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Fatima Obaid H00298145

Lesson Plan



19 October 2016


Earth and Space


Number of Students/ Grade

25 students KG2A


Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to:

Acknowledge the difference between earth and


Good morning song

Space videos
Earth videos

Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time: 25 Minutes
Morning Circle: 10 minutes
Greeting, helping hand, taking attendance, reminding the
students of the rules, ask about the weather and days of the
Warm Up:
Ask the students to stand up and do the morning exercises.
Review the previous lesson with the students by asking them
different questions.
Lesson Introduction:
Show the students video about space.
Show students a video about how astronaut lives in space.
Ask students questions about earth and how we live in it.
Active Engagement:
Draw space (whole class activity)
I will give students papers and colors and they will draw the space then I
will ask them to talk about their drawing.

What I expect the students to do:

Morning Circle:
Greet, the helping hand helps the teacher, say
the rules, the weather and days of the week.
Warm Up:
Do the morning exercises.
Show their knowledge of the previous
Answer the questions.
Lesson Introduction:
Watch the videos.
Ask questions.
Show their knowledge about earth.
Active Engagement:
Share materials.
Draw the space.
Talk about their drawing.

Learning Centers Materials

Scissors - Papers - Glue - Pencils
Small Group Learning Centers: Time 10 Minutes
Learning Center 1 Title: Classify things in earth and space worksheet
I will give the students two papers. One paper will have two tables one for the earth and one for the space and the other
paper will have different pictures of things that are in earth and space. Students will have to cut the pictures and classify
them in the tables' paper.

General Comments
In my opinion I think that my lesson was successful because I was able to achieve my learning goal which was
acknowledging the difference between earth and space. Moreover I think that the activities I choose were good
because it showed me the students' knowledge and understanding. I think that it those activities helped students
to develop their cognitive, physical, language, and literacy skills. Also I believe that I was able to deliver the
information about the difference between earth and space in an easy way by showing variety of videos. The
students were active and they were engaged with me also they enjoyed watching the videos and doing the

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus

I think that I need to use different voice levels to be able to control students' different behaviors also I think that I
need to have a better time manage.

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