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21 januari 2016

Concord Sveriges arbetsgrupp fr Agenda 2030s rekommendationer fr indikatorer och

datainsamling Agenda 2030
D framsteg- och motgngar fr att n de hllbara utvecklingsmlen kommer att mtas utifrn de
globala och nationella indikatorer som antas kan valet av indikatorer antingen bidra till eller urholka.
ambitionen i Agenda 2030. Processen med att ta fram indikatorer r bde tekniskt och politisk
utmanande. Samma utmaningar r att vnta nr det sedan kommer till att ta fram och samla in de data
som behvs fr att mta mlen. Vi vlkomnar drfr att Statistiska Centralbyrn (SCB) ingr i IAEG-SDGs
och hoppas att Sveriges regering och SCB kommer att st upp fr tydliga, mtbara och viktiga globala och
nationella indikatorer i frhandlingarna. Nedan lyfter vi, Concord Sveriges arbetsgrupp fr Agenda 2030,
viktiga principer som vi anser br tas hnsyn till i frhandlingar och beslut om indikatorer och
datainsamling. Vi lyfter ven ett urval av vad vi ser som srskilt viktiga indikatorer under nio av mlen:
ml 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12,16 och 17.

Del 1: Principer
St upp fr motvindsfrgorna
Sverige har en srskilt viktig roll hr bland annat nr det gller att st upp fr s.k. motvindsfrgor ssom
mnskliga rttigheter, jmstlldhet, inklusive sexuell och reproduktiv hlsa och reproduktiva rttigheter,
jmlikhet, sker sanitet samt vrna om civilsamhllets roll och deltagande och vikten av transparens i
globala riktlinjer fr en hllbar utveckling. I frhandlingarna om SDG indikatorerna ser vi tydligt vissa
lnders intressen fr att begrnsa den globala verenskomna politiska ambitionen, just nr det gller
dessa motvindsfrgor.
Det r drfr centralt att skerstlla att transformativa frndringar kan mtas, genom att bde ge std
till existerande indikatorer som gr just detta, men ven se till hur vi kan mta p nya stt kring ml som
mter systemgenomgripande frndringar.
Mnskliga Rttigheter
Agenda 2030 r tydligt grundad i internationella mnniskorttskonventioner och instrument. Den
erknner att genomfrandet av agendan mste vara frenligt med relevanta internationella regler och
taganden och att uppfljningen br bygga p existerande processer och system. Hr r de institutioner
och mekanismer som redan finns inom FN:s mnniskorttssystem bra exempel. Fr att kunna mta de
taganden som gjorts fr mnskliga rttigheter i SDGs r det viktigt att ven indikatorerna reflekterar
och r relevanta fr att mta viktiga mnskliga rttighetsprinciper och prioriteringar. ven insamling av
data som sedan bryts ner i olika sektorer r viktigt fr att kunna mta hur individernas rttigheter
respekteras, detta kan bland annat gras genom en deltagande datainsamling.
Den politiska deklarationen i Agenda 2030 tydliggr lndernas taganden gllande jmstlldhet och
kvinnor och flickors strka egenmakt och rttigheter. Jmstlldhet som genomsyrande perspektiv, ml
(5) och medel r bekrftade som centrala fr att samtliga ml fr en hllbar utveckling ska kunna
uppns. Internationella taganden kring detta, ssom till exempel slutdokument frn FN:s
uppfljningskonferenser fr ICPD och Beijing, refereras tydligt till i agendan. Vi vill drfr understryka
vikten av att dessa taganden reflekteras tillfullo p indikatorsniv.

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Indikatorer som integrerar de tre dimensionerna av hllbar utveckling
Agenda 2030 understryker att de tre dimensionerna av hllbar utveckling (social, ekologisk och
ekonomisk) br integreras i alla delar av agendan och drmed alla politikomrden. Fr att fnga
synergierna mellan och inom mlen mste drfr indikatorerna ge en balanserad bild av de tre
dimensionerna av hllbar utveckling. Fr nrvarande saknas miljdimensionen helt i delml under ml 1,
2, 4, 8, 9 och 11 i svl grna som gra freslagna indikatorer. Dr det kan vara en utmaning att
identifiera en indikator som mter samtliga dimensionerna av hllbarhet r det n viktigare ett
skerstlla att de freslagna indikatorerna fr respektive delml (om n flera), mter alla dimensioner av
Erknnande av olika former av data
I diskussionen om SDG indikatorer har argumentet om att taganden i agendan inte r mjlig att mtas
hrts frn flera hll. Det r sant att mnga av delmlen krver att alla aktrer r redo att tnka nytt nr
det gller data och att det kommer att krva andra typer av indikatorer, data set och insamlingsmetoder
n vad som anvndes fr att mta millenniemlens uppfyllnad. Fr mycket av detta finns dock redan
existerande initiativ och metoder som vi kan bygga vidare p, bland annat initiativ som leds av CSO: er,
FN och forskning. Det r drfr avgrande att olika typer av indikatorer och data samt olika aktrers
viktiga roll erknns och utvecklas.
Vi, Concord Sveriges arbetsgrupp fr Agenda 2030, freslr ocks att Sverige och EU lyfter vikten av att
globala och regionala konsultationer och kartlggningar grs, med syfte att identifiera luckor nr det
gller tillgnglig data. Det r srskilt viktigt att alla aktrer bjuds in fr att bidra med information om
befintliga data set och insamlingsmetoder. Frst nr vi fr en tydlig bild av detta, och detta ocks
inkluderar data frn tredje part. kan det bli mjligt att identifiera- och fokusera p omrden dr det
finns ett srskilt behov av att utveckla och framstlla nya data och metoder fr datainsamling.
Exempel p olika former av indikatorer och data som br inkluderas fr att kunna mta bredden av
agendans ml och delml r:

Data som samlas av tredje part, bland annat CSO:er och individer
Sjlvstndiga aktrer utanfr de officiella statisksystemen mste tilltas bidra till datainsamlingen. Hr
finns flera goda initiativ, bland annat The DataShift, som syftar till att strka individers kapacitet och
mjlighet till att delta i insamlande av data. Detta bygger upp individer som aktrer fr insamlande och
framstllande av information och inte bara mottagare, vilket r en frutsttning fr ansvarsutkrvande.
Data som samlas in av samhllen och organisationer som arbetar nra med fattiga och marginaliserade
mnniskor mste drfr inkluderas i datainsamlingen.
Inkludera upplevelsebaserade indikatorer och data
Det r viktigt att lyssna till- och samla in mnniskors perspektiv och upplevelser, srskilt de som idag
lever i fattigdom och frtryck eller p platser som drabbats hrt av miljfrstring och krig. Drfr r det
viktigt att de indikatorer som mter SDGs reflekterar dessa mnniskors perspektiv och upplevelser.
Upplevelsebaserade indikatorer r srskilt viktiga fr att mta mnniskors upplevelser och erfarenheter,
som inte bara kan baseras p rapporterade hndelser. Exempel dr detta kan vara srskilt viktigt r, t.ex.
diskriminering (5.1 och 10.3), delml 5.2 om vld mot kvinnor (5.2) och korruption (16.5).
Inkludera strukturella och processinriktade indikatorer
De flesta indikatorer kommer att fokusera p resultat och uttrycka det frvntade resultatet av hllbar
utveckling (ex. lskunnighet kopplat till ml 4 om utbildning). Dessa r frsts viktiga fr att mta resultat

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och motgngar i att uppn SDGs. Dock innehller nuvarande IAEG-SDGs rapport relativt f indikatorer
som istllet r strukturella och processinriktade. Detta r beklagligt d avsaknaden av denna typ av
indikatorer frsvrar mjligheten att mta de insatser, som olika lnder gr och antar och frsvrar
drmed ven mjligheten att koppla dessa initiativ till resultat framver. Concords arbetsgrupp fr
Agenda 2030 anser drfr att det r viktigt att inkludera indikatorer som ven mter policyer som stater
antar, internationella konventioner som ratificeras och budgetallokeringar som grs. Dessa benmns
som processindikatorer av FN:s hgkommissionr fr mnskliga rttigheter, OHCHR i dess rapport
Human Rights Indicators: A Guide to Measurement and Implementation (2012).
Processinriktade indikatorer r srskilt centrala d flera av SDG delmlen indirekt eller direkt fokuserar
just p staters policytaganden, service delivery, budgetallokering och liknande som inte r mjligt att
mta med hjlp av endast kvantitativa socio-ekonomiska resultatindikatorer. Fljande delml
exemplifierar detta: 2b) som fokuserar p begrnsning av handelsrestriktioner och frvrngningar och
bland annat fokuserar p att avveckla alla former av jordbrukssubventioner och exportsubventioner som
kan ha negativ pverkan p ett hllbart och rttvist jordbruk. ven delml 8b) som fokuserar p att
lnderna, senast 2020, ska ha utvecklat och operationaliserat en global strategi fr
ungdomssysselsttning och genomfra ILO:s Global Jobs Compact.
Skerstll att ingen hamnar p efterklken genom disaggregerad data
I paragraf 74 i Agenda 2030 understryks att uppfljning och utvrering av agendan ska informeras av
() data which is high-quality, accessible, timely, reliable, and disaggregated by sex, age, race, ethnicity,
migration status, disability, and geopgrahic location and other characteristics relevant in national
contexts. Vidare r principerna om jmlikhet och icke-diskriminering och lmna ingen p efterklken
ngra av huvudprinciperna i agendan. Om ingen ska lmnas p efterklken mste tydliga incitament
finnas som visar hur mlen uppfylls fr alla. Fr att bekmpa ojmlikheter kan datainsamlingen inte bara
fokusera p nationella medelvrden, utan ven och srskilt p de allra fattigaste och mest
marginaliserade samt ojmlikheter som srskild drabbar en viss grupp i samhllet.
Det r viktigt att de kategorier som anvnds fr disaggregering av data beslutas om i en deltagande och
inkluderande process p nationell och lokal niv, dr minoritetsgrupper konsulteras och individers
sjlvidentifiering respekteras. Individer mste ocks ges mjlighet att inte identifiera sig som en medlem
av ngon srskild grupp, eller ange sin egen identitet. Det finns frsts ocks risker nr det gller
disaggergering, srskilt nr en grupp av befolkning historiskt sett eller i nutid mter diskriminering av
landets styre och disaggregering ka risken fr att dessa utstts fr diskriminering. Enligt OCHCR kan
dessa risker minskas genom att skra tydliga och transparent skerhetskontroller fr insamling och
lagring av data fr att skydda individer. Ibland rcker dock dessa tgrder inte till och d kan ett bra
alternativ fr att samla in data vara genom civilsamhllesorganisationer eller andra aktrer som har
srskilt frtroende frn marginaliserade grupper. Fr att lyckas med detta kommer det att krvas gott
samarbete och kapacitetsbyggande av nationella statistikkontor och CSO:er. Frgan om disaggregering r
knslig d information ltt kan hamna i fel hnder, drfr freslr vi att Sverige initierar ett samarbete
och dialog med olika aktrer om hur knslig data bst kan behandlas.

Del 2: Ml och indikatorer

Denna del fokuserar p ml 1,2,4,5,8,10,12, 16 och 17 dr Concord Sveriges arbetsgrupp fr Agenda
2030 srskilt vill lyfta vra rekommendationer och dr vi hoppas att SCB och Sverige kan spela en viktig
roll. Vi kommenterar dels p de freslagna indikatorer som r grnmarkerade men dr vi ser en risk i
att dessa kan komma att kompromissas i politiska frhandlingar och dels genom att kommentera p de

21 januari 2016
gra indikatorerna, dvs. de freslagna som inte nnu r verenskomna av IAEG-SDGs1. Slutligen
freslr vi ven ndringar och/eller nya indikatorer dr vi anser att de freslagna indikatorerna inte r
tillrckliga fr att mta mlets ambition och komplexitet.
Denna del r formulerad p engelska d freslagna indikatorer endast finns tillgngliga p engelska i

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Target 1.1: By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people
living on less than $1.25 a day.
Proposed indicator 1.1.1 (green): Proportion of population below international poverty line,
disaggregated by sex and age group and employment status (or proportion of employed people living
below the international poverty line.
Target 1.2: By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages living
in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions.
Proposed indicator 1.2.1 (green): Proportion of population living below national poverty line,
disaggregated by sex and age group.
Proposed indicator 1.2.2 (green): Proportion of men, women and children of all ages living in poverty in
all its dimensions according to national definitions.
Our comment target 1.1 and 1.2: Support the proposed indicators by IAEG-SDGs. It is important that
these are included in the final version of global indicators. However, it is pivotal that the disaggregation
of this information recognizes all the groups as identified in para. 74 in Agenda 2030. This will be key in
order to be able to measure- and tackle the inequality of outcome, and ensure that no one is left behind.
Additionally, we want to underscore the importance that indicator 1.2.2 is based on a revised
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), as suggested by the IAEG-SDGs. MPI is the only comprehensive
measure available for non-income poverty.
Target 1.3: Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including
floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and vulnerable.
Proposed indicator 1.3.1: (green): Percentage of the population covered by social protection
floors/systems, disaggregated by sex, and distinguishing children, unemployed, old age, people w.
disabilities, pregnant women/newborns, work injury victims, poor and vulnerable.
Our comment: We support the proposed indicator 1.3.1. However, we recommend that the indicator
clarifies what these social protection floors include, and we want to propose that the indicator is
modified as below. We would also like to point out that 1.3.1 is a multipurpose indicator which has

Grnmarkerade och grmarkerade syftar hr till den kategorisering som gjorts av IAEG-SDGs fr att visa p
huruvida det finns enighet eller inte gllande freslagna indikatorer.

21 januari 2016
direct relevance for several SDG targets, primarily target 5:4 and 10:4. It should therefore be included as
an indicator for these targets as well.

Our proposed indicators 1.3.1:

- Modified indicator 1.3.1: Percentage of population covered by social protection floors/systems,
disaggregated by sex, with break down by children, unemployed, old age, people with disabilities,
pregnant women/new-borns, work injury victims, poor and vulnerable, including one or more of the
following: a) Percentage of older persons receiving a pension; b) Percentage of households with children
receiving child support and/or free school lunches; c) Percentage of unemployed persons receiving
unemployment benefits; d) Percentage of persons with disabilities receiving disability benefits; e)
Percentage of pregnant women receiving maternity benefits; f) Percentage of workers covered against
occupational accidents; and g) Percentage of poor and vulnerable people receiving benefits.
- Proposed additional indicator: Average social protection transfers as % of income / or poverty line.
Target 1.4: By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the
vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and
control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new
technology and financial services, including microfinance.
Proposed indicator (grey): Share of women among agricultural landowners by age and location.
Our comment target 1.4: We welcome that this proposed indicator measures land ownership from a
gender equality lens, by looking at the share of women as agricultural owners. However, we would also
like to see that this indicator measured other areas of equality by looking at other groups ownership of
land. Additionally, we also regret that the proposed indicator only focuses on land ownership and hence
does not successfully measure equal rights to other form of economic resources, basic services, and
control over other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and
financial services (as listed in the target). It must also be guaranteed that the definition of basic services
under indicator 1.4.1 include basic water and basic sanitation.We suggest that additional indicators are
added, in order to ensure that the whole breadth of the commitment made in the target is captured.
We also encourage the Sweden and the SCB to promote the reconsideration a comprehensive land
indicator as 1.4.2 tracking secure rights to land:
Our proposed additional indicator 1.4.2:
Percentage of women, men, indigenous peoples, and local communities (IPLCs) with secure rights to
land, property and natural resources, measured by a) percentage with legally documented or recognized
evidence of tenure, and b) percentage who perceive their rights are recognized and protected.
Our proposed additional indicator 1.4.2 has been supported by UK and others during the negotiations,
and responds to concerns expressed by Italy, South Africa and Switzerland during the consultations. It

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has been supported by the Global Land Indicator Initiative (led by the World Bank, and UN-Habitat, and
facilitated by GLTN), the Global Donor Platform on Rural Development, the IP Major Group, the
Womens Major Group, IUCN, UN-Habitat, UNEP, SDSN, and a broad coalition of civil society. This
indicator could also be included in 17.18.
Target 1.5: By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations.
Indicator 1.5.1(grey): Number of deaths, missing people, injured, relocated or evacuated due to
disasters per 100 000 people.
Our comment: The current indicator does not measure resilience. Further, it needs to be disaggregated
by all factors agreed in paragraph 74 of Agenda 2030.

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
Target 2.2: By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025 the internationally
agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under five and address the nutritional needs of
adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons.
Proposed indicator 2.2.1(green): Prevalence of stunting. Among children under five years of age
Our comment: This indicator does not address the gaps in tracking the entirety of the target. A measure
which enables measurement of people of all ages, including older persons, is necessary.
Target 2.4 By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural
practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen
capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and
that progressively improve land and soil quality
Proposed indicator 2.4.1 (green): Percentage of agricultural area under sustainable agricultural
Our comments: We welcome this target, especially since it is the only one that captures the
environmental and climate aspect of food security. We support the proposed indicator 2.4.1, while we
want to emphasize the importance that the definition of sustainable agricultural practices must be
internationally agreed and universally relevant. We want to refer to the progress in FAO to develop such
a definition as well as tools for measuring it.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all
Target 4.7: By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and
sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence,
global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of cultures contribution to sustainable

21 januari 2016
Suggested indicator 4.7.1 (grey): Percentage of 15 year old students enrolled in secondary school
demonstrating at least a fixed level of knowledge across a selection of topics in environmental science
and geoscience. The exact choice/range of topic will depend on the survey or assessment in which the
indicator is collected (Disaggregation: sex and location (and others where data are available).
Our comment: This indicator does not measure all the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development as listed in the target. Therefore, in addition, or as an alternative, to the
proposed indicator for this target, we recommend the inclusion of indicators which reflect the
sustainable lifestyle, gender equality and human rights components of the targets.
The proposed indicator in relation to human rights requires the measurement of comparable learning
outcomes, which may be challenging while an assessment of the learning objectives of curricula will be
easier to monitor. Given the universality of human rights, it will also be feasible to identify a selection of
universal human rights topics, against which curricula can be assessed.
Additionally, comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is central to enable individuals to safely and
responsibly navigate their sexuality and relationships, and empower them to be active members of their
community. It tackles misconceptions about gender equality and aims to equip children and adolescents
with the skills they require to realize sexual health and reproductive rights and to promote non-violence
and anti-discrimination. We therefore want to propose an additional outcome indicator which measures
Finally, another key area left out of suggested indicators is human rights. The proposed indicator
requires the measurement of comparable learning outcomes, which may be challenging while an
assessment of the learning objectives of curricula will be easier to monitor. Given the universality of
human rights, it will also be feasible to identify a selection of universal human rights topics, against
which curricula can be assessed. We therefore want to suggest an additional indicator to measure
human rights education.
Our suggested indicators 4.7.1:
- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education, (ii) education for sustainable development, (iii) gender
equality, (iv) comprehensive sexuality education and (v) human rights, are mainstreamed at all levels in
(a) national education policies, (b) curricula, (c) teachers education and (d) student assessment.
Or alternatively:
- Proportion of primary and secondary education curricula that include learning objectives concerning
human rights (including human rights relating to gender equality, peace and nonviolence, cultural
- We suggest using a proxy indicator for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE): Proportion of young
people (10-24) who demonstrates desired level of knowledge and reject major misconceptions about
sexual and reproductive health, including HIV and AIDS. (modified MDG indicator, school based surveys).

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Target 4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and
provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all.
Proposed indicator 4.a (grey): Percentage of schools with access to (i) electricity; (ii) Internet for
pedagogical purposes; (iii) basic drinking water; (iv) basic sanitation facilities; and (v) basic hand-washing
facilities (as per the WASH indicator definitions).
Our comment and proposed modified indicator 1.4.a: We support the suggested indicator but propose
that the following factors are added: v) single-sex basic sanitation facilities; (vi) basic handwashing
facilities (as per the WASH indicator definitions).

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Target 5.2: Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres,
including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
Proposed indicator 5.2.1(green): Proportion of women and girls (aged 15- 49) subjected to physical
and/or sexual violence by current or former intimate partner, in the last 12 months.
Proposed indicator 5.2.2 (green): Proportion of women and girls (aged 15-49)
Our comment: The two indicators should have no upper age limit since girls and women of all ages are
subject to different forms of violence and discrimination.
Target 5.6 Ensure universal accesses to sexual and reproductive rights, as agreed in accordance with the
Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing
Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.
Proposed indicator 5.6.1 (green): Proportion of women (aged 15-49) who make their own sexual and
reproductive health decisions.
Proposed indicator 5.6.2 (green): Proportion of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee all
women and adolescents access to SRH services information and education (official records).
Our comment: We note with great concern the political resistance to some of the commitments made
under goal 5. Therefore, it will be particularly important for Sweden and the SCB to safeguard all the
commitments made in this goal and to defend strong indicators and previously agreed language. We find
it unacceptable that indicator 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 have been weakened after the Bangkok meeting of the
IAEG, although they were marked as green indicators. We are concerned about the IAEG reports
suggestion to change these previously green indicators, and reducing language in new indicator
suggestions to below standard and agreed language of Agenda 2030 and previous international
Indicator 5.6.1 is now altered to: Proportion of women aged 15-49 who make their own informed
decisions regarding sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care.
We recommend that the previous version of indicator 5.6.1 is reintroduced: Proportion of women (aged

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15-49) who make their own sexual and reproductive decisions as it better reflects the intention of the
target and the scope of the ICPD Programme of Action and the Beijing Platform of Action as agreed by
Member States, (as well as in line with language in targets 3.7, 3.8 and paragraph 26 in the Political
Declaration of Agenda 2030). The previous version of the indicator included all sexual and reproductive
decisions of women aged 15-49. Now these choices are limited to sexual relations, contraceptive use and
reproductive health care, and no longer reflects womens ability to make informed decisions about
broader sexual and reproductive issues, such as consenting to marriage, and deciding if, when and how
many children to have.
The indicator previously suggested was especially transformative as it responded to a core element and
prerequisite for achieving gender equality and the human rights and empowerment of women - the
exercise of their reproductive rights. It is a new indicator that fills a critical gap in data collection twenty
years since reproductive rights was affirmed in the landmark 1994 ICPD Programme of Action and 1995
Beijing Platform for Action commitments and multiple inter-governmental agreements adopted since.
Proposed Indicator 5.6.2 is now altered to: Number of countries with laws and regulations that
guarantee women aged 15-49 access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education.
Our comment: Reintroduce the previous version of indicator 5.6.2: (Proportion (%) of countries with
laws and regulations that guarantee all women and adolescents access to sexual and reproductive health
services, information and education (official records).
The formulation health care is less comprehensive than the previous health services. The term
health care does not include preventive measures to the same extent as health services. Further, we
are concerned that age restrictions have been introduced to this indicator. The previous version of the
indicator included all women and adolescents and not only women aged 15-49. Women and adolescents
across age groups have different sexual and reproductive health, information and educational needs,
and if we truly want to leave no one behind, these needs must be fulfilled for all ages, not just for
those which are the easiest to measure. It is especially important that adolescents under the age of 15
have access to information and education to ensure that they are able to safely and confidently navigate
their sexual and reproductive lives, and not only be empowered to do so at the age of 15, which may be
after sexual debut.
In order to measure the commitments set out in this goal, age disaggregated data is important. One
example of where this is particularly important is here under target 5.6, where there is a need to
measure outside the age group 15-49 years old, since younger and older women must have the same
right to make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. We want to see these broadened
age groups included in Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).
Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
Target 6.1: By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
Proposed indicator 6.1.1 (green): Percentage of population using safely managed drinking water
Target 6.2: By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end
open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable

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Proposed indicator 6.2.1 (green): Percentage of population using safely managed sanitation services
including a hand washing facility with soap and water
Our comment: In order to ensure adequate and equitable access to water and sanitation, we suggest
that indicators 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 explicitly mention specific disaggregation by service level and location, as
universal access to basic services within and beyond the home is a necessary condition of achieving
universal safely managed services.
Disaggregation along these lines also supports the progress of several other targets. Disaggregation by
service level is essential to support: i) target 11.1, as basic sanitation services are used to determine
whether housing is sub-standard or slum and ii) target 1.4, as basic services must include basic water and
basic sanitation. Disaggregation by location is essential to support target 3.8 for health coverage;
whatever targets are eventually agreed to monitor universal health coverage, quality healthcare cannot
be delivered without water and sanitation services in health centers to ensure dignity and a hygienic
Our suggested modified indicator 6.2.1: i) updating the proposed indicator text (e.g. literally adding
disaggregated by service level and location directly to the indicator text) or ii) specifying as part of the
wider, ongoing IAEG discussion track on disaggregation that these indicators should be disaggregated in
these ways.

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and economic growth, full and productive employment
and decent work for all
Target 8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers,
including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment.
Suggested indicator 8.8.2 (grey): Number of ILO conventions ratified by type of convention
Our comment: We support proposed indicator 8.8.2, since it is key to recognize the importance of the
ILO Conventions. However, we regret that the proposed indicator is not made more specific, specifically
including the implementation of ratified conventions. Therefore, we suggest a clarification of the
Our suggested modified indicator 8.8.2: Increase in national compliance with international labour
standards based on the findings of the ILO supervisory mechanisms, collective bargaining coverage and
union density.

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and between countries

Many of the proposed indicators on goal 10 are well suited for measuring inequality. However, since
reducing inequality is considered by some countries as politically sensitive, there is a potential risk that

21 januari 2016
these indicators will meet resistance in the upcoming negotiations. Therefore, Sweden and the SCB must
defend and continue to support good indicators for measuring inequalities.
Target 10.2: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all,
irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status.
Proposed indicator 10.2.1 (green): Proportion of people living below 50% of median
income disaggregated by age and sex.
Target 10.3: Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating
discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in
this regard.
Proposed indicator 10.3.1 (green): Percentage of population reporting having
personally felt discriminated against or harassed within the last 12 months on the basis of a ground. of
discrimination prohibited under international human rights law.
Target 10.4: Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively
achieve greater equality.
Proposed indicator 10.4.1 (green): Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection
Our comment: We support suggested indicators 10.2 and 10.3. Proposed indicator 10.3.1 is important
since it aims to measure perceived discrimination, based on the individuals perspective. Data to measure
this indicator could for example be collected via surveys, which could partly be done by civil society
We want to point out that target 10.4 refers to the adoption of social protection policies, and that it
therefore should relate to the indicators under target 1.3, see above. Wefurther suggest that the
proposed indicator 10.4.1 be modified to also include minimum wage as percentage of the median
wages. Hence our proposed indicator would be as below. We also suggest adding an additional indicator
to measure Collective Bargaining Coverage. This is particularly important to reduce inequalities since we
know that there is a correlation between trade union density and more equal societies. Finally, we would
like to draw your attention to the fact that many important commitments have already been made in
international conventions. Therefore, it is also important to include an indicator which measures the
ratification and implementation of these international conventions, which are of particular relevance to
equality, and non- discrimination2. We therefore suggest the below additional indicators to measure
target 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 (but also 5c, 16b and 17.14).

Such conventions include: the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women; the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities; : the ILO 8 Core Conventions covering freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right
to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child
labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation;


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Our proposed additional indicators target 10.4:

- Number of countries that have ratified and implemented international conventions of particular
relevance for equality and non- discrimination.3
- 10.4.1 Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers and minimum wage as %
of the median wages
- 10.4.2 Collective Bargaining Coverage

Target 10.7: Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including
through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies.
Proposed indicators target 10.7:
10.7.1 (green): Recruitment cost born by employee as percentage of yearly income earned in country of
10.7.2 (grey): International Migration Policy Index (+ Based on "International Migration Policy Index.
10.7.3 (grey): Number of detected and non-detected victims of human trafficking per 100,000; by sex,
age and form of exploitation.
Our suggested additional indicator target 10.7: We suggest that the following indicator, proposed by
OHCHR be considered: Percentage of migrants who lost their lives, are injured or are victims of crime
while attempting to cross borders as a percentage of total migrants, disaggregated by age, sex and
Additionally, we ask that the following indicator be considered: number of countries which have taken
immediate and effective actions to implement recommendations with regard to forced migration by the
ILO, the UN special advisor on modern forms of slavery and the Universal Periodic Reviews. Such an
indicator could be supervised by ILO and OHCHR.

Goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production

Proposed Indicator 12.2.2 (grey): Material footprint (MF) and MF/capita
Our comment: We strongly support the suggested indicator 12.2.2 Material footprint (MF) and
MF/capita. This should cover non-food production such as wood, cotton, mining etc. This indicator can
also inform targets 8.4 and 12.5.
Proposed Indicator 12.4.2 (grey): Treatment of waste, generation of hazardous waste (tonnes),
hazardous waste management by type of treatment.

As suggested by the Danish Institute for Human Rights


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Our proposed modified indicator 12.4.2: The proposed indicator could be amended to include "% of
waste going to landfill sites" to measure reduction of release into the environment.
Alternatively, or in addition, Annual average levels of selected contaminants in air, water and soil from
industrial sources, energy generation, agriculture, transport and wastewater and waste treatment
plants could be used to measure degree of treatment. This could be combined with data on emissions
releases against target reductions pledged in the Paris Accord and subsequent agreements that would
come under goal 8.

Proposed indicator 12.6.1 (green): Number of companies publishing sustainability reports

Our comment and proposed modification: We support the suggested indicator 12.6.1, however it also
needs to include and define sustainable procurement: this could include specification of credible
certification schemes; or commitment to zero-deforestation procurement etc.
Indicator 12.a.1 (grey): Number of qualified green patent applications over total
Our proposed additional indicators 12.a.1:
Alternative indicators could include: Percentage of credibly certified sustainable production (as defined
by ISEAL of overall production as proxy for sustainable
production or " Investment in SCP innovations as a ratio of FDI."

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide
access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
We are pleased to see Swedens support for goal 16 in the negotiations for Agenda 2030 and we hope to
see this commitment reflected in the upcoming negotiations for indicators. In order to fully capture and
realize the commitments made in goal 16, there needs to be openness to different forms of indicators
and data collection, for example by promoting surveys which gather peoples perceptions and
experiences. Only if we combine these types of data and data collection will we successfully be able to
measure successes and failures in realizing the commitments made in the goal.
Target 16.1: Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere.
Suggested indicator 16.1.1: Number of victims of intentional homicide by age, sex, mechanism and
where possible type of perpetrator, per 100,000 population.
Suggested indicator 16.1.2 (grey): Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 people (disaggregated by age, sex
and cause).


21 januari 2016
Suggested indicator 16.1.3 (grey): Percentage of the population subjected to physical, psychological or
sexual violence within the last 12 months.
Our comment and suggested indicator: We support the suggested indicators for target 16.1 (i.e. 16.1.1
(green) and 16.1.2 (grey). We believe that indicator 16.1.1 should be retained, and is a strong indicator.
Efforts will be required to widen coverage and overcome reliance on estimates.
We also welcome proposed indicator 16.1.3. However, we support the African groups proposal to add
an additional indicator, or modify indicator 16.1.3 to instead measure peoples experiences/perceptions
of violence and insecurity.
Our proposed additional indicator:
Percentage of people who report that they feel safe walking alone at night in the area where they live.
This indicator could be measured by gathering data via surveys. It is important that the information
gathered is disaggregated based on the groups identified in Agenda 2030, para. 74.

Target 16.2: End abuse, exploitations, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children.
Suggested indicator 16.2.3 (grey): Percentage of young women and men aged 18-24 years who
experienced sexual violence by age 18.
Our comment and suggested modified indicators: We support proposed indicator 16.2.3 since it is the
only one in the current SDGs framework addressing sexual violence against children and adolescents
under 18. This is particularly important to measure given its widespread occurrence worldwide with
devastating and long-term consequenceswith girls being the majority of victims/survivors. This
indicator is recommended by the UN Chief Statisticians and available in the UNICEF database, with
metadata submission available on the IAEG website. However, we note that the proposed indicator
16.2.3 will only measure sexual violence against girls by age 18. This risks excluding a focus on those
under 15 even though girls under 16 are estimated to be roughly half of all sexual assaults globally.
Therefore, we strongly recommend including the following modifications to indicator 16.2:
Our proposed modified indicator 16.2.3:
Percentage of young women and men aged 18-24 years who experienced sexual violence by age 15 and
by age 18, and by perpetrator. This was recommended by the UN Chief Statisticians and available in the
UNICEF database, with metadata submission available on the IAEG website.

Target 16.3: Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to
justice for all.
Suggested indicators target 16.3:
16.3.1 (grey): Percentage of victims of violence in the previous 12 months who reported their
victimization to competent authorities or other officially recognized conflict resolution mechanisms (also
called crime reporting rate) (Choose between current proposal with modification or other suggestion.)


21 januari 2016

16.3.2 (green): Unsentenced detainees as percentage of overall prison population

Our comment and suggested modified indicator: Current proposed indicators are good for measuring
reported cases of violence. However, they fall short in measuring the equality aspects of fair legal
processes. Disaggregated data is particularly important here.
Our suggested additional indicator target 16.3:
Proportion of those who have experienced a dispute in the past 12 months who have accessed a formal,
informal, alternative or traditional dispute resolution mechanism.

Target 16.7: Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision making at all levels.
Suggested indicator 16.7.2 (grey): Proportions of positions (by age, sex, disability and population groups)
in public institutions (national and local legislatures, public service, and judiciary) compared to national
Our comment and proposed additional indicator: Important to measure the commitment made in this
target. We suggest an additional indicator to allow us to not only measure employment in the
government agencies/parliament. It is important to include an indicator which allows us to measure
existence of civil and political space.
Several existing civil society assessment, including Freedom in the World Survey by Freedom House,
which tracks civil liberties and political freedoms, Reporters Without Borders Press Freedom Index and
Civic Space Monitor as well as the International Trade Union Confederations Global Rights Survey.. All
these assessment could provide useful date to measure civil and political space, which are fundamental
to in inclusive, participatory and responsible decision making.
Our suggested additional indicator target 16.7: Existence of civil and political space to influence decision

Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
Indicator 16.9.1 (green): Percentage of children under 5 whose births have been registered with civil
Our comment: We believe that it important to make sure that all children under 5 are registered.
However, the proposed indicator does not fully cover the target and should be more inclusive to persons
at all stages in life. We support suggestion by OHCHR to also measure percentage of adult population
holding an identity document, which allows them to access public services and entitlements, conclude a
lease, open a bank account, and enter and leave their country of residence.
Target 16.10: Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance
with national legislation and international agreements.

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Suggested Indicator 16.10.1 (grey): number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced
disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, associated media personnel, trade
unionists and human rights advocates in the past 12 months.
Our comment: Support the proposed indicator 16.10.1. However, target 16.10 is very broad, addressing
both public access to information as well as the protection of fundamental freedoms. The proposed
indicator rightly measures gross violations, but do not cover the many other aspects of the target,
including the commitment to access to information. Therefore, we suggest an indicator to measure
public access to information be added.
Additionally, there are many existing assessments which measure political rights, including freedom of
speech, the right to organize, freedom of religion and belief and freedom of assembly at the country
level. These should be included when data is collected. Examples of existing assessments are: Reporters
Without Borders Press Freedom Index, measuring freedom of the press, The Freedom in the World
Survey, which ranks countries based on civil and political freedoms and the ITUC Global Rights Index,
ranking countries on workers rights protection, in law and practice.
Target 16.a: Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for
building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat
terrorism and crime.
Indicator 16.a.1 (grey) : Percentage of victims who report physical and/or sexual crime to law
enforcement agencies during the past 12 months (Disaggregated by age, sex, region and population
Our comment: We support the proposed indicator 16.a.1. However, we also note that there is no
indicator in all of Goal 16 reflective of peoples confidence in, or reliance and access to, national
institutions charged with delivering protection and justice, best exemplified by the issue of violence.
Data analysis of specific groups of victims would be relevant to inform policy-making and to identify
potential underreportingfor example, by type of violence and perpetrator such as in cases of genderbased and domestic violence, or hate crimes (e.g. based on race, ethnicity, migrant status, religion,
sexual orientation and gender identity).

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for
sustainable development
Target 17.14: Enhance Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development
Proposed indicator 17.14.1: Number of countries that have ratified and implemented relevant
international instruments under the IMO (safety, security, environmental protection, civil liability, and
compensation and insurance) and the ILO Maritime Convention.

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Our comment: We believe that this proposed indicator does not fully capture the concept of policy
coherence for development. Instead, we suggest an indicator which measures the number of countries
which include impact assessments as part of their decision making processes, and whether those impact
assessments look at impacts on the human rights of people living in poverty, as well as on inequality and
the environment.
Our proposed indicators target 17.14:
-Number of international agreements or treaties which contradicts the sustainable development goals.
- Number of new international agreements or treaties that have a chapter on sustainable development
- Number of countries with a multi-sectoral strategy to achieve and promote sustainable development

Target 17.17: Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships,
building on the experiences and resourcing strategies of partnerships.
Suggested indicator 17.17.1 (green): Amount of USD committed to public-private partnerships.
Our comment: This indicator is not sufficient to measure the commitment made in target 17.17. An
additional indicator is needed, which measures the existence of enabling policies and practices with
regard to civil society participation in legislative and official decision making processes. The current
emphasis in the indicators on measuring the number of public-private partnerships (PPPs) does not
evaluate the quality of official engagement with civil society. Civil societys ability to engage in multistakeholder partnerships could be monitored through several sources of data, including the CSO
Sustainability Index, Freedom in the World Survey, the Civil Space Monitor being developed by CIVICUS,
NGO Law Monitor, and dedicated monitoring efforts by the Global Partnership for Effective
Development Cooperation and the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness.


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