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KATA PENGANTAR ...................................i

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

DAFTAR ISI..................................................i
PETUNJUK BELAJAR .................................ii

Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah

SWT, yang atas rahmat-Nya maka penulis dapat
menyelesaikan penyusunan MODUL PEMBELAJARAN



Listening ........................................................1

Dalam Penulisan modul ini penulis merasa masih



Reading ..........................................................9


Writing ...........................................................13

penulisan maupun materi, mengingat akan kemampuan

TEST 1 ...........................................................18

yang dimiliki penulis. Untuk itu kritik dan saran dari







penyempurnaan pembuatan makalah ini.



Listening ........................................................21


menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih yang tak terhingga

Reading ..........................................................28



Writing ...........................................................32

menyelesaikan modul ini, khususnya kepada MKKS,

TEST 3 ...........................................................36







Pengawas SMA/SMK dan semua rekan-rekan guru mata

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kabupaten Bogor yang telah


memberikan dorongan dan bantuan serta pengertian yang

Listening ........................................................39

besar kepada penulis dalam menyelesaikan modul ini.

Speaking ........................................................43

Serta semua pihak yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu

Reading .........................................................45

persatu, yang telah memberikan bantuan dalam penulisan

modul ini.

Writing ..........................................................49
TEST 3 ..........................................................53





memberikan imbalan yang setimpal pada mereka yang

telah memberikan bantuan, dan dapat menjadikan semua
bantuan ini sebagai ibadah, Amiin Yaa Robbal Alamiin.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

Bogor. April 2015


REFERENCES ..............................................56


Buku ini memuat 3 (tiga) modul untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester Ganjil.
Modul ini harus dipelajari dan diselesaikan dalam jangka waktu satu semester, Dalam
mempelajari modul ini supaya diperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut :
1. Belajar dengan modul keberhasilannya tergantung dari kedisiplinan dan ketekunan dalam
memahami dan mematuhi langkah-langkah belajarnya.
2. Belajar dengan modul dapat dilakukan secara mandiri atau kelompok.
3. Langkah-langkah berurutan dalam mempelajari modul ini adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Usahakan memiliki buku paket Bahasa Inggris KelasIX sebagai bahan pengayaan atau
pendalaman materi, karena dalam modul ini diutamakan pada materi esensial/materi
pokok/materi utama.
b. Baca dan pahami benar-benar tujuan yang terdapat pada modul ini. Perhatikan materi
pokoknya dan uraian materinya.

Bila dalam mempelajari materi tersebut mengalami kesulitan, diskusikan dengan

teman- teman yang lain. Dan bila inipun belum terpecahkan sebaiknya tanyakan pada

d. Setelah Kamu merasa memahami materi pelajaran tersebut, kerjakan tugas-tugas yang
tercantum dalam modul ini, dalam lembar jawaban yang terpisah atau pada buku tulis
e. Periksalah hasil penyelesaian tugas tersebut melalui kunci yang tersedia. Dan bila ada
jawaban yang belum betul, pelajari sekali lagi materi yang bersangkutan.
f. Bila dalam tes akhir modul

mencapai nilai 70 dipersilahkan mempelajari modul

4. Urutan kegiatan di atas harus ditaati, agar berhasil dalam mempelajari modul ini.

Selamat Belajar





Hi. It is nice to see you again. We hope you are in good condition and ready to study this module.
Congratulation on your eleven grade of Senior High School. It is fun, isnt it? In this module 1, you
will study the expression of giving opinion, satisfaction and their responses, the report text, the simple
present tense, and the banner. You will need your exercise book and use the cassette or file from Download and Listen to the listening script carefully. Pray to Allah before
doing all your activities.

Oral Cycle


Standar Kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative, dan
analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
1.1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan menyatakan tidak puas
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan memberikan opini

Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan menyatakan kepuasan/ketidak puasan
Merespon ungkapan pendapat orang lain
Merespon ungkapan puas/tidak puas
Mengungkapkan pendapat dan responnya
Mengungkapkan ungkapan puas/tidak puas dan responnya
Merespon gambaran umum teks monolog report yang diperdengarkan
Merespon informasi detail teks monolog report yang diperdengarkan

Materi Pokok
Ungkapan opinion and satisfaction
Teks monolog Report

Before you study about the expression of giving opinion and satisfaction, please answer the
following questions based on your own knowledge. You dont have to worry about your answers.
Building knowledge of field
What would you say if,
1. You want to give your opinion about something?

3. You disagree with someone opinion?

2. You agree with someones opinion?

4. You want to express your satisfaction of

someones work?

Is it easy right? You may answer number one by a simple and general expression, such I
think Thats true.

For question number two, you may answer by saying only yes or yes, I

agree with you or I dont agree with you for question number three. The last you probably answer
I dont like it or I hate it.
Lets go on with the next task. Listen to the listening script. Fill in the blanks with the words
you hear. You may do it twice
Modelling of the text
Listen to the dialog, then fill in the blanks while you are listening to.

: Winda, I thought you were ..


: Well, I got back ..


: Why?


: Well, I didnt .. being there.


: What happened?


: Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining heavily.
What made it worse was the hotel where I stayed had a bad service.


: You seem to be .. with vacation.


: Yes, Im quite .. about it

Have you checked your answers? We are sure that you can write the spoken words correctly.

The key to answer is available in the end of this book. However, If you make some mistakes, why
dont listen to the cassette once more, and try to listen more carefully.
Have you double checked? Good! Now you can continue with task three.
Now listen carefully to some expressions and write them down. You can hear the listening script
several time until you are sure that you wrote the right ones.

Joint Construction of the Text

State whether these are giving opinion, agreeing, disagreeing, satisfaction or dissatisfaction.


2. ...


3. ...


How about your answers? We believe that you can hear the expressions and write them well.
If there are a bit of mistakes, please hear once again to make sure that you can identify the expressions
correctly. Now lets try the task 4
Independent Construction of Text
You are going to listen to some short dialogues. Choose the appropriate responses to the
expression you hear.
1. A. It's really good

3. A. I think it is ok.

B. Let it be.

B. Yes, Im quite displeased about it

C. Who cares?

C. What a great news!

2. A. No thank you.
B. Its hard to believe
C. It' really delicious! I love it!
Well done! We have confidence that you can answer all the questions correctly. If you have
just got one right answer. Its better that you should repeat all the exercises once more. Please dont
step on the next activities until you get the minimum score allowed. All right! I hope you do your
We have studied not only the expressions of giving opinion and satisfaction but also their
responses. You can find the clear explanation about these material in speaking section. We hope you
can hear and respond the expressions of others using them in real daily conversation. See you on the
next activity.

In this section, you will study about the report text through listening skill. You will hear some
spoken short paragraph to see how well you understand or respond some spoken information. You
may hear the listening script to try to answer the questions given.
Building knowledge of field
Listen and answer the following question based on your knowledge
1. ..
2. ..
3. ..
4. ..
.. hewan-gajah_85.html

Ok. I think it is easy for you to understand the questions. The answers to the picture are free based
your own knowledge. You can check the key to answer. Well, we will go on with the next task. You
can repeat the listening script several times and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Make sure
you write the correct words so that you can understand the whole paragraphs.
Modelling of the text
Complete the report text while you are listening to the tape.
Piranha fish are in the world. They live in the fresh water rivers of South America, from Venezuela
to Northern Argentina. These fish called schools. They usually eat other fish smaller than
themselves. Sometimes Piranhas will and eat each other.
The most noticeable thing about Piranha fish is the . The mouth has a lot of triangular teeth with
sharp point. The points pierce the skin of the prey. The razor sharp edges of the teeth chop out pieces
of flesh. The teeth of the upper and lower jaws fit together like scissors. The muscles moving the jaws
are big and very powerful.
On the back of the Piranha fish there is a ridge called a keel. There is another keel running along it
belly. The tail is slender and muscular. Its tail fins are broad. All these .held the piranha to swim
fast through the water. The piranha fish cat a large South American rat-like animal, called a Capybara, weighing 50 kilos (100 ponds) to a skeleton in less than 60 seconds.
1. What is the social function of the text above?
2. What are schools in the text mean?
3. Where does Piranha live?

4. The razor sharp edges of the teeth chop out pieces of

flesh. The synonym of the underlined word is?
5. Why can piranha swim fast through the water?

Lets discuss the questions. The question number one is about asking the general information.
You can easily get the answer if you wrote the correct ones. You should hear all the paragraph and
decide the topic of the text. The question number 2 to 5 is about asking the detailed information of
the text. Do you have any difficulties in finding information from the spoken text? Dont be panic!
You should understand the WH and H question first. Such as where is a question of place. And we are
sure that you can use those questions. Please check your answer. Remember! Dont do the following
activities until you get the correct answers. Well done! Now you can continue the last task in this
The following exercise is aimed to see your listening skill of understanding the spoken text.
You may study first the questions carefully. Then listen to the text and pay attention to the general and
detailed information. You have only twice to listen to the listening script!
Independent Construction of Text
Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
1. Where do mangoes grow?
2. How is the taste of a mango?
3. What vitamins does a mango contain?
4. When did mangoes cultivate in Indonesia?
5. What does the text tell you about
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and continue the next activity. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the
previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is
a way.
We have studied how to respond and get the information from the spoken text. Pay attention
to the WH and H questions (what, where, when, who, why, which and how). Study the questions and
try to listen to what is asked. You will find the information from the text easily.

Standar Kompetensi
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk report,
narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Kompetensi Dasar
3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur:
menyampaikan pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan puas, dan menyatakan tidak puas
4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: report,
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
1. Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan memberikan opini
2. Mengidentifikasi makna ungkapan menyatakan kepuasan/ketidak puasan
3. Menggunakan ungkapan pendapat orang lain
4. menggunakan ungkapan puas/tidak puas
5. Merespon ungkapan pendapat
6. Merespon ungkapan puas/tidak puas
7. Mengungkapkan kembali informasi teks report
Materi Pokok
Ungkapan opinion and satisfaction
Teks monolog Report
Have you ever been disappointed with something or someone? Of course, you sometime
disagree with people around you. Some of them will keep being silent while others try to express their
disagreements. Now study the situations below. What will you say if you are in these situations.
Building knowledge of field
Answer the following questions.
1. The hotel room is hot. See the hotel manager and tell him about it.
2. Convince your parents about the use of Tab by giving them your reason.
3. What do you say when you disagree with someones opinion?
Situation first tells you about a hot hotel room. I am sure you will be disappointed and will
complain to the hotel manager. You will probably say What an awful hotel room I think Tab is
helpful to complete my work I dont agree with you. There are more than one single answer.
Now, you decide what kind of expressions are in the following dialog. It is important to know in order
to make you easy to choose the suitable expressions and responses to deliver.
Modelling of the text
Find out the expressions of opinion and satisfaction
Mega : Hows your vacation in Bali?

: It was terrific! The beaches are beautiful and the sun set from Tanah Lot is satisfying.

Mega : Really? What else did you do there?


: Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that Ive ever done.

Mega : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.


: Yes, Im very satisfied with my vacation there. You must go there.

Mega : Yes, I think Ill do that.

I am sure you can identify the expressions correctly. Check your answers with the key to
answer. There are giving and respond opinion and satisfaction on that dialog. Lets study about the
use of those expressions.
Study the following expression of opinion and satisfaction
We use these words and phrases to express a personal point of view:
In my experience
As far as I'm concerned
What I mean is
In my opinion
Personally, I think
I'd say that
I'd suggest that
I'd like to point out that
I believe that
General Point of view
We use these words and phrases to express a point of view that is generally thought by people:
It is thought that...
Some people say that...
It is considered...
It is generally accepted that...
Agreeing with an opinion
We use these words and phrases to agree with someone else's point of view:
Of course.
You're absolutely right.
Yes, I agree.
I think so too.
That's a good point.
So do I.
I'd go along with that.
That's true.
I agree with you entirely.
That's just what I was thinking.
Disagreeing with an opinion
We use these words and phrases to disagree with someone else's point of view:
I don't agree with you.
That's not entirely true.
On the contrary
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but
Yes, but don't you think
That's not the same thing at all.
I'm afraid I have to disagree.
I'm not so sure about that.
I must take issue with you on that.
Expression of Dissatisfaction
Expression of dissatisfaction is a feeling we express when we do not get as enough as we hope and
feel disappointed with some conditions.
Asking about Satisfaction
How do you like your room?
is everything O.K?
is everything satisfactory?
are you satisfied?
Asking about Dissatisfaction
Do you want to complain about something?
Was something not to your satisfaction?
Are you dissatisfied with something?
Did you find our service satisfactory?
Expressing Satisfaction
I really like my new hair cut
Im completely satisfied with everything youve done for me.
It was satisfactory.
It was okay. Not too bad.
Expressing Dissatisfaction
It is disappointing that!
This is the limit I wont take any more of
What an awful meeting

It is unacceptable
Well, this is most unsatisfactory.
Its not as good as I thought.

It is interesting, isnt it?

There are lots of expressions you can use. To avoid

misunderstanding, you have to study them all. Use them based on the proper situation and the person
you are talking to. Practice each of them all of the time.
Its time for you to do the last task in this activity 2. First of all, you have to see not only the
situation and but also the speaker. It will affect the choice of suitable expressions and responses.
Independent Construction of Text
Choose one of the appropriate expressions.
1. Dirk : Can you give me an opinion about my


Jake : Sure thing! I think you should have had
fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!
From the dialogue above, Dirk is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Giving an information
2. Jane : Roxy, what do you think of the cake I
Roxy: It's really delicious! I love it!
Jane : Im glad you like it.
From the dialogue above, Roxy is...
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Asking for help
C. Requesting for attention
D. Giving an item
E. satisfied
3. Ana: Do you think we should advertise
our products in the magazines ?
Billi: Personally, I t hi nk t hat s good i
dea. The words
underlined ....................... A.
Express an opinion

Express apology

C. Offer help and assistance

D. Accept help and
assistance. E. Express
4. Andrew : I think Indonesia will get
the gold medal in soccer.
Vietnam beat

I don t think so.










E. Invitation
5. Xenia : I believe we should preserve
our national heritage.

: ......................

A. I agree with you but it is impossible

B. I disagree with your opinion
C. I suppose so
D. Youre not right.
E. I disagree for your idea.

Have you finished it? Check your answer with

the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and can continue the next activities.
Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to
repeat the previous activities, especially the ones
you have not mastered. Never give up.

We have studied how to communicate with others using the expressions of giving opinion and
satisfaction and their responses. You can pick up one simple and short particular expression for
yourself, but still you must understand the others. We hope you can. See you on the next activity.

Written cycle


Standar Kompetensi
5. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar
5.1 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi
dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
5.2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: report,
1. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks report
2. Mengidentifikasi makna kalimat dalam teks report
3. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari benda/orang yang dilaporkan
4. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks
5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks dibaca
Report text
Welcome to reading section. Before you study about the report text with its special
characteristics, please answer the following questions based on your own knowledge.
You dont have to worry about your answers. The answers are acceptable.
Building knowledge of field
Observe the picture then answer the following questions.
1. Do you know this animal? What is it?

2. Where can we find this animal?

3. What are the special things of this animal? -text-komododragon- varanus.html#.VRzlao5Pzyk

Good answers! It is a rare animal and one of the seven wonder world. Are you proud of it? Lets continue
with the next task. Here are some related words used in report text. Try not to look up the dictionary.
Match the left words to their synonyms on the right.
1. conserve
a. stay alive
b. famous
2. natural disaster
c. serve some food
3. feed
d. sense
4. hunt
e. disappear
5. survive
f. rise
6. victim
g. destroyed by nature
7. increase
h. injured person mentally or physically
8. extinct
i. preserve
9. taste
j. look for food or something
10. well known
Finding difficulties? Now check the answer. Now you can open your dictionary. Dont forget
to see the pronunciation too. It is good for you to remember the new words by making a sentence
closed to your world, for example: Lady, all the food you gave me taste good.

Try to practice

producing sentences closed to your world. Dont be too serious. The most important thing is you
remember the words for good.
Modelling of the text
Study the following information of Report Text
In general, report text is one type of text that include into "factual texts" category. This text
also has purpose, generic structure commonly. This text is often called a "twin brother" as descriptive
text so there's a lot of students are "confused" about how to distinguish between those texts.
Report Text
The report text often also known as informational report. "Report", the Concise Oxford
Dictionary 10th Edition, is defined as :
1) An account is given of a matter after investigation or consideration.
2) A piece of information about an event or situation.
So we can conclude, in a language view, a report text is used to serves to provide information
about an event or situation, after the investigation and through the multi consideration.
Definition of text report is also fairly similar to what is often mentioned in various books in
English at the intermediate level, "Report is a text present information about something, as it is. It is
as a result of systematic observation and analyzes." [Report is a text which presents information about
something as it is. This text is the result of systematic observation and analysis.] Thus, the actual
report and descriptive text have the distinction is quite clear, although they often called by a "twin
brother". In essence, the report text is usually filled with facts that can be proven scientifically.
As same as descriptive text, A report text also has two common structures [generic structure], there
1) General Classification
Statements that describe the common subject of the report, common description, and classification.

2) Description/Bundles of specific information

Tells what the phenomenon under discussion; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behaviors; This
section gives us an overview of commonly occurring phenomenon, either of its parts, its
properties, habit, or behavior. The point is, presenting elaboration of scientific classification.
In short, report text describes the way of certain things and frequently refer to phenomenon of
nature, animal and scientific object. Mostly, report is written after getting careful observation. This
scientific and technical sense make clearer difference from descriptive text.
Each article must have its own language characteristics, Okay... here is a common grammar
patterns used in the text report, which includes:
1) Use of general nouns, that is, an object (be it alive or dead) of a general nature. Just compare
between "Hunting dogs" and "My dog". Hunting dogs are common, while my dog is more
2) Use of Relating verbs to describe features, the grammar is also called linking verbs. As to be [is,
am, are: present], seem, look, taste, etc.
3) Some use of action verbs when describing behavior, e.g. Emus can not fly;
4) Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness, is one time in the simple present markers such
as "often, Usually, always" and others. Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea;
5) Use of technical terms, e.g. "Isobars" are lines drawn on a weather map; For example, on
"music" then, the terms of the music should be there.
6) Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organize bundles of information; repeated naming of
the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.
taken from;

I think the explanation about the report text is very clear. The report text can tell us about anything
such as animal, nature, place in general. Now lets have a practice by doing the following task.
Read and study the following text. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and pause.
Komodo Dragons
Komodo dragon is a member of the monitor family, Varanidae. It is the world's largest living
lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most ancient
group of lizards still alive.It is found mainly in the island of Komodo and on other small islands,
Rinca, Padar, and Flores. The natives call the dragon, ora, or buaya darat (land crocodile).
The Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with
small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per hours, but only for short distances. When it
opens its wide red moth, it shows row of teeth like the edge of a saw.
Komodo dragons are good simmers and may swim the long distance from one island to another.
Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and their legs held against their body.
The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day. It hunts deer,
wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller Komodo has to be content with eggs, other

lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on the young one as
well as the old and sick dragons.
Joint Construction of the Text
Answer the questions based on the text above,

4. Komodo dragons are cannibals because

1. The main idea of paragraph 4 is

5. Why does the text above belong to report text?

2. What are the characteristics of a komodo dragon?

3. The writer's purpose in writing the text is .
Independent Construction of Text
Answer the questions from the text below.

Many people imagine the seahorse to be real

horse living in the sea. This is not true at all.
The seahorse is so called because it is a tiny creature
with a horse liked head which lives in the sea.
Sea horse are found mostly in warm seas.
They have a long, flexible tail which is used for
wrapping around weeds for support. They swim I
upright position, their movements being helped by a
rapidly oscillating fin on their back. The male sea
horse lays her eggs in this pouch.

The most remarkable thing about the seahorse is that part of the process of reproduction is taken
over by the male creature. One the female seahorse has laid her eggs in the male creatures pouch, she
leaves. The hatching of the egg is done by the male fish.
Mating begins with the male and the female seahorses doing courtship dance. The male and
female creatures swim around each other in circles. At the end of the dance, the male appears to bow
to its partner; but in actually, the male is banding to pump water from his pouch. Next, the female fish
lays eggs into the males pouch. About two hundred eggs are laid. The pouch, then close up. The
female seahorse now swims away, leaving the male seahorse to do hatching.
The eggs are hatched about a month later. The young seahorses are ejected from the male
creatures pouch by means of muscular contractions. The sea horse feeds on tiny fish the creatures
sucking them into its month.
1. What is the topic of the text above?
2. What is the purpose of the text?
3. What is main idea of paragraph 2?
4. Why does the male seahorse have a pouch in its abdomen?
5. The sea horse feeds on tiny fish the creatures. The underlined words means.
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat
the previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered.


1. Purpose:
To describe the way things are such as a man-made thing, animals, and plants
2. Text organization:
General classification : introduce the topic of the report such as class or sub-class
: give the shape/form, parts, behavior, habitat, way of survival
3. Language features:
The use of general nouns (e.g.: commodes, computers, orchids)
The use of relating verbs (e.g.: is, are, has)
The use of present tense (e.g.: Komodo dragons usually weight more then 160 kl.)
The use of behavioral verbs (e.g.: Snakes often sunbath in the sun.)
The use of technical terms (e.g.: Water contains oxygen and hydrogen.)

Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster,
pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa
tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk: report.
1. Menggunakan kalimat simple present tense dalam membuat sebuah report
2. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk report
3. Mengidentifikasi isi makna sebuah banner
Report text
The simple present tense
Welcome to writing section. Before you study about how to make a report text with its
special characteristics, please answer the following questions based on your own
Building knowledge of field
Answer the following questions.
1. Have you ever written a report in English?
2. What do you know about the stage of writing?
3. Why do you write a report text?

It is important that you should understand the generic structure of report text. The report text begins
with general classification then followed by some specific information. Do task 2. Dont forget the
punctuation and capital letters.
Modelling of the text
Rearrange the sentence into good paragraph.
1. She has a special mouth which can go into an animal's or person's skin.
2. Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle.
3. It is interesting to note that only the female will bite for blood.
4. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood.
5. She needs it before she can lie her eggs.

As stated above, the simple present is used in a report text. It is a must as the report text
present the facts not an imaginary one. Study and practice it. It is a basic tense that highly used both
in written or spoken text.
Study the Present Tense in Use. You can do this task in a group.
Present Simple is used in any Report Text as it indicates usualness, is one time in the simple present
markers such as "often, usually, always" and others, e.g. Tropical cyclones always begin over the sea
Simple Present
[VERB] + s/es in third person
You speak English.
Do you speak English?.
Complete List of Simple Present Forms
Repeated Actions

Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action can be a
habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be
something a person often forgets or usually does not do.
Examples: - I play tennis.
- When does the train usually leave?
- She does not play tennis.
- She always forgets her purse.
- Does he play tennis?
- Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
- The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. - Does the Sun circle the Earth?

Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and
will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the fact. It is also used to
make generalizations about people or things.
Examples: - Cats like milk.
- Do pigs like milk?
- Birds do not like milk.
- California is in America.
Scheduled Events in the Near Future

Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near future. This is
most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be used with other
scheduled events as well.
Examples: - The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
- When do we board the plane?
- The bus does not arrive at 11 AM,
- The party starts at 8 o'clock.
- When does class begin tomorrow?
it arrives at 11 PM.
Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is happening or is not
happening now. This can only be done with Non-Continuous Verbs and certain Mixed Verbs.
Examples: - I am here now.
- He has his passport in his hand.
- She is not here now.
- Do you have your passport with you?
- He needs help right now..
The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as: always, only, never, ever,
still, just, etc.
Examples: You only speak English.
Do you only speak English?

Independent Construction of Text

State the sentence are true or false. If they are false, correct them.
Example: Kamila always read lots of novels.
Answer: Kamila always reads lots of novel.
1. Mr. Anwar went to the office on time every day.
2. Ratih are an English teacher in SMA Tajur Halang.
3. Does Euis often serves meals for her family?


4. I not know about it.

5. I am have an exercise every morning.

Fill in the blank with suitable verbs and good sentence order.

When my brother

(come back),

what shall I do?

2. Ani

(let, she) you go?

6. I hate living in your city, because it

(be, cold, always).

(go, always) to school every


7. They

3. My father

(read, usually) a newspaper


(come, always) late.

(have, you) some money? I

need it.

while drinking coffee in the morning.

4. Jhon


(not, speak) Indonesian because

9. I

(not, know) who you are.

10. The Sun

she comes from England.

(rise) every morning.

Have you finished it? Check your answers with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70% you succeed
and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous
activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is a way.
Have you ever seen a banner? What is it? What is for? Well, this time we will discuss about
banners. According to Wikipedia, A banner is a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, logo,
slogan or other message. The aim of a banner is to publish an idea; event, commercial products for
society. You should make a banner more attractive to get lots of people attentions.
Now answer the following questions, then checked the answer with the key. I hope that you can
identify what a message is in every banners.
Answer the questions based on the picture.

1. Where does the crisis of humanity occur?

2. Who are most refugees?
3. How can we help the refugees?
4. How much does it cost?
5. What is the cause of that crisis?

Task 7
Make your own report text. Follow these instructions.
1. Find an interesting topic from a newspaper to collect your data.
2. Write your text in the column given.
3. After you have completed your writing, exchange your work with others to check for
grammar error, punctuation and ideas of your draft.
4. Revise the draft based on the recommendation
5. Create a banner based on your text. Use free material. given by your friend.
Ask your teacher to check your works.
Now it is time for you to evaluate your knowledge about the material given in book 1. Do it carefully.
Thats the end of m odule 1. Good luck!
In this activity, you have studied the simple present tense. Use the Simple Present to express
the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker
believes that a fact was true. Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled
events in the near future. Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an
action is happening or is not happening now.

I. listening section.
1. A person who studies to be a doctor of animals
is called
a. Peterpan
b. Penpall
c. Vegetarian
d. Volunteer
e. Veterinarian
2. What is the main job of his/her task?
a. Taking care people
b. Taking care patient health
c. Taking care of animals health
d. Taking care of children
e. Taking care of peoples body

3. What does the text discuss about?

a. Niagara falls
b. Waterfalls
c. Niagara river
d. Horses falls in Canada
e. Lake Ontario
4. How many waterfalls does it have?
a. One
b. Two
d. Four
e. Five

c. Three

5. Where is it located?
a. South America
b. North America
c. West America
d. Canada
e. Between America-Canada

II. Reading Section

The Houses of the Toraja
The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are
known by the name of Toraja, which has come to mean "those who live upstream" or "those who live
in the mountains". Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit means "king".
The society is hierarchically structured: the noblemen are called rengnge, the ordinary people to
makaka, and the slaves to kaunan; birth determines which rank a person will occupy.
The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the "buffalo
horns", the roof design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status,
courage, strength and fighting spirit.
Designed as a representation on the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in three parts: the
upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the
space under the floor). The highly distinctive roors constructed by the Toraja given rise to various
ingenious interpretations. Certainly the roof is something of deep significance for the Toraja, and even
today they build "modern" (in other words houses built with cement) houses with such roofs.
6. What is the text about?
a. The culture of Toraja
b. The society of Toraja
c. The distinctive features of traditional
d. The description of a traditional houses of
e. The ethnic groups of southwest and central
7. and even today they build modern... (paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to
a. Raja
b. Rengnge
c. Society
d. Toraja people
e. Mountain regions

8. What are the ordinary people

commonly called?
a. Tongkonan
b. Makaka
c. Celebes
d. Rengnge
e. Kaunan
9. Which of the following does
not symbolize a buffalo?
a. Status
b. Courage
c. Strength
d. Cowardice
e. Fighting Spirit

Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breath air but cannot survive on the land.
Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30m in length, is the largest
animal to have lived on the earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are
important differences in its external structure: its tail consist of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles
(the tail of e fish its vertical) and it has a single nostril on the top of its large, broad head. The skin is
smooth and shinny and beneath it lays a layer of flat (blubber). This is up to 30cm in thickness and
serves to converse heat and body fluids.
10. What kind of text is it?
a. Narrative
b. Spoof

c. Report

d. News items

e. Anecdote

11. The communicative purpose of the text is.

a. To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
b. To explain a certain phenomena about a particular animal.
c. To retell what happened to the man and the penguin.
d. To share an entertaining story.
e. To describe extinct animal.
12. The organization of the text above is.
a. Orientation, event, event, twist
b. Orientation, evaluation, interpretative recount, evaluation, summation
c. General statement, explanation,
d. Thesis, argument, argument recommendation
e. Orientation, event, event, event
13. To tell factual information, the writer uses ....
a. Passive voice
b. Direct speech
c. Reported speech
d. Simple past tense
e. Simple present tense
Blueberries, cranberries, and huckleberries-like dark skinned bunch grapes-contain
restorative, a potential anticancer agent. Thats a new finding from preliminary data from ARS
collaborative studies with Rutgers University-New Jersey and Ag Canada, Kent ville, Nova Scotti.
Restorative protects dark-skinned bunch grapes from fungal diseases and provides health benefits to
consumers, including protection from cardiovascular disease. The compounds anticancer potential
warranted its examination in other fruits.
Using gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric procedures, the scientists measured the
restorative content of 30 whole fruit samples of blueberry, cranberry, huckleberry, and related plants
representing 5 families and 10 species of Vaccination fruit. They found that several samples contained
varying amounts of the compound. Analysis of extracts of the skin, juice/pulp, and seed of muscadine
grapes showed that its concentration in fruit skin was highest. Levels in the juice/pulp were much
lower than in either skin or seeds. Researchers are continuing to analyze more Vaccination and
muscadine samples. Future research goals will include enhancing production of restorative in selected
14. What does the first paragraph talk about?
a. More Vaccinium and muscadine will be analyzed.
b. Researchers plan to produce resveratrol in large scale.
c. Several samples contains various amount of resveratrol.
d. The experiment showed that resveratrol is mostly concentrated in the fruit skin.
e. Blueberries, cranberries, and huckleberries-like dark skinned bunch grapescontain restorative, a potential anticancer agent..

15. How many fruit samples are used in the research?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 10
d. 25
e. 30
16. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell kinds of fruits
b. To describe some fruits
c. To persuade people to keep health
d. To inform the importance of research on fruits
e. To report the result of a research on certain fruits
17. We can conclude that the research will be
a. Stopped
b. Continued
c. Postponed
d. Carried out
e. Minimized
18. The sun in the west
a. Set
b. Sets
c. Will set
d. Is setting
e. Will be setting
19. Marry her homework on time
a. Do
b. Does
c. Did
d. Is done
e. Is doing
20. Which is false simple present sentence
a. Bogor is famous for its Talas
b. Jakarta was the capital of Indonesia
c. Moslems pray in the mosque
d. One plus one is two
e. The river flows to the sea.
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. The formula is your true answer
times 5. (T x 5) the total score is 100. If you get score up to 70% you succeed and can continue the
next module. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous activities, especially
the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is a way




In this module two, you will study the expression of advice, warning, giving something and their
responses, the narrative text, the simple past tense, and the poster. You will need your exercise book
and use the cassette or file from Download and Listen to the listening
script carefully. Be confident.

Oral cycle


Standar kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative, dan
analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan
tindak tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, dan meluluskan permintaan,
2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative
1. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menasehati.
2. Merespon tindak tutur menasehati
3. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur memperingatkan
4. Merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan
5. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
6. Merespon tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
Tindak tutur:
menasehati, memperingatkan, dan meluluskan permintaan
narrative teks


Please answer the following questions based on your own knowledge. You dont have to worry about
your answers. It is free answers.
Building knowledge of field
What would you say if:
You want to give an advice to someone who has a toothache?

You warn someone of doing such a bad thing?


You permit someone to do something?


Your friend advice you to continue your study abroad?

Good job! You may answer number one by saying such as You should go to the dentist,

That is true. For question number two, you may answer by saying only I warn you not to do that silly
thing or You can go home now for question number three. The last you probably answer thanks. I
will consider it.
Lets go on with the next task. Listen to listening script. Fill in the blanks with the words you
hear. You may do it twice
Modelling of the text
Listen to the dialog, then fill in the blanks while you are listening to it.

: if I borrow your car? Ive got a stomachache. Im going to the doctor.


: Sure. But I think with someone to accompany you.


: Ok. Ill ask my sister. Thanks.

Muhlis and Yetty are on the way to the doctor.


: Be careful. Drive it slowly!


: Calm down. I am a good driver.


: I warn you not to drive it fast.


: Thanks God! I dont hit that truck.


: the car?


: Sure. You can drive me home.

Have you checked your answers? We are sure that you can write the spoken words correctly.

The key to answer is available in the end of module. However, If you make some mistakes, why
dont listen to the cassette once more, and try to listen more carefully.
Have you double checked? Good! Now you can continue with task three.
Now listen carefully to some expressions and write them down. You can listen to the listening script
several time until you are sure that you wrote the right ones.

Joint Construction of the Text

State whether these are advice, warning or permit doing something.


2. ...


3. ...




How about your answers? We believe that you can hear the expressions and write them well.
If there are a bit of mistakes, please listen once again to make sure that you can identify the
expressions correctly. Now lets try.

In this section, you will study about the narrative text through listening skill. You will hear
some spoken short paragraph to see how well you understand or respond some spoken text. You may
hear the listening script to try to answer the questions given.
Building knowledge of field
Listen and answer the following questions based on
the picture above.


Ok. I think it is easy for you to understand the questions. The answers to the picture are free
based your own knowledge. You can check the key to answer. Well, we will go on with the next
activity. You can repeat the listening script several times and fill in the blanks with the words you
hear. Make sure you write the correct words so that you can understand the whole paragraphs.
Modelling of the text
Complete the story while you are listening to tape
Once when a lion was , a little mouse running up and down upon him; this soon awoke
the lion, who place his upon the mouse and opened his . to swallow him.


..., o king, cried the mouse. Please forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who knows
I may be able to do you a some of these days. The lion was tickled at the idea of the mouse being
able to help him. Then he lifted his paw and let him go.
One day the lion in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to carry him to the king, tied him to a
tree. While they went in search of a wagon to carry him in, just then the little mouse happened to pass
by and saw the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon away
the rope that bound the king of the beast. Soon after the little mouse had finished gnawing away the
rope, he the lion to run away.
Listen to the text and answer the questions
1. What does the text tell about?

4. What did the mouse do to prove his words?

2. Where does the story take place?

5. What is the moral value of the text?

3. Why was the lion angry to the mouse?

Lets discuss the questions. You should hear all the paragraph and decide the topic of the text.
Do you have any difficulties in finding information from the spoken text? Well done! We are sure
that you can use the WH and H questions. Please check your answer. Remember! Dont do the
following activities until you get the correct answers. Good luck! Now you can continue the last
activity in this section.
The following exercise is aimed to see your listening skill of understanding the spoken text.
You may study first the questions carefully. Then listen to the text and pay attention to the general and
detailed information. You have only twice to listen to the listening script!
Independent Construction of Text
Listen carefully to the spoken text, then answer the questions.
1. Who is the main character of the story?

4. Why did he buy CDs in the same shop very often?

2. Where does the story take place?

5. What is the orientation of the text?

3. What is the purpose of the text?

6. Why did not he express his felling directly to the girl?

7. What did actually the girl feel about the boy?

Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70% you succeed
and continue the next activity. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous
activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is a way.
We have studied how to respond and get the information from the spoken text. Pay attention
to the WH and H questions (what, where, when, who, why, which and how). Study the questions
carefully and try to listen to what is asked. You will find the information from the text easily.

Standar Kompetensi
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk report,
narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: menasehati, memperingatkan, meluluskan permintaan
4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk:
1. Menggunakan tindak tutur menasehati
2. Merespon tindak tutur menasehati
3. Menggunakan tindak tutur memperingatkan
4. Merespon tindak tutur memperingatkan
5. Menggunakan tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
6. Merespon tindak tutur meluluskan permintaan
Tindak tutur:
nasihat, memperingatkan, dan meluluskan permintaan
Have you ever been confused with something or someone? Of course, you
sometime dont have idea what to do. We have to ask for someones advice. Now
study the situations below. What will you say if you are in these situations.
Building knowledge of field
Answer the following questions.
1. You always get low score in English though you study hard. Ask an advice to your smart friend
about how to study it.
2. Your brother sometimes uses your pencil without permission.
3. What do you say when you want to borrow a pen from your sister?
There are more than one single answer. Now, you decide what kind of expressions are in the
following dialog. It is important to know in order to make you easy to choose the suitable expressions
and responses to deliver.

Modelling of the text

Find out the expressions of advice, warning and permission


: Yogi, youre going to have national test next Monday, arent you?
: Yes, I am. Why?
: You havent prepared for the test.
: Relax, its still a week.
: But you only waste your time to play the online games.
: I can study the night before the test.
: What I mean is why dont you study from now. Nothings gained all at once.
I dont want you to regret like the last Try Out. You were not allowed to go camping with
your friends as the punishment from our parent because of your bad score. You know, we are
planning to go to Bali this holiday. I warn you. I dont want you to be granted a punishment.
: Yeah, youre right. What do you think I should do?
: I think you had better stop playing games. Then focus to your lesson
: Well, okay. Ill do that.
By the way, May I use your table lamp?
: certainly. You can use it anytime

I am sure you can identify the expressions correctly. Check your answers with the key to answer.
Lets study about the use of those expressions.
Joint Construction of the Text
Study the following expression of advice, warning and permission
Asking for advice
Do you think I ought to call the security?
What do you think I should give him for
his birthday?
Do you have any ideas about how I can
get good score?
Should I try to talk with her about this
matter again?
If you were me, what would you tell her?
If you were in my situation, would you
forgive him?
Do you have any advice for me?
Can you give me some advice?
Do you have any recommendations about
a good hotel in Bogor?
Can you recommend a suitable gown for

Offering advice
I think you had better start looking for a
new apartment.
If I were you, Id send her a bunch of
It would probably be a good idea to
discuss this project with our teacher.
Why dont you try calling him tonight?
How about cycling instead of driving.
Id say that youd better stop arguing with
Trying to ignore her for a while.
I advise you to talk with your parent.
I recommend that you cancel your

Expressing Warning
When we are going to gives warning to other people, we can use these expressions:
Do this!

Dont do this!

Watch out!


Please queue other

Keep right. Be careful.

No smoking.

Watch your head.

Take care of your self.

No littering.

Fragile (Be careful,

this will break easily).
Watch your step.

Be careful.

No parking.

Expressing Permission
Asking permission Giving
permission Refusing
- Can I close the window please?
- Sure, go ahead.
Please let me have the car tonight.
Its okay with me.
May I close the door please?
No, I dont mind.
Do you mind if I smoke?
Why not?
Would you mind if I have dinner with her? You have my permission.
May I have your permission to marry your I wont stop you.

Take care, please

- No, you may not.
You cant.
Yes, I do mind.
I dont think so.
I will not permit you to.
I absolutely forbid you.

Independent Construction of Text

Choose one of the appropriate expressions.
: Aliwhere are you? Wake up my dear. Its Monday morning.
: Im here mom, in my bed room.
: oh. There you are. Dont you go to school
: Mom, I have got a headache.
a. You should stay at home.
b. you should go to school
c. we can go to the doctor next time
2.Situation : Your friend is cheating during the test.
What is suitable warning to situation above?
a. Watch your step please
b. Be careful or the teacher will catch you
c. Sit down please

d. Watch your head

e. Look out behind you

3.What would you do in this situation?

Youve been invited to dinner at a friends home. Youre about to sit down to eat. But you want to
use the toilet first.
What would you do?
Excuse me. Wheres the toilet?
Do you mind if I use the bathroom
Say nothing and wait your fiend to ask you
Say nothing and show that you want to toilet first
Say nothing and start looking around the house for the toilet
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat
the previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will,
there is a way.

We have studied how to communicate with other using the expressions of advice, warning and
permission and

their responses. You can pick up one simple and short particular expression for

yourself, but still you must understand the others. We hope you can. See you on the next activity.

Standar Kompetensi
5. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar
5.1. Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.)
resmidan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
5.2. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative
1. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi makna kalimat dalam teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi komplikasi dalam sebuah cerita narrasi
4. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks
5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks dibaca
Narrative text
Welcome to reading section. Before you study about the narrative text with its special
characteristics, please answer the following questions based on your own knowledge.
You dont have to worry about your answers. The answers are acceptable.
Building knowledge of field
Observe the picture then answer the following questions.
Answer the question based on the picture.

1. Who is the old man?

2. What is he doing?
3. Do you think the boys listen to him?
4. Where are they?
5. Why does the old man do that activity?

Ok. You are right. The picture is about your visit to your grandparents when you are kids. It is
an interesting and amusing event! Sometime it lasts till late at night.
Lets continue with the next task. Here are some related words used in narrative text. Try not
to look up the dictionary.
Modelling of the text
Match the left words to their synonyms on the right.
1. once upon a time
2. poverty
3. dead
4. surrender
5. king
6. victory
7. try hard
8. run away
9. there lived
10. help

a. aid
b. pass away
c. there was
d. give up
e. struggle
f. flee
g. miserably
h. ruler
i. years ago
j. glory

Any difficulties? Now check the answers. Now you can open your dictionary. Dont forget to
see the pronunciation too. Dont forget to make the words in simple and short sentences. Lets go on
with the text narrative in definition.
Study the narrative text explanation
a. The Definition of Narrative Text
Narrative writing presents a story of sequence events which involves characters. According to
Pratyasto (2011:32), narrative is a type of text that is proposed to amuse and to deal with actual and
vicarious experience in different ways; narrative also deals with problematic events which lead to a
crisis or turning points of some kind, which in turn find a resolution. Abrams in his article states that
narrative text is a description of a series of events, either real or imaginary, that is written or told in
order to entertain people. This type of text structurally organizes the action, thought, and interactions
of its characters into pattern of plot.
There are many types of narrative. Generally, it could be categorized into the fictional
narrative or imaginary, the nonfictional narrative, or combination of both;
1) A Fictional Narrative presents an imaginary narrators account of a story that happened in an
imaginary world. It includes fairy tales, folklore or folktales, horror stories, fables, legends,
myths, and science fictions.
2) A Nonfictional Narrative (also factual narrative) presents a real-life persons account of a reallife story. It includes historical narratives, ballads, slice of life, and personal experience.
b. Generic Structure
The generic structure of narrative text focuses on a series of stages that proposed to build a story. In
traditional narrative the stages include:
1) Orientation :
the introduction of the characters who involve in the story, time and the place where the story
takes place.
2) Complication :
a series of events in which the main character attempts to solve the problem.

3) Resolution :
the ending of the story containing the problem solution. (Pratyasto, 2011:32)
c. Feature
There are some features that writers should be recognized in writing a narrative text. Those are as
1) Plot : What is going to happen?
2) Setting : Where will the story take place? When will the story take place?
3) Characterization : Who are the main characters? What do they look like?
4) Structure : How will the story begin? What will be the problem? How is the problem going to
be resolved?
5) Theme : What is the theme/message the writer is attempting to communicate?
I think the explanation about the narrative text is very clear. Now lets have a practice by doing the
following tasks
Read it. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress and pause.
Ali Baba
Once upon a time there were 40 cruel thieves who put their stolen money and treasures in a
cave. They went in the cave by saying Open Sesame to the cave entrance. A poor person, named Ali
Baba saw them while they were doing that, so he heard the opening word. After they left, he went
toward the cave and opened it. Suddenly he found a very large quantity of money and golden
treasures. He took some of it and went back home. After that he became a rich man and his brother
wanted to know how he became rich.
Ali Baba turned into the richest man in his village. His evil brother was really jealous of him,
and wanted to know how he could get such a lot of money. Therefore, when Ali Baba went to the
cave again to take some more money, his brother followed him. He saw everything, and decided to go
back the next day to take some money for himself. The next morning he found a lot of money in the
cave, and he wanted to take all of them. Unfortunately, when he was busy carrying the money to his
house, the thieves came. The boss of the thieves asked him how he knew about the cave. He told
everything, but unluckily they killed him and went to Ali Babas house.
After finding Ali Babas house, they made a plan to kill him the following night. Some of the
thieves hid in big jars, and the boss pretended that he was a merchant who wanted to sell the jars to
Ali Baba. Ali Baba who was a kind man invited the boss of the thief to have lunch together. After
lunch they took a rest. Luckily, the house maid went out of the house, and found that there were
thieves inside the jars. She finally boiled hot oil and poured it into the jars to kill all of them. The boss
of the thieves was caught, and put into prison.
Ali Baba was saved from the danger, and he finally lived happily ever after with his maid
who became his wife shortly after.

Joint Construction of the Text

Answer the question based on the text above.
1. Who put their stolen money and treasures in a cave?
2. How did They go in the cave?

5. Did Alis brother succeed in getting the


3. What did Ali see in the cave?

6. Why did the thieves know Alis house?

4. Who wanted to know how ali became rich?

7. What happened to the boss of the thieves

Independent Construction of Text

Read and answer the questions that follow.
Long time ago a rabbit and a lion were neighbors. The lion was very proud, and was fond of boasting
about his strength. And though they were such close neighbors, the lion looked down upon the rabbit,
and used to bully and frighten her. Finally, the rabbit could stand it no longer and wanted to get her own
One day, she went to the lion and said, Good day, Respected elder brother. Imagine it, I met an animal
over there who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, Is there anyone in the world who dares
stand up to me? If there is, let him come and have a duel with me. If there is no one, all of you have to
submit to my rule and be my servants! Oh, he was an cant even light on anyone!, added the rabbit.
Oho, the lion said, Didnt you mention me to him? Yes, indeed, the rabbit replied, But it would
have been better if I hadnt. When I described how strong you were, he just sneered and said dreadfully
rude things. He even went so far as to say that wouldnt take you for his attendant!.
The lion flew into a rage and roared ,Where is her? Where is her?
So the rabbit took the lion behind a hill and, not going too near herself. Pointed to a deep well from a
distance, and said, He is down there, in the well.
The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes, there was his rival who even glared back at
him angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion became so furious that his hair stood
on end. So did his enemys in the well. The lion showed his teeth and lashed out with his paws to scare
his rival and his enemy in the well retaliated! In a fit of anger the lion sprang into the air with all his
might and then flung himself at the enemy in the well. The result was that the proud lion was instantly
1. What is the story about?
2. What did the early problem the main participant have?
3. How did the main participant solve the problem?
4. What is the moral value of the story?
5. What is the purpose of the text above?

Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70% you succeed
and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous
activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is a way.
A narrative text consists of orientation, complication and resolution. The text has a plot, setting,
characterization, structure. And theme. This text can be fiction and nonfiction. The purpose of
narrative text is to entertain the readers.

Standar Kompetensi
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
6.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (poster)resmi dan tak resmi
dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari
6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa
tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk: narrative
1. Menggunakan kalimat simple past tense dalam membuat sebuah narrative
2. Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narasi
Narrative text
The simple pastt tense

Building knowledge of field
Welcome to writing section. Before you study about how to make a narrative text with its
special characteristics, please answer the following questions based on your own knowledge.
Answer the question based on the picture above.
1. What is the best title for the picture above?
2. Who will probably read and listen that story?
3. Is it interesting?
4. Do you know who write that story?
5. Who are the main character of that story?

6. What is the complication of that story?

7. How is the ending of that story?

Modelling of the text

Name the generic structure of the text below.
Once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon
awoke the lion, who placed his huge paw upon the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.
Pardon, O King cried the little mouse forgive me this time. I shall never forget it: who
knows I may be able to do you a good turn some of these days? . The lion was so tickled at the idea
of the mouse being able to help him. Then he lifted up his paw and let him go.
On day the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters who to carry him alive to the king, tied him
to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then the little mouse happened to
pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and soon
gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the beats. Soon the little mouse had finished growing
away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.
Study the use of the simple past tense in Narrative text.
Simple Past
[VERB+ed] or irregular verbs
Examples: You called Debbie.
Didyou call Debbie?
You did not call Debora.
Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the
past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one
specific time in mind.
Examples: I saw a movie yesterday.
I didn't see a play yesterday.
Last year, I traveled to Japan.
Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
Did you have dinner last night?
She washed her car.
A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th, and so on.
I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?
Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer
action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.
Examples: I lived in Brazil for two years.
Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
They sat at the beach all day.
They did not stay at the party the entire time.
Habits in the Past

The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same
meaning as "used to." To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions
such as: always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I was younger, etc.
Examples: I studied French when I was a child.
He played the violin.
He didn't play the piano.
Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
She worked at the movie theater after school.
Past Facts or Generalizations

The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true. As
in USE 4 above, this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression "used to."
Examples: I studied French when I was a child.
She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
He didn't like tomatoes before.
Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

IMPORTANT When-Clauses Happen First

Clauses are groups of words which have meaning but are often not complete sentences. Some
clauses begin with the word "when" such as "when I dropped my pen..." or "when class began..."
These clauses are called when-clauses, and they are very important. The examples below contain
Examples: When I paid her one dollar, she answered my question.
She answered my question when I paid her one dollar.
When-clauses are important because they always happen first when both clauses are in the Simple
Past. Both of the examples above mean the same thing: first, I paid her one dollar, and then, she
answered my question. It is not important whether "when I paid her one dollar" is at the beginning of
the sentence or at the end of the sentence. However, the example below has a different meaning. First,
she answered my question, and then, I paid her one dollar.
Example: I paid her one dollar when she answered my question.
Lets see whether you understand the simple past tense. Do task 4 and 5. If you still have difficulties
using that tense, study the explanation once more.
Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs
1. Anna (do) her homework last night.
2. . You write a module last year?
3. I (not go) to Bali last semester
4. Yulie (visit) us a week ago
5. She (not tell) us that news this morning.
Joint Construction of the Text
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs.
Once upon a time, there (be) a prince. He (live) in a castle in France. One day a woman
(come) to his castle. She (be) old and ugly. The prince (not like) her and (send) her away.
After the prince (send) the woman away, she (turn into) into a beautiful fairy. She (curse) the
prince and his castle. The prince (become) a beast.
Make your own narrative text. Follow these instructions.
1. Find an interesting topic from a newspaper to collect your data.
2. Write your text in the column given.
3. After you have completed your writing, exchange your work with others to check for grammar
error, punctuation and ideas of your draft.
4. Revise the draft based on the recommendation given by your friend.
5. Ask your teacher to check your works.


Answer the questions below by choosing one best answer a, b, c, d, or e
The Silver Fish
One day a poor fisherman caught a silver fish. Please let me go, said the fish, and Ill give
you three wishes! The fisherman didnt want to eat a talking fish. So he let it go.
When the fisherman reached home, he told his wife what happened. Why didnt you wish for
anything? Go and ask it to change our hut into a cottage! she shouted.
So the fisherman went to the sea-shore and called the fish. And the fisherman said what his
wife wish to the fish. For a few days fishermans wife was happy in the cottage. Then she said she
didnt want to live in a cottage. She wanted to live in a castle.
Again she got her wish. After a few days she got tired living in a castle. She wanted to be
Queen of the country. The silver fish gave her wish, but it was the last wish. So, she became Queen of
the country. But it wasnt enough for her. She wanted to be Queen of the whole world. The fisherman
tried to tell her that they had no more wishes, but she wouldnt listen. Your wife is very greedy! She
will get what she deserves! said the fish.
When the fisherman went home, he found the palace changed back into his old hut.
1. Who let the fish go?
a. The queen
b. The fisherman
2. What was the second wish?
a. change the cottage into a hut
b. changed the hut into a cottage
c. changed the cottage into a castle

c. The fishermans wife

d. The God

e. Nobody

d. Made the wife into the queen of the country

e. Made the wife into the queen of the world

3. The statements below are correct based on the text, except

a. The fisherman let the fish go
b. The fisherman didnt get three wishes
c. The fishermans wife never felt satisfied with her wish
d. The fishermans wife wanted to be Queen of the world
e. The fishermans palace was changed back into his hut
4. What moral can be taken from the text above?
a. Dont be lazy
b. Dont be angry
c. Dont eat a talking fish
d. Dont be greedy

e. Dont talk to fish

Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because
they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.
While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to
pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were
about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.
The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful
baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant
peach boy. Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man. His parents loved him very
much.One day, Momotaro told his parents hat he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked
their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaros mother packed his
food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends;
soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates. Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father
had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves heads, pecking at their
eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated. Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen.
His parents were proud of him,and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return.


5. Where did the story happen?

a. In Japan
b. On the boat
c. By a stream
d. In a village

e. On the island of the pirates

6. Who is the main character of the story?

a. The lucky peasant
b. The blessed child
c. The defeated pirates
d. The pleasant wife

e. Momotaro, the peach boy

7. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off his journey (paragraph 4). From the sentence we knew
that Momotaros parents . him to fight the pirates.
a. Joined
b. Refused
c. forbade
d. allowed
e. declined
8. When the peasant and his wife saw a beautiful baby boy inside the large peach, they . and named
him Momotaro.
a. felt annoyed
b. were anxious
c. seemed afraid
d. were very glad
e. looked surprised
9. What do we learn from the story?
a. We should do our best
d. Happiness will find you if you try
b. Momotaro is a brave man
e. The peasant and his wife are good people
c. There is no gain without pain
Once there was a farmer from Laos. Every morning and every evening, he ploughed his field with his
buffalo. One day, a tiger saw a farmer and his buffalo working in the field. The tiger was very
surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal.
After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo. You are so big and strong. Why do you do
everything the man tells you? The buffalo answered. Oh the man is very intelligent. The tiger
asked, Can you tell me how intelligent he is? No I cant tell you, said the buffalo, but you can ask
So the next day the tiger asked to the man, Can I see your intelligence? But the man answered, Its
at home. Can you go and get it? asked the tiger Yes said the man, But I am afraid you will kill
my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?
After the man tied the tiger to the tree, he didnt go home to get his intelligence. He took his plough
and hit the tiger. Then he said, Now you know about my intelligence even you havent seen it.
10. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To persuade the reader with the story
b. To discuss the story of a farmer from Laos
c. To explain the story of an intelligent farmer
d. To tell a story of an intelligent farmer and a tiger.
e. To present two point of view of a story from Laos
11. Which one of the following shows the resolution according to the text above?
a. Farmer and his buffalo, once in Laos.
b. The tiger wanted to know more about the farmer and the buffalo.
c. The farmer hit the tiger.
d. A tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field.
e. The tiger spoke to the buffalo.
12. Which one of the following shows the complication according to the text above?
a. Farmer and his buffalo, once in Laos
b. The tiger wanted to know more about the farmer and the buffalo, the tiger wanted to know
about the farmers intelligence.
c. The farmer hit the tiger.
d. A tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working in the field.
e. The tiger spoke to the buffalo.

13. Oh the man is very intelligent. (paragraph 3)

The synonym of the underlined word is.
a. Discerning
b. Diligent
c. Outstanding

d. Renowned

e. Precise

14. When can the audience get the ticket?

a. November 5th
b. December 5th
c. December 6th
d. At 2:00 pm
e. At 7:00 pm
15. A family with two children should pay
a. $7
d. $28
b. $14
e. $35
c. $21
16. The children was playing Football in
the yard when the rain .
a. falling
d. fell
b. was falling
e. was falling
c. fell
17. Somebody . at the door while my mother was cooking in the kitchen,
a. was knocking
b. knocked
c. knocking
d. was knocking
e. knocked
18. Dian
: Whats wrong with you? You look so pale.
: I got a bad cold since yesterday.
: It will be better if you go to the doctor.
The underlined sentence expresses.
a. Giving opinion
c. Giving permission
e. Offering help
b. Offering advice
d. Asking for advice
19. Secretary :
. I have to see the dentist tomorrow morning.
Manager : Well, its okay. But dont forget to prepare the file for the meeting with our client.
Secretary : Okay, Ill ask the marketing staff to send the file immediately.
What is the suitable utterance to ask for permission?
a. Do you mind if I come a little bit late tomorrow? d. Is it possible for you to do the task?
e. Is there anything I can do for you?
b. Do you agree with my statement?
c. Do you like to go with me?
20. Suri
: Oh, this computer assignment is so difficult.
: I think you should ask your teacher to re-explain the coding.
What is the suitable utterance to ask for advice?
a. Would you like to come to my house?
d. What is your opinion about the case?
b. Is it possible for you to finish the task?
e. What do you think I should do?
c. Do you mind if I use your computer?
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. The formula is your true answer
times 5. (T x 5) the total score is 100. If you get score up to 70% you succeed and can continue the
next module. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous activities, especially
the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is a way.




Hi. Good to see you again. We hope you are still in good condition and ready to study the last
material in this module. Congratulation on your success in passing the previous module. It is fun, isnt

In this module 3, you will study the expression of relief, pain and pleasure, the analytical

exposition text, and the pamphlet. You will need your exercise book and use the cassette or CD from Listen to the listening script carefully.

Standar kompetensi
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk reports, narrative, dan
analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
1.2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak
tutur: pain,relief and pleasure
1.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: analytical
1. Mengidentifikasi hubungan antar pembicara.
2. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur pain
3. Merespon tindak tutur pain
4. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur relief
5. Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan relief
6. Mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur pleasure
7. Merespon tindak tutur pleasure
8. Mengidentifikasi kasus yang didengar
9. Mengidentifikasi argumen yang didengar
tindak tutur:
pain, relief and pleasure
spoken text of analytical exposition


Before you study about the expressions of pain, relief and pleasure, please answer the following
questions based on your own knowledge.
Building knowledge of field
What would you say if:
1. Your cat bites your leg?
2. You have completed all the test?
3. You passed the test with flying color?
Is it easy right? You may answer number one by an expression, such ouch! Thats true.
For question number two, you may answer by saying only thank God or great for question
number three. Lets go on with the next task. Listen to listening script. Fill in the blanks with the
words you hear. You may do it twice
Modelling of the text
Listen to the dialog, then fill in the blanks while you are listening to.
Fina and Rani were walking in the park. Suddenly Rani stumbled a stone and fell down.

: Fin, lets go over there.

Look at The flowers . (1). Oh, they are so beautiful.


: Okay. But be careful the street is rocky. Rani, . (2)!


: Ouch! My knee . (3).


: Oh you are bleeding.


: Oh, its really hurt.


: Come on, we must go home and clean your .. (4).


: Okay, but help me to walk.


: Be careful.


: Oh, . (5) the injured is not serious.


: Yes, but next time you must be careful.


: Yes sure. Thanks Fin, You are so kind


: Youre welcome. Its a good news you can do your activities again
Have you checked your answers? We are sure that you can write the spoken words correctly.

The key to answer is available in the end of module 1. However, If you make some mistakes, why
dont you listen to the cassette once more, and try to listen more carefully. Have you double checked?
Good! Now you can continue with task three.

Now listen carefully to some expressions and write them down. You can hear the listening
script several time until you are sure that you wrote the right ones.
Joint Construction of the Text
State whether these are the expression of pain, relief or pleasure expressions


2. ...


3. ...
How about your answers? We believe that you can hear the expressions and write them well.
If there are a bit of mistakes, please listen once again to make sure that you can identify the
expressions correctly. Now lets try. You are going to listen to some short dialogues
Independent Construction of Text
Choose the appropriate responses to the expression you hear.
1. a. Poor you. I think you should take an aspirin

3. a. You should study hard

b. You should finish your work soon

b. it ok. Maybe next time

c. I am sorry. It is no time to have a rest

c., I am glad you did it well

2. a. Take it easy, please

b. You should be more careful
c. Youd better apologize for this accident
Well done! We have confidence that you can answer all the questions correctly. If you have just got
one right answer. Its better that you should repeat all the exercises once more. Please dont step on
the next activities until you get the minimum score allowed. All right! I hope you do your best!
We have studied the expressions of pain, relief and pleasure expressions. You can find the
clear explanation about these material in speaking section. We hope you can hear and respond the
expressions of others using them in real daily conversation. See you on the next activity.

In this section, you will study about the analytical exposition text through listening skill. You
will hear some spoken short paragraph to see how well you understand or respond some spoken
information. You may listen to the listening script to try to answer the questions given.
Building knowledge of field
Listen and answer the following question based on your knowledge

1. ....
2. ....
3. ....


Ok. I think it is easy for you to understand the questions. The

answers to the picture are free based your own knowledge.

You can check the key to answer. Well, we will go on with the
next activity. You can repeat the listening script several times

and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Make sure you write the correct words so that you can
understand the whole paragraphs.
Modelling of the text
Complete the report text while you are listening to the tape.
Cars should be in the city. As we all know, cars pollution, and a lot of road deaths
and other accidents.
Firstly, cars, as we all know the most of pollution in the world. Cars a deadly gas
causes illnesses such as . Some of these illness are so bad that people can die from them.
Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit
pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars today are our
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it at night, or concentrate
in your homework, and especially talk to someone.
In conclusion, cars should be banned from the city for the reasons listed.
1. What is the text about?
2. Why should cars be banned in the city ?
3. What is the effect of the deadly gases?
4. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
Lets discuss the questions. Do you have any difficulties in finding information from the
spoken text? We are sure that you can answer those questions. Please check your answer. Remember!
Dont do the following activities until you get the correct answers. Well done! Now you can continue
the last activity in this section.
The following exercise is aimed to see your listening skill of understanding the spoken text.
You may study first the questions carefully. Then listen to the text and pay attention to the general and
detailed information. You have only twice to listen to the listening script!
Independent Construction of Text
Listen to the text and answer the following questions.

1. How many levels of governments are there in Australia?

2. Who is responsible for defense?
3. The lowest management is the responsibility of
4. Who is responsible for vandalism?
5. What is conclusion of the text above?
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and continue the next activity. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the
previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is
a way.
We have studied how to respond and get the information from the spoken text. Pay attention
to the WH and H questions (what, where, when, who, why, which and how). Study the questions and
try to listen to what is asked. You will find the information from the text easily.

Standar Kompetensi
2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut
(sustained) dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog yang berbentuk
report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal
(bersosialisasi) resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: :
pain, relief and pleasure.
4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk:
analytical exposition.
1. Menggunakan tindak tutur pain,
2. Merespon tindak tutur pain,
3. Menggunakan tindak tutur,relief
4. Merespon tindak tutur,relief
5. Menggunakan tindak tutur pleasure
6. Merespon tindak tutur pleasure
7. Melakukan monolog berbentuk analytical exposition
Tindak tutur:
Pain,relief and pleasure
Spoken text of analytical exposition

Have you ever got an accident recently? Of course, you once got injured due to
your carelessness. Some of you scream or blame others. Now study the situations
below. What will you say if you are in these situations.

Building knowledge of field

Answer the following questions.
1. Your little brother throws an eraser and hits your head.
2. You are informed that your friend is alright after the crash.
3. You get no remedial English test.
Situation first tells you about a hot hotel room. I am sure you will be disappointed and will
complain to the hotel manager. You probably say What an awful hotel room I disagree. There
are more than one single answer. Now, you decide what kind of expressions are in the following
dialog. It is important to know in order to make you easy to choose the suitable expressions and
responses to deliver.
Modelling of the text
Find out the expressions of pain, relief and pleasure

I cant move my body. My shoulder and my hand are very hurt to move.
That sounds better if you are ok now.
I cant tell my pain in words.
How painful!
It gives me great pleasure

I am sure you can identify the expressions correctly. Check your answers with the key
to answer. There are giving and respond opinion and satisfaction on that dialog. Lets study about the
use of those expressions.
Study the following expression of opinion and satisfaction
Expressing Pain
When we get sick, we must feel pain on part of our body. When we get an accident, and we get
injured because of it, we must feel pain. Some expression of pain. We can also add it with some
interjection, such as: Oh! Or Ouch! When we have problem and we can solve it, we will feel relief. In
other situation, when we feel worried about something that we will face it, we will also feel relief. a
relief is lessening or ending of pain and worry.
Expressing pain
Expressing relief
Expressing pleasure
Ouch! I hurt my hand
How painful!
I ache all over
Oh, I cut my finger
Ouch! This shoes are hurting
Im hurt so much

Im glad youre fine

What a relief
At last you pass it
There it come
Its really relieving
Really a relief

Its good news

Im very delighted
It gives me great pleasure
This is great, isnt it?

Ouch! My hand is bleeding

Oh, I had a bad headache

Good for you

Thank God

Oh, its wonderful.


It is interesting, isnt it? There are lots of expressions you can use. To avoid misunderstanding, you
have to study them all. Use them based on the proper situation and the person you are talking to.
Practice each of them all of the time. Now lets check your ability in using the expressions in task 4
Independent Construction of Text
Complete the following dialog with expression pain, relief and pleasure.
1. Lala
: Aldi, you look so pale. Whats wrong with you?

2. Umar

: I heard your fathers operation was success.


3. Heni

: How was your holiday in Bali?


4. doel

: Finally you pass the driving test.


5. Susi

: Be careful! The floor is wet. You can be easily slipped.


Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70% you
succeed and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the
previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will, there is
a way.
We have studied how to communicate with other using the expressions of pain, relief and
pleasure. You can pick up one simple and short particular expression for yourself, but still you must
understand the others. See you on the next activity.

Written cycle


Standar Kompetensi
4. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esei berbentuk report, narrative dan analytical
exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
Kompetensi Dasar
4.2 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster, pamphlet, dll.) resmi
dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

4.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu
pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: analytical exposition
1. Mengidentifikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca
2. Mengidentifikasi makna kalimat dalam teks yang dibaca
3. Mengidentifikasi argumen yang diberikan
4. Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks
5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikasi teks dibaca
Teks a nalytical exposition
Welcome to reading section. Before you study about the analytical exposition text,
please answer the following questions based on your own knowledge. All the
answers are acceptable.

Building knowledge of field

Observe the picture then answer the following questions.

Answer the questions based on the picture.

1. Do you know what the picture is about?
2. Can we have and use it?
3. What are negative effect of it?
4. What should you about that thing?
Ok. You are right. The picture is about the illegal and dangerous things. You mustnt try that things. If
you do so, you have only two options die or in jail.
Lets continue with the next task. Here are some related words used in analytical exposition
text. Try not to look up the dictionary.

Modelling of the text

Match the left words to their synonyms on the right.
1. danger
2. effect
3. illegal
4. break the law
5. regulation
6. ruin
7. avoid
8. jail
9. pass out
10. manage

a. arrange
b. prison
c. prevent
d. rule
e. impact
f. crime
g. peril
h. not legal
i. unconscious
j. destroy

Any difficulties? Now check the answers. Now you can open your dictionary. Dont forget to
see the pronunciation too. Dont forget to make the words in simple and short sentences. Lets go on
with the text narrative in definition.
Study the narrative text explanation
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writers idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its
social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter. Examining or liking to
examine things very carefully (Cambridge).
Purpose of Analytical Exposition
To attempt to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the
To reveal the readers that something is the important case.
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition
1. Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer's position.
2. Arguments: Explaining the arguments to support the writers position.
3. Reiteration: Restating the writers position.
Language Features of Analytical Exposition
1. Focus on generic human and non-human participants, (e.g.: car, pollution, leaded petrol car)
2. Use abstract noun, (e.g.: policy, government)
3. Use of relational processes, (e.g.: It is important)
4. Modal verbs, (e.g.: we must preserve)
5. Connective or Use of internal conjunction to state argument, (e.g.: first, secondly, then, finally)
6. Evaluative language, (e.g.: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc.)
7. Giving reasons through causal conjunction e.g. so, thus, therefore, hence)
8. Use of present tense
9. Passive sentence

Thats the definition of analytical exposition. I think it is clear. The most important is present
you argument so that the reader will understand it. Lets try the next task.
Joint Construction of the Text
Answer the questions based on the text.
Everybody should change their way of life to reduce global warming. There are several things
that we can do. One of them is by buying and consuming fresh local groceries as much as possible. It
of course includes local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
Local groceries dont need much transportation to get it into the market. It of course means,
the amount of carbon dioxide produced is less than the groceries from other region. Therefore, by
buying local groceries we are helping reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
Consuming fresh groceries instead of frozen ones are healthier for us. Furthermore, fresh food
or groceries means no requirements for it to be freeze up. It means that no electricity is needed and
saving energy means reducing carbon dioxide and money.
So, from now on we should consume fresh local groceries to reduce global warming.
1. What is the type of the text?
2. The main idea of the first paragraph is?
3. What kind of generic structure will you find in the text?
4. How many arguments are there?
5. What kind of generic structure will you find in the last paragraph?
Independent Construction of Text
Answer the questions from the text below.
Even though many people think that national activities are usually concentrated in big cities,
village people can still receive information, education and entertainment through television.
Take the national and the world news for example. These programs generally give its viewers
the latest information on national and international events. By watching news programs, village
people can keep abreast of whats happening on the other side of the world.
Other programs featuring the animal kingdom, farm life, cultural events, and health issues
educate the villagers on various aspects of life. These programs can certainly broaden their horizons
and hopefully give them fresh ideas on how to improve their standard of living.
Programs such as music, film series, quizzes, and dance shows with their entertaining nature
provide visual enjoyment. Relaxing at home while enjoying free entertainment is something villagers
usually look forward to after a day of hard work.
So, television really offers a lot of benefits to villagers. It gives them access to information,
education, and entertainment, thus widening their horizons.

1. What is the topic of the text?

2. Which ones are included to educational programs of television for villagers?
3. Television really provides many advantages to the villagers because.....
4. village people can still receive informationThe underlined word is closely in meaning with
5. What is the writer persuasion to the reader?
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70%
you succeed and can continue the next activities. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat
the previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered. Never give up. If theres a will,
there is a way.
1. Social Function

- To persuade by presenting arguments

2. Generic Structure
- Thesis
- Reiteration : Restate writers position
- Arguments
3. Language Features
- The use of simple present tense
Standar Kompetensi
5. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks esei berbentuk report, narrative, dan analytical exposition
dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya banner, poster,
pamphlet, dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa
tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk: analytical exposition
1. Menulis gagasan utama
2. Menghasilkan teks analytical exposition
Teks eksposition


Building knowledge of field
Welcome to writing section. Before you study about how to make an analytical exposition
text with its special characteristics, please answer the following questions based on the poster.
Answer the question based on the poster
1. What does the poster tell us about?
2. Who will probably read that poster?
3. What is the aim of the poster?
4. How many arguments of bad effect
are there?

Modelling of the text

Name the generic structure of the text below.
Learning English
Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable. You
can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the
song as a means to your English progress. Some underlying reason can be
drawn to support the idea why we use songs in language learning.
Firstly, the song stuck in my head Phenomenon (the echoing in our
minds of the last song we heard after leaving a restaurant, shopping malls)
can be both enjoyable and sometimes unnerving. This phenomenon also
seems to reinforce the idea that songs work on our short-and-long term
Secondly, songs in general also use simple conversational language, with
a lot of repetition, which is just what many learners look for sample text.
The fact that they are effective makes them many times more motivating
than other text. Although usually simple, some songs can be quite
complex syntactically, lexically and poetically, and can be analyzed in the
same way as any other literary sample.
Furthermore, song can be appropriated by listener for their own purpose.
Most pop songs and probably many other types dont have precise people,
place or time reference.
In addition, songs are relaxing. They provide variety and fun, and
encourage harmony within oneself and within one group. Little wonder
they are important tools in sustaining culture, religion, patriotism and
yeas, even revolution.

Last but not least, there are many learning activities we can do with songs
such as studying grammar, practicing selective listening comprehension,
translating songs, learning vocabulary, spelling and culture.
From the elaboration above, it can be concluded that learning through
music and songs, learning English can be enjoyable and fun.
Guys, you can see the generic structure of analytical exposition in reading section. Then after
you identify the generic structure, check in your answer in key to answer. Right! That is the way
how to write the analytical text. Now lets continue to the next task.
Answer the questions based on the text in task 3.
1. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
2. The generic structures of the text are?
3. What is the text about?
4. Based on the text, how many reasons are to use songs in language learning?
5. Which paragraph is called arguments?
6. What tense is mostly used in the text?
7. What conclusions learning through music and song?
Independent Construction of Text
Integrated Pest Management
There is no best way to deal with pests in agriculture. Pesticides which are commonly used
may cause many problems. I think combining different management operations is the most effective
way to control pests.
Firstly, the chemicals in the pesticides may build up as residues in the environment and in the
soil which absorbs the chemicals. This reduces the quality of farm product.
Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. This means that newer and
stronger ones have to be developed.
Lastly, some pesticides affect non target plants and animals such as fish and bees. This affects
the ecology and environment as well.
So, understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control. Pesticides should be
chosen and applied carefully so that they don't affect the ecological balance and environment.
Therefore, integrated pest management is a safe and more effective option to fight pest in
agriculture and livestock.
1.Which of the following is not directly affected by pesticides used?
A. Plants

B. Ecology

C. Animals.

D. Environment.

E. Human Beings

2. What can you say about paragraph two and four?

A. The fourth paragraph supports the idea stated in paragraph two.
B. Both paragraphs tell about the disadvantages of using pesticides.
C. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticides affect the quality of farm products.
D. The statement in paragraph is contrary to the statement in paragraph four.
E. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on animals mentioned in
paragraph four.
3. One of the disadvantages of using chemical pesticides is
A. killing fish and bees.

D. causing the pests to become inactive

B. increasing crops productivity.

E. helping reduce pollutants in the environment.

C. creating balanced ecosystem.

4. Secondly, pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides. (paragraph 3)
The word resistant in the sentence above means
A. weak

D. unaffected

B. fragile

E. unbalanced

C. damage
5. The last paragraph concludes that
A. pests can gradually become resistant to pesticides.
B. Pesticides should be chosen and applied carefully
C. understanding of ecology of an area helps a lot in pest control
D. integrated pest management is a safe and but not effective
E. integrated pest management is a safe and more effective
Make your own analytical exposition text. Follow these instructions.
1. Find an interesting topic from a newspaper to collect your data.
2. Write your text in the column given.
3. After you have completed your writing, exchange your work with others to check for grammar
error, punctuation and ideas of your draft.
4. Revise the draft based on the recommendation given by your friend.
5. Create a poster based on your text. Use free material.
Ask your teacher to check your works.
Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. If you get score up to 70% you
succeed and continue the next activity. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the
previous activities, especially the ones you have not mastered.

Competence Test 3
Text 1
Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to
others and dangerous for the smokers
Firstly, smoking in a restaurant is impolite. The smell of the smoke affects all people and can
turn them off their food. People pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul smelling smoke.
Another reason smoking should not be allowed in restaurant is the harm it can do to
others. Passive smoking that is breathing in smoke made by a smoker can lead to asthma attacks and
even cancer.
Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to the smokers. Cigarettes cause heart and
lung disease and people should not smoke anywhere, not just in restaurants.
Therefore, smoking in restaurants is impolite, harmful to others and a health risk to the
smokers and should not be allowed in any restaurants.
1.Smoking in the restaurants must be avoided because
a. It is harmful to others
b. It is impolite
c. Its dangerous to the smokers
d. It can cause health and lung disease
e. All answers are correct
2. We have many reasons to say that smoking must be avoided. The word reasons mean..
a. Conclusion
d. Reinforcement
b. Point of view
e. Statement
c. Argument
3. Since we can find a thesis, arguments and reiteration in the text, so we can conclude that this text
belongs to..
a. Description
b. Narration
c. Anecdote
d. Procedure
e. Analytical exposition
4. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To inform the readers to the readers
b. To persuade to the readers
c. To describe to the readers
d. To tell a story to the readers
e. To argue about smoking to the readers
5. The synonym of the word dangerous in the text is
a. Rude
b. Impolite
c. Health risk
d. Harmful
e. Disease
6. Smoking in restaurants is just not on. It must not be allowed because it is rude, harmful to others
and dangerous for the smokers.
The sentence above characterize as.. of the text.
a. Thesis
d. Topic sentence
b. Arguments
e. Supporting details
c. Reiteration
7. Smoking in restaurant should not be allowed. It means that..
a. people should do smoking in restaurant
b. people should not do smoking in restaurant
c. people must not smoking in restaurant
d. people must not smoke in restaurant
e. people should smoke in restaurant

Text 2
I personally think that reading is a very important activity in our life. Why do I say so? Firstly,
by reading we can get a lot of knowledge about many things in the world such as Science, technology.
Sports, arts, culture, etc written in either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of news and information about something happening in any
parts of the world which can we see directly.
Another reason, reading can give us pleasure too. When we are tired, we read books, newspaper
or magazine on the entertainment coloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.
The last, reading can also take us to other parts of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we
may feel were really sitting in the jungles not at home in our rooms.
From the facts above, its obvious that everyone needs to read to get knowledge, information
and also entertainment. Or in summary we can say reading is truly important in our life.
8. Why is reading very important in our life? Because..
a. By reading, we can get a lot of friends, relatives, experience, etc.
b. By reading, we can get little knowledge but a lot of entertainment.
c. By reading, we are always relaxed.
d. By reading, we are always happy.
e. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge, news, information and entertainment
9. If we want to get knowledge, what should we do?
a. Buy a lot of books
d. Sell and buy many expensive books
b. Borrow a lot of books
e. Read a lot of books and other printed materials.
c. Look for newspaper and magazine
10. What does the text tell us about?
a. The description of reading
d. The disadvantages of reading
b. The function of reading
e. The purpose of reading
c. The importance of reading
11. What is the social function of the text?
a. To tell a story
To give information
b. To describe the reader
To persuade the reader
c. To entertain the reader
12. Paragraph. In the text is the thesis.
Text 3
To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins should be increased.
When we look at classrooms, school corridors and school yard, there are paper mineral water
cups, straws, and napkins here and there. The condition of uncleanliness and discomfort really
hinders learning and teaching environment. Litters thrown carelessly cause disease, especially empty
plastic cup or glasses. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be placed for
dengue mosquitoes to spread out. Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well painted wall
and green school yard do not mean anything litters are scattered everywhere.
Anyway I notice that most of the students in our school have responsibilities for the school
environment. They put their litters on the proper places. But some are not diligent enough to find the
dust bins. The numbers of dust binds in our schools are not enough. Ore dust bins should be put
beside each of steps, outside of the classrooms, and some more also the corridors. Probably one dust
bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want to throw away their litters, they can find the
dust bins easily.
When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, we do not have problems of freak and
discomfort any more. Our school will be very clean and become a nice place to study.
13. What is the writers intention?
To .. readers to do something good.
a. Inform
d. Entertain
b. Explain
e. Persuade
c. Describe

14. According to the writer, more dust bins

.. in every ten meters.
a. Should be decorated
b. Should be painted
c. Should be placed
d. Are unnecessary
e. Are not required
15. What is the writers argument on a
sufficient number of dust bins?
a. They can prevent litters
b. They can save janitors energy
c. Students are asked to clean them
d. They make school environment neat
e. Students can throw garbage away easily
16. What is the writers suggestion?
a. To buy more dustbins
b. To hire more gardeners
c. To use dustbins efficiently
d. To ask parents to give more dustbins
e. To ask students to clean the school yard
17. Mom : How was your semester test result?
Son : I got satisfactory scores, mom.
The report will be given on Saturday.
Mom : .
a. Oh, thats great.
b. Im glad you are fine.
c. Its gonna be okay.
d. I really like it.
e. Thats too bad
18. Genta : Willy, what happened with you.
Your hand looks swollen.
Willy : Yes, I m hur t so much .
I fell
down from the stairs yesterday.
The underlined sentence expresses .
a. Pain
d. Relief
b. Hope
e. Pleasure
c. Anger

19. Citra : How is your Dad? I heard he got

a heart attack.
Nissa : Thank God. He had passed the
critical period.
The underlined words expresses .
a. Pain
d. Relief
b. Hope
e. Pleasure
c. Anger

20. What messages can we get from the

a. Lets plant marijuana
b. Go green hemp plant
c. Never use drugs
d. Use drugs normally
e. Marijuana reforestation

Have you finished it? Check your answer with the key to answer. The formula is your true answer
times 5. (T x 5) the total score is 100. If you get score up to 70% you succeed and can continue the
next module. Well done! If you get under 70%, you have to repeat the previous activities, especially
the ones you have not mastered. See you on the next module.


Kurikulum 2004 SMA, Pedoman Khusus Pengembangan Silabus dan Penilaian ,Jakarta :
Depdiknas , 2003
Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (2014). Bahasa Inggris
SMA/MA/SMK?MAK XI Semester 1
Grace Eudia and Th. M. Sudarwati. 2006. Look Ahead An English Course. Jakarta: Erlangga


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