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Unit 3

New Voc.
Financial IQ
Financial tips
Saving account
Live within your

Cut way back on

Kind of
Keep track of
make ends meet
Buyer`s remorse
Take up much so
much room

Live beyond your


Hard to operate
Hard to put together

Substitute for
Keep up with
Fall back on
Strike it rich
Out of hand

Sits around collecting Philanthropist

Lucky you
Kick myself
Salad dressing
What a pain
You`re telling me
Outdoor activities

A big spender
A spendthrift
A cheapskate
A tightwad
Cheap/ stingy
Thrifty/ frugal

Human trait
Political candidate
Homeless person
A disaster relief
A religious institution

Choose the correct answer:

1-If you put money into a saving account, you will get monthly (interested- interest
interesting profit).
2-It`s advisable to live (with without within beyond) your means.
3-You have to put some money aside to fall (down- up back low) on it in a rainy day.
4-Having a good (budget bad account expenses) and keeping (trick track ticket
tacky) of your spending are very important ways to have a high financial IQ.
5-Going into debts by using credit card is the surest sign of a(high up low
over)financial IQ.
6-I should change my financial situation. I should( cut make fall put) back on my
7-A piggy bank is a nice way to teach kids how to (spend save get earn) money.
8-I spend everything I have and never save. I can`t make (things money ends
credit) meet.
9-I could (kiss walk help kick) myself for buying this stupid TV .
10- I'm sorry for buying this treadmill. It just sits around collecting (air paper dust
11- It takes up so much room means that it's (small smart enormous).
12- One of the buyer's (remorse humor rumors) is that car costs so much to
13- A (big spender spendthrift tightwad cheapskate) is someone who likes to
spend large amount of money.
14- He is (stingy cheap generous frugal). He uses money carefully and wisely.
15- He's so (frugal thrifty stingy generous) that he never lends his son.
16- Mum donates to many charities. She's very (cheap stingy spendthrift
17- A (generous big spender spendthrift tightwad) refused to leave tip for the
18- A (big spender spendthrift frugal thrifty) spends money carelessly.
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

19- (charities chariots chairs) are organizations that help the poor, the sick etc
20- Our event makes (investment profit contribution interest) to help the charities.
21- Paul Newman was an actor and (philanthropist author tailor surgeon).
22- (Investments Interests Profits Savings) are not only by money, they are also
by time or emotion that you spend on something.
23- We donate money for some charities to help (home alone homesick homeless
housing) persons.
24- The (contribution interest profit proceeds) is money that you gain by selling
things or doing business.
25- Before his death, my grandpa (donated denied invested sent ) large amount of
his wealth to charity.
26- Spendthrifts generally live (below within beyond) their means.
27- Big spenders are more likely to (be drowning in debt be frugal stick to a budget).
28- Cheapskates generally (use credit cards often have a lot of stuff keep track of
their expenses).
29- Big spenders are usually (generous stingy frugal).
30- Thrifty people are more likely to (be wiped out by a job loss stick to a budget let
their bills get out of hand.
Choose the correct answer:
1.It's arranged. We (will go go are going may go) to the Red Sea this summer.
2.I think my cousin (will study studies going to study would study) engineering. He is
very clever at Maths.
3.(Are you playing Do you play Shall you play Do you go to play) tennis after school
4.My German lesson (is stating starts has been starting start) at four o'clock this
5.The launch of the satellite (is being are being is was) at 7.50 tomorrow.
6.We (will may are going to are) probably be there for two weeks.
7.I can't talk at the moment. I (do will do am doing have done) my homework.
8.I can't meet you this afternoon. I (am doing do have done may do) the shopping.
9.Hello, Ahmed. I (go am going have gone would have gone) to the airport in a
10. My plane (is leaving shall leave leave leaves) at 10 o'clock tomorrow.
11. I am studying medicine. I (may be am going to be am being be) a doctor.
12. She (will should is going to may ) probably do the shopping tomorrow.
13. I expect that he (wins will win is going to win is winning) the match.
14. Perhaps they (are visiting are going to visit will visit may) visit us next Saturday.
15. Somebody is knocking on the door. I (am going will go have gone go) and open
16. She (is flying flies fly would fly) to Spain next Monday. Everything is arranged.
17. What are your plans for tomorrow? I (am going to play play have played
shouldn't play) tennis with a friend.
18. He's driving at breakneck speed. He (has would have is going to have is
having) an accident.
19. Watch out! You (are dropping drop are going to drop would drop) the glasses.
20. (Will you Are you going to Do you Should you) help me with this heavy bag,
21. Don't worry. I (lend am lending will lend should lend) you the money you need.
22. I (am going to be will be am being be) 25 next Monday.
23. I can't use my office at the moment. It (is decorated will be decorated may
decorate is being decorated).
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

24. Don't phone me at 8.00 a.m. tomorrow. I (drive will be driving have driven would
drive) the kids to school then.
25. Look at those black clouds. It (rains is raining is going to rain isn't raining).
26. She (will should might ought) probably be a great success.
27. That's the phone. I (answer am answering would answer will answer) it.
30- By 2050, the government(will build will be building will have built had built ) a lot
of hospitals.
31- This time tomorrow our team(will be playing would have played were about to play
are playing ) the final match.
32- In ten years time, I( will have have had have will have had ) a car.
33- I feel so tired . I( 'll am going will have gone- will be going ) to bed early tonight.
1. ........... she to get up early, she wouldn't be late for the class.
a. If
b. Unless
c. Were
d- Without
2. If I have a car, I.give him a lift.
a. may have
b. would have
c. would
d. will
3. If I........... in his position, I would help the poor.
a. are
b. were
c. am
d- had been
4. If she ........... first, her parents would be pleased with her.
a. came
b. come
c. comes
d. had come
5. ........... my advice, she would get into debts,
a. In case of
b. If
c. Without
d. Unless
6. If you ........... enough money, would you lend me 100 pounds ?
a. has
b. had
c. has had
d. had had
7. If we improved our local production, we.export it to many countries.
a. would have
b- would be
c. would
d. will
8. If we have well-paved roads, there ........... be fewer accidents.
a. wouldn't
b. would
c. will
d. won't
9. If we had good playgrounds, we........... organize the World Cup 2010.
a would
b. will
c. wouldn't
d. won't
10. If it........... fine tomorrow, we will go out for a walk.
a. is
b. were
c. was
d. had been
11. If you........... behave politely, I won't get you anything.
a. didn't
b. don't
c. haven't
d. hadn't
12. What will you ........... if your have a lot of money ?
a. do
b. did
c. have done
d. had done
13. If I were you. I........... up smoking.
a. will give
b- won't give
c. wouldn't give
d. would give
14. .......... two pills of this medicine if you have a headache.
a. Will take
b. Take
c. Would take
d. Took
15. If the dress ........... expensive, I wouldn't buy it.
a. hadn't
b. were
c. hasn't
d. wasn't
16. Without........... well. Ramy Ashour wouldn't be a sports star.
a- play
b. played
c. playing
d. plays
17. Unless you asked for information, he ........... you anything.
a. would tell
b. will tell
c. won't tell
d. wouldn't tell
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

18. He won't get high marks unless he ........... hard.

a. studies
b. studied
c. studying
d. is studying
19. ........... she to eat fruit and vegetables, she wouldn't get ill.
a Should
b. Had
c. Were
d. Is
20. If Salma........... a computer, she would send Ayman an e-mail.
a. had
b. had had
c. has
d. has had
a) won't get b) wouldn't get c) wouldn't have got d) would have got
4- I........... my best if I were you.
a) would have done b) would do c) will do d) wouldn't do
5-............... he had taken a taxi, he wouldn't have been late for work.
a) If
b) Unless
c) Without
d) Although
6- Samir ............ some tea if he feels sleepy.
a) drank
b) drinks
c) would drink
d) would have drunk.
7- Manal can't buy a car ........... having money.
a) if
b) unless
c) without
8-........... Radwa got up early, she would miss the school bus.
a) If
c) Unless
d) Without
9- Had Raouf come to the party, he ......... some old friends.
a) would meet
b) would have met
c) can meet
d) will meet
10-Mum .......... all our needs if she had enough money.
a) would have bought
b) would buy
c) will buy
d) can buy
11-She .......... her exams last year without my help.
a) wouldn't pass
b) wouldn't have passed
c) can't pass d) won't pass
12-Unless the athlete ......... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.
a) ran
c) had run d) has run
14-If Nagy ......... earlier, he would meet some of his old friends.
a) conies
c) had come
d) has come
15.............. his financial help, I wouldn't have gone to university.
a) Unless
c) Without
17-If he had been more careful, he ............ that mistake.
a) will make
b) would have made c) wouldn't have made d) wouldn't make
18-You ............. early if you take the train.
a) arrive b) will arrive
c) would arrive d) would have arrived
19-Travelling by plane is comfortable .......... expensive.
a) if
c) unless
d) without
20-The driver wouldn't have had an accident if he ........... careless.
a) weren't
b) wasn't
c) had been d) hadn't been
1- We will finish our exams in May.
2- His arrangement is to buy a new mobile next week.
3- He intends to study Italian in Rome.
3- I intend to change jobs.
4- Have you decided to go abroad?
6- We predict his arrival next week.
7- Mum intends to buy a new cooker.
8- We feel happy when we go to the beach.
1- Our teacher are going to test us next month.
2- I have decided to buy a new jacket.
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

(By next June,)

(buying )
(going )
( going )
( Are you )
( expect )
( going to )
( hope )
(plan )
( will )
1st sec.

first term

3- Mr. Hany is going to buy a farm.

4- By next year, Some planes will have carried 1000 passengers.
1- Boiling water makes it vaporizes.
2- Heating metals makes them expand.
1. Perhaps, it will rain tomorrow. In that case we will stay at home
( If)
2. He may earn a lot of money .In that case he will buy a new car
( If )
3. Dont swim in the canal or you will catch diseases
(If )
4. With your permission Ill go
(If )
5. By looking out of the window ,you will see the beach
(If )
6. He is very poor so he cant buy a car
( If )
7. I dont have a visa so I cant travel
( If )
8. He doesnt play well ,so he cant be in the team
( If )
9. The car is very expensive .I cant buy it
( If )
10.He isnt intelligent enough to answer this question
( If )
11.He doesn't have a dictionary, so he can't look these words up. ( If )
12.She doesn't have enough money, so she can't go to the circus. ( If )
13.He will stay in bed if he is sick.
(In case of)
14.I cant buy this car as it's costly.
( If )
15.Perhaps she will go to France. If so, she'll see the Eiffel Tower. ( If )
16.He should go to the doctor's because he's ill.
( If )
17.She isn't a goose, so she can't swim in the pond.
( If )
18.He doesn't have enough money, so he can't invite us to supper. ( Were )
19.Without hard study, he wouldn't come first.
( Unless )
20.In case of his advice, she will win the medal,
( advise )
21.We love him because he is modest.
( If )
22.Without having a study plan. he wouldn't come first.
( Unless )
35- In case of her hard study, she will join the university.
( If )
I advise you to stop smoking
( If )
2. I advise you to have a study plan
( If )
3. I think you have to organize your work
( if )
4. You had better come to work on time
( If )
5. You should have a study plan
( if )
6. Im not a doctor. I cant help you
( if )
7. Im not a bird .I cant fly
( if )
8. If she worked hard she would get a promotion
( were)
9. Is he studied hard, she would get high marks
( were)
10. If I were you .I would stop smoking
( were)
11. If I were a doctor, I would help you
( were)
12. If she studied hard she would get high marks
13. If he has a lot of money he will buy a car
14. If he invites me to his birthday party, Ill apologize
15. Without a passport, you cant travel
( If )
16. Without a study plan, you cant achieve your goal
( If )
17. Many people lost their jobs because the factory closed down.
18. The player played badly, so he lost the match.
19. He was late for work, therefore he took a taxi.
20. If Mona hadn't had money, she wouldn't have lent me some.
(But for)
21. The driver managed to avoid a serious accident as he was careful.
22. Unless dad had helped me, I wouldn't have passed the test.
23. The athlete was injured. That's why he didn't finish the race.
24. Unless the firemen had made great efforts, many people would have died in the fire. (If)
25. He left his coat at home, so he caught a cold.

10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

Summit Unit 4

New Voc.
Baggy pants
Hair transplant
Hair removal
Gold bands
Skin lightening
Equated with
Stand out
Skin tanning
Billboard sign
Well to- do
Draw a line at sth Body piercing
Make up her mind Skirted suit
Evaluate appearance consumer
Stylish/ attractive
Designer labels
Nail extensions
In style/ hot
Nail polishing
Casual/ informal
Well made
Cosmetic surgery
Elegant/ chic
A buzz cut
Contact lenses
False eyelashes
Jeans/ pants
Old- fashioned
An evening dress Out of style
Long hair
Hair coloring
Alarming rate
Self- confidence
Self- esteem
Self- image
Self- conscious
Social values
Self- confident
Self- centered
Self - pity
Self- critical
Choose the correct answer:
1- For centuries in Japan, the( geisha girls actress wives) defined beauty and grace.
2- In Europe, well-to-do men and women wore extravagant (wide wigs hair - bald) and
3- The women of Myanmar lengthen their necks with gold ( bonds bands rings circles) at
the age of six or five.
4- Painting faces and hands with (honey jam henna clay) for weddings is a tradition in
5- It`s traditional for Maori men to decorate their faces and bodies with ( henna tattoos
crayons paints).
6- Beauty is in the eye of the (behavior owner beholder possess).
7- A outdoor wedding is an occasion we should wear( casual informal underdressed
formal) for.
8- A( tuxedo baggy pants polo shirt slacks) is overdressing for a company picnic.
9- I wish you`d make (in on up at) your mind and come with us.
10- It`s appropriate to wear a cardigan and pants for the (wedding party English class
swimming sleeping).
11- This dress is ( fashionable stylish in style out of style). It`s no longer popular.
12-This girl`s hairstyle is ( flashy shocking trendy chic) .It`s very offensive her to remark.
13-I can`t believe what Clara`s wearing. This jacket is too(chic elegant hot flashy). The
colors are pretty loud.
14- The dress the salesperson is suggesting is(out of style elegant tacky flashy) she has a
good taste.
15-If something is (stylish out of style in style tacky), It`s temporarily popular.
16-A set of rules for how to dress in particular situation is a dress( code rule trend fashion).
17-When a fashion is (out of style in style trendy hot ), people no longer wear that fashion.
18-Clothing should express your individuality, so I don`t want to (stand out subdued conform
wild) to how other people look.
19-I prefer a look that isn`t just a( subdued classic well-made fad). It won`t be in style for
very long.
20-I always choose (stylish designer labels tacky trendy) the clothes made by a well-known
and fashionable designer.
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

21- As a new hairstyle, men begin to (make wear length grew) their hair long and grew their
beards and mustaches.
22-(facials body piercing manicures permanents) is a way to make hair more attractive.
23-Parents can build their children's self-(confidence confident critical pity) by praising their
24-Self-(pity image esteem centered) is the attitude of acceptance and approval of oneself.
25-High self-(image esteem centered pity)can help a person succeed but the low one can
be damaging.
26-My self-(image pity conscious centered) improved after starting my new job.
27-The feeling of being sorry for oneself is self-(image confidence pity esteem).
28-Children are naturally self-(pity image critical centered), but they usually learn to be
more interested in others as they grow up.
29-Jane is a very self-(confidence confident pity image) young woman.
30-He is always worried about what others think of his appearance, he is self-(centered
conscious confidence image).
31-Paul is too self-(centered critical image esteem). He is always trending to find fault with
32-Nowadays success and happiness are equated (to for in with) being thin and attractive.
33-80% of ten-year-old girls are (in on of at) diet.
34-Some companies allow employees to dress (over formal down up) for some meetings in
a more casual setting.
35-It`s (option optional mandatory needn`t) to wear the uniform at school.

Choose the correct answer:

1.How (much many long little) people are there in the team?
2.How many seconds (is are were would) there in an hour?
3.Ten kilometres (have been - is - are) a long way to run.
4.Would you like (some much a any) cup of tea?
5.One of the pages in the book (is are were have been) torn.
6.We didn't take (some many much little) photographs yesterday.
7.Ali was listening to (a many one some) music.
8.We didn't do (a much many some) shopping last week.
9.I still have (a little much one a few) things to do.
10.I am going to buy (some a few two one) bread.
11.If you want to know the news, you can read (much paper many paper a paper paper).
12.I want to print some documents, but the printer is out of (papers paper a paper many papers)
13.Bad news (don't doesn't haven't aren't) make people happy.
14.John is unemployed. He can't get (job profession work position).
15.Can you give me (an some many one) advice?
16.I don't have (many some much a lot) luggage.
17.They spend (a lot of many a few a) money on travel.
18.Enjoy your trip. Have (a many a few any) good time.
19.I need a new (pair couple double jar) of sunglasses.
20.I have (a a few any a lot) problem. Can you help me?
21.How (much many few little) students are there in your school?
22.Have you finished (a some one the) book I lent you?
23.She has (the an a many) French name, but in fact she's English.
24.I am going away for (some many much a) week in September.
25.There isn't (a the some many) supermarket near where I live.
26.How many coffees do you drink a day?
27.I have some sugar but it isn`t enough for only one cup of tea.
( little)
28.Most students in the class are older than 13.
10th Ramadan formal lang. school

1st sec.

first term

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