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NVQ 3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

STLS21 Support the development and effectiveness of

work teams
Questions Units KUS
Please explain the relationship between your own work role and the STLS 21 K2
role of other members of your work team
Supporting a particular EAL child I work with individual children who need
help to improve their English vocabulary and speaking skills. I receive plans
from teachers which show me what activity they would like me to carry out and
what learning objectives they would like me to focus on. I am able to give
feedback to the teacher by typing up a detailed report for them.
Within the class I work in the classroom supporting a group of EAL children.
I work alongside the teacher and teaching assistant within the classroom, under
the direction of the teacher. I am able to give oral feedback to the teacher
and written reports, where necessary.
Out of class I work outside of the classroom with a group of EAL children
reinforcing their learning in a smaller group and using simple language to help
further their understanding. Again, I am given planning by the teacher and the
activity is explained to me, and I am able to given either written or oral
feedback after the session
EAL Groups I work with my manager to provide extra support to groups of
EAL children in each year group who need the most support with their
development of the English language.
Within the school I provide EAL visuals for lessons, and prepare and put up
displays as requested by my colleagues. On occasion, I provide general support
to teacher when the school is short staffed eg by hearing children read. I also
accompany groups of children on school trips.
After school I work alongside my manager running a homework club every
Thursday after school to support children whose parents have difficulty helping
them at home.

Members of the team need to understand their role and how it fits in with the
role of other team members. Communication is the most important part of team
working and this should be clear and consistent so that all team members feel
their opinions are valued.

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