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Re-numbering/Re-routification becomes due at the time of bifurcation of a Sub

Division or at any time at the desire of Authority. In this process new reference numbers
based upon the feeder, transformer and easy walk order are allotted to all the consumers of a
Sub Division. Assistant Manager Operation will arrange preparation of base map for the area
of the Sub Division indicating the feeders, transformers, streets and bazaars etc and also the
location of bank branches collecting the bills.
Re-numbering/ Re-routification work is completed as per schedule prepared by the
Manager Commercial in conjunction with Manager MIS, Circle DCMs and Deputy
Managers Operation.
SUPPLY OF PRE-PRINTED RE-NUMBERING LIST:Before start of re-numbering work all pending installed connections data (SCOs,
MCOs, RCOs and EROs) will be immediately provided to the Computer Centres. Computer
Center will arrange the immediate posting of above data. Then pre-printed re-numbering lists
indicating the existing reference number (i-e Batch number Sub Division code, Account
Number and Check Digit), tariff code, load, feeder code name and address of the consumers
are got printed in duplicate along with the creation of pre-entry files in respect of all Sub
Divisions. The columns for new reference numbers indicating New Batch Number, New Sub
Division Code and New Account Number having seven digits are left blank for entry by field
staff. After recording the number of pages in respect of each Sub Division in dispatch
register, these list are sent to Assistant Managers (CS) office for onward dispatch to Sub

Meter reading supervisor will prepare re-numbering/ re-routification register CPFORM-73 feeder wise and attend the office of the Assistant Manager (CS). He will carry out

reconciliation of connections as per CP-FORM-73 with the consumers being billed by the
computer in conjunction with the commercial superintendent. Meter reading supervisor will
prepare the list of variances in duplicate and bring it to the notice of Assistant Manager (O)
and Assistant Manager (CS). They will jointly investigate the variances and ensure corrective
action before the start of re-numbering and re-routification by the Sub Divisional staff.
New reference numbers are allotted by Sub Divisions. Five digits are reserved for
allotment of Account numbers along with two digits reserved for supplementary account
numbers for such consumers who may get connection in between two consecutive Account
Numbers already allotted. The serial number for allotment of account number will be 00001
to 99999 for each sub division irrespective of the feeders
Re-numbering and Re-routification must be carried out in easy walk order such that
any person walking along a 11 KV feeder in a natural way may be able to locate the account
number easily. The distribution system has to be laid down. In case it is already laid down, it
should be modified and re-aligned before re-routifications that two 11 KV feeders or LT
feeders from same transformer or separate transformers may not exist in the way of each
other during the allotment of Account Numbers. To make it clear, in walk order the consumer
must be fed by the same feeder and same distribution transformer. This is necessary in order
to account for the losses transformer wise and feeder wise.
After allotment of account number to all consumers of a Sub Division, new allotted
account number is filled in the re-numbering lists in the columns left blank for entry of new
reference numbers. Five digits account numbers are entered along with two right zeros in the
columns reserved for supplementary account numbers. After completion, the re-numbering
lists are supplied to Computer Centres through Assistant Manager (CS).
ENTRY OF RE-NUMBERING LISTS:At the time of receiving in Computer Centres, the number of pages of re-numbering
lists in respect of each Sub Division must be verified from the pages as recorded at the time

of initial dispatch. Then these lists are sent to Data Entry Section for entry of new reference
numbers. New reference numbers are entered in the pre-entry files, created Sub Division
Wise at the time of processing of re-numbering lists.
CHECKING OF RE-NUMBERING PROOF LISTS:After completion of entry, proof lists are requested in the machine room. Following
error messages may appear in the lists which are required to be got cleared.

Batch Invalid

Sub Division Invalid

Account Number Invalid

Feeder Code Invalid

These proof lists are got edited/checked from the source re-numbering lists with the
assistance of meter reading supervisors of all Sub Divisions. Errors/ omissions are marked in
red ink. Then these proof lists are sent to Data Entry Section for correction purposes.
SUB DIVISION WISE EXCEPTION CREEATION/ ENTRY/ POSTING:When it is ensured that all the corrections are entered and proof lists are 100 % error
free, Exception Creation & List (Sub Division Wise) step is executed. In this step exception
files are created along with printing of exception lists. Following types of exceptions are
created in these lists.

Not Found On Re-numbering File

Not Found On Master File

Duplicate Old Reference Number

Duplicate New Reference Number

It is very important step during the processing of re-numbering so these exceptions

are required to be got cleared with the consultation of Assistant Managers Operation and
Meter Reading Supervisors. These exceptions are entered on exception files. After entry of
all the exceptions, proof lists are requested in the machine room. These proof lists are edited
100 % from the source. When it is ensured that exception lists are 100 % error free, exception
files are posted on renumbering files for up-dation of re-numbering file. Then Exception
Creation & List (Sub Division Wise) step is again repeated. This practice is required to be
continued until the 100 % clearance of exceptions.
MERGING OF ALL RE-NUMBERING FILES & FINAL EXCEPTION CREATION:In this step re-numbering files of all Sub Divisions are merged in to a single renumbering file. Then Exception Creation & List Step is executed on this merged renumbering file. In this step total exception file is created along with printing of exception list.
The similar messages may appear in the list and required to be got cleared with the help of
field staff. The corrections are entered on exception file. The proof list is obtained and
checked. When the list is error free the exception file is posted on re-numbering file. This
practice is required to be continued until the 100 % clearance of exceptions.
CREATION OF CHECK DIGITS AGAINST NEW REFERENCE NUMBER:In this step Check Digits against new reference numbers are created in the renumbering file. Now re-numbering file is ready to post
CRATION OF RE-NUMBERED MASTER FILE:In this step re-numbered new Master File is created. After creation of re-numbered
master file, Indexation step is executed. In this step Sequential Re-numbered Master File is
converted in to Indexed Master File. The following miscellaneous files are also required to be
re-numbered after completion of re-numbering steps.

Bill History File

Government Balance File

Detection Bill File

Month End File

GSTNO file

RCO file

Residual File (at the time of bifurcation of Sub Division)

CP-110 Balance File (at the time of bifurcation of Sub Division)

CP-107 Balance File (at the time of creation of new Division)

CP-104 Balance File (at the time of creation of new Division)

CP-41 Balance File (at the time of creation of new Division)

Following Outputs lists are also generated at the time of re-numbering of Master File.

Old vs New List

New vs Old List

Meter Reading List according to new reference numbers

When re-numbering steps are completed, billing program is required to be modified

in order to print word NEW on the stub portion. New cash entry/ posting procedure
required to be implemented to control the proper posting of payments to correct consumers.
In cash entry program code N is included for entry of new reference numbers. All the cash
programs (i-e Correction, Compare, Cp-100, Circle Wise Separation and Cash Posting) are
modified accordingly.

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