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write_preferences_at_exit true; # write_preferences_at_exit <bool>, Write prefere

nces at exit #
app_multirun false; # app_multirun <bool>, Allow multiple instances of the appli
cation #
x_res 1366; # x_res <int32>, Fixed window width #
y_res 768; # y_res <int32>, Fixed window height #
x_pos 0; # x_pos <int32>, Window position #
y_pos 0; # y_pos <int32>, Window position #
vfs_log_level 0; # vfs_log_level <int32>, 0 - off, 1 - mod-user, 2 - dev #
unit_test false; # unit_test <bool>, unit test (for daily build) #
gfx_first_run false; # gfx_first_run <bool>, First time application run #
gfx_video_memory 0; # gfx_video_memory <int>, Override available video memory (b
ytes) #
gfx_fullscreen true; # gfx_fullscreen <bool>, Run the application in fullscreen
or not #
gfx_vsync false; # gfx_vsync <bool>, vertical synchronization #
explicit_thread_affinity true; # explicit_thread_affinity, Enable thread affinit
y #
enable_steam_update_thread true; # enable_steam_update_thread, Enable Steam Upda
te Thread #
gfx_hdr 0; # gfx_hdr <int>, Set high dynamic range rendering quality #
gfx_shadermodel 1; # gfx_shadermodel <int>, Set shader model, 0-SM3, 1-SM4, 2=SM
4.1, 3=SM5 #
gfx_aa 1; # gfx_aa <int>, Set antialiasing, 0-no, 1 = MLAA #
gfx_texture_filtering 2; # gfx_texture_filtering <int>, Set texture filtering, 0
-trilinear, 4- anisotropic 16x #
gfx_texture_quality 3; # gfx_texture_quality <int>, Set the quality of textures.
0 - lowest, 3 - ultra #
gfx_enable_directx11 true; # gfx_enable_directx11 <bool>, Enable DirectX 11 rend
ering #
gfx_ssao true; # gfx_ssao <bool>, Enable Screen Space Ambient Occlusion buffer #
gfx_distortion true; # gfx_distortion <bool>, Enable Distortion Effect buffer #
gfx_depth_of_field 0; # gfx_depth_of_field <int>, Set depth of field quality 0 off, 2 - high #
gfx_unlimited_video_memory true; # gfx_unlimited_video_memory <bool>, Enable unl
imited video memory allocation #
gfx_tesselation true; # gfx_tesselation <bool>, Enable tesselation #
gfx_alpha_blend 0; # gfx_alpha_blend <int>, Set the alpha blending quality, 0 alpha test, 1 - standard OIT, 2 - Intel accelerated AOIT #
gfx_gpu_select 0; # gfx_gpu <int>, Select gpu on a multi-gpu config, 0 = first g
pu, 1 = second gpu, ... #
gfx_direct_resource_access false; # gfx_direct_resource_access <bool>, Enable Di
rect Resource Access #
gfx_sky_quality 5; # gfx_sky_quality <int>, Set the quality of sky. 0 - low, 5 extreme #
gfx_unit_quality 5; # gfx_unit_quality <int>, Set the quality of units. 0 - low,
5 - extreme #
gfx_building_quality 5; # gfx_building_quality <int>, Set the quality of buildin
gs. 0 - low, 5 - extreme #
gfx_water_quality 5; # gfx_water_quality <int>, Set the quality of water. 0 - lo
w, 5 - extreme #
gfx_shadow_quality 5; # gfx_shadow_quality <int>, Set shadow quality. 0 - off, 5
- extreme #
gfx_tree_quality 5; # gfx_tree_quality <int>, Set tree quality. 0 - low, 5 - ext
reme #
gfx_grass_quality 5; # gfx_grass_quality <int>, Set grass quality. 0 - low, 5 extreme #
gfx_terrain_quality 5; # gfx_terrain_quality <int>, Set terrain quality. 0 - low
, 5 - extreme #
gfx_unit_size 2; # gfx_unit_size <int>, Set unit size. 0 - small, 3 - ultra #

gfx_fleet_size 1; # gfx_fleet_size <int>, Set fleet size. 0 - small, 2 - large #

gfx_gamma_setting 1.7; # gfx_gamma_setting <float>, Set gamma correction #
gfx_brightness_setting 1.3; # gfx_brightness_setting <float>, Set brightness #
gfx_screenshot_folder ./screenshots; # gfx_screenshot_folder <folder>, Folder to
where save screenshots relative to Empire directory #
gfx_gpu "ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650"; # gfx_gpu <path>, The GPU description #
gfx_effects_quality 5; # gfx_effects_quality <int>, Set effects quality. 0 - low
, 5 - extreme #
gfx_vignette false; # gfx_vignette <true|false>, Enable vignette #
gfx_blood_effects true; # gfx_blood_effects <bool>, Enable Blood effects #
batter_meter true; # battery meter <bool>, Show battery status #
camera_move_speed 100; # camera_move_speed <float>, Set camera movement speed #
camera_turn_speed 5; # camera_turn_speed <float>, Set camera turn speed #
default_camera_type 0; # default_battle_camera <card32>, default battle camera:
0-totalwar 1-rts 2-debug #
fix_res true; # fix_res <bool>, Forbid window resizing #
fix_window_pos true; # fix_window_pos <bool>, Forbid window repositioning #
mouse_wheel_sensitivity 50; # mouse_wheel_sensitivity <card32>, mouse wheel sens
itivity: <0-100> default value = 50 #
invert_cam_x_axis false; # invert_camera_x_axis <bool>, invert camera tilting up
/down #
invert_cam_y_axis false; # invert_camera_y_axis <bool>, invert camera panning le
ft/right #
show_selection_markers true; # show_selection_markers <true|false>, Show the sel
ection markers under the units #
show_path_markers true; # show_path_markers <true|false>, Show paths in naval ba
ttles #
show_target_zones true; # show_target_zones <true|false>, Show firing arcs etc #
show_projectile_trails true; # show_projectile_trails <true|false>, Show project
ile trails... #
ui_show_help_markers true; # ui_show_help_markers <true|false>, Show/hide the ma
rkers that indicate various things such as disembark zones and bastions #
ui_telestration_always_on false; # ui_telestration_always_on <true|false>, Enabl
es telestration for single player (for if want to draw for replays, or videos, e
tc) #
unitcard_numbers_visible false; # unitcard_numbers_visible <true|false>, Shows u
nit numbers on unit cards #
ui_porthole_mode true; # ui_porthole_mode <bool>, Determines if porthole panel s
hown or minimised #
ui_card_mode true; # ui_card_mode <bool>, Determines if card panel shown or mini
mised #
ui_radar_mode true; # ui_radar_mode <bool>, Determines if radar panel shown or m
inimised #
ui_radar_scale 1; # ui_radar_scale <float>, Scale of battle radar #
ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode 2; # ui_unit_tooltip_expand_mode <0|1|2>, 0 = never
expand, 1 = delayed expand, 2 = always expand #
ui_porthole_default_page 1; # ui_porthole_default_page <0|1>, 0 = model page, 1
= stats page #
roomlist_window_pos_x 154; # roomlist_window_pos_x <int32>, roomlist windows pos
ition on screen #
roomlist_window_pos_y 354; # roomlist_window_pos_y <int32>, roomlist windows pos
ition on screen #
chat_window_pos_x -1; # chat_window_pos_x <int32>, chat windows position on scre
en #
chat_window_pos_y -1; # chat_window_pos_y <int32>, chat windows position on scre
en #
chat_window_width_scale -1; # chat_window_width_scale <float>, chat windows dime
nsions on screen #
chat_window_height_scale -1; # chat_window_height_scale <float>, chat windows di
mensions on screen #

browser_window_pos_x -1; # browser_window_pos_x <int32>, browser windows positio

n on screen #
browser_window_pos_y -1; # browser_window_pos_y <int32>, browser windows positio
n on screen #
browser_window_width_scale -1; # browser_window_width_scale <float>, browser win
dows dimensions on screen #
browser_window_height_scale -1; # browser_window_height_scale <float>, browser w
indows dimensions on screen #
ui_land_unit_ids 0; # ui_land_unit_ids <0|1|2>, 0 = always, 1 = on mouse over, 2
= never #
ui_unit_id_scale 0.8; # ui_unit_id_scale <float>, Sets scale of unit banners #
ui_mouse_scroll true; # ui_mouse_scroll <true|false>, Allow/disallow scrolling o
f the map by putting the cursor at the edge of the screen #
battle_realism_mode false; # allow_battle_realism_mode <bool>, Imposes legendary
difficulty settings on battle ui; no radar, reduced tooltip and banner informat
ion for enemies and restricted camera #
battle_time_limit 60; # battle_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes) for
each battle. -1 for unlimited #
battle_difficulty 0; # battle_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for battles. P
ositive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy #
autoresolve_difficulty 0; # autoresolve_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for
battles that are autoresolved. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is har
d, 0 normal, 1 easy #
campaign_difficulty 0; # campaign_difficulty <int>, Sets the handicap for campai
gns. Positive gives advantage. -2 is vhard, -1 is hard, 0 normal, 1 easy #
battle_advice_level 2; # battle_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the bat
tle game #
campaign_advice_level 2; # campaign_advice_level <int>, Sets advice level in the
campaign game #
advisor_mode 2; # advisor_mode <int>, Sets Advisor options. 0 - text only, 1 - a
udio only, 2 - text and audio both #
adc_enabled true; # adc_enabled <bool>, Determines if aide de camp is enabled #
campaign_time_limit -1; # campaign_time_limit <int>, Sets the time (in minutes)
for each round of the campaign. -1 for unlimited #
show_cpu_moves_level 1; # show_cpu_moves_level <int>, Sets level of viewing ai m
ovement on the campaign map. 0 - only interactions with player pieces are shown;
1 - limited additional ai movement shown (enemy pieces, movement in your region
s, movement in sea regions you have any control over); 2 - all visible movement
shown #
automanage_regions false; # automanage_regions <true|false>, Let the AI manage t
axes etc in players regions #
multithreaded_model_enabled true; # multithreaded_model_enabled <true|false>, Ru
n the battle model on a separate thread #
battle_camera_shake_enabled true; # battle_camera_shake_enabled <true|false>, En
able battle camera shake effects #
subtitles false; # subtitles <true|false>, Display subtitles during movies #
sound_setting_version 1; # sound_setting_state <int>, Version of current audio s
ettings to handle reseting some default values between updates #
sound_master_volume 100; # sound_master_volume <int>, master sound volume 0-100
sound_music_volume 100; # sound_music_volume <int>, music sound volume 0-100 #
sound_advisor_volume 100; # sound_advisor_volume <int>, advisor sound volume 0-1
00 #
sound_vo_volume 100; # sound_vo_volume <int>, vo sound volume 0-100 #
sound_sfx_volume 100; # sound_sfx_volume <int>, sfx sound volume 0-100 #
sound_previous_master_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume <int>, Last mod
ified sound value #
sound_previous_music_volume 100; # sound_music_previous_volume <int>, Last modif
ied sound value #
sound_previous_advisor_volume 100; # sound_previous_advisor_volume <int>, Last m

odified sound value #

sound_previous_vo_volume 100; # sound_previous_vo_volume <int>, Last modified so
und value #
sound_previous_sfx_volume 100; # sound_master_previous_volume <int>, Last modifi
ed sound value #
sound_master_enabled true; # sound_master_enabled <true|false>, master sound ena
bled #
sound_music_enabled true; # sound_music_enabled <true|false>, music sound enable
d #
sound_advisor_enabled true; # sound_advisor_enabled <true|false>, advisor sound
enabled #
sound_vo_enabled true; # sound_vo_enabled <true|false>, vo sound enabled #
sound_sfx_enabled true; # sound_sfx_enabled <true|false>, sfx sound volume enabl
ed #
audio_speaker_configuration 0; # audio_speaker_configuration <int>, 0 = default,
1 = 2.0 Speakers, 2 = 2.0 Headphones, 3 = 5.1 #
audio_quality 0; # audio_quality <int>, 0 = high(default), 1 = low #
audio_mute_in_background true; # audio_mute_in_background <true|false>, Mute gam
e audio when not in focus #
audio_sink_type 0; # audio_sink_type <int>, 0 = detect, 1 = XAudio2, 2 = DirectS
ound #
voice_chat_enable true; # voice_chat_enable <bool>, Enables VOIP functionality i
n Steam. (default = true) #
voice_chat_microphone_gain 100; # voice_chat_microphone_gain <int>, voice_chat_m
icrophone_gain (0-100). #
voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost true; # voice_chat_microphone_gain_boost <bool>
, Boost microphone gain. #
voice_chat_volume 100; # voice_chat_volume <int>, Voice chat volume (0-100). #
voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed true; # voice_chat_transmit_only_when_
key_pressed <bool>, voice_chat_transmit_only_when_key_pressed (otherwise always
trasnmitting). #
bink_use_thread true; # bink_use_thread <bool>, tells bink to use asynchronous u
pdate, increased performance on some systems, decreased on others. (default = tr
ue) #
number_of_threads 0; # number_of_threads <int>, Set the number of threads <= 0 automatic, >0 = explicit number #
number_of_threads_for_campaign_pathfinder_cache -32; # number_of_threads_for_cam
paign_pathfinder_cache <int>, Set the number of threads to be used for the campa
ign pathfinder cache. This is independent from and additional to the number_of_
threads < 0 - automatic up to the specified number, >=0 = explicit number #
campaign_camera_edge_scroll_delay 0.5; # campaign_camera_edge_scroll_delay <floa
t>, Set the number of seconds of delay between the mouse cursor entering the edg
e-scroll zone on the campaign map the camera starting movement. #
campaign_zocs_always_shown_for_selected_force false; # campaign_zocs_always_show
n_for_selected_force <bool>, Always displays the zone of control for the selecte
d force, not just when the mouse is over it. #
battle_left_click_drag_move_delay 0; # battle_left_click_drag_move_delay <float>
, Number of seconds have to have mouse clicked down still on unit before initiat
es a left click drag action (as some people who use drag select a lot prefer to
have a delay, but the delay makes the move less responsive obviously) #
autosave_to_disk_and_cloud false; # autosave_to_disk_and_cloud <bool>, Save a co
py of autosaves to the cloud #

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