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The Weissenberg Counter A1ack

Southern Germany, 19 August 1988
12 Pz Bde, leading elements
18 MRD, Reserve

The Weissenberg Counter A1ack

The Weissenberg Counter A1ack is a Cold War Hot what if
scenario set in August 1988, following the commencement of
hosPliPes in Western Europe on the central front.
The Game pitches a German Panzer Brigade of II Ge Corps against
the reserve elements of a Soviet Motor Rie Division, from The
Central Group of Forces in hasty defense in Southern Germany just
south of Nuremberg.

The ORBATs used are based on the assumpPons stated within
Victor Suverovs book inside the Soviet Army that:

The Peace Pme structure of Soviet Armies and Fronts would
not represent the warPme ORBAT.
The Soviets would incorporate the NaPonal formaPons of the
Warsaw pact states inPmately into their structures
The Soviet Army would pursue a consistent approach to the
structure of Armies and Fronts unless they had good reason to
choose not to.
The Soviet Army throughout its History expended signicant
eort successfully on Maskerovka

The Scenario is set against the background of General Sir John
Hackets book the third world war but a few years later.


The Weissenberg Counter A1ack 19 August 1988


PoliPcal SituaPon
(Piers Brand from Red Tide)

Western Europe

In late June 1988, the state of Yugoslavia descended into civil war six years aaer the death of
Tito. Those who followed Tito had been unable to hold the various facPons together and war
quickly followed a series of impotent governments. With the country in chaos from the civil war
the Soviets took the decision to invade in support of their Communist comrades of the
Yugoslavian Peoples Army. This was no helping hand but a full-scale invasion aimed at nally
bringing Yugoslavia under the wing of the USSR and integraPng it into the Warsaw Pact.

Within days of the Soviet invasion in July, the US responded with the deployment of a USMC
force to the region, ostensibly in support of the CroaPan & Bosnian NaPonal Army, and within
days of arriving it saw acPon against the Soviets around Sarajevo. As the crisis deepened, the
Soviets began mobilizing forces along their borders with the West and reserve units began to
prepare for war. As the Soviets in Yugoslavia seemed to halt their advance into the country, it
seemed likely that the Warsaw pact was preparing for a large scale oensive against NATO.

NATO did not stand idly by as the Soviets prepared. Thousands of reservists were called up and
West Germany began to mobilize its forces. The Belgians, Danes and Dutch did likewise, quickly
followed by the BriPsh sending more troops to the BriPsh Army of the Rhine. The US also began
to prepare further troops for deployment to Europe along with Canadian forces.

However the NATO preparaPons were not fully nished when the Warsaw Pact launched its
a1ack in the West.

Military SituaPon

Western Europe, Central front

Following a series of devastaPng pre-

empPve strikes by Air, ArPllery and
Spetznaz on staging areas, strategic
transport assets, key allied HQs and
nuclear delivery assets 3 Soviet Fronts
crossed into West Germany on 17 August
1st Western Front a1acked NORTHAG
across the North German Plain,
2nd Western Front a1acked CENTAG
through the Fulda Gap,
3rd Western Front a1acked CENTAG
through the Arzberg, Weidhaus and Cham

Military SituaPon

CENTAG, Central & Southern Germany

3rd Western Front a1acked into the area defended by VII US Corps
in the North and II Ge Corps in the South. The Front commander
deployed 22 CAA in the North and 4 CSLA CAA in the south with 1
CSLA TA in the Front 2nd Echelon

II Ge Corps in the South deployed 4 PzGren Div North, 1 GbJgr Div
South with 10 Pz Div in Reserve. Within 4 PzGren Div area 10
PzGren Bde is North, 56 HS Bde Center and 11 PzGren Bde South,
with 12 Pz Bde in reserve.

22 CAA advancing on the axis Nuremburg - Stu1gart has deployed
30 MRD North against VII US Corps and 18 MRD South with a main
axis of advance passing south of Nuremberg through10 PzGren
Bdes area on the line Waidhaus Amberg Neumarket- Stu1gart.

Military SituaPon

4PzGren Division, D+2 13:30

Aaer 24 Hours of hard ghPng 18 Gds MRD switched the bulk of its force to the
secondary axis bypassing the Beining/Neumarket/Frey-Stadt defensive posiPon
established by 10 Pz Bde. Surprising the Germans with their rapid movement 18
Gds MRD achieved an unopposed assault crossing of the Rhine-Maine-Danube
Canal at Birching and moved North to Hiedec to regain their main axis and drive on
Stu1gart with 210 TR leading the exploitaPon as the division broke out into open

12 PzBde was ordered by Generalmajor Barthel to counter a1ack into the ank of
18 MRD in the vicinity of Weissenberg, their leading elements set o rapidly From
their concentraPon area in Tagmersheim to recce and clear the route for the

Radio intercept provided warning to 18 Gds MRD, who planned to block 12 Pz

Bdes move North with the reinforced divisional reserve. 18 Gds MRD divisional
forward recce elements were ordered into locaPon in order to monitor the
brigades movement out of its concentraPon area enabling Major General Khrenov
to deploy the bulk of his force against the most likely route of advance.

18 Gds MRD/ 10 PzGren Bde

General SituaPon D+1/2

30 MRD
18 Gds MRD

VII US Corps
II Ge Corps



10 PzGren Bde

12 Pz Bde
18 Gds MRD

56 HS Bde

Military SituaPon
12 Pz Bde D+2 15:15

Having provided 122 and 124 Pz bns to reinforce 4 Recce ba1alion as part of the divisional covering
force ba1le 12 Pz Bde had withdrawn following a sharp engagement at Argsberg where they
inicted heavy casualPes on 65 MRB/280MRR part of the forward detachments for 18 MRD . The 2
ba1alions had reached the concentraPon area at 10:00 hours and were in the middle of
replenishing when the warning order for the counter a1ack arrived

Brigade General Whi1engen aaer a quick consultaPon with his chief of sta decided to dispatch
121 Pz Bn, 122 PzGren Bn and the arPllery regt to clear the route and secure the start line.

His arPllery sta began requesPng support from key Divisional, air aviaPon and arPllery assets.

In addiPon the brigade requested and received support from 46 Jger Ba1alion and 4 Auslarung Bn
to assist with the clearance and security of some key deles on route. The Jger Bn would insert by

At 14:30, The IniPal phase of the operaPon commenced with the departure of the leading


12 Pz Bde
280 MRB Group


12 Pz Bde Missions
12 Pz Bde D+2 15:15

The Mission Given by Major General Kurt Barthel Commander 4 PzGren

Div to 12 Pz Bde

Counter A1ack North into the Flank of 18 Gds MRD in order to destroy 18 Gds

The Mission Given by Brigadier General Witgten to the Lead elements of 12

Pz Bde

Clear and secure a Start Line for 12 Pz Bde along the line Aleshiem Ha1enhof,
facing North by 18:30 19 Aug 2012 in order to allow 12 Pz Bde to conter a1ack
into the ank of 18 Gds MRD and destroy them

280 MRR Group - Mission

Colonel Ivan Rokovski
Mission Given to Colonel Ivan Rokovski Commander of 280 MRR Leading
the Divisional Reserve Group at Weissenberg by Major General Petre
establish a blocking posiPon on the route of 12 PzBde in order to delay there
a1ack by 3 Hours enabling 18 MRD to pass through the Weissenberg Gap

Mission given to Major Bezarin, commander 91 Independent Tank Ba1alion
by Major General Petre Khrenov.
be prepared to counter a1ack and destroy 12 PzBde once xed by 280 MRR in
order to allow 18 MRD to pass through the Weissenberg Gap


12 Pz Bde
280 MRB Group


18 Gds MRD Reserve, 280 MRR

Colonel Ivan Rokovski

280 MRR Group

79 MRB (BMP 2)

2 Coy 365 TB, each 4 T-72A

280 Engineer Company, Mobile Obstacle

3 BRDM 2 AT5, 1 BRDM2, 1 Zil 131


1 BMR, 1 BMP2, 1 BRDM 2, 1 RPG, 1 LMG, 4


280 MRR AnP Tank Ba1ery

Mine Laying Detachment, BTR 152 + PMR 3, 1

Zil 131, 1 Zil 131 + UMZ, 1 BTR 60PB, Engr Pl 5

280 MRR Recce Company

HQ, 1 BMP, 4 Figures, Commander, Radio Op,

Sniper, AK74
3 Coy, 1 BMP, 8 Figures, 1 LMG, 1 RPG, 1
Commander, 4 AK74
AGS 17 Platoon 1 BMP, 2 AGS 17
SAM Platoon, 1BMP, 3 SAM, 3 AK74
MTR Platoon, 1 MTLB, 2 120mm Mortar

8 2S1, 2 BRDM 2U, 2 OP parPes

8 2S3 2 BTR 60 OP ParPes

280 MRR AD Ba1ery

1 ZSU 23-4, 1 SA 9 Gopher

Divisional Reserve
136 Independent AnP Tank Ba1alion

1 BTR 60 PB Command Vehicle, 1 PMR 5

2 AT Gun Bty, 2 2A45 Sprut, 125mm ATG
1 ATGW Bty, 4 BRDM 2 AT5, 1 BRDM2, 1

18 Independent Sapper Ba1alion, Mobile

Obstacle Detachment

Mine Laying Detachment, GMZ, 1 Zil 131, 1

Zil 131 + UMZ, 1 BTR 60PB, Engr Pl 5 Figs
Field Defense ConstrucPon Detachment

151 A1ack Helicopter Regiment

31 A1ack Helicopter Squadron -2 Mi 24

A1ack Helicopters

151 AAB Dug

2 Coy each 4 AK, 1 AKM, 1 PKM, 1 SA7, 1 AT4, 1 AT7 10

91 Independent Tank Ba1alion T-72B

BN HQ 1 T72 B
3 Coy 3 T-72B

12 Pz Bde, ORBAT 1988

BrigGen A Wi1enburg

Lead Elements

Panzerba1alion 121
BHQ 1 Leopard 2A1
Recce/Liason Pl 1 IliPs Jeep, 2 MC
2 Pz Coy, 4 Leopard 2A1
1 PzGren Coy, 2 Marder 1A2, 1MG3, 1 MAW,
1 Milan, 1 Rie
Panzergrenadierba1allion 122
BHQ 1 M577
2 Pz Gren Coy 2 Marder 1A2, 1MG3, 1 MAW,
2 Milan, 5 Rie (-1 Coy to 123)
1 Mortar Coy 2 M125, 120mm Morta, 1 M113
or Kanone AOP
1 Pz Coy 4 Leo 2 A1 (+ From 123 Pz Bn)
PzArty Bn 125
1 kanone AOP
3 Bty 2 M109G

PzPi Coy 120

1 Fucjs , 5 MG3, 4 Rie

1 M548 Scorpion
1 AVLB (M48), 1 AEV,1M48 + Mine Rollers

Recce Troop

3 Luchs

AT Coy

4 Jaguar HOT 2

Main Body

Panzerbataillon 123

Panzerbataillon 124

BHQ 1Leopard 2A1

Recce/Liason Pl 1 IliPs Jeep, 2 MC
2 Pz Coy 4 Leopard 2A1 (- 1 Coy to 122)
1 Pz Gren Coy, 2 Marder 1 A2, 1 MG3, 1 MAW 2
Milan, 5 Rie (+ from 122)
BHQ 1Leopard 2A1
Recce/Liason Pl 1 IliPs Jeep, 2 MC
3 Pz Coy 4 Leopard 2A1

12 Pz Bde, ORBAT 1988

BrigGen A Wi1enburg

A1achments from 4 PzGren Div (Deployed at commanders DiscrePon)

4 Flak Regiment

4 Recce Regiment (-)

1 Bty 2 M110 A2, 1 AOP M113

46 Jager Ba1alion (Heliborn)

2nd Recce Coy 4 Leopard 1, 1 Fuchs + GSR

4th Recce Coy 2 Leopard 1A5, 2 Luchs

4 ArPllery Regiment

2 Bty 2 Gepard, 1 Unimog 2 Redeye

BHQ 1 Jeep, 4 Figs

3 Coy, 3 Milan, 1 MG3, 1 MAW, 4 Rie

A1ack Helicopters Regiment

2 Bo-105 HOT


Wiesenberger & Titlingen bloking posiPon opPons


12 Pz Bde, Maneuver OpPons

BrigGen A Wi1enburg

BrigGen Wi1enberg having reviewed the ground
has decided that there are two potenPal routes to
the start line the direct route lies due North from
their current posiPon, The other swings round to
the East both oer advantages and disadvantages.

The German Player should review the ground and
ba1leeld opPons and decide which route he will
take to the Startline

18 Gds MRD Reserve, 280 MRR,

Deployment OpPons
Colonel Ivan Rokovski

Colonel Rokovski is informed by Division that

elements of 15 Independent Reconnaissance and
Radio EW Ba1alion who have eyes on the leading
elements of 12 Pz Bde can conrm they are moving
up the Route
Colonel Rokovski needs to review the blocking
posiPon opPons on that route and select one then
commence deployment to and the defense of
those posiPons

Mini Campaign AlternaPve

A sequenced set of two games can be played using both posiPons on a
On the Southern Ba1leeld the Soviets Can Deploy:

AnP Tank GW Ba1eries only
Tank Companies
All ArPllery is available but support is o board.

Game 1 Mission for Soviets Delay for 6 Turns and withdraw as much as
possible to pre-prepared posiPons on the Northern Ba1leeld.
Soviet MODs can Create Turns of delay acheived + 4 of addiPonal
obstacles on Northern Board



The Eastern Blocking posiPon
opPons for 280 MRR Group

This covers the Titngen
and Polleneld blocking

If 12 PzBde Commander
selects the Eastern Approach
Route, 280 MRR Commander
must select one of these two
blocking posiPons



Western Blocking PosiPon OpPons
for 280 MRR Group

This covers the Weissenberg and
Treuctlingen blocking posiPons

If 12 PzBde Commander selects
the Western Approach Route, 280
MRR Commander must select one
of these two blocking posiPons

Treuchtlingen Blocking PosiPon, Entry at:

Terrain & Entry Points

Point A can be made on turn 1

Point B on Turn 2
Point D +1 91 ITB arrival



Weissenberg Blocking PosiPon

Terrain & Entry Points

Entry at:

Point A, B and C can be made on turn 1

Point D on Turn 3 Force must include 2 Infantry
Point F + 1 Turn on 91 ITB arrival
Point G +2 Turns on 91 ITB arrival


Polleneld Blocking PosiPon

Terrain & Entry Points

Entry at:

Point A can be made on turn 3 Force must

include Recce and 1 Company of Infantry
Point B, C on Turn 1
Point can be made on turn 3 Force must include
Recce and 1 Company of Infantry
Point E + 1 Turn to 91 ITB arrival



Entry at:

TiPngen Blocking PosiPon

Terrain & Entry Points

Point A and B can be made on turn 1, if Point B

used 1 company of infantry delayed to Turn 3
clearing village to East of B
Point C, on Turn 3 + D3 Force must include
Recce and Infantry Coy
Point E +1 Turn to 91 ITB arrival




Deployment, Special Rules, Victory CondiPons & Player InformaPon


12 Pz Bde Player Brief

Aim is to exit as many Leopard 2s from 123 and 124

Panzer Ba1alions from the Northern Board edge. In
the Mini Scenario this is of the Northern Board

1-4 all elements arrive on turn specied

5 50% of force delayed 1 Turn
6 all force less recce elements delayed 1 Turn

Modiers (-1 if force contains Recce, Infantry Air Defense
and Engineers, task organized forces are be1er able to deal
with the unexpected)

Enter from designated entry points with a dened

force on the turn specied. Players to List forces
against entry points.
This reects the approach routes used and with columns of
armored forces can be dicult to change dramaPcally at the
last minute without creaPng a tempPng target

Heliborne Jagers can deploy on board, posiPon to

be chosen from the map. If Deployed close to
soviets dice to see who arrived rst, then resolve
acPon . In mini Campaign they deploy to the
Southern Board to secure the narrow dele at
Treuchetlingen or one of the Villages at Polleneld.
Avn and Air Sp available for 8 turns in total in two
groups of at least 2 turns separated by a 4 turn gap.

If a Flank OpPon is available and used, arrival is as


Follow on elements 123 and 124 panzer ba1alions

are deployable between Turns 6 9. dice for arrival
each turn on D6.
Turn 7, 1 or 2
Turn 8, 1- 4
Turn 9, 1-6

Modiers (-1 if force contains Recce, Infantry Air Defense
and Engineers, task organized forces are be1er able to deal
with the unexpected)

208 MRR Player Brief

Aim is to impose required amount of delay or signicantly reduce
a1acking force such that it has minimal impact on 18 MRD

Reinforcement. RequesPng before turn 8 eects victory condiPons

You may request reinforcement from 91 Independent Tank

Ba1alion from Turn 3. Dice to determine if the force is
1-2, arrive on turn requested,
3-4, a turn later
5-6, 2 Turns later ,

1 Turn is added if it chooses a ank arrival opPon or if the

force is split the second component turns up a turn later


Upto 4 Companies/ba1eries can be dug in

Each MOD can lay 6 Inches of Mixed AT/AP Mineeld per turn,

2 BM27 Strikes are available. A BM27 Strike creates a 12 x 24
mineeld centered on the point of aim,

use direcPon dice to determine direcPon of error, d6 inches

to determine distance.

Mineeld eects dice D6 for each vehicle entering, 1-2 the

vehicle takes a hit, resolve damage as per rules.

Use of ploughs or rollers will remove eect, MG Fire will give

damaged vehicles a saving throw which is successful on a 6

Air and AviaEon Support. Air and AviaPon assets are available and
can be requested each turn dice once for air and once for aviaPon

1-4 Air/Avn assets arrive next go

5-6 Air/Avn assets not available

Modier 123 and 124 Pz Bn not on table +3 to dice roll

Air assets, 2 SU25 are available for D6 Passes from turn of


Avn Assets are available for up to 8 Passes in two blocks 6

turns apart 2 Mi 24
Reinforcing ArEllery Fire is allocated by Division as follows:

You can designate two Fire Pockets, The Northern Edge of which
must be covered by Obstacles or defended by dug in Infantry or
terrain which will slow the enemy.

Enemy Fixed in designated re Pocket.

1-2 2 Bn 152
1-4 2 Bn 152 1 Bn 203
5-6 3 Bn 152 2 Bn 203 1 Bn BM27

You may request up to 1 chemical weapons strike

Persistent remains in eect to end of game there is no
vapour hazard
If unmarked, vehicles entering suer 50% CasualPes in
the rst turn thereaaer no eect
Covers area of 36 inches by 24 Inches

Deployment. Air Assault units can deploy anywhere on the
board using upto 6 blinds. All other units to deploy at least 18
inches in from the Southern Board edge

Victory CondiPons

Exit 75% of 123 and 124 Pz Bn before turn 18 from North side- German
Exit 50% of 123 and 124 Pz Bn before turn 18 from North side - Draw
Exit 25% of 123 and 124 Pz Bn before turn 18 from North side Soviet

If Germans Meet any of the exit criteria by turn 10, Increase by Category in
their favor.

If Soviets Request 91 Independent Tank Ba1alion aaer turn 8, increase by a
Category in there favor

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