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Nucleic Acids Research; New nucleic acids

research reported from Institute of

Technology, Botanical Institute
Anonymous. Science Letter (Oct 19, 2010): 2254.

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2010 OCT 19 - (<> -- Investigators publish new data
in the report 'A SRS2 homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana disrupts recombinogenic DNA
intermediates and facilitates single strand annealing.' According to recent research published
in the journal Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, "Genetic and biochemical analyses of SRS2
homologs in fungi indicate a function in the processing of homologous recombination (HR)
intermediates (see also <> Nucleic Acids Research). To date, no SRS2 homologs have been described
and analyzed in higher eukaryotes."

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2010 OCT 19 - (<> -- Investigators publish new data

in the report 'A SRS2 homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana disrupts recombinogenic DNA
intermediates and facilitates single strand annealing.' According to recent research published
in the journal Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, "Genetic and biochemical analyses of SRS2
homologs in fungi indicate a function in the processing of homologous recombination (HR)
intermediates (see also <> Nucleic Acids Research). To date, no SRS2 homologs have been described
and analyzed in higher eukaryotes."

"Here, we report the first biochemical characterization of an SRS2 homolog from a

multicellular eukaryote, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We studied the basic properties of
AtSRS2 and were able to show that it is a functional 3'-to 5'-helicase. Furthermore, we
characterized its biochemical function on recombinogenic intermediates and were able to
show the unwinding of nicked Holliday junctions (HJs) and partial HJs (PX junctions). For
the first time, we demonstrated strand annealing activity for an SRS2 homolog and
characterized its strand pairing activity in detail. Our results indicate that AtSRS2 has
properties that enable it to be involved in different steps during the processing of
recombination intermediates," wrote S. Blanck and colleagues, Institute of Technology,
Botanical Institute.
The researchers concluded: "On the one hand, it could be involved in the unwinding of an
elongating invading strand from a donor strand, while on the other hand, it could be involved
in the annealing of the elongated strand at a later step."
Blanck and colleagues published their study in Nucleic Acids Symposium Series (A SRS2
homolog from Arabidopsis thaliana disrupts recombinogenic DNA intermediates and
facilitates single strand annealing. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series, 2009;37(21):7163-76).
For additional information, contact S. Blanck, Botanical Institute II, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr 12, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany.
Keywords: City:Karlsruhe, Country:Germany, Biochemical, Chemicals, Chemistry, DNA,
Nucleic Acids Research.
This article was prepared by Science Letter editors from staff and other reports. Copyright
2010, Science Letter via <>
Word count: 321
(c)Copyright 2010, Science Letter via

Asam Nukleat Penelitian; New Penelitian asam nukleat dilaporkan dari

Institute of Technology, Botanical Institute
Anonim. Surat Science (19 Oktober 2010): 2.254.
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2010 19 Oktober - (<> - Penyidik
mempublikasikan data baru dalam laporan '. Sebuah homolog SRS2 dari
Arabidopsis thaliana mengganggu intermediet DNA recombinogenic dan
memfasilitasi untai tunggal anil' Menurut penelitian terbaru yang
dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Nucleic Acid Simposium Series, "analisis
genetik dan biokimia dari homolognya SRS2 di jamur menunjukkan fungsi dalam
pengolahan homolog rekombinasi (HR) intermediet (lihat juga
< perpustakaan / topik / Nucleic-Asam-Research.html>
Nucleic Acid Research). Sampai saat ini, tidak ada homolognya SRS2 telah
dijelaskan dan dianalisis pada eukariota lebih tinggi. "
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2010 19 Oktober - (<> - Penyidik
mempublikasikan data baru dalam laporan '. Sebuah homolog SRS2 dari
Arabidopsis thaliana mengganggu intermediet DNA recombinogenic dan
memfasilitasi untai tunggal anil' Menurut penelitian terbaru yang
dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Nucleic Acid Simposium Series, "analisis
genetik dan biokimia dari homolognya SRS2 di jamur menunjukkan fungsi dalam
pengolahan homolog rekombinasi (HR) intermediet (lihat juga
< perpustakaan / topik / Nucleic-Asam-Research.html>
Nucleic Acid Research). Sampai saat ini, tidak ada homolognya SRS2 telah
dijelaskan dan dianalisis pada eukariota lebih tinggi. "
"Di sini, kami melaporkan karakterisasi biokimia pertama dari homolog SRS2
dari eukariota multiseluler, yang Arabidopsis tanaman thaliana. Kami
mempelajari sifat dasar AtSRS2 dan mampu menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah
fungsional 3'-to 5'-helikase. Selanjutnya , kita ditandai fungsi biokimia
pada intermediet recombinogenic dan mampu menunjukkan unwinding sobek
persimpangan Holliday (HJS) dan HJS parsial (PX persimpangan). untuk
pertama kalinya, kami menunjukkan aktivitas anil untai untuk homolog SRS2
dan ditandai pasangan untai nya kegiatan secara rinci. hasil kami
menunjukkan bahwa AtSRS2 memiliki sifat yang memungkinkan untuk terlibat
dalam langkah-langkah yang berbeda selama pengolahan intermediet
rekombinasi, "tulis S. Blanck dan rekan, Institut Teknologi, Botanical
Para peneliti menyimpulkan: "Di satu sisi, itu bisa terlibat dalam
unwinding dari memanjangkan menyerang untai dari untai donor, sementara di
sisi lain, itu bisa terlibat dalam anil untai memanjang di langkah
Blanck dan rekan menerbitkan studi mereka di Nucleic Acid Simposium Series
(A homolog SRS2 dari Arabidopsis thaliana mengganggu intermediet DNA
recombinogenic dan memfasilitasi untai tunggal anil Nucleic Acid Simposium
Series, 2009; 37 (21):. 7163-76).

Untuk informasi tambahan, hubungi S. Blanck, Botanical Institute II,

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Kaiserstr 12, 76128 Karlsruhe,
Kata kunci: Kota: Karlsruhe, Negara: Jerman, Biokimia, Kimia, Kimia, DNA,
Nucleic Acid Research.
Artikel ini disusun oleh Surat Ilmu editor dari staf dan laporan lainnya.
Hak cipta 2010, Surat Sains via <>
jumlah kata: 321
(C) Copyright 2010, Surat Sains via

Nucleic Acids Research; Research from

University of Montreal in Nucleic Acids
Research Provides New Insights
Anonymous. Science Letter (Jul 19, 2011): 2812.

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In the presence of magnesium ions, the A730 loop adopts a structure that is consistent with
existing biochemical data and most likely reflects its conformation in the VS ribozyme prior
to docking with the cleavage site internal loop. Interestingly, the A730 loop adopts an S-turn
motif that is also present in loop B within the hairpin ribozyme active site. The S-turn appears
necessary to expose the Watson-Crick edge of a catalytically important residue (A756) so that
it can fulfill its role in catalysis. The A730 loop and the cleavage site loop of the VS ribozyme
display structural similarities to internal loops found in the active site of the hairpin
ribozyme," wrote G.

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2011 JUL 19 - ( -- According to the authors of recent research published in the
journal Nucleic Acids Research, "The Neurospora VS ribozyme is a small nucleolytic
ribozyme with unique primary, secondary and global tertiary structures, which displays
mechanistic similarities to the hairpin ribozyme. Here, we determined the high-resolution
NMR structure of a stem-loop VI fragment containing the A730 internal loop, which forms
part of the active site."

"In the presence of magnesium ions, the A730 loop adopts a structure that is consistent with
existing biochemical data and most likely reflects its conformation in the VS ribozyme prior
to docking with the cleavage site internal loop. Interestingly, the A730 loop adopts an S-turn
motif that is also present in loop B within the hairpin ribozyme active site. The S-turn appears
necessary to expose the Watson-Crick edge of a catalytically important residue (A756) so that
it can fulfill its role in catalysis. The A730 loop and the cleavage site loop of the VS ribozyme
display structural similarities to internal loops found in the active site of the hairpin
ribozyme," wrote G. Desjardins and colleagues, University of Montreal.
The researchers concluded: "These similarities provided a rationale to build a model of the
VS ribozyme active site based on the crystal structure of the hairpin ribozyme."
Desjardins and colleagues published their study in Nucleic Acids Research (NMR structure
of the A730 loop of the Neurospora VS ribozyme: insights into the formation of the active
site. Nucleic Acids Research, 2011;39(10):4427-4437).
For additional information, contact P. Legault, University of Montreal, Dept. of Biochim, CP
6128, Succursale Center Ville, Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, CANADA.
The publisher's contact information for the journal Nucleic Acids Research is: Oxford
University Press, Great Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 6DP, England.
Keywords: City:Montreal, State:Quebec, Country:Canada, Region:North and Central
This article was prepared by Science Letter editors from staff and other reports. Copyright
2011, Science Letter via
Word count: 318
(c)Copyright 2011, Science Letter via

Asam Nukleat Penelitian; Penelitian dari University of Montreal di Asam

Nukleat penelitian Menyediakan Wawasan Baru
Anonim. Surat Science (Jul 19, 2011): 2.812.
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Di hadapan ion magnesium, loop A730 mengadopsi struktur yang konsisten
dengan data yang ada biokimia dan kemungkinan besar mencerminkan konformasi
dalam ribozim VS sebelum docking dengan tempat pembelahan lingkaran
internal. Menariknya, loop A730 mengadopsi motif S-turn yang juga hadir
dalam lingkaran B dalam situs aktif hairpin ribozyme. S-turn muncul
diperlukan untuk mengekspos tepi Watson-Crick dari residu katalitik penting
(A756) sehingga dapat memenuhi perannya dalam katalisis. The A730 lingkaran
dan loop situs pembelahan ribozim VS menampilkan kesamaan struktural untuk
loop internal yang ditemukan di situs aktif dari ribozyme jepit rambut,
"tulis G.
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2011 19 Juli - ( - Menurut penulis penelitian terbaru yang
dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Nucleic Acid Research, "The Neurospora VS
ribozyme adalah ribozyme nucleolytic kecil dengan primer yang unik,
struktur tersier sekunder dan global, yang menampilkan kesamaan mekanistik
ke ribozyme jepit rambut. di sini, kita menentukan struktur NMR resolusi
tinggi dari VI fragmen stem loop yang berisi A730 lingkaran internal, yang
merupakan bagian dari situs aktif. "
"Dengan keberadaan ion magnesium, loop A730 mengadopsi struktur yang
konsisten dengan data yang ada biokimia dan kemungkinan besar mencerminkan
konformasi dalam ribozim VS sebelum docking dengan tempat pembelahan
lingkaran internal. Menariknya, loop A730 mengadopsi S- mengubah motif yang
juga hadir dalam lingkaran B dalam situs aktif hairpin ribozyme. The S-turn
muncul diperlukan untuk mengekspos tepi Watson-Crick dari residu katalitik
penting (A756) sehingga dapat memenuhi perannya dalam katalisis. The A730
lingkaran dan loop situs pembelahan ribozim VS menampilkan kesamaan
struktural untuk loop internal yang ditemukan di situs aktif dari ribozyme
jepit rambut, "tulis G. Desjardins dan rekan, Universitas Montreal.
Para peneliti menyimpulkan : " Kesamaan ini memberikan alasan untuk
membangun sebuah model VS ribozyme situs aktif berdasarkan struktur kristal
dari ribozyme jepit rambut . "
Desjardins dan rekan menerbitkan studi mereka di Nucleic Acid Penelitian
( NMR struktur loop A730 dari ribozyme Neurospora VS : wawasan pembentukan
aktif Asam Nukleat Penelitian 2011 situs ; 39 ( 10 ) : . 4427-4437 ) .
Untuk informasi tambahan , hubungi P. Legault , University of Montreal ,
Departemen Biochim , CP 6128 , Succursale Pusat Ville , Montreal , PQ H3C
3J7 , CANADA .
informasi kontak penerbit untuk jurnal Nucleic Acid Penelitian adalah :
Oxford University Press , Great Clarendon St. , Oxford OX2 6DP , Inggris .

Kata kunci : Kota : Montreal , Negara : Quebec , Negara : Canada ,

Kawasan : Amerika Utara dan Tengah
Artikel ini disusun oleh Surat Ilmu editor dari staf dan laporan lainnya .
Copyright 2011 , Surat Ilmu via .
jumlah kata : 318
( C ) Copyright 2011 , Surat Ilmu via

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