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Anti-ageing Asanas by Yogi Ashwini

Weak joints, wrinkled skin, graying hair these are the signs of body succumbing to ageing. It is true
that the body is constantly moving towards destruction, but it is also true that there exist ways to
arrest this process.
Ageing is synonymous to loss of sukra in the body. Sukra is the subtle element that provides luster to
hair and skin, strength to joints and organs, longevity, and attraction normally seen in abundance in
saints and evolved beings, which pulls one towards them unknowingly.
This sukra gets dried up due to constant hyperactivity and excessive ama(toxin) produced in the body
due to certain unhealthy practices. The four major reasons for the loss of sukra in the body are
emotional congestion, excessive physical labor, anger and overindulgence in sexual activities. A
practitioner of Sanatan Kriya is able to check all four without having to make a conscious effort or
suppressing any desires.
While curtailing these prevents ageing by inhibiting cell degeneration, there also exist certain yogic
measures to reverse the process of ageing by revitalizing the cells. Here are some secrets of the
ancients for their perennial youth and glow.



Anti-ageing Asanas by Yogi Ashwini

Lie on the back. Inhale and using the support of hands, gently raise both the legs to an upright position
while keeping them joined, toes pointing upwards. Thereafter, roll up the buttocks; the lower, middle
and upper back such that the entire body up to the upper back is in one straight line, perpendicular to
the ground. The shoulders and head are on the ground, chin tucked into the chest and hands support
the body. Retain this posture. Release while exhaling.
People suffering from cervical spondylitis, slip disc and high blood pressure must not perform this



Anti-ageing Asanas by Yogi Ashwini

Lie on the back. Inhale and raise both the legs taking them over your head, to touch the toes on the
floor. Palms maybe placed on the lower back to for support or can be taken backwards touching the
toes. Hold this posture, exhaling return.
People suffering from stomach ailments, spinal injuries or ailments of the neck should refrain from
practicing this asana.
To complement these yogasanas, an extremely effective Ayurvedic antidote to ageing skin is black
grapes. They maybe taken orally or crushed and applied on face.


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