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Flo o rs a re h o rizo n ta l e lem en t s of bu ild in g st ru ctu re s wh ich d i vide b u ild in g in t o
d iff e re n t le ve ls f or t he pu rpo se of crea t in g m o re a cco mm od at io n wit h in th e
re st rict ed spa ce , o ne ab o ve th e ot he r a nd a lso p ro vid e su pp o rt to th e
o ccu p an t s, f u rn itu re an d e qu ip me nt s of a bu ild in g.
A f lo o r f in ish is a liqu id wh ich is a pp lie d to a re silie n t t ile f loo r a nd d rie s t o a
h a rd , du ra b le a nd sm oo t h f ilm . Th is f ilm is ab ou t th e t h ickn e ss of wa xe d p ap e r
a nd is e xpe ct ed t o p rot e ct a nd e xt en d th e lif e of th e f loo r wh i le p ro vid in g an
a tt ra ct i ve ap pe a ra n ce a nd slip re sista nt su rf ace .
Hi gh qua lit y f lo o r f in ish e s m a y con t a in a s ma n y a s t wen t y-f ive in gre d ie n t s.
S om e of t he se in gre d ie n t s e va p o rat e wh ile o th e rs rem a in o n t he f loo r af te r
d r yin g. Th e in g red ie nt s t ha t e vap o rat e a re ca lled , " vo lat ile " co mp on e nt s a nd th e
in g red ie nt s t ha t st a y on th e f lo o r a re ca lle d , " no n -vo la t ile " co mp on en t s. The
vo lat ile in gre d ie nt s a ssist in th e f ilm f o rm at io n , d r yin g a nd cu rin g of t he f in ish
a nd th en e va po ra t e. Th e n on -vo lat ile in gre d ie nt s a re t he so lid m at e ria ls wh ich
st a y o n t he f loo r a nd ma ke u p th e f loo r f in ish f ilm.
Th e in g red ie nt s u se d to ma ke f lo o r f in ishe s com b in e to p ro d u ce a b a la n ce d
b len d of ph ys ica l an d p e rf o rma n ce cha ra ct e rist ics. So me of th e se
cha ra ct e rist ics in clud e : h a rd n e ss, glo ss, cla rit y, scuff re sist an ce , slip
re sist an ce , wa te r an d d et e rge nt re sist an ce , b uffa b ilit y, rem o va b ilit y,
re coa t ab il it y, an d t ou gh n e ss.
Th e re a re f ive ba sic ca t e go rie s of f loo r f in ish in g red ie nt s, (1 ) po l yme r
e mu lsio n s, (2 ) f ilm f o rme rs, (3 ) mo d if ie rs, (4 ) p re se r va t ive s a nd (5 ) wa t e r.



It should be durable

It should be easy to clean


Have Good Appearance

Free from dampness

Fire Resistant

Low Maintenance cost


Laying of all services like cables, pipes, conduits should be


Plastering works should be completed.

Fixing of door and window frame should be completed.

Heavy work in the room where flooring to be done should be


Marking of outlets and points of level wherever the slopes in the

floors required.

Level Stubs indicating the Finish tiled surface


Grinding of stone :

Grinding is the process of making the stone surface levelled and


This step removes all ledges, roughness and brings flatness to

marble floors. Also, this step can remove the most deepest scratches
and stains.

Honing of stone :

Honing is the process of smoothening the surface.

This step remove scratches,stains and make more uniform finishes.

Stone looks spectacular again.

Polishing Of Stone :
Polishing is the process of creating a smooth and shiny surface
using rubbing or a chemical action.

Polishing gives a mirror like look to Stone surface.

Polishing protects the stone surface from scuffs and scratches.

Proper polishing of stone surface increases its durability.

Fine polishing give a glossy look to the stone surface.

Polishing adds smoothness to stones surface.

Polishing of stone will diminish the finger prints and smudge.

Well polished stone is easy to clean and maintain.

Polishing is the most important tool for beautification of stone.

Polishing of stone also shield it from permanent stains.

Steps to Polish Stone

Clean the Stone surface appropriately. Ensure that no stains smear

left on it.
Wipe the stone surface and wait till it gets properly dried.
Spray the good quality polish on stone surface
Take a white terry cloth and buff it properly.

Buffing may be done by machine provided, expert to handle it.

If observe any blotch then stop buffing for few minutes and then
restarts the buffing.

If the smudging continues, just spray again stone polish and

without delay buff it. It will give a stripe free shine.


Polishing machines : Electrically operated machine used for polishing the tiles

Chisels and Hammers : To cut and dress larger thickness of tiles.

Wooden Mallet : For hammering of tiles to get proper line and level

Polishing Stone : Used to polish the cement based tiles and natural stone tiles.

Skirting Farma :Used to measure proper line and level of skirting tiles.

Set Square : To check the right angle of tiles at corners.

Measuring tape : For measuring works

Line Thread : For layout and levels

Water Tube : To check levels

Trowel : Use for laying mortar

Plumb Bob : To check the verticality of the surface in case of fixing vertical tiles
on vertical surfaces.

Floating rule : used to check the level of mortar

Tile Cutter : This is hand tool to cut the tiles manually wherever odd size gaps
are required to be fixed.

Tile Spacer

Power Float : Over all height 980 mm, Floating speed 120 RPM, Over all length
980 mm ,Equipment weight 140 kg, Working diameter 890 mm Disc weight 30

Power Trowel: Over all height 980 mm, Floating speed 120 RPM ,Over all length
980 mm, Equipment weight 145 kg ,Working diameter 890 mm, Disc weight 9 kg.

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