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Professional Growth Plan

Jarett Zentner


Action Plan

-Contact Doris and discuss what specific lesson plan I will be

responsible for creating.

November-December 2016

-Continue to develop lesson plans using the resources I have

from PS1 classes
-Communicate with Marlo if I have any questions
-Start doing lesson plans over reading week and continue this

Learn how to create a lesson plan to the level I am expected to as a PS1

Doris Janzen
Marlo Steed

Indicators and Measures of Achievement

-Marlo will examine my lesson plan and tell me what he
thinks of it
- I will reflect on how the implementation of my lesson
plan went for the actual classroom and what I need to
change in my planning
-Talk to Doris about how she feels my lesson planning is
and see how she does hers. She will tell me how I am
-Students will be engaged and enjoy my lesson. There
will not be any confusion with directions
-By the end of my practicum I will feel confident in my
lesson planning moving forward towards PS2

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