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Selamawit Mamo Fufa


, Per Jostein Hovde1, Goce Talev1 and Bjrn Petter Jelle1,2

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Civil and Transport
Engineering, Hgskoleringen 7A, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway.
SINTEF Building and Infrastructure, Department of Materials and Structures, NO-7465
Trondheim, Norway
Corresponding author: Email:

ABSTRACT: Wood as a natural material can be easily affected by different climatic conditions
when it is used as a building material. Water in its liquid and vapour form may lead to
deterioration of wood where hygroscopic properties of the wood play a major role in the
determination of its durability. Exterior wood coatings provide a barrier against moisture but the
combined action of ultraviolet radiation, oxygen and water causes coating degradation.
However, nano-based coatings provide new opportunities towards modification of wood
attributes. The very small size and high reactivity of nanoparticles integrated into the wood
coating may improve the hygroscopic properties of a wooden cladding. The objective of this
work is to present moisture resistance of nano-based coated wood by exposing it to transient
climatic conditions. The measured material properties were used as input data for the numerical
tool WUFI in order to compare the measured properties of nano-based coated and uncoated
wood under transient conditions with those input values used in the simulation.
KEYWORDS: Wood, Nano-based coating, Nano-based paint, Hygroscopic properties, WUFI

1. Introduction
Wood which is one of the main important building materials has its drawbacks. Moisture is one of
the major factors which affect the service life of wooden claddings. Moisture flow through wooden
claddings can promote the growth of mould and fungi which may degrade the wood; destruct
aesthetic value; affect the thermal comfort and health of the dwellers; and finally it can lead to
deterioration of the building. It has been estimated that 80% of the failure of building components
are moisture related [1].
Various surface treatments are a common way used to control the moisture transport through
wooden claddings. Coating the surface is used to limit the amount of moisture penetration below
the level which may lead to wood deterioration. Nano-based coatings have a number of potential
towards reducing amount of moisture deposited on the surface of the wood [2-4]. However,
moisture has also reduced the performance of the coating through time.
In response to the problem of moisture in buildings, a considerable effort has been made by
researchers to identify the moisture performance of wooden materials [5-7]. Many user friendly
transient numerical models have also appeared in order to predict the moisture performance of
building materials. Warme- und Feuchtetransport Instationar (WUFI) is one of the numerical
simulation tools which provides reliable results for various hygrothermal simulations [8]. WUFI
predicts the combined heat and moisture transfer in multilayered constructions under transient
The aim of this work is to evaluate the moisture transport in surface treated spruce exposed to
transient climatic conditions. Adsorption isotherm and water vapour resistance (WVR) properties

were measured to determine the measured moisture content (MC) compare with the numerical
tool WUFI.

2. Experimental
2.1 Sample description
Spruce samples without knots were selected for the experiment. Specimens of (100.0 0.5) mm
x (100.0 0.5) mm x (20.0 0.5) mm size were prepared for the sorption and transient tests. In
order to minimize shrinkage, swelling and possibility of cracking of specimens, small circular
specimens with a diameter of (78.0 0.5) mm and thickness of (5.0 0.5) mm were used for the
cup measurements. All specimens were preconditioned at a temperature of (23.0 0.5) oC and a
relative air humidity (RH) of (50 3) % until equilibrium was reached.
Two commercially available transparent nano coating types labelled as SPN and SPf were used
to coat the specimens. Uncoated spruce (SU) was used as a control reference for the test. Based
on the information obtained from suppliers, both the SPN and SPf coatings are hydrophobic and
oil free, contains no toxic chemicals and are suitable for outdoor wooden claddings. The nano
coatings were applied on the surface of the specimens with a brush even if the coatings had a
very thin consistency.
Wood is a material with large variation in its properties. As a hygroscopic material, it absorbs and
desorbs moisture when used for outdoor applications. In order to assess the influence of
moisture, it is important to know how the wood reacts with the variation in climatic conditions. The
material properties of the wood are the main factors which determine its moisture storage
2.2 Test methods and conditions
2.2.1 Sorption test method
Sorption (adsorption and desorption) tests are useful to determine the hygroscopic sorption
properties of the specimens by measuring the MC of the specimens in equilibrium with air at a
specific temperature and RH. Sorption tests have been run according to EN ISO 12571 (2000)
[9]. The hygroscopic moisture storage is described by means of material specific sorption curves
called sorption isotherms [5, 8]. Within the context of this study, the adsorption isotherm test was
carried out for SU material.
The specimens were first dried to a constant mass and then exposed to a series of test
environments with RHs at increasing levels from (40 3) %, (50 3) % and (75 3) % RH in the
climate chamber and to (94 2) % RH in a box using a KNO3 salt solution (Fig.1). After
establishing the equilibrium moisture content at each RH level, the adsorption curve was

Figure 1: Sorption tests in a climate chamber (left) and in a saturated salt solution (right).

2.2.2 Cup test method

Like the sorption isotherm, the WVR is another vital moisture transport property used for
assessing the moisture management ability of building materials. The cup method is a wellaccepted method used to determine the WVR under isothermal conditions [10], though the
method has some limitations [11]. The experiments were carried out according to EN ISO 12572
(2001) [12].

Figure 2: Cup tests used for determining WVR.

In this study, both coated and uncoated specimens have been tested under different RH of (11/50
3) % RH, (100/75 3) % RH and (100/50 3) % RH at (23.0 0.5) oC and 3 m/s air velocity
(Fig. 2). The test conditions used in this experiment is described in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Test conditions used in the cup test.


RH inside / outside
the cup [%]


11 / 50



100 / 50
100 / 75


Test condition
Inside the cup
Outside the cup
LiCl (86.2g / 100ml Climate chamber
distilled water)
Distilled water
Climate chamber
Distilled water
Climate chamber

Specimens were sealed into the mouth of aluminium cups containing a vapour pressure regulator
which was either distilled water or lithium chloride (LiCl). The test cups were then placed in a
climate chamber with (50 3) % and/ or (75 3) % RH in order to create a water vapour flow
either into the cup or out of the cup. The WVR of the specimens was determined from the test
2.2.3 Transient test method
Transient tests, i.e. relative humidity step change tests, were used to investigate the variation in
MC of the wood exposed to changes in climatic conditions. The edges and back side of the

specimens were sealed with aluminium foil in order to obtain one-dimensional moisture transport
through the wood surface (Fig.3).

Figure 3: Wood specimens under transient test conditions.

The experiments were conducted under step changes in RHs and at a constant temperature.
Specimens were exposed to weekly cycles between (75 3) % and (40 3) % RH step changes
for a total of four weeks. The weight changes of the test specimens were measured as a function
of time and the average MC was determined.

3. WUFI simulation tool

The moisture conditions of wooden claddings were also calculated with the WUFI simulation tool
in order to validate the measured values. The required data for the calculation of moisture
distributions include the material properties, surface transfer coefficients and climate files.
All material properties, except moisture storage and WVR, were obtained from WUFI for the
simulation. The databases from WUFI provided by Germany, Sweden and Norway were selected
for validating the result. Table 2 presents material properties and surface transfer coefficient
values from the WUFI database used as input during simulation.
Table 2: Material properties of spruce selected from different sources in WUFI simulation tool.

Data from different sources



Surface transfer

Initial condition

Bulk density [ kg/m3]

Porosity [m3/m3]
Heat capacity [J/(kgK)]
Thermal conductivity
Exterior surface heat
resistance [m2K/W]
Interior surface heat
resistance [m2K/W]
Interior surface
equivalent air layer
thickness (sd) value [m]
RH [%]
Temperature [oC]

1 500

1 600

1 600







10 000

10 000

10 000




Weekly step cycles of (75 3) % and (40 3) % RH for a total of 4 weeks were taken as indoor
and outdoor climate files. The building component was assumed as one wood material layer with
0.021 m thickness where the simulation was run for four weeks assuming weekly step changes
between the two RH. The results of four weeks exposure values were compared with numerical
simulation results.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Sorption and cup tests
Figure 4 shows adsorption curves for SU obtained from this experimental work and three other
values available in literature [6, 7, 13]. All wood test specimens were obtained from different trees
and tested at different times. The main reason for the deviation of the results may be due to the
variation in the moisture storage capacity of wood. As wood is a material with very complex
composition, its moisture storage capacity can vary from place to place and from time to time, i.e
the spruce wood samples from this work and the literature are not exactly the same wood

Figure 4: Adsorption isotherm data for SU obtained from this work compared with different litrature values
[6, 7, 13].

The measurement error might also be another parameter for the discrepancy. The accuracy of
the salt solution, the accuracy of the balance and the accuracy of the temperature and RH in the
climate chamber may explain parts of the discrepancies in the results.
Similarly, the WVR values from the cup test for both coated and uncoated wood are depicted in
Fig. 5. The result reveals that the WVR of spruce coated with SPf (S+SPf) and SPN (S+SPN)
was slightly higher than that of SU. At 11/50 % RH, the WVR value of S+SPN and S+SPf was
found to be around 1.1 times higher than SU value while it was about 1.2 times higher than SU
value at 100/75 % RH. On the other hand, both coated and uncoated specimens show significant
WVR reduction with increasing RH. Although the resistance of the nano coating was not as
significant as expected, the SU was found to be relatively vapour open.

Figure 5: Measured values of WVR plotted as a function of RH for SU , (S+SPN) and (S+SPf) for all cup
test results (left) also depicting a close-up of the high RH test results (right).

The measured WVR of SU was compared with three other literature values from other
researchers as shown in Fig. 6 [6, 7, 13].

Figure 6: WVR comparison of SU in this work with literature values [6, 7, 13].
For all tests the WVR value decreased with increasing RH and this might be due to the additional
moisture transport governed by the liquid water transport occurring at higher RH. The WVR
comparison shows significant difference between the studies. This may partly be due to the
uncertainty in the cup measurements including: the quality of the salt solution, the accuracy of the
climate room and the tightness of sealing agent. Furthermore, the variation in the wood properties
(e.g. moisture storage capacity) may also lead to differences in the WVR value.
4.2 Transient tests
The result of the measured MC versus time from the weekly step change in RH for all specimens
(SU, S+SPf and S+SPN) are presented in Fig.7. Although the WVR of specimens coated with
SPN and SPf is somewhat larger than SU, their MC is almost of the same order of magnitude.
During adsorption, there is about 3 % and 6 % increase in MC of specimens coated with SPf and
SPN compared with SU, respectively.

Figure 7: Measured MC values of SU, (S+SPN) and (S+SPf).

The type of surface treatment seems to be a very important aspect for increasing the hydrophobic
property of the coated wood surface. The quality and the amount of surface treatment applied
can determine the efficiency of the coated specimens. As the two nano treatments are very thin, it
was rather difficult to determine whether the amount of the treatment applied was sufficient or
not. Reliability of results also depends on a number of other factors including the type, particle
size and the rate of dispersion of the nanomaterials used in the paint. In addition, the
measurement errors while running the experiment, including the accuracy of the RH and
temperature in the climate chamber may be the causing variations in the results. Furthermore,
variation in the wood material samples may also cause variations in the results.
4.3 Numerical simulations
The measured MC of SU was compared with numerical results in WUFI and are plotted as
moisture content versus time in Fig. 8 below. The weekly step change values of the SU found
from experimental work are in good agreement with the simulation results. The simulation results
from WUFI databases overlap showing the same MC. The discrepancy of the test values from the
simulation may be due to the measurement errors during the adsorption and desorption process.
Although the influence of material properties, except the adsorption curve and WVR, are
neglected and used directly from WUFI, they might contribute to the discrepancies in the results.
In addition, the assumption of constant surface transfer coefficients in the simulation, especially
heat resistance factors, might also have an impact.

Figure 8: MC comparison of transient test results of SU with WUFI simulation by inserting measured
material properties of SU.

Likewise, the moisture performance of the samples coated with the two types of nano paints
predicted by WUFI is presented in Fig. 9. In this test the discrepancy between the experimental
value and WUFI with measured material properties is about 20%.

Figure 9: MC comparison of WUFI simulation with experimental values of (S+SPf) (left) and (S+SPN) (right)
exposed to transient test.

All the barriers mentioned for SU versus simulation result can also be the cause for the variation
in the result of coated specimens. Specially, the values of surface transfer coefficients used for
the coated specimens may lead to large discrepancies.

5. Conclusion
Increasing concern on the durability of wooden buildings as well as environmental damage
caused by wood treatments requires a better understanding of the moisture transport in exterior
coated wooden claddings exposed to different climatic conditions. In this work the influence of
transparent nano-based surface treatments on the moisture transport was presented. This
preliminary study has demonstrated a rather poor performance of the surface treatments.
However, further studies and experimental investigations are needed to modify coatings using
appropriate and advantageous nanoparticles.

This work was carried out under the Sustainable Infrastructure Project in which nano-based wood
modifications and their environmental impact were studied. The Research Council of Norway is
greatly acknowledged for financial support. The authors would also like to express special thanks
to Ole Aunrnning for his support during sample preparation and measurements.


Galbraith, G.H., McLean, R.C., Guo, J., Kelly, D. (1998) A system of permeability
specification for use in moisture simulation models. Journal of Drying Technology 7,


Ritschkoff, A.-C., Mahlberg, R., Lija, M., Kallio, M., Mannila, J., Vesa, A. (2005) Solgel hybrid coatings for wood products with improved surface durability and repellence
properties in nano and hybrid coatings, Manchester, UK.


Tshabalala, M.A., Sung, L.-P. (2007) Wood surface modification by in-situ sol-gel
deposition of hybrid inorganic-organic thin films. Journal of Coatings Technology
Research 4, 483-490.


Mahltig, B., Swaboda, C., Roessler, A., Bottcher, H. (2008) Functionalising wood by
nanosol application. Journal of Materials Chemistry 18, 3180-3192.


Kunzel, H.M. (1995) Simultaneous heat and moisture transport in building

components. One-and two- dimensional calculation using simple parameters. In
Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics, Holzkirchen.


Time, B. (1998) Hygroscopic moisture transport in wood. Volume 1998:20, PhD

thesis, NTNU, Trondheim.


Valen, M.S. (1998) Moisture transfer in organic coatings on porous materialsinfluence of varying environmental. Volume 1998:86, PhD thesis, NTNU, Trondheim.


WUFI 5 Pro (2009) Transient heat and moisture transport, Holzkrichen, Germany.


ISO12571 (2000) Hygrothermal performance of building materials and productsdetermination of hygroscopic sorption properties. European Committe for
Standardization, Brussels, Belgium.


Sderstrm, O. (1998) On analysis of cup method measurements on hygroscopic

materials with surface coatings. Nordic Journal of Building Physics.


Roles, S. (2009) How reliable are standard cup tests for the determination of the
vapor permeability of the building materials? Proceedings of the fourth international
building physics conference, Energy efficiency and new approaches, Istanbul,


NS EN ISO12572 (2001) Hygrothermal performance of building materials and

products - determination of water vapour transmission properties. European
committee for standardization, Brussels, Belgium.


Tveit, A. (1966) Measurements of moisture sorption and moisture permeability of

porous materials. Norwegian Building Research Institute, Oslo, Norway.

Nano-based coatings and the influence

on the hygroscopic properties of wood
Selamawit M. Fufa, PhD student
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Materials and method
9Samples used
9Sorption, water vapor resistance and transient tests
9Numerical simulation
9Experimental and simulation

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

9Untreated wooden cladding can be easily affected by climatic condition
9Moisture is one of parameters that reduce service life of wooden buildings
9One of the current promising area in the construction and building industries
9Widely integrated towards wood modification

Improved wood
Fire performance





TiO2,ZnO,SiO2,Clay, CeO2

Scratch resistance


(Mahltig et al., 2008; Morgan, 2006;
Sepeur, 2008)
(Fauchadour et al., 2005; Mizutani et al.,
2006; Turri et al., 2008)
(Bauer and Mehnert, 2005; Fauchadour
et al., 2005; Franziska et al., 2009;
Landry et al., 2008; Sepeur, 2008)
(Kumar et al., 2008)
(Bauer et al., 2006)
(Chen and Poon, 2009)

Table 1: Nanomaterials used in wood modification

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Evaluate the moisture transport in surface treated spruce exposed to transient
climatic conditions
9Measure material properties of the specimen
9Compare experimentally obtained moisture content with numerical result

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Experimental: Materials
Wood type
9Spruce: widely used material in Norwegian buildings
9Square: length and width of (1000.5)mm* & (200.5)mm thickness
9Circular: with (780.5)mm diameter* (50.5)mm thickness
Surface treatments
9Commercially available two types of transparent coatings (SPf & SPN)
9 Used for exterior wood claddings

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Experimental: Test methods

9 503 % RH & 230.5oC
9 Climate room (40, 50& 75)3% RH
Water vapor resistance
9 Cup method
9112% /503% RH, 1002% /503% & 1002% /753% RH inside/outside
the cup is used
Transient test
9Weekly step change within (40 & 75)3% RH
9Exposed to a total of 4 weeks

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

9Software designed to perform hygrothermal analysis of building envelope
9Used to calculate heat and/or moisture transport in one dimensional
multilayered building components



Bulk density [ kg/m3]
Porosity [m3/m3]
Heat capacity [J/(kgK)]
Thermal conductivity [W/(mK)]
Exterior surface heat resistance
Interior surface heat resistance [m2K/W]
Interior surface equivalent air layer
thickness (sd) value [m]
RH [%]
Temperature [oC]

Data from different sources

Germany [SG] Norway [SN]
Sweden [SS]
1 500
1 600
1 600
10 000

10 000

10 000




Table 1: Material properties used for simulation

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood


Fig 4: WUFI simulation

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Results: Material properties

Moisture sorption increases with
increase in RH

Fig 2.1: Measured water vapor resistance (WVR)

Fig 1: Sorption isotherm

WVR property of the wood reduced with

increasing in RH
9 At higher RH, the moisture transport is
by diffusion and liquid water transport
9 WVR value of SPf and SPN are around
10-18% better than US

Fig 2.2: Comparison of measured & literature WVR values

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Results: Transient test

Varying the RH affects mainly the moisture content of the coated species

Fig 3: Measured moisture content

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Results: simulation
Both experimental and simulation results
follow the same trend in absorption and
Major difference can be seen in

Fig: 5.2 MC comparison of S+SPf with WUFI simulation

Fig: 5.1 MC comparison of SU with WUFI simulation

Fig: 5.3 MC comparison of S+SPN with WUFI simulation

Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Measured material properties agree with literature values. The variation might
be due to:
9The property of the wood
9 Apparatus used or measurement error
Nanopainted wood specimens show poor performance towards varying the
climatic condition.
9The type, particle size and rate of dispersion of the nanoparticles used in the
9Uncertainties in the application of the coating
There is some discrepancy between the measured and simulation results.
9Accuracy of the climate room (RH and temperature) and
9Measurement error
9Material properties considered as constant
Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

Thank you
Selamawit M. Fufa

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Nano-based coatings and the influence on the hygroscopic properties of wood

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