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T-Shirt Critical of Hitler and Gun Control Banned by

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, June 11, 2010

A T-shirt that warns against how dictators like Hitler used gun control to disarm their victims
has been sensationally banned by eBay after the online auction giant labeled the garment “Nazi
propaganda” despite the fact that it carries an anti-Nazi message.

The “Mass Murderers Agree – Gun Control Works” Infowars T-shirt features images of Hitler,
Stalin, and Mao, all dictators who ensured that their target populations were disarmed and
vulnerable before killing them by the millions.

We received the following email from eBay entitled, “eBay Listing Removed: Hateful or

Click for enlargement.

Mass Murderers Agree Gun Control Works-Alex Jones shirt

Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because the following information

violates our policy:

Images depicting high ranking Nazi officers are not permitted to be sold on the
site. Please do not relist this item.

We recognize the historical significance of World War II and that there are many
militaria collectors around the world. We allow some related historical items, but
ban others, particularly items with Nazi markings and items which may be
considered Nazi propaganda.

However, after a cursory search we found numerous other T-shirts that are being sold on Ebay
which depict the image of Adolf Hitler and characterize him as a mass murderer. There’s a
whole line of shirts that feature the words “The Killers” with images of Hitler, Saddam Hussein,
George W. Bush, and Osama Bin Laden. The only thing missing from these designs is the message
that gun control is how tyrants disarm their victims, which is apparently the only thing that
eBay finds “offensive” given that these other shirts are allowed.

Spot the difference: The T-shirt banned by eBay on the left and the permitted shirt on the right.
The only real difference is that the banned shirt features an anti-gun control message, proving
that the ban has nothing to do with Hitler and everything to do with eBay as a corporation
objecting to a pro-Second Amendment message.

While claiming to be combating “Nazi propaganda,” eBay is in fact encouraging it. This is an

anti-Hitler message and a warning from history about how the Nazis used gun control as a
conduit for mass murder.

ADVERTISEMENT One of the first things Hitler did when

he assumed power was to disarm
Jewish Germans before ordering his
henchmen to attack them in the streets
and burn down their houses and
synagogues. Having been completely
disarmed, the victims were unable to

In his book Death by Gun Control,

author Stephen Halbrook “details how,
upon assuming power, the Nazis
relentlessly and ruthlessly disarmed
their German opponents. The Nazis
feared the Jews — many of whom were front-line veterans of World War One — so much that
Jews were even disarmed of knives and old sabers.”

In addition, when the Nazis invaded Poland they immediately disarmed the occupied people,
ensuring that the Warsaw ghetto uprising was able to be crushed when it may have succeeded
had the resistors been able to source more firearms than the few they had managed to acquire
from the black market.

The T-shirt that eBay banned in the name of preventing “Nazi propaganda” is in fact a warning
against the kind of tyranny imposed by the Nazis. If anything, by banning the T-shirt, eBay is
aiding Nazi propaganda.

In reality, the only reason for them banning the T-shirt is the fact that eBay as a corporation
supports gun control and hates the Second Amendment, which was added to the Constitution
by the founding fathers specifically as a bulwark against tyranny. Login

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42 Responses to “T -Shirt Critical of Hitler and Gun Control Banned by eBay”

alex Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:08 am




June 11th, 2010 at 10:29 am

And the president of EBAY Meg Whitman just might be the next governor of California. Ain’t that

ChristianTruth Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:05 am

Great little article, but it is the eBay shopping community’s loss. Aw never mind they are
clueless anyway… 

birther truther tenther Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 1:22 pm

I own this shirt and I had feebleminded sheeple call me a racist.

Just simply having a picture of Adolf Hitler and the sheeps think race, race, race.

The sheeple are so brainwashed, that just showing Hitler’s image, even if you are critical of
it, they get their panties in a bunch.

GodGunsGutsGlory Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:03 pm

Whenever someone gets upset when I compare Obama to Hitler, I then say “oh sorry. I
guess I just insulted Hitler comparing him to Obama!”

They really defecate purple twinkies when you say that! LOL!

7.62x54R 180Gr FMJ Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 10:50 am

A disarmed person IS a slave.

WarHammer Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:38 pm


Freelancer Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:19 am

And this surprises you Paul ? haha, I got into this debate yesterday with a blue piller and you
know what the first thing out of her mouth was ?

” What about the person who forgot to take his medication that day and went on a rampage”

My Response was, why is it every time someone wants to bring up an argument about gun control
we always hear about ” The Lone Nut Gunman ” shut her right down and I persuaded my views
quite quickly, the best part was when she tried to label her self politically and stated I’m center

At that point, I used Mike Ruppert’s line to define Dem’s and Repub’s..

Just consider the Dem’s ( The Gambino’s ) and The Repub’s ( The Genovise’s) it all organized
crime, there all crooks and if you or I even thought about doing what they have done, we’d be
heading to jail cell near you.

Her Response.

Boy you really don’t leave me any hope do you. (I giggled ) and responded I have that affect
sometimes however, lets begin with removing those blinders and pointed her in this direction, told
her the rest is up to you, get ready to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Carlos Turino Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 11:15 am

nice post

Kal Skirata Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 12:09 pm

I am left center just to state that up front.

you definition is lacking as the describes your weak view on politics not on political views…

its not one lone nut gunman…

University of Texas Massacre 1966
SC State killings 1968
Olean High School shooting 1974
California State University, Fullerton massacre 1976
Cleveland Elementary School shooting 1979
Deer Creek Middle School 1982
Parkway South Middle School 1983
A WHOLE LOT MORE IN HERE including nearly every year since 2000
Deer Creek Middle School 2010
so you see its a trend that is becoming more comon as more people gain access to fire arms.
now you can claim that this is all isolated instances…but in china there have been attacks on
schools as well with very few deaths because no one has a gun and thus cant just walk in and
kill 10 people in 10 min they have to get to the victim and kill them and often others intervene…

i am not opposed to people owning guns…i just dont think every joe ’s---head’ should own one…

birther truther tenther Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 1:34 pm

If you were to add every school shooting ever done, and every “going postal” incident ever
done, it still wouldn’t come close to how many children have died or have been paralyzed by
drowning in swimming pools.

You “left” of center scumbags never call for banning swimming pools, do you?

You ain’t getting my firearms you scumbag. If you hate guns, then go move to New York City
or Chicago, because you’ll be safe from guns there!

elpaso.joe Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 7:45 pm

nice. shut his ass down cold! kick rocks bitch!!

GuyinFlorida Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Yep! and we’ll put you in charge of who can and who can’t own a gun.

Whether the guns are legal or not will not deter nut heads from reaping havock on the
unprotected. It has always been this way and, unfortunately, always will. The criminals will
always have guns regardless of the law. I’ve never hurt anyone in my life but I don’t think
you want to be the one to come and try to get my firearms. There are already sufficient laws
regarding gun control in the several states. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, many states
have exceded there constitutional mandate in that regard.

StandFast Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:33 am

Please read eBay’s policy on ANYTHING regarding Hitler and Nazi memorabilia. I have been
selling on eBay for years and used to sell Hitler postage stamps from the 30’s issued in Austria.
Many years ago, eBay put in place a policy that ANY item with the image of Hitler or any other
item regarding Hitler and the Nazis would not be permitted. This policy was put in place after
several groups complained that Hitler related item proliferation was growing on eBay and asked
them to not allow it. It has NOTHING at all to do with Jones no matter how he tries to spin it. They
can not possibly review every single item that is being put up for auction and it usually takes a
complaint from someone to bring it to their attention. I had my stamp auctions terminated about a
year after their policy went in to effect because someone finally complained about them. The only
way they know immediately if it is Hitler or Nazi related items is if it mentions it in either the
description or the title of the auction.

StandFast Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:36 am

P.S. I do NOT agree with the policy as it’s allowing the truth to be suppressed and history
ignored is history repeated. I see nothing wrong with the shirts nor something as stupid as a
damn postage stamp with a Hitler depiction on it but they bowed to pressure from anti-hate
groups and caved.

un-sheepled Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 2:11 pm

I think I will log into my hardly ever used account and report some things that offend me as

Freelancer Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:45 am

I agree, however if you look at the shirt on the right, you’ll notice “Hitler” playing the drums, I
think thats what Paul is trying to point out, that shirt is being sold an Ebay. It also displays the
hypocrisy of there TOS.

I could care less as I don’t use nor sell items on Ebay, Craig’s list is much more efficient for what
I want to get rid of.

StandFast Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 8:53 am

As soon as someone complains about the one on the right, it will be removed. All Watson had to
do to actually see if this was directed at them was to send them a note along with the other
auction number and it will be taken down just as the Jones shirt was. It’s really very simple to
verify but that’s apparently not what this place wants to do. They would rather exploit this for all
they can rather than point out that there are other items showing Hitler or other Nazi crap to
eBay. After all, it’s not news worthy or conspiracy worthy if it’s the truth now is it? I stopped
using eBay when their listing costs and their percentage take climbed to the point where my
time and effort was no longer cost effective.

Freelancer Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 9:06 am

” They would rather exploit this for all they can rather than point out that there are other
items showing Hitler or other Nazi crap to eBay. After all, it’s not news worthy or conspiracy
worthy if it’s the truth now is it? ”

I’ll give that one, and I do agree, THOUGH, as MSM has an agenda, so does this site, now
what would have been interesting if Watson saw this through as you suggested and reported
the outcome, it’s a story I would have read no matter what, but your right Watson’s good at
putting his own take on this just like any reporter in this day and age does.

Paul thoughts ? Please Chime in !!

ChristianTruth Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:33 am

I agree. Most likely that is how the TOS got enforced: some one that hates infowars or
Alex decided to complain and viola! It came down. They are snickering and Watson is
writing BS… 

McSaltire Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 9:21 am

After reading StandFast’s post, as a test, I searched for ‘Hitler’, ‘Hitler t-shirt’ and ‘Nazi’ on and there were loads of different things incl. stamps and t-shirts. Does have
a different policy to

StandFast Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 9:35 am

Not sure on that one but I would bet that they do just like every other web service. The rules
are different for each country I would “assume.” As an example, google (spies) is heavily
filtered in a number of nations and so is Facebook (information miners). I have friends in
several foreign countries through Facebook (which I have very little information listed) and they
can not read some of my comments because they are censored.

TheNorthernSurvivalist Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 9:54 am

I have that shirt,and might get another one.

ronnie_reeferseed Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:20 am

I am also buying at least one of these powerful t-shirts, to shake-up the tyrants and their

SteveRamsey66 Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 9:54 am

I sell David Dees shirts on ebay and am not surprised at all that ebay would do this — they
banned one of my David Dees shirts that dared showed Mexicans crossing the border because
they considered it racist as well — pretty silly.

TennWalt Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:10 am

I’ve been ripped off on ebay for over 4000 bucks before but that was a long time ago..still hurt
like hell. I buy my solar cells there in bulk because you can build your own 65w panels for under
100 bucks apiece and they retail for 400-600 ea. factory grade.

The company said gross merchandise volume for the quarter was up 24% from the year-earlier
quarter. Revenue from the marketplace business grew 15% to $1.5 billion.

EBay is drawing more of its growth from international markets. In the fourth quarter, 58% of
marketplace revenue came from international markets compared with 54% for fourth-quarter

Imran Khan of J.P. Morgan noted that non-vehicle GMV for the U.S. was actually down 5% in the
quarter, a steeper decline than the previous period.

“However, we continue to believe the U.S. Marketplaces operate in a challenging environment,

both due to the tough consumer economy and due to the continued expansion of the third-party
landscape in the U.S. market,” he wrote.
For all of 2010 the company expects revenue in the range of $8.8 billion to $9.1 billion, with
earnings of $1.63 to $1.68 a share. Analysts were expecting $1.62 a share on revenue of $9

It’s a corporation and they make money even if you dont, how typical is that.

Guthrie405 Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:23 am

“You may need to take a tutorial. ” Sounds like they will be sending infowars to a re-education

theguywhoexposesyou Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:43 am

Hmm.. I guess we should all buy this t-shirt from INFOWARS.COM and get a PRISONPLANET.TV

StandFast Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 2:11 pm

I like it! And I again ask this question…. If you actually believe everything you read/hear from
Jones (who I did listen to until after yesterday’s show), why would ANYONE waste their money
buying “stuff” from any of his sponsors or his program? I’ll give you buying some seeds or even
the water filter, but the rest, including all of the films he is trying to peddle and everything else
is a total waste of cash. I did price the storable food but it ain’t worth what they want for it. It’s
a nice idea but priced so high that most can’t afford it. Did you know one person can survive
one week on a 12 oz. jar of peanut butter? That’s a better investment and if the end DOESN’T
come as fast, you can at least have PB&J. (I keep a jar in my car in the winter in the event I
get stuck in the snow as I live in a rural area).

According to Jones’ predictions and his guests predictions over the past few days, we are all
screwed as the Earth will not survive the oil spill and our economy WILL collapse in short order
by design and it will bring about an end to the United States as we know it. Money won’t be
worth the paper it’s printed on and WHO is going to make change for a gold or silver coin?

The owner of this network is telling you to buy gold and silver from him but that creates a paper
trail that, should the government ever decide to try and confiscate it, leads right to your door.

Why buy a t-shirt or a collection of videos to support this show or websites if we are all
doomed? We won’t have electric to watch a DVD with. A t-shirt won’t keep you warm and WILL
identify who has the guns. You WILL be followed home or to your hideout and challenged either
by a government officer or gang of thugs who would rather take then prepare on their own.

All of these doom and gloom predictions are being made and literally promised and then they
have the ass to ask you to spend what little you may have left in this economy to buy “stuff” 
that is basically useless in the long run. It’s getting a bit stale anymore is it not?

As has been said over and over again…. Get right with God and Jesus and you WILL be just
fine. If you are a non-believer, I will still pray for you whether you like it or not. It’s what we

Jones is constantly sending conflicting messages saying one minute that “the empire is on the
run” and then saying that the NWO is here. Right at this point in our history, the NWO is the
least of our worries. The “eruption” at the bottom of the Gulf is supposed to be an “Extinction
Level Event” that we can not possibly survive. It’s either one or the other – you can’t have it
both ways and retain your credibility.

Will243 Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 10:46 am

Need a new T-shirt–Companies that wish to DisArm You—

majik8ball Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:22 am

Leave Mao and Stalin on the front and put Hitler on the back, screw Ebay and the communist
scourge in northern CA, just don’t picture the back of the shirt but describe it in the description.

Mr. Sovereign Says:

June 11th, 2010 at 11:34 am

But they didn’t have a problem with the other 2 mass killing maniacs?

captain obvious Says:

June 11th, 2010 at 11:39 am

ebay sucks azz period.

to deal with them at all you must have a paypal account.
paypal wants full access to your bank account.

do it if ya want to, but if they mess with you, expect a bunch of bounced checks and charges from
the bank for paypal doing what they’ll do.
theres a reason for a site called

Robert46 Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:44 am

Screw Ebay and the rest of the creeps that don’t like freedom! Boycott them and anyone else who
does not like freedom! Go to Freedom minded websites and buy your goods and services. I say
bankrupt these freedom hating anti-constitutionalist weenies!

Robert46 Reply:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:48 am

Freedom minded people MUST start dissociating ourselves from the freedom haters. Don’t fund

roaddog6 Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 12:08 pm

how can that possibly be offensive. oh wait….The t-shirts are the wrong color.

TechiePatriot Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 12:51 pm

If people IN MASS just start boycotting using companies like E-Bay that do this kind of stuff – you
can make them hurt in the pocket book. E-Bay makes their money on SELLERS. IF you quit selling
on E-Bay their revenue DROPS. Simple as that. Stop selling or buying on E-Bay – go elsewhere.
Same with any other company – VOTE WITH YOUR DOLLARS. $$$ is all corporations understand –
take it away from them and they hurt….

M Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 12:55 pm

I tried to sell an ORIGINAL german (stamp on back and everything) photo of Himmler with some
other SS dudes in a room looking at files and EBAY gave me the same message!

Nothing associated with Hitler, in any what whatsoever is allowed! I guess I could try Christy’s

This is not a copy of a photo, it is the original!

Awakened Assassin Says:

June 11th, 2010 at 1:09 pm

Like Alex said subconsciously people and him don’t want face the extent of these crises. he
doesn’t really get into occult where the true power structure is , vibrational healing and D.U.M.B.S
if he did, his head would explode, look at the reactions from him reading watered down reports
L42F Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 2:37 pm

I can see why gun control could be an issue here, a way of disarming the masses. However I feel
it should be severley regulated. Any average Joe can seem to arm himself to the teeth if he
wishes. It seems out of hand…. There are so many gun related crimes in the USA that it is
sickening. Over in the UK, all guns with the exception of licensed Shotguns are banned and there
are around 7-8 gun related homicides a year.

Snotty Boy Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 4:53 pm

Yeah, and you bloody Limeys are freakin SLAVES!! What are you going to do when your
government starts “disappearing” people, or confiscating whatever property they please or
whatever else tyrannical governments do to thier people? Throw rocks at them? Maybe you
should dust off the English long bow and start practicing your archery. Or is that banned too?
England is nothing but a pathetic, disarmed shadow of a once great nation.

riceowlex Says:
June 11th, 2010 at 11:03 pm

Kal Skirata Reply:

June 11th, 2010 at 12:09 pm

You wrote:

I am left center just to state that up front.

you definition is lacking as the describes your weak view on politics not on political views…

its not one lone nut gunman…

University of Texas Massacre 1966
SC State killings 1968
Olean High School shooting 1974
California State University, Fullerton massacre 1976
Cleveland Elementary School shooting 1979
Deer Creek Middle School 1982
Parkway South Middle School 1983
A WHOLE LOT MORE IN HERE including nearly every year since 2000
Deer Creek Middle School 2010

so you see its a trend that is becoming more comon as more people gain access to fire arms. now
you can claim that this is all isolated instances…but in china there have been attacks on schools as
well with very few deaths because no one has a gun and thus cant just walk in and kill 10 people
in 10 min they have to get to the victim and kill them and often others intervene…

i am not opposed to people owning guns…i just dont think every joe ’s—head’ should own one…

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but the reason the Chinese people are essentially slaves is
the fact that the state can and does use deadly force on the people WITH GUNS !! GUNS ARE A
NECESSARY EVIL..There are over 2 million dead civilians laying in Iraq right now, none had guns.
This based on a lies about WMD’s that was a big joke to George Bush…Figure that one out…I have
to agree with you though the Federal s---heads in govt committing illegal criminal acts against the
American people should be disarmed. I don’t worry about Joe s---head I can handle him. He might
defend me with lethal force.

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