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Ozone Tubes International Inc

Advanced water processing tool for micro farm communities

All plants need oxygen to grow. When a plant is starved for oxygen, it
cannot possibly generate enough energy to sustain normal growth so it
tries to tap into its own energy reserves, resulting in unnecessary break
down of sugar as opposed to having oxygen when it is readily available.
Ozone Tubes is the first tube style water processor of its kind to
activate oxygen to the roots using drain water. The method has gained
popularity in compact farming where both oxygen and plant food are
recovered from drain water and recycled back to plants.
Our experience in wastewater treatment has transitioned us from
processing gray water into nutritional water for small micro farms and
gardens. Our advanced oxygen process conditions water and boosts
respiration levels much higher than sparging air into water. Oxygen
allows plants to breathe at the roots and burn sugar in the process for
better growth and activity.
The addition of Ozone Tubes promotes friendly bacteria and healthier
growing plants in todays compact gardens.
Ozone Tubes introduces water treatment in these areas:

Plant and Aquatic Respiration

Stabilized (pH orp)

BOD (biological oxygen demand) Used in all stages of growth from

seed time to harvest. Provides continuous oxygen for the vitality of
your plant

COD (chemical oxygen demand)

Nutrient gases from additives (N, H, CO2)

Cures diseases like (pythium & fusarium)

Treats etymology in water /fungus/gnats

Pete Adams
Ozone Tubes International Inc

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