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November 2016


Thank you for your prayers as I

ministered at Word of Life Africa
Bible Institute in the country of
Uganda. I had the privilege of
teaching the book of Hebrews (10
hours) to 29 students from Uganda, Rwanda, and Mozambique.
What a blessing it was for me to
have a small part in equipping them for faithful service to our Lord on the continent of Africa!

The staff of Word of Life Uganda not only runs a Bible Institute, but they also have a great ministry in the
lives of children through their elementary and high schools. In addition to teaching Hebrews, I had the
opportunity to speak at Chancellors Chapel. This chapel is a gathering of all the staff and students of the
Bible Institute as well as the high school.

During my time in Uganda I met with individual staff members and collectively with the Academic
Department, as well as the BI Staff. The details of which I will not bore you, but all that to say, it was my
great pleasure to serve with and for this great team!

I also greatly enjoyed meeting with students over mealtime, and answering their many questions about the
book of Hebrews, as well as specific theological and practical issues that they face in their cultural context.
Kenny, a married student, personally e-mailed me yesterday saying, I would like to thank you for teaching
us the book of Hebrews. Personally I gained much because many of my questions concerning that book were
answered and I actually performed very well in your exams :).

The apostle Paul writes to the Thessalonian believers, For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? Is
it not even you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? For
you are our glory and joy. (1 Thess. 2:19-20). This verse comes to
mind whenever I have the
privilege of visiting with former students who are faithfully serving
the Lord. What great joy it brings Jill and I to learn of their faithful
service to our Savior, and to have had a small part in their
preparation. Arthur was a student of mine shortly after Jill and I
arrived in Hungary as a married couple. He is now married to Lucy
and has a charming young daughter. Together they faithfully serve as
a part of the WOL Uganda team, evangelizing and equipping the
youth of Uganda with the Gospel of Christ! They are worthy recipients of your support! One afternoon,
after class, Arthur took me to the Source of the Nile. Did you know that the Nile River begins in Uganda and
flows north all the way to Egypt?
Thank you for your continued interest, prayers, and giving to our ministry! Please continue to pray for us. I
depart for Brazil this Friday, followed by a teaching trip to Hungary.

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