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A Novel Frame Work Using Data Mining

Classification And Clustering Techniques To

Figure Out The Fish School Zones Using
Oceanographic Lineament.
August 2016



potential zones of fish aggregation will benefit

the fishing community to reduce the time and
effort spent in searching the shoals of fish, thus
improving the profitability and hence, the socioeconomic status.
The aim of this work is to analyze the determination of the potential fishing zones based
on the novel data mining approach. Oceanographic parameters are important factors in fishing, which include water temperatures such as
the sea surface temperature (SST), sea vertical
temperature distribution, and salinity and sea
surface chlorophyll a (SSC) [1]. The most frequently used parameters for identifying fishing
grounds are the SST and the SSC [2]. Studies
have shown that the SST and the SSC have a
strong correlation with certain aquatic environments[3]. This correlation can be seen from the
fact that different environments tend to have different combinations of SST and SSC. The SST
is a physical oceanographic factor that is widely
used to determine fish availability, and the SSC
has a strong correlation in the primary production of phytoplankton, the first food chain of
the pelagic species.These studies involved several approaches such as the geographic information system (GIS) application, knowledge-based
expert system approach, simple prediction map
approach, and data-mining approach.

Kerala, the green ribbon shaped maritime state

on the west cost of peninsular India, is blessed
with a coastline of 590 km, a continental shelf
area of 40000, extensive interconnected
brackish water lakes and estuaries. The State
has a fish worker population of about 10.lakhs.
The density of population in the coastal area is
2168 persons per Km2, where as the state average is 859. Marine fishery has a prominent
place in the economy of Kerala. It is the only
source of livelihood of more than 8 lakh marine fishermen and out of this, more than two
lakhs of active fisher folk are engaged in fishing
along the coastline, who inhabit in 222 marine
villages. The fisheries sector provides occupation to about 3.86 lakh people directly and much
more indirectly, making it a significant employment providing sector of the State. Thiruvananthapuram coast contributes 13.20% and is a major segment in the fishery map of the State.
Locating and catching fish is always a challenging task. Often, the search for fish ends
up in spending considerable time and resources,
thus increasing the cost leading to low profitability. The traditional approach for determining
potential fishing zones (PFZs) relies on oceanographic factors (biological, physical, and chemical) and fishermens expertise. This approach
has disadvantages particularly when it comes to II.
the analysis of combining these factors to find
an exact PFZ spatially (space) and temporally Several studies of pfz had done. The previous
(time). A reliable and timely advisory on the analysis in a GIS application processes only one

SST or SSC image at a time. If 3 months of

SST and SSC data are to be analyzed, 90 images
must be processed for each SST and SSC [8-11].
This will lead to an inefficient processing time
with a limited area. The expert knowledge approach [12],in addition to its excellence in determining the potential fish distribution area, uses
rules in the decision tree that require further
exploration so that it can reach the proposed
target. A study that used the simple prediction
map [13] attempted to provide PFZs based on
short-term observation data; however, the analysis was less accurate and less comprehensive.
Another method that clustered rough PFZs [14]
utilized only fish catch data without environment factors. Thus, this method was less applicable in real-world situations in determining


integrated to obtain the SSC and the SST based

on the spatiotemporal largest number of fish
catch. In the last phase, the potential fishing
ground is found based on the prediction model.


This study showing that the proposed framework identifying areas that have high potential
as fishing or PFZs based on daily fish catch data.
The data integration framework is an alternative to the current data-processing procedure for
large remote sensing data in extracting oceanographic characteristics. The results showed that
the proposed data-mining framework outperformed the heuristic rules model. Finally, the
framework proposed in this study delivered a
prediction model of the potential area based
on the spatio-temporal approach based on the
oceanographic characteristics SST and SSC.


Based on these disadvantages, we propose an

approach for identifying PFZs based on the
data-mining approach. Unlike empirical approaches that require a priori information, the
proposed technique is a data-driven learning
method. It covers a long-term study observation and involves fishery data and oceanography
data (the SST and the SSC). This method could
be very useful in designing a complex and generalized model. Our contribution in this work
is to propose a novel framework that identifies
data-driven PFZs based on fishery data utilizing the spatio-temporal clustering method, extracts oceanographic characteristics based on areas identified as PFZs (involving a large volume
of data from 5 years of daily fish catch data; this
framework is a substitute for the overlay analysis of image data in the GIS), and predicts PFZs
based on oceanographic characteristics (the SST
and the SSC).





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