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Case I: Love's
valence princciple

g. 3.4 Love'ss equivalent
n the region
n of interest)) E, H are arrbitrary, we chose them to be
Since thee internal fields (this is not
zero for simplicity
Fig. 3.4). Theen (3.1) beco

J s n H1


M s n E1


This zero
o internal field formulaation is referrred to as Love's equivaalence princciple. Since these
current densities
raadiate in an
n unbounded
d medium, they can bbe used to find the ffields

Case -II:: Electric Co

onductor Equ
uivalence Prrinciple

Fig. 3.5 Ellectric condu

uctor equivaalent
Since thee fields insid
de S are zero
o in the equiv
valence probblem of Fig. 3.4, we are free to introoduce
materialss inside S.
If we asssume that a perfect
electtric conducto
or is introduuced in placee of the imaaginary surfaace S,
(See Fig.. 3.5), the ellectric curren
nt density JS, which is ttangential too the surfacee S, will be sshortcircuited by the elecctric conducttor. This leaaves a magnnetic currentt density MS radiating iin the
presence of the electtric conducto
or producing
g the externaal fields. Soo in this casee-II, the prinnciple
of a mag
gnetic curren
nt density rad
diating in the presence oof an electricc conductingg surface muust be
solved. We
W will discu
uss this issuee after discussing anotheer case of eqquivalence.

Case-IIII: Magnetic Conductor


Fig. 3.6 Magneticc conductor equivalent

Instead of
o placing a prefect elecctric conducttor as in Casse-II, if we introduce a perfect maggnetic
or within S that
will sho
ort out the magnetic
cuurrent densitty and reducce the equivvalent
problem of Fig. 3.4 to that show
wn in fig. 3.6
6. So in Casse-III, the prroblem of ann electric cuurrent
density raadiating in th
he presence of a magnettic conductinng surface haave to be sollved.
Note: Ussually the im
maginary surrface is so seelected that most of it coincides witth the conduucting
paarts of the ph
hysical structture, but need not be.
As mentiioned in Casse-I, the currrent densitiess can directlly be used foor finding thhe fields, (Figg. 3.7
a). Let uss now attemp
pt to find thee solutions for
fo the probleems raised inn Case-II annd Case-III.

(a) Both eq
quivalent su
urface currennt densities aacting in freee space.

(b)) Equivalent magnetic cuurrent densitty alone.

(c) Equivalent electric currrent density alone.

Fig. 3.7 Equivalen
nt current co
onfigurationss for a planarr aperture suurface

For the scenario in case-II, let us assume that the surface of the electric conductor is flat and
extends to infinity [Fig. 3.7(b)]. Now we can apply image theory to the planer surface S to
simplify the solution procedure. Using image theory, an imaginary magnetic source is introduced
on the side of the conductor. Since the imaginary source is in the same direction as the equivalent
source, the magnetic current density is doubled in the equivalent problem. Now this current

density radiate into an unbounded medium and hence can be directly used to find E and H to
the right side of the interface. Although not all antenna problems have a planer aperture, but if its
curvature is large compared to the wavelength, this approximation can be used.
Proceeding in the similar way, the problem of case-III can be solved as shown in Fig. 3.7(c).
Note: In the case of flat infinite planes, the image theory holds exactly and all three approaches
should produce the same external field, according to the uniqueness theorem.

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