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What other areas would you like to see offered for 2010-2011?

Content workshops other than technology driven offerings.

"I would like additional technology trainingg. Specifically, on using


I would aldo like to see a committee & training opportunities for specific
work pertaining to how NC plans to address RTI."

Infinite Campus gradebook training.

more opportunities for grade levels to share successful

activities/strategies/teachniques in specific content areas

Inventor software

"curriculum mapping time

assessment: formative and summative
Writing valid quiz and test questions
Additional smartboard applications for the classroom
Graphic Design software- Illustrator and Photoshop and iMovie

Continued support/training for SmartBoard technology.

I would like to have an opportunity to learn new teaching strategies and
explore current research. I would like experts in their field to teach me new
methodologies. I would like to have a variety of courses available for
teachers to choose from at workshop day, instead of in the afternoon. I
would like to take review courses in many computer programs. I feel like
our training is rushed and cursory, and we have no time to practice or
receive feedback.

UBD, Online Curriculum Mapping

The Idea of Inculusion Strategies for students in Special Education is

wonderful! Different workshops on different disabilities would be helpful to
teachers and staff.

SMART Board classes that are not geared toward a specific grade level or
usage, i.e., elementary math, but are more broad and introductory in
more nursing related conferences/workshops on workshop days

wellness activities

"I am looking to see how the K-3 classrooms will be combinded together, I
am not sure how it will be with some special education students if it may be
over whelming and maybe hard for them to keep up. But we will see!

Smartboard in the elementary classroom (lessons, use)

Curriculum mapping.
"curriculum mapping
ic parent portal"

Keynote usage

"Best practices in math and science instruction. We focused a lot on

reading, writing, and technology the past few years. I think that Math and
Science need some focus as well.

I would like to see a What's New in Children's Literature workshop again."

use of tecnology resources for assisting with homework, especially for

special education children

More about autism

I need training on the Smartboard. I need to learn how to use it and how to
apply it to my classroom. I need time to develop lessons using this new
resource. It seems that all the Smartboard training has been offered after
school and that is not an option for me. I hope training can be provided
during school hours or over the summer.
iWeb course, similar to the iMovie in-service that I attended this spri
The technology overview presented by the TRTs on the last workshop day
was very interesting. A lot of people took those websites/programs and
experimented with them. I'd like to see some more enrichment and labor
saving technology that people are using to see if it would be appropriate
for my content area.

autism, working with aids in the classroom

Infinite campus gradebook training early in the school year so it can be

used from the start of the new school year

Topics relevant to working with children with developmental disabilities.

I would like to there to be trainings with information on students with

learning and developmental disabilities.

"1. training in the use of Infinite Campus for information gathering and
progress reporting


Opportunities to meet and work with professionals across the Capital

Region and opportunities to attend out of district workshops and
conferences-so that we get fresh perspectives and learn from others......

create a web site

Special Education Strategies for mainstream teachers. Collaborative
efforts between Special Education and mainstream teachers (curriculum).

What's New in Children's LIterature, both K-2 and Grades 4-6

Gathering materials for teaching reading. We have needed this since the
onset of the reading program!! We are left to find materials that fit the skill
we need to teach. This is not the best use of our precious time. We often
feel like we are flying by the seat of our pants. A book room full of
materials, and no way to find a text with the specific skill a student needs.
You may search for hours trying to find a leveled text for a literary device.
That has been going on for almost 10 years. We are told to gather the info
on our own. We muddle through, share as we can, but this is very
antiquated. Give us time to find text for specific skill sets. We can then
share this info with each other. We have reinvented the wheel for far too
long. PLEASE give us the time we have asked for for so many years.

More integration of technology into ELA

Word 7-related training.

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