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1- Normal hematopoiesis

Contains adult formation of erythrocytes in the spleen

includes the formation of erythrocytes in bone marrow adult
Includes the formation of erythrocytes in adult liver
comprises forming bone marrow leukocytes in the fetus
Comprises forming platelets in lymph nodes in the embryo
2-Normal hemoglobin contains
of adult hemoglobin A
Hemoglobin in the embryo Z
hemoglobin F fetus
adult hemoglobin A2
B in adult hemoglobin
3-Hematopoiesis occurs normally
In adult spleen
In the adult liver
in the adult bone marrow
fat in the liver
In adult kidney
4-Cell precursors are following
For erythrocyte is megakaryocyte
For platelet is reticulocyte
for neutrophil is metamielocitul
for neutrophil is Blast
for plasma cells is B lymphocyte
5-Bone marrow contains
hematopoietic microenvironment
blood cell populations hierarchy
precursory erythroid
precursors of hepatocytes
Precursors gliocitelor
6-Hematopoietic stem cells
are less numerous
have the ability to proliferate
have the ability to self-renewal
pluripotent cells have the capacity
Are found in tegument
7-Given the life of the platelet, we expect a transfusion of platelet concentrate to
1 year
6 months
A few days

8-Marrow hematopoietic are

mitotic proliferation
9-Marrow hematopoietic are
means transforming a cell differentiation younger, less specialized cell to a more
mature, more specialized
Citodiabaza passage means mature cells in bone marrow and then dumping the
movement in peripheral blood
Citodiabaza means death by cytolysis of cell aging
Cell differentiation means the forming of a kind of stem cell
10-Adjusting hematopoiesis
there is regulatory factors for leukocytes
there is regulatory factors platelet
Erythropoietin regulates erythrocyte series
Erythropoietin regulates leukocyte series
Erythropoietin regulates megakaryocyte series
Pale appearance is defined by patient
Decrease is defined by a hemoglobin below 17 g%
is defined by decreasing the number of red blood cells below normal
hematocrit is defined by decreased below normal
Is defined by decreased neutrophil counts less than 1000 / mm3
12-The cause of anemia should be investigated in any patient anemic
13-What is VEM
mean corpuscular volume
Volume average leukocyte
Volume Average emphysematous
Average erythrocyte vibration
Average velocity essential
14-Classification pathogenic anemia include
reduced production of red blood cells anemia
bone marrow failure anemia associated with ineffective erythropoiesis
increased loss of red cell anemia
hemolytic anemia
acute and chronic anemia posthaemorrhagic

15-Bone marrow examination is done by

sternal bone marrow aspirate
Rib bone marrow biopsy osteo
Osteo marrow biopsy distal phalanx of his right hand
bone marrow biopsy of hip osteo
Of the spinal canal bone marrow aspirate
16-Iron metabolism comprising
Absorption in the descending colon
iron is lost from the body mainly by epithelial cells
In blood, iron is transported by a carrier protein which is called ferritin
Excess iron is stored in the form of transferrin
sideremia shows blood iron
17-The causes leading to iron deficiency may be
recurrent epistaxis
Internal Hemorrhoids
Gastric Cancer
accelerated infant growth
18-Clinical diagnosis in iron deficiency anemia
Insidious onset
Always Debut acute hemorrhagic shock
Dyspnea effort
reduced concentration mental effort
19-Clinical diagnosis in iron deficiency anemia
brittle hair
visual disorders - phosphene
Erythema pometilor
20-DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY in iron deficiency anemia
low hemoglobin concentration
Increased VEM
low VEM
low HEM
Increased HEM
21-The stages of iron deficiency anemia diagnoses are
blood count, erythrocyte indices, proven iron deficiency, looking for the cause
Blood count, erythrocyte indices, proving B12 deficiency, looking for the cause

Blood count, erythrocyte indices, proven iron deficiency, it is not necessary looking for the
Blood count, erythrocyte indices, proof of vitamin B6 deficiency, looking for the cause
Blood count, erythrocyte indices, proving folate deficiency, looking for the cause
22-Specific treatment for iron deficiency anemia is made with
Vitamin B12
injectable iron preparations
iron preparations orally
23-While it is receiving therapy with iron deficiency anemia in
One month
3-6 months
2 weeks
1 week
5 days
24-Megaloblastic anemia clinical in
Dyspnea effort
glossitis Hunter
bloating, abdominal pain diffuse
pale-yellow citrine
Always pale white as paper
25-The CBC in megaloblastic anemia
hemoglobin levels can be very low
Always VEM low
increased VEM
Always Thrombocytosis
26-Treatment of anemia megaloblastic
Vitamin B12
with folate
With injectable iron preparations
With chemotherapy
red cells transfusions
27-Patient monitoring anemic
No patient with anemia aims
Periodic review of blood counts, clinical examination
Rating unless new symptoms

28-Haemolytic anemia may be

globin defects
29-Hemolysis is biologically determined by
increased total bilirubin
indirect bilirubin increased
Only increased direct bilirubin
Decreased urine urobilinogen
high LDH Lacticodehidrogenaza
30-What we look Coombs
patient serum autoantibodies present in the erythrocyte
Patient serum autoantibodies present in antileucocitari
Of Treponema pallidum present in patient serum
Of Giardia lamblia present in patient serum
No show us anything relevant in hematology
It is a hereditary anemia
The defective synthesis of one or more globin subunits in normal human hemoglobins
A positive diagnosis is important to analyze hemoglobin electrophoresis
It can be severe anemia
Is an anemia that occurs in prolonged smoking
32-Myelodysplastic Syndromes
may occur after cancer treatment
dysplasia appears in the peripheral blood and bone marrow.
In peripheral blood are blasts in percentage of over 50%
In peripheral blood can be macrocytosis
osteo-marrow biopsy is required for diagnosis positive
33-CLINIC imfatica chronic leukemia can be manifested by
Mobile painless peripheral lymphadenopathy
Adenopathy usually unique, painful
Skin infections
progressive asthenia
34-Imfatica chronic leukemia blood counts
Leucocyte count diverted left at blast
Sometimes anemia
Sometimes thrombocytopenia

35-Positive diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia require

bone marrow aspirate
Computed tomography skull
Abdominal ultrasound
36-Binet staging in chronic lymphatic leukemia
Stage I is anemia + 2 lymph node groups
thrombocytopenia Stage II + 3 lymph node groups
Stage IV is the worst
Stage III is in this anemia or thrombocytopenia
Stage I is one lymph node group without anemia or thrombocytopenia
37-Acute Leukemia:
Is a benign disease undifferentiated stem cells
cell loses its ability to differentiate
cell loses its ability maturation
acute lymphoblastic leukemia is more common in young adults
acute lymphoblastic leukemia subtypes differ in appearance immunophenotype
38-In acute leukemia:
onset is often insidious
Due to infectious thrombocytopenia syndrome appears
may occur in palate and throat ulcers
may occur gums
severe viral infections may occur
39-In acute leukemia:
Splenomegaly is always giant
differential diagnosis is done with mononucleosis
Blood is always thrombocytosis
differential white blood count is "hiatus leukemia"
Blasts can occur physiologically in peripheral blood but lower percentage
40-In acute leukemia:
Blasts in the bone are in percentage <10%
Immunophenotype exam is optional, only in some cases worse
It can be done and molecular examination
The treatment with high doses of vitamin B12
Treatment includes therapy bleeding complications
41-In myelodysplastic syndrome
appears insufficient production of one or more cell types sagvine
appears a dysfunction of the bone marrow
may be secondary to environmental toxins or radiation
Cytogenetics has no importance
differential diagnosis is done with megaloblastic anemia

42-In chronic lymphatic leukemia:

can occur and under 40 years
Onset is acute or always superacute
Appears always strabismus
splenomegaly may occur
immunosuppression may occur due to various infections
43-In chronic lymphatic leukemia:
is leukocytosis
Is neutrophilic
is basophilia
are nuclear shadows Gumprecht
In marrow is infiltrated lymphocytes
44-In chronic lymphatic leukemia:
treatment can be done with chemotherapy in combination with monoclonal
differential diagnosis is made with lymphomas
Depending on the intensity Staging is done pallor and skin lesions
Is a mieloproliferare
Cytogenetic examination is without specific information useful
45-Hodgkin's disease
Has Reed-Sternberg cell morphological feature
Positive diagnosis is made by palpation adenopathy
Cardinal symptom is bleeding skin
Classification (staging) Cotswolds is made depending on the involved lymph node
and radiotherapy treatment is
46-In non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas
onset is insidious
May occur general symptoms (fever, itching, pallor)
Clinic can be superficial or deep poliadenopatie
The diagnosis is made by histopathology of lymph node biopsy
The diagnosis is made by examining the marrow, lymphocytic infiltrations with> 40%
47-In non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas {
It is only with chemotherapy treatment
associated treatment and monoclonal antibodies
correct diagnosis of lymph node biopsy include immunohistochemistry
The differential diagnosis is Hodgkin's disease
For staging is performed CT scanning of the chest and abdomen
48-Chronic myeloproliferative syndrome include:
Chronic lymphatic leukemia
essential thrombocythemia
Polycythemia vera
Myeloid metaplasia androgenic

Hodgkin's disease
49-Chronic myeloid leukemia:
clinically shows splenomegaly
is the treatment of tyrosine kinase inhibitors very effective
Has only a chronic phase
Have leukopenia
Shows hiperlimfocitoza
50-In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia:
paraclinically cleared the left leukocyte formula
Has a cytogenetic marker chromosome Nagasaki =
Molecular examination is optional
Deviation is right leukocyte formula
Appears' gap leukemia "
51-Chronic myeloproliferative syndrome:
In clinically essential thrombocythemia only arterial or venous thrombosis, not bleeding
in myeloid metaplasia with mieloscleroza vacuum marrow puncture can be "white"
in myeloid metaplasia with erythrocytes may occur mieloscleroza "droplets"
in myeloid metaplasia with giant splenomegaly may be mieloscleroza
clinical polycythemia vera shows hypertension
52-Multiple myeloma
The proliferation of monoclonal plasma cell myeloma
Plasmocitul pathologically identical immunoglobulin secreta
vertebral compression may occur
neurological symptoms may occur
Is much lower ESR, close to 1 mm / h
53-Multiple myeloma
appear bone pain
kidney failure may occur
staging include the number of bone lysis
differential diagnosis is made with bone metastases
Is modern therapy with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, imatinib type

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