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Make them Techno-Abled rather than Specially-Abled

Submitted by: Bhaskar Ballabh Saikia (15810014), MBA(I), DoMS IIT Roorkee
Objective: Bridging the gap between Normal and Specially Abled Students.
Right from our first breath the competition starts. I hear people who have struggled more than 2
years to get a job. People even with higher qualifications could not survive the heat from the
competition in the world. In that scenario, do you think the traditional methods of giving assistance
to especially abled students would work?
Once it was the question of making their survival and then it came the ability to do daily things
normal with ease and higher precision. But now in this digital age, we should evolve and move to the
next level. Where the term Specially-Abled turns to Techno-Abled
Few years ago during my engineering days, I used to stay in a rented room. I had a sweet neighbor.
She and her family stayed right below my room. Her eyes were beautiful, but I realized she did not
have the ability to see. She could use mobile phones but have difficulty in typing. I believe she have
the every right to enjoy all sorts of technology and we all must make the best use of our God gifted
sense and knowledge to make that possible. However, various tools for aiding Mobile Phone Usage
have bridged that gap.
And this is why I believe we should work together to make them Techno-Abled rather than SpeciallyAbled. If thats the motive of all, I believe this Digital Era will be the best to start.

1. Smart pens( For visually Impaired and Vocal Impaired):
Recently there has been a buzz about this Smart pens in news media. Smart Pens are almost
like a notepad but with a better handwriting recognition and Improvement capacity.
Students with sight disability will find it great for any use. This can also save the use of paper
as well. Smart pens can substitute the use of paper as a whole. Smart pen with a small
memory card carrying device will help them to write in any digital paper and then the
document can be accessed from mobile or desktop devices.
Equipments: Smart Pens, Electronic pad, memory device
2. Techno-Abled Tabs:
Free Government Tabs providing all-in-one function with special apps fitted into it.
Features: 1) Hearing Aid (FM system) app: This can provide an app with modulated
Adjustable frequency to allow students with hearing impairment and also
With Visual Impairment to Listen and Learn by (Digital Readers) with narrating
2) Touchpad and Write pad features: Smart pen ideas can be directly
Implemented through apps.
3) Voice to words converter: This sort of apps can help in better communication
4) Magnifiers: Customized Magnifiers adjustable with eye power.

3. Bluetooth Teaching Aids: FM System with adjustable frequency can be used by teachers to
communicate through personal hearing aids.
4. Communication Enablers: Communication products, such as Super Talker, BIGmack, etc.
help users to record and store messages and reach out to others. The ability of text to
speech can be gained easily. Products such as AVAZ can be easily mounted on a wheelchair.

Its not just the technology that we should implement for the especially abled students. I would
suggest the best practice would be to prepare them to compete with the world by nullifying any
disabilities that they have. And that can be achieved by keeping them one step ahead of normal
students. Any student with any kind of disparity will always have something that none can snatch
from them, that is THEIR DREAMS. So, lets give enough technology to bridge the gap and a
platform to make their DREAMS COME TRUE.

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