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26 2016
The knower of experience is not an experience
"As awareness is the essence of experience, it cannot be an object of experience.
Since there is no experiencer nor any experience other than It, the self is unknowable
not because It does not exist but because It cannot be objectified." -Panchadasi
MICHAEL: Qualities/differentiations are inherent to objects, not that which is aware of
objects. Awareness is inherently whole and contains no qualities/differentiations. If you
can talk about it, it's not awareness. If you can think about it, it's not awareness.
The knower of desires is desireless
JAMES SWARTZ: The arising of every desire/fear is an opportunity to turn ones
attention to the knower of the desire. By investigating the knower, it is clear that the
self is free of desire. When you see that you are free of desire, the desire playing in
you loses it binding power.
The view out your eyes is ever-changing,
but what about THAT which has viewed every second??
Imagine you were able to take a photograph every second of your life. From the
moment you were born until right now. And we went to a park and laid out every photo
in front of you as you continue to take pictures in real time, even now.
What we would see is every photo would be different in one way or another. BUT, will
YOU, the ever present awareness that has been looking through the viewfinder upon
the bodys birth and is still looking through it now as you read these words has that
one ever changed or not been there?? -Michael Jeffreys

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