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The Complete HTML5 Canvas Puzzle

A couple of notes:

Cross-browser compatibility: This puzzle was tested and works in all

versions of Safari, Firefox, and Chrome that support the canvas element.
Mobile: The code provide here works in the above-mentioned desktop
browser and is not optimised for mobile. The puzzle will load and render
just fine, but because of the touch and drag behaviors in mobile browsers,
optimization is required for it to function correctly. Optimizing this puzzle
for mobile will be covered in a future tutorial.
Adjustable Difficulty: The code contains a constant, PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY,
that determines the number of pieces. In the demo above, this is set to 4,
giving a 4x4 puzzle. We can easily change this - for example, this version

Getting Started
To get started, create a directory for the project. Place an image in the directory that you want
to use as your puzzle. Any web friendly image will do, and it can be any size your heart
desires - just make sure it fits within the fold of your browser's window.

Step 1: Creating the HTML Template

Open a new file using your favorite text editor and save it inside your project directory, next
to your image. Next, fill out this basic HTML template.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML5 Puzzle</title>
<body onload="init();">
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

All we need to do here is create a standard HTML5 template containing one canvas tag with the
id of canvas. Well write an onload listener in the body tag which will call our init()
function when fired.
Now start by placing your cursor inside the script tag. From here on out it's all javascript.
With the exception of the initial variables, I'll be organising the sections by function. First
showing you the code and then explaining the logic.

Step 2: Setting Up Our Variables

Lets set up our variables and take a look at each one.
const PUZZLE_HOVER_TINT = '#009900';
var _canvas;
var _stage;


var _mouse;

First we have a couple of constants: PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY and PUZZLE_HOVER_TINT. The

PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY constant holds the number of pieces in our puzzle. In this application,
the rows and columns always match, so by setting PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY to 4, we get 16 puzzle
pieces in total. Increasing this increases the difficulty of the puzzle.
Next is a series of variables:

and _stage will hold a reference to the canvas and to its drawing context,
respectively. We do this so we dont have to write out the entire query each time we
use them. And well be using them a lot!
_img will be a reference to the loaded image, which we will be copying pixels from
throughout the application.

_puzzleWidth, _puzzleHeight, _pieceWidth,

and _pieceHeight will be used to

store the dimensions of both the entire puzzle and each individual puzzle piece. We set
these once to prevent calculating them over and over again each time we need them.



holds a reference to the piece currently being dragged.

holds a reference to the piece currently in position to be dropped

on. (In the demo, this piece is highlighted green.)

is a reference that will hold the mouse's current x and y position. This gets
updated when the puzzle is clicked to determine which piece is touched, and when a
piece is being dragged to determine what piece it's hovering over.

Now, on to our functions.

Step 3: The init() Function

function init(){
_img = new Image();
_img.src = "mke.jpg";

The first thing we want to do in our application is to load the image for the puzzle. The image
object is first instantiated and set to our _img variable. Next, we listen for the load event
which will then fire our onImage() function when the image has finished loading. Lastly we
set the source of the image, which triggers the load.
Step 4: The onImage() Function
function onImage(e){
_pieceWidth = Math.floor(_img.width / PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY)
_pieceHeight = Math.floor(_img.height / PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY)
_puzzleWidth = _pieceWidth * PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY;
_puzzleHeight = _pieceHeight * PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY;

Now that the image is successfully loaded, we can set the majority of the variables declared
earlier. We do this here because we now have information about the image and can set our
values appropriately.
The first thing we do is calculate the size of each puzzle piece. We do this by dividing the
PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY value by the width and height of the loaded image. We also trim the fat
off of the edges to give us some nice even numbers to work with and assure that each piece
can appropriately swap slots with others.
Next we use our new puzzle piece values to determine the total size of the puzzle and set
these values to _puzzleWidth and _puzzleHeight.
Lastly, we call off a few functions - setCanvas() and initPuzzle().

Step 5: The setCanvas() Function

function setCanvas(){
_canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
_stage = _canvas.getContext('2d');
_canvas.width = _puzzleWidth;
_canvas.height = _puzzleHeight; = "1px solid black";

Now that our puzzle values are complete, we want to set up our canvas element. First we set
our _canvas variable to reference our canvas element, and _stage to reference its context.
Now we set the width and height of our canvas to match the size of our trimmed image,
followed by applying some simple styles to create a black border around our canvas to
display the bounds of our puzzle.

Step 6: The initPuzzle() Function

function initPuzzle(){
_pieces = [];
_mouse = {x:0,y:0};
_currentPiece = null;
_currentDropPiece = null;
_stage.drawImage(_img, 0, 0, _puzzleWidth, _puzzleHeight, 0, 0,
_puzzleWidth, _puzzleHeight);
createTitle("Click to Start Puzzle");

Here we initialize the puzzle. We set this function up in such a way that we can call it again
later when we want to replay the puzzle. Anything else that needed to be set prior to playing
will not need to be set again.
First we set _pieces as an empty array and create the _mouse object, which will hold our
mouse position throughout the application. Next we set the _currentPiece and
_currentPieceDrop to null. (On the first play these values would already be null, but we
want to make sure they get reset when replaying the puzzle.)
Finally, its time to draw! First we draw the entire image to display to the player what they
will be creating. After that we create some simple instructions by calling our createTitle()

Step 7: The createTitle() Function

function createTitle(msg){
_stage.fillStyle = "#000000";
_stage.globalAlpha = .4;
_stage.fillRect(100,_puzzleHeight - 40,_puzzleWidth - 200,40);
_stage.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
_stage.globalAlpha = 1;
_stage.textAlign = "center";
_stage.textBaseline = "middle";
_stage.font = "20px Arial";
_stage.fillText(msg,_puzzleWidth / 2,_puzzleHeight - 20);

Here we create a fairly simple message that instructs the user to click the puzzle to begin.
Our message will be a semi-transparent rectangle that will serve as the background of our
text. This allows the user to see the image behind it and also assures our white text will be
legible on any image

We simply set fillStyle to black and globalAlpha to .4, before filling in a short black
rectangle at the bottom of the image.
Since globalAlpha affects the entire canvas, we need to set it back to 1 (opaque) before
drawing the text. To set up our title, we set the textAlign to 'center' and the textBaseline to
'middle'. We can also apply some font properties.
To draw the text, we use the fillText() method. We pass in the msg variable and place it at
the horizontal center of the canvas, and the vertical center of the rectangle.
Step 8: The buildPieces() Function
function buildPieces(){
var i;
var piece;
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
piece = {}; = xPos; = yPos;
xPos += _pieceWidth;
if(xPos >= _puzzleWidth){
xPos = 0;
yPos += _pieceHeight;
document.onmousedown = shufflePuzzle;

Finally it's time to build the puzzle!

We do this by building an object for each piece. These objects will not be responsible for
rendering to the canvas, but rather to merely hold references on what to draw and where. That
being said, lets get to it.
First off, lets declare a few variables that well be reusing through the loop. We want to set up
the loop to iterate through the number of puzzle pieces we need. We get this value by
multiplying PUZZLE_DIFFICULTY by itself - so in this case we get 16.
In the loop:
piece = {}; = xPos; = yPos;
xPos += _pieceWidth;
if(xPos >= _puzzleWidth){
xPos = 0;
yPos += _pieceHeight;

Start by creating an empty piece object. Next add the sx and sy properties to the object. In
the first iteration, these values are 0 and represent the point in our image where we will begin
to draw from. Now push it to the _pieces[] array. This object will also contain the properties
xPos and yPos, which will tell us the current position in the puzzle where the piece should be
drawn. Well be shuffling the objects before its playable so these values dont need to be set
quite yet.
The last thing we do in each loop is increase the local variable xPos by _pieceWidth. Before
continuing on with the loop, we determine if we need to step down to the next row of pieces
by checking whether xPos is beyond the width of the puzzle. If so, we reset xPos back to 0
and increase yPos by _pieceHeight.
Now we have our puzzle pieces all stored away nicely in our _pieces array. At this point the
code finally stops executing and waits for the user to interact. We set a click listener to the
document to fire the shufflePuzzle() function when triggered, which will begin the game.

Step 9: The shufflePuzzle() Function

function shufflePuzzle(){
_pieces = shuffleArray(_pieces);
var i;
var piece;
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
piece.xPos = xPos;
piece.yPos = yPos;
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth,
_pieceHeight, xPos, yPos, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(xPos, yPos, _pieceWidth,_pieceHeight);
xPos += _pieceWidth;
if(xPos >= _puzzleWidth){
xPos = 0;
yPos += _pieceHeight;
document.onmousedown = onPuzzleClick;
function shuffleArray(o){
for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[-i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
return o;

First things first: shuffle the _pieces[] array. Im using a nice utility function here that will
shuffle the indices of the array passed into it. The explanation of this function is beyond the
topic of this tutorial so well move on, knowing that we have successfully shuffled our pieces.
(For a basic introduction to shuffling, take a look at this tutorial.)
Lets first clear all graphics drawn to the canvas to make way for drawing our pieces. Next,
set up the array similar to how we did when first creating our piece objects.

In the loop:
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
piece.xPos = xPos;
piece.yPos = yPos;
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight,
xPos, yPos, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(xPos, yPos, _pieceWidth,_pieceHeight);
xPos += _pieceWidth;
if(xPos >= _puzzleWidth){
xPos = 0;
yPos += _pieceHeight;

First of all, use the i variable to set up our reference to the current piece object in the loop.
Now we populate the xPos and yPos properties I mentioned earlier, which will be 0 in our
first iteration.
Now, at long last, we draw our pieces.
The first parameter of drawImage() assigns the source of the image we want to draw from.
Then use the piece objects sx and sy properties, along with _pieceWidth and _pieceHeight,
to populate the parameters that declare the area of the image in which to draw from. The last
four parameters set the area of the canvas where we want to draw. We use the xPos and yPos
values that we are both building in the loop and assigning to the object.
Immediately after this we draw a quick stroke around the piece to give it a border, which will
separate it nicely from the other pieces.
Now we wait for the user to grab a piece by setting another click listener. This time it
will fire an onPuzzleClick() function.

Step 10: The onPuzzleClick() Function

function onPuzzleClick(e){
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
_currentPiece = checkPieceClicked();

if(_currentPiece != null){
_stage.globalAlpha = .9;
_pieceWidth, _pieceHeight, _mouse.x - (_pieceWidth / 2), _mouse.y (_pieceHeight / 2), _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
document.onmousemove = updatePuzzle;
document.onmouseup = pieceDropped;

We know that the puzzle was clicked; now we need to determine what piece was clicked on.
This simple conditional will get us our mouse position on all modern desktop browsers that
support canvas, using either e.layerX and e.layerY or e.offsetX and e.offsetY. Use
these values to update our _mouse object by assigning it an x and a y property to hold the
current mouse position - in this case, the position where it was clicked.
In line 112 we then immediately set _currentPiece to the returned value from our
checkPieceClicked() function. We separate this code because we want to use it later when
dragging the puzzle piece. Ill explain this function in the next step.
If the value returned was null, we simply do nothing, as this implies that the user didnt
actually click on a puzzle piece. However, if we do retrieve a puzzle piece, we want to attach
it to the mouse and fade it out a bit to reveal the pieces underneath. So how do we do this?
First we clear the canvas area where the piece sat before we clicked it. We use clearRect()
once again, but in this case we pass in only the area obtained from the _currentPiece object.
Before we redraw it, we want to save() the context of the canvas before proceeding. This
will assure that anything we draw after saving will not simply draw over anything in its way.
We do this because well be slightly fading the dragged piece and want to see the pieces under
it. If we didnt call save(), wed just draw over any graphics in the way - faded or not.
Now we draw the image so its center is positioned at the mouse pointer. The first 5 parameters
of drawImage will always be the same throughout the application. When clicking, the next
two parameters will be updated to center itself to the pointer of the mouse. The last two
parameters, the width and height to draw, will also never change.
Lastly we call the restore() method. This essentially means we are done using the new
alpha value and want to restore all properties back to where they were. To wrap up this
function we add two more listeners. One for when we move the mouse (dragging the puzzle
piece), and one for when we let go (drop the puzzle piece).

Step 11: The checkPieceClicked() Function

function checkPieceClicked(){
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];

if(_mouse.x < piece.xPos || _mouse.x > (piece.xPos + _pieceWidth)

|| _mouse.y < piece.yPos || _mouse.y > (piece.yPos + _pieceHeight)){
return piece;
return null;

Now we need to backtrack a bit. We were able to determine what piece was clicked, but how
did we do it? Its pretty simple actually. What we need to do is loop through all of the puzzle
pieces and determine if the click was within the bounds of any of our objects. If we find one,
we return the matched object and end the function. If we find nothing, we return null.

Step 12: The updatePuzzle() Function

function updatePuzzle(e){
_currentDropPiece = null;
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
if(piece == _currentPiece){
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth,
_pieceHeight, piece.xPos, piece.yPos, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(piece.xPos, piece.yPos,
if(_currentDropPiece == null){
if(_mouse.x < piece.xPos || _mouse.x > (piece.xPos +
_pieceWidth) || _mouse.y < piece.yPos || _mouse.y > (piece.yPos +
_currentDropPiece = piece;;
_stage.globalAlpha = .4;
_stage.fillStyle = PUZZLE_HOVER_TINT;
os,_pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.globalAlpha = .6;

_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth,

_pieceHeight, _mouse.x - (_pieceWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (_pieceHeight / 2),
_pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect( _mouse.x - (_pieceWidth / 2), _mouse.y (_pieceHeight / 2), _pieceWidth,_pieceHeight);

Now back to the dragging. We call this function when the user moves the mouse.
This is the biggest function of the application as its doing several things. Lets
begin. I'll break it down as we go.
_currentDropPiece = null;
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
_currentDropPiece = null;
if(e.layerX || e.layerX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.layerX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.layerY - _canvas.offsetTop;
else if(e.offsetX || e.offsetX == 0){
_mouse.x = e.offsetX - _canvas.offsetLeft;
_mouse.y = e.offsetY - _canvas.offsetTop;
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){

Begin by setting up our usual pieces loop

In the Loop:
piece = _pieces[i];
if(piece == _currentPiece){

Create our piece reference as usual. Next check if the piece we are currently
referencing is the same as piece we are dragging. If so, continue the loop. This
will keep the dragged piece's home slot empty.
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight,
piece.xPos, piece.yPos, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(piece.xPos, piece.yPos, _pieceWidth,_pieceHeight);

Moving on, redraw the puzzle piece using its properties exactly the same way we
did when first drew them. Youll need to draw the border as well.
if(_currentDropPiece == null){
if(_mouse.x < piece.xPos || _mouse.x > (piece.xPos + _pieceWidth) ||
_mouse.y < piece.yPos || _mouse.y > (piece.yPos + _pieceHeight)){

_currentDropPiece = piece;;
_stage.globalAlpha = .4;
_stage.fillStyle = PUZZLE_HOVER_TINT;
eWidth, _pieceHeight);

Since we have a reference to each object in the loop, we can also use this opportunity to check
if the dragged piece is on top of it. We do this because we want to give the user feedback on
what piece it can be dropped on. Lets dig into that code now.
First we want to see if this loop has already produced a drop target. If so, we dont need to
bother since only one drop target can be possible and any given mouse move. If not,
_currentDropPiece will be null and we can proceed into the logic. Since our mouse is in
the middle of the dragged piece, all we really need to do is determine what other piece our
mouse is over.
Next, use our handy checkPieceClicked() function to determine whether the mouse is
hovering over the current piece object in the loop. If so, we set the _currentDropPiece
variable and draw a tinted box over the puzzle piece, indicating that it is now the drop target.
Remember to save() and restore(). Otherwise youd get the tinted box and not the image
Out of the Loop:;
_stage.globalAlpha = .6;
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth,
_pieceHeight, _mouse.x - (_pieceWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (_pieceHeight / 2),
_pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect( _mouse.x - (_pieceWidth / 2), _mouse.y - (_pieceHeight /
2), _pieceWidth,_pieceHeight);

Last but not least we need to redraw the dragged piece. The code is the same as
when we first clicked it, but the mouse has moved so its position will be updated.

Step 13: The pieceDropped() Function

function pieceDropped(e){
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if(_currentDropPiece != null){
var tmp = {xPos:_currentPiece.xPos,yPos:_currentPiece.yPos};
_currentPiece.xPos = _currentDropPiece.xPos;
_currentPiece.yPos = _currentDropPiece.yPos;
_currentDropPiece.xPos = tmp.xPos;

_currentDropPiece.yPos = tmp.yPos;

OK, the worst is behind us. We are now successfully dragging a puzzle piece and even getting
visual feedback on where it will be dropped. Now all that is left is to drop the piece. Lets first
remove the listeners right away since nothing is being dragged.
Next, check that _currentDropPiece is not null. If it is, this means that we dragged it back
to the piece's home area and not over another slot. If its not null, we continue with the
What we do now is simply swap the xPos and yPos of each piece. We make a quick temp
object as a buffer to hold one of the object's values in the swapping process. At this point, the
two pieces both have new xPos and yPos values, and will snap into their new homes on the
next draw. Thats what well do now, simultaneously checking whether the game has been

Step 14: The resetPuzzleAndCheckWin() Function

function resetPuzzleAndCheckWin(){
var gameWin = true;
var i;
var piece;
for(i = 0;i < _pieces.length;i++){
piece = _pieces[i];
_stage.drawImage(_img,,, _pieceWidth,
_pieceHeight, piece.xPos, piece.yPos, _pieceWidth, _pieceHeight);
_stage.strokeRect(piece.xPos, piece.yPos,
if(piece.xPos != || piece.yPos !={
gameWin = false;

Once again, clear the canvas and set up a gameWin variable, setting it to true by default.
Now proceed with our all-too-familiar pieces loop.
The code here should look familiar so we wont go over it. It simply draws the pieces back
into their original or new slots. Within this loop, we want to see if each piece is being drawn
in its winning position. This is simple: we check to see if our sx and sy properties match up
with xPos and yPos. If not, we know we couldn't possibly win the puzzle and set gameWin to
false. If we made it through the loop with everyone in their winning places, we set up a
quick timeout to call our gameOver() method. (We set a timeout so the screen doesnt
change so drastically upon dropping the puzzle piece.)

Step 15: The gameOver() Function

function gameOver(){
document.onmousedown = null;
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;

This is our last function! Here we just remove all listeners and call initPuzzle(),
which resets all necessary values and waits for the user to play again.

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