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scot" Modern Indio. . wee a3 (ma seth aot] . coger: 4. Advent of Europeans * 2. British Conapsest of Sndio. 3. British -rdministrative and Economtc policies 44. Revolt and movernents 5. Socio- Religious Reform mnovernents 6. National’ novement Cy _ Asher sh Bercteam * Mog a, nag 2 Vascodagama ; Aucovered sea route .to Qndia. [Portugese soilot) (cattcat} to 18Me the trade Wot Canied out through the follewing Route: — Avebian sea — Red bea — Sua — meditorian Sea. [Sealy] . . {teotm’ Gn 4453, the trade came to end because the “Turkish getters did not allowed -the merchank . do, European countries were under. Crisis. “tn 1486, Baie -fromLzbon started to fend” roube to Soda , bub he stoped the Search because at the bottom ¥ africa [ south Africa] he founded an avea tohere +the ships were éinked inks Seq ard named t as” Cape of skoms* , but the king changed tt +4 “cope ¢ good dupe * Spanish rulers sponsexed atalian sculors , wo cembinent agftee -voveled Soodim in 4u92, cletophet colurlan cligcove ved a ne Ptmestecll . doker, Amerigo Vespucet ’ tas -sent 15 Confirm “American continent - “Red Sndians* a paimnitive tribe [believed that -they were -from Sndza] 08 —found in Aouth America wer nslot & So 4494-198, Vascodagama, sith help of a Guyaralt merchant he sfirally landed tm calteut (india), [ No Countay. Ym the World was influenced by this 4:0 discoveries] -- Zamoxin *, King of Colca’ tavtted Vascodagama.- Portuguese ; she merchanly came te Indio. outs t exdes] i ORGER British: (a cronslegica Danes (Renmosk) Except french f public seckox UnderEakingt} French Stheas were vepresentativer ¢ peivate Companies : Portuguese : [1500- 196] 1° come and tast hue Eoxopeans in 1600, ” Esteda. Ba india nti" 1 portuguese Compan founded. Settlements = Calf€cut 1500 chtttagang- Kochhin te Kerola Hoglt Bengal Cananom Sagqay ee st-thom — Madras Bassein ( Maharaskyo. salstity Surat 276 Bhaug Nga Guiator Franscisde Almida [41504-1599] Pad For tuquese Goveand. _ Albuquergue s (1509-1515) Jn 1510, he defected Blzopur Sultans ord. taken” Goa fn 1511, a -friendly “treaty with. Svt krishno, Bevatoun.. Nino Be Cunha Gin 4620, he shifted headquaters fom Kochhin to Gea. Maxtin Alfonso 2'souza Im 1540, Saint Francis Yavigh, catholic mimionate cose to India. a! L she alone conuetked 7 laths ficherman ints christianity. (jon Tari nn is Hts mummy 1 kept in Goa church. . ail contrébution to Sodio t eouErpUrion lie eelg . * On s4tbe | various new crops were Introduced, include , Tobacco, maize, chillies (Jahangee woot empexé) tm 1566 [% promote christianity ] of 1 bock printed tm Indiat Saint Peter) thazia ( roara ti ] eS langue ¥ Prenti Paw ting press st * Telugu book painted mm 2ndia? Bible wae Reasons be, dealing : Portuguese has monopely over. ta trade In Sndia oboul sooyrs. th Aftex 1600, Porluguese uke. defeated by Mogbals, ne ee * On 1632, shahyahan gfeyght against them [conflict bho thara] ReacOns' —avrehle eanverciong £B Moarraget Haz Pilgrims coene trobubted “the Portuguese - # conflict wth marathas Peeshwa Baji Ras -2 captured Solsetty ¢ Bassein * they wete beatten by Butth a arifhex Aftet alll this, they lost all settlementi eacept , Gea, Siu, Sainan [eu saat} & 4264, pperation vipay [ Paslebexatson F sea} Ruth : ww a 4 7 4602, Butch United east Sdn Tompany Settlements: Machi ipatnam » 1605 (Keishes) Bhim tht patnam (vig) Nizompatnam (gents) Pulzkat (netloce » Taniliidi) —s etl 4620 head quaters ®evanampatnam (1) Negapatnany(m—> after’ 1690, head quaters. Chinsura (Bengal) Balasore (ortssa) East coast is famous for “cotton teatiles * For Butch, Andonesia t so imp. the governox of Sndonesia was the tmcharge of Andian Settlement - # Sn 1959, “Battle f Badera” bho Dutch 6 Brilishers. Cael ent AU Butch settlements werksoocupied by British: Brttishs of British Bec. af, 1800 + a group of merchank” “porns @ Company En Wish East -2ndio. Company, Queen Etizabeth -9 , passed a charter — a5yrs monopdly right “6 the Company. Yames-£ , passed another. charter “m 1604 ie the monopoly. Pesiod of the company cans extended ‘ndefenitely [untimitea period Monopoly sights, were ended ty 1843 [economte powers] Ssltlements : , Surat , 1608 Machttipaknam; 4611 [4 settlement in Cosarnandal coast} B head qpaters: * Bombay “hese BlteY wore benlt by Britichers and * Madras eq them . . atte ako developed M . ladvas : tite Jo 1637, Francés Bay procured the city -from Damerla Venkatadst natdi and named at Chennapatnam [aftes the Mame gq venkatradsi slatdu father chennappa} * Saint George Feat és ako built by him. Bombay: Anan 3h 1668, Gexald fnugits. , procured the Site fiom Baitish King , Phen John -B for annual tease ¢ 10 pounds aw 181 Caleta 3 “to 3690, ob chasnock purchased 3 wilages from the Moghal. governor. & Bengal ° Govindapua. > Satnautt © Kalf kata « Fort wstliam “wear puilk in. Caleutta - Lis seat of Governance Banes 2- . Onn Fraders of Denmark Setllement ; ae Faamgubat , Me 4616 HeadgHaters: Somes An 4845, Danes sold theta seltlemenk te Britishers and leftdntia French 8 ern 4664,” French fast Sndto Company wat founded . French East India Con : [govt company) Seblements : Suaat , 1668 Machilipaknom | i” . Venom . chandranagor. (ergo!) Mahe (kezala) > Kastkhl CramilNadu) Pondichhesi ( Uda paters) a . Jn 1643, Francois Mastin “procured the site from sulers. [ Builder t *Gouernot. ¢ pandichhes] Depleta ( French great goveanar] 3 wars bw British ¢ French — Karnatib wars’ -FamrilNods) (Ato fren Karnal —scopital * @axcot” Cstate) uN aah aynate vin (2346-1848) fe evopean political conflte Leads fo this war. ‘e., we dustrtan wos of Succe sion i Events ¢ * Bupleix captured Madras Raler Karnatic ; Anwar -ud -din * War blo French t Anwar-ud-din at ¢t- thom Eads Lo tas defeated by freneh- 7 . 4 . * treaty bhw england € France at Aia-ta- chappell , one & ‘the provision t Matis twat diven back te @ritishers £4 kesnabte wat $ g kaanatte wat [raya sé} Reasons: Succession clisputes fh Bndia ic state + Soe © chonda Saheb (bother) —Anwoar Ve o * Nizam stale Heodqaters! Aurangabad : Nazar yung Ve Mujaf for Tony (regres) Dp Roth ctates, Brttishers We rosted the King. in powel. Events: n ¥ Jn 1449, Battle # —Ambur “ Dupleia kited Anwar -ud-din [s mali (Pines) am ausal and hidden Ih Trruchunopailt Chonda saheb usa declared ac King. + Dn 1460, Nazar Jung was amamanaked « Mujaffar yang wos declarad as king and he wos PRotecked by ‘Busey’ (French governor) a * 9 Roberk clive" [mock powerful officer of East India company anne brought to South India from Bengot be fought aginst french. ¥ In 1963, Battle of Arcot Chanda Saheb was killed by clive [Heao ¢ Arcot} Md. ali declared as Kiug. # On 4458, Mufaffax yong yoas angarsinated. End: ~ Sn 4466, treaty f pandicterey 34 Carnatie was. [1456-68] CAAA, Qn 4960, at wardtwash [wandavasi}nea pandi chbesy . ‘ Bpitte French Ghurk Be. jolly usar defeated boy Sri h Fe Offi ced. “Sin éyre conte” AU french cettlements were taken by Brilich- + Tn S63, Treaty ¢ Pari settlements shall be given back, Th 984 , because of diplomatic Pressure French settlementy Were handover to Indian get : [ chandra Nagur , Yanam , Karoikal , pondicherry, mabe] oe ” merged 1) Recicheary Unt Tenritory ‘4 west Benq 185

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