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Are you on a Quest? Do you have a spiritual hunger? Do you feel that there is
a greater way, a meaning within the meanings of the Rites and symbols you
may already know? Have you sought the key to the mysteries in books,
lectures, and, perhaps, even in certain fraternal orders, but have not found
that key? What is it that you seek? You are seeking--Initiation.
What is Initiation? Real Initiation is not only symbolic. It is the conferring of
active spiritual power through the practical application of an interior process, a
hidden method, and a secret technique which combine to establish an inner
way employing an operative method.
Thus, those who know say that authentic Initiation gives knowledge, power,
and the authority to use the power. Genuine Initiation can only be found within
the sacred bounds of the authentic Initiatic Orders whose powers and secret
teachings have been carefully passed down through their officers and
members. The RoseCroix
authentic Initiatic Order.

Martinist Order constitutes such an

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