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B Y James E. Hatch,Charles

G. Giamati, and Robert J. Jackson

L e w i s Flight Propulsion Laboratory

C leveland, Ohio











By James E. Hatch, Chasles C. G i a m a t i , and Robert J. Jackson

An investigation w a s made o f t h e v a l i d i t y of application of the

simplified-radial-equilibriumequation t o axid-flow turbomachines. Two
types of calculations based on t h e assumption of simplified radial equilibrium were made of radfal d i s t r i b u t i o n s of axid v e l o c i t i e s f o r camparisons with data from several compressor configurations. One type of
calculation incorporated t h e measured radial v a r i a t i o n of stagnationpressure losses by means of a t e r m in the radial-equilibrium equation
expressing the radial variation
of entropy. The second type of c d c u l a Cion did not include t h i s t e r m .
I n order t o compute accurately the radial v a r i a t i o n of v e l o c i t i e s ,
it was necessaxy in general t o include the measured stagnation-pressure
losses i n t h e sinrplified-radial-equilibrium equation. The asamption of
zero radial gradient of entropy w-as invalid f o r t h e c s l c u l a t i o n of vel o c i t i e s a t a x i a l s t a t i o n s more than one or two blade rows damstream
f r m a region of uniform entropy. A t an axial s t a t i o n following severd
stages of a multistage campressor, large discrepancies were observed
between measured v e l o c i t i e s and v e l o c i t i e s computed from the simplifiedradial-equilibrium calculation which neglected the entropy term, wbile
the incorporation of the entropy term l e d t o c a l c u l a t e d v e l o c i t i e s which
agreed closely w i t h data.
Very close agreement was observed between the velocities calculated
by using an entropy gradient and measured v e l o c i t i e s in t h e boundarylayer regions at the hub and t i p while the second type of calculation,
w i t h theentropygradientneglected,
was not correct.
This trend. suggests that t h e blockage e f f e c t of t h e boundary layer can be taken into
account by a design assumption of the bound8z-y-layer stagnation-pressure
p r o f i l e based upon available bmdezy-layer loss data.

A velocity-diagram design method, based upon t h e results of this

investigation and including the e f f e c t of t h e estimated stagnationpress u e s on the design axial-velocity profile,
is suggested in t h i s r e p a r t .



The design procedure currently i n use f o r a multietage axial-flow

compressor i e divided into two phases, t h e f i r s t of which i s concerned
with the. determination of stage velocity diagrams f o r the met and outl e t t o the various
rows, while t h e second i s concerned with
s e l e c t i o n of bladeshapes which w i l l yield these diagrams. In the f k s t
phase the radial-equilibrium condition (the
radial component of t h e
radial presequation of motion) i s used. This coadition specifies the
s u r e gradient that is necessaxy t o provide the centripetal force to
maintain a curved flow path (refs. 1 t o 3) through the compressor.

In design work a f o m of the radial-equilibrium condition which has

been used is given in reference 1 (eq. (14) ) as ( i n t h e terminology of
this report )

This equation was derived under t h e assumption of a x i d l y symmetric

flow i n a fluid of negligible viscosity.
When the equation is applied
t o an a x i a l s t a t i o n at the inlet o r o u t l e t of a blade row, the blad.eforce tern represented by Fr is zero.

In reference 1, t h e e f f e c t of the radial-flow term

(- v,



equation (1)on t h e radial d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e state of the gas w a s

was done f o r nonviscous-flow problems by c o q a r i n g
solutione obtained by applying equation (1)w i t h solutions obtained by
applying a modification of equation (1) (the simplified-radial-equilibrium
approximation) which dropped the radial-fiow -term. Far-the purposes of



t h i sa n a l y s i s , t h e entropy term
of equation (1) was neglected
i n t h e s e s o l u t i o n s because of the assumptions of nonviscous flou and no
heat transfer.
f o r i n v i s c i d f l u i d s do not account far t h e r a d
v m i a t i o n of total-pressure losses which occur across a blade row in a
compressor. In order t o includetheselosses
Fn thevelocity-diagram
calculations, the radW v a r i a t i o n i n total-pressure loss can be r e l a t e d
t o t h e ra.dia3. variation in entropy and as such included i n the radialequilibrium calculations.
A method of velocity-diagram calculation which
includes the entropyterm is shown in this report. I n order t o a s c e r t a i n



the e f f e c t of the entropy term of equation (I) on t h e r a d i a l d i s t r i b u t i o n of the s t a t e of the gas, v e l o c i t i e s a r e computed by using a md.5f i c a t i o n of equation (1)which includes the entrapy term but drops the
radial-flow term (sinrplif'ied radial equilibrium including entropy grad i e n t ) and are compared w i t h v e l o c i t i e s computed from a modification of
equation (1)which does not include the entropy term and a l s o drops the
radial-flow term (einrplified-radieL-equilibrium approximation). These
v e l o c i t y d i s t r i b u t i o n s , which a r e computed for several compressor CORfigurations, axe compared i n each case with measured v e l o c i t i e s t o see
if it is possible t o predict correctly the stage-velocity
diagrams by
including t h e entropy term in the calculations.


The development of the solution including entropy gradient

t o the
radial-equilibrium equation i s presented i n the section ANALYSIS OF
EQUATIONS. The d i f f e r e n c e s i n the assumptions used f o r t h i s solution
and f o r t h e solutions obtained in reference 1are dfscussed, and the
significance of the entropy term i n the radW--equilibrium solution is
pointed aut.

The methods used t o adapt the analytical solutions

radial equilibrium including entrapy wedient and simplified-radialequilibrium approximation) t o measured data are shown i n the section
ANALYSIS OF EXPIiBIMEWTAL DATA. The experimental data are taken from
configurations described in references 4 t o IO- Ln most cases the data
were available only i n t h e "main-stream region"; however, i n two configurations, data obtained near the end w a l l s of the compressors w e r e
used t o s e e if t h e a x i d - v e l o c i t y p r o f i l e s i n the bounda;ry layer could
be accounted f o r by t h e s o l u t i o n based on simplified radial equilibrium
including an entropy gradient.
The remainder of the data i n t h e s e c t i o n
ANAUSIS O F ExPwIMfDEAL DATA i e g r o q e d a s single-stage data o r data
from middle or end stages of a m u l t i s t a g e c q r e s s o r .
The s e c t i o n e n t i t l e d AIUdXSIS O F DESIGN TECHNIQUE suggests possible
uses of t h e approximation of simplified radial equilibrium including an
entropy gradient i n a designprocedure.
An exsmple of a fixed-ar'ea
velocity-diagram calculation i s outlined i n d e t a i l .
The following symbols a r e used in this report:

at constantpressure,
Jgcp engineeringunits





ft-lb/(slug)(%), equal t o


acceleration due t o gravity, ft/sec2

t o t a l enthalpy,ft-lb/slug,equalto

mechanical equivalent

curvature of path, reciprocel

total pressure,

s t a t i c pressure, lb/sq f t

gas constant,ft-lb/(slUg)(OR),

radius, f t

entropy, f t - l b / ( s l u g ) ( s i ) , equal t o

t o t d temperature, OR

s t a t i c temperature, OR

rotor velocity, ft/sec

gas velocity, ft/sec


absolute gae velocity at s t a t i o n where some variablee a r e


weight flow, lb/sec

a x i d distance, f t

absolute a i r angle, angle

direction, deg

ratio of specific heats

angulaz coordinate, deg

static density, slugs/cu






of heat, ft-lb/Btu

engineering units

of radius of curvature, ft'l

l.b/sq f t

equal t o






between air velocity and axial





radial s t a t i o n *ere


radial direction




radial s t a t i o n where same vaziables are unknown

axial direction

tangential direction
p i p e i n l e t or compressor depression tank


vaziables are &


. .n

axial s t a t i o n downstream of nth blade row, where t h e

guide vanes a r e the first blade row.


The behavior of a f l u i d i n a campressor can be investigated by
applying t h e conbervation laws of matter, momentum, and energy t o t h e
flaw. The assumptions of a x i a l synnnetry and negligible viscosity are
reasonable conditions t o specify in order t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h i e flaw.
U s i n g these sssumptions, the authors of reference 1developed the following form of the conibined momentum and energy equations for a cylindricalcoordinate syatem, where r, z, and 8 are independent variables:

In applying these equations (eqs (141, (15), and (16) of ref. 1 i n

the terminology of t h i s r e p o r t ) , the f l u i d was considered t o be i n v i s c i d
throughout the canrpressor s o that the vazirttion in entropy could be
caused only by heat transfer. Thus, the entropy term was neglected i n

A RM E54A20

the solutionspresentedsince
no heat transfer w a s assumed. However, i n
a r e a l compressor, viscous flaws exist and a radial v a r i a t i o n of bladerow total-pressure losses, which gives r i s e t o , a radial entropy gradient,
can occur as t h e viscous fluid passes through t h e blade rowswhere l a r g e
velocity gradients and l a r g e wetted surface areas are present.

The e f f e c t on axial-velocity profiles of viscous forces which o c m

in the space between blade rows i s s m a l l compared with the effect on the
axial-velocity profiles of losses which have occurred upstream through
t h e blade rows. Thus when the flow i n t h e space between blade rows i s
examined, the f l u i d i s considered t o be inviscid (hence eqs. ( 2 ) a r e
applicable) with a radM entropy gradient at the point of interest.
The ,Fnclusion of the entropy term i n applying the radial-equilibrium
condition may be regarded as a lose correction included in the equations
f o r i n v i s c i d flow. In this investigation, an experimentalevaluation of
the losses i s included i n t h e analytical solutions.

An example of how these concepts can be a p p l i e d t o t h e slmple case

of pipe flow i s shown i n t h e following section.
The manner in which t h e
equations are applied i s analogous t o t h e manner i n which they are app l i e d t o a c t u a l compressors f o r t h i s investigation.
Significance of Ehtropy Gradient
For a p p l i c a t i o n t o p i p e flow or t o the space between blade
a compressor, equations (2 ) are more conveniently w r i t t e n as



In the case of pipe flow, T i s a constant throughout the f

w and is
equal t o To, and V, P Vr P 0. In order t o apply equations (3) t o an
axial s t a t i o n downstream of the inlet, t h e f l u i d must be considered
inviscid a t t h i s s t a t i o n .
This condition, along with Ve = Vr = 0,
reduces t h e set of equations (3) t o


as/& = 0 leads t o t h e conclusion that V, = cons t a n t a l o n g theradius.

Thisconclusion i s invalidnearthepipe
due t o the previousviscous flow upstream. The nonvanishing r a d i a l
gradient of entropy can be introduced i n terms of t o t a l p r e s s u r e and
temperature. By t h e d e f i n i t i o n of stagnationconditions,stagnation
entropy equals s t a t i c entropy asd is a function of stagnation pressure
and temperature as follows:

An assumption t h a t

s = sr&




For t h i s case, the reference point

T = Tref

= To.

Equation (5) reduces t o



is the pipe inlet and

s = s + R(ln Po)
R(ln PI,
since entropy snd t o t a l

which then yields as/& = R a( ~n P) /ar,

pressures are constant w i t h radius at t h e p i p e i n l e t .
When both sides
of t h i s l a s t equation are multiplied by
t and t h e result is subs t i t u t e d i n equation (4), the equation becomes

Integration of this equation from rm t o



I n terms of t o t a l enthalpy, t h i s l a s t equation becomes

V 2 = 2H - (2H - V", ) (F)
Pm pSince the w h i r l and radial accelerations are zero, s t a t i c p r e s s u r e
is constant and does not appear i n equation (6). For a given stagnation
temperature,velocity is a function only of stagnation pressure.
reduction of stagnation pressure by viscous forces i s associated with a
reduction in velocity, and t h i s r e l a t i o n i s given by equation ( 6 ) . The
total-pressure losses near the pipe w a l l s a r e r e f l e c t e d i n t h e drop in


velocity in these regions;

hence, the axial-velocity gradients agree
q u a l i t a t i v e l y with the axial-velocity gradients predicted from viscousflowequations.
This example shqws t h a t i n t h e c a s e of pipe flaw the
stagnation-pressure-loss correction used i n the radial component of an
equation of motion f o r i n v i s c i d f l u i d can l e a d t o results which a r e
qualitatively correct f o r viscous fluids. Thus an ans,l.ogous treatment
of the more complicated problem of viscous flow through
a compressor mag
. .
be useful.
Significance OE Radial-Flow T e r m

I n order t o d i s c u s s the e f f e c t of the radial-flow term on

variations of t h e s t a t e of the f l u i d , t h e termcanbe
expression involving the radius
of curvature of the streamline
r , z surf ace. When t h e d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n along the streamline i s

the radial
i n t o an
in the


where K is thecurvature
of curvature, then

i n the r,z plane or reciprocal

of the radius


From equation ( 7 ) , t h e term Vz

i s affectedboth by the axial.
v m i a t i o n of a x i a l v e l o c i t y (as determined by the continuity condition)
and the curvature of the streamlines. For theconfigurationecon~lidered
in t h i s report, the maxbum hub taper i s about loo. Both the radial
velocity and t h e axial vaxiation of axial velocity at t h e measurhg stat i o n fn t h e space between blade rows are therefore s m a l l , and t h e f i r s t
t e r m of equation ( 7 1 can be neglected.

The term V

av?- ,
designated the

radial-flow term, will be discussed i n this report i n t e r m of etreamline

curvature only. For c o q r e s s o r s with large hub taper, such as transonic
compressors designed for high pressure ratios, and with hub-tip radius
r a t i o s less than 0.5, the c o n t r i b u t i ot on
the r d - i a l - f l o w term



may be

The. formula f o r the curvature

show6 that

W A RM E 5 U 0

the sign of t h e radial-flow term is positive for streamlines concave

looking from the compressor casing (fig. 1) and negative for.streamlines
convex looking from the casing.

In the conventional tests of an axial-flaw compressor, the instrumentation i s not designed t o determine the radial component of t h e absol u t e velociity after the blade rows since it is assumed t o be small. lChfsassumption is

v*2 + v,2


In this presentation, the radial-flow

term which was included i n reference 1Kill be neglected.
A solution which uses the entropy term w
beobtained and cmpared with actual data. Within t h e l i m i t s of the
assumptions of a x i a l symmetry and negligible viscosity at t h i s a x i a l
s t a t i o n , the difference between t h i s solution and a c t u a l data may be
a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e e f f e c t of neglecting the radial-flow term. A solution
will also be obtained i n which both the entrapy term and the radial-flow
term are neglected. The ddfference between t h i s last solution (the
simplified-radial-equilibrium approxtm.tion) a& data may be a t t r i b u t e d
both t o e f f e c t s of radial. entropy varfation and the radial-flaw t e r m ,
again with the assumption that deviations from axial symmetry and negl i g i b l e v i s c o s i t y do not mask these effects. Consequently, a compazison
of these two types of analytical solutions with compressor data may ind i c a t e t h e r e l a t i v e magnitude of the e f f e c t of radial entropy gradient
and radial-flow term an t h e radial variations of t h e f l u i d state.
The type of f l o w d i s t r i b u t i o n ( r a d i a l v a r i a t i o n of whirl) and t h e
compressor geometry determine t h e importance of t h e radid-flow term.
For free-vortex flow, little radial shift of streamlines occurs through
blade rows so the radial-flow term is probably u n b p o r t a n t . The radial
pressure gradients attendant to wheel-type o r wheel-minus-vortex (symmetr i c a l velocity diagram) distributfons of w h i r l cause radhl flaws and
appreciablecurvature of t h e streamlines. This e f f e c t is discussed i n
reference 12 and tends to make the radial-flow term more important. The
geometric c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of law hub-tip radius ratio,
high hub curvature,
and high a s p e c t r a t i o t e n d t o increase the inrpartance of the radial-flow


Application of Radial-Equilibrium Equation

Ln order t o compare expelmental data w i t h the solutions based on

simplified radial equilibrium including an entropy gradient and solutions
based on simplified-radial-equilibrium approximation, equation 3( a) must



be solved and written in a form s u i t e d t o convenient a p p l i c a t i o n t o the

data. By making several simplifying 88sumption~, a ueeful numerical
solution of equation (3s) can be obtained.
When equation (3a)is integrated between a radius at which a l l
t h e dependent variables are known or assumed (subscript k) and a radius
a t which 8ome of the dependent variables are unknown (subscript u),
rearrangement (the radial-flow term i s dropped) gives

It i s d e s i r a b l e f o r canrparing a n a l y t i c a l results with actual data t o

put equation ( 9 ) i n t o a farm involving only absolute velocity, absolute
a i r angle, total pressure, and t o t a l temperatme after t h e blade row.
This expression can be developed as follows:
By using equation

( 8 ) and the steady-flow energy equation

t =
equation (9) can be written as



+ Vk2 +

2 L u





A numerical solution of equation (ll)far Vu may be obtained i f

t h e following simplifying assumptions are made in order t o f a c i l i t a t e
integration of equation (ILL
(1) Ve2/r

T varies linearly between the two radii of integration.

(3) V2

varriee l i n e a r l y between the two radif of integration.


v a r i e s l i n e a r l y between the two radii of integration.

varies l i n e a r l y between t h e two radii of integration.

These four assungtione m e nearly correct if t h e radial positions

are close together.
After the flow problem has been solved, t h e abwe


integrands can be plotted against the variable

of i n t e g r a t i o n t o check
these assumptions of l i n w i t y , and corrections can be made 9f necessary
u t i l equation (U) i s s a t i s f i e d .
With t h e use of t h e assumption of lineax v a r i a t i o n of T and V2
between the radii of integration, t h e f l r s t i n t e g r a l on t h e right side
of equation (U) may be evaluated by the trapezoidal rule as follaws:

The entropy a t a f i x e d radial positibn at axid s t a t i o n 2, f o r

example, may beexpressed (from eq. ( 5 ) ) as

where sref is the entropy of t h e gas at some reference point upstream.

For t h e data presented herein, the reference point
is the depreseion
tank and sref = so. Therefore, at axial s t a t i o n 2 the quantity

The t h i r d term on the right side of equation (ll)i s also evaluated by the trapezoidal rule, and with the r o t i o n Ve = V sin l3 this
term can be w r i t t e n

After t h e integrals have been mahated in equation ( U ) , t h e res u l t i n g form may be solved for v,,:

Equation (12) gives the solution for simplified radial. equilibrium

including an entropy gradient. A solution for the simplified-radialequilibrium approximationis obtained by keeping the entropy constant
equal to zero)
in equation (12).
radially - (i.e., the term sk/R
It should be noted thatcp and R must have unitsof (ft-lb)/(slug)
(%) in this derivation-






The solution for velocity

at all radii basedon simplified radial
equilibrium including entropy gradient requires
a knowledge of the radial.
variations of total pressure, total temperature,
and absolute air angle
after theblade row, and the inlet conditions to the compressor. With the
aid of the absolute measured velocity at
nearorthe mean radius
aB the
initial Vk, solutions of equation (12) for Vu for the radial position
on either side of the mean radius can be obtained. These valuesof Vu
are then taken
ae vk f o r the solution of velocity at the next radial
position nearer the
hub asd tip. When this first velocity distribution
has been calculated across the passage, the flow
is computed by
using the relation








The valueof weight flow obtained from equation (13) fs cornpaxed

with the weight
flow calculated from the radial-survey data,
and the
initial valueof Vk at the mean radius is corrected by the ratio of
a second value ofVk at the mean
radius for
these weight flows to give
the second approximation. This process is repeated until continuity
satisried a s evidenced by the agreementof the actualand computed weight

The same procedure is used to compute the values

of Vu from the
simplified-radial-equilibrium approximation. As stated previouslyin
the section Application of Radial-EquSlibrium Equation, the term
( sk su)/R is set equal to
z e r o in equation (121, which then reduces
to the simplified-radial-equilibrium approximation.




I n t e r p r e t a t i o n of Data



Comparisons were-made among the measured and two types of computed

v e l o c i t i e s f o r the portion of the flow outside t h e b m - y
layer after
guide vases, r o t o r s , and stators f o r a v a r i e t y of compressor configurat i o n s . The blade rows involved cover a wide range of aspect r a t i o and
The c0rqPa;rison also covers a range of operating
conditions for t h e blade row so that t h e e f f e c t of varyinglosses
t h e r e l a t i v e magnitude of t h e terms of the equilibrium equation may be
investigated. Ih this presentation the discussion
i s divided i n t o two
The f i r s t section presents results for stages u i t h uniform entropy
at t h e i n l e t ( s i n g l e stages and i n l e t stages of multistage compressors);
the second section presents results for stages with an inlet entropy
gradient (middleand end stages of a multistage unit)
This d i v i s i o n i s
made because it i s expected that the e f f e c t of the entropy gradient w
be markedly g r e a t e r f o r stages with an inlet entropy gradient than
stages w i t h uniform i n l e t entropy. These sections are subdivided- f o r
convenience into subsections for comparisons of v e l o c i t i e s after r o t o r s
and s t a t o r s . Most of these measurements were taken in the free-stream
region out of the e n d - w d boundary layers. However, a limited amount
of boundaxy-layer data w a s obtained and i s discussed i n a f u r t h e r subd i v i s i o n e n t i t l e d rrBoundary-layer data" of the section on inlet stages.
A large number of calculations w e r e made f o r each configuration, but
o n l y representativg results are presented i n t h i s r e p o r t .
In order t o clarify t h e method of cornpazing v e l o c i t i e s , figure 2
shows the e f f e c t of adding the entropy-gradient term to the simplifiedradial-equilibrium approximations. It can be seen, i n f i g u r e 2 ( b ) for
instance, that.using the loss term not only reduces
the velocities at
c e r t a i n radii but also shifts t h e p r o f i l e v e r t i c a l l y t o s a t i s f y cont i n u i t y . The e f f e c t s of loss p r o f i l e w i t h m i n h u m l o s s e s at points
other than the hub,mean,
or t i p radius could be similsrly analyzed.

After t h e solution with simplified radial equilibrium including

an entropy gradient for v e l o c i t i e s i s obtained, it may s t i l l d i f f e r from
measured v e l o c i t i e s . . This discrepancy can be a t t r i b u t e d t o the neglect
of t h e radid-flow term if t h e deviation from axid symmetry as w e l l e.6
the viscous action at the axial s t a t i o n in question are assumed negligible.
Figure 3 shows t h e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of comparison of the measured v e l o c i t i e s
with velocities computed from simplified radial equilibrium with losses.
The shape of the streamline i n the r,z surface required to correct a
solution for simplified radfal equilibrium including an entropy gradient
t o coincide w i t h measured v e l o c i t i e s can be ascertained from such



Single Stages

.Axial-velocity ratios for the

Downstreamof guidevanes.
s t a t i o n downstreamof the guide vines calculated from measured data and
from the solution far simplified r.adial equilibrium are presented i n figwe6 4 t o 8. Axial-velocity ratios calculated
from t h e s o l u t i o n f o r
simplified radial equilibrium including the entropy gradient are presented i n figure 4 as an example of t h e e f f e c t of t h e radial variation
of a s e t
of guide-vane losses on the axial-velocity profile damstream
of circular-arc sheet-metal guid.e vanes.

Low h u b - t i p r a t i o stages:
The dimensionless axial-velocity prof i l e s presented i n figures 4 t o 7 were obtained from compressors oflow
(0.50 t o 0.55). These configurations were also
similar i n flow d i s t r i b u t i o n as w e l l as i n geometry: They were designed
f o r wheel-type or wheel-minus-vortex rotor-inlet whirl.
A compmison between the axial-velocity profiles obtained
from data
and those from t h e s o l u t i o n f o r ' s i m p l i f i e d radial equilibrium presented
i n f i g u r e s 4 t o 7 reveals the sane t r e n d f o r most cases: The solution
yields axial v e l o c i t i e s which are lower near t h e t i p and higher near the
hub than those calculated from data. The only exception t o t h i s trend
( f i g . 4 ( c ) ) represents operation a t a low-flow coef'f i c i e n t . As discussed i n r e f e r e n c e 13, rotor operation a t low-flow coefficients can
r e s u l t i n a recirculating type of flow a t t h e r o t o r t i p .
The possible
consequences of t h i s type of flow will be brought out Fn connection with
the streamline-curvature and entropy-gradient characteristics.

The axial-velocity profiles obtained from the solution including t h e

entropy gradient are s l i g h t l y d i f f e r e n t from those obtained from the
The e f f e c t of theentropy grad i e n t , f o r t h e two casespresented, is t o increase slightly the discrepancies at the hub and t i p between the axial-velocity ratios obtained
from data and those obtained by simplified-radial-equilibrhm calculation.
(Because t h i s e f f e c t w a s small, and because the available guide-vane-loss
data for other configurations indicated approximately the
same loss characteristics, the solution including the entropy gradient
was not determined for the data of f i g s . 5 t o 7 . ) For the low-flow case (fig. 4 ( c ) ) ,
t h e r e c i r c u l a t i n g flow a t the r o t o r t i p would increase the entropy upstream of the r o t o r and thereby lower t h e i n l e t axial velocity.

The discrepancies between the axfal-velocity profiles obtained from

data and from the solution for simplified radial equilibrium me probably
a consequence both of the assumption of a x i a l symmetry and the neglect
of the radial-flow term. The analysis of reference 1 4 shows t h a t , f o r
guide vanes with a radial cfrculation gradient, the condition of irrot a t i o n a l i t y r e q u i r e s that a tangential gradient of radial velocity m e t
e x i s t . The radid component of N e r * s equation for steady flow expressed in cylindrical coordinates
i s as follows:



Frm equation 15, It can be s e e n t h a t f o r such a flow the assumption



19 = p dr

1s notexact


bVr = avr = 0.

If t h e t r e n d i n d i c a t e d i n f i w e s 4 t o 7 can be partly attributed.

t o the e f f e c t of streamline c u r v a t u e , t h i s curvature must necessarily
be concave with r e s p e c t t o the casing (fig. 3). Because of the type of
l addition through the guide vanes (wheel or wheel-minus-vortex),
t h e r e s u l t i n g radial pressure gradient tends to force the
flow towards
the hub as it passes through t h e guidevanes.
As t h e gaspasses from
the guide vanes t o the r o t o r , t h e hub taper causes a curvature of the
streamlines (aVr/az # 0). It is probable,therefore,
that a t t h e axial
location of t h e measuring s t a t i o n s t h i s c u r v a t u r e i s concave with respect
t o the casing (fig l), except immeaiately adjacent t o t h e hub; and t h e
trend of figures 4 t o 7 is therefore a l o g i c a l one. For the case of lowflow operation (fig. 4 ( c ) ) , r e c i r c u l a t i n g flow at t h e r o t o r t i p w o u l d
increase the specific mas8 flow ne= the r o t o r hub i n proportion t o t h e
mean-radius and tip-region mass flow. !Phis e f f e c t would decrease the
concavity of the streamline and explain the better agreement between
calculated and measured axial velocities near the hub.

H i g h hub-tip ratio stages :

The data of f i g u r e 8 were obtained from
a single-stage compressor w i t h a hub-tip r a t i o of 0.8 and desieped f o r
the addftion of wheel-type whirl t h r o u g h t h e guide vales.
In contrast
wlth the trend of figures 4 t o 7, the axial-velocity ratios calculated
from the solution for simplified radial e q u i l i b r i u m a r e s l i g h t l y lower
near t h e hub and higher near the t i p than the
EP the solution for
simplified radial equilibrium including the entropy gradient
had been
obtained (the necessary guide-vane-loss data f o r such a solution were not
available), the calculated axlal-velocity ratios probably
would have more
closely agreed with the data. The indication i e that the n e t e f f e c t of
the first three terms of equation (15) is negligible. The hub taper is
s l i g h t f o r a hub-tip r a t i o of 0.8 and theguide-vane a s p e c t r a t i o is low
(0.80) 3 therefore, the streamline curvature w o u l d be s m a l l e r than for
t h e campressor with a hub-tip r a t i o of 0.5. For this configuration the
type of flow d i s t r i b u t i o n has l i t t l e e f f e c t on t h e Smportance of the
radlal-flow term, probably because t h e small passage depth permits l i t t l e
deviation f r o m a two-dimensional f l o w .


Downstream of r o t o r .
Axial-velocity ratios f o r t h e a x i a l s t a t i o n
downstream of t h e r o t o r obtained from data and from the w
t o solutions of
s h r p l i f i e d r a d equilibrium a r e presented i n f i g u r e s 9 t o 17.



Low hub-tip ratio stages:

- The data of figures 9 t o 13 were obof 0.55 or less.
tained from stages having a rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio
The design-flow d i s t r i b u t i o n s were similar: h e e l - t y p e or wheel-minusvortex rotor-inlet w h f r l with constant-enthalpy addLtion through
r o t o r . The comparisons between axial-velocity- prof i l e e obtained from
data and from the solution for simplified radial equilibrium indicate
a similar trend for each compressor i n full-stage configuration, namely,
that the calculated values are s l i g h t l y low near the t i p and higher near
t h e hub than the data. However, for theconfigurationswithoutstators
( f i g s . 1 2 and 13) good agreement i s indicated between measured and calculated axial-velocity profiles.
The curves of f i g u r e 9 .Indicate that
vaziation of flow coefficient has l i t t l e e f f e c t on t h e observed trend
that t h e c a l c u l a t e d v e l o c i t i e s exceed t h e data near the hub. The solut i o n f o r s i m p l i f i e d radial equflibrium including the entropy gradient
( f i g s . 9 t o 13) i s not markedly d i f f e r e n t from the solution without the
entropy gradient.
The trends of figures 9 t o ll are similar t o those observed f o r t h e
data sfter t h e guidevanes, and a similar analysis can be applied. As
discussed i n reference 12, the radial pressure gradient downstream of a
r o t o r w i t h wheel-minus-vortex inlet flow causes a radial flow towaxd t h e
hub; a f t e r t h e stators the flow shifts toward thecasing.
e f f e c t of t h e s t a t o r s ( t h e f a c t that they block more of t h e annular-flow
area near t h e hub than near the casing) also contributes to
this shift
i n flow. Geometrically, the l a r g e passagedepth and high rotor-blade
a s p e c t r a t i o (2.7 t o 3 . 0 ) c o n t r i b u t e t o an appreciable curvature of the
streamlines. All these effects t e n d t o make t h e streamlines concave
looking from the casing a t t h e measuring s t a t i o n downstream of t h e r o t o r .
The velocity comparisons of figures 9 t o ll indicate that the streamliner
are concave i n these instances. The term of N e r ' s equation(ea. 15)
neglected becauee of the assumption of a x i a l symmetrymight also be s i g n i f i c a n t . The accumulatedguide-vaneand
rotor losses were i n s u f f i c i e n t
t o cause, through t h e entropy gradient, a marked e f f e c t on the axialvelocity profiles for the free-stream region.
The trend indicated in figures 1 2 and 13 of b e t t e r agreement between
calculated and measured axid velocities than i s indicated for the sene
r o t o r s i n f i g u r e s 9 and 1 0 can probably be explained by t h e absence of
s t a t o r s . Without stators there is less tendency for a s h i f t i n flow
damstream of measuring s t a t i o n 2, and the flow probably s t a b i l i z e s on
approximately conical surfaces.

High hub-tip r a t i o s t a g e s :
The configurations from which the data
of figures 14 t o 1 7 w e r e obtained have r o t o r - i n l e t hub-tip r a t i o s of 0.80
and higher, The most interesting trend i s t h e good agreement between
data and t h e s o l u t i o n for simplified radial equilibrium including the
entropy gradient.
As w a s t h e c a s e f o r data upstream of t h e rotor, t h e
indication i s that t h e n e t e f f e c t of streamline curvature and a x i a l l y

NACA Ed E5420


asymmetric flow is negligible. Also, t h e e f f e c t of losses is more appreciable than for t h e o

w hub-tip r a t i o s t a g e s , probably because the high
hub-tip r a t i o units operated at higher blade loadings, with consequently
higher total-pressure losses, and because the blade-end region constit u t e d a greater proportion of t h e passage height.


Downstream of s t a t o r s .
Axial-velocity profiles for low hub-tip
r a t i o stages at t h e measuring s t a t i o n downstream of t h e s t a t o r s are
presented i n figures 18 t o 20. The curves indicate good agreement between data and the calculation including entropy gradient.
The entropy
w flm ( f i g s . 18(b) and 1 9 ( b ) ) .
gradient was especially significant at o
A negligible effect of a x i a l l y asymmetric flaw and radial flaw i s indicated. The s h i f t i n flow towards t h e casing which occursthrough a
stator-blade row is augmented by t h e hub taper. As t h e flow proceeds
downstream from the statms, it tends t o s t a b i l i z e on approximately conic a l surfaces ( i f no r o t o r follows ] or is s h i f t & back toward t h e hub
through the following rotor.
The analysis of reference 1 2 indicates that
t h e stream surfaces through a second stage a r e simjhr i n shape t o the
hub contour. Thus, the streamline curvature w o u l d be small with a negl i g i b leef f e c t
on t h e computed axial-velocity

Boundary-layer data.
Supplementazy flow measurements w e r e made at
radial s t a t i o n s c l o s e t o t h e hub and casing and are compared with anal y t i c a l Solutions i n figures 2 1 to 23. Figure 2 1 shows velocity comp a r i s o n s after a r o t o r w i t h a high hub-tip radius r a t i o where the velocities obtained by u s i n g simplified radial equilibrium with an entropy
gradientagreewith measured v e l o c i t i e s . The simplified-radialequilibrium approximation gives velocitlee which axe high i n the casing
boundary l a y e r (the region where the a x l a l velocity drops sharply).
A comparison of v e l o c i t i e s after a transonic rotor with low hub-tip
r a d i u s r a t i o i s s h a m in f i g u r e 22. The solution for v e l o c i t i e s which
does h o t include an entropy gradient shows again t h e p a t t e r n of velocit i e s which me too high i n t h e t i p r e g i o n s .
These analytical. velocities,
which a r e t o o low a t most radial s t a t i o n s ne= t h e hub, are higher at
t h e radial s t a t i o n n e a r e s t the hub thes t h e measured v e l o c i t i e s and
velocities obtained analyticaJly by using an entropy gradient.
comparison of velocities indicates that the entropy rises shasply in the
in the main-stream region the minimum enboundary-layer regions, while
tropy occurs ne= t h e hub and rises gradually t m d the t i p .

For the available boundary-layer b t a after s t a t o r s ( f i g . 231, the

measured v e l o c i t i e s and the velocities calculated by using simple r a d i a l
equilibrium including an entropy gradient agree very closely. A n a l y t i c a l
v e l o c i t i e s obtained by t h e simple-radial-equilibrium approximation are
markedly high ne= t h e hub and t i p and low near the mean-radius station; they are more incorrect than the velocities obtained by t h i s t y p e
of c a l c u l a t i o n a f t e r t h e rotor of f i g u r e 22.



I n general, t h e close agreement between measured v e l o c i t i e s and

velocities calculated by using simplified radial equilibrium with an
entropy gradient sham i n figures 2 1 t o 23 indicates t h e radial-flow
term i s unimportant here. 'For the configuration of f i g u r e 21, the high
hub-tip radius ratio prevents
any large deviations from two-dimensional
flow; f o r t h e low hub-tip radius ratio stage
of f i g u r e s 2 1 and 22 there
i s l i t t l e tendency f o r radial flows because of the flow d i s t r i b u t i o n
( z e r o rotor- met w
The effect of the entropy gradient outside the
boundary layer i s
g r e a t e r f o r t h e transonic rotor (fig
22 ) than for the subsonic i n l e t stage cmpressors ( f i g s . 9 t o
The transonic rotor has a m e r
r e l a t i v e inlet h
h number and also R larrger radial v a r i a t i o n of relat i v e inlet Mschnumber than the subsonic stages, leading t o larger
total-pressure losses and l a g e r ' radial variations i n total-pressure
losses in the transonic stage.
The magnitude of thediecrepancy between
the two radial-equilibrium solutions is higher aSter stator than after
r o t o r because of additional losses incurred by the stator-blade row.


The i n p o r t a c e of estimating blade-eiement and boundary-layer losses

in design calculations is emphasized by the large discrepancies between
t h e two analytical velocities.
The close agreement between data and c a l culations including an entropy gradient in the boundary-lapr regions
indicates that t h e blockage e f f e c t of t h e boundary layer can be taken
i n t o account by a design asmmrption of the boundary-layer stagnationpressure profile.
This ~ ~ s u m ep d
r o f i l e can be based on available
boundmy-layer-loss data.
Middle ana En3 Stages of Multistage Canpressor

Downstreamof r o t o r s .
The configurations in t h i s s e c t i o n d i f f e r
from those previously discussed in that the entropy gradient i s higher
since losses have accumulated for several stages. Figure 24 shows data
from a r o t o r which is preceded by four stages of a multistage compressor.
Comgarisons are made i n t h i s case f o r a range of flow coefficients t o
ascertain the e f f e c t af a wide vwiety of losses through a specified
blade row on the trends of the solutions based on sinzplified radial
equilibrium with an entropy gradient.
In all caBes, including the entropy gradient i n the simplified rad= equilibrium, calculations led

t o good agreement with messwed v e l o c i t i e s . Mmilwly, investigations

for a large rimer of flow coefficients were made f o r the other configurations in t h i s section and shared again that t h e entropy-gradient correct i o n l e d t o good agreement w i t h measured velocities. Since these
comparisons for a v a r i e t y of flow coefficients are similar t o those of
figure 2 4 , they are not included
in the figures presented.


Velocities after t h e last r o t o r of a 10-stage compressor are sham

i n f i g u r e 25. N e a r designconditions after these r o t o r s (figs. 24(a),
24(b), and 25(a)) the simplified-radlal-equilibrium approximation gives
w ne= t h e
v e l o c i t i e s which are high f o r b o t h hub a d t i p s t a t i o n s and o
mean radius station, indicating that
the shape of the entropy gradient
is d i f f e r e n t from those found in t h e single-stage compazisons. As pointed
out i n figure 2(b), the entropy h a s a rninfmum value at sane intermediate
radius between huband t i p , showing t h a t t h e l o s s e s a r e greatest near t h e
end walls. The growth i n l o s s e s near the hub f o r t h e middle-stage r o t o r s
i a the most s i g n i f i c a n t change frcm t h e loss profiles indicated for the
single-stage configurations.
These changed p r o f i l e s mey result from the
accumulation of losses which occur at the unattached blade ends, on t h e
end w a l l s , or on the blades. Figures24(c) and (dl show exceptions t o
t h i s p a t t e r n , f o r here indications Etre that the entropy increases
hub t o t i p .
These are low-flaw-coefficient runs at which the blades
might be expected t o operate i n e f f i c i e n t l y , w i t h the t f p region being
most s e n s i t i v e to changes i n weight f l o w . As the flow coefficient i s
decreased (figs. 24(c) and (a)), the losses at the t i p regions became
highest, changing the




Downstream of stators. - The inadequacy of simplified-radialequilibrium

after stators i s shown c l e a r l yi n figures 26
and 27.
Data after the f i f t h and n i n t hs t a t o r s
of a multistage compressor show that the consideration of the entropy term i s even more
important here than after the r o t o r s . The simplified-radial-equilibriumapproximation solutions give very poor agreement with actual data. After
the f i f t h s t a t o r the entropy reaches a pronounced maximum i n the end
regions of the blade, as indicated by figures 26(a) and (b)
N e a r design
conditions after the n i n t h s t a t o r (fig. 27(a)) the same type of entropy
gradient as for t h e fifth s t a t o r (fig. 26) is indicated. A t off-design
conditions (fig. 27(b))
as increase in losses near the casing which
occurrs after t h e r o t o r s i s also apparent aft- these s t a t o r s .

Discussion of multistage results.

The radial-entropy variation in
the latter stages of a multistage campressor m u s t be evaluated and used
i n the equilibrium equation Fn order t o c o r r e c t l y compute axial-velocity
This v a r i a t i o n follows a general pattern; at or near design
weight flow the entropy has a minimum value near the mean radius, increasing toward each of t h e end walls, while at f l o w coefficients other
than design t h e entropy has a minlmum at t h e hub region and increases
monotonically toward the t t p .

Application of Radial-Equilibrium Equation

In view of t h e results of the experimental investigation, it would

be d e s i r a b l e t o use a procedure based on equation ( 9 ) i n the calculation



of velocity diagrams for the design of a multistage machine. I n an axialflow turbomachine design, t h e variables which will be known or assumed
a r e t h e inlet conditions to the blade
row, the desired weight flow, and
t h e losses o r adiabatic efficiency of each blade element. The r a d i a l
gradient of energy addition is usually prescribed through an a n a l y t i c a l
variation of e i t h e r Vo or A K with radius. In order t oo b t a i nt h e
total-pressure rise from the total-temperature rise, the blade-element
total-pressure losses must be known or assumed a.6 functions of t h e
velocity-diagram parameters. For instance,therelativetotal-pressureloss parameter 'E i s presented in reference 14, wherein t h e r e l a t i v e total-pressure loss is given as a function of r e l a t i v e inlet Machnumber
and a blade-loadingparameter, t h e diffusionfactor
D. A preliminary
solution of the simplified-radial-equilibrium approximation
can be obtained in order t o calculate D f a c t o r s , o r the diffusion f a c t o r s can
be assumed on the basis of previousexperience.
This assumed r a d i a l
variation i n losses now yields an assumed r a d i a l v a r i a t i o n in entropy,
since from equation (5a)


62 =

Tz r-l

A f i r s t approximation t o the axial-velocity T--ofile after the rotor can

now be foundby usingequation ( 9 ) . By selecting a valuefor VZt2 at
t h e mean radius, using t h i s as VZ,Z,h, and salving f o r V,,2,u
at the
next stations toward hub and t i p , t h e velocities acroas t h e e n t i r e passage can be f a d by repeating the process with the results of each etep
method gives accuused as reference values-in t h e next step. Since the
rate p r o f i l e s ( i f blade-element-. and end-wall-loss data are available)
as blockage facacross the passage from hub t o casing, corrections such
tor or boundary-layer displacement thickness
are unnecessmy for t h e
continuity equation.

Solution f o r Velocity Distributions

The design procedure w
ivary depending on whether t h e passage
area or mean-axial-velocity variation
I s fixed through t h e machine. I n
both case6 an iteration process w i l l be necessary and the attacks w i l l
be similar. An example w i l l be made for a rotor with a fixed passage
area ( r h and rt known). This is the type of calculation which might
be applied after a preliminary analysis on a mean-radius b a s i s has determined t h e hub contour ( f o r a fixed-tip-radius machine). In t h i s case the
following factors would be knoWn.or assumed:


RM E 5 W 0


(1)Hub and t i p radii throughout the machine

( 2 ) Weight flow

(3) Rotative speed

( 4 ) Inlet t o t a l temperature and pressure


A convenient design method i s t o p r e s c r i b e t h e o u t l e t radial variat i o n of tangential velocity (hence the energy addition
in the case of a
r o t o r ) . For simplicity, the streamline flow is assumed t o occur at equal
increments along theradius, thus f i x i n g r 2 as a function of r l . The
total-temperature rise across the rotor caa now be found a t each radial
position from the equation

In a d d i t i o n t o t h e requirement that equation ( 9 ) be satisfied after

t h e blade row, the continuity equation (13) m u s t a l s o be satisfied at t h i s
axial station. Since the variation
of s t a t i c temperature w i t h radius is
generally s m a l l

th = O
), a first approximation may be made by
assuming that t = constant and i s e q m l to thevalue at rk. Equation
( 9 ) combined with equation (10) then yields the following equation:

This solution must be corrected t o obtain the proper weight fluw.

With the use of the values of Vz,2
obtained from solutions of equation
(17), the equation for continuity can be solved
(by u s i n g eqs. (13) and
(14)) and an integrated w e i g h t flow at s t a t i o n 2 obtained. If the integrated weight flow i s within 2 percent of t h e desired fluw, a simple
adjustment of a l l the v e l o c i t i e s by t h e r a t i o of flows will s u f f i c e .
Otherwise, t h e o r i g i n a l aesumption of mean a x i a l v e l o c i t y must 'be adjusted by t h e r a t i o of flaws and equation (17) again solved.


A RM F54A20

If the axial-velocity distribution (which is combined with prescribed tangentid velocity distribution to give flow angles) which
results from these solutions is much different fran the expected distribution (causing the D factors to be dlfferent from those expected),
an adjustment of the assumed blade-element losses
may be in order, and
a new solution obtained
on this basis. This adjustment coulda l s o be
made as a refinement of the method after
a tentative choice of blade
shapes is made and the best available blade-element total-pressure-loss
data are applied.

In any solution for the precise velocity distribution

after a blade
row, the need for blade-element- and end-region-loss information is evident. This is especially truein multistage-compressor calculations
an appreciable radial
where blade-element-loss accumulations may cause
gradient of entropyin the latter stages with resulting large effect8 on
the axial-velocity distributions.

The investigationof the validity.of application of the simplifiedradial-equilibrium equation to compressors gave the following results:
1. In order to calculate accurately the radial variation
of velocities, it was necessary, in general, to include measured stagnationpressure losses i n the simplified-radFal-eQuilibrium equation. The
assumption of zero radial entropy gradient was invalid for the calculation of velocities a t axial stations more than one or two row8
damstream from a region of uniform entropy. Atan axial stationfollowing several stagesof a multistage compressor, large discrepancies
and velocities computed by
were observed between measured velocities
using the simplified-radial-equilibrium equation but neglecting the
entropy gradient; whereas the velocities computed by using the entropy
gradient agreed closely with the data.
2. Very close agreement
w a s observed between data and the calculaan entropy gradient in the boundary-layer regions
tions made by using
at the hub and tip; whereas the calculations which did not include
entropy gradient were not correct.
This trend suggests that the blockage
effect of the boundarylayer can be taken into accounta design
assumption of the boundary-layer stagnation-pressure
profue based upon
available boundary-layer-loss




3. Results of this investigation suggest that a velocity-diagram

design method including the effect of the estimated stagnation-pressure
losses on the design axial-velocity profile would give more accurate
velocity diagrams than present methodswhichdo
not include stagnationpressure losses. A velocity-diagramdesign method including stagmtionpressure losses i s presented i n this report.

L e w i s Flight Propulsion Laboratory

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
Cleveland, Ohio, January 27, 1954


NAl;rA RM E54A20

1. Wu, Chung-Eua, and Wolfenstein, Lincoln: Application of RadialEquilibrium Condition to Axial-Flow

Compressm and Turbine Design.
NACA Rep. 955, 1950. (Supersedes mAcA '1IN 1795.)
2. Mkrble, Frank E., and Michelson, Wing: Analytical Investigationof
Some Three Dimensional
Flow Problems in Turbo-Machines. NACA TN
2614, 1952.
3. Traupel, Walter (C.W. Smith, trans.1: New General Theory of Multistage Axial Flow Turbomachines. Navships 250-455-1, Navy Dept.,


Washington (D. C )

Robbim, William H., and G l a S e r , Frederick W.:

kvestigation of an
Axial-Flow-Compressor Rotor with Circular-Arc Blades Operating
to a Rotor-Inlet RelativeMach EsumBer of 1.22. RACA RM E53D24, 1953.

5. Jaclcson, RobertJ. : Effects on the Weight-Flow Range

and Efficiency
of a Typical Axial-Flow Compressor Inlet Stage that Result from
Use of a Decreased Blade Camber or Decreased Guide-VaneTurning.
MACA RM E52G02, 1952.

6. Budinger, RayE., and Serovy, George K.: kvestigation of a 10-Stage

Subsonic Axial-Flow Research Ccanpressor. IV Individual Stage
Performance Chaxacteristics. NACA RM E S 3 C l l , 1953.

7. Standahar, RaymondM., and Seravy, George

K.: Same Effects of Changing
Solidity byVaxying the Numberof !&des on Performance of an AxialFlow Compressor Stage. W A RM E52A31, 1952.
8. Moses, J. J., and Serovy, G . K.: Some Effectsof Blade Trailing-Edge
Thickness on Performance of a Single-Stage Axial-Flow Compressar.
NACA RM E5-28, 1951.

JohnJ. , Dugan,
D., Budinger, RayE., and Goelzer,E.
Fred: Investigation of Blade-Raw F l o w Distribution in Axial-FlowCompressor Stage Consisting
of Guide Vanesand Rotor-Blade Row.
NACA RM E50G12, 1950.

9. Mahoney,

P a u l .

10. Schwenk, FrancisC., Lieblein, Seymour, and Lewis, George W., Jr.:
Experimental Investigation-of
an Axial-Flow Compressor Inlet Stage
Operating at %ansonic Relative Inlet Mach Mumbers. 111 BladeRow Performance of Stage with 'l!rmsonfc Rotorand Subsonic Stator
at Corrected Tip Speeds
of.800 and 1000 Feet Per Second. NACA RM
E53G17, 1953.


W A RM E 5 W 0


Seymour Schwenk, ??rancis C. , and Broderick, Robert L. :

Diffusion Factorfor Estimating Losses and Limiting Blade Loadings
in Axial-Flow-Campressor Blade Elements.NACA RM E53D01, 1953.

ll. Lieblein,




Chung-ha: Subsonic Flow of Air Through a Single-Stage and a

Seven-Stage Compressor. NACA TN 2961, 1953.

13. Finger, Harold B., and Dugan, James F., Jr.:

Analysis of Stage
Matching and Off-Design Performance of Multistage Axial-Flow
Compressors. HACA RM E52DO7, 1952.

14. Lieblein, Seymour, and.Ackley, R i c h a r d H. : Secondary Flows in

Annular Cascades and Effects on Flow in Inlet Guide Vanes. NACA
RM E51G27, 1951.



Figure 1. Streamline i n r , z plane, concave looking from

compressor casing.

..... ....

. ... ..

- .. . .


. .

... . .



. .. .

CQ-4 back




(a) Minimum entropy at hub.

Figme 2.


(a) Minlmum

entropy at meau.



Minimum entropy a6 t i p .

- Effect of elrtropy-gractLent term on simplifie8-ra8ial-equillbrium s o l u t i o n e .

Simplified radial e q u l l i b r i m
with entropy gradient


(a) Streamlines inaicated t o be concave looking from caslng.


(b) Streamlines
t o be convex looldng from casing.

Figure 3.
kt%rprfhtkmof comparison of meaeured velocities with solutions
obtained by using simpllfled radial equilibrium including entropy gradient.


(a) H i g h flaw



(b) Peak efficiency point




R a d i u s r a t i o , rl/rt
(c) Low flaw




Fpigure 4 .
BimplFfied-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after guide vanes for single-etage ompressor. Rotor-p1u.a-guide-vane investigation for
oonflguration of refereme 4: wheel-type I n l e t whirl;
rotor-Wet hub-tip r a t i o , 0.5; guide-vane aapect
r a t i o , 2.7; 100 percent design q e e d .




Radius ratio,rdrt

Figure 5.
Sinplif ied-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison atter guide vanes for single-stage compressor. Rotor-plus-guide-vane investigation for
configuration ~f reference 5 (low-c-ered
&am) :
wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl; rotor-inlet hub-tip
ratio, 0.5; guide-vane aspect ratio,
2 . 9 ; 100 percent
design speed.








Figure 6. S~lified-radial-equilibriumaxial-velocity
comparison after &de vanes for single-stage compressor. Rotor-plue-guide-vane investigation for
configuration of reference 5 (high-cambere8 &sign):
wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl; rotor-inlet
ratio, 0.5; guide-vane aspect ratio,
2.9; 100 percent
design speed.



NACA RM E m 2 0



Radius r a t i o , rl/rt

Figure 7 ,
axial-velocity comparison after guide vanes
f o r 10-stage compressor. Multistagecompressor investigation for configuration
of reference 6: wheel-minus-vortex inlet
whirl; rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio,
guide-vane aspect r a t i o , 2.6; 90 percent
d 0 B m Speed.


a 0

';0I a


Radius r a t i o , rl/rt

Figure 8.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after guidevanes for single-stage compressor.Full-stageinvesti@;ation
f o r conf'iguration
of reference 7: wheel-type inlet whirl; r o t o r - I n l e t
hdb-tip ratio, 0,8; guide-vaneaspect r a t i o , 0.8;
100 percent design speed.


NACA RM E m 2 0



(a) High flow


Simplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
Figure 9.
comparison &ter r o t o r for single-stage compressor.
Full-stage investigation for configuration of reference 5 (high-canibered design) plus 65-series stator
blades: wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl; rotor-inlet
hd-tip ratio, 0.5; rotor-blade aspect ratio,2.7;
100 percent design speed.



( b ) Peak efficiency polnt

l 0.386.

Figure 9.
Continued. S i q l i f ied-radial-equilibrium
axial-velocity comparison a f t e r r o t o r f o r s i n g l e - s t a g e
compressor. Full-stageinvestigationfor
configuration of reference 5 (high-canhered design) plus 65s e r i e s s t a t o r blades: wheel-mfnus-vortex i n l e t w h i r l ;
rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio,
0.5; rotor-blade aspect
r a t i o , 2.7; 100 percent design speed.



Radiu6 ratio, r2/rt



flW C


Figure 9. Conoludd. SimpSlf ied-radial-equilibrium

axial-velocity comparison after rotor
for single-stage
compressor. Full-stage investigation for configurat i o n of reference 5 (high-canibered d e s i g n ) plus 65series s t a t o r blades: wheel-minus-vortex inlet wkirl;
rotor-inlet h a - t i p ratio, 0.5; rotor-blade aspect
ratio, 2.7 ; 100 percent design speed.




o Data

n Sinplified

radial equilibrium
Simplified radial equilibrium




Radiua ratio, rdrt

Figure 10.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after r o t o r f o r single-stage compressor.
N l - s t a g e investigation for configuration of reference 5 (low-cambered design) plus 65-series stator
blades: wheel-minus-vortex inlet whfrl; r o t o r - i n l e t
h d - t i p r a t i o , 0.5;rotor-blade
a s p c t r a t i o , 2.7;
100 percent design speed.




I t


Figure ll. Simplified-radial-equflibrium axial-velocity

comparison after flrst rotor
f o r 10-stage compressor.
Multistage-compressor investigationfor configuration
of reference 6: wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl; rotorinlet hub-tip ratio, 0.55; rotor-blade aspect ratio,
3.0; 90 percent design speed.



Figure 12.
comparison after rotor for single-etage compressar.
Rotor-plus-guide-vane investigation for configuration
of reference 5 (low-cambered design): wheel-minusvortex M e t whirl; rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio,0.5;
rotor-blade aspect ratio,
2.7; 100 percent design



Radius r a t i o , r2/rt

Figure 13.
S ~ l i f i e d - r a d i a l - e q u i l i b r i u maxial-velocity
comparison after r o t o r f o r single-stage compressor.
Rotor-plus-guide-vane investigation f o r configuration
of reference 5 (high-cambered deeign): wheel-minusvortex inlet w h i r l ; rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio,
rotor-blade aspect ratio,
2.7; 100 percent design

NACA 24 E54A20




I -

o Data
n Simplified radial equilibrium




Simplified radial equilibrium

including entropy gradient






rSa t i o , r2/rt

Figure 14.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after r o t o r for single-stage compressor.
Rotor investigation f o r configuration o f reference 8:
zero inlet w h i r l ; r o t o r - i n l e t h ~ - t i p r a t i o ,0.8; r o t o r blade aspect ratio, 0.74; 124 percent design speed,

Radius r a t i o , r Z / r t

Figure 15.
Srmplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after r o t o r f o r single-stage compressor.
Full-stage investigation for configuration of reference 7 (high s o l i d i t y ) : wheel-type i n l e t whirl; rotorinlet hub-tip r a t i o , 0.8; rotor-blade a s p e c t r a t i o ,
0.88; 100 percent design speed.





A Simplified radial equilibrium


including entropy gradient

R a d i u s r a t i o , r2/rt



I \




Figure 1 6 . - S ~ l i f i e d - r a d i a l - e q u i l i b r i u maxial-velocity
comparison after rotor for eingle-stage compressor.
Full-stage investigation for configuration of reference 7 (medim s o l i d i t y ) : wheel-type i n l e t whirl;
r o t o r - i n l e t Bub-tip r a t i o , 0.8; rotor-blade aspect
r a t i o , 0.88; 100 percent design speed.


o Data




Simplified radial equilibrium

S b p l i f i e d radial equilibrium
including entropy gradient


Radius r a t i o , rdrt


Figure 17.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium axial-velocity
comparison after rotor for single-stage compressor.
Full-stage investigation for configuration of reference 7 (
w s o l i d i t y ) : xheel-type i n l e t w h i r l ; r o t o r inlet hub-tip ratio, 0.8; rotor-blade aspect ratio,
0.88; 100 percent design speed.



Radius ratio, r h t
(b) Low flow



Figure 18.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium arial-velocity
comparison after stator for single-stage ocrmgressor.
Full-stage Investigation for configuration of reference 5 (low-cambered design) p l w 65-seriee stablades: wheel-minus-vortex rotor-inlet whirl; rotorinlet hub-tip ratio, 0.5; etator-blade aspeat r a t i o ,
2.5; 100 percent design speed.




(b) Lar flow


19. -

Simplified-radial-equilibrium exial-velocity
comparison after stator far single-stage compreesor.
N l - s t a g e Investigation forconfiguration of reference 5: wheel-minus-vortex Inlet whirl; rotor-inlet
hub-tip ratio, 0.5; stator-blade aspect ratio, 2.51
100 percent design speed.













R a d i u s ratio,




Figure 20.
Simplified-radial-equilibrium axialvelocity comparison after f i r s t s t a t o r of 10stage compressor.
investigation for configuration of reference 6 :
wheel-minus-vortex i n l e t whirl; r o t o r - i n l e t
hub-tip ratio, 0.55; stator-blade aspect ratio,
2.8; 100 percent design speed.



(a) 1
0Percent design speed.


Simplified radial equilibrium

Simplified radial equilibrium





Radius r a t i o , r2/rt


1. K)

(b) 60 Percent design speed.

Figure 21.
S ~ l i f i e d - r a d i a l - e ~ ~ l axial-velocity
coml;arison after rotor for single-stage compressor.
Boundary-layer investigation f o r configuration of ref
erence 9 for r o t o r p l u s guidevanes:
wheel-tne inlet
whirl; rotor-inlet hub-tip r a t i o , 0.8; rotor-blade
aspect ratio, 1.1.




( a ) H i g h flow (pl, 0.481; 1
0 percent
design speed.

(b) Peak efficiency point


LOO percent

design flow.

Figure 22.
axialvelocity comparison a f t e r r o t o r f o r slnglestage transonic compressor. Boundary-layer
investigation for configuration of reference 10
for r o t o r p l u s s t a t o r s :
zero M e t whirl;
r o t o r - i n l e t h a - t i p r a t i o , 0.53; rotor-blade
aapect ratio, 1.3.




Simplifled radial
Simplified radial
equilibrium including
entropy gradient


( c ) Low flow

Radiue r a t i o , rZ/rt



60 percent design

t \\ I



Figure 22. - Concluded. SfI1Iplified-radialequilibrium axial-velocity comparison a9ter

r o t o r f o r single-stage transonic compressor.
Boundary-layer investigation f o r configurat i o n of reference 10 f o r r o t o r plus s t a t o r s :
zero inlet whirl; rotor-inlet hu3-tip ratio,
0.53; rotor-blade aspect ratio,


W C A RM E54A20


R a d i u s ratio, r3/rt
(b) Peak efficiency p o h t ql, 0.460.

Figure 23.
Simplified-radial-elibri~axialvelocity camparison after atetors for s i n g l e stage compressor. Boundar'y-layer bvestigatioa
for configuration of reference 10 for rotor
plus stators:rotor-irilet
hub-tip ratio, 0.53;
stator-blade aspect ratio, 1.2;
100 percent
& a l g a speed.


NACA RM E a 2 0

(a) 100 Percent Uealgn s p e e d ; (Pg, 0.741.

(b) 90 Percebt design speed;


Figure 24.
Bimplified-radial-equilibrium axial-veloclty
comparison after flfth rotor of 10-stage compressor.
Multiatsge investigationfar configuration of reference 6: uheel-minus-vartex inlet W r l ; rotor-idlet
hub-tip ratio, 0 . 7 6 ) rotor-bMr* a p c t ratio, 1.7.



Figure 24.
Concluded. Simpl~isd-raBial-eqWbrimaxialv e l o c i t y -iaon
after f i f t h r o t o r oi lO-stag8 compreeWtistage investigation for configuration of reference 6: wheel-minus-vortex inletwhirl; rotor-idlct hub-tip
ratio, 0.76; r o t o r - b h y aspect ratio, 1.7.




SFmIjlif ied radial equilibrium

Simplified radial equilibrium

including entropy gradient


. .



(a) 100 Percent design speed.





Radius ratio, r20/rt

( b ) 50 Percent design speed.

Figure 25. - ' Simplif ied-radialequillbriun; axial-velocity coxnparison

after t e n t h r o t o r of 10-stage compressor.
for configuration of reference 6:
wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl;
rotor-inlet hub-tip ratio,
rotor-blade aspect ratio, 0.82.




Simplified radial equilibrium

Simplified radial equilibrium




(a) Peak efficiency point


Radius r a t i o , rll/rt

Figure 26.
Simplified-radi81-equllibrium axial-velocity
c a p a r i s o n a f t e r f i f t h stator of 10-stage carqpreesor.
Multistage investigation for configuration of reference 6: wheel-minus-vortex inlet whirl; r o t a - i n l e t
hub-tip r a t i o , 0.76; stator-blade aspect ratio,
100 percent design speed.


(a) 1





A Simplified r a d i a l
equilibrium including
entropy gradient


Radius ratio, r19/rt

(b) 50 Percent design sped.

Figure 27.
Shplified-radialequilibrium axial-velocity comparison
a f t e r ninth atator of 10-stage compressor.
f o r configuration of reference 6 :
wheel-type inlet-whirl; rotor-inlet
hub-tip r a t i o , 0.89; etator-blade
aspect r a t i o , 0.87.

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