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Serpentis Vampire

Serpentis Vampires or Culebras, as they are typically called, are immortal, semi-reptilian creatures that
need blood for survival. They are people given the condition from the bite of another culebra.
Serpentis Vampires are somehow related or descended from the Legacian snake god, Midgard Zero.
The first known culebras are Prath Zal'therra, Artura Vidlis and one currently unnamed male.
These vampires look more like snakes than bats and have a reptilian form. These vampires have
monstrous faces, cone-shaped fangs that fold up against the gums, flaked skin, vertical pupils,
red/orange/yellowish glowing eyes and claws. Some vampires that were large as humanoids become
horned and burly. Some vampires have hardened scales while others have flaked skin like other snakes.
The blood of the living is the main component of a vampire's diet whether from the source, from a cup or
container, or from the flesh of humans, which vampires make into a raw delicacy. Vampires can still
produce waste.
As far as we know, vampires were originally living humanoids until they were converted (also called being
turned or sired) by another vampire. However it is possible that two vampires could produce a vampire in
the typical way of humanoid reproduction. A vampire who is responsible for a new vampire's creation is
called a sire. A new vampire is a fledgling or progeny. This creates a bloodline from sire to progeny,
similar to a familial bond as the sire's blood forever flows in the progeny's veins. Vampires have a snakelike venom that is injected from their fangs into the humanoid they turn and it gives the victim orgasmic
hallucinations, as well as giving them a sense of euphoria before they overcome the hallucination and
they emerge completely transformed. When they are transformed they change into their reptilian form.
Powers & Abilities
The supernatural forces that sustain vampires also endow them with superhuman physical abilities as
well as powers of mind control. Their physical abilities such as strength, speed, agility, durability, healing
and senses all grow stronger with age and experience. Vampires who feed on animal blood will not be as
powerful as those who feed on humanoid blood. Humanoid blood is also known to increase the speed of
healing when ingested by a vampire after being seriously wounded.
Immortality: A vampire stops aging once turned. Upon their transformation, vampires become immune to
all conventional illness, diseases, viruses and infections.
Healing Factor: Vampires recover tissue from any form of physical damage to their bodies within seconds,
though they still feel the pain of a wound before it heals. Vampires can snap their bones back into place
after they have been broken and have been seen to fully recover from gunshots, stab wounds, and torso
impalement very quickly, so long as they regularly feed on humanoid blood. Those vampires who feed on
animals will still heal much faster than a humanoids, but their injuries, especially severe ones, will take
much longer to heal than a vampire who feeds on humanoid blood. The only injury a vampire can sustain
that cannot be healed on its own is a werewolf bite. Also, their enhanced healing is limited to physical
damage to their bodies; magical damage and psychological damage are beyond its capability.
Super Strength: Vampires are noticeably much stronger than supernatural hunters, true immortals and
humanoids and slowly grow stronger with time. They always have the advantage of superior strength in
direct combat with a humanoid. Even new vampires who are still in transition can toss an average-size,
fully-grown humanoid across a room with great speed and force. Their other feats include single-handedly
lifting grown men high off the ground by the throat and snapping their necks, cutting off a person's head

with their bare hands, and ripping out internal organs such as hearts with little to no effort. Their strength
is also more powerful than that of werewolves in their human form and, depending on the age of the
vampire, can be equal to that of evolved werewolves. Their strength allows them to jump higher and
further than any natural creature. Vampires who feed on humans are stronger than those who feed on
animal blood. However, young vampires may have difficulties while dealing with truly heavy objects.
Super Speed: Vampires are much faster than supernatural hunters, true immortals, humanoids, and
werewolves in humanoid form. Vampires can accelerate their movements to cover short distances in an
instant, usually faster than the human eye can see. When running across long distances, they appear as
vibrating blurs of motion. Their reflexes are similarly heightened, allowing them to catch certain projectiles
such as arrows and thrown stakes in the air with ease. Like their strength, their speed also increases with
Super Agility: Vampires possess super-human agility. They have shown that they can move quickly, jump
very high, climb, and run incredibly fast without difficulty or exhaustion. Vampires can jump with their
super speed too. Vampires that feed on humanoid blood can jump much higher than vampires that feed
on animal blood. This ability also increases with age.
Super Senses: Vampires have extremely keen senses of hearing, sight and smell that far exceed those of
humans and werewolves. They can hear whispered conversations, even ones in far of buildings and on
phones, though most vampires typically learn how to tune out most ambient noises when it's not
necessary to hear them. Vampires can also smell blood from several meters away, and see in total
darkness. These senses improve and grow stronger with age and experience.
Super Durability: Vampires can take a great amount of physical damage without being slowed down.
Even vampires who have been shot with wooden bullets, which have a weakening effect on vampires,
have been seen to continue fighting so long as they were not shot in the heart or the head. Vampires still
react to physical force in a human manner, particularly young vampires, who will occasionally be affected
even by human-strength-level force. Vampires can also still be stunned and dazed by strikes and trauma,
though their tolerance for it will increase as they get older.
Enhanced Emotions: Vampires experience emotions more powerfully than humans. Emotions like love,
joy, and happiness are magnified for vampires, allowing them to live life more intensely. This ability allows
vampires to feel emotions at their peak regardless of their age. Original vampires have been shown
experiencing emotions as powerfully today as they did 1,000 years ago. Conversely, sadness,
depression, guilt, fear and anger are also amplified, causing many vampires to "turn off" their humanity to
block out the more painful emotions. After time and practice, the overwhelming sensations of heightened
emotions fade as the vampire learns to overcome their emotions without turning off their humanity all
Emotional Control: Vampires have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions by "turning off"
or "switching off" their humanity, which is directly connected to their emotions. Doing so allows them to
block out their more negative emotions, such as fear and guilt, allowing them to feed and kill without
remorse, go against any opponent without fear, and relieve themselves of painful feelings such as grief,
loss, depression, and shame. A vampire without their emotions is far more calculating and direct than one
who keeps them on. However, the vampire can become a remorseless killer, and are almost
unrecognizable from the person they truly are, as blocking out negative emotions also causes their
positive emotions to become dulled or nonexistent as well. Vampires are capable of turning their humanity
back on and bringing back their emotions but it is difficult as they will experience all of the repressed
emotions and guilt of anything they did without their humanity with enhanced intensity. This ability fades
with time and vampires who are over 500 years old have said that they have lost it altogether.

Mind Compulsion: Vampires have the ability to influence and control thoughts, emotions, and behavior
and can alter or erase memories. Normal vampires can compel humanoids, doppelgangers, and
werewolves, but cannot compel other vampires. Meanwhile, Original vampires can also compel other
vampires and werewolf-vampire hybrids in addition to the aforementioned species. However, no vampire
can compel a witch, and Original vampires cannot compel other Originals.
Telepathy: Serpentis Vampires are able to communicate by the use of telepathy, as well as hypnotize,
entrance and see, feel and know what others know just by being in their presence. A vampire that so
much as touches a humanoid will instantly know everything that human knows.
Illusion Casting: Serpentis Vampires are able to appear only in the sight of an intended individual and can
cause them to see, feel, and know things by their telepathic guidance.
Shapeshifting: Serpentis Vampires can shape-shift into a reptilian form stronger their humanoid form.
They either have flaked or scaly skin with sometimes hardened scales and horns. They can also change
into their victims. This may be a form of telepathy or illusion casting as their clothes change as well
Wall-Crawling: Vampires are capable of scaling on surfaces opposite to the ground and on walls, possibly
with their claws.
If vampires are killed by a wooden object stabbed through their heart, their body desiccates into a gray
color, and their vampiric veins thicken and protrude from their skin. Vampires can build up tolerances to
some weaknesses, such as vervain, allowing them to protect themselves from compulsion by an Original
and to help lessen the likelihood that it will seriously incapacitate them when used by enemies. However,
it will still burn them upon contact, but if ingested, it will not weaken them as much if they take small
amounts over time to increase their immunity.
Animal Blood: Animal blood weakens a vampire's strength.
Broken Neck: Breaking a vampire's neck will not kill them, but it will render them unconscious for varying
amounts of time, depending on the diet and age of the person in question.
The Cure: If a vampire takes the cure, they will revert back to being mortal again. Additionally, their blood
becomes the cure once they've ingested it, making them a target to any vampire who wants to cure
themselves. If the cure-laced blood should be drained from a cured vampire, that vampire would begin to
rapidly age to compensate for the years they spent as an undead, unaging vampire. In the case of older
vampires (usually those who have been a vampire for more than 30-50 years), this can cause them to
age so quickly that they die in weeks or months.
Decapitation: Dismembering or manually removing the head of a vampire will result in instant and
permanent death.
Desiccation: Vampires who abstain from blood for extended amounts of time will eventually desiccate and
mummify. Witches can also use magic to desiccate vampire.
Fire: Vampires are highly flammable and sensitive to fire, and will quickly burn and die from it if the flames
are not extinguished in time. It is mostly useful in disposing of the remains of a dead vampire. However, in
some cases, vampires have used this vulnerability to their advantage.
Heart Extraction: Removing the heart of a vampire will result in permanent death. Vampires have the

strength to plunge their hands right through the flesh of humans (including witches, doppelgangers, and
supernatural hunters), werewolves, or other vampires. This allows them to punch their hand through the
thorax of a person and pull out their heart. If it is a vampire who has been subjected to this, then they will
desiccate upon their death, causing their bodies to become a grey, dry husk with their vampiric veins
exposed all over their body.
Invitation: Vampires cannot enter a home without an invitation by the owner. It has been revealed that
invitation can be granted long-distance and even by someone who hasn't lived in the house in years.
Magic: Vampires are susceptible to the powers of sorcery. This is inclusive of mystical objects such as
magic weapons and armor, and artifacts. A Siphoner can also siphon the magic from a vampire to fuel
their spells. Witches have been seen to use magic to cause agonizing pain by inducing aneurysms in their
brain or muscle spasms, telekinetically ripping out their hearts, magically increasing their hunger for blood
to unbearable levels, setting them ablaze with a single thought, and desiccating or petrifying them to the
point of mummification.
Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a
pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds so
long as they haven't been weakened by other means such as vervain or werewolf bites.
Vervain: Exposure to or ingestion of vervain causes a vampire to become severely feverish and weak to
the point that it can even hinder their healing abilities as well. Also, physical contact with vervain will burn
a vampire's skin. Vampires cannot compel anyone who has ingested vervain or has it on their person.
Many vampires drink small amounts of diluted vervain to protect themselves from Original vampires'
compulsion and to reduce its effects when used by enemies.
Werewolf Bite: The bite of a werewolf, which involves injecting a toxic venom into the wound, is extremely
lethal to vampires. It will cause them to hallucinate, grow severely weak and go rabid until it kills them.
Hybrid blood is the only surefire way to cure the bite. Vampires suffering from the bite seem to always
hallucinate either significant moments from their past or significant people in their lives. While typical
vampires will eventually die from werewolf bites, it isn't lethal to Original vampires, though they still will
experience the sickness and hallucination that accompanies it until their body heals itself.
Wood: Wounding a vampire with a wooden weapon such as wooden bullets will incapacitate them, and it
will take longer for them to heal their injuries than if the wounds were caused by any other substance.
Stabbing a vampire through the heart with a wooden stake will result in instantaneous and permanent
White Oak Ash Dagger: It is said that if a vampire daggers an Original vampire, they will die while the
Original vampire is neutralized.

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