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1. Perkalian formula dalam definisi 2.

10 oleh P(A), kita akan memperoleh aturan

perkalian (atau aturan hasil kali) penting berikut, yang mana dapat kita hitung peluang
dari dua kejadian yang akan terjadi.
Subject 1 : Multiplying the formula in definition 2.10 by P(A)
Predicate 1 : Obtain
Object 1 : Rule of multiplicative
Subject 2 : Rule of multiplicative
Predicate 2 : calculate
Object 2 : Probability (two events will both occur)
2. Teorema 2.10 : Jika dalam sebuah percobaan kejadian A dan B dapat keduanya
P( A B ) P ( A) P ( B | A)
terjadi, maka
, dimana P(A) > 0.
Subject : Event A and B (compound subject)
Predicate : occur
P( A B)
Subject 2 :
Predicate 2 : is equal to
P( A) P ( B | A)
Object 2 :
Subject 3 : Event A and B (compound subject)
Predicate 3 : Provided
Object 3 : P(A) > 0


The probability of an event occurring when it is known that some event has
occurred is called a conditional probability and is denoted by (|). The symbol (|) is
usually read the probability that occurs given that occurs or simply the probability of
, given . Consider the event of getting a perfect square when a die is tossed. The die is
constructed so that the even numbers are twice as likely to occur as the odd numbers. Based
on the sample space = {1,2,3,4,5,6}, with probabilities of 1 9 and 2 9 assigned, respectively,
to the odd and even numbers, the probability of B occurring is 1 3 . Now suppose that it is
known that the toss of the die resulted in a number greater than 3. We are now dealing with a
reduced sample space = {4,5,6}, which is a subset of . To nd the probability that
occurs, relative to the space , we must rst assign new probabilities to the elements of
proportional to their original probabilities such that their sum is 1. Assigning a probability of
w to the odd number in and a probability of 2 to the two even numbers, we have 5 = 1,
or = 1 5 . Relative to the space , we nd that contains the single element 4. Denoting
this event by the symbol |, we write | = {4}, and hence (|) = 2 5 .

In the die-tossing experiment discussed on page 62, we note that (|) = 2 5 whereas
() = 1 3 . That is, (|) = (), indicating that depends on . Now consider an
experiment in which 2 cards are drawn in succession from an ordinary deck, with
replacement. The events are dened as : the rst card is an ace, : the second card is a
spade. Since the rst card is replaced, our sample space for both the rst and the second draw
consists of 52 cards, containing 4 aces and 13 spades. Hence, (|) = 13 52 = 1 4 and ()
= 13 52 = 1 4 . That is,(|) = (). When this is true, the events and are said to be
independent. In other words, the occurrence of had no impact on the odds of occurrence of
. Here the occurrence of B is independent of the occurrence of A.

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