Whether eaten fresh or taken in

capsules, ginger is a potent remedy
for nausea and dizziness.

no therapeutic benefits.

A cup of ginger tea contains the

equivalent of about 250 mg of the
powdered herb . A heavily spiced
Chinese or Indian ginger dish has
about twice that amount.

enkgo biloba

Ginkgo bl/obo

This popular herbal medicine, derived from one of the oldest species of tree on earth, is
widely marketed as a memory booster. Ginkgo biloba does help with age-related memory
loss, but whether it's a 'smart pill' meant for everyone remains to be seen.

Wh a tit is The medIcinal form of the herb is ex tracled from the

fan-shaped leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree, a species that has grown in
Chma for more than 200 million years (The lea\'es are bi-, or double-,
lobed; hence the name 'bil oba' ) A concentrated form of the herb, ginkgo
biloba eXlrac t, is used to make the supplement. Commonly ca lled
ginkgo , the extract is obtained by drying and milling the lea\es and then
ext rac ting the ac tive ingredient s in a mixture of alcohol and water.
What it does Ginkgo may ha\'e beneficial effect s on both the
ci rculatory and the central nen 'ous systems. It increases blood fl ow to
the brain and to the arms and legs by regulating the tone and elasti City
of blood vesse ls, from th e largest arteri es to the tiniest capillari es It al so
acts ltke aspirin by helping to reduce the 'stickiness' of the blood ,
thereby lowering the risk of blood clots Ginkgo appears to ha\'e anti
oxidant properties as well , mopping up the damaging compounds
known as free radicals and helping to keep blood cell s healthy. And
some researchers report thal it enhances the fun ctioning of the nervous
system by promoting the delt\'e ry of adJitional oxygen and nutrients
to nerve ce lls
Prevention : Interest now centres on ginkgo's possible ro le as a pre
ventive for age-relat ed memory loss Unfortunately, there 's ltttle sc ientific
evidence that ginkgo will make most people better abl e to fo cus or
rem ember. So far, it is those alread y suffering from dimini shed blood
flow to the brain - not hea lthy vo lunteers - who have benefited most
from the herb. Current research is trying to determine whether ginkgo's
ability to help prevent blood clo ts may stave off hea n anacks or strokes.
Major benefits: The fac t that ginkgo aids blood flO\v to the brain
thus increasing oxygen - is of particular relevance to older people ,
whose arteries may have narrowed with ch olesterol bUild-up or other
conditi ons. Diminished blood flo w has been linked to AlzheImer's and
memory loss, as well as to anxiety, headaches, depression , confus ion,
ringing in the ears and dizziness . All may be helped by ginkgo.
Additional benefits : Ginkgo also promot es blood flow to the arms

and legs, makin g it useful for reducing th e pain , cramp in g and wea kness
caused by narrowed arteries in the leg, a diso rde r ca lled in te rmittent
claudicat ion . There are indicati ons that the herb may impro\'e circula
tion to the extremities in those wilh Raynaud 's clisease and chtlblains, or
help victim s of scleroderma, an uncommon aut o-immune di so rd er.
In addi tion , by increasing blood fl ow to the nerve-rich fibres of the
eyes and ea rs, some studies suggest ginkgo may be of value 111 treating
macular degeneration or diabetes -relatecl eye disease (both leading ,

Slows the progression of

Alzheimer's symptoms; sharpens .
memory and concentration,
particularly in older people.
Lessens depression and anXiety
in some older people.
Alleviates coldness in the
extremities (Raynaud 's disease) and
painful leg cramps (intermittent
Helps headaches, ringing in the
ears (tinnitus) and dizziness.
May restore erections in men
w ith impotence.






Don't use unprocessed

ginkgo leaves in any form,
including teas. They contain
potent chemicals (allergens) that
can trigger allergic reactions.
Stick with standardised extracts,
as the allergens are removed
during processing.
Reminder: If you have a medi
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to your doctor before taking

causes of blind ness), as we ll as so me types of hearing loss. Ongoing

studies are assessing the possible errecti \T ness o[ ginkgo in speeding
up recovery from ce rtain strokes and head injuries as we ll as in treating
other condi tions that may be rel ated to ci rculatory or ner\'ous syste m
impairm ent, including imp ote nce, multiple sclerosis and nerve damage
asssociated with diabetes. Traditi onal Chinese hea lers have long used
ginkgo [or asth ma . because the herb appears to allev iate wheezing and
other respi rato ry complaints

Bu y preparations made fro m

ginkgo bil oba extract to ensure that
you're getting a standardised
amount of the active ingredients.
Extracts or supplements should
contain at least 24% fla vone glyco
sides (organic substances respo nsible
for the herb's antio xidant and anti

How to take it
Use supplements tha t contain ginkgo bil oba extract , the
concentrated form of the herb. As a general mem01Y booster and for poor
circula tion: Take 1000 mg twice a day for Alzheimers disease, depression,
ringing in the ears, dizziness, impotence or other conditions caused by
insufficient blood fl ow to the brain. Take 2000 mg twice a day

Guidelines for use: Yo u can take ginkgo \\rith or without rood. It

commo nl y takes four to six weeks , and in some cases up to l2 weeks ,
to not ice the herb's effects. Ge nerally, it is consid ered sa fe for long- term
use in recommende d dosages No ad\-e rse effects have bee n reported in
pregnan t or breast-feeding women who take the he rb

clotting properties) and 6% terpene

lactones (primaril y chemicals called
ginkgolides and bilobalides, which
improve blood flow and are thought
to protect the nerves).

A year-long study, published

in the journal of the American
M edical Association, evaluated

202 patients with dementia,

Possib le side effects In rare cases, gi nkgo may cause irrita

most of whom also had Alzheimer's

bility, restlessness, diarr hoea, nausea or vomiti ng, th ough these effects
are usua ll y mild and transient . Peo ple starting the herb may also notice
a headache du ring the first day or two of use. If side effec ts are troubl e
some , stop taking it or reduce the dosage.

disease. Patients who took 120 mg

of ginkgo biloba extract a day were
more likely to stabilise or improve
their mental and social functions,
compared with those given a
placebo. The effects were modest

Derived from ginkgo

biloba leaves, this herb
is effective in pill or
liquid form.

and of limited duration .

Ginkgo trees have two 'sexes'

male and female . The nuts of the
female tree have long been valued
in China and Japan as a culinary
delicacy, though they do not have
the same therapeutic properties
as the leaves.



Genseng (Panax)

Panox ginseng

A hugely popular herb all around the world, ginseng is added to everything from fruit juices to
vitamin supplements. Even though most of these in fact contain little ginseng, quality ginseng
does have a variety of protective effects on the body.

What it is Panax ginseng (also called Asian , Chinese or Korean

ginseng) has been use d in Chinese medicine for thousands of yea rs to
enhance both longe\it y and the quality of li[e. Pal10x ginseng is the most
widdy ava ilable and extensively studied form of this herb Another
species , P quil1quc[o[iu s, or American ginseng, is gro wn mainl y in the
American Midwest and exported to China
The medicinal part of the plant is its slow -growing root, which is
harvested after four to six yea rs when its o\Trall ginsenoside content
the main active ingredient in ginseng - is at its peak. There are 13 dif
ferent ginsenosides in all Panax ginseng also contains panaxans (
substances that can lo\,ver blood sugar) and polysacchandes (co mplex
sugar molecules that boost the lmmune system). 'Whlte' ginseng is
simpl y tb e dried root: 'rec! ' ginseng has been steamed and dried
What it does The primary health benefits of ginseng derive from
its immune-stimulating and antiox id ant properties , as well as from its
ability to protect Lhe body aga mst tbe adverse effects of stress.
Major benefits: Ginseng may help Lhe body to combat a \'ariet y o[
illnesses It stimulates the production of specialised immune cells called
'killer T cells', which destro), harmful \' iruses and bac teria.
Studies have also indicated that the herb may inhibit Lhe growth of
cefl am cance r ce lls. A large Korean sLUdy found that the subj ects who
took ginseng had half the risk of de\'eloping ca nce r of th ose who did not
take it. Alth ough ginseng powders and tinctures were shown Lo help
protect agamst cancer, eating fresh gmseng root or drinking ginseng
juice or tea did nOLlower cancer risk
Additional benefits: Ginseng may benefit peop le who are feeling

fati gued and overstressed , and those l'Cco\uing from a long illness The
herb ha s bee n shov-rn to bal ance the release of stress hormones in the
body and support the organs that produce these hormones , namely the
pituitary gland and hypothal amu s in the brain and the adrenal glands ,


Combats the physical effects

of stress.
May treat impotence and
infertility in men.
Boosts energy.

Dried herb/ Tea

Don't take ginseng if you have

uncontrolled high blood pressure
or a heart rhythm irregularity.
Don't use ginseng if you're
Don't use ginseng if you take
MAO inhibitor drugs.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

located on top of the kidn eys. Ginseng may also enhance the production
of endorphins, 'feel- good' chemica ls prod uced by the brain
Many long-distance runners and bod y-builders ta ke gmseng to
heighten phys ical endurance. Herbalists believe that ginseng can de lay
fati gue by en ab ling the exercising muscles to use energy mo re effi Ciently
Some research, 110wel"( l", cont radicts this hypot hesis.
W hile the way it wo rks is not clear, ginseng may be helpful in treat ing
impotence. Some of its actil"C in gred ients ap pear to affect smoot h muscle
tissue and improve erectile functi on. l\llen with fertilit y pro blems may
be nefit from gin se ng as we ll : an imal stud ies indicate th at it increases
testosterone levels and sperm produc ti on

How to take it
Dosage: Select a product that is standardised to co ntain at least
7% gin senosides. For general hea lth and to combat fa tiglle. Take
100-250 mg once or twice a day To support the body in times of stress
or dltYing r eCOVe l); from an illness: Take 100-250 mg twice a clay For
impotence and male infutility Take 100-25 0 mg twice a day

Start at the lowe r end of the dosage range and

increa se your intake gradu all y Some ex perts recommend that you stop
taking ginseng for a week el"Cry two or three weeks an d then resume
your regular dose . In so me cases, ginseng may be rotated 'with other
immune-stimulating herbs , such as astragalu s or echinacea
Guidelines for use:

Read label s carefully to be sure

you're getting Pan ax ginseng. Other
kinds, such as American ginseng
(P. quinquefolius) and Siberian
ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus),
produce different effects.
Vials of ginseng eli xi r sold at
some health-food shops have
become popular energy tonics,
es pecially among teenagers. They
often contain little (if any) ginseng,
howeve r, and may have a high
alcohol or sugar content.

People with type 2 (n on-insulin

dependent) diabetes may benefit
from ginseng. In one study, people
w ith diabetes w ho took 100 or
200 mg of ginseng a day had lower
blood sugar levels th an those given
a placebo.

Possible side effects At the doses recommended here, gi nseng

is unlikely to cause any SIde effects. There hal'e been reports that higher
doses cause nervousn ess, insomnIa , headache and stomac h up set. If
you have any of these problems, reduce your dose The co mb inat ion of
ginseng and ca ffeine may intenSify these reactions, so cut back on
ca ffein e or avoid Il altoge ther. Some women report increased menst rual
bleed ing or brea st tende rness with hi gh doses of ginseng U thi s occ urs,
red uce yo ur dose or stop us ing it.

The name 'g inseng ' is derived from

the ancient Chinese words jen shen,
meaning 'man root'. The ginseng
root (below) often resembl es the
sha pe of the human body.


This promising arthritis fighter helps to build cartilage - which provides cushioning at the tips
of the bones - and protects and strengthens the joints as it relieves pain and stiffness. Although
your body produces some glucosamine, a supplement is more effective.

What it is Scientists ha ve long known that the body manufactures

a small amount of glucosamine (pronounced glu e-l<OSE-a-mean), a
fairl y simple molecule that contains glucose It 's found in relative ly high
concentrations in the joints and connect i\'e tissues, where the body uses
it to form the larger molecules necessary for cartilage repair and mainte
nance. In recent yea rs . glucosamine has become available as a nutriti onal
suppl ement Glucosamine sulphate is the preferred form for arthritis It
is readily used by the body (9 0-98% is absorbed through the intestine)
and appears to be ve ry effective for this conchtion.
What it does Some experts hail glucosamine as an arthrills cure,
but no one supplement can claim that title, It does, ho weve r, pro\'ide
significant relief from pain and inl1ammation for about half of arthritis
sufferers - especiall y those wit h the com mon , age-related form known
as osteoarthritis. It ca n also help people with rheumatoid arthritis and
other types of joint Injuries, and H offers additional benefits as welL
Major benefits: Approved fo r the trea tment of arthritis in some
70 cou ntries around the 'vvorld , glucosa mine can ease pain and inl1am
mation , increase range of motion, and help to repair ageing and
damaged Joi nts in the knees, hiPS, spine and hands. Recent studies show
that it may be even more effecti\'e for relie\'ing pain and inl1ammation
(without the harmful side effeers) than th e nonsteroidal anti
inl1ammator y drugs (NSAlDs) , such as aspirin and ib uprofen ,
commonly taken by arthritis su ffe rers What's more, whil e NSA lDs mask
arthritis pain , they do little to combat the progression of the disease
and may eve n make it worse by impai ring the body's ability to build
cartilage In contrast, glucosamine helps to make cart ilage and may


Relieves pain, stiffness and

swelling of the knees, fingers and
other joints due to osteoarthritis
or rheumatoid arthritis.
Helps to reduce arthritic back
and neck pain.
May speed the healing of sprains
and strengthen joints, preventing
future injury.


Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements,

repair damaged joints. Eve n though it can't do much for peo ple with
ad va nced arthriti s, in whom ca rtil age has co mpletely wo rn away, it may
benefit the millions 01people ,vith mlld to mod erately se\'e re symploms
Additional benefits: As a general Joint strengthener, glu cosamine
may be useful for the preve ntion 01 arthriti s and all forms o[ age-related
dege nerati ve jOint disease It may also spee d up healing of acute joint
injuries , su ch as a sprained ankle or fin ge r.
In addi tion to aidin g jOints and connect ive tissues, glucosamine
prom otes a hea lthy lining in the di gesti ve trac t and may be beneficial in
trea ting ailment s such as irritable bowel S)lld rom e. It is included in
va rious 'intestinal heal th' preparati ons so ld in health-Iood shops, usually
in the lorm 01gluc osamine sulphate.

Supplements are the best source

of extra glucosamine because dietary
sources of the nutrient are quite
obscure , Items that are relatively rich
in glucosamine include the shells of
prawn s, crabs and oys ters,

A study conducted in China at

the Beijing Union Medical College

How to tal<e it

Hospital, involving 178 patients with

Dosage: Th e usual dosage for arthritis and other conditions is

500 mg of glu cosa mine sulphate three times a day, or 1500 mg dally.
This am oLlnt has been sh ovvn to be safe for C\'e ryone and effec ti ve for
most. Peo ple 'vVeighing more than 90 kg or takin g diuretics may need
higher dally doses (about 900 mg pe r 45 kg of body we ight); talk to you r
practilioner about an appro priate dosage.

osteoarthritis of the knee, showed

that 1500 mg of glucosamine
sulphate taken daily was just as
effective in reducing the symptoms
of the disease as 1200 mg of
ibuprofen - and was significantly
better tolerated by the patients,

Guidelines for use: Take glucosamine '"vith mea ls to minimi se the

chance of digestive upse t It is ty picall y taken lon g term, and ap pea rs to

be very safe . While it may not bring relief as quickl y as pain relie\'C[s or
anti-infl ammato ries (it usually wo rks in two to eight we eks), its benefits
are fa r grea ter and longer-lasting when it's used o\'e r a peri od of time.
The anti- arthritis effects 01' glucosa mine may be enhanced by
using it along with anot her supplement , such as chondroi tin sul phate
(a related cartilage-bullding compound ), niac inamid e (a lorm of th e
B-vitamin niac in), or New Zea land gree n-lipped mussel Other supple
ments sometimes taken with glucosamine lor the reltef of arthritis include
boswellia, a tree extract fro m India; sea cucumber, an ancient Chinese
remedy; and the topical pain relie\'er ca)'enne cream No ad ve rse
reaction s ha\'e been reponed when glucosam tn e is used with oth er
supplements or wi th prescription or O\u-the-co unter medica tions.

Scientists in San Diego believe

that oral administration of glucos
amine for a few days immediately
following surgery may help to speed
healing. It may also reduce surgical
scarring and the complications it can
cause, suggesting another pos sible
use for this supplement.

Older dogs that have trouble

getting around may also benefit from
glucosamine sulphate. It has been

Possible side effects Because glucosamtne

a nalural sub
stance prod uced in the bo dy, it is virtually free of side effects, lhough no
long-term studies have been done, Rarely, gastrointestinal efTects, such as
hea rtburn or nausea , may occur.

shown to be as safe and effective for

canines as it is for their ow ners.



Hydrastis canadensis

The Cherokee, Iroquois and other Native American tribes valued goldenseal as a remedy for
everything from insect bites and bloating to eye infections and stomach aches. Today, the herb
is officially recognised as a medicine in eleven countries - but not, surprisingly, in the US.

What it is The dried root of this perennial herb has long been used
to soothe inf1amed or infected mucous membranes. Today, it is appreci
ated for its ability to help the body fight infection. The plant was first

called goldenseal in the nmeteenth century, deriving its name from the
rich yellow of the root and the small cuplike scars found there These
scars, which appear on the previous years root growth, resemble the wax
seals formerly used to seal emelopes - hence the name 'goldenseal'
Related to the butLercup, golc1enseal is nati\'e to 1\orth America and
once grew wild from Vermont to Arkansas As interest in its medicmal
properties grew, however, the plant was extensI\'ely harvested Curremly,
most of the goldenseal on the world market is commerCially culu\'ated
in the states of Oregon and Washington. The key medicinal compounds
in goldenseal are the alkaloids berberine and hydrastine Berberine is
also responsible for the root's rich yellow colour - Nati\'e Americans and
early American settlers used golc1enseal as a dye as well as a medicinal
herb. Because the alkaloids taste bitter, goldenseal tea often includes
other herbs or is mixed with a sweetener such as honey

Wh a t it doe S The primary benefil of goldenseal is its o\'Crall

elTeeL on immunity Not only does it increase the immune system's
production of germ-fighting compounds, it can combat both bacteria
and viruses directly
Prevention: Taking goldenseal at the fIrst SIgn of a cold or f1u may
prevent the illness from de\'eloping fully - or at least greatly minimise the
symptoms - by enhancing the activity of virus-fighting whIte blood cells
and by strengthening the mucous membrane of the respirator), tract.

Promotes healing of mouth

ulcers and cold sores.
Helps destroy the virus that
causes warts.
Boosts the immune system.
Calms a nauseated stomach.
May combat urinary tract
Treats eye infections.




Dried herb/Tea


Goldenseal should not be used

by pregnant women or people
with heart disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes or glaucoma .
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

The root of the goldenseal plant

is dried and then ground to a
powder for use in supplements,

Additional benefit s: Goldenseal fights bacteria, making it useful for

mild urinary tract infect ions (if you begin taking Il early enough) and
sinus infections It may also help to soothe nausea and vom iting by
stim ulating digesti\'e sec reti ons and \vorking to destroy the bac teria that
may be causing the symptoms.
As one of severa l herbs th at stimulate the immune system - others
include ec hinacea, pau d'a rco and astragalus - goldensea l may p laya
role in relieving the sympto ms of chronic fatigue syndrome, a disabl ing
d iso rder that may be pa rt ially ca used by a weake ned immune syste m. It
also helps to fight cold sores and shingles (bo th ca Llsed by th e herpes
\'irus) Use il for no more than a wee k or t'vVO at a time.
Applied LOp ica ll y, goldensea l tincture is beneficial for mou th ulcers
and wans. The tinctu re promotes the healing of the ulcers and directl y
fights the human pap ill oma \i rus that ca uses wans. Once coo led and
strained, goldensea l tea ca n be used as an eyewas h to relien: eye
in lcClions such as co njunet i\itis. Prcpa re a fresh batch dail y, and store it
in a sterile contain er, so that the tea won't be contaminated. (Have one
eye bath for cach cyc, andl abcl them 'left' and 'right')

When buying goldenseal, look

for extracts standardised to contain

8- 10% alkaloids or 5% hydrastine.

Going for gold

Alex K always reacted badly to
antibiotics, Although she knew she
needed them for her sinus infec
tions, the side effects - dizziness,
nausea, diarrhoea - often made
the drugs worse than the illness,

a herbalist suggested try

ing goldenseal extract, her doctor

was sceptical, 'Look', he said, 'try

How to take it
Do sage: For colds, flu

goldenseal, but keep my prescrip

resp imtol), il1jectiol1 s: As soon as you

begi n to fe el ul1vvell, take 125 mg of goldenseal (in co mbinati on wilh
200 mg of ec hinacea) fi\'e times a day for fi ve days For urin([lY tract
injections: Drink se\'era l cups of go ldenseal tea a day For nausea and
vomitin g: Take 125 mg e\'er)' four hours as needed. For chronic jatigll e
syndrom e: Use 125 mg twice a day in rotation With other immune
stimulating herbs For co sores. Take 12 5 mg of go ldensea l with 200 mg
of echinacea lour times a day Fur shingles: Take 125 mg of goldenseal
wilh 200 mg of echinncea four times a day. For mouth ulcers al1d warts:
Apply goldensea l tinclure directly lO the sores three times a day For eye
infectiolls: Use ] leaspoon of dried herb per 500 ml of hot wate r. Steep,
fin ely slrain and coo l; apply as an eyewash three times a day. Make a
fresh so lut ion eve ry da y.
and oth er

Take goldenseal supplements with mea ls Unlike

ec hinacea and olher herbs th at stimul ate the immun e system, gold enseal
should be used on ly when you ree l that you're co ming down with a cold ,
l1u or some ot her illness , and only for the d urali on of the illness. The
single exception is whe n yo u're taking golde nsea l in rotation with olher
herbs to strengthen the immun e system
Guidelines for use:

Possib le side effects When ta ken at recommended doses and

for suggesled lengths ol lime, go ldensea l is sale to use and hZls few side
effects Ve ry high dose s may irritat e the mucous membranes of the
mouth and cause diarrhoea, nausea and resp iratO ry prob lems.

tion handy, If you don 't feel better,

you can always get it filled, '
Alex took the goldenseal and,

a few days, her sinus infection

was gone - without a single side

effect. Now goldenseal is a part of
her sinus first-aid kit. At the first
sign of an infection, she starts
taking it, along with the immune
system stimulator echinacea.
Although she still sometimes
has to take antibiotics, for some
years now Alex has often been
able to avoid them. ' Those
miserable side effects are historyl'
she happily reports,

Go ldensea l is still available, but it

may fast be becoming an endan
gered species, Herbalists have been
advised to look for alternative herbs,




Centella asiatica

This herb is a favourite food of elephants, which are notoriously long-lived animals, leading many
people to associate it with longevity. Though scientific research hasn 't shown that it can extend
your life, studies have found that gotu kola provides other important health benefits.

What it is The m edic in al use of gotu kola stems Imm india, whe re
the herb continues to be part 01 the ancient healing tradit io n called
Ayurveda Word 01 its therapeutic bendits lor skin disorders grad ually
spread Lhroughout ASia and Europe, ,md go tu kola has been prescribed
in France since th e 1880s to Lreat burns and other wo unds.
A red-nowered plant that thrives in hot, s\vampy areas , go tu
kola grows naturall y in india, Sri Lanka , lv[adagasca r, middle and
southe rn Africa , Australia , C hina and [he so uthern US The appea rance
01 this s lende r, creeping perennial changes , d e pending o n whether
il'S growing in water (when it has broad, fan-shaped leaves) or o n
dry land (w he n iLS leaves are small and thin) The leal'es are most
commonly used mediCinally

Treats burns and wounds.

Builds connective tissue.

Strengthens veins.

Improves memory.

Relieves arthritis




What it do e s

\Vhether taken inte rn all y o r a pplied exte rnall y

as a compress, gOLu kola has many be nefjc ial eflects The herb's
workhorse substances are che micals ca lled Lri terp enes (es pec iall y
asiat icosides), w hich appear to enh ance the lo rmation o f collagen
in bones, cartilage and connective Lissue. In addiLio n , they pmmote
healthy blood vesse ls and help to produce neuro transmitters, the
chemical messengers in the brain.
Major benefits: Gotu ko la's Singular dfect on conneCLi,"e tiss ue
promoting its healthy d evelo pment and inhibitmg the formatio n o f
hardened areas - makes it potentially imponant fo r trea ting man y skm
conditions. 1t ca n be Lhe rapeutic lor b urns, keloids (ove rgrown scar
tissue) and wounds (including surgical incisio ns and skin ulcers)
Gotu kola a lso seems Lo stre ngthen ce lls in the walls o f blood ,'esse!s,
im proving blood now and mak ing it \'aluable fo r the trea tment 01
varicose veins. Research resu lLs are o lten impressive, In more Lha n ten
studie s obse rvin g gO Lu kola's eflect o n vei ns (w hich are surrounded b y
supporti ve sheaths 01 connecti l'e tissue), abo ut 80% o f paLi ents with
va ricose veins and Simi la r problems showed subsLantial improveme nt.
Other studies indicate that ap plyi ng go tu kola topically LO pSOriasis
lesions may a id healing as well
Additional benefits: GOL U ko la has been use d LO mcrease menLal
aCllit)' fo r Lhou sa nds o f years . C urrent resea rch suppo rts a mle fo r this
herb in boosting memory, imprmri ng lea rning ca pabilities, imd p ossibly
reve rsing some of the memo ry loss associated WiLh Alzh eimer's disease .



Dried herb/ Tea

Pregnant wome n or those

who are trying to conceive

should not use gotu kola.

Rem inder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor

before taking supplements.

[n one stud y, 30 de\"e lop melllally disabled chi ldren we re found to ha\'e
signifi cantl y better concentralion and attention levels afl er taking go tu
kola for 12 week s th an they did at the start. Preliminary findi ngs 1"C\'eal
that animals gi\"en gotu kola for two weeks were able to learn and retain
new form s of beha\"iour much beller than animal s not on the herb .

How to take it
Dosage: To treat varicose veins: Take 200 mg of the stand ard ised
ext ract three limes a da y. For btln1S: Use 200 mg t\\'lCC a day until they
heal To il1lplDve meJ11OJ)' or possibly slow the progress of Alzheil11ers disease:
Take 200 mg three times a day. You can substiLll te 400- 500 mg of the
crude herb for each 200 mg dose of the standa rd ised extract.
Guidelines for use: In rnost cases, gOlu kola IS take n internally as
a tabl el or capsule , with or with out meals HO\\T\'C r, gotL! kola tea or
tin cture ca n also be applied cxternally w the skin fo r psoriasis, burns,
wounds, incisions or sca rs. You can use the eraj and topical preparatlons
of the herb logether o\'e r the same period of ti me .
To appl y gotu kola topically, soa k a com press in tea or III tincture
and apply il directl y to the affected areas. Slart with a relati\'ely weak
so lu tion and increase the strengt.h as need ed To brew gotU kola
tea, steep 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried leaf in a cup of ve ry hot water for
10-15 minUles. You ca n also make J paste to apply to palches of s kin
affected by pso riasiS Break open eapsult?s and mi x 2 teaspoons of dried
gotu kola powde r in a small amount c)[ \\-ate c

Possible side effects bkmg gotu kola orall y or using a

lopical preparation ge nerally does not cause problems Sk in rash (der
malitis) , headaches and sensitiYit)' to su nlight are rare side effects If rou
experience these S)lnptoms , reduce the dosage or stop using the herb

Gotu kola (Centel/a asiatica) is

commonly known in Australia as
pennyw ort. A plant native to Europe,
marsh pennywort (Hydrocotyle
vulgaris), is a related species, but has
no known therapeutic properties.
There's no relationship between
gotu kola and the kola (or cola) nut,
w hich is used in cola drinks. The
kola nut is a stimulant containing
caffeine; gotu kola is a very mild
sedative, and is caffeine-free,
As an anti-inflammatory, gotu
kola also helps to relieve arthritis,
The standard dose is tw o leaves a
day added to a salad or 2 g of dried
herb three times a day before meals.

When buying gotu kola supple

ments, look for those that contain
10% asiaticosides. If you can't find
the standardised extract, substitute
400-500 mg of the crude herb for
each 200 mg dose of the standard
ised extract.

Gotu kola leaf is available

in a va riety of supplement
forms, including capsules.



e seed extract

With antioxidant properties many times more powerful than those of vitamin C or vitamin E,
grape seed extract is a heart-smart and cancer-smart botanical. It also has the power to
improve vascular health and increase your well-being in myriad ways.

What it is This ext ract [rom the tiny seeds of reel grapes of the
s pecies Vitis vini(cra is a Oavono id, and is o ne o f Europes lea ding natural
trealments. Plant s ub sta nce s w ith potc nt ami ox idam po tenti a l,
Davonoi ds protec t bod y cell s from damage by unstab le oxygen mole
cules ca lled free radica ls. Grape seed extract contains pro cya ni clo hc
o ligomc rs (peos), also call ed oli go m e ric proanthocyal1l dins (OPCs).
peos are b elieved to play an important ro le in pre\'ent ing heart di sease
a nd cance r. 'P),c nogcnol with a capital P is th e trade name for a s peCific
p eo derived from ma ritime p ine bark m grape seed .
What it does Grape seed ex tract exens a po we rful posit i\'C inOu
e nce o n blood \'Csscls No t COincid entall y, the ac ti\'e substances 111 this
ex tract , peo s, are key ing redient s in o ne of the dru gs most frequently
p rescribed fo r blood \'esse l (\'ascular) disord ers 111 western Eu rope.
Because it is so luble in bo th o il and wa ter, grape seed extract can
pen etrate all types of cell membranes, deli\uing antioxidant protectlo n
througho ut the body. [v[o reo\'(r, it is one of the few substances tha t can
cross the blood-brain barrier, 'vv hich m e8ns thal it may protect brain
ce ll s from free -radical da m age
Major benefits: W ith it s powerfu l abtlity to enh8nce the he8lth of

b lood vessels , grape seed exlraCl m ay reduce the risk o f heart a ttc1ck and
stro ke, as we ll as strengt hen ing fragtle o r weak ca pillaries a nd mc reas ll1g
blood Dow, part icul arl y to the ext remities. For this reason , many ex pe rts
lind it a be neficial supplement lo r alm ost any type of \'3scul a r insulTi


Treats blood vessel disorders.

Protects against eye damage.
Lesse ns the ri sk of heart disease
and cancer.
Reduces the rate of co llagen
breakdown in the skin.




Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements.

ciency, as we ll as fo r co nd iti ons that are associmed with poo r \'ascula r

fun ction, includin g diabetes , I'aricose I'eins, so me cases of imp otence .
numbness and tin gling In the arm s and legs, and elT n IXlinfull eg cramps
Because it can have an impac t on e\'en the tini est b looe! \'essels.
grape seed ex tract also benefits circ ulation in the eye lt is frequently
recomm end ed as a su pplem ent to combat mac ular dege ne rati on and
ca taracts, two of the most comm on ca uses of blin d ness in older peopl e.
An d if yo u use CO IlLputers regularl y, grape seed ex tract may 81so be for
you. At least one stu dy showe d that 300 mg dal ly for JUSt 60 days
red uced the erestrain associated with working at a compute r mo nitor
and imprmed contrast \'ision.
IVlan)' expert s now end orse grape seeel e:-.:tract f,)1' its cancer-righti ng
propc rties. \f\1o rking as anti ox id ants, peos co rrect CLlIlLJgC ll1t he genetic
mate ri al of cells that cou ld possiblr cause tunw urs [0 form .

Additional benefits: He lpin g to prescrI'e al d reinfo rce the col lagen

in the skin , grape seed ex tract is oftc n used in the tre;:;ltm enr of connec
ti ve tissue di sorders, such as rh eu mato id arthriti s In Europe , it is often
inclu ded in cosmet ic crea ms to imprmc skin elastlca )'.
For all ergy sufferers , grape seed c:-.: t r~lCl oilers relief by in hibiting the
release o f sy mptom-causing compou nds suc h as hi stamine which, in
turn . helps to co nt ro l (\ \'a riet)' of :l lk rgic reactions, from hi\'es to hay
b'er, Grape seed also bloc ks the release of inllammaLOrr prosraglandms,
c hemica ls im'o h-ed in allergiC reac ti ons and m pain and in nammmion,
particularl y that of the menstrua l di sord er ca ll eel end omet ri osis

How to take it
Dosage: For Qnti o).. .ic/ant proleuioll. Take 100 mg dail y FOI th erapeutic
benefits. The usua l dose IS 200 mg dail y. Cnoose suppleme nts standard
ised to contain 3% catechin pol ymers
Guidelines for use: After 24 hours , onl y about 28% o f grape secd
extracts acti l'e components remain in the body. So ItS important to tak e
su pplements at the sam e time cve r)' day, part icularl y when they're being
usee! to combat d isease.

Possible side effects No side crrec ts from taking grape seed

extract ha\'e been repone d , and no tox ic reactions hal'e bec n noted

Grape seed oil (not to be

confused with grape seed extract)
may offer health benefits, too. A
preliminary study at the University
Hea lth Sc ience Center in Syracuse,
New York, found that adding about
2 tablespoo ns of grape seed oi l to
the daily diet increased HD L ('good')
cholesterol by 14% and reduced
triglycerides by 15% in just four
weeks. Use it in place of other oils
in salads or cooking.

A prelim inary study from the

University of Arizona at Tucson
suggests that pine bark extract,
which contains active ingredients
similar to those of grape seed
extract, may be as effective an
anticoagulant as aspirin, and so
may help to lower the risk of heart
attack and stroke. Researchers asked
38 smokers - who are more likely to
develop the type of blood clots that
cause heart attacks - to take either
pine bark extract or aspirin . Blood
tests revealed that both remedies
were equally effective, but pine bark
didn't have aspirin's side effects
suc h as stomac h irritation and
increased risk of internal bleeding,

reen tea



According to legend, around 2700 Be a Chinese emperor sat under a tea shrub and a few leaves
fell into his cup of hot water. Presto l Green tea was born. Now, modern research has found that
this type of tea contains one of the most promi sing anticancer compounds ever discovered.

Wh a t it is The trad itiona l proc ess that yie lds gree n tea is simp le
the leaves from the tea plant are first steamed . th en ro lled and dried
The steaming kills enzymes that would otherwise ferment the lea ITS.
Wi th olher types of tea, the leal'es are all owed to ferment ei ther partially
(for oo long tea) or fully (for black tea) The lack of fermentation giws
gree n tea its unique Om'our and, more importantly. preSely eS I'irtuall y
all of the natura lly prese nt po lyp heno ls (stro ng antiox idants that can
pro lecl against ce ll damage). The beneficial pol yphenols in green tea are
mainly catechllls and tannins.
What it does Green rea contains compou nds [hat may pro\ide
powerful proteclion aga inst several ca ncers and , pOSSib ly, heart disease.
Studies indicate that it also fights infection and promotes longel' ity
Preven tion: The rate of certain types of cance r is lower among peo ple
vvho d rink green tea . In one large -scale study, re searche rs found thal
Ch inese men and women who drank green tea as se ldom as once a week
for six months had lower rates of reeral, pancreatic and pOSSibly co lon
cancer than those \vho rare ly or never dran k it. In 1V0men, the risk of
rectal and panc reatic cance r was almost hah-ed Prcliminary research
suggests that green tea may also fi ght breast, stomach and skin ca ncer.
Studies il1l'estigating how green tea might guard against ca nce r ha\T
poi nted to the potenc), of its main antioxidant, a po lyphenol dubbed
EGCG (for epigallocatcchin-ga ll ale) . Some scientist s belielT [hat EG CG
may be one of the most effeeri\'e anti cancer compou nds el-er dlscolTred ,
proteer ing cells from damage an d strengthe ning the body's own
production of ant iox idant enzymes . Acc ording to a study from Ohio's
Case \Veste rn ResenT Un ive rsity, EGCG seems to Signal cancer ce ll s to
stop reproducing by stimulating a natu ral process of program med cel l
death called apoptosis. Re markabl y, EGCG does not harm hea lthy ce ll s
In addition . researc h at the l'v[ed ica l Co llege of Oh io in d icates that EGCG
inhibits the production of urokinase , an enzyme that cance r ce ll s need
in order to grow. In anima ls, bloc klllg urokinase shrinks tumours and
somet imes causes cancer to go into com plete remi ssion .
Additional benefits: The antioxidant effe ct of green tea's po lyphenols
may also hel p to protect the hean. In test- tu be studies, th ese com pou nds
appea red to suppress dam age to LDL ('bad ') cholesterol, thought [ 0 be
an initial step in the build-up of plaq ue in the arteries. AJapanese stud y ,


May help to prevent cancer.

Protects against heart di sease.
Inhibits tooth decay.
Promotes longevity.

Cap sule

Reminder: If yo u have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements.

of 13 71 men linked daily co nsumption of green tea to the prel'c ntio n of

heart disease. Gree n tea also coma ins Ou oride, which has a ge neral
antibacterial effec t and may help to protect against too th decay

How to take it
You can get the bendits of greerr tea either by takin g green
tea capsu les or tablets , or by drin king sel'e ral cu ps of th e brew each day
Your aim should be to get 240 - 320 mg of pol yphenols.
When using supplements , buy those standardised to cont ain at least
50% pol)1)henols. At thi s concentrMion , two 250 mg supp lement s would
prov id e 250 mg of polyphenols Studies sho\\' th at four cups of freshly
brewed green tea supp lr about the same amount of polyphenols

Take green tea suppl ements at mea ls wi th a full

glass of ,vate r. Drink freshl), brewed gree n tea on ItS own or with meals.
To make, use 1 teaspoo n of green tca ieal'es per cup of \'e ry hot water
Let th e brew steep for three to fi\'e minutes, then strain and drink.
Guidelines for use :

Green tea leaves contain hefty

amounts of vi tamin K, but a cup
of brewed green tea has virtually
none, and neither do green tea
supplements. This means that
people taking anticoagulant drugs
for heart disease (who may have
been told to avoid large servings of
foods rich in vitamin K because of
the vitamin's influence on blood
clotting) can enjoy green tea with
no fear of side effects.
Drinking boiling hot green
tea can damage your throat and
oesophagus, and may over time
in crease your cancer risk. Try the

Possib le side effects Green tea is I'ery sa fe both as <I supple

ment and as a be\'C rage. People who are se nsitil'e to caffeine, hmvel'er,
may not wanl to drink too much green tea , beca use each cup contains
about 40 mg of ca ffeine. (Fo r this reason , pregnant <lnd breast-feeding
women shou ld limit their consumption to two cups a day) Greerr tea
supplements , however, ha\'e \'Cry little ca ffeine The reco mmend ed dose
of green tea suppl ements pro\'ides the sa me amount of polyphenols <IS
four cups of green tea, but ge nerall y contains onl y 5-6 mg of ca ffe ine

traditional Asian method: heat cold

water until just before it boils (or boil
it and let it cool for a few minutes),
then pour the hot-bu t-not-boi ling
water over the tea leaves. This
method also accentua tes the delicate
flavour of green tea.
Imported from China, gunpowder
tea is simply green tea presented in
tiny pellets resembling gunpowder.
When placed in hot water, the leaves

Green tea can be taken in

supplement form or enjoyed
as a soothing beverage.

slowly unfold.
Organic Sencha green tea
(which is grown in the sun) is
probably the best form to take for
therapeutic purposes.

According to researchers at the

University of Kansas, green tea's
main antioxidant (EGCG) is a
hundred times more powerful than
vitamin C and 25 times more potent
than vitam in E in protecting DNA
from the kind of damage thought
to increase cancer risk.


u ipid

Comm/phoro mukul

Since antiquity, the gum re sin of the mukul myrrh tree has been used in India to treat obesity
and arthritis, Now, a mod ern purified extract called gugulipid has been found to be as effective
as som e prescription drugs for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood,

What it is Gugu lipid comes from the gummy resin of the small,
th orn y mllkul myrrh tree, native to India . The tree's resin is closely
related to the richl y perfumed Bibl ica l myrrh, traditionall y used lor
purification pu rposes
Called gum guggul Cguggul u'), the resin itself has bee n part of
Ayurvcda, the traditi onal medicine of India, for thousand s of )'ea rs.
Guggu lu , howe ve r, has tox ic compound s fortun ate I)', mode rn Ind ian
pharmacologists ha\'e devised a way to ex trac t the acti\'e co mponents
in the resins an d leave the tox ic substances be hi nd The result is the
standardised extract ca lled gugu li pid . Although not cur rentl), a\'a ilable
in Australia or New Zea land, it may become 50 , and it may already be
obtainable from some practit ione rs.

Helps to lowe r high blood chol es

terol and high blood trig lycerides.
Reduces heart disease ri sk.
Treats ar thritis inflam mation.
May aid weig ht loss.

Capsu le

What it doe s The acti ve ingredients in gugulipid , kn own as

gugglli sterones, appear to affect the metabo lism 01 fat and cholestero l
They also have recognised ant i-in namm ato ry and antioxidam properties
Prevention: If you have high blood choles terol le\-el s, yo u are at
increased risk of deve lop ing coronary hea rt di sease. Stud ies suggest that
gugu lip id can lower these levels. It is the guggulsterones, in part icula r,
that see m to sti mula te the li\'e r to break down po tentiall y ha rmful LDL
cholest ero l In add ition , gugulipid sometimes elevates the le\'els of
prot ecti ve HDL cholesterol A study of 20S people in In dia found that

Never use the crud e gum

guggul, or guggul u, w hich can
cause ras hes, diarrh oea, sto mach
pai n an d loss of appetite. Opt for
standardi sed guguli pid instead .
Preg nan t wom en should not .
use gugulipid.
Remind er: If you have a medi
ca l condition, talk to your doctor
before taki ng supplements.

Gugulipid supplements ore

derived from the dark, gummy
resin of a tree native to India.


gugulip id , in co mbination wiLh a low-fat die t, reduced roLaI c holesLeml

by an ave rage of 24% in more than three-quarters of the pan ic ipams In
anot her stud y comparing the effi cacy of gugull pid wi th Lhat o f clofibrat e
(a prescripti on choles Lero l-lowe rin g medication) , total chole stero l
dropped by 11 % in th e gugulipid group and by 10% in the clo fib raLe
gro up. In addiLion , HDL ('good') cholestero l b 'c\s in creased on a\-crage
in nearly Lwo-Lhird s of those Laking gugulipld , whereas no change in
HDL was scen in th ose using clofibratc
1n animal stu dies , gugu li pid has bcen shown to prc\'ent the formation
01 artery-blocking plaque, and c\'cn to help re\'e rse existing plaque 1n
additio n , it inhib its blood plat ele ts rrom sticking together, and thu s may
protcct aga inst blood clots, whi ch o ften trigge r heart attacks .
Additional benefits: Studies lend SUppOrL to t\.\"LI 01' the traditional
uses for guggu l to treat arthritis and obe sity. Resu lts from an imal studies
indicate tha t th e anti -innammaLOry action of guggu lsterones may be
as powe rful as that o f O\'e r-the-counter pain medica ti ons, such as
ibuprofen , making it useful in treatin g arthritis. This action suggests thaL
gugulipid may also be effecLive for acne ~ in fact, one stlldy showed it had
a beneficial effecLon this conditi on.
There is so me f\'ide nce Lhat gugu li pid stimulates the prod uction of th y
roid horm ones , increasing the rate at which th c bod)' burns ki loJou les In
one sma ll study, Indian researchers reponed that 111 o\'erweight patients,
gugu lipid supplements sparked significant we ight loss. Much of the
we ight loss came from a reduction in fat aro und the abd omen. whi ch is
associated with an increased ri sk of heart disease and d iabetes Any
crfective long-te rm we ight control program, of course, must be based on
a low-fat , high-fibre diet and a regu lar exercise program

How to take it
Dosage: To lower choleste rol, take a suppleme nt that supplies 25 mg
of guggulsterones per dose, three times a da r
Guidelines for use : Ta ke gugulipicl ,,\l ith or without meals . Pregnan t
women should avo id guguli pid , It should be used with cau ti on by those
with live r disease , inn am mato ry bo\\-el (Iisease or diarrhoea

Possible side effects Rarely, gugulipid may cause minor

Gugulipid may act as an

antioxidant with heart-protective
qualities . Because LDL cholesterol
is most harmful when it's been
damaged by unstable oxygen
molecules called free radicals,
protecting LDL from ox idation
may help to prevent heart disease.
In a study of 61 patients with high
cholesterol levels, 31 were give n
gugulipid (100 mg of guggul
sterones a day) and 30 took a
placebo. After 24 weeks, those
taking gugulipid had a 13% drop
in LDL cholesterol and a 12% drop
in triglycerides, whe rea s the placebo
group expe rienced no change.
Furthermore, the researchers found
that the susceptib ility of LD L
cholesterol to free-radical damage
declined by a third in the gugulipid
group, but there was no change in
the placebo group.

As early as 600 Be, Ayurvedic physi

cians in India described a disease
marked by the overeating of fatty
foods, lack of exerci se, an impaired
metabolism, and the 'coating and
obstruction of channels', They called
it ' medoroga' . (Today, it's known as
atherosclerosis.) To treat it they used
guggul, a precursor of gugulipid.

gastroint estinal problems, such as mild nausea , \vi nd or hiccups In a

few cases, heaclaches have al so been reported



Crataegus oxyacantha

If your doctor confirms th at you have any form of hea rt d isease, you'll want to know all about
hawthorn. This herb, historically used both as a diuretic and as a treatment for kidney and
bladder stones, is presently one of the most widely prescribed heart remedies in Europe.

What it is For centuries, hawth orn , a sh rub thal grmvs to about

9 metres, has been trimmed LO hedge height and planted along the edges
of fields or property lines in Europe and America. ,-\s a di\'ider, It looks
attractive and discourages trespassers. It produces prett y white nowers
and vibrant red berries, but it also sports large th orns, and the nowe rs
on some varieties smell like rOlling mea t \Vha t's more, the plant has
long been associated with bad luck and death , becausc the crO\\Tl of
thorns lhal Christ wo re at the Crucifixion is wide ly held to ha\'e bee n
woven [rom hawthorn twigs
Give n lhis reputatton, it's surpm ing that anyone got close enough to
discover hawlhorn's ca rdioprotec li\ e benefits. But ob\'iously a number
of peo ple in diiTerent eras and local ions - from the anClen t Greeks to the
Nat ive Americans - did conside r the herb a potenl ton ic for the heart
The modern use of hawthorn originaled with a nineteent h-ce ntury lrish
physician who treated hea rt clisease quite successfully Beca use he
guard ed his heart formula close ly, it was nOl until afte r his death in the
1890s that his secret remedy \-vas re\-ealed to be tincture of hawt horn be rry

Relieves the chest pain of angina.

Lowers high blood pressure.
Helps the heart to pump more
efficiently in people w ith congestive
heart failure .
Corrects irregular heartbeat
(ca rdiac arrhythmia) .

Tabl et


Tin cture


Dried herb/ Tea

What it does Hawthorn is a herb that directly benefits th e

workings of the heart . [t can di late blood \'Cssels , increase the hea rt's
energy supp ly and imp rove its pumping ability These powe rful ca rd iac
effects ca n probabl/ be traced to its abundant suppl y of plant
co mpound s called na\'onoids - espec ially procyaniclolic oligomers
(PCOs) - which act as potent antiox idants

In people who don't have

heart disease, large doses of
hawthorn can ca use very low
blood pressure, wh ich can lead
to dizziness and fainting .
Remind er: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Hawthorn supplements are

derived from the plant's leaves
and flowers, its red berries or
a combination of all three.


Major benefits : Hawlhorn see ms to be an all -purpose hean drug.

It widens the arteries by interbmg with an enzr me called ACE
(angiote nsin-col1\'Uting enzyme), whic h constriCLS bl ood \'essels This
acti on imprm'es blood now through the emer ies, making the herb a good
remedy for pe op le with angina. In ad diti on , chro nica lly co nstr icted
arte ries can lead to high blood pressure (beca use the heart must wo rk
haruer to pump bloo d through innexible arter ics). so hawthorn may
reduce bl ood pressure in those \Vith mild hype n ension.
Hawthorn also see ms to block enzymes that wea ken the hea n muscle,
thereby stre ngth ening its pu mping powe r This prope n y is espec ially
usdul for peop le 'vvith mil d congesti\'e hean failure, who don't require
strong heart medications, such as digitalis lv[oreo\'([, the ami- oxida nt
prope rti es of hawthorn mClY help to protect agai nst damage associated
with the b uild-up of plaque in the coronalT arteries.
Additional benefits: Haw thorn has a long histo ry as a treatmem
for other conditi ons. It seems to exert a calming effecL, an d is an erfecr iw
sleeping aid fo r' some peop le ,"vho suffe r from inso mnia. Se \'Ual
researchers have nOled that hawth orn presen'es co llagen - the protein Lhat
form s connecLi\'e tissue - which is damaged 111 such diseases as art hritis

How to take it
Dosage: The recommended dose of hawth orn ext ract ranges from
300 mg to 450 mg a day in pill form , and from 5 ml to 15 ml o f the tinc
lure , depending on the type of hean condi tion. Peop le at ri sk of hean
disease may wish to lake a 100-150 mg suppl ement or 1 teaspoo n of the
tincture da ily as a preventi\'e.
Guidelines for use: If you're on large closes , haw thorn works best
when the total amount is d i\'idcd and Laken aL three di fferent times
during the day. HawLhorn may Lake a coup le of months LO bu ild up in
your syste m and produce noticeable resu lt s.

Possible side effects Hawthorn is wide ly regarded as one

of the sa fest herbal preparati ons There ha\'e bee n repo rts of nausea ,
sweating, fat igue and skin ras h, but these side efl'ectS ,He unco mm on.
Haw thorn ca n boosL the efkCL of digi ta li S, but appea rs to be sak to
use with other drugs presc ribed for heart di sease. You may e\'en need
less of some hea n med icaLions while you're taking haw thorn. Talk
to your doctor before Lrying hawtho rn , and ne\'er stop Lak ing a
drug that's bee n prescribed for you (a nd do n't red uce the dose) without
your doclO rs conse nt.

When buying hawtho rn, look for

standardised extracts that contain
at least 1-3% flavonoids, of which
hyperoside is the most common ,
This is the mai n heart-protective
subs tance in th e herb.

In an eig ht-week German study

of 136 peop le with mild to mod
erate congestive heart failure, those
who took hawthorn extract reported
less shortness of breath, less ankle
swe lling and better exe rcise
performance than those given a
placebo. Physical exa minations and
laboratory tests con firmed that the
condition of the hawthorn group
im proved while the condition of
the placebo group worsened,

Varieties of hawthorn grow in

Europe, eastern Asia, northern Africa
and the US. It is also known as
whitethorn and mayflowe r. (The
Pilgrim ship the Mayflower was
named after the hawthorn blossom,)


<--_10 Ine

Many people associate iodine with t he topica l antiseptic their mot hers swabbed on t heir
childhood scrapes and bruises, Bu t the real value of this t race mineral lies in t he role it plays
in thyroid health , Without iod ine, the vitally important t hyroid gland can't function properly,

What it is Alth ough th e body needs onl y tin y am OU11lS, iodine is

so crLl ciallO ove rall health th:lt , beginning in the 1920s in Ne\\' Zealand
,md in th e 1930s in AUSlra li:l , th e go\'ernm elll alk)\\Td ITl:lnufacturers
\'o lullt:lrily to adel iodin e to lab le sa lt , mainl y as a safeguard against
thyroid enlargement (go itre) and lhe Se\Tre form of men al re tardati on
called cre tinism, whi ch is cause d by iodin e defici ency Ca l hough th e CCln
diti on was rare in these countri es). Des pite the recoglll se cl imp ort ance 01
thi s \'italmineral , howen:r, about 1. 6 billion people in the wo rld . mostly
in und erdC\Tlopecl countries. still suiTer from iodll1e deficiency
What it does Uniquel) among mllleral s, iodine ha s lln ly one
main fun ction in the body: it cnables the thyrOid gland to man ufacture
thyroxine , a vitally important hormone that regulates metabolism in
all the body\; ce ll s

Corrects iodine deficiency,

Ensures proper functioning of
the thyrOid gland.
May help to treat cyclic breast


Capsu le

Li q uid

Prevention: By gell ing enough iodine , pregnant women can prc\-e nt

crctinism (a type 01 mental retardati on) in their de\'e lopin g fetu s.
Additional benefits: Unlike many other rninerals, iodJll e does n't
seem to help in the treatment of speci l'ic di seases 1t does, howe\'er, play
a fundamental role in ensuring the hea lth of the th yroid . the butlerny
shaped gland that surround s lhe \vindpipe (trach ea) \tv'he n your iodin e
in wke is adequate , your body co ntains about 20- SL) g of it, and 75% of
that amount is stored in th e th yrOid . This orga n controls the body's
ove rall metabolism , which determines hO\\' qUickly ,md effi ciently
kilojoules are burned up . It also regub tes growth and cb'elopment in
children; reproduction , nelTe and mu scle fun ction; the brea kd ow n of
prot ei ns and fats; rhe growth of nail s and hair; and th e use of oxyge n by

Kelp (seaweed) tablets are a

natural iodine supplement,


Becau se iodine deficiency

is rare in developed countries,
take iodine supp lements only if
prescribed by your doctor.
Rem inder: If you have a med i
calor psychiatric co nd ition, tal k
to your doctor before taking

c\T r) cell in th e body There is som c elidencc Lhat iodine dcrtl'Cd from
~lTl 0 ganic sourcc may be elTecti\'c in reduCing Lhc pain of cyc lic breast
dI sorder, but paL ients should discuss thi s Lype of suppl ementati on with
lh ei r prac liti oner fi rs L.

lodised sa lt has helped to relieve

many of the problems associated
w ith iodine deficiency, such as

How much you need The RDI for iodi ne is 15 0 mcg daily
for adu lt men and 120 mcg for women. Ivlany ,\ ustrallan s and Ne\\'
Zealanders meeL or exceed thi s amollnt by using IOdised sa lt. (One
teaspoon of iodised salt exceeds the RDI fo r iodine )
If you get too little: Among the firs t signs of iodine defi ciency, now

rarely see n in developed countries, is ;]]1 enlarged th yroid ola nd. kno\\'n
as a go itre. Lack of iod ine ca n ca use the gland to ex pand III an attempl
to trap as much of the ioeline in the bloodstream as possible. [f your
iocline intake is low, yo ur th yrOid hor mone bel may \l'ell be low, too .
Thi s cond ition can lead to faL lgue , el ry skin , co nstipation , a rIse in blood
fats, a hoa rse I'o ice, delayed re(lexes and some Im pai rmcnt of mental
functio n Sec your doctor if you h3\'(' these sympLoms.
If you get too much: There IS \c r)' liuie risk of iod me o\'erdose,
even aL lel'cls 10- 20 times the RD I. Howe\Tr, if you ingest 30 Limes
the RD! , you are likely to experiencc a metalli c taste , mOllth sorcs,
swo llen sali va ry gland s, dia rrhoea, Hlmi tin g, headac he, acne anel
difficu lty in brea thing Ironi ca lly, a go itre ca n also dn'elop if you
consistently take eX Lremely large amou nts of iod ine, as an excess can
also repress thyroid l'unction

goitre, but it's best to ob tain your

dietary requi reme nts from natural
sources of iodine, such as fish.
Health-food shops frequently
promote sea sa lt as a hea lthier
alternati ve to table salt - but make
sure you buy the genuine ar ticle :
dried, unprocessed sea salt.
A small am ount ( X teaspoo n)
of wakame sprinkled on food makes
a good sa lt substitute and al so
provides iodine.

An an alysi s of 10 st udies
performed in countries w here
iodine deficiency is common found
evidence that an iodine deficiency
can affect motor skill s, decreasing
reactio n time, manual dexterity,

How to take it
Dosage: If you use iodi sed sa lt - or, better, eat sealood frequentl y
you're probab ly getting all th e iodine you need. Iodine is al so a sw ndmd
ingredi ent in many multi \'itamin and mineral supplements E\'( n if
you're on a vcry low-sa lt diet I'or high bl ood pressure , yo u pro bably
don't require extra iod ine, thou gh you can sa fely take 150 mcg a day
People on a thyroId drug sh ould always d iSC USS Lheir co ndi lion with a
doctor before taking indi\'ielual iodllle sup plemen Ls

coordination and muscle strength.

The analysis, headed by UNICEF
researchers, also revea led that
th e IQ of people who we re iodine
deficient was so me 13 points below
that of those with adequate iodine.

Guidelines for use: When prescri becl , iodi ne suppleme nts ca n be

taken aLan)' tim e or the ci a)', wi Lh or \\ iLhoUL food

Other sources The richesl natural sources l, f ioeli ne are kelp ancl
wakame. (Tasman ian wakame is a hi gh-q ua lity seaweeel \\,it h \ny low
le vels of co ntam ination ) Soil in coastal areas IS ofLen iod ine-rich , as are
th e dair)' products produced by cows grazing Lhere The sa me is tru e ror
rruits and wgera bles grown in soil high in iod ine. Fish is also a major
source or iodine.


- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - _._.-_
- ..

A surprising number of Australians and New Zealanders get too little iron - and few realise
that lack of this vital mineral can make them weak, unable to concentrate and more susceptible
to infection. Too much iron, however, can be dangerous.

What it is Needed throughou t the body, iron is an essential part of

haemoglobin, the oxyge n-carrying component of reel blood cel ls. The
mineral is also found in r'nyoglob in , which supplies oxygen to tb e
mu scles and is part of many enzymes and immune-system compounds.
The body, which gets mOSl of the iron it requ ires from fo ods. ca refull y
monitors its iron status , abso rbing more of it when demand is high (dur
ing periods of rapid growth , such as pregnan cy or childhood) and less
when stores ol it arc adequate Because the body loses iro n when bleed
ing, menstruating women often have 10\\ le\-els. Dieters, \'ege larians
and endurance athleles may expe rience iron shortfalls as we ll.
What it does By helpi ng the blood and muscles de lil'e r oxygen ,
iron supplies ene rgy to eve ry cell in the body Yet Iron dd iciency is
surprisingl y common. An eSlimated 9% o f adolescenr girls and 11 % of
women under the age of 50 are ddiciem in iron. While it s rare to
deve lop an iron defi cie ncy from poor nutrition (iron is found in many
foods), women with hem") menstrua l periods and peop le \\ith certa in
medical condition s may need W lake supplements to pIT\'em or correct
iron-deficiency anaemia.
Major benefits: Keep ing your body we ll supplied with iron prO\ides
energy, helps yo ur immune system to funclion at its best, and gi\-es you r
mind an edge Studies show th iH even mild iron deficiency - we ll short
of the leve ls com monly assoc iated wilh anaemia - can cause adults to
have a short attention span and teenage rs to do poo rly in school

How much you need The RDI for iron is 7 mg for adult men
and 12-16 mg for women daily, falling to 5- 7 mg after menopa use.
Pregnant wo men should see k profeSSional advice. To combat anaemia ,
additional iron - either througb diet or suppl ements - is typically
needed for a period o f weeks or months.
If you get too little: If yo ur diet does not include enough iron, or
if you lose too much thro ugh hea\")' menstrual periods , stomac h
bleeding (com monl y caused by arthrit is drugs) or cancer, your body
draws on its imn rcsen 'e . Initially there are no symptoms, but as your
iron supply dvvindles. 50 does your bodys ability to produce heallhy
reel blood ce lls. The result is iron-defiCiency anaem ia, marked by
weakness, fatigue, paleness, bre athlessness , palpitation s and an
increast'd susceptibiiit}' to infection.


Treats iron-deficiency anaemia.

Often needed during pregnancy;
by women w ith heavy menstrual
periods; or in other si tuations
determined by you r doctor.




Never take an iron supple

ment except on your doctor's
advice. A minority of people
have an inherited disease called
haemochromatosis, which causes
them to absorb too much iron,
and most of those affected
don't even know it. (Early
symptoms include fatigue and
aching joints.)
Taking iron on your own could
also mask a cause of anaemia,
such as a bleeding ulcer, and
preve nt your doctor from making
an early, lifesaving diagnosiS.
Reminder: If yo u have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

If you get too much : Some studies lmk too much iro n to an
increased risk of chronic diseases, incl ud ing hea n disease and colon
cancer. Excess iro n can be particularly dangero us in ad ul ts with a genelic
tendency to overabsor b it Chaemochro matosis)' and in chil d ren, who a re
espeCially susceptib le to iron ove rdose

How to take it
Dosage: Iron su pplements should bc taken only under you r docto r's
su perviSion; self- treatment can be dangerous Anaemia requires a C8re
ful diagnos is and pro fessional treatment to co rrect the und erlying CilUse.
W hen a doclor reco mmends iL , iro n is typi ca lly laken in a form callecl
ferrous sal ts - usually ferrous sulp hate ferrous fumarate or ferro us
gluconate. A typ ical prescribed dose prm-ic!es about 30 mg of iro n
one to thrce limes daily. Most men and pl'stme nopausa l women do not
need iro n su pplem ents, and should make sure that Iro n is not in clud ed
in their dail y multivita min
Guidelines for use: Iron is besl abso rbed w hen taken on an empty
stomach . However, if iron upsets you r sto mach, hal'e it with meals,
p referab ly with a sma ll amOUI1l l,r meat and a food o r d rink rich in
l'llam m C, such as broccoli or o rangt: juice, to boost the amo unt of iron
your bod y abso rb s. Never take irn n lor lll ore than six months without
ha\'ing your blood iro n lew:ls reci1cLkeci by your doC[or

Other sources lron-ri ch rOeld s includc li\'er, beef and lamb.

Vegetarians have mo re di fficult) in otlJ ining iron , as the ani ma l sources
are the besl absorbed , but they G m double lheir absorpt ion of iron
from foods by lak ing 500 mg of \'i tamin C with meals. Common
vegetable so urces are the blue, red, pu rp e and black foods, such as re d
cabbage , eggplant, blueberrieO" blackberries and red and b lack grapes
(T he berries are good beca use, \\'hen I'resh , they co me with their own
vitamin C ) Other goo d sources are IJea ns and peas, leafy greens, dried
fruits (apricots, raisins) , seeds (pu mpk in , squ ash , sunflower), brewers
yeast , ke lp , blackstrap molasses and \\'heat bran. Red wi ne is another
source of easil y abso rbed iron.

Keep all supplements containing

iron ou t of rea ch of children. Just
fi ve high -potency iron pills can kill
a small child .
Iron supplements can interfere
with antibiotics and other medica
tion s. Be sure to tell your doctor
about any supplemen ts you are
taking in addition to your regular
medi cation s.
Women who are even slightly
deficient in iron feel cold sooner
than women with adequate blood
levels of iron. For them, taking iron
supplemen ts is truly heart-warming,

One of the mos t common forms

of iron supplement (ferrous sulphate)
is inexpen sive, but it can cause
constipa tion and stomach upset.
Other form s, such as ferrous
fumarate or ferrou s gluconate, may
be easier to tolerate, Iron-rich herbal
tonics (sold in health-food shops)
may be even gentler,
Check the labels on any multi
vitamin and mineral supplements
you take to see if you 're getting
extra iron . If you 're not at risk for
anaemia, you probably don 't need it
- and it could be hazardous.

Young er women would have to eat

about 12-16 snack-size boxes of
raisins to get the 12-16 mg of iron



PIper methyst;cum

When Captain James Cook sailed the South Pacific in the 1 700s, the kava his crew sampled
along the way may have eased the stress of the journey. The herb has long been appreciated
for its calming effects, and tod ay it continues to attract new enthusiasts.

What it is A member of the pepper family, kc\\'a (a lso kn ow n as

kava- kava) is a shrub lhat thril'es on many South Pacific islands. Th e
name 'kava ' rders not on ly to the herb but also to a tradil ional be"erage
made by crushing the root into a pulp , ad ding coconut milk or water
and slrai ning it into cocon ut shells. For thousands of years , kal'a has
played a maj or ro le in social el'e ms and religiOUS rituals amo ng Pa cific
Islande rs. In facl , [sland ceremoni es - II' helh er lO welcome royal t),
or simpl y by way of a com munal get-togeth er - wouldn 't be co mp lete
vv ithllut kava, which plays a similar ro le to that of alcohol in olhe r
soc ieties, induc ing a se nse of well-being and foslering soc ial interact ion.
The kava plant has hea rt-shaped leaves and bea rs steril e nOlve rs tha t
can be propagated only by di viding the roots, which are lhick and
gna rl ed The roots can weigh up to 10 kg. Today, in man)' parts of the
So uth Pacifi c, kava is widely cult il'ated for the medic inal properties of its
roots , and is exponed througho ut the wo rld.
What it does Kala root contains a nu mbe r of compounds (the
most prominent arc known as ka,-a pyrones), whi ch hal'e a wide range of
therapeulic effects ln man y European count ries, doc lors current ly pre
sc ribe kava for the trealme nt of anxiety, stress, restlessness and insom
nia. Sciemisls aren't sure how it wo rks , bu t beliel-e thal k,\\'a targels the
limb ic sysle m, a prim iti l'e pan of the brain that (among other th ings)
regulates emolions.

Combats anxiety.

Ea ses panic attacks.

Helps to induce sleep .

Relieves pain.

Cap sul e

Tin cture
Dried herb/ Tea

Preg nant or brea st-feeding

women should not use kava.
Don 't take ka va if you have
Parkinson's disease. It may make
symptoms worse.

Kava is known pri maril y for its anx iety-reli ev ing

be nefils lt can be usefu l for redUCing ge neral stress and ncn 'ousness, as
we ll as fo r warcl ing off the imense bouts of anxiety know n as panic
altacks. Kava can also halT a calming errect on peop le who are trying to
SLOp smok ing or lO wean themsel\'es off alcohol lts relaxi ng properties
Major benefits:

Reminder: If you have a medi

calor psyc hiatri c condition, talk
to your doctor before taking

The dried root of the kava
plan t can be made into
stress-relieving pills or tea.


may help in so mni acs fall asle ep ,-\nd peuple \\'ith mild to modelzlte
depressio n, who often sufrer from anxiety, may likc wise benefiL from the
herb, Un like COl1\'Cnt ional tranquillI sers, ka\'a doesn't appezn to dull th e
mine! So me slUdi es e\'Cll show that it llnprO\Cs menta l reacti on Lime,
Surprisingly, peo ple ta king ka\'a rarely se em to de \-e lop C\ tolerance to th e
herb , In addition , ka\'a generally doesn't SCf mto be addiCl i\'e
Additional benefits: Ka\a has pain-relie\lI1g qU il lities th,t[ may be

of \'a lue in treati ng III uscle aches as well as chronIC pa in affecting any
pa rt of the bod y It also appea rs (0 h(l\'e Inu scle-rela xlllg propert ies , and
so ma y help to ease muscle spasnls, In some peopl e \\'iLh epilepsy, ka \'a
see ms to pre\'C nt se izures ilS erfec ti \'ely as so me presc ription anti
con\'uls,mts, Its efl ects may be re la ted to Its powe r to relie\'C stress iln d
anxiety, which can trigger epileptic (lttacks, Furtherm ore , preliminary
studies suggest th at the herb may help stroke patients to recO\ er by
minimising the permanent brain damage that can OCC Ul".

How to take it
Dosage: Th e reco mmended close is 2 SO mg of a stan da rdised extract
two or three times il dily. Consult your doc tor if yO U\'C been takin g kil\'a
for more than three month s, beca use prolon ged use increase s the' cha nce
of sid e effects (see below)

Look for extracts standardised to

cont ain at least 3,5% of the herb's
active ingredients, w hich are called
kava pyrones ,
Buy ka va th at's been extracted
from the root of the plant, not
a product that has only purified
kava pyrones, The root extract s
appear to contain a blend of
benefici al substances, in addition
to ka va pyrones,

In a major study conducted at

several European medical centres,
101 patient s with anxiet y took either
100 mg of kava extract three times
a day or a plac ebo, After 24 weeks,
76% of those in the ka va group

Guidelines for use: Don't exceed the recommended dose Higher

dosages Ciln lead to intoxica ti on o r di so ri entation . (O ne m3n in the US

was co nviClecl of dri\'ing uncl er the inlluenee arter spendmg the e\-e nin g
consuming 16 cups of ka\'a tea , \\'hICh ca usecl hnn to stJgge r, slur his
speech and c1ri\'c as ir drunk on alcohol,)
In addi tion , unl ess your doctor recommends it , 3\-oid thi s herb ir
you 're regularly takin g other drugs that alTec t the central nelYOLlS
system , such as al1lid epressants, sed ati\'es or tranCJuilh se rs lt s also (1
good ideil La a\'o id drinking alco hol when using ka \'a, Ka\'(1 is , hCl\\'e\Tr,
sometimes combm ecl with herba l supplements that affect the bra in , such
as the ilnticl epressant St Johns \ \' O IT Ka\'a usmlll)' aCl S \\irhin minutes,
th ough for so me people with se\'ere ;mxiery, the full bene fits may nor he
appil rent until up to eight weeks after first consu ming the herb

Possible side effects Stomac h upset is th e most co mmon siele

d fec t. Occasi onally, people who <I re 0 11 \Try hi gh dose s ror extendecl
periods (which CJn be as lit tie as three months , though it's usuall y much
longe r) m(l), find that th eIr skin turn s yellO\\' (first their filce, [hen the
rest of th eir body) and beco me s dry and scaly Other Slue effect s 01' \Tr)
high doses include loss of appetIte, laboure d brear hlllg , blurred \iSIOI1 ,
bloodshot eye s, wa lking dilTi cul tie s and intox ication , If these occur, sto p
t'lking th e herb, There ha\e also been reports or allergiC skin rashes, but
these are uncommon,

said that they were ' much ' or 'very

much ' improved, compared to
51 % of those getting a placebo,
The study found it took eight w eeks
before there was any significant
benefit from kava (earlier studies had
indicated some benefit after four
weeks or less), perhaps because the
patients in this study were suffering
from severe and long-term anxiety,
The only side effect noted w as an
occ asional upset stomach,

Among the dignitaries w ho have

drunk kava during South Pacific
w elcoming ceremonies are Queen
Eli za beth II, Pope John Paul II,
Lyndon and Lad y Bird Johnson
and Hillary Rodham Clinton,


ecithin and cho

These closely related nutrients are essential to the functioning of every cell in your body.

They're particularly important for the liver and nerves. No wonder so many nutritionists

urge us to get more of them .

What they are Lecithin (pro nounced LESS-a -thin) is a fatty sub
stance found in many animal- and plant-based food s, inclu ding liver,
eggs, soybeans , pea nuts and whea t germ 1t is also often added to
processed foods - including ice cream , choco late , margarine and sa lad
dressings - to help blend , or emulsify, the fat s with water. 1n addition,
th e body manufactures it.
Lecithin is considered an excellent source of the B \i tamin cholinc ,
primarily in the form called ph osphatidy1choline. Once in the body, the
phosphatid ylcholin e breaks down in to choline, so that when you take
lecithin , or absorb lecithin from foods, your body obtains choline
However, onl y 10-20% of the lecithin found in plants and other natural
so urces co nsists of phosp hatid ylcholine. You ca n buy lecithin supple
ments that contain higher co nccntrations of phosp hatid ylcholine, bu t
they ca n be expensive. 1n most situ at ions, just taking plain lecithi n,
rathe r than the more costl y phosp hatid ylcholine, is more than adequate
Though dietary lecithin is a primary source of cho line, cholin e is
also found in liver, soybeans, egg yolks, grape Jui ce, peanuts, cabbage,
caulif10we r and other fo ods. You can buy choline supplements, an d it is
often included in B-co mplex vitamins or other combination formulas
What they do Lec ithin and choline are needed I'o r a ra nge of
bod y functi ons. They help [Q build ce ll membranes and fac ilitate the
movement of fats and nutrients in and out of cells. They playa role in
reproduct ion and in fetal and infant de\'elopmen t; they are essentia l to
the healtb of tbe li ve r and ga ll bladder; and tbey may help tbe heart
Choline is also a key component of the brain chemical acetylcboline,
wbicb plays a major part in memory and muscl e control. As a result of
these far-Ilung effects, all sorts of claims bave bee n m ade for lecithin and
choline - from curing ca ncer and AmS to lowe ring cholesterol. h en
tbough the ev idence for some of these claims is weak , these nutrients
should certainly not be dismissed out of hand.

Help to prevent gallstones.

Aid liver fun ction, making them
useful in the treatment of hepatitis
and ci rrhosis.
Help the liver to rid the body
of toxins in patients undergoing
chemotherapy for cancer.
Relieve heartburn symptoms.
May boost memory and enhance
brain function.

Cap sule



Powde r/Granules


Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Lecithin is good for the brain and liver,

and helps you digest fats. 50ftgels are a
popular form of lecithin supplement.


Major benefits: Lec ithin and choline may be es peciall y helpful in the
LreaLment of ga ll-bladder andli\u dise ases. Lec ithin is a key component
of bi le, the l'at-digesting substance , and low le\'e ls of thi s nument are
knowTl LO precipitate ga llstones. Taking supplements with lecith in or its
purifi ed eXL ract, ph osphatidylcholme , may treat or prevent this diso rder
Lec ithin may also Ix beneficial for the live r Th e results of a 10-year
study on bab oo ns showed that it pre\'cnted se\'e re 1i\'Cr scar ring and
cirrhos is cause d by alcoh ol abuse . Other studles have mdicated that its
helpful for li\'er pro bl ems associa ted wi th hepatitis
Choline is often in cluded in li\'er complex formulas along with other
liver-strengthening supplements, such as the amino acid methionine, the
B- vitamin inosi to l, and the herbs milk th iSll e and dandelion. These
preparations , ofte n called lipotropic combina ti ons or factors. ca n help to
prevent the bu ild-up of fats with in the 1i\'Cf, imp rove the flow of fa Ls
and choleste rol through the li\u and ga ll b ladder, and help the liver to
rid the body of da ngno Ll s toxins . They may be especially help ful for
li ver or gall-bladder d iseases. such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or ga llstones, as
well as fo r co nditions that are alle\' iated by go od liver fun cti on, such as
endom etri osis (the leading cause of fe male infertiliLY) or side effects from
chem otherapy Choline , along with the B-\'itamins pantothenic acid and
thiamine , may also help to treat heartbLlrn.
Additional benefits: These two nen'e-butldmg nutrient s may be
useful for improving memory in Lhose with Alzheimer's disease, pre
venting neural tube birth defec ts (s pina blfida), boosting performance in
endurance sports , an d treating twi tches and tiCS (tardive c1 yskinaes ia)
caused by antipsyc hoti c drugs. Th ey have also been proposed as
possible remedi es for high choleste rol, and even cancer However, more
studi es are needed to define their role in the se and other dlseases.

Lecithin supplements va ry
widely in the amount of their active
ingredient, phosphatidylcholine. To
be effective, lecithin should have a
concentration of 35% or more.
Choline, along w ith vitamin A,
is beneficial for asthmatics, as it
helps to repair the surface of the
lung. The recommended dose is
3 teaspoons of lecithin granules
a day, taken with food.

A lack of choline shows up very

quickly. Healthy adult American men
who were put on a strict 30-day
choline-deficient diet displayed
elevated liver enzymes, a clear
indicator of liver problems .
Supplementing their diet with
lecithin restored their live rs to
normal function .
It's a long way from rats to
people, but a new study suggests
a memory-enhancing effect for
choline. Rats fed extra choline

How to take them

Dosage: The usual dosage of lec ithin is LWO 1200 mg caps ules twice

a day. 1t can also be taken in a granular form : 1 Leas poon contains about
1200 mg. Choli ne can be ob tained from lec ithin , alth ough phosph at
Idylc holine (5 00 mg three times a day) or plain choline (500 mg three
times a day) may be a be lter source. Choline can also be taken as part
of a lipotropic co mbina tion product Th ere is no RDI for lecithin or
choline, although so me experts recommend 550 mg for men and
425 mg for \NOmen.
Guidelines for use: Lecithin and choline should be ta ken wit h mea ls
to enhan ce absorpti on. Granular lecith in has a nutty taste and can be
sprinkled over foo ds or mixed into drinks

Possible side effects [n high doses, lecithin and choline Illay

cause sweatin g, nausea, vomiting, bloa ting and diarrhoea . Taking very
high dosages of choline 00 g a day) may produce a fishy boLly odour or
a hea n rhythm disorder.

produced offspring that performed

much better in memory and learning
skills than those w hose mothers
were on a normal diet. Conversely,
offspring of the rats deprived of
choline did poorly on memory tests.

There's no RDI for lecithin or choline

but deficiencies are rare. Most
Australians and New Zealanders get
enough of these nutrients in their
daily diet - about 6 g of lecithin and
up to 1 g of choline.



G/ycyrr/lua glabra

In ancient Greece, licorice was used to calm coughs and soothe upset stomachs. Modern
research finds that this herb boosts immunity, fights viruses, treats ulcers, reduces inflammation,
protects the liver, eases menopause and, applied topically, relieves eczema.

What it is O ne o f the most extensi vel y used and th oroughly stud

ied h erbal re medies , lico rice has a long medicin a l hi sto ry It was one of
the first foods inves tigated in the US by the Nati o na l Can cer Institute's
experimental food program
Cultivated in Turkey and Greece, the licorice plant - a m ember of the
pea family - is a tall shrub with bluish flowers . Its m edicinal properties
are in the root, o r rhizome, which contains glycyrrhizin. Li corice is also
a source o f hundred s of other potentially be neficial s ubstan ces, includ
ing plam oestroge ns and fl avonoids
For the ra peutiC use, lico rice root is made into capsules , table ts, tinc
tures and crea ms. Because it has a sweet , musty taste, lico rice root is
often combined with othe r herbs to mask their bitte rness Ano the r fo rm ,
DGl, or degl ycy rrhizina ted li cori ce, which has had the glycyrrhizin
removed , is available in the US in capsu les and chewab le wa fe rs and
may soon reac h th e Aus trali an and New Zea land market Th e two ty pes
of licorice h ave diffe rent uses and effects on the body.

Reduces symptoms of chronic

fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Eases digestive problems.
Helps to treat eczema.
Promotes hepatitis recovery.
Enhances immunity.
Eases respiratory illnesses.
May be useful for menstrual
disorders and menopause .



What it doe s

Th e glycyrrhizin in licorice stimulates the adrenal

glands to produ ce ce rtain hormones, reduces inflamma tio n and
increases levels of inte rferon , a Virus-fighting substance manufact u red by
the immune system O the r co mpounds in licorice are potent anti ox id ants
and ma y also mimic the effec ts o f oestrogen in the bod y. licorice (espe
cially the DGl fo rm) has a beneficial effect on the digesti ve trac t.
Major benefits : Lico rice is helpful for respi ra tory problem s because
it fi ghts the viruses that attac k the res pira tory tract , relieves sympto ms
such as coughing and sore th roa l and works to thin mu cus. Because of
its action on the adrenal glands , lico rice is often used by nutritio nall y
oriented doctors to trea t ch ro nic fati gue syndrome, fibromyalgia and
other disorders affected by the body's levels of cortisol, th e m ain
adrenal hormone. The herb ca n also be taken for Virtually any condition
involving inflammation. It's espec ially b eneficial for hepatitiS , combatin g
liver innammation and fighting th e virus that often triggers the disease.
The DGl form does n o t wor k th e sam e way licorice root docs. DG l
enhances the body's p roduction o f substan ces that coat the oeso phagus
a nd stomach , protecting them fro m the corrosi ve effects of s comach ac id .
Therefore , DGl is helpful in cases o f heanburn , ulcers and infl ammato ry
bowel disease In fact, in seve ral stud ies, DGl was more effecti ve tha n
sta ndard prescriptio n a nti-ulce r medicatio ns. It works onl y wh e n mi xed
with saliva , however, which IS wh y the c hewable wafer form o f DGl
is prefe rred for digestive p rob lem s. These wafers can also speed up th e
healing of mouth ulcers





Dried herb/ Tea

Glycyrrhizin, a key compound

in licorice, raises blood pressure.
Avoid licorice if you have heart,
kidney or liver disease; high
blood pressure; are pregnant; or
are taking diuretics or digitalis.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Additional benefits : Licorice may be useful for menstrual prob lems

and for menopa use. Though glycyrrhizin in hibits the effect of the body's
mm oeslrogens, the plant oestrogen s in li co rice exert a mild oestrogeni c
effec t 'vVomen pro ne to Pl\[S may find thar taking lico rice for 10 days
leading up to thei r period eases so me symptoms. In addition, topical
licorice creams soothe skin irri lations, such as ecze ma and co ld so res.

How to take it
Dosage: For most di sorders: Take lico rice roo t three times a day
in 200 mg pills (slandardised to contain 15% glycy rrhizi nic acid or
glycy rrhizin ) or 45 drops of the nuid extrac t For heQ/1burl1 and other
digestive troctbles: Take twO [0 four chewable licorice tablets three limes
a day, or take 45 drops of licorice extract. For eczema: Apply cream [0 the
affec ted area three or four limes a day.
Lico rice root su pp lements can be ta ken at any
lime of day. (DGL wafers should be taken about 30 minutes befo re
a meal and well chewed) For a so re throat , lozenges co ntaining li corice
work best.
Guidelines for use :

Preliminary studies in laboratory

animals suggest a possible cancer
fighting role for licorice, particularly
in preventing colon and brea st
cancer. Glycyrrhizin, its active
ingredient, may be responsible for
this effect because it can enhance
immune-system activity. Pla nt
oestrogen s found in the root may
also be involved, as far as combating
breast cancer is concerned.
Licorice may keep arteries clear
and therefore help to prevent heart
disease, according to a recent study.
Res earchers found that taking
100 mg of licorice root a day was
enough to minimise damage from
LDL ('bad') cholesterol, a primary
contributor to plaque formation.

Possib le side effects Because of its effect on the adrenal

glands, lIcori ce root can increase yo ur blood pressure. For this reaso n,
do not exceed the reco mmend ed dosages ][ yo u need to take lico rice for
more lhan a month , haw yo ur blood pressure mon ito red Swee ts made
from real licorice and e\'en chewing tobacco (which oft en contains
lico rice as a na\'o uring) ca n raise your bl ood pressure if lhey're used
exceSSively (The OGL form does nOI raise blood pressure and has no
other side effects)

Li corice sweets are typically

flavoured with anise oil, not licorice
root. True licorice sweets come
from Europe. Don't overindulge;
they can elevate blood pres sure,
just as licorice root can.

Licorice root is readily

available in copsule form.



Although little heralded, magnesium may be one of the mo st important mineral s for good
health . Studies suggest that, besides enhancing some 300 enzyme-related processes in the body,
magnesium may help to prevent or combat many chronic diseases.

What it is The average person's body contains Just 28 grams of

magnesium, but this small amount is vital to a number of boclily func
tions. [vlany people do not have adequate stores of magnesium, oflen
because they co nsume processed foods. whi ch co main ver)' little of this
minera l. And magnesium levels are easily depl eted by stress, by certa in
diseases or med ications. and by intense physical acti\ity. For lhis reason.
nutritiona l supplements may be necessary for op timal hea lth. They are
ava il able in seve ral forms, including magnesium aspartate. magnesium
carbonate, magnesium diglycinate. magnesium glu conate and magne
sium ox ide. MagneSium sulphate (Epsom sallS) IS a we ll- know'n IClxati\'e
What it does [vlagnesium is imohed in energy produc tion,
nerve functi on, mu scle relaxation , and bone and tooth for mation. In
conjunction with calcium and potassium , mClgnes ium regulates hea n
rhyt hm ; it also plays a role in the production and use of insulin
Prevention : Recent research indicates that magneSium helps to pre
ve nt anu trea t heart disease. Studies shO\v that the ri sk of dying of a heart
attack is lower in areas with 'hard ' water, which contains high leI'els of
magneSium. Some researchers speculate that, if e\Tryone drank hard
water, the number of deaths from heart attacks might decline hy 19%.
MagneSium appears to lower blood pressure, anc! ha s also been foune!
to aiel recovery after a heart attack by inhibiting blood clots. \\'idening
arteries and normaliSing dangerous arrhythmias
Preliminary stud ies suggest that an adequate int ake of magnes ium
may prevent non-insulin-c! epemlent (type 2) e!iabeles. Researchers at
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore measured magneSium leIe ls in
more than 12000 peo ple who did not ha\'(: uiabetes and tmckee! them


Reduces spasms and cramps .

Helps to protect against heart
disease and irregular heartbeat
Eases fibromyalgia symptoms.
Lowers high blood pressure.
May reduce the severity of
asthma attacks.
Improves sy mptoms of
premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Helps to prevent the com
plications of diabetes.




People with kidney disease

should consu lt their physiCians
before taking mag neSium .
Magnesium can make tetra
cycline antibiotics less effective.
Consult yo ur doctor.
Reminder: If yo u have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supp lements.

fo r six years to see who deve loped the disease. Those with the lowest
magnesium leve ls had a 94% grea ter chance of de\Tloping the disease
than those ",lith the high est levels (T hese results apply onl y to
Caucasians. lviagnesium leI'e ls don't seem to affe ct diabe tes in African
,-\meri ca ns, while other groups have not been studied .) More research is
nee ded to see if magnesium supplements can pre \'e nt the dlsease
Additional benefits: Because magnesium rc:laxes muscl es, it's use
ful for sports inJuries and fibromyalgia. It also see ms to ease PMS and
menstrual cramps, and ma y increase bo ne densitr in postmenopausal
women, helping to prevent or delay the onset of osteoporosis. In ad di
tion, magnesium expa nd s the airways , which is helpful in trea ting
asthma and bronchItis. Studies are inconclusi\'C about magnesium's ro le
ll1 preventin g or treating migraines, but one study suggests that it may
enhance the effect of sumatri ptan , a presc ription drug used for migraines.

If you' re taking a magnesium

supplement, be sure to take a
calcium supplement as well. The
recommended ratio is two parts of
calcium to one part of magnesium.
Imbalances in the amounts of these
two minerals can reduce their
beneficial effects.
Research shows that magneSium
diglycinate is the form most readily
absorbed by the body. Magnesium
oxide may be the least expensive,
but it's also the most poorly absorbed.

How much you need The RDI for magnesium is 320 mg for men
and 270 mg fo r women daily Highe r doses are required La prevent or
trea t specific diseases, as well as for wome n who take oral contrace pti ves.
If you get too little: hen moderate deficiencies ca n raise the risk of

hea rt disease and diabe tes. Se\'ere defi ciencies can result in irregular
heart beat, fat igue, muscle spasms. irritabillt)" ncrvo usness and confusion.
If you get too much: MagneSium (particul arl y as Epsom salts) may
cause diarrhoea and nausea . Iv10re sn ious side effects - muscle weak
ness , lethargy, confusion and difficulty in brealhing - can devel op if the
body ca n't process high doses. But o\'erd osing on magnesium is rare
beca use the kidneys are usuall y effIcient al eliminating excess amounts.

H ow to take it
Dosage: To prevent heart dis ease.' Take 400 mg a day For arrhythmias,
congestive heart failure and asthma: Take 400 mg twice a day. For
fibromyalgia: Take 150 mg of magnesium with 600 mg of malic acid
twice a da y. For high blood pressure: Try 500 mg a clay. For diabetes: Take

A lack of mag nesium can make

a workout harder. In one US study,
women over the age of 50 needed
more oxygen and had higher heart
rates during exercise when their
magnesium levels we re low.
Taking magnesium lowered
blood pressure in a study of 60 men
and women with hypertension. On
average, systolic pressure (the top
number) dropped 2.7 points; dias
tolic pressure (the bottom number)
dropped 1.5 points. Declines of even
a few points can reduce the risk of
heart attack and stroke.

500 mg daily.
Guidelines for use: Magnesi um is besl absorbed when taken with
each meal. If supplements cause diarrh oea, lowe r the dose or use mag
nes ium diglycinate or gluconate, \vhich are easier on th e digestive tract.

You'd have to eat 3 cups of wild

rice to meet the RDI for a man
320 mg of magnesium.

Other sou rces Good food sources of magnesium are who le

grains, nuts , legumes , dark green lealy l-egetables and shellfish.



Ha iled by some as a potent anti-ageing hormone, melatonin has been credited with almost
miraculous effects on a wide variety of ailments, including cancer. It is probably most effective,
however, as a natural sleep aid to ease insomnia and overcome jet lag.

What it is First Ic\ enll hcl 1Il U 58 \:1.](.1 aqihblc on prescripti\.' l1

in Australia ,m d Ne\\ ZcaLlIld ), (his ni\lllra ll y occ urring hormone is
manufaClured by lhl pinea l gLmd , iI pea-sized orga n dee p \\ ilh in the
brain . All human s an 11 5l anim al s secrete melatonin throu ghoul lh eir
Ji lTS, with the hi ghest b 'd occ urri ng d urin g ch ildhood. ,-\s Ill' age,
howele r. the prociUCliL11l (11 melatonin dec lines. leading so me resea rchers
10 lheo ri se that Ill el;uonin supp lc me11l allll n might benclit all old er
peo ple . Inrere stm gJy. natural melaLOn in b 'els I'ar)' I\ id el)' : abou t 1% of
lh e popul ation halT I'ery 10\\' icle ls, and ,moth er 1% hm'c b 'ds
500 lim es alxw e norma l Th ere's no co rrelatio n, ho\\ c\'er, bel \\'.,:el1 the se
amount s <mel s pecifi C hea lth co nce rn s or slee p pa: tern s
What it does One of lhe main funch.'l1 s of me latonin is


regulate cycl es of slee p and \\a kdul ness, It does so b; helping to set the
brc1I1l'S internal clock , crea lln g "' hat are known as c ircadl a r~ ": l)"thm s - the
body's daily biorhYl hms thal go\'e rn C\e ryl ling from slee pinll i1nd \\,i1k ing
times to c1igeslin: iuncrions and the release of iI "i1 riety of hormones
li nked [ 0 reproduction and olher body processes In orele r w prociuce
me\;:llonin . th e bod y responci s to light cues. makin g more lI'hell its d::nk
outside (production begins ('i1ch en ning mO Lli . ci usk and peaks bet\\'ee n
2 a.m, i1nel 4 am) and less durin g the oa). Thi s dail) cyc li ca l sec re tlcln ,) f
melatonin is whal lell s the body \\'hen to slee p i1 nd \\'he'n to \\'ake.
Major benefits : Me la tonin may he mos[ erfect in i1S a sleep aid ,
Various stucii es or young i1 nL! elderly adults ind ica te that in some people
melato nin shoncn s th e lime needed to fall asle ep and imp l'l)"es sleep
quality by ciecre(Js ing the number of limes (hey wake durin g the night.
It may be beneficial when chron ic pain or st ress l USeS sleep ciislur
bilnces, jVlelatonin can also help tl) rcSlClre n 0[11'1 ,11 sleep pmt ern s in
people who do ni ghl- shlft wo rk or in those sufre ring fro 1 ,itt lag as a
res ult of cross ing tim e zones. !vlorem'er, it \\'ork s \\ ilhoLil prot ucing the
aJd icr i\'e effects of colll'enril)ll al slee p medications,


Rel ieves insomnia,

Promotes restful sleep, even
during night- time pain or stress
rel ated sleep disturbances ,
Diminishes the effects and
shortens the course of jet lag.




Liqu id

Adverse drug interactions

have been reported in people
taking commonly prescribed
antidepressants (including Prozac
and MAO inhibitors) or steroid
or sedative drugs.
Reminder: If you have a med i
ca lor psychiatric con dition, talk
to your doctor before taking

Additional benefits : \'hl1\' other Li ~lim5 are made for melatonIn

II .b ,11 Jnrl - J~c ing

kmTI ub was sparked br 8n anima l study

,7 I'. bkh l1l>!htly ac!mi111 stration o[ the supplement to elclerl)' mIce
',,,,l,)ng.:d the ir IlI'es by 25% Hown'er, lherc ha\'e been no studies to
oh,',, lha l melawnll1 supplemenLmion debys ageing in human s. Some
l', ,,cJrch suggl'Sl< [hm il may boost lh e immune system , ,-\nd it may be
.11 :: \"(11 Slronger antioxidant than \'i tamins C o r E or bct8-c8rotene,
hU!1ling down 8nd dest roy ing the naturally occ urnng, ce ll -cl 8maging
u)ll1 [loLln ds call ed free rad ica ls that can leael to heart clisease, cataracts
\l1 U ulh er age- rel ated degenera li \'e changes, Ivtore research is needed to
determine IVhet he r melatonin helps to prelTtlt these and oth er conditions,
Some st udies suggest that, whe n combined with ce rt8in c;, ::c:cr d rug",
melatonin may help to destro y malign811t ce ll s An\'l thc r stud y cun
d ucted in Holbncl in 1995 found that, when take n in cLln junClit1n \\'j\h
bm h co ntrol pills , melatonin has an oeslrogen -coun tering el fec t lhat
m~1 y offer protcct ion aga inst so me form s of breJst ca ncer In add ition,
,;co me reports indlc8te th 8t mela ton in mal' reduce: some elf the nen'e
dam8ge assoc iated wilh both AlzheinwJ"'s and P8rkinso n's diseases Ancl
a 1997 stud y from [wi )' re \'ealed tha t il may ~d sCl haw beneficial effects
on th e blood \'essel s 811C1 thu s pla y 8 role in redUCing the ri sk o[ st roke
and hean aU8ck. lvll)re rese8rch is needed .u delermllle th e eITectl\'( ness
and long-t erm salety 01 melaton in fo r Ih ese and other uses,
r, l-'ro::"


How to take it
Dosage: For insol1111ia: Take 1-3 mg before bedtime. Forjet lag: Take a
3 mg dose on yo ur day oflra\T!. follo\\-ecl bl' 3 mg before bedume for the
first three or four nights at yo ur final cleslinmlOn For shift \VOl'll' bke a
3 mg close at your des ired bedt ime (8t 8 am, for eX8mplc) after \\'o r1z111 g
a night shill,
Guidelines for use: To combat in somn i8, stick to a preci se schedule,
takin g supp lements at the S8 me time e\'e ry e\'C l1Ing Sta rt \\' ith the lo\\,est
dose, and incre8se it as needed ,

Possib le side effects No se ri ous ri sks assoc iated \\'nh mel,l

tonin usc h8\T been reponed , In one US st ud y, patient s \\'ho took \'('ry
high doses (6000 mg ni ghtl y) for one month h8d no mrtJor side eflects
BU l long-term studi es of six months or more are 18cking
For most people , melatonin causes drows iness 30 minutes <d'ter
ti1king it. This elfeCl may 18st for se\'cr81 hours , so you shou ld not dm-e
or handl e heal,)' machi nery durin g thls time . Other side effecls can
in clu de headach e, stomach upse t, Ieth8rg)' or citsoricmati on. Some
people re port thal melatonin can ca use fuzzy thtnking upon w8king, or
I'i\'id and sometimes unpleasant dreams , and can el'('n make msom nia
wo rse, Oth ers lindlhm the dfects wear olf qUickly \\'ilh co ntinued usc,

Although readily available in the

US, melatonin is classified as a drug
in Australia and New Zealand, and is
available only on prescription,
Most melatonin supplements
(even those called 'natural') are
produced synthetically and are safe
to buy, They're identical to natural
human melatonin, However, be wary
of melatonin products derived from
animal glands; they may contain
dangerous impurities,

A US study of 52 airline employ

ees showed melatonin to be a very
effective remedy against jet lag,
significan tly shortening the normal
one-week adjustment period, Other
studies with more than 400 people
determined that the hormone
reduces symptoms of jet lag by
about 50%, on average, on both
eastward and westward flights,
Preliminary studies at the Oregon
Health Sciences University in Portland
found that tiny doses of melatonin
may be effective for wintertime
blues, Depressed patients who
received several doses of 0.1 mg of
melatonin in the afternoon showed
significant mood improve ments,
compi!.red with those who received
no melatonin or a larger single dose
in the morning, Scientists speculate
that small afternoon doses may
mimic the way melatonin is naturally
released by the body, but caution
against drawing conclusions until
further studies are completed,


k thistle

Silybum mar/anum

The medicinal use of milk thistle can be traced back thousands of years to the times of the
Greek and Roman Empires . Today, researchers have completed more than 300 scientific studies
that attest to the benefits of this herb, particularly for treating liver ailments.

W hat it is Known by its botantca l name, Silybul1l mananWll , as

well as by its principal ac tive mgredient , silymarin , mil k thistle is a
member of the sunn ower family. The purp le Dowers and milk )' white leaf
vei ns of this herb are a common Sight in man )' pans of Europe, where it
grows as a weed It blooms in summer, and the shiny black seeds used
for medicinal purposes are co llec ted at th e end of summer. The weed
kn own as mil k thistle in Australia is of a di fferent genus and species,
SOl1cillls o1craceus, and is not a substitute for Sily bllm marial1l1l11 ,

Protects the liver from toxins,

including drugs, poisons and
Treats liver disorders, such as
cirrhosis and hepatitis.
Reduce s liver damage from
excessive alcohol.
Helps treat and preven t gallstones.

Wh a tit doe S Milk lhistl e is one of the mos t extensi\'e ly stu died

Helps clear psoriasis.

and documented herbs in use today. Scientifi c research continues to

va lidate its heali ng powers, particul arly for the trea tment of li \'e r-related
diso rd ers. lvloS l of its effecti veness stems from a co mplex of three
li ver-p ro tecting co mpound s, co llective ly known as sil ymarin , which
const itutes 4-6 % of the ripe seeds.
Arnong the most important be nefits of milk thistle is
its abi lity to repair the li\'e r, which is one of the body's most important
orga ns, sec ond in size on ly to the skin . The li\'er processes n utrients,
includin g I-a ts and other foods. In add iti on, It neutrali ses, or de toxlfies,
many drugs, chemica l pollutants and alcohoL Milk thistle helps to
enhance and strengthen lhis \' ital orga n by pre\'enti ng the depleti on of
gl utathi one, an amino-acid-like compo und eSSential to the detox ifying

Tab let



Major benefits:

Any liver disease req uires

carefu l evaluation and super

vision by a doctor.

Commonly made into capsules,

powdered extracts of milk thislle
seeds contain a potent liver protector
called silymarin.


Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor

before taking supplemen ts.

process What's more, studies shuI\! that milk thi sLle can increasc gluta
thione conce ntration by up lO 35 SL' It is also an elTecti\'c 'ga tekee per' ,
limiting the number of toxins the lil'er processes at any time,
Milk thistle is a powerful anti ox idant as well, b'e n more potent than
vitamins C and E, it helps to pre\'ent damage from hi ghly reacm'e free
radical mol ecuIcs Furth erm ore, it promores thc regenerat ion of hea lth y
neyv liver cells to replace old and damaged ones . ~ 'Iilk thistle eases a
range of serious livcr ailments, including Ilral infec ti ons (hepatltis) and
sca rring of the li\'C r (c irrhosis), This herb is so potem that It can e\'e n
combat the li fe -threatening, li\'er-destroy ing dkcts of poisonous
mushrooms, In addition , because excessi\'e alcohol clcpktes glutat hi one,
milk thistle can help to protec t the lil'e rs of alcoholi cs or people \\ho are
recove ring from alcohol abuse
Additional benefits: In cancer pat ients, mdk thist le red uces the
potential for drug-induced damage to the lilu a tei chemoth erap)" and

it speeds up reco\'e ry by hastening the rcmo\'a lo f toxic substanc es that

can accumulate in the body The herb ::dsu reduces the inl1ammation,
and may slow the sk in ce ll proliferati('Il , associated \\ith psoriasis Il may
be useful for endometriosis (the Ilwst comm on cause of infertilit y in
women) because it helps the li\'C r to process the hormone oestrogen,
which at high b 'ds can worsen pain ~1l1d other s)'mptoms Finally, milk
thistlc can help to prevent ll r treat gallsrones by impro\ing the 11011' of bile,
the cholesterol-laden digestive Juice thal tra\'e!s from the li\'Cl through the
gall bladder and into the intestine , \\here it helps to digest fats

To be sure you're getting the

proper dose, buy products made
from standardised extracts that
contain 70-80% silymarin, the active
ingredient in milk thistle, You may
also want preparations that contain
both milk thistle and phosphatidyl
choline, a principal constituent of
the natural fatty compound lecithin,
Studies show that this combination
may be better absorbed than regular
milk thistle,
Be wary of alcohol-based
tinctures, Some formulas contain
high amounts of alcohol, which
can be bad for the liver if taken
in large doses,

Milk thistle may one day prove

an important weapon in the battle
against skin cancer. Researchers

How to take it
Dosage: The recomme nded dose fOl' milk thistle IS up to 250 mg of

stand ardised extract. (co ntaining 70-80% silymarin) three times a clay.
It is often combined with other herbs and nutrients, such as dandelion,
choline , methionine and in os itoL This co mbmatlon may be labelled
'liver co mplex' or 'lipotrop ic fa cto rs'. ('Lipotropic' refers to the fo rmul as
fat-metabolising properties , which prel'ent fatty substances from build
ing up in the li ver) For dosage , follo\\' p:K kagc directions.
Guidelines for use: Milk thistle seems most dfecri\'e when ta ke n
between meals Its benefits may be noti ceable within a wee k or two,
though long- lerm treatment is often needed for chronic conditions, The
herb appea rs to be safe , e\'en for pregnant and breast-feeding women,
No interactions with other medIcations ha\'e been nored,

at Case Western Reserve University

in Cleveland found that when the
active ingredient, silymarin, was

applied to the skin of mice, 75%

fewer skin tumours resulted follow
ing exposure to ultraviolet radiation,
More studies are needed to see if it
has a similar effect for humans,

Milk thistle is not very soluble

in water, so teas made from the
seeds usually contain few of its

Possible side effects Virtuall y no side effec ts hal'e been

liver-protecting ingredients,

aLlributed to [he use of milk thistle, which is considered one of the safest
herbs on the market Howe",: 1', in some people it may ha\'e a slight
laxaril'e effect for a clay or two,


M shrooms

Lentinu5 edode5, Grifola frolldosa ,

Ganoderma luddllm, Corlolu5 ver.JIcolor

Shiitake and maitake are more than just exotic-sounding words on a Japanese menu . In fact,
they are members of a special group of medicinal mushrooms that Asian peoples have heralded
for thousands of years as longevity tonics and immune-system boosters .

What they are For millennia, tradit ional "\si,m medicine has
cherished certain mushroo ms - including maiLake (G ,.,[o[a Jrondosa).
rcishi (GCll1odcrl11Cl [uciclum ) and shii take (Lc l1lil1llS t'clodcs) - for the ir
health-promoting effects Mo re recently, all extracL from the mushroom
C{wioili s l'frSlc%r , call ed PSK, has been fo und LO be a potent c m cer
fighter, Though other mushrooms - Lree ear and 0ysLe r Illushrooms, for
in stance - may also pro\'ide some health benefits , most of the attention ,
and the research, has co nce ntrat ed on the four types me ntioned alxwe
The firsL three are a\'a ilable as powders (in loose fo rm for teas or
in capsules or tablets) or as liq uid eXlr<\cts , \\'h ich concen traLe the ir
potency. Dried reishi mushrooms and fresh and dried shiilake ancl
maitake may be found in Asian groceries and some go urmel shops, but
for therapeutic purposes , supplem ents are prefe rred tvlanake, relshi and
shiitake mushroo m powde rs are sometimes comb ined in one ca psule.
CoriO/llS ve rsicolor is not currently a\a il ab le in Auslralia or NC\\' Zeala nd,
but may be obtainable from other countries throu gh some prZlc tiLioners
What they do tvleclicinal mushrooms haH I'aried effec ts, ll1clud
ing boosLing the body's immune sys tem , lowe ring cholestero l, aC Ling as
an anticoagulant , and pla)'ing a supponing role in the lrecnme nt of cance r.
Major benefits: lVlai take and COI'i olu s I'cis ic% r are comm only used in
Japan LO strengthen the immun e s)'stems of peopl e undergoing
chemolh erapy for ca ncer, Studies hm'e sholl'n Lhat manake extrac ts make
lower chemoLhe rapy doses more effecti\ 'c \I' hile protec tlllg hea lth y ce lls
lrom the damage such drugs can cause , The Japanese halT bee n usmg the
PSK extract fronl Corio/u s I'usicolor as an adj unct to che motherapy lor
many years Se\'eral stud IeS hm'e suggesLe d that PSK can impron: SUfl'II'al
rates III peo ple who hmT stomach, colon or lung ca ncer.
lvled icinal mushrooms appear LO boost the immune system , helping
the bod y to combat disease- causing organism s So me studies ind icate
th at the y may be powe r[ul enough LO help people \liLh HIV in fec tion
anu AJDS (who ha\'e I'e ry weak immune systems) For exa mpl e, shiitake
mu shrooms co nLain a carbohydrate compound called lentinan, which
prom otes the body's produc Lion of T ce lls and other immune-syste m

Build immunity.

Help to prevent cancer.

Enhance cancer trea tments.

Alleviate bronchitis, sinusitis.

Treat chronic fatigue syndrome.

Help to prevent heart disease.






Dried mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms

People taking anticoagulant

drugs should avoid reishi supple
ments because the mushrooms
contain compounds that also
'thin' the blood.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Supplements made from shiitake,

reishi and moitoke mushrooms (left
to right) come in capsule form.


componellls. Laboratory sludies show lhal CO lio/u s \'CIsic%r may be

able [0 ove rpowe r H1V in the leSl tube; more research is needed 10
discove r whether il ca n do (he sa me in (he human body Other peop le
with compromise d immun e systems - such as (host: with chro nic fatigue
synd rom e - may benefit from medicinal mu shrooms. too.
Additional benefits: Trad ili ona ll y, rei shi (known to the Ch in ese as
spirit plants') are used to hcl p people lO relae;, makin g th em suitable for
reducing stre ss and fa tigue. Reishi also eomain all li-innammatory com
pounds that help to relie\'e bronchitis , anu possibl y ot her respiratory
ailments In a Chin ese slUdy o f 2000 people \\ith bronchit iS, 60- 90%
of those gi\'en reishi tab lets imprm'ed \\'ill1m t\\o \\ ceks Shiitake ,
maitake and reishi may also help to fight he;,n di sease by reducing lhe
tendency o f blood lO clot, lowering bloou press ure, and possibly
reducing ch olestero l b 'e ls

Don't forage fo r wild mu shrooms,

med icina l or cu li nary. It's too easy
to mistake a dead ly fungus for an
edible one.
Powdered or dried mushrooms
can be used to make an earthy
tasting tea, or they can be added
to soups. Dried mushrooms must
simmer in liquid for at least 40-60
minu tes to release their flavour
and healing properties.

How to take them

Take 500 mg of
reishi, 40 0 mg o f shiitake and 200 mg of mait ake mushroo ms three
limes a day, and/or 3000 mg of C(ll ioiH, \'l'I'sic%r, di\'ided into two
doses , a dar For heart dis ease 0 1 HIV/AIDS Take 1500 mg of reishi and
600 mg of maitake dail y For brOIlc/litis or sinusitis Take 1500 mg of
n~ishi anel/or 600 mg o f mailake d.\ily de ring the illn ess.

Mushrooms are expensive, but

if you're unde rgOing chemotherapy,
you may deem the price worthwhile.

Guideline s for u se : For best re"ul ts , ui\'ide the suppl ements inLO
lwO or three da il y doses and take \\'llh or wit hout food. The effec ls of
medic inal mushrooms are n't drama tic, ,md may take se \"Cral mOnLhs to
make themse lves known

Th e Japanese translation of maitake

is 'dancing mu shroom', because if
you find one, yo u dance for joy, A
maitake mushroom can wei gh as
much as 45 kg.

Dosage: For immu ne-system Sllpport f o r call ce r :

Possible side effects Shillake, maitake and reishi , as we ll as

Co rio/us versicolor, are all sa fe \\'he n used in appropriale closes. 1n facL , in
studies of cancer paLients, Co riO/li S \'usic%r was remarkably free of any
adve rse side effecls.
1n rare cases, long-l erm use of reish i mushrooms - three lO six
months of Jaily usc - may ca use dry mouth , a skin ras h and ilchiness.
an upset stomach, noseb lee ds or bloody stoo ls Stop taking reishi if any
o f lhes(C sympLoms arise. Pregnant or breast-feed ing women should
consult a doCl or before trying any of Lhese mushrooms medicinall y.

Helpful for stress, dried reishi

mushrooms can be simmered in
water to make a calming tea.


Urt/ro dloico
The healing powers of this herb date to the third century BC, when it was used to remove venom
from snakebites. Today, scientists are confirming that nettle has a valuable role to play in treating
hay fever and prostate symptoms, as well as in easing the pain and inflammation of gout.

Wh at it is Stra nge as it may so und , the origi nal interest in using

nettle for medi cina l purposes was probably insp ired by the plant 's ability
to irr itate exposed skin. Ne llIe lea\'es are cO\ued with tiny hairs hollow need les , actua ll y - thal sting and burn upon contact. This effect
was believed La be benefi cial fo r Joi nt pain (stin ging oneself wit h nertle
is an old folk remedy for arth rili s), and for centuries nettle leaf poulti ces
were app li ed to draw toxins from the skin
Also co nsidere d a nutriti ous food , nett le lea\'es taste like sp inach.
They're particularl y high in iron and other mineral s, and are rich in
ca rotenoids and vitamin C. (O pt for yo ung shoots, whi ch ha\-e no
stinge rs, or cook the leaves of older plants) The plant often grows up to
1. 5 melres hi gh .
What it does Stinging yourse lf with nett le lea\Ts probabl)' won't
help your jOi nl pa in , but nettle tea app lied as a co mpt'ess or nett le
supp leme nts taken orally may reli e\'e inflamed jOlnts, es pecia ll y in
peop le with gout. In addit ion, when taken internal l)', nettle has dIuretic
and antihistamine pro perties.

Helps th e body to remove

excess fl uid.
Relieves allergy symptoms,
particul arl y hay fever.
Reduc es inflammation.
May ease prostate symp to m s.
Helps urinary tract infectio ns.

Dried herb/Tea

Reminder: If yo u have a medi

Supplements are a convenient way to get
the diuretic and antihistamine effects of
nettle leaves.


ca l con dition, ta lk to your doc tor

before taking supplemen ts.

Major benefits: As a (hu retic, nettle helps the bod)' to rid itself of
excess fluid, and it may be a use ful adjunct in treating many disord ers.
Peo ple suffering from urinary tract infec tions, for example, may find that
it prom otes urination , which flu shes infection-causing bac teria ou t of
the body Women who become bloated just before th eir period may
experien ce so me relief after taking nettle supplements. The herb may
also be of value In so me cases of high bl ood pressure - which can be
pa rtly attributed to excess fluid in the body - but it should be used [or
this purpose onl y under a docto r's supenislon.
One of the tried-and-true be nefits of nettl e is its ab ility to control hay
fe ve r symptoms. Nasa l congesti on and \\'me ry eyes resuIt when the body
produces an inflamm atory compoun d called histamin e in response to
pollen or other allergens In one study of all ergy su ffcrers, o\c r half of
the panicipalll s rated nettle mod erately to highly effecti\'e in reducing
allergy symptoms wh en com pared with a placebo
Additional benefits: Nettle root may be suitable for men \-vith an
enlarge d prostate not caused by canc er. This condition , called benign
prostatic hyperplas ia (BPH), oc curs 'vl'hen the prostate enlarges and nar
rows the urethra (the tube that transports urine out of the blad der),
making urinati on difficult. Nettle root may help to slow prostate grow th .

When buying nettle su pplements,

choose capsules that contain the
freeze-dried herb, or an extract
standardised to contain 1% plant
silica, an active ingredient in nettle.

In a preliminary study in the US,

nettle helped arthritis patients to
reduce the amount of pain medica
tion they needed and diminished
the drugs' side effects. Researchers
found no difference in pain, stiffness
or level of physical impairment
between patients on 200 mg of the
anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac
(Voltaren) and those taking 50 mg
of the drug w ho also ate 55 g of

How to take it
Dosage: For Wl11WY

tract il1Jecti ons: Drink one cup of nettle tea a day

Use 1 teaspoon ol the dried herb per cup of \'e ry hot wat er. Fa,' allergies:
Take 250 mg of standard ised extract three tllTIes a day, as needed For
BPH: Use 250 mg of standardised extract of nettle root tw ice a day in
combinatlon with the herbs saw palm etto (160 mg twice a day) or
Epilobium parviflorul11 (100 mg twice a day). For gOllt: Take 250 mg three
times a day. You can also ap pl y a co m press of nettle tea to painful joints
Guidelines for use: In any of its f011TIS , take nettle \\.1th food to mini
mise sto mac h upset. H you want to try the fresh lea\'Cs as a \'Cgctable,
kee p in mind that the young shoots ca n be ea ten raw, but old er leaves
(with mature.. stinging hairs) must be cooked to inac ti\'ate the stingers.

Possible side effects

nettle leaves each day, In previou s

studies, low ering the dose of
dic lofenac by just 25% lessened the
drug's effectiveness in controlling
symptoms of the disease,
In a new US study, nettle root
extract, when combined with

Pygeum ofriconum extract, appeared

to block the hormonal changes that
are believed to contribute to benign
prostate enlargement. (In Australia
and New Zealand, Epilobium
porvif/orum would be substituted
for P. ofricanum in the treatment
of prostate disorders because
P. ofricanum is an endangered plant.)

Generall y, nettle is consid ered sa fe, with only a minimal risk of causing
an allergiC reac tion . There ha\'e be en some reports, howe\'e r, that it may
irritate the sto mach , causing indigesti on and diarrhoea.


This B-vitamin has been in the limelight as a potent cholesterol-lowering agent that rivals some
prescription drugs in effectiveness , But niacin in its various forms also shows promise in the
prevention and treatment of depression, arthritis and a host of other ailments,

What it is Also known as \'itamin B1, nwc in is m'ailable as a

supplement in two forms: nicotinic acid (or nicotin ate) and niacinamide
The body can also make niacin by com'Cl'ting the amino acid tryptophan
- found in eggs, milk and poultry - in to the \'itilmin, About half of the
niacin supplied by the a\erage diet comes from th e bod ys processing
o[ tryptophan ,
In supplement form , both nicotil1lC acid and niacinamide can satisfy
your nutriti onal requirement [or this B-\'iLamin , but each has its own
speCific role in treati ng disease .
What it does Ni acin is needed to release energy from carbo
hydrates. It is al so im'oked in comro lling bl ooel sugar, kecping skin
hea lthy, and maintaining the proper functi oning of the ncr\'ou s ,mel
digesti\'e systems
Prevention: High doses of niacin raise HDL ( good ) cholest erol,
while lowering LDL Cbad ') ch olesterol and trigl}'ceriel e le\ els. [n [aer ,
studies shov,T that niacin may be more dfeeri\'e than prescn ption
cholesterol -lowering drugs in redU Cing the risk of he m disease, mainl )'
because it is one of the few agents known to bo ost HDL The cholesterol
lowering form of niacin is nicotll1ic acid , which must be taken und er
meeliud supen 'ision , as it can cause skin flu shing and, at high clDses.
li\'eT dam age.

Lowers cholesterol.

May improve circulation.

May ease symptoms of arthritis.

May relieve depression.

May prevent the progression of

type 1 diabetes.



Consult your doctor before

using any form of niacin if you
have any of the following
conditions: diabetes, low blood
pressure, bleeding problem s,
glaucoma, gout, liver disease

Additional benefits: Niac in relaxes blood \'essc!s, mak ing it useful

for Ci rculatory problem s, such as intermittent claudiGHiDn (a pall1[ul

crampin g in the ca lf caused by pO l'l l' blDDd circu lati on th:lt often occurs
after walking) and Ra)'llaud s disease (a di sorder characterise d b)' numb
ness and often pain in the hands or fe et \\'hen cx p(~s ed to cold)
Niacin also helps to fost er heal th ) brain and nenc ce lls , and theres
some eyidence that ni acmamide ca n ease depression , anxlety and in som
nia . Niacin amicie seem s to ha\'e an anti -inflammatory effect , \vhlCh may
benefit those with rheumatoid arthrit is. [t maya Iso help to heal damaged

or ulcers. All can be aggravated

by niacin,
\~u take a daily therapeutic
dose of'l 000 mg or more of any
form of niacin, see a doctor
every three months to have you r
liver enzymes measured.
Reminder: If you have a medi,
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to you r doctor before taking


ca rt ilage , making it p ot entially \'a lu able for osteoa rthritis. Hi gh closes 01

ni ac inamide ma), re ve rse the develo pment of ty pe 1 diabetes - the form
that typically a ppears before the age of 30 - if it is gi\cn early enough
Th is therapy should be tried only uncler medical supervisIOn .

How much you need The RDI for niacin is 13 mg for wome n
and 19 mg for men daily But much higher doses are needed to lower
cholesterol and treat other diso rclers
If you get too little: A slight ni aclll defic iency can cause patches of
irri tated skin , appetlte loss, indigest ion ancl weakness. Se\'ere deficie ncies
(,v hich are practically nonexistent in industria lised coun trics) res ult in
pellagra, a debilitating disease. S)111ptoms include a rash in areas exposed
to sunl ight , vomiting, a bright red tongue, fat igue and mem ory loss .
If you get too much : Therape utic doses of ni cotilllC acid ma y cause
stomach upse t, nushing and itching o f th e skin , and li\ er damage. (At
high dose s, ni ac inamide also may harm [he li\u ) But if ),o ure taking
any form of niacin fo r long peri ods, ask your docto r to do pe ri od ic bl ood
tests LO monitor your li \er.

How to take it
Dosage: for lowel-ing cholestero l or treating Raynmrds dis ease: Take
500 mg 01 niacifl three times a day W hen lrying to reduce cholesterol,
use the \'itam in lor two mon ll,s; if your cholesterol b'el s are unchanged,
stop taking the supplement For anxiety and depression' Take 50 mg 01
niacin a da y; this dosage can usually be found in a nta min B co mplex
for insomnia: Take 500 mg of niacinamid e one hour befo re bedtl me. for
arthritis Take 1000 mg 01 niacinami de three times a day, but onl y under
a docLO rs su pen'ision
Guidelines for use : Take any for m of niacin wit h meals or m ilk to
dec rease the likelihoo d of stomac h upse t Do n't take therapeutlc doses
of afl Y form of n iacin if yo u ta ke cho lestero l-lowerin g presc ript ion drugs

Don't use over-the-counter

timed-release ni aci n. It was
developed to sto p the skin flushing
that high doses of nicotinic acid
can cause, but studies show that
it can damage the liver,

In a US study of niacin 's effect

on high cholesterol, participants
who too k niacin supplements had a
17% drop in LDL ('bad') cholesterol
levels, a 16% rise in HDL ('good')
cholesterol leve ls and an 18%
reduction in triglyce ride levels,
In a study of niacinamide's effect
on osteoarthritis, researchers found
that people who took it fo r 12 weeks
experienced more joint fle xib ility,
less inflammation and less need for
anti-inflammatory drugs than those
who were given a placebo,

Pasta is often enriched with niacin.

But you'd have to eat about 7 cups
of cooked pasta (below) to meet
the RDI for this vitamin ,

Other sources Niac ifl is found in foods high in protein, such

as chicken , beef, nsh and nuts. Breads , ce rea ls and pasta arc often
enriched with niacin. Though they're low ifl niacin , mi lk and other dair)'
products, as we ll as eggs, arc goo d sources or the \'il.amin because they're
high in tryptophan.




Tubebulu Impetlglnoso

Rumoured to have been prescribed by the Incas to treat serious ailments, the herb pau d'arco
has recently been investigated as a remedy for infectious diseases and cancer. Though its
anticancer properties are debatable, it may indeed combat a variety of infections.

W hat it is Pau d'arco is obtai ned from the inner bark of a tree Tabebuia impetiginosa - indigenous to the rainforests of South America
Native tribes have taken advantage of its healing powers for ce nturies.
Pau d'arco is also knmvn as lapacho, taheebo or ipe roxo. 1n Au stralia
and New Zea land, however, it's always so ld as pau d'arco or taheebo.
The therapeutic ingredients in pau d'arco include a host of potent
plant chemi ca ls ca lled naphth oquin ones. Of these , lapach ol has been the
most intense ly studied .

What it does Lapac hol and other co mpou nds in pau d'arco
help to destroy the micro-orga nisms that cause diseases and in fections,
ranging from malaria and flu to yeast infections Most peop le, however,
are interested in the potentia l ca ncer-fighting properties of this herb
Major benefits: Pau d'arco appears to combat bacteria , viruses and

fungi, reduce inflammation and support the immune system. One of

its best-docume nted uses is to treat vaginal yeast in fect ions , herbalists
o ften recommend a pau d'arco tea douche to resto re the normal envi
ronmen t of the vagina. 1n capsule, tablet, tin cture or tea fo rm , pau d'arco
may be effective in strengthening immunity in people with chronic
fatigue syndrome, HlV or AIDS , or chronic bronchitis. The herb's anti
inflammatory properties are useful for acute bronchit is, wh ich in vo lves
innammation of the resp iratory passages, as well as mu sc le pain And a
tincture of pau d'arco applied directly to warts helps to eradicate them.
Additional benefits: Pau d'arco's claimed anticancer activity is sub
Ject to co ntinuing debate. Because of the herb's traditi onal reputation as
a cancer fi gh Ler, the US Nati onal Cancer 1nstitute (NCI) investigated it ,

Pou d'orco con be token as a

supplement or brewed as a teo.


Treats vaginal yeast infections.

Helps get rid of warts.
Reduces inflammation of the
airways in bronchitis.
May be useful in treating such
immune-rela ted disorders as asthma,
eczema, psoriasis, and bacterial and
viral infection s.





Dried herb/Tea

Preg nant or breast-feeding

wom en should avoid pau d'arco.
Pau d'a rco may amplify the

effect of anticoagulant drugs.

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

id entifying lapachol as its mosl ac ti l'e ingredi ent In an imal sLUdies, pau
d'a rco showed promise in shnnk ll1g tum ours, and so the NCl began
human tri als using high doses of lapac hol in the J 970s, Agai n, there ,,'as
so me e,'i dence that lapachol \I'as aniI'!:: in destroyin g ca ncer ce ll s, but
participants taking J thera peutic dose suffe red se rious siel e effects,
incl ud ing nausea, "omiting and blood ,cl ot\ lIlg prob lems, As a result.
rese arch inl o lapac hol and its source, pau darco , \I'as abancloned,
Criti cs 01 lhis Im'eSIigation be lie" e t hat usin g therape Ul ic doses 01
pall lfJrco - and not simpl y the iso lated co mpound lapi\C ho l - \\'Oukl
halT produced sim ila r benefit s \I' IIhoUI the po tential ly dangerous blood
thi nni ng effects lI S probJb le thaI lapacbol Inter leres \I'ith the acti on
of I'itam in K, ,which is needed for the bl ood to clot properl y. So me
researchers suggest thm olher com poun ds in pau d'arco sup pl y some
I'itamin K, and th at using the lI'hole herb would al'oid this problem
Others think tha I combining Iapac hol lI'ith \'itam in K supplements
might make il poss ible lor peo ple to take doses of lapacho l hi gh eno ugh
to permit its potenti al anti-turnour acti on 10 be furth er stud ied without
l)fol'oking a reac ti on, Despite the control'e rsy. many practlti oners rely
on the hi sw rical e, id ence of pau d'a rcos ca nce r-fightin g pro perties, and
oft en recomm end it as a co mpl emen l to cOllI'e ntion<11cance r tremmcnt.

Supp lements are made fro m th e

inner bark of the pau d'arco tree,
but in some parts of the world, the
leaf of the tree is also valued for its
th erapeutic effects, In the Caribbean,
for example, the leaf and bark have
been used for the pain of back aches
and toothaches,
Several South American tribe s,
includ ing the Guarani and the Tupi,
refer to pau d' arco as

taiy, w hich

means ' to have stren g th and vigour'

To be effec tive, pau d'arco

products m ust con tain lapacho l,
w hich is found only in the bark of

How to take it
Dosage : When using pml d'Mco in capsule or wblet fo rm , the IypiCll
daily dosage IS 250 nl g twice <1 dar Thi s dose 01 pau d'a rco is often rec
omm ended lor chronic latigue sy ndro me or HIV :lIld AIOS in alternation
with other im mune-boosli ng hubs such as ec hin ~)(u\ or go ld enseal Pau
d'a rco is also co mm only wken as a lea in dri ed herb form, To make It ,
sleep 2 or 3 teasp0<.1ns or pau d'a rco in tll'O cups of l ery hot water; d rin k
the tea ol'er the co urse of <1 da)'
Guidelines for use: Hcrb<1 ltsrs recommend \I'ho le-bark products (not

on ly th ose that co ntain just lapac hon because hey suspect the herb's
healing propert ies come Irom the full range of plant chemic<1 ls in the
bark For vaginal yeast il1f ection s: LeI pau cl'arm tea coo l to lu kewa rm
be fore using il as a douche, Fo r WClrls: App ly a tin cture-soa ked co mpress
to the aft ected area at bedtim e and le<1lc it on all night, Repeat until the
wa rt disappears,

Tabebuia impetiginosa, not other

Tabe buia sp ecies , One study
examin ed the chemical make -up
of 10 pau d 'arco products and
found that only one of th em con
tained any lapachol, the major active
ingredient, indicating that either
the wro ng species or the w ron g part
of the plan t had been used, The
most effe ctive pau d' arco pro ducts
are tho se th at are standardised to
contai n 2-7% lapachol, but t hese
may be hard to find , Prod ucts th at
contai n 3% naphthoquinones are
of compa rabl e quality,

Possible side effects ',l/ho le-bark prod ucts me ge nerall y sa k

they do not produce the siele d fects 01 high doses or lapachoL If pa u
(1'arco tea or supplements cause sto mach upset. t<lke them "'ith lood



Mentllo piperlto

For centuries this powerfully aromatic herb has provided relief for indigestion, colds and
headache . Today, medicinal peppermint is most prized for its ability to soothe the digestive
tract, easing indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and other complaints.

What it is Peppermint is cu lt ivated wo rldwide ror use as a flavour

ing agent and a herbal medicine. A natural hybrid of spearm in t and
wate r mint, peppermint has squa re stems, oval, pointed, dark green or
purple leaves, and lilac-coloured fl owe rs For medicina l purposes , the
leaves and stems of the plant are harvested just before the fl owers bloom
in summer. The majo r act ive ingred ient of peppermint is its vola tile oil,
which is made up of more than 40 differen t co mpounds. The oil's
the rapeutic effect comes mainly from menthol (35-55% of the oil) ,
menthone 05-30%) and menthyl acetate (3-10 %). Medicinal pepper
mint oil is made by steam-distil ling the parts of the plant that grow
above the ground.
Wh a t it does Particu larly effectIve in treating digestive diso rders,
pepperm int relieves cramps and relaxes intestinal muscles It fres hens
the breath and may clear up nasa l congest ion as well.
Major benefits: Peppermint oil re laxes the muscles of the digestive
tract, helping to relieve intestinal cramping and flatulence. Its anti

spasmodic effec t also makes it useful for alleviating the symptoms of

irritable bowel syndrome, a common disorder that is charac terised by
abdominal pain, alternat ing bouts of diarrhoea and constipation , and
indigestion The menthol in pep permint aids digestion beca use it stim
ulates the flow of natural digestive juices and bile. This action expla ins
why peppermint oi l is commonly included in ove r-the-cou nter antac ids
Several studies indicate that the menthol in pepperm int oil helps to

Th e oil from peppermint

leaves helps relieve many
digestive complaints.


Relieves heartburn, nausea

and indigestion.
Eases the symptoms of di verticu
losis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Helps to dissolve gallstones.
Sweetens the breath.
Soothes mu scle aches.
Ea ses coughs and congestion
due to allergies or colds .





Dried or fresh herb/Tea

Because peppermint oil relaxes

gastrointestinal muscles, it may
aggravate the symptoms of a
hiatus hernia.
Peppermint oil should not be
applied to the nostrils or chest of
infants and children und er the
age of 5 because it can cause a
choking sensation.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

dissolve gallsto nes as well , pro\i ding a possIble alternati ve to su rgery.

Con sult yo ur d octor before trying the oil for this purpose . You can
also put the oil directly on your to ngue; it provides a minty antidote
to bad breath Be careful o f dosage
As a tea or as an oil , peppermint serves as a mild anaestheti c to the
sto mac h's mucous lining, which helps to reduce nausea and moti on
s ic kn ess. The tea may ease symp to ms o [ diverticulosis as w ell, includin g
flatul ence and bl oa ting.

Additional benefits: When it 's rubbed on the skin , pe ppermint oil

relieves pain by st imul ating th e nerves that percei ve cold wh ile muting
those that sense pain , making it a we lcom e remedy for ac hing muscles
Findings are cont radictory conce rning peppermint's histo rical use in
the treatment of co lds and coughs Some tests suggest that the aro matlc
plant has no effect But Commission E, a Germ an health boa rd recog
nise d as an authority on th e scientific im'estigation o f herbs, fo und that
peppermint was an effecrive decongesta nt that reduce d inl1ammation of
th e nasal passageways . In add Ition , many people IArith co lds re pon tha t
inhaling peppermint's menthol enables them to brea the more easily.
Drinking peppermint tea m ay also offer relief from the bronchial
constriction of asth ma.

How to take it
Dosage: For the treatment oj inlwble bowel syndrome, nausea and gall
stones: Try enteric-coa ted capsules conta inin g peppermint oil because
they release peppe rmint o il where it 's most need ed - in the small and
large intestin e rathe r than in the sto mach. Take on e o r two capsu les
(conta ining 0.2 ml o f o il per capsule) two o r three times a day, between
mea ls To freshen the breath: Chew one ca psule of peppe rm int o il. To
relieve J1atulence and ca lm th e stomach. Make a tea by steeping 1 or 2 tea
s poons o f dried peppermint leaves in a cup o f \'Cry hot wa ter fo r 5-10
minutes; be sure to cover the cup to kee p the volatile oil from escaping.
For congestion Drink up to fo ur cups of pep pe rmint tea a day. For pain
relief Add a few drops o f pepperm int 011 to 15 ml o f a neutral oil. Apply
to the affecte d areas up to four times daily.

Peppermint oil appears in more

commercial products than any other
herb. Included in antacids for its
therapeutic effects, the oil is
commonly added to toothpaste
and mouthwash for the fresh taste
it imparts.
Many people confuse
peppermint with another popular
mint: spearmint. Unlike peppermint,
however, spearmint contains no
menthol to aid digestion; it is used
mainly as a flavouring agent.

In a study conducted at the

Taichung Veterans General Hospital
in Taiwan, the vast majority of
patients with irritable bowel
syndrome who took enteric-coated
peppermint oil capsules 15-30
minutes before every meal reported
significant relief from the symptoms
of the disease. Abdominal pain
lessened or disappeared entirely,
and patients had less bloating, less
frequent stools, and less stomach
rumbling and flatulence than usual.
Researchers at the University of
Kiel in Germany studied the effect of
peppermint oil on headaches. They
found that applying a mixture of

Guidelines for use: Take ente ric -coated capsules betwee n mea ls. If
yo u prefe r pe pperminl tea, drink a cup three o r four times a da y, after or
betwee n meals. Appl y peppermint o il or ointm ents conta ining menthol
no more than three o r four time s dail y To take peppe rmint tincture, put
10-20 dro ps in a glass o f water. A\'oid large doses d uring pregnancy

Possible side effects E\'e n when used fo r prolonged periods,

pep permint leaves in the recommend ed doses gene rall y h3\'e no side
effec ts On rare occasions, ente ric-coated peppermint oil caps ules ca n
cause s kin rash and he artburn . Topica l peppermint oil can p roduce
all e rgic skill rashes , especiall y if ap p lying heat as well. H sid e effects
occ ur, stop usi ng th e herb If using the oil, be careful v\lith d osage.

peppermint and eucalyptus oils and

ethanol to the forehead and temples
significantly reduced patients' pain.

Peppermint's stomach-settling ability

makes it a popular ingredient in
after-dinner mints, though few con
fections contain much peppermint oil.


If you compiled a list of nutrients the body could not li ve without, phosphorus would certainly
be near the top. Although its main function is building strong bones and teeth, this mineral is
needed by virtually eve ry cell in the body. Fortunately, the chance of deficiency is very small.

Wha t it is Phosphorus is the scco ncilllost abundant minna! in th e

body (ilfter ca lcium ), ilncl up to 680 gram s of It are found in the il\'e ragc
person. Although 85",{) o f thi s Illll1eral is co ncen tr;1t cd in the bones and
teeth, the rest is cli stri buted in Lhe blc)oc\ ilnd in \'a rious organs. includ
ing the heilrt , kidneys , brain and musc le s rhosp horus intcr:-\L LS \\lth a
\'ariet)' or other nutrients, but its most constant companion is Gdcium
1n the bones, th e ratio of calcium to phosphorus is around 2:1. 1n other
ti ssues, howe\'er, the r,lllO of phosphorus is much hIgher
What it does Theres harclly a biologicill or cell ular proce ss that
does nOt, directly or indirectly. im'okc phosphorus In some in stan ces.
th e min erill wo rks to protect ce lls , strength ening the membranes [hat
surround them In other cases , it acts as a kind of biological esco rt , help
ing il \'aric ty of nutrients, hormones ilnd chc mi Gds LO do their Johs.
Th eres illso endcnce thilt phosphorus help s to ilcti\ate the B- \'iwlllIt1S,
enilbling them to pro\'I(Je al l their henefits
Major benefits: One of [he most import ant runCli ons of phosphorus
is to Lea m up with calc ium to build bunes and help to n1C1inl31l1 a ht'alth;.
strong skeleton The phosphorus- cil lcium pilrtnfrshq) is Jlso crucial
[or st rength en in g the teeth ilnd keepll1g them strong. In aoel! ion,
phosphorus Joins wllh fats in th e blood to make compounds cl iled
phospholipids , which, in turn , pia)" structural and metabolic roles in ce ll
membranes lh roughouL the body Furthermore , wit hout phosphorus,
the body could not COlwert the proteins, ca rbohydrates and filt s from
fo od into energy The mineral is neecled to create th e molecule known ilS
adenosll1e trIphosphate , or ATP. \\'hich acts like a tiny balter; chilrger,
su pplyi ng \-ital energy to e\'ery cell 111 the body

Builds strong bones and maintains

skeletal integrity.
Helps to form tooth enamel and
strengthen s teeth.





The greatest risk associated

wit h phosphorus may be getting
too much, w hich some experts
caution m ay lead to a calcium
deficiency, Never take phos
phorus supplements w ithout
discussing it with your doctor.
In a rare event of a phos
phorus deficiency - such as
from kidney or digestive disease
or severe burns - phosphorus
supplementation must be
medically supervised.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal co nditi on, talk to you r doctor

Some multivitamin pills contain phos

phorus, But most people get enough of
this mineral from their daily diet.

before taking supplements.



Additional benefits: Phosphorus se n'es as a cell-La-cell messenge r.

III thi s capacity, it contributes to the coo rdination of such body processes
as muscle co ntraction, the transmission of nerve im pulses from th e brain
to the body, and the secret ion of hormones. An adequate phosphoru s
supply may therefo re enhance your physica l per rormance and be
dfect i\'e in fighting fa tigue. In addition , the mineral is necessary [or
!1lCllt1ta ining the pH (t he acid-base balance) o f the blood and for manu
facturing DNA and RNA , the basic components of our genetic make-u p

How much you need Because phos ph orus is found in so

many foods , supplements are \'ery rarely needed The Rot for phos
phoru s in men an d women is the sa me: 1000 mg daily In the past , many
nutritionists recommend ed that phosphoru s and calcium be taken in a
I I rali o, but most recently, experts ha\'e advised that this rat io has little
prac ti cal benefit . Most people today consume more phosp horus than
calciu m in their diets
If you get too little: Although rare , a defic iency of phosphorus can

lead to fragile bones and teeth , fa tigue , vveakness, a loss of appetite , joint
pain and stiffness, and an increased susceptibilit y to infection. A mild
defic iency may produce a modest decrease in energy

The aluminium present in some

antacids can diminish levels of
phosphorus and calcium in the
body. If you habitually take antacids,
talk to your doctor about the need
for phosphorus supplements.

One US study showed that

teenage girls who regularly drink
large quan tities of phosphorus-rich
cola-based drinks are at greater risk
of bone fractures than non-cola
drinkers. Experts disagree, howeve r,
on whether it's the phosphorus
at wo rk. They point out that cola
drinkers are much less likely to drink
milk - and so don't get enough of

If you get too much: There are no Imm ediate adverse effects from

gettin g too mu ch phosphoru s. However, some experts caution that ove r

the long term, excessive phosphorus llltake may inhibit calCIum absorp
non, though it's unce rtain whet her this can result in a calcium ddiciency
that threatens bone health.

the bone-building mineral calcium

in their diets,
Swiss resea rchers report that
phosphorus supplementation may
be especially beneficial for burn
victims, who were found to have

How to take it
Dosage: Most peop le ge t all the phosp horu s they re qL1lre in their
all y diet. In addition, a small amount of phosphoru s may be inclu ded
in daily multivita mlll and mineral supplements. H you have a medical
~o ndition that depletes thi s mineral , such as a bowel ailm ent or failin g
kidneys, yo ur doctor will presc ribe an ap propriate dose.

low phosphorus levels within a week

of suffering severe burns. Thus
supplements may be necessary to
restore patients to full health after
a major burn injury.

Guidelines for use: Ne\'er take indi\'ldual phosphorus supplements

\\'i th ou t a doctor's superviSIon.

Other sources High-protein foods, such as meat, fish , poultry

J nd dairy products, co ntain a lot of phosphorus The mineral is also
added to many processed foods. Soft drinks, particu larl y cola-based
drinks , oft en co ntain large am ounts. Phosphorus is present in grain
r rocl ucts as well, though wholegrain breads and cerea ls may also includ e
mgredi ents that reduce il S abso rpt ion to so me extent.



You're probably careful not to eat too much sodium (sa lt), especially if yo u're wa tch ing yo ur
blood pressure, But yo u might want to focu s yo ur efforts on getting more potassium; for so me
people, this mineral may be as important in co ntro lling blood pressure as sodium ,

What it is The third most abunda nt minera l in the body afte r

calcium and phosphoru~, pOlassium is an electrolyte (Electro lytes are
min erals that take on a pos iti ve or negati\'e cha rge when disso h'ed in Lhe
wa tery med iu m of 'Ihe bloodstream.) Sodium and chloride are elec
Lrolytes, too , and the bod)' needs a balance of these minera ls to perform
a host o f essential fun ctions. Almost all the potassium in the bod) IS
found inside the ce ll s
What it does Along with th e other electro lytes , potassium is used
to conduct nen'e impulses, lIlitial e muscle co ntractions, and regulate
heartbeat and blood pressure. Potassium con trols the amount of il uid
inside the cells and sod ium regul ates the amount outside, so the two min
erals work to balance Iluid le\'e ls in the body. PotassIum also enabl es the
body to convert blood sugar (glucose) - Its primary fu el - Int O a stored
form of ene rgy (glycogen) Lhats held in resen'e by the muscles and li ve r.
Prevention : Study after stud y has sho\\'n thal peop le \\'ho get plenty
o f potassium have lowe r blood pressu re than th osc \\ho get \'C ry Imle.
This holds true even vvhe n sodium intake remains high (though red uc
ing sodium as wel l produ ces beLLer result s), In one L:S study. 54 peo ple
on medication for hIgh blood pressure were di \'ided into t\\'O groups.
Half followed their regu lar di et; the ot her half added three to six se n '
ings of pOlassiu m-rich roods a dar After a year, 81 % o f th ose ge tting
ex tra potassium were able to reduce their dru g dosages sign ificantl y,
co mpared with only 29% of the people following th eir regula r diets.
Additional benefits: Thro ugh ilS benefic ia l effeCts on blood prcssure,
potassium may also decrease the risk o f heart di sease and stroke. In one
US sLUd y a gro up 0[' peop le with hypertenSion \\'11 0 ate one se lTing o f a
['ood high in potassium e\-er)' day reduced their risk of fat al stroke by
40% A 1.2-year im'estigat ion found that men \\'ho got the leasl amount
o f potass ium were two and a half times more Itkely to die from a stroke
than men who consumed th e most. For \\'o men '''ith a low potass ium
intake, thc risk of fatal stroke was nea rl y fi\'e tim es greater.


Helps to lower blood pressure,

May prevent high blood press ure,
heart disease and stroke.

Tabl et



Don 't take potass ium sup ple

ments w ith out consulting your
doctor if you have kidney disease
or are ta ki ng medication for high
blood pressure or heart diseas e.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal con diti on, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements,

How much you need The RD I for potassium for adul ts is

1950- 5460 mg. More may be needecl [0 cont ro l blood pressure.
If you get too little: POlass ium is cOlllained in a wide \'ariety of

\'egeLables and fruit s, so iLS practIca ll y impossib le nOL to geL e nough of

Lhis min eral in th e cli et to perform the bas ic body functions. But se rious
deficiencies ca n occur in peo ple \\'ho me laking a potent diu re ti c Ca drug
that reduces OUld le\'e!s in th e bod y), or arc sufferi ng from an eXLreme
case o f diarrhoea or \omiting. The firs t signs o f potassium deficiency are
muscl e weak ness, tired ness and Irrilabili Ly. If potassium is not replaced ,
low b 'ds could lead LO hea n failure
If you get too much : POLass ium toxicity IS highl y unlikely because
mOSLpeople can sJ fely consum e up to 18 g a day. TOXicity usually oc curs
on ly if a person has a kidn ey di so rder or lakes LOO many powsslum
supplements Signs of pOLassiulll (werload (whi ch me similar LO the signs
of a ddiciency) in clude mu scle fat igue and an irregular heartbeat
Potassium supp lements may cause stomach irriLat ion and nausea.

How to take it
Dosage : lVlost peopl e do n't need potassium supp lements unl css
they' rc Laking ce rtain diureLic medica Lions. lL 's bcst to get suffic ient
potassium in yo ur c1aily c1iet. If yo u WZlIll ex tra insurance, lake no more
than 500 mg a day of potassium in supplement form Peo ple who use
ACE inhibitors (such as ca ptopri l Of ena lapr il) for high b loocl pressure
or angina shou ld nOL take potassium supplements at all , nor shou ld
tbose who ha\T kidney di sease

If yo u use potassIUm suppleme nts, Lake them

mim mise stomach irritation.

Guidelines for use :

with foocl


Other sources Fresh fruits and \'egctab les - such as bananas.

aprocoLs , figs, peac hes and potaLOes (un peeled) - Zlre high in pOlassium
Nu ts Zlnd seeds (lre also good so urces.

Steam vegetab les whenever

possible - boiling them decreases
their potaSSium content. For
example, boiled potatoes lose
50% of thei r potassium; steamed
potatoes lose less than 6%.

The results of 33 studies confirm

th at potassium has a positive impa ct
on blood pressure. People with
normal blood pressure who added
2340 mg of potassium a day - from
foods, supplements or a combina
tion of both - to their normal diets
had an average drop of 2 points in
systolic blood pressure (the upper
reading) and 1 point in diastolic
pressure (the lower reading). If these
figures sound insignificant, consider
that eve n such small changes reduce
the chance of developing hyperten
sion by 25%. The extra potassium
produced eve n greater benefits
a 4.4 point drop in systolic pressure
and a 2.5 point drop in diastolic
pressure - in people who already
had high blood pressure.

Two large navel oranges supply

500 mg of potassium - about a
quarter of what most people
get in a day.



- - = - - - - - - -- -



Plantago psyllium, P. ovoto

These tiny seeds and their husks are so rich in fibre that they've been prescribed for constipation
and a wide range of other digestive ailments for more than 500 years, New research ha s found
that psyllium offers an added benefit: it lowers blood cholesterol safely and effectively.

What it is Odourless and nea rl y tasLeless , psyllium co mes fro m

Lh e small , reddi sh brown to black see ds of the Plonl ago pS.ll!illll1 plant .
Also kn ow n as the planwin , it shou ld not be confused lI ith the edibl e,
ban,ma-like fruit of Lh e sam e name Uv'/u w paradisiac",' or lI'ith th e herb
pla nt ain (P lun ew/ala) someLimes use d fo r coughs. Pia lltago grows as
a \-vee d in num erous places around the I\'orld and is commerciall y
cultil'ated in Spam , France, India , Paki stan and other countries. Vari ous
spec ies of th e planL are usee! in herba l nlee!icin e, Jll()st comm only th e
seecl s of P psyllium and Po\'a tC/ . The tin y seeds are generally d rIed and
ground , and sold in Lhe form of powders, capsules or chell'abl e ta blets
Psy llium is so metimes ad ded to brea kfast ce reals.
What it does Whe n mi xe d with lI'ater, the fib rous husks of
psyllium see ds [orm a ge ke mass thaL absorbs excess water from
th e inLcstin es and creates large r, so fter stools Psyllium hel ps to 100Ye r
chole sterol by binding [0 choleste rol-ri ch bile in Lh e cligesti\'e trac t,
causing the bod)' to drall' ch olesLero l from the bloodstrea m. As an
in expensivc source of so luble fibre (th e kind of fibre Lhat bl encl s Il'ith
water). it's particul arl y suiwb le for peo ple IIh o don't eat enough fibre
ri ch foods, such as whole grains (oa ts are particul arl y rich in soluble
fibre), beans, fruits and I'egetab les
Major benefits : Psy llium can help to normalise bOIl'C1 fun ct ion in a
wide la riet)' or di so rd ers, including co nsti pa Lion , diar rhoea , dil-ert icu
losis, hae morrhoids :md irri table bowel sy ndrome. It does so by a single
mec hanism: Zlbsorbing waler, which lends bulk to stoo ls In the CZlse of
constipaLion, th e added water and bulk help to so ften stools. makin g
them easier to pass And . Lh ough it doesn't cure haemorrh oid s, pZlssing
so ft er stoo ls reduc es irritati on in th e Lender area. In one stud y., 84% of
haemo rrhoid sufrerers rcce il'ing a suppl ement containing psyllium

Ps yllium seeds, commonly ground into

powder and packed into capsules, are
a p otent remedy for various digestive ills .


Relieves constipation , diarrhoea.

Treats diverticular disease and
irritable bow el syndrome,
Helps to prevent gal lstones.
Reduces haemorrhoid pain.
May lower cholesterol.
Facilitates weight loss.

Powder/ Husks



Always take psyllium with

plenty of liquid. Without lots
of fluid, it is possible to develop
an intestinal blockage, causi ng
severe, painful constipation,
Some people are allergic to
psyllium. Reactions are often
quick, marked by a rash, itching
and, in severe cases, difficulty in
breathing or swal lowing. Get
immediate medical help.
Remind er: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements,

reponed less bl <'t' dll1g and p'lin . Psy lli um has ,1l so been reponed to hal'e
<1 sllllthm g effeC t on lhose I\" ith irritable bO\\'e! srnclrome. In peo ple \\' ith
dilT nicuh1r dise,lse - in which small pocke ts In the lining of the ml es
line tr<1p faecel l pelrl lCleS and become susceptible to infec tio n - psyllium
bulks th e stoo ls zmd hastens th eir passage througb th e inl e:;tllle . helping
to alll'li.lte th e proble m And psyllium 's ability to abso rb large amount s
of excess \\,Her Imm loosc stuol s is an erfectil e lI'C<1 tl11cn t for dlc1rrhoe,l
Allhough psy lli um has bee n used fo r co nst ip,l
tio n for cenluri es, only 1Il th e 1980s di d scient ists disCLwer another
benefit psy lli um reliab ly lowc rs blood cho lesterol. espec l"lI y the 'bOld '
LD L cho lesterol that Cel n stick w ,m er), \\'alls and leael to heel rL di sease.
In se\'eral studies l)f men elncl \I'o men I\'it h high cholesterol leI'e ls , 10 g
L)r more of psylli um clelHy for six "'eeks or longe r k)\I-eJ'ecl LDL 6- 2.IY;:)
more th"n the cholestero l-Io\l ering effect of a 10\\'-1'"l! Li iet. So melimes,
simpl y "c1ding psyllium to yo ur di et can be enough to eli mina te the need
for chol esterol- lowering medicat ion s
This fi bre sllurce may also plcl)' a role in In'ie,h t- k)ss programs. By
abso rbi ng wate r, it fill s th e stOmac h, pronclin g ,1 se nse ()[' fu lln ess. It also
delays th e empt )' lIlg of food from the stomilch, thu s extending th e time
you feel full . In a small British study, \I omen who took psy lli um \li th
\vater three hours before el meel l consumecl less fat and fc\l'e r kilojoules
du ring the me,l!. Whethe r thi s effec t persists and lecld s to lo ng-te rm
weight loss, howel'C r, is un kno\\'n And ps) llium CJn help to slabilic;c
In'els o r glucose (suga r) in the blood . which mal' conrw l fOl) d crali.ngs.
Additional benefits :

In 199 8, the US Food and Dru g

Adm ini stration (F DA) al lowed break
fa st cerea ls that contain psyllium to
claim tha t they redu ce the ri sk of
hea rt disease as part of a di et low
in saturated fat and cholesterol.
To qualify, a cereal must con tain
1.7 g of soluble fibre fro m psyllium
per serving. Four serving s a day
deliver 7 g of sol ubl e fib re, enough
to lower bl oo d cholesterol sign ifi
cantly. Manufacturers in Australia
and New Zea land are not permitted
to make such claims, but these
are useful gu idelines. Combining
a psy llium-en riched cereal w ith a
whole-oat ce real may be an eve n
more effec ti ve strategy for lowering
cho les terol levels.

Not only may psylli um aid in

How to take it

weight loss by suppressing appetite

The usu,, 1 dosage is J-3 lc1 b lc ~poo n s (o r up to 109) t\l O or

three ti mes a d"y Some formu las are more conce nlrated, so chec k the
labe I Don 't excee d 30 g a del)'.

- it may also prevent gallstones.

Guidelines for use : Relief of constipation usually occ urs in 12.-2.4

hou rs, though it can take as long as three d"ys. Because psy llium ahsorbs
wa ter, al ways take it with large amo un ts or nu id Disso lle psylliu m
powder in water (or juice), drink it , and then drink elnother glass of
water or juice. In addit ion, drink six to eight glasses of \I "ller a dar Take
psylli um tll'O hours or ml) re after t"king mccl lcHions or oth er supp le
me nts so tha t it does n't deJay their absorpll on . If )oure pJ'(:gnant , chec k
wit h your docto r before usin g psyllium .

stones, fou nd that psyllium helped


A Mexic an study of obese patients

on very low- kilojoule diets, which
put them at increa sed ri sk of gall
to avert thi s sometimes ac utely
pai nful co nditio n .
Psyl liu m lowers cholesterol even
in children. In a study of 25 children
and teenagers aged 6-18 who had
high choleste rol level s, adding a
cereal containing psyllium to a
low-f at diet reduced ' bad' (LDL)

Possible side effects Ps),llium can c" use tempora ry bloa ting
an d increased lb tul ence because it supplies fib re. Aloid these problems
by slowly increasi ng psylliu m int"ke ol'e r seI'C ral days. Amou nts of psyl
lium larger thJn th e recom mended doses mel)' reci uce lhe absorption or
ce!lain minerals. All ergiC react ions are mre, but can be lIfe- threel tening
If you clcl'C lop difficulty in swall owing or brea thin g, seek medical help
sll'a IGht

cholesterol by an additi onal 7% .

In Europe durin g the Middle Ages,

Arab phy sicians sold a constipation
remedy called diagridium. Psyllium
was one of its main in g redi en ts.



For years riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, was overlooked, But thanks to exciting new
research, this vitamin is now being praised for its potential powers in combating debilitating
migraines, preventing sight-robbing cataracts, healing skin blemishes - and much more,

What it is Look in g through a microsco pe in 1879, scie ntists

discove red a fluorescent ye llow-green substance in milk , bUL not until
1933 was the substance identified as ribofl al'in. This wate r-solub le
vitamin is pan of the B-complex family, vv' hich is il1l'olved in transfo rm
ing protein , ra ts and ca rbohyd rates inLO fuel for the body Fou nd
naturally in man)' foods, ribo flal'in is also added to fortified b reads and
ce reals. It is easil y destroyed when ex posed LO light Inad equat e
ribofl al'in intake often accompanies other B-I'iramin deficienc ies, which
are a common pro bl em in the eld erl y and in alcoh olics Riboflal'in is
available as a Single supplement , In comiJ IIl3tion lI ith oLher B I'ltam ins
(as vitamin B co mplex), or as pa n of a mU lli\' Llmin sup, emenr.

Prevents or delays the onset

of cataracts.
Reduces the frequency and
severity of migraines.
Improves skin blemishes caused
by rosacea.

Table t

What it does Riboflal' in plays a I'ital ro le in the producti on of

thyroid hormone, whi ch speeds up meta bolism an d helps to ensu re
a steady supply of energ)' Riboflal'in also helps the bod y to produce
infec tion-fighting immune ce ll s.. and wo rks in conjunction with iron La
manufac ture red blood ce li s, which transpo rt oxyge n [0 all [he cells in
the body In addition, it conl'erts \'itamin s B6 and niac in into accil'e
forms so thar Lhey ca l'! do th eir wo rk
Ribofl al'in prouuces substances that help powerfu l antiox id ants, suc h
as vitamin E, [0 protec t bod y ce lls against damage fro m the naturall y
oc\urring, high ly react il'e molec ules know n as fre e rad icals. It is essen
ti al for tissue main tena nce and repair - the body uses extra amounts LO
speed up th e hea ling of 1V0u nd s after surgery, as well as after burns and
other injuries. Riboflal'in is also necessa ry to maintain the function of
the eyes, and may be important for health )' nen'es as lI'e11
Prevention: By boost in g antioxidant actil' ity. ribofl al' in protects many
body ti ssues - particularl y the lens of the eye. It mJY therefore help LO
preve nt the form ati on of cataracts , the opaque , milky growths in the lens
Lh at impair the \'ision of so ma ny older peop le Ophth almologists urge
el"Cr),o ne, espeC ially those with a famil y histo ry of Lhis eye disorder, [0
geLan adequate and steady supply of riboflal'in th roughou t thei r li l'es



Reminder: If you have a medi

calor psychiatric condition, talk

to yo ur doctor before taking

RiboOavin has also been show n to be hi ghly elTecti \'e in reducing the
frequency and seve rity of migraine headac hes . Jvligraine sufferers are
be lieved to have reduced energy rese n 'es in the brain , and nbo na\'in
may prevent attacks by increasing the energy suppl y to brain cell s,
Additional benefits: Ribo na\'in has prO\'ed \aluable in treating skm

diso rders, includ ing rosac ea , which causes fac ial Oushin g and skin pus
tules in many adults In combination with other B-\'itamins, incl uding
vitamin B6 and niacin, it may help to treat a broad range of nen'e and
other ailments , includ ing numbness and tingling , l\ lzheim ers disease,
epil epsy and multiple sclerosis, as well as anxiety, stress, and even
fat igue. So me docto rs prescribe ribo na\in su pplementat io n for slC kle
cell anae mia, bec ause many of these patients ha\'e a ri boOa\'i n deficie ncy

Australians and New Zealanders

get about half their riboflavin from
milk and other dairy products,
Milk stored in a clear glass bottle
loses 75% of its riboflavin after just
a few hours, because the vitamin is
extremel y sensitive to light. That's
on e reason why milk now comes in
opaque pl astic bottles or w axed
cardboard cartons,
A well-balanced diet is especially
important for the elderly, many of

How much you need The da ily RDl for riboOa\'in is 1. 7 mg

for men and l.2. mg for v\lomen. Thcse amounts guard against ge neral
defiCiencies; larger doses are usually pre scribed for specifi c conditions
If you get too little : Classic symptoms of riboOmin deficiency are
cracking and so res in th e co rner of the mouth , heightened sensiti\1ty to
light , and watering, burning and itchy eyes The skin around the nose,
eyebrows and earlobes may peel, and there may be a skin rash in the grom
A low red blood cell count (anaemia), ca using fa tigue. can al so occur.
If you get too much: Excess n bo Oa\'in isn 't dange rous because the
body excretes any ex tra with the urine . Howe \Tr, high intakes can turn
the urine bright yellow - a harml ess but slightly alarming stde effect

w hom are deficient in riboflavin,

In a recent European study,

55 patients who suffered two to
eight migraines per month w ere
gi ven 400 mg of ribofl avin a day.
After three months, patients
experienced, on average, 37%
fewer headaches - a rate commonly
achieved only with prescription
migraine drugs, But riboflavin has

How to take it

far fewer side effects than those

Dosage: To help prevent catameLs: The usual dose is 25 mg a day. (In

high dosages, ri bo navin may exacerbate ex isting cataracts,) For rosacea:
Dosages of 50 mg a day are recommended , For 111 igmil1es, Up to 400 mg
a day may be ne ed ed , Many one-a-da), \'ltam ins mee t the RDl fo r
ribo Oavin; high-potency multiv ita min s may co ntain mu ch higher
amounts - 30 mg or more. lvli xe d \' itamin B formulas typica ll y contain
50- 100 mg of ri boOa\'in with other B-\' itamins , including niac in , thi
amine, vitamins B6 and 8 12 , and folic ac ici

drugs - and, at about 50 or 60 cents

for a daily 400 mg dose, it's very
much cheaper,

You 'd ha ve to drink about 18 litres

of milk to get 30 mg of riboflavin

Guidelines for use: Consult your doc tor if you're taking ora l co ntra
ceptives, antibiot ics or psyc hiatriC drugs , w hich Ciln affect ribo na\'in

the amount found in man y high

potency multi vitamins,

needs, And don't wke riboOavin wi th alcohol, which reduces absor ption
of ribo Oav in in the digestive tract.

Other sources Good sources of riboO a\' in incl ud e milk , cheese ,

yoghu rt, ll\er, beef, fi sh , fortified breads and cereals, a\'ocadoes, mush
rooms and eggs,


aw palmetto

Serenoa repens

Native Americans regularly consumed this herb as a food , so they were probably not plagued
by prostate problems. Now one of the ten best-selling supplements in the US, saw palmetto
is becoming popular in many other countries as well.

What it is The saw pa lmett o. a small pa lm tree th al grows wild

from Texas to SOUlh Carollna , gets It S name rrom the spin y. sa\\ -too thecl
stems that li e al the base or each leaf With a life span o r 700 yea rs. th e
plant seems alm ost ind estru ctib le . resi sting dro ught . inseCl inrestation
ane! rire lts medi cin al pro pe rtie s are e!eri n: d rrom the blue-b18ck be rries.
which are usuall y ha n'ested in August and Sept embe r Thi s process is
someti mes hazard ous: han 'esters can easily be C',ll by the raz or- sharp lear
stems, and the), also ri sk be ing bmen by the di amondback rattl esnakes
that make th cir home in th e shade or thi s scrubby palm

Eases frequent night-time

urination and other symptoms of
an enlarged prostate,
Relieves prostate inflammation ,
May boost immunity and treat
urinary tract infections,

What it doe s Saw pzllmelto ha s a long Il istClrYof rolk use , Nali \'e
Ameri ca ns \'alued it fo r treatin g clt so rcle rs of the u ri nary tracr. Ea rl y
American colonists, notlng the \'ilality o[ animals who fed on the ncrries.
used the rrui ts as a ge neral to nic , particularly [or the rra il or eld erl y
Through the years, it 's also been use d to relie\T persiste nt coughs and
lm pro \'e digestl on, Todar, saw palmel tos claim to rame rests maml)' on
its abili ty to relie\T the symp toms or an enlarged proslate gland - a use
H: ririecl by a number or scientiric stu dies, '
Major benefits: In Italy. Ge rman )', France and oth er countri es,
doctors ro ulinely prescribe sa\\' palm ett o ror th e ben ign (noncancero us)
enlarge ment or the prosta te kn own med lcally as BPH , \\' hlch stands
ror 'be nign prostati c hyperplasia' orhype n ro phr ' When the walnul
sized male prostate glan d becomes enlarged , , comm on condllion that
affects mo re th an half or men 0 \ '( [' the age u l 50, il ca n press on the
urelhra, the tu be lhaL ca rri es urine rrom the bladder thro ugh the prostate
and OUl the penis The resu lting symp to ms include frequ ent urin alion
(espec ially at ni ght), wea k urine 0 0 \ \ ', pain lui ur ination. and diffic ulty
in emptyi ng the bladdcr co mpletcl), Researchers beli c\'e that sa\\'
palmetto relie\'es th e sy mpto ms or BP H in \'ari ous \\ a)'s, (vlost tmpor
tantly, it appea rs to alter the le\'els or \'arious hor mones that cause
prostate cell s to multipl y In additi on, the herb may act to curb innam
mation anel reduce tissue swelling


Dried herblTea

If you find blood in the urine

or ha ve trouble urinating, see
a doctor before taking saw pal
metto, These symptoms could
be related to prostate cancer.
Because saw palmetto affects
hormone levels, men with
prostate cancer or anyone taking
hormones should discuss use of
the herb with a doctor.

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements,

lvloreo\,e r, sLUdies h;1\'e found that saw

eflects (such as impotence) and faster
prostate drug fina sterid e (Proscar) And
30 da ys to producc its effects, C0 111 pared
prescri pti on medication .

palmetto produ ces [ewer side

resul ts than the cOl1\Tntional
sav,' palmetto too k onl y about
with at least si x months lo r th e

Alth ough there is stro ng e\idencc that saw

palmetto relieves the symptoms of BPH , other potentlal benefits of thi s
herb are more speculative. Saw palmetto has been used to treat certain
inn ammations of the prostate (prostatills) In the laboratory, it has been
shown to boost the immune systems abillty to kill bacteria, which sug
gests that it may be a potential treatment for prostate or urinar )' tract
infecti ons. Beca use saw palmetto affec ts \eI'els 01 cancer-promoting
hormones, scientists are also im'estlgating ltS possible role in pre\'enting
prostate cancer
Add itional benefits:

Read the label carefully when

buying a 'men 's formula'. Although
most contain saw palmetto, they
usually also include a number of
other herbs or nutrients, and some
of these may not be right for you.
In addition, the amount of saw
palmetto in these products may
be too small to be of any use.

In an international study of

H ow to take it

1000 men with moderate BPH,

The usual dosage is 160 mg twice a da y. Be careful about ta k

ing high er amounts: scientific studies ha\'c not examined thc effects of
daily doses above 320 mg Ch oose supplements made from extracts
stand ardised to comain 9% fatty ac id s and sterols - the acti\'e ingredi
ents in the berries that are responsible lor its therapeutic dTeets

either a prescription prostate drug

(Proscar) or saw palmetto for six
months. However, the conventional


Guidelines for use: Because saw palm etto has a bitter taste , th ose
using the liq Uid form may want to dilute it in a small amount of water.
The herb can be ca ken with or with out food Although some healers
recommend sippmg tea made from saw palmetto , it rna) not contain
therapeutic amounts of the ac tive ingredients - and therefore may pro
vide few benefits for the treatment of BPH.

two-thirds benefited from taking

medication significantly reduced

the size of the prostate, whereas the
effect of saw palmetto was much
less dramatic, particularly in men
who had very large prostates, The
study authors concluded that the
herb may be most appropriate
when the gland is only slightly or
moderately enlarged.

Possible side effects Side dfects lrom saw palmetto are

relatively un common . They include mild abdominal pain , nausea, dizzi
ness and head ache. Ver), rarely, breast enl argement may occur. 11 you
experien ce side effects, lower th e dose or stop ta king th e herb.

The cost of daily doses of saw

palmetto is one-third to one-half
that of prostate medications.

The dried fruit of the sow palmetto tree, often

processed into capsules or softgels, provides a
potent remedy for prostate complaints.


Although researchers didn't discover the importance of this trace mineral until 1979, selenium
quickly gained prominence as a potentially powerful cancer fighter, Many experts now believe
it could prove to be one of the most important disease-fighting nutrients,

What it is A trace minera l rha t is essential to many body processes,

se len ium is found in soi l. Se lenium is prese nt in I'irtually el'e r)'
cell in the bod)', but it is mosr abundanr in the kidneys , li l'er, splee n,
pancreas and testes .
What it does Selenium aus as an antioxidant , blocking the rogue
molecules known JS free radica ls thm damage DNA. It s part of an
amioxidant enzy me (called gluwrhione peroxidase) that prolects ce lls
aga inst em'ironm ental Jnd dietary tox ins, J nd is oft en includecl in
anli ox idanl 'cocktails' wirh litamins C and E. Thi S combinati on may
help lO gUi\rd aga inst a range of disorders - from cancer, hean disease,
cataracts and macu lar degeneration to strokes and el-en ageing - that are
lhought to be caused b) free-radical damage
Major benefits: Se lenium has rece il'ed a lot of atte ntion rece ntly for
its role in co mbating cancer. A dramatic nl'e-year study conducted at
Cornell Un ive rSity and th e Un iluslty of Arizona showed thm 200 mcg
of selenium daily rcsulted in 63% [e",'er prostate tumours , 58% fewer colo
renal ca ncers, 46% [ewe r lung malignanCies Jnd a 39% ("'erall decrease
in cancer dealhs. In oth er st udies, se lenium showed promi se in pre
venting cancers of the OI'aries, celyix, rectum , bladder, oesophagus,
pancreas and !il'er, as well as leukaemia Sludies of ca ncer patients
indicate that people with the lowes l se lenium le"els clel'eloped more
tum ours, had J higher rare of disease rec urrence, J grealer risk of ca ncer
sp readi ng, and a shoner m'erall su n 'h'a l rate than those with high blood
levels of selenium.
Addilionally, se lenium can protecl the hea rt , pnm,1r ily by redUCing
the 'sti ckiness' of the blood and decreasing the risk of cloning - in lurn ,
lowe ring the n sk of hea rt attack and slroke Moreol'er, seie l1lum
Increases rhe rali o of HDL ('good ') cho lesterol to LDL Cbad') choles terol ,
which is critical fo r a hea lthy heart . Smokers or lhose whol'e already
had a heJrt attack or stroke may gain the greatest cmcliO\'ascular benefits
from selenium supplements . In high doses, se lenium is al-ailab le on
prescription in Australia Jnd New Zealand

Works with vitamin E to help

prevent cancer and heart disease.
Protects against cataracts and
macular degeneration.
Fights viral infections; reduces the
severity of cold sores and shingles;
may slow the progression of
Helps to relieve lupus symptoms .




Don't exceed recommended

doses. In some people, taking
selenium long term - as little
as 900 mcg a day - can ca use
serious side effects, such as
skin rashes, nausea, fatigue,
hair los s, fingernail changes
and depression.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements,

Additional benefits: Se lenium may be useful in pre\'e ntll1g cataracts

and macular degeneration, th e leading ca uscs of impaired \'islon or
blindness in old er people, It IS also \'i tal fo r com'ening th yrOid horm one,
wh ich is neede d for the proper functi oning of t I er) ce ll in the body,
from a less active form (called T4) to its acti\'e I'o rm (kno wn as T3) In
additi on , se lenium is essenti al for a hea lthy immu ne system, help ing the
body to defend itse lf aga inst harm ful bacteri a and \'iruses, as well as
can ce r cel ls Its immune-boosting effeCls may play a rol e in fi ghting
Lhe herpes \'irus that is resplmsible for co ld sores and shll1gles, ,mel it
is also be ing sLudi ed for possible effeCLi\"t: ness against HI V, th e \'lru s thai
causes AIDS ,
When combined vvith \'iLamin E, se lenium appea rs to ha\'e so me anti
inl1amm aLOry be nefits as well These t\\'O nULrients may impro\'c chromc
conditions such as rheumaloid arthritis, pso rias is, lupu s anel eczema .

How much you need The ROt for selenium is 85 mcg for men
and 70 mcg for wo men. To produce malor be nefi ts, up to 60 0 lllcg a day
may be needed
If you get too little: The a\uage diCL in ,~u st rali a and New Zealand
tend s to be low in selenium . Falling belO\\' the RD I may le ad LO higher
in cidences of ca nce r, hea rt disease, immune problems , and inflamma
tory condiLions of all kind s, particularl y th ose affec ting th e skin ,
In suffi cient ,1I1lOunts of selenium during pregn<ln cy co uld increase the
ris k of birth defects (especially those im ok ing the hea n) or, possibl y,
sudden infant deat h syn d rome (SlOS) Early sympto ms of se lenium
defici ency includ e mu sc ular weakness and fatigue,

In Australia, selenium supplements

are available over the counter up to
a ma ximum daily dose of 52 mcg;
in New Zealand, up to 150 mcg,
Higher doses are available in both
countries on prescription,
If you're taking selenium for its
antioxidant benefits, consider trying
a high-potency antio xidant formula
containing selenium along with
other powerful antioxidants, such
as coenzyme Q1 0, grape seed and
green tea extract s, vitamins C and E,
and beta -carotene,

Recent studie s show that in a

te st tube selenium works relatively
quickly, helping cells grow and die
at normal rates and protecting them
from becoming cancerou s, Experts
suspect that sel enium's cancer
fighting benefits may be fairly
fast-acting in the body as well.

If you get too much: It 's hard to geL LOO much selenium fro m yo ur
eliet , bUL if you're ta king thi s mineral in supplemem form , it s import ant
to rem emh er that the margin of sa fety bet\\'een ,1 th era peuti c dose of
sele nium (up to 600 mcg a day) an cl a wxic dose (as liLLi e as 900 mcg)
is sma ll compared wi th other nULrient s. Sy mp LOl11 S of toxicity include
ner\'()usness, clepression, nau se,l and \'O miLin g, a gmlick;- odour 10 the
breat h and persp iration, and a loss of hair and finge rmils.

inactive viru s into its acti ve, disease

causing form, This may help to

How to take it

explain why selenium is effective

against cold sores and shingl es,

Dosage: ivl ost expe rts agree Lhat the optimum dose for lung-t erm li se
of se lenium should fa ll between 100 mcg and <tOO mcg dail y Up to
600 meg dail y may be laken for a limi Led tim e as a treatment for ,'iral
infections or as part of a ca nce r lreatm el1l program
Guidelines for use: VitamIn E greatly en hances sele nium 's eITec tin'
ne ss , 50 be sure to get 500 IU 0 [ iL cl ail y

Other sources The most abund anL sou rces of se lenium include
Bra zi l nuts, garlic, sea food , poul try and mea ts. Grain s, particularly oa LS
and brown rice, may also ha\'e Significant amOlll1lS , de pending on the
selenium comem of the soil in whic h lhey we re grown

According to the US journal

Agriculture Research, studies in mice

show that a defici ency of either
selenium or vitamin E - both anti
oxidants - can convert a latent,

which are both caus ed by reacti

vation of a dormant herpes virus,

A single Brazil nut contains a

whopping 120 mcg of selenium,
w hich is at least 10 times more
by w eight than is present in any
other food, Red snapper is another
good source of selenium: 125 g
provides 200 mcg ,


bark cartilage

Sharks are finally getting a warm welcome, thanks to a tough, rubbery material in their skeletons.

Though myriad claims are made for shark cartilage - most spectacularly that it cures cancer - its

actual effect on disease remains uncertain.

What it is Bone forms the framew ork of the human body

Cartilage does the same for sharks This elastic su bstance, which is softer
than bone but tough and fibrous, is found in people as well: in the nose,
for example, and around the Joints. In recent years, shark cart ilage
products have become popular worldwide as a much-hyped remedy for
a variety of ills Harvested from the head and fins, the cartilage is first
cleaned and dried, and then grou nd into a fine white powder
There is consi de rable debate, however, about whether Lhe su pple
ment is effecti\'e So lid evidence in support of its health benefits lags
significantly behind the glowing testim onials. Wha t's more, ec ological
concern is mounting because shark populati ons around the globe
appear to be declining rapi dly as a result of ove rfish ing.
What it does Most researchers greet the clai ms made for shark
cartilage - from curing cancer and AIDS to healing arthritis and herpes
- with scep ticism . Some believe thaL stomach ac ids digesL shark carti
lage , rendering oral supplements ineffecti ve; others say that even if
the body does absorb Lhe ca rtil age, 1l has no demonstrab le therapeuti c
benefits. If shark cartilage does co ntain healing ingred ients, they are
present , at best, only in ve ry small amounts Though a few promising
studies have been conducted , additional resea rch is needed to co nfirm
or disprove - Lhe effectiveness of this controversial supplement.
Major benefits: Research dating back LO the 1980s sparked intereSL

in Lhis supplement's greatest claim to fame: its supposed abi lity to

combaL cance r. Observing that sharks rarely get cance r, investigato rs
began 51 udying various substances from sharks and noted Lhat shark
cartilage blocks the growth of new blood vessels Because blood-vessel
growth is essential for tumours - provi.ding them with an oxygen-rich
blood supply that allows them to survive and grow - the resea rchers

Shark cartilage capsules are

popular but controversial.


May help to fight cancer.

May ease arthrjtic joint pain,
reduce the skin lesions of psoriasis
and help to heal cold sores.




Because it may interfere with

new blood vessel growth, shark
cartilage should not be used by
women who are pregnant or
breast-feeding; by anyone who
has suffered a heart attack or
stroke; or by those who have
had recent surgery.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

spec ulated th at the ca rti lage might fig ht cancer. (Cance r therapies that
inhibit blood vesse l grow th recently made news when two drugs
that shrink tumours - ca lled angiostatin and endostatin - ,vere isolated
in the laboratory.)
O ther theories have been advanced for s hark ca rtilage'S sup posed
anti -ca ncer effects, and studies in test tubes and animals suggest thar it
may have some cancer-lighting benefit s. But what wo rks in the test tu be
or in animals is often a far cry from what wo rks in people . Studies have
generally failed to show any significa nt benefit s to people with ca ncer,
even when shark ca rt ilage was given in ve ry high doses. I n fact, a lead
ing maker of shark cart ilage supplements in the US recently ad mitted
that the substance is ' probab ly not effecti\'e' for cance r.
Additional benefits: Shark ca rtilage may ha\'e anti-in nammatory

properties, howeve r, that make it useful for treating d iseases such as

rhe umato id art hri tis and the sk in ailment pso riasis. In one study,
animals given a shark cartilage extract experienced less pain and inllam
m ation from substances that irritate the skin .
Shark cartil age may also ease symp toms o f osteoarthritis by facili wt
in g the delivery of ca rtilage-building nut rients to the joints, thereby
stimulating cart ilage repa lr while reducing ca rtilage breakdowl1. (Most
docto rs, howeve r, believe the re are more effective re medies for this
purpose, such as glu cosamine.) Because of its possib le immune-boosting
effects, the supplement has also been pro posed as a treatment for cold
sores and other herpes infec tions.

How to take it
Dosage : For di sorders sHch as althhtis. Dosages of abo ut 2000 mg
three times a day are so metimes recommended For

or sha rk cartilage

cancer: Practitioners somelimes recommend doses as high as 1000 mg

per kilogram of body weight, which wo uld mean 68000 mg for some
on e weigh ing 68 kg - a substantial expense for a suppleme nt \vhose
value has not been proved.
Guidelines for use : Some researchers suggest ta kin g the supple ment
on an empty stomac h to minim ise ex posure to stomach acids that cou ld
destroy any active ingred ients. Beca use of the large amounts recom
mended to treat cance r (in some cases the equivalent of more than
100 capsules a day), the powder form may be more convenient and less
costly. However, th ose co nce rned about the fishy taste of many products
may find wh lels or capsules the best options

Possible side effects Even when taken in large amou nts,

shark cartilage does not see m to produ ce any tox ic react ions.

Ma ny shark ca rtilage products

contain few active ingredients
beca use they're extenSively diluted
wi th binding ag ents and fillers.
Read th e labels carefully to see
what you're getting.

Accordi ng to a recent Canadian

study, shark ca rtil age helps to treat
psoriasis, a condition that's marked
by excessive infl ammatio n and
growth of new blood vessels in the
skin . To mimic the disease, in vesti
gators appl ied a chemical irritant to
the arms of ni ne heal thy volunteers.
When spread on the skin before the
app lica tion of the irritant, an extract
of shark ca rti lage effectively curta il ed
inflammation . In a follow-up study,
the ex tract also soothed the rashes
of peo ple with psoriasis.
Thou gh shark cartilage is
sometimes promoted for its ca ncer
fighting properties, the supplement
appeared to have no effect in a
rece nt stu dy conducted by the
Cancer Trea tment Researc h
Fou ndation in the US . Some
60 patients with breast, colon, lun g,
prostate and other advanced cancers
took numerous spoonfuls of shark
ca rtilag e three times a day. Over
10 months, the supple men t had no
discernible effect on their tumou rs.

In Japan, shark's fi n soup is believed

to increase longevity.

erlan ginseng


sen ticos us

This ancient Chinese tonic, rediscovered by the Russians after World War II, helps people
to withstand stress. It appears to benefit the whole body, sharpening physical and mental
performance and restoring vitality during times of overwork or illness.

What it is Also call ed eleu thero, Sibe rian ginseng is a distant

botanical cousin of Panax ginseng, which is better known. Although not
as revered (or expensive) as the Panax species, Siberia n ginseng has been
used in China for thousands of years to enhance the body's vital energy
(qi), restore memory, and prevent colds and Ou. It is derived from
Eleu.themcoccus senticoSLIs, a plant native to eastern Russia , Chin a, Korea
and Japan . Supplem ents are usually made from the dried roots.
The herb gained prominence among Wes tern doctors in the 1950s,
after a Russian health researcher, L 1. Brekhman, completed expe riments
exa mining its effe cts on thousa nds of men and women. His studi es
demonstrated that Siberian ginse ng could help healthy peo ple to with
stand physical stress, improve their immune systems, and increase their
mental and physical performance Subsequen t research revealed the
herb's poten tial for treating specific ailments.
What it does Siberian ginse ng contains substances th at exert
benefi cial effects on the adrenals (the small glands on top of the kidneys
th at sec rete stress-fighting hormones). It also raises energy levels and
enhances immunity. Studies show th at the herb is effective in protecting
aga inst al l kinds of physical stresses: hea t, cold , even radiation . It height
ens mental alenness and allows th e mind to focus in adverse situations.
By red UCing the effects of stress and support ing the immune system,
Siberia n ginseng may also be of va lue in dec reaSing th e ri sk of many
chronic illnesses.

Combats stress-related illness.

Fights fatigue; restores energy.
Enhances immunity; useful
for chronic fatigue syndrome and
Supports sexual function; may
improve fertility in both sexes .
Eases symptoms of menopause.
May boost mental alertness in
people with Alzheimer's di sease.





Dried herb/Tea

Siberian ginseng may interfere

with heart medication s. In on~
74-year-old man, taking the herb
along with digoxin caused the
drug to accumulate in his body,
reaching dangerous levels .
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.


Major benefits: Siber ian ginse ng is often rec ommen ded as a general
revitaliser for people who are fatigued (including Lhose recovering from
illness and those who are overworked) It's also recommended for people
whose ability to work is impaired, or for those with poor concent ration.
Studies in Russia in volving 2100 hea lthy men and women aged 19 to 72
who were give n extracts of the herb found that ginseng improved the
following phYSica l labour performance; proo freading acc uracy; radi o
telegraphists' speed and preCision in noisy surroundings, peoples ability
to adapt to high temperatures, as well as to a high-altitude, low-oxygen
environment; and Lheir ab ility to withstand motion sickness .
Because it also enhances immunity, Siberian ginse ng is frequently
included in nutri tional suppo rt programs for peop le with chronic fatigue
syndrome or fibrom ya lgia. In addition , it may ben efit people in the early
stages of Alz he imer's disease by increasing mental alert ness.
Additional benefits : By altering hormone levels and toning the
uteru s, Siberian ginseng may play a ro le in treating mensLrual irregular
ities and the symptoms of menopause . Taken be tween menstrual
periods, it may also be useful in preventing female infertility The herb
may be suitab le as a fertility aid for men as well. W hen alternated with
Panax ginseng, it may be of value [or some cases of impotence
Traditionally, the Chinese have used Siberian ginseng to suppress
colds and nu The herb's efficacy may pan ly be related to its ability to
boost the immune system Russian stud ies suppOrt this use. In a very
large stud y, more than 13000 car factory employees who took the herb
one winter reported suffering 40% fewer respiratory trac t infections
during that pe ri od than in previous wimers. It has also been used to treat
certain hea rt condui ons and to lowe r blood suga r Test -tube studies
suggesL LhaL Siberian ginseng may help to protec t against so me Lypes of
cancer or La boost the effects of convemional chemothe rapy drugs. More
studies are needed LO verify these and other potent ial benefits

Buy standardised Siberian

ginseng (eleuthero) extracts from
a reputable company to be sure
you're getting a quality product.
These supplements contain specified
amounts of the active ingredients,
dubbed 'eleutherosides'. Look for
extracts with an eleutheroside
content of at least 0.8%.
Siberian ginseng is often added
to 'adrenal gland' or 'stress' formulas
intended to combat stress. Look
for the herb in combination with
licorice, pantothenic acid and
other ingredients.
Avoid high-potency formulas

of Siberian ginseng that exceed

recommended daily doses. High
doses (more than 900 mg a day)
can cause insomnia, irritability,
nervousness and anxiety.

In Germany, Siberian ginseng is

approved by medical authorities
for use as an invigorating tonic for
fatigue, weakness, an inability to
work, impaired conc entration and

How to take it
Dosage: for stress, fatigue

convalescence from illness. But it

Take 100- 300 mg 01

a standa rdised ex tract of Siberian gmse ng tWO or three tim es a day
for mcnstnw/ disorders Mix Siberian ginse ng with herbs such as chaste
tree, dong quai and licorice. Commercial co mbinations are avai lable
and other comp laints

may not be effective in enabling a

fit, well-nourished athlete to run any
faster or longer. When 20 highly
trained American distance runners
were given Siberian ginseng, they

Siberian ginseng can be taken long te rm.

However, some authorities suggest using it for three month s and then
SLopping lo r a week or two Ge rman health authorities do not recom
mend iL for people with high bloo d pressure, thou gh th ere are few
studies to indicate any acl ve rse reactions in this group. Because Siberian
ginseng may interact with prescription medica tions, including so me
hea rt drugs, check with your doctor befo re taking it.
Guidelines for use:

performed no better in treadmill

tests than their peers on placebos.

After the Chernobyl nuclear

accident, many Russians were

Possible side effects The herb appears to be ve ry safe


recomme nded doses. In rare cases , iL may ca use mild diarrh oea. Some
people reporL feeling restless after taking Siberian ginseng, so don't take
iL close La bed Lime

offered Siberian ginseng to help

minimise the effects of radiation .




Soy has shown great promise in reducing the uncomfortable hot flushes of menopause,
and new research indicates that it may also help to protect against certain chronic diseases,
including osteoporosis, heart disease and some cancers.

What they are Fou nd in soya bean products such as tofu and
soy milk, and so ld in supple ment form, iso fl al'ones are powerful com
pounds knovm as phYLO-oestrogens. These plant-based substances are
chemi ca lly s imilar LO the hormone oestrogen produced in the bod y, but
are muc h weaker. Phyto-oestrogens, hovvel'er, can bind to oest rogen
receptors in the cells and produce vari o us important health bendits.
Most research on soy isonavones has bee n done with people who regu
larl y ate soy products, so eve n though most supplem ents contain the
maj or isoflavones in soya beans , ge nistein and ciaidzein , its n ot clear
whether iso fla vo nes are the on ly beneficial co mpo und s 111 soy
What they do As phyto-oestrogens , soy iso fla\-ones hm"C two
important effects Fi rst, when oestrogen le vels a re high , ph)'to
oestrogens can block the more potent forms of oestrogen produced
by the body and ma y help to prevent hormon e-dri\-en diseases, such
as breast ca ncer. Second, w hen oestrogen leve ls are low, as they are
afte r m e nopause , phyto-oestrogens can substitute for the body's own
oestrogen , pOSSibly reducing ho t flushes and presen-ing bones Soy
isof1avones may also have anti oxidant and anticoagulant dfects
Prevention: Research indicates that soya bea n products help protect
aga inst heart d isease by lowenng LDL Cbad ') cholesterol and signifi
cantly increasing HDL ('good') cholesterol. Soy see ms mOSt effecti\'e
in people w ith high cholesterol leve ls In those with near-normal cho
lesterol levels , its dfects arc less powerfuL and large r amounts are
needecl LO produ ce the same bendits Soya b ean products may also
inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the first st ep in the acc umula
tion o f aner y-clogging plaque 1n addition , lab orato ry studies show that
tb e genistein in soy helps to p re ve nt blood cl ots from formll1g
In Asian countries whe re soy is a dieta ry staple, rates o f ce rtain
cancers are much lower than they are in man y \7Vestern co un tries.

Studies show that the

isoflavones in soya beans can
offer potent health benefits.


Reduce the frequency and

severity of hot flushes and other
menopausal symptoms.
May protect against coronary
heart disease.
May forestall certain cance rs.
May help to prevent osteoporosis.

Soy protein powder

Consult your doctor before

taking soy supplements for the

treatment of cancer.

Pregnant or breast-feeding

women should not take soy

isoflavone supplements.

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Preli min ary stud ies indicate that regular co nsu mption of soy foods or
sup pleme nts may pro tect againsL cancers of the breast , prostate and
endometrium (th e lining of th e uterus) And in ani mal studies. adding
soy prote in to Lh e diet significantly reduces tumour formation and
th e likeli hood th at ca nce r, once developed, will spread The phyto
oestrogens in the so)' are most likel y responsibl e for this effect.
Researchers spec ulate that the iso fl avone ge niste in may bloc k a protein
called tyrosine kinase, which promotes the grow th and proliferation of
tumour cells. This effect may be why soy is also associatecl with a lower
ris k of prostate cancer. Ge ni stein has potent antioxidant prope rties as
we ll, and for these reaso ns it may one day prove usefu l against cancer
though more resea rch is clea rl y needed
Additional benefits: Studies show that hot flushes and other
sy mptoms of menopause are relati,'ely rare in As ia. where wo men eaL
a lot of soya bea n products In addiLion, in one Western study, wo men
who added 45 g of soy fl our to thei r dail y diet expe rienced a 40% re duc
ti on in hot flu shes
Soy isoflavones may also help women maintain bo ne density One US
study of postm enopausal wo men found that co nsuming 40 g of so)'
protein a da y res ulted in a Signi fican t in crease in bone minera l density
in the spi ne, an area often weakened by oSLeopo rosis.

How to take them

Dosage : Experts don't know the am ount of soy iso flal'ones needed LO
produce a therapeuti c effec t. In Asian co untries, the iso fla vo ne
consumption ranges from 25 mg to 200 mg a day Some researchers
believe that an intake of 50-12 0 mg a day mi ght be the min imum
amount necessary Th e sup pl ements on the marke r \'a ry in the types of
iso flavones they co ntain and the amount per pilL Choose a product th aI
supp lies a miXLure of iso fl avo nes - including both ge nistein and daidzein
- and take enough pills to obtai n 50- 100 mg of iso fl al'ones a day
Guidelines for use : Most experts recommend th aI you try to get yo ur
soy iso flavones from soya bea n products . In additio n LO their iso fl avo ne
content , Lhese fo ods are good so urces of protein .
The amount of iso flavones in soya beans - and therefore any prod uct
made from them - va ries. In general, eating one to IWO se rvi ngs a day
is probabl y sulTicient. (A serv ing equals: 100 g of tofu or miso , 1 cup of
soy mil k, or '12 cup of soy fl our, coo ked soya bea ns or texLured vegetable
protein ) If eating Lhis much soy is not to yo ur taste. you can get yo ur
iso flavones from a combi nati on of foods and suppl ements Another
alterna ti ve is soy powder, whi ch conta in s both soy prot.ein and
iso flavo ncs; mix it into juice or milk Take soy supplements with a large
glass of warm water right before eating breakfast and dinner.

A diet high in fibre may interfere

with th e absorption of isoflavones. If
you eat a high-fibre diet, be sure to
increase yo ur consumption of soy
supplements or soy foods .
Even though they're mad e from
soya beans, soy sa uce and soya bean
oil contain no isoflavones .

In a re cent study, people with

modera tely high cholesterol leve ls
drank a daily 'milkshake' containing
25 g of soy protein, ei th er with or
without isoflavones. After nine
weeks, th ose w ho consumed the
isoflavone-rich sha kes experienced,
on average, a 5% red uction in LDL
('bad') cholesterol levels. People
with the highest LDL levels had
an 11 % drop. (For each 10-15%
drop in LDL levels, the risk of a heart
attack decreases 20-25%.)
Women who ate th e most soya
bean products and other foods rich
in phyto -oestrogens reduced th eir
risk of endo metrial cancer by 54%,
according to one study. Soya bean
prod ucts may be especially impor
ta nt for women w ho have never
been preg nant. Among this group,
eating less th an an average of 8 g
of soya bea n products a day was
associated with a fourfold increase
in th e ri sk of end ometrial cancer.

Possible side effects Soya bean products , el'en in large quan

tities, arc not kn own to produce side effeCts However, the sma ll
percentage of peop le who are allergic to soya beans shou ld avoid all soy
supplements 31ld soy-based foods.

irulina &: kelp

Health enthusiasts are looking to the lakes and seas for algae and plant proteins that are
powerful food supplements. Spirulina and kelp have inspired hope as well as hype, but
these aquatic plants do actually contain va rious beneficial substances.

What they are Spirulllla <ind ke lp are t\\O \"fry differe nt types of
aquanc algae The smaller or the two, spirulina (a lso known <is blue
grem <ll gae) is actually a single-c ell ed mi croorga ni sm, or microalga, that
cl ose ly resembles <i bacterium Because it s spi ral-sh,lpec1 filaments are
I'ich in the pbnt pigment chl orophyll, splrulina turll S the lak es <ind
ponels where it grows a dark blue-green Kelp is another beneflCi<i1
protector - one that co mes rrom the sea . Oeri\"Cd rrom \'arious spec ies of
brown algae kn own as FlIC1.IS or LCllllil1C1li o, thi s long-stemmed se<i\\'eed
is a prime so urce 01 iodine , crucia l in pre\Tnting th)"roid problems.

Combats bad breath.
Adds protein, vitamins and
minerals to the diet.
Treats underactive thyroid.
Provides essential nutrients.

What they do Spirulina and kelp hm-e bee n used medicinall y lor
thousands 01yea rs in China. Their denw:es make many claims - ranging
rrom increased libid o to red uced hair loss - bu t most or these remain
highly speculathT. The algae do, howe\'el', ha\"f some conrlrmed PO\\US
Major benefits: Because it is a pmne source or ch lorophyll, spirulina

is ideal for co mbating one or li ks most tlllublesome com plalllts bad

breat h. It ca n be an extremely effecti\'(' remedy, prcw ided the condition
is not due to gum disease or chroniC sinusitis. Ma ny commerCial
chl orophy ll brea th rresheners co ntain spirullllJ as a key IIlgrediem.
The high iodine content of kelp makes it useful for treatin g ~n under
acm"C thyroid thats caused by a shortage or iodin e. Kelp is al so marketed
as a weight -l oss aid but it is probab ly efrecti\T only in the ext remely rare
cases when weight gain is secondary to an iodine-deficient , uncieraCli \"C
thyroid For the treatment of th ),roid diso rders, it should be taken on ly
uncl er a docto r's close supen'ision






Kelp may aggravate the con

dition of patients al ready taking
medication for thyroid disorders.
Reminder: If you have a medi

Additional benefits: Som et imes splrulina and ke lp are includ ed tn

\"Cgeta nan <Hid mac robi oti c di ets Spirulina cOlllains protein, ntam ins
(including El2 and rolic acid ), carotenolci s and other nutricnts . 1n

Spirulina is the most

popular of the bluegreen
algae supplements.


cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taki ng supplements.

addition to iod ine, kelp prol'icks carorenoids, as we ll as fatty acids,

potassium, magnesiurn, ca lc ium , iron and other nutrients. However,
the concenrrations of all these substances appea r lO be fai rly low. There
are many less expe nsil'C - and beller tasting - so urces of vilamins
and mineral s than spirulina and kelp , including a range of comm on
garde n ,ege tables.
Various ot her clmms arc made for kelp and spiru lina - that lh ey boost
energy, relielT arthritis, enhance lilu functi on , prel'ent hean disease and
certain types of ca nce r, boost immuni ty, supp ress HI V and AIDS , and
proleCt cell s aga inst damJge frolll X- rays or heal), metals, such as lead.
BUl most studies on these supp lements hal'e been do ne in tesl lubes or
with animals , and more research is needed

Don't harvest you r own spirulin a

or kelp from the wild, Coastal or
aquatic colonies of the algae may be
contaminated with indu stri al waste
or sewage and contain concentrated
levels of lead, mercury, cad mium or
other dangerous toxins.

Look for co mmercial breath

How to take them

Dosage : To fresh en the breath \\lull spinililla: Use a co mmerc ia\' chkl[
oph )'lI- rich 'gt'ee n' drink (lhe labe l II ill often say if the chlorophyll is
derhTd m part from spiru lina) or mix 1 teaspoo n of spiruli na powder in
ha lf a glass of water. Swish the liquid around the l11 outh , the n sll'a llow
it. Allernative ly, chew a Lablet thoroughl y, then ingest it. Repeat three or
four tim es a day, or as needed. To use help jcn (111 underactive thy roid. Use
onl y when recomm end ed by yo ur practiti oner. Powder fo rms dissolve
easil y in wate r, though some people don't li ke the taste. Tab lels, capsules
ancll inctures arc eq ua lly dfec ti l'e Fish Illay be a good optio n
Guidelines for use : Take with lood LO minimise the chances of
digesti ,'e upse t. Pregnant or breasl-feed ing wo men may want to avo id
kelp because of its high locline COnLenr , th ough spirulina see ms to

be I'ery sa fe.

fresheners that contain spirulin a as

one of the first listed ingredients.
Its rich chlorop hyll content makes it
a safe and effec tive natural way to
freshen your breath ,
Always check the expiry date on
a packet of kelp, because the iod in e
content may decline with sto rage.
In one test, no iod ine could be

detected in ke lp tablets th at had

been on a shelf for a yea r and a half.
lod ised salt has helped to reli eve
many of the problems associated
with iodine deficiency, such as
gOitre, but it's bes t to obtain your

Possible side effects OccaSionall y, nausea or diarrhoea deve l

dieta ry requirements f ro m natural

sources of idodine,

ops in those taking spirulina or kel p: If lhis side effect occurs, lowe r the
dose or sto p using it. Up to 3% of the popu lalion is sensitil'c to iod ine
and may experience adl'e rse reac tions to long-Le rm ingestion of kelp
including a painful enlarge ment of the th )Toid gland thm disappea rs
once the ke lp is d iscontinued This co ndition is most common inJa pan,
where seaweed is a dielary slZlplc .

People who dislike the taste of kelp

can take it in tablet form.



ohn's wort

Hypericum perforatum

The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that this herb could deter evil spirits. Today, St John's
wort has found new and widespread popularity as a natural antidepressant - a gentle alternative
to conventional medications, with far fewer side effects.

What it is A shrubby perennial bearing bnght yellow nowers,

St John's wort is cult ivated worldwid e It was named for Saint Joh n the
Baptist because it blooms around Ju ne 24 , the day celebrated as his
birthday 'Wort' is an old English word for plant fo r centuries, St John's
wort was used to soo the the nen'es and to heal wounds, bu rns and
snakebites Supplements are made from the dried nowe rs , ,vhich con
tain a number of Lherapeutic substances , including a healing pigment
called hypericin .

Treats depression.
Helps to fight off viral and
bacterial infections.
May help to treat premenstrual
syndrome (PMS) and fibromyalgia.
Helps to relieve chronic pain.
Soothes haemorrhoids.

What it does St John's wort is most often used to treat mild

depression Scientists aren't sure exactly how the herb wo rks, though
it's believed to boost levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which is one
of the keys to mood and emotions.

May aid weight loss.

Major benefits: A recent analysis of 23 different studies of St John's

'vvon concluded that the herb was as effective as antid epressa nt drugs
and more effective Lhan a placebo - in the Lreatment of mild to moderate
depress ion. (Fe w studies have exa mined its usefulness for more serious
depressio n, though it may prove beneficial for this as well) St John 's
wort may be helpful for many con ditions assoc iated with depression,
too , such as anxiety, stress, premen strual syndrome (PMS), fibrom ya lgia
or chronic pain. It may even have some direct pain-relieving effects. ThIS
herb promotes sound sleep, and may be especiall y valu able when
depression is marked by fatigue , sleepiness and low energy levels It may
also aid in treating 'wintert ime blues' (seasonal affecti\"C disord er, or
SAD), a type of depression that develops in autumn and winter anel
dissipates in the bright sunlight of spring and summer.






If you're taking conventional

antidepressant drugs, be sure to
consult your doctor before adding
or switching to St John's wort.
If you develop a rash or have
difficulty breathing (rarely,
people have allergic reactions),

Whether you take softgels, capsules

or tablets, 5t John 's wort may be an
effective natural remedy for depression.

get immediate medical help.

Reminder: If you have a medi
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to your doctor before taking


So me people are wary of co nvemi onal amidepressam s beca use of their

potemial for causing undesirable side effects, especiall y red uced sexual
[un ction St John 's won has fe we r troublesome std e effec ts than th ese
d rugs [n addlti on , although St Joh n's won may tn te rac t with
antidep ressant medicat ions, il doesn't app ear to imeract with mOSl other
convemional d rugs. ma king il useful for ol der people who may be taking
multiple medica ti ons.
Additional benefits: Stj ohn 's wo n fighls bacteria and \' iruses as we ll .
Resea rch mdicates th at it may pia )' a key pa rt in com bating herpes
Simplex , in fluen za and Epste in-Barr \'iru s (the cause o f glandu la r fe\'n),
and preliminary laborato ry stu d ies re\'ea l a possible role for the herb
in the fi ght aga insl AlO S, \Vhe n an ointmem made from Sl John's wo n
is ap plied to hae morrh oids , it rel te\es burning and itching Taken along
with the herb eph edra, St John's wort may also bc useful as a we ight-loss
aid. H)'l)C ricum oil , applt ed to the skin , is \'Cry effec li\'e at rel ie\' ing
the pa in of shingles.

How to take it
Dosage: The reco mmended close is 300 mg of an eXlraC l standardised
to contain 0.3% hyperic tn , taken three times a day Supp lements
contain ing 450 mg are also a\'ailable and can be taken lwice a clay.
Guidelines for use: Take St John's WO rL close to mea ltimes to reduce
stomach irri ta tion. In the past, people using the herb were advised not
to ea t ce rtain foods, incl uding age d cheese and red wine - the sa me
foods best avo ided by those taking MAO tnhibitors (a type o f anti
depressant). But recem stud ies suggest that these foods do not present a
proble m for those on St Jo hn 's wo rt .
Lik e a presc ri pt ion amidepressan t, the herb mUSl build up in
your blood befo re it beco mes erfect i\'e , so be sure to allow at least four
weeks to determine whet her it works for you. It ea n be used long term,
as needed. Unless you are under the cme of a doctor familiar with
both con vem ional antidep ressa nts and Sl John's WO rL , the med icat ion
<md the herb should not be take n toget her because o f the potemial
for adverse reaclions.
Even though no ad verse effects ha\'e bee n repo rted in pregnant or
breast -feeding women using the herb, there ha\'e bee n few stud ies 111 this
gro up of patients, so cautton is ach'i sed.

Choose preparations of St Joh n's

wort that are standardised to contain
0.3% hypericin, the therapeutic
ingredient found in the herb .
In Germany, where doctors
prescribe herbal remedies routinely,
St John's wort is the most common
form of antidepressant - and much
more popular than conventi onal
drugs such as Prozac and Zoloft.

In one recent US study,

50 participants with depression
were gi ven either St John's wort
or a placebo . After eight weeks,
70% of those on St John's wort
sho wed ma rked improvement,
versus 45% of those receiving a
pl aceb o. No ad verse reactions to
the herb were noted.
Although presently used only
for mild and moderate depreSSion,
St John 's wo rt may one day prove
effective for more severe cases.
A study of 209 people with serious
depression found the herb as effec
tive as conventional antidepressants.
But more research is needed before
the supplement can be recom
mended for this purpose,

Possible side effects 'While uncom mon, sid e effects ca n

incl ud e const ipation , upsel sto mac h, fat igue, elry mou th and d izziness.
Fairsk inned people are advised to a\'oid pro longed exposure to sunlight
while laking Sl Joh n's wo rt , but increased sensiti\11Y [0 the sun doesn't
appear to be much of a problem at reco mmended doses.


e_a tree oil

Melaleuca alterll/foll"

For centuries, Australian Aborigines relied on the leaves of the tea tree to fight infections.
Today, tea tree oil is valued throughout the world as a potent anti septic, and scientists
have confirmed its remarkable ability to combat harmful bacteria and fungal infections .

What it is A champion infec tion fighter, tea tree oil has a pleasa nL ,
nUl meg-like scent. It comes fro m the lea yes of the lea tree, Me/almea
altcmifoli a, a species lhal grows only in Auslralia Ex trac ted by steam
disti llation , quality tfa UTe oil contains at leasl 40% te rp inen -4-01 (the
active ingredi ent th ats responsible for its hea ling effects) and less lhan
')O,{, Cin eo le, a substance that s be lieved to counteract the medicinal
properties of the oiL With the ri se o f anti biot ics after Wo rld Wa r U,
tea tree oil ld l out of favour. Rece ntly, interest 111 it has rn'il'ed , and more
lhan 700 tOn ncs are now produced ann uall y. (Tea tree is co mpletely
diffccre nt fro m th e Camclli Ci species usecllo make black , oo long and green
d rinkin g teas)
Wh at it doe 5 Tea tree oil is used to pically to treat a \'a riety of
co mmon in fect ions Once appli ed to the skin , the oil makes il im pos
sib le lor many d isease-cau sing fun gi to SU[\'il'e. Several studies have
shown that it fights \'ari ous bacteria as we ll, inclu ding some that are
resistant to power fu l antibiotics. Experts think one reaso n tea tree oil is
so effective is that it mixes readily with skin oils, all owing it to attac k the
infe ctive agent quic kly and actively
Major benefits : Tea tree oi1 's antise pti c pro pe rties are espec ia lly use
ful for trea ting cuts and sn apes, as well as mseC l bites and stings The
oil promotes healing of min or wounds, helps to prevent in fection and
minimi ses any future scarring .
As an antifungal agent, tea tree oil fights the fung us Tnchophyton, the
cul pril in athl ele's foot, Jock itch and some nail infections It may also be
effective against Candida albieans and Ii'i chomol1as vagil1all s, two of the
organisms th at cause vaginal infecli ons. Unfort unately, so me fu nga l
infect ions can be stubborn to trea t; m these cases , yo ur doctor may have
to prescribe a more pOlent conventi onal amifunga l med ication.


Di sinfects and promotes the

heali ng of cuts an d scra pes.
Minimi ses sca rring .
Speeds recovery from insect or
spider bites and stings, includ ing
bee stings.
Combats athlete's foo t, funga l
nail in fections and yeast infections.


Vaginal suppository

Tea tree oil is for topical use

only. Do not in gest; it ca n be
toxic. Keep it away from eyes.
Consult you r doctor before
applyin g to deep, open wou nds .
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before using suppleme nts.

Additional benefits: Tca tree oil may bc beneficial in the treat ment
of acne. In one stud y, a gel contai ning 5% tea tree oil was show n to
be as effective aga111st acne as a lotion with 5% benzoyl peroxide, the
aCl ive ingredient in most over-the-counter acne medications But there
were fewe r side erfects with tea tree oiL it caused less scaling, dryness
and itching than th e henzoy l perox ide formul a. Another study found
that a solution containing 0.5% tea tree oil offered protec li on aga in st
PiivrosporwTI ovale, a common dandruff-caUSing fungus. Tea tree oil is
somet imes suggesled as a treatmel1l for warts, which are caused by
viruses, though studi es have nOl co nfirmed lhis use.

A number of shampoos, soaps

and other skin-care products contain
tea tree oil, but many have suc h a
small amount that they have little o r
no bacteria-fighting effect. Con tac t
the manufacturer to fin d out if any
stud ies on a product's effectiveness
have been cond ucted.
Th ere is more than one type

How to take it
Dosage: To treaL athletes joot, shin wall/Ids or nail injecLions: App ly a
drop or two of pure, undiluted tea tree oil to affec ted areas of the skin
or nails two or three times a day. Tea tree oil creams and lotions can also
be used To treat vaginal yeas t injections. Insert a commerCia lly a\'ai lab le
lea lree oil vaginal suppository every 12 hours , for up lO five days
Guidelines for use: Tea tree oil is for topica l use onl y Neve r take tea
tree oil orall y If you or a child ingests it, call yo ur docto r or a poison
control centre immediately Rarely, tea tree oil ca n ca use an allergiC skin
rash in some people Before using the oil for the first time, dab a sma ll
amount onto your inner arm with a cotton swab. H yo u are all ergiC, your
arm will qUickly beco me red or inflamed If th is respo nse occurs, dilute
the oil by adding a few drops to a tab lespoon of bland oil , such as
vegeta ble oil or almond oi l, and try the arm test again. Jf yo u have no
skin reaction , it's sa fe to app ly the diluted oil elsevihere.

of tea tree, so w hen buying tea

tree oil be su re it's derive d from

Melaleuca alternifolia. Oil from other

species tends to be high in cineole
content and doesn't have the same
medicinal properties.

In one recent test-tube study,

tea tree oil (as well as peppermint,
cinnamon leaf and nutm eg oil s) was
reported to contain substances that
are tox ic to head lice. Additio nal
studi es are needed on people before
tea tree oil ca n be recommend ed to

Possible side effects Although tea tree oil can cause minor
ski n irritation, it other'vvise appea rs LO be sa fe for topical use. Like many
herbal oils in pure , un diluted fo rm , it can irritate the eyes and mucous
Skin-care products such as soap and
cosmetics often contain tea tree oil
because of its germ -fighting ability.

combat lice, particularly on children,

who may be especially sensitive to
this oi l.
Swiss researchers fo und t hat a
special medical preparation of tea
tree oil provi des protection agains t
cavity-forming bacteria in th e
mouth . But never use the pure oil in
your mouth; it can be irritating and
is dangerous if swallowed. Tea tree
too thpastes are probably safe
beca use they have so little oil - but
for the same reason, they may have
limited bacteria-fighting benefits.



As one of the B-vitamins removed during the milling of refined grains, thiamine is required by
law in Australia (but not in New Zealand) to be added to bread-making flours. Although severe
thiamine deficiency is a thing of the past, even a moderate deficit has health consequences.

What it is An o ft en ove rl ooked but key member of th e B-co mplex

vitamin famtly, thiamine is known as \-itamin Bl beca use it was the fIrst
B-vitamin discovered Most people get en ough thiamine in their diets to
mee t their basic needs, but experts beli e\'e that so me people , es pecially
old er adults, are mildly deficient in thi s nutrient. Thiamine is ava tlable
as an individual su pplement , but it's best to get It [rom a B-com pl ex
su pplement, because it wo rks closely with the other B-\-itamins.
What it does Thiamine is essential [or com-err ing the carbo
hydrates in foods into energy. It also plays a role in maintal1ling hea lthy
nerves, and may be useful in treating certain ty pes of heart disease.
Major benefits : In peo ple with congesti\'e heart failure (CHF),

thiamine can im prove the pumping power of the hea rt. Thiamine levels
in the body are dep leted by long-term treat ment wah diuretic
d rugs , whIch are often prescribed [o r CHF patients to redu ce the fluid
buildup associated vvith the disease . In one study, CHF patients who
took frusemide (a diuretic) we re gi\'en either 200 mg a day of thiamine
or a placebo. After six wee ks, the thiamine group showed a
22 % improvement in thei r conditi on.
By helping to maintain health y nen 'es, thiamine may minimise
numbness and tingling in the hands and fee t This prob lem frequently
plagues people WIth diabetes or other diseases [hat cause nen-e damage.
Additional benefits: In co mbin ation with choline and pantothenic
ac id (a lso B-vitamins), thiamine can aid the digestl\e process and
provide relief from heartburn . Some researchers think that thi amine
deficiency is li nked to mental illnesses, including dep reSSion, and that
high doses of thiamine may be beneficial. ThIamine may also boost


Stimulates energy production.

Promotes healthy nerves .
May improve mood.
Strengthens the heart.
Soothes heartburn.


Reminder: If you have a medi

calor psychiatric condition, talk
to your doctor before taking

mem ory in pe op le with Alzh eimer's disease - but the e\'idence is far fro m
conclusive. Hovvever, the confusion that is commo n in olde r adults afte r
surgery may be prevented by ad ditional doses of thiamine in the weeks
before an ope ration Doctors also use thiamine to treat the psyc hosis
related to alcohol withdrawal Antiseizure medicati ons inter fere w ith the
vitamin's absorption, so people tak ing them may need extra thia mine .
This m ay also red uce the fuzzy thinking that such drugs can cause

How much you need To maintai n good hea lth and pre\'ent
a thiamine deficiency, the RDl o f 1.1 mg a day fo r men and 0.8 mg a day
for 'Nomen is sufficie nt. H owever, higher doses are recomme nd ed for
the rape utic use.
If you get too little: Mild thiamine deficiency may go unnot iced . Its
symptoms are irri tab ility, weight loss , de pression and mu scle weakness .
Seve re thiamine deficien cy causes beriber i, a disease that leads to men
tal impairment , muscle was ting, paralysis , nen'e damage , and evemually
death . O nce rampant in many countries , beriberi is rare toda y. It is seen
onl y in parts of Asia w he re the diet consists mainly of white rice, which
is strip ped o f thiamine and othe r nu trients during milling.

If you drink a lot of coffee or

tea (decaffeinated or regular), you
may need to increase your intake
of thiamine. These beverage s can
deplete your body's thiamine stores.

Thiamine supplements may

improve mood, according to a
recent US study of young women
who w ere not thiamine-deficient.
More than 100 university-age
women took either 50 mg of
thiamine a day or a placebo for two
months. Tests show ed that energy
levels, alertness and mood improved

in the thiamine takers, but not in

If you get too much: There are n o adverse effects associated with
hIgh doses o f thiamine, because the body is effic ient at eliminating
excess amou n ts through the urine.

those receiving the placebo.

Older people are often mildly
deficient in thiamine. Ano ther recent
US stud y found that taking just

How to take it
Dosage: Specific disorders can be nefit from sup plementa l thiam ine .
For congestive heart Jail~lre: Take 200 mg of thiamin e daily For numbness
and tingling: Take 100 mg of thiamine a day (50 mg as pa n of a
B-complex supplemen t and an extra 50 mg of thiamine) For depression'
Take 50 mg dail y as part of a B-comp lel\ For heartburn: Take 500 mg a
day in the morning For alcoholism: Take 150 mg dad y (50 mg as part o f

10 mg a day of this vitamin for

three months led to lowered blood
pressure, weight loss, better-quality
sleep and increased energy levels
in people ove r the age of 65. No
improvements were seen in those
given a placebo.

a B-compl ex and an extra 100 mg)

Guidelines for use: Thiamine is best abso rbed in an aCId ic el1\'HOn

ment. Take it with meals, when stomach acid is produced to digest food .
Divide the dose and take it tw ice a day because high doses are readil y
flus hed ou t of the body in urine.

You'd have to eat about 15 cups

of shelled su nflower seeds to get
a 50 mg dose of thiamine.

Other sources Lean pork is p robab ly the best dietary so urce o f

thiamine, foll owed by w hole grains , dri ed bea ns , nuts (es pecially Braz il
nULs) and seeds As well as breads , breakfast cereals, pasta and yeast
exmicts may be fortified with thiamine.


Trace minerals

The old adage that good things come in small packages is certainly true for trace minerals.

While some of these tiny nutritional powerhouses are poorly understood, others are known

to be essential for everything from strong bones to a healthy heart.

What they are Trace mi nerals arc those the body need s in onl y
minu sc ul e amo unts For example, though the a\'crage-sized person
carri es aro und ap proXi ma tely 1. 5 kg of calci um . the trace mine ral
manga nese weighs in at only 0. 18 g. Some trace minerals, su ch as
copper, iro n, magnes ium . selenium and zinc, ha\c bee n studied
extensively an d are included elsew here in thiS book Others, whi ch
are discussed here, include boron , l1 uoride, manganese, molybde num ,
silicon and va nadium,

Boron, silicon and fluoride
Help to build strong bones,
teeth and nails.
Treats heart arrhythmias,
osteoporosis, epileptic seizures,

What they do The \'ast maJ oriLY of trace minera ls opera te as

coe nzymes, which - in partnershi p \\ith the prote ins knO\\11 as en z),mes
- fac ilitate chem ica l reac ti ons throughout the body. They help to
fo rm bo nes and other tissues , contribute to growth and de\'elop ment ,
make up part of the genetic mate ri al DNA, and help th e body to
burn fats and ca rbohydrates.

..- "

sprains and back pain.

May help people w ith diabetes.
Moly bdenum


Helps the bod y to use iron .

Prevention: Preli minary e\'idence suggests thaL so me trace mine rals

are (l ike th eir big brother ca lc ium) good for the bo nes and may help to
prevent oSLeoporosis . 'vVith silico n, manganese helps to build sLrong
bo nes and connecti ve tissue, the d urable substance th at holds much of
the body togeth er. Boron may contribute to bone health by pre\'enting
calcium loss and ac tiva ting the bo ne-maintaining horm one oest roge n,
whereas vanad ium seems to stim ulate bone-buildmg enzymes . Although
l1 uo ride is kn own mainl y for its abi lity LO prevent too th decay, some
studies suggesLLhat it ma)' also help to pro Lect aga inst bo ne fractures .
Additional benefits: In ad dition to st rengthening bones, manganese
is part of the enzyme superox ide di smutase - a po tent antioxidant that
plays a ro le in protec ting ce lls th ro ughout the bo dy Furthermore, some
ev idence suggests th at manga nese may benefit peo ple with ep ile psy by
reclu cing the li kelihood of se izures . Resea rchers are m\'esLigati ng the
possibility that silicon may help gua rd agai nst hea rt disease Blood \"(ssel
wa lls conce ntrate thiS min eral. and peo ple who ge t more silicon in th eir
diet may have a decreased risk of this disease Because silicon also


Molybdenum may aggravate

symptoms of gout.

Boron is available only on

prescrip tion in Australia and

New Zealand. It can affect

hormone levels and should be

used with care by those at ri sk of

cancer of the brea st or prostate.

Manganese may be to xic for

people w ith liver or gall-bladder


Reminder: If you have a med i

cal condition, talk to your doctor

before taking supplements.




strengthens connecti\'e lissue, ilS so melinW5 used to no urish hair,

skin and nails Molybdenum helps the body to use its stores of iron and
assists in the burning of fat fo r energy. And \',m acl ium may be
beneficial for peo ple w ith diabetes bec:,use of its ability to en hance
or mimic th e effec ts o[ the horm one i n ~ u l i n, which regubtcs blo od suga r
(glucosc) lewIs

How much you need There's no RDl for many of the trace
min erals, because sei emifI c c\' ide nce is [00 scanty to pro\'ide a fi rm
req uirement . But fo r some of them , ex perts generally agree o n an
esti mated safe ancl adequate da ily di elary int aL.:: for mangane se , its
2-5 mg; for ilu orick , 3.1-3.8 mg; for sIlicon . 5-1 0 mg: for boron. about
l mg: for mol ybd en um , 150- 500 mcg: and fo r \'anadium , 10 mcg

Some manufacturers claim that

manganese gluconate is better
absorbed than other forms of the
mineral, but there's no real evidence
to recommend one specific form
ov er another.
A substantial and safe natural
source of silicon is vegetable silica,
an extract of the herb horsetail.
Tra ce minerals are often part
of daily multivitamin and mineral

If you get too little : A Ilu oride dcficit>nc y makes peo ple more prone

to oth decay, and a low lx.ron intake may \\e aken bont's. DefiCIenc ies
of manga nese, \'anad ium and sili con (clc te rmin ed mostly from animal
stuclie s) can result in poo r grO\\lh and de\'e lopmelll , imbalances in
elwlcste rol In'e ls and proble ms mak ll1g In sulin . Silicon holds \\ater
in LJ ssues, so peop le \\ [th deficienci es () [te n SIl'C.ll more th an normal

If you get too much: In most cases . th ere s no reaso n [0 take high
doses or these !lace minerals HO\\ e\'(I'. the mal l'rit)' 01 them don't cause
se rious ad\'erse reactions when ingested III la rge amOUlll S. l\langanese
toxicity, which has been noteci in peo pl e lllhaling the met al in mines , ca n
ca use S(\'ere psychiatrIC ciiso rd ers, \'iolenr rages, pOOl' coordinatI on and
stiH musc les. Hi gh dose s of boro n (mo re than 500 19 a day) may res ult
in diarrh oea, \'omiting, nausea and raug uc TOl' 111U L h \a nad ium (more
than 10 mg dail y) can ca use cramping, cliarrh oe a and a green tongue .

How to take them

Dosage: Man)' bone-building formulas and l Ulll \ita mill and mineral
supplements contain \ aryin g closes of trace mineral s. l\'[ost people clone
ne ed to take ll1di\'idu altrace mincr"ls. th ough sin glt' supplements such
as man ga nese (up to 100 mg a day) arc a\a tl ab le.
Guidelines for use: lts n ot clea r \\'hether ce rtain factors afl'ect absorp

ti on o r whether one supplement Corm is prefe rJblc to another. Boron is

probably best taken as pan of a bone-bu ddillg supplement that also
contains calcium , manga nese , magne sium and other mine ra ls.
Manga nese abso rpli on may be impaired by a hi gh il'()ll intake

Other sources Manganese is present III \\'hole grain s. rice bran.

sunOo wer seeds, nuts and leaf) greens Nuts and lea fy greens also sup
ply boron, as du brocco li, ap pl es and raisin s. Vanadium is founcl in
buckwheat , shellfish, mushrooms, SO)'" bean prod ucts and oats. Silicon
is a\'ail"ble in whole grains.. turnips, bee trool, soya bean product s and
brans , inclu ding oat and ri ce bran

A manganese'poor diet may

increase the risk of heart disease,
according to the preliminary results
of a recent an im al study from the
University of Maine. Animals lacking
this mineral produced less of a
substance called glycosaminoglycan,
an important component of the
connective tissue found in arteries.
The researchers hypothesise that
this scenario makes LDL ('bad')
choleste rol more likely to accumulate
on artery walls.

Processed foods, such as white

bread, contain less si li con than their
wholegrai n counterparts.


eria n

Valeriana offl clrJ ali.s

It's 3 a.m. and you're wide awake - again. You wish there was something that you could
safely take to help you fall asleep. Valerian may be just what you need, because this herb
gently induces slumber without the unpleasant side effects of conventional drugs .

What it is 1n Britain, Ge rmany and other European countries,

valerian is offiClally approved as a slee p aid by medical auth orities. A
perennial plant nati ve to Europe and North America , va lerian (Va leriana
oJJicinalis) has pinkish fl owers that grow from a tuberous rootstock , or
rhi zo me. Harvested when the pl ant is two years old , the roo tstock
contains a number of im portam co mpounds - valepo triates, va leric acid
and vo latile oil s among them - that at one time or another we re eac h
lh ought to be responsible for the herb's sedative powe rs . Many experts
now be li eve that valerian's effectiveness may be the result of synergy
among the various compo unds.
What it does Taken for centuries as an aid to sleep , valerian can
also act as a calming age m in stressful daytime situations. 1t is used in
treating anxie ty disorders and conditio ns worsened by stress , suc h as
diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome.
Major benefits; Co mpou nd s in valerian seem to affeCl brain recep
tors [or a nerve chemical (neurotransmitter) called gamma-aminob utyric
acid, or GABA. It's th ro ugh thi s interaction tha t valerian prom otes sleep
and eases anxiety Unlike benzod iazepines - drugs such as diazepam
(Valium) or alprazolam (Xanax) commonly presc ribed fo r th ese disor
de rs - valerian is not addi ctive and doesn 't make you feel drugged.

The ro ot of the valerian plant

contains compounds that relax
the mind and promote sleep.


Promotes restful sl eep.

Soothes stress and anxiety.
Improves the symptoms of some
digestive disorders.

Dried herb/Tea

If taken durin g the day,

valerian may cause drowsiness.
If you' re pregnant or breast
feeding, do not use valerian.
Remind er: If yo u have a medi
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to your doctor before taking

Rather than ind ucin g slee p ci lrectl y, \"a lerian calms lhe brain and bod y
so thal sleep ca n occ ur naturally One of the be nd ils of \'alerian fo r
in somni acs is lha t \\ hen taken al recOlll mended doses, il doesn'l make
you icc! groggy in t be 11l0rtllllg as some prescriplion d rugs do
Acco rdin g to \'<l rious studies, \'a leri an \\'ork s as wc ll as prescrl ption
drugs for many pe ople, and wh en com pared lI'ilh a place bo, appea l's to
lull people to sleep, In one study, 128 peop le \\'e l'C gi\"Cn one of t\\O
\'alcnan prep<lfali ons or a place bo Il \\as found lh <lt the herb impro\'ecl
slee p qua lit y th ose taking \'alcrian fe ll aslee p more quickly and \\ok.:- up
less often than those rece l\" ing a place bo In anolher sluci y imoking
insomniacs, nea rl y all repon ed impro\ed slee p \\' ben taklllg \alerian,
and 44 % cl assified their slee p qU<llity as perfect
Alth ough imerest in \'ale ri an <ls,an ami -anxic ty <l id is rciati\'ely rece nt ,
th e herb is in creas ingly recomme nd ed by he rb<l Jists and nut rttionall ),
ori ented doc tors for thi s purpose
Additional benefits: Valertan helps to relax the smoot h muscle or lhe

gastrointestina l tract, making it \,tluab le for the Lrea tme nt of irr itab le
bowe l s)l1d rome and di \'e nicu los is, bOlh of \\'hic h olten im'o ke palilful
spasms of the illlestine, In additio n, because nare-ups of lhese disorde rs
arc some times trigge red by stress , \'alerian's ca lming act ion may account
lor it s dfecti\'eness

When bu yi ng valerian, look for a

produ ct made from a standardi sed
extract that co ntains 0,8 % va leric
(or va lerenic) acid,

Prescription sleep aids often

cau se grogg iness the morning after
th ey are taken and can impair a
person 's ability to drive or perform
othe r ta sks requiring concentration ,
Valerian does not, according to
a German stud y, Researchers
compared the eHects of va lerian;
valeria n and hops; a benzodiazepine
drug; and a placebo, All improved
sleep quality, but the benzodiazepine
drug reduced performance th e nex t
morning, w hereas the herbal

How to take it

preparati ons did not. However,

Dosage: Fo r ills oll1llia: Take 250-500 mg o r the pl)wc!ered eXLrac t in

pill fo rm or 1 leas poon of the tlilcture 30 -4 5 minuteS before bedlime
Studies show thal lor most people, hi gher doses produce no addili onal
benefit Howe\'er, ir the km' dose does nOl \\o rk , il is sa fe lO lake as mu ch
as 900 mg of the powdered eXlraC l (o r 2 leaSpOOl\s of the tincture), FOI
anxiety: Take 250 mg tl\'ice a da y and 250 - 500 mg before bedl ime,

performance was slightly impaired

Guidelines for use: If you Opl fo r the lin Cllll"C, lry blend ing It \\ith J
lit tle honey or suga r l(1 make this herb , \\"hieh has J rather unpl eaS<llll
tasle , more palalable Altho ugh \'ale nz1l1 is not addicl1\"C, it is not a good
idea lO rei), on any subslance, herba l or not, lO bl l aslee p c\"ery ni ght.
Therefore, cion 't lake \'alerian nightly [or more Lhan t\\'O \\ee ks in a 1'0 \\ "
And make sure you don't com biLlC it \\' llh presCl' ipli on tranqui li isCl's
or sleep ing pills It's sale, ho\\'c\(' ( to take \'a lerian "it h other herbs,
such as chamomile, hops, melissa (also kno\\' 11 as lemon balm ) or
passionn ower, which ma y increase ils crfecli l'eness as a sleep aid ,
Valerian ca n also be used wilh St John 's \\'on ir you're depressed , o r \\'[[h
k<!\'a ir you're anxious.

Possible side effects Stuciies ha\ e sho\\" n lhat e\e n in

a111011111S 20 limes higher lhan rccommended , \'a lerian has no dangerous
side effects Howe\'e r, eXlremel y large doses ca n ca use dizziness ,
restlessness, blurred \'ision , nausea, headache , giddin ess and groggine ss
in the morning

for tw o or three hours after taking

the herbs, so don't drive or perform
hazardous tasks for a time after yo u
take va lerian,

Va lerian preparations have a very

disa greeable odour - so much
so that inexperienced users may
think they have a bad batch,
Don ' t be put oH by th e smell;
it's completely normal.


One of the first vitamins to be discovered, this essential nutrient keeps your eyesight keen, your
skin healthy and your immune system strong. It follows that an extra dose of vitamin A may help
to remedy various eye problems, a number of skin disorders and a wide range of infections.

What it is Vitamin A, a fat-so luble nutri ent , is sto red in the liver
The body gets part of its vi tamin A from an imal fats and makes pan in
the intestine [rom beta-carotene and ot her ca rotenoids co ntained in
frui ts and vegetables. Vita min A is prese nt in the body in \'ario us
chemical forms called retin oid s - so nam ed because the \ltam in is
esse nti al to the health of the retina of the eye .

Fights colds, flu and other types

of infections.
Treats skin disorders.
Heals wo unds, burn s and ulcers.
Maintains eye health.

What it does This vitamin p re\'ents night blindness; maintains

th e skin and cell s that line the respiriltor)' and gastrointest in al tracts; and
helps to build teeth and bones. It is vital for normal reproduct ion,
growth and deve lopment , too. ln add ition, vi tamin A is crucial to th e
immune system, in cluding the plentiful production of immune cells tha t
line the airways and digest ive tract and form an im po rtant lin e of
defence aga inst disease .
Major benefits: Vitamin A is perhaps best known for It S ability to
maintain vision, espeCiall y night \'isio n, assist ing th e eye in adjusting
from bl'ight light to darkness. It can also alleviate such spec ific eye
complaints as 'dry eye', in addit ion to its many ot her benefi ts.
By boost ing immunity, vitamin A grea tly st rengthens resista nce to
infect ions, including sore throat , colds, Ou and bro nchitis. 1t may also
co mbe\l cold sores and sh ingles (ca used by a herpes vi ru s), warts (a vi ral
skin in fect ion), eye infec tions and vagin JI yeast infecti ons - and perh aps
even cont rol allergies. The \'i tamin may help the immune system to
combat breast and lung cancers and imp rove survi\'al rates in those with
leukae mia ; in ad dition, animal sLUciies suggest th at it inhibits melanoma ,
a deadl y form of sk in ca nce r. Another benefit for can ce r pat ients is that
vitamin A may enh ance the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
Additional benefits: Vitamin A \NaS first used in th e 1940s to treilt
sk in diso rclers , including acne and pso riasis. but the cl oses were hi gh
and tox ic. Sc ientists later developed sil fer \'itamin A deri va rives (notably
retin oic ilc id) Now sold as prescription drugs , these include the acne

Enhances the effectiveness of

chemotherapy treatment.
Eases inflammatory bowel disease.





Like vitamin D (another fat

soluble vitamin), vitamin A can

build up to to xic levels, so be

careful not to get too much.

If you're pregnant or consider

ing pregnancy, don 't take more
than 2500 IU of vitamin A daily;
higher doses may cause birth
defects. Use birth control when
taking more than 2500 IU and
for at least a month afterwards.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements.


and allli-wrinkle cream Retin-A. Lowe r closes o f \' iLa min A (25 000 IU
a day) can be used to trem 3 range o f skin co nditions , inclu ding ac ne,
d l-y skin , eczema , rosacea and pso ri asis. Vitamin A also pro motes hea ling
of skin "vounds and ca n be app lied to cuts, sc rapes and bu rns; it may
hasten recovuy from spra ins and strains. The therapeutic effec ts of
vitamin A extend to the linin g of the digesti\'e tract , where it helps to
trea LinnammaLory bowe l disease and ulcers 1n addition , getling enough
o f thi s \'ilam in will speed recovuy in peop le who ha\'e had a stro ke.
Women with hea\'y or prolo nge d menstrual pe riod s are so metimes
deficient in this vitamin , so su pplements may be 01\'al ue in treaLing L1lis
co ndition as well.

How much you need Th e RDI fo r \- it amin A is 2500 lU

(750 meg) a da y for men and wo men; women who are breast-feeding
benefit from 4000 1U (1200 mcg) . HIgher doses are lypica lly give n for
specifi c ailments.
If you get too little : Alth o ugh quite rare in Australia and Ne w
Zealand , a vitam in A deficiency ca n cause night blindness (e\-en total
blindness) and a grea tl y lowe red resistance to Infection. Mild er cases of
ddiciency do occur, espeCiall y in the elderly, \\ho oft en h3\'e \'itamin
poor diets. In fect ions such as pne um onia can de plele \-i tamin A stores.
If you get too much: An o\uabundancc o r \'itamin A ca n be a
rea l pro blem. A sin gle dose of 500000 IU may induce wea kness and
vom iting And as littl e as 25000 IU a day fo r six yea rs hJS bee n reported
to cause se rious li\'cr disease (c irrhOSis) Signs of toxici ty includ e dry,
cracking skin and brittle nail s, hair that fall s o ut easil r, bleedi ng gums,
we ight loss , irri[3bility, fati gue and nausea.

How to take it
Dosage: Mul ti\' itam ins suppl y \' itami n A, somet imes in Lh e fo rm of
beta-carote ne. For speC ific co mpl aints in adults, up to 10000 IU a day
is generall )' sa fe for long-term use (exce pL lor pregnJnt wo men and th ose
conSidering prcgllancy, who should not exceed 2500 IU a day) As a
broad guidelinc, it's safe to take 25000 IV a dZly for up to a month or
100000 l U for up to a week, tho ugh in some cases higher doses
rna)' be nee ded .

You can't overdose on vitamin A

by eating carotenoid-rich fruits and
vegetables, such as apricots, leafy
greens or rockmelon . Your body
does convert some ca rotenoids into
vitamin A, but it makes only as
much as it needs. Unless you eat a
lot of liver or oily fish , it's almost
impossible to get too mu ch vita min
A from you r diet.
If you're heading for the North
Pole, watch what you eat: 125 g of
polar bear liver contains more than
2 million IU of vitam in A- an acutely
toxic dose.
Vitamin A has been shown to be
effective in repai ring lung membrane
and reducing asthma attacks. Dosages
of up to 20000 IU can be taken by
adult asthmatics, as long as these are
supplemented by 30 mg of zinc.

Vitamin A shows promise in the

treatment of diabetes, In two recent
studies, up to 25000 IU of vitam in A
daily improved insulin's ability to
control blood su gar.
A Brazi lian study fou nd that
vitamin A may combat ch ronic lung
diseases, After 30 days of taking
supplements, men who received
5000 IU a day could breathe better
than those given a placebo.

Guidelines for use : Take \'itamin A suppl eme nts with food ; a lillie
fat in the di et aids absorp tion. Vit amtn E and zinc he lp (h e body to use
vitamin A, whi ch in Lurn bOOSLS abso rpti on of iro n from foods.

Other sources Vitamin A is plentiful in fi sh (particularl y fish

li ver), egg yo lks, butter and orga n mcats such as h\'er (85 g prO\'ic1es
more than 9000 IU) Dark gree n , ye ll ow, omngc and red fruit s and \'eg
elahles have largc amo un ts of beLa-ca rotene and many oth er ca roten oids ,
wh ich the body mak es Into \ It a min A as need ed

You'd have to eat about 10 eggs

to meet the daily RDI for vitamin A.
Most people get enough from other
animal sources and from caroten oid
rich fruits and vegetables,



Thi s remarkab le nut rie nt is probab ly involved in more body processes than any other vitam in
or mineral. It's needed to break down and release energy from protein, and is important for
the functioning of the nervo us and immune systems .

What it is \ita lll in B (;, uneCjui\'oca ll)' the \\'orkhorsc ' of Ilut ri ents,
perh rm s mo re the111 <I hu. 'cd .lobs inn ul1l cuhle rimes <I dar it fun c
ti ons prim:lrily JS <I coe n::) me, :l 5l1b~ t.1tl cc thJt <le ts in \..l,n ert "'il h
enzymes to spee d li p ch1'l11lcal reaCt"'1 S in the ce lls
Anorhe r n,lIne f," \' itanll n Bo is pyridoxine. It :>u!'l'ie men l form , it is
;]\';] Jbble ,1S pyrid ox ine hydrochl,~r id e or p)'rij(~x a l- 5- phosphate (p- 5-P)
Eith er ["' I'm s~lli s fi es most nee ds, but some nu rit iom lly ori ent ed d(~ctors
prefer P-S-P because it may be bet ter absorbed

Hel ps to prevent cardiovascular

disease and strokes.
Help s to lift depression.
Relieves insomni a.
Treats carpal tunne l syndrome.
May lessen PMS symptom s.
Hel ps to reli eve as thm a attacks.

What it does Fo rm ing red hlood cells, hel pltlg ce ll s to make

proteins ,llld brai 1 chemicals , neu rotnlllSJ 1i ters), suc h .15 se rolO l11 n , and
releasin g storeel fonll s of energy - these are just a fe ,,' of th e ['unctions
l) f \'i taillin B(;. There is also e\'idence I h<lt \' it2I1lin Bf, I'IJYs <I ro le in
pre\'enting :llld trea ring many dtse'l!'c!'.




Prevention : Getting e'nough Bc; thro ugh the "It' or sup ple ments may
help PIT\TIl I h art disease Work in g with 1,)lic aC id ,mel "itamin B12, [his

\' iwmin hel ps the b(.d) to process hOlll oL,),steine, an Cim ino- ac id-like
compound that has been hnked w an increased ri sk 01 heart disease and
oth er \'<lseular disorclcrs "'hen IJrge Jl1lClU I1l S are presen l in the hlood .

Additional b enefits: Some \\'omen 5u[(ermg fr\'1n premenstrual

sy ndro me (PMS) report th at \' iw mln B6 pr(wicies reli ef from many l. f

th e sy mptoms. ThiS benefic ial elTec t is probably ( l\e to th e \'itdmi n s
in \'o k ement in redUCin g excess oestroge n in the bud), And In I[S role
as;] bu ildin g bloc k for neurotr;lll smitters . \' Itamin B\ Jllay help to redu ce
lh e likeli hood of ha\' ing epile pt iC se izu res, (1S \\ ell ,)S liflin g dep reSSi on
It 's es timated th at up to 25% or peopl e wit h depreSSion ma) be deficie nt
in \'it 8m in Btl .
In :lddition, the \'itam in helps to main ta in nenT hea lth. Peo ple with
di,dxtes, \\'ho arc at risk for nen T dalll:1ge, can alsel benefit fwm B6.
Furth ermore, it helps to ease th e symptom:> of ca rp.)1 tunne l syndrome ,
in whi ch nen'es in the wrist be come in flamed For peo ple " 'it h aSlhma,
\'i\alllin B(l mil)' redu ce the intensit y il ncl rreque ncy of ,Ill<lc ks I 's espe
ciall y impo rt ant for th ose ta kin g rh e asthma dug he(' p yl inc.


Long- term use of high doses

of B6 may caus e nerve damage,

Remind er: If yo u have a

medical o r p sychiatri c cond ition,

talk to you r doctor before ta king

How much you need The RDI fo r vitamin B6 is 0.9 - 1. 4 mg a

day for women and 1. 3-1. 9 mg fo r me n. Therapeutic doses are higher.
If you get too little: Women taking oral contracepti ves may have

especially low leve ls of vitamin B6 Mild deficienCles can raise homocys

teine levels, increasing the ri sk of heart and vascular diseases. Earl y slgns
of deficiency are skin di so rders, such as dermatitis and dandruff, fluid
retention and sores arou nd the mOLlth. Ne urological signs include
inso mnia, depression and, in extreme cases, se izures and brain-wave
If you get too much: High doses o f vitamin B6 (more than 2000 mg
a day) can ca use nerve damage when taken for long periods. In rare
cases , prolonged use at lowe r doses (200 - 300 mg a day) can ha\'e the
same consequence Fortuna tely, nen'c da mage is completely reversible
once you discontinue the vitamin . If yo u're using B6 for nerve pain ,
see your docto r if yo u experience any ne"v numbness or tingling
and stop taking the \itamin . Doses up to 100 mg a day are safe, even
for long-term use .

How to take it
Dosage: You can kee p homocys teine levels in check with Just 3 mg
of B6 a day, but a daily dose of 50 mg is oft en recommen ded Higher
cl oses are nee ded for thera peutiC uses. For PMS Take 100 mg ofB6 a day
For clcule carpal tunnel sy ndrome: Try 50 mg of B6 or P-5-P three times a
day For asthma: Take 50 mg of B6 twice a day
Guidelines for use: Vita min B6 is best abso rbed in doses of no more
than 100 mg at one time. When taking higher doses , gradually increas
ing your intake \vill also decrease your chances of nerve da mage.

Ot her 50 u rce 5 Fish, poultry, liver, chi ckpeas, potatoes , avoca

does and bananas are all good sources of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 supplements can

relieve morning sickness in pregnant
women. Although the vitamin
appears to be safe in the dosages
typically recommended (25 mg a
day), there have been no studies
showing how extra vitamin B6
affects the developing baby.
Women troubled by morning
sickness should check with their
practitioner before taking vitamin B6.

Lack of vitamin B6 may cause

stress, anxiety and depression,
according to a US study of men
participating in a bereavement
group. Men with low levels of B6
were more distressed and anxious
than those with adequate levels.
Researchers said that effective
treatment for depression might
begin with vitamin B6 supplements
rather than antidepressant drugs,
which can have side effects.
Vitamin B6 may protect against
heart disease - and not just because
it lowers level s of the ri sk-increasing
amino-acid-like substance homo
cysteine, One study of 1550 people
from 19 European clinics found that
those who fell in the bottom fifth
of the group in terms of vitamin B6
levels had twice the risk of heart
disease, regardless of their homo
cysteine levels.

You'd have to eat 74 bananas to get

the amount of vitamin B6 in a single
SO mg supplement pill.


r_ Vitamin


Although this vitamin is plentiful in most people's diets, after the age of 50 some peop le are
less able to absorb it from food, Supplements are usually recommended, beca use even mild
deficiencies may increase the risk of heart disease, depressio n, and possibly Alzheimer's ,

What it is Also knO\\'ll as cobal amine. \ irami n 8 12 \\as th e last

\'itamill to be disCl1\'ered In lhe late 19405, ir \\'as id enlllied as rh e
substa nce in cal f's li\'er rh at cured pe rniciou s anaemia, a potenlially fa ~l l
type 01 anaem ia prim aril y affect ing old er adults Viu lin Bl2 is the onl y
B-I'itaill in the body stores in large amounr s, mosLly 111 the h\'er The body
absorbs BI2 through a \ny co mpli ca ted process Di gesri \'t' en zymes III
th e prese nce of enough sto mach ,Kid se parate B I~ [rnm the protein in
foods, Th e \'itami n th en bi nd s \\'ith a substance CJllcd int rin SIc facwr (a
protein pmduced by ce ll s in rh e stomac h lini ng) hdOl'e being carr ied to
the smallllltestine, wh ere it is absorbed Lc)\\'!e\e1 s of stomJch aCid, an
inadeq uate amount o f intrin sic factor (both o f whd 1 l' CLtlr \\ ith agel
and innammctli on o f rhe small inte~ lIl e ca n lead to tkfic icllCl CS,
Hov"e\'e r, because the bod y has good rese n e s of B12, It ca n rake se\ua l
yea rs I'or a sho rt fall to de \'C lop
What it does Vitamin BI2 is esse ntial for ce ll rc lication, part ic
ularl y red bl ood ce ll s It mall1win s thc protec rin: shei1 th arou nd l cn -es
(mye lin ), helps to COJl\'en fooel to encrgy, an I p lays a cr icaJ role in th e
pl'Od uClion or DNA and RNA. rh e genetic mat eria l ill cel ls
Prevention: tvloderately high bl ood leI'cls of 11cJJlloc),s teine, an
amino,ac id -Iike substance , ha\'e been li nked to em increasecl rJ ~, of hean
di sease, 'vVorki ng wit h folic acid , \' itamin B 2 helps the b d) [() process
homocysteine and so rna )' lowe r tha t risk Be C:lllse 01 its be nefi CIa l dfec ts
on th e nerl'es, \' it amin BI2 may help to pre\'em a nu mbe r l~f neuro logi
ca l di sorders, as we ll as the numbness and tingl ing ol-t en assoc iated \\'ilh
di abe tes, 1t may al so be hel pful in treatin g de preSSion


Preven ts a form of anaemia,

Helps reduce depression ,
Relieves nerve pain, numbness
an d tinglin g,
Lowers the ri sk of hea rt disease ,
May improve multiple scl erosis
and tinnitus,


If you take a vitamin B12

supplement, you must also have
a folic acid suppl ement: a high
intake of one can mask a
deficiency of the oth er.
Re minder: If you have a medi
calor psychiatric condition, talk
to yo ur doctor befo re taking
supplem ents,

Additional benefits : Resea rch sholls th at lo\\-lcwls oh-itam in 1312 arc

COlll mon in pe op le \rit h AI ;:heimer-s disease_ Wheth er thls deficiency is a
contribu tin g factor to th e disease l)r a result of it is not kn O\YIl The nutri
ent does, ho\\-e\e r, keep the III 111 ll l1 C system heal th )". Some sruciies sug
gest that it len gthens the amount of time bec\\-een infecll on \\ith the H1 V
\- ims and the cb'elup ment of A1OS, Other reseal' h inciicates thm ade
qua te 13\2 intake impro\-es im mune responses in older people, \Vith its
benefi cial crfect on nenes, \'Hamin RI 2 1l1:l) lesse n ringlllg in the ears (tIn
nitus) As a compone nt of myc lin , it IS \'a luable in treating mu tlp le scle
rosis , a di sease that im'oh-es the desl1'u ct i"n of this nenT co\'eri ng And
through its role in ce ll rep l ic~ ti o n , BI2 may im pr \'e sy mptoms of rosacea,

As many as 20% of older people

are thought to be deficient in
vitamin B1 2, and most of them have
no symptoms, As people age, they
sometimes develop a conditi on
called atrophiC gastritis, w hich
redu ces stomach acid production ,
Without enough ac id, the body
can't separate vitamin B1 2 from
the protein in foods, However, the

How much you need The RDt for \'i ~all1 in B12 is 2 meg J dJ)
for adu lts But man y ex pens reco mll1cnd ha t you ge lOO -400 mcg
Vita min 13 \ 2 supplem eill ati on is \'(' r) important for olde r peop le and
\'(~ga n s (who ea t no anima l produC I5 1,

body is able to absorb enough B12

from supplements or fortified break
fast cereals - forms in whi ch the
vitam in doesn't have to be separated
from protein,

If you get too little : Sy mp toms of a \'i Wmlll GI2 deficiency includ e
faligue, dep ress ion, numbness and ting ing in the extrelll!Lies ca used by
nen T damage , muscle wea kness , conl'usil\i1 and memory loss Deme ntia
and pernicious anaemia ca n de\-e!o ); bo th are re\'ersi blc ir caughLemir
The len: 1 of BI2 in the b lood c!cll'eases 11 11h i1ge_ People \\ ith ulcers,
Crohn 's dise,lse or ot her gastrointes ina l cllsorde rs me at ri sk, as are th ose
taking pre script ion me ci icati on lor epilepsy (se izures), chro nic heart
burn or gout Excess i\'e alcohol ~ll so I lilders absorptio n of \'it Jmin B12

Havin g a suffic ient amount of

vitam in B1 2 in the body may slow
th e progression of HIV infecti on to
AIDS, according to a study of
310 HIV-positive men, On average,

If you get too much : Excess \-iw 11111 8 12 is readtly excre ted in urine.

those with low B1 2 levels devel op ed

There are no kno\\ n ach-erse effects from a h-gl' i1t.1ke of \-itamin GI2

AIDS within four years of th e start of

How to tak e it

wh o had higher B12 leve ls,

the study, versus eight years in men

Dosage: A gene ral dose of 1000 mcg of \'itamin B12 J da) is useful for

hea n di sease pre\'e ntl on , perni cious anaemia , nUlllbness and tinglin g,
tinnitus, mu ltipl e SC icroSIS and rosacea, If Y0LI're deficient in G1 2, hi gher
doses Ill ay be neede d, ][ you don't pro duce enougl in ri nsic fact or, 812
shots or a prescr ip tion nasal spray may be necessary; as k your do ctor
Guidelines for use: Take \' itam in BI2 once a day. prefera bl y in [h e
mo rnin g, along with at least 400 mcg of folic <!Cl d, lViost lll ulti\ itami ns
cO l1lain a[ least the RDl 01 \' itam m 13[2 and fo li c acid ; G-co mpl ex
sup plemc nts ha\-e higher amounts For large r, therape utic amounts,
look for a suppleme nt with) ust \'itan in 811 or Bt2 with folic acid , Usin g
a sublmgual (under-the-tongue) f('rm enhances nbsorpt ion_

Other source s Animal foods arc the prima ry source or GI 2,

These 1l1clucl e orga n meats (particul arl y li\'c r), brewe rs yeast , oysters,
sardine s and other fis h , eggs, mea t and cheese, Some breakfast cereals
arc fon ifie d with [h is \-ita mll1 as wL'lI

Old er people wh o have mildly

low vitamin B12 levels may not get
the full protection from a pneu mo
nia vaccine, In a study of 30 elderly
people, those with inadequate B1 2
stores produced fewer antibodies to
the vi ru s that causes pneumonia
after vacci nation than those with
adequate levels of B12, Th is low
response wo uld reduce their ability
to figh t off the disease,

You'd have to eat -140 g of Swiss

cheese simply to meet the RDI for
B1 2 - and 57 kg to get a therapp.utic
dose 01 this vitamin ,


, ita min

This vitamin is probably better known and more widely used than any other nutritional
supplement. But even if you think you're familiar with vitamin C, read on, You may be
surprised to discover exactly how versatile and health-enhancing this nutrient truly is,

What it is As earl y as 1742, lemon Juice was kn own to preve nt

scurvy, a deb ilitat ing di sease th aL often plagued long-distance sa dors. But
nOLuntil 1928 was th e hea lthful co mponenL in lemon juice identifi ed as
vi La min C Its ant iscur\'Y, or ant isco rbuti c, effect is the root of this lita
min 's sc ientific nam e: asco rbi c acid. Today, interest in I'itami n C is based
less on iLS ability to cLire SCLlIY)' th an on its poten ual LO protect ce lls As
Lhe body's primary water-so lu ble anti ox idant, I'itam in C helps to fi ght
damage caused by unstable oxyge n mole cules called free rad ica ls - espe
Ciall y in Lh ose areas thai arc mostl y lI'ate r, such as the interio r of ce lls.
What it does Vitamin C is acti l'e th ro ughout the body It hel ps to
strengt hen the ca pill aries (t he tiniest blood ITssels) and ce ll wa lls and
is crucial for the formati on o f co llagen (a pro tein ro und in co nnectil'e
tissue) In th ese ways, I'itamin C prel'e nt s bruislllg, promotes hea lin a ,
and kee ps li ga mellls ('which co nnec t mu scle to bone ), tend ons (w hi ch
connec t bone to bonc) and gum s strong and healthy 11 also helps to
produce haemoglobin in red b lood ce ll s and helps the body to absorb
iro n from foods

Enha nces immunity.

Minimises cold symptoms;
shortens duration of ill ness,
Speeds wound healing,
Promotes heal thy gums.
Treats asthma ,
Helps to prevent cataracts,
Protects against some forms
of cancer and heart disease,





Prevention: As an antiox idant , I'itam in C offers protection aga inst

ca nce r and hea rt di sease; sele ral studies hal'e sh 0 11"-) thaL low lel'e ls
o f Lhis vitami n are linked to hea rL attacks. In addi ti on, I'itamin C ma)'
actuall y lengthen life. In one stud y, men \I' ho consumed more th an
300 mg o f vitamin C a day (from food and supplements) lived longe r
th an men who consumed less Lhan 50 mg a da r
Anoth er stud y found thaLove r the long term , I'itamin C supplements
protecl against ca ta rac ts, a clouding of the lens of the eye that interfe res
wit h vision. Wo men who LOok I'italllin C for 10 years or m ore had a
77% lower ra te of early 'lens opacities', the first stage of cata racts, than
"vo men who didn't use supplements.


Don 't take more than

500 mg a day if you have kidney
stones, kidney disease or haemo
chromatosis, a genetic tendency
to store excess iron (vitamin C
enhances iron absorption),
Vitamin C can distort the
accuracy of medical tests for
diabetes, colon cancer and
haemog lobin levels, Let you r
doctor know if you're taking it
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements.

Additional benefits: Does \'itamin C pIT\'ent wlels i Probably not,

but it can help lO lessen s),m ptom s a nd ma y short en thc duration of
thi s illness In a 1995 ana lysis of studi es ex plorin g the conn ection
betl\'een \'itam in C and colds , the reseJrchers co ncluded that taking
1000 - 6000 mg a da)' at t he onset 01 colel sy m ptoms reduces t hc co lds
duration bl', 21 % - about one dm"
, , O th er srudies ha\'e shown that
I'i wmin C helps elde rly people to fight sel'e re res pIratory infections,
Vitamin C also ilppea rs to be a natur~l l ~ll1tihls tamin e, High doses of the
l ilamin Cil n bl oc k the elTeet of inO ilmmatory substances produced by the
body in res ponse to pollen, pet dander or other alle rge ns,
The vitamin is an crrec ti l'e as Li1l'11J remed y as II"ell l" urn ero us studies
hal'e fou nd thaL I'itamin C supplements helped to prel'cnl or imprm'c
asth mat ic symptoms, Fo r people \I'i111 t),pe 1 diabetes, II !licit interferes
with the transport of I'ilamin C into ce ll s, suppl ementation with
1000 - 3000 mg a cia)' may prel-e nt some co mplica ti ons o f th e disease ,
such as eye problems and high choleste ro l lel'e ls

How much you need Th e dail y ROl fo r I'itamin C is 40 mg

for men anel 30 mg I'o r \I'Omen (but for smoke rs, it's (l[ least 80 mg)
Howe\'er, e\'e n conse l'l'atil'e expert s think thil t an optim al intake is at
least 200 mg a da)" and Lhey reco mm encl higher doses for th e treatment
o f spec ific diseases,
If you get too little: You 'd hZll'e to consume less than 10 mg Zl cia) to
get sc un'y, but rece ilin g less Lhan 50 mg a day has been linked Ilith an
In creased ris k 01 heart aLlack, CaLarZlcts and a shorter li l'e expectancy

If you get too much : Large doses o f I' itamin C - more thJn 2000 mg
a clay - can ca use diarrhoea and Oarulc nce; these ca n be co rrec tecl by
reducin g yo ur clail ) cl ose, At Lhis \el el, the I'itamin m:l)' in te rfere with
the absorption o f copper and selenium if taken together, so make sure
you consume enough of these mlil erai s in foods or supplem enLs,

How to take it
Dosage: For gene ral health: Get 500 mg of I' it(\min C a day from roods
and supp lements For the treatment oj vari ous diseases: Depending on the
condit ion , 1000- 6000 mg (\ day mJ) be J pp ro priaLe
Guidelines for use: Large amou nts are best abso rbed in 1000 mg
doses, taken with meil ls, The I'itamin wo rks I'ery \Ve il II' hen combined
with other antioxidants, such JS I"itamin E,

Other sources Citru s fruiLs and Juices, broccolI, red capsicum s,

dark green I'egewbles, stra\\'berries and ki wifruit <He all good so urces
() f \"itamin C

The jury is still out on speCialised

vitamin C products (such as esteri
fied C), There's no evidence that
they are more efficiently absorbed
th an plain old asco rbic acid, but
some nutritionists think that they
may be better utilised ,

Vitamin C may help to prevent

reblockage (restenosis) of arteries
after angioplasty (an alternative to
bypass surgery), A study of
119 angioplasty patients fou nd
that restenosis occurred in just
24% of those who took 500 mg of
vitamin C a day for four months,
compared with 43% of those who
did not take the vitamin,
In addition to being an anti
oxidant, vitamin C helps the body
to recyc le other antioxidants, In one
study, vitamin E concentrations were
18% higher in people who got more
than 220 mg of vitamin C a day than
in those who got 120 mg or less,
Vitamin C recently came under
attack when a small test-tube study
found that it may cause genetic
damage, potentially increasing the
risk of cancer, But scientists have
since identified serious flaws in the
study, Many better studies show
that vitamin C provides numerous
benefits, including helping to
prevent certain cancers,

250 ml glass of freshl y squeezed

orange juice supplies 125 mg of
vitami n C, which is more tha n three
times the RDI for this vi tamin,


Vi amln D
Called the sunshine vitamin (because your body makes all it needs with enough sunlight),
vitamin D is essential for bone health and may slow the progression of arthritis. It's also
believed to strengthen the immune system and possibly prevent some cancers .

What it is Technicall y a hormone, I'itamin D is produced \\ithin

th e boely when the skin is exposed to th e ult ralio let B (UVB) rays in
su nlight In Austra lia and New Zeala nd , spending a short period in
the sun eac h day supplics all the li tamin 0 your body nceds, but
peo ple confined ind oors may not ge t enough sun to ge nerate adeq uate
vitamin D, and so need to obta in thIS I' itami n from food or suppiemellts.
Wh::lL's more, the body's ability to man ufacture I' itamin D declines
"vith age, so I' itamin D defi ciencies ::Ire co mm on in older peo ple. But
eve n yo ung ad ulls may not halT sufficient I' itamin 0 stores . One u S
sLud y of nearly 300 patients (of all ::I ges) hos pitalised for a I'a ri ety of
reasons fou nd thaI 5]01<., of them did not hal'e high enough leI 'els of
vitam in D. Of particul ar conce rn \\'::IS the obselyation that a thi rd of the
peo ple who ob tained the reco mmended amount of vitami n D through
diet or supplements we re st ill defi cient This find ing suggests that
curren t reco mm end ati ons fo r I'ita min D may not be high enough.

Helps the body to absorb calcium.

Promotes healLhy bones.

Strengthens teeLh.

May protect against some types

of cancer.





What it does The basic fun cti on of \' itamin D is to regulat e th e

ICl'e ls 01 ca lcium and phosphorus in the blood. helping to build strong
bones and hea lthy teet h
Overuse of vitamin D

Studies hal'c show n that \' itamin D is important in the

preve nti on of oSLcoporoSIS, a disease thaL ca uses poro us bones and
thus an increased risk 01 fract ures \Vith oLlt suffi cicllL l itamin D, thc
body can not abso rb ca lcium from food or supple ments - no matter ho\\'
mu ch ca lcium you co nsume. When bl oo d calc ium le\'cls are low, the
body will 1110\'e calcium fro m the bones to the bloo d to suppl y the
musc les - espe ciall y Lhe hea n - and thc nen'es \\'it ll the amount th ey
need. Ove r tim e, thi s rcallocati on orcalc iu m leads to a loss of bone ma ss .

Vitamin 0 is available as softgels

(below) or tablets. It may also be
added to calcium supplements.


supplements can result in

elevated blood levels of calcium,
leading to weight loss, nausea,
and heart and kidney damage.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

Additional benefits: Scientlsts are continuin g to di sC\."l\'e r more about

the fun ct ions of \'itamin 0 in the bod)' So me studies suggest that it 's
important for a healthy immun e system, Oth ers indica te that it may help
to pIT\'ent prostate, co lon or breast ca ncer. O ne study found th at
adequate vitam in 0 slowcd the progress Ion of osteoa rthrit is in the knees,
alt hough it did not pre\'e nt the dI sease from develop in g in the first place

How much you need There is no ROI for \'itamin D in

Australia or New Zeala nd , as enough is made \\ hen th e ski n IS ex posed
to sun light . Howe \'er, peo ple who are conlined ind oo rs are re co m,
mend ed to get about 400 IU 00 mg) da lly trom their diets.
If you get too little : A \itam in 0 de fi cie ncy can harm th e bon es,
ca using ricke ts in chllclren and in creas ing the risk of os teo poros is in
adults. A deficiency ca n also cause diarrhoea, inso mnia, nen ousness
and muscle twitche s (The likelih ood of a chi ld in Auswdi a or New
Zeala nd de\'C lopin g ricke ts is remOle )

To be effective, supplements must

contain vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol),
not vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) .

Calc iu m and vitamin D

supp lemen ts slowed bone loss and
redu ced the incidence of fractures in

176 men and 213 women over the

age of 65 participating in a recent
US study. They took 500 mg of
calcium and 700 IU of vitamin D
a day fo r three years.
Vitamin D may help to prevent

If you get too much: Although your body effecti\e ly rid s it se lf of any

extra \'itami n D it makes fro m su nl ight , owrloading on suppl ements

may creatc prob lems Daily doses of 1000 - 2000 IU o\'er six months can
ca use co nsti pati on or charrhoea, hea dac hes, loss of appetite, nausea and
vomiting , heart bea t irregularrties and ex treme fatigue. Co ntinued high
doses 'vvca ken the bones and allow calc ium to accu mulate in So rt tiss ues ,
such as the muscles

How to take it
Dosage : As little as 30 minutes of early morni ng or late aftern oo n

sunlight on your face , hands and arms two or three times a week can
su pply all the vitamin 0 >'o u nee d But some stu di es show that it's prefer
ab le not to be wea ring sunglasses or sun sc ree n for this peri od. Both th e
skin and the retina of the eye may need a brief perr od of exposure fo r
vitamin 0 to be prod uce d (Between the hours of 11 a. m. and 3 p.m.,
however, you should al\vays co \'e r up and pro tec t yourse lf with a hat
and sunsc ree n) If you're o\'er the age of 50 , if >ou do nt ge t outdoors
muc h or if you always \vea r sunsc ree n, you might wa nt to consid er
vitamin 0 supplem ents Many ex perts reco mmend 400 - 600 IU a day
fo r people over the age of 50 and 800 IU for those o\er th e age of 70.
For younger adu lt s, 200- 400 IU a day is probably sufficie nt

colon cancer. In a stud y of 438 men,

researche rs found that those w ith
colon cancer had lower blood levels
of vitamin D than those w ho did not
have the disease. Across the board,
m en with the highest vitamin D
intake had the best chance of
avoid ing colon cancer, More study
is needed to confirm this finding
and to see if the risk is the same
for women.

Guidelines for use: Supplements ca n be take n at any time of day,

with or without food Most da dy mult i\' itami ns co ntain up to 400 IU of
vitam in D. It is also often found in calcium suppl ements

Other sou rces Fatl)' fish , such as herring, sa lm on and tuna , are
ric h in vitam in


I..--llitamin E

A superstar nutrient with antioxidant capability, vitamin E offers a multitude of preventive

benefits, including protection against heart disease, cancer and a broad range of other
disorders, Working at the body's cellular level, vitamin E may even slow the ageing process,

What it is Vitamin E is a generic term for a group of related

compo unds ca lled tocop hemls, which occu r in four milj oJ forms
alpha-, beta-, delta- and ga mma-lOco pherols. Alpha-tocopherol is
the mOSI common and most potent form of the l'it:1min Because its
fat-soluble , \'llamin E is sto red in th e bod)', mainl y in fat tissue and the
lil'er. Vi lamin E is found in onl y :1 few foods . and many of lhese are
high in fat , which makes il difficult to get the :1mount of I'itam in E you
require while on a hea lthy, low-fal diet. Therefore, sup plem ents can be
very useful in obta ining optim al amou llls of lhis nutrient.

Helps to protect against heart

disease, certain cancers and various
other chronic ailments.
May delay or prevent cataracts.
Enhances the immune system.
Protects against secondhand
smoke and other pollutants,
Helps skin to heal.

What it does One of I ILa min Es basic fun cti ons is to pro tect ce ll
membranes. It also he lps th e bod; to use selenium and I'i tamin K. But
vil amin Fs current reputation comes from ilS di sease -fl ghrin g potemi al
as an antioxidant - mea ning that it ass ists in destmying or neutral ising
free radi cals, th e unstab le oxyge n molec ules lhat cause damage to cell s.
Major benefits: By sa feguarding cell membranes and aCling as an

antiox id ant , I'itam in E may playa role in prel'enrmg ca ncer. Some of lh e

most compelling research lO date suggests that I'itam in E can help 1O
protec t aga inst carcliO\'asc ular disease, including heart attac k and stroke,
by redu cing the harmful effects of LDL (bad) cholestero l and by
preventing blood clOls In addition, I'itamin E may offe r protection
because it works to reduce inOammarory processes that ha l'e been linked
to hean di sease f indings from lll"O large slUd ies suggest that \'itamin E
may reduce the risk of hea rt disease by 25 -5 0% , and it may prel'ent
chest pain (angina) as we ll. And rece nt findin gs suggest that raking
vitamin E ,-,vith I'itamin C ma), help bl ock some ol the harmful effects
of a fatt)' mea l.
Additional benefits: Because it prolects ce lls from free-radical

da mage, som e expe rts think thal \'itamin E may reta rd Lbe ageing
process There is also el iclence to suggest thal il imprO\'es immune
i'uncti on in th e elderl y, co mbals toxins [rom CIgarette smoke and other
po llutant s, Lreats Parkinson's disease, postpones the de\elopmem of
calarac ts and slows the progression of ,--\ Izheimer's disease.








People on prescription blood

thinning drugs (anticoagulants)
or aspirin should consult their
doctor before using vitamin E,
Do not take vitamin E two

days before or after surgery,

Reminder: If you have a medi

cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements,

------------Other resea rch foun d that \'itamin E can relie\'e th e se\-ere leg pain
ca used by a circulatory problem called intermittent claud ica tion It may
alleviate premenstrual breast pam and tende rness as well. In additi on,
many peo pl e report that applying creams or otis co ntaining vitam in E to
skin wounds promotes hea ling.

Alpha-tocopherol is the most

preva lent form of vitamin E,
but so me labels now list ' mi Xed
tocopherols' . An y form of vitamin E

How much you need The RD J [o r \'itamin E is 7 mg (equ \\'a

lent to 10 JU) ror women and 10 mg (equi\'a lent to 15 IU) [or men daily.
Although th is amount ma)' be enough to pre\'e nt a defi cienC)', hi gher
doses are needed to pro\-ide the fu ll anti oxIdant efrec t

is beneficial, but the bod y absorbs

the mixed form most efficiently.
Some studies have shown
th at synthetic vitamin E (usua lly
labelled ' dl-alpha') is absorbed

If you get too little: Intakes o[ \'ita min E belO\\' the RDI can lead to

only hal f as we ll as natural vitam in E

neurological damage and shorten the lire o r red blood ce lls If you 're
eatin g a balanced diet, howe\'er, ),ou 're probably not at risk

supplements made from wheatgerm

or soya oi l. Although it's more
expen sive, natural vitamin E may

If you get too much : No toxic efrects rro m large doses of \' itamin E

be a better choice.

have bee n disco\'ered , e\'e n aL le\'els as high as 3200 l U a clay Minor

effects, such as headac hes and diarrhoea. ha\'e rarely been reponed But
large doses of vitamin E ca n interrere with the abso rptio n or \'ita min A.

How to take it
Dosage: To obtain th e disease -righting potential or \'itamin E, man)'
experts recomm end 400- 800 IU daily in ca psule or tab let for m (This
tota l inclu des amou nt s you get in a multi \i tam in. ) Doses o r up to
1200 IU have bee n reco mmended for peop le at high rIsk of hean dis
ease and certa in cancers. It may be partI cu larly efrecti\'e when taken with
vita min C
Guidelines for use : Try to take \' itamin E supplements at the same
time each day Combini ng it with a mea l decreases stomach irritalion
and increases the abso rpti on of th is rat-so lu ble \"itamin. f or topical use
(to help preven t sca rring) , break open a ca psul e and apply the oil directly
to your skin , or use a co mmercial crea m containing \'itami n E as needed .

In a re cent study of thou sands

of smokers, vi tamin E supplem ents
reduced the risk of prostate cancer
by 33% and the death rate from the
disease by 41 % , The dosage was
50 IU a day, indicating th at even
low doses of vitam in E may offer
protective benefits.
Taki ng vitamin E supp lemen ts
may strengthen the immu ne
sys tem s of older people. In a study
of 88 heal thy subjects aged 65
and older, those ta ki ng 200 IU of
vita min E eac h day showed the

Other sources \iVheatge rm is an outstanding uietary so urce

or vitamin E 30 g (about 2 tab lespoo ns) contains the equivalent
or 54 lU. Beneficial amo unts of \'itamin E are also roun d in vege table
oils, and nuts and seeds (almonds, hazelnuts, su nOower seeds), as we ll as
gree n leary vegetab les and \-vhole gra in s

greatest increase in immune-system

responses (such as a build-up of
antibodies to fight d isease).

You ' d have to eat more than 2 kg of

hazelnuts (left) or 294 tablespoons
of mayonnaise to get the vitamin E
supplied by one 500 IU capsule.


Vitamin K

Doctors have long use d vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, to help heal inci sions in
surgical patients and to preve nt bleeding probl ems in newborns, This vitamin also helps to
build strong bones and may be useful for combating the threat of osteoporosis,

What it is Tn th e 1930s Danish researchers noted that baby

ch ickens fed a fat -free diet de\e loped bleedi ng prohlcms, Th e probl em
was so h eu with an alfa lfa -based compo und th at \\as named \'ita lin K
fo r l<oaguloti ol1 SciClll ists now kn o\\' lha t most of the bodys \itamin 1<
necds are met by bacteria in rh e intes tines that produ ce this \'It amin,
and only about 20% comes from foods Deficiencies are rare in health y
people, even th ough th e bod)' doesn't sro re \'1l.1min K in large amounts.
Na tural forms of vitamin K co me from chh) roph)"ll - the S,l me ~ 1I1 sta nce
that gives plants such as alfalfa th eir green co lour S)Tl heti c supple me nt s
are also a\'ailable on prescript ion Other n:lmes for dtam in K are
ph ytonad ione and menad ione
What it does This single nu tri ent sets in mOl ion he emire
blood -clotting process as soon as a \\"o unu occurs. Without tt. \\'e
might bleed to death. Researchers hme cli scmuedthar \i t<t mi n K helps
to protect bone health as well .
Prevention: Doctors ofte n rec omm end pre\ cnt m:: doses of \' Iu min 1<
if bleeding or hae morrhaging is a conce rn . E\e n \\ hen no dc lkie ncy
exists, surgeo ns freque nt ly order vit am in K bdo re an ope r:ltion to
reduce rhe risk of postoperall \e bl eeding, So me doctors also prescribe It
for excessive menstrual blee din g Though not ye t a wid I) accep ted
treatment, \' it amin 1< may Ixo"ide great benefits for those suffe rin g from
osteo porosis. Some studies show that it helps the body to make use of
calcium and decreases rhe risk of fractures , Vita mi n I< may be es peCially
imponant for bone health in older "vomen. Not surprisingl y, it is
in cluded am ong th e in gredient s in so me bone-I uilding form ul Js
Additional benefits : Vit amin K may play :l ro le in prel'enti ng cancer
an d help th ose unde rgoing rad iotherapy Recent linclings also PUl \'ita
min K in the arsenal 01 heart-smart nLltri ent s. Some e\ idcnce suggests
tb at it may halt the bU ild-u p of di sease-causing plaque in arteri es and
reduce the bl ood b'e! 01 LDL ("bad') choleste roL But lHLlrc resea rch is
needed to define the role of \'ita min K in the se and other di so rders ,


Reduces the risk of internal

haemorrh aging,
Protects against bleeding
problems after surgery.
Helps to build strong bo nes and
wa rd off or treat osteoporos is,


Sup plementa l vitamin K (more

than is found in a multivita min)

should be taken on ly with your

doctor's approva l.
Reminder: If you have a medi

cal cond iti on, talk to yo ur doctor

before taking supplements ,

How much you need Because \'itamin K needs are met by the
body, Lhere is no RDJ in Australia or "\lew Zealand
If you take blood-thinning

If you get too little: In healthy people, a \'itamin K defiCIency is

medications and eat lots of leafy

rare, because the body manufactures most of what it requires. In fact,

deficiencies are found only 111 those wiLh h\-er dIsease or intestinal
illnesses that interfere with fat absorption. Howe\'er, \'itamll1 K le\Tls can
fall as a result of using antibiotics long term. One of the first signs of a
deficiency is a tendency to bnllse easily. Those at risk need careful
medical monitoring because Lhey could bleed to death in the e\Tnt of a
serious injury.

green vegetables, which are rich

If you get too much: Its hard to gel too much \itamin K because it's

not abundant in anyone food (excepL leafy greens). Although e\-en

megadoses are not toxic, high doses can be dangerous if you're taking
anticoagulants Large doses also may cause flushing and sweating.

in vitamin K, let your doctor know.

Your medication dose may need
to be adjusted.
Vitamin E helps the body to
use vitamin K. But too much
vitamin E - more than 1000 IU a
day - taken long term may impair
vitamin K function and increase
your risk of bleeding,

How to take it
Dosage: This vitamin is rarely included in multi\'iLamms sold in

Australia and New Zealand Bone-building formulas may prm'ide

around 300 mcg a day - the equi\'alent of addll1g a large leafy salad to
your daily diet Higher doses (such as those in multi\itamll1s formulated
for prenatal use) may be prescribed uncler medical supen'islOn for those
with specific medical needs

Green tea is sometimes

considered the leading source of
vitamin K: it has 1700 mcg in 225 g.
Many doctors consequently advise
people on anticoagulants (blood
thinners) not to drink it. In fact,
that's the amount of vitamin K in

Guidelines for use: When prescribed. \'itamin K should be taken

225 g of tea leaves - which would

yvith meals to enhance absorption

make hundreds of cups of brewed

Other sources Leafy green \Tgetables, including - per cup of

vegetable - kale (547 mcg), sih'erbeet (299 mcg) and turnip greens
(138 mcg), are nchest in \'itamin K. Broccoh. spring onions and Brussels
sprouts are also good sources. Other foods with some \iLamin K are
pistachio nuts and \egetable oils

University in Boston, one cup of green

tea. According to a study from Tufts

tea contains virtually no vitamin K.

A cup of kale provides the

equivalent of more than five
700 meg tablets of vitamin K.


hite willow bark

Salix. alba

Used for thousands of years to treat fevers and headaches, white willow bark contains
a chemical forerunner of today's most popular painkiller - aspirin. The herb is sometimes
ca ll ed 'herbal aspirin', but has few of that drug's side effects.

What it is V/ hite willow bark comes from the stately white will ow
tree, which can gro'vV up to 23 met res tall. In China, its med icinal prop
enies have been app reciated fo r centuries. Bu t not until the eightee nth
centu ry was the herb recognised as a pain reliever and fever reducer in
the West. European settlers brought the white wi llow tree to No rth
Ame rica , where they d iscovered that loca l tribes were usi ng nati\'e
willow species to alleviate pain and fight fevers.
In 1828, the plant's active ingred ient , sa licin , was iso laLed b )! Ge rman
and French scienti sts. Ten yea rs late r, European chemi sts manufacLured
sa li cylic acid , a che mical cousin to asp irin , fro m it. Asp iri n, or aceLyl
sa licylic acid , was later created from a different sa licin -co ntaining herb
called mead owsweet By the end of the nineteenth ce ntu ry, Lhe Baye r
Compa ny had begu n commerciall y produc ing aspirin, w hich was
marketed as a new and safer pa in relieve r than wimergreen and b lack
birch oil , the herbs com monl y used aLthaLlime for reducing pain .
All pa rts of the wh ite will ow con tain sa licin , bU L concentratio ns of
this chem ical are high est in th e bark , which is coliecLed in ea rl )' sprin g
from trees two to five yea rs old Sa lix alba , or white will ow, is Lhc most
po pular species for medicin al use, but other LY1Jes of willow are also rich
in sa li ci n, including S Jragilis (c rack willow), S pLlIpurea (purple willow)
and S. da phnoides (v iolet wi ll ow) These species are ofLen so ld simpl y as
willow ba rk in hea lth- food shops
What it does In the body, the sa li cin from white \vi ll ow bark
is meta boli sed to form sali cy li C acid , 'which reduces pa in , feve r and
infl ammati on. Though the herb acts more slowly than asp irin , its
benefi cial effects laSL longer and il causes fewer adverse reactions. Most
notab ly, it does not promote sto mach b leeding - one of as pirins most
pOLentiall y se riOLlS side effects.
Major benefits: W hite willow bark ca n be very effective for relieving
headaches, as we ll as acute muscle aches and pains. It can also allev iate
all so n s of chro nic pa in , includ ing back and neck pain . When reco m
mended fo r arthriti s, especiall y if there is pain in the back , knees
and hips, it can reduce swe lli ng and in flamm ati on and increase joi nt


Re lieves acu te and chro nic pains,

in cluding back and neck pain,
headaches and mu scle aches.
Reduces arthritis inflammation.
May lower fevers.





Dried herb/Tea

Anyone who's been told to

avoid aspirin shou ld also refrain
from using white willow ba rk.
This advice applies to people
allergic to aspirin, those with
ulcers or other gastrointestinal
disorders, and teenagers or
children with a fever.
Pregnant or breast-feeding
women should consult their
doctors before taking white
willow bark, because its safety
has not been established in
these situations.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

mobility In addition , it may help to ease the pain or menstru al cram ps

- the salicin regulates the aC llon of horm one- lI ke chemicals ca ll ed
prostaglcmdins that can contribute to inll ammation and cause pain.
Additional benefits : White Iv il low bark. like aspirin. may be usdul

Buy white willow bark extract

standa rdi sed to contain 15% salicin

for bringing dow n relus

- the aspirin-like active ingredient

in the herb.

How to take it

sometimes recommended as a pain

Though whi te willow bark tea is

Dosage : Take one or two pills threc tllnes a clay, or as needed to

relieve pam , bring down a b'er or reduce mflammation Uollow package

instru ctions) Loo k ror prepa rati ons that are standardised to contain
15 % salicin This dosage prO\'icl es betwee n 60 mg and 120 mg a day o r
sa licin Stand ardi sed extracts can also be taken in tincture or powder
fo rm . White will ow ba rk teas are likely to be less effect il'e than th e
standardised extrac ts, because they supply onl y a small amount of pai n
reli eving sa licin
Guidelines for use: 'vVhiLc willow bark is sak to use long term . It has
a biller, astringe nt taste, so the most COl1\'e l1lent way to take iL is prob
abl y in pill rorm. Don't take whi te will o\v bark with aspirin becau se it
can amplify the sid e erreCtS of asp irin
In addition, don 't gi, e the herb to a child or tee nage r under the
age or 16 who has a cold, flu or chickenpox Tak ing as pirin puts them
at ri sk of a potentiall y fatal brain and li\'e r co ndit ion ca lled Reye's
syndrome Salicin , the therapeuti c ingredi ent in wh ite willow bark ,
is not likely to cause this problem because it is metabolised differently
fro m aspirin . Howel'er, its si milarities to the painkiller warra nt this
course of ac tion.

reliever, you should take only

standardi sed extracts in pill, powder
or tincture form. Because the bark
contains 1% or less salicin, you'd
probably have to drink several litres
of tea to get an effective dose.
If white willow bark doesn 't help
to alleviate pain, you can try other
pain-relieving herbs, suc h as
meadowsweet, feve rfew, ginger,
eat's claw, pau d'arco or turmeric.

A recent study confirms earlier

reports that white willow bark
appears to be quite safe. Among
41 patients with long-standing
arthritis who we re treated for two
months with wh ite wi llow bark (as

Possible side effects This herb ra re ly ca uses sid e effecLs

at reco mmended doses. Higher doses, however, ca n leael to an upset
stomach. nausea or linnitus (ringing in the ears) If any of these
symptoms occur, lowe r the dosage or StOp taking the herb See your
cl octo r if siele dfec[s persist.

Bark from the white willow tree

dried, concentrated and packaged
into pills - is th e source of a
potent natural pain reliever.

well as other herbs), only three

people taking the herbs had mild
adverse reactions, including
headac hes and digestive upsets
all of which also occurred in th ose
who were given a placebo.

Native Americans believed in

chewing wi llow twig s 'u ntil your
ea rs ring ' to relieve headache pain .
Today, ringing in the ears is
re cog ni sed as a sign that you've
taken too much of the herb or its
drug counterpart, aspirin.


Dioscorea vllloSQ

Misconceptions about the active ingredients in wild yam have led to much marketing hype.

The herb has been hailed as a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for menopause.

Even though it's not been proved effective for this purpose, wild yam does have other benefits .

What it is Native to North and Central America, the vvild yam

was first used medicinally by the Aztecs and Ivlayans because o f its
pain-relie ving qualities. Later, Europea n settlers took ad vantage of
wild yam's therapeutic propert ies and used it to treat Joint pam a nd
colic. The root is the part o f the plant that has medicinal value . [t is
available as a dried herb for use in tea, and is also sold in capsule , tablet
and tincture forms.
What it does In recent yea rs, wild yam has been extolled for
its ability to mimic certain hormones - especially progesterone - and has
been said to relieve menopausal or PMS symptoms. Most of these
claims, howeve r, remain SCientifically unproved. Jt's true that wild
yam contains a substance called diosgenin that can be converted to
progesterone in the laboratory, but the human body may n ot be able to
make this conversion.
Some holistic practitioners have reported that pati ents suffering from
premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopausal symptoms experienced
good results with \vild yam cream - whICh is applied to the soft areas of
the body (the b elly and thighs) . How the cream helps is unclear.
Sometimes manufacturers of the creams add laboratory-synthesised
progesterone , which could well account for so me of the therapeutic
effects. At this time , despite positive reports from some users, the value
o f pure wild yam creams has yet to be SCientifically proved.
When taken in capsule, tincture or tea form , however, wild yam does
have other medicinal effects So me h erbalists belie\'e that crud e forms of
this herb may help hormonal imbalances associated with PMS and
me nopause because il contains oes trogen-like substances. In add ition, it
acts as a muscle relaxant , antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, which
may explain why it eases menstrual complaints in some women.
Major benefits: Wild yam contains substances called alkaloids,
which are muscle relaxa nts that especia lly target muscles in the
abdomen and pelvis. This action suggests that wild yam may b e o f
particular value for digesti ve disorders, such as diverti culitis, Crohn's


Relieves men strual cramps.

May ease the pain of
Reduces inflammation.

Dried herb/Tea

Pregnant women should not

use wild ya m.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to yo ur doctor
before taking supplements.

disease and irri table bowe l syndro me . It can also help to ease men strual
cramps and the pain assoc iaLed with end ometriosis. So me women find
that wild yam combined with oLher herbs, such as chaste tree , produces
a mild soot hing effect that ca n relieve the symptoms of PMS
Other ac ti ve ingredients found in wild yam ,
kn ow n as steroid al saponins, play a role in all eviati ng muscle strains,
chronic muscle pa in and anhri tis.
Additional benefits :

Kee p in mind th at it's still a

m atter of debate w hether w ild ya m
crea m has any hormonal va lue.
It effectively relieves menopausa l
symptoms in some women, but for a
direc t hormo nal effec t, it's probably
bet ter to bu y a crea m that contain s

How to take it
Dosage : In order to rece ive the therapeutiC benefits of wild ya m, take
ItS teas poo n of tincture three or fou r times a day or 500 mg of wild yam
in capsule form twice a day If you prefer, drink a cup of wi ld yam tea
three times a clay
Guidelines for use: Hm'e wild ya m supplements or tinc ture with
food to mini mise stomach upset. To makc wild yam tea , pour a cup of
very hot water over 1 or 2 teaspoons of the dried herb an d let steep for
15 minu tes. You ca n also add ot her soothi ng herbs to this tea - valeri an
or peppermint , for exa mple - when using it for digestive diso rd ers.

so-called natural progesterone

(ava ilable only from pha rmacies).

Th e firs t birth control pill wa s

deri ved from diosg enin, the
horm one-like co mpound found
in wi ld ya m,

Possible side effects In extremely large amounts , wi ld yam

suppl ements and tin ctu res ca n cause nausea and diarrhoea.

As with many herbs with medicinal properties,

the active ingredients in wild ya m supplemen ts
are extracted from the root of the plant and
marketed in the form of slow-release capsules.


Everyone needs zinc, which is essentia l for enzymes that do everything from manufacturing
DNA to healing wounds. It's a crucial component of a strong immune system and it fights
the common cold. Yet a surprising number of people don't get enough of this vi tal nutrient.

What it is An essential mineral required by e\'er)' cel l in the body,

zinc is conce ntr:J.ted in the muscles, bones, sk in , kIdn eys, li\'e r, pancreas,
eyes ilnd , in men, th e prosta te. [t is pl entiful in fish and sea food, and
so me mea t. Because your bod )' does not produce zinc, it depend s on
externa l so urces for its suppl y
What it does Zinc plays a crirical role in hundreds of body
processes - from cell gro\Vth to se xu,\1 maturari on and immunity - and
is e\'e n irnpon:J.nt for taste and smell. Co nsequenrl y, e\T ryo ne \\'ho takes
a daily mullivilamin and mineral suppl emem should make sure that
it con lai ns zinc. Incli\' idual zinc supplemems are also a\'ailable for
specific comp laints.
Major benefits: Necessary for the proper functi on ing of rhe immune
syste m, zi nc helps to protect rhc body aga inst colds , nu , conjuncti\'itis
and Olher infections In a sLUd y of 100 peo pl e in the initi al stages of a
co ld , th ose who sucked on zinc loze nges e\'e ry couple of hours recO\'
ered from lheir illn ess about three days earlier than those who sucked
on place bo lozenges Zinc loze nges ma y also speed the healing of mouth
ulcers and so re throat. Taken in pill form , zinc may aid in treat ing more
se ri ous illnesses , such as rheu mato id anhritis, lupus , fibromyalgia and
possibl y multipl e sc lerosis , as we ll as Other conditions , such as AIDS,
thal are associaled with an improperly functi oning immune syste m.
Additional benefits: Zin c exe rts beneficial effects on \'arious

horm ones, including the sex and th yro id hormones. It shows promise
for enhancing fertility in both women and men. Zinc ma)' il lso shrink
an enlarged prosrate [n addition, it may be effccti\'e for those with an
underac ti\'e rhyroid and , beca use it imprO\'Cs insulin b'els, it may help
peo pl e with diabetes
Beca use zinc arrects so many bod)' systems. it has many oth er uses. Ir
st imulates the healing or wounds and skin irritations, making it usdul for
ac ne, burns, eczema , psoriasis and rosacea, and promotes the health of

Zinc lozenges are good for

colds; zinc tablets are used for
numerous other complaints.


Fights colds, flu, other infections.

Treats a wide range of chronic
ailments, from rheumatoid arthritis
and underactive thyrOid to
fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.
Heals skin ailments and eases
digestive complaints.
May boost fertility, bui ld healthy
hair and diminish ringing in ears .





Don't take too much zinc:

More than 100 mg daily can,
over the long term, impair
immunity. It can also interfere
with copper absorption, leading
to anaemia.
Reminder: If you have a medi
cal condition, talk to your doctor
before taking supplements.

the hair and scalp . Zinc has also been shown to slow Icision loss in peo
ple with macu lar degeneration, a common cause of bllnclness in those
m'er the age of 50. And in a rece nt Japanese study, tinnitus (ringing in the
cars) im proved with zi nc supp lemema ti on ZInC may also be useful [or
osteoporosis , haemorrhoids, inn ammatory bowel disease and ulce rs.

Zinc supplements are available

as either pills or liquids in the form
of zinc gluconate, zinc chelate or
zinc sulphate . All are well absorbed

How much you need The RD I for zinc is 12 mg dail y for

adu lt s. Hi gher doses are usually resenTd for speci fi c complaints.

and easy on the stom ach . When

If you get too little: Severe zinc deficiency is rare in Australi a and
New Zealand , but a mild defic iency ca n lead to poor wound healing,
more co lds and flu , a muted sense of taste and smell, and sk in problem s
such as ac ne, eczem<1 and psorias is. It al so can result in lm paired blood
suga r tolerance (and an in creased diabe tes risk) and a low sperm COU nL.

gluconate are yo ur best bet.

shopping for lozenges to treat colds

or flu , preparations containing zinc

Zinc may be esp ecially beneficial

If you get too much : Long-term use of more than 100 mg a day has

been shown to im pa ir im munity and lower the bTl 01 HOL ('good')

cholestero l. One sLudy reponed a connect ion betwee n excess zinc and
Alzheimer'S , though the e\' idcnce is scant. Large r doses (more th an
200 mg <1 day) can ca use nausea , \'omiting and di<1rrhoea.

for older people, who are often

deficient in this mineral, according
to a recent study of 118 elderly but
relatively hea lthy nursing home
residents in Rome, Italy. Those given
25 mg of zinc daily for three month s

How to take it
Dosage: The usua l dosage is 30 mg once a dar Taking zinc I'o r longe r
than <1 month may interfere \I'ith copper absor ption, so add 2 mg of
copper for el'ery 30 mg of zin c. For colds or flu , USIC zi nc 10zengICs every
two to four hours for a week don't exceed 150 mg a dar
Guidelines for use : Take zinc <1n hour before or two hours after
a meal. If it causes sto mach upset, hal'( it with a low-fibre food If yo u
also use iron su ppleme nts, don 't LJke th em at the same ti me as zinc. Take
zin c at least two hours after Laking ant ibioLles. Zinc is better abso rbed i[
it 's taken at night

Other sources When lookin g [or foods rich in zinc, thin k

prote in It's abundant in beef, pork, li l"Cr, pou ltry (espeCial ly dark meat),
eggs and seafood (espec ially o),sLers). Pumpkin seeds, bean s, nuts
and vvheatgerm are ot her good sources, bUl the zinc III these fo ods is less
easi I)' absorbed than the zinc in meat

showed improve d immune systems.

Experts think that zinc may revitali se
the thymus gland, w hich manufac
tures immune cells.
Stu dies show that exercisers lose
zinc in perspiration and urine . That
may be one reaso n why, although
moderate exercise boo sts immunity,
long bouts of intense exercise are
linked w ith lowered immunity.

Sunflower seeds are a rich source

of zinc for vegetarians, w ho may
be deficient in it: 115 g provides
about 6 mg - half the RDI.



-~- -



Drug interactions
Many people believe that herbs and other 'natural' supplements are always safe to use .

But some supplements may interact adversely with prescription or over-the-counter (OTe)

drugs, intensifying the action of the medications or even producing dangerous side effects.

Thi s secti on lists the most pop ul ar

drug classes and thc reactio ns lhat
may occ ur when specific supple
ments interac t with rhem. Few
studi<.:s ha\'e bee n undertake n to
delermin e th e ri sks im'oh'ed in
tak ing supplemen ts and medica
lions toge ther Funher research
is nee ded, and caution is always
"dv ised when yo u combine herbs
or Olher supplements with drugs .
Look ar the general categories
listeci alphabeticall y below lO rind
any d rug yo u are taking an d nore
if an interac ti on with a particular
supplement may present a potentia l
prob lem. The mOSl popular mem
bers of eac h drug class are listed by
generic name , but not e\-ery drug
in the group is includ ed. Of yo u
have questi ons, check with yo ur
doctor or pharmacist.) Remember
that all drugs within a class are
likely to have similar interact ions.
Even iJ the name oj you r pa/U cular
medi ca ti on isn't lis ted, th e intera c
ti on may sti ll apply to all the drugs
in that class .
In addition, avoid taking drugs
and supplements lhat ha\'e similar
effecls un less your doctor recom
mends lhis. For example, if yo u're
using a herb such as valerian or
kava to relie\'C insom ni a, il may
induce excess i\'e slee piness when
combined wi lh a com-enti ona l sleep
ai el or with any drug thm can cause
drowsiness - an ant ih lslamine, or
even alcohol. Similarly, a nutritional
supplement thal affects brain
chemica ls and enhan ces mood,
such ;:IS melato nin or 5-HTp, is best
tried only unde r the 5u penision of
;) doctor If yo u're alre<1uy taking R
presc ripri un anti ci epre~s,lnL
II' yo u're usi ng any type or
prescri ption drug, uon't stop wk ing
It withoul yo ur docto rs consent.


And always consult your docto r or

pharmacis t beJore CI)'in g any iI el'b or
slippic111eni iJ YO li have a medical or
psychiatric COlldition or are 0 11 (lilY
prescription 01 ' OTC l1I edi cati on.
To find OUI more aboul the sup ple
mel1ls listed here. rder to the
IIlcll\-icl ual entries in the book.
Ge neral cauL ions for a num ber of
supplements <1 re noted belm\'

Listed below are specific supplements

that require specia l ca ution if you 're
taking certain con vent ional drugs.
~ Betaine HCI Increases leve ls of
digestive acids in the stomach. It's
essential that people taking aspirin or
other anti-inflammatory medications
(NSAIDs) avoid this supplem ent,
because in combination they in crease
the risk of stom ach bleeding .
.. Coleus forskohlii Shou ld be used
w ith caution by patients on asthma or
blood pressure medications because it
ca n intensify the effects of these drugs .
.. Ephedra Stimulates the nervous
system and raises blood pressure. It's
important to avoid taking it wi th
medications that have a similar effect,
includi ng blood pres sure drug s,
caffeine and other stimulants.
.. Gymnema sylves tre May alter
requirements for insulin or oral
diabetes drugs. Check w ith you r
doctor before taking this herb w ith
any diabetes medication.
. . Licorice Can increase blood pres
sure and should be avoi ded by those
taking blood pressur e drugs or any
medication that alters blood pressure .
.. Melatonin Affec ts hormone levels
and the brain. Cau ti on is advised if
yo u' re ta king drugs w ith similar
effects, including antidepressants and
hormone drugs. May cause excessi ve
drowsiness if taken wit h drugs that
cause sed ation .

.. Psyllium Should not be used w ith in

2 hours of tak in g an y medication
because it may delay drug abso rption.
.. Valerian May cause excessive
drowsiness in th os e also using seda
tives or drugs that have seda tive effects.

Isolretinoin and other acne drugs

Supplement Interactions:
.. Vitamin A When taken together,
may cause high blood levels of
vitamin A, increasing the chance of
side effects.

All antacids and ulcer-healing drugs

Supplement Interaction s:
.. Iron May make th e medica tion
less effective. Take iron supplements
2 hours before or after these drugs.
.. Vitamin 0 When used wit h
antacids co ntaini ng magneSiu m, may
result in high levels of magnesium
in th e blood.

All oral antibiotics

Supplement Interaction s:
.. Iron May make the antibiotic
less effec ti ve. Take iron supplemen ts
2 hours before or after the drug.

Doxycycline, ketocona70le,

minocycllne, tetracycline

Supplement Interaction s:
.. Calcium May decrease th e
absorption of th e drug . Don' t take
calc iu m w ith in 1- 3 hours of taking
these antibiotics .
~ Iron May make the antibiotic
less effective. Take iron supplements
2 hours before or after the drug .
.. Magnesium May m ake the drug
le ss effective. Take magnesium
supplements 1-3 hou rs before or
af ter the drug.
.. Psyllium May m ake the an tibiotic
less effe ctive; check w ith your docto r.

~ Melatonin

Check with yo ur doctor.

Adverse drug reaction s have been
reported in people taking conventional
antidepressants along w ith melatonin.
~ St John 's wort Check with your
doctor before combining this herb
w ith convent ional antidepressants. May
lead to seri ous adve rse reactio ns.

Zinc May make the antibiotic less

effective. Take zinc supplements at
least 2 hours after th e drug.

Aspirin, enoxaparin, heparin,

warfarin and other anticoagulants
(Blood thinne rs)
Supplement Interactions :
~ Bromelain Use w ith cautio n.
Intensifies the blood-thinning effect
of the med ication. May lead to
excessive bleeding.
~ Feverfew Use wit h caution.
Intensifies the blood-thinning effec t
of the medication . May lead to
excessive bleeding.
~ Fish oils Use with caution. Intensify
th e blood-thinning effect of the
medication. May eventually lead to
internal or exc essi ve bleeding.
~ Garlic Consult your doctor
before taking together. Ma y
intensify the blood-thinning effect of
the medication .
~ Medicinal mushrooms Consult
your doctor. Reishi, in particular,
may inten sify the blood-thinning effect
of the medication.
~ Pau d 'arco Use wi th ca ution.
Intensifies the blood-thinning effect
of the medication. May lead to
excessive bleeding.
~ Vitamin E Check w ith your
doctor before takin g together. May
intensify the blood-thinning effect of
the medication.
~ Vitamin K May counteract the
effects of the medication.

Prozac and all other antidepressants

Supplement Interactions :
~ Ephedra Avoid taking within
14 days of using an MAO inhibitor.
~ S-HTP Avoid taking w ithin
4 weeks of using an MAO inhibitor.
Che ck wi th your doctor before
combi ning w ith conventional
anti-depressants; may cause anxiety,
confusion and other potentially
se rio us side effects .
~ Ginseng (Panax) Check with
your doctor if you're taking an
MAO inhibitor.
~ Kava May cause excessive
drowsiness when taken together.

Antihi stamines
Supplement Interactions :
~ 5 -HTP, Kava, Melatonin and
Valerian Any of these may cause
excessive drowsiness when taken with
sedating antihistamines.

Atorvastalin , cclestipol,

cholesytramine, gemflbro ziJ,

probucol, sinwastatin ilnd other

'stalin drugs

Supplement Interactions:
~ Iron May make the medication
less effe ct ive. Take iron supplements
2 hours before or after the drug.
~ Niacin May cause muscle pain and
inflammation. In severe cases, may
lead to kidney failure . Stop taking
these drugs together, and consult your
doctor if any muscle aches develop.

OTe and prescription remedies

containing ephedrine or


Supplement Interactions:
~ Ep hedra Do not take with these
cold remedies because this herb
contains the same acti ve ingredient
and may result in an overdose.
~ S-HTP May cause anxiety,
confusion or other serious side effects
if used with these cold remedies. Use
w ith cautio n.

Insulin and ora l diabetes drugs

Supplement Interactions :
~ Alpha -lipoic acid Long-term
supplementation may require
some change in th e dosage of insu lin
or other diabetes medications.
~ Cot 's claw Do not take w ith
diabetes drugs; adverse effects ha ve
been reported .

Chromium Consult you r doctor;

may alter insulin or other drug

requirements .

~ Dandelion Use w ith caution; may

intenSify the blood-sugar-Iowering

effec t of diabe tes drugs.

~ Ephedra Use w ith caution; can

eleva te blood sugar levels.

~ Ginseng (Panax) Long -term

supplem entation may require

some change in the dosage of insulin

or other diabetes medications.

~ Gymnema sylvestre Check with

yo ur doctor. The dosage of in su lin or

other diabetes medications may need

to be altered .

~ Siberian ginseng Use with caution;

may intensify the blood-sugar-Iowering

effec t of diabe tes drugs.

AmiJoride, ~piron laclone,

lriamlerene (Po tassium -sparing


Supplement Interactions:

~ Phosphorus Consult yo ur doctor

before taki ng together. When used

w ith phosphates co ntaining potassium,

may in crease the risk of hyperkalaemia

(too much potassium in the blood),

possibly leading to serious side effects.

~ Po t assium Do not take together.

May increase the ri sk of hyperkal aemia

(too much potassium in th e blood),

possibly leading to serious side effects.

Bumctanide, ethacrynic acid,

frusemide (Loop diuretics)

Supplement Interactions:

~ Dandelion May boost the diuretic

effects of these drugs w hen taken in

high doses.

~ Eph ed ra When frusem ide is used to

treat hyperten sion, its effects may be

weakened if taken wi th ephedra.

~ Ginseng (Panax) If you're taking

frusemide, may inten Sify the blood

pressure-lowering effects of the drug .

~ Glucosamine Higher doses of the

diuretic m ay be necessary.

Chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide,

indapamide (Thiazide diuretics)

Supplement Interactions :

~ Aloe vera Overuse or misuse of

aloe vera juice can cause loss of

potassium (necessary for proper heart

fun ction) and intensify the potassium

depleting effects of the medication.


~ Calcium

Consult your doctor. May

cause build-up of exce ssive, possibly
toxic, ca lci um leve ls in the body, lead
ing to kidney failur e if taken together.
~ Dandelion May boo st the diu retic
eHects of these drugs w hen taken in
high doses.
~ Ephedro Do not take together. The
eHects of th e drug may be reduced .
~ Glucosamine Higher doses of the
dru g may be necessary.
~ Hawthorn Consul t your doctor.
May intensify the diuretic's blood
pressure-lowering eHect.
~ Licorice May lead to dangerously
low leve ls of potassium in the body.
~ Pota ss ium If taking togethe r, do
not discontinue the thiazide diuretic
suddenly. May cause hyperkalaemia
(too much potassium in the blood),
possibly leading to serious side eHects.
~ Vitamin D Consult you r doctor.
May cause build-up of excessive,
possibly toxic, calcium levels in the
body, result in g in kid ney failure .

All antihypertensives
Supplement Interactions :

.. Black cohosh May intensify the

drug's blood-pressure-Iowering eHect.

~ Ephedra Do not take together. May

cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

~ Gorlic Check wi th yo ur doctor.

May increase the po tency of blood

pressure medication .


(Panax or Siberian)

Check w ith you r doctor if you' re using

blood pressure medications.

~ Hawthorn Consult your doctor.

May in tensify th e drug's blood

pressure-lowering eHect. A lowe r dose

of the medica tion may be warranted.

~ Licorice May neutra lise the medica

tion's blood-pres su re-Iow ering eHect.

Amlodipine, dilliazem , verapamil

and other cillclum channel blocker~

Supp lement Interactions:

~ Ephedra Do not take together.

~ Flav onoids Do not take a citrus

bioflavonoid preparation containing

naringin (a fla vo noid present in grape

fruit, but not ora nges) when usin g a

calcium channel bl ocker.

~ Hawthorn Consult yo ur doctor.

May intensify the drug's blood-

pressure-l owering eHect. A lower dose

, of the medication may be warranted.
Alenolo/' metoprolol, propranolol
and other beta -blockers
Supplement Interactions :
Ephedra Do not take together.
~ Hawthorn Consult your doctor.

Glyceryl trinitrate, isosorbide

mono- or dinitrate (Nitrates)

May intensify the drug's blood

pressu re-lowering eHect.
~ Potassium Consult your doctor
before taking toge th er. May increase
the ri sk of hyperkalaemia (too much
potassium in the blood), possibly
leading to serious side eHects.

potassium in the blood), leading to

serious side effects.

~ Siberian ginseng Consu lt your

doctor before using together.

Supplement Interactions:

Ephedra Do not take together.

Ephedra may interfere with the rate,

rhythm and force of the heartbeat and

raise blood pressure.

~ Hawthorn Consult yo ur doctor.

May intensify the drug's bl ood

pressu re- lowerin g effects.

Enalapril , rosinopril ,md other

ACE Inhibitors

Supplement Interactions:
~ Ephedra

Do not take together.

~ Hawthorn Consult you r doctor.
May intensify the drug's blood
pres sure-lowering eHec t . A lower dose
of the medication may be wa rranted .
~ Phosphor us Do not take together.
Whe n used with phosphates contain
in g potassium, may increase the risk of
hyperkalaemia (too much potassium in
the blood), leading to serious side eHects.
~ Potassillm Do not take together.
May increase the risk of hyperka laemia
(too much potassium in the blood),
leading to serious side eHects .

Atracurium , cistatraclirium

and other muscle relaxilnts

Supplement Interactions:

5-HTP, Kava, Melatonin and

Valerian May cause excessive drowsi

ness when take n w ith muscle rela xa nts.

Codeine, dextropropoxyph nc,

morphine, oxycodone and other

narcotic analgesics

Supplement Interactions :

5-HTP, Kava , Melatonin and

Valerian May cause excessive drowsi

ness w hen taken w ith these drugs.

Digitoxin, digoxin (Digitalis drugs,

cardiac glycos ides)
Supplement Interactions:
~ Aloe vera Overu se or misuse can

cause loss of potassium (necessary for

proper heart fun ction) and may lead to
toxicity from the medication.
~ Ephedra Do not take together.
Eph ed ra may interfere wi th the rate,
rhythm and force of the heartbeat and
raise blood pressure.
~ Hawthorn Consult yo ur doctor.
May inte nsify the drug 's blood
pressure -l owering effect. A lower dose
of the medication may be wa rr anted.
~ Licorice May neutralise the medi
cation's blood-pressure-Iowering eHect.
~ Phosphorus Consult yo ur doctor
before taking together. Using digitali s
w ith phosphates containing potassium,
may increa se the risk of hyperkalaemia
(too much potassium in the blood),
poss ib ly lead ing to se rious side effects.
~ Potassium Consult you r doctor
before tak ing together. May increase
the risk of hyperkalaemia (too much

Methylphenidat (Ritalin) and

other nervous system stimulants

Supplement Interactions :

Ephedra Do not take together.

May re sult in overstimu lation, ca using

nervo usness, irritability, in somn ia and

possible seizures or heart arrhy thmi as.

~ Flavonoids Exercise caution w hen

taking a citrus bioflavonoid prepa ration

conta ining naringin (a flavonoid pres

ent in grapefruit, but not oranges)

w ith methylphenidate.

~ Ginseng ( Pana x) Increases the risk

of overstimulation and stomach upsets.

Dido! ellac, ibuprofen, indomethacin,

kl:!toprofen, nilproxen, piroxicam
, ilnd other nomteroldal
anti -inflammatory drllYs
Supplement Interactions :

Betaine HCi Do not take tog ether;

increases the ris k of stomach bleeding.

PhosphorU5 Consult yo ur doctor

before taking together. When used
with phospha tes containing potassium,
may increase the ri sk of hyperkalaemia
(too much potassium in the blood),
possibly leadi ng to serio us side eHects.
~ Potanium Consult your doctor.
Whe n taken together, may increa'se '
the risk of hyperkalaemia (too much
potassium in the blood), possibly
leading to serious side eHects.

Supplement Interactions:
~ Betaine HCI Do not take together;
increases the ri sk of stomach bleeding.
~ Feverfew Intensifies the blood
thinning eHect of long-term aspirin
use. May lead to excessive bleeding.
~ Fish oils Intensify the blood
thinning eHect of long-term
aspirin use . May lead to internal
or excessive bleeding.
~ Garlic Consult yo ur docto r. May
increase the blood-thinning eHect of
long-term aspirin use.
~ Ginkgo biloba Intensifies the
blood-thinning eHect of long-term
aspirin use . May lead to excessive
~ Medicinal mushrooms Consult
yo ur doctor. Reishi may intensify the
blood-thinning eHect of long-term
aspirin use.
~ Vitamin K May counteract the
blood-thinning eHec t of long-term
aspirin use.
~ White willow bark Do not take
together. The two act similarly, increas

ing the risk of aspirin-related side

eHects, including stomach bleeding.

Conj ugated oestrogens, oestrogen

progestin products, other fema le

homlOn and HRT

Supplement Interactions:

~ Black cohosh Consult yo ur doctor.

May interact adversely.

~ Cot's claw Use w ith caution; may

aHect leve ls of female sex hormo nes .

~ Chaste tree Shou ld not be used by

wome n taking hormone medications,

including oestrogen, because it aHects

hormone production.

~ Flavonoids Exercise caution when

taking a citrus bioflavonoid preparation

containing naringin (a fla vono id

present in grapefruit, but not oranges)

together with oestrogens.

Oral contracept ives (combination

oestrogen -progestin products) and HRT

Supplement Interactions:

~ Black cohosh Consult you r doctor.

May in teract adversely.

~ Cot 's claw Use w ith caution; may

aHect levels of female sex hormones.

~ Chaste tree Should not be used by

women ta king hormone medications,

incl uding oestrogen, because it aHects

hormone production.

Levodopa, selegiline

Supplement Interactions:

~ 5 -HTP May cause anxiety,

confusion and other side eHects when

taken together; check with you r doctor.

~ Vitamin B6 May prevent the

medication from working properly.


Supplement Interactions:

~ Evening primrose oil Potential risk

of seizures; check wit h your doctor.

~ Ginseng (Panax) Check with your

doctor if you're on antipsychotics.

~ Kava May cause excessive

drowsine ss when taken together.

Buspirone (Anti-anxiety drug)

Supplement Interactions :

~ 5-HTP May cause anxiety,

confusion and other side eHects when

taken together; check with yo ur doctor.

~ Kava May cause excessive

drowsiness whe n taken together.

Lithium (Antimonic agent)

Supplement Interactions :

~ 5-HTP May cause anxiety, confu

sion and other side eHects when taken

together; check with your doctor.

~ Iodine May increase side eHects.

Sleep aids anti other sedatives,

Including ben.lodlazepines and

tricyclic ant idepressants

Supplement Interactions:

~ Black cohosh, 5-HTP, Kava,

Melatonin and Valerian Any of these

may cause excessive drowsiness w hen

taken with sedatives.

~ Gotu kola Do not take together.

Carbamazepi ne, gaba pen Li n,

p henytoin and other anticonvu lsa nts
Supplement Interactions:
~ Folic acid and Vitamin B6 Have
been shown to interfere w ith so me
anticonvulsants when consumed in
high doses . Consult you r doctor, and
never exceed recommended doses.

B eclometha~one,

methylprednisolone, predniso lone,

prednisone and oth er oral
Supplement Interactions :
~ Aloe vera Overuse or mi suse of
aloe ve ra juice can cause lo ss of
potassium (necessary for proper heart
function ) and may lead to to xic ity
from the medication,
~ Betaine HCI Do not take together.
~ Ginseng (Panax) Use wit h caution.
May interact when taken together.
~ Melatonin Check with you r doctor.
May cause adverse interactions .
~ Phosphorus Consult you r doctor
before tak ing toge ther. Use of cortico
steroids w ith phosphates containing
sodium may increase risk of swelling.

Carbi mazole propy lthiouraci l,

Supplement Interactions:
~ Iodine May decrease eHectiveness
of these and other antithyroid agents.
~ Kelp Taking high doses could
provide too much iodine and interfere
with the actions of the se medications.

Ciclosporin, tacrollmus and ot her

Immunosuppressanl drugs
Supplement Interactions:
~ Flavonoids Do not take a citrus
bioflavonoid preparation containing
naringin (a flavonoid present in grape
fruit, but not oranges) when using an
~ Phosphorus Consult your doctor
before taking together. W hen used
wit h phosphates containing potassium,
may increase the risk of hype rkalaernia
(too much potassium in the blood),
possibl y leading to seriolls side eHects .


.,,~____O t

er supplements

The following supplements are recommended for various ailments in this book, but are not
listed in the individual profiles_ A brief overview of each is provided here, with its suggested
uses, any warnings, side effects and general comments.

Agrimony A w ildflower with yellow

bloss oms (Agrimonio eupotoria) nati ve
to the British Isles.
Uses: Taken internally for indigestion,
heartburn and diarrhoea; used
topicall y to cleanse wounds or for
sore, inflamed eyes.
Comments: May cause sensitivity to
sunlight or aggravate constipation .
Arnica A wild perennial with yellow,
daisy-like blooms and oval leaves
(Arnica montana) native to Europe.
Uses: Applied topically as an ointment
for bruises, aches, sprains and strains.
Comments: Never take arnica
internall y or use on open w ounds
or broken skin.
Avena sativa See Oat extract
Baking soda See Sodium
Bearberry See Uva ursi
Blackberry / raspberry leaves
Prickly stemmed bushes native to
North America. The leaves are
cultivated for medicinal purposes,
the berries for culinary use
Uses: As a tea, treats diarrhoea and
menstrual cramps. Used in Europe to
prevent miscarriage and to treat
morning sickness.
Comments: No serious side effects
have been reported.
Boswe ll ia An extract of gummy resin
from a tall, branching tree (Boswellia
serrato) found in dry, hilly areas of India.
Uses: Reduces inflammation and helps
to build cartilage in people with arthritis.
Comments: Rare side effects include
skin rash, nausea and diarrhoea.
Brindleberry See Garcinia
Bromelain A protein, or enzyme,
that is derived from the pineapple
plant, Ananas cosmosus.
Uses: Reduces inflammation, swelling
and pain from surgery, sports injuries,
arthritis and other causes .


Comments: Take between meals.

Do not use if you have an ulcer.

Butcher's broom A small, spiny,

asparagus-like evergreen bu sh
(Ruscus aculeatus) tha t is nati ve to
the Mediterranean region .
Uses: Applied topically or taken
internall y to reduce inflammation and
shrink haemorrhoids and varicose veins.
Comments: No known side effects.
Cactus grandiflorus A low-growing
cactus with 20-30 cm white flowers
that open only in the evening . Also
called the night-blooming cereus.
Uses: Helps to stabilise the rh ythm and
rate of the heartbeat.
Comments: May cause mild diarrhoea.
Do not use if you are taking an MAO
inhibitor or have high blood pressure.
Calendula A common garden flower
with orange or yellow blooms
(Calendula officinalis) . Also called the
pot marigold.
Uses: Applied topically or used as a tea
or vaginal suppository. Soothes skin
inflammations, insect bites, cuts and
burns; heals ulcers; combats athlete's
foot, nail fungus and yeast infections.
Comments: Those allergic to daisy-like
flowers may be sensitive to calendula .
Cascara sagrada A laxative herb
that comes from the bark of the
California buckthorn tree (Rhamnus
purshiana), native to the western US.
Uses: Relieves constipation .
Comments: Use for no longer than
1-2 weeks . Can cause cramping; if this
occurs, low er the dose . Avoid if you are
pregnant or breast-feeding, or if you
have intestinal obstruction or inflam
matory bow el disease.
Charcoal, activated A highly
absorbent substance used as an
antidote to poisons.
Uses: Reduces flatulence; absorbs
poison from the system.
Comments: Side effects include black,
tarry stools and nausea . May interfere

with the absorption of any drug taken

within two hours of its administration.
If mixing the pow der in water, drink it
wi th a straw to prevent staining of
teeth . Al so available in pill form .
Chitosan A substance found mainly
in the shells of shellfish. Binds fat
molecules in the intestine, preventing
their absorption.
Uses: Aids weight reduction.
Comments: Take with meals but at a
different time of day from foods or
supplements containing fat-soluble
vitamins or essential fatty acids.
People w ith a shellfish allerg y should
not take chitosan .
Chondroitin A molecular substance
found in cartilage and the lining of
blood vessels and the bladder.
Uses: May help to stem the
degenerative progression of arthritis.
Comments: No known side effects
with recommended doses. Commonly
taken with glucosamine, a nutritional
Coleus fo r skohlii A small plant
in the mint famil y found on the dry
mountain slopes of India, Nepal,
Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Uses: Used by herbalists to counteract
underactive thyrOid. Sometimes used
to treat asthma and heart disease.
Comments: Avoid if you have peptic
ulcers or low blood pressure. Use with
caution if you are taking any prescrip
tion medication, especiall y asthma or
blood pressure drug s.
Creatine An amino -acid-like nutri
tion'al supplement that is produced
naturally by the liver, pancreas and
kidneys and is found in muscle tissue.
Uses.(Typically ingested as an odour
~ess, colourless powder. Helps to repair
microscopic tears in muscles resulting
from a strenuous workout or injury.
May increase lean muscle mass.
Comments: High doses ma y cause
w eight gain; muscle cramps, pulls

and tears; stomach upset, dehydration

and diarrhoea. Long -term stu dies, espe

cial ly of high doses, have not been done.

Epilobium parviflorum Th e small

flowered willow herb.

Uses: Helps to relieve prostate disorders.

Comments : May cause stomach upset.

Eucalyptus oil An oil derived from

an evergreen tree with ye llowish leaves

(Eucalyptus globu/us) native to Australia.

Uses: Applied topically as a massage oil

to soothe sore muscles; used as an

inhalant and in cough drops to open

sinuses and airways and relieve coughs

and asthma .

Comments : Do not take the oi l

internally, except for the small amount

found in cough drops or sweets. Limit

use to no more than a few days at

anyone time.

Eyebright A plant with red-tinged

w hite or purple blossoms (Euphrasia

officinafis) that are said to resemble

bloodshot eyes. Nati ve to the

grasslands of Europe.

Uses: As an eyewash, treats eye

infections. Can also be taken as a

tea or tincture.

Comments: May cause rash or nausea.

Make sure eyewashes are sterile to

prevent infections . (Lab el eyecups left

and right.) Avoid using eyebright as a

topically applied eye compress because

of the possibility of bacterial infection.

Fa lse unicorn rool A perennial with

greenish white blooms (Chamae/irium

luteum) found in the low, damp ground

east of the Mississippi River in the US .

Uses: Stimulates ovulation; treats

infertility in women.

Comments: Large doses may cause

nausea and vomiting. Do not use

during menstruation or if yo u are

pregnant or breast-feeding. Commonly

taken w it h chaste tree.

FOS Fructo-oligosaccharides are

indigestible carbohydrates present in

certain foods that promote the growth

of so-called friendly intestinal bacteria.

Uses: Orally, helps to relieve flatulence

and irritable bowel syndrome. Vaginal

suppositories may help to alleviate

yeast infections.

Comments: FO S is often taken

with acidophilus and bifidus. May

cause d iarrhoea.

Gamma-oryzanol An antioxidant
extract of rice bran oil that appears to
work on the part of the central nervous
system that controls digestion .
Uses: Treats ulcers and heartburn by pro
moting healthy levels of digestive juices.
Comments: No known side effects.

Garcinia cambogia A small,

pumpkin-shaped fruit from Southeast
Asia . Also called brind leberry.
Uses: May suppress appe tit e and
aid die tin g.
Comments: Contains hydroxycitric
acid (HCA), a fruit extract similar to
citric acid.
Glutathione An amino-acid -like
substance produced by the liver and
other celis.
Uses: Acts as a cell-protecting anti
oxidant; may help to prevent cancer.
Comments: Take with food to mini
mise the chances of digestive upset.

See Gymnema

sy lve stre

Gymnema sylvestre A climbing

vine from the tropical forests of Africa
and India. Also known as gurmarbooti.
Uses : Enhances the uptake of blood
sugar (glucose) in people with diabetes.
Comments : May require a change in dos
age of insulin or diabetes medication.
Horehound A perennial aromatic
herb (Marrubium vulgare) in the mint
family, native to Europe. Also known
as white horehound
Uses : May be included in cough drops
or taken as a tea . Acts as an expecto
rant to treat coughs or asthma.
Comments: Do not use if you have
heart disease or are pregnant. Large
doses may disturb heart rhythm.
Horse chestnut A tree with red,
ye llow or white flowers (Aesculus
hippocastanum) that produces fruits
containing one to three knuckle-sized
seeds. Native to northern Asia.
Use s: Helps to reduce inflammation
and swelling of va ricose veins.
Comments: Do not take with aspirin or
anticoagulants. Pregnant women and
people w ith bleeding problems or li ver
or kidney disease should not take it.
Kudzu A fast-growing, high-climbing
vine (Pueraria /obata) native to China
and japan.

Uses: Reduces cravings for alcohol;

may be helpful in treating alcoholism .
Comments: No known side effects.

Lavender oil An oil derive d from an

evergreen plant (Lavandu/a officinalis)
native to the Mediterranean regi on.
Uses: Applied topically, treats skin
inflammations, cuts, sunburn, ear
aches, insect bites and sore muscles.
Comments : Do not take internally.
Lemon balm See M eli ssa
Marshmallow A plant with pale
pink flowers (Althaea officina/is) that
grows primarily in marshes in many
parts of Europe, Britain and the US.
Uses: As a tea, aids digestion and
soothes coughs, sore throat, ulcers,
heartburn and inflammatory bowel
disease. Pills (in a combined formula
with ginger) may relieve allergies.
Com ments : When steeped in water,
releases mucilage, a gel-like plant

substance that coats the throat and

larynx and soothes coughs.

Melissa A plant with a lemony smell

and white flowers (Me/issa officina/is)

native to southern Europe. Also called

lemon balm.

Uses : App li ed topically, relieves co ld

sores and shingles. As a tea, soothes up

set stomach and diverticular disorders .

Comments: Do not use internally if you

are pregnant or have thyroid problem s.

Muira puama A trop ical shrub

(Ptychopeta/um o/acoides) na tive to

Brazil. Also known as potency wood.

Uses: Tre ats impotence.
Comments: Has a long folk history as
an aphrodisiac.

Mullein flower A woolly-leafed

plant with honey-scented yellow flowers
(Verbascum thapsus) native to Britain .
Uses : Applied topically, the oil helps to
relieve the pain and itching of earache;
as a tea, soo thes sore throat and
re lieves coughs.
Comments: Use on ly Verbascum

NADH Nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide, a fairly new supplement
related to the B-vitamin niacin. Not
approved for use in Australia; permit
ted (up to a maximum daily dose of
100 mg) but not generally available in
New Zealand.


------ --


Uses: Acts as an antioxidant; raises levels

of the brain chemical dopamine, help
ing to ease symptoms of Parkinson 's.
Comments: Take on an empty stomach.
High do ses may cause restlessness.

Oal ex.tract Derived from the

common grain. Also called Avena sativa.
Uses: Reduces cravings for cigarettes.
Comments: Used in India for centuries
to treat opium add ictions.

PABA Para-aminobenzoic acid, one of

th e B-vitam ins . Available in Australia
only in combined formulations.
Uses: May prevent hair loss; soothes
intestine in inflammatory bowe l disease.
Comments: Do not take with sulpha
drugs. Rarely, high doses may cause
liver damage.
Parsley A plant (Petroselinum sativum)
used wo rld wide as a culina ry herb.
Uses: Improves bad (and garlic) breath.
Comments: No known side effects.
Pot marigold See Cal endula
Potency wood See Muira puama
Rosemary A small, evergreen bush
with aromatic, si lve ry green leaves and
pale blue flow ers (Ro smarinus officinalis)
used widely as a culinary herb. Native
to the Mediterranean region.
Uses: Applied topically as an oil to
rel ieve pain and help to reduce
swelling. Tea helps to relieve migraines.
Comments: Do not take oil internally.
Do not take therapeutic d oses in first
trimester of pregnancy.

SAM S-adenosylmethionine, a form

of the amino acid methionine.
Not approved for use in Australia;
permitted but not generally available
in New Zealand.
Uses: May help to slow the
degenerative progression of arthritis.
Comments: May cause some mild
stomach upset; should not be taken
by people w ith manic depression
(b ipolar disorder).
Sea cucumber A Chinese remedy
derived from a marine animal related
to starfish and sea urchin s.
Uses : May help to reduce pain and
stiffness in arthritis sufferers.
Comments : Also provides vitamins A,
thiamin e (Bl ), riboflavin (B2), niacin
(B3) and C, as we ll as the minerals
calcium, iron, magnesium and zi nc.


Uses : When taken in combi nation w ith

bromelain, enhances that supplement's
anti-inflammatory effects and may help
to relieve the pain of carpa l tunnel
syn drome. May have antivira l effec ts
against HI V, the ca use of AIDS.
Comments: Do not use if you have
blood -clotting disorders or are
pregnant, trying to conceive, or
ha ve fertility problems. People ove r
the age of 65 should use as Iowa dose
as possible.

Shepherd 's purse A weed

(Capsella bursa-pastoris) w ith lea ves

resembling the leather pouches once

worn by European shepherds. Found
in many parts of the wo rld and used
medicinallj as well as for cu linary
purposes in some areas.
Uses : Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding.
Comments : Do not take if you are
pregnant. People with kidn ey stones
should use wi th caution. long -term
or excessive use may interfere with
medications fo r thyroid, heart
problems or blood pressure.

Uva ursi A low-g row ing, evergreen

bush wi th red berries and flowers
(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) found in
Britain, central and northern Europe
and North Amer ica. Also called
Uses : An infec tion fighter used in the
treatment of urinary tract infections .
Comments: Do not take if you ha ve
kidney disease or are pregnant, or for
more than one week at a time. Lim it
use of the herb to no more than five
times a yea r. Do not combine uva ursi
with substances that acidify the urine,
such as vitam in C or cranberry (these
are common ly used as wel l to treat
urinary tract infection s). May cause
nausea, mild stomach upset, and a
greenish discoloration of the urine.

Slippery elm A tree (Ulmus rubra)

native to the moist woods of eas tern
Canada and eastern and centra l US.
The inner ba rk is used medicinally.
Uses: As a tea, aids digestion and
helps to soothe sore throat, heartburn,
ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease
and diverticulitis.
Comments: Has m ild laxative effects.
Sodium bicarbonate Commonly

known as baking soda.

Uses: Provides short-term relief from

nicotine cravings.

Comments: Do not take with any

other OTC medications containi ng

sodium bicarbonate, suc h as Alka

Seltzer. Do not take wi th milk or milk

products or if you have any sign of

appendicitis (s tom ach pain, bloating,

nausea and vo miting). Be su re to take

the large amount of sod ium in baking

soda into account if you are on a salt

restricted diet. Baking soda interacts

adversely with many differen t med ica

tions, including common antibiotics

and pain relieve rs. Consult your doctor

before takin g it with other drugs or if

you have heart, liver or kidney disease,

or any other medical condition.

Sweet marjoram A strongly

scented herb (Origanum majorana)

grown in cold cl imates.

Uses: Applied topically to re lieve pain

and help to reduce swelling.

Comments: Al so used as a culinary herb.

Vitamin B complex. A comb in ation

supplement that provides a balanced
blend of B-vitam in s: thiamine (Bl ),
riboflavin (B2), niacin or niacinamide
(B3), pantothenic acid (BS), vitamin B6
(pyridoxin e), vitam in B12, biotin,
fo lic acid, choline and PABA
(pa ra -aminobenzoic acid).
Uses: B vi tamins are essential to the
health of the nerves, sk in, hair, eyes,
intestine, brain and other organs.
Comments : Sometimes prescribed
, along w ith individual B- vitamins to
ensure a proper vitamin balance.
Older people are often deficient in
B-vitamins .
While horehound See Horehound

Turmeric A pe renn ial plant in the

ginger family with funnel- shaped

flo we rs (Curcuma longo) native to

so uthern Asia. The active ingredient in

turmeric is called curcum in. long used

in the traditional (Ayurvedic) medicine

of India, and popula r as a cooking spice.

Yellow dock A herb (Rumex crisp us),

the roots of w hich are used to make
iron-rich medicinal extracts.
Uses: Helps to treat iron-deficiency
Comments: Your doctor mu st
determine the cause of you r anaemia
before you take suppl ements .


angina, heart attack, stroke, intermit

tent claudication and other ailments.

Absorption The uptake by the

body of a supplement, drug or other
substance through the digestive tract,
skin or mucous membranes.

Acupuncture A therapy originating

in China in which very thin needles are
inserted into the skin at key points on
the body to restore health and to
balance the flow of energy, ca lled qi
(pro nou nced chee).

Acute Short, severe, non-chronic;

designates an illness or condition,
typically lasting no more than a week
or two.


Autoimmune disorder An ailment,

such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis,
in w hi ch the immune system
mistakenly attacks the body's own
. healthy ti ssues.
Ayurveda The traditional medicine
of Indi a, dating back thousands of
years. It is based on the use of herbs
(such as boswellia and gymnema
sylvestre), cleansing diets, meditation
and other form s of therapy.

Beta-blocker A type o f drug that

Amino acids Chemical substa nces,

found in food s and produced in the
body, which are used to form protein.

affects the heart, blood vess el s and

other areas; often prescribed to treat
high blood pressure or ang ina .

Antibiotic A drug that ki lls or inh ibits

Bile A fat-d igesti ng substance

produced in the li ver, stored in the gall
bladder, and then released in to the
intestine when needed .

infection-causing bacteria.

Anticoagulant A drug (such as

warfa rin or aspirin) that in hib its blood
clotting; often used by those at risk
of heart attacks. Also known as a
blood thinn er.
Anticonvu lsant A drug that prevents
seizures; used to treat epilepsy.

Antifu ngal A drug that com bats

athlete's foot or other infections caus ed
by a fu ngus.
Anti-inflammatory A drug or
suppl ement that in hibi ts inflammation,
a body response to injury or irritation
cha racterised by redness, heat, swelling
and pain.
Antioxidant A substance that pro
tects cells from the damaging effects
of highly reactive oxygen molecules
called free radicals. Some anti-oxidants
are made by the body; others, suc h
as vitamins C and E, are obtai ne d
through the die t or from supplement s.

Antiseptic An in fection- fig htin g

Biofeedback A psychological
technique by w hich people are trained
to use visual and auditory cues to
recogni se and gain con trol of in volun
tary body processes, thereby helping
them to con trol muscles, lower blood
pressure and rela x.
Botanical A he rb or pla nt that has
hea ling properties.

Coenzyme A su bstance that acts in

concert with enzy mes to speed up
chemical reactions in the body.
Collagen A tough, fibrous protein
that pro vides su pp ort throughout the
body and helps to form bones, ca rti
la ge, skin, joints and other tis sues.

Complementary medicine Any of

various approaches to healing, such as
herbal therapies and acupuncture, that
fall outside the domain of conventio nal,
mainstrea m medicine.
Complex A term designating a
mi xture of vitamins, mineral s, herbs
or other nutrients. Examples includ e
vitamin B complex, liver (lipotropic)
comple x and amino acid complex.
Compress A soft pad of cotton or
lint tha t has been soaked in a herbal
tea or othe r healing substance and
placed on the skin to help reduce
inflammation and pai n.
Conventiona l medicine Also
known as allopathic medicine,
conve ntional medicine is the approach
to healing most commonly pra ct ised
in Australia, New Zealand and other
Western co untries. A doctor diagnoses
a problem and typically treats it w ith
d rugs or surgery.

Botanical name The scien tific, or

Latin, name of a herb or plant.

Dementia Loss of mental facu lties as

a resu lt of Alzheimer'S di sease or other
brain impairment.

Capillaries Tiny blood vess els that

con nect vein s and arteries. In the
capillaries, oxygen and nutrients are
transferred from the blood to the cells
and w aste prod ucts are removed.

Diabetic neuropalhy Diabe tes

related nerve damage that results in
loss of sensa tion , numbness, tingling or
burning; often occurs in the limbs .

Cartilage A dense yet flexible ti ssue

in the joints, spine, throat, ears, nose
and other areas. It is not as hard as
bone, but it does provide protecti on
and support.

herb, drug or other substance.

Cholesterol A fat-like substance

Antispasmodic A drug or supple

ment that prevents spasms or cramps
in the digestive tract or elsew here.

that circu lates in the blood and helps

to build cell membranes. High leve ls
increase the risk of heart attack.

Atherosclerosis The build-up of

cholesterol and other substances on
the artery walls ('hardening of the
arteries'), leading to heart disease,

Chronic Persistent or long-term;

desig nates an illness or condition that
often requires months or years of
trea tm ent

Diuretic A substance that draws

wa ter from the body and increases the
vo lume of urine .
Douche Herbal teas, acid ophil us and
wate r, or other substan ces used to
flush the vagina; may be re commended
for infections.
Endorphins Natural pain-reducing
substances released by the pituitary
gland, producing an effect similar to
that of nurcotic pain relievers.
Enteric coating A protective cover
ing that ena bl es a pill to pass intact


through the stomach into the small

intestine, where the coating dissolves
and the contents are absorbed.

H omocysteine An amino-acid-like
substance; high levels have been linked
to heart disease.

Enzyme A protein that speeds up

specific chemical reaction s and
processes in the body, such as diges
tion and energy production .

Hormone Any of vario us chemical

messengers produced by the adrenal,
pituitary, thyroid, ovaries, te stes and
other glands that have far-reaching
effects throughout the body.
Hormones regulate everything in the
body from growth and tissue repair to
metabolism, reproduction and blood
pressure, as we ll as a person's response
to stress.

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) The

building blocks that the body uses to
make fats. The body must obtain
va ri ous kinds of EFAs through food or
supplements (s uch as fish oils and
flaxseed oil) to ensure good health.

Expectorant A substance that makes

it easier to cough up mucus.
Extract A pill, powder, tincture
or other form of a herb that contains
a concentrated - and usually
standardised - amount of therapeut ic

Immune respon se The body's natu

ral defence system against infectious
microbes - including disease-causing
bacteria and viruses - as we ll as cancer
cells within the body itself.

Free radicals Highly reactive and

unstable oxygen molecules generated
in the body that can damage cells,
leading to heart disea se, cancer and
other ailments. Antioxidants help to
minimise free radical damage.

Insulin res i st ance A condition in

w hich the body's cells do not respond
adequately to the hormone insulin.
It can lead to higher blood sugar
(g lucose) levels, increased insulin
production by the pancreas, and
possibly even to diabetes .

Gram A metric measure of weight,

used in supplement dosages. There are
1000 milligrams (mg) in 1 gram (g)
and 1000 grams in 1 kilogram (kg).

Interferon Any of vario us virus

fighting proteins th at are made by the
body and that activate the immune

Haemoglobin The oxygen-carrying

component of red blood cells. Made
up of iron and protein, it transports
oxygen from the lungs to the cells and
transports carbon dioxide from the
cells back to the lungs .

Intermittent claudi cati o n A con

dition caused by poor circulation in the
legs (usually from atherosclerosis),
characterised by painful ca lf cramps,
often after walking or other exercise.
I t is relieved by rest.

HDl cholesterol A protein in the

blood that collects cholesterol from
tissues and returns it to the liver for
reprocessing ; also known as 'good'
cho lestero l.

Internaliona l Unit ( IU) A stan

dardised dose measure that provides a
set amount of a specific supplement,
such as vitamin A, 0 or E.

Herb A plant or plant part - the

leaves, stems, roots, bark, buds or
flowers - that can be used for
medicinal or other purposes (such
as flavouring foods).


Macrophage A type of wh ite blood

, cell that can surround and digest
disease-causing bacteria and other
foreign microbes.
Malaise A general feel ing of overall
weakness or discomfort .
Melanin A black or dark brown
pigment (colour) that occurs naturally
in the skin, hair and eyes.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

(HRT) The use of supplemental
oestrogen and progesterone (in the
form of progestin) - the female sex
hormones - to relieve the adverse
effects of menopause . The therapy
may also help to prevent osteoporosis
and heart disease.

Essential oil A concentrated oil

extracted from herbs or other plants.

Holistic medicine An approach to

healing that utilises aspects of both
conventional and complementary
medicine. Aims to treat the whole
body, not just individual symptoms.

Lipotropic combination A 'fat

digesting' blend of choline, inositol,
methionine, milk thistle and other
nutrients used to promote the health
of the li ver. Also called li ve r complex.

Metabolism The cascading array of

chemical reactions by wh ich the body
converts food into packets of energy
that we can use or sto re.
Microgram ( mcg) A metric mea
sure of we ight, used in dosages. There
are 1000 mcg in 1 milligram (mg).

Milligram (mg) A metric measure

of weigh t, used in dosages. There are
1000 mg in 1 gram.
Mineral An inorgan ic substance
found in the Earth 's crust that plays
a crucial ro le in th e human body in
enzyme creation, regulation of heart
rh ythm, bone formation, digestion
and other metabolic processes.
Mixed amino acids A balanced
blend (complex) of amino acids, often
taken in conjunction with individual
amino acid supplements.
Monoamine Oxidase ( MAO)
inhibitor A specific class of drugs
used to treat depression. Such drugs
often interact with various foods, other
drugs and supplements.
Mucilage A gummy, gel-like plant
substance that, w hen ingested, forms a
protective layer in the throat, digestive
tract and other areas, suppressing
coughs and irritation.

Jaundice A symptom of hepatitis

and other li ve r disorders marked by a
ye llow hue of the skin and eyes.

Mucou s membranes The pink,

shiny, skin-like laye rs that line the lips,
mouth, vagina, eyelids and other
cavities and passages in the body.

LDL choles t erol A protein in the

blood containing high levels of choles
terol and triglycerides; also known as
'bad' cholesterol.

Neuralgia Sharp, sometimes severe,

pain resulting from damage to a nerve
and often affecti ng a specific area of
the body, such as the filce.

Neurotransmitter Any of various

chem ical s found in the brain and
throughout the body that transmit
signals among nerve ce ll s.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory
Drug (NSAID) A drug - such as
aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen - that
reduces pain and inflammation by
blocking the production of prostaglan
dins (see also Prosta g landins).

Nutritional supplement A
nutrient, which may be synthesised
in the lab or extracted from plants or
animals, that is used medicinally.

Oestrogen A female sex hormone,

produced mainly in the ovaries, that
helps to regulate menstruation,
reproduction and other processes.

Over-The-Counter (OTC) A drug

that can be sold without a doctor's

peos (Procyanidolic Oligomers)

A group of antioxidant compounds,
also called proanthocyanidins - found
in pine bark, grape seed extract, green
tea, red wine and other substances
that may help to protect against heart
and vascu lar disease.

Pernicious anaemia A rare but

dangerous deficiency of vitamin B12
that can lead to low red blood cell
counts and nervous system impairment.

Phytoestrogens Oestrogen-like
compounds present in soya beans and
other plants that may help to treat
symptoms of menopause, certain
cancers and other ailments.

Phytomedicines Therapeutic
ingredients found in fruits, vegetables,
grains, herbs and other plants that
may help to protect agai nst cancer,
heart disease and other ailments.

Placebo Also called a dummy pill, a

substance that contains no medicinal
ingredients. Often used in scientific
stu dies as a control device, enabling
its effects to be compared with those
of the particular drug or supplement
under study.

Pou ltice A soft, moist substance

spread between layers of cloth or
gauze and applied, usually heated, to
the skin to help reduce pain .

Probiotics 'Friendly' bacteria,

similar to those found in acidophilus
. supplemen ts, that are normally present
in the intestine and help to promote
healthy digestion.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical

Nerve Stimulation) A method of
relieving pain that involves sending
electrical impulses to nerve endings
through electrodes placed on the skin.

Progesterone A female sex

Testosterone The principal male sex

hormone made by the ova ries that

helps to regulate menstruation.

hormone, produced in the testes, that

induces cha nges at puberty and helps
to build strong muscles and bones.
Women also make a small amount in
their ovaries.

Prolactin A hormone secreted by the

pituitary gland that promotes lactation.

Prostaglandins Hormone-like
chemicals occurring naturally in the
body that produce a wide range of
effects, such as inducing inflammation,
stimulating uterine contrac tion s during
labour and protecting the lining of
the stomach.

Recommended Dietary Intake

(RDI) The daily amoun t of a vitamin
or mineral required by healthy people
to meet the body's needs and prevent
a deficiency. These guidelines are
established by the Nationa l Health and
Medical Research Council in Australia
and New Zealand.

Standardised extract A concen

trated form of a herb that contains
a set (standardised) level of active
ingredients. Standardisation helps
to guarantee a consistent dosage
strength, or potency, from one batch
of herb to the next . Standardised
extracts are available only for certa in
herbs, whether as pills, tinctures or
in other forms.

Steroids A common term for

corti cos teroids, i nflammation-figh ti ng
drugs that are sometimes prescribed
to treat allergic reactions, asthma, skin
rashes, multiple sclerosis, lupus and
other ailments .

Sublingual Under the tongue.

Some supplements, su ch as vitamin
B12, are formulated to dissolve in the
mouth, enabling them to be absorbed
quickly into the bloodstream without
interference from stomach acids.

T'ai chi An ancient Chinese system

of exercise using precise movements
and breathing techniques to promote
balance, control and relaxation.

Tannin A plant-derived astringent

substance that ca n contract blood
vessels and body tissues.

Therapeutic dose The amount of a

vitamin, mineral, herb, nutritional sup
plement or drug needed to produce a
desired healing effect (as opposed to
the minimum amount needed to pre
vent a deficiency, as defined by the RDI).

Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA) The national
regulatory authority for all therapeutic
goods - prescript ion, non-prescription
or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, vac
cines, herbal and traditional remedie s,
medical devices and com ple mentary
medicines, including vitamins and
mineral remedie s - sold in Australia.
(In New Zealand, the Ministry of
Health administers regulati ons relating
to dietary supplements.)

Tincture A liquid usually made by

soaking a w hole herb or its parts in
a mixture of water and ethyl alcohol
(such as vodka). The alcohol helps to
extract the herb's active components,
concentrating and preserving them.

Tonic A herb (such as ginseng) or

herbal blend that is used to 'tone' the
body or a specific organ, imparting
added strength or vitality.

Traditional medicine An approach

to healing that relies on customs
and knowledge passed from one
generation to the next, often based
on thou sa nds of years of practice.
Examples are Chinese medicine and
Ayurveda (practised in India).

Trig lyceride The main form of

fat found in the body. High levels in
the blood increase the likelihood of
developing heart disease.

Vitamin An organic substance thilt

plays an essential role in regulating cel l
functions throughout the body. Most
vita mins must be ingested, beCiluse
th e body Cilnnot produce them .



Acacia greggi 255

accutane see iSOlret inoin

ACE (angiotensin-convening

enzyme) 3 15

ACE inhibi tors 345, 394

acetaminophm 58,83, 139

acety lcholine 205

choline and 322

acetyl L-ca rnitine 49, 187

aciuophilus 16, 103, 104, 105 ,

122,123,133, 153 ,1 59,

221,226,227,230- 3 1

antibiotics and 103 ,105,207

FOS and 397

acne 4 0-41

chaste tree and 261

evening primrose oil and 281

naxseed oil and 290

gugulipid and 3 13

tea tree oil and 365

vita min A and 20,372,373

zinc and 190

see also rosacea

acne drugs 392

acupress ure 179

acupu ncture 12 , 45 ,73

acyclovir 85, 20 I

adaptogens 2 11

ade nosine triphosphate (ATP)


ad hesions II 2

ad renaline 210, 278

adrenal formu las 2J 1

agelllg 19, 42-43

antioxidants and 17, 19

coenzyme 0 10 and 264, 265

melatonin and 329

selenium and 352

vitamin E and 382

see al so older adults

agnoside 261

agnus castus see chaste tree

agrimony 103, 396

AIDS (acquired immu ne

defiCiency syndrome)

airsick ness see motion s ickness

ajoene 294

alanine 1ll 1, 236

albinism 267

alcohol abuse 18, 19, 56, 74,

88,98, 114 , 126138

lecithin and 323

mIlk thistle and 33 I

vllamin BI2 and 377

supplements and 35

alcohol consumption 17,3'),55.


Page n umbers in bold type re f er to main en t ries

coenzy me 010 and 264, 265

66, ll5, 125, 136, 150,

naxseed oil anu 290


folic acid and 293

beta-carOlene and 242 , 243

ginkgo b iloba and 298, 299

kava and 320

gotu kola and 306, 307

alcoholism 44-45, 50

lectthin /choline and 323

rolic acid and 293

melatonlll and 329

kudzu and 397

ribonavlIl and 349

ribo navi n dellciency and 348

Siberian ginseng and 357

thiam ine and 367

thiamine and 366

alfa lfa 16 1

vlla min BI2 and 293, 376


vitamin E and 382

cm's claw and 255

zinc and 39 1

ephedra and 279

amenorrhoea 166, 167

gold ensea l and 304, 305

chaste tree and 261

wi ld yam and 388

American ginseng 300,30 I

allergies 20, 46-4 7,68,80,98,

amdoride 393

106, 108, 110, 11 6, 117,

amines 169


amino aCid complex 28, 45 . 53,

bee polle n and 240, 241

57,72 ,73, 89,10 1, 105,

coenzyme 0 10 and 265

115 , 119,125 , 143. 145,

e'phedra and 278 , 279

151 , 176, 177, 187. 191.

ginge r and 297


ginkgo biloba and 298

amin o acids 16. 19 , 23.23 6-37

grape seeu ext ract and 309

amlodipine 394

marshmall ow and 397

ampicillin 226

pantothenic acid and 246,

anae mi a 50-5 1, 118, 11 9, 130


dandelion and 271

quercetin and 171, 289

folic acid and 293

vitamin A and 372

iron and 20, 3 18, 319

vitamlll C and 379

n bo navi n and 349

see also hay feve r

vitamin BI2 and 292, 293,

allicin 294


almond o d 24, 63, 83 , 175,213 ,

yellow dock and 398


zinc and 390

aloe -emodin 233

angelica 57

aloe latex 232, 233

,ee also dong qual

aloe vera 70, 71 , 95,105 , 137,

angina 52-5 3, 142

193, 200,20 1, 212,213,

arginin e and 237

2 18 ,21 9,224, 225,

astragalus and 239


coenzyme 0 10 and 265

diuretics and 393

naxseed oil and 290

heart /blood pressu re drugs

hawthorn and 315

and 39 4

pOlasslum and 345

sterOIds and 395

"itamin E and 39, 382

aloin 233

angiostatin 355

alpha-ca rotene 252 , 253

anise 4 7,6 7,93

beta-ca rotene and 243

li co rice candy and 325

alpha-linolenic acid (A LA)

antacids 90,137.2 19,39 2

naxseed and 290

chromium and 263

omega-3 fall Yacids and 284

co pper and 267

alpha-lipoic acid 79, 101, 139,

pepperm int and 340

144 , 18 1, 193,234 -35

phosphorus and 343

diabetes drugs and 393

anthocyanosides 288

alpha -tocophero l see vllamlll E

bil berryand 244, 245

alprazolam 54

am i-anxiety drugs 395

vale rian ve rsus 370

ant ibiotics 69 , 86, 102 , 103.

Alzheimer's disease 48-49

105. 106, 108,116, 126 ,

alpha-lipoic aCid and 235

139. 160,202 , 207 , 216 ,

beta-carotene and 243

219,226. 227,268,


acidophilus and 103, 105,

207 . 221 , 227,230,23 1

baking soda and 398

biotin and 24 7

calcium and 250

ech lnacea as 276

ga rl iC as 295

go ldensea l and 85, 305

IrOI1 and 3 19

propoli s as 241

ribonavin and 349

vitamtn K and 385

Zinc and 391

anticoagu lant drugs 393

dong quai and 274

feverfew and 282

fi sh oils and 143,284

garlic and 29,294

gree n tea and 3 II , 385

horse chestn ut and 397

omega -3 fally acids and 284

pau darco and 338

pine bark extract as 309

re ishi mushrooms and 33 2

soy iso navo nes as 358

vita min E and 382

vita min K and 182,385

anll convu [sa nt d rugs see

selzure/epr lepsy drugs

amidepre ssants 90, 98, 99, 106,

393, 395

ephed ra and 185

5-HTP and 286, 287

folic acid and 293

kava and 321

melatonin and 328

5t John's wort and 362, 363

antifunga l drugs 177,364

amih istam ines 69,117, 155 ,393

anise tea as 47

ephedra and , 47

ginger tea as 47

nellie as 334

peppe rmint tea as 47

vitamin Cas 203,207,379

antih ypertensive drugs 141 , 394

black cohosh and 248

garlic and 294

anti oxid ants 13, 15, 17, 19,

22 , 34,35,42,43,49,

52,60,6 1,72,7 4 ,75,

78,84 ,88,89, 101 , Ill ,

121 , 128,134,135,139 ,

144,145, 150. 152, 160,

162, 163, 172, 173, 181 ,

186, 19 1, 193,197 , 201 ,

208 , 2 11 , 213

alpha- lipoic aCId as 234,235

amino aciels as 19

astragalus as 238

beta-cl u tene as 17,34 , 242 ,


hilberry as 244

ca rotenoid s as 17, 19 , 252

cat's claw as 255

'coc ktails' o f 25

coenzyme 0 10 as 19 , 264

na vonold s as 19, 34,288,


garlIc as 295

ginkgo btloba as 17 . 298

ginseng (Panax \ as 300

glutathione <1S 17,397

grape seed extract as 17, 308.


gree n tea as 17, 19. 310

gugulipt d as 3 12, 3 3

hawt ho m as 3 14 , 3 I 5

licorice as 324

Iycopene 3S 17

manganese as 368

melatOnin as 329

milk thIstle as 33 1

NAC anel237

NAD H as 397

n bo fl av in and :)48

selenium as 17, 19,34.352,


so)' iso flm'ones as 358, 359

vitamin Cas 13, 17 . 34,378,


ma min E as 13. 17, 34,382,


antipsyc holtcs 395

lecithin/choline and 323

see QI,o r syc hiatrie drugs

antiselzure medica tion ,'.:l'

sc lzure/epilepsy dru gs

anxiety and panic 49. 54-55,

60,82, 107,1 18. 156,

157, 178.187

chamomile and 258

chromium and 263

ephedra and 203

5-HTP and 286

ginkgo biloba and 298

ka,'a and 83, 320

niaCIn and 336, 337

pant othenic acid Jnd 246

ribona\'ln and 349

St John's wort and 83, 362

val erian and 370, 371

)'o himbe and 147

aphlhullS stol11atills see mouth

apigenIn ~), 258.259

"Ppie cid er ,inegar 12 J

apples 289, 369

a rachI donic acid 193

arbulln 221

art:lnr ne 53.85, 14 1, . 51,


arnIca 209 , 396

arrhYlhmias 56-57 , 89, 106

cac m, grand!nnrus and 396

coenzyme 010 and 264. 265

copper and 266

ephedra and 278

f, h oris and 284

cll1seng (Pa nax) and 300

hawthorn and 314

magne, lu m and 326, 327

arthn ll< 9 , 58-59 ,64,65 ,8 2,

120. i 84

bos\\'C llia and 396

bWnlchlln and 396

cat , j aw and 255

cayc ,me cream and 83 , 256.


chondroi lin and 396

ginger and 296

glucosamine and 4 3, 302- 03

gotu kob and 307

gLlsuhpld and 313

hawthorn and 315

nell ie and 335

niacin an 337

S.'\~'l and 398

sea cucumber and 398

shark cartilage and 355

,itam n 0 and 38 1

whil e wlll o\\' IXlI'k an 386.


wild r am and 389

seL' al,o rheumatoId anlmliS

ascorbic ~"!.ci( ~(\' rita m in C

ash\Vaganda 151

ASIan ginSeng sec' ginse :lg

\ Panax)

asiaticosicks 306. 307

aspa ra gin~ 236

aspart iCacid 236

aspirin 19.49,50,58,83. 1.0 ':1,

167.175 .197. 209 .2 16,

21 8,393.395

ga rh c and 294

gillcosami ne ''C 'SliS 302

ho rse c estnut and 397

pine bark extract verSlIS 3(19

,-ita min E and 382

wh ile \\'iIlo\V bark and 19 ,

6 ~.82 , 386,387

scc d" , "<SA IDs

asthma l4, 60-61, 11 0. l 76

CO/ellS (<lI ;lIo1!iii and 196

ephedra and 278 , 279

ellci1lyptu s orl and 397

'j- HTP an d 286

Ir sh 0 115 and 285

gi nkgo btloba and 299

horehound an d 397

lec lth m/cholll1c and 323

111:l5nC::i IUm

and 327

pe ppermint and 341

qucrccll n and 289

vitamin A and 373

,ilamin B6 and 374, 375

,ital1lin C and 379

astragalus 57. 68 , 69,73,8 1, 85,

87, 145 .203, 238-39.305

ca t's claw and 255

echinacca and 277

gmscng (Panax) and 30 1

atenolol 394

athe rosdt'roSls 52, 88. 134- 35,


garlic and 294

gu!Zulirid and 313

at hletes fOOL 62- 63, 176

ca lendula and 396

garl IC and 295

lea tree oil 3nd 364, 365

atOn'asta Lin 393

atracuriunt 394

alrophic g a SlnllS 377

AWltCi SCi(II,) see oat ex tract

a"ocadoes 127, l 87, 267,349.


A)'urYec!ll'medicine 306. 312.

3 13

back pa in 64-65 . 18 1

white will ow and 386

bad b reath 66-6 7

parsley and 398

peppermint and 24. 341

spiruitna and 360.361

haklng soda (sod ium

biLarbo ate ) 117 . 204.

205,2 12.22 1.225 ,398

b,H J \3S 267,375

barberr)' 57

bearherry see U\'a urs i

beche-de -mer sec sea cucumber

beLi('mcl hasone 395

hcd:iores 277

h,,; gl ue ,ee propo li s

bc:-e pol len 240-4l

b~c prJd UClS 240-41

heer 169. 191

bee sll ngers 155

heet CJf 27 0

bee ,-enom 173

benign prostal ic h rpe rpl ~s l a

(BPH ) 34, 190.19 1

netlie and l3 5

sa\\' almflt o and 350- 5 I

s,'e ,1100 proswte problem s

hcnseLlz idc

,'itallllll R6 and 187

bcnzodtazepilles 395

"i\leri an 'TestiS 370. 37 1

henzo),1 peroXIde

tea tree oil 'TrSlIS 41 , JIi~

berbc I rn~s

barberry and O regon grape

and 57

goldenseal and 201, 304

beriberi 367

beta-b lockers 98.394

beta -caro tene 17,22,34.

43 , 49. 72. 75,78 , 134 ,

16 1,213, 242-43.

252, 25 3

dail) amounts of 33

selclllum and 353

vltam m il, and 372, 373

betaine hydrochlo ride (HCI)


aspirin and 395

drug imeraClions and 392

NSAlDs and 394

steroids and 395

bifi dus 12 3.22 1. 227.230,23 1

FOS and 397

bilbwy 78 . 79. 100, LOI. 163 ,

223 , 244-45

[1a"ono lds and 288

bile 124

bIo feedback 12

bio na'-onoids sec navonolds

btotin 28 , 45,49 , 55,99.10 1,

liS. 11 9.132,133,149,

153.1 6 1, 171.1 73, 176.

177.18 1.1 99.205.2 11 ,

215. 246-47

datly amoun ts 01 33

DHEA and 273

bi rch oil 83. 175

bIrch sugar ,ee xy lit ol

birt h control prll s 395

blac k cohosh and 248

carolcnOlds and 253

chaslebe rry and 260

diosgenll1 and 189

magnesium and 327

melatonin and 329

riboflaVin and 349

\' itamll1 B6 and 375

bi rth defects

fol ic aciel and 149,292,293

lecithin and 323

selenium and 35J

vitamin A and 372

blackbe rry Iea'-es 103. 396

black cohosh 164, 165 , 166,

l 89. 248-49

bl ood pressure d rugs and 394

chaste trer anel 26 1

O B/GYN drugs and )05

ol'r1 atiwslt ranCjuilh sc rs ,md


black cu rrant or!

GLA ami 280.281

black radI sh 270

hlack smi<eroot .ICC hl a,~k

(0110, 1,


bladder cancer 74

aCidophil US and 231

beta-carotene and 242

selenium and 352

bladder infections see urinary

tract infection

blepharitis 116, 117

blood pressure 14O

ephedra and 278

hawth orn and 314

licorice and 29, 325

pOlassium and 345

see also high blood pressure;

low blood pressure

blood pressure drugs 118, 198,


see also antihypenensive


blood thinners see amicoagulam


bluebeny juice 127

blue-green algae see spirulina

bone-building products 28, 182,

365,384 , 385

bone loss see osteoporosis

bone meal 251

boron 183, 368, 369

calcium and 251

daily amounts of 33

boswellia 59, 65 ,1 97,396

glucosa mine and 303

boswell ic acid 59

bradykin in ase 232

breast cancer 74, 75, 96,164

beta-carotene and 242

boron and 368

coenzyme 010 and 265

dandelion and 271

DHEA and 273

Oaxseed oil and 291

folic acid and 293

garl ic and 295

geniStein and 289

green tea and 310

licorice and 325

melalOnin and 329

omega-3 fall), acids and 285

phYI.O-oeslrogens and 249

soy isoOavones and 358, 359

vitamin A and 372

vi tamin D and 381

breast-feed ing

chaste trec and 261

use of supplements and 5,29

brewers yeast 234, 262, 319,


Brazil nuts 353 , 367

brindleberry see Gal'Clnia

broccoli 183,24 3,25),169,


hromelain 47, 61, 64, 65 , 77,

82,83,126, 127,145,


153,1 54, 155,175,197,


amicoagu lants and 393

tU rmeric and 398

bronchllis 60, 68 -69 , 86, 87,


astragalus and 238 , 239

echinacea and 277

magnesium and 327

medicinal mushrooms and


NAC and 237

pau d'arco and 338

vitam in A and 372

bru ising

arnica and 396

Oavonoids and 289

vitamin C and 378

vitamin K and 385

buckthorn 73

bugbane see black cohosh

bugle weed 215

bumetanide 393

burdock 51, 73

burns 70-71

aloe vera and 233

calendula and 396

chamomile and 258, 259

echinacea and 277

gOtU kola and 306, 307

phosphorus and 343

riboOavin and 348

\~tam in A and 373

zinc and 390

bus pirone 395

butcher'S broom 131,223 , 396

Buteyko breathing technique 61

cabbage 215, 219 , 319

cactus grandi Oorus 57, 396

caffeine 55, 56, 97,119,149 ,


ephedra and 279

ginse ng (Panax) and 301

green tea and 3 11

calc ium 16, 18,28,34,55 ,64,

65,75,99 , 113, 115, 140,

141,157 , 165,168 , 169,

174,175,176,177,182 ,

183 , 185,189,210,211 ,


antibiotics and 392

chromium and 263

daily amounts of 33

diuretics and 394

ke lp and 361

magnesium and 327

phosphorus and 342, 343

sea cucumber and 398

vitamin D and 380, 381

vitam in K and 384

calcium ascorbate 129

calcium carbonate 137 ,250,

calcium channel blockers 394

calcium Ouoride 129

calcium pamothenate 246

see also pantothenic acid

calendula 63, 71, 94, 95,155,

177. 199,213,2 19,227,


canavanine 161

cancer 17, 18,21,35,50,

72-73 ,82,204
cancer prevention 13,74 - 75,

alpha-bpoic acid and 235

bela-caro tene and 242

carotenOlds and 252

cat's claw and 255

coenzyme 0 10 and 264

copper and 266

daily supplement formula for


Oavonords and 289

Oaxseed ot! and 290 , 291

garl ic and 295

ginseng (Panax) and 300

glutathione and 397

grape seed extract and 309

sele nium and 28, 352

Siberian ginseng and 357

vitamin C and 378, 379

\~tamin E and 39, 382

\~tamin K and 384

cancer treatments 178, 179 ,221

acupuncture and 73

aC ldophilus and 231

astragalus and 73, 238, 239

ca t's claw and 254

ech lllacea and 277

ginge r and 73, 296

glilseng and 73

glutam ine and 73

Irpouopic combinations and


mediclllal mushrooms and


melatonin as 329

milk thistle and 331

pau d'a rco as 338

shark cartilage as 354, 355

Sibelian ginseng and 357

vitamin A anel 372

vitamin K and 384

Candida albiwns see yeast


capsaicin 181, 20 I

cayenne and 59, 256, 257

captopnl 345

carbamazepine 395

carbidopa 187

carblmazole 395

carbohydrates 122 , 12:3

cardiac glycosides 394

cardiomyopat hy

coenzyme 010 and 264

carnitine 35 , 43 ,53,5 7,89,

236, 237

carob powder 103

carotenoids 16, 17, 19 , 72, 73,

75 , 81,134 ,135 , 150 ,

151,162,163 ,243,

252-5 3

kelp and 361

nellie and 334

spirulina and 360

vitamm A and 372, 373

carpal tunnel synd rome 76-77 ,

180, 18 1

turmeric and 398

vitam in Band 374, 375

carrots 243, 252

can ilage 58, 59, 64 , 196,197,

208, 354

boswellia and 396

chondroitin and 396

glucosam me and 302, 303

gotu kola and 306

nlaCIll and 337

shark ca nilage and 355

cascara sagrada 396

caSlOr oil 225

catarac ts 18, 78 - 79

alpha-lipOIC aCid and 235

bi lberry and 245

carotenoids and 253

Oaxseed oil and 29O

grape seed extract and 309

quercetin and 289

riboOavin and 348, 349

selenium and 28, 352, 353

\~tamin C and 19 , 378,379

\~tamin E and 382

ca techin polymers 309

catechllls 31O

cat's claw 82 , 127 ,14 5,197,

203,254-55 , 387

astragalus and 239

contraceptives and 395

diabetes drugs and 393

OB/GYN drugs and 395

cayenne 58 , 59, 83, 180, 181 ,

197,201,256-5 7

glucosa min e and 303

celandine 270

ceiel)' seed extracts 126, 127

ce lestipol 393

cervical cancer 74, 75, 224

carotenoius and 252

folic acid and 292

selenium and 352

cham()mile 55, 70, 71 , 105,

lll, 116, 117 , 129, 137,

152,153,1')6,157, l 67,

199,212,213 , 258-59

valerian and 25, 371

.- ~

chaparral 29

charcoa l, aCliva ted 123,396

chaslc tree 97, 11 2, 113 , 149,

166, 167, 188, 189,


black cohosh ve rsus 249

cOlllrace pu ves and 395

dong qual and 2 75

false unICo rn root and 397

O B/GYN drugs and 395

Sibe rian ginseng and 357

'N;ld ra m and 389

chelati on 23

chemotherapy see cance r

trea tments

cherries 12 7

chewing gum 13 7, 171

chickweed Oillun ent 111


gmkgo biloba and 298


use of supplem ents by 5 , 29

Chin ese ange lica see dong


Chinese ginse ng see ginse ng


chi ro practic 12,30

chitosan 185 , 396

ch lamydl a 148

chlore l.l a 67

chloride 16

chloro ph yl l 67

chl orot hiazide 393

chocolale 85 , 97, 136, 169

c ho lecalciferol 25 1, 38 1


HDL Cgood ') 10 1, 135, 142 ,

14 3,2 62 , 267 , 272,309,

31 2,3 13, 336,337.35 2,

358,39 1

LDL Cbad') 52, 134 , 142,

143, 165 , 24 2, 253.

262,267.285,3 10 ,3 12,

31 3,325,336,337 , 347,



sa also high cholesterol

cholesterol drugs 393

cholesytramme 393

choline 11 3, 13 7, 125, 139 ,


dandelion and 270

lipotropic combinati ons and

25,33 1

pantoth eni c aCid and 246 ,

24 7

thiamine and 366

cho mlroittn 58, 59, 396

glucosa mi ne and 303

chro mium 35, 4 ') , 100, JOI ,

184, 262-63

dail y amou nts o f 33

diabetes dru gs and 393

ch rollic fat igue syndrome (eFS)

80-81.1 20, 121

beta-carotene and 243

coenzyme 010 and 265

ec hmacea and 277

goldenseal and 305

lico ri ce and 324

medicinal mushrooms and


pantOlhenic acid and 246, 247

pau d'a rco and 338, 339

Siberian ginseng and 357

chronic pam 82-83

gingc r and 295 , 296

kava and 321

St John 's won and 362

wh ite wi 1I0w bark and 386

Wild yam and 389

ciclosporin 395

CimicYllga racemosa .lee b lac k


cineole 364. 365

cmna mon lea f oil 365

Circad ian rhythms 328

ci rrhOSIS 138

alpha-lipOIC ac id and 235

leci thi n/choline and 323

mllk thistle and 45 , 33 1

vita m III ,-\. and 373

see also alcoholi sm: liver


cistatracurium 394

cll ric ac d 87

clofibrate 3 13

clomIp hene citrate 149

clotrimazole 177

cl o\'e oil 225

clo\'es 67

cobalamme se \'Itam ln BI2

codeine 394

cod Ii\'er otl 285

coeliac d is~ase 103, 122

cop pe r and 26 7

folic acid and 293

coenz)'meO IO 16 , 19 , 35, 43.

49,53.56 , 57 ,72,73,

75 , 88,89 , 12 1, 128, 129.

141 , 144 , 14 5, 186, 187.


selemu m and 35 3

coffee 149, 137. 17l

thi amll1e and 367

see uls ca ffeine

cob -based dn nks 343

co lchicine 127

cold r~m e di es 393

colds and Il u 68. 86-87 , 92,

120 , 206. 211

ast ragalus and 238

caye nne and 257

DHEA an d 273

echinacea and 276 , 277

eph~dra and 278 , 279

ga rlic and 295

ginge r and 296,297

gold ensea l and 304, 30 5

peppermint and 3+ I

Siberian gin seng and 357

Vitamin A and 372

vHamin C and 379

zinc and 390 , 39 1

cold sores 84-85

argi nine and 23 7

echinacea an d 277

naxseed o il and 29 1

goldensea l an d 305

liCOrice and 325

lysin e and 237

melissa and 397

selenium and 353

s hark cart ilage and 35 5

Vitamin A and 372

ColeusJorshohlii 215, 396

drug interactions and 392

coli tis 103

collagen 183

bilberry and 245

co pper and 266

gotu ko la and 306

grape seed extract and 309

ha wthorn and 3 15

methi onine and 65

\1tamin C and 378

collOidal oatm eal III , 20 I , 2 13

colon (co lorecta\) ca nce r 50, 74,

75,90.9 1, 152

aspirin and 19

ca lcium and 75, 251

Conolus versicolor and 332

echmacea and 277

fi sh oi ls and 285

!laxseed oi l and 291

folic ac td and 292

gree n tea and 19,3 10

iron and 3 19

li corice and 325

selenium and 352

vitam in C and 378

vIIam in 0 and 38 1

comfre), ointment 94

Commission E (Ge nn an),) 10

compression stocki ngs 223

congestive hea rt failure \CHF)

88-89 ,92 , 22 2

ca mitine and 236

coenz),me 0 10 and 265

hawth orn and 3 15

magnesium and 327

taUrine and 237

thi amine an d 366 , 367

conjugated oestroge ns 395

conjuncllvltis 116. 11 7

chamom ile and 259

go l d~ nsea l and 305

zinc and 390

con stipation 67 , 90 - 9 1. 104 .

105,130,13 1, 152, 158,


calcium and 25 1

casca ra sagrad a and 396

dand elion and 270 ,27 1

naxseeds and 290

psyllium and 346, 34 7

copper41, 101. 110 , Ill , 13 1,

133, 1+5, 149,151, 153,

16 1, 163, 173, 183, 191,

193, 197, 199 , 2 15,2 1 7,

2 19,266-6 7

dail y amounts o f 33

\~ta min C and 379

zinc and 28, 390 , 39 1

Co ri oilis versicolor (PSK) see

mu shrooms, medicinal

corticosteroids, oral see steroid s

co rti sol 81 , 324

corti sone c reams III

cough 92-93

black cohosh and 249

eucalyptus oil and 397

ho rehound and 397

licorice and 324

marshmallow and 397

mullein !lower and 397

peppermint and 341

coumarins 274

cram p bark tea 167

cramps, muscle 174- 75

cranberry 220 ,22 1, 2 68-69

c reatine 35 , 175 , 396

cretinis m

iodine and 316

crocus, autu mn 127

Crohn 's disease 103, 152 , 153

copper and 266

fi sh oils and 284 , 285

folic acid and 293

\~tamin BI 2 and 377

wild yam and 388

cryptoxanthm 252 , 253

beta-carote ne and 243

cumin 179

curcumin 143 , 398

cuticles 177

CUtS and scrapes 94-95

agrim ony and 396

aloe ve ra and 233

calendula and 396

ec hlllacea and 277

lave nde r oil and 397

propolis and 240. 2-+ i

lea tree oil lnci '>64, 36 5

vitamin A and 373

vitamlll [: and 381

zin c and 390

cycl iC breast di sorde r 96 - 97

na.~sccd oil ,tlld 29 1

iodt ne and ) 17

cyslcine 236 , 237

cystiti s see urinal)' I ract inrec ti 0n


caye nne cream and 81, 25 6

chromiu m and 262, 263

coen z)'me O w anu 2n5

dald zein
da ndelio n and 271

SO)' Iso llavo nes and 358, 359

DH E.A and 272 , 273

daJdzen 45

ephed ra and 278 , 279

daily multi" it am in and mInerai

e\'ening pnm rose oil and 281

lo rmulas 32- 34

dandelIo n S1, 90, 9 1, 113 , ] 25 ,

fish oils and 285

Il axsced 011and 290

139 , 2 70-7 1

gin kgo bil ob3 and 299

d iabetes dmgs ~ nd 393

ginse ng (Panax ) and 30 L

diu rctics and 393

li pOtro pi c combinatio ns and

gold ensea l and 304

gmpc seed cxt raet and 309

323. 33 J

dand rurr 132

gymn e111a sylvestre and 397

tea Lree o d and 365

magnesiu l1l and 326, 327

dang gu i sec dong qual

macln and 336, 337

qtlcrceti n and 289

decoctio ns 24

ta urine and 237

deco ngestant 69 , 19 1, 195,202

ephed ra as 47, 203

thiamine and 3bb

gi nger tea as 47

\'a nadium and 369

\'113111111 ,\ and 373

pantothe ni c ac id as 47

pe ppu mi nt as 4 7, 341

" na1111 B(, and 371

deglycyrrh lzinaled li co rice see

\'italll1l1 B ll and 376

lico rice (DeL)

\'i tam in C anc1 3 78 , 379

dementi a

Z1l1C an 390

ginkgo bilo ba and 10 , 299

diabetes d rugs 303

\1wmin BI2 and 292,377

diabe tiC neurOjJm IJ y 180, 181

see (lIsa Alzhei mers disea se

alpha- ipoic acid and 34,

dc presslon 20,49,80 , 81, 82,


90 , 98 - 99 , !l8 , 120, 12 1,

,biotin and 246, 247

156, 185 , 188, 189

eve ni ng pn lllrose Oil and 28 1

fish o ils and 285

d iabe tI c rcti nu pathy

bilbe rry an I 2 ,5

5-HT P ,m d 286 , 287

lolic acid and 292 , 293

ginkgo biloba and 298

gIn kgo biloba and 298

d tagridlum 347

d iarrhoea 10 2-03 , 1) \\, 153,

GLA and-+5

J 58, \ 59

gotu kola and 49

acldoph;Jus and 23 1

kava and 83, 32 1

agrimo ll)' and 396

meia to nm and 329

niacin and 336, 337

bllbe rry and 2-+ 5

blackberry lea\'es and 39b

panto thenic ac id and 2-+6

phosphatid ylse rine and 187

rolid acid and 293

5t Joh ns won and 10 , 11 ,55 ,

gllgulipi d and 313

83, 2 1 \ , 362

po ta"lu lll and 345

ps)' lli m and 341', 347

thiam ine and 366, 367

va\e nan and 37 1

rasplxr ry lea\ (5 and 396

\'itam in B6 and 374 , 375

d i,12epam 54

valerian w rsus 370

" iLamin BI2 and 376 , 377

ulc\o knae 335, 39-1

derma tit is see eczema

dietitians 3 1

devi ls claw 65 , 82 , 127

dext rop ro pox)'phene 394


DHA (docosahexa noi c acid ) 284

plantain and 93

DHt::A (deh ydroepiand ros

di gitaliS drugs 394

haw tho r an d 3 15

terone) 16, 35 , ! 45, 16 1,

licorice and 32 4

272- 73

diglloxin 394

biotin and 247

d iabetes 14,2 1, 49,76,78,90 ,

dl)(Oxin 394

5ibe n an ginseng and 356

100-01 , 118, 128 , 146,

dIi liazem 394

162, HH, 226 , 3 \3

dio,genin 388 , 389

aloe vera and 23 3

alpha -lipoIc acid and 234,235

d isuH ram 45

d iuretic, 106, 12b, 185 , 220,

b dberr)' and 245

271, 393

biolln and 246 , 247


li conce and 324

mag ( siu m anu 89

nettle as 33-1, 335

potaSsiu m an d 89 , 345

thia ll11 nC :1,1d 89, 366

di\'erucul;lr clisvrJ ers 104-05

chamLlllliic and 258

l1axsecds and 290

melissa alld 397

see al<n ritwn ieuills:

ui "eni clilili s LO,; , 105 , 158

sil IJ PCI) elm allu 398

,,'dd pm an 388

di\'~ tll ulo<is 104 , 105

~ci cio phillls " cI 23 1

glu tarrl1n ~ and 237

p rrermin an ' 34 \

psli hlllll ane 346,347

\'alerian ana 370, 3 71

d izziness 106-07

gi n g~ r and 296, 297

g1l1k go bik,ha and 19, 298,


doncpczll -+8

Jon UJi 1l2,113 , 164 ,

165 , 16n, 1 )7, 189 ,

274- 75

chaste tree <1 ,d 26 1

SlhaiJl ginse ng anu 357

d o p~ JI1 i n e 186, 187

" A H a u 397

d oxycycline 392

ul uglsll ple mc nt intCJ'actions

392- 9 5

J uL e 5 \

J ust Illites 46 , 47, 60

dysmen urrh oea 166, 167

earache 108 -09

la\ endcr oil and 397

mui:ci n n O\\ er and 397

ear inrections 106

echmacea and 277

eat ing disorders

5- HTP and 287

edllnaeea 20, 68, 69 , 71, 73,

81,85,86,87,93,94 , 95,

109, 145, 171,201, 203,

20 7,2 2 1,226,227 ,


aSlragalus and 239

cal'- cla\\ Jnd 255

g in s~ n g (Panax) and 3Q I

goldenseal anu 305

pau d'arco and 339

ch inacosicks 277

E, (b , /icrid:i! U coli

aCi ,) hilus, nLl 230

cr3n~rry and 268, 269

\\me and 103

eczema 110-11 , 132

cayenne cre am [mel 25 6

chamomi le and 258

eC hl11act>r\ and 277

(ve o1l1 0 pri mrose oil and 281

fi sh oils and 285

k orice cream and 325

q uercetin and 289

selenium and 353

\ itamin :\ an d 373

Zinc and 390

EGCe; (epig" lIocatcchin ,ga liate)

3 10

green tea anu 288, 3 1 J

eggs 24 3

elue rberry 87 , 13 1

elder tea 47, 203

clcllthero sec " Ibe nan ginseng

elcuthc rosidco; 357

emphysema 176

enalapri l 34 5, 394

endometrI al cancer

soy prod ucts and 359

endome tn osis 112-13 , 148

uandelio n and 270, 271

e\'e!ling primrose oil and 28 1

l1axsced oil and 290

grape seed extract and 309

lipotropic combinall ons and


m ilk thistle and 33 1

wild yam an d 389

en orph llls 55, 16 7

inseng (Panax) and 30 1

eJ tiostalin 355

cnoxa par in 393

EPA \elCosape ntan oic aC lel ) 284

ephedra 2'5 , 47, 60 , 6 1, J84,

185 , 203, 2 78 - 79

antidepressa nts and 393

co ld remedies and 393

diabetes d ru gs and 393

diuretics an u 393, 394

drug interact ions and 392

hea n /blood pressu re drugs

and 394

neuro logy d rugs and 394

5t John 's WOrl and 363

e phedrine 393

ephedra anu 278 ,279

ep Jie ps)' 114-15

rolte ,Kid and 293

kava and 32 1

manganese and 3Nl

nbo llann and 349

tau nne and 23 7

\1tam in 66 and ,374

eplleps)' urugs sec

, "izlI re /epilepsy drugs

Eplltl/Jill/ll parvifiuru ll1 15 1, 19 \ ,


nwk and 335

Epsom s:, lt5 326, 327

gOlu kola and 49

magnesium and 327

phosph orus and 34 3

re,sh, mush roo ms and 333

ribonavin and 349

Siberian ginse ng 357

\~t am m 6 12 and 377

rall Yacids

kelp an d 36 1

saw palmeLLo and 35 1

feathcrlcw see feve rfew

rennel 67, 93, 11 7

fe nugreek seed s 68, 69, 9 1

fe rrous sa lts 319

fever blLStcrs see cold so res

rever few 8 2, 168, 169, 282-8 3,

38 7

anllcoagu la nt s and 393

aspi rin and 395

fib romya lgia 8 1, 120- 21

alpha-li pOICac id and 235

beta-ca rotene and 243

cayenne and 256

coenz yme 0 10 and 265

5-HTP and 287

lico rice and 32 4

magnesium and 327

qucrce in ;ln d 289

St john 's wo n and 362

Siberian ginse ng and 357

zinL and 390

Iln astenc\e 351

fireweecl SCi: EI'I/O/>ILIII1


fi sh oils 16. 18,53,57, 10 1,

113, l35 . 141, 143, 52,

1- 3, 160 , 11'1,1 6 7,191,

192, 193, 195 , 197,


anlicoagulanrs and 134 , 393

aspirin and 395

5-HT P (hyd roxytr)lJlophan)

157, 286- 8 7

anllde pressa ms and 393

anlllllStami nes and 393

CO d remed ies anu 393

musclc relaxants and 394

narcotic pain reJie\'crs and


Pa rkinson's d isease drugs and

39 5

I)'yclllamc d ru gs and 395

Sed:lll\'cs!t ranquilhsers and


natuJcnce 122- 2 3

acidop l!lUS and 230

calci u 111 and 25 1

cayenne and 257

false unicorn root 149,39 7

charcoal. JCli\'a ted and 396

rati gue 50,80 , 81. 82 , 84 , 86,

FOS and 397

88,98. 1]) , 11 8 -19. 120.

gingc l and 296 , 297

12 1

peppenn ml and 340. 341

naxseed oil and 29 1

ps),lIium and 34 7

ginse ng (Panax) and 300 , 30 1

EpstclIl- Barr \'ilUS 80

St John 's wo n and 363

crgocalciferol 2 51, 38 1

esc-in 223

esse ntial faLlYacids 4 1, 53, 96,

97 , 10 1, 11 0 , 111 , 11 9,

125 , 132, 141 , 145 , 146,

148 , 149, 15 1, 154, 155,

160, 166, 167, 172 , 173,

177, 18 1, 184. 185 , 189,

19 1, 192, 193, 198, 199,

213 , 280

chl tosan and 185

naxseeds and 290

essential oils 24

ethac rynic aCId 393

eucalyptus oil 4 7, 83, 93, 109,

175, 203 , 34 1,397

evening primrose 011 26, 41, 43,

45, 49,96,97, 10 1, J tO,

111 , 1 13, 132, lJ 3, 14 5,

146, 1-t7 , 148 , 149, 160.

16 1. 166, 167, 173, 175 ,

177 , 181, 185.189, 194 ,

195 , 197, 199. 280 -8 1

psychiatric drugs and 395

exe rCIse 175

rrequent 35

hea n d,sease preven tion and


high cho lesterol and 142, 143

infen ili ty, remale and 148 ,


menstrual d isorders and 1 13.

166. )07

regular 55, 57, 99.10 1, 105,

12l , 165

stretching 175

wcightbea ring 182. 183

eyebright 4 7, 11 6, 11 7, 203.


eye diso rd ers

beLa-ca rotcne and 243

bLi berr)' and 244, 245

see a/ so ca taracts, macula r

dege neration, night \,Ision ,

retino path y
eyc infec tions 11 6-1 7

agrim ony and 396

chamomIle and 258. 259

eyebri ghl and 397

goldenseal and 305

vitamin A and 372

eyestrain 309

navone glycosides 299

navo noids 16, 19, 34, 68, 69,

74,75,78,84,85, 109,

111 , 127 , 128, 129, 13 1,

135. 165, 167, I l l , 193,

201, 203, 208,209,223,


ant hocyanosides 244

bilbe rr)' and 244

grape seed extract and 308

hawthorn and 314 , 3 15

hean / blood pressure d lUgs

and 394

lico rice and 324

neu rology d rugs and 394

OB/GYN drugs and 395

transplant d rugs and 395

tlaxseed 36, 41 ,53, 6 5,75, 79,

84 ,85, 9 1, 97, 10 1, 104 ,

105 , 110, Ill , 113 , 11 9,

124, 125, 127,13 1, 132,

133 , 135 , 141, 145, 146,

14 7, 149, 151, 152, 153,

166, 16 7, 172, 173, 177,

18 1. 18 5, 187, 19 1, 192,

193 , 199 , 20 1,2 13 ,


o mega-3 rall Yac icls and 284

flu see co lds and tlu

fl uon de 129 , 36B, 369

green tea and 3 11

ro lac in see fo lic ac id

folate see ro lic acid

lohc acid 42 , 4 3, 45, 49, 50, 5 1,

55 , 89,99, 10 1, 11 5, 119,

129 , 133, 13 5, 149, 152,

153 , 16 1, 171. 17 2, 173,

176, 177, 18 1, 183,199,

20 1, 205,2 11 ,2 15, 2 17,

29 2-93

acic\,l hilus and 230

daily amounts o f 33

seizure/epilepsy d ru gs and


splrulina and 360

\'i 13min B and 374

\'itaml B/2 and 376, 377

food allergies 40, 98, 110

food poison ing 10 2, 103, 178,


acidophdus and 23 1

food preservall ves 170

fo rs kol in 2 15

FOS Cfructo -oligosacc hariu ts)

123, 159,2 27,230 ,397

fosino pril 19 4

roxglo\'e 29

free rad ica ls 17,42,72,74.

7R , R4 , 88,89. 10 1.

134,1 43 , 150. 172.

191,204,213'la- hpolc ac id and 234,


anthocyan os ides and 244

astraga lus and 238

beta-carotene and 242, 24 3

bilberry and 244

ca rOlenoids and 252,253

cal's claw and 255

coenzyme 010 and 264

copper and 266

navono ids and 288

gin kgo biloba and 298

grape seed extract and 308

gugu hpid and 313

iron and 51

melatonin and 329

milk thistle and 33 1

ribo navin and 348

sele nium and 352

vitamin C and 378

vitamin E and 382

fringe tree bark 270

frost bite 233

fructo-ohgosacc handes see FOS

flU se mide 89, 366, 393

fum aric acid cream 193

fun gal infecuo ns 63 , 144, 145,

176 - 77

garlic and 294

tea tree oil and 364

GABA (gamma-aminobutync
acid) 77, 370

gabapenr In 395

ga llbladde r disease

manganese and 368

ga llsto nes 124-25

dandelion anel 270 , 271

naxseed oil and 290

lecithin /choline and 323

milk thi stle and 33 1

peppe rmllll and 341

psy ll ium and 34 7

taurine and 237

gamm a-amlnobutyric acid

see GABA

ga mma-hno len iC acid see GLA

ga mma-oryzanoI1 37, 2 19, 397

Garcinia ca mbogia 35, 185 , 397

garlic 20, 63,8 7, 108, 109, 136,

142 , 143 , 177 , 20 7, 21 9,

22 4, 22 5, 22 7,285,

294- 95

anl icoagulanls anti 29 , 393

aspirin and 39 5

blood pressure drugs and 39 4

copper anel 2()7

selen ium and 353

gastro-ocso phagca l rcnux ,,~~


ge lati n 59, 85, 177

ge mfibro zil 393

genistein 2HH, 2H9


soy isoOal'ones and 75,358.


ginge r 47. 7), tl2 . 83, 106. 107 .

123.137 ,15 7, 175, J 79 .

196, 197. 296-9 7,387

ma rshmall ow and 397

gingc rols 207

gingil'i l is 66. 128-29

gin kgo bdoba 10. 17 . 19 ,20,

43, 48, 49 .57,79. 89 .99,

101, 107, 146, 1'+ 7,163,

173, 187, 195,2 16,2 17 .


asp irin and 395

gin se ng (Pana x) 16, 118 .11 9 ,

H 6. 147, 151, : i7. 2 10,

2 11,300-0 1.156

anli eleprcssanl.s and 393

aSlraga lus and 73. 239

blood pressure drugs and 39-1

di abetes drugs and 393

ciruretics and 393

neurology cl rugs and 39-1

psyc hiarril drugs and 395

Siberian gin se ng and 157

SlerOld :; and 395

Gill se ng NUlriti\'e Com blnalion


ginse nos id es 16, 300, 30 1

CLA ("amm a- lin olemc acid) 26,

4"3,45,18 1, 195. 197,

280 - 81

gland ular rel'er 80

St john's won and 363

glaucoma I 16

bdberry and 245

ephedra and 185

gol de nseal and 304

niaCin and 336

glucosam inc 43 , 58, 59 , 64, 65,



chondn)illn and 396

d iurel ics and 393 , 394

glucosides 239

glUl<1mic acid 236

glutamine 45, 73, 105, 115 ,

191 , 219,236,237

glutathione 17 ,73.75, ; h, 397

milk rhi slk and 330.331

glu wthl one perox idase 352

gluten int o l n~ n ce 10.1 . 170

gl)'ce ryllrinilratc 39-1

glyc ill c 59, 1\)1 , 236

glycogen 344


glycyrrhel inic acid cream II I

glycyrrhizin 32 4. 325

glycyrrhiz ini e ac III ,")25

goitre 21+,36 1

iod ille and 3 16, 3 17

go l d e ll s~al 7 1,8 1.85.87,95.

11 6. 117 ,145. 170, 171 .


178, 179. 20l. 20 7, 22L

224,225.227 ,304-05

cars claw ami 255

echrnacca Jnd 277

pau d~rco and 339

gOlu kola 49 ,7 1. 222 , 223.


sedati \'es/ rran<j uil ltse rs and


gOllt 126-27

car's ci a\\' and 255

Ilaxseed or! and 290

folt e acid and 293

molybdenum and 368

ncule and 33-1 ,335

niacin .mel 336

qUCl'CClin and 289

\1l.1m in BIl and 377

grapefru it seed extracr 67

grape seed extraci 17,35. -12 ,

75 , - <), 11 1. 12 1, Ih

I ~ 2 , 162.163. 193.


na\'onoicis and 288. 289

:;c!.: ll iul11 and 35 3

grap~ seed "II 309

green tea l7 . 19, 35 . -12. 43 , 6L

7-1 . i 5, 143 . 1-+9.3 10-11

Ib\'ol "ids and 288 , 289

scI.: iUlll and 353

\'ilal11 l11 K ,mel 385

guarana l57
gl \,.~~u st'l. :!,ugulipid
gugguisterones 143.3 12
gU",glrlu sec gll!;uhpid
glt)<u li pid 1-13.3 12-13
gum iscase 66, L28-29
c!lJ momile anc 259

coenzyme 0 III and 26-1 , 2l')

gUilpowder tea 3 1 J

gUll11cuboo[l set gynHh:'rn:~

g) m!1~ma sylw,lI'e 100. J(\ I 397

d,;lbelcs (. rugs and 393

drug IIlte rall ,)ilS and 392

g)'naecological (GY,, ', drugs )95

hJClllOCh r,)mal Osis

il'0l1 and 318. 3 J 9

\ . 3min C and 3 8

hacmorrho id.> 50. 130-31. 22 2

bilberr) J!lel 24')

burchel 's broom ,md 396

rlJ\',)nold s ;lIl d :'.89

psylli um and 3.,6

5r John', \\'o r! ,mel 36.,

zinc and 3Y I

ha ir, ani m I -1b , 60, 61

hair prohkm, 132-33

hioll n am' 2-16. 2-1 7

Ila:--seed 011 :md 290

PABA and 398

SliIC"1l J l ei 369

h:lliln,is >c< had brea lh

I al gnaHs 176

hawd 0 111 52. 53. 56, 57,89.

141. 3 14-15

diurerics and 394

heJrt , blood pressure d rugs

.mfi 394

\oJ)' b 19 2. 10

Ixo: pollen a d 240. 2-11

grape seed cxtrau .md 309

nct: e ~n ci 335

qUc iLCI IIl;\1 J 289

,,',' ,, /s,'

a ller~ic s

heaci:J, IKs

CJye nne and 257

eucClly tUS OJI and 34 1

5-H TP ,lnd 287

,;i kgo blk,ba and 298

pc~ l~ rnlil1[ 011 Jnd 83 . .H I

\\ hile \\ Iii, )\\" bark ~nd 386

~ l'( ... 1,1 migr.linc

head lilt' 305

h c~nb ll r : 92 , 136-37

,lg,rim('ony and 396

aloe \'cr" and 233

cak iutl ane! 250

Ch .l1hllll i.e and 258

eh,)linc and 246, 2"17.323,

gamma-orFan ol and 397

liulli, e tD IL) and 32 4. 325

ma r3h m,1llol\' and 397

.1 1lClthen lc aCid Jnd 246.

24 i . 323. 366

peppI:' 'l1 llnt ,HI.mel 67

sllp pe ") d Ol and 398

thl.l .illc anJ 2-16, 24 7. 323.

366,.36 /

\'I t:lInr n Hie mJ 377

hean disease 14, 7. 18, 20. 2 1,

35. 11.'0. liS. 129, 134-35,

136. H 7. 102, 164. 165,

J ,6, 1M". 204

astr,lgal s .md 239

bakll1&SL> J and 39B

canlilir ~ 3 d 236

cClcn:ymc QIO and 26)

Clic:" (''''she'lIll l and 396

cphcd r" and 27B. 279

g.,lde nsc.11Jnd 30-1

ha\\'lho rn and 3 1~ -1 .'i

hnl chou ml Jn ci 397

ir"n and 28. 51,1 19

hCCln ~e and 32 -1

tlh~dicl11,1.1 n ushn.")Llnl.:. and


~t\' dl.~ Jngtna. aTrh ythn1 ias:

LL' ngesLi ,"c ~ ,e.l n Lli ure:
higl dwicsrernl

he" ,.: dlsca<;c 1'''C\'ention 13.34.


arg,lni ne and 2) 7

as]'lrin ,md 19

astrilgal us and 239

bera-ca rOlc ne and 242

black cohosh and 249

ca rote noids and 253

chromium and 262

coenzyme Qloa ncJ 264

cc'ppe r and 266

dally supp lement fOlm ula ror


DHEA and 272

fl -;h oil s an d 10 J 284. 285

fl a\'onoid s and 288

Ilaxs~cd oil and 290

lo lic aC id and 292, 293

ga rlic anel 294

grape seed exrrac t and 308

green rea and 19.3 10

gUl\ulipid and 3 12, 313

IL0rice and 325

magnesium and 101, 326.


manga nese and 369

meldronin wd 329

Illacin an d 336

pine bark cx rraCI and 309

potasslLlIl' ,m el 344

pS)'lhum and 3-1 7

SC!cI1l UIll <1nd 352

silicon and 368

soy products and 10 1, 358

dra min B6 and 374. 375

\'itamin BI2 and 376, 377

\'iram in C <1nel 378, 379

\-Iumll E and 10. 19,382 ,


\itamrn K and 384

hea n drugs 394

hea rt fail ure sa conge;,[l\'e

hea n lailure

11,'/i,bJoel' /'\ lun 218, 219

garlic and 295

he parin 393

hep,1I iti, 138-39

alpha-h poic aciel and 235

dandelion Jnd 270,271

lecilhln /c holinc and 323

licorice and 32-1

mi l lhlstle and .131

herbalists 30

herh, 16

prcpararioll:;/ rorms or 23 - 24

sale dc)ses or 29

st:mdu rdised n ll ans and 2'1

heqxs 84

ec hrn aeea and 277

St Johll ~ wort and 163

shark ca rr rlage and 35'j

co ld ,o res; shrngk "

lit Ipc" , genital 8-1.85

argrn inc and 23 7

ecilillacca and 277


he rpes ZOSler ;ee sh ingles

hesperidin 288, 289

h ialus he rma

pe pperminl 01 1and J 40
h igh bl ood pressure 18,88,89 ,
106,126,134 , 140-41.
162 ,184
arginine and 23 7

astraga lus and 239

caclus grandln orus and 396

calcium and 251

coc nz)'me 010 and 265

co pper and 266

dong qua l and 275

eph edra and 278, 279

fish o ils and 284

naxseed oil and 290

ga rlic and 294

gin se ng (Panax) and 300

goldensea l and 304

hawlhorn and 3 15

Iodine and 3 17

licorice a nd 29, 32~

magnesium and 326, 327

med icina l mushrooms

and 333

nellie and 335

pOlassiu m and 344, 345

Siberian gll1 scng ami "'357

so)' produCls and 165

laurine ami 237

yohlmbe and 147

hi gh c hoieslerol13 4 , l4 2-4 3

aC ld ophil us a nd 23 1

a rginine and 237

chromiu m and 100, 262 , 263

cop pe r and 266

IOsse m ia l rallY acids and I fr I

Oaxsce d OIl and 290

garlic and 294, 295

gug ulipld and 3 12 , 313

iron and 5 1

leCllhi n / chol me a nd 323

med icined mus hrooms and

3 33

niaCin and 336,337

psyllium and 346,34 7

soy isona\'ones and 165,358,


hippUriC acid 269

h islamll1e 46, 60 , 110, 199,


gra pe seed eXlraCI and 309

ne llie ;mel 335

hislidine 230

HIV/AlDS 21. 144-45 , 221

a loe vera and 213

a lpha-lipOIC acid and 235

aSl ragalus and 239

ca l' cla\\' and 2')5

coenzyme 010 and 265

DHEA and 273

echinac('a and 277

medlc in,ll m ushrooms and

332 ,333

pau d'a rco :\11<1 338, 339

51Johns \\'o n and 363

SeiclllUIl1 and 353

III male and 398

\ lI,m lll BI2 Jnd 376, 377

zinc and 390

hollslic medica_ pr,luilione rs 30

ho mocysteine -12 , 89 , 135 , 292

rollC alld :lI1d 292

\llam m B6 :1 d 3,-' 375

\ita ll1ll1 [1' 2 an d 3ib

hone ), mal uka 21 9

hops 3;' 1

ho rehoun d 61 ,68,69,93,397

horm one re l~ ccmclll l1t l' rapy

(HRT) 10-1, 1 5, 182 ,183 ,


carolenoids an d 25 3

b lac, cohosh \'(rsus 249

horse ( h~Sll1111 223 , )"7

horselall 177, 369

Hoxscy he rb,licomj)ou nd 73

11tIall,~ lil "t'c" as{:1l~1Ius

huma n pJ pi lloma \'lrllS 22 -t ,

gnldcnsc:tl and 304 , 305

hyd l'ocllklrol hbzidc 393

hyd rocortisone cream 1 11

hyd roge n pc rdxicie 6;,95 ,1 09

hydroxyJmhracenc 9 1

1 ydrox)'Lllrie lLci (He".) 185

hygiene 103. l3 1. 221

o r,1I 66 - 61, 128, 129,17 1

hypericin 30 2, :363

h ypencum llil 200, 363

Hyperic um 6x l S I , 201

hype rosicle 3 15

high blood

h ),penensioll
pr essure
hypertension med icati on ,te
Jl1l ih) perle I <II'C drugs

hy pen hyro idism 2 14 , 215

h,'pogl )'clernia -'), 11 -1

chromi :11 an 262

hypolhyroltiJ>m 21 4 , 2 15

h ) ssop 93


uprofen 49, 'iI), 59 , 83, 16 7,

175, lY7 , 2l\<) , 2 18 , 304

glLlen"a mi ne \'erSlIS 302, 303

)lugu hpid \'Crsu s 313

sec (I/so "'SA IDs

immunosuppressant drug, 395

potence 20, 146-4 7, 204

na xsee d 0 11 and 290

gll1kgo b lloha a .d1 9, 299

gi nse ng (Panax \ and 30 I

grape seed extract a:id 309

muira puama and 397

Sibenan ginseng and 357

cra nb.: rry and 269

illda pa, ide 393

Im]vllici alln 394

11iet lllt )', rcm:;]e 112.148 -49

chasle Iree and 26 1

e\'Cnrng p rim rose oil a nd 281

false umcnr;1 roo t a nd 397

lax5ccc 011 and 291

Sibenan gll1seng and 357

~L'C also endo nle l ri05i5

rn fcrullt)', male 150-51

bet.1-caro tcllc Jnd 243

Oaxs,'cu 0 11 and 291

gillseng ( Pam,,) and 301

Sibell.lo gi s~ng ancl 357

inO:lm malOry bowel disease

(lBD\ 124.152-53 ,158

lutit'pililus and 2:l1

aloe I-era and 233

c.tSCJra sagrada and \96

C la momiJc and 258

It"h oils an, 284 ,285

~ugu!i pid and 3 13

Ii (onc~ (DGL) an d 324

mn rshm .lllo\1 and 397

PABA a. J 398

slip pery elm nnd 398

\'llam tn A and 373

ZI11C and 39 1

InO lIenza 363

s.:e o/so colds and Ilu

1I111sions 24

inosilol 1 13 , 125, 139

hpot opic comhll13 tions a nd

25 , 270,323 , 33 1

lI1sec[ biles and sl1ngs 154-55

alOe \Tra and 23 2

calen d\l la and 396

ga rlic and 295

lal'ender oi l and 397

q uercel in ami 289

len t ee oil and 364

insect rcpel\enl

calendub crea m as 155

b'e rfe,, as 282

lea tree oi l as 155

In,otnnia 55, 11 8 , 121 , 156-5 7

chanmmlle and 2')8

ephedra and 279

5-HTP and 287

ha\\ thorn and 3 1')

bl',1 and 320

meblnmn and 328, 329

niacin and 336, 33 7

I'akrian and 12 .370-7 1

\'il.l m in D and 38 1

insulin toe" 93

al pha-lipoic acid a nd 235

a Ino acids a nd 236

bioI in and 246

ch romi um and 262 , 263

DHE.A and 273

magnes ium and 326

laUrlne and 23 7

I'a nad lum an d 3()9

\' ilam in A and 373

Imerfero n 139

aSlragalus and 239

ec hi nacea and 276

Itearlce and 324

intc rmil lcm claudicall on

carni tine and 237

ginkgo biloba and 298

niaCI n and 336

\ltam in E a nd 383

imrinslc fac to r 376, 377

incline 97,2 14 , 2 15,316-1 7

kdp and 360, 361

psyc hiatric drugs and 395

lh r rOld dlUgs a nd 395

Ipe roxo see pau d 'a rco

iron 18 , 20,27,50,5 1, 135,

167, 318-19

antacids a nd 392

anllbi011cS and 392

calc ium and 25 1

choleslerol drugs and 393

ch ro mium a nd 263

copper and 266

daily amOunLS o f 33

dandelion and 270

fugh doses or 28

kelp and 36 1

manganese and 369

molybdenum and 369

nellie and 334

nhol1a\'ln and 348

sea cucumber and 398

vila mrn .A ancl 373

Illamin C and 28, 378

zinc and 39 1

irrilab le bowel syndrome (lBS)

90, 103, l58-59

acidophilus a nd2 3 1

folic Jetd and 293

FOS and 397

glucosa minc and 303

glulamine and 237

peppermim and 24 , 340, 341

psyl lium a nd 34 6, 347

va le rian and 370, 371

" 'ilel ya m and 389

isoleucine 236

isosorblde dinitratr. 194

iSLlsl1rhide mo nonilrme 394

iSLllhioeya nales 6 1

ISO lre lino in 20. 41 ,392

Japanese a rrowrOOI 45

p undic(' 270

Jnusalem artichokes 230


Jet lag 328. 329

jock itch 63

tea tree oil and 364

kava 45. 54 ,55.83. ClCl , li S.

156. 157. 187.205,21 1.

3 20-2 1

antidepressa nts and 393

ant ihistamines and 393

muscle relaxants and 394

narcotic pain rehe\"ers and


psychiatric drugs an d 395

se dativcslt ranquilh sers and


va lerian and 37 1


ka\'a and 3 20 , 3 21

keloids 306

ke lp 215. 360-61

lOd me and 3 17

iro n and 319

th yroid drugs and 395

ke toco nazole 63 . 392

kClO prolen 394

see a/.ID NSA IDs

kid ney cil seasc 56. 100. 101.

llS, 126

amino aClds and 236

arginme and 141

haki ng soda and 398

bct3"carotcnc and 242

calcium and 250

horse chestnut and 397

lico rice and 3 24

magnesium and 101, 3 26

ph ospho rus and 342

potasstum and 344,345

uva ursi and 398

vitamin C and 378

kidney infec tio ns 14.22 1. 268

kidney SlOnes 126. 127

bilberry and 244

calcium and 251

shephc rd's purse and 308

\' namin C and 378

kola nut 157

Korean ginseng sec gin seng

( Panax)

kudzu 4'5. 397

labe ls. sup plement 26-27

lac li c acid 54. 55

l ~ctobac illu s 230, 231

lactose mtolerance 102, 122,

123 , 158, 159

lady's mantle tea 167

lan lana leaves 155

lapacho .Iee pau d'areo



La IX sec fm se mide

Ll\Tnder oil 71. 83. 9 ~. 95. 109.

155, 175. 212 ,2 13.397

!ax3ti \'es 90, 9 1, 185 . 232.2)3 .

270. 326

lec it hlll 125 . 247 .322-2 3

s,'c a/sll phosphatid ylcholtne

lemon balm ' cc md t;;sa

lenlna n 332

le ucine 236

leukae mia

aloe \'era and 233

~luta l11ln e and 73

sele nium and 352

\ila min r\ and 372

kukotnenc;; 12 7

Ie\'odopa 395

\lta min Band 187

li co rice 29 . 6 1. 8 1. 85. 02. 93,

1 1. 16.13: . 139.1-2 ,
153. 164 , 165_171 , 200,

20 7, 2 1. 324-2 5

astraplus and 239

danc!dlon ant 27 1

diure ies and 394

do ng quai and 275

c\rul\ ime racll ons ~ nd 3'12

hea n Ibloou p res~u re dr ug'

and 39 4

Sibertan g1l1se ng J nd 357

licorice (D L) 2 19. 324

lignans 75. 290

ligu'lil' de 275

Iln dc n fl o\\'e rs 51

lit oleic aCId 26. 290

li nseeds sec n~ xsee d s

Ilotri x 215

Ill"otC acid see alpha "llpoic acid

lipou\1p ic co mbtn<1l1vns 25, 73.

J 1 3. 124 . 12 5. 139 . 270.

271 ,323.3 31

li thium 395

li\'e r cancer 140

DHEr\ and 2 73

selenium and 35 2

li\-cr da mage

'cloconazo1e and 63

:l1Ilk thistle and 330

niacinamide and 59.337

nic,)[ inic aCid and 336, 337

!i\'e r detoxif),ing prod ucts see

lipo tro pI c co mbinalio ns

li\-e r d isease 35. I i8

ammo uLids and 23 6

baking soda and 398

beta"carotcne an 242

guguhpi d and 3 13

horse chestnut and 397

lico nce and 324

m a n~a n esc and 368

milk thistle and 330-3 1

niaci n and 336

\-Italnln K and 385

dis" cirrhOSIS: hepalitis

loco\\ ee J 239

longe\-it)' 18. 119

g,01H 1-;013 a nu 306

gl ccn tea anu 3 10

"ha 'ks It S.,Up and 355

\'it.1I1 I C 378

loop diurct ics 393

Ivra~ e pJm 54

low blood pre""ure 80, 1,16

C 'kllsfvr;h,'h/Ii and 396

ha\v-:!lO rn an 3 H

IJlaLin JI 336

lung oncer 7 .75,92

betacarote ne and 2~2. 243

car,)(cl1() icis and 252

LJJ11'/ lb \t 1.11. "/01 . ld '332

na\'ol1oicls and 2H9

C1hc ad a ,d 292

sLienillll an d 352

\'itamln ,-\ and 372

IU :lg d l sc~se 35. 88. 176



ah() as\hm~l . pnf

l1ll'ni a

lupus 50, 80. 160-61

C~ t 's cla\\' a1\d 255

DHF.,-\ and 272. 273

ech inacea and 276

[Gh oils and 284. 285

Il"""eeci oi I a d 290

sele nium and 353

zinc and 390

IUlell 162, 163 . 252 , 253

be a"carotc ne and 243

,tlclI1l: mg hormone ,LH) 247

lyco pene 17.72.75. 13"f, 1,) 1.

252. 253

bct:\-c3rolene and 243

)'L Op US 215

Lyd ia Pi nkhams \ 'cgctable

C I11I'0 und 245

Lym..: dIsease 1'5 4

lysine R ~ . 85. 20 1, 236, 237

macular degeneratio n 19.


11Ilberry and 245

u!'Olcnoids (111 253

fl a\'ono ids and 288

gin kS(' b loba and 298

grape seed ext ract a ld 309

stle nl 111 and .152, 353

zme an d 391

magnesi um 16.35. 52,53, ) ),

56.5 i ,6 1.64 .65.81.89.

9 1.97.99. 01 .102.113.
l H. l l '5. 1 1.. 120. 121 ,
[)5 40 , 141 .. 5:-. 165.
168. lb9. 17+, ~ 75. 177.
I S3. 189. 194.195.2 10,
2 11. 2 17. 326-2 7

antibIOtics an d 392

calc ium 3nd 28. 34 , 25 1

da ily amo unts o f 33

kclp and 36 1

sea ( ucumhc r and 398

magnesiu m laCl:lle 232

magnet thcrap), 209

111([ /wallg sec ephedra

m an ak~ s,< mush rooms.

med icmal

malic acid 120. 12 1

magnesium and 327

maml ograJl15 75

m:" ganesc 57 , 64, 65. 11 5, . 369

dail) amounts o[ 33

m~J1\C depression

SAM '" J 59

sec a/..Io depreSSIon

manni lO187

~ I A('I in blbnor drugs 363 , 393

ca~lll - gran clino rus and 396

hed ra and 278

ginseng (Pana,,) an 300

melaton in and 3~8

mar~hl11allo\\ 93 . 137. 153,

20 7.2 19,397

massage 12, 83. 12 I , 175 . 195

Max Epa 143

may fl ower see ha\\'tlto m

meadowsweet 82, 83 . 137,219,


meditalton 53 . 107, 121

Vlc/,, /ellw a/tt' nli. /;'/!li ,t'< tca tree


me lanin 133. 2 12

C')Pp~J' ami 266

melano ma

\'ilalllln ,-\ and 372

mela om n 16,8 1.82.83 .99,

12 1,1 57.211. 328-29

amide re",ant s and 393

alluhlS tami nes and 393

drug imc racli ons and 392

ll111sde relaxants and 394

narcotic pain reli e\'e rs and


sedau\'cs/t ranqu iliise rs and


ste roids and .) 95

mel issa 8 4 , 85. 105. 200 ,397

\'a leri an and 371

memo ry loss 48 -+Y

ginkgo blloba and 19 . 298,


gOlU kola .,1ll1306.307

\' Itam ill B11 and "377

menadione set' Vitamin K

menopause 34, IIH. 12'), 128.

134 . 164- 65.182,198

bbck cohosh and 248. 240

chaste trt'e and 260 . 26 I

dong qu ~i and 27 4 ,275

geniste in and 289

lico rice and 325

ph )"lO-oemogen< ,,;l el 19,


Siben an ginseng and 357

so)' isona"ones and 359

wild yam ~nd 388, 389

menorrhagia 166, 167

menstrual diso r(krs 50, 166-67

bilbcrr) and 245

blackbe rry lea"es and 396

bbc k cohosh anu 24B , 249

ca rotenOlds and 253

chamomik and 258

dong quai and 274, 275

e"ening primrose oil and 281

bufc\\' and 283

IIsh oi ls and 285

Ilaxseed oil and 29 J

lico rice and 325

magnesIUm and 327

o mega-3 fa I)' aLi us ill 113

raspberr)' iea,'es and 396

she pherd's purse dnd 398

Siberian gm seng ~n d 357

,'i tamin A anu 373

"ilamll-, K anu 384

while Will,,,,,' b~rk and 387

wild yam am i 388

sec also enck'mc lrios ls

mCl1l hol 340

memho ne 340

melllb ),1 aCetale 340

metbio nine 59,65, J 13, 125,


IIpolropic com b inations and

25,270,323,3 3

methylphen ldale 39"

melhylp redniso lo ne 395

melopro lol 394

migraine 168 -69

b'e rfc\\' and 282- 83

5-HTP and 286, 287

magn esium and 327

pal1lolhemc acid and 246,


nbona\'l n and 349

rosemary and 389

,~ee also headaches

milk and mi lk producls 71,

J2 2, 123, 159,203,

21 3,2 19

ba ki ng soda and 398

calc ium and I I' ~, 251

ribollai'in and 349

n yplOphan and 99

milk lhistle 24 , 35, 44 , 45, 113,

126, D8 , 139, 193,

330-3 1

lipotropIC C0111 binations and

25 , 270,323

mine rals 15

nalural 'Trsll'; S)1l lh eli c 22

prepa rJlIon sJforllls of


sa fe doses or 21'\

I11 lllcx ychne 392

M 11101' Bupk~l rul11 Combination


Illl noxlJl1 133

1l1111t 5 J

llolyb,knul11 30b, 369

elat ly amou nts or 33

mon '5 peppn '(, r hil<;l<2: lrec

l>-'Ionnon ICc\ 279

(II' In); Sickness 178 ),9

bhll kb~ T} lea'Ts and 396

ginge r (lnJ 2Y6

raspberry lcd"CS and 396

\'ItJmi B6a m! 375

mo rphi ne 394

mosqu iro ',ite s 154 , \ 55

11 h)t 11<'1'\\ , n 215

motion ,,"kncss 106 -0 7, 1,

ginge r Jnu 297

pe ppermInI am! 341

Sibenan ~inse n g and 357

m(ndel +6, 4 7

l OUlh sores 259

mO luh ulcers 170-71

~~ h ll1acea and 277

go ldcn:,cal and 3())

lIcorice (OGL) and 32 4

lysine :IlId 237

ZlIk a ,ei 390

)viS StY ITlUllip e ;:clerosls

ITlUlm puama \ 47,397

mulleill o,,'er 93, \ 08, lL Q ,


mull ipk scicl o;is (MS) 172-73 ,


GU'S claw and 255

ech mace" <lnd 276

ginkgo biloba and 299

I',-\C and 237

ribona"in J nd 3'19

nramin 612 and 377

:;JI1C and 390

muscle aches and P;H:1S 86 , 120 ,

121,174 - 75

blnck cohosh and 2-19

creallne anti 396

eucalyplus 011 Jnd '97

ew ning pn mrose oil anti 28 1

gin>;rr an d 29 6, 297

b "a and 3 21

bWl\uer ('1 and '> 97

peppermint 011 and 341

\\ hite \\'illo,\' bn rk and 386

\\ II- r~m and 389

Illuscle relaxants 394

I11t , c!e spa,ms

calcium .mel 251

mushr om>, mccliCln"1 73,


anticoagt.llants and 393

as p1rin and 395

C',-wlus ,',r,\(\'h" (PSK) 73,


echin "cca Jnd 277

I11Jirake 68, 73,85, 145 ,2 03,

253, 332- 33

reishl 68, 73,85, 145,203 ,

2 5~, 332-33

sil ma ke 73,85,332- 33

mu shrooms, poisonou s

alph -li poic acid and 235

milk thlSl le and 33 1

l1lustard OIl s 6 1

myelin 5h,~alh 172, 180, 181 , 20\

'-Hamill BI2 "nei 217 ,376,


myrrh lI nClUI'e 94

,;AC (0!-JCelyicystclI1e) J 45,

152 , 1 3,237

\A OH 186, 187, 3Cl7

n,lii p roblems 62,63, 176-77

bh'tin and 28 , 246, 247

cale e1ula and 396

fla xseed _, II and N l'

Silicon :ind 169

lea lree 011and 364, 365

c aphtho,-!ui nones 338, 339

naproxe n 209, 39"

n~r~ot L alll relic"crs 90, 394

n:i!UropCl' hs 30

nausea < n ,'om illng 178 - 79

ginge r and 106,296, 297

gc,IJl'nscal and 305

pe pperm int ~ncl 341

pOl as,i u nl and 345

neck pa in 18 1

ncr\'ous system slimul ants 394

nettle 46, 47, 126,127,177,

I'll 221, 334-35

neuralgia 249

s~e "l;(l poslherpetic neuralgia

cur<:)sl h ~ni,i 8 1

neural. .- drugs 394

I1curot ran<m ilters 55 , 98, 99,


amino acid s and 2)6

5- HTP and 286

galu kola and 306

"ak !'ian and 370

,'Itan!! Bu and 374

New Zealand green-lipped

IllLlsse l :>0,)

niacin ("itamll1 B3) 20 , ) 94 ,

195,198,204, 216 , 2Ji.

336-3 7

alpha-lipOiC aciel and 234

ch,)ie>lernl drugs and 393

clail)' amounts of 33

ribolla,'in and 348, 349

sea cucumher and 398

niaCi namid e 59, 65, l57 , 204 ,

205,3 36,337

gluc osamine and 30,)

nicotinamid e adenine

cllllucleol ide see N,-\O H

nico line 195, 198, 204,205 ,

21 7

!COline palches 153, 205

nicmimc acid (Illcollllate) 336,


ni led ipllle 239

night-blooming cereus ;(f

caCluS gmndiOo rus

night ,'ision

belCl-ca rOlene anei 243

bilberryand 244

grape seed extraCI and 163

\iramin A and 372

nilralcs 394

nnroglycerin 89


NSA lDs (llL'nslcrOld a\ an li

innammmo ry drugs) 49,

50,B3, B3, 209 , 218,394

betaine HCI and 392

cayellilc and 257

glucosam ine 'usus 302

numbness and !Ingling 180-81

alpha-lipO iC aCId and 235

Oaxseed oil and 290

grape seed eXlraCI and 309

ribo na,in and 349

lh iamine and 366,367

,i tamin 612 and 376, 377

nlilmeg \ 79,365

nUlrilion iSlS 30

oatextmc l 151, 205, 39B

oalmeal sef coll oidal oatmeal

oa l slraw 177

obesity see overweight

obstelnc (0 6) drugs 39)

oedema 88 , 265

oesophageal ca nce r 352

e freer of plant s on sre

opQ rogen-pl()gcStlJ1 prod ucts

oestrogen repiJcemenl lhentpy

>cc horm one rcplan' lllenl


old er adulls

hilherry anei 24')

ca lcium and 183

ca lcium cilrate and 251

carotenoids anu 253

cue nzyme 0 10 "lid 43, 2(14 ,


coppe r ami 267

DHEA and 272 , 273



- =

fo lic acid and 293

ga rl ic and 295

gi nger and 296

ginkgo biloba and 19,298,


glucosam)ne and 302,303

melaton in and 328

ribonavin and 348 , 349

Sl John's won and 363

th ianll ne and 18 1,366. 367

turmeric and 398

vitamin A and 373

vitamin B com plex and 398

vila min BI2 and 18 1,376, 377

\~t ami n C and 379

vi tam in D and 380, 38 1

vil amin E and 19,382,383

vitamin K and 384

zinc and 39 1

oli gomeric proant hocyanid ins

(OPCs) ;ce PCOs

olive leaf 12 7

olive oil 53, 135 , 143 , 25 3

o mega-3 ftly acid s 57 , 1 n ,

132 , 135 , 169 , 192. 193 ,


Oaxseed and 65, 290 , 29 1

omega-6 fall), acids 280, 284 ,


onions 6 1, 171

o ral contrace pli ves see birth

co ntrL)1 pills

ora nges 34 5

orbira l ce lluliris 202

O regon grape 57

osteoa rrhnris see arrhritis

OSteo porosis 32, 64,99, 164,

165, 182-83 , 185

black co hosh and 249

boron and 368

calcium and 34 , 250, 25 1

co pper and 266 , 267

nuo ride and 368

folic acid and 29 3

magnesium and 327

manganese and 368

silicon and 368

soy isoOavones and 359

vanad ium and 368

Vitamin D and 380, 38 1

vita mi n K and 384

zinc and 391

ova ri an cance r 352

ovc r-Ih c-c(lu nter remedies 65.

97, 103,106 , 116, 11 7,

139 , 225,227,393

cold remed Ies 191 , 393

ephed ra and 279

glucosarnine and 303

overweight 18,76,78, !-n, 100.

124 , 126 , no, 134 , 136,

140, HI , 142 ,148,



chil osa n and 396

chromiu m and 262 , 263

coe nzym e 010 and 265

ephedra and 278. 279, 363

5-HT P and 286, 287

C(/I'cinlCl Wl11v(lgic1 and 397

gugulipid and 3 13

dp and 360

psyl lium and 347

Stjohn's won and 363

ovulation 148, 149

ox" lales 25 1

ox)'codone 394

PABA <,)a ra -al11 lnobenzOlc ac id )


panaxan, 300

pancrc" lC can cn

Oavonoids and 289

green tea and 19 . 3 10

se lenium and 352

panic attacks see anxIety and


pal1lel hine 2-16

sec also panlnlhel1lc aCId

pan lOlhe nlC aC id (\'itam in B5 \

-+7 ,81 , 95,137, 169 ,204 .

205 , 2-1 6 -4 7.323

alph,,-lipoic aCid and 234

daily amo unts or 33

Siberian gmse ng and 357

lhiami ne and 366

Pap smea rs 75

para-am inobe nzoic acid

sa P:\BA

pa racelamol 139 , 237

Pa rki nson's dIsease 49 , 186- 87

coe nz ), me 010 and 26-1 , 265

drugs 'or 395

Il axseed (Iii ~:;c1 290

kava and 320

melalOni ll In.d 329

"i..l,D H and 39,

vil amin E and 38 2

parsley 67. 398

panheno\ lde 282 , 283

passio nflower 156

\'a lerian and 371

pa u d'a rco 68 , 73 , 80, 81, 82 ,

145 , 224 , 225 , 227,305,

338 - 39 , 387

an llcoagulanls and 393

astraga lu s and 239

cal'S claw and 25 5

echll1acea and 277

PCOs (procyanidoiJc oltgomers)


cm's claw and 254

haw lh o rn and 3 14

pec lin 125

prllJgra 337

pC!v'ic inOam malOry disease 148

ow r-the-counter remedies

and 227

penClc\O\lr 85

pennywon see gotU kola

peppermInt 2-1 , -+7, 66, 6 7, 83 ,

93 . 105. 125, 158. 159.

175. ! 79,340-41 , .165

w lI I )'JIll and 389

pepsi n 137 , 218

perime!hlpaUSe see menopause

pe riodonti is 128, 129

pharma';l>ls 31

phe nylalanine 236 , 237

phe nyloin .1 95

phosphalld ),lcholi ne 322 , 323

mIl k thI stle and 45 , 33 1

phosph" lid)'lserinc -19, 187

ph os h,)rus 16.342-43

diurelics amI 393

heal' / blood pressu re drugs

and 394

NSA IDs and 395

SICI\1i s and 395

Ira ~ p d\1l dl ugs and 395

\,!1 :1!1l1ll D and 380

phYLOchemlC"ls 16

phytL)me IlI lles 10

ph)' o nadione .see \'ilamin K

phyw -oestrogc ns 20, 113 , 164

b la ck cohosh and 249

dong q uai and 27 4

Oax5cecl oil and 29 1

11-: r,,:e and 32 4, 325

5l1y and 358-59

piles I l L h"emorrl oj s

pi ne bark extracl 309

na\',1nolds and 288 , 308

pinkc)'c see conjunCtiv-ils

pl rox icam 39-1

plam<lin (l'lmlt<lgo laIlccoiala)

93 , 346

pJam oeslrogens see

ph),lo-ocmoge ns

pia lJC . coronal), 5 2, 89 ,

134 , H 3

fI sh 0115 "nd 284

folic aC id and 292

garitc and 294

green lea ~nd 3 10

gugu Ipid and 313

h,,"'lh0rn anel 315

lIe n ce
32 5

soy products and 358

\ilamin E and 10 1

\-iwmin K and 384

plaque, dc ;naI 66, 128. 129

PM S se,' p rc men5tru ~1 smdrome

pneumonia 4 , 86, 144 , 145.


\;lamtn A and 373

\ ilJmin BI2 and 377

poisoni g. chemh:al 235


pokeweed 73

polyphenols 288, 289

cat 's claw and 255

gree n tea and 310, 31 1


aSlragalu s and 238, 239

ginseng (Panax) and 300

poslherpclic neuralgia 18 1, 200,


pOlJssium 16.56,57, 140 , 174,

344 -45

daI ly amo unts of 33

diureli cs and 89, 393, 394

hean /blood pressure drugs


kelp and 36 1

licorice and 93

NSAIDs and 395

pOI alOes 71 , 267, 345

potency wood see muira puama

pOI marigold see calendul a

pracUl ione rs and orga l1lsa tions


prednisolone 395

predniso ne 16 1, 395

pregnant women
use of supp lements by 5, 29

premenslrual syn drome (PMS)

97. 178, 188 - 8 9

black cohos h and 249

chas tc lree and 249 , 260 , 261

dong quai and 274, 27 5

el'eni ng primrose oil and 281

5-HTP and 287

lico nce and 325

magneSium and 327

nellie and 335

SlJ o hn's wo rt and 362

vit ami n B6 and 374 , 375

\1tal1lin E and 383

,,~\d )'am and 388, 389

proa l1lhocya nidins see PCOs

problOllCS 230-3 1

probucol 393

procyanidolic ollgomers see


pro\awn 96, j 49. 188

chaste lree and 260. 26 1

proline 59, 236

propo lis 240, 241

prop ranolol 394

pro pylt hiouraCi l 395

Prosca r see fin asteriele

proslagland ins 166

essential faIt)' acids and 199

el'en ing prim rose oil Jnd 113

fevL~ rfew and 2B.l

naxseed oil and 113

Omill'!' and 82

GLA and 45 , 280 , 281

grape seed eXlfJn and 309

w hil r \\lllow bark and

82 , 387

prostate cance r 74 , 75,190, 19 1

bela -CarOlene and 242

boron and 368

ca roLenoids and 252

coenzyme QIO and 265

OHEA and 272, 273

na vonoids and 288

naxseed 011 and 291

foli c acid and 293

ga rlic and 295

saw palmwo and 350, 35 1

selen ium and 352

soy produCls and 359

I' ltamin D and 38 1

vitamin E an d 383

prostate problems 146, 14 7.

190-9 1

ephed ra and 278

Epdobilllll parvijloru l11 and

151. 397

naxseed oil and 29 1

saw palmcllo and 10, II ,


zinc and 390

.Ice a/so belllgn prostatic

h)1.1erplasia, proslate cance r

prostatiti s 190, 19 1,35 1

pro\~ t a min A see beta-caro tene

Prozac 393

foli c acid and 99

melatonm and 328

St Johns won \'e rsus 363

prunes 9 1

pseud oe phedrine 393

ephedra and 278, 279

psoralens 275

pso rias is 132, 192-9 3

aloe vera and 233

alpha-lipoic ac id and 235

beta-carotene and 243

fi sh oils and 284 . 285

naxseed oil and 290

gOtu kola and 306. 307

milk thistle and 33 1

sele nium and 353

shark ca nilage and 355

vi tam in i\ and 372 , 373

zinc and 390

psychiatric d rugs 395

ribonavin and 349

psy lliu m 67. 91,1 02. 103. 104.

105, 12 5, 13 1.143, 159 ,

185, 3 46-4 7

anLiblOtics and W2

drug interacrions and 392

pumpkin seeds 19 1

punnes 126, 127

purslane 284

Pycnogenol 308

Pygeu l11 ajliCQI1U111 335

pyrid oxa l-5-phosphate (P-5-P)


pyroxidll1e sec vitamin B6

ql \l he life ro rce) 238

q uercclln 47, 61, 12 7. 152, 153 .

155. 171 , 288- 89

qumones 264

quin o\' ic acid glycosides 255

radiJti0n I realment s sec cancer

treatll1e nts

raspberry lea\Ts 1.03, 151. 167 ,

207 , 396

rattle roOl se.: black cohosh

Raynaud s d isease 76, 194-95

cayenne an d 256

coe nzyme 010 and 265

e\'c nin g pnmrose oil and 28 1

fish od and 284, 285

ginkgo biloba and 298

niaCin and 336, 337

star Oowe r oil and 281

Recommended Dietary Intakes

(ROl s) 1(, 19,21 ,32.33

rec la l cance r

folic aerel Gnd 292

green tea and 3 10

SelelllU I~ ~ and 352

sec (11,0 colon ca lKe r

rec tal polyps 50

red cio\'e r 164, 165

reishl see mu shrooms. med icinal

Reun- A 373

retinoie aCId 372

reli noids 372

retin opat hy 245

Reyes syndrome 387

rhe umatoid an imu s 50. 58, 76,

196 - 97

ca ts claw and 255

echillacea and 27 6

e\'enmg primrose oil and 281

few rle\\' and 283

fi sh ods and 28 4 , 285

ginger and 296. 297

glucosamine and 30 2

grape seed eXI ract and 309

niaCin :md 336

querce l inand 289

seleniu m and 353

shark cart ilage and 355

ZinC and 390

Iibona\'il1 (\1lamin B2) 79, 169 ,

199 , 348- 49

alpha-lipoiC aCId and 234

dad)' amounts o f 33

sea cuc umber and 398

ribwon 93

rice bran 0il see gamma


RICE thera py 209

ri cke ts 38 1

melatonin and 328

\'a lenan and 37 ]

seizure disorde r see pi .e:-

seizu re/e pilepsy drug, J ' .!

115, 182,395

biotin and 247

fo lic aCid and 293

kal'a as 32 1

lhiamine and 367

vi lamin B I2 and 377

se legiline 395

seleniu m 17, 19, 28. 34.72 .7,

74 ,75,78,79 ,84,85,

133 , 145, 160, 16 1, 163,

19 1, 195,20 ] ,3 52- 53

dail y amounts of 33

vilamin C anel 379

vitamin E and 382

serine 236

serotomn 99, ] 20 , 121 , 157,

Stjohn's wo n 10, 11.20 ,55 .

] 68 , 169 , 185, 188, 189

83 ,98,99. 12 1, 130. 131,

feverrew and 282

157. 184 , 185 , 189,2 11 ,

5- HTP and 286


St Johns won and 362

anude pressants and 393

\iramin B6 and 37 4

5-HTP and 287

shark ca rtilage 354 -55

kava and 32 1

she llrish allergy 185

valerian and 37 1

shepherd 's purse 167, 398

s~ii, '" 386- 8 7

shiitake see mus hrooms,

sa lmon 57,99, 135 , 14 3. 169.

med Icinal

183, 193 .2 51,284 ,28'),

shmgles 180, 181 , 200-01

38 1

aloe ve ra and 233

Sa/mon t'l/a
caye nne cream and 83, 256

aCidophi ius and 230

echinacea an d 277

wi ne anci 103

naxsced oil and 29 1

SAM (S -adenosylmelhlClnine)

golde nseal and 305


hypencum oil and 363

sardines 57.135. 193.230. 251.

lysine and 237


melissa and 397

sauerkraut 230

se lelllum and 353

saw palmetto 10, 11 . 20 , 34,

vitamin A and 372

14 7. 190, 19 1. 350-51

shogao ls 297

ne Ltl e and 335

Siberian gillseng 35, 49 , 8 1,

scarn ng 94. 95. 112, 113. 213

11 9, 14 7, 149,151. 164 ,

g1uco<amine and 303

165, 211 ,356-5 7

gotu kola and 306. 307

d Iabetes drugs and 393

tea tree oil and 364

dong qua i and 275

I' ilamin E and 71 , 139,383

hea rt / blood pressu re drugs

sc hizop hrellla 285

and 39 4

SCiatica 64, 181

SlDS see sudden infant death

black cohosh and 24 9

synd rome

scleroderma 298

stldenafi l 147

SC UIT)' 244 , 268

silica ( pl ant/vegetal)

\'itamin C and 19 , 378, 379

horsetail and 177. ,>69

sea ~ u , umbe r 59, 398

nellie and 177, 3J'i

glucosarn inc an d 303

oa t stra w and 177

sea salt 1 17

seasonal affective disorder (SAG)

si licon 183 , 368, 369

ca icJum and 28, 34, 2') I

meh tonin and 99

Silyblll11 l11ariwwl11 ,et' milk

St john's won and 362

thi stle

seaweed 51

si l)' marin 24, 330,)1 I

sebu m 40

SilTl\'3SraL in 393

sedatil'es/ tranquilhscrs 395

SIllUsilis 66, 67, 87 , 202-03

kal'a and 32 1

ringmg In Ihe cars .II', linnlt us

Ritalin 394

Ronccutane 20

rockmclon 243 , 373

rosacea 198 -99

e\'cn in g prim rose oil and


naxseed oil and 290

riboOa\in and 349

\i lamin A and 373

\'itamin B 12 and 377

iUK and 390

rose mary 169.209.398

ro)'al J II) 24(\. 24 1

ruscogenin 131

rutin 288. 289


ast raga lus and 238

calS claw a nd 255

echlnacea and 277

ep hedra and 278,279

go ld ensea l and 305

mu shroo ms, medic inal and


querceti n and 289

skin cancer 18,212,2 13, 224

l1axseed 01 1 and 291

g ree n tea a nd 3 10

milk thistle and 331

"Ham in A and 372

sk in Illiles 199

slip pery e lm 43,68,93, 105,

13 7,1 53,207, 21 9, 230,


smok ing 17, 18 , 19,35,50,56,

57,66,68,72 ,7 4,7S,87 ,

98, 109, 128 , 133,134 ,

135, 116,1 4 0, 142 , 149,

150, 15 1, 162,163, 183,

187, 193 , 204-05 ,2 15,

2 19,225

bela -caro tene and 242 , 243

kava and 320

oal extract a nd 398

pantoth enic acid and 246,

24 7

selenium and 352

sodium bica rbonale 398

vita min C and 379

Vila min E and 382

snappe r, reel 353

sod ium 16, 140, 174 , 175

baki ng sod a and 205 ,398

sod ium bica rbo na te Sfl' baking


so rbllol87 , 10 2, 123,289

sore th roal86, 206-0 7

caye nne an d 257

echinacea and 277

lico rice and 3 24, 325

marshma llow and 397

mu ll e in 110\\'er and 397

slipper)' e lm and 398

vilam in A a nd 372

ZinC and 390

soy Isonavones 16, 18, 20 , 164,

165,19 1, 358-59

soy products 75 , 10 1, 113 , 19 1,


bi Olin and 24 7

c ho lestero l leI'e ls and 165

coppe r and 267

ge nistein a nd 75, 288

si li con anti 369

vanadium a nd 369

H'f Cllso so)' Iso na\'ones

>IJastic co lon see irritab le bowe l

S)11drnrn e

Spean11111l () 7, 34 I

s pi de r bites 154 - 55


s pina b flda

foli C acid and 292

leci thrn hhl11 in e anJ 323

spinach 163,234, 25 J

spinal probkrm ISO, I RI

51'1' ,ils,) back pain

sptron olanone 393

sl'lrulina 67, 3 60-61

spond)' ll;'i, 65

s prai ns sa ,trarns and s prain s

squa wroot S(C lack cohosh

squaw\' inc lea 167

stand a rdi sed extracts 24

staph in fec t io

echinacea and 277

sla rl1o\\'e r oil +I , '13 ,45,49,97 ,

lL1 , 11 1, 113. 133, 145,

14 7, 149, 16 1, )(' 7,173,

177 , 181, 185, 189,1'1 '),

197, 199

GLA and 2S0, 281

'sta t in' drugs 393

steroids 161, 18 2,395

melat onin and 328

51011)3C h cancer 50, 74,75

beta,ca rotene and 242

carote nol d s and 242

COIio/us ,'cr;IC(I/(lr and 332

l1a\'ono ids anc' 2S9

garliC a nd 295

gree n tea and 3 10

strains anel s rall1 S 64 , 208-09

arnica alld 396

glucosam llle a nd 303

rosemary and 398

sweet maljora m and 398

\' Hamin .-\ and 373

\\'ild )"am and 389

straw berne< 127 , 379

slre p throat 206, 207

anlihiotlcs and 86

ech rnacea a nd 277

SI1'C)'lOcoccuI 230

Stress 18 , 19 , 56 , 60,61 , 72,84 ,

98,103, J07, 110, I H,

118,1 20 , 122 , 132 ,133,

134 , ]46, J 50, 1:>8 , /)ll,

16S, 169, 170 , l73, 179,

193 , 2l0-11

cham omtle an d 258

OHEA an d 273

ginseng (Pana,,) and ')00 , 311

ka\'a and 320,32 I

lico ri ce a nd 8 1

pa11lolhenic ac'c' a:ld 246,


rf ish l InLlshrooms and 33)

ribon,!\'\t1 and 349

'it J o hn's wo rt and 36 2

Sihe ria n gmse ng and 81. 3 56 ,


\'alc lian and 371

stroke 204

na\ ,l notds and 289

gi nkg bl10b3 and 299

grape seed extrac t and 308

b\':, and 32 1

pine bark extract and 309

potassrum and 344

5clenru 1 and 35 2

dtamm ,-\ JI 373

dlamin E and 382

styes 11 6, 117

subs ance P 120, I _

CJ) cn ne Jnt! 5, , 256

slldelCI infum death s)'nd rome

(510S) 353

sul pha drugs

PABA ami 398

sulphasala zine 15 2, 153

su lphu r \ 6, 176

su malript~n 32 7

slI nb I 1 2 12-13

aloe \'e ra and 233

cl1Jml)mll ~ and 258, 259

n ~xs ' d 0 11 ~ nd 290

la\'ender 011 an d 397

sun exposure 18, 4 3,72,74 ,75,

78,79,84 ,85, 160 , J61,

162 , 163, 193

dong qual and 275

St Jo hns won .1 ,J 363

\"I(:lm rll [) ancl 181. 380, 38 1

sun llov,er seed s 18,367,369,

39 J

5upc rQx ide llsm llt ase (SOD)

cop per and 266

ma l ga nesc dnd 368

sunplcmen: s

bas ( types 01 15-1 6

benefit s 01 17-2 1

cllilnging dew or 10 -J 2

ho\\' to read a label 26 -27

pre par, tro nslform, or 22-25

usini,; e rr~Cll \"d) 28-29

cI 'uo, \'e rSliS 12-1"+

' u r g~ r y

hromdain ? ld 396

;:rca I 1 and 256

!ish oils a nd 28-1

grnge r and 296

nboltn in and 3-18

~ hl 3lll r ne and 366

\'it<1lll ill E and 332

\' iralllin K ~nd 3tH

5\\ ce: nW'lol'a1ll 209, 398

slVee' p Cl l3 oes 243

S\\ im me r~ ear 108

ga rliC :md 295


T cd ls

a~traga l us and 239

ginseng lPanax) a nd 300

~lrillakc mu shroo m> dnd 332

tacr"Jnc 48

t.acrol 111U< 195

whecbo see pall d'arco

('ai c i 53

TarwcecwlIl'arlilelli llin
panhe no lide and 283

tan ku it: see do n g q uai

tJnn ms 103,213

green tea a nd 3 10

la rdl\'c d)'skinaes ia 323

tan a r 128

tattoo lemo,'al 95

ta llrine 53, 56, 57,89, 10 1,

1 15, 124 ,125,141, 236,

2 7

tea 97, 1-+9,213

breWi ng he rba l 24

thiamine a nd 367

lea trce oil 41 , 62, 63, 94 , 95,

129, 1'i5 , Ill , 177,224,

225,227, 364-65

tende r poil1ls 120

terpe ne IJctones 299

terpll1 cn -4 -o l 364

tetanu s shots 94

tctrac),ci ine 41. 226, 39 2

calcium a nd 250

magneslurn and 326

(heop hyil ine 61

,'ll3t11l n 86 alld 374

lh lamrne (\' itamm Br) 35, 45,

55 , 88 ,89, 155 , 18 1, 323,

36 6-6 7,398

ac idoph ilus and 230

alpha-h poic aCid and 234

<bil) amoun lS of 33

pa nt othe nic ac id and 24 6 ,


sea c uc um ber and 398

lhroClic acrd sc,' alpha-Iiporc


lhrc on ine 236

lh t'Us h see )'eaSt infections

th)111e 2 19

th)TO! ',sease 56, 90, 11 8,

1 19 , 132,133, 214-15

beta,carotene an d 242

ca lc iulll a nd 250

e ,kll' Jo r,lwh lrr and 396

ephed ra a nd 278

iod ine and 3 16 , 317

kelp a nd 360, 36 1

I11 dt<s~ and 397

zinc and 390

th)To id drugs 395

kelp ,mel 360

th)1'o,; l C 311\ 395

tic d o 10uI'eLIx 256

ri(b 1.H, 155

(i nct1I',:dli sec at hlete's foo t

tI gli ng I,X num bness

litl llit u, 216-17

hlar k rnh nsh ,md 240

ginkgo biloba a nd 298, 299

\'ita min Gi l and 376, 377

w hite w ill ow bark and 387

Z II1C and 39 1

tocophero ls ~ee Vllamll1 E

tomatoes 191. 252, 253 , 267

toni cs 211 , 30 1, 3 19, 357

tooth el ecay 19, 3 11

trace m inerals 16, 368-69

transplant d rugs 395

triamte re ne 393

tricyc hc antidepressa nl s 395

trige ll1inal nc'ura lgia

cayenne crea m and 256

trlglycc rides 126 , 135 , 143

ca rnlline and 237

chromium and 262 , 263

DHEA and 273

fish o il s and 284, 285

grape seed o il and 309

guguitPld and 3 13

ni aci n and 336,337

triterpe ne,

blac k cohosh and 249

gotu ko la and 306

trYPl op han 99, 157,236,286

macin and 336

see als(l 5-HT P

luberc ulosis

eat's claw and 255

ec hinacea and 276

tuna 193,284,38 1

lurkey99, 157

tunnenc 82 , 143,145,207,


tyrosine 98, 99, 187, 2 15,


lyrosine kinase 359

ulcerau"e co litis 152, 153

see also inflamma tory bowe l


ulcers 49,50, 218-19

aloe vera and 233

baklllg soda and 205

bela ine HCI and 137

bilbe rry and 245

bromelain and 396

caye nne and 257

Colells fa r~ /lOhlil and 396

drugs ro r 392

gamma-oryzano l and 397

g" rlic and 295

glulamll1e an d 237

lico rice (DGl) and 324

marshmallow and 397

meadowsweel and 8.3

niaclI1 and 336

shppery elm and 398

vitamin A and 373

\';tamin B I2 and 377

w hile \\i ll ow bark and 386

zinc and 39 1

ulcers, skill

aloe \-era and 232

calendub and 396

gotu ko la and 306

wit:< de gal(! sec eat's cla\\'

uric aCId 126, J 27

urinary lract :nfewon ,li I I)

22 0 -21

bll .c ry and 244

cran bcrry a nd 268-69

echin"cc.:d and 277

goldc nsc'<11and 305

nettle and 335

0\'enhe- cuu11lcr remeules

and 227

sa\\' palmelto and 351

u\'a ursi and 269,398

urok inase 310

u\'a ursi 220 , 221 ,398

cranberry and 269

\'a icpOl riarcs 370

\'alercmc aeia see \'alene ac id

\'alerian 11. 25 , 4 5, ')5 , 81, 105,

12l, 1:56, 57, i) , I 7,

370 -71

ant ih.i lam111e; and 393

drug intl' aCtiOll S and 392

musc le relax3111s and 394

narcotic rain re he\'e rs a nd


sedativeslLranquIIIL<,rs and


wild p m and 389

\'aleric acid 370, 37 1

"aline 236

Valium se,: diazepam

\'anadi u111 368, 369

va ricose \'eins 222-23

bll be rr), and 245

burche r's bruo m and 396

flm'o nolcls and 289

gOI l! ko la <lnd 300, 307

grape seed e, Tracr and 09

hOIse chcSlI1ut and 97

sec also haemorrhoids

vegans 3'), 377

vege ta mns 18, 50, 5 1

amino aci els and 237

zinc amI 39 1

veraram tl 394

ven igo 106-0 7

Viagra ) 47

\~ t a mll1 A 15, 22 , 2), 26 , 2/,

34 , 40, 41 ,47 , 49,6,68,

69, 7 1,72,73,84,85,87,

9";, 109, I n, It.. 116,

11 7,113 , 152, 153, 163,

167 ,193, 198 ,1 99,20 1,

207, 208,209,2 19,2 24,

225,22 7,285,37 2-73

acne drugs and 20,39 2

berel -carotene and 242 , 243

caroteno ids and 25 2, 253

chlto,an J nci 185

dail) amounts o r 33

sea cucumlx r and 398

tox icity of 28

\'itaml n E clnci 383

\ itamin B com lex 15,35 , 45 ,

49,55,99,100 , 101, 114 ,

11 5, 118, 119, 113, 144 ,

J52, 153, 160 ,1 61, 17l ,

172. 173, 176, 177, 180,

18!. 198, 199,204 ,205.

210,2 1 1, 21 4 ,2 15,398

\'i ramin 8 1 le~ thia 111ine

\'iwmi n B2 sa n bofla\'in
\1ta m' B3 ~ec niaun
\ilamin B, ,e~ pantothenic ac id
\'I ta mm Be, 41,49 , 6 1, 76, 77,

9 , 9 7,107,135,149,

15 ;' ,179, lRO, 183, 186,

187 , 189,2 17, 3 74 - 75

daily amount s o r 33

Parkinsons di sease drugs anel

39 5

ribo fla\in and 348, 349

,ci zure/e pileps)' drugs and


\-ital11lJ1 B l2 15 , 18 ,2],42 , 43,

45 , 49 , 50, 51,5 5,89,99,

10 1. 115. I 19, 133, 135,

145 , 49, 152, 153, 16 1.

I, L 172. 173 , 177,1 80,

18 1, 199,201. 205, 2 11,

2 15, 2 17, 3 76- 77

aciuophilu< a nd 230

daily amounts o r 33

dllng qual and 275

ro hc acid and 292, 293

; r iruli na and 360

\lta111 1l1 66 a nd 374

\'Itam ln C 13 , 15, 17, 19,28,

34 , 4 1,4 2,4] , 44 , 4 5,

4 7, 49 ,5 1, 52,53 , 60,

6 1, 62,63 ,64,65,68,

69,7 1, 72,73,74 , 75,

7 7,78 ,79,8 1,84,85,

' 7,88,89,90,91,95 , 99,

10 1, 102 ,109,113 , 11 6,

11 7, I lR , 119, 12 1, 124,

125,126 ,1 27,128, 129,

13 1. 134 , 13 5, 139, 141 ,

1'1 2 , 14), J +t , 1-+5 , 146

1-1 7 . 150, 151, 1)2, 1,)4 ,

155,160, 16 1. 162, 163 ,

105,101,1 09,17 1, 172,

73, 176, 17:-, 183, 186,

187, 195 ,1<')7, 198 , 199 ,

10 1,202 , 201,204 , 205,

207,208,209,211. 213,

214,2 15, 219,220,22 1,

22 3,224 , 225 , 226,227 ,


alpha-hpoic aCid and 234

biotin and 28

chromiu m and 263

cranbe rr y and 269

dady amounts o r 33

na\'ono ids and 289

iron and 28, 319

neule and 334

nitrogl)'Ce rin and 89

sea cucumbe r a nd 398

seleniu111 and 353

\' itamm E and 38 2, 383

dramin D 15, 23, 26 , 27 , 59,

64 ,65, 14 1, 165,173,

183,285 ,380-81

antacids and 39 2

ca lcium and 25 I

chnosan and 185

dail )' amo unts o r 33

diuretics and 394

lO XlC lI Y or 28

\i tamm D2 sec ergocalciferol

\ita 11110 D, see choleca lcirerol
\'l ra111111 E 10 , 13, 15, 17, ) 8, 19,

22,23 , 26,27,28,34,4 2,

43, 45,49, 52,53,7 1,7 2,

73,74 , 75,78,79,85 , 8 8,

89,95,97 , 101 , 11 0, Il l,

113, 11 5 , 129,134 , 135,

139, H2, 143 , 144 , 145,

150, 151 , 152 , 153 , 160,

16 1, 162 , 163 , 172 , 173,

175 , 176, 177. lR6, 187,

19 1, 194 , 195, 197 , 200,

201,213,223,224,225 ,

382- 83

alpha-hpOic aeid and 234

ani i coa~u l a nt s and 393

hilbelT)' and 245

chitosan and 185

daily amount s or 33

evcmng primrose oil and 28 1

selen ium and 353

\'Itamin A and 373

\' ilamll1 C and 73,3 79

\'ltamin K and 385

\ir amill K 15, 27 , 28, 384-85

ac iclophilus and 230

anticoagulants and 183 , 393

aspirin and 395

grec n rea and 311

pau d 'arco and ))')

vitam in F and 382

\ilamin Q 264

vil;.tllJ in:' 13

da ll y supplem ent fclll1lula 33

rar, soluble 1), l), 26, 27, 28

natula l \'crsus syn thetlc 22

preparali01l';/fonn s o f 22- 23,



sa re doses o r 28

waler-solu ble 15

Voltarcn 335

\'olniting see nausea

as Inn and 82, 395

whi lc lhorn <,',' h;nqhUHl

wd el ),a m 105 , J 13, 388-89

DH EA ane! 273

"'Iliow herb 'cc [pilohlll m

ral'l'lnO /'Lml

wine 103, 135, 163, 169, 288

wakame 3 17

wa rrann 393

warts 224-25

aloe \'e ra and 233

garlic and 295

goldensea l and 305

pau d'a rco and 338. 339

lea u ee oil and 365

vilamin A and 372

we lghl loss 21, 35

whea t grass 67

while willow ba rk 19,64, 65, 82,

83, 174 , 175, 217, 386- 87

Wlnle r depression ~ Ct" seasonal

affcc j \'e dIsorder

wint erglccn Oil 83 , 175

wi lc h hazel 11 .13 1


mamm .'\ and 373

vit amin C and 213

\'itamin E and 213

Xanax see alprazolam

xyli lOl 109, 123

),east In rcctlon s (candid a) 80.

81,22 1. 226-2 7

aCld,'phlllb and 230, 23 1

bi lm anJ 246

calendula and ,Y6

ec inacta and 277

FOS and 397

pau dar.:o ill ,38. 339

lca tree oil allli 364 . 365

\'it amin 1\ Jnd 372

yoghurt and 23 1

ye11 1)\\' .,xk 5 1. 398

yoga 53, (11. 107

)'ughu rl 37.22 7,230.231

calciu m and 18

)al1lmhemc acid and 247

nbofla\in and 349

) ohlmbe 147

zeaxanthll1 163, 25 2. 253

beta-carolene and 243

zinc33 , 41 , 71. 85.87 .95, 1' 1.

109, 110, Ill , ll6. Il, .

1.) 1, 133. 14 ,). ] -'- ') Is"

153 , 16 1. 163. 1 6~ . 1:- :.

173. 183,191. I-J, 10;-,

199.20 1, 206.20 i,2 15,

21 7.219, 390- 9 1

al1libiolics and 393

ca lcium and 28, 3,"' 2-;

chro mium ami 263

copper and 29, 267

dad)' amOUI1l Sor ' )

sea cucu mbe r and ] L)8

\'ILa min A and 47, 6 1,69 .

71 ,373

zo loft 363

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RelQled Remedies. Steven F0sIer ancl Vat:o I) IeI', Ha\\'orth 1998

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N'11lm~ '< M~,Ii(jIlC \ . ~ [ lch ad Castleman, Banlam Boo ks 1995

Alrern,rt".- Mc,Jiullc: \\'hul \\-{n"'- A COIIIl' r"I,,:Il< hc, tasy'lo, Rcad

Rnk\\ ojlh e Seiclltllc Evidcncc, PIO and Call . Ad nane Fugh-Bcr rn"" ,

Odcrnian P Il'55 19, I

Dr SU'((/1 Lmc s HOl " lOne B,'oil- Mallin.' Illj""11CJ Choices Abolll

Melloplluse. Susan l o\'e. Random \-l ouse 1997

The ViI"lllin Rn vlwwr In Healdl Can' MlChael.lanson, Arcad l~

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Dr Ad,in,' VIl... -NUlricll( S('/t'(I<' I1: Natu re s An;""r /0 Drug;

Roben A kins. Simon &: SChUSl,'I' 1998

Tire Hcalin,g PO" CI



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